#i should be proud of myself for avoiding self-harm with how inviting it has been this past year in particular
ericnohr-blog · 7 years
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twtoc challenge: 1/?
“idiot. i’m an idiot.”
F I C   U N D E R   C U T
Eric was all giddy the entire morning of the first challenge. He couldn’t wait to see what it would bring, and he’d hoped it would all go incredibly well. Knowing himself, things normally went okay in his favor in competitions- he was a fair guy, and nature preferred to be on his side at times.
That day, they stood before the water, their Head Mistress standing with her head held high- she was a firm lady, but truly something else. Most of the students at Hogwarts respected her. Very hard not to, it was. And as Eric watched her, the more he knew he could not let her down. So he listened very closely when she began to speak.
“Hello Champions, are you ready?” she asked, a smile hiding on her small lips. Eric glanced out at the clear, but dark water and felt his nerves rustle deep inside him, but the action was merely slight. “You being in two minutes- you can take this time to discuss your strategy, or give one another a pep talk.”
Eric glanced at the other three girls and suddenly felt very self conscious. He was the only male, and seemingly the only one who seemed nervous. They all gave a stern look- a look of determination, and Eric knew immediately he had to refrain from showing his anxiety. Instead he smiled devilishly and rubbed his hands together. “‘I’m ready- I think we truly have this down pat.”
One of the girls, Emerett gave an easy smile. “This is only slightly terrifying.”
Hearing this, Eric felt more at ease- he was not the only nervous one.
“Make Hogwarts proud!” Headmistress spoke confidently. A tip: expect the unexpected and be prepared in situation.”
Eric giving Em a kind smile he said, “It’s all fine- we just have to stay in focus! I believe in all of us, truly.”
Headmistress then gave the instructions to start the task, and the sparks flew from her wand, giving the sign that the challenge had now begun. Eric and his other teammates immediately performed the bubble head charm, and dived into the water quickly. Eric was beginning to grow uneasy due to the deepness and darkness of the water. He enjoyed nature and swimming, but he had to be honest and say that he’d never swam this deeply before.
He turned to his teammates and nod, noticing that the blonde girl from the group had disappeared- but Eric knew to not worry of that now, they had to find their first task. He could look for her later.
“You must dive deeper into the water in order to find the mermaid,” a voice spoke softly in his head, and only then did he realize it was the Headmistress.
Pointing towards the deeper end, he motioned for his teammates to follow and began his trek towards the water, checking every few seconds on his teammates.
“It’s quite dark down here,” Em noted as they began to reach their destination to the deep end.
As they swim, the water began to grow colder and darker. Creatures swam around them, and they all tried their best to avoid them.
“Do you see any mermaids down there?” the other girl called out to the two.
Shaking her head Em replied, “Not yet- keep swimming.”
Eric then pulled his wand from his pocket and said, “Lumos,” very quietly, causing a sudden ray of light to beam from the tip of his wand. As he did this, he tried to avoid the creatures swimming around him. “We should keep swimming, all I see are creatures and water.”
With a nodding of the head, the two girls begin to follow him once again. They all watched the creatures float by, minding their own business mostly, and watched the water ripple around them. As a large creature hurried by Em, she ducked. “Who feeds these things?” she muttered.
Suddenly, a bright glow beneath the rocks had caught Eric’s eye as he heard Em say, “I see something!”
Pointing at the rocks, Eric asked, “The ones over there?”
As he mentioned them, the light began to grow warmer and brighter, causing Em to nod quickly and swim faster towards it. Eric followed closely behind Em, glancing around and scanning the perimeter to make sure there were no harmful creatures near. “Stay close and stay safe- we can’t go disturbing any creatures down here!”
As they approached the glistening rocks, a beautiful mermaid appeared, glistening from the light off Eric’s wand. Floating backwards slightly, he gasped. “We can’t frighten it,” he whispered softly to his two teammates.
“It? She’s beautiful!” whispered Em, who’s face was full of shock.
The other girl, obviously not amazed asked, “What do we do now?”
“Move slowly?” Em suggested, a slight shrug followed.
The mermaid then swam closer to the champions where she was incredibly visible. Eric’s eyes were wide in shock- he had never seen a mermaid before.
“Hello,” he spoke, introducing himself. “I’m Eric- we are students of Hogwarts.”
Lowering her head respectfully, Em smiled, “I am Em.”
As they begin to chat, Eric learned that the mermaid already knew of their existence due to the bathrooms and such, hearing their names and of them being champions. The group conversed of stories and such of Hogwarts after the mermaid stated how lonely she felt during her time alone out in the sea. Eric and company told stories of the Weasley twins and the marauders, speaking highly fond of all the mischief that came along with the stories. After what seemed like forever, finally the mermaid sighed and gave a smile.
“Such beautiful stories, shall you stay and tell me more?”
“I hate to decline, since we are having so much fun, but we’ve really got to continue with our journey- perhaps another time?” Eric suggested.
Suddenly, it was as if the entire atmosphere had shifted. The mermaid’s once beautiful face has contorted into something evil- something awful. She began to hiss, her eyes dark as midnight, turning catlike. She began to grow scales, dry and rough on as her skin. “Ungrateful mortals, turning down such an invitation!” she cried out, her voice sounding like a screech.
Em jerked back quickly, mumbling her apologies and her cursing.
Quickly, the creature reached out for Em’s leg, clawing into her flesh, and immediately drawing blood.
“Em!” Eric shouted, as she began to kick and scream the creature away. Grabbing a hold of her arm tightly, he pulled her away sharply from the creature, causing enough distance for safety. “We have to find another way!”
Grabbing onto her leg again the creature spoke. “Such a pretty little girl, I think I’ll take on your appearance.” After, she began to morph right in front of the student’s eyes.
Suddenly confused, Eric couldn’t tell the two apart.
“Oh my gosh!” one of the Emerett’s cried. “Guys, attack her!”
“No guys- don’t listen to her, it’s /me/,” the other said, emphasizing her words clearly.
“I- I don’t know what to do, Em!” Eric said softly, his eyes darting from both figures, his wand pointing at both.
For a moment, the two tried to prove their true identity. Backing away, Eric paused and furrowed his brow. “Prove you’re the real Em, and I will let you go.”
“Come here and I’ll show you,” one of the Em’s said seductively, and Eric felt in his guts, that it wasn’t her.
“Don’t go near her!” the other called out.
The other teammate turned to Eric. “Which one is the real her?”
Pointing at the Em that was beckoning him to come forth, Eric growled. “You’re not the real Em! Why would you ask me to come closer?” Glancing around, he swallows back his fear and continues to point his wand.
Suddenly the other Em asks, “What does the Great Hall look like?”
Grabbing her arm, the evil Em whispers, “It’s… A… Great… Hall!” The proceeds to slice down her arm deep enough to draw blood.
“No!” Eric cried out, dashing quickly enough to knock the creature away from Em.
Screaming, Em points her wand at the creature and shouts, “Obscurio!”
“We’re running out of time!” Eric warned, watching the mermaid, cower and hiss, covering her eyes.
“Let’s go!” Em grabbed her arm and pushed away from the creature, and dashing past her.
“The rocks!’
Pointing her wand at her arm, Em granted a spell to help heal herself. Then, pointing at the rocks, she shouted, “Confringo!” causing the rocks to blast open, and revealing a hole. “Let’s go!”
As he gazed at the opening, he glanced at the other two and asked, “Should I?”
“Yes! Let’s go!”
Immediately the three swam through, trying to avoid the evil creature and to gain composure. As they swam, their surroundings grew darker and darker causing them to soon be blind from any sight. They then decided to swim together despite the ragged ends of the rocks, and kept quiet the entire time. Suddenly the cave mouth closes and the three champions groaned.
Beginning to worry, the three began trying to come up with a plan, when they were interrupted.
As they began to speak to the mermaid, they noticed her kind nature and how she had offered to help. Before speaking- Ava, the fourth champion appeared in the water.
“Hey, guys! I’ve been here the entire time- I just used a charm on myself to blend in with my surroundings and try to get ahead, but I’ve decided it’s best to stick and work together!”
Already suspicious, Eric turned to the mermaid as she again, offered her help. As he opened his mouth, Ava interrupted him quickly.
“Can we huddle for a second? We need to talk!” Ava said, motioning to the others.
“W-what? Why do we need to huddle?” Eric asked as Em pulled him into the huddle.
Giving a smirk, Ava whispered, “Okay, so I totally know it’s the worst time to ask you all to trust me, but I think we don’t need the mermaid’s help.”
The three girls nodded and one said, “What if she turns all psycho like the last one?”
“She seems really nice,” Eric interjected. “I’m not sure I want to deny another mermaid again- didn’t quite go so well the first time. Em got hurt then too, we don’t wanna take the chance.”
“Look,” Ava spoke, shooting a glare at Eric for no reason, “They are sentient creatures. I live with them basically, down in the Slytherin dungeon. And lemme’ tell you, they are not be trusted.”
