#i went to my buddy's house a few days ago
tumblingdownthefoxden · 10 hours
"The Assistant and The Star"
Chapter 1: Standard Routine
*11 years later
It was shortly after dawn and the sun was rising. Atop a grand hill stood Asha and another girl. Before them stood easels with canvases where they painted the sunrise.
Asha looked over at the other girl's painting. "Oh, Bazeema. That is an excellent shade of pink. How did you get it?"
Bazeema showed Asha her wooden palette. Using a clean brush, she took a dab of red paint, a dab of white and a touch of yellow before mixing it all in the center. "Oh, I see." Said Asha before she repeated the process. Asha places a few strokes of pink on her canvas before stepping back to admire her work. She thought it was grand. Asha looked around the forest and back to the sunrise before releasing a light sigh. "You were right Bazeema. I do feel better. I really needed this after last night."
The previous night, Bazeema and her mother were working late to finish tending the royal garden when they came across someone trespassing through the moss trees. When asked about their whereabouts, the person simply said they were looking for someone who owed them a favor and tried to push past them. The gardeners kicked out the heckler and would later find Asha hiding under a moss tree. She was hiding from a heckler that was chasing her near the castle. The same heckler that they just kicked out. Bazeema helped Asha get home and invited to take her uphill to paint the horizon before they went to work.
"Hmm. Do you want to leave now? We're a long way from the castle and I don't want to make you late for work." Asked Asha.
"It's still pretty early but we could leave if you want to. I'm finished with my painting anyway."
Asha added her signature onto her canvas before packing up her art supplies. They traveled for 30 minutes before reaching Asha's home. Outside the house, sat Mama Sakina brushing the fur of a baby goat. The goat noticed the two and bounced over to the pair. Excitedly braying as he pawed (hooved?) Asha's legs.
Asha giggled. "Good morning, Valentino. Happy you're awake as well."
"Good morning Asha. Hi Bazeema. How was the sunrise?" Greeted Sakina. "Good morning, mama. It was beautiful. I'm getting better at painting as well." She said as she lowered the canvas to Valentino's eye level. "What do you think buddy?"
Valentino cocked his head and paced side to side in critical thought before giving an approving bah. "Thank you very much." Replied Asha. She raised her canvas and looked back to Sakina. "We're just going to set these to dry and go to the castle." They placed their paintings against the wall of the house.
"You're going into the city now?" Sakina asked, concerned. "Can't you take the day off today? It's the middle of the Summer festival and there's a Wish Ceremony is today. It's going to be crowded in town square. It could be dangerous."
As she said this, Saba Sabino came outside. "Here's some food for thought. Why don't celebrate your Saba's 100th birthday all afternoon and evening? Take a break from everything happening in the city."
Asha paused at the offer. Two years ago, she was interviewed and accepted to become the King's assistant. A role that allows her to help manage the wishes, prepare magic ingredients, and many other things. Rumor has it that the King's assistant will not only have their wish granted sooner than most, but can get other peoples' wishes granted.
Asha is quite famous in Rosas, but it is a perverted form of fame. Asha had more than her fair share of hecklers and fake friends. It only got worse during the solstice and equinox festivals. Today would be one of the few times that the King will grant wishes on the same night as a Wish Ceremony, and people will do whatever it takes to be sure that the "insurance" will deliver their wish that night.
"I know but this is the most demanding day and I have to help the King. He needs me to help choose the wishes to be granted and test the performance of his new spells." She began stroking her locs. "I know yesterday was… dramatic, but I can find another route and Bazeema can help me get home without anyone noticing."
Sabino sighed, a little sad. "Okay, if you must. But if I may suggest, that soldier fellow you know. The one near the castle. You can ask him to take you home as well."
"Simon? He's a castle guard, not a soldier. And he's on the night shift, I can't ask him to take me home."
"You get off of work near sundown. Simon's shift starts at midnight. He should have time." Bazeema rebutted.
"But he's asleep around that time. It's a long way to and from the castle and it would be rude to interrupt the little rest he gets to-"
"He will not mind." Sakina placed a firm hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Simon is one of your oldest and truest friends. He will not antagonize you for needing his help. He won't ask for anything in return." She smiled.
Walking out to the living room, she heard a gasp from Sabino.
Asha sighed in defeat. "Okay. I'll ask him." She said before going inside the house. Entering her room and opening her closet, she searched through a set of 10 masquerade masks to wear on her trip. They were a gift from Magnifico to help her travel unrecognized. She picked a golden ibex mask and changed into her assistant's uniform. Asha grabbed her leather bag from a nearby chair and put on a dark hooded cloak over everything.
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"Oh, stars above! La muerte?! Oh, is it my grand daughter's time already?" He knelt down, trying not to smile. "Oh, please. Have mercy on her. Take me instead."
Asha laughed and rolled her eyes. "I'm not dead yet, Saba."
"You will be if you keep working yourself like a mule." He teased, standing up. "But if you're going into the city, maybe I can take advantage of crowd and play my music for them to hear." -He went to open a cabinet and pulled out a mandolin case- "Maybe, they will pay attention this time." He whispered to himself.
"You know, I could try to get your wish granted tonight." Asha offered. "Maybe find out what it was." Sabino chuckled. "No need to stress over finding it. I wrote it down before I gave it to the King. Now I wait for it and attempt to achieve."
"Oh." Went Asha. "What did you write?"
"It's a secret." He whispered with a smirk.
Sabino just laughed at her frustration. "Well, what would like for a present?" Asha asked.
"If you find a little trinket in the market that I could add to my collection, that would a great bonus. But all I need is for you to come home in time for cake." He said with a smile.
Asha hugged her Saba goodbye and left the house. She hugged her mama and walked up to Bazeema. "Hey Valentino? Are you coming?" Asha called. Valentino hopped up to follow but Sakina picked up before he could approached. "Hold on there, mister. We can't have you go into that chilly castle without your pajamas, can we?" Sakina sat down on the grass criss crossed and positioned the little goat back on her lap. She pulled tiny pajamas from her pocket and fitted them over his head. "There you go." She chimed as Valentino ran over to Asha and Bazeema. "Watch over her, please. I love you all." She called to them. "We love you too. Goodbye." Asha called back as they made their way through the forest.
A while later and the trio made it to the outskirts of the forest, just outside the city. Asha stood in admiration of the festival decor around the area. Streamers of red and yellow. Banners for the rising and setting sun. Blue, unlit lanterns strung above the street. The streets weren't filled with people yet but enough to dissuade going through town square. They had not noticed a hunter at the edge of the forest looking their way in suspicion. Something about the cloaked figure seemed familiar but they weren't sure why. Then it hit them.
"Hey, are you the veiled assistant?" They called out. "I want to ask you something!" Valentino took notice and headbutted Bazeema's leg to see the hunter approaching. In a mild panic, Bazeema took Asha's hand and they bolted down the outskirts towards the docks. "Hey, where are you going?" The hunter cried after them.
After a short while, they made it to the docks. "Are... Are we... still being followed?" Asha panted, hanging onto her knees. Bazeema looked back and saw no sign of pursuit. "No, we're safe. But we need to find Dahlia and Hal. They can take us down a new route at the docks."
"Okay. Woo... Let me catch my breathe first."
After a good 7 seconds, Asha straightened her back. "Wait, you didn't tell Dahlia about last night, did you?" Bazeema was silent and only interlocked her fingers. "Oh no! Bazeema! She's going to be all over me!"
"But she can ensure you get in and out of the castle!" Bazeema beamed.
They approach the city where two other girls stood by. One with a crutch and anxious look. The other with a basket looking out at the nearby ships on the horizon. The anxious girl looked their way and squealed. 'Oh boy,' thought Asha. "Hi Dahlia. How are y-" Dahlia tackled Asha in a bear hug before she finish speaking. "Great Heavens! Great Heavens! Great Heavens! Please take off your mask!" Was all the girl said. Asha complied with the request and lifted the mask from her face. Dahlia spared no time before taking her face into hands, turning it side to side to check for any bruises. "You're not hurt? They didn't reach you? Oh, I should've been there with you!" Dahlia panicked.
"I'm alright, Dahlia." Asha reassured. "They grabbed my cloak but I got away." The last sentence did anything but reassure Dahlia. "THEY TOUCHED YOU!? Oh ho! No! Do you remember their face? What they wore? Do you have their name?"
Hal came up and tugged at Dahlia's dress with her free hand. "Go easy on the lady, Doc. We still need to take her to the door." Dahlia took a deep breathe and let go of Asha's face. "Sorry. Okay. It should be this way." Dahlia led them past the great bell tower to a large wooden door that she swiftly unlocked with a key hanging on her belt. "This is the delivery route. The cooks use it to quickly bring in new shipments of food and herbs into the royal pantry." She opened the door to a dark hallway. "There are wall windows further down but it's stained glass so people should only see your shadow."
Asha looked inside, worried. "What if I get lost in there?"
"It's a one way path. Wherever it's too dark to see, just feel for the wall and follow it."
The 5 of them jumped as the great bell tower rang out to announce new arrivals coming to Rosas. Hal looked out to the ships about dock. "It's time, Dahlia!" She said. "You'll be fine Asha. See you tonight! And remember, you're the Goat!" She praised with a finger gun. Valentino brayed annoyed. "Oh, right! You too Valentino!" She said, petting his head. Asha placed her mask back over her face and the two entered the hallway, closing the door behind them. Dahlia will lock it once they're inside the castle. The three remaining girls returned to the gate to meet the approaching newcomers.
"Good morning and welcome. Glad you could make it here. My name is Dahlia Akaboshi and I will be your tour guide for today. These are my friends, Bazeema and Hal." She took the basket from Hal's hand. "Would you care for a muffin. Gratuity from my parents, the royal bakers." The guests took a few muffins and looked around. "So, shall we begin? Come this way." Dahlia looked back at the now open gate and the three girls led the new comers into Rosas.
A/N: Tumblr freaked out on me and this got deleted 2 times but things came out better. The story became much more extra than I anticipated but I like how it's coming along. I'm giving my girl a major internal conflict. I'm hoping to draw out my rewrite of "Welcome to Rosas".
@annymation @signed-sapphire @wings-of-sapphire @chillwildwave @kstarsarts @rascalentertainments @emillyverse @uva124 @oh-shtars
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
To counterbalance the sadness of that post I reblogged here's some positivity that hit me this evening: like someone said in the notes, I get to decide who I am now, and I get to do what I want and chase my dreams. And that's cool
#no because look. i'm going to the uk next year (!!!!!!!!) and after that i'll have more Things to do#notably i want to adopt a cat once i've got a flat for myself and i can take care of a little buddy#this - like studying a year abroad - has been a 'dream' for so long i can't remember when it occured to me that i wanted it#it feels to me that i've always wanted to go study a year in the uk and i've always wanted to adopt a cat#there are very few things i Want that way#i never envisioned myself with a partner. i didn't have a dream job. i just want to live in my city with a cat.#that's what i saw when i imagined my future. not art not a boyfriend not a specific job. just.... me in my city with my flat and a cat.#and when i started changing my future to include Him well that went away#i thought that that vision was silly anyway and as i was Maturing (i was 13) i was developing new life plans#ie living with him ?? somewhere ?? after uni ?? in a house in the countryside ???#no year abroad when i was Old Enough because that would cut our time together short. no cat unless he wanted one too.#no living in my city because he didn't like it and that's no place to raise children#(nevermind i didn't want children - i was 14 and i had time to grow into that. like i had time to grow attracted to him. Yeah.)#but it's been three years now. i think the three year anniversary came a few days ago and i forgot it?#oh. it's. it's tomorrow. the - well technically we're the 21st and most of it happened on the 21st but. last message was the 22nd.#well. i know when to buy myself an ice cream#three years.....#and in those three years i've learnt more about myself and i just realised.#i'm going to the uk next year. i'm doing it. it's HAPPENING. i'm not giving up on my dreams anymore!#yeah they're vague silly idealised dreams and they're not even dreams. but.#i want things for myself and i will get them. i'm going to the uk next year. i'm going.#and when i come back i'll stay with my parents if i want and when i have the money i'll find a flat in my city and get a cat.#no more limiting myself for a guy who's not even worth it. no more refusing opportunities for someone else.#no more deferring to someone for decisions big or small on what i do with my life. it's MINE.#it's strange and scary and freeing. it's been three years.#if you've read all this was extremely personal so. enjoy knowing me and don't mention it unless we are Fiancé.es#in which case at some point you are going to know so many details about that guy at some point anyway#that's what marriage is for <3#okay going to try to sleep now. bye bye#wow i have a ramble tag now
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Breakup Help (Chris)
Request: None (Reupload of the second fic I ever wrote and it’s lowkey shit)
Warnings: Friends to lovers, slight angst, insecure Chris, minimal degradation, eating out, basic sex
Y/n’s pov
About two weeks ago Chris’ girlfriend of two years cheated on him with his good friend and unfortunately, Chris walked in on them fucking. It had completely broke his heart, he’s been depressed and hasn’t left his room in days, he just cries and gets mad at his brothers for trying to make him eat a real meal. Matt had called me asking if I would go over and try to talk to Chris and cheer him up since I’m his best friend.
I agreed to go over since Matt and Nick were going to be staying at Madis for the night, needing to have a meeting with Laura anyways. I got my stuff together and went to the store to get Chris a Pepsi, goldfish and a monkey stuffed animal before heading to their house. I used my key to open the door, immediately going down to Chris’ room only to hear him crying really hard.
I knocked on the door softly “Hey buddy, can you unlock the door so I can come in please?” I spoke in a soft voice trying to be comforting. “No go away” his voice cracked as he responded, “Please Chris? I wanna give you a hug and I have something for you” I pleaded. After a loud sigh, Chris unlocked the door and I let myself in, he looked like hell, his hair was a mess, he hadn’t shaved in a few days, and had red eyes with massive bags underneath, I felt bad for him. I set the stuff I brought him on his desk and threw my bag and shoes on the floor before making my way over to the sad boy on his bed. I sat down, pulling him into a tight hug, rubbing his back as he clung onto me and cried.
“Why would they do this to me? Am I really that disposable that they can just move on and forget about me?” he cried out as he pulled away to look at me “No you’re not, you’re a great person and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend or boyfriend, I’m sorry they did that” I said as I moved his hair out of his face. “S-she said I di-didn’t make her feel good and-d I have a small dick! B-but she always acted like it felt g-good! And s-said I was a ba-bad kisser. They both called me super ugly too” He spoke softly, stuttering over his words as he looked down with tears still streaming down his face.
“Awe Chrisy I’m sorry” I laid next to him on the bed as I spoke. “Now I feel really insecure…” he looked up at me with a sad expression, “Y/n do you think I’m ugly?” He questioned, making me give him a small smile. “Absolutely not, you’re very attractive. You have the most beautiful eyes, a stunning smile, perfect hair, the cutest little freckles, a very charming personality, the prettiest lips, really nice hands, should I continue?” A light blush spread across his face as I complimented him. “You think I have pretty lips and nice hands?” He questioned with a small smirk “Is that all you got from what I just said?” I asked rolling my eyes.
He replied with “No I also got that you think I’m cuuute” cracking a small smile. “Shut up or I’m leaving, you’re never getting complimented again I’ll just say you’re ugly” I rolled my eyes going to get up but he moved to lay on top of me so I couldn’t move and tightly hugged me “NO! I haven’t stopped crying since I caught them, you can’t leave you made me smile!” He said as he hid his face in my neck, “Fine I’ll stay if you get your fat ass off of me” I said pushing him off of me. “Don’t be mean to me, I’m vulnerable” He pouted “You owe me a hug now”
Chris had fallen asleep on me about 30 minutes after I got here but he needed the sleep so I didn’t bother him, a few hours had passed and he had just woken up. “Good morning sleeping beauty” I laughed at him making him whine and move his face away from my neck now laying on his back “Mmm if I’m sleeping beauty then I can’t wake up until I get a true loves kiss” he puckered his lips up and closed his eyes, earning a smack from me “Nice try bud” “It was worth a shot” he laughed.
