#i talked w my mom for lit a minute
carelisswriting · 1 year
I wrote something based off a prompt by @epkot94 https://at.tumblr.com/epkot94/dp-x-dc-idea-time-so-eventually-danny-tells-jazz/8wbwdhtc71pm
 I hope y’all like this, this is the first bit of my writing I’m posting on Tumblr! I also crossposted this on Ao3, which is https://archiveofourown.org/works/45308998 
Btw, I adore @proshipper-on-ship and @kine-iende thinking of Dan calling Danny ‘Mom’, so that’s in here too!
EDIT: @lenacraft drew some amazing fan art of the Phantom royal family here! https://at.tumblr.com/lenacraft/im-still-trying-to-figure-out-how-i-wanna/u0n7lg2g8eo9
Dan liked being one of the ‘good guys’, don’t get him wrong. He enjoyed saving people, and being seen as a superhero. What he didn’t like was being on a team.
Oh he could work with them just fine, but Ancients did they get on his nerves. Superman constantly checking in on him, Batman trying to figure out his identity (he didn’t have one in this universe anyway, take that asshole), Flash trying to befriend him. All in all, Dan was not a fan of his coworkers. (Ellie insisted that he secretly liked them, but she was wrong and also being very annoying about it.)
They were being particularly annoying today. Flash hadn’t stopped talking for the last 20 minutes. They were all in the main meeting room, for some sort of meeting. Honestly, Dan hadn’t been paying attention, so he had no clue why they were all here. Batman was droning on at the front of the room, something about a cult? Dan had no clue, and really didn’t care enough to listen.
He was idly tossing his thermos (which he still hadn’t told the Justice League the purpose of) back and forth when John Constantine burst into the room.
“We’ve got a problem.” He said, slightly out of breath.
Everyone had stopped talking when he burst in, turning to stare at the man. Batman sighed, before asking “What is it?”
Constantine came up to the table they were all sat around, setting down an ancient looking book across the table from Dan. He noticed that the title was in something similar to Ghostspeak. Interesting. He wasn’t gonna tell any of his coworkers about it, though. They all thought he was an alien, which technically he was, and it would be suspicious for him to know some random magical language, even vaguely.
“Someone is summoning powerful entities from a dimension parallel to ours, using this book.” Constantine said, gesturing to the book “I brought my copy, but I don’t know how to stop these beings.”
“Why?” Batman grunted out the question, already flipping through the old book.
Constantine sighed aggressively, pulling out a cigarette. He lit it, before answering sarcastically “I don’t know, maybe because they’re significantly more powerful than most beings from this dimension? Maybe because they have an insane set of abilities?”
Batman grunted in acknowledgement, turning back to the book.
A few moments passed, before everyone started talking, shouting questions over each other. Dan sighed. This was going to be a long day.
A few hours passed, everyone still trying to figure out what the hell to do. Well, almost everyone. Dan had long since given up on planning, playing a game on his phone under the table. It wasn’t like anything could actually be a threat to him, and if it was? He’d just call Danny. He’d prefer if his coworkers figured something out, however, so he hadn’t bothered telling them about the fact that he could probably deal with whatever this was in a snap. If they still hadn’t figured anything out in the next hour, he’d deal with it.
Wonder Woman looked up from the book Constantine had summoned for her to read through, hoping it had answers.
“Where are these entities from? You didn’t say what dimension it was.” She asked.
Dan realized that no one had thought to ask that anytime in the last few hours. Seriously? He knew that most of his coworkers were stupid when it came to magic and stuff like it, but seriously? He slipped his phone back into his pocket, wanting to see where this was going.
Constantine glanced up from where he was studying a leatherbound tome. Dan couldn’t see what it was about from here, but he bet it was unhelpful, considering how much Constantine had been glaring at it over the last few minutes.
“The Infinite Realms. It’s an extremely dangerous dimension, home to the dead.” Constantine answered, his tone grim.
Dan couldn’t help it. He chuckled. His coworkers looked at him like he was insane, which only caused him to laugh harder. He bent over the table, laughing.
“Something funny, Phantom?” Batman asked, glaring at him.
(Dan had stolen Danny’s superhero name, it was his first anyway. And besides, everyone found it hilarious, including Danny.)
Dan theatrically wiped a tear from his eye before replying “Yeah, it’s so damn funny that he said that with a straight face. I mean, c’mon, ‘extremely dangerous’? Maybe if you’re an idiot.”
Superman raised an eyebrow at Dan, before exchanging a look with Batman.
“Have you been to these ‘Infinite Realms’?” Superman asked, voice calm.
Dan snorted “Yeah, of course. Ancients, if the problem’s just some guy summoning ghosts, I’m just gonna call my mom.” Dan could deal with it himself, but where was the fun in that?
He pulled out his phone again, dialing Danny’s number. The ‘mom’ thing had started as a joke, but honestly? It fit Danny so well, and Ellie already called him that, so why shouldn’t Dan?
“Why are you-“ Flash asked, before being cut off by Batman.
Batman glared at Dan “What are you doing.” He asked flatly.
Dan laughed, waiting for Danny to pick up.
“Calling my mom, duh.”
Batman gave an aggravated sigh, and went to speak.
Danny picked up, and Dan immediately started talking, cutting off whatever Batman was about to say.
“Hey, so, apparently some asshole is summoning ghosts and causing problems over here. Thought I’d have you deal with it.” Dan said, explaining quickly. The Justice League stared at him, shocked and very confused. Dan hadn’t told them anything about his family, so their reactions were pretty justified.
Danny sighed “Not even gonna say hello?”
Dan sarcastically cut him off “Hello!”
Danny sighed again, but Dan could tell he was amused. They shared a sense of humor, Ellie had the same one too. Perks of being a clone/evil future self and their original/past self (Their relationships were all kinds of funky, but it worked for them.)
“You said someone is summoning ghosts? I’ll be there in a sec.” Danny said, before hanging up.
Dan put his phone away, finally glancing at his coworkers. They all looked extremely confused, except Batman who was fuming, and Constantine who looked wary.  
“Who was that?” Batman growled.
Dan looked at him, the picture of innocent confusion.
“I already told you, my mom. He’ll be here in a moment.”
Dan could see Flash mouthing ‘he?’ to himself a few seats away. Dan relished in the sense of confusion he was causing. It was extremely funny watching his coworkers flounder in the face of Dan’s sheer chaos.
Constantine took a moment to speak “I don’t think-“
He was cut off as a green portal opened up in the middle of the room, above the table. Everyone, excluding Dan, went still as it appeared.
“What the-“ Superman started to say, as Batman pulled out a weapon. They were both startled by a white and black blur flying out of the portal and attaching itself to Dan.
Dan was knocked out of his seat as Ellie bowled him over. He tumbled down to the floor, falling flat on his back. Ellie grinned at him, sitting on his chest.
“Got you!” she gleefully yelled out. Dan chuckled, gently shoving her off him. He sat up, and was greeted with his coworkers, who all looked ready for a fight. Their faces switched to confusion when Dan just blankly stared at them.
“What’s up?” He said, slightly sarcastically.
Ellie floated into the air, hanging upside down in front of Dan.
“Well, you were just tackled by someone they don’t know.” She pointed out, a grin on her face.
Dan sighed, gesturing to Ellie “Please meet my little sister, Ellie. She’s an annoyance.”
Ellie smacked him on the shoulder, before flipping around so that she was facing the Justice League, and also so that she was right side up.
“Hi! It’s nice to finally meet Dan’s friends!” She said, darting away when Dan attempted to hit her.
“They’re not my friends! We’re coworkers!” he shouted as she flew to the corner of the room, sticking her tongue out at him.
He sighed, before looking at his coworkers. Most of them were still stuck in a state of confusion, and Flash hesitantly asked “I thought your mom was coming?”
“Oh yeah.” Dan said, before yelling over to Ellie “Where the hell is Mom?”
Ellie floated closer “He was right behind me, so-“
The portal, which had slipped the Justice League’s minds when faced with the chaos that is Ellie, sparked as Danny stepped out, before it flickered out of existence.
Immediately, the aura of Danny’s power settled over the room. Being the King of the Infinite Realms afforded someone a lot of power, and death magic always affected people more than other magics. Also, the crown, ring, and cape made him look very intimidating. Combine that with his imposing stature (inherited from Jack) and he was downright terrifying. It was a comforting thing to Dan, who was used to Danny’s powerful presence. To the Justice League, however, it felt like the Grim Reaper himself had just come for the souls.
Danny looked around, spotting Ellie floating up above the table.
“Ellie, I told you not to scare them! We want to make a good impression.” He said, Ellie immediately darting down to stand next to him.  
“Sorry Mom, I just wanted to say hi!” Ellie defended.
Danny sighed, ruffling her hair.
The Justice League looked so confused. Constantine looked like he was about to throw up.
“That’s… King Phantom.” Constantine said, shocked, before he scrambled to stand in front of the Justice League.
“We didn’t mean to offend, I swear-“ Constantine started, before Danny cut him off.
“Dude, it’s fine. I just came cause Dan asked.” Danny said with a chuckle, slightly uncomfortable. He had gotten better at the formalities that came with kingship, but he still wasn’t that comfortable when people begged for his mercy, understandably.
It seemed to hit everyone then. That this terrifying man, and king, was who Dan had been referring to when he said ‘Mom’.
While his coworkers processed his chaotic family, Dan floated over them to stand next to his mom.
Danny smiled, ruffling Dan’s hair. They were almost the same height now, so Danny didn’t even have to stretch to reach it.
“How have you been? I know we talk everyday, but it’s not the same as seeing you in person.” Danny said, a soft smile on his face.
“I’ve been fine, Mom. It’s nice, helping people.” Dan replied.
Danny beamed at him “I’m happy it’s working out!”
“Yeah, and you haven’t even tried to kill someone!” Ellie cut in, a smirk on her face.
Dan reached out automatically to swat at her, but she dodged.
The Justice League seemed to snap out of their shock.
They are started to talk at once, before Batman yelled “Quiet!” over top of the noise.
“I believe introductions are in order.” He said, before muttering under his breath “especially as they’re some sort of royalty.”
Dan hadn’t told them about his enhanced hearing, so Batman had no way of knowing that the three ghosts could hear him perfectly. Dan and Ellie shared a smirk at how done the man sounded with them.
Danny clapped his hands, startling some of Dan’s coworkers.
“Yes, you are correct! Danny Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms, at your service!” Danny said cheerily.
Ellie spoke next “Ellie Phantom, Princess of the Infinite Realms.”
They both looked expectantly at Dan, who sighed.
“Dan Phantom, Prince of the Infinite Realms.”
Technically, he was also sort of the king, but it had been a different Infinite Realms that he conquered, so this one had decided he was a prince. He was fine with it, honestly being King sounded annoying.
Predictably, that led to another outcry from his coworkers. Constantine looked like he was having a mental breakdown.
When they had settled down, Superman asked “You’re a prince?”
Flash chimed in “Also, your superhero name is just your last name?”
“You’re the prince of the Infinite Realms. The place the entities are from?” Wonder Woman added.
Dan rolled his eyes at the questions, before looking at Danny pleadingly. Danny sighed, but answered the questions for him.
“Yes, we are the royal family of the Infinite Realms. And the beings there are called ‘ghosts’, by the way. Also, Flash, it was a superhero name before it was a last name.”
If anything, that answer made Flash even more confused.
Ellie stuck out her tongue at Dan “If you just told them about us, you wouldn’t have to deal with all these questions!” she sang out.
Dan groaned “Can you stop it for two seconds?”
“I swear to the Ancients, I’m gonna-“
“Settle down, you two.” Danny cut in, stopping the argument.
Dan and Ellie gave him matching pouts. They loved arguing with each other over nothing, it was fun.
Danny sighed, before turning back to the Justice League.
“So, Dan said that you’ve got a ghost problem?”
Batman stepped forward.
“Yes. Someone is summoning ‘ghosts’ into our world and causing havoc. Constantine doesn’t know who, but they need to be stopped.”
Danny closed his eyes for a moment.
“Okay, got it. Some asshole in Central City.”
Constantine startled “How do you know where he is? I couldn’t find him, even with my most powerful tracking spells!” He shouted, before a look of immediate regret came over his face. He probably just remembered that he was yelling at a death god, or close to one.
Danny dropped his smile, his eyes going blank. His presence seemed to double, a crushing sense of doom coming over the room. Constantine realized just how much he screwed up.
“The Realms is connected to all, especially those who are going to die shortly.” He said, flatly.
Dan chuckled slightly at Danny’s scary act, sharing an eyeroll with Ellie. Danny tried so hard to be intimidating, and it never really worked.
(Meanwhile, the entire Justice League is trying not to faint. Constantine really needs a drink.)
Superman shook it off first, asking “Going to die shortly? Are you going to kill him?” his voice pitched down at the end, trying to sound threatening.
Danny laughed, the crushing aura receding “No, of course not!”
Superman nodded, relieved.
“I’m just not gonna stop the others from doing it!” Danny continued.
Immediately, the mood of the room plummeted.
“What do you mean?” Batman asked.
Danny gave them a sharp smile, Ellie and Dan mirroring it on either side.
“He is enslaving my people, Batman. I’m sure they’ll want justice for that.”
Danny turned, opening another portal above the table.
“I’ll go deal with the asshole. Ellie, Dan, let’s go.” Danny said, smiling at them.
Ellie patted Dan on the head, before darting through the portal.
Dan looked out at the Justice League.
“I’ll be back in a bit, don’t wait up.” He said. He was definitely going to take advantage of his family coming to visit him, he wanted to hang out with them a bit. Maybe show them Gotham? He knew Danny and Ellie would get a kick out of it.
With that, Dan walked into the portal.
Danny surveyed the Justice League for a moment.
“Thank you for helping Dan. Don’t be too annoying to him over all this, okay?” His words were light, but his tone was anything but.
Batman nodded seriously.
Danny smiled, stepping through the portal to go keep his kids from getting into too much trouble.
(Constantine looked seriously at Batman “Don’t call me for the next week, I need to get drunk. To deal with all…that.”)
Tag List! 
@seraphinedemort @ever-changing-weirdo-3100 @thewondersoflebanon @botwadtict @akikkobara @sailor-goddess @dontfightmecauseillcry 
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(future me, after writing this, it’s a lil weird i yoinked my name from zero but whatever he’s so gender so don’t mind that)
-1. first up, the things they didn’t have in the movie, my 2 fav scenes. the first one was when they’re on the mountain, after finding water—the flowers petal scene. in the book, zero is asleep, stanley is awake and watching him. there’s a good few paragraphs dedicated to stanley pretty much admiring him. basically for those who don’t know, there’s like a flower petal on zero’s face that goes back n forth as he breathes and Stanley notes that it’s like smth out of a cartoon. after a few MINUTES it falls and Stanley basically thinks “I wanna put it back but.. it wouldn’t be the same.” also he describes zeros face as “being lit in the moonlight” and if that aint romantic idk what is. THE MOVIE, MUCH TO MY DISMAY, DID NOT HAVE THIS.
-2. when they are walking back to the camp, they’re being stubborn lil bitches and are trying not to be the first to drink any water. their argument gives “you hang up first, ‘no YOU hang up first! 🤭” vibes. THE MOVIE ALSO DOESNT HAVE THAT AND I C R I E D
-3. however, the movie also has things the book doesn’t! for one, stanley thinking abt how he’s glad he’s on this mountain w zero, while in the book he’s just thinking it, in the movie him and zero are discussing it and it is so cute and fghkfjdjhdihbdhibdhibehibdi help
-4. also, the little things; in the book, after Mr. Pendanski says “nobody cares about hector zeroni” that’s kinda the end of the chapter or something. BUT IN THE MOVIE stanley walks in right after he says that, looks him dead in the eyes, and says, “I do.” and that broke me
-5. Another little thing—in that scene where Stanley gets his nickname of caveman, the the book, I don’t remember hearing from zero during that (I could be wrong tho). but, in the movie, as Stanley seems like he’s in a dangerous position, zero grabs a pool ball off the table (it’s implied that he’s gonna hit the guy antagonizing stanley) but after the situation cools down, there’s a shot of him putting it down. im telling you ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS AND THIS SCENE IS SCREAMING
-6.? idk if I misremember but in the movie they bring up like “damn Stanley, zero will only talk to you” and idk if that’s mentioned in the book or not but I don’t think so, the fact that one of the characters points it out like 2 or 3 separate times in the movie tho..
-7. the ending… pool party in the movie, boring normal ending in the books. end of story.
honorable mentions, both ONLY in the movie:
-also WHEN ZERO IS REUNITED W HIS MOM. Stanley is just standing there and admiring him I KNOW IT.
while some of my fav scenes from the book aren’t in the movie, the movie is SO much gayer and I love it so much and it’s the little things that bring me joy. they are so gay for each other in the movie I cannot even put this into words.
also zero def has a big gay crush on Stanley like immediately that’s just canon to me
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Part I ::: Dad's Best Friend, Reiner
Part II
Yep. I'm pumping out more Reiner stuff. Yesterday (Nov. 6) was my birthday and I couldn't get enough of the man. So I started writing again today and he was just wrecking my brain. STILL proofing. My laptop went a little haywire. This will be straightened out by tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for your patience ♡.
This will be in 2 parts. I'll attach links as I post and finish them up.
Warnings ::: Flirting with your dad's friend, older man kink (newly discovered, kinda?), accidental exhibitionism, accidental voyeurism, accidental kiss, erection. Implied plus size//chubby reader The good stuff (HA, listen to me) will be in the second part. That's already almost done. I'll probably post that tomorrow morning or afternoon. Enjoy!!
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Part I WC ::: 2,557
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It was Thanksgiving break and you were heading home from college. It's always been a big deal with your family to have everyone over to their home and have them leave well-fed.
Well, it was, anyway. Since your mom left last year, it's fallen entirely on your dad's shoulders.
But this was his time to shine. His time to show you and everyone else that he could go above and beyond the regular turkey dinner. You were a little nervous about it. He didn't exactly have the best track record when it came to cooking turkey. But you'd be here to help him out however he needed.
You and your dad's best friend, Reiner. There wasn't a holiday that he hadn't been around. In fact, there weren't any special events that you couldn't remember him being at. He was sort of like a second dad to you. If you had to put a label on it, that's probably what it'd be.
It's been over 4 months since you'd last seen him. You were both at your dad's house on the 4th of July. You stopped by to have a quick burger before you went back to your dorm room. All you remember is that his best friend was really, really drunk, and really happy to see you.
You called your dad as you hit a red light.
"Yell-o?" The voice at the other end of the call said.
"Hi, dad. I'm on my way. I'll be there in less than 30. Do you have everything you need for the great cook-off? Let me know, I'll call when I get clo--"
"Hey! Hey, y/n. It's Reiner, your dad's --"
"Oh! Hi, um, Reiner. My dad's ... best ... friend. W-where is he at?"
"He had to run to the store to pick up a few last minute things. But he'll be back. Either before you're here or right around the same time. S' I guess, just keep coming, uh, home. I'll be here. We'll be here, I meant. See you soon, sweetheart." He said before hanging up. "Y-yeah, ok. Rei-, um, ok. Bye, see you soon."
You suddenly felt really hot in the face. Was his voice always that provocative? Did it always sound like that when you talked to him on the phone? So deep and alluring? Snapping your head from your daydream as the car behind you honked at the green light you were mindlessly sitting through, you drove on to your childhood home. Not sure what you're in for when you get there. But feeling a little giddy about it, all the same.
Pulling into the driveway, you didn't see your dad's truck. But you saw Reiner's. It wasn't huge, but it took up over half of the drive. You loved the color; a deep blue. So dark you couldn't really see your reflection on the side of it. It was nice.
"Hello? I'm here. Dad? Are you home ye--" you called out to your dad. But he wasn't there. It was just his friend, still. Just you and his friend.
"Hey, sweetheart! Welcome home! S'good to see you, baby girl!" Reiner came to you with open arms. You looked at him. He wore a nicely fitting light blue button-up shirt. It was accentuating his very large, muscular arms. Shit, did he always look like this? His hair was a little longer than you remember it being. But it was slicked back as much as he could get it. It was in that awkward phase between too short to get it to do what he wanted and should he get a haircut. You thought it looked fantastic. Even the little bits that hung down against his forehead.
You let yourself be wrapped up in his arms as he pulled you into a close, tight, and very warm embrace. His body was so hard and so soft, simultaneously. It made your head spin.
A little while later you realized he'd already let go but you hadn't, so he kept hugging you until you were ready for him to loosen his arms. He chalked it up to you missing him or missing your dad after being gone from the house for school.
"You ok, sweetheart? *Heh* I don't remember you ever letting me hug you like this. But that's ok. I don't mind. I'm happy to fill in for any dad energy--"
Dad energy? No. No no no no no. You thought. This had nothing to do with 'dad energy'. Maybe 'daddy energy'.
"Not 'dad', god. I just ... s'just, well, guess I missed you. Dad energy. God." You laughed. He leaned down and brushed your hair from your face and kissed you on the cheek. Twice. You hoped he wouldn't notice how your heartbeat quickened. Or your breath got caught in your throat. Or how your face turned a deep shade of pink.
"You good, baby girl?" Nodding you put your hands up on his pecs and it took every ounce of will power to push him away from you. All you wanted to do was drop to your knees and lick his stomach. Just for starters.
"Hello? I see my daughter's car in the driveway! Where is she?" Reiner dropped his arms and let his hands glide down from the curves in your waist and turned quickly. You saw him start to adjust something, but your dad's voice drew your attention away from his best friend tucking his cock away.
"Dad! Hi! Happy Thanksgiving, pops. Thank you for doing all of this."
He hugged you and kissed the top of your head. "Well, I wouldn't be doin' this if it wasn't for my dumbass friend over there. He insisted that I do this. Y'know, to keep things 'normal' and to entice you to come home for a nice meal."
