#i know jonah scott is not much older than me but he has such good paternal vibes here
gonuclear · 3 years
y’know i love sk8 the infinity as an anime and i love the characters in it so goddamn much, but i also think that it serves as a really good representation of a whole generation, and especially the queer subgroups of that generation (as well as the intergenerational alliances queer youth + adults share).
like, you can definitely tell that reki and langa are both neurodivergent. reki screams burnt-out gifted kid that never realized they had adhd, while langa fits into the archetypal quiet kid who probably has undiagnosed autism. they reflect two groups of people in gen z who have found themselves and their communities on the internet, and have by extension bonded with each other over those shared experiences. not only that, but both boys represent the complex feelings of discovering that hey, you might just be in love with your best friend. (they also do, in my opinion, a really good job at showing the highs and lows of that in a way that never quite veers into the overly-dramatic.)
i remember in the q&a twitch stream a couple weeks ago that joe’s voice actor jonah scott said that reki and joe’s relationship had the quality of an older person in the queer community taking a younger person coming into their identity under their wing to let them know that their feelings were completely valid and nothing to be ashamed of. not only did i totally get the same feeling myself, but it really made me think about how amazing it was that they included that part of discovering your identity in your later teen years.
speaking from experience gen z is one that has been raised to, as much as they can be, be proud of who they are and how they identify, because most of the older ones were raised by parents who had to deal with boomer bigotry. and not only did most of our parents teach us that, but the internet opened up a world of connections to people like us, people who were there to tell us that everything we were feeling was okay, like joe was for reki.
(also a little aside about miya—he definitely reminds me of a lot of the younger gen z kids i’ve seen popping up on the internet lately. they tend to be hyper-involved in internet culture and have a wildly different way of interacting with their peers than older gen z-ers, despite the fact that they’re all in the same generation. they have a sense of entitlement that we don’t, since most of them have always grown up in a society with internet and advanced technology, unlike the older half of the generation.)
i think what makes sk8 such a hit, and what will probably make it a queer cultural touchstone anime like yuri on ice, is that no matter where you are in life or how you identify, you can find some part of yourself in the amazing ensemble cast. maybe you see your younger self in reki or langa, or the way you are now in joe or cherry (or even shadow), but you can find some piece of it that resonates with you. that connects you to and invests you in the story. and i think that it’s stories like this that create something beautiful and long-lasting.
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Mark of the Wolf Part 13
Catch Up Here!
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader (Lastname: Markolf)
Words: 3k
Warnings: Exposition dump! 
A/N: This chapter and I are frenemies. On the one hand, I love delving into lore, on the other... I don’t like info dumbing, but... Yeah. Also, I didn’t get a chance to work on some things that I had originally intended but the good news is that the action picks up in chapter 14! I haven’t proofread so bear with me. 
Leave a like or reblog if you enjoyed this chapter! It helps ☺
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"Vampires?" Peter huffed with a humorous chortle in his throat.
Maggie pinched the bridge of her nose, annoyed that he had interrupted her mid-sentence, "Not in the conventional Vlad the Impaler sense… but yes, for lack of a better term, 'vampire' is as accurate an explanation as I can give."
Theo chuckled under his breath, his body shaking with amusement, "Vampires. Now I've heard it all."
"Almost everyone in this room is a werewolf and you're a chimera, but for some reason believing in a well-established mythological creature just as popular as the werewolf is where you draw the line?" Stiles gawked at both Peter and Theo.
"I'll believe it when I see it," Peter folded his arms.
"Perhaps if you'd let Maggie finish what she was telling us, we'd have an easier time swallowing this 'vampires exist' pill," Stiles posited with some annoyance in his voice.
"Thank you, Stiles," Maggie said gratefully before continuing: "Okay so from what I've gathered, we know that these hunters never appear in daylight and that any effort to kill them hasn’t been successful as far as we know. And according to Derek, when you two were in the dream state, they mentioned something called the Mother Tree and one of them had a tattoo of a five-fold-knot. We also know they are warded off by burning sage."
"Oh, I get where you're going with this," Jonah plopped down onto several cushions and crossed his legs. "Sage is their garlic… right?"
"What?" Esme frowned, lost in translation.
"Because vampires can't stand garlic. So if these hunters are some type of vampires, then sage is their garlic," Jonah said excitedly. "Oh, oh, oh, does that mean that we have to whittle stakes to kill them?"
“They do suck people’s essences out of their body, don’t forget that,” Peter added dryly.
Jonah’s eyes went large and his jaw dropped, “Woah! Maybe they are vampires.”
"That's all well and good, Speedy, but that's not what I was getting at," Maggie patted his back appreciatively. "I was going to say that the Mother Tree is probably a very old Nematon and sage is an ancient ingredient used by druids for centuries, usually to cleanse negative energy and such. Naturally, this led Deaton and I to the legend of the liaths. And they in turn led us to--"
"Now I’m confused," Derek jumped in. "What's a liath?"
