#i have never taught either of these classes in fewer than six weeks and never back to back like this
Sinday: Bucky's Professor
Bucky takes a couple college courses and becomes obsessed with one of his professors as requested by anonymous
Hey it's me ya girl sagechanoafterdark on my main, can I get some stalker dark Bucky to sooth my soul on this fabulous sinday? Maybe a little noncon or dub on? 😘 As requested by @sagechanoafterdark
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It had taken a year for Bucky to find the courage to walk into the therapist’s office. Another six months to take his advice to find a hobby. It was hard at first. Journalling didn’t work for him, drawing was never his forte, and he was tone deaf. Dr. Callum suggested he try some classes; something to keep him focused.
Days spent perusing the catalogue and he had finally chosen two classes. When he revealed his selections to the doctor, he had been wary. Maybe history wasn’t the way to go. He might not be ready for something so personal. At least, if he was going to study the past, he should opt for something he hadn’t lived through.
Bucky enrolled anyways. He wasn’t interested in ancient ruins or corrupt kings. The community college was small and both courses were taught by the same professor. Night classes he could work in between missions. He bought his textbooks and was early for his first day. And every class after that.
He met her in the hallway as he waited outside the locked classroom. He thought maybe she was another student. She remarked on his punctuality and muttered some excuse about her previous class. She let him in and crossed to the desk at the front to drop her bad on top. He was surprised.
He shouldn’t have been. He was among the oldest of her peers. As they filtered in, he sat in the front row with his open notebook and watched her. She wrestled with the projector remote and went about opening her presentation. Finally figured out, she watched as her students took their seats. 
She closed the doors and clapped her hands together. She silenced the room and smiled. Even as a few continued to titter. She gestured to the screen and welcomed the class. Bucky was eager. He hadn’t been involved in the pacific theatre of the war. This was something entirely different and yet completely familiar.
“I know you are all excited to get to the blood and grime of war but let us begin this course by setting the stage for our conflict.” Her voice was much bigger than her. He suspected the mic on her lapel helped with that. “Please open your syllabus and we will briefly go over our schedule before we jump in.” She waited as papers fluttered and folded. “So week one, that’s today, we will go over society and politics. Get an idea of how the US and Japan ended up at loggerheads. Week two, we will travel the road to war in the US, week three, we will head over to Japan, and by week four we should be at our declaration of war.”
Bucky didn’t look at his syllabus or scribble in his notebook. He watched her as she lit up. “And a short disclaimer before we get into the content. This is not a glorification of war. We are not learning about the war as scripted by Hollywood. This will be war as it is; destruction, death, tragedy. This is not war in numbers, it is war in blood. In human life. The casualties are not just statistics, they were people, on both sides. As much as this course is about the Pacific War, it is also about the greater picture of war as the calamity of human history.”
Bucky liked that. He smiled. How often he had rolled his eyes at the screen when the war was painted as some heroic crusade. At the ignorance of those around them who didn’t realize how greater powers barted the lives of the dispensable. He picked up his pen and jotted in his notebook. Her voice filled his chest with a peculiar warmth and he didn’t look down as his hand moved across the page.
His other class with her was in the same room. He took the same seat. Front row. This course was about the European front. He knew that much better. She was just as fiery. Just as confident in the knowledge locked inside her head. Just as fascinating.
He started recording her in the third week. He’d listen to her lectures as he fell asleep or when he was travelling for a mission. He managed to keep his class schedule between his work. Sometimes he showed up overtired and still bleeding beneath his jacket, but he was always present.
And he didn’t tell Dr. Callum about her. He told him about the classes but not her. He didn’t want to talk about her, he wanted to keep her to himself. She was his secret. His appointments grew fewer and further apart. He explained that he was busier; his missions kept him out of town. He could tell the doctor was disappointed but he didn’t care much. The doctor was always disappointed in him even when he did as he said.
It was just before midterms when it all combusted. He had an important mission. He’d be out of the city for a week. He e-mailed her. It took an hour to get his words right. When he hit send, his heart felt as if it would explode. She replied quickly. They could meet to re-schedule his exam if need be. 
“Before class?” He asked. She couldn’t do that. She had a class right before and was always cutting it too close. She sent her office hours. He couldn’t make those. He was busy with work. Well, she could see him in her office on Tuesday after class. That was the hour she usually used for marking. Yeah, that would work.
When she finished her lecture, she began to pack up. He remained in his seat and waited as the other students left. A few stopped to speak with her and she was just as lovely as always. He wasn’t the only one who liked her. A few of the boys who sat in the back made lewd jokes as they passed through the door, thinking themselves unheard. He was tempted to follow them but he had an important date to keep.
The classroom was empty at last and she zipped up her bag. She looked up as he tucked his notebook into his textbook and stood. She smiled. It was a habit, both genuine and nervous. He had seen her at the cafe just inside the library. She smiled when she ordered and wrung her hands. She sat and opened a book. When she looked up and accidently caught the eye of another, she smiled then too. Nerves.
He could hear her heartbeat. It stuttered when she saw him. Had she forgotten their appointment?
“Mr. Barnes,” She ventured, “Or James, can I call you that?”
“Bucky,” He corrected her. “Only my mom calls--called me James...but if you prefer it.”