You looked at Reiner. He shrugged his broad shoulders. Fuck, how had you not noticed how hot he was before today?
"Well, thank you. Both of you. I can't wait to get started on everything. Are you working over the break?" Your dad was a veterinarian and often the one who was on call over holidays. Even on his vacations he'd still find the time to work for his patients. He was just that kind of person. You always admired it about him.
Your dad sighed. "I think you already know the answer to that, baby girl." Reiner's head whipped around at the sound of your dad calling you what he had called you minutes before. Maybe he should lay off. 
But your dad called you that. Reiner has been practically a part of the family for over 25 years. He decided to try it out in front of your dad to gauge his reaction to the pet name. He'd go from there. It just had to be the right time.
"Don't worry, though. I sent home fliers about all the foods animals should stay away from over Thanksgiving. And how they shouldn't have bones that can get lodged in their throats."
Reiner choked on his beer. "Shit, shit. Sorry, {Dad’s name}. I ... *aheh*, shit. Never mind. Sorry." You and your dad stood there looking at Reiner, puzzled. You knew what he was choked up about. But your dad was most likely clueless. And that's probably better for everyone.
It was around 8pm and your dad and Reiner were watching football and reliving their high school days. Reliving their game nights when they were in (what they felt like) was the prime of their lives. Reiner jumped up from the second recliner that your dad moved in for him after your mom left. "Go. Go. Go go go go go go!!! YES!! Whooo! Fuck, I love this team." His honey-colored eyes met yours and you couldn't help but get all bubbly in your tummy at the slight squint as he smiled so widely. He genuinely looked the happiest you've ever seen him. And for some freaky reason, that made you happy, too.
"I'm going to grab a shower and go to bed. Can I bring you guys another beer or anything?" You asked, still maintaining eye contact with Reiner.
He shook his head, "'S fine ..." Now! He thought. Now is the perfect time to test out calling you baby girl in front of your dad! "Think I'm done for the night, baby girl." He waited for the ramification of calling you such an intimate thing. But it never came. Your dad just followed suit, "Yeah, I'm 'bout to turn in too, sweetheart." You nodded with heavy lids at Reiner and rubbed your thighs together the whole way as you walked to your room.
Sitting on your bed for a minute, you did your best to compose yourself after that pithy exchange between the two of you. If you could even call it an exchange. All he did was look at you while you asked if they wanted anything before you went to get cleaned up and tucked in for the night.
Maybe it was the way he hung on to the gaze. How he lured you in to maintaining the shared glance. No, it was more than a glance.
You stood inside of your room, feeling no relief whatsoever, and pulled your t-shirt over your head and tossed it on the chair. Unhooking your bra, the little clasp in the front separated without much effort.
All you could think about was Reiner's hands on you. How would he take your bra off? Would he do it slowly and make you wait as he teased you? Would he be frantic and grab and pull it off?
"Fuck. I, I gotta stop. Gotta get a grip on this shit. Goin' to drive myself nuts." Slipping your jeans and panties off in one motion, you kicked them aside and left them on the floor by the standing mirror near your desk. There was a small wet spot on your panties that could only be from one thing: Reiner.
Looking around your room for your bathrobe, you remember that you saw it hanging in the bathroom down the hall. "Sh- shit. Ok, g'na make a run for it. I'm just going to run for it. They're both in the living room watching football. I can do this." You bounced on your toes a couple of times to hype yourself up for the mad dash you were preparing to make. Slowly, you opened your door and stuck your head out to survey your surroundings.
"H-hello?" You whispered, testing the population. "Ok, 'm gonna ... gonna go ..."
From out of nowhere, Reiner's face popped into yours as you stood there, naked as the day you came into this world. Oh, how he tried to not let his eyes wander from your blushing face down the front of your body. But he couldn't. He couldn't make himself look away. He was hypnotized by your curves. How your thighs nestled together. Your soft stomach. The soft, silvery glow of light stretch marks. 
"F-fuck, sorry! I'm so sorry!" He shouted. "I came to tell you that your dad had to go out on an emergency call for someone's horse. Broke its leg or somethin'. Sssshhhhit. I'm sorry. I'll go now that you know where he's going to be."
He was so flustered he couldn't bring his eyes around to yours. He just stared awkwardly at the floor, hoping you wouldn't see how hard he'd gotten over something so simple and awkward as bumping into you at your bedroom door that you were about to make a break from. Granted, you were naked.
"Oh god, Rei-ner! Oh my god!" You yelled back. But it was more out of sheer surprise than embarrassment. Ever since he answered your dad's house phone today, you couldn't get his voice out of your head. And when he hugged you, it was impossible to forget what his arms and hands felt like on you. There’s a 99.9999999% chance you’ll never forget how he smells. But you couldn't really act like you enjoyed exposing yourself to him. Could you?
Reiner finally found his footing and looked you in the eye. He saw your eyes and felt bad that he made you feel uncomfortable. But he couldn't help but notice how your nipples pebbled in the cold air. How they were a lighter shade of pink than he expected. He just wanted to cup them in his hands and roll them between his fingers. Fuck.
"I-I'm sorry. I thought you and my dad were still in the living room watching tv. I - ugh. Fuck." You turned back and grabbed your throw that lay across the foot of your bed and wrapped yourself up in it. You couldn't get away from him fast enough, but he stood right in the doorway.
"S'ok, sweetheart. It's alright. I just came to let you know that your dad's gone and that I'll be here. Least until he gets back tonight. Just lettin' ya know." He smiled his dazzling smile and you felt your heart skip a beat. "I can come back later and ... and ... you can leave your door open." He stuttered out, not entirely sure what he was suggesting. "You can leave it open while you're getting dressed or whatever. So you don't have to worry about me barging in again."
You nodded, "O-ok? That sounds good, Reiner." You whispered, holding the throw clutched to your chest, you managed to look up at him.
"So, are we in agreement that your dad doesn't have to know anything about this?" Reiner asked and you laughed. "Yes, oh my god, that would be mortifying. Let's just keep it between the two of us."
"Ok, sweetheart. Can do." He leaned down and let his lips sit on your left cheek for far longer than a simple smooch should have lasted. As he was pulling back, you turned your face and looked up at him. What you didn't know was he was going to do the same thing to your other cheek and your lips met with his.
They were so soft and warm. You weren't expecting to actually kiss him when you did this. You were going to say goodnight and slip passed him down the hallway. But instead, you just stood there. Initially wide-eyed, your mouth puckered out slightly. When did that happen? When did you push your lips out to meet his?
Reiner stepped back slightly. He didn't look like he was in as much shock as you. But he had a stupid half-grin on his face where your lips had just been. Like his little scheme had panned out perfectly. You couldn't believe you'd just kissed Reiner. Your dad's best friend. He was practically family. Even if it wasn't on purpose.
You both stood there for a moment longer. You couldn't believe how amazing it felt to kiss him. His lips were so sweet and perfect. But you knew it couldn't go any further. Your dad would lose his shit. And Reiner was his best friend. And he was old. Well, not old. But older.
"I, um, I'm going to hop in the shower." You said, quietly. "Yeah, yeah, I'll leave you to it. Sorry, baby girl." He turned on his heel and walked back down the hall.
He didn't sound like he was sorry. He sounded excited. Like he was about to win some kind of prize.
And that prize?
Was you.
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Taglist ::: @darkstarlight82 @callm3senpaii @reinerswarrior
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melvinpsychoteddy · 3 days
cu crew pt2
@dib-thing-wannabe ehehe.... guess who's in this part? i made him super flirty because why not :]
explanation for the differences between dib and my au is in the tags!
"So you want us to leave our 2 cats outside just for this boy you're inviting over? Well... I don't know, George." George's mom sighed.
"Please, ma! I need this! I really wanna impress him, and he's allergic!"
"Oh, allergic you say? Well, I'll just go wander with them, okay hun?" She caves in, softly smiling.
"YES! Thanks mom, you're the best ever!" George's day is lit up, his mom taking the 2 cats outside, perfect timing as Melvin arrives.
"Hey George..." he says, seeming a little tense. "A-are your cats here? I really don't wanna--"
"They're outside, don't worry!" he smiles.
After about 30 minutes, George's storytelling turned into flirting. Melvin was secretly loving it. He was being praised and spoiled with kisses all over, his face completely red by now.
What George wanted was to make him feel so good he wouldn't be able to talk correctly. He needed confidence. Then... an idea came to mind.
"Hey, honey--" Melvin gasped quietly. Did he just call him that? "Have I told you about Flaming Ink and Polar Painter?"
Melvin giggles. Well, it was fun while it lasted. "Yes, multiple times, why?"
"I told you about how Flaming Ink has amazing charm, right?"
"U-uhm, yeah?"
"I gotta show you something, then."
"Alright, George, what's the surprise?" Melvin hums, covering his eyes.
"Oh, it's nothing... and I'm Flaming Ink, pretty stranger." Oh god, his voice was deeper. Melvin felt chills go up his spine.
"W-wow..." Melvin gulps. "Can I open my eyes now, uhm... Flaming Ink?"
"Of course."
Little did Flaming Ink know, Harold was watching them. Well, actually, Polar Painter was. "Bleh. He's being flirty." he huffs. "He has to make a move already, I think Melvin's getting cold."
Back to them, Flaming Ink smiled, Melvin's eyes widening because, oh my god, George was picking him up like a princess. "O-oh! Uhm, thank you for holding me, Flaming Ink!" he blushes. Flaming smiles.
"Always." He says. "I think you're the prettiest stranger I've ever had to rescue, stranger. What's your name?" he comments, still not putting Melvin down.
"Oh, my name's Melvin," he giggles, somehow being embarrassed by his name. "I-it's not a very pretty name, and I don't think I'm as pretty as you're making me out to be, dear hero."
"Nonsense! You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen!" Flaming Ink scoffs. "Say, you wanna know what I do with pretty things, Melvin?"
"What do you do with them?" he says, a bit nervous.
"I take them all for myself." he whispers in his ear, before picking him up, Polar getting out of the bush.
"H-hey!?" Melvin blushes, Flaming Ink running off to god knows where with him. He tries to wriggle out of his grasp but god is Flaming strong.
Flaming groans. Polar's always here to ruin his fun. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!? THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU!"
"LET HIM GO!!" Polar runs faster, Flaming speeding up more.
"HE'S MINE! I GOT TO HIM FIRST, YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS!" Flaming yells back, turning in an unexpected place and managing to lose Polar.
Melvin's in awe. Why? Well, first of all, his speed was basically inhuman so of course Polar wouldn't be able to keep up well, secondly, the fact that he's doing all this for him. He might be a little evil, Melvin isn't sure yet, but Melvin kind of likes it, and third of all, that was amazing.
Flaming pants as they stay in an alleyway, to take a breather, but he's still holding Melvin tightly. "You can let me go now, you know?" Melvin hugs him, something new for Flaming Ink.
"Mmn... no," Flaming really doesn't want to let go, he's clingy and this boy is beautiful, so why should he let go? He could lose him. "You're so pretty..." Flaming whispers in his ear again and hugs him tighter, his voice kind of tired and raspy now, making Melvin even more flustered and tense.
"Y-your voice..." he squeaks. "It sounds different."
"Oh," Flaming says casually. "It gets like that when I'm tired. Do... you like it like this?"
"I guess you could say that?" Melvin laughs, but goes fully silent as Flaming stares at him, then Melvin realizes that he's still hugging him. "You can let go now."
"But there's someone trying to take you from me..." Flaming hisses. "We should hide."
"Oh, uh-" Melvin's already getting picked up again, Flaming back with his speed, running off toward the school. "FLAMING!?"
"The school's full at this hour!"
"No matter! We can just hide somewhere else, then! Any ideas?"
"Uhm, well--" Melvin can't finish his sentence as Flaming is tackled by Polar, Melvin rolling on the ground for a little bit, vision blurry for a couple seconds and glasses somehow perfectly fine.
"GOT YOU! Stop trying to kidnap people!" Polar says, before getting up and helping Melvin. Flaming's eyes widen as he thinks that Polar's trying to take the ginger away from him.
"P-Polar look behind you," Melvin advises, Flaming behind Polar, ready to punch him.
"H-huh? WH--" Polar is interrupted by a sharp punch to the face, his nose broken and bleeding. "WHAT THE HELL, MAN!?" Polar yells at Flaming, on the ground, Melvin in shock at how he managed to break Harold's nose in just one punch, and also that he's making people bleed over him.
"Leave," Flaming growls at him. "He's mine."
"I don't want him!" Polar huffs. "I want you to quit taking people against their will! Did he ever say yes to anything you did!?"
"Not verbally, but I just know that he wants this!" Flaming remarks, pushing Polar. "Now, do you want me to break some other bones, or are we clear?" he hisses.
"...Fine." Polar sighs, having to cave in. "But don't hurt anyone else."
"Mhm. I've only got my eyes on the prize, don't worry." he looks back at Melvin, who's slightly trembling in fear for Harold's health and also because he's realizing that, hey, I did just get kidnapped, didn't I?
Polar knew he was lying when he said he wouldn't come back with help. But for now... he'd let Flaming have his fun.
As Polar left, Flaming stuck out his hand for Melvin to hold, wiping the blood off his glove. "You wanna go to that treehouse over there?"
"Uhm... okay!"
hope you guys ejoyed! sorry for how long it is, i wanted to cram a lot into this part :)
the next part will probably be just as long lol
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Not Used To Visitors
Kurt Kunkle x reader
(Summary: When Kurt asks you to meet his dogs after a little while of dating he’s so happy to be able to share them with you! But he forgets that he’s not really brought a friend home for a long time, and how his dogs react to most strangers on their property. Notes: Reuploaded from my ao3 - this was my first fic in a while, and ever for Kurt, when originally posted)
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“Hey y/n so- yeah! I h-heard you like dogs!”
You turned around to your doe eyed friend, well, you guessed he was closer to a boyfriend now, in all honesty you hadn’t had that talk because you thought it was still a little early to ask him about labels, and he was too awkward to ask. Dating was what you told people. And Kurt beamed every time you did, just like the way he was looking at you now.
You looked up at him from the passenger seat you’d just climbed in, smile upturning your cheeks in intrigue. “Yeah, I did say that. When you asked me yesterday Kurt.”
Kurt hopped in his seat at your response. “Well you’re in luck then mister-m-my love, because I’ve got some puppers who’re really excited to meetcha!”
“Really?” Your eyes lit up at this, and it seemed to give Kurt that little push of confidence he needed every time he’d started a new conversation with you once you’d asked him out. Especially when you didn’t react negatively at all to his last minute pet name. “Yeah-huh! Back at my home. They’re my grandpa’s pets but they live with me and my mom now.” He explained happily, seeming content to just sit in his car and talk with you, putting off the actual drive before he had to drop you off at your location. Luckily for him this proposal really caught your attention.
“Oh my god Kurt yeah you’ve mentioned your dogs before.” You grabbed his arm in both your hands as you spoke to shake it lightly, asking him why he hadn’t shown you them earlier. Truth is you mostly spent time in his car, out, or at yours. He’d taken you to the junkyard before, but not his home yet. To be fair, you hadn’t exactly known each other too long, you just couldn’t help but find this greasy gamer boy attractive.
Kurt dragged his eyes down to his arm, his throat bulging a little as he swallowed, feeling the warmth of your hands on him. “Yeah well... they’re good doggos.”
“What’re they called?”
“Luna and Dozier.” He smiled, relaxing into his headrest a little before you removed your hand. “They’re pits, but everyone’s always so mean about that.”
You nodded in agreement. “Yeah you hear those stories, from bad owners especially.”
“But they’re good dogs! They’re so sweet and like, like little old pals. You’ll see. You- well- you’ll see them tomorrow! In fact!” He shimmied up in his seat, a confident but hazy smile crawling upon him yet again.
You raised your eyebrows challengingly. “And what if, I’m not available tomorrow? Huh?”
Kurt momentarily froze, eyes sinking back down to his console, fingers playing on his turn signal. “Oh. Yeah. Sorry...” his lips quickly twitched into a dispirited frown. “Well- I guess-“
You smirkingly cut him off with a playful shove noticing the way his little dejected puppy expression still didn’t leave as he looked up at you confused. You tried to make it a bit easier for him, happily leaning your cheek against his upper arm, snaking your own through his before going to hold his seemingly always clammy hand. “Kurt I’m kidding. I’d love to go and see your dogs with you tomorrow.”
Whenever his cheeks blushed pink his eyes seemed to get more brown you thought. You adored that about him. “Really? Oh yeah w-okay, well, great!” His hand now slowly merged into your own, his fingertips grazing your palm as he shuddered whenever you did that to him. His hand was always so gentle when it held yours. Even though you had to admit how insatiably cute it was, you wish he’d grow a little more confident and secure when holding you. One time you thought during a chilling moment, he was so soft because he was scared of hurting you. But you knew the world had done it’s share of hurt to him, and that touch like this, until you, was rare. It was your job to make all those light simple touches near boring. Nearly. Giving a quick squeeze to his hand, you felt him lean more needily into your arm, even if it crushed it just a little between the seats. You gave him a hushed encouraging “Yeah?”
“Yeah!” He said it so happily that everything was going according to plan, he even leaned forward to give a chaste, although somehow still wet, kiss to the left of your forehead. “Sounds cool!!”
By the time you’d driven up to Kurts house you’d already listened to the top rotation of your favourite songs at the moment, some of which Kurt promised he’d add into a new song for you, even though you’d never asked him to, and he’d been ranting on about his dog’s favourite games, and what you guys could play, before just deciding to hang out with them when they inevitably got tired.
Kurt had already told you what his house looked like, so you weren’t surprised at all to see it so secluded. And although you’d seen it in videos of his you watched, you’d never seen Kurt’s bedroom in person, so you were definitely going to ask for a bit of a tour later on. That’s if you could find a way to ask to see his bedroom that you didn’t think would make Kurt spontaneously combust upon saying. You hadn’t had any luck yet. God he was an adorable mess of a man.
Even though Kurt liked to open his doors for you when he could, he knew you could get out of his Prius just as quickly. So he walked around to the side as you got your bag from the car floor, and walked outdoors, standing by Kurts side as he smiled back down at you, trickles of hair covering his eyes, before he shook it out the way and to the side. “Well- here’s- home sweet home! Welcome.” He threw his arms up in the air, slapping them back down at his sides, before walking up to the front door.
That’s where you were expecting to meet his dogs. Inside the house dozily waiting for Kurt to come home. You neared just a few feet away from the side fence, in the middle of a sentence to do with if Kurt’s mom would be home, when all of a sudden a loud mass of barking accompanied a heavy weight bashing the fence right at you. Shadows clipped through the gaps of the wood and the whole frame shook, snarls and growls bellowed louder as the lock to the gate was clawed at, scratch marks accompanying the wood around it as the noises grew louder and more violent.
You jumped at the sudden assault of noises, scared and shocked into stillness as the wood seemed to bulge out almost cartoonishly, like something was about to break free and head straight for you.
“Hey hey hey!”
You hadn’t even realised you’d backed into Kurt, neither had he realised he’d come to wrap around you from behind, both acting instinctually, even though it was his beloved pets.
It was only when his arms wrapped over your shoulders that you felt yourself breathe again. And that’s when you realised his words were too harsh to have been trying to comfort you. He was talking to his dogs.
You looked up at him from where he was softly tucking you into his chest, even he looked shocked at their behaviour, although there was a distinct trace of sternness you didn’t think you’d ever seen on Kurt Kunkle’s face before. You sank further into Kurt’s hold as you looked back at the gate, backing up into him as much as your subconscious state would allow.
Kurt swaddled his arms around your upper torso further, protectively. “Hey stop it you two! You’re scaring them!” Kurt gently clasped onto you quickly again with a soft squeeze. “Stop that right now!”
The banging on the wood stopped, thankfully, but even as the lock stopped flipping up and down, you held all of your body as flush to Kurt as any parts could; the barking didn’t cease, and they’d begun howling now.
Kurt seemed to be instinctively and not at all falsely confident about something for the first time in his life now. At least since you’d known him. He rubbed his warm hands up and down your shoulders, rejuvenating some spark in you you realised had been simmering a little, thankful for his touch of reassurance. After a couple of seconds of that he looked down at you, frowning, disappointed, and apologetic and upset on your behalf, letting you go with another brush, but marching straight towards the fence now.
“Hey you two. You’re being very bad!!” Kurt pointed his finger at them, through the rather crooked gaps, and it made your breath catch in your throat. But these dogs who’d been growling and snarling incessantly since the moment you stepped even close to their home, only licked and whined at Kurt’s finger as he lectured them, the darker one, Luna, even going in for a friendly nibble, as if she was just saying hello after he’d come back from the store.
Kurt still wagged his finger, even though he didn’t stop either of the dogs as they paced close to the fence, or went up to sniff and lick at him, wagging their tails. Dozier sat a little further away in the background as they saw their mad owner’s gaze upon them. “You’re both being really bad dogs! Y/n is a friend! See? Gooooood. A good friend. They’re nice. And you can’t bark at them! No barking! No biting!!!”
As in control as Kurt was, your heart was still to stop hammering.
“You don’t attack y/n, okay! Don’t be naughty. Y/n is a friend. You be nice to y/n, okay?”
Kurt walked back up to you with a sigh, head hung but with no growling behind him. You swear you could hear a tail repeatedly hitting the fence panelling.
Kurt raised his head once he got near you, and that was your cue to raise your arms. He enveloped you in the hug first, which wasn’t too unusual, but the small, yet heavy, open mouthed kiss to your cheek was a bit of a rarer deal for him. Although you didn’t doubt he thought about it a lot. His movements almost seemed natural to him at this point, and you just melted into his chest, resting your cheek on his soft shirt that smelt of mango vape and a bit of sweat, but you liked that last smell. When he stayed over and your pillows smelt of it, or that time he didn’t have a shirt at yours and gave you back your tee that you fiddled with the rest of the evening, or when he hugged you, just like this. “I’m sorrry...” he drawled out.