We decided to watch a movie, Chris munching on the goldfish I brought him, before turning to me “Can I ask you a weird question” he asked earning a nod from me. “Remember what I said earlier?” “You said a lot earlier so you gotta be more specific” “What I said about h/e/n, when she said I was bad in bed” he sighed. “I don’t like where you’re going with this” “Just hear me out, would you um let me like make out with you and give you head? OH, and would you tell me if you think I have a small dick?” He pleaded with me.
I sighed sitting up to look at him “I love you and all but n-“ I didn’t get to finish because he interrupted me. “Before you say no…” He sat up moving his face closer to me, “…can I pleeeeaaaase!? If you don’t like it I’ll stop, I just need feedback on exactly what doesn’t feel good. please, it won’t be weird I promise!” he said, giving me the cutest pout. “Fine only because you look really cute when you make that face” I reluctantly agreed.
Chris pulled off his hoodie and shirt claiming they would make him “too hot” before throwing his blankets off of us sitting on his knees and pulling my face closer to his. I could feel the stubble underneath my fingers when I gently cupped his jaw, his eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips for a second before smashing our lips together. The kiss was hot and needy, Chris’ tongue slid across my bottom lip as he slowly pushed me to lay on my back making me gasp, allowing his tongue slide into my mouth as he moved to hover over me.
My other hand came up to to tread through his hair as his moved to my thigh, I don’t know what h/e/n was talking about when she said he was a bad kisser because that’s most definitely not true. Chris started leaving sloppy, wet kisses down to my neck before sucking deep purple hickies into my skin, pulling away when he heard a small moan come out of me when he sucked on a specific spot. I looked up at him, he was biting his lip looking at me “So how was that?” he asked. “Hmm I think I need one more for good measure” I teased as he smashed our lips together again.
This time he was a lot more rough, slightly sucking on my tongue making me loud out another whiny moan into the kiss. Lightly biting my bottom lip as he pulled away, wearing a cocky smile on his face. “Sooo” “One of the best makeout seshes I’ve ever had, I think you know that” I finally answered “You’re right, I just wanted to hear you say it, pretty. Now can I take off your shirt?” he replied. I just gave him a simple nod, he slid my shirt over my head looking down at my exposed breasts making him groan. He started kissing down my neck again, this time moving lower to leave hickies all over my chest before he wrapped his lips around my left nipple to suck on it, switching to do the same to the right one.
He moved lower, occasionally nipping at the skin of my stomach before he stopped at the waistband of my sweats. He slowly pulled my sweats off and started leaving teasing kisses on my thighs, his hands sliding up my sides as he started slightly sucking hickies into my thighs like he did to the rest of my body. He looked up at me, his eyes now so blown out that there was hardly any blue left, we made eye contact. He pulled away and smirked at me “You’re pretty I hope you know that”
Chris came up to press a soft kiss to my lips “How do you want me to get you wet?” He asked with a light blush across his face. “Just do it however you normally would, okay?” I cupped his face as I spoke, feeling the stubble underneath my fingers. “Okay but if I do that I have to take my pants, is that fine? I’ll still have my boxers on.” He said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. “That’s fine but please stop being so nervous bubs, don’t let that stupid bitch get in your head!” I said pushing his hair back, he just nodded and took off his sweats.
Chris kissed me again for the umpteenth time tonight, licking my bottom lip asking for permission as he presses his hips down against mine. He started grinding against me as we made out, one of his hands coming up to grab one of my tits playing with the nipple making me moan. I felt his cock starting to get hard as he gently bit my bottom lip, I threaded my fingers through his hair and lightly tugged on it. I sucked on his tongue a little bit making him groan into the kiss before he started trailing his kisses down my body once again.
He aggressively pulled my panties down and threw them somewhere behind him, groaning when he saw how wet I was. “Damn, I really made you this wet?” he asked running a finger through my folds, I sheepishly nodded. Chris wasted no time, immediately pumping two fingers in me while kissing my thighs. He curled his fingers up, hitting my g-spot making me gasp before he wrapped his lips around my clit. Chris’ tongue started flicking the sensitive bundle of nerves as he kept curling his fingers up, slowly adding a third one. “Fuck Chris if you keep doing that I’m gonna cum” I moaned out, with his free hand Chris took one of my hands and placed it in his hair. I got the hint and started lightly pulling his hair not wanting to hurt him but his free hand came back to mine making my grip on his hair tighter and made me pull harder causing him to let out a groan.
The vibrations from his constant groaning make me get closer to my high, resulting in me placing both hands in his hair. Chris removed his lips from my clit “You like that baby, am I making you feel good?” he asked with a smirk before removing his fingers and replacing them with his tongue. “Sooo g-good Chris, gonna make me cum soon” I whined out as I felt my high approaching. Chris’ fingers started rubbing my clit in fast, tight circles, flicking his tongue in and out of my hole faster. “Oh sh-shit Chris, fuck ‘m gonna cum” I loudly moaned, tightly gripping his hair, making him groan, sending me over the edge.
After he had licked up all my cum, Chris hovered over me, his face shiny and covered in my cum. “So was it any good?” He asked with a cocky smile, already knowing the answer “You taste so good by the way, I might’ve just found my new favorite meal” he said winking. “Very good, the only thing that could make it better would be if you make out with me again” I responded while biting my lip. Chris came closer to my face so that our lips were almost touching “That can be arranged” he said before smashing his lips against mine, pressing his hips against mine once again, fully hard this time.
I grinded my hips up against his making him let out a loud groan “Fuck Y/n/n don’t do that, I’m already hard, I don’t need you making me hornier. It’s already gonna suck trying to ignore it, so d-don’t do tha- sh-shit” As he spoke I trailed my hand down his chest to his cock, giving it a squeeze. “Why don’t we prove the last two things she said wrong? Show me how good you can fuck me with your big cock Chris” I bit my lip and I moved my fingers to toy with the waistband of his boxers as I looked into his eyes. “Are you serious? Because I dont think I’ll be able to control myself if I fuck you and I don’t wanna be too rough or hurt your feelings” He spoke softly as he stroked my cheek with his thumb.
I leaned up to place a kiss below his ear as I whisper “What if I like it rough and have a degradation kink?” I asked before sucking a few hickies into his neck as he processed what I just said. “And I’m on the pill so you can fuck me raw if you want to” I added making him let out a deep growl pulling his boxers down as he placed his lips on mine, teasing his tip through my folds. Chris placed his tip at my entrance, slowly pushing the mushroomed tip in before slamming the rest of his length into me. He pulled away from the kiss looking down at me waiting for me to tell him to move, once I gave him a nod he started pumping in and out of me at a slow pace.
“Chris, faster, please” I whined out as my fingers went to pull his hair. He started speeding up his thrust as we both let out moans “Goddamn you’re so fucking tight, squeezing my cock so good baby” he groaned out, speeding up his thrust even more, my nails starting to dig into his back as I moaned loudly. Chris dropped his head to look down between our bodies to watch his dick pumping in and out of me. “Ch-Chris you’re so big f-fuck! Ohh right th-there!” I whined out when he hit my g-spot repeatedly, I started sucking more hickies into his neck to match mine. “Yeah, you like that baby? You gonna cum all over my cock like a slut?” Chris growled out moving his hands from my waist, the left one going to rub my clit while the right one starts to toy with my nipples.
I grabbed Chris’ right hand bringing it up to my throat, loving the way his jaw dropped for a moment before turning into a smirk as he wrapped his fingers around my throat to choke me. “You’re such a fucking whore, letting your best friend destroy your tight little pussy!” Chris groaned as his thrusts sped up, his fingers on my clit doing the same as he repeatedly hit my g-spot. “I’m gonna cum! Fuck can I please cum!” I begged, whimpering as my nails scratched down his back, Chris’ hand squeezed my throat harder only adding to the pleasure. I felt his thrusts starting get sloppy signaling he’d was close too.
“Cum all over my cock baby, be a good little slut for me.” Chris groaned out. I came around his cock, my walls squeezing tighter around him, making him shoot his load inside of me. Warm spurts of cum painting my walls white. After we both road out our highs Chris stopped rubbing my clit and removed his hand from my throat before pulling out, causing us both to hiss at the feeling before he plopped down next to me. We both caught our breath before Chris spoke “That was something huh?” he chuckled out “I’m gonna be honest h/e/n has absolutely no fucking idea what she’s talking about because that was amazing” I said rolling over to face Chris, who had a big smile spread across his face.
Chris placed a sweet kiss to my lips, smiling into it when I kissed back, he moved some hair behind my ear after we pulled away “Thank you, for everything. You definitely made me feel so much better tonight, now let’s go get cleaned up and then we can go to sleep. I mean if you want to stay, y-you don’t have to it’s okay-y to s-“ he started saying nervously before I cut him off with a kiss. “Chris you don’t have to keep being so insecure with me dude. I’m not h/e/n, I actually care about you and I love you, you’re my best friend. Now come on let’s go shower and then we can cuddle okay?” I said while stroking his cheek. We got up and took a shower getting dressed after, I wore one of his shirts and a pair of boxers, before going to lay down. I was covered in hickies which made Chris feel proud, this was going to be fun to explain to Matt and Nick in the morning…
Taglist: @aliyahsbody @angelic-sturniolos111 @biimpanicking @biplrbtch @chrisenthusiast @chrisolivia4l @christinarowie332 @chr1sgirl4life @creamoncreamoncream2 @delimeats-000 @dev-speaks @ermdontmindthisaccount @flowerxbunnie @fionaheartswomen @gilbertscurls @heartsforchrisandmatt @iheartchrissturniolo @ilovemattsturn @its-jennarose @justaslvttygirl @kvtie444 @lustfulslxt @luvysworld @m6ttsturniolo @mangosrar @mangoposts @meerkatzthings @mattsnutsack @meg-sturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @recklesssturniolo @rozariah51911 @slut4chr1s @solarsturniolo @soursturniolo @strniohoeee @strawberrysturniolo @sturnnfilm @sturniolocoded @sturniofilmd @sturniolohoe @sturniolopepsi @sturniolo0ntop @thecynthh @xxloveralways14
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©Daddyslilchickenfingers2 2024
Do not steal, use, or reupload my work
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
Hey ummm this is my first time asking someone to write soo sorry if it's not good.
Anyways 4 main x reader how would there first kiss be like (romantic, weird,messy ykyk)
Hope you have a good day
╭ . . . first kisses ੭
• ➛ main four x reader ( separate ) ╰ notes / warnings :: just swearing, also this might be a little ooc
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━ your first kiss would be quite awkward with STAN since the poor boy is trying not to vomit all over you.
━ he'll probably just give you a quick - yet sweet - peck on the lips then vomit.
━ while it's really sweet its also kinda sad - mostly for stan- he set up a little date for the two of you just for his first kiss with you and it all went to shit when he felt the take away he ate a few minutes ago coming back up
━ still though you found it cute that he tried and comforted him as best as you could
" awh man- I'm sorry [ name ] " Stan mumbled, running a hand through his hair clearly annoyed with himself for vomiting at such an important time in your guy's relationship. You laughed softly " Its fine, Stan, honest " giving his hand a small squeeze you leaned against his side " really ? " he asked, still ashamed with vomiting nearly all over you " course " you laughed, pressing a kiss to his cheek causing a red blush to take over your boyfriend's face. He slap his hand over his mouth - again- trying not to throw up, as he stared at you, absolutely in love and bewildered.
━ KYLE'S first kiss with you would be really romantic
━ Just like his buddy stan, kyle would make a date for your first kiss except it would be much more classy. While stan would probably order take out and watch movies with you for his date, Kyle would bring you to a restaurant ( probably in a suit as well ) and then walk you home after.
━ The kiss happened when kyle walked you back home, you thanked him and then pressed a kiss to his lips
━ Like i said, verry classy but still it was the best kiss of Kyle's life.
" Thank you for everything tonight kyle " you smiled, right after kissing him, it wasnt a short kiss nor was it awkward it was the most perfect kiss kyle's ever experienced. It felt so right to him and it must've felt right for you too. " I- uhm ... yeah dude? " he cursed at himself mentally for calling you 'dude' after such a romantic moment. Thankfully though you didnt seem offended, in fact you seemed to find it even cuter and funnier " Yeah . . . dude " you laughed, pressing another kiss, this time much quicker, to his cheek before walking home leaving a very flustered kyle behind. His legs were weak and wobblily, his face a shade of red that could easily rival his hair colour. He loved you so much, thats for sure.
━ your first kiss with KENNY would be sexual yet romantic, i mean come on its kenny.
━ The kiss would also happen right after you agree to be his girlfriend / boyfriend / lover or whatever. It would happen at your house, you two were hanging out after a date and kenny asked you the question when you answered yes he practically tackled you.
━ it would also lead to a make out, again how can it not?
━ now you have to pray that none of your guardians come in because, oh boy.
" Ken!- " you yelped once kenny paused his kiss for air, the blonde turned his head to the side, curious as to what you want " hm? yeah babe " your face was completely red " what if someone walks in and catches u- " Kenny cut you off with another loving kiss, his hands cupped your face " so ? now that you're mine i want everyone to know " he gave you a grin, you returning it " hahmm, fine " laughing kenny once more pressed his lips to yours, your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer, enjoying the moment with him.
━ God, i dont even know how to describe your first kiss with ERIC
━ it was probably to show that your his lover, so a jealousy kiss- its that or a kiss after you made fun of kyle
━ he'd be so proud of you if you made fun of him he'd kiss you right Infront of everyone- something he's never done and never will do again, nothing against you its just he hates people seeing him kissing you.
━ After that, all kisses are private, it was just a one time public kiss.
" Eric ! " you gasped as his lips left yours, you didnt even know why he kissed you since he told you at the start of your relationship that all kisses and affection would be in private and yet right now he kissed you. in front of quite a lot of people. " I- im just so proud of you baby ! " he (probably fake) sniffed, smiling " what ?- wha... is this because i yelled at kyle and told him to fuck off ? " cartman nodded and pressed more kisses on your cheek, a red blush on you face. Wow, was all of this just because you made fun of kyle for like a millisecond. Not gonna lie, it was kinda nice, you just gotta now make sure to return the favor of the kiss later.
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Say Yes To Me
Warnings: minor violence, angst, memory loss, light smut (kinda not really) at the beginning
Words: 1,439
Paring: Natasha Romanoff x F!reader
A/N: i know i said no angst but like it's not sad sad, anyways most of this is a flashback, yes i plan on making it series.
i hope you like this my loves, ilysm, and take care of yourself <3
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You giggle as she wraps her arms around your body, she sighs in comfort, the sun's glow peeking through the curtains of your shared bedroom, lighting up the darkened space.
She plants soft kisses on your jawline, maneuvering her hands up to your chest. “Babe.. whaat are you doing? It's 8 AM, you have missions and I have to drop the kids off at school.” she frowns, nuzzling her face in the crook of your neck. “Screw the missions.. the kids can skip school.” she whines before pressing her lips to yours, pulling you in for a slow, passionate kiss.
She buries her hands into your hair, forcing herself onto your body. You let out a moan, only to be silenced by her tongue, invading your mouth. “Natasha—” she slips a hand underneath your bra, groping your breast. Muffled moans escape your mouth as she rubs her thumb against your hardened nipple.