“Bucky,” She repeated, “I’m sorry about the delay. We can head up to my office.” She looked over at the clock on the wall. “The cleaners will be here shortly.”
“Okay,” He stepped back to let her precede him. She smiled and passed him. He watched her hips as she walked to the door. Listened to the click of her low heels. He smiled, too.
You led the silent man into your office. You were surprised when he had emailed you. He wasn’t the most talkative and despite his punctuality, he had become a pillar of your class. He was almost a comfort as he took his usual seat and his blue eyes followed you around the hall. You would miss him in his absence, you were sure, but for now, you needed to figure out when he could sit his midterm.
You rounded your desk and the door closed. You looked up but didn’t think much of it as Bucky neared the chair opposite yours. You set your bag down beside your desk and sat. You gestured to the seat next to him and reach into your bag for your large leather planner. 
“You can put your things down, if you like,” You said as he balanced his books on his lap. He nodded and placed them on his side of the desk. “Now, I’ve gotten approval from the faculty dean for the re-sit but I just need to submit the date.”
“I’m sorry again,” He said. “I just...have to be out of town.”
“I understand, these things happen,” You opened your planner. “And given your...work, it must be difficult enough as it is.”
He shrugged.
“Would you like to sit it before or after that week?”
“Either,” He replied. “After would probably be easier given the time restraints.”
“Of course,” You scanned the lines and flipped the page. “I think I can do...the Monday before the class after? Does that work?”
“Sure,”You smiled and grabbed a pen. “Thank you.”
“Not at all,” You finished writing and sat back, “You know, it’s not everyday I teach a veteran about a war he fought in. It’s a bit...awkward.”
He chuckled. “I never thought of that.” He said. “I guess it would be.”
You nodded and tapped the pen. “Can I...ask you something?”
“Sure,” His metal fingers bent slightly along his thigh.
“Why exactly...are you taking these classes? Pure curiosity. Sorry, it’s just...you were there.”
“I was.” He accepted and stretched out his metal fingers. “But it was a long time ago. I wasn’t there for all of it.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” You broke the silence that began to rise. You placed your pen in the middle of the planner and closed it. “Well, I won’t keep you any longer unless you have any other concerns or questions.”
He lowered his head and thought. He sighed. “No, I think that’s...everything.” 
He stood and you did too. You rounded just to the side of the desk and he reached for his books. He didn’t quite grasp them and they slipped to the floor. You flinched and bent to grab them as they splayed across the carpet. He did the same. He grabbed the heavy textbook as your fingers wrapped around the open notebook. Your eyes flitted across his narrow writing and you froze.
'07:02 arrives on campus. Grabs coffee and muffin at The Chestnut. Today’s flavour is carrot and pineapple. Sits by window. Leaves 07:23. 
Walks to office in history wing. Arrives 07:38.
In office until 08:14. Proceeds to classroom for class at 08:30. Dismisses early at 10:17
Next class 1200. English wing. Dismisses 13:51. 
Returns to office. Leaves at 16:22. 
Stops at grocer. Drives home.'
You dropped the book and backed away. That was your schedule from last Wednesday. He had followed you. How long had he been following you? 
"Bucky," you said shakily, "I think you should go."
He picked up the notebook and sighed as he closed it. He set it down on his textbook atop the desk. "It's not--” He paused. "I don't want to hurt you."
"Why?" You retreated around the desk and he followed. "Please, just go."
"My therapist said I should take classes. Find a hobby. Something to keep me busy." He closed in and you tripped on your chair. He caught you before you could fall. "You've kept me busy. Kept me from feeling lonely. Every Tuesday and Thursday."
"Let me go," You rasped. "Please."
"I know you're lonely too." He pulled you close. His metal fingers squeezed your arm as his other hand went to your waist. "I've seen you at night."
"Please," Your voice was barely a whisper.
"Please, don't be scared." He leaned in and his lips brushed your forehead as he nuzzled your hair. "I only want to keep you safe." His arms snaked around you. "Because you're mine."
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Credentials and Credibility
I’ve written about polarization and about empathy, rights and responsibilities in the last couple of blog posts.  I have a long list of interrelated topics to cover before the November elections and I plan to keep plowing through them.  But I’m well aware that my voice is a candle in the wind, to borrow the phrase used by T.H. White in the title of his tale about King Arthur’s dream of a more egalitarian and peaceful society.  The number of readers of my blog thus far may barely run into double digits and that may never change.  We are all drowning in information (and misinformation) unless we are either so socioeconomically disadvantaged as to be denied access or are actively disengaged from media.  People in either category aren’t reading this.
With all the competition for the attention of readers and listeners, if someone wants to be heard above the din, he or she either has to have a forceful personality and a good platform, or actually have something important to say.  I may not have either of those.  Readers will judge for themselves.  But it occurred to me that I ought to at least provide a little background about myself, which may or may not compel you to hear me.  So here it is.