You shook your head. You weren’t sure what at, but you did nuzzle your nose and one of your eyes into him more efficiently. You closed the other one as well, just letting him hold you as you breathed.
“Sorry... they’re not used to new people.” He explained sadly, rubbing a hand comfortingly up and down your back, in such a way it raised your shirt a little at the bottom each time. It felt nice, to have him knowingly hold you like this. You were sure he was getting a little comfort out of petting you this way as well, but of course you were happy to give him that. You clasped your hands around his middle, rubbing your face against his chest for a couple of seconds before just relaxing into him. You felt enveloped for a moment as his neck craned and his long hair hung over you, head tucked against yours, but you welcomed the enveloping, how he sheilded you in the darkness. Kurt started to sway you then, and you hooked your arms around his shoulders, leaning into the back and forth movements with you and he kept up his soft rubbing. All the while breathing him in, finally having your lungs return to normal.
It only lasted a couple of seconds though, before Kurt was pulling back, pouting down at you with those big brown puppy dog eyes. You could tell he was upset by how his plans had gone. “Oh K-Kurt.” You lowered your hands now, holding one to his hip but using the other to rub smaller circles than his one into his lower back. Kurt tucked his chin at you, looking down between your feet. So you raised the hand on his hip to his chest, having him look at that instead. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t plan it to go this way. It’s alright. We can do something else instead.” You tried to reassure him sensitively. “They only spooked me for a second.”
He looked back up at you now, biting on his bottom lip with his upper one. You pat his chest twice. “I’m sure they really are good pets, just-“
“Come here. I wanna show you.” Kurt’s tongue dashed down to his lower lip, wetting it in thought, as he grabbed your hand in his, and absentmindedly following, you quickly realised he was leading you straight to the dogs. “Wait Kurt. I don’t think-“
“Hey!” Kurt whistled, and you could immediately hear the dogs at the gate again, your heart beating inside your chest. Although this time they weren’t trying to open the gate, they weren’t even being loud. The only noises were the patter of excited footsteps on the pavement.
Kurt let go of your hand once you were both by the gate and squatted down, putting the back of his hand to the gaps. “H-hey, hey guys.” This time his stutter wasn’t from second guessing his sentence, but from laughter, at the tickle of his dogs licking his fingers with friendly anticipation.
“Now you need to be good dogs. Luna? Dozier? You need to be good dogs okay? Y/n’s good, they’re my- they’re my friend.” He seemed to flounder for just a moment, unsure whether he was allowed to call you his partner or not, or whether his dogs would even understand that. “You’ll get more used to them. They’re your friend now too.” At this point, Kurt looked up at you, bouncing on the balls of his feet and grinning in childish excitement. He held his hand out to you, as you twisted your lips down at him. You were thinking about it.
“C’mon. I swear they won’t hurt you. I promise.” He said, tilting his head almost like a sad dog. When you didn’t move he took your hand himself, but softly, guiding you down, calculating his movements to make you sure he wasn’t bringing you any further to the gate, only to him. “I promise I won’t let them hurt you.” He brought your hand back into his chest this time, moving it about in between his own, with it gently brushing over the fabric of his shirt. And then, with all his gaze focused on it, he leant down and kissed the back of your hand, with all the tenderness as if it was a physical wound, rather than you just being emotionally scared. His lips continued to hold their affection in them, just as his eyes did as he batted them up at you. It was when he dropped your hand, fingers still itching to trace on yours till the very last second, that you imagined this is the feeling Kurt had once explained to you late agaisnt your pillow. How your hand felt like it had pins and needles where he’d once been touching, except these were warm, and exciting to the touch, and not in the least bit uncomfortable. Only the sensation could be soothed, by being touched by the other once again.
Finally, with his words of encouragement, you started to move a bit closer. Kurt shuffled, still crouching, until he was behind you, knees swaying against your back every so often, as his hand held encouragingly on your shoulder, there and alert for you in his promise, as you slowly reached the back of your hand towards the gap in the fence.
The immediate sniffing against your skin brought in light giggles. Memories of dogs you’ve loved and childhood meetings flew into your mind as you felt the two dogs fighting over eagerly sniffing your hand through the medium sized hole, only there was no hurting or snarling, just tripping over each other and excited nudges of each others noses.
You wondered if Kurt had thought the mix of his scent on your hand would help the dogs accept you more, or maybe he just wanted to kiss your hand. Looking at him right now, even though he was looking at the dogs, full of light and smiling so genuinely, you really thought it was the second one. You laid a hand on his knee. You could always have used the excuse you needed it for balance, the way you two were framed right now, but you didn’t want to. You smiled at him, not even noticing one of the dogs had gotten their nose through until they eagerly started to lick at your palm. You giggled into Kurt’s eyes at how gross the feeling was, before moving your hand closer so they could both sniff and touch it more. You didn’t notice that Kurt’s eyes had been glued to yours since the moment your hand touched his knee. His face only got redder when you went to stretch an ankle, and your hand slipped further up, to his mid thigh.
“Right! C’mon guys! Be good dogs to y/n okay! Friendly!”
“Wait!” Panic started to set in a little as you realised Kurt may still not understand so much how different his childhood pets may react to a stranger, especially if he hasn’t had many friends over before. “Kurt hold on a-“
Before you could react, Kurt had unlocked the gate, and you were still in a squatted position. You shut your eyes with a brief squeak, before you felt something barrelling into you. You fell on your ass, still managing to keep sitting up, with your hands raised in surrender in front of your face. You didn’t know what you expected, but the tongue between your hands trying to dig into your face, the slapping of a tail against your calf and a paw on your crotch took you a second to digest. As soon as you heard the friendly whining, you peeked through your hands to see Luna, the darker grey one, with her dropped ears and her paws pattering desperately as she finally got up to your face, immediately licking where she’d been denied before, and sniffing everywhere you could. Your hands lowered down, expecting her face to follow, but a gush of wind right in your eardrum as she sniffed made you burst into laughter. You couldn’t even be mad at the fact Kurt had just opened the gate with too much trust in them, they were too cute to be mad at their owner.
Looking up, hands finally finding a gentle purchase on Luna’s paw, you saw Kurt stood directly in front of you, momentarily blocking Dozier from his attack of snuggles so you wouldn’t be bombarded, but Luna having snuck past. You couldn’t help but gaze into his open mouthed smile, as he watched you and his previous best pal become buddies.
You were slightly afraid if you opened your mouth, Luna would find her way in there, but you managed a very pleased grin at him as Luna snorted against your chin, desperately trying to lick your face.
Kurt was so happy, watching you, a person he actually really liked, who liked him back, out loud, playing with his dogs, outside his house, smiling at him like that.
He was so distracted he forgot about the pit with more patches of white on them, but it didn’t matter too much as Dozier was just as friendly when they finally got to greet you, sniffing the back of your head and accidentally head butting your shoulder in the process, trying to climb under their sister as they tried to smell you even more. You just laughed more and more at that, and Kurt fell to the ground, bringing his knees up to his chin but making sure his feet just touched yours, as he laughed more genuinely than he felt like he had in years. Well, discounting the times you’d made him laugh recently of course.
The dogs went to go play with Kurt now as well, Dozier happily accepting a few head scratches in trade for leaving Luna to slobber over more of his face, trotting back over to you with a wizzing tail to get less of an interrupted inspection.
You gently tried to lead Dozier down from your face, not exactly wanting any kisses from the mouth, well, not from the dogs, distracting them with ear scratches until their butt was basically landed in your lap to get an equal amount of scritches, laughing each time their tail whipped your leg out of excitement, and how their head bounced back and forth to get a good idea of which ear would be scratched next.
When you finally got a chance to open your eyes without a fear of slobber getting on them- and you’d done a pretty good job of protecting your face, just not your head, or anywhere else- you saw Kurt, who had clearly been trying to speak to you, in a much similar position that you must’ve just been in. With his eyes and face scrunched up so cutely, but still clearly in a big smile, as Luna licked all over his face, wherever she could get. Kurt seemed to resign to his slobbery fate just a little more than you though, it made you giggle. Which of course got Dozier to bound up and go for your chin again. You gently set them down, looking at Kurt again and finally gaining some eye contact, and with both your twisted up smiles, Kurt finally started to stand up, reaching his hand over and, after Luna so graciously accepted first, you took his hand and let him help you up, both pups circling around your feet now, sniffing excitedly at your pants and looking up at their new friend with playful anticipation.
Kurt seemed to get them, letting go of your hand but stepping closer to you in the process, cheeks coloured with pink yet again. “Yeah yeah. You dog-guys go play. We’ll play with you in a minute, okay?” He swept his hair slick with either grease or slobber, likely both, back to the side. Both dogs came up to his legs now, and both demanded attention before they ran off together in Kurt’s land. “Yeah. Good dogs.” He drawled out, grinning.
And that grin stayed on his face as he turned to you, happy and proud, of his dogs and from making you laugh so hard, beaming down on you as he finally had you, y/n, in his yard.
And fuck was Kurt the most adorable boy you’d ever dated.
You practically skipped that last step towards Kurt, before you were close enough to take his hand again. He happily took it without much of a pause this time, still letting you take the lead though on where they went, although your eyes crinkled with your smile as you watched Kurt play with your hands, his eyes just watching as he gently toyed with your fingers. It wasn’t until your legs moved till they crossed with his, and your free hand trailed gently to his chin, making him look right into your eyes, that he did so. His demeanour immediately changed, whilst he still held your hand, he clasped it more for comfort, and except for his eyes that slowly drew down to your mouth, his body began to still. His lips parted, into a small round shape, perfect and plump, hot shallow breaths starting to be audible as he realised what was happening.
His eyes remained warm and lips wet until you didn’t exactly pull away, but you broke eye contact, fake groaning with a pout that still couldn’t wipe away your smile. “Mmmmh! I don’t wanna kiss you nowww.” You drawled, emphasising the now, and moaning like a brat. But Kurt, like usual, didn’t seem to catch on.
He did draw back slightly, but out of confusion. Not enough so your hand would leave his face, but his hair wasn’t dangling above you two anymore. His eyes squinted sadly, before they seemed to get innocently wider. “But, why?”
You laughed. So much of a laugh that Kurt had to get you’d been joking earlier, especially with the way you lightly slapped his chest, but kept your hand on there soothingly afterwards; also, much to his eager and unexpected knowledge, he could tell you liked the way his chest felt under your hands by the way you touched it. His heart beat quicker at the knowledge, and he had to suck in his lips to stop himself from whining like a dog, as he realised you could probably feel it too.
The whine only became audible, once your hand slithered up his chest, past his very sensitive neck, to pat teasingly at his cheek. “Go wash your face pretty boy.”
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butlersbabe · 2 years
Austin Butler x Reader– Party of Three pt. II
a/n: thank you so much for all the love and support. you all make coming back into writing so very worth it. thank you to @itsyogurljaniya for requesting this! ❤️
tw: none i think just sappy stuff
w/c: 2.8k
part one 🫶
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"Welcome our next guest, he's been on many shows before but now he's playing the King of Rock and Roll in new film 'Elvis', everyone lets welcome Austin Butler!" Jimmy Fallon announced, welcoming in the blond from off stage. He comes on with a smile and waves to the cheer fans in the crowd. He thanks Jimmy and takes a seat while the host does the same.
"Thank you so much for coming on the show. You hit a home run with this movie, buddy." He says, smiling at your boyfriend. "We screened it the other night, You're fantastic in this movie." Jimmy continued. The grin on Austin's face unfading, he thanks the other man. You sit in the front row, Ivory was with your mom in the dressing room. You were only about a week postpartum but couldn't miss anything else of Austin's since being pregnant kept you from so much.
Jimmy goes on about the movie asking all kinds of questions about how he prepared and what it was like filming such a lengthy performance. Austin explained that it was a difficult but incredibly rewarding event in his life that basically defined him for 2 years. How he had met you just before filming and the kind of impact that had on your relationship. Going on about the accent that seemed to stick a little longer than expected and he even did a funny little dance that he'd done for the role and decided Jimmy should learn. However, Jimmy didn't quite get the hang of it.
After about 15 minutes of talking about Elvis and how the role was going to launch his career into full throttle, Jimmy asked Austin about your little one.
"So, Austin, you have a new baby at home, congratulations!" The brunette said and your boyfriend's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "I do, thank you. She's the most perfect thing in my life and I couldn't have asked for a better person to raise her with than, my beautiful girlfriend, y/n." He nods to you and you blow a kiss to him. "I could gush about my girls all day long."
"You two announced it pretty late into the pregnancy. My wife and I kept our children out of public eye for a long time and it's very difficult so I commend you for that as well." Jimmy said, agreeing that privacy is sacred at all points in life. "Yeah, we didn't want to expose her to such a harsh world before she was even born or had toenails so keeping her our little secret meant the world to us but getting to tell our family and friends, fans too, about her was just the most rewarding feeling."
"So, as a father, myself, I know this isn't the easiest thing on earth but it seems you've already adjusted to it so well." Jimmy holds up a picture of Austin and Ivory, both sleeping, the little girl on his bare chest. "Well, I'd like to think so. Ivy, you know, she's just the most fragile thing I've ever known and she just is the best baby. She sleeps at night, she eats well. I was very blessed to have a child like her for my first. But," The boy motions to you in the audience, "y/n, my lovely girl, she's a natural. She is so so wonderful with her. Y/n has made this new experience such an incredibly amazing thing for me."
"Your girlfriend, yes. She's a very proud and passionate mother, I've seen." Jimmy holds up another picture of you, Olivia, and Ivy at the hospital.
You hold back tears as Austin talks of you. Only have been together a mere 18 months, he's already been the most fantastic person to spend life with. "Those girls are the loves of my life." That sends you over the edge, tears freely falling. You were so proud of this soul and that you were so fortunate to have him in your life.
"Well, I have a few things for little Ivory once she gets older," Jimmy proceeds to take a small wicker basket from behind his desk and sits it on his desk. "A few things from my family to yours!" It's full of Elvis themed baby item, an Elvis teddy bear, bottles with the Elvis logo rhinestoned onto it, a onesie that read, "my little good luck charm", and your personal favorite that Austin's hand went to first, a tiny white jumpsuit with a little pair of his signature glasses. "Oh my god," Austin laughs lowly, holding the little suit out towards you and you nod, signaling you loved it. "Thank you so much." He couldn't stop smiling.
The interview ends with Jimmy telling everyone that Elvis was in theaters and they should go watch it as soon as possible, wishing the crowd and fans at home a goodnight. So once commercial break was in effect, you walk up to Jimmy and Austin, hugging the host and thanking him for the many wonderful gifts. "Do you guys mind if I go backstage and meet her?" Jimmy asks, beaming with happiness. You and Austin, of course, let him go see Ivy.
Back in the dressing room, your mother is giving Ivy a bottle, well, finishes doing so, perfect timing. You tell Jimmy to not be a stranger and to accept your baby from your mom. You listen to Jimmy and Austin talk about the baby while you gather up your make up and hair products. You thank your mom and bid her farewell until the next time you ask her to babysit or she came to see you all again.
"It was so nice to meet you and Ivory, y/n. Austin, it's always a pleasure and I hope to have you all back soon. Get home safe, and let me know if you need anything." Jimmy says, "Goodnight, you guys." And he closes the door behind him.
You buckle Ivory in her car seat while Austin sits next to the carrier.
"I'm so proud of you." He speaks softly as Ivy dozed off, looking at her then you. You slightly chuckle and finish with the last buckle. "Proud of me? I'm so proud of you, you did so well up there. Everyone loved you-"
"I'm proud of you being an amazing mom. You are like a superwoman. And I couldn't have anyone better to help me. This is a tough job yet you're so good at it. I'm so incredibly proud of you, mama." He cuts you off, letting you know being a mom is a billion time harder than being just some actor who just now got his big break after 10+ years in the spotlight. But sure, the job is a bit strenuous at times but your boyfriend was a freaking celebrity. He couldn't have it any easier than you.
"Thank you, baby." You swallow back tears. You felt like you cried at everything after Ivy was born. The doctor did inform you it'd take a week or so for hormone levels to go back to normal. He chuckled at your pretty, emotional, little self and stood to give you a kiss before he flips Ivy's blanket over her car seat, and picking her up. You and Austin have yet to post a picture of her face, you wanted to keep her out of paparazzi's way as long as you guys possibly could.
Going back to the car, you both keep an eye out for cameramen but thankfully get to the black suburban undocumented. The drive home was silent, hoping your baby would stay in her deep slumber but you two traded loving looks the whole way home. Proud you were of the family you've made.
The next morning, you woke up to your alarm sat for 8am. You needed a head start on today, Baz had set a small dinner at a beautiful restaurant just down for the whole cast. Getting up, you checked the baby monitor screen and see Ivy still peacefully resting in her crib even though most nights she sleeps in a pack and play in your room. Austin doing the same. You tap him, he groans, his groggy morning asking what time it was when you know he's been up earlier than this. "It's 8." You say, giving his cheek a kiss. "Will you watch the monitor while I go shower?" He lazily nods but sits up, grabbing the screen to be closer to him.
You go and shower, brushing your teeth and hair afterwards. Once clean, you changed back into your usual look, the oversized shirt and undies. Meanwhile, Austin had fell back asleep you come to find. You go to your daughter's room, seeing that she's awake and ready for the day. You pick her up and pull your shirt up and keep it in your teeth, exposing a single breast for Ivory to eat from, the baby immediately latches on. So now you're off to go on with your morning with tiny human connected to you.
You make your way to the kitchen and pull out a glass that was probably for whiskey and filled it with orange juice. You wanted to have Austin up and ready by 2pm if at all possible. Walking back up to the bedroom you shared, you tap him, hopefully getting him to wake up. He groans and opens his baby blue eyes to find yours. "Hey, lovey, you need to get up and get showered. I'm working on breakfast right now. Baz wants us there by 3, c'mon."
He gets up but not without complaining about how the room was too bright and that is was too early. You had a lot to do before going to the luncheon. So did Austin.
Ivy falls back to sleep after eating and you place her in a pop up crib in the living room just feet away from the open kitchen. You cook eggs and bacon and make a couple pieces of french toast of Austin, you ate only a few pieces of bacon and gave your boyfriend the rest of everything once her came down from his shower.
"So, Baz told me the dinner would have nearly everyone from the film there. Are we bringing Ivy?"
"Of course. We have to." He chirped, food in mouth muffling his words.
"I'm just worried she may not do okay there."
"She's gonna do fine. She's the best baby ever."
You roll your eyes at his insistence and take his empty plate, sitting it in the sink to clean later. "Whatever but if she starts freaking out, Daddy's gonna have to calm her down." And that's how it usually worked, Ivy adored both of you but for some reason, Austin was her peace keeper.
Later on, you both were dressed in black with gold accents, the party's theme being Old Hollywood. You were adding final touches to your hair and outfit while Austin dressed Ivory in her little black dress and a white head wrap with gold garnishing.
"Make sure she's burped, babe." You tell your boyfriend. You'd fed the baby only about 15 minutes ago but wanted to make sure she was all good before the event. "Okay, Mommy says I didn't burp your right the first time so here we go again." He says picking your daughter up, shriveled up in the newborn scrunch, before placing a burp rag on his shoulder and starting the same task he was positive he did right the first time. "Whatever you say." You taunt him back.
"Okay," You say unplugging things and straightening your dress. "We have to go. Let's get her into her seat and we have to leave like 5 minutes ago."
Needless to say, you were not there by three. Which was completely fine. Olivia, Tom, and Dacre had met you both in the parking lot and immediately start to  take over the baby. You didn't mind, you trusted all these people more than anything. The group heads inside with Ivory, Dacre even grabbed the bag for you, while Olivia took the baby and Tom had the carrier.
You and Austin were walking in slowly but surely. Once to the doors, you heard a familiar melody begin. It sounded live. Stopping the both of you, Austin's hand finds yours and he looks at you. The smile he offered you is one you'll never forget. It was different than all the rest. Maybe you two should talk about getting married one day.
The doors open by themselves, it seems, but you walk in to see a couple of people from the movie holding them open. Everyone is staring at You and Austin as he walks you down the path to the middle of the building where an opening fro a dance floor is. There was smoke covering the are. Kacey starts singing and playing the piano as you stop in the center of the floor. 
Wise men say 
Only fools rush in
Austin leads your arms to wrap around his neck and he places his on your waist, swaying with the music. Was this actually happening? Your breathing hitches, any air in your lungs had disappeared. 
But I can't help falling in love with you, Austin mouthed to you.
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
For I can't help falling in love with you.
Everyone was watching the two of you slow dance. Priscilla held her hands clasped, resting her chin on them, Olivia was already crying, she held the baby you and Austin made from nothing but love, Kodi had the biggest grin across his face, Alton and Natasha gave you thumbs up. You even noticed your parents and Austin's dad sitting together. This felt like a movie, itself. Kacey's soothing voice filled the building with such a gentle and romantic aura. Your heart could've bursted at any moment. 
Like a river flows 
surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Somethings are meant to be.
One of Austin's hands go to cup your face, you didn't even realize the tears pouring out of your eyes until his thumb wiped away a tear. His eyes were welling up too, you noticed. You were so in love with this man. So proud of this success and so excited for everything that his future held. 
You and your boyfriend danced to the beautiful voice of your dear friend for what felt like a forever you could absolutely stand. Although you were shaking like a leaf, you certainly were sure this was everything you wanted. 
Austin gave you kisses on your forehead, hand and cheek, then leaned in to whisper to you, something only you would get to hear as it happen. "I love you so much. I'm so blessed to have you and Ivy in my life. I can't wait to spend forever with you."
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
Austin backed away from the dance you shared and got down on one knee. Your heart was going to beat out go your chest, you sniffled and laughed in disbelief. How was this actually happening?
For I can't help falling in love with you.
The music stop and everything is silent, the blond speaks to you in his low, loving voice, not minding if everyone could hear, as long as you could hear him professing his unwavering love for your mind, body and soul.