“Slytherin students can be just as bad,” Eric joked slightly, still wondering why she had been glaring at him.
“I don’t know,” Em whimpered, shaking her head and closing her eyes with confusion.
“They’re sentient creatures! They can read our feelings and thoughts clearly so that they can manipulate us. She’s obviously sweet talking because she knows we need her help,” Ava pushed.
“Wouldn’t that mean she knows exactly what we are saying currently?” Eric asked. “There would be no point in this conversation then.”
“I apologized for being stealthy already, don’t push me. It’s not the time for house rivalry,” Ava growled, her glaring growing hotter.
“Ava- no one’s upset with you for that,” Em had begun to say. Suddenly the girl, Corona, said, “I agree we don’t need the mermaid.”
Eric looks at her in shock. “What- this is ridiculous! If anyone gets hurt, it’s not my problem. We saw what happened just minutes ago-”
“Really, Eric?” Em spoke dryly before turning to Ava.
There was silence for a few moments, and then Ava asked, “”So do you want my brain and experience, or not?”
“Yes, please.”
Eric sighed and shook his head. “ I still don’t like this idea at all.”
“I have no time for this nonsense,” Ava began. “We’ve really got to say no, God only knows what sort of favor she will ask for afterwards.”
The mermaid sat there patiently as the champions argued, fumbling with her jewelery.
“And I’m not willing to pay for something that I am not clear of,” Ava finished.
“I say give the mermaid a choice, that’s my vote,” Eric said firmly. “Don’t join. I have faith in people, and I won’t deal with anyone getting hurt due to disagreements.”
As Em began to move, she accidentally hurt her leg, causing a cut to bleed. The mermaid offered her seaweed and murmured, “Wrap it.”
“Are you sure we can’t trust her?” Em asked quietly, taking the seaweed and wrapping her leg.
Turning to Eric, Ava sneered. “Eric, I really don’t think it’s time to be pessimistic towards your teammate. And Em, look, it’s wiser that we stick together with the people who have the same goal in mind- which is winning.”
“You weren’t even here when Em got hurt!” Eric cried out. “How can we even trust you when you watched that all happen, and didn’t even offer your help?”
“Guys-” Corona warned, “We don’t have much time left.”
“That’s why I’m here now!” Ava snarled.
“We need to make a decision and stick with it,” Corona pushed.
They bickered for a few more minutes and finally Ava said, “I’m doing it solo.” “WHAT?!” Eric cried out in disbelief. “You can’t just do it solo, are you out of your mind?”
“Stop being emotional, Eric,” she said. “We don’t have time for it.”
“Ava, you can’t just /leave/!” Em snapped.
“You’re crazy!” Eric said, shaking his head, almost laughing.
Ava smirked. “Suck it up and join with me, or not.”
“GUYS,” Corona said louder, her voice warning.
Suddenly the mermaid was next to the group and whispered, “Sorry for barging in on your discussion, but she’s right. You’re a team, you have to stick together to win this.”
“We should trust her,” Eric said, motioning his hand towards the mermaid. “She’s being too kind, and I see no use in not using resources.”
“I’m being kind!” Ava said. “Hello, earth to Eric? I could’ve won and gone solo- I chose to stick it out with you all.”
“You aren’t being kind,” Eric said through clenched teeth. What was with this girl? First she hid the entire time until they were close to the win, and now she suddenly wants to bark orders? Eric was normally easy going, but when it came to things like this- he wasn’t going to be pushed around. Not him. “We have to worry about safety.”
Ava sighed and shook her head. He could tell that she was bossy, but he didn’t think she would be this bad. “Winning for the team, Eric!” she cried out. “I’ve got an idea- okay, the Occamy-”
“I’m not going with you, especially when you’re truly only thinking of the win and not of everyone. You’re focusing only on yourself,” Eric growled.
“Can’t we all just go now?” Em begged.
Pulling out a string bag, Ava turned to Em. “You’re good at transfiguration, right Em?”
Before Em could answer, the mermaid swam back behind the four. “Look, do you want my help or not? I’m half siren- I could enchant the Occamy into a lull if you’d like.”
“Come on,” Eric murmured. “Give her a chance.”
“Aelia,” Ava said firmly, “Thank you for your kind offer- but if you could not interrupt me while I’m talking.” Turning back to Eric, she groaned, throwing her hands. “Eric, give /me/ a chance.” Eric had enough. “You just burst out of nowhere to save the day? I don't play that way, we worked to get here as a team and you're wanting all the glory for yourself. This girl is trying to help us. All of us.”
“I think we should be resourceful,” Em finally said. “If she’s a resource, why don’t we use her?”
“She’s a strong resource,” Eric added.
Thumping her legs, Ava laughed  bitter laugh. “You’re kidding! If the Occamy awakes through it all, you’ll definitely be glad what I’ve got inside my bag.”
“I don't trust that you hid from all the action and now that the glory is right in reach you want the title. Typical. I trust that we can at least use her as a resource instead of hoping for something that could hurt,” Eric muttered.
As they argued, Ava slowly began to wear down and finally she snapped. “Fine! Say yes to the stupid mermaid.”
Eric turned to Em. “Are you okay with this choice?”
Em nodded quickly, as did Corona and Eric turned to the mermaid. “Yes, we will take the help.”
Avan snarled. “If anything goes wrong, I’m only taking Em with me.”
Eric glared and smirked. “I’m not too worried about myself anyhow.”
The mermaid smiled and nodded. “Excellent, let’s enter the cave.”
As they entered the cave, Eric admired the structure as much as he could with the limited source of light. As they observed the Occamy, on sight Eric noticed how gorgeous looked- but knew just how awful it could be. They swam and Eric kept a close eye on the three girls, hoping nothing would go wrong. That was just what he needed. Something to go wrong and for Eric to be blamed.
“Please, Occamy, eat Eric,” Ava snickered, causing Eric to roll his eyes as they made their way through the inside.
“Please do, berid me of her presence,” Eric muttered.
They all stopped feet away from the Occamy and watched it warily. The Occamy began to rise and glance around, its vision out of focus.
“Oh please tell me she’s got bad eyesight,” Em murmured, her gaze wide.
The mermaid began to back up to the edge of the cave, leaving the four champions floating in the middle. The Occamy suddenly sees the intruders and roars, causing the entire cave to tremble.
“Oh yeah, she’s got 20/20,” Em sighed, tightening her grip.
“I guess we should-”
The mermaid grabbed Eric’s arm. “No! Let me go first!” Then she begins to sing, her song sounding enchanting and sweet.
Eyes wide, Eric turns to the mermaid, not knowing what to say.
Ava rolled her eyes. “It’s official, men only think with their dicks.”
As they all began to swim towards the Occamy, Ava shoved Eric out of the way, causing him to fly out of the way and growl obscenities as he followed closely behind. When they reached a close enough distance, the mermaid abruptly stopped her singing and lets out one large shriek, causing the Occamy to wake up.
“I knew it!” Ava cried. “You’re dead meat, Eric!”
The mermaid then blocked off the entrance and caused everything in the cave to begin to tremble and rumble as rocks began to fly. The Occamy focused on Em and growled. Em stood there silently, not knowing what to say. Her body shook with fear as she slowly held out her hand to stop the others. “Stay-stay calm,” she called out.
Quickly dashing towards the Occamy, Eric holds out his wand and cries, “Stupefy!” Unfortunately, the Occamy ate the spell and snorted, leaving Eric to be confused, and almost angry.
“Idiot,” Ava muttered, deserving a glare from Eric.
“You’re not helping,” he snapped.
Em still stood frozen in her place, afraid to move. “I-”
“Move, Em!” Ava called out, shoving her aside and pointing her wand. “Conjunctivitis!”
As this occurred, the mermaid had continued her shriek. “I’m sorry, I have to…”
Em begam swimming closer to the Occamy, her heart racing.
Water was rushing around him as he watched Em, wanting to cry out for her to watch out. The Occamy slashed out towards Ava’s leg, but luckily she dodges quickly.
The Occamy ignored her, and swiped its teeth near Eric. Eric rushed forward and grabbed the mermaid and covered her mouth as he dodged the Occamy. At that moment, Em spotted something with a glint of silver, and began swimming fast towards the eggs, trying her best to keep silent.
Ther mermaid struggled against Eric’s grip, grasping at his arm and hand, tight around her.
“Accio, egg!” Em shouted, pointing her wand at the egg in hopes the spell would work.
The Occamy let out a roar as Eric pointed his wand at the mermaid and shouted, “Stupefy!”
Ava, who was currently distracting the Occamy, shouted out to Em, “Use the spell defodio! Perhaps it’s underground,” before shouting, “Incarcerous!”
At the same time that the Occamy whipped its tail and hit Eric, was the same time that Em had shouted, “Defodio!”