“Nat.. you're gonna be late.” you whisper. She pulls away, pecking the corner of your lips. “Fucking missions.” she grumbles, lifting the duvet off of herself and getting off the bed.
You laugh, “Be careful Natty! I'll be waiting when you come back.” you blow a kiss to her, smiling brightly when the corners of her lips curl into a smile. “See you in 2 days moya lyubov.” she waves goodbye.
That was 8 months ago, who knew what could happen in those few days?
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“Nat, did you make it to the control room?” a voice comes through the comms, “Yep, yeah.. what now?” she opens the door, stepping into the room. “Do you see him?” she looks around the area, “Who? Clint there's nobody here besides me.” she furrows her brows in confusion.
“Uh.. okay, did you check the CCTV footage?” she walks up to the screens, “On it.” she looks up at the screen, “What do you see?” her gaze fixes onto the woman lying on the floor, causing her to gasp softly. “Tony, w-what type of fucking joke is this?”
She shares the footage with him, “Natasha this– this isn't fake. That's the current footage, recently taken 20 minutes ago.” her breathing rate picks up, and her hands start to sweat. “Tony, take me there. Now.” 
The team makes it to your house, barging into the home. Two kids sat on the floor with puffy eyes looking up at the redhead. “Mama? What happened to mommy? She's not getting up!” Natasha's lips quiver, “Hey, hey.. buddy where is she?” the little boy points towards the kitchen.
She runs over to the kitchen, almost freezing upon seeing your limp body on the floor surrounded by blood. “Oh dekta..” she kneels down to your level, placing a hand underneath your head, and another hand underneath your back. “She's in here!” Natasha yells out, alerting the rest of the Avengers.
They rush into the kitchen, widening their eyes as soon as they see you. “Do something– t-take her to the med lab in the tower. Fuck, just help her for god's sake!”
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They take you to the lab as quickly as possible, “She just went through an emergency surgery, but,” The woman trails off, looking up at a very worried Natasha. “She's alive. For now, her vitals are normal. Except her oxygen is low, and her heartbeats are slow as well. But thankfully, we have her on an oxygen tank, if anything happens we will call you.”  Dr. Cho says, wiping off her clammy palms on her scrubs.
“What– what were the injuries?” Natasha asks, looking down at your unconscious body lying on the hospital bed. The doctor sighs, “She got hit in the head, and..” she trails off, uncovering the sheet on top of you. “–and stabbed in her abdominal area.”
“Will she wake up soon?” Natasha examines your bruised and beaten-up body, blinking away any tears that form in her eyes. “Well, if the tests are true, then yes. She'll be up in a day or two.” 
The room grew silent till the doctor spoke up, “Ah well, I better get going,” she sends Natasha a pitiful look, “Take care, she's strong. I know she'll make it.” she leaves the room, leaving you and your wife alone.
Natasha looks down at you, grasping your hand
lightly. “I'm so sorry moya lyubov, I should've been there. I shouldn't have left you, god.. the kids– they- they saw you there and I wasn't there for them.” her tears were streaming down her face, dropping down on the hospital bed.
She brings her hand up to wipe them off. Her phone buzzes, a message from the team. ‘The footage of the attack is up, only if you want to see it.’ she sniffles, turning off her phone. “I swear I'll find whoever did this,” she whispers out, praying that you could hear her, just not this last part. “-and I'll kill them.”
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She presses a gentle kiss to your bruised-up knuckles before leaving the hospital room. “Where? Where did you see the camera footage?”
She looks at the screen, watching the video play out.
“Nat? Is that you?” you hear a noise somewhere in the distance, knowing the kids were asleep it couldn't possibly be them. Suddenly someone comes up behind you, roughly grabbing onto your hair and slamming your head right onto the marble countertop, leaving a bit of blood behind.
You get out of their grasp, taking out a kitchen knife from the drawers and swing it at them, they easily dodge it. The dizziness you felt from the hit to your head gets to you, causing you to faint and your body to hit the ground.
“Natalia Romanova, we see everything.” they say, taking the knife out from the wall, and bending down to slowly submerge it into your lower stomach, slightly twisting it before pulling it out.
She turns off the video, “I can't– look at it anymore, oh my god.” she sighs, rubbing at her eyes. “Whoever did this, they knew who I was. Before SHIELD, before the Avengers.” she says, her words coming out shaky.
“What do we do now? We don't know who they are, or where they came from.” Steve says with a sigh, leaning back on the wall. “I do. Well, at least where they came from.” your wife looks up at Clint, giving him a knowing look.
He widens his eyes, understanding what she had meant. Natasha pulls out a secret file, and drops it onto the table. “The Red Room, me and Clint thought we took them down before I joined SHIELD, but my nightmares came true,” she takes out a picture.
“Dreykov, their leader.” she points at a woman in the picture, “Melina Vostokoff. She's the scientist.” her vision clouds over with unshed tears. “We have reason to believe that she's still alive,” Clint says, looking at the team. “More importantly, she was my– mother, sort of. Her, and,” Natasha takes out another photo, “Him. Alexei Shostakov, the Red Guardian.”
She clears her throat, taking out a document. “He's currently in prison, he was also close to Dreykov.” Tony steps close to the table with pictures and files spread out all around it, “So.. can we get to him?”
“Hopefully, yes.” she replies.
This went on for days, till you finally woke up that is.
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“Mrs. Romanoff has woken up.” Dr. Cho says to Natasha who was sitting in the waiting room with Clint. The pair rush into the hospital room, to find you awake in bed. “Y/N?” Natasha calls out, slowly approaching you.
“Who are you? W-Where am I?” you ask, with a frantic look displayed on your face. The half-smile on the ex-assassins face falters, “What do you mean who am I?” her brows were laced in confusion and worry. “It's me dekta– i-it's Natasha,” she takes a deep breath, her hand longing to touch yours. “You don't recognize me?” she nervously chuckled, her voice cracked as she was already on the verge of tears.
You slowly shake your head ‘No.’
“Alright, come on Nat.” Clint pulls her out of the room and into the hallway. “She doesn't remember me, what do I do? Oh my god– would she remember anyone else? Why can't she remember me?” she rambles, running her fingers through her hair as she paces through the halls.
“Listen. Listen, maybe if you bring the mini Romanoffs here, maybe she'd recognize them. Hopefully, that'll get her to remember you Nat.” he says, hoping that helps ease her worries.
“Well, what if it doesn't? What if she won't ever remember me, remember us.”
Those 3 words had her panicked, "Who are you?"
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plussizefantasia · 6 months
Good Punkins
Flufftober Day 21: Pumpkin Patch
Steve Rogers x f!mom!reader
Word Count: 2.7k (actually the longest fic I've written to date)
Warnings: reader is a mom in this one, she is referred to as Mamma several times so if that's not your jam don't read this.
AN: Holy crap this went way beyond my original plan but I just love Steve and little man so much now. This story does have a part two coming later (on day 30). Feedback and reblogs are always encouraged! Thank you for reading.
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
Steve was an amazing husband. The two of you were married six years ago and within a year you were expecting. Nine months later, Caleb James Rogers was born and you realized something amazing. Steve was an amazing husband, but he was an even better father.
Little Caleb wanted for nothing, but he wasn’t spoiled. He was adventurous and kind and everything that you could ever want in a child. Even as a baby, he wasn’t very fussy. When he was all it took was Steve lifting him into his large arms and cooing at the infant to get him to calm down. At first, you were a little jealous that Steve seemed to have the golden tough when it came to your son, but you couldn’t help the overwhelming feelings of adoration for your husband every time you saw the two of them together.
Caleb was an extremely curious child, he also didn’t like being left out. When you had driven the two of you home last week after picking him up from and he had seen the new decorations your neighbors had put out for Halloween it was no surprise when he asked, “Mamma, why dey have punkins?” You dread the day when he’s able to say the word pumpkin.
“Why do you think they have pumpkins, baby?” You returned.
“Dunno Mamma, but they gots faces in them.” 
“Some of them do yeah,” you opened the door to your house and watched as Caleb climbed up the singular step that led up to your door. You don’t know who designed it, but your little tyke has tripped on it more than once and you’ve made sure to be very watchful every time he tries again.
At the sound of the front door opening, Steve made his way towards the entryway of your home. He looked soft, as he usually did nowadays and you couldn’t love it more. Steve had hung up the shield when Caleb was born and since then he let his hair grow out, and bought a few more pairs of sweats and at your insistence shirts that fit him. He didn’t have abs anymore but that didn’t mean the strength had gone away, just that he was more worried about his family and being there for every moment than staying in peak shape.
“Buddy! How was school?” Steve got down on one knee in order to intercept the charging little boy.
“It was so funs Daddy! I got to play on the park and Mrs. Hilly gave me two gold stars today.” Steve lifted Caleb off the ground and cradled him against his hip. He began walking the two of them towards the kitchen.
“Two stars? That’s great bud.”
“Yeah and on da way home I saw punkins on the ground. Mamma says some of them face faces.”
“Yeah, it’s October buddy, that means some people have started decorating.”
“Decorating for what Daddy?”
“Decorating for Halloween.”
“Can we decorate for Halloween?”
“I don’t see why not, do you want to get a pumpkin and put a face on it with me?” Steve smiled at his son and shifted his eyes towards yours.
“Yes! Can we go gets one now Daddy?”
“Not now baby, we can go this weekend though.” You interrupted, noticing the look on Steve's face. He had a hard time saying no to Caleb and you knew that he was about to go put his shoes on and drive thirty minutes away to the nearest pumpkin patch just to see his little boy smile.
‘But I wants to go now, Mamma.” Your little boy whined.
‘I know baby, but if we go now we won’t have enough time to do all the fun things there. Don’t you want to be able to do all of the things they have?”
“What else do the punkin people have?”
“Um, well they usually have a corn maze and tractor rides. They might have a big ol’ room of corn that you can play in as you do at the park. And they might even have animals you can pet.” You said, thinking back to your childhood memories of going to pumpkin patches with your family.
“They have all of that?” His eyes had gotten wide.
“Yeah baby, they have tons of stuff but if we go tonight we won’t have time to do any of it. But if we wait until Saturday we’ll be able to spend the whole day there.”
‘I want to spend forever there!” 
“I don’t know about forever buddy, you still have to go to school but we can spend the whole day on Saturday how does that sound?” Steve asked the little boy.
“Sounds good Daddy.”
And so, three days later your little family of three loaded into the SUV all bundled up for a cool day at the pumpkin patch, and made your way further out of town and towards the fall-themed activity.
Your little boy was in the backseat singing along to the songs on the radio and occasionally asking nonsensical questions to either you or Steve. And both of you tried your best to answer them as seriously as you could.
Half an hour later you pulled into the farm and Steve rolled around the dirt parking lot looking for an open spot. It wasn’t too busy which you were grateful for, Steve may not exactly be Captain America anymore but that didn’t mean that he doesn’t still get recognized.
Steve parked the car and jumped out before you could start unbuckling Caleb. You rounded your way to the trunk to grab the backpack you had packed full of some extra snacks, a light blanket in case anyone got cold, and a hat and scarf for Caleb in case he needed it. Your husband and son joined you a moment later, Caleb holding onto Steve’s hand and practically bouncing in place.
“Alright baby, we need to go get our tickets to get inside and then we can do whatever you want.”
“Otay Mamma.” 
You passed through the ticket line with ease and without much time passing at all, you were inside. You checked your phone for the time, 10:30. 
“Alright baby, what do you want to do first?” You asked, looking towards your son and patiently waiting for him to make his decision. Caleb scanned his surroundings taking in all there was to do and weighing his options carefully. His eyes landed a little ways away at a large pile of hay that several other children were climbing on top of and running up the side.
“Look, Daddy! A mountain of straw!”
“I see buddy, you wanna go play?” Caleb screamed his assent and grabbed his father’s hand pulling him towards the miniature mountain. You followed behind them and took a seat on a nearby bench to watch your boys have their fun.
Steve would lift Caleb into the sky so he could get to the top and then the little boy would count down and push himself down the hill like a slide. Several times, he would just run straight at the pile and bury himself in the looser straw on the surface. At one point Caleb, convinced Steve to climb to the top of the pile and all at once all of the children playing tried to push him off. You laughed loudly and took pictures the entire time.
Eventually, though your baby boy got a little tired and made his way towards you. He was breathing heavily and his entire body was covered in straw. You pulled a few stray pieces from his hair and offered him one of the juice boxes you had packed.
Steve too came towards your sitting place, also covered head to toe in straw. When you arched a single eyebrow at him and looked him up and down, a small plush, and sheepish expression crossed his face and he looked down at his shoes.
When Caleb’s breathing returned to normal you asked him what he wanted to do next and he immediately perked up.
“You said there would be animals to pet Mamma?” 
“Yeah, baby I think they have some goats if you wanna pet those.”
The rest of the day followed similarly. Caleb running from activity to activity. Sometimes you joined in, sometimes Steve, sometimes both of you. He was having a blast and you were so happy he was getting to make these fun memories like you had. 
Caleb played in the corn pit for a little while, he fed the goats and took a ride on the mini-tractor coaster for the kids. He also had his face painted and the three of you had your photo taken next to the sixteen-foot-tall scarecrow. You all had hotdogs and apple cider for lunch and Caleb insisted that he wanted to go play on the hay pile again.
“When can we get out punkin Mamma?” Caleb said after his third yawn of the last hour. Your little man was fading and fast.
“Right now Baby, let's go get in line for the tractor ride and then we can go out and get our pumpkins. Caleb turned towards Steve and lifted his arms at his father, asking without words to be picked up.
Steve hoisted your son into his arms and the three of you made your way to the actual line to go into the patch. It was nearing time for dinner and you wanted to be able to get your pumpkins and go home before Caleb completely conked out.
One short tractor ride later and the three of you were immersed in the sea of orange gourds. Caleb seemed to perk up when he saw all of the pumpkins and began excitedly running from row to row inspecting them.
Steve and you strolled hand in hand along with him, both of you with soft smiles on your faces as you watched the little man you created having a wonderful day.
“Thank you.” Steve had said, breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you.
“For what?” You laughed.
‘For this” He gestured towards Caleb, also lifting your intertwined hands and placing a kiss on the back of yours, “I never thought I’d get this, so thank you.” You leaned in and softly kissed him, taking your time to let him know through your affection that you’d do just about anything for him. 
“Well then, Thank you too.” You said as you pulled back. 
“Mamma! Daddy! Come on, come look!” Your attention was drawn to your son, jumping up and down next to a couple of pumpkins he seemed to have lined up.
“What did you find bud?” Steve asked when the two of you got close enough.
“Good punkins, we can put faces on dem.” he pointed at the three pumpkins he had lined up. You had to admit, it seemed like Caleb had a knack for picking pumpkins. The ones he had grabbed were practically perfect, with only one of two spots on them.
“Good job, baby these are great ones.” You ruffled his hair. “Alright, we gotta bring them back to the tractor so we can take 'em home. You wanna grab one?” He just nodded and went to grab the biggest of the three.
“How ‘bout Daddy take this one and you can take that one,” Steve said pointing toward the other pumpkin on the ground.
“Otay Daddy, but if you need help let me know.” You both softly laughed at how sweet your little boy was.
“Sure thing, buddy.” Steve hiked the largest pumpkin onto one shoulder and went to grab the stem of the one in his arms.
“What are you doing?” You asked him as he lifted the pumpkin from your hands.
“What was the point of marrying a super soldier if you don’t take advantage of the strength.”
“I didn’t marry you for your strength, I married you for your rugged good looks.”  You responded and he let out a large guffaw followed by a smaller stream of laughter laughter.
