#i know this is like the fourth plain background character staring off to the side piece in a row
viinas · 3 years
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rabbit lady hot
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Master Kohga Age of Calamity Trailer Analysis
I’m a speedy boi time for some thoughts on today’s new trailer
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Ok first off THIS SHOT. Very important. Look at the Sheikah Slate filter. Last trailer I was able to write it off as some thematic choice since Robbie and Purah were Ancient Sheikah Scientists, but THIS trailer does not have that same connection. Couple this with this screenshot [credit to @rachelsmusicallife​ thanks for pointing this out to me!]
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I’m under the impression that these cutscenes might be part of an overarching theme of reliving memories through the Sheikah Slate. Kinda fleshed out out theory on how this might be related to eggbot here.
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“Hehehehe... Look. What. You. Did...”
The camera motion here is handheld (yes I know it’s not literally handheld but it has that feel) with Master Kohga here literally holding the camera. I’m assuming because this scene is from the direct POV of another character, perhaps Link. Which would make sense, since he is apparently accusing us of doing something. The lighting is also super weird, we’re in the Yiga Hideout (the area with the large pit where we fight Kohga in botw) but the sun is just setting with a shroud on the area. Although, I can’t exactly place the time of day because I’ve been through the hideout my fair share and no time of the day really lines up with this scene (because of the snowy Gerudo Highlands in the background, so the glistening of the sun is different) 
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This is by the Great Plateau. I’m thinking near the Outpost Ruins considering this isn’t Gatepost Town since they Great Plateau’s entrance is not in view. In fact, I could probably specifically place this right....HERE
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Flag poles, juts in the Plateau walls, road directly perpendicular to the Plateau. If my three years of staring at the Botw world is correct, [please Nintendo it’s the only thing I’m good at] then I’d say they’re at the Outpost Ruins. The only thing is that the houses seen here are mainly wood, while the ruins have clear stone walls
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Well...I don’t mind.
This is not Master Kohga. Different voice actor, new character design, new villain! I’m assuming he’s some sort of second in command or captain, given he duel wields Windcleavers. Also not how he doesn’t have a scar on his mask in this scene
Further note, look at that chimney!!! I love that chimney, I haven’t seen that chimney before... it’s in a style that I can only really place in Castle Town, but the location is clearly not there, so best assumption is that this is another prominent Hylian Village. The Hateno style archway at the bottom right seems to support so. The house shingles definitely mean this isn’t an outpost or military ruin...[this weekend I’d love to hope into the game myself and place it exactly] the background cliffs mean this isn’t Gatepost Town either. The rock formations look like a turn by Scout’s Hill, of the western breach by the Outskirts Stable...I wouldn’t put the Rauru Settlements out of the question either. All in all, I’m hesitant to connect this scene with the other scene because one clearly has a dirt path, and the other a stony road. Plus the house shingles are different
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Ok I can pretty much place this scene exactly. At least the bottom one, the top one is a separate scene that doesn’t flow into the other one (you can just tell by the framing and continuity) 
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You can see the Great Plateau entrance, the line of sight is at an angle, placing this backflipping Yiga man somewhere here. Only inconsistency would be the trees, but perhaps it’s just grown over after a hundred years, you can even see a building in the middle of this forest in center left of the map.
Link is chasing Backflip Benny over here through to the exit of town, (you can see the town entrance/exit archway on the bottom right, similar to the one seen in the chimney pic) AND you can see that Backflip Benny also has a fresh cut on his mask, presumable gained after fighting Link, which is why he teleports away at the end. 
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So that places these two shots definitely after whatever conversation happened on the roof. Yay for timelines! 
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The stupendous Chief of the Yiga Clan! Master Kohga!
This takes place at some ruins of some sort. The rocks on the top right actually look Edlin or Akkala, but that might just be the lighting. The stony slabs and etches actually remind be of Zonai, but that doesn’t really seem right...I’ve never seen those designs before I don’t think...you can see from the way the stone slabs are angled that they lead to a circular pattern. It could be the circular pit at the Yiga Hideout, but that area is just sand, not stone. The smooth, plain style of these ruins is actually more in line with Gerudo Ruins so that might actually be the case; we know the Yiga have a history of taking Gerudo Ruins as their own (The Yiga Hideout is canonically an old Gerudo architectural dig)
I’ll also note that this scene has the same lighting as the first shot, and the last two shots which we’ll see later. 
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*maniacal laughter* Oo? TWO new characters I see???? O????? 
This is definitely the Yiga hideout, you can tell from the wall design, plus the lanterns, and the general comfort of Master Kohga and Backflip Benny in the background. But, elephant in the room...who are YOU dear sir? 
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I’ll talk more about them later, but just keep that Calamity glowing thing in their hand in mind for later.
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He’s gonna kill you all...to DEATH! 
This is Master Kohga speaking again, if you couldn’t tell from his....very dramatic and in character dialogue. Maybe this game will actually make me like him now alsdfkjsdlk
Obvious is obvious, this is the Yiga Hideout again, similar lighting to the first opening shot, I’m thinking this might be sometimes before it though, considering he has his minions around. Maybe Link fights off the goons, which prompts him to ask “Look what you did” but we can’t know for sure. 
Also there’s grass? So maybe that other shot isn’t the hideout. Also a spotlight???!? Jazz hands?!?!? Leave it to Kohga to defy the fourth wall huh.
Also I haven’t mentioned this yet but NEW MUSIC it’s so good aughghug I can’t wait.
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And...we end on another Sheikah Slate fade out on this mysterious new character. Eyeliner says: Avatar Kyoshi
Ok but seriously I have THOUGHTS!! So firstly, they’re obviously working with the Yiga Clan, perhaps they’re the reason why the Yiga are in the Gerudo to begin with considering they have the Gerudo symbol on their cape. [Cause am I the only one that thought it was weird that the disgraced Sheikah people are living in Gerudo, and not like...closer to Kakariko, or their suposedl arch nemesis of the Royal Hylian family?] Also note that this scene most definitly takes place in the Lost Woods. Perhaps they need something with the Master Sword...or are ambushing someone...hmm..
Based on that rock formation in the background I’m thinking somewhere in one of these three general areas but I really need to just pick up my switch sometimes soon and find it exact...so bare with me it’s only from memory but I’m pretty sure of myself when it comes to locations
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My money’s on this being the true mastermind and antagonist, notice how their eye circlet is the same of that of the Calamity goop eye 
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This person has...yellow? Brown? Hazel eyes? And light hair with a braid? I don’t think they’re Sheikah, but definetly not Gerudo either. So that leaves them to be some Hylian. A Hylian with an evil Ancient Core. 
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[It’s definitly some form of Giant Ancient Core. But there’s runes on the side of it that I have yet to translate]
Thinking on their idenity for another second, you’ll notice that they wear a black robe, but their cape with the Gerudo crest is actually torn and tattered. So, perhaps they were disgraced? A runaway? Or perhaps it’s a disguise, perhaps a spy playing both roles on either side of the war? 
There’s an old theory that the fortune teller who initally told King Rhoam of the prophecy was actually part of the Yiga Clan. Seeing as, their actions led the King to dig up the Guardians, and cement the deaths of thousands of people. So, putting points in order here
Evil Magic dude
Works for the Yiga
Has connected to people in power 
Has an evil Ancient Core
Could it be that this mastermind fully knew that the Guardians would eventually be corrupted? Could they be the “fortune teller” that encouraged the King to excavate the Sheikah Technology? Sheikah Technology, that would be an insult to the Yiga Clan considering their people were banished for creating them in the first place? Hmmm....
Final NOTE! Remember that one scene in the other HWAOC trailer with Zelda holding a mysterious object? 
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Hmm...Sheikah Scientists, weird egg robot, and now an evil Ancient Core...you may also remember Daruk mentioning in dialogue that something was wrong with Rudania...and cutscenes from Urbosa and Revali might point to the Yiga being close to the Divine Beasts...lots to chew on. I’m thinking the plot of this game will heaviliy revolve on the idea that there was some sort of plan that led to Ganon corrupting the Guardians and Divine Beasts, but we’ll see!