"Y/n, since the day I've met you, you've been such a bright light in my life. You've given me your unconditional love, support, and trust since day one. And now we have a beautiful daughter who I get to watch grow and become just like the woman I fell in love with. I don't know what I'd do without you by my side for now, tomorrow, and the rest of my time. You've truly made me happier than I could've ever imagine." He pulls out a ring and your gasp any of the air your could possibly take in. "Will you marry me?"
This was it. This was the moment of all of your moments.
You smile, the rest of your tears flowing over your cheeks, nodding your head as if your life depended on it. "Yes." You stick out your hand and he places the most beautiful ring you've ever seen onto your finger right next to the one he gave you the night you gave birth to Ivory. He stands and kisses you as the whole room erupts with applause and whistles. A more upbeat version of Can't Help Falling in Love begins to play as you wrap your arms around his neck, him picking you up and spinning you around. People start to fill the floor and look at the ring. You and Austin thanked everyone who came up to congratulate you. 
The night went on, people coming to congratulate you, asking to meet the baby, and just making small talk. You two dance more, Austin has a couple of drinks, and you spent time with good friends. You couldn't wait for the life time of moments with Austin.
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purplew · 2 years
modern mdzs hcs that have no substance whatsoever
wwx is a major conspiracy theoriest, like my man will question everything given the oportunity, and like everyone is just tired of his bs already except lwj (obv) and then at some point they start theorizing together and just imagine like one lan family dinner where lwj explains the flat earth theory to lqr with his dead pan face and lqr is just regretting ever letting his nephew out of the house
jyl buys jc and wwx like rlly cute and ugly socks that they cherish with everything they have, and just wear them all the time, she also got them pride ones
lwj unironically wearing crocs
jc knits when he's stressed. it started out w him wanting to do some cute baby clothes for jl and then he just started doing ugly sweaters for wwx and rlly intricate scarfs for jyl, and when jl grows up he also teaches him and they make little clothes for fairy and just quality time™
jyl and lwj cooking together pls
I feel like wwx definitely had a major hair dye phase in college, just the cheapest dye and a new color every month, his hair is low-key ruined now but lwj always conditions it and gives him oils and stuff
wangxian watch true crime documentaries together and then try to solve the murders, they do it monthly and they have one living room wall that's always full w police reports, maps, suspects idk
when wangxian started dating lwj got a pocket sized coloring book for wwx to use when he's anxious, sometimes he'll sit in the buss stop and do a monochrome flower other times he's in a cafe and just takes a small pencil pouch and goes off
jc and wwx went to a drag show drunk one time and rlly enjoyed it so they start doing it for halloween then for game nights and idk if there are any open mic drag shows but i feel like they'd deff go, and they're audience faves, rlly funny together just chaotic dumbass level off the charts, that's where they met mxy and wwx made him his protegé
lwj taught lsz how to play guitar and got him an electric one which wwx painted
lwj w gauges, he started stretching them when he was a senior in hs
when nhs comes over he braids wwx's hair, a different style everytime and they just talk shit while drinking mimosas
wn and lwj have a gaming rivalry, like one time wn was over and was playing mario kart w wwx and lwj comes in and he starts idk trying to help wwx and wwx is like why don't u try, and he does and wins and somewhere along the line he plays random games w wn and they both enjoy it but are competitive asf so they start counting wins
wwx has a massive record collection and his friends always get home like super rare ones when they travel and he just,,, his babies, also they're like every genre possible, i think he'd be a music snob but won't just settle for one type of music to obsess over
jc a kpop multi, nhs showed him some songs when they were in hs and it's been like his 'guilty pleasure' even tho everyone knows ab it, deff just does random kpop refrences on the daily, like one day he just tells lwj 'mAyBe iF yOU sTaNnEd LoOnA'
wangxian watch rlly bad horror movies and bet in which order the characters will die
wwx enjoys russian lit, has read all of dostoyevsky's works and most writers from that specific period of time
jgy has a pocket knife that he carries everywhere
lxc has a film camera collection and he bonds w wwx ab film photography and obscure photographers from the 90s
lwj hates modern art museums
wq tattooes wwx and he always passes out 5 minutes after they start
nhs and wwx learned french so they can bitch together in peace, jyl also knows it
lwj had a major latin phase in middle school and a mythology one, sometimes him and wwx just sit in bed and he tells him random myths or poems
junior quartet have a yt channel on which they used to post embarassing videos in middle school
jc and wwx were vine legends, like just imagine wwx playing the flute w his nose or some shit and jc just screaming tHIS IS WHY MOM DOESNT LOVE YOU, or tbh them on any kind of platform just bullying eo and middle schoolers, maybe they'd randomly find junior quartet's yt channel and react to it idk
nhs made like kinda ugly clay bracelets for wwx and jc when they were kids and they both still have them, wwx put it on his bag and jc has it as a key chain
jl tried to read self help books in hs but just got mad when the affirmations and stuff didn't work out
lsz and wwx bake together complicated deserts on saturdays and listen to european 00's pop
wwx does like a smudged eyeliner and that's it but lwj will have a 15 step skin care routine and like 3 types of highlighter
jzx always wears pretty silk scarfs and those big obnoxious designer sunglasses
wwx was a theater kid, and he'll just Shakespeare quote randomly
lwj and lxc love musicals and brodway, they see some live w nhs
nmj and his never ending metalhead phase
lsz enjoys foreign indie films, like french, norwegian, italian all the jazz
speaking of jazz, lwj,,, big mf fan
i think at some point yunmeng bros deff had a garage band, and they were actually pretty good and got quite famous, but couldn't pick a genre so that's why they 'split'
jyl and wwx watch Tim Burton movies as comfort
wn and lwj closet harry potter nerds
wq hates wearing jewlery but she has a thread bracelet lsz made her in kindergarten
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ladykailitha · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Game
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Stole this from @kedreeva because I couldn’t decide what I wanted to work on. My only problem is that I tend to file name what the title is so I can find it easier, so...here’s what they were called before I titled them.
“File” Names
Concert Season 4 Fix Part 16 Season 2 AU Part 21 Reconnect Years Later AU Part 6 Rockstar AU Part 8 Soulmate Season 4 AU
Just a heads up, I’m working now, so I won’t be able to do the ask immediately, but go ahead and ask to your heart’s content (multiples are fine, encouraged in fact.)
Steve grinned. “Mom, this is Dustin Henderson. He’s the one I was telling you about that Eddie and I co-parent.”
Dustin’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “Mom?!”
“Dusty this is my mom, Allison Harrington,” Steve continued as if he hadn’t said anything.
Allison smiled. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Steven has told me all about you. Did you really build a radio tower all by yourself?”
Dustin’s face lit up and he started talking a mile a minute. Allison seemed to take it all in stride as she nodded along and asked questions at the appropriate times.
After he was done explaining he turned to Steve. “Are you sure she’s your mother? But she is super smart.”
Eddie knocked his hat off again. “Behave.”
Allison also frowned. “As a wise man once said, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will think itself stupid. My Steven has different strengths. And let’s not forget that the original NASA astronauts weren’t scientists and scholars but test pilots. Meathead jocks with an adrenaline addiction and little regard for their own safety.”
Dustin blinked. “Oh. That does sound like Steve.” He bent to pick his hat up again and adjusted it so it wouldn’t get knocked off as easily.
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Wonderful World - Part 4**^
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It's finally here! Ugh I'm bummed I didn't meet my deadline of Monday, but I have the worst hay fever and my eyes itch and watered so much that I couldn't see and I took a benadryl and it knocked me out for a while 🫠 any way, here it is!
Series Masterlist
Warnings: talks/arguments regarding break ups and infidelity, female masturbation, bullying scene w/threat, and arguments about parental neglect.
WC: 10.2K
P.S. I realized I never put a reference picture for Wesley (Celeste's dad), it's gonna be at the end of this part before the tag list:)
The drive was quiet between Harry and Rebecca. He was feeling tense and irritated more than sad. It was strange really. Rebecca didn’t even seem to notice as she was texting away on her phone with a small smile on her face and he just knew that she was talking to Eddie. She had lied about him being single for some reason…almost as if hearing he was taken would somehow appease Harry, he didn’t act like a taken man. And well, Harry had really not acted that way either tonight, he had taken liberties with Diana that he truly shouldn’t have. He never intended to end his relationship over this crush on her though, but it seemed that his relationship was already heading down that road anyway. He cleared his throat and this made Rebecca glance up at him briefly before continuing on her phone.
“Are you gonna be spending the night like we planned?” He asked and she sighed and put her phone down.
“I don’t think so…” she said as she turned to face him, “Have a lot of prep to do for Monday.”
“Well tomorrow’s Saturday… you’ll have Sunday.” He reminded.
“I’d rather go to bed early on Sunday so that I can be well rested on Monday, I’ve got to be in court then.” She said and he hummed.
“OK. But before you go are you going to tell me where you actually were for twenty minutes tonight?” 
“I told you that my mom cal-”
“Oh please…” he mumbled and she sighed.
“Look, you’ve been weird all night and-”
“I’ve been weird?” He asked glancing to her when they stopped at a red light, “You straight up lied about your co-worker’s relationship status to me and for what?”
“Well you’ve been all weird since you saw that text when there wasn’t even anything wrong with what he said!” She scoffed and Harry rolled his eyes with a frown and turned to her again.
“I get it if he texted you that at a decent hour, but it was nearly 10:30 at night when we finished dinner. What the hell am I supposed to think? And don’t give me some shit about how he knows it was late because I teach on Tuesdays when you fucking forget I teach on Tuesdays.” He said and she sighed, “Just…tell me what’s on your mind. You’ve been really distant for a while now and-”
“I‘ve been distant?” She asked with a frown as he turned on his street and she sighed, “Ever since you opened your practice you’ve been holed up in there all the fucking time!” She vented, “And then you just had to go and apply for that teaching position on top of what you’re already doing-”
“Don’t flip this on me, Becs.” Harry said as he pulled up into his driveway, “I’ve been bored! What else am I supposed to do? You’ve been obsessing over work over the last year and constantly bailing on our plans from putting work first, so of course I went and took another opportunity that would keep me occupied-”
“Harry, that’s part of our arrangement. Work first, we both agreed on that.” She said as he put the car in park and turned to her as she looked at him firmly as he scoffed.
“Our arrangement?” He questioned her phrasing wryly and she sighed.
“You know what I meant.” She said and he shook his head and before he could respond his phone started ringing and his car’s screen lit up indicating it was Henry and Harry picked up his phone and locked the screen, silencing the ringer before he looked to her again.
“You know what I think?” He asked, “I think that at one point our relationship really started becoming just an arrangement to you, I don’t know when that was, but I wish you had told me about it when you decided that.” He said and she was about to speak when he spoke again, “I’m not done.” He said and she sighed, “If you haven’t already cheated on me with that twat, Eddie, you’re definitely thinking about it and that really pisses me off.” He said to her as she frowned, “If you don’t want this any more just come out and say it.” He said seriously and she shook her head, not really sure what to say as she licked over her lips.
“What do you want me to tell you, Harry?” She asked before letting out a defeated sigh.
“The fucking truth! That’s it!” He almost shouted it at the top of his lungs because how hard could it be?
“Fine.” She said and he swallowed thickly before he nodded, “I…slept with Eddie. On Wednesday.” She admitted and he looked away from her and scoffed, “And that’s why! You act like you don’t care! Actually scratch that, you don’t care about anything that I do! You don’t care about my career, about my aspirations, you don’t seem to be understanding of how I need your support on my journey!” Harry’s phone started ringing again and it was Henry again and he switched it onto silence mode with a groan before continuing the conversation.
“What?! I go to the dinners and the schmooze-fests, and meet so many fucking city officials that I practically know who chose the fucking color of the garbage bins! What more do you want from me?! I don’t get it!” He shouted as he lost his patience.
“I don’t invite you just as my date, Harry. If you don’t see the opportunities there then that’s on you! You don’t want to do something bigger with your life? You could sit on the board at the hospital or attend more panels to give insight to the elected officials about mental health and be known for the good you’re doing out there!” She shouted back.
“Do you even hear what you’re saying, Rebecca? Where’s the sincerity in doing something good if you just want to be recognized for it? I don’t delve into the political aspect of my career because I don’t care about it! I do what I can by my patients, OK? I help them and I know that. Yes, our institutions are not at their best, but why would I waste time pushing and shouting at a bureaucratic brick wall when I can be making a difference in some people the entire time?” He asked and she sighed, “Why do you think I decided to open my own practice instead of joining an established one? I want to make an impact on people my way. I’ve been there for you in the ways that you’ve asked and-”
“Well it’s just not enough! OK?” She shouted in exasperation, “You’re not even upset that I slept with someone else, Harry. You don’t care enough at least he cares.” She said flatly and he shook his head as he shrugged.
“Well, I’m sorry, I guess our arrangement truly isn’t working out.” He said flatly before getting out of the car and shutting the door harshly as he headed up to his door. He pulled out his phone and saw another missed called from Henry and a text asking him to call him back when he got the chance. Harry couldn’t help but notice that neither of them were crying, they were just seemingly venting about how annoyed they’ve been at each other this whole time. He heard her door close and her steps rushing up behind him.
“So that’s it then?” She asked and he turned around and sighed.
“You cheated on me. You can’t stand there and act like there’s a way forward after everything you’ve just told me in there.” He said pointing to the car and she frowned.
“You’re not even going to try and fight for me? Just gonna hear that and give up?” She asked and he shrugged, “Are you even in love with me?” She asked and he looked off to the side before looking to her.
“I…I’m really trying to be.” He said honestly.
“Wow…” she exclaimed flatly before turning around and starting to walk to her car.
“Why are you trying to make me feel like shit for that? After everything you’ve said you expect me to believe that you’re in love with me?” He called after her and she turned around.
“You’re right. I never was either.” She admitted.
“Rebecca, listen to me.” He said coming up to her and grabbing her hands, “I do love you and I care about you and I want you to be happy-”
“Why couldn’t you be honest with me about those feelings before I went and…fuck!” She cursed with a frown.
“Because I truly was trying to make it work with you! I wasn’t going to give up yet. If I were getting to that point I would’ve told you.” He said and she nodded.
“I’m sorry I cheated.” She said looking into his eyes.
“Did you feel bad about it?” He asked and she looked down to the ground and sighed, “Well, that’s a no.” he chuckled and she glanced up at him to see that it wasn’t even sarcastic, he was genuinely laughing at it.
“I really tried to if that helps at all…” She said, quoting him from earlier and this led them both to laugh softly, “I’m serious though. It wasn’t even planned and afterwards I didn’t feel like I thought it would and I was just working up the courage to…to say it to you. That’s what made me feel bad, knowing that you didn’t deserve that.” She pouted slightly as she spoke and squeezed his hands, “Today I was talking with Eddie about how I was going to talk to you about it and we ended up making out. That’s where I was.” She finished and he nodded, “You don’t seem upset.”
“Neither do you.” He stated and she shrugged.
“I guess we were both just trying…” she said softly.
“Guess so.” He hummed, “So maybe it’s a good time to tell you that Henry and I both didn’t like him and hoped that our paths would never cross in an escape room again.” He said and Rebecca sputtered on a laugh, “We were gossiping about it with Diana.” He confessed.
“Yeah, he was kind of in shambles…” Rebecca said, “While we ummm, confess things…I will probably never do an escape room again.” She said and Harry laughed, “It’s the fucking worst.” 
“You’re alright at it though.”
“Yeah, because I solve problems all fucking day, the last thing I want to do on my nights off is solve more problems. Stupid ones too.” She giggled and he shrugged.
“Yeah, fair enough.” He said.
“And you know, that Diana girl, she said something tonight that led me to having that chat with Eddie. I was complaining about the bar, you know I hate that bar.”
“Oh boy, do I…” he chuckled.
“I was basically telling Grace get used to it because you’re gonna end up here anyway. I don’t know why you guys talk though options if you’re always going to end up there, but anyway… I was telling them that you liked it because it gave pub vibes and she was basically saying that it was nice of us to still come here because it was probably really nice for you to find something like that here that reminds you of home and she just put things into perspective for me. Like she’s a fucking stranger and had a lot more consideration and care for what matters to you than I ever did! And that’s what made me realize that I needed to tell Eddie to just give me a bit of time to break things off between us.” She explained and Harry bit over his bottom lip to suppress the smile that threatened to break over his lips at the thought of Diana sticking up for him like that. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that…maybe I have been a bit selfish in this relationship. I know you’ve been so understanding and patient with me and entertaining all of my feats to get my foot in the door somewhere and well, you deserve someone who will do the same for you and who makes it about you too. Someone who can look past their own shit and just do things that make you happy simply because they make you happy and not complain about it.” She said and he chuckled.
“I think we all deserve that, love.” He said and she smiled, “Well thank you for everything, I’ve learned a lot about local government.” Harry said and she giggled.
“Yeah, I’ve learned a lot about…I don’t even know…that’s bad isn’t it?” She asked and he shrugged.
“You’ll do better next time.” He assured as he let her hands go and she nodded.
“I really am sorry about all of this.You really do deserve the world, Harry. I hope you don’t forget that.” Rebecca stated and he smiled.
“Thank you.” He responded before she walked off and got into her car and he headed inside once she took off. 
As she drove away Harry felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders somehow, she probably felt the same. He remembered that Henry had called him a bunch of times, so he pulled his phone from his pocket and called Henry back and he answered almost immediately.
“Hey man.”
“Hey, what’s up?” Harry asked and Henry sighed.
“I’ve ummm…I have to tell you something and it’s not good news.” He said and Harry frowned in concern.
“Oh, OK. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. But I just need you to know because I respect you and I love you and you deserve better-”
“Is this about Rebecca and Eddie?” Harry asked as he scratched at his head.
“Ummm, yes.”
“She beat you to the punch, man. She told me and she literally just left we ummm, we ended things.” He said.
“Oh, thank god. I had no idea how I was going to break that to you.” He said and Harry chuckled, “You don’t seem too torn up about it.”
“I’m not, neither was she… I kind of told her that I’ve been trying to be in love with her and just…can’t? She felt the same and so we just ended it.” He explained.
“Well I hate to say I told you so but she did say that you being together was very convenient and well…you know how I felt about that.” Henry said and Harry chuckled.
“Yeah, she called it an arrangement while we were arguing a bit so…” Harry mumbled. He then swore he heard someone in the background asking if he was alright, “Is that Grace?” 
“Yeah. She’s the one who saw Eddie and Rebecca outside.”
“Oh, that’s why she suddenly wasn’t feeling so well…poor thing. You can tell her that I’m alright and that I really like her, I think you guys will be great together.” Harry said and Henry smiled.
“Thanks, man. I appreciate that.” Henry responded, “And well, I know that maybe it wasn’t everything you thought it was, but you still just ended a relationship, so if you need absolutely anything you know I’m here for you. Day or night.” Henry assured.
“Thank you, I appreciate that. Love you, man. Talk soon.”
“Love you, good night.” Henry said before they hung up. 
As Harry got ready for bed he couldn’t help but think about Diana again. Yeah, he was single now, but that didn’t make her any less attainable and it sucked. Part of him wanted to tell Henry about how they knew each other and maybe he would if it got too hard or tempting for him to be around her. The nice thing now was that he didn’t have to feel guilty for being into her.
Diana woke up her body so tense that it ached a bit, she was hot and worse than that, she was so turned on. She could feel her arousal slicking her up to the very tops of her thighs. She rolled over and saw it was only 6am and she groaned as she threw an arm over her face as her body continued to buzz. This wasn’t good… she had just had a sex dream about Harry and as much as she knew she had to dispel the thoughts, she was squeezing her eyes shut clinging on to whatever memory she had of it. 
“Fuck it.” She whispered and sat up to dig around her bedside drawer and found her little clit sucking toy, it was only appropriate for the dream she had, had. She pressed it on before slipping it under the covers and moved her sleep shorts aside. She whimpered quietly as soon as her clit got sucked into the little opening of the toy and she opened her legs a little wider as the sensations started to take over.
In her dream he had been holding around her waist the way he had at the bar, except that in her dream they were in her office at the campus. His body was pressed against hers, she could feel that he was hard as his hand started wandering lower. She squeezed her eyes shut to try and remember the feeling as she pressed the button on her toy to increase the pressure of the sucks. She exhaled shakily as the pleasure very quickly started to expand to the rest of her body from her core. She moaned quietly as she envisioned how he kissed her neck while fiddling with the button on her trousers, “Can I feel how wet you are for me?”, he had asked in her dream, right up against the shell of her ear. She increased the pressure of the sucks again as her free hand bunched the sheets beneath her in a fist, the way she had done to his hair as he opened up her button and fly in her dream.
“Mmm, yes…” she whimpered as she envisioned the way two of his fingers slowly dipped down over her. She envisioned how his fingers had tickled down her labia before dipping into her slicked up crease and feeling her arousal pooling out of her entrance. He had moaned in her dream, right into her ear as he started to pet over her hole, slicking his fingers up before sliding them up to swirl over her clit. Her stomach started to tense up and her ears to roar as the blood rushed to her head with her breathing now becoming shallow as she continued imagining his fingers pleasuring her. It was the next part of the dream that had her going insane.
Suddenly she was leaning against her desk, gripping to the edge of it with one hand and the other woven into his hair as he licked and sucked at her clit fervently while his fingers drove in and out of her steadily. She was alone at home right now and could make all the noise she wanted, but in her dream she was at her office at work and she was fighting to keep quiet, occasionally being shushed by him before he’d smirk at her the way he had the night before. She moaned a little louder as she pushed the button to increase the pressure once again and she started panting and arching her back up just in the slightest as the toy and her imagination worked in perfect tandem to push her over the edge. Her whimpers increased just slightly in volume as that bubble of pressure in her core finally burst and she started melting as her feet pressed her up, her hips raised off the mattress just a bit as she tossed her head back and quietly came undone. Her body was covered in goosebumps as she kept the toy to her clit, powering her through her orgasm. And just before she pulled it away she squeezed her eyes shut and pictured him again, this time in her bed and his lovely, deep voice washing over her beautifully, “Fuck, that’s it. Don’t stop now, you’ve got one more in you, baby. C’mon, just be good for me and give me one more.” 