Without your arms full you were free to take pictures of the father-son duo carrying their pumpkins side by side toward the tractor. You helped Caleb load his pumpkin up into the wagon that the passengers rode in and watched as he climbed up the steps into the wooden structure. Steve followed after you and the three of you in the corner with the pumpkins at your feet.
When the wagon started moving it began sort of rocking side to side, lulling your little boy closer and closer to sleep. You were sort of impressed that he had lasted that long and pulled him into your lap so that he could be more comfortable. Not even five minutes later he was asleep with his head rested against your shoulder and his arms around your neck.
The tractor pulled back into the main area of the farm and you had to disembark and grab your pumpkins so that other people could have their turn.
Before you could even start to get up with your sleeping son in your arms, Steve had taken him and lifted him onto his shoulders. He had one of Caleb’s legs on either side of his head and the torso of the little boy was leaning on his head, his little hand resting on Steve’s forehead. 
Since he had taken the boy you went to go grab one of the pumpkins but Steve had beaten you to that too. In some miracle, Steve had managed to hold onto not only the sleeping little boy, but all three pumpkins and get off the wagon without jostling any of them too much.
“Steven Grant, let me carry a damn pumpkin.” You chased after your husband, attempting to relieve him of at least one of the decently sized pumpkins. 
“Let me think about that.” He kept walking.
“Steve seriously, I look so mean making you carry everything.”
“You’re not making me do anything Honey, I’m doing this of my own free will.”
“Well, will your free will at least let me grab Caleb.”
“He’s comfy up there”
“Yeah mamma, comfy” a little sleep-riddled voice replied from your husband’s shoulders. And Steve let a smirk of victory cross his face.
“Whatever.” You huffed. Following next to your husband and hoping that nobody else thought you were some kind of nightmare woman who made your husband carry everything.
It was a short trek after that to the car and you began to increase your pace so that you’d be able to open the door for Steve to be able to transfer Caleb back into his car seat, but Steve matched your pace easily and you watching as his smirk continued to grow.
He got to the car first and instead of depositing the pumpkins in the trunk, or going to put Caleb in his seat, Steve opened the passenger door for you and gestured for you to get it.
“You’re kidding.” You deadpanned.
“I got this Honey, just get in the car.”. You didn’t argue just shook your head with exasperation and climbed into the car. Turning the heat on and getting the directions home pulled up on your phone.
Meanwhile, Steve, who you’re now convinced was a juggler in a previous life is opening the hatch of the trunk and placing all three pumpkins plus your backpack that you didn’t even realize he had into the space. He pulled Caleb down from his shoulders and placed a kiss on his head. Closing the trunk, he made his way around to Caleb’s door and opened it without moving the sleeping boy an inch. Steve flawlessly deposited him into this seat and buckled him up with astonishing speed and you had to admit to yourself that watching Steve do all of this was turning you on more than you thought it would.
Finally, Steve opened his door and climbed into the car, starting the engine and looking to you for the go-ahead to leave.
You just leaned across the consul and placed a large kiss on his cheek. Making him smile like a schoolboy.
“I love you.” You had said.
“I love you too.” He had replied before shifting the car into reverse and beginning the half-hour drive home.
You looked into the back seat at the tuckered-out boy in his car seat and thanked the universe and Steve all over again for giving you such an amazing little gift.
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Buck & Eddie: Eddie was M.I.A. and Buck was too.
The video above includes the scenes from S6 where Buck and Eddie were either missing or weren't mentioned even though they should have been.
During Season 6, Eddie was M.I.A. (missing in action) from several scenes even though he should have been present and Buck was either not mentioned or he was missing too even though he should have been present.
While I was watching 6x4 when it originally aired, I noticed Buck wasn’t on a call while the rest of the team was at work and as 6A progressed, it became a pattern.  For the duration of 6A and well into 6B, Buck’s or Eddie’s absences became even more noticeable and they were so prevalent that they were JARRING AND GLARINGLY OBVIOUS.  By the end of 6A, viewers were wondering what happened.  The showrunner (KR) said in an interview that they were trying new pairings which was fine but hindsight is usually 20/20 and when I started analyzing the scenes that didn’t include one of them, it kind of seemed like she may have been telling a half truth.  I mentioned how storylines and pairings were affected in a post I did in November 2022 but now I believe their absences or the lack of mentioning the other one was INTENTIONAL.
Buck and/or Eddie not being present bothered me and I wanted to know why but I didn’t research it until recently because of the way season 6 ended.  With the way TM (the OG showrunner) has been releasing and rereleasing photos of Buddie and Bathena for the last few weeks, I believed their absences in season 6 became too glaring for me to continue ignoring them.  For Buck and Eddie to be drastically removed from each other’s lives had to be on purpose and IMO, it was done so the audience would realize how them not being with each other didn’t make sense.  Let’s be real, regardless as to whether a viewer ships Buck and Eddie as a romantic couple, their presence in each other’s lives and the Buckley-Diaz family’s dynamic has become a staple on the show and when they’re not included, people notice.  Everyone knows how close they are so for them to be separated and viewers along with journalists writing about it was perplexing to say the least.
Before I delve into this, please understand these are MY OBSERVATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS of the things I noticed during season 6, therefore, it’s ok if someone doesn’t agree.  Everyone interprets media differently so it’s ok for two differences of an opinion to coexist without someone trying to force their thoughts onto the other person.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I believe it all started with the scene below when Eddie asked, “Buck!  Where the hell you going?” because their absences started right after it and they continued through the early part of 6B.
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In 6x4, Buck was off work while Bobby, Chimney and Eddie were all at work but there was no explanation given as to why Buck was off.  Everyone knows Buck loves being at the firehouse especially since he filed a lawsuit to get back to the team after the ladder truck explosion (whether he was right or wrong in filing the lawsuit will not be discussed here.  It happened more than four years ago and I’ve moved on from it).  He wasn’t sick so it’s not like he used a sick day but maybe he used a personal day or he used some PTO time but either way, the audience wasn’t told why he wasn’t with the 118.
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He went to Hen’s house to discuss Connor's request for him to be his sperm donor but since she was on leave, no explanation was needed for why she wasn’t at work.  Reminder, Buck wasn’t on leave so he could have gone to her house to talk to her after their shift ended but he didn’t.  His absence was noticeable especially since at the beginning of the episode, he was sitting at the other end of the table alone and away from the group while Eddie, Chimney and Hen talked about Eddie disciplining Chris for skipping his science club meetings.
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In 6x5, Eddie took Hoover the dog to Buck’s loft but the audience didn't see it.  It was the only handoff that wasn't shown in CANON but the question is, why?  What was the issue with the audience seeing Eddie give Buck the dog ?  The only thing that makes narrative sense is they wanted viewers to not see it so they would notice.  Interesting!
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In 6x7, Eddie didn't mention Buck at all when he told Felisa about Chris being lost in the Tsunami but once again the question is why?  Everyone who watched 3x1-3x3 knows Eddie took Chris to visit "His Buck" that day and Eddie showed Hen and Chimney a selfie of Buck and Chris while they were on a call. In the photo, Buck and Chris were at breakfast earlier eating pancakes.  Also, after the first wave hit, we know Buck saved Chris and they got separated so Eddie’s scene with Felisa was another glaringly obvious one where Buck wasn’t mentioned and it had to have been done for a reason.  Reminder, Eddie told Felisa “My wife died… and six months later my son was on the pier when the Tsunami hit.”  Well, Chris wasn’t there alone so 👀.
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In 6x8, Buck was missing when Eddie and Chris were getting ready for Chris' first school dance. Carla was there but it was kind of off putting and it seemed like she shouldn’t have been the one Eddie was talking to the same way she shouldn’t have been talking to him in 5x10 when he was preparing to leave the 118.  If they didn’t want Buck there, then it could have easily been a father and son moment between Eddie and Chris especially since she didn't do anything but say she thought it was Chris' first crush after they went into the kitchen.  It was only one of the two episodes she was in for the entire season, so what gives?
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Later in the episode, Eddie ended up telling Buck and the 118 about it anyway and based on Buck’s reaction, it's likely Chris had already told Buck about his crush (post linked here).
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In 6x10, Eddie was present and at the firehouse while Buck and Chimney cleaned the fire engine and the ladder truck.  He was on the floor throwing a baseball with Hen.
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But Eddie was missing from the call when a lightning strike hit the car and the woman gave birth but reminder, the scene happened after he was AT THE FIREHOUSE with everyone else.   It's possible he could have been man behind but the point is he was missing.  Also, why was he missing?  Buck helped Bobby with the baby and Bobby had to call Hen and Chimney over for assistance which means Eddie’s help as a medic was needed for all three victims but it was kind of like the show wanted him to be absent so the viewers would notice and we did.
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In 6x11, Eddie was only in Buck’s coma dream at the beginning when Daniel told him the next time he goes up a ladder, he should have someone to have his back and Buck said he did.  Other than that initial interaction, Eddie WASN'T there and his absence was glaringly obvious.
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In 6x13, Eddie was M.I.A. twice. The first time was after a call that he went to with Buck and Hen.  It was the one where the couple misplaced a "toy".
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Chimney wasn't on the call with them but when they were leaving work and Buck was calling all the women he slept with to see if he satisfied them (which was 🙄 I don’t even have words), Eddie wasn't there but Chimney was.  But the question once again is why? Could it be the show was making a point since Buck had just had a conversation with a victim’s husband about an article he read that stated 80% of women aren’t satisfied by their partners (related post about Buck’s woodworking skills linked here)?
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In 6x13, Eddie wasn’t at the loft while Buck and Chris were baking cookies and it appears to be a call back to 5x3 when AF was caring for Chris during the blackout (related post linked here).  Reminder, AF left a mess in Eddie’s kitchen but Buck’s kitchen was clean and organized while him and Chris were baking cookies for Chris’ whole class.  They even talked about cooking the steaks Buck and Eddie won while they played poker for dinner.
What was the reason for all of this?
Initially I, like many others was pissed at the lack of Buck and Eddie, Buck, Eddie and Chris and Buckley-Diaz Family scenes in 6A.  I’m still annoyed by it but like I mentioned above, hindsight is 20/20 so it’s possible the show was trying to get the audience to realize how important they are in each other’s lives by omitting them from specific and important scenes.
Did they do a good job of illustrating it?  NO!
They could have done it differently like a lot of other things but the season ended messily and by then it was too late to change it.
The point of this post is whenever Buck and Eddie are absent, it's noticeable and it can't be denied.  KR said they were mixing up the dynamics (related post linked here) but that can't be it because in 6x9 Hen ended up talking to her best friend Chimney about the way she was feeling about Denny wanting to meet Nathaniel after Eddie and Buck dropped off their four-way call, so she wasn't telling the whole truth.
Could their absences be a coincidence? No. Why?
Because in 6x7 Athena said she didn't believe in them and in 5x17 Karen said once is a mistake, two times is a coincidence and three times is a pattern.  Well, their absences happened more than three times so Buck and Eddie missing in action from each other's lives was a pattern in season 6 and it seems to have been done on purpose.
It appears the omittances of Buck and Eddie from specific scenes in season 6 was in preparation for season 7 but the question is, will anything come of them?  Who knows except for the showrunner (TM), the writers, producers and the actors and actresses so we shall see.
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twitteringthings · 2 months
Who the Heck is This Izumi Chick?!
Besides just being the club mama….
First off, she seems like a kind person and as Kamiya stated, definitely not suited to be wrapped up in the Yakuza-girly lifestyle. I'm going to throw out a few speculations as to what her relationship to Doumeki could be and her importance to the plot. These ideas are based off of theories I have read and my own thoughts/interpretations :)
Doumeki's confidant/friend This does seem out of character for Doumeki but I'll list it as a possibility anyway. Maybe they're just friends and he confides in her about emotional things, his past?. Maybe she knows about everything that happened four years ago. She seems to know things about Doumeki that other characters don't. Like how she seemed confused when Kamiya referred to Doumeki as her boyfriend in Ch. 54. Not to mention that Kamiya says "He's always going over to your house" now I know D doesn't like sex that much, lol - at least with people who aren't Y. And he did mention he usually takes care of that himself. Think about it, if they were just sleeping together or in a relationship, there wouldn't be so much ambiguity surrounding their association with each other - Sensei has ofc done this purposefully! She wouldn't be acting so "weird" about it, if you ask me. Maybe she knows Aoi or helps D keep tabs on his family and gets money to them. idk idk idk, ahhhh! OOOO maybe when after kamiya left and izumi repeated to herself his words, "Not suited, huh." It was something she heard before from someone - D maybe? what could this meannn. What other reason could D have for visiting her all of the time? Do you think she's seen him smile? That would be adorable if it was a friendship. It would definitely be nice, but this is my theory that I think is the most off and doesn't fit the plot/characters. womp womp.
Secret tattoo Artist Not very likely Imo, I feel like a person would have come to the house (I'm not familiar with where irezumi is normally done in the yakuza) to do D's tattoo or he would go to the same person who did Tsukanawa's. I'm not sure if he got the tattoo after he saved Niki - I'm pretty sure he did - but maybe Tsukanawa and the others suggested he get one after his noble feat? Like an emblem. Maybe Tsukanawa offered to pay for it? Also, I saw a post on here that said D's tattoo didn't look finished yet, but I disagree. If that were so, I think Y would have mentioned it or something - or maybe it would be more obvious to the reader that it is still in progress. Y just says, "he went and got a back tattoo" and not something like "The idiot's got a half-baked tattoo on his back." AND if she did tattoos, I'm sure it wouldn't be a secret to everyone else. AND if the reason D was over her apartment all of the time was because of his tattoo that wouldn't make sense because you need time to heal between sessions and his back would be protected with something if he was.
Sex Buddy (turned friend) I could definitely see D attempting to get over Y in some way over the 4 years they were apart - albeit clinging onto hope that one day - somehow - they would reconnect. And during that period, I can imagine him experimenting with another person to "get over" Y (as if) or just to explore his own sexuality in a healthy way - especially as he matured and formed his own identity separate from Y. Maybe it started as sex, and they became friends? I still don't know though, because he is so terrified of being a rapist like his dad with Y, so it's also hard to imagine him - pardon my language - dominating a woman like that. Especially if what happened with Aoi still lingers in his mind. Even though Y tried to comfort him I'm sure he still feels the guilt. Saving Niki may have helped his guilt though - finally being able to successfully protect someone he cares for. ALSO, D denies having a woman when asked by Tsukanawa several times, but when Y assumes he has a woman during their encounter in Ch. 46 he confirms that he does. which is it Doumeki? Sounds suspicious to me. And it's not as if he is too shy to tell his boss that he has a woman, I mean he told Tsukanawa about his jerking off habits soooo.... I think he said this to make Y jealous - he was even looking away from Y with his head hung down as he answered the question...
Plot Driver Assuming my first theory to be true: Maybe something happens with the yakuza plot to where D is in a really bad situation (about the money he stole, Misumi, involvement with Y, disobeying Tsukanawa, current group drama, etc) and Izumi is the one to offer up crucial information about his past that ends up helping him?
A query... In Ch. 46 Izumi asks Kamiya not to spread around rumors of her and D's assumed relationship status because it might cause trouble. My question is why? What kind of trouble? Why would them dating be an issue? Thoughts?
Please share your thoughts also! And be well people <3
Disclaimer: These are purely my own ideas/theories/opinions, and they are all most likely incorrect lol. I'm just having fun speculating about what's to come :D
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dinsdjrn · 9 months
gone from austin | j. miller | part three
brothers best friend!pre-outbreak!joel x f!reader
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summary: Joel Miller: the one that got away; right person, wrong time. Now you’re back in Austin and it hurts just as bad, as if you’d never left five years ago
warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, no use of y/n, alcohol consumption, light angst.
a/n: well i've only tried to write this three times, not loving it but anyways posting it to get it out there.
prev part | next part || series masterlist | main masterlist
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Part Three | June 2002
I took my love, I took it down. 