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lo-55 · 3 years
Playing With Fire
While playing a perfectly innocent video game you get thrown into a dangerous world on the brink of incineration! At least you’re surrounded by a bunch of hot people. If nothing else you can shower them with copious, well earned affection. 
You come awake with a start. 
Everything is just a little off kilter. Like your eyes aren’t focused or you're wearing someone else's glasses. It takes you a few long minutes to realize that you’re staring down at a piece of paper. 
It’s listed one through eight, with a check box next to each number. 
At the top you see ‘Company Preference List’, and beneath that is your name scrawled in your own handwriting. But, when did you write it? And what was the list? You look up to find yourself in a library, surrounded by a bunch of other people all dressed in orange uniforms. You look down and find yourself in the same one. You recognize it as the Fire Force boiler suits. 
You touch your cheek slowly. Then poke the corner of your eyes. You’re not wearing your VR visor. And you’re not holding handles either. Are you hallucinating? You were playing the game, in the middle of some side quest. Did the game reset? This looked like a scene from the start of the game. It followed the beginning of the series, but through the eyes of a random side character researching Haijima on their own. There was some kind of revenge plot and a lot of stuff about their big sister, but you hadn’t gotten to the full reveal of the tragic back story yet. They interacted with the main characters plenty, but mostly they spent their time in their own squad, the fourth. 
You were halfway through the game, and now you were back at the start?
You look around for something to tell you what’s going on. You try to poke the menu button, but you’re not holding controllers. So all you really end up doing is poking the air between your hands with your thumbs. You’re starting to panic, when something shiny catches your attention. 
When did you get that ring? 
Plain silver on your forefinger. You poke it and gasp when the world shifts minutely. 
A flicker of fire, a figure dark against the light. It warps in and out of your vision in a split second. 
Right. Tragic back story. 
The ring was from their (your?) older sister. Now disappeared a-la-infernal fire. You were like the reverse Shinra. 
Your head snapped around quickly from one person to the other. Most of them were boring background characters. No, no, no. Boring. Lame. Basically grey blobs. 
Were you going crazy and you couldn’t even enjoy it?! 
“Uh, hey? Are you okay?” 
Your head snaps sideways to find bright red eyes peering at you in concern. 
Red eyes. Black hair. 
You stare hard at him until the corners of his mouth start to twitch and curl upwards. 
“H-hey. Why are you staring at me?” 
Abruptly you reach over and cup his cheeks. His face is hot beneath your hands. You can touch him. You can feel the heat of his skin. He’s blushing something fierce. 
“You are… adorable,” you declare. 
He turns bright red and squeaks at you until you finally let him go. 
“Did I stutter?” you prop your chin in your hand and look him over. Yep. Definitely cute. You just wanna squeeze him. But, you should probably do other things first. Like figure out what exactly is going on. 
Not that you can come outta the gate with ‘hey I was playing a video game and now I’m stuck in it, also I thought you weren’t real? What gives yo?’ 
Even you aren’t that impulsive. 
Actually, in real live you’re not very impulsive at all. That was what made games so fun, especially open world ones where you could do basically whatever you wanted. IRL you were more withdrawn than anything, even when you wanted to be social. 
Now… You could be whoever you wanted, right? 
Did you even have to follow the plot? Could you put a preference for another company and go there? Or would you still end up in the forth? And what about your abilities? In the game you’d had a choice at the beginning between a second gen ability and two third gen powers. You’d ended up picking at random, since they all seemed cool and you hadn’t been very far into the anime yet at the time. 
How would you even use those powers here, assuming that you could? 
“Sorry, I was spacing out,” you finally said, “What were you saying?” 
“Oh uh,” Shinra looked away, his grin still pulling at his face. “I was just asking if you were okay. You were looking at the form for so long, but whenever you talked about joining a company before you always said you would go to the fourth. Not that we talk a lot, so I wouldn’t know if you wanted to go to the fifth or the sixth or the seventh or-” 
“Babe, you’re rambling,” you cut in, starting to smile yourself. Even though you’re beyond confused something about Shinra puts you at ease. Everything about him seems so… warm. And yeah, the smile could be off putting. If it wasn’t so damn adorable. 
“O-oh!” aaaand he was blushing again. 
You look down at the paper, your brows furrowing. What are you even supposed to say to this? 
“I dunno,” you said at last, “I guess I was reconsidering. There’s a lot of companies, and a lot of options out there. I might end up going a totally different path if it’s not too late… What about you?” 
“Me? Well I didn’t really have a particular preference, but I heard that they’re trying to send more people to the eighth this year. Since its such a new company, and so small.” 
“Mmmm. That’s true. Maybe I’ll go there,” you muse. It would put you smack in the middle of all the action, and you could see the sweet Iris, and the too-hot-to-be-fair Maki. You could stay with adorable Shinra and the well meaning dumbass that was Arthur. Not to mention the two guys in charge. If you could get Obi to bench press you- 
Nope! Bad! Focus on the task at hand. No thirsting over captains right now! 
“I was thinking the same thing,” Shinra admitted, looking down at his own paper. 
“Yeah? I guess such a small company would make it easy for you to stand out and come a hero, right?” 
Shinra looked startled. You offered him a sweet smile and turned back to your paper and picked up your pen. 
You marked your preferences. 
Eighth, seventh, fourth, second, fifth, sixth, third, first. 
“The eighth and the seventh?” Shinra asked, peaking over at your sheet. 
You shot him a grin. “They both sound like fun to me. Hey, Shinra?” 
Your grin grows wider. “Let’s both do our best, and save lots of people okay?” 
Shinra’s smile is small, but true. 
You bump your fist to his to seal the deal. 
It had taken you a couple of tries to find your dorm room. 
Your body seemed like it knew what it was doing, even if your mind didn’t. You had to explain away your frazzled state to the woman in charge of your wing, a nun who’s name you couldn’t recall to save your life, as nerves. She had looked dubious, but hadn’t questioned you when she pointed you to your room. 
Probably thinks I’m hung over, you thought as you stepped inside. If I didn’t know better I’d think I was drunk enough to hallucinate. But it’s all way too real. Just what happened? One second I was playing the game, and then my phone went off, and then it was all dark. After that I was in the library. 
 It was making your head hurt thinking about it. 
You poked around the room. If you remembered right you’d had a roommate, but she’d already been assigned her company a week early. Her dad was some top brass in the military, so off to the second company she went, 
You made sure the door was locked before you started riffling through your things. 
Books, papers, clothes. Personal items. 
You had a collection of antique keys for some reason, and a blanket shaped like a tortilla that was warmer than most space heaters. There was an old lighter with a hawk engraved on it in one drawer. When you touched it you got the sudden smell of pipe tobacco and a man laughing far in the back of your mind before it was gone. Just like when you touched the ring earlier. 
Memories that weren’t yours. You had stepped into someone else's life. 
When you looked in the mirror you found the face that your had designed for your character staring back at you. There was a thin ring of white in your eyes, cutting through their color and marking you as a pyrokinetic. 
Shit. Each of those abilities had a different eye. Which one was the circle? There was a circle, a pointy cross, and teardrop because the designer was some edgelord. Which power does this mean I have? Wings? Magnet sand? Or the spear torch thingy? 
You wished this could have been more like Fate/Grand Order. Then you would just have to keep track of your teams abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Not your own. 
You spend a long time in your room, packing up all of your belongings. None of them really belong to you. They belong to your character, and they’re only familiar in the sense that you’ve thrown them over your shoulder when you were looking for something specific before. Only now if you throw them they won’t puff back to where they were before eventually. You’ll actually have to put this stuff away. 
Damn it, you’ve never liked packing. 
Still, you carefully rolled your new found clothes into baggage burritos. They were pretty plain, all in all. Oh well. You could make adjustments later if you really wanted to. Was it a game mechanic you haven't unlocked? Full customization? You could pick gender and hair, and the eyes depended on your pyrokinesis. Maybe at some point you got to change clothes too. 