Eric flew across the water, and suddenly the bubble that protected his head, popped, and water began to flood his mouth, trying to reach his lungs. Gasping for air, his wand flies out of his hand and he reaches out to grab it before choking on water.
“Just in time!” Ava cried out, “Cave inimicum!”
Earth by the eggs began to rumble, and Eric could hear Em grumble, and shout the spell again. Water was flooding around Eric, and he grew terrified. Was he going to die here? Would they let him die? A failure?
One silver egg was unearthed and revealed three shiny eggs behind it.
“Oh come on,” Em groaned, “Accio, egg!”
Ava rushed over to Eric quickly, pulling gillyweed from her bag and shoving it in Eric’s mouth. “You better be thankful,” she muttered in his ear, “Or I’ll kick your ass later.”
As this happened, Em received one egg, and was working on retrieving the second one. Ava helping Eric up, pointed her wand out and shouted, “Stupefy!”
The Occamy then froze, and there was a loud roar from outside the cave. “You won’t make it out of here alive. There’s a reason it’s a female- the male is coming,” the mermaid called out.
“Shit,” Ava said, her eyes wide.
Em rushed forward towards the other eggs and shouted, “Accio, eggs!”
Eric turned to Ava and said quickly, “Men can be easily rid of! Just distract the female as much as you can!”
The roar begins to grow louder and Ava and Eric come up with a plan.
“Em! Go get the eggs! I’ll try to attack- Eric can you distract?”
As she asks this, the female Occamy unfreezes and lets out a large roar, causing the place to shake. Eric nods and says, “You keep eyes on the female and help Em. Find a way to get everyone out and attack the female. I’ll take care of the male.”
“I have two more eggs left!” Em called out.
Ava raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Better swallow your pride better than gillyweed.”
Eric smirked. “Perhaps when we are out of here alive. Just keep going Em!”
The female Occamy suddenly advances towards Em, and Ava points upwards trying to shoot off a boulder, but the boulder does not budge. Next, Em cries out stupefy in defense, to only be let down.
“Swim, Em!” Ava shrieks out, reaching out for Em. Then, the Occamy’s teeth grazes Ava’s shoulder while chasing after Em.
“Ava!” Eric cried out. “Go, Em! Go!”
Despite her hurt arm, she pointed at the Occamy and cried out, “Flipendo!” Ava then winced as the occamy cried out loudly.
As Eric is distracting the Male Occamy with simple spells and swimming back and forth, he spots Ava and her hurt shoulder. He dashes towards her, losing sight of the male and grabs her arm. “Come on! We can’t continue getting hurt!”
“Ava- are you okay?” Em asks, beginning to turn around as the female Occamy swings her tale into Eric, hitting his entire lower body and causing him to fly away from Ava.
“Shit!” he cries out, his body swinging back and forth, as his gaze becomes fuzzy from the sudden shock.
The cave begins to rumble as Eric tries to return to his position, but the rippling of the water causes this to be difficult. Eric watches as Em cries out, continuously pointing her wand and screaming, “Accio, eggs! Accio, eggs! Accio, eggs!”
“Accio, egg!” Ava cried out, the last egg flying into her free arm. “Let’s go!”
The cave begins to shake violently as the entrance begins to open once again.
“Let’s go, come on! Em, swim ahead!” Ava called, slightly struggling.
As the four began to swim towards the entrance, Eric winced. “I’m an idiot- I’m sorry-”
Ava sighed and grabbed his arm. “I’ll punch you in the throat later, but right now, let’s go!”
“It’s fine, Eric! Now’s not the time for grudges or apologies!” Em shouted.
They all swim quickly, but suddenly Ava stops abruptly. “My shoulder,” she winces.
The mermaid swims up and wraps her shoulder with the seaweed like Em’s from before. “I know you don’t trust me right now, but here. Take this.”
“I’d say we have a right,” Eric growled.
“You’re the dumb one who fell for it-”
Ava held out her hand for the mermaid to shut up, then turned to Eric. “The Occamy hurt me earlier- just Eric, we will hold onto you, and you perform ascendio, alright?”
“We need to hurry!”
“Of course.” Eric offered his free hand, and allowed Ava to take it. With his wand, he pointed upwards. “Perhaps in a different life, I hope you regret this,” he spoke to the mermaid before shouting, “Ascendio!”
Only bubbles appeared from his wand and Eric couldn’t help but have tears spring into his eyes. Nothing he was doing was right…
“You have no time,” The mermaid mutters before hauling the four on her back. “Let’s go.”
She swam upward so quickly, that it had felt like no time at all. Suddenly the four champions flew onto the ground, coughing and groaning. Hearing the voice of Headmistress call out, “You have successfully retrieved all 4 eggs, with thirty seconds to spare. Congratulations.”
Eric was launched to the ground, and coughed, pulling himself up and shaking the water from his hair before pulling the other three girls in for an embrace. “Thank god-”
Em hugged back and was breathing heavily, but Ava pushed Eric away. “Save it, jerk.”
“I’m sorry,” was all Eric could say.
Em frowned. “”It’s not your fault, Eric I fell for it too.”
As they all grabbed their eggs, Eric grinned. “Egg cracking anyone?”
“I’m down to crack your skull,” Ava smirked, holding her egg tightly.
“Bring it, princess,” Eric said, grinning.
“Sod off, Eric.”
The four opened their eggs and received their item for their next challenge. Eric admired his egg quietly, the silver shining beneath his hands. It almost felt calming to just touch it.
After about fifteen minutes of bantering and bickering between Ava and Eric, finally Em had sighed. “Ava, let’s go to the hospital wing, please!”
Ava grinned and nodded, latching herself to Em’s arm. “Yeah let’s go, see you around, loser.”
As they walked away, Eric watched them peacefully, hearing Em say: “You two are going to get married.”
He watched Ava swat her and shout, “Don’t ever say that again!”
Eric then rose and made his way towards the entrance of Hogwarts. His heart was racing, and he felt like an absolute idiot. Why did he even try? Aside from the fact of his parents- he didn’t like letting anyone else down either.
Scratching his neck, he thought about how Ava suddenly hated him. Was it because he was a Gryffindor? He could never tell, but he knew she had some issues she needed to clear up. Laughing he shook his head. That would be settled another day.
11 notes · View notes
vikingpoteto · 7 years
call it home (AO3) - KuroDai Week Day 8
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
Chapter: 3/5
Relationships: Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi, Sawamura Daichi & Michimiya Yui
Summary:Once upon a time a fearless knight whose best friend was taken by a demon king. Sawamura Daichi would do anything to save his princess, so he marches to the king’s castle ready to fight the demon. He wasn’t expecting to fall in love with him.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Final Haikyuu Quest, KuroDai Week 2017, fairy tale-ish, Fantasy, Curses and magic powers, Fluff, Falling In Love
Word count: 6591-ish
“I hope you’re aware that you two are morons,” Shimizu says. “You more than Sawamura, Kuroo."
Daichi sees Kuroo pulling a face, but he doesn't say anything. Neither of them does. After they got back with Hinata and Kageyama safe and sound, Shimizu eyed their disheveled clothes and the way Kuroo was walking and asked what happened. She was less than thrilled about their little adventure with the kappa. Shimizu didn't scold them, but her disapproving look was enough to make Kuroo and Daichi feel like scolded children.
“Are you hurt?” She asks.
“Well…” Kuroo starts.
“I’m fine, but Kuroo has hurt his ankle and ribs,” Daichi says.
Kuroo glares at him as if calling him a traitor, but Daichi knows it is just for the sake of glaring. There is no reason for Kuroo to hide that he needs treatment.
“Show me,” Shimizu demands.
Kuroo pouts, but doesn't dare to disobey Shimizu. He pulls his shirt up just enough to show the bruised skin from where he hit the rocks in the river. Daichi bites his lip, concerned with how fast the skin is becoming purple. Earlier he watched Kuroo paling in pain every time the horse made a sudden movement and Daichi knew Kuroo was barely holding it together. When Shimizu hisses at the sight, Daichi doesn't blame her, out of his mind with worry.
“You should have stopped by Hitoka-chan’s place when you dropped Hinata and Kageyama off. I’ll take you there immediately."
“Yacchan is out of town. She traveled with Yamaguchi and Tsukki, remember?”
“Oh,” Shimizu seems disappointed. “Well, then maybe I can try something? I haven't healed a human body in years, though, I’m not sure…”
“Shimizu-sama. It's fine. This is nothing. It barely hurts, unless I touch it or do th-- ugh.” He stops in the middle of trying to twist his body, his face going as white as a sheet.
“Idiot!” Daichi scolds. “You’ll make it worse!”
“Stop showing off to Sawamura,” Shimizu says and Kuroo’s paleness gives place to violent red. “You're injured and pretending you're not only shows your pitiful side.”
“Fine! I’ll go see Yukie. She’s a great healer. Will that suffice?”