It felt weird to be in your scrubs again, weird but good. You hadn’t accepted any full time work, just a locum position at the children’s hospital in South Austin. They had brought up full time hours and you had politely declined. You wish you could have claimed leave indefinitely, but E.I. doesn’t take ‘ accidentally ruined my personal life’ as a claim sadly. 
Casual work was good though, it meant you could buy your own groceries and help Jake and Kels here and there. It also distracted you from your grief; grief of the lives you could have had that slipped away from you. It had occurred to you that you were most likely at fault for your own misfortune, it's happened twice now that your life has blown up just fantastically. You faced the music and accepted that the common denominator both times was you, and in time you would continue to do what you did best, run. 
You didn’t focus on your own personal anguish for long, there were treatments to be ordered and patients to be seen. It felt good to work your twelve and then go home, satisfied with your work. You had even begun to make friends with some of the other doctors and nurses in the emergency department. They knew you weren’t a permanent fixture, but it still felt good to meet new people and have more of a circle that exceeded your brother and his buddies in Austin.
Toward the end of your shift you were desperately looking forward to a nap. You were used to a bit more of a schedule in day surgery, consulting in emergency was pure and utter chaos. The shifts went by fast and left you feeling the good kind of tired at the end of the day. 
You were just finishing up your shift, typing out the last few notes for your patient's medical records when your cell started buzzing on the desk.
��Hello?” you answered. 
“Hey!” Kelseys voice sounded on the other end of line. 
“Hey, is everything alright? I’m just finishing up at work. I’ll be home in an hour or so, just depends on the bus.” 
“Uh, yeah! I just wanted to see if you had any plans after work.” 
“Uh-“ you thought about a small white lie. Knowing Kels was about to convince you to do something. 
“No, I was just going to go to bed.” You admitted. 
“Okay,  well I’m going to pick you up from work and we are going out tonight,” She said excitedly.
“Kels…” You warned. 
“C’mon! It will be just like old times, I promised Tommy I’d convince you to go. Sarah’s gone to her friend's house for the night and Jake and Tommy wanted to get everyone to Gus’ Pub. Just like old times,” 
You sighed, Gus’ was your favourite back in the ‘90s they always had the best atmosphere. You had made yourselves somewhat regulars in college. 
“Ugh, I was really looking forward to going to bed.” You grumbled.
“That’s not no, so I’ll pick you up in thirty!” She said excitedly, hanging up before you could protest. 
You leaned back in your chair letting your head fall backward as you sighed, groaning toward the end. You loved Jake and Kelsey, you appreciate everything they’ve done for you, but you had a sneaking suspicion Kelsey was doing everything in her power to keep you here. To remind you of the love that you once felt for the city and the people in it.
You stood from the desk in the doctors lounge and made your way to your cubby. You had come to work in jeans and a T-shirt that would be more than fine for Gus’. You changed out of the soiled scrubs throwing them in the laundry bag and tried to fix your post-dayshift hair. 
You placed your beeper in the storage bin and made your way out of the building waiting for Kels to arrive. You liked that you could finish a twelve hour shift and still have daylight pushing the horizon at nearly nine at night. 
By the time you had arrived at the bar Jake and Tommy had clearly started the party without you. Joel was laughing at their shenanigans from the bar stool you’re sure he claimed as soon as they’d arrived. 
“God damn it, Tommy. Don’t you have anything better to do than be a complete jackass,” You heard Joel scold his brother. 
Tommy and Jake laughed at the outburst, Tommy smiling and tipping his beer in Joel’s direction.
“Where’s your sense of humor, old man,” Tommy teased. 
“Well shit, look who showed up!” Tommy drawled as you and Kels approached them. 
“Alright, soldier boy, I told you not to start without us,” Kelsey rolled her eyes at the younger Miller brother. 
You smiled at the four of them, they fell so easily into a dynamic. As much as you tried not to feel like an outsider, you were, you chose to make yourself one. So you would watch Jake hug Kels from behind as he, Joel and Tommy shot the shit. You nursed a beer in the stool next to Joel, keeping to yourself. It stung to feel like an outsider where you were once welcome, but you smiled politely and tried to look engaged. 
As the night continued you watched Kelsey pull Jake to the dance floor and Tommy flirt with a bachelorette party that had waltzed in shortly after eleven. You and Joel sat in a bit of an awkward silence unsure what to say to one another. 
Your last conversation had left a sour taste in your mouth, but it wasn’t cause to be blatantly rude to him. 
“So,” he stared awkwardly. 
“So,” you responded without much more enthusiasm. 
“Jake said you were back workin’ again.” 
“Uh, yeah, just casually while I get my shit together.” 
“Saint David’s?” He asked.
“No, No. I’m at the Dell Children’s now,” You smiled. 
He looked at you confused. You had once gone on a rant wishing Dell had a surgical ward that expanded beyond emergency medicine so you could work at your alma mater. You’re surprised he remembered such a small detail, at least you think that was the source of his confusion. 
“I’m in the emergency department, surgical consulting,” you clarified. 
“Ah,” he said, clearly nodding along without fully understanding.
“How’s the contracting business going?” You asked. 
“Other than Tommy being a pain in my ass, it’s been a’right. Work puts food on the table, can’t complain.” 
Another awkward silence fell between you. 
“So, when are you heading back to Toronto? Once you get your shit together?” 
“Never, if I get it together correctly.” 
“Oh damn, sorry, Jake told me some shit happened. I was jus-” he said looking at you apologetically. 
“It’s okay, Joel. You can always buy me another drink as an apology,” you teased. 
Joel waved the bartender over and out two more beers on his tab. 
You laughed telling him he didn’t actually have to do it, but he insisted. 
You began to fall into a comfortable conversation, talking about surface level topics, but it wasn’t awkward by any means. One of you just had to bring something up by accident to break the tension. The drinks helped lighten the mood as well. 
You weren’t sure how long you and Joel were in your own little world for before Kelsey came and pulled you onto the dance floor. 
It was so nice though to have a normal conversation with Joel, to feel less like you were at odds and more just trying to figure each other out again. So much has changed in five years and neither of you were sure where to start. Now that you started again, maybe you could relearn what it meant to be friends. 
It was nearing midnight and you were tired from dancing with Kelsey and Tommy. Joel and Jake had been hanging out at the bar when the new Dixie Chicks cover of Landslide came over the speakers. You can see Joel’s eye roll from where you’re standing, you walked toward the two men. Kelsey pulled Jake onto the floor for a dance. 
You didn’t want to make things awkward for Joel so you started singing along poorly, you grabbed his hand and spun yourself around. He chuckled at the gesture. You both looked down the bar to see Tommy sweet talking to one of the bridesmaids from earlier. 
“It is just us Miller, may as well enjoy the song!” You laughed. He shook his head at you.  
“ Time makes you bolder, even children get older, ” You continued to sing along poorly, Joel took another swig of beer and crossed his arms laughing at you. 
“C’mon old man, it’s a classic!” You laughed, grabbing his hand trying to pull him off the bar stool. 
“No, the classic involves Fleetwood Mac, this is a rip off, darlin’,” You rolled your eyes at him. 
“Ever the critic, Joel Miller.”
It was nice to be able to dance and laugh like this again. It had been months since you felt any semblance of normalcy. Yet here you were shooting the shit with Joel, enjoying yourself, and for once it felt like everything was going to turn out alright.
Joel did stand and smile at you for the last course as he swayed along with you. As the song came to an end Jake and Kelsey made their way back to you. 
“Alright, I’ll be back in a sec,” Joel said, placing his empty on the counter and making his way to the bathroom. 
“I’m going to go find Tommy,” Kelsey said, letting you and Jake have a moment together. 
He put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into a brief hug kissing your head.
“I’m glad you came out tonight,” Jake smiled at you, taking a seat on Joel’s stool. 
“Me too, but I won’t lie I’m pretty tired,” you chuckled.
“Yeah, I can imagine.”
“So,” Jake's tone shifted more seriously, “You and Joel were getting cozy tonight.” 
“Well yeah, everyone else was a little busy. No sense denying there’s a history there, Jake, it doesn’t mean I can’t be friendly.” 
“I don’t know. I just don’t want to see either of you get hurt again,” He sighed. 
“We have boundaries, Jake. He’s a good man.” You grew frustrated. 
“He is a good man,” He pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“He’s just not good for you,” he placed his hand on your shoulder in reassurance. 
You went to protest against your brother's statement but were cut off. 
“It’s hard to watch you hurting. Austin causes you to hurt, Joel causes you to hurt. If I could convince you to stay I would, but I know you, and I know your heart isn’t here.” 
You sighed in defeat, he was right. Jake usually was, and his own wish for you to stay was proof of that. He knew you weren’t capable of being just friends with Joel, and he knew that if you stayed you would just get hurt over and over. If you stayed here tonight, if you stayed here in Austin, if you stayed in Joel’s life. For now, the only resolution you were capable of was turning in for the night with Kelsey. 
“I want to go home now,” You said to him, waving Kelsey down. 
“Want me to come with you?” Jake asked in earnest. 
“No, you have fun with the boys! I know Kelsey, she's probably pretty close to done anyway.” 
You told Kelsey you were ready to go just as both Miller brothers had made their way back to you. She nodded in understanding, flashing a look at Jake and Joel. The taxi ride home was quiet and spent it with your head resting against the window. 
The day finally catching up to you and fuelling your exhaustion you couldn’t wait to curl up in your bed and sleep this feeling of uncertainty off. 
It didn’t take you long to get comfortable and fall asleep once you were home. You placed your cell on the nightstand next to you just in case Jake called needing you or Kelsey. The boys were notorious for getting themselves into trouble and you had made a habit of having a phone nearby. 
You had fallen asleep easily, but it didn’t last long as the cellphone rang next to you, pulling you from your sleep. 
“Hello?” You answered your phone through a sleep ridden fog. 
“Uh, hey darlin’, I didn’t mean t’ wake you,” a familiar voice came through the receiver of your cell. 
“Yeah,” he confirmed. 
“How’d you get my number?” You questioned, still confused, your voice laced with sleep. 
You looked over at your alarm clock, 1:54am. 
“And why are you calling me at two in the morning?” You continued. 
“I, uh, I asked Sarah for it after your gals night. Y’know? Just in case she uh- wanted to chat with you.” He only answered the first part. 
“Figures.” You laughed. 
“Is she there waiting to talk to me now? At two in the morning?” You questioned, still foggy from your early awakening. 
“No, no, uh shit.” He whispered, “This was all me.”
You hummed lightly. 
“You ran outta there tonight without even sayin’ goodbye. I was worried something happened to you,” He admitted. 
“Oh,” You said. Your heart rate grew quicker, not wanting to tell him the real reason you had left so abruptly. 
“Uh- no. It just wasn’t really my scene. Kelsey asked if I wanted to go home and I agreed.” 
“Well, I was sad to see you leave so soon. I definitely thought I would be getting another dance outta you, you know to real music,” 
You faked a gasp. 
“I’ll have you know, Mr. Miller, The Dixie Chicks are very much real music and you didn’t seem to mind it,” you laughed. 
“I was just putting on a show for you darlin’,” He mused. 
“Well Joel, if it means I can get going back to bed, I’ll own you a dance to real music next time,” you mocked.
You heard a soft sharp inhale through the phone. 
“I’ll hold you to it,” He said softly, the tone of the conversation felt like it had vastly changed. 
You couldn’t see Joel but you knew when intensity laced his tone, making the tension palpable in the air, this was one of those times. 
“Well, I ain’t gonna keep you. I just wanted to make sure you were alright,” 
“Thank you. I’m good, Joel. I, uh-“ you paused, “I had a lot of fun tonight. It was really nice to hang out.” You admitted. 
“Yeah uh- yeah. It was just like ol’ times,” There was a pause between you both for a moment. 
“Goodnight, old man,” 
“Alright, that wasn’t very nice of you darlin’,” Joel said, chuckling.
You laughed quietly along with him. 
“Night , Joel,” you said, yawning through the phone. 
“G’night beautiful. Don’t be a stranger, okay?” 
You hummed in response, ending the call and placing your cell phone back on the nightstand. 
It was nice to connect with Joel, but your brother's voice echoed in your head. 
I know your heart isn’t here. 
You tossed and turned, the moral dilemma causing your stomach to turn. You wanted to let Joel in, it felt so good to dance with him, watch him laugh. It was your own personal drug, you were addicted to the feeling of being close to him. Yet you knew you couldn’t betray him again. Jake was right, you were only capable of hurting one another. 
The part of you that wished Austin could be home forever was the part that pushed you away the first time. You were determined to leave in one piece this time. 
Can I handle the seasons of my life? Cause I’ve been afraid of changing.
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tags: @thetriumphantpanda @fruit-frogs @harriedandharassed @skysmiller @beskarandblasters @wand-erer5 @missgurrl @casa-boiardi @undrthelights @wishyoudaskme @reader-without-a-story @morning-star-joy @cupofjoel @sinsofsummers @cavillscurls @tightjeansjavi @whichwitchwanda @dugiioh @readingfan @patti7dc @spidermanfrog
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mwebber · 9 months
normal ask i hope! ur fave underrated martian moment ?!
omg hi i have. so many underrated martian moments. maybe they're less "underrated" and more like martian just has soo much history to it that we physically cannot remember everything but i shall endeavour to include as much as i can <3
#1. "if i'd got no competition about me, no real fire or desire, then i'd get on with seb like a house on fire"
#2. TEAM FILMING DAY 2012 i think they were very buddy buddy and cute here, they shared a segway and looked like they were having fun :)
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#3. JEREZ 2005 aka seb's first test in a car! seb saying in his abu dhabi 2022 interview:
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"what people don't know is i did my very very first test in 2005, and mark was there as well! we shared the car, i mean i had the deal with bmw that i was allowed to do a couple of laps. and i remember the test very well because i was a bit scared, you know, after?"
+ this in aussie grit:
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"my eyes were [huge], i was full of adrenaline, and after the couple laps i had, i wasn't able to hold onto my neck. and, you know, mark was so kind and gave us a lift to the airport! so that's really when it started.... we always had a straightforward relationship, there were some moments where we disagreed, let's say? but i think we always had respect for each other, and that respect helped us--and helps us--to get along the way we do!"
#4. BMW CHRISTMAS PARTY 2005 bom did a whole thing on this but to summarize, bmw hosted a winter party and mark and seb were in attendance and they sat across from each other in a carriage and it's possibly the most winter fairytale thing they could have possibly done together <3
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#5. "I always thought that if you look at other team pairings, there are far worse ‘couples’ than we’ve been in terms of mutual respect."
#6. SEB WENT TO MARK'S FAREWELL DINNER. i have no official source for this it's been on my to-do list to find forever but the posts are there
#7. "IT'S FOR BOTH OF US." cota 2013 when mark was given a model car and seb looked at it and mark was like it's for both of us! martianblr at the time thought mark said "we can share it" after but i've listened to the clip and im hearing "we can sign it." who knows! i think it's rlly cute that a decade ago this place was losing its shit over the same things though
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#8. MATCHING CAMPBELL SOUP SHIRTS and in their opposite matching porsche colours..
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edit 6 hours after starting this answer i forgot my train of thought bc i ended up going outside for half the day lol but um. yeah! them <3 if i remember more and have time tmrw i'll reblog with a few additions because i'm sure im missing things!
