#i think there's a level of evil we can permit in an rp character but we gotta.
monstrousthingsrp · 7 years
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Welcome to Monstrous Things, Elva!
“Maybe if she was a muggle they’d call it anxiety but now it’s something bigger than that. It’s magic, magic that has been poked and prodded by Pandora Lovegood. There is something wrong with her, and she’ll never know if it’s Pandora’s fault or hers.”
We can’t wait to see your take on the somewhat two-faced Ginny Weasley. We particularly liked your interest in emotions, given how important they are to the character, and your decision to put her in charge of registered wands. We look forward to the tumultuous path you have in store for this little firecracker!
We are also happy to accept your FC change to Madelaine Petsch!
OOC Details
Name: Elva
Pronouns: they/them
Activity Level: If accepted, it would be my aim to be online daily. There might be the odd day I can’t write replies, but I will be careful not to take on too many threads at once so that I can reply in a timely manner!
Other: N/A
General IC Details
Name: Ginny Weasley
Age: 25
Gender/Pronouns: She/her
Desired Changes: I’m not overly keen on Deborah Ann Woll as Ginny, so if accepted, would it be possible to change her fc to Madelaine Petsch please? Or perhaps we could discuss fcs?
Please describe the character’s education experience:
Ginny didn’t particularly enjoy her time at TRAUE – the texts were bland and their teachings one-sided, and Ginny had always favoured practical tasks – but she admired Professor McGonagall, who always knew how to raise a student’s spirits. Ginny doesn’t have that quality herself, and she’s never particularly wanted it, but she sees the value in it, especially after Pandora’s tests which threw everything off balance. Where would Ginny be without TRAUE? It’s a frightening thought to a wix who has only experienced life as it is now. She often wonders what it was before – before the statute of secrecy was abolished and muggles colonised the wix. But with no way to find out, she doesn’t dwell on it. Her youth didn’t leave her many scars, after all, being equal parts clever, beautiful and funny, she got through most of her years at TRAUE relatively unscathed. It was rather dull actually.
(Failed) Experiment | Wand Permit Officer. There was a part of Ginny that was thrilled to be selected by Pandora Lovegood. She shoved the words “test subject” out of her head; told herself it wasn’t duty or a burden, but an opportunity. And so she let Pandora hit her with the Loyalty Serum. This was how she was going to help muggles and wix everywhere; by helping Pandora develop a serum that would neutralise the threat of magic – or, if you want to be specific, the person wielding it. But Pandora Lovegood fucked her over. Sometimes Ginny can forgive, and sometimes she wants nothing more than to burn that laboratory to the ground. Ginny gets to do neither, unfortunately, for Pandora has lost all interest in her, leaving her to the care of her underlings. But Ginny and her family have a reputation - they are a good, loyal family, who has served the muggle government without fail. She is passionate about repaying the government for her education and supporting the system that has enabled her to thrive. This passion led her straight to her current job; she began training for the position of Wand Permit Officer as a TRAUE graduate and has been there ever since. The job description is simple, but accuracy is vital. It includes:
issuing wands to all new students of TRAUE, with permits
issuing replacement wands to all registered wix holding valid permits for wand which has been lost, stolen, or damaged
judging the condition and quality of all confiscated wands and cataloging them for re-issue
communicating with wand manufacturers to ensure there isn’t a surplus of wands.
Character Traits
+ Staunch: Ginny is no less loyal today than before Pandora Lovegood used her as a pin cushion. It was always her family that motivated her – their safety and wellbeing, and if they were lucky, the promise of new opportunities for bettering their name and income. The only thing that’s changed is how Ginny expresses her loyalty. She used to do whatever was required of her, a servile little girl who grew into the role of Ministry employee, as dull and dim-witted as the desk behind which she sat. Her lipstick was fooling no one. But now she expresses her loyalty differently. She’s still motivated by her family, but is this life really the best one available to them? Ginny has a heart for rebellion, and until now it’s been locked away with years of TRAUE education. Thanks to Pandora, Ginny finally has the key and that rebellion is about to come out. So what if she doesn’t get to decide when and how.
+ Patient: Ginny shows incredible patience towards her friends, which makes her an excellent person to turn to when someone needs to rant or rage. She knows people need to get that stuff out of their system. If left to fester – well, let’s just say Ginny knows better than most that it can get pretty ugly in there. And so she listens, sometimes because she genuinely cares, sometimes because she’s bored, and sometimes because she wants to see the vulnerability in others for a change. Usually its the other way around; Ginny has one of her outbursts and there’s no controlling it, and no controlling who sees. Then she has no patience at all, but that’s not her is it? Not really.
+ Good-humoured: Ginny is fully capable of having a serious conversation, but she also sees the value in doing reckless shit every now and again purely for the hell of it. The world would be a dreary place if people cried at every sad thing that happened. Faced with two options, to laugh or cry, Ginny would choose to laugh ever time. It’s what makes her violent episodes so jarring to onlookers. They expect tears, and get laughter instead. But it is also Ginny’s positive, optimistic outlook on life that make her appear so strong. She sees the humour in a situation and extracts from it every shred of hope and relief she can find. She does this to help others, of course – she has a feeling it will take more than a laugh or two to save her.