Shimizu nods, satisfied. “She should be in the gardens with Yui.”
Kuroo groans. “Of course. Just what I wanted. To interrupt Yukie on her time alone with the princess. She might actually break more ribs than she fixes.”
“Then it’ll be your fault for being reckless.”
Not without complaining some more, Kuroo turns on his heels to leave. Daichi doesn't know why, but he stays behind with Shimizu.
“Is he always like this?” He asks.
“No, not really. Quite the opposite, unless Bokuto-kun is involved.” Shimizu smiles a little. “Hadn't he almost got himself killed by a kappa, I’d be grateful that he found someone else he can relax around. Thank you for that, Sawamura.”
Something about her eyes is too knowing or her smile is too understanding, and Daichi decides he better off watching Kuroo getting his ribs fixed or more broken than staying with her. He bows briefly and leaves after Kuroo.
  Staying in a magic castle is the kind of experience that makes you lose track of time. Daichi unconsciously creates his own routine and the castle’s inhabitants gladly adjusts theirs so he can fit. And all of them have very busy routines, for that matter.
Kuroo wasn’t lying when he said the castle kept itself – there was never dust covering its statues, the books they took from the library would mysteriously appear back in their shelves when they were done reading them and they could always find any utensil they needed – but he also wasn’t lying when he said Shimizu made them do their own chores whenever it was possible.
For Daichi, it is quite the experience. Not that he didn’t have his own tasks at home, but back then his duties were to study, to practice with the sword and to take care of his brothers.
In the castle he has the same duties a regular servant would. It is even more bemusing to watch the princess cheerfully cook her own meals with his help. Sometimes it’s tiring, sometimes it’s fun and interesting. He wouldn’t complain about it.
And, for the first time in his life, he’s among equals. There are no ranks to be respected or protocols to be followed. People come and go like the castle is theirs and there's no distrust among magical people. Not among king Oikawa’s subjects at least. That, or there is a magical protection that stops harming from coming their way. All of them talk to each other in friendly manner, sharing stories and laughing together.
Daichi learns the names of the members of the Fukurodani clan within three days and he hears stories that can only be told by flying nomads. Kageyama and Hinata come to see them, because apparently Hinata adores Bokuto and Kageyama admires Akaashi very much. They make a party so loud it can br heard from the village and Yukie yells at Kuroo for dancing with Bokuto when his ribs are still healing.
Days later, when the owls leave, Yui becomes a little melancholic and asks to be left alone. Daichi respects her wishes and spends his time in Kuroo’s chambers instead. Kuroo tells him about his experiments and the wonders of alchemy, his eyes sparkling with excitement and his sly grin ever-present. Daichi doesn't know if he loves listening to him because it is interesting or because Kuroo looks so passionate about it. He decides it doesn't matter and relegates himself the duty of carrying heavy objects as an excuse to stay, since Kuroo is still wearing Yukie’s bandages under his shirt.
By the time Yui is back to her cheerful self, they get more visitors. Daichi gets along remarkably well with two villagers that come to see Shimizu at least twice per week, a mage called Sugawara and a blacksmith named Asahi. When they visit, Shimizu invites Daichi to join them and they spend good hours together.
Before he realizes, days become weeks and it's been almost a month since he arrived at the castle. He thinks to himself that he must leave soon, he has a life back home. He pushes the thought for the depths in his mind for later examination and avoids thinking about it altogether.
  It is a lazy morning and Yui’s day to take care of the garden. Daichi and Kuroo follow to help, though there is little to be done. Kuroo is trying to convince Yui to start a brand new garden and plant the seeds in a way that the plants will form the sentence “Oikawa is ugly” when they sprout. Daichi water the plants, worried that Yui will be swayed away by Kuroo’s arguments. It takes him a while to notice they’re not alone anymore.
The three newcomers are young, perhaps still in their teenage years. The tallest one - and he is very tall, though his slumped shoulders make him look slightly smaller - is a blond boy dressed in a simple armor. The smallest is a lovely girl in an old white dress with fidgety fingers. The one in the middle - and he seems to be the leader of the small group - is a freckled boy clad in dark wool.
Even before they announce themselves, Daichi guesses their names: Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Yachi. He’s heard a lot about them from Sugawara and the others. A cool and smart knight, a modest, but skillful rogue boy and a shy and clever healer. Daichi heard they are often seen with Hinata and Kageyama, though Daichi had never met them before. Apparently they were traveling together in some sort of secret quest.
“Kuroo-san, princess Yui,” Yamaguchi calls shyly. He starts to bow respectfully when his eyes meet Daichi. “And… I don't think we’ve met before.”
“This is a friend of mine, Daichi Sawamura,” Yui says. And she frowns, noticing by the tension in their shoulders that they aren't here for a pleasant visit. “Is everything alright?”
“We need Kuroo-san’s help,” says Tsukishima stiffly.
“Don't tell me Hinata and Kageyama are in trouble again!”
“No! They're fine,” Yamaguchi assures. “But Tsukki’s brother might not be. We have reasons to believe he’s trapped in Nekoma.”
"Nekoma?” Daichi repeats.
“That would be the home of my clan,” Kuroo says. “Why would Akiteru be there? It’s been empty for years.”
“W-well…” Yachi speaks in a small voice. “Akiteru-san was studying something nearby and I… I thought, I… erm…” she looks hesitantly to her friends. Yamaguchi smiles encouragingly and Tsukishima puts a hand on her shoulder, although his expression remains stiff. Yachi takes a deep breath. “N-no! I m-might be just a simple villager, but I! I am certain! I investigated and th-the evidence I collected indicates that Akiteru-san is stuck there and he needs help!”
Yamaguchi gives her an approving grin. Yachi looks proud of herself, too.
“Very well,” Kuroo puts down his gardening tools. “Lets get Akiteru back.”
"Wait!” Yui grabs his wrist. “It's going to be full moon in two days!”
"It's fine, Nekoma isn't far. I’ll be back before the full moon and I won't do anything dangerous.”
“I know we're asking for much,” Tsukishima says quietly. “Thank you, Kuroo-san.”
"Aw, Tsukki, don't be like that. I’ll think you actually like me.”
Tsukishima pulls a disgusted expression and Kuroo laughs as he reaches for Tsukishima’s hair and ruffles it. Yamaguchi and Yachi start showering Kuroo with thank yous and cheers. Daichi wouldn't think much of it if Yui wasn't biting her lip in worry.
“Is something wrong?” He asks.
“Please, go with them.” Yui murmurs hurriedly while Kuroo is distracted taunting Tsukishima. “I would go myself, but Kuroo never listens to me. However he listens to you.”
“No, he doesn't,” Daichi says, because he doubts even Oikawa can fully control Kuroo. 
“Yes, he does,” Yui insists. “Haven't you noticed you have him wrapped around your little finger? Please, go with them and don't let him use his powers.”
"Why not?”
Her eyes widen. “He… didn't tell you? Oh, of course he didn't. He never says anything about himself.”
That isn't quite true, Daichi thinks. Kuroo talks about himself often. Daichi knows his favorite food and color, what he dislikes and that he's terribly afraid of spiders. He knows a lot about Kenma, a white mage Kuroo is friends with since childhood, and about the horses Kuroo takes care of. Daichi knows lots and little things about Kuroo and all of them are things Kuroo told him out if his own volition.
Except, Daichi remembers, about his curse. Kuroo never says anything about it.
“There is no time to explain.” Yui continues. “Just… it's bad for him to transform near the full moon, so can you make sure he doesn't?”
“I’ll try my best.”
“Thank you.”
Daichi is starting to worry himself when he steps ahead and casually asks if he can go along, claiming to be curious about Kuroo’s home.
    They need to be fast. Unlike the last time Daichi left the castle, they aren't playing race anymore. Yachi is too short to ride anything bigger than a pony, so she rides with Yamaguchi instead. Kuroo leads the way with Tsukishima by his side. There is little opportunity for talking, but Daichi does see Kuroo exchanging a few words with the young knight.
For Tsukishima’s early claims to find Kuroo an annoyance, he seems to be quite comfortable around him. Daichi has to remind himself several times that this kid’s brother is missing and it's a good thing that Kuroo is there to comfort him. Being jealous would be selfish and very unkind.
They make only one stop to let the horses drink some water. They check for kappas before approaching the river. Tsukishima pulls Yamaguchi and Yachi aside to talk to then privately for a moment and Daichi gladly takes to opportunity to speak with Kuroo.
"When you said your parents served the king, I assumed you were born in the castle,” Daichi says.
"I was,” Kuroo says. “But my father was part of a nomad clan, like Fukurodani. We were like an alliance of stray cats, if you must,” Kuroo smiles fondly. “Nekoma used to be our rendezvous, in a way. A safe place we could always come back to, no matter how far we traveled.”
Daichi doesn't miss the past tense. “It used to be?”