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Heyy, do you write for cassie Lang? If yes, can I get a Cassie×male reader that is basically like your Abby littman story "the talk" but with Scott finding you making out in her bed
A/N: Combining with another request I got: Can I request a cassie lang×male reader where Scott caught them?
Cassie Lang x Male!reader
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You're on top of Cassie as she's slowly unbuttoning your shirt while you're making out in her bed, you had the Lang house to yourselves and were taking full advantage of it.
She runs her hands down your now exposed chest and moans when your thigh presses up into her center giving her something to grind against for some much needed friction.
"Cass I'm home early- oh my god!" Scott says immediately covering his eyes when he walks into Cassie's room catching you and his daughter in this… intimate position.
"Dad!" Cassie shouts, shoving you away from her and you fall off the bed hitting the floor with a loud thud.
"Um hi mister Lang," you say awkwardly, peaking your head over the edge of the bed to gauge how much trouble you were in but he didn't seem mad or upset, just confused.
"Hey Y/N… so are you two like… boyfriend and girlfriend?" Scott asks, nervously removing his hand from his eyes to find you on your feet again and buttoning your shirt back up while Cassie is sitting up and hugging a pillow to her chest out of embarrassment.
"You didn't know? We've been dating for months," Cassie says raising an eyebrow, "why do you think we've been spending so much time together?"
"I don't know! I just thought you guys were really good buddies!" Scott replies.
"Seriously? He comes over for dinner at least twice a week," Cassie states, "and Hank literally made a joke a few days ago about Y/N being your future son in law."
"I'm sorry! I still forget you're grown up now and that means boys and sex and-"
"Oh god please don't say that word," Cassie begs.
"Sex? Sex is normal Cassie I mean your mom and I had to have sex to have you," Scott rambles.
"Gross! Stop talking!" Cassie shouts.
"Sir Cassie and I aren't- we haven't-" you say trying to fix the situation but Scott cuts you off.
"Y/N I like you and I think you are good for Cassie, I can accept that my little girl isn't so little anymore all I ask is that you use protection… you know when you do have sex."
Cassie groans and lays back, putting the pillow over her face, very okay with suffocating to death in that moment if it meant getting out of this conversation.
"Yes sir," you nod.
"Don't call me sir, it's Scott… or should I make you call me sir? Is that what dads are supposed to do with their daughters boyfriends? Does calling me sir make me seem more intimidating?" He keeps rambling.
"Dad please leave," Cassie pleas.
"Alright I'll go… but I'm leaving the door open," he says looking between you two like he's trying to make a point, "but Cassie if you ever want to talk about… things… we can do that."
"Okay bye," she says removing the pillow from her face as Scott finally leaves the room.
"So I think that went well," you say trying to lighten the mood but she just glares at you.
"I'm never leaving this bed," Cassie huffs.
"I'm okay with that," you chuckle, climbing on top of her to try to kiss her again.
"Not funny Y/N!" She says with a slight smile when she deflects so you kiss her cheek instead, "my dad just caught us making out."
"Oh come on Cassie your dad is cool, didn't you hear? He and your mom had sex to make you," you tease.
"If you mention my parents having sex one more time we are never having sex like ever," she warns.
"Duly noted," you say rolling over onto your side and putting your arm around her waist, "can we at least cuddle?"
"No way, what if he comes back up here?" She laughs.
"So now we can't even cuddle?" You pout.
"Not while he's home," she says, taking your arm and moving it off of her, "so keep your hands to yourself."
"But how am I supposed to do that when my girlfriend is so hot," you laugh, taking hold of her hips and pulling her in close to you and kissing her.
"Dad entering, is everyone's clothes still on?" Scott says to announce his presence making Cassie move away from you once more, "who wants Chinese take out for dinner?"
"This is the worst day ever," Cassie groans.
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iovetecchou · 1 year
Happy Birthday!
pairings… Nikolai Gogol x Reader and Sigma x Reader
contains… fluff!
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You sighed as you stepped through your front door. It was your birthday, but everyone seemed to have forgotten except for you. It was truly devastating, even when you hinted to the closest people in your life about “Today being a special day!” They just sort of shrugged it off. As you flipped the light switch on you were met with a loud chorus of shrieks.
“Happy Birthday!”
Your eyes went wide at the sight in front of you. It was Sigma and Nikolai. They were standing in front of you now, they must have been hiding behind your couch because just a moment ago you had no idea they were in your house. Even if it was dark a minute prior, you definitely would have seen them.
“Uh… guys? What are you doing here?”
Nikolai approached you quickly, grasping both of your hands between his own as he looked into your eyes. “We’re here for the surprise party of course! Your buddy Sigma and I put the whole thing together! I know~ amazing, isn’t it?” He giggled out, spinning you around a few times as he walked you further into your home. Your belongings fell to the floor at his actions.
“A surprise? You mean, you guys didn’t forget my birthday?” You asked out, trying to regain your footing. All that twirling made you really dizzy. “Oh, we wouldn’t forget such a special day, darling.” Sigma spoke quietly, he came to stand next to you and Nikolai. His hands were clutched tightly behind his back, spiking curiosity within you.
“Sigma… what do you have in your hands?” He flushed at your words. Ah, so you noticed he was hiding something? He slowly moved his hands to the front of his frame, revealing his surprise to you. “I made you cookies, they’re my favorite. I hope you like them too.” He spoke softly, offering you a coy smile as he averted his gaze. His cheeks were still dusted a pretty pink.
“Oh and my gift for you, you might be asking cupcake? Well, it’s me of course~!” Nikolai shouted out, doing a little dance to himself now. You couldn’t help but smile at both of the men in front of you. You felt so lucky to have them both by your side like this. You pulled them in for a group hug, encircling your hands around both of their waists as you buried your face in between their bodies.
“Ah, you guys! Thank you so much… this is the best birthday ever.” They both smiled, looking over at each other quickly before bringing their gaze down to you. Almost in unison, they returned the embrace, hugging you tightly for a few moments longer.
“Happy birthday, darling.”
“Ehe… hey babycakes, wanna unwrap your present now~?”
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happy birthday ren! i hope you have an amazing day <3 (:
; @just-an-outcast
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gennyanydots · 1 year
Under Two Minutes
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x wife reader Spitfire Universe
Spitfire universe masterlist
AN: Based off the TikTok @cybersry sent me the other day of a clip from Yellowstone
It was Jake’s mother’s turn to hold the Seresin thanksgiving, so off to Texas you all went. You made sure to get there the night before thanksgiving to help if his mom needed anything. After a few hours of decompressing from a flight to Texas with a one year old, Jake happened to mention to his father that his buddy Joey had invited you and Jake out with his wife and him. Immediately his father was trying to rush you both out the door.
“Y’all need to go! Get out! Go hang out with people your own age! Eli needs Pop Pop time,” his father explained.
Jake looked at him confused, “No we couldn’t ask you to do that. Mom is trying to get everything ready for tomorrow. We don’t want you to have to do everything.”
Jake’s dad looked at Jake unimpressed, “Son. You’re an involved father, right?”
Jake nods, “Yeah.”
“Where do you think you got that from?” His father asked.
“Yeah but that was a long time ago!” Jake said.
“I haven’t forgotten how to change a diaper. I know how to take care of a baby. I want to spend time with my grandbaby. Please leave,” his dad said holding his hands out for Jake to hand him Eli.
Jake sighed and handed Eli off to his father, “Guess we better get ready, darlin.”
You squeal and run upstairs to go get ready making sure to put on the boots you keep here at the ranch. Jake followed you and changed from his traveling outfit into something he can wear out.
Soon enough you had left the house, leaving Eli with his grandparents who were happy to have you guys leave and have snuggle time with their favorite baby. Even his mom had taken some time from getting things ready to snuggle your baby. Jake’s dad even threw Jake his truck keys to get you guys out of the house faster. Clearly Pop Pop and Nana have been missing their baby.
You met up with Jake’s friend Joey and his wife Amanda at a local bar. You were excited because Jake had said there was line dancing at that particular bar. Jake said he might dance with you but he needed to get some drinks in him first.
When you got there and met Joey and his wife you didn’t even care if Jake was going to dance with you. Amanda was happy to teach you all the dances. You both took a couple shots before she was grabbing your hand and leading you onto the dance floor to teach you.
Jake hung back at the bar with Joey and each got a beer. He leaned over and asked Joey, “Hey, can you help me keep an eye on my wife?”
Joey gave him a funny look, “Yeah man, I guess. Why do I need to watch her?”
“Well….see…..sometimes she can be a little feisty,” Jake says.
Joey laughs, “Good to know.”
Joey sees a friend and waves then turns to Jake, “Hey, I’m gonna go say hi to a coworker and I’ll be right back. You good, man?”
Jake nodded and takes a drink of his beer, “I’m good.” He leans against the bar watching you and Amanda having fun. He grins watching, happy that you both were able to go out and have fun.
He felt a presence next to him and glances beside himself seeing a woman.
“Well hello, cowboy,” the woman says.
Jake nods to her, “Hello.”
“What’s a guy like you doing all alone tonight? You’re really cute,” She says putting a hand on his shoulder and leaning her body against his. “I sure would love to spend my time with you.”
“I’m not alone. My wife is right there watching you,” he says pointing to you and grinning. You’re dancing still next to Amanda but your eyes are on Jake and the woman.
“My husband is out of town,” she says with a wink at Jake. “I’ll take care of your wife then how’s about you and I have some fun?”
“I would rather you not. Please don’t do that,” Jake says groaning taking a step towards her but she kept walking towards you and he’s shaking his head watching and groaning. You’ve been so good! Haven’t gotten in a fight in so long. Not since way before Eli.
“Joey!” Jake yells and nods his head towards you and Amanda. “Hey Joey!”
“Fuck!” Joey says groaning and stands up.
You’re grinning as you watch the woman come walking up to you. Clearly this woman wanted to play and golly it’s been a minute since you got to.
“Your pretty boy over there told me you’re standing in the way of me and him getting together,” the woman says as she stands in front of you.
“Oh yeah? That what he said?” You ask raising an eyebrow.
“Yep. If I get rid of you I get to have him all to myself,” she says smirking.
“Ya know I’ve been kicked out of a lot of bars. Never been kicked out of one in Texas before,” you said with a chuckle.
“We do things a little different round here,” the woman says crossing her arms over her chest.
“Naw pretty sure I can get kicked out of this one. In less than two minutes. Want to time me?” You ask grinning, practically giddy.
“Sure I guess,” she goes to pull out her phone to start a timer and you take that opportunity to smash the bottle you were drinking over her head. She gasps and your hand is in her hair immediately yanking her head back and pull her against you facing towards Jake.
“That is my man. Do not touch him, bitch,” you whisper to her and she whimpers out a response that you really don’t care about as you kick her feet out from under her then quickly get in front of her to punch her before you’re being pulled away from her as the bar descends into chaos.
You end up being shoved outside of the bar. When you realize you start laughing. Very soon after Jake is coming outside to meet you with a stern look on his face.
“She thought I couldn’t get kicked out of the bar in less than two minutes. What was I supposed to do? Not get kicked out?” You say laughing.
Jake chuckles and shakes his head, “I can’t take you anywhere, darlin’.”
You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck, “At least I’m pretty?”
“Oh you’re the prettiest. We gotta get goin though. Don’t want no trouble with the cops,” Jake says and wraps his arms around you quickly and gives you a kiss then starts towards the truck which you both quickly get in before Jake starts the ride back to his parent’s house.
“We can’t just go to a bar can we?” Jake asks you chuckling.
“Nope. Sorry. Plus you knew this before we got married so you’re stuck with me,” you say smiling at him.
He shakes his head, “There’s nobody I would rather be stuck with.”
Jake is just opening the front door when he hears his phone ding. He takes it out and sees a text from Joey that says “That’s what you call feisty?!?!” Jake laughs and sends back “At least I didn’t have to fight anyone this time.”
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equallyshaw · 11 months
It’s your day, my love. feat. nico hischier
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✿ Warnings: none
✿ Word count: 1.08k.
just a cute blurb!
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Two nights ago, Nico and his team lost to the Carolina Hurricanes. Surprisingly he was not in as bad a mood as I had previously thought. The very night, he came home and instantly went to go check on our little girl, Mila. It was 2 am by the time he got into our room and instantly plopped onto the bed as he saw that I was awake. I scooted closer to him and started to rub his neck, massaging the ends of his hair. He flipped over and I saw exhaustion plaguing his eyes, and I also noticed his very cleaned up ‘playoff beard’. “Get some sleep.” I whispered, helping him get his blazer off and he was out like a light. It was now Sunday the 14th, it was the U.S Mother’s Day, and I woke up to my body’s alarm clock around 8 am and found an empty bed. I frowned, pulled on my silk oversized robe and slippers, and headed to the washroom to do my skincare and brush my teeth and hair. I heard a ruckus downstairs and panicked for a brief second hoping Nico had it all under control. And then I heard loud cries and I sighed briefly, before checking in the mirror that I looked presentable and then I was down the stairs. I heard Nico speaking softly in German, and our girl quieted down. I peeked around the corner, seeing the two in the kitchen. I saw the backside of them, as they stood over the sink, looking out in our backyard. One thing I knew I wanted when I moved here full time after becoming pregnant, was that we rent a house with a backyard. Even if it meant, we would not live in New York. Nico being the man that he is, went above and beyond. I smiled at the two, taking a mental screenshot since my phone was on the other side of the kitchen. Our 3-year-old Daschund “Babette”, greeted me with a bark, alerting the two besties. They turned around, and I smiled widely as I mirrored Nico’s smile. I turned towards Mila and she made grabby hands to me, and I quickly grabbed her. “Hi, my sweet love.” I cooed, giving her kisses. She giggled loudly, as I tickled her for a few seconds. “Mama stoooopppp!” She playfully cried and I playfully huffed as she did so. “Don’t huff at me Mutter.” She said sassily, switching to German. I gawked at her, as Nico giggled like a fool plating some food. I smiled, as I put Mila in her high-top chair that we used for our designated breakfast counter. “Meine Güte” (Oh my goodness) I smiled, “Did you help Papa do all of this?” I asked, and Mila nodded wildly. “Helped me with the pancakes and bacon.” He responded, giving my cheek a peck, as he set my ice americano in front of me. “danke meine liebe.” (Thankyou, my love.) I grinned, sipping it. He sat on the other side of Mila, and we all dug in.
It was later in the afternoon now, and Mila was put down for a nap. I was sitting in the sunroom, reading a magazine with Babette at my feet, and the rest of my iced americano next to me. Nico plopped down next to me, pulling out my phone. I turned to look at him for a brief second, before turning back to my French magazine. I felt Nico’s gaze a few minutes later, and when I turned to meet his gaze, he quickly turned away. “Ok buddy, whatcha want?” I questioned, setting down a magazine on the coffee table. He grinned, looking away from his phone. “I was looking at flight’s…” he trailed off, and I quirked an eyebrow. “When do you want to go home?” I questioned, and he shrugged. “I was thinking we could go to Chantilly..” he grinned, making me excited. “Can we??” I said, moving closer and playfully shaking him. He pulled me into his chest and smiled. “Of course! I know how much you miss your family.” He said softly, and I stared at him for a few seconds before leaning in to kiss him. I pulled back, “Have I told you how much I love you Nico Hischier?” I toyed and he did a fake thinking face. “Hmm. I think once or twice.” He said making me laugh. He pulled me back into a kiss before we spent the next hour wasting time.
