#i just wanted to get ahead jeje
kalu-chan · 2 years
I should go sleep but there's apparently an itch only Servamp can scratch right now so I'll tend to that first, and y'all have to hear me ramble. Also, spoilers. And rambly, it's past midnight. I'd out a read more but, I'm on my phone, sorry.
I really, really wonder who put Kuro there in the alley. Is it someone we know? Someone we have yet to meet?
The most immediate guess would be Tsubaki, but I highly doubt that. He is trying to revive Sensei, yes, but I don't think he's been part of the whole plan; he seemed to devastated when Kuro killed Sensei, and in general, his whole demeanor doesn't scream "I am in on all of this" to me. He wants Sensei back, and also he's angry af that Sensei died in the first place. Additionally, if Tsubaki had known about Mahiru's planned involvement, he'd have informed Sakuya to stay away from Mahiru.
Like, Tsubaki's Whole Thing is Loyalty and Not Betraying His Subclass. Which explains his anger at Kuro (for betraying the Creator alongside just killing him), but more importantly, he would not have allowed Sakuya to get hurt like that. He would've made sure none of his Subclass befriend Mahiru.
So, Tsubakyun is out. So are Freya, Ildio, and Hyde, because they voted against killing Sensei, which would have foiled the whole plan. Lily is also out, or else he wouldn't have been Broken like this, because he would've worked with Tsubaki in general. Jeje... Is technically on Tsubaki's side right now, but he doesn't seem to enjoy it much, so I'm gonna go ahead an claim it's not him, either; he's just going along with Mikuni (who is out because he's less than 100 years old, and because I suspect he only chose to join Tsubaki later on, bc otherwise he wouldn't have made Jeje kill a Melancholy Subclass). Gear was waiting for Kuro, so he's out, too.
It could be someone new, but considering how close we are to the presumably final showdown against Tsubaki, it'd feel a little late to introduce someone that important completely new. Unless, I guess, the plot has Tsubaki succeed at least partially, so that Sensei is at least somewhat revived and he takes the Main Villain position, but even then... Eh.
Which leaves us two main options.
1) Hugh. He's the only Servamp with no clear "alibi", and a lot of his stuff was planned from the start, hence the lack of contract with Tetsu (which, Hugh, bro, you SENT THAT KID INTO BATTLE AS A NORMAL ASS HUMAN!). Plus, while the rest of the Yes-Group wasn't too thrilled about being a vampire (Jeje wanted Kuro to KILL him, Lily iirc also said he didn't ask to be saved in an earlier flashback, and Kuro grieved his village and had no control over his powers), Hugh seemed pretty chill about it. Though he really SHOULD have reason to have issues - Gear says things "stabilized around the third Servamp" (and Jeje clearly still has problems, even though I still think that Mikuni's mom was lying about being influenced by Jeje without even having a contract, his former Eves are a different matter), so considering Kuro and Jeje, Hugh should have Issues, too (maybe that's another reason to not form a real contract). So maybe Sensei offered Hugh a way to Solve those issues in exchange for Hugh playing along with the plan. The hands didn't look like Hugh's, but he has more than enough Subclass that could've put the kitty there.
b) A human family. Someone's ancestor could've made a deal with Sensei, kitty Kuro would've been passed down through the generations, until someone could place Kuro there. Probably someone from C3, that is a family business for most people anyway, and well, the organization founded by Sensei asking the Servamps to kill Sensei, would just make sense if other parts of the plan were also in their hands. Then the question is just which family. We can probably exclude the main-ish ones (Tsurugi's, Yumi's, Jun's, Shuuhei's). I don't remember much of C3, really gotta reread (and get my heart ripped out again...), but I'd also say Toma's family is not involved, there's enough going in without that, despite Toma's bonus plan.
But well, excluding some doesn't answer the question if who it could be. Sendagayas, maybe? Indirect ties to C3, and it'd explain why Hugh ended up there instead of anywhere else, but I honestly can't imagine Tetsu's parents to be involved there. I forgot how much we know about Izuna's family outside if her and Shuuhei being childhood friends, I think, so I guess they'd be an option - Not Izuna herself, of course, but maybe a parent or an older sibling. Would also help getting her and Freya back into the story, Tanaka Strike! (I miss my wolf lady)
Idk I'm just throwing thoughts at Tumblr to see if they're al dente, i have no idea which is more likely.
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antpernas · 2 years
Madrid's been cute!! Here's the gist since my last entry:
- Passed with A's and one B (in Physics... so pissed about that fucking final. A 77 ???? REALLY?? Whatever)
- Picked my friend up from the fair one day and took her back to her friend's place and they're rich as FUCK I just need to mention that
- Got a speeding ticket on the way to see Scorpio 3, 300 dollars but it was worth (I will be fighting the ticket in court LOL)
- Family hosted a little party, got to see my cousins and all their kids since they have families and whatnot, very fun :D My friend met them all too! So that was nice
- Got a haircut, almost cried when this guy shaved a part of my hairline but I lived (narrowly). Refilling my PREP that day was also a mess, and I spent about an hour to get a COVID test only to end up not needing it in the end LOL
And as far as MADRID has gone.... there's a lot to say
- The flight was alright, we got there ahead of schedule. There was a huge line at the airport but, again, we survived
- Day 1 was cute, I walked around with my parents and then tried to find a gym (went to one, the clerk was really nice and showed me around but the hours were too limited)
- Went on a date with a really nice boy too, an opera singer from Ecuador (if I'm remembering right...)
- Day 2 was where the fun started LMFAO
- I went to a bathhouse (my first one!) at like 6 AM, it was cute and fun! Calmed my nerves about going to them, even though I didn't even end up having sex with anyone LOL
- Later that day we went on a segway tour and my dad broke his thumb, I went to a music concert promptly following (they didn't let me tour the school :( )
- After that I went to a hookup, that was nice for the most part! We went to a sauna after but I didn't really want to be there so I ended up leaving
- Day 3 was cute, I woke up before my family for breakfast, then we ended up going to a city a little further north of Madrid
- In summary, we went to a basilica, walked around to the abbey of said basilica and then went to eat. Promptly got pissed at my dad for eating my food before heading to the monastery and doing a tour. We went back to the hotel after that
- I knocked out while my parents went to a concert, I woke up at 12 and here I am!
- Called Scorpio 3 and we caught up, and he said he misses me :') That made me giddy jeje
So yesss Madrid's been nice :D
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myheartisbro-ken · 3 years
you mentioned in a comment on a supercorp fic (i feel like a stalker, yikes) that you got in contact with darren doyle and he gave you some tips on using kryptahniuo, the sentence structure, the krius thing, etc.. would you mind sharing them? because i feel like i've sucked all available resources dry, and as a huge kryptonian nerd, i'd really appreciate it! (ofc, feel free to ignore me and pretend like this never existed if i'm intruding or unknowingly acting like a jerk.)
Okay, soooo, this is all from 3 years ago and I don’t have the best way to make myself clear when talking to people, but I’m gonna put here the things that are relevant and cut out my cringey communication. This is also for anyone who writes and would like to know a lil bit more about the language, or just people who enjoy conlangs. The vocab is over at kryptonian.info, but this is a clearer explanation of some things I had a bit of trouble with.
It’s pretty long though, so strap in.
Here we go:
Me: I was kind of having a hard time trying to figure out what the present form of zhao would be since it already ends with an 'o' and the present suffix is 'odh', I wanted to say 'I love you' with zhao , and on your page I could only find the ukiem sentence. Would it be zhaodh? And how would the full sentence be? What about shovuh, would it be shovuhodh?
Doyle: Sweet! I'm glad to help (I only wish the writers of the show would help instead of butchering the grammar ... and pronunciation)
Ok ... give me a moment to work on this...
Ok ... /zhao/ ... this doesn't end in /o/ (as in go) it ends in /ao/ (as in cow) which is a different vowel. Even if it did, though, you would still go ahead and use the /odh/ suffix. Two vowels in a row in Kryptonian is going to be super rare (pun intended), but in those cases Kryptonian phonetics will use a slight "w" sound to separate the vowels.
So ... it would be /zhaoodh/which would be 3 characters in Kryptonian writing: zh + ao + odhSo, your sentences would be: /zhaoodh (khuhp) w rraop/ and /shovuhodh (khuhp) w rraop/The subject is optional
Also, this is a sentence that would likely be gendered (familiar and/or intimate speech)
So, "I (female) love you (male)." would be: /zhaoodh (khap) w rrup/
Let's talk about informal speech, because the I love you stuff gets weird ...
zhao and shovuh are primarily nouns, but at some point they got codified as type 1 verbs (taking suffixes)... and grammatically (especially formal writing) type 1 is kind of the "proper" way to use them. But in day-to-day speech, these usually get treated as type 2 verbs (no suffix)
I should back pedal briefly and say that all this applies to /ukiem/ (familial love) ... and actually to /:jev/ (n. happiness, joy) with /:jevodh/ meaning essentially "like" or "enjoy"
So anyway, the informal variant ends up as something like /zhao w rrup/ (you would almost never use the subject with the type 2 forms of these words) Total side topic ... (hope I'm not overwhelming you here) ...
Since type 2 verbs mark tense with a vowel change, there is an interesting result with /zhao/ ... since the past and future versions end up being /zha/ and /zhi/ respectively which also just happen to be the words for "yes" and "no" which also act as augmentative and diminutive markers...
It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation as it's unclear if the "will love/did love" meanings gave rise to the "yes/no" meanings or if the existing "yes/no" words guided the vowel shift as /zhao/ went from noun > v1 > v2
Me: Okay, first, in the verb section of your page you say that not using a suffix creates the potential form of the verb, yet there is a prefix, kai, for potential, so if someone were to ask 'can you do...' say, 'can you speak/say this' would it need the prefix and then the present suffix, or just not use either. Like, would it be 'ta-kai-ehworodh rraop w [thing]' or 'ta-kai-ehwor' or just 'ta-ehwor' or is all of that completely dumb and I totally misunderstood everything? (I'm also not sure when I should and shouldn't use the hyphen) And the second is simpler, I guess: going by 'us-kah' as like a petname for your child, would the same apply to a parent, such as saying 'jeju-te' in sort of the same way kids say 'mommy' and not just expressing relationship. And could that apply to a person's name as well? Like, idk if that works in english, but say you have a nickname for someone and then you say 'that's MY [nickname]', (I do that for my aunt in portuguese, which is why I'm asking)
Doyle: Dang ... the "suffixless form of the verb forms the potential" is actually a holdover from an idea when I first started making the language that eventually got abandoned. Thought I removed references to it, but I missed that I guess.
Hyphens are just there to help show the morpheme breaks when explaining the language. If you are just writing Kryptonian, then you wouldn't use them at all.
so /?takaieworodh rraop ki kryptahniuo/ would be correct
Ok ... the "familial-possessive-honorifics" ...
They kind of act like an honirific (Mr., Mrs., Sir, Ma'am, Señor, Señorita, San, Sama etc.)
They attach using the proper noun punctuation...
So ... Kal-El => /kal,ehl/
Mr. Kal-El => /kal,ehl,jran/
(I'm not related it Kal-El)
Let me start over on that last one
I am talking to you about Mr. Kal-El, I would say ...
* (neither of us is related to him): /kal,ehl,jran/
* (I am related to him, but you aren't): /kal,ehl,te/
* (we are both related to him): /kal,ehl,kah/
* (I am not related to him, but you are): /kal,ehl,ni/
* (Neither of us is related to him, but we are talking about someone who is related to him and that relationship is pertinent to the conversation): /kal,ehl,cheh/
So in that sense, these are honorifics ... they are more formal, not less
so ... us,kah for a child probably wouldn't end up being a pet name
and it means "our" child ... so even less likely in that sense (us,te would be "my child")
and it uses the less intimate gender-neutral form
wait ... scratch that ... /us/ is masculine (derp derp)
so, a more likely candidate for a pet name for your child would probably be /us kir/ (little boy) or /is kir/ little girl
you could also do something clever like /krius/ or /kriis/ (that second word would be pronounced "kree-yees") ... borrowing the "bright" prefix and applying it to the child noun
For Kryptonians that wouldn't have as much of the meaning that an English speaker would assign to "bright" (smart, clever, etc), but more of a sense of "joyful", "pleasant", "you-light-up-the-room" kind of sense.
An English equivalent to /krius/ would be something like when you refer to someone as "my little ray of sunshine"
getting back to your actual question ...  
/jeju,te/ and /ukr,te/ would also be more formal. Kids (especially older kids) would be expected to use this form in public when addressing parents
but at home it would probably be just /jeju/ and /ukr/
for the very youngest kids, /jeje/ would be "mommy", and /uku/ (or even /kuku/) would be "daddy" ... but, unlike some dialects of English (especially in the Southern states), those variants wouldn't last very long as kids would be encouraged to use /jeju/ and /ukr/ as their speech developed
So ... ummm ... I'm not sure if I've answered your actual question ... if I have, I may have indicated the opposite... Kryptonians would remove the "my" on a petname ... does that sound right ... hmmm ... thinking about it
Shoot ... I guess I don't really know how to give you a solid answer on that one. Pet names can be funny things, I think ... because even in English I can see formal titles being absorbed as "cute" ... like having a little fluffy dog that you pick up and in a cutesy voice call "Sir Snuggles"
so ... armed with the info for "normal" speech/grammar ... pick whatever feels right to you!
Me: The first I wanted to ask is if 'Awuhkhu zhadif khap w rrip' is correct for 'I'll never leave you'
And the second I tried to make it out, but the result looked weird so I was just very unsure about (while the other I'm a bit more confident about) so how would 'please don't leave me' be, cuz 'please don't' is a full prefix, right? so it'd be 'please don't' prefix + leave + present suffix and then the pronoun separately. By that logic it'd be 'sozhaoawuhkhodh khap' is that correct?
Now there's actually a third one that I don't even know where to begin (mostly because I didn't try too hard) but I wanted to know would you say the sentence 'she left me alone' or 'my mother left me alone'?
/.awuhkhu zhadif khap w rrip/ ... yep, that's correct!  
/sozhaoawuhkhodh khap/ ... yep, that's right too
or you might go with the future tense, especially if those two sentences are going together
/sozhaoawuhkhu khap/
actually ... whoops... /khap/ is the object of the sentence...
/sozhaoawuhkhu w khap/
Let's see for "she left me alone", I would use the malefactive and the past tense of "to go" (which I just realized wasn't in the dictionary - doh!).
So ... let's see... go+past-perf she w me mal.
hmmm... alone, though ...
cause/PST she be/PRS me w alone ki go/PST/PRG ... ?
/podh zhehd nahn khap w chahvymah ki rrosh/ (that last verb wouldn't take a suffix, derp) ... "She made me alone by going" ... hmmm...
You could always just use /podh zhehd nahn khap w chahvymah/ ... she cause me to be alone ... that's probably the closest to the English 
So that’s it, so much information that I thought it was actually a longer convo
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i just did like two hours of math homework it’s time for me to watch some whump
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silverineontherun · 6 years
I was tagged by the sweetheart @kunfetti and since I’m currently working IT’S THE BEST TIME FOR THIS <3 yey procrastination!
How did you discover the show?
I follow an user that’s a fan of 19 days like me, then at the beginning of last year they started reblogging klance content, and since I recently had started paying for netflix, I decided to check what the fuss was about lol. Dare I say now I’m trapped and they aren’t anymore, a classic.
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
The fanarts caught my attention immediately. Since I remembered having heard of Voltron in my first years of life I was curious, but never expected that much. It caught me AT ONCE, I binge-watched the first 3 seasons in one or two days... and here I am, lol.
Do you have a favorite episode?
My favs used to be the ones dedicated to the Balmera, but now? After s6? I’m not even sure. D&D (M&M actually) has my heart, as a role player, but The Black Paladins is just... oof.
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
You can see him in all my profile pics. My Beef Keef, my adopted son. But let me tell you, it’s only because I have a thing for loners, but having a fav here is IMPOSSIBLE, I love them all. One reason this show caught me so fast was because there’s not a single character I dislike, and that’s a FEAT, I swear. 
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fave Paladin, why?)
Uhhh same rule, I like my rebelious son (daughter? I still don’t know) Red. I like how this Lion just says... “Oh you need me right now? Yeah... take a seat, I’m napping.” But when it’s set to something, BOOM. (Lowkey I wish for a “The Red Paladins” episode too :P)
Do you have a favorite villain?
Ok I was always convinced that the real final boss would be Haggar, but even though I love her, my fav is Lotor. The purple goblin has my undying love, even though I knew his betrayal was coming, I think the show went a bit overboard with his sins. BUT A MOTHER ALWAYS FORGIVES, COME BACK SON! <3
Do you have a favorite Alien Race (Recurring and/or minor)
The Olkari are my favs! They are just so smart and their entire civilization is based in such a cool philosophy.
Favorite side/other character(s) - Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
Matthew Holt can steal my lunch and eat it in front of me and I would thank him. Coran is my sweetheart and also I find him 10/10 would smash, you can judge me all you want.
How/Why did you join the fandom?
I was living a very stressful period when I was introduced to Voltron and I think that made me embrace it so much, it was a relief. Honestly, I’ve been in many fandoms in my life, but I have NEVER been this invested in them. This one just blew me over, so much gorgeous art, and fics! I wasn’t even a fic reader before... And then this is the fandom that made me start writing too. I don’t even know “how” I joined, but somehow I made it my home haha.
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
Oh geez, I have a lot, and most of them I’ve put them in my fics. This one has to do with ships but here it goes anyway: one of my favs is that Shiro used to be a popular, jokester kind of guy at the Garrison, and no one ever imagined that he carried a torch for Matt, who was so nerdy, but enthusiast and pure. Of course, Shiro being our lawful good paladin would never say such a thing when they had a mission ahead (and with his dad on board, yikes). Ok another one, crack this time: I like to imagine that they ALL wear the Lion slippers and sometimes they make them “fight” under the table and then deny it lol. 