“Kenma was our priest and the keeper, because he was afraid of leaving. But then he met Hinata and came out of his shell. He helped to break the king’s curse and decided to see the world. He is to return someday, but until then Nekoma is closed. And there are only two people in the world that can open its doors.”
"One of them is Kenma, and the other is you,” Daichi guesses.
A smile. “That's right. Kenma, because he's our priest. And I'm the leader of the clan, in a way.”
“Only in a way?”
“Stray cats pride themselves in being free, Sawamura. I'm their leader if they need to rally around someone, but most of the time they're the leaders of themselves.”
They don't stay much longer after that.
    They head toward East and away from the city, but Kuroo wasn't lying when he said it wasn't far. They’ve been traveling for less than an entire day and the sun is setting behind distant mountains behind them when they reach a chain of rocky hills.
“We’re here,” Kuroo says. “We have to leave the horses behind now."
Daichi tries not to think about the last time he and Kuroo left their horses behind when they went after someone and how it ended with Kuroo almost drowning and with a couple of broken ribs.
They start climbing the hills. With the grace of a mountain lion, Kuroo smoothly climbs his way up. Tsukishima follows him with ease, as if he's used to it. Again Yachi’s size is a disadvantage and she needs to get Yamaguchi’s help. Daichi might be bigger, but he isn't much better.
"Here,” Kuroo says as he offers him a hand when he slips and almost falls for the fourth time. Daichi grits his teeth and lets Kuroo pull him up, ignoring his  smug smirk.
“Are you sure you are a cat? Not a goat?"
Kuroo laughs, unfazed by the provocation, and doesn't let go of Daichi's hand. Daichi doesn't know if he should be grateful, annoyed or thrilled. He likes the warmth of Kuroo's fingers around his and he does need help, so he decides to leave it be.
Only when they reach the top they have the first sight of the fort. Not as big as king Oikawa’s castle, Nekoma is just as impressive. An asymmetric fort made of rock and layers and layers of battlements, strong and majestic under the twilight. Daichi thinks of a playground made for a giant cat when he sees it.
"That's impossible,” Kuroo mutters.
At first Daichi doesn't know what he's talking about. Then he follows Kuroo's dumbfounded gaze and sees that Nekoma’s gates are open.
“Maybe Kenma-san has returned?” Yamaguchi suggests.
Kuroo seems offended by the idea. “If Kenma returned, I would be the first to know!”
"They weren't open when we were following my brother’s trail,” Tsukishima says.
"Well, let's investigate, then.” Yachi nudges her friends. 
And they climb down the hill. Kuroo is tenser now and Daichi doesn't blame him. He would be livid if he went back home and found it disturbed.
Daichi slips and needs to be pulled back to his feet by Kuroo when he realizes that, when he thinks about “home”, is the magic castle that comes to his mind. Kuroo doesn't tease him for his almost fall this time.
“What would Akiteru be doing here?” Kuroo asks.
“We’re not sure,” Tsukishima says. “But we were supposed to meet at the capital five days ago and he never came. That's unlike him.”
“Tsukki is right,” Yamaguchi says. “Akiteru-san is never late when Tsukki agrees to meet with him because he loves Tsukki very much.”
"Shut up, Yamaguchi.”
“Sorry, Tsukki.”
"Shhh!” Yachi interrupts. “Can you guys hear that?”
They listen. Daichi can't hear anything, but he sees it. From inside the fort, a pair of bright eyes stares at them intently. Slowly the eyes come out of the shadows revealing the largest lioness Daichi had ever seen. Her fur is dark under the shadows, but it seems to have shades of red in it.
With practiced expertise, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima position themselves in front of Yachi and she reaches for something in the pocket of her skirt. The trio look like they have started many battles like this. Daichi and Tsukishima reach for their swords, but Kuroo grabs their wrists to stop them.
“Wait! You can't hurt her!”
Tsukishima looks at him like he's insane. The lioness approaches them with careful steps, her posture tense for an attack.
“Kuroo-san,” Yachi hisses in warning, but Kuroo ignores her and takes a careful step towards the murderous lioness.
“Hey, it's me!” Kuroo says. “What are you doing awake?"
The lioness snarls softly.
“It's fine, girl! It's me, Kuroo. Don't you remember me?”
The lioness roars showing how wide she can open her mouth. Her fangs are as long and sharp as Daichi's dagger. Her jaws big enough that Yachi would fit easily into her mouth. Kuroo curses.
They obey without hesitation.
“Here,” Yamaguchi yells, waving until he has the lioness’ atention.
Daichi's stomach drops in fear, but Yamaguchi is fast and the lioness is limpinh, for some reason. The boy runs as a distraction as Tsukishima helps Yachi to get to a safe place and Daichi and Kuroo rush to his aid.
“Don't hurt her!” Kuroo says again and Daichi curses, because what the hell are they supposed to do?
“Run to the fort!” Tsukishima commands, already headed there and dragging Yachi by the hand.
At first Daichi doesn't understand what good that would do, but then he realizes the geniality of the plan: inside, the size of the lioness would be a disadvantage and they would have more places to hide.
Yamaguchi jumps away from the lioness’ claws, escaping by the skin of his teeth. “Go! Be ready to close the gates when I go after you!”
Daichi turns to the fort and Kuroo follows him after a brief hesitation. They hear Yamaguchi screeching and cursing behind them.
Tsukishima and Yachi are already holding the gate at one side and Daichi rushes for the other. Kuroo doesn't get there until a few moments later, which is odd, since he is faster and has longer legs. However, Daichi doesn't have time to think about it, for Yamaguchi is already running toward them screaming.
“NOW!” Tsukishima orders.
They start pushing the heavy gates before Yamaguchi comes in and the boy barely manages to jump inside before they close. The gates shake when the lioness crash onto them, but stay closed. They hear her roaring in fury outside, but there is nothing she can do besides that.
“We’re… safe?” Yamaguchi rasps, breathless.
“Kuroo-san?” Tsukishima says, cautiously.
Kuroo doesn't answer, but Daichi feels him shuddering by his side. There is something wrong.
“Kuroo?” Daichi says.
Kuroo raises his gaze and Daichi’s breath gets stuck in his throat. Kuroo’s irises are bright gold, his pupils as narrow as a cat’s.
“Kuroo,” Daichi calls one more time.
Kuroo blinks, confused. His eyes are hazel again.
"Oh,” he says, as if he's waking up from a dream. “We… we must go. She can open the door, too, and we don't want to be here when she does.”
“Lead the way,” Yamaguchi says.
“Kuroo-san, when were you going to tell us about the giant assassin pet cat?” Tsukishima hisses.
“She's not a pet cat!” Kuroo protests. “She's our guardian. And she was supposed to be asleep! Why is she awake?”
“Well…at least that explains why the door was open. She woke up and opened it,” Daichi offers.
"But that doesn't answer where my brother is,” Tsukishima says, frustrated.
“Let's look for him while the… the guardian is away?” Yachi turns to Kuroo. “What's her name, Kuroo-san?”
“Her name can't be pronounced in human language.”
“And you didn't give her a human name?” Daichi asks.
Kuroo glares at him. “Would you like me to give you a different name just because I can't say yours?”
Daichi raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything.
“We are wasting time,” Tsukishima complains. “Should we split to cover more ground?”
“No,” Kuroo says. “She’ll come in at any moment and it will be bad if we are apart. Just follow me.”
Nekoma isn't as richly decorated as the king's castle. There are red tapestries on the walls, but no statues and the furniture is more rustic and covered in dust. Daichi supposes that having sturdier furniture the smart thing to do, considering that they have a giant lioness walking around.
Daichi looks around. This is Kuroo's original home. The place where he was raised. He tries to imagine what would be like to grow up in a place like this, with people coming and going all the time.
“I hear something from there,” Yamaguchi says, pointing.
“There are the kitchens,” Kuroo says. “Let's go look.”
Yamaguchi takes the lead this time. Kuroo lets himself fall a couple of steps behind and Daichi matches his pace without thinking.
“I’m sorry,” Kuroo murmurs so the others won't hear him. At Daichi's puzzled expression, he adds, “for snapping at you.”
Daichi smiles. “I have five brothers, Kuroo. I would hardly consider that offensive.”
“Still, I’m sorry. Seeing out guardian like that shocked me, but I shouldn't have lashed it out on you.”
“No harm was done.”
“I just don't understand.” He bites his lip in frustration. “How can she not recognize me? And why would she attack us?”
Daichi doesn't have an answer. Kuroo doesn't seem to be expecting one. Daichi reaches to hold his hand nonetheless, hoping the small gesture will convey some comfort. Kuroo intertwine their fingers and gives his hand a grateful squeeze.
Yamaguchi opens the door at the end of the corridor. Immediately, Tsukishima snarls:
“Big brother!”