My story is not one of hard knocks and resentment - it’s a success story.  There are a lot of ways to define success but I feel like I’ve grabbed a nice assortment of brass rings during my almost-seven decades on the planet.  I’ve had a long and happy marriage to an incredible woman; I’ve traveled extensively (six continents and all fifty states) and lived for substantial periods in many states; I have three degrees from a major college; I attained a modestly high position in a large, global professional services firm and was financially well rewarded for my efforts; and I have many hobbies and interests that make it easy for me to stay fully occupied in retirement.  Most importantly, I’m happy and at peace with myself and others.  One could argue that these successes may have caused me to be out of touch with those who’ve enjoyed fewer of them, but I don’t think that’s entirely true, and I’ll try to suggest why.
My parents were the son and daughter of a sharecropper and a truck farmer/itinerant salesman, respectively, in rural Mississippi.  They grew up during the Great Depression. They were married and gave life to my older brother when they were still in their teens.  My dad dropped out of high school to sign up for the Army and served in the European theater in WWII.  After the war he got a G.E.D. and served as a tractor mechanic for a while.  Around the time I was born he was hired by a prominent agricultural implement manufacturing company, which led to him being transferred from Mississippi to Maryland to Ohio to Idaho to Oregon and to Iowa in order to earn promotions, and with family in tow.  Later he also transferred to Texas, Missouri and Georgia, after I was left behind to attend college in Iowa.  In those days it was possible to rise pretty high in the ranks of a business like my dad’s, without a glittery collegiate resume, if you worked hard and were willing to uproot yourself and your family whenever it was called for.  So my dad eventually did rise fairly high in the ranks, and in the meantime my mom scrambled her way to a B.A., then taught high school English for a short time.
All’s well that ends well, as Shakespeare once said.  My parents came a long way from the dusty fields where they picked cotton for 50 cents a day.  My own road to success was much easier than theirs.  During most of my childhood our family was financially situated about in the dead center of what was then considered middle class.  My parents were not rich, although they accumulated modest wealth later in life, and they were always frugal, so I grew up with very few toys and a mostly empty closet.  My parents were not the type to devote much time attending to my personal pursuits, other than to quietly demand that I get good grades in school.  So I wouldn’t say I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I understand that’s a relative thing.  I certainly wasn't lavished with material things as a child, but I never went hungry or worried about having a roof over my head.
Aside from a base level of financial and emotional support and protection, the best thing my parents gave me was a solid education in a robust public school system.  This was a pre Betty Devos era.  Fortunately I had just enough innate ambition (or willingness to succumb to my parents’ expectations) and intelligence to perform in the upper tier, academically.  I could have done better but I often didn’t “apply myself,” as they say.  In retrospect I realize I had ADHD but few people understood or cared about that back then.
My college record was spotty at first, but ultimately pretty good.  I had almost no grasp of what I wanted to do with my life.   As a result, I had an abnormally extended adolescence, to roughly age 27.  Maybe I was a trendsetter; I see a lot more of that happening with young people today.  In any case I considered, at various times and among other things, becoming a Baptist minister (I was licensed and briefly attended seminary), an English professor (I have an M.A. in English and instructed freshman writing courses for three years), a novelist and poet (insufficient talent and discipline derailed that plan), and a hotel manager (nah).   A happy accident of my wandering and indecision was that I acquired a lot of knowledge that later paid off in surprising ways I’ll come back to later.  I was financially very poor the entire time, which gave me considerable perspective on what it means to be concerned about affording basics such as food and transportation.
I vividly remember the catalysts for my decision to enter the social mainstream. One was the fallout from a poker game I got into with some friends.  One of my “friends” was a notoriously unethical character who, one late evening when I was especially unlucky and perhaps too full of beer, lured me into some bad bets that resulted in a $700 debt to him.  At that time, when I was working several crummy part-time jobs to afford food and my $50 share of the rent on a slum-quality house we shared with two other guys, $700 dollars seemed like a million dollars.  I didn't realize and no one told me that on the very next evening the same group of friends gathered for another poker game as I was licking my wounds and trying to form a plan.  I was not present to witness the scene in which the guy whom I was newly indebted to suffered an equally humiliating loss - a loss that was forgiven by the victor on the condition that the loser would also forgive my loss.  My friends assumed that Bart (not his real name, or is it?) would inform me that I was off the hook.  He did not.
For the first time in my life, I devised a budget in order to determine how I could repay Bart the debt that didn’t actually exist, because that’s the kind of guy I am.  I believed, and I still do, that a person is morally and ethically responsible for meeting whatever commitments he or she enters into.  So  I scrambled for more hours working as a church janitor, a tutor and a library assistant; I ate Kraft macaroni and cheese almost every day (30 cents a box, if I recall); I stayed in my room as if I had contracted the then-undreamt-of coronavirus; and I turned over every penny that didn’t go for rent and minimal food to Bart in three monthly installments until I was finally clear.  I was six feet tall but my weight fell to about 140 pounds.  On the day I forked over the last $200, Bart skipped town, just as the news finally arrived that I wasn’t supposed to have owed that debt.
That sordid chapter concluded with me taking a job, out of sheer desperation, in a factory where I was paid a below-minimum wage to operate a machine which applied mailing labels to printed advertisements.  It was mind-numbing.  There were perhaps another 100 workers in that factory doing the same thing I was doing.  The output of each worker was measured daily by the factory management.  By the end of the first week I was the most productive mailing label attacher in the factory.  To keep myself from going insane, I approached my task as if it were a game and challenged myself each shift to beat my previous day’s output, which I always did.  During my brief lunch breaks I used to surreptitiously glance around at the other workers and I understood exactly what Thoreau meant when he opined that the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation.  I don’t know if he was right about “the mass of men,” but he certainly could have been describing that crew at the factory.