What do you think is the best part of the show?
The characters. They are so... alive, their dynamics feel so real. That’s why the fandom is so passionate, I guess. Besides that, the art is just gorgeous, the storyline perfect and that feeling of being in space is conveyed so well, it opens your head. I’m sure that’s the reason this fandom is so prosperous in the fanfic department, it opens the door to imagine ANYTHING. Anything can happen in space.
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes/seasons?
My god if you know me you know I have a lot. I’m still on the klance train and I’m not leaving any time soon lol, but I could stand good allurance too. Also high hopes for shatt. Aside from ships, I wish to see Honerva’s arc, we don’t know what she pretends, why was she accepted by Oriande. My guess? She may try to change the course of everything from the PAST, and that’s why we were introduced to time skipping in the Quantum Abyss. DUN DUN DUUUUN... (that’s the premise for Ouroboros, my fic btw. Spoiler alert lol).
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
Hell yeah, I’m following this mess until its bitter end. Live with honor or die in glory!
Well I’m supposed to tag people, but I see that the few I speak to already did it, so I’m tagging a few followers that I know are NOT leaving the fandom lol. Hope you don’t mind guys, don’t feel forced to do this if you don’t want! @hook-737 @procrastinating-through-life, @gayromanticsubplots and any follower who wants to, feel invited by me and tag me! :D En español también vale chiquillos jeje!
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28 December 2017
A few nights ago, I was finishing up rereading my favorite book (for the nth time). I love finding new hidden passages to love. With 2017 winding down to a close, reflecting has been enlightening. Even though I spent a fair amount of time this year putting an enormous amount of effort into a bad relationship that left me exhausted, (heart)broken, and feeling all other kinds of horrible!!! emotions, it all needed to happen. While Vonnegut meant this highlighted passage for times of war, I think that it applies to vulnerable people in other situations as well. People without personal power are lost and always looking for something to cling onto. This can leave them trying with every ounce in their heart to prove to a willfully deaf and blind enemy that they are interesting to hear and see. One-sided relationships are easy to come across, but not easy to spot before it’s too late. This year I spent about 5 months (honestly probably more, this is a very generous guestimate) trying with every dying ounce of energy in my heart to get someone to like me. It felt like I was fighting for attention up until the very day that it ended (even after it ended!). i’d never wanted anything so badly (not even sure why?). I did everything I could, but none of it was enough for that person. But, here’s the thing, I eventually realized that I wasn’t the problem. The problem isn’t that I wasn’t ___ enough to acquire his love, affection, attention, etc. The problem was that I spent so much time trying to prove to a willfully deaf and blind enemy that I was interesting to hear and see. We could have all of the signs in the world that someone isn’t as interested as you are, but emotional people choose to block out what they don’t want to see/accept. You think, if I do this, then bam! he’ll realize how awesome I am and will love me unconditionally! maybe this will do it! It can feel like a game. The smallest nice gesture, attention, affection, etc. is the prize. But honestly no person that doesn’t already show you love and affection is worth all of this effort! The more effort you put into a one-sided relationship, the more feelings will linger about it in the end! The end of our relationship was certainly not the end of my feelings for him, and my feelings now are still very complicated. But to be quite honest none of those feelings matter or will ever matter if the love isn’t reciprocated. It’s not your fault. The point is, they are “blind” and “deaf”, they just aren’t wired to see all of the great things in you. But those great things still exist, their opinion or validation does not create or destroy any of those qualities. Like I said, all of this needed to happen to me. I was once a person lacking personal power, seeking for someone to validate and make me feel powerful (fallacy). But now, I am (working on) finding all of the power in myself. I’m still healing, and I’ve made enormous progress. To think, at one point in the near past, I thought that I would never feel any emotion besides sadness ever again. I’m no where near being completely healed. I’ll never know when the last panic attack I have thinking about it will be, but I have hope that it will come. Being at home is helping me heal, being with my mom is helping me heal, reading and rereading books is helping me heal, being around people I love is helping me heal. All of the new experiences ahead of me will help me heal. And I know for certain that I will never willfully waste my time trying to prove myself to anyone without good intentions. Even though I spent some/most of 2017 on this dumb boy, I also did so much more!!! Some of the happiest moments in my life were this year. In the grand scheme of things, my heartbreak is just one drop in the ocean of moments in my lifetime. I’d like to think that Billy Pilgrim and I share the same, kind heart. 
so it goes. 
Leyendo mi libro favorito otra vez siempre me da paz. El fin del año me deja reflejar en todo lo que he pasado. Aunque pasé mucho del año preocupándome por alguien que ni me quería, no lo sabía en el tiempo. Pasé mucho tiempo tratando de probar a un chico que yo era alguien especial, no me dejo con nada más de sufrimiento. Me da mucho gusto ver a todos los momentos en 2017 que no contuvieron a él. Mi vida en esta relación fue 5 meses en los tantos años que voy a vivir. Este año viajé en México en el verano, fui a un festival de música con mis amigas, pasé otros semestres en la universidad, me preparé para ir a España, y muchísimo más. No puedo escribir todas las cosas buenas que me pasaron este año. Puedo pasar toda mi vida pensando en el chico que no me podía querer, pero es un gasto de tiempo y energía. Puedo pasar toda mi vida obsesionada con todo lo mal que me ha pasado y va a pasar, pero tampoco me interesa. Prefiero dar toda mi amor y energía a los que quiero y las cosas que quiero. Prefiero mejorarme con lo que puedo. Estar en casa por estas dos semanas antes de que me vaya a Valla (jeje) me está curando. Voy a seguir leyendo, relajando, y preparando para mi aventura :-)
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Can you make a Servamp age au drabble for Mikuni and Jeje please???
Ahhh, this ask has been sitting in my inbox forever - I hope you didn’t think I forgot!! I ended up giving their first meeting a great deal of thought and decided to go that route for these two. Hence why it ended up being a longer than normal drabble~ 
@crazyanime3 It’s here!! Let me know if there’s anything you want me to fix. Your AU gives me life, have I told you that lately??
Title: Nice to Meet YouRating: G, family fluff time~Characters: Jeje, Mikuni, Misono, LilySummary: Age AU. First impressions are often incorrect. And some? Some are ridiculously accurate.
The new experience finally settling in, Misono grabbed onto his big brother’s hand. None too gentle as he held on. “It’s okay,” his brother soothed, “you’re going to like it here.” In return, Misono puffed out his cheeks, not agreeing to anything. It earned him a poke to the cheek as Mikuni laughed, “So quick to disagree. And we’re not even there yet!”
The Alicein household was well-respected in the community. Throughout the years, they had helped expand the housing developments and made impossible projects into possibilities. Their name was both loved and cursed in equal measure. Since every good deed had its demerits, as every law had a shining ray hope.
Needless to say, the heir apparent of the family had a few problems of his own with them. For one, they never had enough time to be just that - a family. His father was always off to some business venture, and often times his mother was lost in her own reverie. He missed the days where she would sit combing his hair for hours, simply content to be in his presence and letting the repetitive motions ease their worries. He wasn’t sure when it changed.
No, that was a lie. It had started exactly three years ago, those gradual changes that now befell their family. His father, staying away from home as long as he could. His mother, retreating into herself. Both refusing to acknowledge the elephant in the room as it cooed up the new big brother that he had become.
Oftentimes, in the early days, he wasn’t sure what to make of the tiny bundle swathed in blankets in the crib. He knew it was strange, that his mother wasn’t the one who brought the baby home. That it shouldn’t have been his father to show up with it, marching into the house one rainy evening, clinging tightly to a small babe as tears rolled down his face. There were many unspoken things that lay buried now since that day. All of them turning a blind eye and accepting the babe into their fractured family. As if doing so would fill a void that had formed. A gaping hole that looked back at them every day, taunting them with what ifs and could have beens.
Funny that he couldn’t blame the child for any of it, not when the first word that his little brother said was, “Mi-kun.” Only a little bit off from his name and ever the more endearing for it. With a smile and delighted laugh, he corrected with a deliberately slow, “Mi-ku-ni. Come on, Misono, you can do it!”
The baby scrunched up his nose and folded his arms, huffing as he turned his head away and ignored his big brother’s attempts. “Aww, don’t be like that,” Mikuni insisted as he ruffled the other’s hair, which earned an eep of disapproval and a wildly swung arm aimed at his face. “Careful! What will your new friends think if you’re mean to them on your first day?”
Misono tilted his head, not understanding. Not that Mikuni could blame him; having been sheltered from the world, it was only natural that he didn’t know what friends were or what a first day of anything meant. Every day was the same here. Every boring day. At least Mikuni had school to alleviate the boredom, but Misono had none of that. Stuck with seeing the same faces every day and every night.
It was with much persistence that he had talked his father and mother into giving the daycare down the street a chance, rather than relying on the overworked nanny that looked more frazzled by the day. In his excitement to see his little brother’s world expand, he had taken the honors of helping him get dressed that morning. Misono didn’t seem to like all of the ribbons he had used to make the ensemble cuter, but they were tied too well to be undone. Of that, he was smug in his victory.
“Time to go!” he cheered, picking the little one up and hoisting him onto his shoulders. “Onwards to the new adventure!”
Giving a shriek, Misono grabbed onto his brother’s hair as he took off running, burying his face into the golden locks. For it wasn’t until they were almost there that Mikuni gave a thought to slowing down. Shifting out from behind his brother’s hair, Misono caught a glimpse of the building up ahead and quickly hid back behind the curtain of gold. It was too different from what he was used to - a leap in a completely different direction.
It was a modest daycare center, humble in its origins and lackluster in its appearance. Bland, someone would say. Still, it was a nice enough of place with an even nicer staff. Mikuni had made sure of it with a charming smile that did half the talking for him. He wouldn’t have left his little brother anywhere that didn’t meet his standards.
“Now then.” He crouched down and urged Misono to slide off his shoulders, tiny feet hitting the pavement for the first time. “Let’s go make you some friends.”
The new experience finally settling in, Misono grabbed onto his big brother’s hand. None too gentle as he held on. “It’s okay,” his brother soothed, “you’re going to like it here.” In return, Misono puffed out his cheeks, not agreeing to anything. It earned him a poke to the cheek as Mikuni laughed, “So quick to disagree. And we’re not even there yet!”
Once inside, it was a sudden struggle to walk as Misono attempted to hide behind him again, pulling his hand as far back as it would go. “Eh, Misono, Nii-san kind of needs that hand …” So saying, he began to pull his hand away. He had to sign them in, after all, or they would both be going nowhere fast. He also had to take out his school id and show that to the awaiting receptionist. All the while aware that his little brother had attached to him like a sea urchin.
“We have to say goodbye soon,” he reminded Misono, taking up his hand once more. “But for now, I’ll walk you down to meet your new friends and teachers!”
It was nothing like the tutors that had been hired for their home or even the careful nanny that had raised them from mere diapers. The place was alive with a buzzing stream of chatter. Colorful and decorated in all manner of creations that the children had a hand in making.  A place as warm and welcoming as their own home was cold and daunting.
He gave Misono’s hand one last squeeze and then urged him into the room that had been assigned to him, patting him on the head as he crouched back down. “Well, time for Nii-san to head to school. Be good for your teacher, okay? I’ll be back to pick up before you know it!”
Misono didn’t seem to hear the parting words, though, already looking about the room in quiet fascination. His eyes were practically sparkling at the sight of other kids in the room. As strange as it all was, there was a sense of excitement here that even he had been swept up in. And Mikuni found he was probably the sadder one for having to leave.
Giving a half-hearted wave, already forgotten, he headed towards the door. He had lowered his head with a sigh, dissatisfied with that goodbye, and he didn’t see the person who had just stepped into the room. It ended with a collision and a crying child that he was quick to try and console, fluttering about like a butterfly, worried he had done something irreparable.
The person with the child, tall and lanky and covering most of his face with his hair, stopped the fretting by holding out his hand to the child - to which the little blond took with a sniffle and another woeful look directed at Mikuni. “Lily,” mumbled the newcomer, “my fault.”
“No! It isn’t! Jeje-nii was looking where he was going, but this -”
“Lily,” Jeje cut off the rant with a shake of his head, “accidents happen.” Leaving it at that, they tried to go around Mikuni, but he wasn’t about to be dismissed so easily. Not when he hadn’t had his say.
“Excuse me,” he said, stepping in front of them with a quick two-step, “but if it is indeed your fault, then I am going to have to ask for compensation.” With a cheeky grin, he spread his arms open wide and said, “Why, I won’t ask for much. I was ~just~ wondering if Lily-chan wouldn’t mind helping out my little brother. You see, it’s his first day here. Would that be too much trouble?”
At the mention of someone new, Lily ran over to greet the only child that stood apart from the crowd, still unsure on how to approach anyone else. It worked like a charm, the bubbly little blond dragging Misono into the center of all the kids and introducing him to everyone.
Mentally patting himself on the back, Mikuni turned back to Jeje, ready to thank him for Lily’s help. The thanks that he had let rise to the tip of his tongue fell flat as soon as he saw the glare directed his way, unbridled anger fuming behind that sheet of black hair. He snickered and quickly covered it up with a hand, feigning ignorance. “Oh my, did I do something wrong?”
“Don’t use my brother for your stupid whims.”
It was Mikuni’s turn to bristle. Because Misono would never be a “stupid whim”. “Excuse me?” he repeated. “I think I must have misheard you. Are you calling me and my brother stupid now?” A grin too sharp to be believed made its way onto his face. “You must be confused. Or maybe you don’t know who we are? Mikuni Alicein, at your service.” He swept into a bow, and would have tipped his hat had he been wearing one. Unfortunately, that wasn’t a part of his school uniform. He made due by flipping his hair.
“And my little brother, Misono Alicein.” He gestured toward the circle of kids, all of whom were asking questions non-stop of the child in the middle. “Nice to meet you!”
Jeje mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like, “It’s not nice to meet you. Go die,” but instead of being offended, Mikuni found it refreshing. Different. Something unlike the usual reaction when someone met him for the first time. 
He had been expecting this to be an adventure Misono would have to take on his own. A world Mikuni would never be a part of, lost to half-truths and false impressions, but now - now he was wondering if he had a chance to start over, too.
Grinning from ear to ear, he promised Jeje, “We’ll surely be seeing a lot of each other from now on.”
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pocket-luv101 · 7 years
Seven Kinds of Love
Characters: Mikuni, Tsurugi Ship: MikuTsuru Summary: Out of the seven kinds of love, Mikuni only believed in an handful of them. But Tsurugi came into his life and showed him love he never thought existed. 
Notes: This was supposed to have a drabble for each type of love. I started this a while ago but I lost all inspiration to finish this. I didn’t want to just throw this idea away so I’m posting this incomplete work.
The Greeks listed seven kinds of love a person could experience. They were Eros, Philia, Ludus, Pragma, Agape, Philautia and Storage. Mikuni only believed in three of them: Eros, the deadly lust that destroyed relationships; Philia, the platonic love you have for a person; and Storage, the natural love you can have for a child. The rest were nothing more than a farce to Mikuni.
Mikuni believed that until him.
“What are you doing sitting here, kid? You’re in the way.” He looked up to see a dark haired boy standing above him. Mikuni was huddled against a vending machine, using it to protect himself from the cold wind. JeJe hung around his neck and hissed at the boy but he didn’t appear to be frightened by his venomous glare. He only nudged Mikuni aside.
Mikuni held his lips in a stubborn line but stepped aside. The boy began to knock on the machine and Mikuni raised a brow at him. “You should go running home. Vampires comes out at night. Even if you offer me money to protect you, I don’t have time to save you. My night’s already booked with assignments.”
“Vampires don’t exist,” Mikuni said even though he knew the truth. He kept a watchful eye on the boy who continued to knock on the machine. His behaviour and how he casually spoke about vampires instantly made Mikuni cautious. “And I don’t need you to help me.”
“Where are your parents?” He asked but Mikuni refused to answer him. The boy gave him a glance before turning back to the vending machine. “Well, you look like a wet rat and smell worse so I’m guessing you ran away from home or something. I’m sure your parents must be worried about you. How much money do you think they’ll pay me if I return you to them?”
“Nothing.” Mikuni mumbled, hoping the boy would leave.
“So, you’re worthless too?” He said and Mikuni fists clenched. Was the man trying to start a fight with him? He turned a glare at him and the boy smiled. “You don’t like being called that?”
His stance shifted and Mikuni knew that he was about to attack him. Mikuni began to summon his Lead with the intention of restraining him. But he only turned and kicked the vending machine. The snacks inside shook and fell to the bottom. He took one and threw it towards Mikuni. 
“How did you?” Mikuni looked down at the simple snack and his stomach growled.
“That’s my little secret. It took me years to perfect my technique so I can’t just give it away.” He answered with a sly smile and Mikuni’s eyes narrowed because it was a transparent fake. Mikuni watched him gather the snacks into a bag before turning to him. He held out a hand to him, “Name’s Tsurugi Kamiya.”
“Mikuni,” he answered but didn’t trust him enough to give his full name. Mikuni took his hand, only intending to shake it. But he tightened his grip and pulled Mikuni forward. He was so shocked that he couldn’t react for a moment. “Wait, what are you doing?”
“Did you get the impression I was a nice guy?” Tsurugi looked over his shoulder at Mikuni. “I don’t do anything for free or out of kindness. But a kid like you probably won’t have any money so you’re going to help me with my assignments to pay me back. Even if you’re worthless, you can do something.”
“That doesn’t answer my question!” Mikuni dug his feet into the ground and forced Tsurugi to stop. His instincts told him not to trust Tsurugi and his actions were only reinforcing that. “Where are you taking me? I doubt you’re talking about a school assignment.”