The man in the kitchen is shorter than Tsukishima, but they have the same blond hair and brown eyes. However, while Tsukishima gives away an aura of cool aloofness, his brother looks considerably softer and maybe a little lost. Perhaps because he was caught in the middle of stuffing his mouth with bread.
“Khei!” He mumbles with his mouth still full. “Whath arhe you dhoing her’?”
“What are the you doing here?” Tsukishima snaps. “It's been five days!”
Tsukishima's brother swallows his bread. “I’m already this late? I’m so sorry, Kei! I was collecting samples for my research around here when I saw a fascinating lioness, but she was hurt. Naturally, I followed her here to see if I could help.”
"Naturally,” Tsukishima hisses.
"But once I came in, the doors closed and I couldn't find a way out.”
“You’ve been living of the old bread you carry in your bag for the last five days?” Tsukishima asks, his face livid.
“Yes! And good thing you showed up, because I am almost out of bread.”
Tsukishima looks like he is going to strangle his brother, but, before he can even say anything else, Kuroo asks anxiously, “The guardian is hurt? How?”
“The lioness? There is something stuck on her paw,” Tsukishima's brother explains. “Perhaps it's a stick? A very sharp one.”
“So this is why she attacked us!” Kuroo gasps. “She is hurt! I have to help her!”
“And how do you plan on doing that?”
“Well, I could just…” Kuroo starts letting go of Daichi's hand, without doubt to take off his red coat.
“Absolutely not,” Daichi tightens the grip on his hand. “You are not using your powers. You promised you wouldn't.”
Kuroo pouts. “Then what do you suggest?”
"We’ll help,” Tsukishima offers. “It's the minimum we can do after dragging you here. Also I would like to apologize for my brother.
“Tsukki, don't be mean,” Yamaguchi says as Tsukishima's brother makes a shocked face.
Tsukishima ignores both of them. “Yachi-san, can you put her to sleep with your magic?”
“Of course, but someone would have to hold her still.
“Let’s attract her to one of the narrowest corridors and trap her under one of the tapestries. Yamaguchi should be able to cut the strings and drop it on her. If we work together, we can hold her down long enough for Yachi-san to put her to sleep.”
“Sounds like a plan."
"Sounds like we might get ourselves killed.”
They agree to go with it.
    Daichi thinks that any plan that starts with someone dangling from the rafters is bound to be a disaster, but he keeps his negative thoughts to himself as Yamaguchi balances himself there with a sharp knife. Daichi, Tsukishima and Tsukishima's brother wait near the walls, ready to jump and trap the lioness as soon as Yamaguchi cuts the strings that hold the tapestry in place. Yachi is a few steps behind, preparing to cast her spell.
Meanwhile, Kuroo went to the entrance to lure the lioness inside. 
Daichi hated this part of the plan particularly, but they all agreed that Kuroo was the only one able to outrun the guardian, being the fastest of them and also the one who knows the way through the corridors.
He tries to keep himself calm, but it’s difficult when he's out of his mind with worry.
Finally, a roar echoes through the walls. All of them tense up and it isn't long before they hear heavy and quick footsteps. Daichi's heart all but stops when Kuroo appears at the end of the corridor with the guardian like a gigantic shadow right behind him.
The lioness roars, muffling the sound of the knife as the strings are cut.
“NOW!” Tsukishima commands and they launch themselves at the edges of the tapestry.
The lioness struggles and snarls, but Yamaguchi and Kuroo join them and hold her down, even if they have to use the weight of their bodies to keep her in place. Someone cheer in celebration as Yachi rushes closer raising a small staff and reaching for the tapestry.
And that's when everything goes to hell.
Right in the spot where Yachi was about to touch, a sharp claw appears. She screams and pulls away before she gets hurt. The next roar makes all of them shudder as the guardian claws her way out of the trap.
“Damn it! It didn't work! Run!”
In their defense, they try to. However, as soon as their weight is gone, the lioness only has to struggle a little to break free. What's left of the tapestry stays around her neck like the weirdest of the manes.
“Run, run, run!”
They do. They have to run to opposite directions and Daichi hopes the confusion of choosing a target will make the lioness hesitate and will buy them some time. It does. Unfortunately, it only takes her a split second to reach her chosen victim.
And it is Daichi.
He collapses under her weight. Part of him thinks of reaching for his sword, but other part accuses him of that idea being ridiculous. Even if he could, he would never hurt Kuroo's guardian.
Powerful paws press him against the floor and the lioness roars. The deafening sound makes Daichi even more disoriented, so much he doesn't even know what to do with the realization that those giant fangs are the last thing he's going to see before he dies.
A black blur runs into the guardian, knocking her away from Daichi. He coughs and heaves, unable to sit up yet, his lungs still not quite full of air.
When he manages to look up, it takes him a while to understand what's going on: a black panther is fighting the red lioness. With his mind still hazy with shock, Daichi wants to complain that Kuroo is not supposed to use his powers, but all he manages is a weak “Kuroo, no…!” in a choppy voice.
Kuroo neatly avoids the lioness’ fangs and throws his weight on top of her. She struggles and thrashes, but he manages to keep her in place. A moment later, Yachi is running to them, her skirts flying backwards. She looks impossibly small in comparison to them.
“Yachi-san, no! It's too dangerous!”
She doesn't stop. Daichi's heart stops when she's almost caught by the agitates lioness’ claws, but the small girl keeps going until she reaches the guardian’s flank. Yachi raises her staff and rests her hand on red fur. White light spreads from the tips of her fingers. The guardian keeps fighting to break free. Yachi frowns in concentration and closes her eyes, making the light glow brighter. The lioness’ movements grow sloppier and more tired. She finally closes her eyes and stops moving. Yachi falls to her knees right after, breathless.
Daichi sighs in relief, his heart still threatening to jump out of his chest. He's so sure that the battle is won that it takes him a while to understand Tsukishima’s horrified tone when he says, “Yachi-san, get away from him.”
Daichi doesn’t understand, until he notices Kuroo hasn't turned back to his human form yet. Instead, he gets off the back of the unconscious guardian and slowly moves towards Yachi. His eyes are turned black by his pupils, blown so wide you can barely see the golden around them. The way he creeps closer to the girl is almost predatory.
“Kuroo-san…” Yachi rasps, trying to stand straight on her weakened legs. “Kuroo-san!” She stumbles and loops her arms around the panther’s neck. They are too short to fully embrace Kuroo, but she holds on tightly.
The panther blinks in confusion, but doesn't do anything to push the girl away. Then slowly - very slowly - fur retracts back into the skin or turns into black clothes as the body of the panther changes until it reaches a human form. The panther isn't there anymore. In its place, there is just a confused looking man with a girl on his lap.
    They don't talk about it while they treat the guardian’s wound. They don’t talk about it on the travel back. They don't talk about it when Yachi insists in following them to the castle so she talks Shimizu into not being too harsh on Kuroo.
Shimizu still lectures Kuroo for hours.
Yu almost passes out when Daichi tells her what happened. She offers to give him some explanations, but he refuses. 
Instead, they wait outside Shimizu’s chambers until Kuroo comes out. When he finally does, he sees them there and smirks. His teasing smirk doesn't reach his eyes.
“I guess I owe you an explanation, Sawamura.”
“You don't owe me anything,” Daichi says simply. “But I would appreciate if you told me what's happening to you.”
Kuroo nods. “It's easier if I show you.”
Kuroo heads to his wing of the castle. Daichi almost expects him to go to his lab, but he walks right past it and to a door at the end of the corridor.
It's a bedroom.
Compared to the other rooms in the castle, it's almost empty. There are only a bed, a large chest presumably filled with clothes and a small nest of blankets on the corner. There are chains and shackles on the blankets.
“I told you my mother was an alchemist, right?” Kuroo turns to him. “She loved alchemy as much as I do. She loved studying and learning. She wanted to do wonders with her work, make discoveries and help the world. So she made a deal with a witch.”
Kuroo heads to the blanket nest and Yui follows him with a sad look in her eyes. To Daichi’s shock, Kuroo sits down and lets Yui chain him to the wall. There are thick pieces of wool sewn into the shackles so they won't hurt him.
“The witch gave her access to the spirits’ library so she could gain knowledge on alchemy no other human had. There was only one condition: she was supposed to love alchemy above all things. If she cherished something else more… well. Knowledge is the only thing that cannot be taken away, but there would be consequences. She would become a wild beast, unable to use the knowledge she gained.”
“And she found something she cherished more,” Daichi guesses.
“My father. She was traveling when she found Nekoma and met him and fell in love and suddenly there was something besides alchemy. She spent several months stuck in a monster’s body until my father found a mage that could change the curse. That was Kenma’s mother. She managed to make it so my mom would be able to keep her mind clear when she turned, enough so she could turn back. Except once a month, when the light of the full moon touches our land. Then she would become a mindless beast again.”
“And it's the same for you?”
Kuroo nods. “I love alchemy as much as she did. I read her research and I wanted to know as much as I can as bad as she did.”