With that image in her brain she focused on the pleasure underneath all of the sensitivity and quickly started to build to another orgasm. This one was more intense and she couldn’t help the yelp that slipped out of her mouth as the pleasure started to overwhelm her. Her legs trembled and her fingers hurt from the death grip she had on the sheets, but it felt too good to stop as those tingly and beautiful feelings came over her in waves until she had effectively worked through her pleasure and in a panic pressed her finger down over the little button, gasping when the two seconds it took for the toy to power down felt far longer than that. She inhaled deeply and exhaled shakily a few times as her eyes slowly blinked open, all blurry and heavy as she picked a spot on the ceiling to stare at as she slowly came down from the beauty of it all.
What am I doing? She thought to herself as the lovely feelings started to morph into guilt and sadness. Guilt because he had a girlfriend and sadness because even if he didn’t, there was no chance for them, he had confirmed that again tonight before they left, especially now that she knew that he too had an unprovoked curiosity and attraction towards her. It was best that this was the last time she entertained anything that had to do with Harry in her mind. She wasn’t going to indulge again, she needed to set her sights on possible things.
After her orgasmic bliss had turned to post-orgasmic shame Diana couldn’t sleep so she decided to just clean up and go for a walk or jog around the neighborhood to just expel any remaining tension from her saucy dream. It was about 7:45 when she made it back home and she hopped into the shower. 
She made breakfast and then checked her classes for any submissions on their homework assignment system and she did see a few in there that she then worked on grading. She had been so entranced in reading someone’s paper that the chime of a notification made her jump up in fear and she exhale and rolled her eyes as she reached for it and saw an instagram message from Gabe, the history professor who was kind of her friend and asked her out on Wednesday. She opened it up and smiled when she saw a picture of a cup of coffee from Café Flores, apparently she told everyone about this little place.
g.klein88: You were absolutely right about this place. 15/10. EASILY.
Diana smiled as she typed out a response.
DianaBel__: I love being right haha
She proceeded to click on his story to see what he had been up to, it was about 9am now. Her eyes went a bit wide when she saw a tagged video of him presumably after surfing. His wet suit was half-off, rolled down enough to show off his chiseled abs and strong chest, he was waving the “hang-loose” sign to the person who had been recording and then the video’s owner was in the frame showing their own “hang-loose” with a bright smile before it cut out. 
“Well damn…” she whispered and then saw that he was typing.
g.klein88: I had a feeling you would appreciate hearing it lol. Have you given any more thought to my invitation to go out?
Her eyebrows raised, boy he was direct. And she did like that because she tended to be rather oblivious to people’s intentions most of the time. And well, she hadn’t really, but after her incident this morning she needed to just focus her attention elsewhere.
DianaBel__: Why yes, I have and I’m definitely open to it…
g.klein88: Well are you free now? 
She grinned as she read his message and well, she was… she just needed to pick Celeste up whenever she texted her.
DianaBel__: I am…what did you have in mind?
This is how Diana ended up downtown. She was walking up to Gabe now as he waved at her from a few feet away. He had suggested the farmer’s market, it was casual and they could walk around for a little bit and chat while running a bit of errands. After greeting each other with a hug and some very bright smiles the two were walking side by side as they headed into the market.
Harry may have been subconsciously thinking about Diana because he swore he heard her laughter in his surroundings. He ignored it and smiled as he finished paying the local honey lady and just as he turned around he heard it again and as he started to look around he saw her, head knocked back as the laughed at some guy freaking out about something and after a few seconds he was chuckling along with her and then she tip-toed and wiped something off of the man’s chin with a friendly smile and he seemed to thank her before they walked off side by side. Harry couldn’t deny the reason for why he felt his heart shriveling in his chest and his stomach tightening up in a knot that made him feel nauseous. The disappointment he felt suddenly laid heavily on his chest and the smile that had been adorning his face had vanished.
He continued following them, not intentionally, but his car was in the lot, it seemed they were heading there as well so he reached into his tote and put in his AirPods before blasting some music and speeding past them with a small group of people. It’s not that he was upset at her, there was just no way he could get introduced to this man she was with. He was still processing his breakup with Rebecca while simultaneously juggling what he had felt when he saw Diana with this mystery man. He was just having a hard time balancing these seemingly juxtaposed situations all on his own, he didn’t need a closer look at whatever this was to her.
As Gabe walked Diana to her car she could’ve sworn that she saw Harry down near the end of the parking row, but across the street. She couldn’t see well from far, so she squinted her eyes a bit to try and make sure it was him. He was in a white t-shirt and some jeans and he was wearing some kind of yellow hat on his head. Diana smiled as she watched him loading up his totes in his car.
“What’re you smiling at?” Gabe asked and she turned to him.
“I think I know that guy, he’s an adjunct at the university.” She said and he turned to look at him as well.
“Hmmm, never seen him before.”
“Oh, he’s with the graduate students.” She explained as she looked again as he rounded to the driver’s side of the car. She wanted to call out to him but she had no reason to. They had just agreed that after their little conversation the night before everything was over so she just sighed and turned back around, “So ummm, I need to go pick up my daughter, but thank you for inviting me out here, this was nice.” She smiled with gratitude.
“Nice enough to want to do it again?” He asked and she grinned, “Blink once for yes and twice for no.” he said and she laughed.
“Yeah, I think we can give it another go.” She said and he grinned. Gabe was very fun and easy going, he was also a level of hot that she couldn’t deny, he was very easy on the eyes. Yet she didn’t feel a pull to him strong enough to stop her eyes from wandering and she needed him to know because it wouldn’t be fair to say yes to him and still be crushing on Harry, “But I do want to tell you that I’m not exactly sure that I’m looking for anything too serious.” She shared and he smiled, “What?” She asked and he chuckled.
“Nothing, I just like how straightforward you are.” He shrugged, “Also, let me tell you something. I’m…divorced.” He admitted, “It’s been…nearly two years now?” He said and she nodded in understanding, “It just wasn’t working out.” He explained, “It was largely issues with her family, they were very intrusive and not too happy that she married well, someone like me. I was just an adjunct at the time. She’s the VP of communication for a very famous production company, she was the breadwinner, her generationally wealthy family didn’t love my minimal contributions.” He explained, “I maybe got a bit mouthy with her dad for belittling me…turns out she was thinking the same thing he was, just…waiting for the right time to say it I suppose.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright, I’m over it now. We were only married a year, I’m still learning to un-love her, thankfully I loved myself more than her though, at least enough to leave.” He explained, “So I get it, not being ready for something serious. I just feel you’re nice and getting to know you seems like a good idea.” He explained, “We’re just getting to know each other better, we don’t even need to call it dating.” He chuckled and she giggled.
“I mean, I’m not that ruthless.” She said and he smiled, “Let’s just…ease into it. See what’s there.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” He smiled. 
They exchanged a few more words before hugging goodbye. As she drove over to Geri’s house she called Celeste to let her know she was on her way. She was excited to share her news with Celeste, that she’d gone through with the date she had been asked on. She’d definitely be happy that she went through it. When she arrived Celeste came out and settled into the car easily. She did seem very excited that Diana had gone on a date that morning, she still said she could do better and go for a nice dinner or something more romantic, to which she assured her that maybe in the future it could happen, but not yet. The rest of their weekend went back to the fairly normal routine to get ready for the week.
Celeste had therapy Monday and Diana recalled her steamy dream and well, her actions thereafter and she decided that she would wait in the car for Celeste’s sessions until her embarrassment passed. There was absolutely no way she could look in Harry’s eyes after what she had done.
“Hey man, what’s up? How are you feeling?” Henry asked Harry over the phone as Harry made it into his house. He had been feeling down all day and while he knew he should attribute it to the end of his relationship, it had nothing to do with that.
“I’m alright at the moment. Was feeling a bit bummed earlier, but I just got back from a run, that helped.”
“That’s good, bud. Look if you need anything at all, I’m here. We should. Meet up for lunch or something this week? Maybe a drink if the week gets rough?”
“Yeah, definitely.” Harry assured, “How’s ummm, how’s Grace after having to see that?”
“She’s alright, she just felt so guilty knowing and not telling you.” He explained, “You know that I was always a bit skeptical of Rebecca, but ummm, I never thought she’d do something like that.”
“Yeah, you know in a way I’m kind of glad it happened this way because it just reaffirmed everything we don’t feel for each other. Infidelity sort of gave us a reason to not need to work through yet something else, to not settle.”
“Right.” Henry said, “You know H, waiting for the right person is definitely worth it.”
“Yeah, easy for you to say with a fresh new love.” Harry grinned and Henry chuckled.
“OK, there might be a small bias there but ummm…she’s the one H. I knew it from the first date.” He said and Harry smiled.
“That fast, huh?”
“Yeah, man.” Henry assured with a smile.
“So, how did you know?” Harry asked as he reached into his fridge to warm up some leftovers for his dinner.
“Well first off, everything was so easy. Like the attraction to each other was undeniable from the start. When we talk it just flows, like there’s not enough that I can learn with every conversation. I feel so happy when I see her or hear her voice.” He explained, “I don’t know, but it was one of those things that just felt right from the moment she came and told me about hitting my car.” He chuckled and Harry did as well, “After that first time that I looked into her eyes I just couldn’t stop thinking about her. It’s like something just clicked inside of my brain, there was a spark that woke me up.” He said and Harry hummed. He was covered in goosebumps because that’s literally how he was feeling about Diana. From the day he met her, there was just something about her that called out to him and it got harder and harder to ignore it.
“It sounds like you can’t miss the signs.” Harry responded.
“Yeah, you’d have to be an idiot to ignore them.” Henry chuckled and Harry smiled.
“Yeah, I guess so…” he accepted.
Monday went by rather slow for Harry, the one thing that was pushing him forward was getting to see Diana for whatever brief moment he got to greet her. After he bid farewell to his client he started to buzz with excitement, getting ready to greet Celeste and Diana. He straightened out his vest a bit before heading to his office door and opening it up. Celeste immediately stood from her seat and smiled at him.
“Hi Dr. Styles.” She greeted him and he smiled at her.
“Hi Celeste, where’s your mum?” He asked immediately and the second he realized what he had done he felt his stomach sink.
“Oh, she’s reading midterm papers in the car. Do you need to talk to her?” She asked and Harry shook his head.
“Ummm, you know I can just email her. It’s fine.” He assured as he plastered on a smile, “C’mon, lets head back.” He said and guided them back into his office. He sat down and she headed to the window.
“Dr. Styles?”
“Ummm, there’s a little cat out there on the fire escape, under your bench of plants.” She said and he immediately stood and headed over there, “It’s soaked.” She said and he frowned and peeked out the window as she moved out of the way to let him see. It had been raining on and off all day long and it seemed that this little guy was looking for shelter. Harry immediately unlatched the large window’s lock and opened it up and he crouched down to fit through it. Celeste watched on as he approached the cat who meowed as Harry approached it.
“C’mon, little guy.” Harry encouraged.
“Or girl!” Celeste said and Harry smiled.
“Yeah, just…c’mere cat.” He extended his hand gently and the cat sniffed it before getting closer. “Celeste, under the sink in the bathroom there should be a pack of microfiber towels, they’re blue. Bring one please?”
“Yeah.” She said and hurried off as the cat slowly started to come closer to Harry. It was shivering and it’s big green eyes were peering into his own with wariness.
“C’mon, I’m not gonna hurt you.” He said gently to the cat. 
“Here, Dr. Styles.” Celeste said from behind and he reached back to grab the towel she had brought him. He let the cat sniff him again and it started inching forward. After coaxing it a bit more it had come close enough that Harry could scoop it up. It protested at first with a few mews but Harry had it in his hold, wrapped in the towel.
“Can you take the cat?” Harry asked Celeste and she reached her arms out and grabbed the cat as Harry climbed back in from the fire escape. Celeste was drying the cat’s head and Harry smiled, “Does it have a collar?” He asked as he closed the window and she felt around the cat’s neck.
“Nope.” She said and he hummed.
“OK.” He said as she carried the cat over to the couch where she sat with it in her lap. It pressed closer to her body, seeking more warmth, “Let me get a dry towel.” He said and came back moments later and helped her swap out the towel.
“Well, she’s a girl.” Celeste said and he smiled, “What’re you gonna do with her?”
“I’ll probably take her to the shelter and see if she’s chipped.” He said and she hummed.
“And if she doesn’t have a home?” She questioned.
“I don’t know.” He said and she sighed.
“Well I think you should keep her around. She could be a nice emotional support cat for all of us coming in. You can name her something cute, like Misty.” She said smiling up at Harry and he chuckled.
“Yeah, that’s a cute name. Well, I will think about it.” Harry said and she smiled as the cat snuggled closer to her as she gently patted at her damp fur, “So today you were supposed to get a final decision on what was going to happen with Megan.” He said and she nodded.
“They changed her consequence to suspension instead of detention. So she got suspended for the week and the girls who were with her, her friends, they got detention for the rest of the month. Megan also has to see the school counselor once a week.” She said and Harry nodded.
“Well sounds like she needs it. How do you feel about it all?” He asked and she sighed.
“I mean good, but I don’t know what comes next. Like, I don’t think this has fixed anything, you know?”
“Well, that’s a valid concern, but we don’t actually know that yet, do we?” He asked and she nodded.
“Right. I just…I don’t feel better.” She explained and he nodded in understanding, “I feel like I still need to watch my back.”
“Well, now that the administrators know they’ll probably keep an eye out on Megan, to make sure he doesn’t retaliate, right?”
“I guess so.” She shrugged as she pet at the cat, “I don’t feel happy about it or anything yet.”
“Well, that might take a bit longer. You still need to settle into how things might change. For the better.” He added in and she nodded.
“What if things get better and I’m still not happy?” She asked and frowned.
“Well, that’s not abnormal.” Harry said, “It could be that you’re depressed for other reasons, but the bullying has been the most obvious stressor so we all just assumed that’s what it was.” He explained, “Is there anything else going on that we should talk about?” He asked and she sighed.
“I…I don’t know.” She said honestly, her eyes were on his and he nodded.
“Sometimes we can just get depressed, it doesn’t always have to do with something deep inside, you know?” He explained, “Whatever it is, we can work through it. From the conversation we’ve been having is it wrong of me to say that you sound… hopeless?” He asked and she shook her head.
“No, that sounds about right.” She confirmed, “What if this keeps happening, over and over again? Maybe we fix the issue this year but someone else comes and makes things hard again next year.”
“Well, I am going to tell you something you might hate to hear, but in life, sometimes shitty things just happen.” He said and she frowned, “But the good news is that with time and experience and family, friends, and other help, like therapy, you’ll be more equipped to deal with the hardships. That doesn’t mean that they’re easier to manage or won’t bug you as badly, but you will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel even brighter than before.” He smiled.
“Well that’s good to know.” She said as she continued petting at the cat.
“Yeah. Do you have pets?” Harry asked and she shook her head.
“No. Mom says we’re not at home enough.” She said and Harry nodded in understanding.
“I see. You know, I don’t have a pet either for the same reason. When you think about it, having a pet is a lot like a kid or even just a friend.” He said and she chuckled.
“How do you mean?”
“Well, we dedicate time to them and look after them. We care for them like they’re a part of our family. We learn what it likes, what it doesn’t like. We learn how it communicates with us…does that make sense? It’s like another member of our family almost.”
“Yeah.” She said and he nodded.
“So sometimes when we get busy or things change we start to look after the members of our family less. We lose touch with others and sometimes ourselves.” He explained, “And I think that this year has brought a lot of changes to you, Celeste.” She sighed, “High school is a big change. Your mom got promoted, so she’s been busier, you’re having trouble at school…a lot of things have changed and it’s normal to not feel like yourself.” He said and she pouted a bit.
“You know, it was her idea, my mom’s, to put me in guitar lessons. The band teacher shows me stuff too. I don’t need private lessons. I like them now, but at first I really hated it.” She admitted, “She was busier during the summer and I think she just signed me up to get me out of the way for a bit.” She sighed and Harry frowned, that didn’t sound like Diana.
“Do you really feel that way?” He asked and she nodded.
“She got her job and she just…disappeared. She used to pick me up every single day and we would have fun and make dinner.”
“Have you talked to her about this?”
“No. And honestly, I don’t know if she’ll listen. Even now, with this thing with Megan. It doesn’t seem like she cares. Or like the second I started getting comfortable with you she feels like she doesn’t even need to come up here and support me.” Celeste said. And almost for the rest of their time in the session Celeste just spent it venting about how alone she felt now. She had friends to spend time with, but the closeness she used to have with Diana was slowly fading and to her it seemed that Diana now cared about her job more than Celeste, which Harry knew was far from the truth, but Celeste felt the way she felt. Once again there were tears and lots of hugging the fucking cat in her lap, which with each passing second looked like it belonged here more than not. 
Harry wasn’t sure if this was just a bad day, maybe they had a disagreement, or maybe she truly had been feeling this way for a long time but he couldn’t stop hearing her say that Diana wasn’t invested in therapy with her. That wasn’t the case at all, this was their fault. Diana wasn’t up here waiting for Celeste because of what they had shared on Friday night. He shouldn’t have touched her, shouldn’t have held her. He shouldn’t have been feeling jealous over her. The one thing he was afraid of had happened and his choices drove a wedge between Celeste and Diana. When Harry went home that night with the cat he felt quite defeated.
******* Tuesday Afternoon*******
Grace was running late on picking her up, so Celeste had spent some time practicing her guitar parts for the jazz band concert. She had just received a text from Grace that she was outside so she hurried to pack her music and guitar before running to the bathroom really quick. 
She was just washing her hands when the bathroom door opened and she glanced up through the mirror she saw two of Megan’s friends coming in looking angry. She backed up as they approached her and her breathing was heavy.
“You shouldn’t have snitched on Megan.” One of the girls said and Celeste swallowed thickly, she couldn’t even speak.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered, the breath was leaving her lungs and her hands started to go numb.
“We’re gonna get you back. So watch your back.” The girl hissed and she couldn’t help it as her tears started to fall. Her guitar case was leaning against the wall and one of the girls looked at it with a grin.
“No, please don’t!” Celeste begged as the girl approached it and then kicked at the center of the neck of the guitar and she gasped as she heard the wood crack loudly.
“Oh my god!”, “Let’s go!” The two girls laughed and rushed out of the bathroom as Celeste opened up her guitar case to see that the whole neck was cracked through. She felt more tears fall as she groaned in frustration. She knew this would happen!
She got it together for Grace, but Grace knew her well and she knew that Celeste had, had a bad day or she was just moody, so Grace warned Diana anyway. And when Diana got home Celeste just felt all her anger from her vent with Dr. Styles just come back fresh.
“Hi mamita! I’m home!” Diana called as she made it into the kitchen and flicked on the lights so that she could start on dinner. “I stopped by a Cinnabon on the way home!” She shouted, after Grace told her that it seemed that it hand’t been a great day for Celeste, she wanted to do a little something extra.
“Hi.” She heard the mumble behind her and she turned around to see Celeste looking through the Cinnabon bag, “Thanks.” She said and started leaving again.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Diana called after her and Celeste groaned.
“What’s the matter?” Diana questioned.
“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Diana smiled and Celeste rolled her eyes. “Grace told me you had a bad day.”
“It wasn’t bad.”
“She said you were crying. Did those girls do something to you at school again?” She asked and Celeste shook her head but looked away, “Celeste.” Diana pressed, “How can I help if I don’t know what happened?” She asked and Celeste groaned.
“That’s the thing! You didn’t help you made everything worse!” Celeste shouted with so much rage she was panting and Diana frowned.
“What do you mean?”
“I never should have listened to you!” She shouted with exasperation and Diana frowned.
“Something else happened, didn’t it?”
“I need to know, Celeste.”
“Yes! Th-they broke my guitar. But none of this would ever have happened if you wouldn’t have talked to the principal! They’re so pissed that I told on them!” She accused angrily, “And now they’re gonna pick on me even more-”
“We did the right thing, Celeste!” Diana shouted back angrily, “What more was I supposed to do? Watch them hurt you more?”
“Ughh it doesn’t even matter because I’m gonna be miserable now and it’s all your fault!” She roared, “This is all your fault! I hate you!” Celeste bellowed at Diana before storming out. 
Diana was frozen, as she felt her eyes welling up as Celeste’s stomps faded. Her hurt crawled up her throat and broke past her mouth in the sound of a sob. Her hands flew up to her face where she groaned loudly into them. She hated this. She had no idea how to fix this or what she had done wrong and she knew that the answer was not to get in a shouting match with Celeste She searched through her bag and pulled out her phone and dialed Harry’s office, she just need to talk to him. 
Harry reached for his phone as it rang, alerting him of a forwarded call from his office. It rang out after a few rings and then he saw a voicemail notification and decided to just check it out. He brought the phone up to his ear as he waited for the audio to play.
“H-harry, it’s me.” He heard Dian’s voice clear as day sounding so, so defeated, “I really need to talk to you.” She sniffed, “It’s not an emergency, ummm, I’d just like to talk.” She finished and hung up. Harry sighed and threw his head back on his pillow. He started at the ceiling for a moment and shook his head before bringing his phone down and deleting the voice mail. They’d barely had any contact and it had already affected Celeste in some way.
Diana decided to give Celeste some time to cool off. It was nearing 10 at night when she knocked on the door and peeked her head in when a soft “what” sounded through the door.
“Mom, not now.” 
“Sweetie, we need to talk about what’s going on-”
“Why? Why now, mom?”
