#i might try and get them written up over lunch tomorrow even if i cant get onto tumblr to post them until after i get home
illfoandillfie · 3 years
Can I get a general career reading? With the art nouveau deck and the archetype oracle please.
of course darl! 
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tarot: ace of cups, page of cups, justice, queen of cups,3 of swords, the fool, the tower, the hanged man, the world
okay!! we have some interesting cards here! something that drew my attention immediately was the first and last cards. we open with an ace which is the start of the minor arcana and all of the aces are related to new starts or new opportunities. And then we end on the world which is the last card of the major arcana and symbolises completion and fulfilment. so this seems to be a self-contained cycle you’re entering. 
I’d also like to just acknowledge how many cups cards there are here. The cups as a suit is related to emotions and the heart so this may be a highly emotional time or you may find yourself being driven by your emotions rather than logic or reason. There’s also a lot of major arcana cards which isn’t necessarily good or bad but it’s worth noting because the major arcana are generally related to Big life events or milestones whereas the minor arcana are more sort of every day things. so this seems like it’ll be a significant period for you. but lets have a closer look at it all. 
So like i said, the aces are related to new opportunities and the suit of cups is tied to emotions and the heart. So the ace of cups is related to new things or new situations that are cause for strong emotions. A lot of the time it’s connected to romance but in this career reading it’s probably more likely some sort of new opportunity, particularly related to creativity. There’s a lot of potential here, all you have to do is reach out and take the cup. But it’s not all happiness. The ace is being clarified by the three of swords which is a card of heartbreak and suffering, It can be through delays or absences, unrest or confusion. Any sort of disruption or incompatibility. This could indicate something going wrong at work. A worst case scenario could be being fired/retrenched but it could also be related to people you work with or just a tough work environment that you struggle with. Something here isn’t looking good though. The ace of cups can relate to intuition or spirituality as well so it might be that you’ve had a gut feeling something is coming or you might have noticed changes happening around the work place and if that’s the case I would definitely listen to your gut and prepare yourself for bad news. But there is definitely a silver lining here. The 3 of swords isnt the main card, the ace of cups is and that says to me that while something will go wrong it will open you up to finding something new which is a better fit for you. It might even be that the bad thing happens to someone else and consequently you take over their roll or something like that. But if you’ve been thinking about starting up some sort of creative endeavour, like an etsy store or writing a novel, this is the time to push forward with it. 
Then we have the page of cups and the fool. There are two court cards who appear in this reading so one may be someone you’ll associate or work with but it’s entirely possible that both of them represent you. The page is imaginative and sensitive. He’s a bit of a dreamer and often has his head in the clouds. This definitely fits in if you’ve been considering a new side hustle or if you’ve been thinking about making a change in your career path. the fool as a similar sort of energy but he’s less dreamy and more of a free spirit. he isnt worried about where he’s putting his feet, far more concerned with what he’s experiencing in each moment. He’s innocent, sometimes naive, but also courageous and more concerned with having fun. In relation to career and finances he’s definitely a symbol to take the leap - whether it’s selling art or putting your hand up for a promotion or leaving a job and finding a new one. The fool says go for it, especially if it’s something you’ve been dreaming about doing. There’s a very fresh and energized feeling in these cards and it seems you’ll soon be presented with an opportunity to follow through with your dreams. 
next is three major arcana. Justice is about doing things in the right way without cutting corners. The fool might be impulsive but justice is reminding you to do things right the first time so you don’t make a huge mistake that ruins all your plans. The tower is interesting in this position. I won’t sugar coat it, usually the tower is about a drastic, dramatic change. The kind of thing that shatters your world, sends everything crashing down around you. Together with Justice it could be a sign that some sort of truth is going to come out that turns things upside down for you. If you’ve been stealing office supplies or embezzling money (hopefully not) it is going to come out. On the flip side it could be about someone else’s lies being found out. If you’ve been involved with any workplace disputes recently the justice card is a sign that things will go in your favour as long as you’ve been honest and fair. And this could relate to that big change that’s going to open the new opportunity of the ace of cups. 
But I don’t feel like that’s exactly it. If the tower had shown up next to the 3 of swords i would say yeah that’s it. But with it being sandwich between justice and the hanged man  i feel like it’s something else. So let’s look at that hanged man. It’s a card related to sacrifice, release, and changing perspective. In relation to career it could symbolise feeling stuck or uncertain about where you’re headed. So together these three cards could be advice for you or a warning of sorts. They’re saying that the big change and taking that leap of faith the fool asks you to take, won’t be easy. There will be times when you feel like you made a mistake, like you’re in over your head and you’ve gotten yourself into a tower situation that is so much worse than whatever the 3 of swords you left behind was. You will think about throwing in the towel. you will think about giving up. But don’t listen to those voices. Justice is on your side and the scales will rebalance for you. It might take some readjustments, it might take rebuilding parts of your plan, it might take a fresh perspective. But you will be vindicated in your choice to try something new and things will clear up.  
Finally we have the queen of cups and the world. The queen of cups is a bit of an upgrade to the page from earlier. Of course, the queen may be someone you’ll turn to for advice or help. But I think she could also be you, closer to reaching your goal and the end of the cycle. The queen of cups is compassionate. She is calm and comforting. She symbolises devotion, pleasure, success. Where the page dreams and imagines, the queen creates and acts. She’s also a reminder that whatever you do as a job should help you feel emotionally fulfilled and not just financially. Especially since she’s being clarified by the world which is related to fulfilment as well as harmony and completion. The world comes at the end of a journey. It represents assured success and is associated with getting that job you want as well as graduations and celebrations. It’s a sign that if you take this opportunity that will present itself soon you can turn it into something you love and which can offer finance stability. The World is also about the start of a new cycle though. As one thing draws to an end, or one goal is reached, you see there is still further to climb and more to accomplish. 
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I drew you 4 of the archetype cards as well as a few numerology and elemental cards. 
So the archetypes first. Thanks for requesting this deck by the way! I don’t often use it so it was nice to bring it out again! The thought behind these cards is that everyone’s personalities and psyche is made up of a number of different archetypes, some more evident than others. And these archetypes may change as you grow and also depending on the situation you’re in - you might act one way at work and another with your friends. I think traditionally these cards would be used to describe people but I’m hoping they can give us some insight on traits you can use in relation to your career as well as general sort of knowledge about the situation presented in the tarot cards. Each archetype as a light side and a shadow side which reflect both positive and negative aspects. 
The first archetype is the Alchemist. Light - transformation of base motives and goals into golden wisdom. Shadow: Misuse of power and knowledge that come through spiritual practice. - to me this really fits with the tarot cards. The main message of the tarot was to seriously consider whatever dreams or fantasies you’ve been thinking about in relation to your career to to go after them and i think thats what the light attribute is really getting at here. You have the power within yourself to turn you little goal into something big and beautiful. 
Prince. light - romantic charm and potential for power. shadow - using power for self-aggrandizement. This is interesting considering the number of cups cards we had and how often they’re linked to romances. The prince may be someone you come across, maybe someone involved in whatever the 3 of swords situation is. However, the prince is also seen as a ruler in training and if you’re appearing as the page of cups to start and gradually becoming the queen, then it’s also quite possibly related to your journey. 
Trickster. light - transcending convention, stuffiness, and predictable behaviour. shadow - manipulating others through duplicity. This card could be linked with the fool perhaps, unpredictable and kind of wild. It also reminds me a bit of that justice card, especially if you’re taking it from an angle of “someone did something wrong and they’re being caught out”.  
Child: Magical. So, according to the guidebook there are 4 archetypes that everyone will have one of but each of them have multiple versions. The child is one of those and here we’ve drawn the magical version. light - seeing the potential for sacred beauty in all things. The belief that everything is possible. shadow - pessimism, depression, and disbelief in miracles. believing that energy and action are not required for growth. this definitely feels like its related to the ace of cups and the 3 of swords, believing that something wonderful can come from something painful. It may also relate to the page who spends his time dreaming rather than acting, like the shadow attriubte. 
From the numerology deck we got personal growth, effort, and pride. personal growth indicates a time of significant growth and improvement and that is absolutely reflected in the tarot cards above. theres a lot of potential here and a lof of cards that suggest this will be a turning point for you. Effort is a sign that things coming will require some hard work from you, extra effort to overcome obsticles and challenges. but when the going gets tough the tough get going and you are definitely tough enough to handle it. And Pride to me represents that you will be proud of what you can accomplish through this hard work. 
Finally, the element cards: magnetism (attraction) and rock (endurance). there are magnetic forces that are pulling you towards this change and this opportunity. this could tie in with the intuitive message of the ace of cups, if you’ve been able to sense things shifting. rock is another card that points to things being difficult at times and it’s saying you have what it takes to get through them and to find success and happiness. 
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markandlexies · 3 years
The One With Will and JJ’s Wedding - Part 1
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Summary: Based off of 7.23 and 7.24 of Friends! Will and JJ’s wedding is approaching and troubles arise when Will starts to panic and doesn't want to go through with it.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader (Female) 
Word Count: 5,115k
A/N: This is my first time writing anything like this but I love Friends and Criminal Minds and this is one of my favorite plot lines ever. I could make this a series if anybody is interested, again I’m new to this and barely even know how to use Tumblr lmao so pls be nice!!! There isn't all that much pairing of Spence and reader here but I really loved writing the relationships between the characters and I’ll def go more into detail in later chapters! If you guys have an Friends episode you would wanna see written with the criminal minds characters, feel free to send me a request! Enjoy!
Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
“Do you guys realize that this is the last time we’re all going to be here in O’Keefes as all single people?” JJ sighed, fiddling with her thumbs. You smiled at this, leaning on the arm of the couch, JJ sitting to your right. Emily sat on the couch also, squeezed in next to Garcia. Reid nursed a cup of coffee on the love seat to the left, while Hotch, Rossi and Morgan sat around the small table listening intently to their friend. 
“Why, what’s happening to O’Keefes?” Garcia questioned, not understanding what JJ was trying to say. 
Everyone just stared at her, used to this kind of behavior, and waited for the lightbulb. 
“Ohhh! Right!”
“I cant believe in just two days I’ll be Mrs. LaMontagne. God, it’s just- we’ve been waiting for so long and now the day is finally here,” JJ smiled to herself, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. 
“I’m so excited for you, Jaje,” you smiled, resting your hand on her knee and giving it a light squeeze. She placed her hand over yours, “I just can’t help but be nervous, you know?” 
“Of course, that’s normal! But actually, it’s been statistically proven that men are more nervous about marriage than woman. About 60% of men get cold feet-“ 
The sentence was cut short with a yelp as you kicked Spencer in the shin, urging him to stop. 
Morgan cleared his throat as JJ laughed nervously. “But that’s not gonna happen... right?” 
“Hey, don’t look at me...” Rossi chuckled. 
“N-no of course not!” You stammered, trying to calm the bride to be’s nerves. “Spence, what are the statistics of couples that actually end up happy together?” 
“Well actually about 50% to 60% of marriages end in divorce, but that doesn’t count factors such as death-“ he started.
“Well would you look at the time, we gotta go!” Garcia said, putting an end to this conversation before it could get any worse. 
“Where are you guys going?” Hotch asked, taking a sip of his drink. 
“We’re going to pick up the wedding dress and then go have lunch with my Mom,” JJ exclaimed as the girls all stood up to gather their belongings. Morgan got up with them, leaving Spencer, Rossi and Hotch to exchange questioning looks. 
“Derek, you’re having lunch with JJ’s mom?” Rossi asked, furrowing his eyebrows. 
“No... I just heard lunch...”
After lunch, the girls sat around the apartment as JJ went over her list of things that still needed to be done in order for her big day. 
“So what else do you have on that list?” Emily asked as she delicately applied a second coat of polish to her right hand. 
“Oh, this is a different list. This is my list of all the things that could go wrong at the wedding,” she said as she wrote a couple more notes on the paper before her. 
As she was met with silence she continued on, “You know, that way I could be prepared.”
“...Well, what do you have so far?” Garcia chimed in.
“So far I have, my bridesmaids dresses won’t get picked up, my veil gets lost or I don’t have my something blue-“
“Hey! Those are all the things I’m responsible for!” You interrupted, putting your coffee mug down. 
“I had to do with the odds, Y/N/N!” 
Before you could interject again, Will waltzed through the door. You all greeted him with a smile as he stood behind JJ’s chair, placing a  kiss on the top of her head. 
“What are you guys up to?” He asked, his hands finding their way to JJ’s shoulders. 
“Just finishing my list of all the things that could go wrong at the wedding. You can never be too sure,” she shrugged, making a couple of more notes. 
Will shook his head laughing, “Oh, relax! Everything will be perfectly fine.” 
“Yeah!” You chimed in. “Stop looking for things to go wrong, you don’t want to jinx it!” 
“Exactly!” He agreed, walking over to the fridge to grab a beer. “So, who’s excited for 7:00 tonight?” 
You all just stared at him as Garcia walked behind JJ, tearing the page off the notepad. “You might want to start a, ‘What Could Go Wrong at the Rehearsal Dinner’ list. One: Will forgets the time.” 
“Will! I told you a thousand times it’s 6:30!” JJ huffed immediately scribbling down on her new paper. You grab the notepad and clutch it to your chest. “Will you stop it? He’s just messing with you! He knows it’s at 6:30!” You turn around at his wide eyed figure. “Right?” 
“Uh- yeah! I knew it was 7:00 I was just kidding-“
“6:30!” You all yelled in unison. 
“That’s what I meant!”
“You’re killing me here, Will!” You whispered before turning back around to your best friend. “Jaje, everything will be perfectly fine! Everything is going to go as planned!” 
“She’s right! You need to stop worrying!” Emily laughed, blowing on her nails. 
JJ nodded, “Yeah, you guys are right...” She stood up walking to her fiancé, “Can you believe that tomorrow we’re gonna be married?!” He smiled at her before giving her a quick peck on the lips. “Yes, and I’m so excited for you to finally be Mrs. LaMontagne.” 
You all smiled at the interaction, none of you could be happier for the pair in front of you. 
“I just cant believe we made it!” She swooned, grabbing his hands in hers. 
“Well, you don’t have to sound so surprised!” Will scoffed. 
“It’s just- never mind.” She started, walking to put some dishes in the sink. 
“What?” Will laughed, following her as she walked. 
“Well... honestly,” she started, “... ever since we’ve gotten engaged I’ve been waiting for something to... you know, flip you out.”
You all giggled, silently agreeing. It was no question that Will loved JJ, but he had a tendency to overthink. 
“Honestly, me too... I keep waiting for something stupid to come up that’ll make me freak out and go all... Will. But nothing has.”
She turned around and smiled at him, caressing his face. “I’m so glad. Thank you so much for staying so calm during all of this.” She placed another kiss to his lips before slipping into the bathroom. 
You all sat in comfortable silence for a moment before the phone started ringing. Before anyone could volunteer to answer it, it had stopped, automatically going to voicemail. 
“Hi! If you’re calling before Saturday, you’ve reached JJ and Will! But if you’re calling after Saturday, you’ve reached Mr and Mrs. LaMontagne! Please leave a message for the LaMontagnes!” 
The girls all giggled, having been there when JJ recorded it, assuming Will had heard it already. You all continued what you were doing and missed the look of panic that was only being discussed not too long ago. Will started to sweat profusely and loosen his tie a bit, feeling he was being choked to death. 
The LaMontagnes.
The rehearsal dinner had gone smoothly for the most part, nobody realizing the panic that had been struck into Will just hours before. 
Before they knew it, the night had ended and their big day had begun. The girls had been sitting around like they were the previous day, eating breakfast and chatting, excited for what was ahead. JJ was prancing around the apartment, nervously fluffing pillows and moving magazines in a straight line, she had so much adrenaline and didn’t know what to do with it. 
Little did she know that across the hall, Spencer and Derek were tearing the apartment apart looking for the groom to be. Will had been staying with them the night before, being that JJ wanted the wedding day to be as traditional as possible, which meant they were not to see each other until she was walking down the aisle. 
“Will! Come on, buddy. Time to wake up!” Morgan huffed, knocking on the door. 