In my second week at the factory I met another newly-hired college guy whose wife and he were trying to save enough money to move to Los Angeles so he could take a shot at professional acting - this was his second job.  Chatting with him during lunch breaks, i was inspired by his desire to fulfill a dream and the difficult steps he was taking to do it.  I listened to him, I looked around at the hollow-eyed, middle-aged folks who had worked for years operating labeling machines, and I squirmed as I considered what a sap I was for racking up a poker debt and falling victim to a con man.  i abruptly abandoned the factory but I felt so discombobulated that I enlisted my good buddy John to drive out to Idaho with me so I could visit my brother and try to get my shit together.  By the end of that brief sojourn out west, the best job offer I could manage was from Roto-Rooter . . . to work in the field, as it were.  Wake up call!
If you’ve read this far you must be wondering how any of this supports the notion that I’m qualified to write about sociopolitical matters.  It doesn’t, except to demonstrate that I have at least a small measure of “street cred.”  But the best is yet to come.  When I returned to Iowa I found a better job in a hotel.   Initially I was a night auditor, which is a position that involves being a desk clerk part of the time and an accountant the rest of the time.  Only a small step forward, financially, but it gave me a taste for something I had never previously thought about doing for even one minute.  Accounting, I quickly learned, was something I had a natural aptitude for, and in some quirky way I found it interesting.  Once again I viewed my duties as a sort of game, but this was a game that lit up my brain much more brightly than did operating a machine to perform an exceptionally repetitive task.  
My whole life is a series of lucky breaks at critical junctures.  In this instance the break was that I met a co-worker - a guy who shared the hotel night auditor position with me - who had previously worked for a large CPA firm.  He had taken the part-time hotel job because he was trying to become a full-time stock trader and that’s what he was doing during the day.  From him I learned what it is that CPAs in a big firm actually do.  Let me assure you I’m not going to get into that subject, in case you were already feeling the dread.  (Thank God for actuaries - the only people who make accountants seem slightly interesting.)  Suffice it to say that I figured out how I could minimize the additional schooling I would need to become qualified to be a CPA and I decided to take a stab at it.
I kept the hotel job but started carrying a heavy load of college classes - accounting, math, economics, law, etc.  It so happened that I met my future wife, who was just finishing her Interior Design degree at the same college, about the same time I took the first tentative steps down my new career path.  That was even more fortuitous - I give her lots of credit for helping me stay the course.  The two years in which I went to college in the day, worked at the hotel at night, and struggled to get our new romance off the ground, was “character-building,” to say the least.  I can barely remember anything about that period, it was such a blur.  To give you an idea of how much of a blur it was, the major highlight I remember was driving with my new spouse to Des Moines to dine at Spaghetti Works.  $5 for beer-and-cheese spaghetti, all-you-can-eat salad bar and a glass of swill.  Heaven!
When the two hellish years finally ended and I received my B.S. in Accounting, I had already lined up a job in Des Moines as an auditor with one of the Big 8 (at that time) accounting firms.  Not long afterward, I passed the CPA exam and my wife landed a spot with a local design firm, and we were on our way.
Ok, at last I’m where I possibly should have started. In the ensuring three decades I continued to work as a CPA, becoming a partner along the way (meaning that I became one of the owners), and developing a specialization working with clients in the financial services industry - investment management companies and banking and finance companies, primarily.  This is the good part, folks.  My career soon took me from Iowa to New York City, where my background in English earned me the privilege of being a key designer and the principal author of new practice guidance for our international firm, which was just merging with another large international firm.  That put me in the spotlight for a time and gave me a leg up for promotion.  After the merger we relocated to Los Angeles, where I worked with some of the most prominent investment management companies in the world, and numerous banks, mortgage banks and other financial institutions.  Finally we moved to southeast Pennsylvania and I split time engaged with clients there and in California, and with our national financial services practice in New York.
Late, late nights on Wall Street helping to prepare financial offerings with hundreds of millions of dollars on the line.  Late, late nights at client offices in L.A., San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, New York and Philadelphia, managing teams of young accountants to deal with complex accounting problems under tremendous pressure.  Board meetings, fee negotiations, staff meltdowns, discoveries of fraud and malfeasance, financial crises in which I was an inside observer.  A 60-hour work week felt almost like a vacation compared to many weeks with even longer hours.  It was enough to give me PTSD.  I don’t want to overstate it - it wasn’t like actual life or death combat PTSD - but I still have nightmares ten years and more after the fact.
That’s a very quick summary of the 30+ years in which I obtained hard-won knowledge about global finance and economics - a period in which I also had a lot of experiences with politics, charitable organizations and other components of society I didn’t have time to get into today.  I still spend a lot of time staying informed about subjects ranging from psychology and mythology to current events and hard science.  There’s a ton I still don’t know.  But as my all-time favorite singer Joni Mitchell famously said, I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now.
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Neighborly Affection
Anthony J Crowley was four years old the first time he met the tiny Ezra A Fell; he wasn't impressed.
He was forty-six when he found him again in a bookshop in Soho.