“Because I am worried about you!” Diana raised her voice, “I don’t know what’s going to happen to you next! And if there’s something I can do to prevent something worse-”
“Well you didn’t prevent anything! You made it worse! You meddled and now they broke my guitar and-”
“Sweetie, we can fix that quickly-”
“Yeah, so that I’m out of your hair again!”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“You just force me to do things so that you don’t have to waste your time with me anymore!”
“What? No, that’s not-”
“I don’t want to talk to you!”
“Fine!” Diana finally blew up and Celeste froze at her mom’s outburst, she had never heard her this upset. “You think I don’t care? That I just make everything worse? How’s this for worse? You’re grounded - phone and laptop handed over at 10:30pm until I decide. No friends over, even to study. And you are earning back the money it costs to fix that guitar.”
“What? Mom-”
“I have sacrificed my entire life for you because I love you. Even now, when you’re acting like a spoiled brat I don’t regret what I’ve done for you. But if you think I make everything worse, fine. Solve your own problems from here on out, because if you’re going to be ungrateful when I just want to help then I won’t help! I am done.” Diana seethed before storming out of Celeste’s room and slamming her door behind her hard. She was completely at a loss and she had no idea what she was going to do next. She laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling, willing sleep to come, but it wasn’t. Suddenly her phone started to ring and she glanced to it on her bedside table, she didn’t have the number saved in her phone but she picked it up anyway.
“Hello?” She whispered and then heard a sharp exhale over the line.
“Hi.” Harry’s voice came through the receiver and it made her skin come to life, “You called earlier?” His deep voice practically vibrated through the receiver.
“Yeah, it’s just…Celeste and I fought and I had a moment of weakness. Wanted to know what you had talked about last session.” She sighed, “It was a reach. I shouldn’t have done that.” She apologized.
“It’s alright. Are you alright?” He asked and she sniffled.
“Yeah, just…bummed. I lost my temper in the end and just went off on the poor thing.” She said and he frowned, “They broke her guitar today from telling on that other girl, Megan. She said it’s my fault.”
“Oh my god.” He said and Diana sighed.
“Yeah. I’ll let her talk to you about it next week, but just know it’s been rough.” She explained.
“Yeah, of course.” He assured. There was some silence before Diana spoke again.
“I ummm…I think I saw you the other day. Well it was Saturday at the farmer’s market?” She changed the subject and he bit his lip.
“Yeah? I was there in the morning.” He confirmed.
“Yeah. I thought I saw you loading your groceries.” She smiled as she recalled, “In a little yellow hat?” She asked and Harry grinned.
“Probably did. Sounds like me.” He said and she hummed. There was a short pause of silence before he asked his next question. “Why didn’t you come up yesterday with Celeste?” He inquired.
“I didn’t think you’d want that after everything we talked about Friday. Where we left things off.” Diana reminded.
“Right…I know.” He sighed and she smiled lightly. She felt it was hard to stay away from him too. “Want to know something?”
“Sure.” She responded quietly.
“My girlfriend? She was cheating on me, with Eddie.” He said and Diana sat up from her bed in shock.
“Oh my god…that’s insane! I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” She asked with concern.
“Yeah, I’m alright. We just…we’d both been searching for reasons to stay and ummm…our goals didn’t align from the start. We’ve been on two different pages, two different books even, for most of our time together apparently, so she found someone who was more in tune with what she wants.” He explained and Diana hummed.
“So you’re at peace with it?”
“More than I thought I’d be.” He stated with a chuckle.
“Can I tell you something?” She asked.
“Yeah, of course.” He replied, inviting her to keep talking.
“I…went on a date.” She said and he chuckled, ignoring the hurt in his chest.
“You wanted to tell me that?”
“Not necessarily you, just someone. I told Celeste afterwards on Saturday.” Suddenly everything started clicking about Celeste not being happy about Diana barely having any time for her. It worried her that Diana dating again would change everything between them, “I haven’t had the chance to chat about it with anyone.”
“And why me?”
“Because we’re not anything and you can be objective with me.”
“Not anything, huh?” He asked with a twinge of hurt in his chest, though his tone was playful.
“You know what I mean, Harry.” She sighed, feeling bad.
“Alright, what needs objectivity?”
“Just whether this is a good idea or not. On one hand I see how it can be. I hardly have a social life, I haven’t dated anyone in like two years…that was the last time I accepted an invitation from someone if I’m recalling correctly? And I mean, it could be good for me to…put myself out there. To have friends that aren’t Grace and my teenage daughter, or her buddies. It would be nice to have some company or to feel cared for in a non-platonic way. I mean, there’s tons of pros. But on the other hand I mean, there’s my job. It’s time-consuming, and Celeste…she’s dealing with so much and I want to be there for her first and foremost. Her wellbeing and happiness are my priority. So I’m nervous about introducing her to a partner and about changing our dynamic, it’s just been us two for so long…what if she thinks that I’m not happy with just us? Or what if she feels excluded?” she sighed in concern.
“Yeah, I hear you. But I reckon the right person would also consider and care for your child. It could be one of those situation where you introduce your partner as a friend first and work your way up?” He suggested.
“She’d see that coming a mile off… friend who stays the night?” She asked with a giggle and Harry giggled as well.
“Oh! So that’s the kind of thing you’re looking for.” Harry teased and she went all hot in the face, “You’re a cheeky little thing.” He teased.
“Oh my god…” she sighed.
“Hey, it’s OK, I’m not judging, but yeah maybe that would make things tricky with Celeste.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, it’s just at whatever point that happens at, it’s gonna be odd and a little uncomfortable.” She explained and Harry agreed.
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you, Diana… Objectively speaking? I mean, I think you’ll just need to be a nun from now on.” He joked.
“Oh god…” she giggled and he smiled, “So you’re really OK?” She asked after some moments of silence.
“Yeah, more than.” He was gonna take a risk, “So much so that as I laid in bed after Rebecca and I broke up, all I could think about was cherries.” He said and she felt her mouth go dry.
“Cherries?” She asked and he hummed.
“Mmmm, from your perfume. I could smell it on the jacket I was wearing and the scent just stuck itself in my mind until I went to bed. Was thinking about you, hoping that I didn’t hurt your feelings again.”
“You didn’t. I get it.” She said and Harry sighed, “Why are we acting like this is such a big deal? We hardly even know each other, Harry. Think about it. This is not a problem on its own, we’re making it a problem.” She said and he sighed. In a way that was true, they were freaking out because they found each other physically attractive. “Our best friends are in a relationship, we’re gonna see each other every now and again so how about we just reserve our non-shop talk to when we all hang out? I’m sure it won’t be often, at most once a month right? For the escape room?”
“Oh, so you are gonna join us?” He asked excitedly.
“Well yeah, I feel a bit obligated now that I know you’re a player short.” She reasoned and Harry winced playfully.
“Ouch!” He said through the line with a chuckle.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize I was…don’t laugh at me.” She scolded in some embarrassment as she heard him laughing, “I truly was thinking about it in terms of the group. I’m sorry, Harry.” She assured as his laughter died down.
“I know. Just messing with you.” He confirmed and she felt a slight weight lifted off of her shoulders.
“OK, good.” She smiled as she stared at the ceiling, “You smell good too, by the way.” She spoke up softly and Harry smiled.
“Mmm-hm.” She confirmed with a bashful smile on her face. She was envisioning the feeling of his warmth wrapped around her like on Friday night. She wanted to be near him, to feel him hold her again, to feel safe in someone’s arms, a feeling she hadn’t had in ages.
“So this guy you’ve been dating…”
“It was one date, the farmer’s market. We’re gonna go out again this week I think. It’s new and I don’t know… I’m nervous.”
“All of it.” She giggled.
“Well do you…like him?”
“He’s nice.”
“So no.” he chuckled and she laughed.
“I didn’t say that. I’m just getting used to the idea of liking him.”
“That didn’t sound any better.” He assured with a grin and she groaned.
“You’ve got my head all mixed up.” She chuckled breathily.
“What? How? I’m just interpreting what you’re saying.” He chuckled.
“By saying things about…cherries and my feelings and just stuff like that…” she said and he smiled.
“Mmmm, I see. Sorry.” He apologized, “S’kinda hard to forget though.”
“Yeah.” She admitted, mentally willing herself to recall the feeling of his body encasing hers. 
“You said earlier that Celeste was your priority.” He said seemingly changing the subject.
“Yeah, she is.”
“So if you have 3 main priorities where are you on that list, Diana?” Harry asked and she grinned.
“Are you trying to therapize me?” She asked with a grin.
“No, it’s a serious question. The fact that you’re thinking about it is not a great sign, by the way.” He said with a smile and she sighed.
“Well, I can say with certainty that I’m in the top 5 priorities.” She laughed quietly and he hummed.
“I mean, it’s not uncommon for people to do that, don’t worry. I do it sometimes too. And I mean, I can’t pretend to fully understand what having a child is like, but I do know that for many adults with children it’s like they put themselves on the back burner until their kid turns 18, which is horrifying. And I mean, how is your kid supposed to learn balance if you’re not modeling that for them? Like when is the last time Celeste got to see you choose yourself and do something for you?” He asked and she couldn’t even come up with something.
“I don’t know, honestly.” She confessed.
“See that’s not good. I know you have many things to consider as you make choices, but every now and again throw something in there for you, you know? Something that’ll make you feel happy. Whether it’s dating or committing to the escape room thing-”
“Or talking on the phone with non-friends about friend things…” she added and he smiled.
“Exactly.” He agreed.
“Yeah, I will try…” she sighed. “Can I tell you something else?” She asked softly after a long moment of silence.
“Yeah. Tell me.” He responded as he stared at his ceiling.
“W-when you grabbed me, around my waist? On Friday?” She brought up nervously, “I haven’t been held like that in years. It was really nice and I’ve missed it. It’s what…prompted me to say yes to Gabe. I want that again.” She explained. Of course, leaving out that she kind of wanted more of that with him, but that wasn’t possible, so she needed to try with someone else.
“Even though you don’t like him like that?” Harry asked and she closed her eyes with a slight pout on her face.
“Well what else was I supposed to do?” She asked softly.
“I don’t know, but you did the right thing.” He said and she sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, I-I liked holding you. I liked how your body fit against mine. I liked smelling your perfume on my jacket for the rest of the time after and I-”
“Harry-” she interrupted.
“You can’t tell me that wasn’t seared into your brain for days after.” He interrupted her and she sighed.
“Of course it was, but-”
“So why are you calling and telling me about your dates? Why are you doing this?” He questioned with some hurt lacing into his tone and she sighed.
“Because I need you to know that I’m fucking trying!” She whisper-shouted, “I’m trying to do the right thing and not dwell on whatever weird tension or attraction exists between us. Even if…talking to you makes me happy.”
“I can’t come first. Not this time, Harry. So don’t flirt with me or…touch me or talk to me about my perfume lingering on your clothes. Please.” She swallowed thickly and he nodded.
“OK.” He responded quietly, “Notice I didn’t apologize for it though.” He said and she smiled.
“I noticed.” She assured.
“Good. Just as long as it prompted you to do something for yourself, I don’t care. You deserve it.” He said softly.
“Thank you, Harry.” She hummed, “And thanks for even calling me back.”
“Yeah, of course.” He assured and she exhaled.
“Good night, Harry.” 
“G’night.” He responded before the line went dead. Diana suddenly felt so empty and defeated as she stared at her ceiling. She had hoped that speaking with Harry had brought some clarity but all it did was confuse her even more.
This is Wesley Beniot - Celeste's dad, Diana's Ex:
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abiomens · 9 months
i figured i’d put some of the fics i wrote on here, just 4 fun :)
(proof read)
Tw! Mentions of self harm and abuse. Dont read this if it makes you uncomfortable please.
You sat on the tile floor of your bathroom, desperately trying to block out the noises of your fathers tv loudly playing from the living room with your headphones. You were contemplating on using the blade again.
You couldn't take anymore of your fathers beatings, he was awful to you, but you didnt want anyone to worry about you, you were already a wast of space, as your father said. You slid the razor across you wrist, more tears falling from your eyes when the you saw the blood that came gushing out.
Why couldn't he just stop? Why did this have to happen to you? You never did anything wrong. It all started when your mom died a few years ago. He blamed you for her death, when you had nothing to do with it. You were at school, completely clueless about everything. You had nothing to do with it.
It was when you had came home from school and walked in her room to ask for something, when you saw her laying on the floor, her skin a almost milky white color. There was blood everywhere. All over her collar of the black sweater she wore.
Even the neighbors heard the blood curtailing scream you let out, your mom was dead right in front of you. She slit her throat. And to this day, you still don't know why. Your father seems to know, but refuses to talk about it.
It all makes it even more weird.
Why did she do that out of nowhere?
She always had a smile on her face, always cheerful, happy, caring, just a great mother. Then that happened. You hated thinking about it, it made you even more depressed.
Soon, you started to clean your wrist. When you were done, you heard your phone ringing. You looked at it, to see it was your boyfriend. He was calling you. So, you answered, hearing his calming tone through the phone, making your stomach flutter.
"Hey y/n, wanna come over for the weekend?" Ricky said through the phone. You didn't wanna get caught, but is was worth it. "Y-yea sure, lemme get s-some stuff." It was normal for you to stutter, since you've always been super shy, and from all the trauma, always scared you were gonna say something wrong.
"Okay, i'll be outside my house, on the porch, see you there." You nodded, but remembered he couldn't see you. "Yeah, i'll be th-there soon. Love you." He chuckled, "Love you too, y/n." He said, you hanging up. Getting up and walking out of the bathroom, you grabbed your cigarettes, that you snagged from your dad, a bag, some shirts and skinny jeans, makeup, jewelry, phone charger, and you were off.
You opened your window and climbed out, making sure to close it. You practically sprinted out of the backyard, climbing the fence and running to Ricky's. It took a good 5 minutes.
You soon got there, seeing him on the porch, like he said. "R-ricky! I'm here!" You said, out of breath. "Hey love! Did you run here or something?" He asked, curious of why you were breathing so heavily. "Y-yea, i did actually, i w-wanted to s-see you.." you smiled, hugging him, and pulling away when he pulled your face up to kiss him.
"I missed you so much." He nuzzled his face in your hair, enjoying your presence very much. "I-it was only a f-few days, Ricky." You joked, leaning into his touch. You always loved how nice Ricky always smelt, he was very warm too.
"I know, but I still missed you. My mom is gone for the weekend, she went to see her friends and party, sooooo she left food for us cause i can't cook." You giggled, taking in the sent of vanilla and pumpkin spice as you walked into his home.
"Come on, lets go to my room, I'm bored." He didn't give you any time to respond, as he practically dragged you into his room. "I already picked out a few movies, they're all Tim Burton."
Your whole face lit up, and you looked at him with a happy smile. He was the only one who could make you smile so wide. You loved it, it made you feel like someone actually cared about you. You sat on his bed, watching as he put on Edward Scissorhands.
He sat beside you as you took off your platforms, curling up beside him. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head and holding you close. Safe in his grasp. He always made you feel so safe and protected, no matter what. Thats what you love about him.
It made you think about your home, how you never feel safe there. Ever. The empty beer bottles, the abuse, the constant harm you caused to yourself. The thought always made you zone out, and soon Ricky noticed this and became quite concerned.
He waved a hand im front of your face, quickly getting your attention. "Love, what's wrong? You were just so happy, whats on your mind?" He asked, looking into your e/c eyes with his light blue ones. "I, u-uhm, i-its no-" He cut you off. "No, y/n somethings wrong, your face says it all. So, i'll ask you again, whats wrong?"
You didn't wanna tell him, you didn't want him to worry about you, it would put to much pressure on him, he already had to deal with the bullying and harassment at school. "Y/n, i don't wanna pressure you into telling me, but please, please tell me whats wrong, i care about you, i really do. So, tell me?"
"I-i- uhm...." You couldn't get the words out. "M-my f-father abu- h-he-" His face dropped. "he what?!" Ricky already knew what you had to say. He could tell what the word was. He was almost blinded my rage and worry, he didn't like seeing or hearing that you were hurt in any way possible.
He let go of you, quickly getting up and walking to the door of his room.  "R-ricky! Please i-i dont w-wanna deal w-w-with him right now!" You said, walking after him in panic. You had started crying by now, from the worry and the fact you didn't know what your father would do if he found out you had left to see ricky.
He looked over at you, him seeing you crying, which made him give in almost immediately, pulling you into his grasp to hold you. He hugged you, picking you up amd bringing you to the bed and sitting down with you in his lap. down. "Shhh...y/n its okay, you're safe here, calm down, I wont leave I promise."
He ran his hands through your hair, trying to comfort you as well as he could. Soon, your cries turned into little sniffles, so ricky took this as the opportunity to put his hand underneath your chin to make you look up at him.
He wiped your tears away, pulling you into a passionate kiss. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, holding you close. "Wanna change? I can give you one of my hoodies. You can wear a pair of my boxers as shorts, since you really only have jeans, okay?"
He told you, and he felt you tense up when he brought this up. "Dont worry, you can change in my bathroom" You nodded, letting him get up to get them. He handed you them, and you quickly grabbed your tooth brush and tooth past, practically sped walking into the bathroom.
You slipped on the hoodie, deciding you would just tell ricky about your self harm later. You didn’t wanna have a possible meltdown. You slipped the boxers on, walking out of the bathroom and towards ricky, who was watching the movie while waiting on you.
As he turned and looked at you, he immediately noticing your thighs. You didn't say anything, just got onto the bed and under the covers with him. He wrapped his arms around you again, turning your head and making you look at him. You looked into his concerned filled eyes, already knowing what he was gonna say.
"Its obvious I saw your...thighs...but we can talk about that later, okay? I don't want you to be upset anymore. I love you, y/n. Forever and always, remember?" You smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "I love you too, ricky. Forever and always."
He nuzzled your neck, making you giggle. His hands ran through your hair, knowing all too well that it makes you relaxed and comfortable. He pulled you even closer (if that was even possible at this point), kissing your forehead and closing his eyes.
"I love you ricky, so much..." You mumbled, falling asleep. He smiled lightly, his arm wrapped around your waist, his other hand still running through your hair. "I love you so much more, y/n. sweet dreams."
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thekidsarentalright · 10 months
HELLO I SURVIVED!! my voice is extremely fucked up from screaming and my legs hurt but i’m alive!! i feel like there’s so much stuff i need to ramble abt so i’m just gonna write a fuckin essay here lmao i’m so sorry 😭
ok so the stage looked SO cool in person. the backdrops were gorgeous <3 and everything was like a physical prop, not projections… including the giant replica of bubbles the dog <3 pete kept pretending to put his hand in its mouth and patrick was singing to it! and the pyro was insane, i could feel the heat from it and i was Not super close to the stage. they Also had a clock on the side of the stage that would go backwards every so often… like going back in time to play older songs 😭
UM?!?! THAT SETLIST?!?!?! ginasfs was NOT a possibility in my head at all, so that was absolutely insane, my god!!! everyone was like “???” after pete said they’d never played it live. and then it started and my brain literally blacked out. like my only thought was “there’s no way this is happening, what the FUCK”. that song is so important to me and honestly was one of the first ones i remember loving when i got into fob, so that was a whole moment!! if there’s a different song every time that’s so scary, i SO hope u get the song u want if that’s the case! <333
“don’t forget who left the light on 20 years ago” had me tearing up and then all the tttyg stuff… fob wants us all dead fr! and THEN HEAVEN IOWA?! AND HEADFIRST SLIDE?!?!?! i was HOLLERING the whole time, my throat still hurts 💀 and FAKE OUT OMG WHERE DO I EVEN START 😭 the pink lights worked and it looked so pretty!!! it took some ppl a minute to get theirs set up, so the stadium kinda gradually lit up more and more and by the middle of the song it was fully lit! i swear i saw the exact moment where patrick realized what was going on and he smiled so big <3 i teared up so hard (was trying not to cry bc i had glitter on my face lol… i kinda cried anyway) and then pete gave us a shoutout! i’m def keeping my seashell on like… my wall or smth <3
also the covers!! that first song patrick did at the piano is lake shore drive, it’s actually what he was playing in that tiktok of him in the studio back in like… february! (it’s the piano thing right after the clip of him playing trumpet) my mom recognized it when i was watching that video originally and asked why he was playing it, so i already knew the song… was Not expecting it live tho 🤯 and then don’t stop believing?!?! we were all v confused but excited lmao… and then crazy train a bit later 😅
and pete did baby annihilation!! honestly when i said he could do it and i’d cheer, i did NOT expect him to actually do it lmaoo… but he did and it was fantastic!! hold me like a grudge was also incredibly fun, it goes so hard live <3 shoutout to the ppl who were doing the clapping during the bridge w me lol
every time patrick started talking he’d go “hi” in this soft voice and i was just like “HIIIII 🥺” AND HE WORE DOC MARTENS!!! AAAA 💓 he was so sunshiny and just skipping around like usual <3
OH ALSO!! idk what the other venues on this tour are like, but wrigley has this thing above the stage where they have a couple different flags, and all except one of them were changed out to be the smiley face logo!! it reminded me of when they planted their flag in the lftos music video and i got emotional looking at it 😭 like. they did it!! and it’s so obvious they’re excited to be doing all this!! ur gonna have an absolute blast at your show for Sure!