Maggie pursed her lips as she thought of the simplest way to explain it to them.
It was Deaton who chimed in this time, "The same way druid emissaries are a force for good and darachs are a force of evil, liaths are those caught in between. They don't really serve any one side."
Esme pulled out a scroll from a stack of papers shoved in the bookcase after Maggie whispered something in her ear. Once it was unrolled, a large portrait of several faces stared back at you from the crumbling paper. You gasped when you saw what looked to be a perfect illustration of Alyster and Astrid and that kitsune -Kaze- from before.
“Are these the guys who attacked you in the church in Mexico?” Maggie’s dark nails scrapped over the paper slightly and the noise made a few of the werewolves in the room cringe.
"That's impossible," Peter chocked on his words as he took a closer step to see the scroll better. "They look exactly as they did in your memories..."
"They haven't aged a day," Liam said in amazement.
"I thought so," Maggie popped her knuckles, bangles sliding down her arm nosily, "That is one of the few remaining iterations of an ancient order known as the Venatores -which Stiles told me you had already figured out thanks to Lydia’s translations. Over the years they’ve been called different names: Order of Osiris, Order of Sagittarius, The Solstice Hunters… it goes on and on. They've been around for thousands of years."
"Why?" you finally spoke, but your voice was shakier than you would have liked. "What do they want?"
Derek's eyes fell on you when he heard the subtle quake in your words, he instinctively took a step closer to you but then stopped himself from moving any closer. That awkward tension was still strong between you two. You dreaded the fact that you'd have to talk about the kiss... eventually.
Markus rubbed your arms to comfort you, it helped but not by much.
Maggie opened her mouth to answer you but couldn't pull through. Having sensed Maggie's distress from trying to answer your question, Esme laced her fingers with hers in a silent act of assurance.
"What is it?" you asked frantically, eyes searching the pile of notes and sketches and open books for any clues. Markus held you fast so you didn't shake like a leaf in front of everyone.
Theo exhaled loudly, his fingers scratching at his eyebrow, "Isn't it obvious. They want what they've always wanted. You. Dead. The real question is why?" He turned his attention back to Maggie, ignoring your distraught expression.
A hush fell over the room and you could see Markus's eyes squint in Theo's direction when you turned to jelly in his arms from dread.
"He's not wrong," Peter mumbled and Derek jabbed his side with his elbow forcing a cough out of Peter’s mouth.
You took in a deep breath and sat down on a chair, head in your hands as you blinked back the image of Alex lying dead on the ground and Scott and Derek being cornered by the hunters. Your life was turning out to be one great big nightmare, and right now you were beginning to resent the fact you hadn't gone with Alyster. With that thought, a tingle returned to your lips and you were reminded of the kiss. It brought with it a bitter-sweetness that kept you grounded while your thoughts bounced all over the place. You felt like you were going insane.
As though to shift the focus and clear the stale air, Deaton pushed a large, musty-smelling book towards the group and flipped it 180 degrees. His finger tapped on an illustration of an intricate compass that looked to be hundreds of years old. "Is this the device that the man -Alyster- had around his neck?"
You studied the detailed drawing and then nodded weakly, "Yeah, that's it. What is it?"
"It's called the Oculus. It grants the wearer an ability to wield the Wadjet, it is more popularly known as the--"
"Eye of Horus," Markus interjected, brows knit in thought. A few people shot him surprised looks and he just shrugged them off with a nonchalant: "I have a masters in history."
"That's right," Deaton affirmed. "Horus is associated with protection from evil spirits and he is usually depicted as a falcon, hence the reason why this Alyster's eyes change when he activates the Oculus."
"So now we're fighting ancient Egyptians? I--" Liam plopped down next to Jonah and just stared blankly at the floor. "Can someone just run us by the SparkNotes version or...?"
Esme laughed and sat atop the table with one leg dangling over the air, "You gotta brush up on your storytelling skills, hon." she smiled at the very exhausted Maggie.
Deaton cleared his throat before throwing his hypothesis out for everyone to ponder, “I think this amulet gives him the ability to track and locate the Order’s targets. I also think it’s used as an anchor to a much more powerful source of magic.”
Maggie jumped in on Deaton’s bandwagon and started breaking down what everyone knew, "Okay, so from what Stiles found out, we know that these hunters have some sacred mission linked to all their killing. We now also know they're older than dirt so… that's a plus because there’ll be a trail left behind somewhere. What we didn't know before was, just as Theo put it, why they do what they do. Until now."
Maggie placed a book identical to the one Stiles had been trying to translate in the bunker days prior, “According to this text, the Order was established by a group of druids, liaths and darachs alike. A few hundred years ago a plague nearly wiped out all shapeshifters on earth -that's why our numbers are so low despite how long we've been around. Those that were immune stopped presenting the ability to shift. Those who contracted the plague were killed by the Order. It was called the First Coming of the End of Days. The sacred duty of the Order -or Venatores- was to try and prevent a second coming. The druids on this council feared that the plague would one day return, and so they created these hunters using the sacred power stored inside the oldest focal point of concentrated magic in their village. A Nematon. And since Nematon’s have a tendency to influence the formation of telluric currents, we believe that’s where the Oculus comes into play. We think after they absorb someone’s essence, the Oculus channels that energy into the earth and sends it somewhere else using telluric currents.”