You’d figure it out. 
You hoped. 
Your head was still reeling the with the idea of what was going on, but for now, with nothing else you really could do, you decided to go with it. 
Once you had everything all packed up you left your room to do some exploring. You tried to keep track of where you were going in the big fire station/training academy, but before long you were hopelessly lost. 
You stumbled upon a training room, where a familiar boy with a dorky pony tail was slashing a glowing blue sword through a training dummy. The poor dummy fell to the floor in pieces. 
You watched him for a few minutes before he noticed you. 
“Oh,” he said, “It’s you.” 
Which was… pretty lame, if you’re being honest. 
What, did you one pop his delusional bubble? 
“Yep,” you popped your ‘p’, “It’s a-me.” Mario. “What did that guy ever do to you? Try to challenge the great Knight King Arthur on a troll bridge?” you meant it to be a joke, but Arthur actually lit up. 
“Hardly! This was merely training. A Knight King must always be ready to defend his people!” 
“Of course,” you nodded along, playing with him. “And soon you’ll be embarking on a great quest to your new company, right? Do you know which one?” 
“I didn’t bother with those silly preference sheets. Let whichever company requires a knight most vie for my presence.” 
You were honestly impressed Arthur even knew the word ‘vie’. Wasn’t he kind of a loon? 
“Mhmm, mhmm, I see,” you nodded seriously. “Then in case, I might see you in my own company.” 
You wanted to ask him to spar, if only to see Excalibur in action more, but you still weren’t sure what your power was or how to use it. So you ended up bowing out. 
It took you another hour to find your way  back to your room. 
You don’t really sleep. You lay down and try to wake up, and hope that come morning you’ll be back in your living room with a vr stapped to your head and this whole thing will have been a (not so terrible) dream. 
Keep Dreaming. 
~    ~
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raevenlywrites · 3 years
Dasi High 2 of ?
All day long, all I wanted was my book. My book. I thrilled at the way the thought seemed to pulse in my head, heavy with the weight of destiny or something. It had to be some kind of strangeness at work, to put this exact book into my exact hands with my exact little name on it. Kiesha... It wasn’t exactly a sorceress’s name, but still, it wasn’t that common. Not for books that looked like they’d been buried under the sea for the last thousand years or whatever. “This should be in a museum,” ala Indiana Jones and all that. My book. It filled my chest with warmth just thinking about it.
But I kept it in my bag all through school, even during lunch. No Coke, greasy pizza, or nosy teachers were going to threaten my ancient tome. I wasn’t an idiot. I was going to keep it safe until I got home.
Safely ensconced in my beautiful window seat, the envy of all book lovers and cat nappers everywhere, I savored the moment, feeling the heft of the book in my lap, breathing deep of its good, good book smell. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a technophobe, but books man--nothing compares to the feel of thick pages beneath your hands, the crinkle, the earthy smell. Yeah. There was a reason Brass thought I might be into it, namesake notwithstanding.
The cover was plain, well-worn, shiny and slick to the touch with the press of so many hands before. The finish had worn off the lettering and embellishments, but fingers could trace the rise and indents of them. I suddenly wondered if I should be handling something so hold, then realized I had no idea how old it even was. Oh well. Brass’s mom wouldn’t have let him have it if it was priceless, right? With a steadying breath, I cracked the cover.
The glue had long since stopped holding the pages in, but the binding was still sound. Maybe I’d ask Donte or Nalini later if either of them knew anything about repairing old bindings. They were both always doing handsy stuff, Donnie with his computers, and Nani with eir soaps and stuff. Surely one of them would know something, or be able to point me in the right direction. For now, I gingerly laid the cover open in my lap and turned the pages with a reverence I almost never felt for anything. I hadn’t been this careful with a book since my Sandman hardcover omnibus I got for my last birthday.
Enough stalling. It was time to read.
I was surprised to note my own reluctance. I’m not usually one for drama, but this... it just felt heavy. Important. Like it mattered.
The front endpaper had a yellowed bookplate pasted in, painted with an elegant symbol or crest or something I didn’t recognize. It looked almost like a stick figure of someone dancing, arms reaching up and stance wide--except there were weird branches coming off, like cursive flourishes. Maybe it was a signature? If so it wasn’t in any language I could read. I suddenly panicked at the thought that I wouldn’t be able to read any of it, aside from my name, and eagerly turned the page, anticipation mixing with dread.
But instead of a title page, or anything even printed, it was another handwritten page, like a dedication, or maybe a poem or something. It was written in the same kind of cursivey, wavy letters as the bookplate, and with growing anxiety I turned to the next page.
The family tree.
Thin, spidery hand writing covered the pages, faded, but definitely in the familiar English characters. Arabic? Or was the for numbers? Whatever. I could read it, that was what mattered. It was hard to parse, just as it had been at school, but I found the letters of my name quickly, and my finger hovered over the page, tracing the line down. Don...Donovan? Sisal... Salem... It was almost impossible to make out, save for the ever-clear Kiesha. Almost like that was the only part I was meant to read. I stared at the whole page, trying to let my eyes go soft focused, to see if anything else jumped out at me, but the longer I looked, the harder to read it became. I gave up and turned the page.
A list of names and dates followed, like you’d expect from an almanac. But instead of useful things like “March 3rd” or “Spring Equinox” it said things like, “the fourth night of cheres” or “the eve of Namir-da”. It was English, but just barely. I skimmed the page but quickly moved past it, eager for something that made sense.
It was hard not to let my disappoint take hold. This book had felt so special--it was special, just... not what I’d been expecting. Recipes, as Brass had said, and almanacy things, lie when to plant, but nothing that gave me any sense of wonder, or importance. I was just about to give up when I finally came across a section written in plain English.
They say the time has come. I have been given the family book, and told its mine to keep. But what I am expected to do with it, I cannot say. I have nothing of my own to add. I am not even the oldest of the family line. But I feel I should write something, to mark the occasion if nothing else. So here I do write, on this, the first of August, in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-one, that I, Kiera Cortana, am now in charge of the family book, for better or for worse.
Whoa. Now that was seriously cool. I flipped back to the family tree, to see if I could find Kiera. There, near the bottom, Kiera Cortana, 1753. Neat. That made her... seventeen, eighteen when she wrote her entry? Wow. Barely any older than me. That warm tingle started again, that sense of connection, and I just let my hand rest on the page, fingers just below her name. There wasn’t any more after hers, though there was room for more. Hope for the future that never came.
The warmth turned to sadness, a kind of longing I couldn’t really put my finger on. I got that way sometimes, just out of the blue. Homesick for a place that didn't’ exist. At least here I kind of got it, sad for a girl who may or may not have ever grown up. There was more after her first journal entry, but it was just more recipes and things, and more of that squiggle script I had no idea how to read. On an impulse, I got out a notebook and copied down what letters I could make out, including the symbol on the front book plate. I wanted to look at it more later, when I was stuck at school, but I didn’t want to risk bringing the actual book there. It was so old, at least three hundred. Man, Brass totally shouldn’t have let me have this. I decided to call him and give him a hard time about it.
“Hey, Ki, is everything okay?”
I frowned at the concern in his voice. “Yes, Dad, I’m fine. I’m not always in mortal danger or whatever you seem to think.”
Brass snorted. “Well I assumed you had to be in trouble since you’re calling. Normally you just text.”
Oh. Right.
“Just wanted to chat,” I said, too casually, but he'd caught me off guard. I used to call Brass all the time. It was weird to realized I’d stopped. “I’ve been looking through that book you gave me.” When in doubt, change the subject.
“Yeah? Anything good?”
I heard the sound of a sliding glass door in the background, the tell-tale sign of Brass going out to sit on the back deck. He used to do it to be near the TV antenna, hoping it would give him better cell signal. Now it was just habit. I smiled, picturing him there, long and lanky and lean, back against the side of the house as he balanced on the deck railing, one long leg trailing down...