After no answer, Spencer called, “Will...”
No answer again. The men exchanged questioning looks as came to agreement their next move was to just walk in. Opening the door, they were met with a neatly tucked bed. They looked at each other confused. Derek walked in going to see if there was an trace of where he went as Spencer walked towards the kitchen. 
He stopped in his tracks as his eyes met with a piece of yellow paper sitting on the counter. “Morgan...” He started, walking over to read what it said. 
“What is it, Pretty Boy?” Derek asked his, standing next to Reid. 
“Oh no.”
The boys ran across the hall, knocking feverishly on the door in front of them. They were met with your smile, “What’s up, you guys?”
Your smile quickly faded as you saw their worried faces. 
“Is JJ in here?” Morgan asked in a hushed tone. 
“She’s steaming her dress, why?” Garcia answered coming behind you. 
The boys walked in the door a little further. Spencer looked up at you, pulling the paper out of his pocket. “I think Will’s gone...”
You reluctantly took the paper out of Spencer’s hands, Garcia looking down to read it with you. 
“Tell JJ I’m sorry.”
You met Spencer’s eyes with disbelief of what was in front of you. The group had soon enough caught Emily’s attention and she walked over. 
“What’s up?” She asked as you placed the note in her hands. 
“Tell JJ I’m sorry,” she read aloud. She looked up at Morgan, shoving the note in his hands, “Tell her yourself!” 
You pinched the bridge of your nose as she attempted to walk away, grabbing her by the forearm and pushing everybody outside the door. 
“Oh my God! Will just left her?” You cried, running your hands through your hair. 
“Okay, yeah! But maybe it’s not what we think! Maybe it’s, ‘Tell JJ I’m sorry... I drank the last of the milk!” Morgan said, desperately trying to convince himself also. 
“Oh!” Garcia nodded excitedly, “Or maybe h- he was writing to tell her that he’s changed his name, you know! Uh- Tell JJ I’m ‘Sorry.’”
You and Spencer looked at each other in annoyance before Spencer whisper shouted, “I think it means he freaked out and left!” 
“Don’t he so negative! God, isn’t it possible ‘Sorry’ is sitting in there right now!” Garcia whisper shouted back at Reid. 
Spencer put his head in his hands and before it could escalate any further you put your hand on Garcia’s shoulder and said, “Okay, I-I think Spencer is right. What are we gonna do?” 
Spencer sighed, “Well, me and Derek are gonna have to go find him and bring him back.” You all nodded in agreement. 
“You guys make sure JJ doesn’t find out, okay?” Morgan added, clearly stressed. 
You all started to go your separate ways as you noticed Garcia following you and Emily back into the apartment. 
“Oh! No you don’t!” Emily started, blocking the door with her arm. 
“W-what-“ Garcia stammered confused. 
You called back to the boys who were walking out of their apartment again, jackets  and phones in hand, “She’s coming with you guys.”
“Good call,” Spencer laughed.
“What are you talking about?!” Garcia huffed looking back and forth between the group. 
“Pen, we need JJ to not find out! You’d blow our cover in seconds!” You said nudging her towards the guys. 
“Oh, come on! That’s not fair-“
“Babygirl, you know you can’t keep secrets-“
“Oh, fine!” She rolled her eyes, walking away with them.
You and Emily walked back into the apartment as JJ excitedly ran out of her room with wet hair and a robe clinging to her body. “I’m getting married today!” The sentence ended with a yelp as she fell to the floor, you and Emily running to her aid but quickly coming to a halt as she picked herself up, not even phased. 
“Think I just cracked a rib...” she started, her smile still intact. “But I don’t care because today’s my wedding day! My day is finally here! I’m gonna start getting ready!” She ran back into the room clapping and squealing. 
“You know... she might not even notice he’s gone,” Emily shrugged, attempting to lighten the mood. 
Tears prickled at your eyes and you put your head in your hands. “She cant start getting ready! This is too awful!” 
“She’ll be in the gown, and then he won’t show up! And she’s gonna have to take off the gown! It’s gonna be so awful-“ You started, panic running through your veins. 
“Y/N, stop it! You cant do this out here!” Emily rolled her eyes, pulling you into the bathroom. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It’s just so sad!” You cried, gripping the sink and shaking your head. 
“You have got to pull yourself together! JJ cant see you like this or else she’ll know something is wrong!” Emily urged rubbing your shoulder in an effort to calm you down. 
“I know, I’m sorry. God, there’s no tissue!” You groaned looking around the sink, “Can you grab me some toilet paper?” 
There was no toilet paper either, Emily looked down into the trash can. “Oh... I found some...” She hesitantly reached into the can, pulling out some crumpled toilet paper and handing it to you. 
“Thank you, Em,” you sniffled, wiping away your tears, “Can I have another one?”
Emily scratched the back of her head, cringing as she looked down at the trash can again. “Sure...”
She pulled the sleeve of her shirt up before reaching in again, pulling out some more. “Need some floss?” She suggested, shaking it in front of you with her hand. 
You ignored her as you continued with your tears, “I just cant imagine what is going to happen if Will doesn’t show up.”
Emily continued to look through the can. 
“I mean, she’s gonna be at the wedding waiting for him! And people are gonna be whispering, ‘Oh, that poor girl!’ You know! And then she’ll have to come back here and live all alone,” you shook your head, turning to face the previously steamed wedding dress hanging up on the shower rod. 
“Oh my God.”
“What?” you asked, eyes never leaving the beautiful dress that you hoped to see your best friend in later that day. 
“There was a pregnancy test in the garbage and it’s positive.”
Your eyes widened as you turned to face Emily and the little stick in her hands.
“JJ’s pregnant.”
Your hand instantly shot up to your mouth. 
Emily sighed, “So I guess she won’t be totally alone.”
“Oh my God,” you whispered. 
“Can you believe it? JJ’s gonna have a baby!” Emily said in disbelief, “Hey, can this count as her something new?”
You were at a loss for words, this was bad. 
“Do you think this is why Will took off?”
You shook your head, biting your nails, “No, she had to of just taken this test. I took out the trash last night.”
Emily looked back down at the little stick, “This is turning into the worst wedding day ever! The bride is pregnant, the groom is missing... and I’m still holding this!” She shuddered as she dropped it back into the trash.
“Em...” you started, meeting her eyes, “we cannot tell anyone about this.”
“Right... yeah. Okay,” she nodded standing up from her spot on the toilet seat, you following her movement to the door. 
“Wait do you know what kind’ve birth control she was using?”
“No, why?” you asked. 
“Just for the future, this is hardly a commercial for it!” You tried to laugh but nothing came out, you were screwed. 
“Anything?” You asked as you walked into Spencer and Morgan’s apartment. 
“Nothing! And we looked everywhere!” Garcia groaned from her spot on the couch. 
You all shook your head in disbelief, this was a nightmare. 
“I am going to kick his ass when I see him! I’m starting to think we don’t really even know this guy! I mean think about it, does anybody else ever really understand him when he’s speaking?” Morgan huffed, looking around for an answer. 
You rolled your eyes, “Shut up, Derek! He’s just freaking out! We should’ve known this was gonna happen sooner or later!” 
Reid sighed in a agreement as he met your eyes, “This is bad, you guys. I don’t know where else we should look.” 
You ran your hands through your hair, “We’re gonna have to just tell her that he’s gone!” you said as you turned around to walk towards the door. 
Spencer jumped up from his seat, “Y/N, no! We can’t!”
“Spence, she’s gonna start getting ready soon!”
“Cant you at least stall her a little?” He pleaded, walking over towards you. “We can go back to some of the places we went last night!”
You looked up at him, he was grabbing your forearm lightly. You could never say no to those eyes. 
“Alright,” you sighed, “...how much time do you need?”
“How much time until she absolutely has to start getting ready?” Derek interrupted. 
“One hour.”
“Okay, give us two,” he replied, gathering his things from the counter. 
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, “Then why do you even ask?!”
You all started to walk towards the door. Emily decided to join them, being that they needed all the help they could get. Hotch and Rossi were now in on the plan too and they agreed they should all split up in groups. 
“Y/N! There you are!” JJ giggled as she excitedly walked towards you as you entered the apartment. With her cosmetic bag in hand, she sat down at the kitchen table, already spilling out the contents, “So I thought we’d start with my makeup and then do my hair!”
“Okay... uh...” you stammered, “before we do that... I-I need you to talk to me...”
“About what?”
“Um...” you were already cringing at the words about to come out of your mouth. 
“I’m never going to get married!” You cried, placing a hand over your face. 
JJ rolled her eyes and looked up at you, “Yeah, you will! The right guy is just around the corner... Okay, are we done with that?” she said quickly and continued to look through her makeup bag. 
“JJ, I’m serious! Maybe I should just forget about it! I’ll become a lesbian or something...” you rambled on, faking more tears and sitting down next to her, trying to get her attention again. 
However, it didn’t work. JJ didn’t even look up at you when she scoffed, “Any woman would be lucky to have you.”
You mentally face palmed. This was getting pathetic, and you couldn’t believe what you were about to say next. 
“Maybe it would make me feel better if I just slept with Derek.”
JJ immediately stopped what she was doing and put a hand on your shoulder with wide eyes and a concerned face. “Oh my God, Y/N, are you okay?”
You shook your head quickly and stuffed your face in her shoulder, letting out fake cries. 
“What are you doing, man?” Derek huffed as he stood besides Hotch and Penelope in front of Will’s desk at the station. 
“I cant believe you guys found me! I knew I should have hid somewhere more secretive!”
Penelope rolled her eyes, “Will! What the hell are you doing?
Will shakily ran a hand through his hair, “Panicking...” he pointed to laptop opened in front of him, “Also trying to prove on the internet that I’m related to JJ.”
The trio was unamused. 
Will got the hint quickly and asked, “How is she?”
“She’s fine. She doesn’t know you’re gone,” Hotch spoke up, getting closer to the desk, “and she doesn’t have to know, okay?”
Derek nodded in agreement, “Yeah, come on. We’re going back home-“
“I-I can’t! If I go back, we’re gonna become the LaMontagnes!” Will cut him off, shaking his head, “I can’t be the LaMontagnes!”
“What’s wrong with being the LaMontagnes?” Garcia questioned, clearly not following. 
“The LaMontagnes have horrible marriages! All they do is yell and fight, and it never ends up well!”
Hotch, Penelope and Derek looked back at Will, finally understanding. He didn’t talk about it much, but Will and his parents were not close, he was too scarred from what they had put him through growing up to ever reconstruct their relationship. 
“Man...” Derek began in an effort to calm him down, “You are nothing like either of your parents! You and JJ would never put each other through anything like that!”
Will thought about it for a second before saying, “I mean, look at Rossi! It’s just been divorce after divorce-“
“Will! Listen to me!” Penelope interrupted walking over to the side of the desk, “Right now, no one has a lower opinion of you than I do... but I totally believe you can do this!”
Will looked at his hands before saying, “I want to. I love her so much. But I’m afraid... this is... too huge.”
“You’re right, it is huge,” Hotch chimed in. He remembered when he was the one getting married and started to sympathize with the nerves of the man in front of him. “Just take it one step at a time. Forget getting married right now, can you just come home and take a shower?”
Morgan nodded in agreement, “Yeah, that’s not scary, right?”
Will slowly started to stand up in agreement and the trio in front of him couldn’t help but smile. 
“The nights are the hardest...” you cried, looking down at your hands. JJ rolled her eyes. “But then the day comes... and that’s every bit as hard as the night. Then the night comes again-“
“I get it, okay? The days and nights are both hard!” JJ snapped in frustration. “Look, Y/N, I’m sorry but I have to start getting ready. I am getting married today,” she emphasized. 
“I know... at dusk. That’s such a hard time for me.”
JJ stood up, not being able to take anymore of your pity party. “Okay. I’m gonna go put my makeup on. We have to be at the hotel in an hour.”
As she started to walk towards the bathroom you jumped up, “W-wait! Let’s go to lunch!”
“I can’t go to lunch!” She shrieked, running into the bathroom. 
You were starting to run out of ideas. Throwing yourself to the floor you yelled, “Oh  good God, I’ve fallen down!”
JJ stormed out of the bathroom, crossing her arms and looked at you sprawled out on the floor. “What the hell is going on?”
“Alright, JJ, listen...” you said standing up, feeling the tears ready to spill. “When I tell you what I’m about to tell you I need you to remember we’re all here for you and we all love you.”
JJ’s gaze softened, “Y/N/N, you’re really starting to freak me out...”
You looked down at your shaking hands as you whispered, “We can’t find Will...”
And just like that the door opened to reveal a smiling Emily Prentiss holding two big thumbs up. 
“...s vest. We cant find Will’s vest-“
“How can that be are you serious?!” JJ cried.
Emily caught on and shut the door walking towards you two, “Found the vest! Well I mean we have to keep an eye on it. You know, to make sure we don’t lose it again!”
JJ instantly relaxed and started laughing, “Oh, thank God! Don’t scare me like that, okay?” 
You both started nervously laughing as she started to walk towards the bathroom to finally do her makeup. 
“For a minute there I was like, ‘Oh my God, the worst has happened!’ Phew!”
You and Emily both looked at each other with a sigh of relief. 
Derek stood behind Will in the mirror, smoothing down his tux. “See, that wasn’t so scary was it? You put on a tuxedo!”
Will laughed nervously, looking at his reflection, “No... I guess not.”
Spencer smiled, “See, just a little bit at a time.”
“So what‘s the next little bit?”
Derek and Spencer looked nervously at each other, knowing they had to choose their next words very carefully. 
“Just uh,” Derek stammered, “Getting married-“
Will let out a girl-like shriek, putting his head in his hands. 
“W-woah, relax! You can do it! Just like you’ve done everything else!”
He lifted his head, nodding at Spencer’s words. “You’re right... I can do it. Just excuse me for a minute,” he sighed walking towards the door. 
The men shared a skeptical look before Will added, “I’m not gonna run away again! I just need some fresh air.”
The boys reluctantly let Will out of the door and he paced the halls, trying to let all the nerves out. Hearing familiar voices around the corner, Will walked into one of the empty rooms on his left, trying not to be seen. The last thing he needed was to run into JJ in her dress before they were married and ruin this day even more than he almost already did. He soon recognized the voices as Y/N and Emily. 
“I just cant believe JJ is pregnant! We gotta make sure we don’t say that too loud in here, you know they frown on that,” Emily said, referring to the church.  
Pregnant?! How could it be? They used protection every single time?
All Will could hear was your humorless chuckles and wordless responses to what Emily was saying. 
When your voices were gone, he popped his panicked head out of the door and started pacing the other way. 
“Hey...” Derek nervously laughed as he entered the bridal suite. He was met with the eyes of JJ’s family members and gave them all a quick wave. “Have any of you seen Will?”
Penelope was fixing her hair in the mirror and quickly turned around, “I thought he was with you!”
Suddenly everyone’s attention was on Derek. “Well... he was,” he awkwardly looked around. “We’re playing a game of hide and seek.”
Penelope’s shoulders relaxed, “Well you can’t ask us, Chocolate Thunder! That’s cheating!” She turned back around scoffing, to continue pulling at little pieces of hair to frame her face. The rest of the room was clearly uncomfortable.
Derek gritted his teeth, “You’re right. Thanks for keeping me honest, Babygirl...” he smiled at the rest of JJ’s family, trying to make sure they didn’t suspect anything. 
Walking towards Penelope to tell her Will was actually missing, he immediately came to a halt as JJ and Emily walked in the room. 
“JJ, you look beautiful,” he smiled, giving her a hug. 
She hugged him tightly and thanked him before asking, “How’s Will?”
Derek paused. 
“Great. He’s doing great. Don’t you worry about Will!” he nervously chuckled before turning his attention back to the other side of the room. “Penelope, Emily, will you help me with something outside?” 
The girls nodded and followed him out, Penelope closing the door behind them. 
“Will is gone again!”
“Oh my God!” Penelope cried, “Why would you play hide and seek with someone you know is a flight risk!”
Derek rolled his eyes before turning his head and seeing the man of the hour walking with a small gift bag. 