“Very perceptive, Kuni-chan. You’re going to help me hunt down vampires. You see, I work for this organization called the C3.” Tsurugi explained the organization to him. Mikuni knew that vampires existed but didn’t know an organization like the C3 existed. “This shouldn’t sound too crazy to someone that carries around a Servamp like it’s a pet.”
Instinctively, Mikuni shook off his hand and summoned his Lead. Tsurugi’s expression didn’t change as he held up his hands. “Aren’t we a little kinky? But you should treat me to dinner before you try to tie me up with that thing. Now, don’t glare at me like that. The C3 are the good guys. We only want to protect humans.”
“Vampires and humans can live together—” Mikuni started to argue but the memory of his mother silenced him. He had grown up with vampires and knew how kind they were but his mother overwhelmed those memories now. Even if Lily’s subclasses were kind, not all vampires were.
“Why don’t you help me out tonight and see what we’re like for yourself?” Tsurugi suggested. “If you’re good enough to get a job, the C3 will pay for your room and meals.”
Mikuni thought over his offer for a moment. There was no doubt in his mind that Misono would eventually be drag into the world of vampires. If he could make that world a little better, he would know his brother was safe even if he could never see him again. With that thought, he turned back to Tsurugi. “I won’t agree to anything until I talk to whoever’s in charge and I doubt that’s you.”
“Of course I’m not. I get a lot more money of doing grunt work like killing vampires. But I can ask Tai-chan to get you a meeting with one of those higher ups. I’m sure a guy with a Servamp will be valuable.” Tsurugi walked ahead of him and Mikuni followed him.
I have this bad habit of posting work that I can’t finish. I just don’t like thinking I put some effort into a project and didn’t post anything to show for it.
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jekunitrash · 4 years
Chaos in the Alicein household_Chapter 3
Jeje should have been happy that Mikuni was finally willing to let him drink his blood but it wasn't the case. He was shocked and confused, it was too sudden: why would he let him drink now of all times? It wasn't like his eve to be so impulsive, there had to be a reason. The blonde sighed seeing the servamp's internal conflict. He had expected him to jump on the occasion but apparently it wasn't that simple.
-"What are you hesitating about? I'm doing you a favor here you know." The blonde said in his 'sly and annoying' personality but there was something else behind it.
Jeje was still not moving so he concluded he would have to explain himself.
-"Look, I know it's always been complicated between us because of that incident- because of my mom's murder. But I also know that it's not something that could have been avoided. I wanted to hate you at first, but in the end I knew it wasn't your fault. If anything, it was mine. I should have anticipated she would try to kill Misono." 
Jeje was going to protest and say that no, his eve didn't do anything wrong but he was immediatly interrupted.
-"No, let me finish. I don't regret saving my brother, even if I had to kill my own mother to do so. I thought I would never be able to get over it, but coming back made me think. And I want you to know that I really appreciate all the things you did for me. It would have been easy for you to get rid of me, but you didn't. I was scared to let you drink my blood because I didn't want to be reminded of all that. I didn't want to accept the status of Eve of envy. And I know it's the same for you. You felt guilty for what happened too, and that's why we both couldn't move on. "
He walked to the servamp until he was only a few centimeters away from him and said, making direct eyecontact:
-"Let's do this together, Jeje. As real partners. Let's forgive ourselves and move on. I don't want to live in the past anymore. I don't want us to feel uneasy around each other anymore. I trust you, so please go ahead."
Jeje swallowed hard. He was trying to take in what Mikuni said. He was relieved that he was finally ready to try and live in the present but at the same time scared. It was extremly rare for him to feel that way, he was a vampire so there were very little things that could frighten him. Yet he found himself being frozen in place, not daring to do or say anything. Many thoughts were clouding his mind as he was trying to process what his eve meant. It was true that he had always felt like shit for what happened to this family, since it was his sin which had corrupted Mikuni's mother. The blonde often irked him to no end, and he would shoot at him in response most of the time. But he also knew he would never be able to hurt him and he regretted not being able to talk things through with him. He wasn't someone who talked much in the first place but considering their past it was even harder to get the words out. But there was something he was sure of. He would obey any of Mikuni's orders, even if he didn't agree with him. He wouldn't hesitate to kill for him, and he didn't want him to get hurt. Jeje cared for his eve and he was going to let him know. He extended his arm to take Mikuni's hand in his and gently pulled him forward. He put his other arm around his waist and whispered to his ear.
-"That would be great. Moving on, I mean. And... I'm glad... you talked to me about this."
He said that last part so quietly that it would have been impossible for Mikuni to hear him if he wasn't so close. He was surprised when the servamp suddenly brought him to his chest but didn't try to free himself since, as he said before, he trusted Jeje. He hugged him back and waited for him to bite and finally take his due but it never came. He looked up to see an uncertain and hesitating vampire.
-"Are you sure...about the blood?" The taller guy asked. They were both really not acting like themselves today, Mikuni noted. He only tugged at his collar in response. Jeje merely nodded before putting his head in the crook of his eve's neck. He didn't bite immediatly, he didn't want to risk hurting or scaring him. Once he made sure the blonde was ready, he gave a soft kiss to the place he was going to drink from, then pierced the skin with his fangs. Mikuni winced at the sensation but soon relaxed as it wasn't that painful. It just had been so long since last time that he had forgotten how it felt. He let Jeje drink to his heart content while enjoying their rare moment of affection. The black haired man stopped drinking after two minutes, then he licked the remaining blood off the wound. 
-"Already done?" Mikuni asked. He thought Jeje would want to take more now that he finally allowed him to. The vampire replied with a hum but didn't let go. He rather liked their proximity. Not that he would say that out loud, of course. Several minutes passed by and he was starting to wonder why his eve wasn't saying anything. He stared done at him and felt panick sprout in his chest when he saw the blonde unconscious. However, the soft and regular breathing indicated that he had just fallen asleep. 'Idiot', he thought, amused. 'Falling asleep like that isn't good.' He lifted him up and put him to bed. He covered him with a blanket and sat on the edge of the bed, watching him sleep for a while. After he made sure his eve would be alright, he quietly exited the room and went back to the livingroom. He saw Lily on the sofa, the latter looked like he was sewing or something. 
-"What are you doing?" He asked the other male. 
Lily greeted him with a big and cheerful smile and exclaimed:
-"Oh, Jeje! I'm fixing the children's clothes, Misono is currently playing with them. And Mikuni isn't with you?"
"He fell asleep." the servamp of envy simply replied. He understood the other vampire's surprise, the blonde and him were never too far away from each other. Because of the distance limitation, and because they were used to each other's presence. Lily smiled fondly at his brother. He and Mikuni were starting to change for the better, and it also seemed it was easier for them to interact now.
-"Well then, would you mind helping me ? It seems our eves won't be back before some time." He suggested. 
Jeje silently obliged and took a shirt from the pile of clothes. It wouldn't hurt to spend some time with Lily.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from fancy dinner parties to familial revelations
[[cont after part 76]]
Haumea: "--and he is not showing respect to his elders--not that I'm that much older than Sho, mind you--and furthermore we have a lot of work to prepare for the Preacher's next steps, what with turning this stink-pile of a world into a more appropriate setting--" guruna: *waves hand* Haumea: "...Yes, Guruna, a question?" guruna: if these two guys were on the moon and one killed the other with a rock, would that be fucked up or what? Haumea: "...Would they have oxygen tanks on the Moon?" guruna: 'nother question. why do your clothes look like pajamas? Haumea: "IT'S CALLED AESTHETIC!" >_< -elsewhere- metsu: ....... {meiko: *lying on the ground, bleeding out after being attacked by a subclass*} {hinagiku: now to finish the jo-} {*a sound like slithering is heard*} {hinagiku: eh?} {*something is felt crawling along Hinagiku's leg*} {hinagiku: !!!! what the fuck?! get off me!} {*bite*} {hinagiku: *screams as he fades into ash*} {meiko: ah-.....} {A snake slithers from the remains...and stares at Meiko} {Snake: "..."} {meiko: *stares at the snake, her breathing shallow*} {Mikuni: "Wow...She's in bad shape."} {Snake: "...Yes."} {meiko: *shaking, looking at them* am.....ambu....} {Mikuni: "She's not going to make it..."} {Snake: "..." *crawls up her arm until it can look into her eyes*} {meiko: *staring at him*} {Snake: "You can no longer live like this..."} {meiko: i dont.......want to die....} {Snake: "You don't have to...but you won't be human any longer."} {meiko: .....please....save me....*she's crying* } {Snake: "..."} {*the snake glows with a dark energy...resuming the form of a human*} {meiko: ah-} {Jeje: "You will be...a vampire."} {meiko: ....p-please....i dont want to die....} {Jeje: "Then I'll need to...have you drink my blood."} {meiko:...*small nod*} {Jeje: "...I can open a cut to make it easier..." *removes a blade from his pocket*} metsu: ..... Jeje: "...Hello." metsu:....*hugs from behind* Jeje: "!!! ..." =_= "You okay?" metsu: just.....thank you....*small smile T///u///T Jeje: "..." -\\\\- "You're welcome..." -elsewhere- baum: *whistling* Steinbeck: -_- *wringing out his socks* "Stupid Twain..." baum: what did he do? Steinbeck: "Pushed me into the river before I could get my shoes and socks off..." baum: how embarrassing, hoho. ... oh, DOROTHY! stay in the shallow end! dorothy: i knooooow. =A=; Steinbeck: "...You really are concerned for her..." baum: of course, she's my only sister after all. Steinbeck: "I can sympathize...If anything happened to..." baum:.....yeah....you know, even if we arent related by blood, i'd do anything to give her a good life. Steinbeck: "...Hmm..." baum:.....we found her in the ruins of a farm house that had been devastated by a tornado. she was the only survivor. Steinbeck: "I'm sorry...I didn't know." baum: ....she was admitted to my father's psychiatric clinic due to the trauma. she said a witch had caused the storm to get to her...she didnt have any other surviving family or guardians to look after her, so our parents decided to adopt her as their own. Steinbeck: "...I can imagine some days are more difficult for her than others." baum: *he nods* still, i want her to be happy, so i'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Steinbeck: "...That includes during this trip." *looks out to the water* "...Nowhere else you could have kept her during this trip?" baum: i just want to make sure she's in my line of sight. it helps me feel a bit calmer. and knowing im in _her_ line of sight makes that fact even more so. Steinbeck: ._.; baum: did you know her shoes were a present from me? ^u^ Steinbeck: "Oh? They look impressive..." -elsewhere- Touma: "What is my favorite tinkerer up to?" tinker: just working on some new weapons, sir. ^^ mafura: *peeek* Touma: *smiles at Mafura* "How far along are you in the testing process?" tinker: still in the beta stages yet. Touma: "I see...Maybe you need some grunts to handle other tasks for you..." tinker: we're working pretty hard as it is, but it may take some time. Touma: "Time is not something we have...Figure out how to expedite the process without cutting down on quality and accuracy." tinker: y-yes sir.... -elsewhere- Haumea: *puts on a cloak* "..." dahlia: i brought the dress you requested. Haumea: "Very good." *takes it* "...Yes. I think this will do. Thank you." dahlia: of course, lady haumea. Haumea: =w= "I like the 'Lady' title..." *gets behind partisan to change* "It did not put you out much in cost, right?" dahlia: would that be a problem? Haumea: "I suppose not...assuming the price was worth it..." *passes a hand along the fabric* "Oh, this feels worth it~" =w= -elsewhere- Adam: T_T lydia: you seem troubled. Adam: "People seem really uneasy with your 'master' gone..." lydia: hmm.... Adam: "Oguri seems anxious, Ivan is...Ivan. And Zoey is fixated..." lydia: and yana? Adam: "...Seems sad." lydia: .... yana:...... *sighs* <fuck> .... Adam: "I don't know what to do...I keep guarding the place, but people still seem upset." *rubs his arms* lydia:...perhaps training might help you? -elsewhere- nea: hello~ Kepuri: "Hey!" *opens the passenger door* "Want me to take over--" nea: its fine i got it! ^^;;;;; Kepuri: *shrugs* " 'Kay." *buckles up* "Don't see any cops around, so I'm sure I'd be fine...How's your day been?" nea: been good. Kepuri: "Just enjoying the cool..." *curls up in the passenger seat, yawns* "...while I was busy at work?" nea: aah. Kepuri: *yawns* "Been resting today?" -elsewhere- Lucy: "Thank you for visiting, Howard." ^^ "Right, Atsushi?" atsushi: sorry for disturbing your hibernation. ^^; lovecraft: its fine....gonna sleep now. *jumps back into the pond* Lucy: *sigh* "I missed getting to see some of those weirdos..." atsushi: ^^; Lucy: "..." *holds his hand* "Nothing against weirdos I know here..." atsushi: ^^ Lucy: *yawns, rests her head on his shoulder* atsushi: .//////. *hug* Lucy: =\\\\= "...Zzz..." -morning- Kid: *adjusting his tie* liz: busy day of work head of us. im carpooling. Kid: "Yes." *grabs his folder of documents, follows her* "Do be careful on the turns..." liz: noted. *looks at wes* see you tonight, wes? *kiss* Wes: ^\\\^ "Of course. Rehearsals end at 6, so I'll be home for dinner..." liz: glad to hear. ^^ Kid: *waves to Stocking* stocking: do your best~ ^^ Kid: "Thank you. You as well..." *smooch* stocking: hehe~ -elsewhere- Haumea: *twirl* *twirl* "Isn't it lovely?" arrow: *claps* it looks nice. guruna: so pretty <3 Jonah: *has re-designed his face to look like Haumea--complete with a cardboard crown* *thumbs up* Haumea: "Why thank you~" *bows--and falls on her face* dahlia: are you alright? Haumea: "..." *thumbs up, face still on the floor* *muffled* "Just not used to leg mobility..." -elsewhere- Rin: *walking to school* "..." konekomaru: *waves* ^^ Rin: "Yo, Konekomaru! What up?" konekomaru: just walking to school as usual. bon already went ahead. i think shima has a cold. ^^; Rin: "That sucks. Winter got to him, huh?" konekomaru: guess so. ^^; Rin: "I know! Let's take really good notes in class for him!" konekomaru: *nods and smiles* izumo: come on chatterboxes, we're gonna be late! >A<; Rin: "??? Hey, Izumo! We're taking notes for Shima!" izumo: oh, so you'll take notes for others before yourself? how noble of you. -and so, in class- seiya: miss moriyama? shiemi: here. seiya: good. mr okumura? Rin: "HERE!" ^w^ -a scream is heard in the hall- seiya: ?? *goes to examine* godaiin: *running from a shadow creature* h-HELP! SOMEONE HELP! Rin: "!!! Shit!" *grabs his sword, heads to the hall* seiya: mr okumura-! godaiin: *trips and falls* ah! Rin: "Godaiin! Get down!" *points at the Creature* "And you! Don't move!" creature: *SCREEEECH* godaiin: >~<;;; *ducks* Rin: "Okay, buddy..." *aims the sword but keeps his distance* "What you doing here?" -it charges at them- seiya: STAND BACK. ROKU, BENI, COME FORTH! *summoning her foxes* Rin: "!!!" *grabs Godaiin, runs* -after the situation was handled- seiya: alright..... *chop to rin* okumura, that was highly reckless, but you did save this boy. *glares at godaiin* you. how did you get in here? godaiin: s-s-sorry ma'am, s-someone must have left the door open a-a-and i thought it was the bathroom. seiya:.......*GLARE AT RIN* Rin: ._______. "...Heh. I...was in a hurry so not to be late for classs?" ^^;;;;;;;; seiya: well, im sure you'll have time to explain when you're cleaning the classroom later today. ^^# Rin: D: "Aw, nuts..." seiya: as for you mr.... godaiin: g-godaiin, ma'am. seiya: *writes up a note* could you deliver this to sir pheles? if you take the elevator at the end of the hall and press the 6 button three times, that should get you to his office. godaiin:... ._.;; n-noted, ma'am. -elsewhere- zubaidah: i dont really look forwards to this mission.... *glares at triple A...