It was around nine o’clock when I found Nico in our room, on facetime with somebody. I made my way to the bathroom to get ready for bed, and I heard the shrieking and annoying voice of the one and only, Jack Hughes. I loudly and playfully groaned and then stopped waiting for a response. “Engel?” (Angel) He questioned, and I grinned. I walked out into our room, “If it isn’t the implorable Jack Hughes. What do we owe the pleasure, little one?” I joked, and I saw Jack’s shocked face. “How dare you? On my birthday?” Jack joked. “How old is the little baby turning today?” I asked as Nico turned his phone towards me. “Twenty two, so im not a little baby.” He defended himself, and I laughed. “A bitty baby.” I teased, showing my fingers close together, mimicking a ‘small’ amount, and he scoffed. “Nico! Come get your lady.” He said causing us two to laugh. “Happy birthday buddy, I hoped you had a great one. Oh and tell your mom I said happy Mothers Day, how dare you share HER day.” I smiled, leaning into Nico who put his arm around me. Jack smiled then pretended to look disgusted, “Ew gross, save it for the bedroom.” He said and we laughed. “We’re in OUR bedroom.” Nico laughed causing Jack to roll his eyes. “We will talk tomorrow when we see ya, byeeeeee Jack.” I said and Nico said bye as well. “Bye guys, Happy Mother’s Day Camille!” I put Nico’s phone on my bedside table and reconnected with Nico. “Today was a lovely day, thankyou Nico.” I said thankfully, and looked up at Nico who was looking down at me. “Of course my love, it’s your day. Well- every day is your day.” He hummed, kissing me. I smiled as I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him in closer. We pulled apart after 15 seconds and just looked at one another. “Love your forever, Miss Camille.” He smiled before reconnecting our lips.
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@camilledubois: papa & franc ‘my boys’ got me flowers for mamas day !
Tag: francthewiener and nicohischier
435 likes, 24 comments.
@nicohischier: only the best love
@jackhughes: I thought I was one of your boys 😔
↳ @camillesubois: I always have room for you my child!
@lhughes_6: franccccc
@lhughes_6: also Mia won’t be happy she didn’t grace your feed 😒
↳ @camilledubois: our sassy girl will manage
↳ @nicohischier: your * sassy girl will manage
↳ @jackhughes: babe— you are the sassy hischier
↳ @camillesubois: hahaha
@tmeier96: franc the dude, happy Mother’s Day!
↳ @camilledubois: Thankyou mo 🫶🏻
@pally_18: hope you enjoyed your day!
↳ @camilledubois: I did Thankyou!
Hope you all enjoyed!
random tags:
@toothlessdudebros @hockeylvr59 @jayda12 @makarhughes @nicohischierz @hockeyboysarehot @nolanmoylee @slafgoalskybaby @starshine-hockey-girl @bitchinbarzal @rosesvioletshardy @huggybug
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porcelana-r0ta · 11 months
The Curse of Sight, Part 4
[Part 1] [Part 3]
[Ao3 Link] (Available only to Ao3 users)
Summary: When Wes Weston meets Tim Drake-Wayne, the dots start connecting. And those dots form a Bat.
Ever since Wayne Enterprises’s TikTik went live, Wes has been upgraded from go-fer to Rebecca’s unofficial assistant. He mostly helps pin microphones or scribes for her as she dictates scripts. Sometimes he’s a runner to other departments when she’s too impatient to wait for emailed replies. She also gives him “homework” in the form of scrolling through his TikTok FYP and reporting to her on popular trends and audios so she can keep an eye on teenagers’ interests.
The only real thing he’s still doing with his original internship is his morning coffee runs, which Tim Drake will only occasionally join him on. Not always—he is the co-CEO of WE—but enough that Wes starts to relax on his “Red Robin and Batman are going to rip out my spinal cord” anxieties. His two main concerns are now just “What if Jade tries to make me go back to being a go-fer” and “What if Rebecca wants me to be in another TikTok?”
He’s still running interference with the other teenagers from Amity Park over that one. Especially with Tucker, who had only become more insufferable when he got the letter containing Tim’s signature.
“Wes,” he said into the phone when Wes had finally answered the call instead of pressing decline like he’d done six consecutive times beforehand. “Wes, buddy. I—I need to meet with Tim Drake-Wayne. This is a matter of life and death. WayneTech is only releasing one more PDA and then they’re shutting the PDA line down completely in favor of regular tablets. I can’t let that happen. Wes, please!”
“I think it’s too late for that,” Wes had replied. “Like, this is already in motion. Also, Mr. Drake-Wayne and I aren’t really friends.” He conveniently left out the part where they had known each other long enough to probably be considered friends, at least by normal civilian standards. Wes certainly considers Tim one, at least, but he’s not sure how mutual it is. “I’m just an intern who ran into him on a coffee run, and I got his signature. There’s not much more I can do for you.”
Tucker made the sound of a dying lamb, “Wes, please. I’ll do anything.”
Wes paused, tempted to say, Then admit what Danny is.
He bit his tongue and cleared his throat, “Anything?”
“Anything, man. Please!”
“Then perish.” Wes ended the call and ignored Tucker’s resulting onslaught of texts.
But that was a few days ago, and now Tucker only intermittently asks for Wes to convince Tim to save his beloved line of WayneTech PDAs. Wes wants to send a mean text about outdated technology, but he manages to hold back and continue to leave the other on unread.
Maybe it’s still mean to ghost (ha) him like that, but it’s also mean to harass Wes about the PDAs when he’s just a lowly intern. He just gets the fucking coffee.
(Nevermind the whole, you know, the friendship is real thing.)
Soon, getting coffee for the 73rd floor with Tim turns into hanging out with Tim for a few hours after their shifts. It starts slowly, with Wes mentioning off-hand that he’s going to the library, and Tim mentioning that he hasn’t been to the library in a while, so Wes invites him out. And they go to the library, check out some books, and then realize, Oh, hey, it’s a little late. Wanna head to Batburger for some food? And then they go out to eat and take turns reading the first chapter of the books they’ve chosen to each other.
And then Wes is inviting him over to his house, or Tim is inviting him out to eat, or to the movies, or whatever. No invitation to Wayne Manor, not that Wes expects one or even really wants one—a house full of Bats? No, thanks.
And Wes wasn’t kidding about the kidnapping/hostage bait, either: just last week, Dick Grayson had been held hostage in Bludhaven, not as a police officer, but as Brucie Wayne’s beloved first child. Interestingly enough, it wasn’t even Bludhaven’s own hero Nightwing who saved the day, but rather Gotham City’s Batman and Robin.
So, yeah. Not being spotted at the Manor? Tim wearing sunglasses and hoodies whenever they hang out in public? Totally fine by Wes, thank you very much.
Plus, it keeps Tucker from really blowing his phone up.  
“Hey,” starts Tim one day after being invited over to Wes’s house after work. “Do you think you and Rebecca would be willing to work at a Wayne Gala?”
They’re lazing about on the couch in the living room with Criminal Minds playing on the TV before them. They’re both under separate fuzzy throw blankets with a bowl of popcorn taking up residence on the middle cushion between them.
Wes tilts his head, considering, “What gala? And when?” And more importantly, “Will we be getting overtime for it?”
Tim snorts and shoves a fist full of popcorn into his mouth, chews, swallows, then says, “The Pride Gala toward the end of the month. The 26th. And yes, you’ll get time and a half.”
“Ah,” says Wes. He remembers how much more openly supportive of LGBTQ+ rights Bruce Wayne had become when Tim began dating some guy named Bernard Dowd from his school last year. (Not that he hadn't been supportive beforehand.) They’ve been broken up for a while, but he knows the two are still on friendly terms because the tabloids publish photos of them hanging out every once in a while and hypothesize that the flame is rekindling. “I mean, I have literally no other friends in Gotham, so I’m game. I don’t know about Rebecca, though. She probably has a life.”
“Probably?” Tim asks.
He shrugs, “I mean. She makes a lot of memes. I don’t know what your social life is like if you make as many memes as she does.” He shakes his head to himself, then asks, “I’m guessing you want something on TikTok about the Gala?”
“Yeah.” Tim shifts on the couch so he can face Wes more, and Wes turns as well. “Bruce says that some of Gotham’s elite need a reminder that he’s not a fan of their bigotry and that he doesn’t like doing business with idiots.”
Well. That sounds like the Brucie Wayne who loves his children and made a whole public spectacle of babying Dick Grayson after his rescue in Bludhaven last week.
“I’m down if Rebecca is down,” Wes says. “I don’t know about going if she can’t make it, though. I don’t think I’d do well around rich people without a poor person by my side. Eat the rich and all that—no offense.”
Tim snorts at that, “None taken. We can be kinda snobby. I hope I don’t come off too snobby?”
“Well, you haven’t asked me about my favorite place to go skiing yet, so you’re doing pretty good.”
“I haven’t even been skiing,” Tim says.
Wes thinks about how during his cyberstalking of Tim, he’d found several pictures of the Drake parents on their own skiing vacations, all suspiciously missing Tim, even though he’d have been old enough to attend according to the time stamp. His heart clenches and his body goes cold.
He wraps the blanket around him tighter, “What, no way! That’s criminal. That’s, like, the basic necessity of proving wealth. You need to have Mr. Wayne take you some time.”
Tim’s nose wrinkles in disgust, “Just call him Bruce. Hearing ‘Mr. Wayne’ from someone who isn’t a journalist or an employee is weird.”
“Tim. I am an employee.”
His friend’s ears go a smidge red, probably embarrassed to have forgotten so easily, if Wes had to guess, “You hardly count. Besides, I don’t wanna go skiing. I’d probably break all my limbs.”
Ah, right. The classic “I’m too clumsy to be a superhero” defense. The only Waynes who couldn’t use that excuse were Dick Grayson (a literal Flying Grayson) and Damian Wayne, who would probably pop a blood vessel if he was anything less than the perfect heir.
Danny was genuinely clumsy, at least. Even before he dropped all those beakers in science, he was always tripping over literal air.
“Well, you can do some other rich person activity. Like, I dunno, having a pet tiger, or something.”
“Damian would love that. He has a pet cow in a barn on the Wayne property.”
“You’re kidding me.”
“I would never lie.”
“What’s its name?”
“Her name is Bat-Cow.”
….You’re fucking kidding me.
“Like… after Batman?” These people aren’t subtle. Why the fuck is Wes the only person capable of figuring anything out? Why was he cursed like this?
Or is it the other way around? Is everyone else just cursed with obliviousness, and Wes has some kind of immunity?
“Yeah, like Batman. It’s because she has a spot on her forehead that looks like a bat.”
“Of course she does.” Because why not? It’s not like anyone but Wes has eyes and brain cells, after all. Hell, the Waynes might as well dress up as their alter egos for Halloween. It’s not like anyone will fucking notice. Gotham society would probably have a grand ol' laugh about the ridiculousness of Brucie Wayne dressing up as the Bat. Ha, impossible!
“She’s the reason Damian is a vegetarian.”
“Okay, that’s adorable.”
“It’s really not. He’s a Demon Spawn.”
“That’s a rude thing to call your little brother.” Never mind that he’s called his cousin, Kyle, much worse.
“Ew, spoken like an only child.”
“Shut it. Do you guys have any other pets?”
Tim nods, “Yeah. They’re all Damian’s, though. He has a cat named Alfred the Cat, who isn’t to be confused with Alfred Pennyworth, the butler who’s honestly more like our grandpa and Bruce’s dad. Then there’s Titus, a dog. And Dick has a dog named Haley who he sometimes brings to the Manor for ‘playdates’ with Titus, but it’s really so Damian can fawn over her without feeling embarrassed over it.”
“Gross, that’s sickeningly sweet.” Wes chews some popcorn consideringly, “You know… that might be a good TikTok, too.”
“What? Meeting the pets?”
“No. Well, yes.” He thinks back to some of his mother’s rants, and then Rebecca’s own rants. “Not to make it sound like my mom just tells me everything, but she says that the public views Damian as kinda snobby. Or at least stiff. Letting him do some kind of ‘introducing the Wayne Family Pets’ TikTok might help with that. People love pets."
“Yeah, well, Damian hates cameras.” Tim’s voice is more than a little tense, and Wes doesn’t need to be told in words that he’s walking into more dangerous territory.
He shrugs, “Just an idea. If Damian is uninterested, he doesn’t have to. I just figure that using the pets—animals he loves enough to go vegetarian over—to humanize him to the press would be easier than, like, traumatizing him on Good Morning, Gotham or something.”
Wes doesn’t mention how a lot of the press and public’s view of Damian stems from racism thanks to his obviously Middle Eastern blood. He doesn’t think he needs to—Tim and the rest of the Waynes are already well aware.
“He’d traumatize them, really. But I see your point.”
Wes snorts, if only to keep up his façade, “He’s a twelve-year-old boy. What can he do?”
Tim gives an amused smile, an inside joke that he doesn’t know Wes is in on, and says, “Yeah, you're right.”
At work the next day, Rebecca squeals with delight when Wes asks her about going to the Pride Gala for work, and immediately starts drawing up script ideas. Halfway through Script #5, she freezes, and says, “Oh my god, I have nothing to wear to the Gala!”
Wes looks at her in confusion, “What do you mean? We’re basically going as the help. Can’t we just wear something professional?”
She sends him a withering glare, “Ugh, you’re such a teenage boy. This is a Wayne Gala! And even better, it’s the Pride Gala! All the donations go to the Trevor Project. We– we can’t just show up in sweats and a hoodie!”
“That’s… that’s not at all what I was suggesting? I said professional? Does professional mean something different in Gotham?”
Rebecca’s brow is pinched, “Listen. This is a Wayne Gala. That’s a big fuckin’ deal, you non-Gothamite. Even the press dresses up for the Galas.”
“Oh, okay.” Uncertain, Wes pulls out his phone and texts Tim about her concerns.
W: Hey Tim Rebecca says that we can’t wear prof clothes to the gala bc we’ll look too homeless. Is there, like, an actual dress code to follow?
The reply is swift for someone who is a CEO of a whole entire Fortune 500 company.
T: Don’t worry about clothes. WE will provide a fitting and the formal wear for you both to keep. I assume this means Rebecca is down?
W: Yeah. And I’ll let her know.
“Tim says that WE is gonna provide the formal wear,” he tells her while she’s in the middle of a panic attack.
“Are you texting him right now?” Rebecca asks. “Ask him when we need to be fitted. And make sure he knows we won’t be fitted outside of work hours unless we’re getting time and a half.”
Wes rolls his eyes but obligingly relays the message.
T: I am going to talk to Damian about your idea today. If he is receptive, I am thinking that you and Rebecca would clock in like normal on Friday but would accompany me to be fitted, and then go to Wayne Manor to film that “introduction to the Wayne Family Pets” TikTok.
W: Let me run that by Rebecca
He explains the idea they’d discussed yesterday about the pets, and then Tim’s proposal for Friday. Instead of verbally saying anything, Rebecca snatches his phone from him and ignores his indignant yelp, and plays an impressive game of keep-away as she types something with one hand and uses her other hand to bat away his angry attempts to reclaim his property. After a few moments of this struggle in her tiny cubicle, Rebecca lets out an “ah-ha” and hands the phone back to Wes.
He quickly takes in the damage:
W: Hi Mr. Drake-Wayne it’s Rebecca!!! I stole Wes’s phone :) I’m totally down with using company time for this and so is Wes 🙂 you’re way better than my old boss at Taco Hell btw. Also does WE buying our formal wear include buying shoes and accessories?
“This feels exploitative,” Wes says with an uncomfortable twist in his stomach.
“That’s why I took your phone instead of asking you to ask,” she says. “I get to be the bad guy, and you get to be friends with your friend without feeling like a gold-digger. Everyone wins.”
“No. I feel like trash.”
