#i just didn't wanna bug my friends with a rant about lian lol
stillstarling · 3 years
do I have thoughts on the whole "Lian is Cheshire Cat" thing right now? yes. Do i think most people are being way too over dramatic about it? also yes. My two cents is that Roy's gonna reconnect with her and probably help her get her memories back. she lost her memories sometime after she died (but she was saved by jade i guess? honestly the bigger question is why tf didn't jade give her back to roy??) It honestly seems like pretty much everything about lian is canon again, except they've continued her story from where it left of and now she's got amnesia and is training under catwoman. Which is honestly pretty cool??? Not sure why people seem to hate that idea. We're def going to learn more about how exactly lian is alive and how she ended up in gotham in catwoman, and chances are we're going to see more of roy's side of things in infinite frontier and (possibly?) flash. I see no reason at this point to think that dc isn't going to reunite roy and lian? why are people worried about that? The thing i agree with is that the timeline is a mess. Lian's age should put roy somewhere in his mid-late thirties i guess?? but also it's comics. since when have they had a solid timeline. this at least puts lian closer to dami and jon's ages than irey and jai, and that seems to fit in my mind.
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