#i need an osaron tag since most of the fandom just seems kinda chill with him
beebrainedstudios · 3 years
A Thought on Threads of Power
This is all wishful thinking here, but one of the things I would love in Threads of Power is for Lila and Osaron to interact. Hear me out:
These two have such an interesting set of parallels in ADSOM because they’re practically the same character- an extremely powerful individual who grows bored easily to the point of travelling through worlds, who is capable of forming close relationships but is unable to keep them due to an inability to settle, who frequently runs over others in their haste to get what they want because they have no grasp of consequences and no impulse control. Osaron wasn’t kidding when he showed Lila the whole mirror thing; whether or not she actually took his power, he is the example of what Lila looks like on a grand scale. Powerful, erratic, and reckless, with the strength to do great good or great evil.
Schwab has said that an “unkillable king” will return for Threads of Power (Also, she said every character who survived ACOL is gonna make an appearance). While this could in theory be Rhy, he isn’t actually unkillable, and with the likelihood that somehow the world gates are going to split/be messed with in this series (it seems the next logical step up in stakes), Osaron’s probably going to show up as the maguffin/goober/magical object. I highly doubt he’ll be the main antagonist again, since that was already his role in two books. Wouldn’t it be neat if instead, he and Lila kinda... teamed up?
Consider: Lila and Osaron arguably haven’t started any huge character arcs yet (this isn’t a criticism, Holland didn’t really have one either); their situations have changed, but they are largely the same as when they started mentally and emotionally. But, what if Lila started to feel bad about how the final fight ended? Kell lost half his magic, Rhy lost his family, and Holland died. She didn’t really lose anything; she instead got everything she wanted. Lila’s relationship with Kell is largely “I take, you give,” (again, not a criticism of Lila, this is an interesting way for a character relationship to start out), but if she realized this, it would not only improve the pair’s relationship dynamic- it could also put her in place to make some cool plot points happen. 
What if she started to wonder if she could get Kell’s magic back? She’s had the least direct contact with Osaron, so she probably isn’t as afraid of him as the rest of the group. She wouldn’t like him, but would probably assume working with him is a necessary sacrifice. Maybe she tries to release him in order to have Kell’s magic return to him or to have Osaron repair the damage. It’s a decision that’s still perfectly in character (Lila does a thing impulsively without telling anyone or completely thinking it through), but it could help kick-start some other plot points. Osaron likely wouldn’t be at full strength yet (he seems to take a while to “start up” in the series), so maybe Lila tries to negotiate with him in return for not re-Inheritoring him or something. 
IDK, there’s obviously some logical issues in the idea that would need to be ironed out, but the idea of a Lila and Osaron plotline that sort-of paralleled the Kell and Holland one sounds like a lot of fun, especially if both characters end up growing through it. Bonus points if there’s a fight scene where the two are teamed up, and they just tear through the enemy while Kell and the rest of the cast watch in disapproval/horror, and at the end Lila and Osaron just kinda look at each other and shrug. 
Man, now I want to write this.
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