* Triple A: -^- "Frankly, I would prefer more capable company..." Jinn: -_-# ???: isnt that chick a sage, though? zubaidah: that would be correct. man: *sweatdrop* alright, we're here. zubaidah:....so that's the impure princess, right? Triple A: "About time--move aside! I will lead us..." ???: of course you would....huh, kind of reminds me of the impure king incident last year.... Jinn: "Yes. Surprised the capable Arthur Auguste Angel was not available to assist--" Triple A: *glare* applebee: do you suppose the incidents are connected? ???: shame we dont have that okumura kid and the kaname girl here. Triple A: >_<# ???: jeez, salty much? Triple A: "We press on, already!" *steps forward* ???: so noble, im in absolute awe! zubaidah: -_-; Triple A: ^^ "I am glad someone here admires my bravery in the face of--" *Triple A falls into a hole* caliburn: D8> arthur! are you alright?! zubaidah: *sigh* -after defeating the impure princess- ???: ....!!! there's someone there! *runs down the dune* woman: *cough cough* couldnt....control it.... zubaidah: miss? are you alright? Triple A: *still messy* "What is she prattling about?" Jinn: "..." *watches the woman* woman: he....hehehehehe.....i became one....with the impure princess.....hehehe AHAHAHAHAHA -she's....bubbling- zubaidah: !!!!! Triple A: "!!!" *lifts Caliburn* "Stop her!" woman: all will be one, all eyes will see.... zubaidah: EVERYONE GET BACK! -the woman explodes into gore- ???:...shit... applebee: we need to report this ASAP. -elsewhere- Mephisto: "That's...not good." stocking: what do we do about this? Mephisto: "Intelligence. This will require our best researchers finding similar occurrences and sending backup to Zubaidah and Jinn." stocking: and this godaiin kid? Mephisto: "...Keep an eye on them." stocking: right. -elsewhere- Mori: *stretches* "...Elise..." -silence- Mori: "..." *whimper* {elise: jeez rintarou, you're really helpless without me, y'know?} {Rintarou: *sniff* "I-I'm just sad is all..."} {elise:...*sighs and patches him up*} {Rintarou: "I-I'm--" *hic* "--sorry..."} {elise: hey, its those dumb kid's faults for pushing you into the creek!} {Rintarou: "I-I wish I had pushed them..."} {elise: want me to beat them up next time?} {Rintarou: "..." *nods*} {elise: ok. whenever you need me, i'll be there to help you, ok? *holds out her pinkie*} {Rintarou: "..." *holds out his pinkie* "You promise?"} {elise: *links with her own* its a promise. ^^} Mori: *covering his face* "Wh-Where are you..." -elsewhere- Alone: *shovels food in his mouth* *mouth full* "You gonna finish that, Shaula?" shaula: *pouty nom* Alone: *shrug* " 'Kay." *sips his water with his pinkie up* Kunikida: "..." *pushes his dish away* grimoire: ..... Alone: *glances around, whispers to Shaula and Grimoire* "So, now that we got Shaula, how we busting out?" shaula: OuO -elsewhere- *A car with a Utah license plate heads down the highway...* officer: *keeping an eye out* Driver: Q_Q "..." *whispers to the backseat* "There's a cop..." beatrice: ........ Driver: "Wh-What if they pull me over?" beatrice: keep at the speed limit and there won’t be any need for that. Driver: *nods* "O-Okay..." *stays at the speed limit* "So-So Nevada, huh?" beatrice:...yes. Driver: "L-Lovely state. Lots of...sand?" -elsewhere- Sid: "Okay. Nakajima, you're tailing a target. How do you avoid being seen in crowded locations?" atsushi: hmm. stay about 5-10 meters behind? Sid: "Good. And if you lose sight of the target?" atsushi: get to higher ground if possible? Sid: "If you're in a city, where would this higher ground be?" atsushi: a roof or maybe a fire escape? Akutagawa: *raises his hand* "Wouldn't this make the pursuing party easy for the target to see, at which point they would know to run away or attack?" atsushi:... .~.; good point. Akutagawa: =\\\\\= Sid: "That's why the pursuing party needs to know how to dodge, hide, and otherwise avoid being seen. And someone who turns into a giant tiger would definitely stand out..." atsushi:..... *slumps in seat, embarrassed* Q~Q;; odasaku: *pap pap* you tried, kiddo. atsushi: TT3TT (thank you.) Sid: "That's all for this class. Now head out to the gym for your next lesson..." Akutagawa: "...You look upset." atsushi: getting called out by a teacher isnt exactly 'fun'. Akutagawa: "...I was just trying to ask a question. And he was not calling you out so much as pointing out a factor you have to control for if you want to successfully pursue your prey." atsushi: i guess. Akutagawa: "..." *awkward cough* atsushi: so, where's your next class? Akutagawa: "Not sure. Either gym as Barett said or something else..." *checks his itinerary* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "...He's built another fort of books for himself." Poe: "...That he has." rowena: ?? Hyde: *pokes his head out--he has on a robe and a fez* "...Do you mind? This is a very exclusive club for very exclusive people. And you are excluded." *hangs up a sign: "EXCLUSIVE"* rowena: ._.; i just need to borrow this, sir. Hyde: *blows a raspberry* Poe: "..." *dark aura* rowena:...actually, this one will work better. *takes one book, causing the fort to fall onto hyde* *Sounds of Hyde being crushed by books echo through the library, scaring away bats outside the window* Poe: "..." TwT "I'm so proud..." Jacqueline: -_-; "Get a mop to clean up this mess..." -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." *curls up under blanket* "..." guard: *slides in food in the door slot* Magaki: "..." *takes it* <Thank you.> -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." *hugs a pillow* inori: ?? eibon: are you alright, my child? Gopher: "..." *nod nod* *looks away* eibon:....is something troubling you? Gopher: "...I'm just worried I won't know...about my mother." eibon: hmm....sadly, the only way i know to get an answer is one i would rather never do... Gopher: "???" eibon: .....we'll keep him bound, but....the only person i know to get answers from is _him_... Gopher: "..." *shudders* "Th-The only?" eibon: ...im trying to find other methods, other information... Gopher: "..." *nods* "If-If it's the only way, I'll pursue it..." eibon:....very well...i'll keep him bound.... Gopher: *nods...but shudders* eibon:...you let me know when you're ready.... Gopher: "..." *grabs a book* "R-Ready..." eibon:.....very well..... -and so- -noah was kept bound with seals as not to escape- Noah: "..." *lifts up his head* Death the Kid: Gopher: *clutches the book more closely* eibon: he has a question for you, and you undoubtedly have the answers for it. Noah: *smirks* "I have answers to a lot of things..." Gopher: *shaking* eibon:..... *looks at gopher and nods* Gopher: "I want to know...about my mother." Noah: "..." *starts laughing* inori: ?? Noah: "Oh, this is too rich...And you expect me to answer why?" -WHACK- Noah: *struck with the book, bleeding slightly* Gopher: *tapping the book in his hand* "Answer, or you get another one..." Noah: "...Look who grew a pair...Alright, then. What do you want to know?" inori:... Gopher: "...Who was she?" Noah: "...A homunculus. Not unlike that thing." *nods at Inori* inori:..... eibon: you watch your tongue, child of index... Gopher: "Who was she?" Noah: "..." *smiles at Eibon and Gopher* "A plaything." Gopher: "..." Gopher: "Who. Was. She?" Noah: "When she got knocked up with you, I did the only logical thing, something I should have done before she coughed you up...After she gave birth to you, I killed her." eibon: !!! inori: !!!! Gopher: "..." *CRACK* *The book cracks over Noah's skull, knocking off his cap* *The book in Gopher's hand is nothing more than a cracked spine with pages attached to it...Gopher continues to swing the wrecked tome over Noah's head, its pages sweeping along Noah's face and into the air...With nothing left to strike Noah, Gopher's hand curls into a fist...and he brings it down against Noah's head, drawing blood* Gopher: "Who was she? Who was she?! What was her name?!" eibon:....*shaking a bit, keeping composure* Noah: *coughs up blood...laughs* "Look who grew a pair...Okay, Gopher...Her name was Ilise. And the last thing she screamed was 'My baby! Don't kill our--'" *CRACK* Noah: "Grrrk!" Gopher: *has his hands around Noah's neck, squeezing...another crack is heard from Noah's throat* eibon:.....i have half the mind to let him go through with this, noah. Noah: *struggling to laugh* "Y-You think this w-would be enough..." Gopher: "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" *swings his fist at Noah's eye* inori: *grabs his shoulder* i understand you are angry, however, killing him will not return your mother to you... Gopher: *shaking* "He shouldn't be alive!" inori:.... eibon: then shall i reseal him? Gopher: *crying* Noah: *trying to laugh--but no sound is coming out* "...!" eibon:.....*reseals noah back into the book* Gopher: *covers his face* eibon:....inori, place the book back..... ......... *hugs gopher* im sorry, my child. Gopher: *silent sobbing* -later- kirika:....oi, goph? you awake? Gopher: "...Kirika?" kirika: yeah its me. thought i'd come visit. i brought snacks. Gopher: "...Thanks, but I'm not hungry." kirika:....something happened, didnt it? Gopher: "..." *crying* kirika:......................*walks over to him.......and hugs him* Gopher: *sobs* kirika:...want me to stay over tonight? Gopher: *nods* kirika: ok.... -elsewhere- Kid: *rubs Stocking's back* stocking: t-thanks.... Kid: "You're welcome...Just take it easy..." stocking: ....... -elsewhere- mafura: ~? yumikage: *grumbling and brushing mafura's hair* cant believe we're still on babysitting duty with her... tsurugi: you look like your having fun, yumikins~ yumikage: oh shush you! Jun: "Take things a bit more serious..." takuto: hiya lady. mafura: *tiny wave* ^^ Jun: *pats Takuto's head* ^^ takuto: her hair's blue. did she paint it, daddy? yumikage: nah, that's natural. tsurugi: unlike yours. yumikage: will you shush?! >n<;; tsurugi: ^u^ Shuhei: "..." {man: d'aww, i think he likes you ####!} {####: "That...would be surprising."} {man: guess that makes you uncle ##### now, huh?} {#####: -_-; "Please, you're embarrassing me..."} {Shuhei: "???"} {man: *waves with a little plush toy with a funny voice* wull hullo thar, shuuhei!} {Shuhei: "Hee hee!" >w< } Shuhei: "Hmph." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." erina: *heading down the hall* Kunikida: "???" *tries to listen* erina: keep it together erina, you got this. Kunikida: *can barely hear* (" 'Got this'?") erina: *muttering to herself* Kunikida: "???" ("What is she getting herself into?") erina: ..... Fyodor: "Hello." erina: *jumps a bit* eep! Fyodor: "Sorry. Did I scare you?" erina: a-a little... Fyodor: "My apologies...You're up late." erina: y-yeah, g-got the graveyard shift tonight. Fyodor: "Must be frustrating." erina: and nerve-wracking... Fyodor: "Why's that? The prisoners?" erina: s-some of them... Fyodor: "...Are they out of control? Need someone to stop them?" erina: t-they're fine, they just unnerve me... Fyodor: "...I have some familiarity with that." erina: really? Fyodor: *nods* "There have been some difficult prisoners I have encountered." erina: is anyone bothering you? Fyodor: "Oh, no--not here, anyway..." erina: .... Fyodor: "...The last prison was awful." erina: *listening* Fyodor: "He...kept me there. He would play sick games to try to wear me down..." erina: .... Fyodor: "It took every ounce of my willpower to hold onto my sanity long enough to determine a plan to secure my freedom...I escaped that awful torture..." erina: oh my gosh.... Fyodor: *nods* "But, you know...I believe people get what they deserve..." -elsewhere- Wes: *asleep on the couch* "Zzz..." liz: *arriving home*..... *kiss on the forehead* Wes: =w= *yawns* "...Hey." liz: tired? *snuggle* Wes: "Yeah...Conducting was more exhausting than I thought..." *puts an arm around her* "How was teaching?" liz: tiring. Wes: "Can imagine...How are students doing?" liz: they're an interesting bunch. Wes: " 'Interesting' is a load phrase..." *cheek smooch* liz: *chuckle* -elsewhere- maid: *looking around the school with a letter* Rin: *scrubbing the floor* "Stupid punishment..." T~T maid: mr okumura? Rin: "??? What up?" maid: mail call. *hands him the invitation* Rin: "???" *looks at the invitation* "...Um...?" -its from mephisto- *BOOM* Rin: *instant sparkly* Rin: -_-### *The invitation is talking in Mephisto's voice--raised a pitch* Chibi!Mephisto: "You're invited! You're invited! You're in--" Rin: *growl* Chibi!Mephisto: ._.; maid: *sweatdrop* Chibi!Mephisto: *ahem* "I'M HOLDING A PARTY! Show up! Fancy dress! BYOB! Just kidding--I'll have drinks there. RSVP." Rin: "...Do I have to?" maid: if its any consolation, your niece will be there as well. Rin: "Well, that's a plus...Is it RSVP plus one?" maid: yeah. heck, bring as many as you need. Rin: "...We are totally cleaning him out of food and drinks." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around...approaches a door marked 'SECURITY'* "???" eckleburg: hmm? Mr. Tsubaki: *fox chitter* eckleburg: what're you doing here, toby? *picks him up* Mr. Tsubaki: *scratches at the door* eckleburg: are you hungry? there's no food in there. *walks away* lets get you some food, ok, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: -_-# *stomach growl* -elsewhere- mikan: *humming and rocking heibito* heibito: zzzz Asura: "..." *stares* mikan:....*smiles at him* Asura: "..." *shy smile* mikan: *snuggles up to him with heibito* heibito: =w= Asura: "..." *awkward hug around the two of them* -elsewhere- katya: so what's one of the most fucked up things you've seen in the mafia? Gin: "..." *thinks about Mori* ryurou: there's a lot of 'fucked up' things i've seen that i've lost count. Chuuya: "...Yes..." *thinks of meeting with Fyodor...* katya: yeah, we saw some shit in the rats too......(ivan's room is an example......) Gin: "One can imagine...but prefers not to. We try to keep such information within the Mafia." katya: ah. Tachihara: "Okay--most embarrassing moment in the Rats?" katya: just about half everything gonch does. pushkin: same. poor dude has it bad. naoya: ah. Gin: "I think Tachihara fits that category now." Tachihara: *glare* pushkin + katya: OOOOOH SNAP. *high five* Tachihara: >_< "Shut up! Stupid gremlins..." -pushkin had to restrain katya to keep her from tearing tachihara’s head off- Tachihara: *hiding behind Gin* Q_Q Gin: -_-# hirotsu: *sweatdrops* Tachihara: "That brat is crazy..." -elsewhere- Kid: *crawls into bed* stocking: *in lingere* hmhm~<3 Kid: *smiles* "Hello~" stocking: looking good, handsome~ Kid: *unbuttons the top of his shirt* "You're looking beautiful, angel..." stocking: *kissing his chest* Kid: *moans, rests a hand along her leg* "Thank you...." -elsewhere- Dazai: *sleeping against the baby's crib* kirako: ....*puts a blanket over him* Dazai: =_= -elsewhere- Gopher: "Zzz..." kirika: ..... Gopher: *slight kick, whimper* kirika:....*rubs his shoulder* *sigh* Gopher: *calms down...* "Zzz..." kirika:.... *sigh* (honestly, this guy....) Gopher: *turns over, lying near her* kirika:..... (you can talk about it in the morning, then....) -elsewhere- milia: zzzz Free: *tucks her in* eruka: *smiles* milia: =w= Free: *whispers* "Sweet kid..." eruka: yeah.... Free: "...Been thinking about other work..." eruka: where abouts? Free: "Maybe construction? I'm tall, can lift a lot--can't die if I fall." eruka: yeah, ^^; Free: "I mean, easier than working at a grocery or retail...My big hands can't stock shelves good." -morning- Todoroki: *holds up a slice of bread* "..." fuyumi: *making coffee* Todoroki: *heats the bread with his hand* fuyumi: clever. ^^ Todoroki: "Thanks..." *takes the knife to spread butter* "How's school?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *yawns* kirika: mornin. *eating pancakes* not bad. eibon: thank you. it's an old recipe. ^^ Gopher: .\\\. *sits down...looks down at the food* "..." kotone:....brother? arent you hungry? Gopher: "...A little..." *slices a small piece...eats* "...It's good." *he sounds unenthused* kirika: .... eibon:....are you alright, my child? Gopher: "...I think...I don't want to go to school today..." kirika:.....wanna stay at my place? Gopher: "!!! ...Y-You would let me?" kirika: *nods* yeah, cause i care about you, y'know? Gopher: Q_Q "Th-Thank you..." kirika: ....need me to carry you there or are you good? Gopher: O\\\\\\\o "...I-I-I-I-" kirika: ....*waves hand* oi, goph, you there? Gopher: *falls face first into his pancakes* eibon: D8 kotone: D8> !!!! kirika: ._.;; -elsewhere- Rin: "--and I still got glitter under my nails." madoka: ^^; Rin: "So, up for the shindig?" madoka: sure, i'd love to. ^^ Rin: "Sweet! Can't wait to show you my new threads..." -elsewhere- sonia: papa?.... Chuuya: "What?" *lifts his head--and his eyes are red* sonia: *walks over, holding mito* mito: *meow* Chuuya: "Wh-What's wrong?" *sniff* "H-Hungry?" sonia:.....*puts mito on the bed and crawls in to hug him* Chuuya: "..." *hic* sonia: .... *glances to a bedside table* -there is a photo of rain, along with her glasses, her bowtie.....and a wedding ring- Chuuya: "...I'm sorry..." *wipes his eyes* "L-Let's get you some water..." sonia:...ok... Chuuya: *small sob, chokes back tears, gets out of bed...* sonia:...... *holds his hand* Chuuya: "..." *small squeeze* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *lying in his cot, looking up at the ceiling...the walls are marked with lines* -elsewhere- Adam: "--and he hasn't left his room..." yana: hmm. should i go pay our padre a visit then? Adam: "I think so? He seems sad..." yana: ...alright. *knocks* ooooi, padre? open up. *Silence* yana: are you dead or something? cause that would cause problems for us. Hawthorne: "Go away." yana: ... <gonch, would you do the honors?