I made a startled little noise as I came back to myself. “Oh, right. Yeah, it’s pretty cool. Did you know it was so old? There’s an entry from the 1700’s in it.”
“Oh man, really?” He sounded equal parts excited and embarrassed. “I didn’t know that. Maybe I should let Mom look at it again...”
“No way,” I teased, “It’s mine now. Has my name in it and everything.”
“It has mine too.”
His voice was so soft I almost missed it. But I scanned the page and sure enough, Brassal was on a similar line as Kiesha.
“Weird... Almost as weird as your stupid name.”
I laughed to take the edge of, both from my words and from the creeping feeling working its way up my spine. Brass had always gone by the nickname, with Brassal being reserved for his father. I guess it shouldn’t have surprised me to see it in an old timey book like this; it had probably been handed down a long line of people, like Maeve’s super grandma name. But still. It freaked me, and when I got freaked, I teased. Make everyone else feel off balance and it was an even playing field again.
“Yeah, yeah, Cobriana. Tell me all about weird names.”
I stuck my tongue out, even though he couldn’t see. Still, it made me feel better. Sky blue, grass green, Brass and I teased. I had missed this. It was good to be getting it back.
“You wanna come over for pizza and movies Friday?”
It was out of my mouth before I’d really thought about it. But his hesitation made me wish I’d just kept railing on his stupid name.
“Uh, how ‘bout Saturday. I have... plans. For Friday.”
No way. No freakin way. “Don’t tell me you gave in to Izzy,” I said with a disinterest I didn’t quite feel. “You know she’s only sharpening her claws on you for a real takedown.”
“Don’t be like that, Ki. Isadora can do what she wants, with who she wants.”
I mocked “Isadora,” in as childish a tone as I could manage. No one called her that, not even Izzy herself. Except Landon. But Landon was cyborg and completely incapable of using contractions or imprecise grammar, like ever.
“And what she wants is apparently to play kissy face with Serv, for all the good that’ll do her.”
“Serv?!” I could not keep the surprise out of my voice. Serv was like, canonically asexual. Or at the very least, not interested in someone as bubblegum pop as Izzy.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Brass said. “I didn’t ask, not that that stopped her from volunteering. Apparently they’re driving into the city to see a show or something.”
“Okay....” Izzy on a date with Servos. What an odd couple. I couldn’t fathom what sort of attraction would hold interest for both of them. But then, if such a thing existed, it would be in the city, not in this whole in the wall town. We didn’t even have a mall. “Well, good for them, I guess. So what about your mysterious plans?”
Brass groaned. “I’d hoped you’d forgotten. ”
“Nope. Spill it.”
He sighed. “I’m going to the movies... with Syfka.”
I gaped. “You’re joking. You’re joking! Why on earth would you want to go to the movies with her--xem?”
I was normally better with Syfka’s pronouns than this, but it was hard not to think of anyone out on date with Brass as anything but a her--a her he might want to kiss. Trying to apply that mental box to Syfka, of all people--
“Because--” Brass cut through my thoughts, “we have a project due, and it was either write a paper on a French film, or try to speed read through a work of French literature that I have zero hope of understanding because its kind of my worst subject.”
Oh. Right. School stuff. A perfectly reasonable reason to go to the movies with someone.
“Right. Okay. Yeah. So, does that mean you need to stay in and write it on Saturday.”
Brass laughed, and I couldn’t help but feel like it was at my expense.
“Nah. Come Saturday night, I’ll either be done, or I’ll be failed. Either way, pizza and a movie sounds great.”
I couldn’t shake the little tight feeling in my chest. This call had thrown me. Everything about Brass seemed to throw me lately.
“Why don’t you invite Nikki over too? Or maybe Maeve?”
My toes curled under at that last. Maeve may or may not have been the reason Brass and I finally broke up. I hadn’t decided yet. Either way, I couldn’t imagine him volunteering to hang out with her.
“I wouldn’t subject you to that....”
“Ki, I told you I’m alright with it. Have her over, see if you still feel all tingly.”
I laughed, but it was hardly humorous. “I can’t believe you’re encouraging me to get my flirt on in front of you.”
I could feel him shrug through the line, that careless raise of a shoulder that meant everything and nothing.
“You’re too shy to do it yourself. I’m just gonna keep inventing reasons to get you two together until you get over yourself. Or she asks you.”
But now I was really laughing, and his goal was achieved. I felt better, so he felt better. Stupid big brother mother hen. I smiled through the rest of the phone call, chatting about everything and nothing, and feeling more like myself than I had in a long time.
Raev’s general tag list: As always, let me know if you want to be added or removed or whatevs (especially since this is kind of a far cry from what I usually do)
List is currently: @lordkingsmith @writinglyra @drbibliophile @mperialscribe @adie-dee @lexiklecksi @theramwrites @writinginslowmotion @faithfire @apollon-arium  @thehellinsideyourhead @raenawrites @adventuresofacreesty @anika-writes.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Happy Birthday - [Part 2] - (Deladore) - Black_Magic
Author’s Note: To the anon that requested a part 2. Hope it’s as good as the first part. The second part to the fic I submitted for the rare pair fic challenge.
From that point forward, Ben and Danny were together and happy. They took everything slow and discussed anything and everything. They almost looked like the model couple that everybody aspires to be. Yes, they do have perfect moments, fights, and disagreements like every couple, but they manage to work everything out. They know when to let each other cool off, talk, and when to apologize. That’s why Ben and Danny are near perfect.
Taking things slow was also a good relationship decision. Ben and Danny were in no hurry to take every next step in their relationship. They were content enough with what they currently had at the time. What Danny loved the most were the moments he had alone with Ben. Specifically, the quiet ones. He enjoys cuddling with Ben in his own bed with music softly playing in the background. All he needs is to be cuddled up to the other boy, under a blanket, and resting with his eyes closed as Ben rubs small circles into his back. Of course, they were still eighteen and new to the relationship. Neither required much attention.
At nineteen, the tensions started building up. Kisses were lingering more and more. Making out got more heated. It was filled with more touching, more intensity, and a hunger that never seemed to be fully satisfied. Each of them were clingier than usual, and the neck kissing started. They never took it further than that, though. Not until Halloween. That night, they had gone to a party. Alcohol got involved and they ended up heading back to Ben’s place earlier than intended. Danny had been flirting with Ben nonstop. Even going as far as getting touchy. Finally, after a year’s worth of build up, Ben and Danny shared their first time together. They made sure there was full consent and protection used.
It was the best experience Ben and Danny had ever shared. It was a night full of love, passion, and exploring one another in a whole new way. Afterwards came the wonderful silence. Danny and Ben curled up in bed while holding each other close. They shared endless amounts of I love you’s, while they stared into each other’s eyes. Ben couldn’t stop smiling as he combed his fingers through Danny’s hair. “I love you, Ben.” The smaller boy said in a low voice, almost whispering.
“I love you too, Danny.” Ben brought him in a gentle kiss before they settled in for bed.
When Ben turned twenty, he was out on a date with Danny when he voiced a thought that had been plaguing his mind for weeks. “Hey, Danny. I need to ask you something.”
“What’s up? Ask away, babe.” Even without his emotion sensing power, Danny could tell it was a serious question. It was written all over his face.
An important decision was about to happen. A test to see if a couple is ready to be with each other. It was none other than the question that meant a lot to Ben. “Do you want to move in with me?”
Danny felt his heart skip a beat. He was so touched and flattered that their relationship had made it to this milestone. Of course it would work out wonderfully. They are soulmates. It’s impossible to screw anything up majorly. He nodded his head for a yes, but he realized Ben would rather hear a confirmation of his consent. “Yes! Yes, I’ll move in with you.” Ben let out a sigh of relief before receiving a kiss from Danny.
Within a few weeks, Danny had been moved in with Ben. It felt great to finally be able to see each other all of the time. It was already possible, but now Danny could wake up beside Ben and have all they own in one house together.
They could have finished within a week, but they got……distracted by each other.