“Hey- There he is!” 
Without thinking Derek sprinted towards the man, tackling him on the floor. “You’re not getting away this time-“
“What are you talking about- I’m not trying to leave! I-I know about JJ.” He groaned, pushing Morgan off of him and standing up. 
“You know?” Emily asked in disbelief. 
“Know what?” Garcia chimed in, matching Derek’s expression of confusion. 
“I heard you and Y/N talking...” Will answered. 
“Talking about what?” questioned Derek, looking around confusingly. 
“Oh my God... You know.” Emily whispered.
“Can someone tell us what the hell is going on right now-“ Penelope exclaimed. 
“JJ’s pregnant.”
The pair looked at each other in shock, and broke out in smiles as Will pulled out a tiny onesie. 
“Anything this tiny can’t be so scary.”
The ceremony had begun and all the guests had taken their seats. Rossi took his rightful spot in the center, being that he would be the one to officiate the wedding. Will was accompanied by his parents down the aisle and one after the other, the bridesmaids and the groomsman met in the middle and followed. It went Emily and Hotch, Derek and Penelope and then it was time for you to meet Spencer. It was the first time you had seen each other dressed up. The day had been so hectic you hadn’t had the chance to run into one another. He looked handsome in his suit, his hair so perfectly messy, and it took everything in you to not sprint over to him and run your hands through it. 
Spencer was speechless, He couldn’t help but smile at the sight of you walking towards him to meet in the aisle. You looked gorgeous in your light blue bridesmaid dress that hugged you perfectly. Your hair was pulled back on the sides, a few pieces hanging and your makeup was elegantly placed, highlighting all the features he loved. 
“You look beautiful,” he whispered as you met up and linked arms. The blush spread through your cheeks like a wildfire and you prayed the camera couldn’t pick it up. 
“Thank you,” you whispered back. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
As it came time to part from him, you slowly unlinked your arms and walked to your respective sides, but not before giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He smiled at that. 
JJ had walked out and tears were brought to not only Will’s eyes, but everyone else’s. She looked gorgeous and you couldn’t help but feel ecstatic for her as you knew she had been waiting for this moment her whole life. 
Rossi had soon announced them husband and wife and everyone had cheered as they kissed one another. It was truly a moment of bliss. 
“I love you,” Will whispered while cupping JJ’s cheek, “and I know about the baby too.”
“What baby?” JJ laughed. 
“Our baby.”
“We have a baby?”
“Emily found your pregnancy test in the bathroom-“
JJ looked at him confused, “I didn’t take a pregnancy test...”
“Then who did?”
You, Emily and Penelope stared at the two in awe. 
“Just look at them, they’re so happy.” Emily gushed. 
“And they’re gonna have a baby!” Penelope smiled. 
You nodded nervously, the wave of nausea hitting you like a ton of bricks. 
“Wait- Penelope knows now too?!”
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brightwoods · 3 years
Yay for Thomas Thoughts!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 I cant wait to see what he thinks of the date!! And NECK KISSES!!
We’re not at the date and neck kisses quite yet, but this post is a longer one and has two scenes written from Thomas’s POV as actual scenes at the end
Thomas’s thoughts during the 10tihay fic part 5/? (Chapter 8 & 9)
Chapter 8:
When Alastair showed up at the game:
Wait, Alastair’s here??????
I thought he didn’t want to come to any of my games
Maybe he just didn’t want to sit with them?
I can’t believe he came for me
I hope I play well
(Thomas does not share Matthew’s thoughts that there might be something romantic going on between Alastair and Ariadne and he didn’t notice Alastair and Ariadne there until after the Matthew and Alastair not so pleasant interaction)
When Thomas is on the bench:
I can’t believe they’re all sitting together and it doesn’t even look like they’re fighting
I don’t know what he and Cordelia are laughing about but he looks so happy
When Thomas scores and everyone but Alastair stands up and starts cheering:
I love them so much
They really don’t have to do this every time
Alastair looks so embarrassed but at least he’s not fighting with them
After the game:
He’s not even running off to get away from them right after the game
He’s calling out to me in front of them
He definitely came here for me and he’s not even really trying to hide it
When James said the thing about the Merry Thieves not missing a single game of Thomas’s even when he was a benchwarmer: I don’t deserve them, I’m so glad that I can actually play now and they don’t have to insist on sitting through watching me on the bench every game
Chapter 9:
When Alastair shows up at his practice/after practice:
He’s not bored of watching me play yet?
He’s not even reading or working on homework
He’s not even pretending he doesn’t want to be here
I wonder if I could convince him to play with me
It would be nice to spend more time with him
Don’t blush at him looking at how sweaty you are
He’s saying a lot of things but he hasn’t said he doesn’t want to practice with me yet
Maybe he does and just doesn’t want to admit it
Or maybe he can at least be convinced
Oh this is going to be fun
When Alastair gets distracted while they’re practicing:
What’s he looking at?
Oh, it’s just Charles and Grace
He was probably just checking who that sound was
I wonder who he was really looking for that it wasn’t
Oh, or was that supposed to distract me
Wait no don’t knock into him quick grab him
Having him this close is so nice
He has nice arms
Why am I still holding his arms?
I don’t want to stop though
Why is he looking up at me like that?
I want to kiss him
This feels like he wants me to kiss him
But I’m not making that mistake again
He said friends
Okay let go
Say something
Stop thinking about kissing Alastair
Don’t use the excuse to flirt again
Just go back to practicing
I wasn’t trying to prove a point to him, I just wanted an excuse to keep him around by practicing but I like knowing that he thinks I’m good
After they’re done practicing:
I wonder if he’ll let me give him a ride home
Will he get annoyed and uncomfortable or let me if I offer to drive him tomorrow?
It’s not like I don’t drive my other friends to school sometimes
Oh good, he’s letting me
When he picks up Alastair the next morning:
Uh oh does he think I’m flirting?
I really do bring my other friends coffee too
Oh good it seems like he believes me
I really don’t want to screw up this friendship
In class:
What’s he doing with my notebook?
That’s a lot of movies
Oh my god he’s still writing
I can’t believe he’s finally suggesting more movies
I thought he was sick of me asking and didn’t want to
Especially after how things went after we watched the last one
He was so nervous about what I would think of that one and he thought I might laugh at him for liking it but look at how many movies he’s trusting me with now
If I watch any???? Is he kidding?
I want to see what he likes
And it’s a reason to message him
After school:
I should have checked where we’re meeting after school
I’ll just go to his locker first and then go from there if he isn’t there
Why does he look so confused?
Did he really think I wasn’t going to drive him home when I was his ride this morning?
Does he not want a ride?
Today’s been nice
I wonder if he’d let me drive him regularly
I’d like the extra time with him
And we wouldn’t have to worry about running into my friends and he and them fighting
When he messages him about the movie:
Oh good he’s answering fast
Now I can message him the whole movie
Never mind he wants me to pay attention
But he also wants to talk after
Okay, try to think like him while you watch it
When he finished the movie:
That was pretty good
I wonder if he’ll have as much to say about it this time
Oh, he’s calling me
This is even better
I can hear his enthusiasm
In class on Thursday:
FINALLY, I can reveal that Thomas did not start the leg nudging thing
He has no idea why Alastair started nudging him but he’s like ooh Alastair’s starting leg flirting okay I’m on board
His leg was not partway under Alastair’s desk intentionally
Alastair was so sure that he was doing it on purpose and was fixating on his leg while trying to theorize why while Thomas was just listening to the teacher totally oblivious to Alastair’s inner turmoil
Leg oh
Why is he pressing his leg against mine
His knee is really warm
I like this
Is this flirting?
Is he fine flirting as long as we just stay friends? Or?
Oh, he’s nudging me again
I think he’s flirting
Am I supposed to nudge him back?
I’m going to nudge him back
If I get asked a question I doubt I’ll know what it was but it’s definitely worth this
Now feet too? Okay
Oh, is he trying to make me move my foot with that harder one?
Maybe I was wrong and he wasn’t flirting and just wanted me to get my leg out of his way?
Never mind, now he’s nudging my arm instead
I’m pretty sure he’s flirting
I could do this all day
After class Friday:
He wants to do something this weekend
I hope Sunday works
I want to see him
One of his favourite places? I really want to know where that is
Do I really have to wait until Sunday to find out?
Okay, quick, make sure he knows you’re not going to make it weird again
This is the part where he always says that it doesn’t mean anything and it’s just a party or just reading or just coffee and definitely not a date
If I say it first maybe he’ll be less worried that I’m going to read the signals wrong again
Wait what????????????
He didn’t say that
Oh my god
Did he just ask me on a date
He just asked me on a date
Like an actual admit it’s a date date
That cocky smirk is going to be the death of me
At lunch:
“Tom,” Matthew said and Thomas got a distinct impression that it was not the first time that his friend had said his name to try to get his attention.
Thomas looked away from Alastair’s table and turned his attention on Matthew.
“What has you so distracted?” James asked.
“Nothing,” Thomas said, but he could feel a smile pulling at his lips anyway.
“What are you in such a good mood about?” Lucie asked.
Thomas glanced at Alastair across the cafeteria again without thinking and he could tell that his look had not gone unnoticed by his friends.
“I have a date Sunday,” he admitted.
Matthew looked like he wanted to say something but didn’t. Cordelia looked surprised for a moment, then a smile spread across her lips as she glanced over at her brother.
“What are you doing?” James asked.
“I don’t know,” Thomas admitted. “He said he’s taking me to one of his favourite places.”
He expected Matthew to make some sort of snide comment about where that might be but was relieved when he didn’t.
“Maybe he’ll take you to the museum of natural sciences,” Christopher said wistfully.
“I don’t think your dream date is the same as his,” Lucie told him.
Thomas laughed.
“Maybe he’s taking you to a library,” James said. “Since he always has a book glued to his hand.”
The rest of the table all pitched in with their guesses as well. Only Thomas himself and Cordelia didn’t make any suggestions. Thomas was surprised that even Matthew participated, guessing that it would be at some sort of restaurant.
“Daisy, he’s your brother,” Lucie insisted. “You must have a guess.”
“I have an idea,” Cordelia said. “But I won’t spoil it if he wants it to be a surprise.”
Part of Thomas wanted to know right then, but he remembered how Alastair had watched his face as he showed him one of his favourite movies and he decided he wasn’t so bothered by the idea of being truly surprised when Alastair revealed where they were going. 
Friday movie night:
“Do you think he really likes that movie?” Matthew asked once the credits started. “Or do you think he just says he does to be pretentious?”
Thomas thought about how passionately Alastair had talked about the other two movies Thomas had watched at his suggestion. He remembered Alastair warning laugh and I will leave and never speak to you again before showing him his favourite. He thought about how closely Alastair had watched him for his reactions during it.
“He definitely really likes it,” Thomas told his friend. “I’ve watched one like it with him before.”
“I thought it was good,” James said. “For an old movie.”
Thomas was more surprised that James had admitted it than he was that he had enjoyed it.
“It was alright,” Matthew admitted. “But tell him I said that and I’ll be forced to kill him.”
“I didn’t see the appeal,” Christopher said.
Thomas was unsurprised. Kit’s movie choices tended to be heavy on the science fiction. Thomas found them confusing, but he liked how much Christopher enjoyed himself as he told them all about the reasons why the science in the film wouldn’t really work and talked about the scientific implications of if the technology used in the movie really worked and existed in real life.
“Seriously, do not tell him I didn’t hate it,” Matthew insisted as Thomas pulled out his phone to text Alastair that he had watched it.
“I won’t,” Thomas said as he typed a message. He knew telling Alastair that Matthew didn’t hate his movie choice would only annoy them both.
Thomas had barely sent the message and hadn’t even set his phone back down when it started ringing.
He looked around, trying to decide whether he should answer it in front of his friends, and saw them all exchanging surprised and confused looks.
He did want to talk to Alastair and didn’t want him to think he was ignoring him, so he answered.
During the phone call:
He’s so excited to hear what I thought, I love hearing him like this
I know it’s not a checklist, does he really not realize that I want to watch everything he suggests to me
Oh good we can talk about it tomorrow when there’s more time and he’s not worried about my friends listening in
I want to hear all his thoughts
Giant, that’s new
Well, obviously I have to call him tiny now
I can’t wait to talk to him tomorrow
I can’t wait for our date
(The Merry Thieves all exchanged looks at that “Good night, tiny” in front of them)
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infernalrevenge · 3 years
Extra Ordinary
Fandom: Choices - Foreign Affairs
Pairing: F!Blaine Hayes x M!MC (Magnus Quezon)
Rating: G
Summary: Blaine and Magnus sneak off to a traveling fair.
Notes: Inspired by a message from @i-cant-think-of-a-name-15 wherein he told me I could write about "a purple panda visiting Vancross" and he'd still read about it, so I was minorly inspired. This is much longer than what I've written and posted here so far, so fair warning on that.
"A fair?"
Magnus raised an eyebrow at Dionne, who clutched her phone as she showed him her text messages from Blaine.
"Yeah, she said she got tickets the other day, arranged for you two to go, and everything! It's only in town for a week, and tonight's the last night before they pack everything up the next day."
Before he could even object -- the thought of everyone still breathing down his neck about the scandal and cleaning up his image still weighing heavily on his mind -- she interrupted, "You don't have any classes tomorrow, you’re free, and you need the break! Plus it'll be so romantic, just you and Blaine--"
"And our bodyguards."
"--Having the time of your lives at a fair! Come on, it'll be fun, Magnus! Like you're gonna say no to her."
Okay, she's got him there.
It only took a little bit of pleading to get Tatum to agree to his antics this time, rolling his eyes as if he was used to it at that point. Nevertheless, he escorted the First Son to the pier where the fair grounds were, dressed as casually and inconspicuously as possible.
Magnus adjusted his sunglasses and beanie, glancing behind him to see if his bodyguard was right behind, only to find him gone. He did say he was just going to keep a "respectable distance", but it didn't make him any less nervous being out and about like this. It wasn't that he didn't trust his date to show up, it was that he was worried that she would and so would the paparazzi. They haven't exactly relented on their quest to squeeze out every juicy detail of his story.
He tried to scan the crowd for any sign of Blaine, only to be suddenly grabbed by the arm. He stumbled back in surprise, accidentally bumping into a mother with her kids. "Sorry sorry, I'm so sorry miss!" he quickly apologized, but the lady left in a huff, and he found himself face to face with none other than the mastermind of this operation.
"Geez, I forgot how you scared so easily. Sorry about that," Blaine remarked, clearly amused. Magnus could only roll his eyes, but was nonetheless relieved to find her -- or rather, have her find him.
He had to admire her insistence on the whole plan, and the fact that she had a plan in the first place. Of course, they couldn't get away from their bodyguards and had to effectively hide any prominent features of theirs to avoid being recognized, but hey, he would take any excuse to be with her.
"We've got a lot of ground to cover if we wanna make the most of this place," Blaine said. They made their way inside hand in hand.
"I'm starting to feel bad, leaving you with all the work of planning out covert dates. I should return the favor some time," Magnus said with a small laugh, taking in the sights and smells around him. The sun was beating down on every head present, hung up on a bright blue sky. It was quite crowded, which was a security concern, but it also meant it would be harder for untrained eyes to spot them in the sea of faces. Still, it had him a bit on edge.
"Looking forward to whatever you've got cooking up there, Rutherland. I'm sure you can think of something." Blaine looked up at the rides, the screams of its passengers intriguing her to give the experience a shot. It would also help to distract Magnus, as she noticed he was rather tense. "Where do you wanna go first?"
Magnus wasn't always the type to try to impress a date, but he might have been pushing it a little when he suggested an octopus ride. "I've never ridden one before. My mom always said they would break and the cart I'd be in would fly off."
It felt that way as soon as the ride started too. Magnus held onto the safety bar in front of them for dear life, his insides doing massive flips with every rotation. It was very thrilling, but it was also a strangely ticklish sensation that had him laughing and screaming the whole time. Blaine was having the time of her life, on the other hand, raising both arms in the air at multiple points as she whooped and jokingly yelled for it to go faster. Their excited screams blended in with the cacophony of the other riders, and somehow, that made the First Son feel the most normal he had since the day started.