> Ivan: "Certainly~" *walks back from a starting position...leans down...and runs at the door with his head* yana: <i meant with your golems.> lydia: <vanya please, you're going to open your wound.> Ivan: <It's fine--I lost most feeling there~> *The room is dark except for the light coming in through the doorway...Hawthorne is not visible* lydia: ... yana:....padre? hello? *There's a closet door...The top of the bed looks filthy* lydia: .... *sending a small, shadowy dog to investigate the area* *The door is giving off an awful stench, worse than the bed* dog: *whine* yana: *covers mouth* ok, you better be either dead or in need of a bath... *Someone is holding the door shut* yana:.....*looks at ivan* *nods* Ivan: "..." *directs the Golem to rip off the door--which drags Hawthorne out by the doorknob, too* yana: *completely unfazed* lydia: !!!! *He hasn't shaved or cut his hair...His nails are long...He smells awful* yana: .....yikes. <ivan, get him a bath and then send him to the nurse.> Hawthorne: "N-No! Not her!" Ivan: ._.; yana: padre, dont be a baby. Hawthorne: "She's brutal! Violent! Insane!" *clawing at the floor* zoey: is something wrong....pastor? Hawthorne: Q______Q "No!" Q: you smell awful. Hawthorne: "Just a bath! That's all I need!" yana: *looks at ivan* Ivan: "...I'll take his legs..." lydia: *grabs him by the arms* Hawthorne: "NoOOOOOOOooooooOOOO!" yana: quit your whining and take your bath, you're a grown ass adult. Hawthorne: "Fine, fine! Just don't let her near me!" -elsewhere- ranpo: *checking his phone*...hey poe, your bro uploaded something. i think its a video from when you were a kid. Poe: ._________. "...What?" -the video shows a young poe on a stage, dressed like his namesake.......he just screams- Poe: Q_______Q "...In every person's life, there is a terrifying school stage play." ranpo: i've never been in a school play. Poe: "It's nerve-wracking...W-Would you have ever wanted to be in one?" ranpo: nah, sounds lame. Poe: *covers his face* "Embarrassing..." lana: at least you didnt have another kid throw up on you. -_-; Poe: D: "Oh no..." lana: kindergarten plays are terrifying. Poe: *nod nod* "Incredibly..." -elsewhere- Gopher: .\\\\. stocking: so you carried him back? kirika: yeah, so? stocking: you must carry madam zeroni up the mountain- kirika: hahaha, very funny. -_-; Kid: "I laughed." ^^ Gopher: "...I don't get it." -elsewhere- Black Star: *opens the door* "..." *slowly shuts the door* "...No." himawari: ?? Black Star: "Just...don't go in there..." *shudders* himawari: ???? Black Star: *shakes his head* "How do you get stuck in something like that..." belkia: Q____Q i fuzzed up. Higan: "I know, buddy, we all do...Let me get the lube." belkia: *CRINGE* Higan: "This will only hurt for a moment...I'm going to pull it out slowly..." belkia: PHRASING!! Higan: "...Sorry. I use the terms that are on the tip of my tongue...so to speak." *grabs Belkia's hips, pulls* belkia: *cries* ayami: ._.;;; should i call the hospital just in case? Higan: "Nah, I'm sure I--" *pulls* belkia: *SCREEECH* -he made it out- Q_Q my butt's all sore now! naho:.................I HAVE VERY MIXED FEELINGS ON THIS SITUATION! Higan: "??? How'd you get here?" naho: ... *shrugs* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--like fine wine pouring through the streams of the valleys of lemondrop fields!" leo: ^^ naoya: cool story, my dude. Motojiro: "YES! I was inspired by days of Candyland!" *holds up his book* "SO MUCH POETRY I HAVE WRITTEN!" leo: i liked it. ^^ Motojiro: OWO *shiny eyes* "THANK YOU!" -elsewhere- Yukio: *sighs* "You're impossible." Rin: *shaking the envelope* "I think there's still more..." *There's a mountain of confetti at their feet* kyouko: -_-; Yukio: "J-Just...Just clean this up..." Chibi!Mephisto: *hanging from the envelope's edge over the floor* ._.; -elsewhere- mio: *playing mario party* Meme: *tapping the buttons* rowena: *focused* lenore: *watching* -elsewhere- hitoshi: *walking along* Izuku: *waves* hitoshi: *small wave* Izuku: "How are you?" hitoshi: *writing something down* [good] Izuku: *nods* "...You studying for exams?" hitoshi: [yeah, general exams, tho.] Izuku: "..." *smiles* "It's the road to getting into the hero courses." hitoshi: [no kidding] Izuku: "Any study group?" -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders* stocking: *kisses down his chest* Kid: =\\\\\= "Nice..." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *rests fingers along her wrist* -elsewhere- Victor: *opens the cupboards* "Not much here..." nozomi: *taking notes* Victor: "??? What you writing?" nozomi: just examining my father's notes. ^^ Victor: *nods* "You've been hard at it..." nozomi: *smiles* Victor: "Any new experiments you're going to try from it?" -elsewhere- sonia: *in class* ???: "Whoops--" *pushes Sonia* sonia: .... ???: "Didn't see you there, Tiny!" *wicked laugh* sonia:.....*ignoring them* Bully: "...Hey! When someone apologizes, you should say something!" *pokes her arm* sonia: your apology sounded insincere, so i will assume you were being sarcastic. Bully: "...What?" sonia: do you try to assert authority over me because im a grade below you? or are you just acting out because you want attention? Bully: "..." Q______Q "...Attention?" sonia: your parents ignore you a lot, dont they? or am i wrong? Bully: "...I only see Mom when I get into trouble." sonia: *grabs the bully's hand and drags him with her* teacher, this kid needs the guidance counselor. Teacher: "??? Um...How do you know--" Bully: Q~Q Teacher: "!!! O-Okay, okay..." sonia: *goes back to reading* child: woah. boy: what does 'ass-hurt' mean? girl: *giggles* Teacher: -_-; "Come on...It'll be okay." Bully: *wiping his eyes* -elsewhere- atsushi:.....*siiighs* Lucy: "??? You okay?" atsushi: tired =_=; long day..... Lucy: "D'aw..." *rubs his back* atsushi: TT3TT thanks Lucy: "How about some tea and a nap?" atsushi: sounds nice. -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." hirotsu:....chuuya? you've been quiet all day. Chuuya: "...Just focused, I guess." hirotsu:...if something's bothering you- Chuuya: "Th-Thanks..." *nods, shaking* hirotsu:...*pap pap* Chuuya: "...I-I think I'll stop here for today..." hirotsu: shall i send for someone to pick sonia up? Chuuya: "Y-Yes..." -and so- sonia: ... Gin: "Hello." *she's unmasked in her civilian attire* sonia: hi aunt gin. pushkin: *waves as he is the driver* sonia:................................ pushkin:.... ^-^;; that's fair. Gin: -_-; "Sorry. It was difficult to find additional persons..." sonia: ...... *sits close to gin* Gin: *pats her shoulder* "How was school?" sonia: alright. i got a kid sent to the guidance counselor. pushkin: ._.;; Gin: "...On purpose?" sonia: i think he has issues at home. Gin: "Ah...Suppose that is for the best..." *looks out the window* sonia: ...... Gin: "...Did you want to stop for a snack?" sonia:...ok -elsewhere- Shima: "--and the food! And the girls! And the dancing! And the girls--" izumo: *smack* we get it, shima. -_-# Shima: X-< Rin: "Everyone got dates?" konekomaru: im good. izumo: i asked paku if she was interested. *death glare at shima* Shima: "!!! I didn't do anything!" izumo: you were thinking it! Shima: .______.;;; "...Okay, you got me there--" -elsewhere- Yohei: *sets down blocks, stacking them in front of Toru* toru: ?? Yohei: "See? Different colors, but they're all cubes..." *holds one up to Toru* toru: ba! Yohei: "Like a little box!" *smiles* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sneezes* naoya: feelin' ok? Akutagawa: *groans* "Hope the winter stops soon..." naoya: dont worry, it'll be spring before ya know it... -elsewhere- kyouko: *riding the back of sayaka's scooter, making deliveries* sayaka: ^^ Mikuni: *sweeping* kyouko: *gets off and walks up to the door* delivery! Jeje: "??? Oh. Thank you. I'll sign for it--" *The door slams open--and crushes Jeje* Johannes: OwO sayaka: *runs* kyouko: D8< Johannes: "Bean!!!" *runs for the exit* sayaka: D8> *SCREEEEEAM* Johannes: "SQUEE--" Mikuni: "???" *turns--and his broom smacks Johannes in the face* kyouko: ._.; metsu: he's fine. mostly. Johannes: .w. *twitching* "Br-Bring me your finest ginger ale with an umbrella..." -elsewhere- mitsuba: ..... Jun: "???" mitsuba: im so boooored. hyakuya: no kidding. Jun: "...Want to play Monopoly?" hyakuya: eh, sure.... -elsewhere- twain: so this guy tried camping out on top of a building once. He was shooting crows, but the police were too busy teargassin' him to ask what he was doing up there. He screamed for an entire month every time he opened his eyes! it was funny at first, then it just got sad...but then it got funny again! emily: that's....um.... Steinbeck: "Not in front of the younger ones..." -_-# dorothy: *nom* Hemingway: "Some damn fine food..." *opens a bottle of beer* oscar: delicious~ ^^ ebie: *nom nom* Steinbeck: *sighs* "Still a way to travel..." oscar: so what's our next plan? Steinbeck: "We'll need to raft..." -elsewhere- sonia: papa, im home. Chuuya: *smiles* "Hi." *hug* "How was school..." sonia: sent a kid to therapy, got snacks with aunt gin and mr pushkin drove. Chuuya: ._. "...Go back to 1?" sonia: *she explains what happened* Chuuya: "...That was very mature of you." sonia: thanks... Chuuya: "...I'm happy you didn't retaliate...but was there a reason you didn't?" sonia: if i got angry with him, it wouldnt have fixed anything. Chuuya: "..." *nods* "I suppose not..." sonia:....did you have a good day at work, papa? Chuuya: "...It went fine." *smiles* sonia...*hug* mito: *mew* Chuuya: "..." *pat pat on Sonia's back...pets Mito* sonia: .... Chuuya: "W-Well, I suppose you have homework..." sonia: could you help me? Chuuya: "Of course...What did you want to work on?" -elsewhere- Gopher: .\\\\. riley: is he alright? kirika: having a tough day. heather: *sweatdrop* (doesnt look it to me..) Gopher: "Wh-Wh-Wat-t-t-ter?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: "??? The hell you looking at my baby pictures?" mina: you have such an angry baby face XD Bakugo: >_< "I DO NOT AND I WILL TOTALLY DESTROY YOU WITH--" eijiro: is this a lion?! <X'D -it’s a onesie- Bakugo: O\\\\\\\O "...MOM! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" -elsewhere- Iida: "??? You feel okay?" momo: ?? y-yeah. of course i do. ^^; Iida: "...The exams?" momo:...*nod* Iida: "Anything you know to work on?" -elsewhere- Relan: "Feel better?" shinra: yeah Relan: *rubs his back* "Just take it slowly...You'll figure this out." -elsewhere- Bon: *grumbles, adjusting his collar* konekomaru: everyone all set? Shima: *in a white suit, scarf, and fedora* "Ready!" izumo: -_____-;; paku: count your blessings at least its not a trilby. shiemi: *opens the door*.....wow. paku: this is.... izumo:............i have no words. -one fancy ass house- madoka: i feel so tiny... ._.; Bon: "...How does all this fit in this space?" stocking: magic mostly. izumo: GAH! oh, right, she's here too. Rin: *waves* "How's it going, fam?!" stocking: ^-^; well, the party room is this way. mom, dad, and kid are there waiting. Yukio: *bows* "Thank you for this invitation--" Rin: *pushing Yukio forward* "Food, bro--food!" Yukio: -_-; paku: mrs death? stocking: hmm? paku: is it true your dad is....you know....a mega nerd? stocking:............................................................... >->;;;;;;;;;; izumo: -_-; your silence speaks volumes. Shima: "Ah, how big a nerd can he--" *turns a corner to another hallway* "...Why does he have anime figurines in glass cases?" stocking: the less questions you ask, the better you'll sleep tonight. Bon: -_-;;;;; "Let's just get this--" Mephisto: "WELCOME!" *bear hug* Bon: *crushed ribs* X_____X paku: ._.;; shiemi: ^-^;; stocking: *inhales* (please let me get through this tonight) felisia: ^^; so you're stocking's students and coworker, right? Shima: "..." *picks up Koneomaru* "Please accept this human sacrifice--" konekomaru: D8 -CHOP- stocking: bad shima. Shima: *collapses at Felisia's feet* X_X izumo: *drags him in* i apologize for that. felisia: oh it's quite alright, deary. ^^ paku: i really like your dress, ma'am. felisia: aw thanks, i sewed it myself. Rin: "Stylish. I should get some cash to have you make something..." Yukio: "??? ...So you could wear a dress?" Rin: >3< "Dude!" felisia: if you wanted, i wouldnt judge. ^^ -and so, at dinner- Bon: *stares at the curry* "How spicy is it?" stocking: *cringes as she eats her dinner* paku: you have a pretty big house. are you really a magician? felisia: you could say that~ ^u^ Rin: >_> "Soooooooo, how's work going, Kid?" Kid: "Busy. And your classes?" Rin: "...I'm not failing as badly?" ^^; shiemi: we've been improving, right nee? nee: ^o^ Yukio: "I can attest to that..." madoka:....oh! right. i should probably return- Mephisto: "Oh, thank you! But I don't want it anymore." madoka: oh, a-are you sure? Mephisto: "Consider it a gift, Honorary True Crosser..." madoka: thank you sir! *bows* Mephisto: "You're very welcome, Hero." *smiles* -noises in the hall....footsteps?- shiemi: ??? ???: "Brother? We got any curly fries?" stocking: 0-0;; (oh. oh no. no no no.) maid: miss paku, a sample of tea? paku: oh, um.....ok?..... *sips......zzzzzz* izumo: D8< WHAT DID YOU- maid: it's better if she doesnt remember this. Amaimon: *holding a tub of ice cream* "...Oh. The party?" shiemi: OxO;;;;;;;; Rin: .___. "..." *turns* "Stocking. Explain?" stocking: dammit amaimon -_-; konekomaru: isnt he the broccoli head guy? Bon: "What the hell, Mephisto?!" Mephisto: "...Well, Amaimon is..." ^^;;; felisia: we're rehabilitating him here. stocking: (nice save, mom) Bon: "..." *crosses his arms* "Makes sense, I guess." Shima: *still unconscious, propped up in a chair* X_X Rin: ^^;;;;;;; shiemi: >->;;;;;;;; Amaimon: "Hey, you gonna finish that?" *puts his hand into Konekomaru's mashed potatoes, grabs it, starts licking it off his fingers* konekomaru: D8> -CHOP- stocking: down boy. Amaimon: T_T "So mean..." shiemi: ._.;;;;;;; Mephisto: "...Kidding!" shiemi: *forced awkward laughing* OwO;;;; Bon: "..." *pushes his plate, sips the water* Amaimon: "...Oh, hey. My bride." shiemi: THISHASBEENALOVELYDINNERBUTIREALLYHAVETOGOHOMERIGHTNOWITHINKMYMOMMAYHAVEATERMINALILLNESSANDINEEDTOTENDTOTHATGOODNIGHT!!! *RUNS* Amaimon: "..." *takes Shiemi's seat, starts eating her meal* izumo: .........should i be creeped out by this? i feel i should. Yukio: "Let's...just make the most of this. Not like anything else weird can happen..." Mephisto: "How are classes? I was wondering because we had some ideas to spice up lessons--" konekomaru: well, we had this one random student come in named godaiin- Mephisto: *drops his spoon* stocking: dad? Mephisto: "...Whoopsy. I better get a fresh one..." felisia: ... Mephisto: *walks to the kitchen* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Oh, stop it..." tomura: *face on the floor, groaning* himiko: do you want a cupcake? Kurogiri: "...We can put frosting on it." tomura *muffled response* Kurogiri: "...I think he said yes." -elsewhere- Poe: *curled up under blanket* lana: edgar? Poe: "!!! Y-Yes?" lana: you alright? Poe: "..." *nods* "Snug as a bug in a rug..." ^^; lana:....*leans and snuggles* Poe: =\\\\\= *holds her* -elsewhere- Crona: *humming* mami: *making dinner* Crona: *sets down plates* "...May I help?" mami: feel free to. ^^ Crona: *reaches past Mami for a bottle* "Maybe a little of this?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *holds up a jar to Licht...it has a label on it* licht: ?? *The label says "Whoop Ass"* Hyde: "..." *slowly opens the jar* licht: ???? there's nothing in it... *PUNCH* licht: *stunned* !! Hyde: "Hee hee--GOT YOU GOOD!" licht:....*glare* Hyde: OwO "...REGRET NOTHING!" *runs* -elsewhere- Fyodor: *muttering in Russian* erina: ?? Fyodor: *shakes in the shackles* "..." *sounds like a rattle in his throat* erina: sir? sir?! Fyodor: "M-Medicine..." erina: r-right away! *over talkie* we have a prisoner who is in need of medical, ASAP! Fyodor: *shudders* -elsewhere- hina: so this 'league'... mimeca: =3= saku: .... Akua: "They...are expanding." kinuta: oh~? PlushFix: "And they want our expertise!" Akua: "...Or just your numbers." hina: eh, a job's a job. and if we get to murder some fucks, great! saku:.... 7_7; mimeca: *takes form of beatrice* hina: yeah, maybe we will find the rent-a-maid. PlushFix: "Hope so. And Flowers." hina: maybe schedule a prison break~? mimeca: *NOD NOD NOD* PlushFix: "Sweet...That'll be a good challenge." -elsewhere- Gopher: *asleep on the couch* kirika:.... *Ring* kirika: yo. Justin: "Miss Kirika? This is Justin Law." kirika: oh hey shitty priest, thought you died or somethin' *her tone doesnt seem hostile* Justin: ^^; "Fortunately, not. Thank you. I wanted to check in regarding Miss Oriko--" kirika: !!! is she ok?! how is she?! does she remember anything?! oriko: ?? Justin: "She is fine...Her mental and emotional health are improving...Memories are slower to come..." kirika: what all does she remember? Justin: "Mostly typical details and behaviors--talking, usual activities someone her age would know...Only a few details but not the majority of her past." kirika:...can i talk to her at least? Justin: "Of course. I know you'll do so, but be understanding how much she can handle..." kirika: o-ok... oriko: who is it? Justin: "A friend." oriko: ok...hello? kirika: oriko, it's me kirika, do you remember me? oriko: oh of course. you're justin's friend, right? kirika: *wince*....y-yeah....guess you still dont remember, huh? oriko: sorry if im not able to help. i do remember some things, though. like tea, one of my favorite novels 'crime and punishment', but i dont remember the author... Justin: *wipes some dust on a nearby counter, listening* kirika: well, if you guys wanted to...i dunno...visit, i'd like that a lot. oriko: ok. i'll let him know. bye bye......miss kirika offered us to visit... Justin: "..." *smiles* "I think that would be a fun event. It's a charming home." -elsewhere- Shima: *wakes up* "Wh-what happened?" paku: ugh...am i dead right now? -they're in one of the spare bedrooms....on a heart shaped bed- Shima: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. ("OH GOD OH GOD--DON'T DO ANYTHING. DON'T MOVE. DON'T SAY ANYTHING.") "...Hello." ("...YOU DUMMY!") paku: .......................................................