When they were twenty-two, Ben and Danny decided to get a few pets. Over the course of the year, they adopted two cats, a pitbull terrier, and a boxer. Each were from the animal shelter and in serious need of adoption. The orange tabby was the runt of her litter. Ben named her Nala after the character from The Lion King. The black tabby was named because of the designs on his fur. The bright lines on his dark fur reminded Danny of a book his mother read once. He was thereby named Dante after Dante’s Inferno. The pitbull had a lot of energy, but at the end of the day, she was a big cuddle buddy. Freyja was already named by her previous owners. The boxer was full of energy. He loved to run around all day and play. Danny named him Raiden, after the Mortal Kombat character. Since Raiden was the god of thunder, could use lightning, and the dog was fast, Danny thought it would fit.
The only bad thing about having all of those pets, would be the crowded bed. Ben had to make sure the ceiling fan was on every night because they would all be hot from the shared body heat. Sometimes Danny would kick the dogs out and make them sleep on the couch so they would have enough room to cuddle.
It was Danny’s twenty-fourth birthday when Ben proposed to him. Ben had invited some friends and family from each of their lives for a surprise. He had been planning this for awhile.
Danny had come home to his fur babies greeting him, as per usual after another long day at work. Usually Ben would be there too, but he wasn’t. Danny knew this was unusual and walked around the house to find him. He felt worried not being able to find his boyfriend, but stopped in his tracks when he was in front of the back door. He felt a huge wave of excitement from the other side of the door. Confused, he opened it to see everyone outside. “Surprise!” They all shouted.
He grinned, seeing everyone there. “Oh my God! It’s a fucking party!” Everyone laughed at Danny’s statement.
Bonnie approached her smiling child and hugged him after kissing him on the cheek. “Happy Birthday, Danny.”
“Thanks mom, love you.” Danny appreciated his mom coming to celebrate his birthday. He hasn’t seen her in a few months. They do talk everyday, so it kind of makes up for lost time.
Danny’s smile grew as Ben walked forward with a smirk. “Happy Birthday, babe.” Ben pecked him on the lips and brought him to the center of the yard. They danced to songs they loved and knew by heart.
Then, the moment happened that Ben has been waiting all day for. Love Story by Taylor Swift came on. “Ben, it’s our song! We gotta sing it!” He pointed to the microphones.
Ben nodded and went over to the Karaoke set up. All went well, then the certain lines came up that Ben was prepared for. The proposal part of the song came on. What Danny didn’t know, is Ben was going to switch up Juliet with his name instead you truly propose.
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said.
Ben copied the song and knelt down on one knee. He pulled out the ring. “Marry me, Danny, you’ll never have to be alone. I live you and that’s all I really know. We’ll talk to you’re mom, go pick out a white suite. It’s a love story, baby just say yeah.”
Danny teared up and gasped, covering his mouth. Everyone was cheering. The ring was a plain gold band. It had the sign of libra carved into the metal. Danny yelled a yes at the top of his lungs. Ben put the ring on his fiancee’s finger before standing up. He ignored the deafening cheers as he kissed Danny.
Ben hurried around the house making sure everything is ready for tomorrow. He wanted the next best day of his life to be as close to perfect as he can get it. Danny noticed and grabbed Ben’s arm to stop him. “Baby, you’ve been checking everything for the past week. You don’t need to worry. Everything will be perfect tomorrow.” Danny wrapped his arms around his future husband to calm him down. Ben was sending off waves of worry, anxiousness, and over all every other emotion to describe a bridezilla.
“I know, but I can’t help it.” He was already calmer because he leaned into Danny’s embrace. Danny knew this, so he kissed Ben before any other complaints or protests would come out. “Hey, I’ve been thinking we should break out our vows right now and say them to each other.” He said to distract Ben.
“Why on earth would we do that?” Ben felt confused.
“Our vows are meant to be promises to each other. Why should everyone else hear them while we choke up and can barely talk? We should do it. Just think about it this way. If we say our vows now, the service will also go quicker. It’s a personal thing that doesn’t have to be said in front of everybody.” Danny thought it was a good idea. Eventually, Ben gave in.
That lead to them sitting on their bed with a paper in each of their hands. Dante was curled up in Ben’s lap. Nala was purring as she slept on Danny’s pillow. Freyja and Raiden were beside them, watching with interest as their dads looked upon one another. “I’ll go first.” Ben offered. Danny nodded and leaned forward, resting his face in his hands like was about to find out about some juicy gossip. “The moment we met, I felt as if you were my chosen partner. You always made me smile and I looked forward to seeing you everyday. When I found out we were meant to be, and I saw our matching marks, I felt like the world stopped spinning. Everything felt balanced, and ultimately, correct. I love you, forever and for always. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you as husbands.”
Danny wiped away a stray tear from Ben’s cheek. Then he wiped his own before starting his speech. “I figured you would have the better vows, and I debated not writing much. I didn’t know what to say. So, after having an awesome dream that involved us with our fur babies and real children, I got inspired. I knew for years I loved you, and I was afraid it was wrong. I didn’t know if it was false or if you and I were soulmates. You know my mom though, the mind reader. She convinced me to let myself love you, and she was right to. After this long, I realized I would love to be your husband and adopt some kids. We already saved four lives, why not more?” Danny stopped for a soft laugh with Ben. “So, anyways, let’s get on with it and tie the knot before we go crazy. We’re already crazy, but you know what I mean.”
The next day, Ben and Danny got married in the backyard. They were still viewed as a little young to get married. Although, it felt so right.
The now two husbands spent the rest of the evening picking at food, sharing endless amount of kisses, shoving cake in their faces, and dancing the night away. Specifically if any Lady Gaga or Shakira song came on. Mainly because Danny wanted to sing and dance on Ben to see how much he can work him up. Although Danny forgot about that when fun dance songs came on. The electric slide, cupid shuffle, Cotton Eye Joe, and Soldier Boy.
Although Ben didn’t mind, he did enjoy the slow dances where he could hold Danny close and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. “I love you so much, babe."
Danny softly smiled. His head was rested on Ben’s shoulder as they slowly swayed to the beat of the music. "I know you do. I love you too, Ben.” He lifted his head to look at his husband. “Happy late birthday, baby.” Danny kissed Ben lovingly.
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scribeofmorpheus · 6 years
I Don’t Dance To Dubstep part 3 (A Deadpool Fic)
Part One, Part Two
Here is a deleted scene of dialogue for this chapter if you are interested!
A/N: Okay so the conversation with Cable about the scars isn't intended to be a metaphor for self-harm or hint at bad parenting. Instead, it is meant to be a metaphor for embracing ones perfectly imperfect flaws like stretch marks or cellulite or skin discolouration. In short, it's nothing ominous. Also, this is the longest chapter yet! And don’t mind the fact I inserted myself into the fic, he does like to break that fourth wall of realism that darned Wade Wilson! Readers mutant power given alter ego is DJ, so no ‘Y/N’ in this chapter.
Words: 2399
Warnings: Mature Language,
(Gif isn’t mine)
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"Okay be honest, what would you want your stripper name to be?" Wade continued his useless musings with Domino over the comms.
"That's easy: Lady Luck," Domino said without having to think about it.
"Huh… I'd go with Shiklah the Divorcer, abbreviate it to STD." Wade said wryly. There was a larger story behind his words.
"What?" Domino asked, completely oblivious to the context of the STD jeer, although truthfully, no one else seemed to get it either.
"Are we all in position?" asked Wade over the secure channel. Your earpiece felt like nails on a chalkboard due to your ability to focus sound waves. Your head snapped to the side and you made a hissing noise. Cable, who had been partnered up with you shot a concerned look your way. You raised your scarred hands up to signal you were fine.
"We're in position," Cable answered, the feedback from your proximity to each other caused another intense soundwave to vibrate through you. You winced and decided to remove the earpiece. "Won't you need that?" Cable asked you.