If you were to ask him, Magnus would deny how his hands were shaking as they got off the ride, remnants of that thrill and momentary terror still running through his body. But it helped to have Blaine take both his hands and encouraged him to breathe deeply instead of the usual teasing he expected from her.
"Do you go on octopus rides often?" he asked, sucking in another breath before exhaling slowly.
"I'm actually more of a lazy river kind o' girl, but I love the adrenaline rush anyway," she casually replied, trying her best to ground him and calm his racing heart and stomach.
The two of them decided to eat some snacks as a substitute for lunch, settling for corn dogs, cotton candy, and watermelon slices. Along the way, Magnus spotted a giant panda stuffed toy in one of the game booths, its usual black patches replaced with a bright purple. Blaine followed his distracted gaze and giggled, trying to get his attention. “See something you like?”
The Rutherlandian chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I, uh... it’s a giant panda, kinda hard to miss.” He was trying his best not to seem too obvious about his curiosity and desire to have it. However, after passing by the same booth a few more times as they explored the grounds, with his attention inevitably drifting to the toy, Blaine took him there herself to see if she can win it for him.
“You don’t have to--”
“Just let me do this for you. Besides, not like you can keep your eyes off of it.”
A laugh escaped him, “Are you telling me you’re jealous of a stuffed toy panda now?”
“I’m literally gonna win it for you, Rutherland, I am the farthest from being jealous. I promise by the end of the night, you'll be one panda richer.”
Basketball was the name of the game -- all she had to do was sink three shots in a row through the hoop across. Simple enough, if only she weren’t so far away from behind the starting line. Every time she threw the ball and watched it soar through the air, it was always just a few feet shy of the goal. By the time Blaine was on her sixth total attempt, she was just slamming the cash on the counter in frustration to pay for more chances, which the manager gladly accepted each time.
Magnus tried to get her to stop, insisting that it was fine and she didn’t need to waste so much money on a game “that was clearly rigged anyway.”
“Hey, I promised I’d get you that, and goddammit you are gonna get it!” she stubbornly replied, setting down another two dollars. This time though, she took a pause to rest and re-think her strategy.
Blaine furrowed her eyebrows, her focus alternating between the ball and the hoop, until an idea struck her. A wide mischievous smirk appeared on her face as she pinned the ball under her arm and climbed onto the counter, much to everyone's surprise.
"Hey, you're not allowed up there, miss!" the man behind the stand yelled, holding a hand up. The Ardonian was undeterred.
"Why? I'm still behind the line," she pointed out.
"You could fall and get hurt, you have to--" Magnus started, but Blaine was already focused on her goal, ball in hand as she lifted it up.
The height certainly gave her an advantage, taking one successful shot after another, despite the manager's and Magnus' protests. Her date still hung back right behind her, arms slightly raised to ready himself just in case. If she was so insistent on doing things her way, hopefully it wouldn't end in a hospital visit. She would hear an occasional "be careful!" between shots, but when she finally got the last one she needed, she practically threw caution to the wind after the ball.
“Victory is mine, asshole!” she yelled in triumph, throwing her arms up in the air in celebration.
She didn't anticipate how the momentum would throw her off balance though, misstepping behind her. She yelped and tried to move forward, but it was too late. One second she was falling back toward the ground, then the next... she was in Magnus' arms.
She looked up at him and laughed, "Good catch. You work out?" she commented with a wink, letting him help her stand back up.
"Let's just say you can always trust me to catch you," he replied with a hint of a flirtatious tone, before nudging her with his elbow. "But never do that again," he warned, though he was clearly just worried about her.
The Ardonian flipped her hair over her shoulder, turning her attention to the manager. "One panda, my good sir!"
He begrudgingly handed over the stuffed toy to Blaine, who then proceeded to proudly present it to Magnus. He had to wrap both arms around its fluffy torso just to be able to hold onto it securely.
"Consider this my apology for worrying you," she joked, patting the toy's fluffy arm.
"This feels a bit cliche, doesn't it?" he said, his voice partially muffled by the huge obstruction between them.
"What do you mean? It's a role reversal. It's the guy usually winning prizes for the girl, right?"
"I just mean the situation in general. Do you always win giant pandas for your dates?"
"Only for you, babe. Though I'll happily take it back if you don't want it."
At that, Magnus turned and kept it away from Blaine when she tried to reach for it. "No, you already gave it to me, so keepsies." He stuck his tongue out at her, looking more childish than ever, which earned him a boop on the nose.
"One more ride for the road?"
It was already sunset by the time they got on the ferris wheel. The sky was a gradient of pink, orange, and yellow as the sun started to set, slowly sinking in the horizon where the sky met the sea. It took some convincing for the ride manager to allow the stuffed toy on board, as long as they didn't drop it -- like Magnus was ever going to let that happen.
The newly christened Taro (as Magnus insisted on calling the panda) sat on his side, with Blaine snuggled on the other, her head settled on his shoulder. The ride moved slowly as other passengers boarded, and they were getting close to the top, just enough to enjoy the view.
"I know the rooftops at Vancross had great views of sunsets, but nothing beats being this close to it, huh?" Blaine said, her fingers idly playing with Magnus', intertwining and untwining them.
"Being in great company helps me appreciate it more too," Magnus replied, before turning to the stuffed toy next to him, sitting at eye level given its size. "Isn't that right, Taro?"
"Sorry, am I ruining your moment here?" she joked, gently nudging at his arm. Magnus simply smiled and wrapped an around her shoulders, pulling her even closer to his side.
"But seriously though, today was really fun. I'm glad you convinced Dionne to convince me to come out here. At this point, it's hard to say no to even just seeing you."
"Even if it means infuriating your bodyguard?"
Magnus rolled his eyes, looking off as the sky started to darken. "He wasn't infuriated, I'd say irritated at best, but he gets it. He's always been supportive of my 'be a normal person' agenda."
"Did I help deliver?"
"Oh definitely. You sure know how to make a guy feel normal, in a good way."
Blaine glanced up at him, "What does being normal mean to you?"
The young man blinked, not expecting such an introspective question. The lights on the ferris wheel started to turn on, giving him a view of Blaine under their soft glow. He almost lost himself in the sight and backtracked on the question.
He gave himself a moment to think, choosing his words carefully, "Just... being able to live my life away from scrutinizing eyes, I guess. I don't want the public to see me as someone or something that I'm not just because some tabloid article told them this or that."
She nodded in understanding, pulling his arm closer. "Definitely. It's like the general population seems to forget we're people too. We have our own lives and identities, and it's not something that can be toyed with."
"I wish I didn't have to act a certain way, I don't want them to change me. I wish... things were different." A bout of silence passed between them, the ride moving at its leisurely pace to give its passengers time to appreciate it.
"But if they were, then I never would've met you, so it's not all bad. You're... one of the best things that's ever happened to me, you know?" Magnus looked at Blaine, a small yet genuine smile on his face. The girl looked up at him almost with a flicker of doubt at first, but looking deeper into his eyes, she knew he was telling the truth.
And she wasn't sure how to handle that.
She could feel her stomach doing flips, a thrill running through her -- except it wasn't like she was on a fair ride. This was somehow more intense, yet she felt grounded with him by her side. She couldn't help the smile that bloomed, her cheeks darkening slightly as she took in his words.
"You're too good, Magnus. I hope the world never changes you."
The way she said his name sounded almost adoring, like she was in awe of what a genuine soul he was despite everything that's happened to him. She knew what it was like, having been expected to keep up appearances her whole life, but somehow this boy right next to her never seemed to lose touch of himself along the way. He knew what he had to do, but he also knew who he was at the end of the day.
Just hearing her say it like that was enough to melt Magnus' insides with a loving warmth. A smile spread across his face, leaning forward to press a soft kiss on her lips. He was just so relieved that he never had to pretend around Blaine, never had to prove anything to her. It was more than enough just having her there by his side, and even though he was looking forward to the day he can finally be out with her in public with pride, moments like these made their secret trips still worth going through.
(Due to Taro's size, it couldn’t quite fit in Magnus' bed as intended, so it instead resided on the couch in the suite. It didn't mean he didn't take any chances to nap on it though.
Dionne has sent many pictures to Blaine of the young man's face buried into its fluffy stomach, curled up on the small space as he rested peacefully, and Blaine has had to stifle many squeals of delight at the adorable sight.)
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mirror-juliet · 4 years
~Searching For Soulmates~ Park Seonghwa X Male Reader
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Requested by Jax on tumblr.
Since there isn't a lot of male readers that read my things (To my knowlege) I decided to make this one special by using Jax's name, the one who requested this. I hope you enjoy it bub.
Tagging: @themainineveruse @atinybrew @vocalyunho @hongjoongs-hoe​
Love story's are so over-written these days. So hard to write about. They say write the unexpected, but everyone's already done the unexpected. If you write it wrong, nothing will become of it. If you excel in writing the impossible-you are praised beyond belief. Unexpected love story's are impossible. Most story's are Frankensteins of other stories, stitched together by a dream and desperation. But the well known authors dreamt those dreams before you could write them. You'd just be copying them if you made a story close to the lines of theirs, if the two characters hate eachother, or if they don't know eachother. Who's to say you didn't dream those dreams first, And why wont the world let you dream those dreams more than once. Aren't dreams supposed to be eternal. An extension of our thoughts, how can someones thoughts be wrong. There is no right way to think, it isn't a math formula with a set outcome. So why have people decided that we must think in a set algorithm?
The world's too busy thinking about their own love theory to worry about a simple love story written for a college literature class. Only the teacher would read it, so why's Jaxson stressing about it so much? There are set outcomes to what grade he'll get so it doesn't really matter how he writes the report.
"Here's your Pomegranate potion, Weirdo. You come to a coffee shop and order tea." Maggie, Jaxon's favorite barista and best friend since they were younger ruffles his hair. "You're the one who dragged me here today. I could have finished my report at home."
"There was no way i was going to let you stay cooped up in that apartment one more day. It's a lovely atmosphere here," She's not wrong about the atmosphere, it has the right amount of teenager swag mixed with an almost professional look. "Plus if you get bored you can entertain yourself by watching me train the new guy." Jaxson pays close attention to Maggie now
"That's today?.. And you are going to be the one to train him? Lord help this shop now." Maggie attempts to wack Jaxson upside the head, but he's too fast for her tiny fist of rage "That isn't funny Jax. I'm a good trainer, After all i was trained by the glorious booknerd that is you." She bows and holds her hand out gesturing to him. The boy wonders why he's friends with such a weirdo in the first place, but he supposes it's because he acts just like her. "What was he like, the new guy. Do you know?"
"You could always ask me what i'm like, pretty boy." Jaxson freezes in place, fear painting him as he watches Maggie wear the most shit-eating grin of the century. "Seonghwa, it's nice to see you again. This is Jax, he's off today but he's one of the workers here. Jax meet Seonghwa." Jaxson turns to greet Seonghwa, But holy God's why did he have to call him pretty boy? He's the pretty boy for gods sake! "You were talking up a storm just a moment ago, what happened; Cat got your tongue?" Curse him for having such a beautiful face because Jaxson does nothing but stare and hold his mouth agape! Seonghwa chuckles and goes behind the counter next to Maggie. "When do i start coach?"
Jesus his smile is pretty and he knows it. Jaxson watches him roll up his sleeves into uniform cuffs, his forearms are way too toned for his good, his tan skin extenuates them so much. Despite how good looking he is, he is quite clumsy with the espresso machine. It's expected since he explained to Maggie "I don't like bitter things so I've never used one of these." He has coffee grinds all over his apron and at the bottom of his white shirt. Jaxson had given up working on his report to examine Seonghwha and his arms. Both of them were covered in tattoo's, he cant help but wonder if one of them are perhaps his soul-mark he tries to hide in the cluster of ink. Maggie never tried to hide her mark, though it did look quite odd to only have the veins of butterfly wings on her cheek. Her soulmate, Yeosang did try to cover his up. It looked like 'an unattractive pink blob' in his opinion. Though, Maggie thought it looked cute in pictures, when they kissed for the first time, their marks melded into one. Now Maggie spends most of her weekends looking for Jaxson's soulmate even though he's made it very obvious he doesn't want to find them. After searching forever, he got tired and was convinced that his soulmate had either not existed or died before he had ever met them.
"Seonghwa you'll be okay, i'm just leaving you to make some of these for lunch hour. You're doing much better than an hour ago." Maggie sings sweet words to Seonghwa who seems to be shaking like a leaf in the wind. "I don't think i should make anything for anyone to consume."
"Okay, make Jaxson something and then prove me wrong. If he decides it's too horrible then he'll take your place for the day and we'll train you more."
"Why do you have to drag me into this?" Jaxson groans, he was enjoying his day off-well, not really; But Maggie doesn't know that! Then again, she probably does given the knowing look on her face. After a few minutes of a silent stare match between the two he gives in. "Make me an iced americano." The tan color leaves Seonghwa's face as Maggie leans against the counter, leaving him all alone with the coffee maker and his wits (Which arent a lot when it comes to the machine). His toned arms are clumsy with everything, making a much bigger mess than needed, Jaxson could have sworn everytime something got dirty Seonghwa cringed. After five minutes of entertainment Seonghwa Shakily sets the drink in front of Jaxson. "Whats wrong newbie, see a ghost?" Seonghwa glares at that, upset his own joke was used against him. In retaliation he mutters something under his breath that Maggie nor Jax can quite make out.
He takes the drink and puts it to his lips, only having it on his tastebuds for mm, less than two seconds before spitting it back in the cup. He wipes his mouth and grabs his things. "I'll be back out in a minute. Don't let him near customers." Seonghwa watches Jaxson walk into the employees lounge and come back out in uniform, buttoning his sleeves up and shoving his way behind the bar. "I want you to clear off tables, you'll have to move fast because this place gets packed in about fifteen minutes." But Seonghwa isn't moving, Only staring down at the shorter male. "What?" Jax's getting impatient as he's wasting time standing around when he could be preparing for the forty people he's going to have to deal with for the next two hours.
"Can i take you on a date?" Maggie drops the cup she's holding, hot espresso now on her new martins, the only thing saving her from burns. "What?" Is all Jaxson says because Seonghwa's hot! This is a manga scenario that only happens every blood moon, no love story has ever prepared him for this moment because any situation in a manga would never be accepted by society. And what't the point? Whats the point of dating someone that isn't your soulmate? "Go clean tables please."
The three of them don't talk about the situation the rest of the day, only trading words to explain an order or if they need to wash more mugs. But they do watch eachother. Seonghwa watches Jaxson make coffee and tea at an alarming rate, Jaxson watches Seonghwa clean tables with so much care; never leaving a cup ring. And Maggie watches the tension in the room between the two grow it's like candy burning to the side of a pot. Sickening but sweet. At the end of lunch rush, it's nearly time for the quaint little coffee shop to close it's eyes for a good night's rest. You think for how many people visit it, it would stay open longer than Three pm.
Yeosang came to pick up Maggie for their date night leaving Jaxson to close at the shop. That isn't the plan tonight because for the love of Hade's Jaxson cant figure out why the manager decided to hire Seonghwa other than his looks. Every drink he's had Seonghwa make in the past thirty minutes he has managed to burn or fuck up magically somehow. "Why is making coffee so hard?" The tall man groans out, backing against the counter away from the machine. "It really isn't. You've just added way too many steps to it. Here hang on." Jaxson grabs a fresh cup and starts up the machine once again. The poor thing might be overused by tomorrow.
It's crazy how simple Jaxson makes it look to Seonghwa, not only that but how elegant he is while doing it. His fingers flip switches effortlessly, pouring the milk into a beautiful leaf shape he's convinced the shorter man shouldn't be able to make. But he almost does it with his eyes closed. Seonghwa should be able to make designs like that- "What?" He says, realizing Jaxson must have asked him a question given the quizzical look on his face.
Jaxson's laugh is pretty, Seonghwa decides. It's just the right amount of baritone with the ever so slightest bit of soprano. "I'm telling you to take the coffee so you can see what it's supposed to taste like."