*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM* *PAWNCH* Shima: *knocked out of the bed* *slow-motion--* "Ooooooooooow..." -repeat that in slo-mo as ave maria plays in the background- Shima: *hits the floor with a loud thud* izumo: *SLAM* WHAT HAPPENED?!! DID HE DO ANYTHING?!?! Shima: X______X paku: PERVERT!! izumo:............*DEATH AURA* Shima: X_X "I swear, I'm already dead. No more..." konekomaru:....no offense, mr mephisto, but you have a demented sense of humor Mephisto: "D'aw, thanks~" ^^ madoka: well, thank you for the dinner, sir. *bows* stocking: i'll make sure godaiin gets those eyedrops then. Mephisto: *curtesy to Madoka* "You're very welcome." *serious face at Rin* "DON'T SCREW THIS UP." Rin: ._.;;;; Kid: "???" madoka: ^////^;;; stocking: *sweatdrop* felisia: ^^; Kid: *ahem* "Thank you very much, Mephisto, Felisia..." *looks at Shima* "...So, do I collect his soul, or--" felisia: he's fine. mostly. -elsewhere- Emine: *under his own bed* "..." lin-kimpur: *pap pap* you did well on your bad deed, today. Emine: "...Did I?" lin-kimpur:... *crawls under to join him* Emine: "...Too cramped?" -elsewhere- Yukio: "What a mess..." -_-; kyouko: yikes. sounds like it. Rin: "It was mostly harmless--minus the passing out, unwanted advances from demons--" kyouko: ._.; Yukio: "Please take this more serioiusly. Shiema is now going to need more anti-demon repellent--" Rin: D8> "Then how do I hang out with you guys?" shiemi: i-it's fine, really. if i use that, i wont be able to see nee or the others. Yukio: "But we have to do something--" kyouko: you're getting pretty strung up, yuki. *smirk* Yukio: "I am simply concerned about the wellbeing of--...of all of us." kyouko: 7w7 sure yuki, sure. Yukio: -\\\\\- Rin: "...!!! D'aw, he's blushing~" -w- Yukio: >\\\\\< "I am just having an allergic reaction--" shiemi: i dont think i have pollen on me ._.; Rin: "...Yukio, didn't you tell me pollen was--" Yukio: "FINISHTHATSENTENCEANDI'LLMAKEYOURFLAMEINTOASMALLEMBER--" kyouko: yukio. deep breaths. shiemi: ???? Rin: Q_Q "...I don't want to be turned into an ember..." -elsewhere- Kid: *takes off his jacket* "...Those eyedrops..." stocking: they should help that boy out for at least a while. i'll ask nygus to give him a prescription…. {stocking: dad, what do you mean 'godaiin's problem is a harbinger'?} {Mephisto: "We are trying to determine what he encountered that led him to see things he should not see..."} stocking: ... -two days later, in russia- ???: <shit! there's no end to these things!?> shura: *SLASHING* just what is this place, even? ???: this was an experimental accelerator...perhaps.... shura:.... !!...oi....lewin, the fuck is that? lewin: ??..... !!! -a dark shape can be seen- Triple A: *slashing at an opponent* "Back, back, foul beast! Lewin! Could you please find what you need so we can--" lewin: ohohohoho, this is getting real interesting now...you know what that is there? shura: a creepy ass blob of death? lewin:...that.....is a gehenna gate. shura: !!???!!! lewin: a human made gehenna gate, eh? -the gate warps- shura: i dont like the looks of this. lewin: we'll need a specialist to deal with this... Triple A: *grumbles* "Fine...Who are we calling?" lewin: you know who we have to call. Triple A: "...No." lewin: come on angel, i know you dont like it, but, contrary to popular belief, the world doesnt revolve round you. shura: zing. Triple A: -~- "F-Fine..." *opens his flip phone* "...Pheles?" Mephisto: *static* "Wh-What--" lewin: i think we have an idea of what's been happening here.... -elsewhere- Asura: "!!!" mikan: you felt that too? Asura: *nods* "So powerful..." -upstairs, nirvana employees are scrambling about with reports and research- ???: *pulls out his watch, looks at it...smiles* ???: ..... *she's shaking, scared* <d-d-do i have to? h-he didnt do anything wrong-> -a man is strapped to a chair, likely to be interrogated- ???: "Tsk tsk tsk...You know it has to be done." ???:.....*touches the man's cheek* Man: "?!!" <Wh-What are you--> ???:.....*she is crying as she takes a hammer.....and slams it onto her finger* Man: *howls in pain* <What sorcery is this?!> ???: *tears falling from pain as she slams the hammer down again* Man: *screaming, crying* <St-Stop! I'll say anything!> ???:...... *she looks to the man with the watch* ???: *smiles* "Ask him where the money is." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and then they drizzle chocolate over it! You'll love it!" leo: *smiles* -elsewhere- sachiko: *examining patient files* Dr. John: "Hard at work?" sachiko: yeah. feels like i havent been working as hard as i could be.... Dr. John: "Well, we all pace ourselves to achieve our goals." *smiles* sachiko: *nods* -elsewhere- izumi: *studying hard* Anya: "Could I borrow a sheet of paper?" izumi: *hands her one* Anya: "Thank you..." *starts folding the paper* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Looking forward to spring?" ochako: yep! cant wait for the flower viewing. Todoroki: *nods* "And flower shows?" ochako: ^^ Todoroki: "Should be fun. We can go after we get through exams..." -elsewhere- Yohei: *drenched wet and covered in soap suds* "..." chie: *also soaked* *sigh* toru: babu! ^o^ Yohei: "Kid's gonna be a swimmer..." -elsewhere- Medusa: *humming* neian: *babble* Medusa: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- tomura: ..... Kurogiri: "Any new visitors--" -knock on the door- tomura: *groaaaans* Kurogiri: "...Fine. I'll answer." *opens the door* hina: yo, this the 'league of rogues' or somethin'? Kurogiri: "..." *summons a warp gate hina: woah, easy now. we're just here cause we heard you're recruiting. that broker guy in the purple sent us. mimeca: *waves* saku: ... Kurogiri: "..." *shuts off the warp gate* "Pass-code?" PlushFix: *muffled voice* " 'Seven sleeping seagulls.'" *PlushFix pops up* "Who writes this shit?!" Kurogiri: "...It's from my child's picture book." hina: fantaaastic. Kurogiri: "Come in." *closes the door behind them* "Let's begin with drinks and discussion." himiko: AWWW WHAT A CUTE PLUSHIE! can i hold it? hina: sure, go nuts. himiko: *HUGGGGGGS* PlushFix: "Wait wh--" *CRUNCH* X_____X "You motherf--" Kurogiri: *covers PlushFix's mouth* *evil voice to PlushFix* "No." PlushFix: O_o;;;;; tomura: let me fucking guess, you shipdits are here to sing the praises of stain for the billionth time. hina: who? tomura:....this woman is officially my favorite person in this building. Kurogiri: "See? Recruiting new people can be useful." PlushFix: X______X mimeca: ^u^ tomura:...whatever.... -elsewhere- Chuuya: *pours milk into the dish, sets it on the floor* mito: *lap lap* Chuuya: *strokes her back...sits on the floor* mito: *mew* ^^ Chuuya: *small smile* "Good kitty..." *pats her side* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *knocks* higuchi: door's open! Akutagawa: *walks in* "Hello." naoya: yo! Akutagawa: *wave* "I assure you, I have not killed." higuchi: *sweatdrop* nice to know. kuniko: hey. *playing smash bros* Akutagawa: "...How is game-playing?" -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *wringing out his shirt* -_-; ebie: *whistling* Steinbeck: "??? Still busy with tasks?" *hangs up his shirt on a clothesline* ebie: yeppers....so you're from a farm too, right? Steinbeck: "Yep. Tend to fields..." ebie: *smiles* that sounds nice. i get homesick sometimes..... *draws something in the dirt* thats my pa, john, my ma, fern, my big brother avery, grampy, grammy edit, and the farmhand mr zuckerman. Steinbeck: "...Quite a few people, huh?" ebie: *nods*....i do miss them a lot. i hope they're doing alright. Steinbeck: "When did you last talk to them?" ebie: i got to talk to my ma last christmas over the phone. sounds like they were doing ok, though she did say she missed me. *wipes eyes* Steinbeck: "..." *pats her shoulder* ebie: do you miss talking to your family, too? Steinbeck: "...Yes. All the time." ebie: maybe we can meet them one day. Steinbeck: "..." *looks around...whispers* "There are some of us who I think aren't ready to meet my family yet..." ebie: owo ? -elsewhere- Kid: *has glitter in his hair* "..." kirika: ^u^ Kid: "...This is not charming." kirika: love you too, bro ^^ Kid: *sighs* "Thanks. Now I have to get this cleaned up--" Patty: "Way ahead of you!" *dragging the garden hose inside* Kid: O_O "PATTY, NO--" -elsewhere- barkova: *sniffing around* Adam: *lifts up his legs* "...She always do this?" yana: pretty much. Adam: "...Is she sniffing for treats?" yana: *sighs and throws a bone cookie* barkova *chases after it before eating it* Adam: "...How'd she end up like that? Genetic tampering?" yana: more like mental conditioning. Adam: "...That seems mean." yana: we arent exactly 'good people'. Adam: "..." Q_Q "That's incredibly sad." yana:.... *typing things up* -elsewhere- Aizawa: *draws lines along the page* "Aaaaaaaand done." *Class 1A names linked together* blood king: well done. *has done the same with class 1B* Aizawa: "How's their exam planning?" -elsewhere- Rin: *headphones on, chopping vegetables, whistling* kyouko: hey rin? yukio has a call for you.....rin? Rin: *singing into a carrot* "OOOOOH YAY!" kyouko:....hate to do this, but you leave me no choice....*grabs his tail and bites down* Rin: Q____Q *SHRIEK* kyouko: *ptooie* sorry 'bout that, but yukio has a call for you. Rin: Q~Q "Not cool, man..." *takes the phone* "What up?" Yukio: "Oh, good, you're there--we have some extracurricular work--" Rin: "Is it extra credit?" Yukio: "...No--" Rin: "Hanging up--" Yukio: "DON'T GIVE ME THIS SASS RIGHT NOW!" Rin: ._.; kyouko: ._.;; Yukio: *ahem* "It is by order of Mephisto." -and so- Rin: *yawns* "So, what we doing?" Yukio: "We are investigating the Seven Mysteries--" izumo: of the cram school, right? Shima: "Not the one about the old lady who smashed the toilet?" konekomaru: well, death city is full of strange things, but i guess to the locals these are pretty mundane... Yukio: "This is limited to just the cram school. We expect demons are responsible for the Mysteries." shiemi: ... Yukio: *hands out a paper* "Read and memorize these mysteries..." izumo:... !!! look! -a white form can be spotted in the window- Yukio: "Ah. That's Mystery 1: 'the Bride.'" Shima: ._______. konekomaru: come on, lets go. -elsewhere- adrian: *walking along school grounds**turns a corner*... ?? well...fancy meeting you here~....mr traitor... Todo: "Tch. Respect your elders." adrian: here to clear out your old office? Todo: "Among other things..." adrian: hmm...no one else is here, right? Todo: "No. Just a ghost." adrian: and i take it she's dealing with the cram students? well, in that case, i'll just get comfortable~ *markings appear on her body, and horns upon her head* pazuzu: *streeeetch* ahhh, it's been too long since i could let loose like this. Todo: *nods* "Now, onto business..." *takes out an envelope* -morning- takara: *reading* konekomaru: ....what even _is_ takara's deal, anyway...? Rin: "...Do you think he's... *gulp* a demon?" konekomaru: ..... *staaaaaaare* izumo:....*facepalm* Bon: "And what the heck are you, you dimbulb?" Rin: "...A cool guy?" izumo: that's debatable. Rin: >3< "Just ask him, then. YO! TAKARA! WHAT'S YOU--" takara's puppet: CANT YOU SEE HE'S BUSY, BUNNY BOY!? Rin: ._. "..." >_< "I'M NOT TALKING TO A PUPPET! I'M ASKING--" izumo: dont bother. Rin: *being held back by Bon and Konekomaru* Bon: -_-# shiemi: bon, is he really the son of a toy company owner? Bon: "Yep. Wouldn't surprise me if that was one reason Pheles wanted him." izumo: cant believe he's a year above us. Bon: "Well, if you're young at heart, guess you look younger?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *yawns* kirako: zzzzz Dazai: "..." *light hug* kirako: *yawn* morning.... Dazai: "Morning...Hungry?" kirako: yes please. Dazai: "Okay..." *stretches* "Any preferences?" -elsewhere- (Oda: you awake?) atsushi: *yawn* (yeah) Oda: {Busy day ahead?} atsushi: (yeah, winter exams and all...) Oda: {You've been studying quite a bit for them, though...Need to practice?} atsushi: (might help) Oda: {Maybe ask Lucy or--} atsushi:.... (i'll see if she's up) -elsewhere- Chuuya: *adjusts his gloves* hirotsu: *hands him a paper* your mission for today. Chuuya: *takes it, reading the file* "...You're sure?" hirotsu: *he nods* Chuuya: "...Very well. You want me to handle this alone or with someone else?" hirotsu: you'll be taking naoya and miss makarov with you. Chuuya: *nods* "Very well. Are they ready?" -elsewhere- PlushFix: -_-### mimeca: o^o~? PlushFix: "That tiny terror plays too rough...I'm not some toy, damn it." mimeca:.... >->;;; PlushFix: "Y-You know what I mean! And Emo Hand-Job is a buzz kill." mimeca: =3= PlushFix: "Then Warp-Daddy says 'Just wait, your time will come.' I WANT TO KILL ALREADY!" mimeca: *pap pap* PlushFix: *sniff, wipes his teddy nose* "Thanks..." T_T -elsewhere- Mephisto: "...Disconcerting, to say the least..." shura: yeah, no shit. lewin: hopefully, those barriers you put up will help... Mephisto: "Quite..." *sips his tea* "...Where is Arthur?" lewin: he's getting info from the locals. Mephisto: *nods* "Keep me updated." -elsewhere- tamaki: ..... Arthur: "...Yes?" tamaki: ?? just thinking... Arthur: "...Yes?" tamaki: ?? just thinking... {tamaki: *eating lunch alone in a storage closet, wiping her tears away* *sniff*} {???: "--and such a freak!"} {???: did you see her at gym class today? i bet she's just faking it to get guys to notice her, hahaha, how lame!} {???: "You know what I think? She's a slut. Just wants attention."} {tamaki: *shaking, eating her food harder* *hic*....(stupid jerks...i dont need friends anyway! im fine on my own!)} tamaki: ........ Arthur: "..." *rests his hand lightly over hers* tamaki:... *sniff* t-thanks... Arthur: *nods* "...You're not alone." tamaki: .... nozomi:....*pats her back* Arthur: "See?" tamaki: ....*small smile* Arthur: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Yohei: *smooch* chie: ^////^ hehe~ Yohei: *rubs her back lightly* "I finished fixing the sink...What else you need?" LK: [[..... TT~TT YAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS YASSSSSSSSSSSSSs. later down the line tho.]] -elsewhere- liz: *plomph onto wes' lap* hello~ Wes: ^\\\\^ "Hey, there, beautiful." liz: busy~? Wes: "With you..." *kisses along her jawline* "Yes." liz: hmhmhm~ Wes: *lets his hands move to her back, drawing her closer* liz: u////u Wes: *his lips meet hers, as one hand slides to her bottom* liz: mmmm~<3 Wes: *rubs her bottom--before giving a very soft spank to it* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Your tea." tsubaki: thank you. naho: we're back! Sakuya: *closes the door behind them* Shamrock: "How was it?" naho: tireeed. *plops onto the couch* =////= soft.... Sakuya: "..." *nods* "What she said..." *puts down his bookbag, stretches* lavender: want some hot cocoa? Sakuya: "That'd be great--thanks." lavender: ^^ *goes to make it* with marshmallows? naho: yeeeessss.... Sakuya: ^^ *sits down, rests his fingers along her head* naho: =w= <3 Sakuya: *small laugh, massages her head lightly* naho: *purr* Sakuya: "Cute..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." hirotsu: *tucks him in* Akutagawa: *shivers* hirotsu:.... *sighs and exits* -morning- yumikage: *grumbles* Jun: "???" yumikage: long night. exhausted. fuckin' tsurugi kept me up all night. Jun: "Well, you have work this morning--so pour some coffee." yumikage: *grumbling* mafura: ~? tsurugi:.... 7v7 *whispers something to mafura* mafura:....ok.....mr jun? Jun: "Hmm?" mafura: is mr tsurugi mafura-chan’s brother? yumikage: *sipping coffee* Jun: "I don't think so." mafura: because he said mr touma was our daddy. yumikage: *SPITTAKE* TSURUGI! D8< tsurugi: >u< Jun: "... ... ... ... ..." *death glare at Tsurugi* tsurugi: OuO..... WHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOP. yumikage: GET BACK HERE AND APOLOGIZE TO HER! Jun: "...Mafura. Think through what you're asking next time." mafura: ??? Jun: "..." *sighs, smiles* "How about pancakes?" mafura: ok! ^u^ -elsewhere- Master: "??? You got customers." mana: welcome. ^^ Izuku: *waves* "Hi. We're here for a study group?" mana: right this way. *guides them to a table that has a sign 'class 1-a study group' Todoroki: *nods* Mineta: *walks on in, very proud--* Master: *DEATH GLARE* Mineta: *walks right back out...