You gave a half crooked smile, "That's what you're here for, isn't it? Kick ass, not take names and listen to Wade's annoying voice shouting profane nonsense into your ears?"
Cable hummed, unamused by the image you just painted in his mind, "Unfortunately," he said. He opened his fanny pack- Ahem! His utility bag- and grabbed his lip balm, applying some on with a very serious expression on his face while maintaining eye contact with you. It felt both intimate and weird all at once. You were definitely confused by it. According to Wade, he did that a lot.
You cackled in a dramatic fashion after the eye contact turned from intense to awkwardly silly, filling the empty street with a Wicked-Witch-of-the-West sounding laugh echoing through the empty street. Bored, you used your abilities to amplify the frequency, making the laugh boom louder.
Cable tilted his head as Wade undoubtedly had something to say about your use of your powers for no reason other than boredom, "Wade said to keep it down to the 'sexy octave levels of James Earl Jones'," Cable relayed to you.
You whispered "Fuck you, Wade Wilson," and amplified the sound of your words into an even louder pitch until the glass windows groaned from the intensity and Cable was forced to cover his ears from the sheer volume of it.
"That's not exactly keeping things discrete, DJ, might want to tone it down a bit!" Cable shouted in discomfort, his words drowned out by the frequency of your own.
"Yeah, well we've been sitting in this car park dressed like background characters of a Will and Grace special for two hours now. If she was indeed on her way here, she'd have been here by now!" You huffed.
The two of you were on rear exit duty. If Wade and Domino failed to trap and kidnap the new contract, the two of you would give her a rude awakening. To your annoyance, your target was uncharacteristically tardy today, so for now, all four of you waited, dressed in the most unflattering disguises, staying incognito while stalking around the building your target regularly frequented. It was a Chinese restaurant that acted as a front for an illegal underground gambling ring. Your target was a pill pushing 'Madame' who had a habit of gambling away half her profits.
Cable closed his eyes and leaned against the hood of the car you drove in, it was a taxi, Deadpool had called up his pal Dopinder, who was out on a coffee run, to drive the four of you to the location. You sat cross-legged, shades shielding your eyes from the sun, on top of the warm yellow hood, there was an odd impression on the opposite side of the bumper that looked like the kind of mark someone who had been run over would leave.
Cable was taking slow, thoughtful breaths, not at all bored by the inactivity. You had noticed he always carried a teddy bear everywhere with him, it was quite the juxtaposition to his otherwise serious, brooding default setting. Letting curiosity win over you, you blurted out: "What's the deal with little Osito there?"
Osito was Spanish for bear. You had grown up in a bilingual household. Your mom was the one who prominently spoke Spanish at home, you had an easy time picking it up as a kid.
"What's the deal with the scars on your hands?" He asked, deflecting his personal question by asking you a personal question of your own. Smartass. He thought he had the upper hand, he assumed you wouldn't be comfortable talking about your scars, everyone always assumed that. He was in for a rude awakening!
"Casualty of being such a badass!" you quipped playfully. Cable gave you a small chuckle making you feel like you had just paved through a new milestone in your… acquaintance-ship?
"Is that so?"
"I managed to bring the great Cable to his knees on our first meeting, so yeah, I say so," you smirked proudly at him and he scowled.
"As a kid, my parents didn't understand what I was. I didn't either. I'd cause small quakes when I was angry or sad or happy or excited. Murdered a lot of Mom's fine china. Busted Dad's TV once. Eventually, they couldn't pretend anymore, and I saw how much I scared them. I scared myself if I'm honest. They told me to be normal, stop with all my craziness. I didn't know any better, I didn't know my abilities were as much a part of me as the colour of my eyes or the slant of my nose, so I repressed it. These-" you rotated your hands this way and that, giving Cable a show of spirit fingers, showcasing all the scars and tears from years of cuts and numerous surgeries, "These were the resulting effect. I broke many fingers. Some cases the waves would slice through skin. After my eighth break, I said 'Fuck it!' I began to use my abilities freely and openly. Of course, I was smart enough to know when to be discrete and when to wreak untold havoc upon some asshole who groped my ass in high school. And I haven't looked back ever since."
You had shocked Cable with your candour. You never minded explaining the scars, they were just younger versions of your many battle wounds. They made you what you are -which may not be perfect, but you couldn't give a flying fuck if you didn't conform to societies controlled demographic of normalcy. You were a rebel all your own. You gave Cable a wink, not at all shy or embarrassed that you just spilt private secrets so nonchalantly.
"Jesus," he said, only with less sarcasm then you ever thought him able to muster. "Did you kill him? The Asshole in high school?"
You laughed, amused at his question. He must think you some sociopath. Then again with an apathetic partner like Truth Dog and a habit of shooting up Wade all the time, he might not be wrong. It was still fun though!
"No, I didn't kill him. I used my sonic frequency to shatter all his trophies the school displayed in the trophy case. I may not have seen it, but I know he cried afterwards. Murder isn't the only solution you know. Some days you just have to find what stupid, materialist things people associate with their self-worth and-" You focused a low-frequency sound wave on the car and the window glass shattered in your demonstration, "Apply enough pressure!"
"My CAR!" Dopinder whined from behind you as he raced over to the taxi with his tray of coffees.
"Whoops!" You whispered before pointing nonchalantly to Cable, "He forgot to set his gun to stun. He sneezed and it just went off. Be glad he hadn't had the dial turned up to 11!" You blatantly threw Cable under the bus. He didn't say anything, but you could feel his cool eyes staring at you in less than amused mood. You giggled playfully.
"Yeah, well I hope you can pay for this Mr Cable, because I already have that dent to get out from Mr Pool's joyride when he was drunk that one time and decided to go all GTA on everyone," Dopinder said in his accented tone.
"Put it on my tab," Cable growled, causing Dopinder to gulp, a bead of sweat gathering above his temple.
"On second thought, I'll just put it on Mr Pool's tab. Since he'll… you know, need to use my cab again."
"Did you say something, Mr Roboto?" You heard Deadpool coo over the earpiece at Cable.
"Your coffee is here," Cable said. Through the earpiece, you heard Wade make an excited squealing noise and what sounded like Domino sighing heavily.
Some seconds later, Deadpool and Domino came repelling down a pipe from the roof and rushed over to get their coffees from Dopinder. Domino chose to wear her hair in stylish Bantu Knots, she had said it was a bad hair day, but she looked as flawless as ever. You were afraid you might be in love with her, or maybe it was her hair or the fact she had heterochromia, or at the very least you were maybe little too obsessed with her outfit! Who cared, Domino was plain freaking awesome!
"Give me that sugary goodness," Deadpool said as he kissed Dopinder through his mask and reached for his coffee. He took his mask off halfway, exposing his mouth, and sucked down dramatically on the frothiest, most hideous excuse for a coffee you had ever seen.
Domino grabbed her macchiato and Cable his latte, you were surprised someone all dark and brooding and serious like him would drink anything with milk in it. You grabbed your cappuccino and thanked Dopinder who was drinking a milkshake.
"What the FUCK is this?" Deadpool asked after he finally finished taking his first sip, more like chug. "This isn't the Caramel Macchiato, Venti, Skim, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Extra-Whip, Sugar-Free coffee I ordered!" He bellowed loudly.
"Are you sure that thing is even classified as coffee anymore?" Domino quipped after taking a sip of her macchiato.
"Are you sure that thing is even classified as coffee anymore?" Wade mimicked like a four-year-old brat.
"Whatever," Domino said raising her hands in the air and rolling her eyes.
"The real question is: Where is this easy target and big payday you promised me?" You inched closer to Wade with a look that could kill. You blew air in his ear and amplified the inaudible frequency so that it damn near scrambled his brain. He squalled like a crying child with colic and dropped his Starbucks cup, foam and syrup and what little actual coffee there was in it splattered on the hood of the car coating everyone in the sickly sweet liquid except for Domino, by some unfair miracle.
"That's just fucking great!" Cable said in annoyance as he used his free hand to wipe away the frothy foam that covered his chest. You did the same and licked some of the foam off your finger, all the guys ogled you like you were some damn peacock.