Peter ran a hand through his face, his jaw muscles tensing, "Oh for the love of- So far, all you've told us is that these hunters are very old, very unkillable and very specific in choosing their victims. None of that helps us in any way. I want to know how to kill them, and if we can't, I'd like the quickest route to the airport please." He flashed a forced smile and everyone collectively sighed.  
"Scott, how do you feel about all this, you've been quiet during this whole thing," Derek ignored Peter's outburst and placed his focus on Scott, who looked to be in his own little world.
Scott stretched and turned his head up to regard everyone's inquisitive gazes, "Honestly, my whole life has been one impossible thing succeeding another and another… So what if they're vampires or if they're supposedly the first warning sign of the end of days. A few days ago, Monroe was our biggest worry, now she's dead and her numbers are cut in half. That's one crisis averted. Things have a way of balancing themselves out. We just have to maintain cool heads until they do."
Stiles paced about the room before clapping his hands together at the prospect of a new idea dawning over him, “Uh, hey, Maggie, you got a map that displays telluric currents?”
Maggie moved about the room in a hurry, but it was Markus that came to the rescue, “Here,” he handed Stiles a map he had grabbed from a trunk. “Telluric currents were a passion project of mine. I’m a bit of a nerd for this stuff.”
Stiles slapped Markus’s large arms in thanks and winced before flicking his hand at the wrist several times, “Ow, what do they feed you?”
“Kibble,” Markus joked dryly. “Why the map?”
“I’m thinking if we spot any major changes between the data on this map and a more recent one, we can determine whether this Oculus theory is accurate and maybe plot out where the fluctuations lead to,” Stiles fumbled with the map until he gave up and handed it to Scott who unfolded it with ease.
"That just might work…” Markus looked over your shoulder, his attentions shifted onto the piece of paper in front of you. “What are you drawing?"
You furrowed your brows, confused by his question and then looked down to where his eyes were focused. On the page were several pened drawings of a bow and shank of a key without a bit. To your surprise, you had been scribbling the symbol from the car ride over and over.
"I… I didn't know I was doing it," you sat up from the chair and dropped the pen like it had burned you.
"I know this symbol. Professor Tennyson ran a class on semiotics. That's the Ankh. The Egyptian symbol of life," Markus finished the symbol by drawing a line that intersected between the bow and shank of the key.
"Okay, but that doesn't explain why I'm drawing random symbols without thinking it..." you looked to everyone in the room and saw Stiles raise his hand. ”Stiles?"
"Ah, yeah, so I was possessed once by an evil kitsune's spirit and that would sometimes cause me to do things I didn't remember doing," he shoved both his hands in his pockets and started rocking on the balls of his feet, lips pressed tightly together when he noticed Jonah's jaw practically fall to the ground.
Everyone in the room took a tentative step back or inched away from you. You rolled your eyes at their behaviour.
"I'm not possessed. I think I'd know if I was possessed," you bit back.
"I'm pretty sure that's not how that works," Liam chimed in, his words muffled by his curled hand placed on his chin and lips.
"Maybe its residual magic from when Alyster was inside your head," Esme said casually as she took a bite of an apple.
"Alyster was in your head?" Markus repeated in shock. "How? When? How? And why didn't you say anything?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was under the impression that everyone heard my conversation with Esme and Maggie a few nights ago," you glared at Derek. "Seeing as how I live in a house full of werewolves with supernatural hearing."
Peter coughed again, but this time it was to hide his grin and laughter. Derek opened his mouth to say something but Deaton's busy hands rustling through papers and books garnered everyone's attentions away from the two of you.
"What are ya thinking?" Maggie asked him.
"I think Esme is right, and I think there's a pattern we aren't seeing," he answered.
"What pattern?" Scott moved closer to the table.
"Semiotics," Deaton smiled when he pulled up an encyclopaedia. "First, Alyster mentioned a Mother Tree. Then we find out that the hunters are the closest thing to immortal as we can get and now Y/N is unknowingly sketching the Ankh of all thing. Do you see it yet?”
“These are all three very different things,” Liam nodded.
“N-no… They are all linked by one semiotic message. Life,” Deaton said, his finger pointing into the air stiffly like he was giving a powerpoint presentation. “Every spell draws power from somewhere. All magic is just an exchange of energy.”
“So what if they’re killing people for fuel?” Derek posited, stepping closer to you and the table.
“Why don’t we just ask one of them?” Theo’s bored tone swept through the room.
Stiles squinted at him, “What? Just stroll up to them and ask one of them to come over for tea and crumpets?” he retorted sarcastically.
“No, I mean like set a trap, kidnap them and then try different methods of murder until one of them sticks,” he stated morbidly.