“But- but if alchemy means that much for you…”
“Sawamura, I already have something I cherish more. Kenma and the others at Nekoma. Shimizu-sama, king Oikawa, princess Yui… all of them are my family. I love alchemy, but I wouldn't trade them for any knowledge in the world.”
Daichi bites his lip, a lump forming in his throat.
“I avoid transforming near the full moon, because I start losing my grip.” An apologetic smile. “And it makes it harder when I finally turn.”
“Kuroo, this is…”
"It's fine,” Kuroo interrupts. “Again, I’m sorry for yesterday night. Now, will you excuse me? I don't mean to kick you out, but I'm not going to be good company on the next couple of hours.”
Daichi wants to protest, but he doesn't know what to say.
“Come on,” Yui says.
She ruffles Kuroo's hair before she grabs Daichi's arm and rushes him out.
    Daichi can't sleep. He can't shake away the tired look in Kuroo's eyes from his thoughts. He thinks of Kuroo, stuck in his panther form and chained to the walls of his own room so he won't hurt others or himself. The thought is eating him alive.
If there is something you cherish more than alchemy, you’ll become a beast unable to use it.
He rolls around on his bed, bothered. The frustration that drowns him has less to do with the fact that there is nothing he can do, but with the odd feeling that there's a very obvious answer and he's too stupid to see.
Unable to use alchemy.
Daichi thinks of Tsukishima and how he seemed to trust Kuroo in his human form, but how quickly he became afraid that panther Kuroo would hurt Yachi. Did Kuroo hear that? It must have hurt if he did.
If there is something you cherish more…
He thinks of Yachi, the brave, brave, girl and how she fearlessly faced not one, but two mindless predators that could fit her tiny body entirely in their mouths. How she kindly hugged Kuroo and brought him back.
There is something you cherish more.
Daichi sits up so quickly he becomes dizzy.
Kuroo isn't a monster blind with bloodlust! He's just in a state in which he can't think rationally, like a wild animal. However even animals can form bonds and hold things dear! Kuroo was still in the heat of the battle when he approached Yachi, but he didn't hurt her! Maybe he was moving just to check on her! He recognized the girl and let him touch him and bring him back!
Daichi jumps out of his bed and, for the first time, he doesn't mind that the sheets are folding themselves. It's a risky idea, but if he's right…
Daichi is still in the corridor when he first hears the roars. He doesn't stop. He heads to Kuroo's room with confidence and doesn't hesitate at the door.
The room is dark when Daichi comes in, only the moonlight through the windows illuminating the chained panther. Kuroo is in the middle struggling to get free, but he freezes at the sight of Daichi like a cornered cat. Daichi can see his bright eyes clearly even in the dark.
“Kuroo,” he says evenly. He doesn't know if the way Kuroo flinches a little is a reaction to his own name or to Daichi's voice. “Kuroo, it's me. Sawamura. You know who I am, don't you? I think you do."
Daichi starts toward him, slow and steady. When Kuroo eyes him with curiosity, Daichi notices that the fur around his neck is ruffled in an odd way. He realizes that Kuroo has been trying to claw off the shackle on his neck. His chest tightens.
"It's me, Kuroo.” He repeats. “I’m not going to hurt you. And I think you're not going to hurt me either. Because I care about you, a lot. And I think I'm not wrong to assume you care about me in the same way.”
Kuroo sits on his back legs and hisses. He looks like an oversized house cat. Daichi stretches his arm and offers his hand to Kuroo. He sniffs it, but does nothing else. Daichi reach out and pets his head.
A moment later, Kuroo closes his eyes and leans into the touch. Daichi smiles and gets closer, now using his two hands to caress the soft fur.  
“Of course you were upset,” he mutters. “You are just a scared kitten isolated from the thing you cherished most. You don't have to do that anymore. You're not alone.”
There is a thunderous noise and Daichi feels vibrations under his hands. He laughs. Kuroo is purring.
Daichi keeps petting him until suddenly Kuroo nibbles at his fingers and lies down. It is not as light as a cat’s nibble and it scratches his hands, but that's it. A small scratch that barely stings. Kuroo would never hurt Daichi. Daichi waits until Kuroo settles himself before he sits down. He leans against Kuroo and closes his eyes, thinking that Kuroo is softer than any bed. Kuroo cuddles up to him and leaves him be.
    When Daichi wakes up in the morning, his head is resting against Kuroo's (human) shoulder. He looks up and his eyes meet Kuroo’s. The expression in his hazel eyes takes his breath away - fondness, admiration… he’s looking at Daichi as if he is the best thing he's ever put his eyes on and it's way too much.
"Good morning,” Daichi manages, praying that he doesn't have a bad morning breath.
“You are insane, Daichi Sawamura,” Kuroo says and his voice isn't much better than Daichi's. “If I knew what you were planning, I would have stopped you.”
"I take you remember last night. It wasn't much of a plan, you see, but more a sudden inspiration. You are a nice cat, by the way."
Kuroo laughs incredulously. “Can I tell you a secret? I think it's a pity that I was turned into a cat. I’ve always liked dogs better.”
Daichi hums thoughtfully and runs his fingers through unruly black hair. Kuroo leans against the contact, closing his eyes. Daichi can’t tell if he’s contempt with it or just tired.
“I think I prefer cats, to be honest.”
Kuroo doesn’t open his eyes, but he smiles.
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thunderfcknroad · 7 years
Tell-Tale Signs
On AO3
A look into the not so fabby past of Jean Prouvaire through the eyes of a recovering, happier Jean Prouvaire...
(tw - self harm mentions, emotionally abusive relationship)
Jehan stepped up onto the stage hesitantly, gaze focused on Grantaire who was precariously balanced on a stool plugging in their guitar. They look around the dark bar and grit their teeth before spotting the rest of their friends on the front row. Grantaire finally noticed Jehan and gave them a massive grin and a double thumbs up. Jehan bit back a smile as they felt their nerves deplete a little. They hesitantly stepped up to the microphone and began to speak.
“Um, hi. My name is Jehan. Some of you may recognise me from the poetry readings here but, um, I thought I’d try for something different. Grantaire asked me to collaborate on a song and so I guess… here I am? The singing thing is usually Grantaire’s thing but, like, they’re my words so apparently I have to sing them.”
Jehan glanced pointedly at Grantaire for a moment, earning themselves a smirk and an eye roll.
“This is scary for me. I think this is the most autobiographical piece I have ever performed. Um, yeah.  This is called ‘Tell Tale Signs’”
Jehan took a deep breath as Grantaire started playing the opening chords.
 Goddammit Amy, we’re not kids anymore.
You can’t just keep waltzing out of my life leaving clothes on the bedroom floor.
Like nothing really matters
Like pain doesn’t hurt
You should mean more to me by now than just heartbreak in a short skirt.
 Jehan’s mind flashes back to three years ago.
“You’re leaving again?”
Their tinkling laughter filled Jehan’s bedroom.
“Oh honey. We’ve been through this. The night is still young and the clubs are still open! Just because you are easy doesn’t mean I can’t switch it up a bit!”
Jehan felt tears well up behind their eyes but they angrily swallowed them back. They pulled the duvet covers up over their naked body, suddenly feeling extremely self-conscious.
Jehan watched as they reapplied their lipstick in the smashed mirror on Jehan’s desk before slipping their skirt back on. Suddenly they whisked out of the room in a flurry of leather and dark hair and Jehan is left alone again. They slid back down under the duvet. Something poked irritatingly in their back. Hesitantly, they reached down and pulled it out. They weren’t even shocked to find it was a lace bra, they just threw it on the floor and sunk deeper into their bed.
 You kind of remind me of scars on my arms that I made when I was a kid
With a disassembled disposable razor I stole from my dad.
When I thought that suffering was something profound
That weighed down on wise heads.
Not just something to be avoided,
Something normal people dread.
 Jehan subconsciously raised their hand to hold their forearm as they sang. They looked down to see their friends staring encouragingly up at them, if a little shell shocked. They noticed that Bahorel was squeezing Feuilly’s hand like his life depended on it. Jehan closed their eyes and continued to sing.
 Goddammit Amy, well of course I’ve changed.
With all the things that I’ve done and the places I’ve been
I’d be a machine if I had stayed the same.
You’re still back where we started
You haven’t changed at all
Yeah, you’re still trying to live like a kid
Like you could always have it all.
 Two years ago
Jehan threw their suitcase onto the couch and grinned. They ran through their rooms greeting all their plants. They smelled their pillows and ran their hands across the curtains. A whole year was far too long to be away from their flat. It wasn’t as if they were particularly attached to the physical possessions but they made the flat feel like home. Comforting. The grin was still plastered on their face when there was a knock at the door.
Practically bouncing on their way they pulled the door open. The smile vanished.
They pushed passed Jehan without invitation.
“I heard you were back!”