"Men!" Domino said in disgust. You giggled as the gleeful feeling of dominating power coursed through you.
"To answer your question, Carrie White," Wade was referring to you.
"Carrie had telekinetic powers, Mr Pool, wouldn't it make more sense to call her Abra Stone, I'm pretty sure if she tried DJ could generate an earthquake too?" Dopinder asked innocently.
"No, Dopinder, what would make more sense would be to call her Black Canary, but given as how that is a completely different comic book universe and the fact that whoever thought up DJ's powers was an unimaginative lout who couldn't think up something cooler than sound manipulation and also thought DJ was an intuitive play on words and abilities, no, I do not think it would be better to call her Abra Stone. Shockwave maybe... but that’s trdemarked by Hasbro, so," everyone looked at Deadpool in confusion. "Anyway! I'm pretty sure she'll show up any minu-" Deadpool was interrupted by the sound of his phone receiving a message.
"Whoops, Ha-ha, forgot to put that on vibrate," Wade wiggled his eyebrows which strained against the tight fabric of his mask, "Ah, it's Weasel, apparently Madam Mayflower… Pffft- Mayflower! Anyway, apparently, she's not coming. She's going somewhere else today. Oooh! It's a Burlesque Club!"
"Well, what's the fucking plan?" Cable asked showing signs of impatience for the first time.
Wade looked over at you, Cable and Domino, his eyebrows clearly raised in mischief behind his mask.
“Now Madonna, Cher and… The Jackson Five,” he pointed to each of you, assigning you with the corresponding singer’s name.
Domino rolled her eyes at being designated as the entire music group of the Jackson Five (it was no doubt a play on the fact she usually wore her hair in an afro).
Wade made sure he used his most diva emulating performance to sell his pitch, “Put on your favourite dancing shoes and wear your skimpiest outfit. Because ladies, we’re going to put on the best burlesque show of our lives!”
“Jesus,” Cable grumbled. You noticed he did that a lot. You wondered if it would ever stop being comical and turn annoying.
Domino raised her hand.
“Yes, Jackson Five?”
“Which 80′s singer are you in this scenario?”
“Why, the legendary Dolly Parton, of course!” Deadpool said gleefully
"What about me Mr Pool?" Dopinder asked feeling a little left out.
"You are Driving Miss Daisy, now common let's go," Wade walked in imaginary heels and sauntered like a runway model to the front seat in the cab.
"That's not even a singer," Dopinder said with a frown.
"Hey, at least you aren't given the title of an entire music group just because of your hair!" Domino said in deadpan.
"Nah, he just got stereotyped as a slow cab driver!" You chimed in before taking your seat in the middle of the cab.
Part Four is HERE!
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As Always: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I got carried away with this one a little bit. Anyway, if you like this fun little series don’t hesitate to ask to be added to the tag list!!! Also, check out my READER WEEK challenge that will be held on the 27th, Open to all followers!!
Tags: @demonhunter1616  @msstarsword
Permanent Tags: @gruffle1 @thechickvic @notawarriorjustyet
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[MF] Who Is That
For the last four weeks I have been tied to my desk, remotely working, as my new position doesn’t require me to commute into any office. I can do all my position entails while never putting on a pair of pants, which I rarely did anymore. My laundry mostly consists of socks, underwear and an occasional dress shirt I wear when I have weekly video meetings with my supervisors. My change in position had nicely coincided with a world pandemic, which is lucky for me. While millions of people were out of work and getting hours cut, I had received a wage increase and the ability to do my job twenty feet from where I sleep.
Because of the nature of my work, which is mainly web design / maintenance and some video and audio editing, projects have to be done on a deadline, and the only things that I need to be on call for are updates to our main site. I still had to clock in and out, but as long as I met my deadlines and was available for anything new, I had the rest of the time to myself. After two days at my new post, I began taking walks whenever I felt like it around my neighborhood. Looking at houses I had never noticed, making acronyms from letters on license plates, and subtly nodding at neighbors I had never seen before when I passed by. I figured out after a couple days that I could walk 10 minutes away from my house and be safe. Anything inside of that, I could make it back to my desk and begin any updates without delay. The fourth day I was caught almost two miles from my house and had to sprint back, only to be scolded by my superior and forced to lie about running out to get cat food. And seeing as how conflict makes me very uncomfortable, I started keeping my excursions within 10 minutes.
But a couple weeks in, none of the houses looked any different. So I had to start looking for something else to do instead of walking. I tried all kinds of things. Video games frustrate me, T.V. is boring and reading only works for me in the right mood which hasn’t been very often lately. Within three or four days I was back walking, and figured out that to make it interesting, like any other story or adventure, you need characters, storylines or something to come back to. To start, I created backstories for cats or dogs that I passed by regularly. I even started bringing treats with me to get closer to them so I could gage their personality better and be more accurate in my character and profile building.
Three houses down on the left was a dog who I named Marty. Marty was in his fifth year of community college and had changed majors four times before settling on communications. And he was good friends with Shauna who lived across the street and one house over from him but hated Lily who lived four houses to the left of him, and was Shauna’s best friend. Whenever they went out together, which hasn’t really happened since high school, Marty couldn’t wait to drop her off so he could walk Shauna the rest of the way home, even if it was just three doors down. There was also an old cat who hung out on the top of a brick fence on the house on the corner. His name was Gerry and worked at a bait and tackle shop for 39 years before retiring to this fence. And while he didn’t speak much, his eyes judged any and all movement.
While I was starting to form my storylines I realized that I sounded insane. Cats don’t work at bait and tackle shops and dogs don’t go to school, even though both species would most likely enjoy those activities. Being relatively new to the neighborhood, moving in just eight months earlier, I didn’t know anybody close enough to communicate with to curb my boredom. And being that the world is in a medical state of emergency because of an incredibly contagious strain of flu, very few neighbors were willing to get within 10 feet of me or anybody for that matter.
The solution I decided on for this problem was, sadly, more insane than the last. Cats, dogs, birds and other animals were too easy and not at all satisfying. But people, coming up with backstories and profiles about people was much more viable. People each have their own style, expressions, faces and personalities that you can get a read on just by seeing them most of the time. For me at least, from the first time I see someone, I can gauge if I would like them, want to be friends with them, hate them and a bunch of other “aura” stuff that I never bothered to try and understand. So I figured that If I spent my time analyzing and crafting stories around my neighbors it would not only cure my boredom but maybe in some weird way I didn’t bother to try and understand, make me less anxious around them. Win-Win.
The first day out I was more motivated than I had been since the first day of my new position. First I saw a man. Yes, a man. Slightly taller than me, maybe six foot flat but a hundred and fifty pounds heavier. He wore a tank top that said, “Cali” on the front, baggy black basketball shorts that went almost to his ankles and some slide on sandals. As ugly as he was, I could see his yellow toenails from across the street, he was walking two little pugs that were probably his girlfriend’s pet of choice. He was maybe 35 and had dark skin and a full black beard and mustache. And even with his heavy waddle he had a subtlety to him. His steps seemed quiet and his face blankly observed the dogs, careful to not cross the leashes and encouraging them along when he needed to.
I came to the conclusion that his name was David. And he grew up probably a city or two over in a poorer area. He was subjected to gang violence, and even was part of a gang as a youth, before deciding he would move out of the neighborhood to settle his life down because he was always scared of the conflict and violence. He did this through a girlfriend who I could only imagine was on the heavier side and was very bossy. She confused encouragement and motivation with bullying and without a doubt was home, but refused to take HER dogs out and was having her man with the waddle and light footsteps do the work. I began and finished this profile in about thirty seconds, and even came up with a name for his girlfriend, Paola. We were walking on opposite sides of the street and when we passed he must have noticed me staring and gave me a very sad nod that only proved to me he lived a disappointing life and led me to pity him for a second or two.