Jonah swallowed loudly and hid half his face behind a pillow, “That sounds mean.”
“It doesn’t count if they’re immortal,” Theo smirked.
Esme lobbed her apple at his face, some of its fleshy interior broke off and showered around Theo’s feet in juicy sprays. He wiped the residual bits off with his jackets sleeve and a sour face.
“Don’t fill his head with such things. You aren’t helping. Out!” Esme pointed to the door and Theo lifted his hands defensively as he strode out confidently.
“Can I leave too, or are we only handing out hall passes if we say insensitive things?” Peter pointed to Theo’s retreating form. “Because, let me tell you, I have so man—“
 Esme lobbed another apple but Peter’s quick reflexes caught in just before it touched his nose. He crushed the apple in his hands and made quite the show of it, “I take it that was a no?”
“Stop being an ass, Peter. Otherwise, the next thing someone throws at you will be a stake,” Derek spoke over his shoulder without looking up from the map Stiles had laid down.
“A stake…” Peter glanced at Jonah and then back up at Derek’s back. “The kid was onto something!”
“W- Who me?” Jonah bounced on the couch, happy to be included in the discourse. “About what? Vampire stakes?”
Peter rose a brow and said, “Yes.”
No one moved an inch, the only sound in the room was the passing of wind and Stiles flipping map pages like he was ripping rice paper apart.
“Think about it,” Peter wiped his hands on Scott’s shirt and Scott simply sighed. “Maybe 'vampire' isn’t the most far off explanation after all. I mean… what if we need a very specific weapon to kill these hunters? Maggie said that they were created using magic from a Nematon. And Deaton thinks the Oculus is used to traverse through telluric currents -Hell, I bet that’s how they travel so quickly too!- Maybe we need a piece of the thing that made them, to kill them!”
Esme worked her back muscles before begrudgingly siding with Peter, “I hate to say this, but maybe the ass is right.”
“Well that’s just rude,” Peter complained. “But at least you can see the obvious genius in my explanation. And look at that, I didn’t even take a whole morning to explain things to everyone.”
Markus rubbed his eyebrows, “So we find this tree and…”
“I found it! I found the spot where the telluric lines converge!” Stiles cheered by himself, fist-pumping in the air. Jonah joined along too figuring it was the more appropriate thing to do in this situation. Then Stiles’s face fell and he swore under his breath as he looked over the map on his phone and the one of the table.
Derek sighed, his teeth clenching in disappointment, “It’s in Sweden.”
The room collectively groaned.
“Well we can scratch that off the list because there’s no way we’d be able to go all the way to Sweden and back before the hunters murder everyone,” Peter sat on the windowsill looking defeated. “Come to think of it, why haven’t they found us yet? It’s been days. Last time it took them mere hours to find us after we’d crossed the border into Mexico.”
Maggie was chewing a biscuit and had to dry swallow most of it to answer him, “We’ve been taking turns burning sage pales around the property's border. I’m surprised you haven’t smelt it.”
“I just thought that was the usual smell around here,” Peter mumbled snidely.
“Actually, I don’t think we have to go very far to get what we need,” Deaton stated. “Most Nematon’s come from the same root. In theory, all we have to do is head back to Beacon Hills to get what we need.”
“Then I guess we’re going back to Beacon Hills,” You stood from the chair, spine groaning from being stretched too suddenly. “If you want to test out your stake theory, you’re going to need bait.”
“It’ll be dangerous,” Derek protested in a dark voice.
“Then you’ll just have to protect me. Like you promised,” you spoke with confidence.
“Shotgun!” Peter said loudly with a mischievous wink sent Derek’s way.
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It didn’t take long for a plan to be formed. Soon after everyone was familiar with their roles, they all broke off to start packing up.
You had started packing up some of the clothes you’d found in your old drawers. You didn’t know why you were doing this but it seemed to help, it kept your mind busy. Markus, Esme and Maggie had argued for you to stay home and let everyone else handle everything, but in the end, they were left with no option but to concede. Even though it was dangerous, you were right, the plan wouldn’t work if you stayed behind.
Maggie gave you a pendant with a hollow locket filled with sage essential oils so you could stay shielded from the Order during your drive back. There was a spot on your chest that always got a little oily if the necklace stayed still for too long. You made a habit of wringing the charm along the silver chain in between still moments.
There was a rap at your door and you started from your thoughts, “Come in.”
It was Derek.
“Got a minute?” he asked from behind the ajar door.
“All I’ve got are minutes.”
He hummed before walking in and closing the door behind him, affording himself some privacy, “I wanted to talk to you about--“
“The kiss,” you said simply.
“Yeah, listen, it was a spur of the moment thing. It was a heated argument and you were so stubborn that I felt like I couldn’t get a word in,” Derek tried to explain while his hands fidgeted.
“Right. It was the only thing you could think to do.”
“Yes!” His eyes lit up.