The Childhood Friends, Flower Shop, Christmas, Friends to Lovers fic nobody asked for in the middle of October.
Read here or on Ao3. 
Anthony J Crowley was four years old the first time he met the tiny Ezra A Fell.
He was small, wrinkled and had grey-white curls atop his tiny little head. When he leaned in for a closer look, bright blue eyes stared back at him while his small fingers tangled in his hair and tugged.
Both boys cried after the encounter.
Little Anthony hadn’t been impressed and told his mother as much when they arrived home after the visit. She had tutted and given him a biscuit, promising him that one day the two would be great friends.
 He didn't believe her.
The second time he met Ezra, his mother was babysitting, taking care of the small infant while his mother went shopping for that week's groceries. She had sat him down on their sofa and gently laid the tiny bundle in his arms. This time, instead of his hair, Ezra had wrapped his small fingers around Anthony’s and held them tightly, inadvertently gaining the approval of the young boy in the process.
 He was utterly taken with the baby and had asked his mother if they could keep him.
 She politely told him, "no."
He’d proudly told Mrs. Fell that he had helped his mummy take care of Ezra and that he was very strong; for a baby, that is and asked if they could visit more often.
As the boys grew, Anthony became protective over the little boy.
  When Anthony was in third grade, Ezra started kindergarten. Anthony held his hand as he walked him to his class on the first day, and subsequently every day for the rest of the year.
 He made sure to show him all the best spots on the playground and taught him how to properly kick a football.
He helped Ezra with homework, although, he seemed to have a rather firm grasp on it, or with making new friends; as he’d always been better at it than Ezra.
They were an unlikely duo, despite their age difference, the two got along well and could play for hours while their mothers visited with one another. Often playing under the old apple tree in Ezra's back yard or helping their mothers bake.
 Christmases were the best, they could spend hours out in the snow and ice, only returning to home when they were completely and utterly frozen. Anthony especially loved the days when Mrs. Fell would make them mugs of cocoa topped with extra marshmallows while they thawed beside the fireplace, munching on Christmas biscuits and listening to records.
When Anthony was in sixth grade; his mother fell ill.
 Mrs. Fell did her best to visit her dear friend often, Ezra would keep Anthony company, taking his mind off things for a few moments and allowing him to just be a kid.
By the time he was in eighth grade, she had passed away.
Ezra had been devastated for his dear friend, the older boy who’d he’d grown up with now seemed so lost. He was distant and sad, so unlike the Anthony he knew.
They moved away from the sleepy little village of Tadfield not four months after her passing. Too heartbroken to stay in the home that she’d kept, they moved away to London.
 Ezra missed him terribly.
 When Crowley was in tenth grade, his father remarried. The woman was cold, spiteful and so distant from what he remembered of his warm and soft mother that he missed so dreadfully much. Ezra and his parents had been invited to the wedding. Anthony had recognized him immediately and had all but run over to them. He’d hugged Mrs. Fell so tightly she winced and when he pulled away, he pretended not to have tears in his eyes.
He and Ezra had spent the rest of the evening together catching up and eating more cake than either of them should have.
They both promised the other they would write, and they did for a brief time, then as it usually happens, the letters got fewer and further apart until communication ceased completely.
   When he graduated, he received a package from Mrs. Fell in the post containing fifty pounds and a framed picture of his mother, Mrs. Fell, Ezra and himself smiling widely, eyes full of mischief and mirth.
 He'd cried that night holding the framed photo, missing simpler times and his mother dearly.
 Years later, it still hung proudly in his living room.  
  Anthony, now known almost exclusively by his last name; Crowley, hadn’t thought of Ezra Fell in many years with more than a passing memory. As many adults do, he had forgotten what had been important to him as a child. The times he did stop to think about the Fell’s, he reflected on how perfect the world had seemed during the days spent together with his mother and her best friend and Ezra.
  He’d done well for himself, he’d become a florist of all things and had opened a shop in Soho called Nightshade. He had worked hard, saved and pinched until he’d had earned enough to secure the building and the small flat above it. He’d worked to make it his, painting the shop and arranging the shelves just so. He made his workspace sleek and tidy.
 His work had become popular, even making it into several of the top bridal magazines for arrangements he created for a few celebrity weddings.
His assistant; a woman by the name of Anathema Device, was the only other person he would work with. He felt she kept him grounded, she also happened to make a good cup of coffee.
He was proud of the life he’d created for himself, he had a home, his dream job, a few close friends who meant the world to him and a little snake he’d jokingly named Crawley.
 There were times when he missed his Mother and wished he liked his father and stepmother enough to visit. He often wondered what she would think of his choices, would she be proud of him? He felt that she would. His father had been livid when he'd left the hospital, he had never really wanted to be a doctor, but it had been expected of him. No, at forty-six, he was much happier as a florist than he ever had been as a doctor.
 It was one of those days when he had been thinking a bit too much of his childhood, the days laying out under the huge apple tree in between the Fell’s property and their own. The way the sun seemed to warm his soul all the while listening to Ezra’s insistent chattering or playing some silly little game. As they got older, they would read quietly as their mother's laughed in the kitchen.