* -elsewhere- Hemingway: "Gee, you're burnt to a crisp..." twain: x3Q worth it....ow. Hemingway: *sigh* "How is this 'worth it'? You got to build up slowly. Look at me--" *rips open his shirt* "AND MY GOLDEN TAN!" twain: noice. oscar: .///. oh my. Hemingway: "You think this is something, you should've seen the tan I sported when I went toe-to-flipper against the rampaging manatees of Havana!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "...So is it a mannequin hand, or an artistic statement?" tomura: *grunts and plays his game using chopsticks to press the buttons* PlushFix: "...That's just sad. I bet you can't even touch your Little Buddy..." tomura: do you ever stop talking, you shitty demented chucky knock-off? PlushFix: "...Yes. When I'm eating out your mama." tomura: *throws him out the window* PlushFix: "WOOOOORTH IT--" *crashes into dumpster* tomura: shut up. shut up shut up shut up sHUT UP SHUTUPSHUTUP!!! Kurogiri: "Shigaraki. Breathe." tomura: *sharp quick breaths as he's crying* Kurogiri: "???" *pats his back* tomura: mu-*hic*-ma-*hi-hic*-mommyyyy..... Kurogiri: "...Oh...I'm sorry..." tomura: *whimpering* Kurogiri: *hums* tomura:....*hic*.......... Kurogiri: "You're okay...Just breathe..." -elsewhere- soul:....*staring up at the ceiling* .... Stein: "You're up." soul: ?? oh, right. so, how long is the plane ride gonna be? Stein: "Long enough for another 2 movies--director's cuts." soul: *grooooan* Stein: "...Something on your mind?" soul: just.....remembering. Stein: "...Hmm. Talk?" soul: i know its been years since it happened, and i've been coping as best as i can.....but part of me still wishes she was here. Stein: "...That is a normal wish. Do you think about her often in combat?" soul: ...yeah. Stein: "Then use that to do what she would want you to do." soul: right. Stein: "And don't forget to pay attention to what is in front of you--or you're going to run into a wall." soul: *stops in front of the wall* ._.; Stein: *sigh* "Sit down and just watch the film." -elsewhere- Meme: "..." *sniff* mio: meme? Meme: *wipes her eyes* *sniff* "Y-Yes?" mio: you holding up, ok? Meme: "I-I don't know?" mio:....well, there's a movie being held in the den if you're interested. Meme: "...Which one?" mio: i think it's fivel goes west. Meme: "..." *holds out a hand* mio: *takes her hand and leads her downstairs* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *stands up* "How was it?" lisa:....ok. Vulcan: "..." *holds out a hand* "You had to make another appointment?" lisa:...*nod* Vulcan: "Want me to take you there?" lisa: y-yes. Vulcan: *nods* "Of course..." *soft pat on her hand* -elsewhere- Kid: *falls face first onto bed* stocking: feeling ok? Kid: "Tired...So many papers..." stocking: want a shoulder rub? Kid: "...Please?" stocking: *smiles and does so* Kid: =\\\\= *sigh of relief* "So much better..." stocking: ^^ *kiss* Kid: "Mmmm...Thank you." *smooch* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I'm sorry...I didn't ask how your day was." stocking: busy for the most part. Kid: *lies back* "...I'm so proud of you." stocking: *kiss* ^///^ Kid: ^\\\^ "Mmm~ ...I said the right thing, then?" *smiles* stocking: you often do~ *crawls onto his lap* Kid: *holds her* "Comfy?" stocking: mmhmm~ *rests her head in the crook of his neck* Kid: *strokes the back of her hed* "Good..." *holds her close* stocking: u/////u i love you... Kid: *cheek smooch* "I love you." stocking: mmmn~ *kiss* Kid: *kisses back, rests a hand on her hip* "Love..." stocking: mm? Kid: *rests his lips lightly on the side of her neck* stocking: ah~ *strokes his head* Kid: *purrs softly, holds onto her* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *shaking* medic: has he even been eating? Medic #2: *shakes their head* "Refuses..." medic:....has he been taking care of himself _at all_? Medic #2: "...I think something is lost for him." medic:.....*sigh* do we request a transfer into psychiatric? Medic #2: "...Make the call." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holds target upside over the edge of the building* "You are lucky. I promised not to kill." guy: Q~Q;;; Akutagawa: "But that's only for a probationary period. And while I wait for that period to end, I'm going to be thinking of the many ways I can torture you--then kill you in the slowest, most painful way possible...unless you give me what I want." guy: i-i'll talk! i'll talk! Akutagawa: "...Good." *pulls the target back, drops them on the top of the roof, holds Rashomon close to them* "You were hunting the Tiger. Why?" guy: w-we got orders.... Akutagawa: "From whom?" guy: t-the dame...s-she- Akutagawa: "???" guy: she gave the order. katya: dame? as in from the order of the clock tower? Akutagawa: "??? Them?" katya: most likely. Akutagawa: "...Get this one into custody, before the Order finds him." katya: understood. -elsewhere- -elsewhere- ???: are the three of us really going to the states, madam? ???: will we be..... ???:....taking a boat? ???: for now, you will be surveying the situation. -the young woman and twin girls nod- all three: of course. -elsewhere- Jonah: *walking around in Haumea's old outfit* " 'I'm Haumea! And I like potato sack clothes!'" guruna: *giggling* kurukurukurukuru >w< Jonah: *spins on one foot* " 'I'm a giant human bug zapper--'cause my synapsis are all shot!' Tra la la la la..." Haumea: "..." guruna: OwO;;;;;; Jonah: .w.; Haumea: "..." *grabs the sleeves of her old outfit--and pulls them up like drawstrings, sealing Jonah...before she holds the outfit like a bag--and swings it over her head and through the wall* arrow:.....*siiiigh* -_-; -elsewhere- Gopher: "...Thank you." kirika: hey, its no prob. Gopher: "..." *smooch* kirika: O////O Gopher: *pulls back* "..." .\\\\. "I-I just...I wanted to...I'm sorry." kirika: >////<; y-you could at least warn me first, jeez. 7///7; Gopher: "S-Sorry! ...Should I warn you now?" kirika:...f-fine, sure, whatever. -///-; Gopher: "..." *cheek smooch* kirika: =///=;; Gopher: *pulls back* .\\\\. "...It's soft." kirika: 7///3///7; Gopher: "..." *strokes where he kissed* kirika: >///< *smooch*.... Gopher: O\\\\\\\O kirika: ....i-i panicked ok?! >n< Gopher: .\\\\\. "I-I guess we're even?" kirika: y-yeah......i got smash bros. you in? Gopher: "Y-Yeah. I'm in..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *walks through hall with groceries* sonia: *walking with him* Chuuya: "And this weekend I'll show you how to bake carrot cake..." sonia: ok. *small smile* Chuuya: "And when we get through some of your homework...Did you teacher assign you much?" sonia: its not too much. Chuuya: "Then maybe we can find some activity to do. Or did you want to visit anyone?" sonia: .....can we visit mama? Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "Of course." -elsewhere- *darkness* ???: "Heroes...die..." shinra: ??? *looks around* *Fire appears against the blackness--but no heat comes from it* *Women's eyes appear...everywhere...watching* shinra: what...where am....where am i.....? *Hands pass along his chest* shinra: !!! *wakes up with a start, frightened* GAH! teacher: mr kusakabe? shinra: w-wha.. Arthur: "..." *rubs his arm* "Stupid laundry day...Static cling..." shinra:... s-sorry, i dozed off. *focusing on studying* Arthur: *eyeroll...and not noticing he has a sock stuck to the back of his jacket* shinra:....*grin* -elsewhere- Poe: *opens the mail* "...Huh. This is charming." lana: whats up? Poe: *takes out a child's drawing* LK: lana: aww. ^^ Poe: ^^ "She even drew us..." -the drawing shows emilia, her parents, poe, rowena, lana karl...and the black cat- Poe: "..." Q_______________________Q lana:...*pat pat* Poe: "Do-Don't you see it?" lana: ?? does your brother have a cat? Poe: *shakes his head* lana: is it her imaginary friend, then? Poe: "...Lana...I have something..." lana: i already know you have an ability, i saw it first hand, remember? Poe: Q___Q "...It's still scary." lana: it's ok... *kiss* Poe: *whimper* lana: *hug* it's ok...*pat pat* Poe: "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Q: *doodling* ^^~ Adam: "???" *looks* -its of Q and zoey, Q's doll, aya, and fyodor.....with ivan cut into pieces in the background- Adam: "... ... ...Who is that blob?" *points at Aya* Q: .... .////. her name's aya. she's pretty. Adam: "...You have a crush on the girl represented by the blob?" Q: >///< *nod nod* her dad tried to shoot me, though. Q_Q Adam: "...That's rough, kiddo. Maybe you should have spoken to him first?" Q: but he's with the agency >3<.....and he's in jail right now........*lightbulb* PERFECT! Adam: "???" Q: miss lydiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lydia: yes? Q: can you get aya for me? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- lydia: no. Q: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lydia: i said no, Q. Q: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- lydia:... <oh for the love of...> vanya! talk to him. Ivan: <Gladly~> ^^ "Young boy, you cannot simply obsess about someone--it's not healthy. Instead, channel those feelings into behavior that is more productive--" *currently sharpening a knife* lydia:................................................*facepalm* (i dont even know why i bother.) Adam: "...Well, I think there's not necessarily someone for everyone. Maybe you're just destined to die alone?" Ivan: "..." lydia:....... -one punishment later- Q: mommyyyyy they're being mean! zoey: whats wrong, sweetie? Q: they wont bring aya over! TTATT lydia: it would be a liability to- zoey: well, im sure they'll gladly bring her over, right? lydia: that's- zoey: i said.... *scalpel out* they will _gladly_...bring her over....._right_? lydia: ...i'll.....see what we can arrange. Q: YAY! Adam: Q______Q "...It hurts in multiple ways..." yana:....that sucks, buddy. Ivan: >3< <--and he has no idea what true love is...> yana: <well what _is_ it then?> Ivan: <Absolute devotion.> yana:...<cool story, bro.> Ivan: <Always serve the one you love with absolute devotion and no questions, spawn of my master!> Adam: O_o ("...I have no idea what they are saying.") yana: mmhmm. Ivan: <Never let go of the one you love! Serve their every need! WE WILL GIVE YOU A GLORIOUS WORLD, MY MASTER! Hang in there and survive prison!> yana: gonch, easy boy, deep breathing. Ivan: *deep inhale--then passes out* lydia:... *sigh* i'll take him to his room. -elsewhere- Fyodor: <It's quite comfortable...The quiet...That stench of hope slowly drained from even the strongest body...It exudes out the skin, as the heart breaks.> erina: ?? Fyodor: "...Sorry. I'm rambling." ^^ erina: i..see. ^^; Fyodor: "I haven't asked you--are they treating you well?" erina: well, one of the higher ups did heckle me for talking to you while you're in solitary. Fyodor: "Oh, dear. I'm sorry I caused you trouble...That's not fair." erina: *sigh* i do have a job to keep things in order....but i do enjoy being able to talk to you... Fyodor: "I as well. I appreciate your company." *smiles* erina:... .///. Fyodor: "Oh, no...I said something wrong, didn't I?" erina: n-no not at all, sir! Fyodor: "...'Fyodor.'" erina: ...r-right... .//////. Fyodor: "And...may I call you 'Erina'?" erina: O///O *steam comes off her head* ITSFINES-FYODOR! >////<;;; Fyodor: "Ah~ That's pleasant to my ears." *smiles* erina: ehehehehehe...heh.... .////w////.;;; Fyodor: "...I'm glad you're here." erina:....t-thanks... -elsewhere- Kouyou: "I’ll be back by 10." leo: understood, lady kouyou. Kouyou: *picks up an umbrella* leo: please do take care of yourself. *bows* Kouyou: "I will, thank you." *steps outside and spots--* "Oh." leo: ?? Tachihara: "Hey, sweet thang. You tired? 'Cause you been running through my mind~" leo:...*slams door in his face* Tachihara: *smushed face* D8> -elsewhere- kyouko: *playing the DDR* sayaka: she's really good at this. Rin: *nods* "She'll crack the top score!" sayaka: go kyouko! >u< Rin: *claps* "Kyouko! Kyouko!" kyouko: *still going* ???: "I want to play!" kyouko: ?? Meme: *with Mio* kyouko: sure thing, tatane. ^^ Meme: *smiles, gets on the other platform* mio: go meme! Meme: *follows the movements, not missing a step* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Hanging in there?" shinra: y-yeah.... Akitaru: "...You need a break?" *sits down, pours a glass of milk* shinra:...*sigh* Akitaru: "..." *clears his throat* "You know, there's nothing wrong if you wanted to take a leave of absence..." shinra: i-it's fine. i dont have anywhere to go... Akitaru: "You wouldn't have to go--it could be a stay-cation...Just a thought if you need it." shinra: i guess..... Akitaru: *nods* "And you'll need some sleep..." *pours a glass of milk for Shinra* shinra: ok. -elsewhere- Yumi: *trembling, clenching her fists* lord death: yumi? is everything ok? Yumi: "...How can they get away with selling this?" lord death: we'll send someone to investigate the situation. *sigh* honestly.... Yumi: *nods* "Good...Good." *still clenching her fist* lord death:... *pats her back* Yumi: *shudders* "Th-Thanks...The nerve of all of this." -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Honestly, this is getting out of hand..." ???: what he lacks is conviction. motivation... Kurogiri: "Hmm...I thought that was what Stain would offer?" ???: and look how well _that_ went. Kurogiri: "...Point taken. So, should another variable be introduced, or let Touma dwell on this?" ???: for now, let him have time to cool off and get his thoughts in order. Kurogiri: "That...may be more difficult with the newbies?" ???: i've been looking into their histories...that doll....some of the acts committed in life are.....disturbing, to put it lightly. Kurogiri: "...I was afraid of that. One reason I keep my daughter far from him." ???: and miss toga? Kurogiri: "...I think she'll be able to handle what that tiny furry pipsqueak has to offer." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *tucks Sonia in* "And tomorrow, we'll see your mother." sonia: ok, papa. Chuuya: "Sleep well, okay?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Good night. I love you." sonia: love you too, papa. -morning- ochako: hey dad? where do we keep the camping equipment? Mr. Uraraka: "I think in the closet. Been a bit since we used it..." ochako: ok, thanks. *goes to look, with her flashlight in hand* Mr. Uraraka: "This for your exam trip?" ochako: yep. *cough cough* dusty... Mr. Uraraka: "Yeah...Heh. Guess I should do more cleaning..." ochako: alright, let's see here. old vhs tapes, old record player, holy grail replica, aha! camping supplies! *The sleeping bag has a hole in it* ochako: *frowns* darn. it has a hole. and its too big to sew it back up. Mr. Uraraka: "Oh, man...I'm sorry, sweetie." ochako: *sigh* gonna have to buy a new one. Mr. Uraraka: "...I can start saving up--" ochako: i have an idea. maybe i can get a part time job! Mr. Uraraka: "...Now, Ochaco, you know I want you focusing on your studies--" ochako: i know. i do want to be a hero to earn you money in the long run. but the part time job is just temporary to save money for a sleeping bag for now. Mr. Uraraka: "...Okay. But your homework comes first, and I want to know the maximum hours they're going to work you. Okay?" ochako: right. Mr. Uraraka: *head pat* "Good. Now, let's get those help wanted ads out..." -elsewhere- soul: alright, so what are we doing here? Stein: "First step of any investigation is to gather immediate evidence. Notice anything out of the ordinary?" soul: *looks around* Stein: "We have to keep track of any odd behavior--" *looks...Excalibur face* soul: ?? Stein: "L-Let's just keep moving..." *walks away* Mime: o_o "???" -there is a large poster on the wall; NOW SHOWING! Swan Lake. Starring Etta Hoffman- soul:.... hm. Stein: "??? You like that kind of thing?" soul: eh, i dunno. Stein: " 'Hoffman'...Not familiar with that one." soul: must be a local thing. Stein: "..." *walks up to the ticket booth* ticket person: <how many, sir?> Stein: <Two.> soul: wait seriously? Stein: "What? I said look for what is obvious...You brought a suit and tie, right?" soul: um.... ._.; no? Stein: *sighs* "What am I going to do with you...Come on. We'll continue questioning bystanders while we get you a suit." ???: .... -elsewhere- Vulcan: "--and it'll pick up electrical signals in the air." *it's a radio...in the shape of a cicada* shinra:...cool. Vulcan: "??? What's on your mind?" shinra: bad dreams, mostly. Vulcan: "..." *sighs* "Been going around, huh?" shinra: yeah. -elsewhere- sonia: hi mama... -silence- Chuuya: *pats Sonia's shoulder* "Do you...need time alone?" sonia: ...a little.... Chuuya: *nods* "I'll...be over there." *points to a tree* sonia: ok......papa and i really miss you a lot...im trying my best to be like the other kids...but its hard....i know a lot of scary stuff about the world other kids dont know about...and im not normal like other kids...but im trying my best... Chuuya: *can't quite hear it all* "..." sonia: underground, that priest said my birth was an abomination...that i shouldnt be alive at all...is he right? Chuuya: "!!! ..." ("...No...") sonia: .....i wish you were here, mama... Chuuya: "..." *wipes his eyes* sonia:.... *looks over at chuuya* Chuuya: "???" *points to himself* sonia: do you want to talk to her too? Chuuya: *nods* "If you don't mind." sonia: its fine... Chuuya: *nods* "Thank you..." *looks at the grave* "...Hello, Rain." -...- Chuuya: "...I'm glad to be here to...talk with you." -...