“Like in the dreamscape…”
“Yes!” then his eyes grew serious and his cheeks went hot. “Wait, that’s not what I was getting at…”
You laughed, stuffing more clothes into your bag, though at this point the only thing left were baby booties and torn towels, “Relax Derek. I’m not going to eat you. As long as you don't make things awkward, I won't make things awkward.” You joked.
He held you steady and stared you dead in the centre of your eyes, you shivered again, your lips going numb as they remembered what it felt like to have Derek's lips over them.
“Look, I came here to tell you… It was a mistake, for me to have kissed you… in that way. I promise I won’t do it again,” he released his grip from your arms and you felt an odd sense of disappointment at having heard those words.
Derek pulled the door handle and before he stepped out of your room, he whispered, “Not until you ask me to.”
Your knees caved in and you crashed onto your bed. You didn’t know what to say or think or feel. You were left feeling dazed again. It was turning into a force of habit now. But behind your fear and uncertainty, behind your broken heart that still mourned Alex, you felt a glimmer of warmth spread through you. It felt like molten sunshine. Bright and happy.
As the sensation spread, you fought the sudden urge to smile in spite of all the devastation you had faced –and were about to face.
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Next Chapter>>
Tags: @melissavercos @divisingstories @theflash-trash @mynamesalreadytaken @island-end @chipster-21 @helloscorpious  @marvelismyfantasy @anonymousfanfics-blog @homra-the-red-clan @derangedangel @phonegalhelp @bowtiesandwhiskers @soldierwinterthe @alina-barnes @sumlariss @luckythepizzadog4444 @tlytxia @drunklili @iamabeautifulperson18 @zenawa @squadkyoya @cassandraevans @moli1497 @wanderlust-travler @143amberrose @humbledarkness @rockyrocket15 @4llmywr1tings @smolbeanfive @500daysofbecky
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safflowerseason · 5 years
veep rewatch - 2.06
Season Two, Episode Six - Andrew
aka - The One Where Amy Dates a Quaker 
All right, let’s just get this out in the open: DAN BASICALLY ASKS AMY OUT IN THIS EPISODE.
I go back and forth on whether or not this is a new thing he’s asking her to do. It’s reasonable to assume they’ve gotten “strategy drinks” before and Amy doesn’t act like the idea is a new one, but at the same time...this doesn’t seem like just a drink after work to blow off steam and talk about the future. Dan is asking her to do something alone after a formal evening event with alcohol that will presumably go late into the night. Hello. I don’t care if he doesn’t think of it as a date. It is fundamentally a date, the Dan-and-Amy version of a date, and the fact that he doesn’t call it a date only reinforces the fact that it means something. And then he acts like a complete dickhead the rest of the episode because she’s picked another man’s company over his. I don’t make the rules. It was a date. 
And the mysterious line: “You swore you were only going to date outside DC!” When would Amy have told him this?! Either we’re supposed to assume Amy’s opening up to Dan off-screen about her personal life (…no), or Dan’s throwing this little factoid at her from their pre-dating days, or…something else. A lot of fanfiction from when this season aired features the two of them hooking up off-screen, and while that’s a debatable interpretation of the canon, it would at least explain this weird interlude about Amy’s dating rules. Dan doesn’t even believe she has a date in the first place, and if they were having lots of cathartic after-work hate-sex, that might explain why. It also wouldn’t be hard to imagine Amy saying the thing about only dating outside DC if they were seeing each other more off-screen. Plus, Dan seems more okay with Amy dating someone else who is not DC related, and therefore not a threat to his monopolizing her time.
Then again…it could just be Dan being such a dick that he doesn’t believe anyone else wants Amy, even as he’s publicly asking her out in front of the entire office. 
Sue and Gary’s reactions to Dan and Amy in this scene basically confirm that everyone else on Selina’s team is fully aware of what’s going on between them.
Awww, and Amy is so smug at Dan’s obvious displeasure. She knows he’s jealous and she loves it. It’s so satisfying to see these two interact with each other on an even playing-field, not one tilted enormously and unrealistically in Dan’s favor. Also, Amy’s in a very plain black top and grey skirt—in stylistic terms, as pure a feminine mirror to Dan’s simple dark grey suit as it’s possible to be.
“Gary, deflower the room!”
Gary dragging Jonah out of Selina’s office doorway. “Okay, that’s actually a fire hazard.” 
Selina: He took me to Cap d’Antibes for the night… Gary: Yeah…they had crazy intercourse! JLD’s split-second delayed physical reaction to this line is perfect. 
Selina: Gary…you know my red thing?  Gary: Yeah Selina: Do you think that it shows enough skin?  Gary:…Yeah.  Selina: Okay, I’m going to be the sexiest woman to ever exude fiscal prudence. 
Dan’s jealous face! Also, he’s jealous of Ed, who is singularly unimpressive. 
Amy’s obviously not very *suave* around men she’s romantically interested in, for a variety of reasons, but I think her nervousness here is heightened by the fact that Ed is a NotDan! romantic option, considering how much time they’ve spent together this season. 