After our nod and he had passed by me, I had a strange feeling build. It was warm and made me kind of nauseous even though the feeling was in my chest. The only thing I wanted to do was somehow follow him home, and figure out how close I was to the truth. Did he even have a girlfriend? I hadn’t thought about children of any kind, did extended family or in-laws live with him? Was he a loner? These were questions that burned a hole in my head. Even after I was called back to my desk to work on a project, my work pace had slowed because I couldn’t focus. I could only think of David, and his sad, sad life. Although I have never been the most outstanding or outspoken person, I certainly have never been bullied into doing anything I didn’t want to, and made it a point to avoid at all costs things I didn’t want to do. But David never stood a chance. A sensitive soul thrust into gang life and forced to endure and assimilate into a living situation filled with things he otherwise had no interest in. And when a female gave him the opportunity to change, no matter if it was into something he also had no interest in, he jumped at the opportunity and didn’t consider if this life would be any better. A sad life indeed.
I finished my work and took my lunch, ate a leftover piece of salmon and some white rice from the night before, clocked back in and went back out for a walk. It was noon and the sun was beating down on the pavement. I walked quickly through my street and saw no one so I ventured to the next. It was there I saw a girl walking. This girl I had a background on already. No more than 16 I had seen her around the neighborhood at any and all hours of the day and night before we went on a county-wide recommended quarantine and had seen her for the past month or so on my walks. She was clearly hispanic but had a light complexion, and had brown brunette hair with slightly lighter brown streaks down in some parts. She wore big glasses, had a prominent overbite that I always exaggerated and will describe as forcing her teeth out of her mouth. She had on a plain v-neck t-shirt and short jean shorts with canvas shoes every time I saw her. Without fail, only during school did she also have a basic black backpack. And everytime I saw her walking it was either by herself or with a different person. I never saw her with the same person twice. So clearly a girl that understands school and socializing. She didn’t look particularly athletic, and at the risk of sounding perverted wasn’t particularly pretty. She must just know how to talk to people, I was jealous, she must have a lot of friends.
But If I remember correctly I had also seen her working a shift at an ice cream shop, and given her age, money must be important, either for personal motivations or family pressure. Because of all I knew, I figured personal motivation to free her from family pressure or responsibility. Maybe even just an excuse to get out of the house. This current walk she was accompanied by her younger sister who I pegged around four or five. I lied earlier, I had seen her walk with her sister on numerous occasions. This gap in age could mean a lot of things. For one, it could mean her parents simply have a lot of kids, but because she only ever walks with a younger sister, I am sticking with their simply being a gap, and there being no other sibling in between. This could also be a half-sibling from either her mother or father with a new significant other. But I'm going to go with distant parents, who were dissatisfied with her at a young age and decided to have another kid, which triggered her to push away from them, focus on friends and socializing and begin working at a young age so she can move out as soon as possible. But she still loves the baby sister and idolizes an older brother who rebelled from their parents and left at a young age. Her name, by the way, is Natalie. Which I know because I saw her nametag when I was at the ice cream shop.
I know she has seen me before, and most likely recognizes me. She was walking on the opposite side of the street. When we came close to passing I knelt down to tie my shoe and she crossed the street and stopped about eight feet from me. She started talking to me. She talked fine but because of her teeth it was very “spitty” if that makes sense. She talked to me quickly about where I live and what I do and how old I was. I answered quickly without a lot of extra words, mainly because I didn’t want to be seen talking to a girl who was clearly underage. In the middle of her next question I saw David, good old David, picking up the mail and walking back to his door. I interrupted her and asked, “You’ve lived here a long time, yea?”
She answered very uneasily, “Yea, why?”
“So do you know all the people in the neighborhood?”
“Yea basically, why?”
“So if I asked who lived in that house over there, with the flag outside of it” I asked and pointed to a house across the street and two houses down from David’s house.
“Yea that’s some old lady and her husband. They’ve been there longer than us for sure, why?” she repeated.
“And what about that one, the one with the dirt lawn,” pointing to a house further down the street.
“That’s another older couple but not too old. They have a son probably around your age that lives with them, but why do you want to know?” She repeated again.
“Okay, last one. What about that one,” and I pointed to the house with a yard high brick fence around the yard that I had seen David come out and check the mail at.
“Oh I know the lady that lives there. Her name is Priscilla I think, why?”
“Nobody else lives there?”
“Why? Are you some kind of pervert or somethin, I mean you're walking around all the time.”
“No. no I’m not a pervert I’m just new to the neighborhood, and I’ve been walking around for the past month but since we can’t get close to anyone I haven’t really gotten to meet or get to know people in the neighborhood.”
“Oh, I guess. But yea some guy named Diego lives there with her, he’s the guy always walking the dogs.”
“Mmm I knew I had seen that guy before. Anyway thanks, nice to meet you,” and started to walk away back the way I came. I didn’t even think to look back to see if she was giving me an awkward glance.
Without a doubt I had felt accomplished. She had not only confirmed that I had the first letter right, but that he did live with a girl. I would have asked more questions but I think I pushed luck far enough with what I asked already. This satisfied me greatly, and I went back and worked clear headed until I finished all my projects which wasn’t until around eight at night. I didn’t care. In one day I had been able to not only begin a profile and character, which was my only goal, but then confirm that it was at least partially true.
But when I laid down that night, after about 20 minutes in bed I had another feeling of warmth and nausea. Through prior knowledge and deduction I had come up with a very in-depth and judgemental profile about a girl. And I had spoken to that girl, who inquired about my life, but I had done nothing to pry into hers. This is probably because at the time, the profile was the fun, and only when I saw David, or Diego, did I decide to try for more. But after I spent so much time trying to get info on David, by the time I realized that I should have asked her more, I was long gone. I would have had to carry a conversation with her, THEN move onto David. How could I be so stupid.
But, and this is the last piece of withheld information, I knew where she lived. I had seen her and her sister coming out of the house one day. It’s after midnight, everyone is asleep. If anyone is suspicious I could just say that I couldn’t sleep and needed some air. And before I knew it I was on the streets. Walking towards where I thought she lived. But what would I even do, they were all asleep, it’s not like I could get any validation from observing a sleeping family. I thought about all the various possibilities but never decided to stop walking until I saw her house. Before I knew it I was in their neighbors yard, and quietly made my way to their backyard which luckily had no dog. I had peeped over and seen no dog in theirs, even tossing a couple rocks and sticks over to see if it stirred anything, but nothing. So I climbed over, slowly, quietly. Looking through the window I could see who I assume to be her mother sitting at the dining room table drinking coffee or tea out of a mug in her robe looking exhausted.
At that moment, seeing another human in a moment they have reason to believe is private, I became sicker than I ever had. The feelings of nausea were nothing compared to this. I ran and jumped over the fence that led to the street, not caring about the noise I made, and bolted towards my house. Not looking back or to the side and not stopping until I was back in my room. Dripping in sweat I took off all my black clothes and showered. And by the time I was out, dressed and about to get back into bed, there was a knock at my door. The police.
When I opened the door there were two policemen at my doorstep, the girl Natalie, her mom, and what appeared to be an older brother on the sidewalk. I was initially happy to see that it seemed like my suspicion that there was an older brother was correct, but then sad because the fact that he was there at this time of night means he either hasn’t moved out or was just spending the night. But then that led to a whole trail of thoughts I didn’t have time to think of because of the two policemen in my face.
I didn’t deny that I had been in their backyard. I even told them why, which they didn’t believe. They thought I was a pervert, obsessed with a not-yet legal girl that lived in the house. I told them to search my house, computer and even my phone and they won’t find any evidence of that. Not a single picture. They did, I sat around, didn’t bother to call a lawyer or get bailed out. I apologized, told them it was a mistake, volunteered community service or anything to make it easier.
After all negotiating I just moved. That was it. I really don’t like conflict and always aim to avoid it. Instead of dealing with my problem I moved to an apartment complex the next city over, closer to the beach and on the fifth floor. To pass the time, I bought some binoculars. Just to curb my boredom.
submitted by /u/13useless13 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3hmqb0z
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