#i probably look an absolute mess while healing hm apex
vespertine-legacy · 3 years
Some fun moments from last night while progging Apex...
Vi, sometime around like... 4th pull: [surreptitiously drops legacy bank] rest of the raid: whatcha doin’ there, Vi? Vi: oh, nothin... just... you know... grabbing my gear... rest of the raid: VI???? me, who has healed Vi naked through two bosses without letting her die: pffft, gear just slows you down Vi: Right??? Pol (other healer): Doubt
On the pull where we tried having Frenzy also run for stims during voltinator “because Apex doesn’t move during voltinator anyway”
Ash: oh that’s not good (because Apex moved while Frenzy was out of position and started dropping acid puddles in Very Bad Spots) me: [throwing hots on Ash, Princess, Frenzy, and myself, popping a defensive and hydraulics, and running through the acid puddle to get back into position] it’s fine Ash and Princess: [go the long way to get back into position to avoid the acid puddles] Ash: oh no, oh no, oh no Princess’s HP: [plummeting] me: it’s fine
I don’t remember when this exchange happened but:
me: [with tears streaming down my face from too many pulls without blinking] can someone please remind me to blink at like, any point during this fight? because when it starts getting hairy, I don’t, and this fight is entirely too long for that Princess: OH MY GOD, SAME
Anyway, on our last pull, we got him down to like 25% and then the entire server lagged so hard that Apex just straight up froze for all of us but Frenzy for like 10 straight seconds, so Frenzy was just like “voltinator,” expecting us to, you know, do our jobs for voltinator, but no one could do anything, so Frenzy was like “um, voltinator,” with a little more feeling, but we still couldn’t do anything, and then he insta-killed us.
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