Love that little moment of Tony Hale, Reid Scott, and Matt Walsh all reacting to Amy’s “Andrew” laugh. Dan is normally so disdainful toward them both, it’s fun to see all three of them united in a moment of “traditional male confusion” at women. 
I think this is the first indication that Selina is taking anti-depressants.
Selina to Catherine, trying to sound hip: Don’t you think all your friends would call this an “epic succeed”?
David Pasquesi is so great in this role. 
Selina: Just give me five minutes, I just need to go talk to Andrew. Mary King: The ex? Three minutes.
I like how Mary King and Selina’s dialogue implies a kind of begrudging mutual understanding and respect. They don’t like each other, but they know what the other person has sacrificed to get there. 
Amy’s choice of dress is interesting…it’s not particularly attention-getting, even with the slight shimmer over the material. The neckline and the sleeves are still very professional.
And Ed actually goes in for a kiss! And Amy seems not thrown off by it! Maybe they’ve gone out before now because I can’t imagine Ed thinking this party is a good place to try and kiss Amy for the first time. The fact that they’ve kissed before must explain why Amy is so nervous earlier. Also, this is very quick work on Amy’s part. This episode can’t have happened more than a week after Helsinki, considering Dan mentions it early in the episode, and Ed’s already a presence. Obviously they knew each other already, but still.
Whatever Jonah means by the line “Does this mean you’re back on the market?”, it totally reinforces the idea that whenever Dan and Amy are in each other’s company, absolutely no one thinks she’s single. 
“Monsters. It’s like first Princess Diana, now this.” Gary’s response to one negative press article about Selina.
Amy’s red shirt is definitely eye-catching, but other than the color it does nothing for her in a traditionally feminine sense. The cut and style is almost masculine, especially around the collar and sleeves, and it’s so loose…not my favorite look on her. 
“Deal, boom. Party, boom. You are the boom-boom Veep.”
Let’s all take a moment to appreciate the hilarity that Selina turns into such an unstable basket-case around Andrew that her entire staff has to accompany her to a private family dinner.
If every dinner Catherine has shared with Selina and Andrew since their divorce (and probably before) has been as twisted as this one, no wonder Catherine is the way she is. It is truly demented.
Do we ever find out how recent their divorce is? We know they were divorced during her campaign, so they’ve been divorced at least since…2010? But I’m sure it’s earlier than that. I’ve always thought it was an interesting choice to make Selina a divorced woman, although I agree with it completely…Veep just wouldn’t work with a “Second Gentleman” hanging around. I feel like it’s a choice only a British showrunner would have been bold enough to make, though. Americans are generally far more puritanical about the personal lives of politicians than Europeans and an American showrunner might not have felt that it was “realistic” enough that a politician of Selina’s older generation could have made it as far as she did with a divorce hanging over her head. (Before anyone flames me: I have not researched the marital status of all the women serving as US Senators. It’s entirely possibly I am over-estimating how few divorces there are. But no woman who’s ever conducted a serious campaign for President has been divorced, that is for certain, and we know Selina was a serious primary contender.)
“So, Ed…Eddie. Who do you know? Do you know Ray McCaskill?” Dan’s version of dick-measuring.
“Well guess what, I work hard and I play hard, bitch, that’s my credo. I got that shit tattooed on my dick with room to spare.” 
The reveal that Mike’s been trapped in the car with Andrew, Selina, and Catherine is too funny. “Hey, Catherine…pretty nice cake you’ve got there.” Dead. 
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Cinematic Comic Characters Ranked! (Year 2010) Part I
We’ve reached a decade of lists! To be honest the year 2010 was one of the weakest years when it came to decent comic movies but there were still some good ones! We get two sequels with Iron Man 2 and Predators and the debut of Kick-Ass, The Losers, Jonah Hex, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, and one of the worst movies in cinema, The Last Airbender. Without any more delay here’s #74-51!
Cameo Appreciation: Stan Lee (Kick-Ass, Iron Man 2)
In his first cameo that ISN'T a Marvel movie, Stan Lee graces us with his presence in Kick-Ass. It's nothing fancy, he's just seen watching the news, but the fact he agreed to show up is hilarious and super fun. He shows up where he rightfully belongs in Iron Man 2. Like the movie before it, Tony Stark mistakes Stan Lee as a celebrity although this time it's Larry King.
Cameo Appreciation: Peter Parker (Iron Man 2)
Even though it started out as a fan theory, it was later confirmed that little Peter Parker made his MCU debut in Iron Man 2 instead of Captain America: Civil War. He's only a kid but his bravery against bad guys shows early on as he tries to stand up to one of the drones attacking the Expo with his Iron Man costume. Iron Man shows up just in time to really defeat the drone and it would mark the first, but not the last, time Tony Stark comes to Peter's rescue.