"Aren't we supposed to be teaching me how to make this instead of drink it?" Jax jumps to sit on the counter, taking his own teacup in his hands. "I needed a break and the machine is making sad noises, so here we are. Go on, taste perfection." Jaxson's cocky words brink an obnoxious smirk to the older's lips. Because there's no way his coffee is that good.
But it is
Seonghwa isn't one for bitter taste, hell he doesn't like coffee. But the cup Jaxson handed to him it seems he's refusing to put down. "Woah, woah. You're gonna give yourself a stomach ache." Said boy causing concern hops down to drag the cup away from him. "I'm sorry, i didn't think you had to drink it slow." A pinkish hue covers Seonghwa's neck. "I don't like coffee usually...." He trails off.
"Seonghwa." Jaxson's voice is gentle, Seonghwa wonders if he's gotten sad somehow. "Why are you working here? You don't like Coffee and you absolutely suck dick at making it. So why?" Jax hops on the counter once again and Seonghwa has to avert his eyes from the smaller male, intrusive thoughts invading his head. He shakes his head hoping to get rid of the thought like an etch and sketch. Anywhere but his eyes is better, does he not think before talking? Seonghwa thinks. "I, like most people in the world need money. This quaint little coffee shop so happened to be the only one hiring. So i had to get it before i ran out of money for rent. Why are you working here?" A question for a question, fair enough right? "I like the aesthetic of this place, it's calming to me. And it pays fairly well." The two sit in silence, sipping their respective drinks, only sharing glances at one another.
"Say whats on your mind pretty boy, You've been looking at me with a question in your eyes." Seonghwa smirks, only making Jaxson blush harder from the nickname. God he wished Seonghwa would use a different name. "Sorry. I was just wondering where you used to work before here. "
"I worked in a tattoo shop." He crosses his arms, the drink from before long since drained. "It was a pretty good gig too, i was the only apprentice that was allowed to work on people, plus i got half off tattoo's...if i let them do it drunk." Seonghwa looks up into the air, a meloncholy smile on his face. "It was the best job of my life."
"Can i ask you another question, if you don't mind." He lets out an approving sound, not bothering to look down. "If you were so happy....Why leave?" Jax realizes he's touched a soft spot when Seonghwa looks back at him, his eyes are hurting, hidden behind a small smile. "Aren't you just a nosy little one." He takes a deep breath "The old man that owned the shop passed, it was taken over by his daughter. She decided to turn it into a hair salon, kicking everyone that worked there out of a job. It was quite selfish of her, don't you think?"
Jaxson nods his head, wondering what it must have felt like to suddenly loose a friend and a means of living. Suddenly the cup of cold tea is more intriguing than the saddened face of Seonghwa. "My turn~" Said man sings out, tipping Jaxson's head up with his finger. "When can i take you out on a date?"
"O-oh, you were serious about that......."
"Why wouldn't i be?" Jax pulls away from him, hopping down to begin cleaning dishes. "Because i don't like dates." Seonghwa takes the cup out of his hand. "So, don't think of it as a date. Think it as if were just a couple of friends hanging out for an afternoon." A sarcastic chuckle leaves Jax's lips. "But it's still a date."
"Will you at least give it a shot? If you don't enjoy yourself in the first fifteen minutes i'll even take you home." Both of them stop movement, Jaxson wondering why Seonghwa is so hellbent on getting him to go on a date. "Fine. Only fifteen minutes, where will you be taking me?" Jax snatches the mug back from Seonghwa. "That." He pokes Jaxson's nose "Is for me to know and you to find out, tomorrow at two?"
"If you mean a.m. then hell no."
Seonghwa had in fact not meant two am, but precisely when the autumn's sun hits Jaxson's glasses just right to blind him. Where even was Seonghwa? He had told Jaxson to meet him in front of the Cafe five minutes early just in case he got there before.
He hadn't.
He hadn't shown up the first five minutes after the intended meet time. Where the hell was he? Turning the corner onto the Cafe street, the loud motorcycle that was annoying Jax approached in front of the Cafe. Only once the rider pulled off his helmet did he realize Seonghwa was the knight under the mask. A knight wearing a leather jacket to reveal a blue floral shirt tucked into black skinny jeans with no chains this time. Instead he's swapped them out for makeup smudged onto his face, making him seem even more attractive than he already is. "You expect me to get on that? Wearing this." He motions to his outfit, denim jeans, a striped sweater and sneakers. Obviously not appropriate apparel for a Motorcycle. "You'll be fine pretty boy. Hop on." Seonghwa pats the seat behind him, pulling out a second helmet. "The five minutes i spent waiting count against your time."
"The ride doesn't though, Deal?"
Jaxson wishes the ride would have counted against Seonghwa, they've been driving for the past thirty minutes on the highway. He swears Seonghwa's speeding on purpose for Jax to have to cling onto his torso so the small boy wouldn't fly off the bike. Once the bike ride was finally starting to be bearable, it stops. "We here?" A chuckle from Seonghwa. "Do you think i stopped here for gas?" It's an aquarium, It could be worse, it could be a movie theater. "C'mon, i wanna show you a lot here."
A lot he did show Jaxson, from river bass to sharks in a dive tank. He even payed for the extra experiences like holding hermit crabs or feeding the sea turtle from a pole. Jaxson has to admit, he is having fun; he didn't leave two hours ago when the fifteen minutes were up. "Oh, c'mon we're at the touch tank!" Seonghwa Pulls Jaxson through sliding doors to a room with quite a large touch tank in the middle. In it are stingrays of all sizes. He leaves momentarily to come back with two small cups of something foul smelling. "We can feed them by hand." Seonghwa hands the cup of sardines to Jaxson, not waiting for him to grab one before taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. "Just put it between your knuckles, their teeth are on their bellies so don't be afraid."
Easy for him to say as he seems to have no fear towards the slimy sea pancakes, his arm is already submerged past his elbow, getting his rolled up sleeve wet. "This big one i named Calvin. Say hi Calvin." The large stingray swims on the bottom to take the fish from his human friend. He even lets Seonghwa give him rubs and pit pats. It's quite cute to see him acting so young and happy. "Well go on, the worst that can happen is one of them tickle you."
Jaxson mustered up the courage to roll up his sleeves, only dipping his hand about forearm deep. Shortly a small sea pancake fly's over and goes straight for the fish. Thanking the boy by flapping his wings against his arm. More cute giggles coming from Seonghwa. The more fish he goes through, Jaxon finds himself moving closer and closer to Seonghwa. Eventually the two are brushing hands, Seonghwa startles him by grabbing ahold of it. "If you wanted to hold hands you could have asked." He smiles, not one of shitery or mockery. But a genuine smile, directed at Jaxson.
A warm tingle pricks both of their arms, on the verge of being hot. "Look." Jaxson points to their interlocked arms. A white snake being engraved into the knot of his black snake. The opposite of Seonghwa. He freaks out and pulls his arm out of the water to inspect the new tattoo. "Wha-"
"Mommy Mommy look! They got their soul-mark!" A little girl bounces next to them, pulling on her mother's arm. "Is that what this is?"
"It looks like it." Seonghwa hands a paper towel to the smaller of them. "Wanna go get dinner?" It took some convincing but Jax finally agreed to go to dinner, there they talked about what it meant, and how Jaxson could have possibly missed the white snake in the cluster of Seonghwa's tattoo's. It is the only white tattoo he has after all.
A/N: This feels kinda bad compared to my other works but my friend who read it over says it quite nice. (They prefer to remain anon) Jax bub i hope you liked this. I had some troubles making it but i think it's okay. Remember to like and reblog if you're reading this on tumlr
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Out of all the outcomes, it had to turn out like this? Its like whenever i finally start to feel happy, it always gets ripped away from me.But life isn’t fair, especially to runaways. I guess that’s why i opened the door to a strangers apartment. I remember the hunger pains I felt that day, I remember how cold it was sleeping outside. God that feels like ages ago, its hard to believe that I’ve only been with you all for only a few months. I remember meeting all of you for the first time, I was terrified but you all tried to make me feel the most comfortable I could be. I still Romberg that special knock seven used to let me know it was him and not some random stranger. I also remover that little lie he told me when I said I didn’t want anything to eat or drink,” I have a gift card that’s about to expire,” that never fails to bring a smile to my face. On the ride to the penthouse, seven told me to give jumin a chance, that he isn’t some cold, heartless Man. He just doesn’t know how to express his emotions.
Jaehee, god she was a life saver when i got my first period, I couldn’t thank her enough after she calmed me down and made me realize that I wasn’t dying. I was so embarrassed, but she assured me that it is natural and it is nothing to be ashamed about. She was the older sister I never had, taking me to get bras that actually fit, teaching me how to brew coffee, giving me girl advice, thank you so much for that. You are so amazing and I love helping you at your cafe.
Yoosung, I can’t believe how close we’ve gotten, you’re so fun and easy to chat with. You always help me take my mind off of my bad dreams by playing LOLOL together, well its more you playing the game and me pressing random buttons. And all the times you have helped me with homework questions, but i guess that’s a benefit of online school. You might get teased by everyone but you’re amazing, and kind, and I cherish our moments together.
Zen, you took on the role of an older brother the second you found out my age, and that I’m a runaway, but I guess it’s cause you’re one too. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. You reminded me so much of my older brother, but you and him are different people with different amazing qualities. You made me feel so safe, and I always had so much fun whenever you took me to rehearsal. I still smile and laugh when the lighting caption took me to their booth during lunch, while you were still practicing and let me use the spotlight, and I kept moving it around and you had to follow. That was so much fun. You were the first person who gave me a real hug in years, and I accepted it, it felt so good to be hugged with so much genuine care and affection that I cried in your arms. I know that you don’t always get along with jumin, but seeing you both try to get along for my sake warms my heart.
Seven, you were the first one I met. That first night I was at the apartment I know it was you who sent laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, food, tooth paste, a toothbrush, and other supplies I needed but didn’t have. You just didn’t want to take the credit. You were the first person in a long time to give me those supplies without a hidden motive. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me, you arranged for me to stay with jumin until you all found a suitable home for me to live in(although that didn’t happen lol) you work tirelessly and put other before yourself, even though you love teasing yoosung everyone knows that you love him, not only him but everyone in the rfa. All those jokes and memes you send in the group chat are always hilarious, and all those times you broke into the penthouse at night to “play with Elly “ when it just by coincidence that i had a nightmare. We would always end up laughing so hard it hurts. You helped me in so many ways that I cant even name them all, thank you for always helping me.
Jumin, it has been a few months since you took me in, and those few months have made me the happiest I have ever been, without you and the rfa I dont know what would have happened to me, You took me, a runaway teenager, who you didn’t know, who was so reserved and barley talked, and you helped her. You turned me into the person I am today, and the person I am today is happy. You stood by me during the whole Glam and Sarah situation, and you didn’t even know me too well but you still protected me. You are always there for me during my nightmares. You even took me to see multiple types of doctors to make sure I was getting healthy, and to find out what steps to take to get me there, from setting reminders on my phone to eat, to getting me a weighted blanket so I could finally sleep through the night. You took on the parental role for a down on her luck runaway, and gave her a chance. I can’t ever thank you enough for that. I love you dad.
Sometimes I wonder what was going on in everyone’s heads when I popped up, but I just need everyone to know that I love them, so so much. Not many people can say that they got a second shot at having a family, but i did, and I love my family. You all showed me something I hadn’t felt since my brother died, love, affection, and a sense of belonging. Please, none of you blame yourselves for what happened to me.
Love, Bora Han.”
Hot tears streamed down Jumin face as he read Bora’s letter, the smell of disinfectant permeated the hospital room. The letter in one hand as the other gripped his unconscious daughters hand. The only comfort he found was the beeping of the heart monitor, telling him that his daughter is still alive. After four hours of emergency surgery on her shoulder from the fall she took, zen described what he saw as terrifying, unknown had a tight grip on the young girl, and threatening to take her away. Luckily bora kicked unknown in the shin and he dropped her. Unfortunately for bora, she landed on her arm, hard. Zen’s face paled as he recounted hearing the bone snap. She has a few stitches from scrambling on the floor to get to zen. She must have written the letters once we got news of the bomb in the apartment being controlled by unknown. It zen got her to a hospital just in time he is sitting on the chair across the room. He isn’t even supposed to be here, but all it took for the nurse to let it slide was some flirting, from his part. And I handed her more than enough money to convince her. All that matters is that my daughter is alive, and she is safe.
It was hours before I felt something squeeze my hand. My eyes meet a pair of purple eyes that look so insanely tired, they were already welling up in tears as zen rushes to grab a nurse and water.
“ hey duckling, I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere,”
“ i-“ she starts to cough, which makes her groan in pain, the meds must be wearing off. A nurse runs in to check up on bora as zen holds up a cur of water and brings it to boras lips. She must be so thirsty, and she looks so scared, she hates hospitals but right now her safety it top priority.
“ I’m so sorry dad” she says crying. Stroking her hair I try calming her as much as I can without her being in more pain.
“Duckling, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about, you were so strong, and you still are so strong. I promise I wont leave you alone here.” I say calmly, making her calm down a bit.
“ me too kiddo, I’m not leaving you here too,” zen says as bora struggles to keep her eye open.
“When can I go home?” She asks, looking down at the big white cast on her arm, I can tell she will be needing a sling.
“Hopefully tomorrow, when we get home how would you like to watch a movie marathon? We can get those snacks you like, the gold fish? How would you like a new blanket? Name what you want and its yours.” Jumin says to bora, she just smiles up at him, still pretty put of it from the pain meds.
“ no, I dont want you to spend money on me, can we watch a movie together? Please?” The sweet young girl says as jumin reaches over to kiss her forehead.
“Absolutely duckling, now you need to rest. We will both be here when you wake up,” jumin says as him and zen turn the lights off and lay down on their respective make shift beds.
I’m kind of glad that the lights are off, its so hard to see bora in a cast, she just looks so small in that big hospital bed, but she is safe, and alive. We can get through this, I’ll be there every step of the way.
I'm not crying, you are! Family coming together for her sake.
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Im so tired. I cant even go put the dishes away. I cant move. To sleepy. I want to clean the fish tank and stuff. But I dont think I can do it. Well see how I feel after I get this written up. 
Today was a really good day! But yeah I was tired. And that was hard. But it was still good. 
I slept good last night. But I woke up at like 545 because James was getting up. But I fell back asleep and had kind of terrible nightmares about my teeth falling out. And then what I got up for real James wasnt here because he went to go put gas in the car which was so nice but apparently there was a police presence and he got stuck at the exit for the highway. But he got home soon after I got up and I didnt feel so stressed anymore. 
I left here around 715 and it was a nice drive. Some crazy fog out there. But a nice drive regardless. 
I got to camp and parked near where I did yesterday. I might try to park somewhere else tomorrow. But well see. 
And honestly today was a lot of hurry up and wait. But it was still a lot of fun. Check in went easy. I did some embroidery on my bag. I cleaned. I want to look into getting an outdoor carpet for the art shack because the floor gets so wet from humidity that its just muddy all the time. Ill try to find something this weekend. 
I had my first group and they were just the sweetest little babies. Quiet and calm and sweet. It was just so nice. I have found so far that when they finish with my project they like to fold paper, draw, and play with clay. I am glad they are having fun. And I hope they leave learning something even if its just that they like playing with clay. 
I had a couple hours before my next group. So  I went and got a bagged lunch. Enjoyed my sandwich and then went to sit in homestead with CJ, Charlotte, and Lindsey. It was really hot today and muggy but it was a good day. 
I went up to the art shack again. And did some prep. And then I just got in the hammock and listened to a podcast. It was so cozy and I was enjoying listening to the kids playing games and watching the trees. 
And then I fell asleep! I didnt mean to but I was out. This wasnt just dozing this was asleep! I slept for like an hour. And when I woke up at 2 I was very disoriented and confused. But I got up and shook it off. And headed to the office to get some paper work and splash some water on my face. 
I got the sheet for writing down all the cleaning I do. Its pretty straight forward. I filled it out retroactively for yesterday and this morning. But then it was time for my next group!