- Chuuya: "And I know our daughter is happy to talk with you, too." sonia: ... Chuuya: "...We miss you. And we're trying to move forward." -elsewhere- Alone: "Isn't it great? We at least get to do some work around here!" *is scrubbing the communal showers* grimoire: -_-; just freaking lovely. Alone: "..." *gets close, sing-songy voice* "They gave us new scruuuuuubers!" *holds up the brush* grimoire:.....*eye twitch* Alone: ._____.; *backs up...starts scrubbing tiles* "How you doing with this work, Shaula?" shaula: this is some serious bullshit. Alone: "What, you never cleaned the boys' showers?" shaula: *GLARE* Alone: .________.;;;; *backs up* "Okay, guys? I'm running out of corners to work out of, so I'm just going to scrub here, and you two can scrub those corners--" -elsewhere- higuchi: *looking through records* Hirotsu: "Higuchi? What is it?" higuchi: i cant find any leads on him. tachihara: on who? Hirotsu: "..." higuchi: it all just leads to dead ends... tachihara: ??? what's she talking about? Gin: "Nothing for you to think about." tachihara: aw come on, guys. im a black lizard commander too, right? >3< Hirotsu: *sigh* "She's looking into the past of the Mafia." tachihara: why not ask you? Gin: *dope-smack* tachihara: DX higuchi: -_-; i figured examining mori's background could give us insight onto where he is... tachihara: i guess that makes sense. Gin: "We've checked his usual...hangouts." tachihara: i need like...50 showers now. higuchi: hm....hirotsu, you said he used to be a doctor, right? Hirotsu: *nods* "We keep our people posted in various capacities at numerous hospitals in this city--with no luck spotting him." higuchi: hmmm...perhaps i should pay a friend of his a little visit. tachihara: do you have to be so vague? -elsewhere- Mori: "IT BROKE!" D8> fukuzawa: -_-; Mori: "Can you fix it?" fukuzawa: lets see... *examining it* -the dolls head fell off- fukuzawa: hmm.... *looking for glue* Mori: "Please? I don't want her to...to..." *stunned* fukuzawa: ....? mori? Mori: "H-Her h-h-h-head...Head. I left it. Head." fukuzawa: im looking for the glue now, mori. shizuka?: *laying on the bed, bleeding from her neck stump* Mori: *screams* *backs up from the bed* "N-Not now!" fukuzawa: mori! get a hold of yourself! Mori: "I already hid it!" fukuzawa: hid what? Mori: "..." *curls up* "S-Something from the past..." fukuzawa: .... Mori: "...Just fix it." fukuzawa:....darn, out of glue....i'll be right back. ranpo, keep an eye on him ranpo: will do. *playing on the switch* Mori: ._.; "...Maybe have someone else watch me?" -elsewhere- Stein: *grabs the blood samples* "Let's see what this offers..." soul: ... Stein: *checks under the microscope* "Hmm...Looks normal. Will have to check type as well, get some clues to their identity..." *looks at Soul* "Go speak with some witnesses." soul: .-.; um o-ok then......um.... h-hello? Bystander: "???" <Sorry, I don't speak English.> soul: um.... *sweats and checks book* <mind if i ask you a fist question?> Bystander: "..." <'Fist question'? Are you threatening me?> soul: u-um... ._.;;; ???: <This young man wishes to ask you about the murder that took place late last night.> soul: ?? *looks* girl: ....... Ted: <Do you have any information to share with Mr...> "Pardon, what is your name, young man?" soul: evans...sir. ._.; Ted: <Mr. Evans. Answer his question.> *smiles* <Please.> girl: ...... soul: um.... so did you see anything suspicious at the scene? Ted: *listens* "..." *sighs* "Sorry. I'm afraid not, Mr. Evans." -a few questions later- soul: thanks, sir. Ted: *nods* "Happy to help." girl: ...... Ted: *to her* "Come along, now." girl:.....*looks at soul as they leave* soul: .... Stein: "Oh. There you are." -soul explains what he heard- Stein: "No leads? Surprised you picked up the language enough..." soul: i had a guy translate for me...guess i need some lessons, still... Stein: "Yes. Read the book more closely." soul: -_-; yes sir. -elsewhere- Black Star: "Care to pay a visit to our new friend?" naho: *nod nod* i wanna meet them. Black Star: "Okay. Just remember--don't put a lot of pressure on them, no loud noises--and if they ask for blood, don't give it." naho: noted. Sakuya: "So, where they at?" Black Star: "Dungeon." Sakuya: ._.; lilac: ._.; Black Star: "...It's just probation, you know? Like a time-out." lilac: o-oh..... Sakuya: "What the heck kind of time out is Lord Death into?" Black Star: "I mean, Crona and others had the same thing--just have to hope the best..." tsubaki: ^-^; -elsewhere- Medusa: *sets out potions* neian: *in playpen* Medusa: *sighs* "Running low on newt eyes...Can't find a decent supplier..." neian: baba Medusa: "??? What are you thinking about, child?" *picks up Neian* neian: *babble* Medusa: "...You might as well watch. You'll have to try this as soon as you can speak." neian: ga! Medusa: *pours a bit of the potion into one cup of another--causing a snake mist to dance up and evaporate* neian: ^o^ Medusa: *smiles* "You like that, huh?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *reading* ".." -knock- Gopher: "???" *answers* kotone: *hugs* i was.......worried..... Gopher: "!!! ..." *pat pat* "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." kirika: hm? oh, hey koto. kotone: .... Gopher: ^w^; "Would you like to join us, Kotone?" kotone: *nod nod* Gopher: "We can have snacks..." kirika: and we have pizza. -elsewhere- Ivan: ^w^ *sighs* lydia: <you seem pleased> Ivan: <Putting faith in Master is never ill placed~> lydia: <ah.> Ivan: <And when he leaves the prison, we'll bring about his new world...> lydia: ... <i see you dyed your hair again.> Ivan: *pats his hands on his cheeks* <Oh, you noticed!> ^\\\^ <I thought it was for the best...> lydia: <it's a nice color on you.> Ivan: <Aw, thank you. That's really kind.> -evening- erina: *in her room* Roomie: "Yo." erina: oh, hey. heading to your job now? *she was writing reports* Roomie: "Yeah. Such a drag...How 'bout you?" erina: just finishing up writing these reports. Roomie: "Really? Can I take a looksie?" erina: well.... just a peek. Roomie: *looks over* "...What's a 'Fido'?" erina: it's 'fyodor'.... .///. Roomie: "??? ..." *smirks* erina: .... ?? whats with that look? Roomie: "You're blushing." erina: e-eeh? seriously? *slaps her own face* im fine! >A<;; Roomie: "Girl, please don't fall for the kind of people locked up in prison--there has to be someone better than that on the outside..." erina: >/////<;;; c-casey! its not like that at all! its professional! really! >/////<;;;; Casey: "So, you haven't done anything with him?" erina: O/////////O NO! Casey: "But you want to." erina:.............*going completely pink* Casey: *sighs* "Since I've known you, you haven't talked about any dates. When's the last time you got laid?" erina: CASEEEEYYY >A<;;; Casey: "Okay. Just...Don't do this. I'll set you up--I know plenty of people who'd at least give you a good night." erina: =_=;;;;; oh my gooooood.... Casey: "But don't fall for prisoners. At least wait until he gets out..." erina:....r-right... -elsewhere- Employer: "Okay, your shift will start in about an hour, so let's review what you need to know." ochako: *nod nod* Employer: "You'll have to keep an eye on customers to make sure they don't shoplift." *points to set of photos taped to the window* ochako: understood! *The door rings as someone enters* Employer: "And here's your coworker to show you the ropes--" ochako: *shiny eyes* Hyde: "Yo, boss man. Sorry I'm late--alarm didn't go off until my roomie kicked me in the head--" *spots Ochaco* "...Oh. Hey there." ochako: oh hey, you're hyde cranz, right? Hyde: "Yep. And you're...um...'Gravity'?" ochako: it's ochako. ^^ Hyde: "Right, Ochaco. I had my bet on you against Kacchan." ochako: ...y-yeah... s-sorry about that. ^^; Hyde: "Nah, it's cool--I used some other guy's money." ochako: oh... eheheh... ^^;; Hyde: "Well, I better show you how we run this machine we call 'the store of convenience.'" *points to the hot dog heater* "Don't grab anything there with bare hands." *points to the soft drink dispensers* "The nozzles grow fuzz, so clean them daily." *points to the freezers* "The lights only come on with motion sensor, and you stock in the back--so don't get locked in or you'll be a Hyde-scicle." ochako: .-.; Hyde: "So, let's get you started helping customers find what they need. Take care of that one over there. Introduce yourself, ask how you can help--show them where it is." ochako: *nod nod* hey there, need anythi- Bakugo: "??? Uraraka?" ochako: OwO;; heeeeeyyyy kacchan. ^^; Bakugo: -_-# "...Why are you in that uniform?" ochako: part time job. do you need any help? Bakugo: "Yeah, I'm looking for breath mints." ochako: they're in aisle 5. ^^ -elsewhere- Magaki: <Hello.> tsubaki: <how are you holding up?> Magaki: <The food is acceptable.> tsubaki: hmm... Magaki: <How are you and your partner's family?> tsubaki: we brought a few of them for you to meet. naho: hi! my name's naho. this is sakuya and lilac. ^^ lilac: .... Magaki: *already hiding under the table* naho: its ok. we're not gonna hurt you. ^^ Magaki: "..." *peeks up* <...It's a traditional reaction to see how the other party reacts.> *looks at Naho* <How old are you?> naho: <20.> Magaki: <Ah. You look younger.> naho: <well, i did become a vampire pretty young, so.... i was about 17 when it happened.> Magaki: "..." *nods* <I don't remember the details as clearly...> lilac:......*shaking a bit* Magaki: "???" *looks at Lilac* <H-Hello.> lilac:....*tiny wave* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "How're you holding up, Princess?" maria: its been nice. miss naomi showed me how to play these commoner tv games. naomi: ^^; she means video games. Tanizaki: "Mario Kart?" maria: *nod nod* Tanizaki: "That purple shell is tricky, huh?" maria: yeah. >3< -elsewhere- higuchi: .... Fukuzawa: *walking, his sandals clicking against the stone walkway* higuchi: *matching his footsteps, hand on her gun* Fukuzawa: "???" *slight turn* higuchi: *gun to his neck* dont move. Fukuzawa: "... Miss Higuchi." higuchi: you have some information that i want.....mori's old office....where is it? Fukuzawa: "Why do you ask?" higuchi: im the one asking questions here. Fukuzawa: *sighs* "The slums." higuchi: address? Fukuzawa: "...42 Tsuwano Avenue, in the Kanoashi neighborhood." higuchi:...thank you....*takes her leave, imputing the address into her phone* Fukuzawa: *sighs* ("She should have asked about the traps...") -elsewhere- Anya: "..." *sighs* chidori: whats up? Anya: "Just...being nostalgic, I guess." misery: something bothering you, dear? Anya: "...I don't know. I guess I feel badly about..." *thinks about Yana* misery:....*pat pat* Anya: *sniff* "Th-Thank you...I should have said goodbye." misery: im sure you'll meet again someday... Anya: "M-Maybe..." *wipes her eyes* "Foolish..." misery: *hug* Anya: *hug, cries* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *passed out on the prison hospital gurney* medic: alright. he'll be transferred tomorrow morning. we'll send a call out to his employer. Medic 2: *nods* "...How is recovering?" Kunikida: *groans* -elsewhere- higuchi:.... (here it is.....) *The office looks run-down...Corners look like they have mildew* higuchi: (gross)...... *spots his desk* (alright...lets see here...) *The desk has a locked drawer* higuchi:.... *takes a paperclip and begins picking the lock* *There's a teddy bear kept in the corner...facing where Higuchi is* *The drawer makes a 'click' sound, opening* higuchi: .....*glances at the bear* Bear: *just sitting there* higuchi:...... *shivers and examines the files* *The files are surprisingly organized...One file says 'Elise'* higuchi:.... *examines it* *One is a medical file...referring to Elise's height, weight, conditions, blood type--* higuchi:..... (bullshit….) ?? *Another page is listed as 'Project Elli'* higuchi: (bingo...maybe...) *reads it* Report: "With the ideal conditions, including improvements upon the host's body and his ability avatar, it is possible to age said avatar. While treatments related to food have proven slightly successful, upon digestion the avatar's body resumes prior appearance. Therefore, if metabolic reactions are partially responsible for aging, then there is one location to which to alter the avatar: the blood." higuchi: !! *shaking* Teddy Bear: OwO *tick* higuchi: !!!! *grabs the files and backs away* Teddy Bear: *mouth opens--and a syringe flies out* higuchi: *dodges* *The syringe misses--and another jabs into Higuchi's shoulder* higuchi: GAH! *wince* *Her vision starts going...Everything is getting dark...Someone tall emerges from the shadows...* higuchi: ngh...w-who.... ???: "Now, then, let's see what you wanted to ask..." *all fades to black, as Higuchi is now completely unconscious* -minutes later- ???: "You're awake." higuchi: nngh..... ???: "Easy...I just wanted to know why you were so rash as to hold a gun on me." higuchi: *her vision is stabilizing*...oh...its you... Fukuzawa: "Indeed." *Higuchi is tied to the chair* Fukuzawa: "I relieved you of your gun and the knives I could find in your pockets." higuchi: !!!! Fukuzawa: "I will let you go after I am satisfied with your honest answers. And if you try to escape..." *aims the tip of his sword at her neck* higuchi:.....what do you want to know? Fukuzawa: "You came here for information on Mori. What was it that you seek?" higuchi:...his origins. who he was before becoming the boss of the port mafia. Fukuzawa: "Hmm. Who have you been asking?" -she explains all that she knows on him, but doesnt mention the file on elise- Fukuzawa: "...Largely accurate." higuchi: but there's missing links. im trying to find more info, birth certificates, diplomas, anything that can give insight onto why he is the way he is... Fukuzawa: "...Germany." higuchi: ??? Fukuzawa: "Look for his family there." *puts his sword away, stands up, turns to walk away* higuchi: h-hey! arent you going to let me go?! Fukuzawa: "Well, given our prior engagement, it is likely you will attempt to injure me, which would harm the tenuous truce between our parties--and we cannot have that, correct? Besides, someone who has come along this far is obviously resourceful and will be able to escape, yes?" *keeps walking* higuchi:........*examines her surroundings* *Fukuzawa is already downstairs...The desk has a small bit of metal sticking out that used to hold up a broken shelf* higuchi:..... *scoots the chair over to try cutting the rope* *SLICE* *one rope comes loose* higuchi: *looks on the table* *There are more scattered papers--and a map* higuchi:.... *looking for something sharp...* *Looks like all the sharp objects were removed--except the syringe tip* higuchi:.... damn....that wont help......*cuts the other rope on the metal bit* *RIP* higuchi: *rubs her wrists* alright...two down.... *looks around the room* *The Teddy Bear stares blanky* Teddy Bear: owo *Something glitters next to the bear* higuchi:..... *scoots her chair over to the bed....turning the bear away* fuck you. *There's a broken exacto-knife* higuchi: *examines the knife* *Not quite as sharp as it could be--cracked--but usable* higuchi: alright....lets do this....*cutting the ropes on her ankles* *SLICE* higuchi: (success!) *she gets up and goes over to her messenger bag* *The phone has 3 missed calls, one voicemail, 2 texts* higuchi: *checks phone as she checks the files again, and puts the map in her bag* Gin: *text* [where r u?] higuchi: [sry. ran into obstacle. im ok] Gin: [good. get back now] *sounds businesslike* higuchi: [will do. need a ride.] *putting certain files in the bag*... [*will need a ride] Gin: [location? your gps is broken] -she sends the address- higuchi: [i think i found some info that might help] Gin: [excellent. keep it secure] -and so, on the car ride back- higuchi: .... Hirotsu: "What happened?" higuchi: *she explains what happened, a short version anyway...* Hirotsu: "...What is the next step?" higuchi: i'd like to request a trip to germany and investigate mori's family and history there. Hirotsu: "Who will you bring?" higuchi: ....havent decided. Hirotsu: "Well, Tachihara is a no-go. Katya...well..." >_> higuchi:............what did she do now? Hirotsu: "Tachihara brought up zamboniis, and she had a very violent reaction." higuchi:... ._.; is he alright? naoya: pushkin managed to hold her back from rampaging. Hirotsu: "But Tachihara seems shaken by the ordeal." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *humming a tune...while twirling* ayako: owo ~? Motojiro: "Ballet...Fine dresses...The graceful explosion of neurons firing through the brain to direct the limbs to follow pre-established motions in sync with the organized pattern of auditory notes." ayako: hot date? Motojiro: .\\\\w\\\\. "J-Just a night of ballet. That's all. All." *awkward coughs* "Lemonade. Need lemon--" *walks into the wall* ayako:..... it'll be a miracle if he gets laid. -elsewhere- Mori: .-.;;; "...Is he back?" *lying upside down* -the door opens- ranpo: dad's back! fukuzawa: i brought glue and snacks. ranpo: sweeeet! Mori: "Is the glue a snack?" fukuzawa: -_-; the glue for your doll, mori. Mori: *squee* "Yay!" fukuzawa:...... {*Higuchi is slumped against the chair, tied up, unconscious...The desk includes some photos*} {fukuzawa: *examines photos*} {*they look to be...of organs?*} {fukuzawa:..........} {*One is labeled "Elli Sample A"*} fukuzawa:....there. all fixed. Mori: QwQ "...Thanks?" -elsewhere- Magaki: *nods* "Until again." tsubaki: see you soon. ^^ Magaki: *bows* <Goodbye.>
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