Cameo Appreciation: Princess Azula (The Last Airbender)
Towards the end of the film, Firelord Ozai is upset for many reasons. Commander Zhao was killed and his fleet retreated from the Northern Father Tribe, his brother betrayed him and is now a traitor to the country, and his son continues to dishonor him in his eyes. His solution? Release Pincess Azula, one of the greatest villains to appear on the small screen. With the new rules the film has to firebending I wonder how they would explain her blue flames or her lightning bending, but it's for the best that we'll never find out.
74. Adleman Lusk (Jonah Hex)
"It appears the bells are finally ready to toll on Washington."
A corrupt politician working for Turnbull, who basically slaps him around to get what he wants. Once their deal is finished Lusk mentions that if Turnbull were to fail, he'd die. Naturally Turnbul assures him that won't be a problem and kills him right then and there instead.
73. Haru and the Imprisoned Earthbenders (The Last Airbender)
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*throws pebble*
Probably one of the biggest disappointments was the prison scene with little Haru and and the other earth benders. Their prison was literally surrounded by earth and yet they couldn't take out the few guards watching them? It took an eleven year old to point out 'Hey, there's rock under your feet!' for them to realize they could've broke out whenever they wanted? Haru's hair was flawless though.
72. Kanna (The Last Airbender)
"He will begin to change hearts, and it is in the heart that all wars are won."
Besides her whiteness, I didn't mind Kanna. She wasn't a big role in the show so there really wasn't a lot of material you could mess up with her. She cares about Katara and Sokka and believes it's their duty to join the Avatar on his mission.
71. Senator Stern (Iron Man 2)
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"Funny how annoying a little prick can be, isn't it?"
This guy did not like Tony Stark but only because Tony wouldn't put America first and hand over his suit to the U.S. government. He starts a smear campaign against the Tony the entire film so when Tony saves the day it only makes sense that he forces Stern to be the one to give him his military award.
70. Smith (Jonah Hex)
"You get uglier every time I see you."
I liked Smith, thought he was a bit random, but I liked him. He's the one who's made all the bad ass weapons Jonah flaunts around throughout the movie. He likes working with Jonah and holds no ill will to him despite Jonah serving for the Confederate Army. Him and his two boys are present in Washington when Turnball launches his attack, but laughs it off once Jonah defeats him.
69. Dragon Spirit (The Last Airbender)
"You must show them the power of the ocean."
Ok so this dragon spirit was supposed to somehow guide Aang on his quest but for some reason was telling him to do the exact things in the show that nearly destroyed him and other people. Perfect example? Telling him to create the huge tidal wave against the fire nation. That's not how it went and it was also super weird that he showed up during Aang mourning for Monk Gyatso but it wasn't the biggest mistakes this movie made.
68. Lieutenant Grass (Jonah Hex)
"We want Turnbull dead."
Lieutenant Grass is sent by the President to find Jonah and hire him to take out Turnbull before the other can create his ultimate weapon and attack Washington. Since Turnbull killed his family Jonah easily accepts, but fails to take him out. This leaves Grass as Washington's only defense but he's easily killed by Turnbull's weapon.
67. Master Pakku (The Last Airbender)
"Water benders! Prepare for battle!"
Because of the time constraints, Master Pakku was reduced to more of a background character who taught Aang and Katara how to water bend and who led the Northern Water Tribe to battle against the Fire Nation. Because of this we don't get to see his misogynistic views on female waterbenders and we alos don't know of his love for Kanna, Katara and Sokka's grandma.
66. Sergeant Marcus Williams (Kick-Ass)
"You owe that girl a childhood."
A minor character in the film, Marcus was Big Daddy's partner when he was a cop and took care of Hit-Girl when he was in jail. Because of this, he cares for her well being and vocally does not approve of Big Daddy turning her into a killing machine instead of being a regular child. Still, he's always helping his friend and even becomes Hit-Girl's guardian after Big Daddy dies.
65. Julie Powers (Scott Pilgrim vs The World)
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"Stay away from Ramona Flowers!"
Like most girls in the movie, Julie hated Scott but not because she dated him, but because he would date her 'friends' and then they'd leave after they broke up. She's specifically talking about Envy and because of their breakup tries to prevent Scott from dating Ramona. However she seems to forget all about them once Envy comes back to town, who totally doesn't see her as a friend.
64. Agent Coulson (Iron Man 2)
"If you try to escape, or play any sort of games with me, I will taze you and watch "Supernanny" while you drool into the carpet."
Agent Coulson comes back briefly to keep on eye on Tony after his drunk disaster at his birthday party. He's probably only with him for two days tops before Nick Fury reassigns him to New Mexico, where he finds the mighty Mjolnir in the middle of a crate. So, obviously, Coulson was only plugged in to tease the next Marvel movie, Thor.
63. Kyle and Ken Katayanagi (Scott Pilgrim vs The World)
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*summons twin dragons*
Even though the Katayanagi twins are the 5th and 6th exes to go up against Scott and should be really strong, they don't really leave a lasting impression. They're able to summon dragons out of their electronic music but with the Sex Bob-Ombs helps, Scott is able to blast these two away with little trouble.