(the openers were fucking amazing too, i totally didn’t process that tai was playing until literally right before they came onstage. and then they covered snakes on a plane and were like “iykyk” and i very nearly died lmao)
(alsooooo congrats on finishing ur first year of college!! happy stardust summer! mwah 💕)
- 🧋 anon
SOOO sorry to be answering this a couple days later tumblr never showed me i got it!!!!! ANYWAYS
ohhhhh my god it sounds like it was such a fantastic like. incredibly special concert, i'm so happy for u!!! the setlist and the set itself literally blew my mind as i was watching a livestream of the show like????? my god they really pulled out ALLL the stops while also keeping the classics on there, really a setlist to please Everyone i think?? also w the set like. all the animatronic stuff and different backgrounds and everything. patrick was Not kidding when he said this show was visually different than anything they'd ever done before i am. SOOOO impressed. actually both by that and the stardust project, i remember something similar happened for mania tour and it was really pretty (kept my cutouts and still have them!!!) so im VERY glad it's happening this time for fake out <333 they deserve to see all of our love in every way possible <333
SO interesting that that's what he was playing on that tiktok omg he was practicing for so longggggg.... insane that ur show got a special lil piano mashup and then last night he did what a time to be alive.... so curious to see if its wattba forever now or if that's gonna be different each night Too!!!
and YEAHHH baby annihilation being on the setlist is making me soooo ;__; every time i think abt it im sooooo proud of pete for like. being confident enough to do That in front of thousands of people. also made me so happy to see patrick skipping around stage in his slay lil outfit like all four of them were SOOO happy u could tell i just. god i love them, they DID it they had their lil flag planted and played such a good show. last nights show was no doubt so good and special too from every video i've seen i just. i Know this tour is gonna be the tour of a lifetime, im SOOO excited for my show and also so glad urs was such a wonderful time and experience like u got so many special lil things!!! ginasfs and snakes on a plane etc!!!!!!!!! loved hearing all of this <33333
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puzzle-bi · 3 years
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
I loved your blackhill daughter reader fic so much literally such an ignored ship but one of my favs :,) could I pls request another blackhill daughter fic but this time set during Civil War and with us picking one of the teams and insisting to be involved but our moms (and everyone else) trying to keep us out of it kind of idea. I just think civil war had so much opportunity for dif dynamics w characters :)))
Tipping the Scales
Summary: Y/N’s mothers and the Avengers try to stop her from entering their “Civil War”.
Authors Note: Thanks for requesting!
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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Y/N let out a long sigh as she finally shut the door behind herself, leaning her head back and peering up at the dimly lit ceiling light. She fished her phone out of her pocket, pushing away her thoughts about what she witnessed just moments ago. It was all she could do from letting sobs consume herself. She just needed to call her mother Maria and it’d all be fine.
Pressing on her contact and pushing the phone against her ear, the ringing felt like it was taking hours. In reality, Maria picked up half-way through the third ring, cutting it off.
“Y/N, is everything alright? Usually your phone is off when you’re at the tower,” the brunette said, her worry and confusion evident.
Y/N let out a breath before she forced her voice to be steady. “I’m probably not allowed to tell you this but — Ross just came in,” she began, saying the name like it was vermin (to her, it was). “He ordered that the Avengers stop functioning as a private organization. All the rules he wants to enforce — it’s horrible!”
There was silence for a moment. “I’m going to call Tony and get out of work for the day. Stark Industries isn’t far, I’ll be there soon,” she said.
They ended the phone call shortly after and Y/N took a couple deep breaths. She found her own reflection in the dusty mirror over the sink, and saw that a few tears had escaped onto her cheeks. Wiping them off, she told herself that it would all be okay, and then left the room.
Walking back into the conference room, nausea bubbled up in her stomach. In the short time she had escaped to the bathroom, everything had only gotten worse. At the very least, Ross left, but her family was in shambles. Steve and Tony’s faces were red as a tomato as they went back-and-forth. Every once in a while someone else jumped in with their own thoughts, but to Y/N, all their words were jumbled. Everyone sat around, deep frowns pulling down their faces.
She sank down into a seat next to her mother, who had her arms crossed and eyes trained on the table. Natasha only picked her head up when she realized her daughter had returned. “Did you call—?” she began to ask quietly, only to be cut off by Y/N’s knowing nod as a yes.
About ten minutes later and nothing had changed much — only that Y/N had now caught up on the argument. Maria entered the room, slightly out of breath. She sent Y/N a smile and quietly talked with Natasha about the ordeal.
Finally, Y/N couldn’t stand hearing Steve and Tony practically shout at each other anymore. Her chair flew back as she stood up, tears pricking at her eyes once more. “STOP IT!” She yelled, her voice cracking with her strength.
It sent a wave through the air, quieting Steve and Tony and making everyone look up at her. Y/N took deep breaths, not used to having everyone’s eyes on her in such a way. “This isn’t how the Avengers do things. So please, stop arguing before you tear the team apart.”
Each second of silence that followed felt like it was pounding against Y/N’s heads. Natasha took her daughter’s hand, speaking up. “Y/N, Tony is right,” she said softly, doing everything to ignore Steve and Clint’s heartbroken looks. “I do not agree with Ross, but we need to stick together and Tony’s plan is how we do that.”
A millisecond after she spoke, Wanda sat forward, cutting in. “You don’t agree with Ross but would have us sign those stupid Accords? You’d let yourself sign them?” She accused, her voice sprouting in volume. Everyone knew what those accords had in store for Natasha: they’d treat her like a global threat again, when her days before S.H.I.E.L.D. weren’t in her control.
“I’m willing to sign them, yes. It’s better than you signing them — or Thor or Bruce or anyone else here who has powers. If I sign them, if Tony signs them, maybe we can gain some trust. Maybe we can figure out how to rework the Accords and stick together throughout it,” Natasha said, laying out her plan’s blueprints.
Everyone digested this. It could work, and they all admired Natasha for willing to put herself through this. But Clint — he couldn’t let this happen. He refused to. “You can’t sign them, Nat. Only Maria and I know what you went through when S.H.I.E.LD. thought you were a threat. Please. Don’t do that to yourself . . . I’m—I’m with Cap. Can’t we stay together, like Y/N said, on Steve’s side?” He proposed—pleaded.
“If you join Rogers’ side there will be no Avengers anymore,” Tony was quick to say.
This set everyone off, declaring whose side they were on. Y/N felt helpless as she watched her family get torn apart. Natasha, Rhodey, and Vision all declared to be on Tony’s side. Wanda, Clint, and Sam chose Steve. Y/N watched her world crash right in front of her. When she caught sight of Maria, who looked just as helpless as she was, she decided to speak up.
Everyone was already making plans with each other, some still arguing. Y/N climbed on top of her chair to be seen by everyone. “Hey, at least wait for me to pick a side,” she bellowed.
Once again, everyone stopped to look at her. “No,” Natasha immediately said, firmly.
Right after, Maria spoke: “You can’t get yourself involved in this. It’s too dangerous.”
Y/N frowned, frustration taking over that nausea. “So you expect me to step aside while you all, in your own ways, destroy the Avengers? If I can’t stop you, I might as well join you,” she said decidedly, looking at Steve when she did so.
The Captain looked caught off-guard, clearly having expected her to side with her mother. He cleared his throat. “No, no. You can’t. If you do, you’ll tip the scales. We already have an even, fair number,” he mustered out.
It was a lame excuse and everyone saw right through it. This wasn’t about tipping the scales. This was about him wanting to keep her safe.
Soon after, everyone jumped onto that “tipping the scales” excuse. They insisted that it would simply be unfair to the other team if Y/N had joined either side. As if they were making teams to play Monopoly rather than settle a dispute!
Y/N huffed as their words all floated together, biting back a bitter chuckle when she realized the irony of this. How come they could all agree on preventing the youngest, honorary Avenger from getting involved, but couldn��t settle the Accords? Hm. Perhaps—perhaps she could use that to her advantage. There was no stopping them now, but maybe she could do something.
“I’m gonna take a walk. Maybe I’ll stay with Uncle Nic—Fury for a bit,” she said, loud enough so her mothers could hear. With that, she left the room. The words they would say, Y/N didn’t hear, for she blocked it all out.
. . . . .
Over the next couple days, Y/N had formed a loose plan. She didn’t know exactly how she was going to pull it off, or when, or where, but she knew her end goal. She knew the message that she wanted to send.
When she saw the Avengers fight at the airport being broadcast on national television, Y/N’s plan was solidified. When she saw Clint and Natasha fighting, and noticed how they didn’t use their full force on each other, it gave her even a little bit of hope. Y/N bid Fury goodbye and thanked him for letting her stay before she ventured the tower to grab her suit.
Approaching the sight of the fight, Y/N managed to land in the middle of it. No one noticed her at first, but they did when she held her arms out and yelled, “HEY! STOP!”
Everyone froze when they saw her. Even the people who didn’t know her — Peter, Scott, Bucky, and T’Challa — stood still. Y/N wore the suit Tony and Bruce made her, with little hints to her mothers being clear. The Black Widow and S.H.I.E.L.D. logos, for starters. She wore a mask, too, but took it off to face her family.
“Y/N, go home, to Maria!” Natasha said, but Y/N just shook her head and addressed everyone.
“Fighting won’t get us anywhere. Someone will win and lose and no matter who does, the winner will feel guilty afterwards and the loser will be hurt. I know this is about the Sokovia Accords, but push that aside for a second. Think about the impact this will have on the team and on the world. You came together for me once before, can you please do it again?” She said. She had written a speech pages long just the other day, and while some of it still stuck, most of this was off the top of her head.
Y/N watched as she slowly made an effect on her teammates. Steve lowered his shield, Wanda landed on the ground, Natasha dusted herself off, and Tony depowered his blasters.
“The teenager is right,” T’Challa’s voice rang out. “This is not the way to solve things.”
A smile grew on Y/N’s face as inexplicable relief flooded her system. She had told herself that this would work because it had to, but seeing it now unravel squashed a small fear inside her.
Her relief was short-lived, though, because the next second she felt an immense pain — like she was being stung by ginormous bees — hit her in the back. Her muscles tensed and her knees hit the ground. Her face probably would have, too, if not for the muscular hands that grabbed her arms and pulled her back. At first, she thought that one of the Avengers had come to help her. Then, when she saw Ross and a couple of his agents walking forward, she realized that it was someone else altogether.
“Sorry about that. It’s a new invention created to stop someone non-lethally,” Ross said, in a tone suggested he wasn’t apologetic at all. He waved around a weapon loosely. It was only then that her mind began to wrap itself around what had happened, and she realized that the Avengers had been yelling out moments ago. As the pain started to subside, it dawned on Y/N that the agent holding her was the only thing that kept her from hitting the pavement again.
“What the hell? What was that?” Steve yelled.
Y/N looked up to see that they were all in their regular hero stance. This time, at least, the vibrainium shield and webs weren’t directed at each other but at a common enemy.
“We had the element of surprise and we took it. Anyone who did not sign the Accords will now be arrested,” Ross announced. His agents began heading straight for Steve’s team and Y/N felt cool, metal cuffs slide onto her wrists. She tried to struggle at first, but realized that it would be in vain, as he tightly held her in place.
“You’re not going to be arresting anyone,” Tony declared, stepping forward. The agents paused in their tracks. Y/N found it in herself to smile. Her plan truly had worked. She pulled it off.
“C’mon, Stark, are you really gonna listen to the words of a teenager?” Ross tried to persuade.
Tony straightened his posture. “Yes,” he said, and then gestured to the numerous cameras that faced them. “Millions of people saw that you did. You should null the Accords and agree to find middle ground before you regret it.”
Ross whipped around, his eyes widening when he saw just how many cameras there were. Frowning, he put his thoughts together. After nearly a minute, he met Tony’s gaze again. “You win for now, Iron Man. Release the girl and go,” he ordered, turning around and walking away.
The weight of the cuffs disappeared and the man behind her pushed Y/N forward, sending her beelining for the ground. Instinctively, she rolled to lessen the impact, but still groaned.
Within seconds, the Avengers all crowded around her, her mother at the front and center. “Are you okay?” She asked, looking Y/N over for any visible injuries that she might’ve sustained.
With a slight grimace, Y/N nodded, instinctively leaning back. She didn’t know who she exactly she was leaning back against until she felt Clint wrap an arm around her shoulders. “I—I think so. It was more of a shock, I assume,” she said.
Before their conversation could continue, Steve piped up from where he had been looming over the group. “I hate to do this — Buck and I, we’ve gotta stop those brainwashed agents,” he said.
“Go,” Natasha urged, tearing her eyes away from her daughter to spare him a momentary glance. “We’ve got her.”
Steve sent her an appreciative smile and then nodded towards Y/N. “You did good, kid.”
Bucky then popped in from his stance next to his best friend. “It was nice to meet you, Y/N,” he said, also wearing a smile.
Y/N grinned back, despite that dulling — yet lingering — pain that withstood. “Likewise.”
The two men ducked away, and then Natasha grabbed Y/N’s hands. “We can all tell you how proud we are at home, hon,” she said, grinning. “Let’s just get you there first and call Fury.”
With that, the group stood up. Natasha and Clint helped Y/N up, with Clint wrapping an arm around his goddaughter to steady her. They all headed towards the direction that the Quinjet was in, with Tony leading them. On the way, Natasha called Maria, explaining it all to her.
Y/N did her best to mask her pain, wanting to prevent them from worrying about her. It truly was not too bad now, but her balance was still coming back and her muscles were sore.
When they got on the Quinjet and Natasha finished her phone call, she took on the duties of making sure that Y/N was alright medically. She had learned a thing or two from Bruce, and from training at S.H.I.E.L.D., so she was fairly decent at dealing with injuries. Clint gave her a hand with the bandages and Peter took the opportunity to introduce himself to Y/N, who just so happened to be around his age.
Before she knew it, they had landed at the tower and Maria was rushing towards her, wrapping her arms around her with tears in her eyes. Her grip was tight, as to be expected.
“Mom, I’m okay,” Y/N tried to tell her through a chuckle. She knew her words wouldn’t mean much, but she had to make an attempt at least.
Maria drew back and brushed some of Y/N’s hair out of her face. “I know, I know. When I saw the two of you on T.V,” she said, glancing at her wife with a grin. “I got so scared.” Then, she turned to Clint. “You fight my wife again and I kick your ass, got it?”
The team chuckled, which included Clint. He nodded, smiling. “Crystal clear.”
Natasha stepped forward, joining her family. She slung an arm around Y/N’s shoulders. “The important thing is that Y/N saved the day. The Avengers may save the world, but she saved the Avengers,” she said, and then leaned forward to kiss Maria while Y/N giggled.
Fury, from his spot on the couch, faked a cough and said, “Corny.” 
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @kathryndimitrescu @snipyloulou @big-galaxy-chaos @cc13723things  @passionswift @drayshadow @amaryllis23 @storysimp @lamieshelmy @fantqsha @galacticstxrdust @a-lil-bit-nuts @marvel-to-infinity @maryseesthings @lovelyy-moonlight
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silverdelirium · 3 years
hi! can you do one where draco and the reader are married (don’t make them old please make them like the married rich pretty milf and dilf couple), and they have a daughter. anyway, draco is out because of work/something else (it’s up to u) and the reader is with their daughter and they get into a small fight and the daughter says something really bad/hurtful to the reader (her mother) and the reader like gets sad (make it bad so it can be dramatic😏) and when draco gets home he finds the reader like crying (smoking too bc a milf smoking is hot but if you don’t want to add it it’s fine) and yeah basically the rest is up to you :)) ily hope ur well and fine. <3
thank you hoe @selenesheart for helping me with the title ily
warnings: anxiety, lowkey panic attack, insecurities of being a bad mother, mean child, smoking, angst w a happy ending
draco’s hurried steps were heard echoing across the hallway as he rapidly made his way downstairs, cussing his boss out under his breath for calling him on a fucking Sunday. the same sunday he was about to spend basking in the love of his wife and child, all expectations now turned to mush.
“i’m sorry i have to go, my love. call me if you need anything, okay?” spoke draco, tone soft as he held your face in his hands, giving you one last sad smile before pressing a sweet kiss on your lips.
you gave him a feeble nod in response with a reassuring smile, watching him storm off in long strides, still swearing in hushed whispers and with a flick of his wand, he was gone.
you instantly took notice of how intense the atmosphere got around the manor- almost scary. deadly quiet with your four-year-old toddler still asleep and big curtains blocking any sunlight from coming in.
it almost caused goosebumps to rise on your arms as if the universe was already warning you of the day you were gonna have to deal with today.
maybe the first bad thing to happen today was being woken up by draco’s phone going off like crazy with calls of his boss and endless text messages of his colleagues.
it didn’t matter though, you had other things to worry about. your toddler was already walking down the stairs with a sleepy stare as she made her way to you, immediately taking notice of how there was no trace of draco, and looking around for any signs of her father.
“hi there” you greeted, giving her a sympathetic smile when she asked for draco, her small body already wrapped around your torso. a small sigh with a brief explanation of a work emergency was given to her. her sour mood amplifying a tenfold for every word that left your mouth.
she stayed quiet for a moment, and just as you started beaming at the thought of calming a daddy’s girl- she sobbed heavily in your ear, clinging hard to you but still screaming for draco.
a grimace found its way to your face along with a sorrowful expression as you shushed her down, tracing your fingers down her spine; a small trick you always did to relax her in days like this.
her sobs quieted down but she still cried silently in your shoulder, hot tears rolling down her face that had you questioning whether you should call your husband or not, the thought accompanying the insecurity of being a terrible mother who can barely keep her child tranquil.
after a few minutes of letting her pour all her emotions out, you made a path to the kitchen and sat her down on the barstool, wiping her tears away as she huffed in what seemed to be an angry expression.
“would you like some breakfast, baby?” you spoke, tone soft and slow as to not aggravate the situation.
“i want daddy”
“he’s- he’s not here right now” you tried to reason, watching as she took a deep breath but said nothing.
you turned around to head for the stove. but your ears caught a small murmur of “you’re the worst” coming from none other than your daughter.
a thunder-struck look adorned your face, blinking back the tears that found their way to your waterline.
ever since you found out you were pregnant, the anxiousness of being a not good enough mom had filled you in seconds, thinking of the worst scenarios possible throughout the pregnancy. draco was always there to ease your nerves a bit, yet, never quite pushing them away completely.
and jesus- did that simple three-word sentence stung painfully at your heart.
you stayed frozen in place for a few moments before taking a deep breath and quickly collecting yourself, continuing your errands around the kitchen as you made an effort to ignore the way your hands became clammy and heartstrings were pulled harshly in your chest.
the rest of the day went painfully slow, your daughter completely ignoring you and just curling up on the couch or playing in her room, always slamming the door in your face whenever you attempted to talk to her. your back also aching from having to do all house chores by yourself. every once in a while getting a text message from draco, rushed typos of “i love you” and “i’m gonna be there soon”.
the clock read 6:07 P.M and you held the cigarette to your lips with shaky fingers, tears blurring your vision as all the frustration from today came crashing down at once.
sobs rocked through your body as you inhaled the smoke and blew it out past your nostrils. warm, thick tears not coming to a halt even once.
your cries muffled every sound around you. not taking notice of draco who was now frantically searching for you, already finding your daughter safe and asleep on the couch. yet you were nowhere to be found.
it took one look at the cigarette package on the dining table for draco to locate you. he knew about your anxiety and how bad it got when triggered.
his heart ached and fists clenched at his side as he turned to his baby girl, snuggling her deeper into the thick fluffy blanket before making his way to the porch where you sat with a hand to your sternum, big clouds of smoke fogging the air around you.
“oh, baby” he sympathized, not giving you time to react as he enveloped you in a big hug, feeling the way your curled your fists on his shirt and sobbed quietly, taking ragged breaths every once in a while.
after a few minutes of taking shallow breaths, you pulled your head back from his chest, just enough to stare at his face, his bright grey eyes running down every feature you had, almost like he was studying it.
“what happened today?” he whispered, closing his eyes and connecting his forehead with yours.
you released a breath through your nose and lit off the cigarette on the small table next to you before explaining every small detail from today to draco, a few tears escaping at some points.
once you were done, draco removed his head from yours, pulling back and displaying both of his palms on your cheeks, observing your tear-stained face made him ache with sorrow.
“my love” he started “you are the world’s greatest mother to ever exist, a bad day with your child does not define your abilities as a mom. she loves you, we all do. you don’t know how fuzzy she gets when you’re not here.”
his words made a small smile crack through your lips, buzzing nerves slowly weighing down after every syllable he spoke.
“we would all be doomed if it wasn’t for you. every parent has a bad day, do not beat yourself up for it, it happens to the best of us.” he finalized, chest swelling with pride once he saw how you were full-on beaming, puckering your lips like a silent sign for a kiss which he gladly provided.
“i love you” you mumbled against his mouth.
“i love you more” he responded.
🏷: @spencervera @methblinds @marrymetheonott @adrianscumslut @wh0re4blaise @turn-to-page-394-please @fredshufflepuff @malfoysbiitch @saggyb1lls @selenesheart @metaraxia @dracoslittlesluttyprincess @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dlmmdl @fleursbabe @riddleswh0r3crux @lolooo22 @darlingmalfoy @littlemissnoname13 @i-love-scott-mccall @underappreciated-spoon-321 @steveharringtonswhore @dracosafety @dracoscum @riddleswh0rekrux @laceycallisto @slytherinbabess @lostaurorax @alexavolturisblog @s1ater @marauderswh0re1 @starless-starkov @black-rose-29 @tattooedkermit @purpleskymalfoy @emma67 @mypainistemporary @mauvea @teenwolfbitches28 @lissa-duh @paniicing @rav3nclawwhore @yagamigf
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Rich Arc AU: After delivering the Lawsuit but before the case goes to court, the world reacting to all this. Special attention to Jaunes friends (some of them will be miffed that he didn’t pay for stuff) and White Fang and Beacon and Atlas (specifically Ironwood and Wonter).
In Mistral with Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren:
"WHHHHAT!? Jaune- Jaune's suing Weissy's family?!"
Ren uncovered his ears, now feeling a bit safer from Nora's shout. "Well... I believe it'd be more accurate to say that Jaune's family is doing the su-"
Ren got the full blast from that shout and leaned away from the louder girl, trying to get some distance for his already ringing ears before any more damage was done.
Pyrrha caught her male teammate before he fell all the way backwards. "I-It would appear so Nora. But I wonder why..."
"Well why wouldn't he tell us this stuff!?! Ever since he left us over break with Weissy, he barely talks to us!"
"Maybe he just doesn't feel comfortable talking about his family's wealth? And it is a break to be with Weiss and his family, I can understand if he's busy or preoccupied."