Its really interesting to see how the different counselors act with their kids. Some are really hands on and some just are so asleep. But the second group was really sweet too. And it was a lot of fun making stuff with them. But I dont love that everyone stays with me? Like its nice that they like being there for the art and they want to make too, I dont mind that so much. But I legit had 6 adults compared to the 5 kids and I am way more awkward with the adults being there. But I am trying my best!!
Some of the adults stuck around after. We all hung out and played with the clay. I cleaned. And enjoyed talking to them. It was nice. 
Once I was all cleaned up I went for a little walk to drop off all the dried paintings from yesterday. When I noticed my earring was gone! Disappointing. Its from taking my mask on and off and I know I have more at home but I was still annoyed. 
But I got all the art dropped off and went down to Homestead. Where I accidently got my feelings hurt. This was not Cj's fault at all! She didnt mean to hurt my feelings and I know that. But we were talking about how camp is different because there is no sleep over. And where we might have slept if there was. And I told her I hope next year to live in a cabin and maybe convince James to come work there again. And she said oh! The girl from last year wants to come back next year because shes from over seas and only didnt come this year because of visa issues. And that Cjs told her to get her application is quick because someone else is here this year. And I was just. So upset. Like Cj didnt mean to hurt my feelings but it made me feel so rejected and dejected. Like I really want them to like me and keep me on and Im like a real art teacher. I want to be invaluable and change things up in the art program. But everyone tells me this girl is so sweet. And I just. Felt really hurt. 
Ill shake it off but it was a little heartbreaking, like who knows what next year will look like but I really wanted to have that in my backpocket for next year. But I guess I just got to be my very best this year. 
I headed back to art. Finsihed cleaning and putting things away. Checked at the office if I could help with anything. Got some packages. Sat on the porch for to long because I was hot and tired. But it was tim to go. 
 I walked to the car and headed home. It rained again and it was very hard but it didnt last as long. I was mad because a bunch of cars didnt have their lights on and were very hard to see. But I got burgerking and headed home. 
I had my food and fed sweetP and played a little animal crossing. I took a cool shower and now Im just sitting in bed. I am so tired but Im going to try my best to at least put the dishes away. 
Tomorrow is my easy day. No classes but lots of coverage. I dont exactly understand what that means for some of the programs but I will do my best! I hope you all have a good night. Take care of eachother. 
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warmau · 5 years
I was wondering if you could do a soft Hogwarts!Jaemin AU? I've been obsessed with your Regular!NCT series lately, but I was hoping for a small break from all the well-written (too well-written ;w;) angst and switching it up for something light and sweet (your post for Jeno and the recent one for Haechan were all golden.) If you cant, though, that's perfectly fine! Keep being amazing, and I'll be patiently waiting for your future posts! Hugs and kisses, Mom ~~
thank u so much!! here’s more hp!dreamies ~
“don’t be so nervous, he’s not going to bite you or anything”
renjun encourages as you sit in study hall, sweating over the notes you barely managed to find this morning for your very much hated ancient ruins elective
“renjun,,,,,he’s like the top student of hogwarts. i can’t just TALK to him,,,,”
renjun huffs, picking up his wand and poking its end against your cheek
“just. go. ask. him”
you swat the wand away, sticking your tongue out at him 
“if you want to pass ancient ruins, jaemin is the person to ask for help. and plus - i know you like him.”
you bolt upright, glaring renjun down as you press your finger to his lips and look around
to make sure no one heard mr. loudmouth over here
“shuttup, no one is supposed to know that! how did you even find out?”
renjun shrugs
“i put a spell on your diary and it told me.”
“yes, haechan taught me the spell.”
you let your hand drop back down as you slouch over your notes with a defeated sigh
it’s true you do like jaemin,,,,,,,,,,a lot
he’s unlike anyone you’ve ever met before. and that’s saying something since you go to a magical school
where people can turn into animals or make their eyes turn red
jaemin ,,,,,,, jaemin just stands out to you
with his perfect O.W.L scores, his ravenclaw scarf tied neatly around his neck 
the neverending nebula of gorgeous brown in his eyes,,,,
you sit a couple of rows back from his in your worst elective class, ancient ruins
that you’ve skipped and fell asleep in all semester
and now the damn final is coming up and you can’t do anything,,,,because no matter how much you read the textbook or try to memorize all the dates
you can’t
it’s b o r i n g
but you know jaemin loves that class, he’s the teachers favorite person and you’ve seen him stay behind after just to talk about it even more
so - with all your might you get up
renjun giving you a thumbs up
and you make your way over to the desk where jaemin is
all his books stacked neatly beside him, his wand polished and perfect with absolutely no scratch marks or bandaged up tips (contrary to yours,,,)
“h-hey jaemin,,,,”
you start
and he looks up, putting his quill down carefully 
his face doesnt change into a smile so you immediately regret interrupting him
until,,,,,he sees the stack of notes in your hands
and then the smile comes
“ancient ruins?”
he asks and you sigh, your shoulders sagging
“i,,,,,,i suck at this class. is there anyway you could help me?”
jaemin shifts in his seat
“well, im sure you’ve learned something - it’s the end of the semester.”
you make a face
“if by something you mean that i don’t like it, then yes. that’s what i learned”
jaemin gives you a sad chuckle, but then suddenly motions for you to sit down
you shyly do, handing over your messy notes and watching as jaemin bites back his lip
“oh this is worse than i thought.,,,”
you groan, putting your head in your hands
“im going to failllllllll”
you mutter, but suddenly you feel something tap the side of your head
you look up, seeing the feathery end of jaemin’s quill tickling your hair to get your attention as he continues through your notes
“well - if you promise to really work hard with me, i think we can get you to pass”
he finally rips his eyes from your papers and back to you
but you’re more focused on the magic quill, now doing little loops around on the desk
“stop that”
jaemin orders and the quill falls to the table with a thud
you look back at him and snap out of it
“i-yes i promise!”
jaemin smiles, hands you back the papers to which the scrambled words and messy corners have magically been straightened out just from being in his hands
“ok then, see you tomorrow here during study period.”
and with that you get up, thanking jaemin a million times over, before joinging renjun on the otherside of the room
he pats your back
“see, you didn’t get rejected”
“i - i - i didn’t ask him out?!!??”
“oh i know, i meant you didnt get rejected to be his student”
you narrow your eyes, but renjun just laughs in response  - even when you threaten to turn him into a toad if he tells anyone about your,,,, “crush”
the next week or so, you and jaemin meet every day to go over his notes
they’re all perfectly organized and with a small spell he turns them into tinier - easier to read flash cards
which he uses to quiz you on some of the material
you’re kind of hopeless,,,,seeing as though you really dont have any interest in old castles or lost muggle artifacts 
so jaemin gets a new approach
he picks up his wand, tapping it against the textbook
the images of the castles, the greek ruins, the broken fragments of magic history
start to dance off the page
tiny little versions of whatever is on the page
you watch in wonder, but jaemin can tell the little magical touch has you interest
he points to a minuscule version of a famous castle in england
“what do you know about it?”
“um the great wizard,,,merlin once lived there - right?”
jaemin grins, “correct! what year did he leave?”
you rack your brain, but then remember and answer
slowly, with the added help from all the moving images and magic aspect of the studying, jaemin gets you interested
enough to at least get the basics down for the exam
“how do you do it? what’s the spell to make images come to life like that?”
you ask one afternoon
“it’s quite simple, i learned it from the newspaper club. here-”
jaemin motions for you to lift your hand, holding your wand out
he gently wraps his own hand around your wrist to guide it over a picture in your open book
and you redden at the feeling of his warm fingers
“just move your wrist like this and whisper-”
he tells you the spell, the softness of his voice almost sends you into shock
but you concentrate, stuttering out his words
and slowly, the image of an old palace peels off the page and scrambles onto the table
jaemin lets your hand go, smiling and congratulating you on learning the spell
you can sense his eyes on yours, but you’re too shy to meet them
the day of the exam finally comes 
you’re still nervous, but before it starts
jaemin turns to look at you from his desk in the front
and gives a tiny thumbs up
it makes your heart do a flip - but also energizes you for the test
and when it’s over
the teacher takes a moment, using a checking spell to distribute out the grades
you close your eyes as the paper flutters down in front of you
and after a deep breath check the score
it’s a 68, barely passing - but passing
and when everyone piles out of the room
you rush up to jaemin, grinning
“i didn’t fail!”
he hides his perfect 100 grade behind his back, wanting you to be happy about your hard work for that 68 instead
and as he watches you, glowing smile and all 
he knew you were cute - spending those afternoons studying with you
but now you just look
extra adorable
“you should thank me for being a good tutor”
he suddenly says, tilting his head
you blink
“o-oh sure! let me buy you some chocolate frogs or i could get you a bottle of that expensive wand polisher-”
“a kiss on the cheek is ok too.”
you freeze, “a-a-a wh-what-”
jaemin leans over, tapping his cheek
and you shake a little, shy and embarrassed to do this in the hall in front of everyone
but still - you lean in and do it
when jaemin pulls back you want to ask why he asked for a kiss of all things,,,from you too,,,,
but from behind jaemin you see renjun
who gives you a wink and makes a heart behind jaemin
“jaemin,,,,,did renjun tell you by any chance-”
“that you wrote how cute i was in your diary? yeah he did.”
you flame up, ready to charge at renjun
but jaemin stops you
“you can turn him into a toad,,,,after we get lunch together”
find more harry potter x nct aus | find more jaemin | buy skye a kofi
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obscureoperations · 3 years
I really need to clean out my archives. Alot of my stuff is simply labeled “untitled” I cant even be nostalgic without the effort. lmao I found this old thing I did, slightly angsty. It was written from the “I” perspective which was weird. I don’t want to start dumping alot of old stuff here, maybe just a few. Bear with me dudes...
Careful: Martin/oc
Tumblr media
In a way I regretted my words the second they fell from my mouth. Well maybe not my words per se but more so the way they came out. I didn’t mean for them to sound so cruel, I was merely stating a fact. He was selfish, he was sick and I did love him… The last part I really could have left out, but I was not in the most rational state.  After last night, the reality of the entire situation started to sink in,and I think I was more upset with myself than anyone. I was supposed to be the sane one, but at this point I was no longer so sure. If only I could reason with him… convince him to go get  some help. I kept telling myself that I’d get through to him soon enough, he’d finally listen to my advice… and then maybe. Why did I have to be so harsh with him… I was supposed to be on his side. 
I almost couldn’t get myself to look at him. He looked as though he had just been struck. Tears brimming his eyes, threatening to spill as he averted his gaze towards the window. His lip trembled lightly and he looked like he was about to speak.
“Do you...Jill?” his voice falters just a bit “Love me I mean?” 
Pins and needles… heat rising to my face. I had almost hoped that he missed that last part.
I raise my hand to stop him. “ We can't talk about this right now Martin… I have to go to work…” 
His face falls immediately and my stomach contracts. I resist the urge to reach out and touch him. He nods his head, a stray tear escapes but he quickly brushes it away.  Please stop crying
“I couldn’t go to a hospital… “ 
“I know…”
“That would be too hard for me…”
“I know.”
I can already hear Cuda bumping around in the kitchen, and I quickly spare a glance at my watch. 
“I’m really sorry.” He offers quietly.
“I know you are Martin…. Me too.” 
I want to hold him, I mean really hold him, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Instead I brush my fingers across his tentatively. “We’ll talk later… okay?” I struggle to meet his gaze, but his eyes are glued to the floor-- another tear falls, he’s silently begging me to hold him. 
I didn’t. 
For the most part, he had been doing quite well.  He hadn't been out in well over a month. He didn’t go out all the time. Just when he absolutely had to... When he got too shaky. And even then there were rules set in place. No one with any ties or connections. No one with a family. No more of the ladies…According to him none of the really looked pretty anymore. It was sweet of him to say but I’m sure that was just for me. He mostly stuck to the bums and vagrants that littered the streets on Main. He took just as much as he needed and left. He never let them see his face-- he always stuck to the shadows until it was time.
He did go out last night however, I could hear his footsteps on the roof. It was odd to say the least, he always told me when things were getting bad-- when he started to get too shaky. I really appreciated that he was making an effort, if not for his own sake then for mine. If he didn’t care about himself, I cared enough for the both of us. And If he refused to get help, I had to keep him safe .. he had to be careful.
I didn’t sleep a wink after I heard him leave. It was always that same horrible sinking feeling that got progressively worse as the hours rolled on. Everytime the floorboards creaked or I heard sirens in the distance I would wonder. What If he went too far… and someone actually ended up dead. What if he made a mistake, or neglects to pay attention to his surroundings?  What about the police? He was swift but there were gangs… they had knives... what if he ever--- That was usually when I’d try to sleep, there was not much I could do. I remember one night in particular,there must have been a drug bust, a robbery... something big. The sirens in the distance were unrelenting, getting progressively closer to the house.
 Filled with the worst sense of dread, heartbeat pounding out of my chest, I actually contemplated going out to try and find him. I realized I was pretty much in over my head.  I tried to convince myself that I was overreacting, and that he couldn’t be gone for much longer. The minutes rolled on, thoughts and scenarios muddled together each more horrific than the last. It felt as though someone was standing on my chest, but I couldn’t find it in me to cry…I was physically unable to. It wasn't until I heard the familiar sound of pebbles rolling off the rafters, slight footsteps from above that I was finally able to breathe. Suddenly overcome with exhaustion, I turned over onto my side clutching a pillow to my chest. I could hear him bumping around in his room and I began to shake, tears rolling down my face. So so stupid  
Work went by in a haze, it was five pm before I knew it. I had somehow convinced Kathy to see to the front end while I stayed in the back to crunch numbers. I didn’t want to see anyone, be around anyone or listen to their voices. I needed something to do...something monotonous and so that's what I did. By the end of the day, all deposit receipts were verified and up to date. I had rearranged back stock several times, and put in part orders to the warehouse. I left notes for the closing cashier and a reminder to make sure the pick up log was up to date. All in all it was a very productive day, I hardly thought about Martin at all, but then it was time to leave.
My temples ached and my back was stiff. I barely had anything to drink all day. I paused for longer than I needed to at the water fountain, contemplating which route I wanted to take home. I could continue up the street on cedar sticking to the main road, that usually took a solid fifteen minutes. Or I could head around to the back of the shop cutting through Gum street, that way took me about ten. 
Despite wanting to delay the inevitable, I decided on the latter and soon enough I was standing in front of the door. I could already hear Cuda’s voice booming from the kitchen, my grip on the key instinctively tightened. God what was he on about now? With a deep breath I cracked open the door, relief from the air conditioning was instant.
I cautiously peered around the corner into the kitchen. Cuda was standing at the sink, cigar in hand rolling up his sleeves.
“He wanted to leave… so he left!”
“ But did you have to be so hard on him? You saw him this morning.. He’s probably just getting sick.” sighed Christina.
“ Laziness.. That’s what it is! What kind of example is that? I will not have the other workers believing I will pay them just to stand around! “
“ Well what will he do for money?” 
“I’m not firing him… he knows this… I just wanted him out of my sight for a while. He may return to tomorrow, if he wishes… and he better be prepared to work.”
I clear my throat lightly before entering the kitchen. “ Is- ah Is everything alright here?” 
“ Good afternoon child… Yes everything is fine…” said Godfather giving me a light embrace.
I spare a brief smile at Christina before she interrupts. “Grandfather is just giving Martin a hard time.. He sent him home from work. I found him sitting out on the front porch when I came home for lunch.”
“ On the porch couldn’t he get in?” I asked
“He said something about getting some air… He looked so down, I was worried. I still think he might  be coming down with something.” 
Cuda mutters something to himself as he turns on the faucet, busying himself at the sink. 
“ Well where is he now..upstairs?” I ask
“ Yes... in his room.”
“If the two of you spent as much time keeping up with the house as you do fussing over the boy I think we would all be better off.” 
With a sigh, I raised my hand gesturing that I was heading upstairs. The staircase seemed to elongate, my heart raced every step closer I got to his door. I paused right in front of the door frame, noting the bells were securely in place. I lean in pressing my ear to the door, it was completely silent. “Martin?”
