#i just want to be normal
kittenplath · 4 months
all a girl desires is to be perfect
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I’m so fucking tired
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life1tself · 1 month
i hate being disabled sometimes because doing things i enjoy and make me happy in the moment always end up with me needing 2-4 business days to recover
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x-itzzzzzz-x · 2 months
my emotions are so extreme it’s actually like painful i hate it so so much
everything is always x100 or numb and i’m sick of it
i just want to feel good and for small things not to make me feel suicidal like i genuinely don’t have control over how i feel and i hate it
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tinytrashkid · 1 year
today is just one of those days where it feel like it would be better to just end it…
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lunaiz4-misc · 6 months
As an ND kid, I used to spend a lot of time thinking about what it would be like to "be normal." I thought that's what I wanted, to be just like everyone else.
I didn't.
I wanted, and still want, to be *treated* just like everyone else. Not a weirdo, not some kind of subhuman, not even a genius. Just like everyone else. Only, not in the "equally" sense, but in the "equitably" sense. Because understanding NT communication is tricky for me, and that puts me on unequal footing with an NT person being treated "the same."
I want people to look past the fact that I can, with a significant and painful effort on my part, interact with them in the way that they're used to and actually put in a smidge of effort to try my way. Because it makes me feel seen, and heard, and valued. Because before I could even learn to communicate their way, I had to learn to want to. To see and hear and value *them.* In a sense, the fact that I can communicate at all is such a monumental demonstration of *love* for humankind and desire for companionship. They don't seem to realize that, and I wish they would.
I don't want to be them - I want to be me. But I want them to see me, hear me, and maybe even love me back. And that's what little me meant when she said she wanted to be "normal."
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thedarkestforest425 · 11 months
Fake happy
Do I actually feel things or do I just feel the chemicals being pumped threw me. I take the pills to feel normal, to feel happy, but is anyone really happy? The outer layer of calm the small white pills give me drapes over my skin, until I'm being crushed by the weight of nothingness. I try to claw my way back to the surface, but I'm being chained down by the panic of what would be out there. What does it feel like to escape? I've been locked in the prison of my own body for so long I've forgotten what anything other than these confiding walls feel like. Can I feel the warmth of fresh air spread threw your lungs; what about the loving embrace of someone else? Can I feel anything other than the bland and dull world that's around me? Can I ever be considered normal?
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bilestat · 4 months
I hate living like this hearing a single chew of gum should not make me want to scream and bash my head into a wall
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kittenplath · 3 months
forced to grow up young to obsessed with girlhood pipeline
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Tw suicide
Girlfriend thinks I might have glaucoma 😀 I might actually just kill myself
Glaucoma could cause blindness, meaning I would lose not only *even more of my independence* but also the only hobbies I value like drawing and such. It would also mean I can no longer take the majority of antidepressants, which I need. Literally the only reason I've been not attempting is because I'm waiting to get back on my meds
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unlovablereject · 7 months
Haven't been sleeping much at night. I had a meltdown at 5am. My wife's work schedule is now at a later hour, so my body is getting used to it. It feels so hot in our bedroom I wake up parched and not able to breathe well. The air feels so hot.
Then things just didn't go as planned.
My wife said a comment that I misunderstood, and it made me feel hurt and, I guess, betrayed? I stormed off crying with my earbuds in.
Lately, everything is too much. It's too bright, too loud, I even get upset by the vibration in my throat for talking, especially with such a stutter. It feels too much, it smells too much, the story is taking too long, and im getting agitated... I've been sleeping a lot to avoid being over stimulated. It's exhausting, then that meltdown triggers the bpd, and then things just get... not good.
I just want to be normal. And yes there is a fucking normal we all know it that aren't. So stop telling us there is no normal. To us there is. At least to me.
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black-arms-hivemind · 9 months
I hate being a fictive so much why can't I just be a normal person
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rottingdeth · 10 months
I honestly fucking hate how people on Tiktok are calling themselves “delulu”
Omg yes! I love being sooo delulu, I just love it whenever I get thoughts of how people secretly hate me and are planning to kill me and that people are stalking my every move 🤪🤪
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zuble · 1 year
i’ve been getting very bad at reading and remembering texts the last few months. i’ve accidentally flaked out on people because i thought we were meeting a different day. i’ve been woken up by angry knocking because i didn’t realize i had made plans for that morning. i scheduled rides to and from the cities for a party later this month, only to realize i had the dates all wrong and had to reschedule everything. i’ve read texts that i could’ve sworn said “today” but actually said “tomorrow.” i’ve been so incredibly stressed and caused stress for others, just because i can’t fucking read and interpret things correctly.
autism moment lol
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x-itzzzzzz-x · 2 months
i don’t want to be me
i want to feel like a real person i want to be better and happy i don’t want this
i’m so done i just want to give up i just can’t anymore
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