Jehan closed the door quietly. “Here I am.”
They turned to look at Jehan for the first time and frowned. “Tattoos?”
Jehan puffed up defensively. “Yeah. I got one in every country I went to. My journey is on my arms now.”
They laughed cruelly before waving their hand dismissively. “Seems a bit impulsive? I never really liked tattoos but I guess…” They wrapped their hand around Jehan’s wrist and pulled them closer. “I can still give you your welcome home present” They kissed Jehan hungrily before Jehan ripped their wrist free and shoved them away.
“No. I can’t do this anymore. I’m not a child anymore. I’ve been gone a year and I’ve seen so much and the world is such a great place but you know what I discovered? My life is so much better when you aren’t in it.”
“No! I’m finished. Oh my god I am so finished. I’m not your toy. I have friends who care about me. I’m in recovery for a lifetime of depression and I’m doing well! You were a terrible coping mechanism and this has gone on way too long. Please get out of my flat.”
“You’ve changed”
Jehan laughed. Honestly and loudly. “You fucking bet I have.”
 You know you kind of remind me of scars on my arms that I hid as best I could,
That I covered with ink, but in the right kind of light they still bleed through,
Showing that there are somethings I just cannot change
No matter what I do:
The tell-tale signs of being used,
Of being trapped inside of you.
 In the bar you could hear a pin drop. Everyone had gone silent as Jehan rolled up his sleeves to reveal the beautiful variety of tattoos that twisted and danced all the way up their arms. They felt a tear escape as they sang but they just wiped it away and powered on.
 You’re a beautiful butterfly
Burned with a branding iron
Onto my outsides into my insides
As a simple sign:
To show off your ownership
Burned into my naked skin
Onto my outsides into my insides,
 Years of one night stands came flooding back to Jehan as they stood on stage. For the first time, they let them come. They channelled them. Years of being arm candy as they flirted their way to free drinks. Years of being told they were beautiful until the sex was over and they were reminded that all they were was an easy target. Years of believing that they were only ever beautiful if they made themselves easy. Years of believing that what they had was love. Years of believing this was all the love they could get. Years of razor blades because they believed this was all the love they deserved.
All of this usually hit Jehan like a brick wall but on that stage they let it hit them like a wave. When they passed through it they emerged on the other side gasping for air. But they felt alive. The next line came out so angrily it even took them by surprise.
 It’s not even love anymore,
Just a claim upon my soul.
It stains my skin, yeah it’s on my breath
And I’m ashamed to get undressed in front of strangers in case they see
The tell-tale signs you have left all over me.
 Jehan took a deep breath.
 Goddammit Amy.
 Their voice cracked slightly and the sentence came out whispered. They straightened their back and opened their eyes. They stared at the back wall of the bar. They pictured them standing there.
 You’ll always remind me of scars on my arms that I know will never fade.
And it’s not like it’s something I think about each and every day -
I just occasionally catch myself scratching at them,
As if they’ll ever go away.
But these tell-tale signs are here to stay,
And in the end, you know, that’s ok.
You will always be a part of my patched up, patchwork, taped up, tape deck heart.
 There was a silence in the room as the last chord faded out before a thunderous applause.
Jehan took a shaky breath in and wiped another tear from their face. R put down their guitar and engulfed them in the biggest bear hug. They stood there hugging for a minute while the applause carried on. Eventually it died down and people went back about their business. R led Jehan off stage.
“Are you ok?”
Jehan looked up at them and smiled, “I’m fine R, god you never stop worrying do you? It’s a miracle you didn’t fuck up the chords.”
R laughed but they looked relieved. “I’m glad. You KILLED it out there.” They nudged Jehan in the ribs causing them to blush and laugh.
They linked arms and walked out into the bar where they were bombarded by the rest of their friends. Jehan screamed as Bahorel sprinted over first and picked them up spinning them through the air.
Once they were back on the ground everyone else bombarded them with hugs and compliments.
When the initial excitement died down Bahorel announced he was buying them a round of drinks and they all headed to the bar. Enjolras grabbed Jehan’s arm and held them back.
“Jehan… I don’t think I say this enough but I want you to know how proud I am of you. I know that I don’t always hang out with you guys enough and I can be forgetful,”
Jehan frowned, confused. Enjolras had literally never forgotten anyone’s birthday, ever. For some inexplicable reason Enjolras had made sure to know everyone’s eye colour because apparently not enough people know this about their friends. Enjolras carried on before Jehan could interrupt.
“I wasn’t always there for you when you needed it. I am so proud of you. I think you are one of the bravest people I know and I look up to you so much.”
Jehan’s heart melted. They threw their arms around Enjolras’ neck. “I love you too Enj.” They took a daisy from where it was intertwined in their braid. They placed it behind Enjolras’ ear. “I look up to you too. I’m so lucky to have every single one of you in my life.”
Their eyes flickered back to the bar where Bossuet and R were handing out drinks to everyone. Eponine waved them over and they smiled.
Enjolras gave Eponine a thumbs up before turning back to Jehan.
“Are you ok?”
It was the second time in the space of five minutes Jehan had been asked this question but instead of brushing it off they thought for a second. Then slowly they smiled.
“You know what, Enj? I think I actually might be.”
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theeusexmachina · 6 years
Looking Back, Moving Forward (Reflection Paper for 2017)
When I was young, I used to write reflection paper every start of the year regarding either about the year that had passed or the year that has just arrived. Looking back at 2017, I will lie if I will say that it has been a good year for me. It was full of ups and downs, mostly down to be honest. It was a rough year for me. Every year I used to start it with a clear plan on my path but last year, I started with none. I let the year unfold to me. I was lost. I don’t know where I am heading. I have no goal. Everything I do, everything I am is just go-with-the-flow steps. It was as if I am just being dragged by the days that comes every day.
There are people who made me feel happy. Yeah. But everything seems fleeting. I was the transition girl of almost every one. I was the one they need to mend their heart, to fix things for them, to heal their wounds, to be there for them when no one’s there for them. I was the one they need to find themselves. I was a mere courtesy of their lives. Someone they have to be with in order to be someone else. A mere salve of their guilt. I was the transition girl. But how about me? Everyone seems to be a transition for me also. But it is not my choice. It was theirs. I feel I was left hanging.
If I were to look back, everything seems blurry. 2017 is a distorted image of a year at the back of my head that I don’t want to revisit. I want to leave the good parts of it but it carries with it the pain of 2017 that haunts me.
Revisiting my 2017 is painful and sorrowful. But I somehow learned a lot
1. I trust easily that is why I also break easily. I tried to stop myself trusting people but someone taught me that there is nothing to fear with trusting people. It’s just that trust always comes with a price namely risk. But with the right person, taking risk is not even a question nor an option.
2. People come and people go. I’ve known that a long time ago. There is nothing we can do to stop them. But if they love you enough, they will have no reason to leave.
3. Friendship is complicated. In so many ways. You will find and lose friends in ways you will never expect nor imagine.
4. Depression is a real and very serious matter which should be taken seriously and not for granted. It is something that should not be minimized nor romanticized.
5. There are people that will just use you and make you as their past time. You cannot prevent or avoid that. You just have to be wise on knowing who is true and who is not.
6. Self-harm and suicide is not and never stupid. It is the people who thought it is are the stupid ones. They are stupid for doing nothing and letting and even driving depressed people to do self-harm and eventually suicide.
7. Labels does not measure anything. It is just a name which leads to expectations and pressures. Which defeats its purpose because instead of being who you are labelled of, you live up with the expectations and pressures that was carried by the labels.
8. Number of years is not an assurance of anything. Sometimes, the longer the year is, the more lax we become that they will stick despite any circumstances. If it is true enough, it will. If not, then that is what complicates everything.
9. Sometimes silence is better than speaking. Because there will be times where you said something you wish you didn’t and there are things you wish you could have said but didn’t. But regret is regret.
10. Achievements don’t guarantee you a good life or even a happy life. Why? Because it is just how it is.
11. You did a lot of things that people should be proud of, but people will always always always focus on that one mistake you did.
12. If people walk away from your life, they will always always always blame you and never look at their fault.
13. When people stop coming because they stop inviting, it will be your fault for not insisting.
14. On the brighter side, when someone leaves, someone arrives. On the negative thought, they will think they are a replacement, when they are not.
15. One simple problem or even negative thought piled over the other and over again – that makes a great big problem. Stupid train of negative thoughts are sometimes really stupid but sometimes, they are premonition and preparation of what is to come.
16. Reciprocity is not needed. Never needed. What you give is what you give. What you received is what you received. It was never a requirement to give back what you received.
17. Every life is fucked up. Every life is complicated. Each and every one of us is broken in one way or another. But it is never a question of being a burden. It is about who is willing to help you carry the burden.
Looking back, despite how painful and sorrowful 2017 is, those things pushed me forward towards 2018. So whether I like it or not, I just need to move forward.
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