It was still completely silent and for some reason I started to panic. I knock again, a bit louder this time “Martin, are you okay?” I can hear the bed springs creek, slow footsteps get closer to the door. I had no idea why I was so nervous, what did I even have to say? I was sorry, in a way he already knew that. All of this was such a terrible idea. I needed to find a way to break it to him-- us being together at all could never work. At least not here. The simple fact that I loved him was inadvertently putting him directly into harms way. I couldn’t allow it, it would be completely selfish of me. Before I knew it he had slowly cracked the door open.
He looked almost surprised to see me before he averts his eyes, leaning against the door frame. I could already see that his eyes were red and swollen,  damp lashes glued to his cheeks. I felt something contract inside, how could I even consider giving up on him. It was too late now, in a way I needed him just as much. 
He mumbles something under his breath. I couldn’t hear him. “What?” he shakes his head. 
“ I’ve got to talk to you… can I come in?”
Slowly he cracks open the door wide enough so that I could slip in. He was barely looking at me, he seemed almost frightened. Like I was about to lash out at any minute. He was trembling slightly as he absentmindedly wipes at his eyes, lips still formed into a small pout. If this was the way he was all day, I truly regretted not hugging him goodbye.
“I’m so sorry…” I whisper.
His head snapped up instantly, he looked genuinely surprised. “No.. I am. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
Was that why he was so upset?
“I know you hate it when I have to go out. I’m sorry that I scared you.”
I reach forward instantly wrapping my arms around him tightly. He practically melts into the embrace. He was mumbling something that I couldn’t quite understand, so I simply held him all the tighter.
“I meant it Martin.. I really did.”
I can feel his fingers dig into the hem of my shirt. He was shaking again, I hoped to god he understood what I meant.
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doggonneit · 6 years
The Last Red Scribble | Part 2/2
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing/Characters: Kuroo/Tsukishima, Shimizu
Rating: T for Teen
Warnings: Abortion reference
A.N. This is the final part of the KuroTsuki Gift Exchange 2017, written for @moonislander on Tumblr. Hope you enjoy!
Italics is Tsukishima. Bold is Kuroo.
[Read on AO3]
Tuesday PM
(11:02) so i might be dumb
(11:05) If you have the mental capacity to figure that out, you paradoxically can’t be that dumb.
(11:06) i might not play in the match on thurs (11:06) i punched a guy
(11:07) Why the fuck would you do that.
(11:08) im a rational guy (11:08) but when things happen (11:09) they happen
(11:10) I changed my mind. (11:10) I’m not letting Tobio anywhere near you. You are the worst role model for him.
(11:10) hear me out (11:11) its good i swear
(11:12) …
(11:12) so at practice this newbie kept staring at akaashi (11:12) creepy but harmless (11:12) but then the dudes hand started wandering (11:13) so i socked him in the jaw (11:13) gotta keep the bros boyfriend safe right
(11:15) I’m sure Akaashi appreciates it.
(11:16) nah but bokuto did lololol
(11:16) The question is, how many laps did your coach make you run?
(11:17) dude i ran till i hurled (11:17) make me feel better? (11:17) *sad face emoji*
(11:20) The newly discovered dinosaur fossils in China have changed the way scientists understand the evolution of feathers.
(11:22) huh (11:22) not quite what i had in mind but cool
(11:23) It’s my job.
(11:23) youre a geneticist who collects dino dna from amber (11:23) YOURE GOING TO BRING THEM BACK
(11:23) I���m a research assistant.
(11:24) doesnt mean you dont know how
(11:24) Amber DNA is too deteriorated for any type of resurrection.
(11:24) but if you could (11:25) would you
(11:25) Yes.
(11:26) million dollar question which dino though
(11:27) Velociraptor, duh.
(11:27) not a t rex?
(11:28) T-rexes were lumpy potatoes with useless arms. (11:28) Velociraptors had claws on their hind legs for disembowelling prey. (11:28) You tell me which one’s superior.
(11:29) youre so fired up its great (11:29) keep talking dinos to me
(11:31) I would but I have articles to type up before tomorrow.
(11:31) what an aDULTY ADULT (11:31) doing his JOB AND HAVING PROSPECTS
(11:33) Do you mock young and successful people because it temporarily alleviates the worthlessness you feel on a daily basis?
(11:35) savage af
(11:35) :))))
(11:35) i never shouldve went to uni (11:36) dietetics then sports med? (11:36) regret tastes like ash in my mouth (11:36) fucking murder me
(11:37) That was very poetic.
(11:38) you like poetry?
(11:38) I don’t mind it.
(11:39) hypothetically (11:39) could bad poetry seduce you
(11:40) Hypothetically (11:40) No.
(11:40) damn
(11:41) I bet you’re the type of person to fall for sappy crap like that.
(11:41) damn right (11:41) in elementary school a girl wrote me a poem (11:42) we dated all the way from recess to lunch
(11:43) Your longest relationship, huh?
(11:44) all from a shitty roses are red poem (11:44) i bet you can do better (11:45) seduce me o seductive seducer
(11:47) Congratulations, I have literally never been less turned off in my entire life.
(11:48) to reiterate (11:48) 1. i am dumb (11:48) 2. regret tastes like ash in my mouth
(11:49) Mmm. (11:50) You know what else tastes like ash? (11:51) *image attached*
(11:53) oh baby (11:54) you could never taste like regret (11:54) now take that cigarette out of your mouth
(11:54) Yes, daddy.
(11:55) hjlfkllkkl (11:56) okay i need you to stop fucking with me its bad for my heart
(11:56) :)))))
Wednesday PM
(8:13) tsukki you cant just do that
(8:14) Do what?
(8:14) i almost rolled into an early grave
(8:14) I have no idea what you’re talking about.
(8:14) do you know what its like to turn around and see the brightest blueberry eyes in the entire universe
(8:15) Oh, you mean Akiteru taking Tobio to the recreation centre?
(8:16) Tobio said he had a lot of fun. (8:16) I’ve never seen him so animated before.
(8:17) your son is adorable (8:17) i dont have favourites but hes my favourite
(8:17) Don’t spoil him.
(8:18) no promises (8:18) your blueberry son is everything that is good and pure in this world (8:18) im so proud of you
(8:19) Me??
(8:19) well you made him
(8:19) You must’ve slept through Biology in high school because making a child is a two-person job.
(8:20) clearly tobio got his good looks from you
(8:20) We literally look nothing alike.
(8:21) are you telling me tobio has two beautiful parents (8:21) lies (8:22) pics or it didnt happen
(8:22) ...
(8:23) i just realised how that sounded (8:23) and i in no way meant to ask you for a picture of you sleeping with tobios mother
(8:27) I have never (8:27) Laughed so hard in my entire life (8:28) I choked on my fucking tea.
(8:28) whoopsss
(8:29) But since you asked (8:29) *image attached*
(8:29) please dont tell me thats actually a pic of you two fucking (8:29) because i would be really weirded out
(8:30) That’s not a picture of us fucking.
(8:30) im trusting you okay (8:31) OH MY GOODNESS (8:31) AHAHAHAHAH (8:31) SHE IS SO BEAUTIFULLL
(8:31) She gets that a lot.
(8:32) im having a hard time trying to figure out if im jealous of you or her
(8:32) No point. We’re not together.
(8:33) i figured if you were you wouldve said something earlier (8:33) so let me guess (8:33) she cheated on you
(8:34) No.
(8:35) you cheated on her
(8:35) No. (8:35) Do I look like a cheater?
(8:35) hey i dont stereotype
(8:35) There was no cheating. Just unfortunate circumstances.
(8:36) one night stand accidental baby?
(8:36) Yeah, close enough.
(8:37) thats tough (8:37) it happened to my older sister too (8:37) but she ended up marrying the guy (8:37) they were like fuck yeah lets be a family (8:38) so now im the proud uncle of a literal ball of snot
(8:39) That was Akiteru when he held Tobio for the first time. (8:39) He couldn’t stop crying. (8:39) It was gross.
(8:40) dude was holding the future in his hands (8:40) of course he was crying
(8:40) You cried when you held your literal ball of snot for the first time, didn’t you?
(8:41) You need to be a level five friend to unlock my tragic backstory.
(8:41) well okay (8:41) what level am i at now
(8:43) Zero.
(8:44) what (8:44) how can you say that (8:44) we had an anniversary (8:44) your brother loves me (8:45) your son adores me
(8:45) My brother what now.
(8:45) did i forget to mention?? (8:46) we bonded over vball (8:46) now were texting buddies (8:46) we talk about you ALL THE TIME
(8:48) You’re lying. (8:48) Akiteru would never do that to me.
(8:48) you had a dinosaur nightlight until you were eleven
(8:49) … (8:49) Excuse me. (8:49) I have a murder to commit.
(8:49) tell akiteru i said hi!!
Thursday AM
(9:24) You’re… Bokuto. The Bset Freind Foreber.
(9:25) Even after he punched that guy in the face?
(9:26) I’m impressed. Good job.
(9:26) WE’RE RARIGN TO GO (9:26) LOOK AT US WE LOOKS O GOOD (9:27) *image attached*
(9:27) Yeah, you blurs look really good.
(9:27) OKAY OKAY WAIT (9:28) *image attached* (9:28) AKAASGHHI TOOK TAHT ONE (9:28) AWESOME AYYY
(9:29) Are those (9:29) Sleeveless red jerseys (9:29) ?  
(9:30) *image attached*
(9:30) ...
(9:30) I
(9:31) LOOKGNI SEXY SMEZY RIGHT (9:31) ;)))))))))
(9:32) No.
(9:32) Go warm up before your match.
(9:32) IM TELLIGN KUROO!!!!!!
Thursday PM
(3:16) a lil birdie told me (3:16) youre into (3:16) BICEPS
(3:17) It’s a lie.
(3:17) so this does nothing for you (3:17) *image attached*
(3:17) ...
(3:17) oikawa and akaashi (3:18) slender and toned specimens (3:18) 7.5/10
(3:18) You have got to be kidding me.
(3:18) dont be shy no judgement here (3:18) *image attached* (3:18) terushima and ushiwaka (3:19) terushimas built but ushiwakas got power going (3:19) 8/10 and 9/10
(3:19) I can’t believe you right now.
(3:19) *image attached* (3:19) these are bokutos (3:19) amazing right my boy is STACKED (3:20) 10/10
(3:19) Please stop.
(3:20) the real killers though (3:20) *image attached* (3:20) IWAIZUMI (3:21) look at that (3:21) he could choke me and id thank him 12/10
(3:22) Are you done with the meat parade?
(3:22) just one more (3:22) *image attached* (3:22) ME (3:23) what do you think??
(3:23) I’m not stroking your already inflated ego.
(3:24) i know for a fact youre not a blushing virgin (3:24) now stop being shy and rate me
(3:24) You’re ridiculous. (3:24) Fine. (3:24) Solid muscle. Good definition. (3:24) 9/10  
(3:25) only 9?? (3:25) im hurt im insulted (3:25) would it make a difference if i used a filter
(3:26) Why not.
(3:26) *image attached*
(3:26) Superb musculature, clearly the result of endless hours of hard work. (3:26) 10/10  
(3:26) i knew it (3:27) i gotta go rub this in oikawas face (3:27) he will rue the day he ever thought he was better built than me (3:27) text later okay
(3:27) Kuroo.
(3:27) yes dear
(3:27) You forgot to tell me. (3:28) Did you win the match?  
(3:28) YEAH LOL
(3:28) Congratulations.
(3:28) thanks babe (3:28) the thought of you kept me going strong (3:28) *heart eyes emoji*
Friday PM
(10:23) i wondered what’d gotten tsukki so riled up (10:23) and then i saw all the biceps (10:23) loolllll  
(10:25) im intrigued (10:25) who is this mysterious person with tsukkis phone
(10:25) ahh i’m yamaguchi (10:25) tsukki’s best friend (10:26) i may or may not have borrowed his phone when he wasn’t looking  
(10:26) devious (10:26) i like it
(10:26) ur going to like this a lot more
(10:26) oho?
(10:26) it’s friday night (10:27) which means it’s karaoke night (10:27) with everyone from work  
(10:27) there wouldnt happen to be (10:27) alcohol (10:27) involved would there
(10:28) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(10:28) you bring great news friend (10:28) so what do i need to sacrifice to get a vid of tsukki (10:28) doing a drunken rendition of my heart will go on
(10:29) that’s a big request (10:29) tsukki hates performing (10:19) especially to cliches  
(10:30) okay but you do have the ability to make him to do so
(10:30) that depends on what ur willing to sacrifice
(10:30) you ARE devious (10:30) all right what do you want
(10:32) ur number and ur firstborn
(10:33) im devoted to tsukki just saying (10:33) firstborn no problem
(10:33) i want ur number bc i want to keep u accountable (10:33) not bc i’m interested in u, u loser  
(10:34) i can see why you two are best friends
(10:34) we have a deal??
(10:34) fuck yeah lets go
(10:34) gimme fifteen minutes (10:34) tsukki’s already tipsy on strawberry daiquiris  
(10:34) this is gonna be so good (10:34) lets go lets go lets go
(10:53) i am (10:53) a GOD (10:53) *video attached*  
(10:57) AHAHAHAHA (10:57) this is (10:57) the second best day (10:57) of my life (10:57) omg is this real its beautiful
(10:58) he is SO BAD, RIGHT
(10:58) is he better sober
(10:59) no but he can rap sober
(11:00) are you fucking with me
(11:01) nopee
(11:01) what do i need to sacrifice to see that
(11:01) u couldn’t afford it (11:02) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  
(11:02) worth a shot (11:02) youre a true bro anyway
(11:03) why thank yoyiijkpll
(11:03) you okay bud
(11:03) What teh fuck
(11:03) tsukki?? (11:04) babe (11:04) so me and your bestie bonded too
(11:04) Waht the actual fuvk (11:04) I’m too drukn to typpe (11:04) You fuckign pick up whenm I call  
(11:05) wait what
Mysterious Phone Man Tsukki is calling…
“Uhh… hello?”
“I… I am going to… gouge your eyes out.”
“Holy shit, you’re slurring. You’re soo drunk.”
“Hi, Kuroo!”
“Shut up, Yamaguchi.”
“Sorry, Tsukki!”
“Kuroo, you shit. I sh… should’ve known you’d do something like this.”
“Hey, Yamaguchi was the one who filmed you!”
“Ohh no, don’t blame me, you enabler!"
“You know what, I’m not even sorry. That was wicked. Oh my god, I’m definitely in love.”
“What a complete dick… hole.”
“Aw babe, you’re so eloquent when you’re drunk. What did Yamaguchi give you, hmm?"
“Fucking disgush-- disgusting.”
“Then why’d you drink it, you dork?”
“Don’t forget you owe me, Kuroo!”
“Gonna kill you both.”
“I dare you. Come to Tobio’s practice tomorrow and we’ll have a fucking throwdown.”
“I’m going to be so hungover.”
“I double dare you.”
"Fucking… fine.”
“Wow, Kuroo. You’re really good at riling Tsukki up, you know that?”
“It’s a special talent. Now you boys enjoy the rest of your night. I’m going to watch that rendition one more time and laugh myself to sleep.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
“Aww, you guys.”
Saturday AM
Mysterious Phone Man Tsukki  is calling…
“Uh-oh. Am I in trouble?”
“I fucking hate you.”
“Soo… your head is pulsing, your throat is parched and you want to die in a hole?"
“I was unconscious. Unable to feel pain. Now I’m back in the world of the living.”
“Don't be mad. If you drag your ass down to the rec centre, I’ll get coffee for you.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Large black.”
“Black coffee? Are you serious?”
“It matches my soul.”
“O-kay, anything else?”
“Strawberry muffin.”
“Your soul confuses me.”
“And something for Tobio.”
“No shit, duh. Akiteru?”
“He can starve.”
“Still haven’t forgiven him for telling me about the dinosaur nightlight, huh?”
“And I’ll never forgive you if you bring it up again.”
“Bring what up again?”
“Good boy.”
“Can we revisit that conversation about kinks again?”