"But still! He can talk about anything with us! We're a team!"
Pyrrha sighed. Nora really had missed talking to Jaune daily like she used to, but it'd only been three days since they last talked. It wasn't that long really. "I'm sure he'll explain himself when we speak with him again. In the meantime though, my mother was wondering if you two would like to go out to eat tonight."
At the mention of dinner, Nora's eyes lit up brightly. "Oooh! Yes please!"
Ren raised a hand with a thumbs up in agreement with his childhood friend.
On Patch with Ruby and Yang:
The two sisters stared at the TV in their living room in absolute silence. Or at least until Yang finally spoke up a full two minutes after the breaking new report ended. "Ummmm Rubes?"
"Yeah Yang..."
"Did you know that... ummm..."
"That my first friend at Beacon was super, ultra, mega rich?"
"Yeah... that."
"No. I didn't."
"Okay... Cause if you hadn't shared that with your big sis, your single, big si-"
Belladonna household in Menagerie:
Blake stared at the TV with total interest, which was somewhat out of place with the introverted cat faunus. Her book was closed and forgotten on the tea table in front of her. She hadn't even marked the page before she slammed it shut so she could watch the news.
"Oh well I'll be. I never would have expected this to come about. Well, I had been wondering how Nicholas and Juniper had been doing. I suppose they're still doing well though if they're doing something like this."
Blake's mind came to a halt and her eyes snapped over to look at her Dad. 'Wait... what?'
Blake's mom rolled her eyes and took a sip from her tea. Kali set the cup down on the table and looked over straight at Ghira. "Well if we hadn't lost their contact information, we'd have been able to check in with them sometime during the last 15 years."
The mountain of a man groaned under her gaze and rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "How many times mu-"
Blake interrupted her parents right there. "Wait... you both know members of Jaune's family? The Arc's?"
Kali looked over to her daughter. "Why yes, or at least we did. Their family were some of the biggest supporters of the original White Fang. And very old friends of ours before that."
White Fang Hideout:
Sienna stared at the newspaper in her hands, feeling conflicted as a range of emotions ran through her head. Joy at seeing the Schnee's being taken on by a giant even bigger than them, curious at what made the Arc's act out like this after so long of being silent, and a mix of both shame and regret for what she had accused them of all those years ago and losing their support.
"Leader Khan?"
The tiger faunus looked up from the paper and down the stairs in front of her throne. The same messenger that had brought the newspaper in was standing there, nervously petting his own tail. "What is it?"
"W-will you be needing anything else from m-me ma'am?"
Sienna glanced down at the paper's headline once again. "Actually... yes. Send out word to all our members to stop all raids and missions unless they are utterly necessary. I believe we should get some old supporters back."
Headmaster's office in Beacon:
Ozpin sipped his coffee, not the least fazed by the reveal. After all, he had been around when most of the Arc's started their first businesses.
"It's safe to say that things will surely become a lot more interesting for Mr. Arc."
General Ironwood's office in Atlas:
"Specialist Schnee..."
Winter saluted her superior. "Yes, General Ironwood?"
Ironwood lowered his scroll, the latest news headline still on the screen. "...I suppose you had some knowledge of this prior to the news reporting it? Is that why you seemed a bit off a few weeks ago? And seemingly aren't very surprised by this?"
Ironwood sighed. The tone in her voice was a dead give away. "No matter, I suppose. I guess no matter what I do, the people of Remnant will always have something up their sleeves to catch me off guard. But tell me this Winter..."
Winter looked at Ironwood with total attention. "Yes sir?"
"... Is Jacques going to be an even bigger headache in the near future?"
"... I believe so sir."
Ironwood pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Of course he would be.
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
look at my son (spencer reid/reader)
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Title: look at my son 
Request: no
Couple: dad!spencer reid/fem!reader
Category: fluff w/ a side of angst
Content Warning: spencer’s pov, mentions of an absent father, mentions of child birth, crying, anxieties about parenthood, new parents, talks about spencer’s past (prison, addiction, kidnapping), brief mentions about past suicidal thoughts, mentions of drugs (Dilaudid) and needles
Word Count: 3,957
Summary: spencer has a heart to heart with his newborn son while his wife sleeps.
A/N: totally based on dear theodosa from the hamilton soundtrack. I am not afraid to say that. Definitely big feels happening and there’s no regrets. this is possibly my favorite thing i’ve ever written. my best friend said it was soft and adorable, and so sweet she needed a dentist. i love it so much.  thank you all so much for the love and support! check out my masterlist!
“Go to sleep, please, you need rest,” I whispered as I looked down at my overly-exhausted wife. Although her face was looking up at me, her eyes were somewhere else. They were on a small figure just to the left of me. Her eyes had a certain glossiness over them, and it was most certainly from her exhaustion or the hours of pain she just endured to bring our son into the world. 
“B-but,” she finally looked away from the figure and up at me. “What… What if he wakes up… And, and he needs me.” Her voice was soft and cracked at the end of her words. I smiled softly as I tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.
“It’s a good thing I never sleep. Please, you really need the rest. I’ll be here,” I returned the whisper before pressing my lips to her forehead. Her hand gripped mine as I went to move away. I looked down at her, appreciating the way the dim lamp lit up her face. Even though she was extremely tired, she still looked beautiful to me.
“If he wakes up… Or… Or cries… Or moves the wrong way… Please, wake me up," she whispered, her eyes still on me. The grip she held on my hand wasn’t super tight, but it was tight enough for me to keep my hand in hers.
“Please trust me… He’ll be fine and I’ll be fine. If I need help I’ll get a nurse,” I lifted a hand and gently held her face. She slowly blinked and nodded. “Everything will be okay for an hour, okay?” 
“Okay, okay,” she looked between me and the sleeping baby, “An hour is so long,” she whined. I smiled before laughing softly. 
“Get some rest,” I pressed my lips to her forehead, again, before to her lips, “I love you,” I looked down at her with a soft smile.
“Go to sleep,” I stared at her. She grumbled a little bit before pulling the blanket further up her body. I finally pulled my hand from hers and went back to the chair. I kept my eyes on her for a few minutes, watching as she tossed and turned before eventually falling asleep. I felt a little bad for forcing her to go to sleep, mostly because I knew she wanted to spend every waking moment with our son. But when she was actually awake, she was so exhausted that it looked like she’d pass out at any moment.
When I was sure she was asleep for a little while, I flipped my book open and began to read. Of course, my attention only lasted for so long when a soft sound came from the bassinet beside me. I pulled my eyes off the book and looked towards my son. He was wiggling slightly in his spot, but just a little bit. If you were just looking in the room, and not right at him, you wouldn’t have noticed him moving. But my attention was solely on him, so I could see his movements.
I looked over at my sleeping wife, noting that she was stirring slightly. My eyes stayed on her for a moment, waiting till she got comfortable again before I stood from the chair and walked over to the bassinet. 
“Hey there,” I looked down at the wiggling form. I know he wasn’t looking at me, but my heart grew as he moved his head to face me. “Your mom is asleep right now. So, you’ve got me. Your dad,” I whispered as I carefully rested my hand on his body. He was so small, my hand was almost the size of him. “I’m your dad.” 
I stayed silent as I stared at him. I didn’t want to pick him up, in case he went back to sleep. Of course, luck would not be on my side. Because the second I pulled my hand from his body, he started screaming and crying. 
“Oh, please, please don’t,” I cringed as I quickly looked over my shoulder at my wife. She had begun stirring again, slowly waking up. “I got it, it’s okay,” I spoke loud enough for her to hear. I turned and looked back at the screaming boy. 
“Shhh, it’s okay,” I whispered as I picked him up, holding him close to my chest with both my hands. The second he was close to me, he calmed down. A small sigh of relief came from me as I turned to sit back down.
My wife was still, her eyes on me with a small smile on her lips. “Go back to sleep, I got it,” I looked back at her as I adjusted my hold on the baby. 
“He’s so little in your arms though…” she whispered as she kept her eyes on me. I looked up from our baby and at her. “Just a widdle man,” she closed her eyes before sighing deeply. 
“Yeah, he is, isn’t he?” I asked, bringing my hand to his face. My fingers gently brushed across his cheeks before down the bridge of his nose. 
I was happy I didn’t get an answer from my wife. I was even happier when I looked up at her and she was asleep. Actually asleep too. I could only hope it was a restful sleep this time. 
My attention was drawn back down to my son when he started crying a little bit. I was instantly looking at his face. The longer I stared at him, the more my heart swelled or fluttered or whatever it was it was doing. I knew a lot of things. But, I didn’t know the feeling I was having for my son, my own child. Of course, I felt this feeling before with my wife. But this was somehow different.
“So, anyway, I’m your dad… That’s so weird to say… that I’m someone’s dad now,” I whispered as I brought my hand to hold the back of his head. “I never thought I’d ever say that, but we’ll keep that between you and me, okay?” I smiled softly. My body carefully swayed back and forth to try to keep him quiet. 
I stayed quiet as I stared at him. I wasn’t scared that I’d wake him up. No, I was just scared I’d say the wrong thing. But can you really say the wrong thing to a baby who was 12 hours old? I wasn’t entirely sure, but it was one of my fears.
“You know, growing up I didn’t exactly have a dad. He left me when I was just 10,” my voice was hardly a whisper as I stared at him. I could feel tears begin to well in the corner of my eyes. There was nothing I could do to stop them either. I just had to let them roll down my cheeks.
“I just had my mom. And, well, my mom just had me." I brought my hand back to rest on his body. The way he breathed seemingly calmed me down. But I think it was the fact that he was okay that was calming me. He’s been okay since the first day we knew about him. In fact, he was more than okay. He was perfect.
“But I promise,” my voice was shaky as I stared at him, “I’ll be around for you. You’ll have a mom and a dad.” I tried to keep my voice from cracking, but it was hard not to let the emotions show. 
I pressed my head back into the headrest behind me. Just as my eyes closed, he started moving around against my chest. I looked down at him and saw him looking back up at me. 
“Hey there,” I laughed as I looked at his eyes, “You have your mom’s eyes,” I wrinkled my nose as I stared at him. 
I tried to not think about all the monsters in the world outside of our hospital room. All the horrors and terrors his mom and I have gone through to get to this very moment. I’d do whatever it takes just to make sure he’s safe and sound. The thoughts of the monsters made me scared. Is this what parenthood would be? Being scared every waking moment, while simultaneously being in love, and embracing the ups and downs of everything? 
Was I prepared for this? Was I prepared at all to be a father? I mean, I didn’t have a father figure till I was 22, but even he left me. I tried to not think about it, but it was becoming increasingly harder the more I sat in silence.
With a deep sigh, I looked down at him. I was happy he was quiet. He had a long day too. Being born can do a lot to a person, well to more than a person. I think I’m more happy than tired, to be honest. That he’s here, and he’s perfect, and no one would ever be as perfect as he is to me.
I’ve waited for this moment for… I don’t even know. I don’t think there was a starting point, the feeling was just always there. 9 months ago just fueled this feeling. And, now he’s here. It took him a long time today, too. He really wanted his first appearance to be grand. Just like his mother.
“I’m a dad,” I whispered, this time letting my words break. My eyes stayed glued to him. It was impossible to say how much time had passed, but I knew it was a while. And his mom stayed asleep the whole time. Just like how he did. 
If I had known I’d become a dad 15 years ago, when I was kidnapped by Tobias Henkel, when I thought I’d die then… I probably would have been safer and stayed with JJ. I wouldn’t have split up with her. Or, all those times after I was kidnapped, sitting in a bathroom stall with a needle in my arm while Dilaudid ran through my bloodstream, waiting for the high to kick in or take me for good. Or… Or my time in prison, where there were the times I almost got killed… I could go on, really. I have too many near-death experiences to count.
“I can’t wait to tell you all the stories I know, you’ll love them,” I ran my finger back down his nose before resting it gently on his lips, then on his chin. “Russian folk tales… Chaucer, like my mother told me… Stories of cases your mom and I were on,” I smiled as his nose twitched slightly. I sighed deeply before pressing my head against the chair behind me. “Maybe someday I’ll teach you chess.”
Even though all he did was just be born, he still went through some traumatic stuff. All of that can do a lot to a person. And when he was finally here, and in our arms, he cried. He cried to let his long awaited parents know he was finally here. It made my wife cry, and it made me cry. But it was the way he cried that broke my heart. The sharp ear-piercing screams resonated in the room, and I knew for sure I’d never forget it.
My arms stayed still, holding him close to my chest. I couldn’t stop my eyelids from shutting, like miniature garage doors closing. My body was yelling, shouting for sleep. Even though I never slept before this, watching my wife give birth, and all the moments leading up to this moment here, were exhausting. But they’re precious moments. All 3 of us may be exhausted, but it’ll be worth it all. 
Although, it was this moment that I decided every day was going to be for him. He was going to be the reason I’d return home instead of staying at the office late. Before his birth, and even before we found out about him, I never envisioned my life turning domestic. To be honest, even though I longed to be a parent, I never truly envisioned myself adopting a domestic life-style. 
 As long as he stayed still in my arms, he could stay with me while I slept. I think even if he squirmed a little bit in my arms, he couldn’t get very far. His tired little body was wrapped tightly in his blanket. Thankfully he was fast asleep, not a care in the world. He was still entirely too little to have anything to care about, other than eating and sleeping. 
It was early in the morning, or some would say late at night. Our room was dark, the only light coming from the small desk lap on the nightstand beside me. Outside, the sun was just starting to rise, making the sky a dark pale blue. Usually I’d watch the sunrise, but… my son. 
The quietness of our room mixed with the whispers of the nurses out in the halls, and their squeaky shoes, and the whirring of the hospital machinery became my soft lullabies, lulling me to sleep. The three of us slept peacefully, not a bother in the room.
But what it was that actually got me to sleep was the thought of him growing up. I thought I was smart, but the images and thoughts of him older, and even now, made me so… happy that I felt dumb.  
“When did you say they were coming?” my wife asked, looking between me and the baby. I looked down at my watch, trying to remember when the team would come over to visit. It wasn’t that I forgot when they were coming over… I just had other things on my mind. Like my son and wife for instance.
“I think, any minu-”’-te now.’
“Alright, where’s my precious godson!” a woman exclaimed, cutting me off, as she entered the room. I looked over at the door for a brief moment, watching as 4 people walked into the room. A small smile grew across my lips as I recognized the 4 people as Penelope, Luke, JJ, and Emily. 
“Hey,” my wife looked at everyone with a big smile and exhausted eyes. 
“Good morning, mom and dad,” Penelope looked between us. The smile she wore was bright and cheery, like usual. She carried a balloon, a stuffed animal, and a few large gift bags. 
“It’s so nice seeing you guys,” my wife smiled as she spoke.
“It’s hard to believe that you just had a baby. You look… Amazing,” JJ laughed as she looked at my wife. My wife looked over at JJ with a certain exhaustion in her eyes. 
“I don’t feel like I look amazing,” she laughed lightly. The baby in her arms wiggled slightly, causing everyone to look at him.
“Oh, look at him,” Penelope cooed as she looked between me, my wife, then finally at my son. I smiled as I looked at the small baby in my wife’s arms. “You must be so proud, Spence." “Well, I wouldn’t say proud is the word I’m looking for,” I laughed as I peeled my eyes off my child and looked at Penelope, Luke, JJ, and Emily. Although I was half expecting them to be looking at the sleeping baby, they were looking at me. How did they not want to look at my baby? He’s all I wanted to look at. He had my undivided attention now. 
“It’s so weird that you're a dad now,” JJ laughed as she walked around the other 3 guests and came to stand closer to me. I smiled, watching as she placed a small, pale blue gift bag on the small table. 
“Do you want to hold him?” My wife looked up at JJ with a smile. JJ looked down at the baby before up at my wife. 
“Are-are you sure?” JJ laughed lightly as she looked between my wife and child. I smiled as I looked at JJ. I laughed lightly at her hesitance. To be fair, she just wanted to make extra sure it was okay, since we’re new parents. 
“I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t sure,” my wife laughed as she carefully held out her arms. JJ smiled as she carefully picked our baby up from her arms. I smiled as she sat on the edge of the bed, holding my baby close to her body.
“He’s… precious,” JJ whispered as he looked down at him. “He has your nose,” she looked over at my wife, who was lovingly looking at our baby. A small smile grew across her lips as she nodded. 
 “Well, he has his father’s eyes.” My wife looked up at me with a small smile. If we hadn’t already argued over his little facial features, I would’ve argued with her that our son looks the most like her. That was why he was perfect. 
“Has Derek come by yet?” Emily asked as she looked away from the baby and at me.
“He said he’d visit when we got back home,” I nodded as I looked over at her. Emily nodded before returning her gaze back to the baby. Everyone was looking at him, and I didn’t blame them. 
“You guys… You take all the time that you need. Don’t rush back to the office,” Emily nodded. 
“But please come by and visit us all you want,” Penelope spoke as she looked between my small family. I laughed and nodded.
“We’ll definitely come and visit you guys.”
“You all know Spence. Can’t stay away from the office for a long time,” it was my wife’s turn to talk. She looked at me and lifted a hand. I looked back at her, adoring the way she smiled at me. I lifted my hand and placed it in hers. When she finds out that my days of staying late at the office are over, I’m sure she’ll be more than excited.  
“Maybe those days are over,” I shrugged as I looked down at the baby. I smiled softly and felt a sudden wave of calm wash over me. Everyone looked away from the baby and up at me with mild shock on their faces. 
“Really?” My wife asked as she gently pulled on my arm. I looked down at my wife, noting the way she was looking back at me. 
“I’ve been thinking about it. No hard answers,” I spoke as I looked back at Emily.
“Take all the ti-” She was unfortunately cut off by her phone ringing, “time… I’ll be right back,” she nodded before leaving the room. 
“I can’t wait to spoil the little sucker,” Penelope clapped her hands together as she looked between us. I laughed, watching as Luke looked at his partner. 
“Sure, spoil,” he nodded. The moment was ruined by our son unexpectedly screaming. JJ looked over at my wife, an apologetic look on her face.
“It’s okay. You know how newborns are,” my wife laughed as she took the baby from JJ. 
“With that, we should probably go. Little guy’s probably hungry,” JJ nervously chuckled as she stood. I shoved my hands in my pockets and stepped over to the three. 
“Thanks for stopping over. You guys seriously don’t know how much this means to me… To us,” I gestured over to my wife as I spoke.
“Oh, Spence, of course! Wouldn’t miss visiting you guys the first day as parents,” JJ smiled as she hugged me. I hummed as I hugged her. 
I wasn’t sure how long I had been asleep, if I had slept at all. I wasn’t even sure if it was a restful sleep either. But what I did know that one second later my body jerked awake when the loud sharp cries of a baby. 
My eyes snapped open and I looked down at the screaming figure. I cringed as I glanced at my wife, who I hoped was sleeping. But she was awake. Her eyes were glued to me and the baby.
“What are you doing awake?” I asked as I looked over at my wife, who was looking at me with wide, dewy eyes. Her exhausted smile told me that she’d been awake for a while. I looked down at the screaming baby in my arms before looking back at her. “Figured that one out myself.” I laughed when I realized the redundancy of my question. I stood up and lightly bounced to try to quiet the baby.
“I can take him.” My wife smiled as she looked up at me and lifted up her hands. Her eyes were glued to the small figure in my hands. I looked down at the baby and nodded.
“Yeah, I knew you were about to say that.” I laughed as I stepped over to her. She finally looked away from the baby and up at me with a smile. “How’d you sleep?” 
“Well, I slept.” She sighed deeply as she held the baby close to her. She looked down at him and smiled. “Hello, little man," she whispered as she brought her finger down his nose. “How did you sleep?” 
“To be honest, I don’t think I did.” I wrinkled my eyebrows as I sat back down. “Just… I’m not sure anymore. I didn’t sleep before he was born… But now I think I’ve lost all chances of sleep with him.” I chucked as I looked over at them. 
“Well… I mean, I’m sure your 12 cups of coffee a day won’t help that situation.” She laughed as she glanced at me. I slouched back in my chair, resting my head on my fist. “Or, well, I take that back. Keep drinking your 12 cups. I don’t want to wake up at 3 in the morning for diaper changes.” She sighed as she looked at the baby.
“Guess I’m going to need all of the time off in the world then,” I spoke through a yawn. My wife smiled at me and nodded. “Surely Emily won’t care if we’re both off for a while. She’s got plenty of help with the team.”
“I think I’ll need the help more than Emily,” my wife chuckled lightly. “You should get some rest, Spencer. You look more exhausted than me.” 
“How do you know what you look like?” I furrowed my eyebrows. She glanced at me before patting the small space beside her. I looked at her hand before yawning again.
“Just a guess. C’mere,” she looked at me as she moved her hand back and forth on the space. With a deep sigh, I stood up and moved so I was sitting beside her on the bed. “There, now you’ll sleep better.” 
“And where’d you get this science from?” I asked as I rested my head on her shoulder. She chuckled lightly and shrugged.
“On the science that I’m your wife and I know you sleep better when you’re beside me instead of a crappy hospital chair.” She looked down at me. I looked back at her before blinking lightly.
“Okay, that’s pretty sound logic.” I nodded as I looked down at the baby, who was back to sleep. It was amazing what a mother’s touch could do.
“See, like father, like son," she whispered as she brought her hand back up to her face. I furrowed my eyebrows before smiling. “Please get some sleep.”
“Beginning to sound like me there.” I lifted my head slightly to look at her. She looked back at me before pressing her lips to mine. 
“Sleep tight.” She ruffled my hair slightly. I smiled before resting me head back on her shoulder. 
I was happy when sleep came to me. It felt more restful than before… Maybe my wife’s scientific logic made sense...
taglist: @mggsprettygirl​ @muffin-cup​ @thebluetint​ @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​ 
if you want to be a part of a taglst or have any comments about this one shot, let me know here
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