 He sometimes wondered what the boy had gotten up to. He had once attempted to find him on Facebook but had never been able to find him. He had probably married some local woman, had a few children, maybe a dog. He hoped he was doing well, that he was happy.
 He was pulled from his musings of times long past by Anathema. “Crowley? When do you need the delivery of roses by? They just called and said they could be a day late.”
 He ran a slender hand through his shocking auburn hair, “Shit, at least by this afternoon so we can start prepping for the wedding this weekend. Call them back and tell them early tomorrow morning at the latest. Tell them if they do this again, we will find a supplier that can meet deadlines.”
 She nodded and walked into the back office.
 Across the street, the relator took down the For-Sale sign in the window of the old tea shop. He briefly wondered who had purchased it, it needed work. The previous owner had done little in the way of maintenance and whoever purchased it would need to put in quite a few hours to make it inhabitable again.
A month later, a work truck arrived.
New windows were put in, repairs were made to the roof and to the building. Once they were finished on the outside, it looked much the same but refreshed. From what he could tell, the inside was being heavily renovated as well.
It was mid-October when a moving truck arrived outside the shop. He knew there was a flat above that shop as well; he’d briefly considered buying it since the space was a bit larger than his own shop but the amount of work needing to be done on it was outrageous. If the new owners were moving in, that must mean that they were close to opening.
He decided to take a nice bouquet over soon, once they were settled to introduce himself. It never hurt to be friendly with the neighbors, especially when they could direct customers over to you.
 A week later, various vans arrived delivering what he assumed was the merchandise they planned to sell.
A bookshop, he concluded by that afternoon.
He’d yet to see the new owners, only a small blue sedan that had been parked beside the building since they’d moved in.
Yet another week passed, and Crowley was beginning to wonder if the shop would ever open. He'd decided it was likely a young couple, pilling all their funds into their dream bookshop.
They still didn’t have a window sign up and neither he nor Anathema had yet to catch sight of the new owners.
  Two more days passed before he spotted any signs of life beyond stocked shelves and an old blue car.
 “Do you think they are ever going to open? If they don’t open by the holidays, I don’t see them lasting the year.” Anathema said as she arranged a new order of succulents, they’d gotten in on the window sill.
 “Move the two bigger ones into the middle of the display, there. But you’re right, maybe they took too big a risk in all those repairs. I told you the place was a wreck when the old owner left.”
 She nodded towards the window, “Don’t look now but I think that might be him!”
 He caught sight of a man around his own age, he had white hair and dressed like his grandfather. Still, he was attractive enough from what he could tell.
 “Exactly what I expected from a bookseller.”
 “Crowley, really. He looks nice enough.”
 “That he does.”
 "He could be single."
 He spluttered, "Oi! That's no way to speak to your boss."
 "You're more than that and you know it," she said, mussing his hair as she walked into the backroom.
 "Hey!" he replied, using his fingers to comb through his hair.
 The next morning, he could tell someone was in the shop. Lights were on and he had seen someone walk past the newly formed window display several times.
 He wondered if he'd been wrong. The man looked about his age, but he'd yet to see any sign of anyone other than the blonde.
 He put together a nice arrangement, nothing too personal but a nice welcome nonetheless, and made his way across the street.
 He knocked twice.
 He heard shuffling, he moved to adjust the floral arrangement, obscuring his line of sight as the door swung open.
 “Oh, hello. I’m afraid you have the wrong address.”
 He propped the vase against his chest and reached out a hand blindly to the other man. “Definitely the correct address, I own the shop across the way and wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. My name is Anthony Crowley, but you can just call me Crowley. Everyone else does.”
 He felt a warm hand slide into his own, firm and strong, “Anthony Crowley? Was your mother’s name Beatrice? I do believe we’ve met before.” He said taking the arrangement and leading him into the shop.
 Curiously, he followed.
 The other man placed the flowers on one of the tables up front and turned around.
 His usually quick-thinking brain stuttered to a halt, the man was gorgeous. Bright eyes and plump lips and the softest looking hair he’d ever seen. His hand tingling from where they’d just touched, and...
 Then it hit him.
 “Oh, it’s you! Ezra?”
 Ezra laughed, a sound so familiar and foreign it made him ache. How long had it been since he’d heard that laugh? It was deeper, different but the same.
 he felt a pang of nostalgia wash over him as he thought of all their adventures as children.
 “Quite well, what a surprise to see you! You must tell me how you’ve been. The last mother heard you’d become a doctor like your father.”
 He wrinkled his nose, “I did, just wasn’t for me. I’m much more suited to life as a florist. I’ve been at it… oh, about ten years now. What made you decide to open a bookshop in Soho of all places?”
 “Well, it’s always been a dream of mine. I have visited Soho many times throughout the years and oh! I just came to love it, it felt right. I was a professor of literature for many years and I came to find that I was quite good at finding rare works. It seemed fitting.”
 It didn’t surprise him; from what he remembered of Ezra, he'd devoured books faster than a plate of his mother's biscuits.
 “It’s a nice area, are you married?” he blurted out.
 The man beamed, “Not at all, I thought I might have come close once, but he turned out to be dreadful. It’s just me and my books.” He laughed nervously, “What about you dear?”
 “I was married briefly but we were not good together. We divorced after I started as an intern and I’ve been mostly single since.” He shrugged, "I'm not complaining."