Saturday AM
(9:47) ive got coffee and muffins (9:47) hot chocolate for tobio (9:47) and a latte for akiteru bc im not an ass
(9:52) Fuck.
(9:52) i know youre mad at akiteru but no need to get hissy
(9:52) It’s not that. (9:52) We can’t make it to practice anymore.  
(9:53) ????
(9:53) Tobio’s mother is here.
(9:53) whoaa what
(9:53) I’m really sorry. (9:53) Especially since you bought breakfast. (9:54) I’ll pay you back.  
(9:54) dont worry about it lol (9:54) ill share it with the other guys
(9:54) Are you mad?
(9:55) kinda disappointed but not at you (9:55) its not your fault
(9:55) I really am sorry. (9:56) I need to go, but I’ll text you later okay?  
(9:56) no need to stress (9:57) practice is about to start anyway
Saturday PM
(1:28) Are you free to talk now?
(1:29) kuroos sperm bank (1:29) you squeeze em we freeze em
(1:29) That is disgusting.
(1:30) tsukki its time for the talk you never got when you hit puberty (1:30) what you must realise is that masturbation is healthy and natural
(1:30) We are not having this conversation. Ever.
(1:31) babe dont be embarrassed (1:31) one day youll have to have the same convo with tobio lololol
(1:31) Please don’t remind me.
(1:31) you doing okay
(1:32) I’ve had a shitty morning.
(1:33) id also be in a bad mood if i were hungover and my ex showed up uninvited
(1:33) She’s not (1:33) Whatever.  
(1:33) not... your ex?
(1:34) She can’t be my ex if we never went out.
(1:34) idk you had a one night stand with her
(1:34) It’s complicated.
(1:35) have i reached level five friend yet
(1:35) …
(1:35) im here to listen
(1:37) I guess you might be a level five friend.
(1:37) hell yeah
(1:37) I can’t believe this. I don’t even know you.
(1:38) im hurt (1:38) you just blessed me as your level five friend
(1:40) I don’t know where to start.
(1:40) lets start small (1:40) howd you meet her
(1:40) Shimizu was my senior in high school. (1:40) We weren’t close but we kept in touch after she graduated. (1:40) Study tips and stuff like that.  
(1:41) thats cute (1:41) sounds innocent
(1:41) It wasn’t ever anything more than that. (1:42) We just (1:43) There’s a lot to learn about yourself when you’re a teenager. (1:43) And we thought we could help each other out.  
(1:44) seems like you two trusted each other a lot
(1:44) We did. (1:44) Do. (1:44) But there was never a relationship. (1:45) We slept together but neither of us really wanted it.  
(1:46) what do you mean?
(1:46) I’m gay. (1:46) Shimizu’s ace. (1:46) We both cried afterwards. (1:47) Pathetic, right.  
(1:47) i dont think thats pathetic at all (1:47) you bared your vulnerabilities to each other (1:47) and learned something about yourselves in the process (1:48) it takes a lot of courage to do something like that
(1:49) I guess.
(1:50) so tobio was the result of that huh
(1:50) Yeah. (1:50) It was bad. (1:50) Our families were so pissed at each other. (1:51) They talked about abortion and marriage and all that shit.  
(1:51) i dont envy you at all (1:51) that mustve been a complete shit storm and a half
(1:51) Shimizu and I considered a platonic marriage. (1:52) But we didn’t want to do something neither of us wanted again.
(1:52) so wedding nay but baby yay
(1:52) Tobio lived with Shimizu. (1:52) Until she got a job offer in America. (1:53) She thought a new country would’ve been too much for him. (1:53) You know how that turned out.
(1:54) stomping sandcastles and chucking buckets (1:54) i still think tobios a champ
(1:55) Dickwad.
(1:55) i love you too babe (1:55) but seriously you and tobio have been doing a lot better (1:56) hes talking to you and his teacher said he was playing with other kids
(1:56) Tobio had (1:56) He’d settled. (1:56) He’d looked at me. (1:57) But one glance at Shimizu today and (1:58) It was like I didn’t exist again. (1:58) Fuck. (1:58) I can’t do this.  
(1:58) hey hey hey (1:58) tobio was just excited to see his mum (1:58) four months right (1:59) he wouldve missed her like crazy (1:59) he wants kisses and cuddles (1:59) doesnt mean hes forgotten his old man
(2:00) First of all, I’m not old.
(2:02) ... (2:02) second of all??
(2:02) I don’t have a second of all.
(2:03) LOLOLOL
(2:03) Shut up, I’m emotional right now.
(2:03) naww babe (2:03) youre just overthinking things (2:03) talk to tobio (2:03) hes five but he understands shit (2:04) tell him you love him just as much as his mum does (2:04) then throw in a vball reference or something idk
(2:04) You’re so helpful.
(2:04) even if tobio doesnt understand everything (2:04) verbalising will help sort out your emotions
(2:05) I thought you were doing Sports Medicine, not Psychiatry.
(2:05) i am an old man with decades of wisdom
(2:05) There it is.
(2:05) what?
(2:06) i cant believe (2:06) i walked right into that one
(2:06) Lol.
(2:06) feeling better?
(2:07) Yeah. (2:07) Thanks for listening to me vent. (2:07) It did help clear my head.  
(2:08) thats what level five friends are for
(2:09) I’m still sorry about missing practice this morning. (2:09) Can I make it up to you?  
(2:09) how about (2:09) lets do this properly (2:10) and go on a real date
(2:11) I (2:11) You want that?  
(2:11) youre intelligent witty and hilarious (2:11) you love your son and would do anything for him (2:12) plus youre the most beautiful person ive ever seen (2:12) theres no reason i wouldnt want to
(2:12) Wow.
(2:12) thats a very lacklustre reaction
(2:13) No, I’m just (2:13) Surprised.
(2:13) good or bad surprised?
(2:13) Good surprised. (2:13) I didn’t expect you to be so straightforward.  
(2:14) i have literally been calling you babe and sweetheart and dear
(2:14) I thought flirtation was an integral part of your personality. (2:14) Am I wrong to assume you flirt with everyone?  
(2:14) well no (2:15) i joke around a lot (2:15) but i mean it with you (2:15) youre amazing in every way
(2:16) I really don’t know what to say to that.
(2:16) how does this sound (2:16) you me and tobio (2:16) at the park tomorrow (2:16) picnic and volleyball
(2:18) You’d want Tobio there?
(2:18) of course hes my favourite (2:18) and also because hes important to you
(2:18) Nice save.
(2:18) so picnic?
(2:18) Yeah. (2:18) I’d like that. (2:19) Tobio’s excited too. (2:19) He says he’ll help make riceballs.  
(2:19) Kuroo.
(2:19) uhh (2:20) wrong number (2:21) fuck it NO REGRETS
Sunday AM
(9:12) Hello, is this Kuroo?
(9:15) yeess (9:15) whos this
(9:17) My name is Shimizu Kiyoko.
(9:17) wait as in (9:17) tsukki and tobios shimizu??
(9:18) Yes.
(9:18) uhh hey (9:18) not that i dont want to talk to you (9:18) but why do you have my number
(9:19) I took it from Tsukishima’s phone. (9:19) Our last few conversations he mentioned your name and it piqued my curiosity.
(9:19) tsukki talks about me?
(9:20) He doesn’t think you’re a nuisance. (9:20) That’s very rare.
(9:20) what can i say (9:20) im charming when i want to be
(9:20) Tobio is quite taken with you. (9:21) That’s also very rare. (9:21) You’re the exception to the rule; I’m sure you understand why I’m curious.
(9:22) i guess but i dont know if theres much to say (9:22) we all just like volleyball
(9:22) Your influence helped smooth out their relationship.
(9:22) it wasnt much (9:22) i just mentioned vball and things went from there (9:22) it was all them
(9:23) You helped them find common ground in their lives. (9:23) I know how difficult it was for them beforehand.
(9:23) they wouldve figured things out eventually (9:23) theyre amazing as they are
(9:24) You sound fond of them.
(9:24) i am (9:24) tobios a good kid (9:24) and tsukki makes me laugh (9:24) mostly at my own expense (9:24) but i like that he doesnt hold back
(9:25) Tsukishima holds you in similar thoughts. (9:25) He’d never admit it but I know him well enough.
(9:25) so this conversation (9:25) are you basically sussing out whether or not im a piece of shit
(9:25) Yes.
(9:25) how am i doing so far
(9:27) You’re fine.
(9:27) oh thank god
(9:27) I don’t understand. You sound relieved?
(9:27) well youre tobios mum (9:27) and tsukki has a lot of respect for you (9:28) so your opinions pretty important
(9:30) I’m surprised. Not many others would consider that.
(9:31) idk it makes sense
(9:32) I’m glad Tsukishima found someone who accepts our unusual circumstances. (9:32) I was afraid my decision to keep Tobio would affect his future relationships.
(9:32) tsukki wouldnt care about people like that anyway (9:33) hed give tobio the world before he gave it to anyone else (9:33) but who wouldnt for a kid like that
(9:35) I think the same, but I may be biased.
(9:35) tobios earnest and hardworking (9:36) determined to challenge himself (9:36) you raised a good kid
(9:36) Thank you. That means a lot to me.
(9:36) its the truth (9:36) so i have passed your inspection or nah
(9:39) There’s a lot I want to say but I’ll keep it brief for both our sakes.
(9:39) yikes
(9:40) I care for Tsukishima and Tobio so much more than I can put into words. (9:40) I hope it means something that I think you’re good for them.
(9:41) oh (9:41) yeah (9:41) yeah it does (9:41) thanks (9:41) im not eloquent enough for this (9:42) but i care a lot for them too (9:42) and ill take care of them (9:42) for as long as theyll have me (9:42) for as long as youll let me
(9:44) I can see why Tsukishima and Tobio like you.
(9:44) tsukki only likes me for my biceps
(9:44) Funny. (9:44) Tsukishima is actually reading this over my shoulder.
(9:45) uh oh (9:45) is he sulking now
(9:45) A little bit. (9:45) He does have a weakness for muscles.
(9:46) I KNEW IT (9:46) AHAHAHAHAHA (9:46) hes never going to live this down
(9:47) Oh, I shouldn’t have let that slip. (9:47) Tsukishima’s mad at me now.
(9:47) bless his sensitive soul
(9:47) He’s telling Tobio to spike a ball into your face.
(9:48) what
(9:48) Tobio might actually do it.
(9:48) shimizu (9:48) i know were merely acquaintances (9:49) but help
(9:50) Strawberry shortcake. (9:50) It’s Tsukishima’s favourite.
(9:50) thats adorable (9:50) i owe you one
(9:50) Then take care of them. (9:50) Or I’ll take care of you.
(9:51) wh
(9:51) Have fun on your date. (9:51) Tobio will tell me all about it. (9:51) :)
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vogue-c-h-a-n-e-l · 7 years
kim taehyung
He was always quiet. The rumor around school was that the only person around school that has actually heard his voice was his best friend. Still, he only ever spoke a few words to his best friend. It wasn't like he was hated or bullied, in fact it was the complete opposite. He gained positive attention from both sexes, male and female. He was also love by his teachers, so it was always a wonder to you as to why he was the quiet boy that he is. Most of the girls at this school like him because of his good looks. You can't blame them though, this man's complexion was as smooth and melted chocolate. The melanin in his skin made him even more beautiful. Heck, you're even guilty of daydreaming about what it would be like to run your hair through his dark locks at times. Although he is very good looking, what you loved most was his art. You always noticed him drawing in a small notebook during lunch, sometimes you'd look for too long and accidentally lock eyes with his. This boy in general made you curious. But now, now was the time when you were most curious. You were visiting the hospital your sick older brother was staying at and while you were checking in you noticed a familiar figure running around and playing with the children staying at the hospital. The lady at the desk seemed to notice your staring and smiled. "Handsome isn't he? That's Kim Taehyung, I believe he's about your age. He comes here every month on the 18, cant tell you why though since it's not really my business to tell. Here's your visitors pass," she said handing the sticky tag to you and you pressed it on you handbag. When you looked back both Taehyung and group of children were gone. You thanked the lady and headed, excitedly, to your brother's room with the bouquet of flowers in your hand. You hadn't seen him since last week and that was mainly because he told the nurses at the hospital that he didn't want to see you, instead he wanted you to go home and study for your finals (which you did fairly in might I add). You were so excited that you forgot to knock before opening the door, and you regretted not knocking the moment you stepped inside. "Oppa," you yelped, trying not to cause too much attention to the room you where staying. You unintentionally dropped the flowers and turned around, you were now traumatized and trying to recollect yourself. "Ya! You should've knocked," he yelled as he quickly closed his laptop and zipped up his pants. "You can turn around now." You slowly backed up and squatted down to pick up the bouquet with your back still towards him, "I can't. I don't think I can ever look at you the same ever again." "Stop overreacting, I'm almost 26 and i have no wife what did you expect. Plus, everyone does it once in a while. Don't act like you haven't-" "No," you said to defend yourself. You turned around and gave him a slight look of disgust and went to change the flowers in the vases. "How are you feeling?" you asked taking a seat next to the bed he was in. Your eyes traveled up and down his body, then back up at his eyes and you gave him a small smile. The rest of your visit included you guys talking about his treatment, playing some video games and of course him asking you to set him up with the nurse that's in charge, to which of course you said no. When it came time for you to leave he stopped you saying he had someone he wanted you to meet. To which you raised an eyebrow to and joked, "Omo- don't tell me you finally got in a steady relationship." "Ya! I've been in a steady relationship before. Just listen to your older brother and sit down. He'll be here soon-" "Wait- he? Oh my god oppa you're gay?! Congratulations on coming out of the closet," your joke earned you a a curse word and you decided to zip it. It was thirty minutes past eleven and you had to go home. The closest the bus would stop was two streets away from your house and you never felt safe walking alone at night. "Oppa, it's getting late. Maybe I can meet him tomorrow," you started saying as you stood up. The door opened and in walked the infamous Kim Taehyung, a book and two consoles in hand. He gave your brother a smile and when his eyes reached yours he froze, and well so did you. "Ah, just in time. Y/N I'm sure you know who this is." "Yes I do oppa, but why?" you asked your voice trailing off. You never realized how beautiful, and tall, Taehyung looked up close. You had no idea whether to be shocked or happy. "Oh I meant him a while ago when I was taking my weekly walk around the hospital. I found out he goes to the same school as you and I figured you kinda needed a boyfriend. You're sixteen and you haven't even had your first ki-" "Oppa!" you yelled giving your oppa a look that meant he better stop talking before you embarrass him in front of everyone in the hospital. Your older brother cleared his throat and moved his hands towards the door, "Y/N was just about to leave. It's a little late so I don't really want her alone. Could walk her home Taehyung-ah?" "Hmm? Oh uh yes of course," Taehyung spoke, and those six words made you like him even more. His voice was deep, it was like music to your ears. "Goodnight oppa. Sweet dreams," you leaned down at your older brother, pretending to give a goodbye hug, and pinched his arm. "Don't ever do this again. I'm so embarrassed, like it's going to be so awkward," you whispered and got back up. You gave your brother a smile and his face had scared written all over it. You couldn't help but laugh a little. Although you didn't notice, but your laugh made Taehyung smile. He'd always like you. He's had a crush on you since you guys were in your first years of high school and his feeling only escalated from there. He always loved the genuine smile on your face whenever you were with someone you cared about, he hated it when he saw you crying in the hallways due to your ex boyfriend breaking up with you. He felt like punching the guy for making you cry. He's drawn you thousands of time before without even noticing. His friends have always made fun of him because of it too. To them you weren't the prettiest or the smartest, but to him you were. For the first few minutes the walk to your house was well to say the least awkward. You both were too scared to say anything. However, as time went by the awkwardness shrunk. You guys were walking closer to each other, your hands almost touching, and he even gave you his jacket when you complained about it being cold. People honestly thought you guys were a new couple, the smiles on faces as you guys started talking about the things you had in common might've been what convinced them that you guys were dating. When you realized you guys were inches away from your house, you were actually thinking of passing by it and continue walking. But, you'll see him tomorrow anyways so there was really no point in you doing that. You got home safely, and you couldn't wait to talk to him tomorrow at school.
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