62. Cuchillo (Predators)
"I unleash."
Cuchillo was a powerful drug lord before he was taken by the Predators to be their prey. He talked a big game with his two machine guns, but he did seem older and slower than the rest of the group. He's the first one to go when the Predators unleash their hounds on the group. We don't see him go, but we do see the Predators try to fool the group into a trap with his corpse and pre-recorded pleas.
61. Monk Gyatso (The Last Airbender)
"I won't let them take you, Aang."
I had no problem with Monk Gyatso being black. The Air Nomads aren't technically a nation so, to me, it's fine if their ethnicity is ambiguous. He's Aang's mentor and the closest he has to a father figure. Finding out he can't be with him as the Avatar is what prompts Aang to runaway in the first place, saving him when the Fire Nation arrives and kills Monk Gyatso and the rest of the Air Nomads.
60. Ulysses S. Grant (Jonah Hex)
"This country could use a sheriff."
When the President finds out Turnbull is alive and well, he realizes the man's potential for destruction and declares him a threat to the country. He figures the only one capable of stopping him is Jonah and assigns him the task of killing Turnbull and his men. He mostly stays in the background worrying about Turnbull until Turnbull attacks Washington in the middle of his speech. When Jonah stops him, President Grant offers him a job as the country's sheriff. Jonah declines but they still manage to part on good terms.
59. Stans (Predators)
"If we ever make it home, I'm going to do so much fucking cocaine."
I feel like every movie has to have at least one guy that you just can't for them to die. Stans was that guy. A prisoner on death row, Stans was a really twisted guy who's idea of fun was incredibly questioning. He didn't add anything useful to the group but at least when he was killed it was out of an act of selflessness? His death was the most brutal, which was his spine and skull being ripped out of his body.
58. Stacey Pilgrim (Scott Pilgrim vs The World)
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"Wallace? Again?"
Anytime Scott does something stupid his little sister Stacey finds out thanks to Wallace who likes to gossip to her. She's so focused on trying to get Scott busted for dating Ramona and Knives at the same time when she needs to focus her energy on Wallace, who keeps stealing her boyfriends.
57. Marty, Todd, and Erika Cho (Kick-Ass)
"You guys never saw 'One Night in Spider-Man'?"
Marty and Todd are Dave's best friends while Erika is friend's with Katie. The trio didn't start hanging out until Dave and Katie started dating. They're a bunch of regular teenagers that take every opportunity to joke around and have fun. While Marty develops a crush on Hit-Girl, Todd and Erika actually become a couple at the end of the film.
56. Jeb Turnbull (Jonah Hex)
"He was my father! I didn't have a choice!"
Jeb didn't dared disobey his father so when Jonah, his best friend, did, he had no choice but to take him out. Unfortunately for him, Jonah is quicker and has a better shot. Jeb then spends the days of his afterlife watching as his best friend and his father go down their own paths of darkness. When he gets over the fact that Jonah killed him, he decides to help him take down his father once and for all.
55. Roxanne 'Roxy' Richter (Scott Pilgrim vs The World)
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"Well I'm just a little bi-furious!"
Roxy is the 4th ex Scott has to battle and the only girl Ramona has dated. She's able to teleport via smoke and owns a pretty deadly belt whip. Ramona has to help Scott take her down since Scott won't fight a girl and Roxy ends up dying from...an orgasm? Turns out the back of her knee is one of her sensitive spots.
54. Matthew Patel (Scott Pilgrim vs The World)
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"Pirates are in this year!"
Matthew is Ramona's 1st ex, therefore being Scott's first opponent. His mystic powers involve fire but it doesn't help him much as he's the only ex Scott fights that loses to just him alone. Even the coins Scott's rewarded isn't good enough to get Scott a bus fare, while all the other exes have rewards in the thousands.
53. Mombasa (Predators)
"I'm ready to die. Are you?"
I liked Mombasa. He didn't back down from confrontation and had a sense of honor to him that quickly left him respected among the others in the group. It's a shame that he was the one that died due to Royce's plan because it wasn't a quick death as several spikes shot out and through his body.
52. Commander Zhao (The Last Airbender)
"The Fire Nation's power will not succumb to childhood superstitions!"
With Firelord Ozai becoming a more featured character in the film, a lot of the twisted things that made Commander Zhao so hated in the show wasn't shown in the movie. Zhao just appeared as another lackey and not a dangerous person with no respect for the spirits and a thirst for power that makes him unstable. Killing the moon spirit wasn't even his idea in the film. It also bugged me that instead of the water spirit taking revenge on Zhao, he's taken out by some random waterbenders.
51. Wade Travis (The Losers)
"I was born in Quebec."
Wade was Max's lackey. I thought he was going to be a threat but he didn't really do anything intimidating except for when he threw that guy over the building. He fails at protecting Max's money and when it looks like he's going to do something cool in a motorcycle, Cougar takes him out in an explosion.
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