“Sorry.” And to her credit, she does look apologetic. “But I have student loans to pay off, rent, and other bills, and no heels that would go with anything WE will provide. I can’t afford this and I won’t feel bad for asking my rich boss to pay for it all as a work expense.”
On the surface, Wes understands that. He knows that he’s not poor-poor in the way that lots of people are. His mom has a job at Wayne Enterprises, for fuck’s sake, and he likely won’t have to worry about college as long as he chooses someplace sensible. But asking for so much from Tim, from his friend, leaves him feeling hollowed out and filled back up with swamp mud.
His phone lights up with a notification.
T: Hi, Rebecca. And of course! You’ll have to do your own hair and makeup, though. And I’m glad to be better than your old boss :)
Wordlessly, he shows the text to Rebecca, who nods, “Acceptable terms.”
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” he says.
He walks away and hides in his mom’s office for the rest of the day.
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 11 months
Alpha’s First Daughter
Summary: You had been on your own for years after escaping the Whisperers. Until you run into a hunter in the woods who's searching for his brother.
The Walking Dead rewrite from Season 9 to Season 11 with you, Y/N, as Daryl Dixon's eventual love interest.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: language, blood, past child abuse
Chapter 18-
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"The guard says the lock on the backdoor was picked." You heard Gabriel say as you stepped outside.
Your ribs ached with each step, but you ignored it when you spotted Gabriel and Aaron standing down the street.
"Whoever picked it must've let him out. Who was on watch last night?" Gabriel continued to say, looking over at the other man.
"Laura was." Aaron answered. "But she said she didn't do it. I believe her."
"If it wasn't her, who was it?"
"I did it." You called out, causing them both to look over at you. "I let Negan out."
You walked straight past them, not waiting for a response before you walked down the stairs and into the building where the cell was and locked yourself inside.
It only took a few minutes for Gabriel and Aaron to get Daryl because he was storming inside the room not long afterwards. He opened the cell door, looking at you as you sat on Negan's stretcher bed.
"C'mon, ya didn't do this."
"Yeah, I did." You said honestly.
"I kept watch last night, you didn't leave the house."
"You forget, I'm a hunter too. I can sneak around without being noticed. It doesn't matter anyway, they want me in here."
Daryl shook his head. "Doesn't matter what they want."
"You know for a long time, I blamed myself for what happened last year. I kept thinking, what if I never left the Whisperers all those years ago? Never left my sister alone with our mother? Lydia might still be alive if I did. And your people wouldn't be mixed up with Alpha."
"You're not to blame for her." Daryl said softly, but you knew that was a lie.
If you weren't here. None of this would have happened.
"My mother was right." You said, looking over at him. "She said you people put on these polite faces, but it's just a mask 'cause when things get bad... when you get scared... you pick a target, aim, and shoot. Me... Negan, anything but you."
"Negan's different. You didn't know him." Daryl replied, choosing his words carefully, not wanting to fight.
"The Negan I know stood up for me when he didn't have to."
"I tried fitting in. I wanted to be like you. But I'm not and I won't ever fit in here."
"Y/N, we're you're people."
"Lydia was my people." You said, tears rising in your eyes. "I'm not an Alexandrian, I'm not a Whisperer. I'm nothing."
"That ain't true."
"We both know it is." You replied as you looked away from him and laid down on the bed, staring up at the roof.
You heard Daryl sigh before he closed the cell door and walked out the room.
The day slowly turned into night as you laid on the bed and stared up at the window on the wall, looking at the stars in the sky.
Daryl returned the next day, but it was only to say that he was going off with Carol to 'go hunting' but you knew something was going on, but you were too tired to ask and were almost afraid of the answer.
He left Dog with you, needing someone to look after him, so you watched out the window of the cell as Daryl left through the gates with Carol. Leaving you in Alexandria while he went with Carol, again.
Dog whined from beside you as you sat down on the stretcher bed, patting the blanket beside you as Dog jumped on top. You gently patted his fur, as he rested his head on your thigh, whining softly again.
"I miss Ace too, buddy." You whispered, leaning down and kissing the top of his head. "She's in a better place though, right?"
Dog lifted his head, looking up at you as he stopped whining, like he understood you.
"Good boy." You smiled as you continued to pat him.
That night, Dog laid beside you as you slept, but you were both woken up by Daryl hurriedly rushing inside and opening the door.
"Get out. We need the cell." He ordered as you blinked your eyes open.
Dog barked, instantly jumping off the bed and running to his master as you sat up, rubbing your tired eyes as you looked at him in confusion. Before you ask what he needed the cell for, Carol came in the room, but she was pulling another man with her, with his arms tied behind his back and eyes blindfolded.
It only took a second before you realised that it wasn't just a random man, it was a Whisperer.
Cautiously, you got to your feet, grabbing your weapons belt and sword from the ground as you slowly walked out the cell, not taking your eyes off the Whisperer.
"You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" You scoffed, glaring at Carol.
They went hunting? No. They went looking for the fucking Whisperers and thought taking one captive would be a great idea.
"Y/N-" Daryl started to say before you cut him off.
"No. Just no. I don't want to hear it."
With that, you stormed out the building. You heard Daryl shout your name, but you ignored him as you walked down the street before sitting down on the curb and burying your head in your hands.
Why would they bring a Whisperer here? Why would they bring a Whisperer inside their home, a home that had children inside? It didn't make sense.
"You know him?" Carol's voice suddenly questioned.
Your blood started to boil after just hearing her voice, but you forced yourself to remain calm.
"You're a fucking idiot." You said before you could stop yourself.
Well, so much for staying calm.
"He's one of the guys that watches the walkers." You added a few seconds later. He wasn't one of the main three, but you knew he was a guardian.
"So, he knows where your mother's horde is?"
"Probably. But you're not getting the location from him. Do what you want, ask, torture, bribe, it won't work. The ones that watch the horde are the most loyal. He's not going to betray the Alpha."
Carol opened her mouth to respond, but didn't get the chance before Gabriel marched towards her.
"You've put us all at risk." He shouted.
"We have to find that horde before it shows up at our gates." Carol tried to explain.
"So, you decide for all of us? Knowing what it could mean?" Gabriel questioned in disbelief.
"Don't matter anymore." Daryl suddenly said, joining the group of you as you stood up from the curb looking over at him as he continued. "We still gotta find 'em."
"So, you're in on this?" You asked as Daryl looked over at you and nodded. "What's happened to you? The Daryl I know would never risk the lives of his family with this ridiculous act. What if he escapes? Judith lives in the house next door, you gonna risk your brothers' kids' lives?"
"He ain't gonna escape." Daryl responded, folding his arms across his chest.
You chuckled, shaking your head. "If you really believe that, you guys are screwed."
Daryl looked away from you, avoiding your gaze as you chuckled again before walking off.
Carol found you a few hours later. You were on watch duty, standing up on the platform and keeping watch of the woods surrounding the community.
"The Whisperer died from his injuries. You were right, he didn't turn on Alpha." Carol said, climbing the ladder of the watch platform. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you."
You didn't reply to her, knowing if you opened your mouth something bad would come out. Instead, you kept your attention to the woods, keeping an eye out for any threats as Carol finally reached the top of the platform and stood beside you.
"I'm thinking about checking the traps, see if we caught anything. I want you to come with me." She said after a few minutes of silence.
"Why?" You asked, unable to hide the annoyance in your tone.
"Daryl loves you. Daryl is also my best friend, and he doesn't like this heat between you and I. He has enough to worry about, he shouldn't have to worry about his girlfriend and best friend fighting, don't you think?" She explained as you looked over at her, but didn't say anything. "Come check the traps with me, please? For Daryl's sake?"
You sighed, wanting to tell her to go away, but you knew how much it would mean to Daryl if you tried to make things right with Carol. So, you reluctantly nodded and before you knew it, the two of you were walking through the woods, checking the traps that Carol had apparently set up earlier.
Neither of you really spoke, which you were grateful for. By the time the sun had set, you only had two rabbits from the traps and thought it was time to go back to Alexandria. But Carol said there were only a few more traps that wouldn't take long to check. Which was why the two of you were still wandering through the woods in the middle of the night. It was risky at night, you both knew that, but clearly you both didn't give a shit either.
"Wait, Carol, we're getting too close to one of my mother's boarders." You warned, glancing through the trees at the creek in the distance that you knew was a boarder marker.
"It's fine. Trust me." She reassured.
Trust her? Yeah, that's not going to happen.
You didn't get the chance to say anything before you heard someone scream.
Carol was running towards the noise before you could even process it. You quickly pulled out your sword and chased after her through the dense woods. Ducking and weaving between the trees and bushes until you came out on an old road.
"Let him go! Let him go!" Carol shouted.
You spun around to find her with her bow aimed at something and you rushed over to her to find two people on the bridge over the creek, one with a knife to the others throat.
It took you longer than it should have to realise that the one holding the knife had a Whisperer mask on or that the man she had hostage was Aaron from Alexandria.
What the hell was going on?
Why was Aaron even out here at the boarder?
"No. No. No." The Whisperer suddenly said, letting go of Aaron.
You watched in confusion as the Whisperer took a few steps back, staring at you from behind her mask with wide eyes.
"No. No." The Whisperer continued to say, emotion thick in her voice as she shook her head before running away.
You watched as she ran off, back into the Whisperers territory before you looked between Carol and Aaron in confusion.
"Your mother told her people that she killed you." Carol explained as sudden realisation hit you.
This was all planned. Carol didn't want to try and make things better between the two of you for Daryl's sake, she wanted to bring you here so that Whisperer would see you. She lied to you and used you.
"You said you wanted my help to check the traps." You said in shock, looking over at Carol. "You fucking used me."
"Y/N, I'm sorry."
"Sorry isn't going to cut it. Not this time." You said, hating the fact that you could feel tears rising in your eyes. "You said you wanted to make things better between us for Daryl's sake, but that was a fucking lie! You lied and used me. You're just like Alpha!"
"Y/N." Aaron warned, shaking his head at you.
"Screw you guys, I'm out of here." You said, turning around about to walk away.
"It's too dangerous." Carol said, jogging after you as she grabbed your shoulder.
Without thinking, you spun around and slammed the handle of your sword against her face.
The force of the hit sent Carol to the ground instantly as Aaron quickly pulled out his knife and took a step towards you, but you raised your sword, shaking your head.
"Don't fucking follow me." You growled, glancing between the two of them before you turned around and stormed off.
You were vaguely aware of the fact that you were walking into the Whisperers territory, but it was away from them, so that was all you cared about.
You ran through the dense forest, weaving between trees and bushes, jumping over fallen logs and rocks as tears burned in the back of your eyes. The moon shone through the treetops above you, lighting your path as you finally came to a stop. Your lungs burning as you breathed heavily, forcing your tears at bay.
Why were you even crying? You always knew this wouldn't work out. From the day Jesus asked you to stay at Hilltop way back when, you knew this life wasn't for you. Yet, when Daryl had bought you back to Hilltop and Alexandria, you allowed yourself to get comfortable, you allowed yourself to let your guard down and for a small amount of time, you thought it could work.
You thought you could get your happily ever after, but that was all just false hope. You knew from the start that good things never lasted, but for a small blissful few months, you thought it might.
Call it wishful thinking or maybe it was just false hope, either way, it had all come crashing down and now you had no idea what to do.
In the end, you spent the night up in a tree, away from any walkers or even Whisperers that might happen to wander by while you slept.
It reminded you of the old days back at the beginning. Those first few years where it was just you against the whole world as you trekked the country trying to find your sister. At the time you didn't know how happy you were until you were looking back at it.
Yes, you were lonely, but you were a lone wolf back then. You were okay on your own, but now... you had gotten used to being around people... well, not people, you had gotten used to being around Daryl.
On your second day alone in the woods, you decided to track down the Whisperers and kill Alpha. You knew it was a suicide mission, you knew the risks of going after her alone, but you needed her dead.
Either out of skill or sheer luck, you actually managed to find Alpha, but she was hiding in abandon gas station with a very injured, Daryl Dixon.
The two of them had clearly fought, both of them coming off second best by the mass number of cuts and blood over their bodies.
Your mother was drifting in and out of consciousness, but you knew she wasn't going anywhere, so you rushed over to Daryl, dropping to your knees beside him.
It was hard to see in the dark, but you could tell his injuries were bad, even in the limited light. He had a nasty looking gash on his forehead, blood running down from the cut between his eyes. But it was the stab wound on his thigh that you were most worried about. It was still leaking blood and if the pool of crimson liquid underneath him meant anything, it was that it had been bleeding for a long time.
"Damnit, Daryl." You whispered about to grab the rag from his pocket to wrap around the wound when suddenly the sound of walkers growling echoed through the gas station.
Quickly, you stood up, looking across the room just as a small herd burst through the front door. A few of the walkers looked down at Alpha on the floor, but she was still wearing her walker mask which seemed to be enough because they walked straight past her.
You glanced back down at Daryl's unconscious body before looking back at Alpha, conflicted with what to do before you drew your sword and started to take down the walkers.
One after the other, after the other. But, after the tenth walker, your injured ribs began to really scream at you to stop. Your body still recovering from getting beaten by those assholes, you knew you couldn't last much longer.
The walkers just kept coming though, no matter how many you killed, more just took their place. There was no way you could kill them all and you knew it.
You needed to get Daryl out of here, but you had to kill your mother.
You slashed your sword through the next walker, sparing a quick glance at your mother across the room, but you knew there was no way you could get through the walkers to kill her. Even if you did somehow get across the room, you'd be leaving Daryl unconscious and vulnerable on the floor, just waiting for the walkers to get him.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." You hissed, kicking the closest walker back as you had an internal argument with yourself.
You could kill her. You could end it right now.
But you had to get Daryl out of here.
You couldn't risk him getting attacked while you took out Alpha.
"God fucking damnit." You cursed, killing another walker as you looked over at Alpha.
This was the perfect time to kill her. She was just lying there, you could easily do it. If only you could get to her.
You were so caught up in your thoughts, you didn't notice the next walker from the herd had gotten so close until it suddenly grabbed your arm, trying to pull your flesh towards its mouth.
"Motherfucker." You yelped, yanking your arm away just in the nick of time.
You stumbled back, tripping over something on the floor that sent you falling to your ass, your head slamming into the side of a shelf on the way down with a bang.
Black dots started to cloud your vision, your head spinning and for the longest moment, you thought you were going to pass out, but that wasn't an option. If you passed out, you and Daryl were both dead.
You could feel blood starting to drip down the side of your face, the cut on your forehead from earlier now reopened. Siddiq was going to hate you.
The gas station was spinning a little as you forced yourself back to your feet before you pushed one of the shelves over, blocking the herds path. It wouldn't stop them for long, but it would slow them down, giving you just enough time to get Daryl out of here.
Hurriedly, you rushed back to Daryl, throwing your sword back in your sheath as you grabbed his shoulders, trying to shake him awake, but he was out cold. There was no waking him.
"You owe me so fucking much for this, Dixon." You muttered, grabbing his arms as you started to pull him out the gas station.
Daryl wasn't a huge guy, sure he was built, but you didn't think he would be that heavy... you were wrong.
You struggled as you dragged Daryl out the gas station, your body screaming at you in protest, but you kept pushing through. You closed the back door to the station hoping the walkers weren't smart enough to double back through the front door to chase after you as you pulled Daryl towards the woods.
Once you got a far enough away from the walker infested gas station, you leant Daryl up against a tree trunk and quickly got to work on the stab wound on his thigh.
Within minutes, you had a rag wrapped around his thigh to stop the bleeding before you collapsed onto the ground opposite him, leaning your back against another tree as you watched Daryl's chest rise and fall.
He was alive.
He was hurt, but he was alive. That was all you cared about.
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