 "If I may ask, what did you practice?"
 "Pediatric oncology, too many sick kids. Too many bad memories, I wanted to help but..." he trailed off.
 "I understand." Crowley was surprised to believe him, he'd been there through his mother's cancer.
 "Well, uh, I better get going."
 “I’d love to catch up, I haven’t gotten my kitchen up and running yet or I would offer you something to drink,” Ezra said sheepishly.
 Crowley laughed, “What about dinner tonight? My treat. We can catch up then.” He pulled out a business card and a pen, scribbled a number on the back and handed it to Ezra. “Call me, I close at 7 tonight. We can go to my favorite place two blocks over.”
 Ezra nodded, "See you tonight, then."
 At 7:30 PM, Ezra Fell and Anthony J Crowley walked down the street together. The air was cool, even for this time of year. Their hands brushed accidentally as they moved out of the way of a couple passing them on the sidewalk, Crowley has been surprised to feel a lingering tingle where his warm hand had grazed his own.
 “I should have mentioned it was sushi, are you ok with this?” he asked cautiously.
 He wiggled, Ezra still seemed to exude excitement when food was involved. “It is a favorite of mine!”
 Crowley nodded and held the door for the other man.
 The night went well, they’d gotten along just as well as they had as children.
 Crowley had learned that Ezra’s parents had both passed away recently, his father first then his mother not long after.
 He learned that he’d originally wanted to go into the ministry before a Shakespeare class had inspired him otherwise. He had sheepishly admitted that he would have likely been a terrible priest but was a relatively good professor and had enjoyed it immensely.
 Crowley told him about his strained relationship with his father, about the marriage his father had convinced him would be the best for his career. How she had cheated on him with his father on multiple occasions. How he'd been good as his job but couldn't take the suffering and death.
 They spent time together often, dining out and going to plays or concerts. They fell into a familiar pattern, nearly every night was now spent in the company of the other.
 And despite everything, Crowley found him incredibly attractive.
 Perfect even.  
 He was intelligent and kind, steadfast in his beliefs and was just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing.
 He also had excellent taste in wine and didn’t mind sharing his finds.
He was a bright light in a world of darkness, and he found that he was addicted to Ezra.
 They were sprawled out on Ezra's old sofa, wine glasses full.
 He was content.
 And quite suddenly, he realized it had come full-circle. That he loved Ezra Fell, that the childhood love he’d felt for the boy he was, held nothing in comparison to the love he felt for the man sitting next to him.
  In the blink of an eye, two years had passed.
Two years of being head over heels for his best friend, two years of dreaming about that soft, unyielding hand in his own, and two years of knowing with the utmost certainty that Ezra would likely never feel the same way for him.
 November quickly rolled around, and the shops of Soho had already begun to decorate for the holiday season. Crowley had been taking orders for poinsettias and other Christmas arrangements for most of the day.
 Anathema and he sat discussing the upcoming orders and how to best get them delivered quickly and efficiently so they wouldn’t be left clogging up their window space when she nudged him in the side. “Your boyfriend’s coming over.”
 “Ngk. He’s not… we’re not. Anathema” he whined. She had been teasing him for months since she had sussed out his feelings for their neighbor.
 She grinned and stuck out her tongue as the bell rang over the door. "You should just kiss him already, he likes you too."
 "Go away!" he hissed, under his breath as Ezra walked into the shop.
 “Oh, will you look at the time, it’s my lunch break.” She said tapping her watch, then stood up, grabbed her bag and walked out the door heading towards her favorite café.
 He turned his attention to Ezra, “Mr. Fell, how may I assist you today?” he teased.
 “I had hoped to steal you away for a bit, but it seems Miss. Device had a hankering for caffeine… or she wanted to see her young fellow before he left for the day.”
 Crowley laughed, it was no secret Anathema had a thing for the klutzy barista. Newt was a nice enough man, but he certainly didn’t see what she saw in him. “She has asked him out three times already and he still hasn’t gotten the hint. She told me she’s going to just kiss him and drag him to bed if he doesn’t catch on soon.”
 Ezra raised an eyebrow at that, mumbling something under his breath that sounded like “I know the feeling.”
 “Hey, did you want any arrangements? I’m about to place the first order for poinsettias, mistletoe, and evergreen.”
 He sighed, “I suppose, whatever you think best dear. I do love seeing young couples getting caught under the mistletoe.”
 Crowley nodded.
 “And done, I'll bring it by when everything comes in. I think we can close for lunch a few minutes early, Anathema should be back soon, and I’m starved. What did you have in mind?” he grabbed his coat and keys from behind the counter, taking a moment to lock up.
 “Sounds good.”
 During the walk to their favorite restaurant, their hands accidentally brushed not once, not twice but three times. he wasn't sure why Ezra kept running into him, but his poor heart wouldn’t take it if it happened again.
 Ezra took a sip of his tea, swirling it around in the mug. "What would you say to Christmas this year at my parent's place? We haven't gone home in a while and it would be nice to get away for a few days."
 Crowley grimaced, "I haven't had Christmas in Tadfield since... well, you know."
 "We don't have to, you can come over to mine."
 "You know, one of the things I have missed most about Christmas was the biscuits and cocoa. Sure, why not, let's do Christmas back home."