- Vengeful: If you cause Ginny or those she cares about any injury, she will seek to harm you in return. There are simply some things that can’t be forgiven or forgotten until both parties have suffered. Before Pandora’s tests, Ginny’s vengeful outbursts were small, like passing you salt instead of sugar to put in your tea. But with Pandora’s meddling and the heavy dose of anger that accompanied them, Ginny’s lust for vengeance is all the stronger. She may be small but she is learning size is no guarantee of power. And it isn’t just violence. Ginny seeks vengeance in all variety of ways, such as helping Dean Thomas escape his cage.
- Insecure: The side effects of the loyalty serum were born from somewhere. Maybe there was a small voice in the back of her head telling her everything she was taught at school is wrong – Ginny won’t attest to that. But she has had doubts for as long as she could remember; doubts about her own strength, being liked by her peers, being the only daughter amidst six sons, matters of the heart… sometimes she even worries about worrying. Maybe if she was a muggle they’d call it anxiety but now it’s something bigger than that. It’s magic, magic that has been poked and prodded by Pandora Lovegood. There is something wrong with her, and she’ll never know if it’s Pandora’s fault or hers.
- Proud: In a moderate dose, pride is a good thing, but it is pride, and the act of having her pride hurt, that most often triggers an outburst from Ginny. Combined with her other weaknesses – her spite and sense of vengeance, as well as her insecurity – it can be incredibly damaging. Ginny is too proud to admit when she needs help, that she’s struggling. She’s too proud to show weakness or shame; too proud to admit that she was wrong and that she has made mistakes. Looking back, she feels like a fool for following Pandora’s orders, not that she had a choice in the matter anyway, so why not go gladly to the laboratory? Ginny can be open about some things, sure, but never the things that hurt and cut and scar.
OOC Questions
List three aspects of the character or world that that caught your interest.
1. I love Jekyll and Hyde, and the whole idea of there being two warring sides of one person, the good and evil, the accepted and unacceptable, the public and private, or outer and inner self. Society is so eager to tell you that certain behaviours and identities are wrong, that they make you a failure or a sinner, and I would love to explore this from Ginny’s perspective. What has she been denying about herself? What has she been taught is evil? What prejudices has she learned? I think it’s important to state that Ginny’s reaction to the Loyalty Serum is not a metaphor for mental illness; it merely triggered her being done with this shit, but not really knowing what it is she’s done with, or what to do about it. Everyone is a monster in this rp, which is going to be so much fun for character development. I would love to develop Ginny, but I would also love to see how other players develop their characters, and what plots can be spun from that development. In short, all the plot potential, so juicy!
2. They are adults! I am a little tired of playing these characters as teens, so I was happy to see something new. When portrayed as teens, these characters are often defined by their money and background. As adults, they get to create their own identities, which I find very interesting. What choices have they made in the past to get them where they are now? Are they happy? If not, what are they going to do about it? The barriers holding adults back often take a different shape; maybe it’s not having money, fear of losing your job, fear of losing your friends, your second family; maybe you’re simply stuck in old habits. These characters know a little bit about who they are, and sometimes that can be painful. I will repeat what I said above, lots of opportunities for juicy plots!
3. These characters are almost completely divorced from canon. I love that muggles and wix live side by side, and I LOVE that werewolves have a place in this world too. I’m also very excited to see the Lovegoods and Weasleys thriving in government, and all the typically wealthy and affluent wizarding families have been forced from their seats of power. There are too many things about this AU which excite me! I also love how open you are to LGBTQIA+ characters and writers, as well as other rep. This is awesome.
What is your dream plot?
I want Ginny to get angry. Really angry. I don’t think she would ever defect, given how the Resistance is known to butcher their own people as well as their enemies. But I would like her to consider it as an option, before realising she wants nothing to do with either side. Unfortunately, this makes her the only player on a team of one. But she has cause to be angry with Pandora Lovegood; I imagine that anger will explode, then maybe she will find a way to channel it into something useful.
So I guess my dream plot is to see Ginny exploiting the system for her own gain, and the gain of those she decides to help along the way. One way she could do this is by falsifying documents to gain wands illegally for unregistered wix. I could see Ginny doing this out of spite, at first, before realising she actually gives a shit about this stuff and that she genuinely believes every wix should have a wand. It will be a power trip for Ginny - as Wand Permit Officer, she literally holds the power of wix in her hands. The wand, and the secret. She could tip off her friend at the Ministry without any problem and somewhere miles away a wix will be stripped of his wand.
While Ginny is a muggle sympathiser, she has pride, and what she and other wix experience is not equality. It reminds me of colonialism and the spread of Christianity and the “phasing out” of other cultures. She isn’t like Hermione; she doesn’t hate what she is. Or she didn’t - not until Pandora changed her. Maybe all Pandora did was hold a mirror to the sides of herself she never liked. Either way, she’s changed things for Ginny. But first, I would like to see Ginny push against this change, and pretend to be her old self.
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