 Ezra grinned and popped a piece of fish into his mouth, wiggling happily as he did so.
 November soon became December, and both rarely had time to leave their shops, often staying open until 8 or 9 to keep up with the near-constant influx of customers. Their meals consisted of takeout and copious amounts of wine to survive.
  Then, finally, it was Christmas Eve. They were closed for the next three days, as Christmas had fallen on a Saturday that year and would be closed as usual on Sunday.  
Crowley had come to find that he was looking forward to his trip to Tadfield. It wouldn’t be the first time they had returned to Tadfield, often using the cottage as a retreat when the bustling London streets became too much, but it was the first time he'd gone by during Christmas.
Ezra left the night before, Crowley would be meeting him the next morning if he was able to beat traffic. He'd packed the essentials, fed Crawley and headed on his way.
By the time Crowley arrived, it was nearing noon. He noticed the wreath on the door and smiled, Ezra loved Christmas. As children, he remembered the Fell house decorated beautifully in reds and greens. Mrs. Fell always had Christmas biscuits on hand and made the absolute best hot cocoa of anyone he’d ever met.
He gathered the two gifts he’d bought for Ezra along with the extra wine and goodies he’d picked up before leaving London, he managed to open the door and push through before being hit with nostalgia.
 It smelt like his childhood, and as he took in the interior, he noticed decorations that hadn’t seen the light of day in years were out and twinkling as brightly as they had many moons ago.
 Cinnamon candles were burning, and he could smell the freshly baked biscuits wafting from the kitchen.
 He was so overwhelmed, he didn’t notice the shy smile Ezra flashed him.
 “Wow” was all he could say, “Uh, wine?”
 “I take it you like the décor? I got carried away, but Mother always made it so festive, it seemed wrong to only get a few things out.”
 “It’s perfect.”
 Ezra beamed, the room felt brighter somehow. His heart ached, he loved him so much. Being here, with the memories of the past and present made him want, the ache settling in between his ribcage. He wondered what his mother would say if she knew that he'd fallen in love with her best friend's son. She would probably tease him and run over to tell Mrs. Fell.
They made dinner together, Crowley built a fire and put on some old Christmas records Ezra had found while decorating. Before they both knew it, they were dressed in their pajamas and sipping on hot cocoa.
 “You know Ezra, I think this is the best Christmas I’ve had since we were kids. Do you remember the biscuit exchange? Our moms would spend hours decorating and baking then you and I would sneak out handfuls? As a child, I was sure we were unnoticed, but I think they left that plate out just for us.”
 Ezra chuckled, “I believe you are correct in that line of thinking, it would be difficult not to notice two loud little boys barreling into the kitchen.”
 "I used to think of those moments often, so many of my memories were made in this house. My mother truly loved your mother, they could spend hours together all the while you and I were busy causing trouble."
 "I suppose we take after them in that way" he grinned.
   Conversation quieted, as they enjoyed the company of the other while listening to the fire crackling and popping, Christmas music playing softly in the background.
 Ezra sighed, Crowley’s eyes were closed, and he had a warm grin plastered to his handsome face. He stood up and walked over to the small tree; it was the only one he could find but it had worked perfectly well. The lights twinkled and shone, casting a warm glow on the room.
 He picked up the gift reverently, fiddling with the paper as he walked back to the sofa. The package had been wrapped beautifully, he’d taken his time.
 It had to be perfect.
 This could make or break everything, he sighed.
 Crowley’s eyes popped open when he felt the couch dip as Ezra sat back down. The other man was sitting stiffly, he looked nervous. His cheeks were flushed, and he refused to meet his eyes. “Ezra?”
 “I just want you to know, this doesn’t have to change anything. I just, well. I thought you should know.” He passed the red and gold package to Crowley, atop the package was a small bunch of mistletoe.
 For a brief moment, Crowley considered what Ezra would do if he held the greenery above his head and kissed him.
 He looked at it curiously before delicately opening the box, nestled inside was an ornament of all things. It was beautifully crafted, an angel with white hair holding an apple in their hand with a snake that looked suspiciously like Crawley wrapped around him. His golden eyes met blue, Crowley's brows were knitted together in confusion.
 Ezra looked away, flushing as he did. “It reminded me of us, I hope you know how special you are to me, Anthony. You are my oldest friend, I must admit before I knew it was you, I had hoped to get a chance to meet the attractive man across the street. Then, you came over and introduced yourself and I feared I would ruin everything. I have never known a world without you in it, even when we didn’t see one another for all those years, I would think of you and hope you were doing well. Then you waltzed into my life and I have never wanted so badly.” He was fidgeting with the buttons of his tartan pajamas, not looking up.
 “You, are you? You want me?” he breathed, baffled at the thought his feelings could be returned.
 Crowley felt a warm hand softly wrap around his own, entwining their fingers.
 Ezra swallowed hard, “I do, very much and I do hope you want me too.”
 Crowley nodded, arranging himself to be closer to the other man. He reached out his other hand to rest on Ezra’s face, his thumb brushing over his lips and rubbing circles on the apple of his cheek. “I love you, Ezra.” He paused, watching closely for his reaction, “Would you mind, that is… may I kiss you?”
 Ezra sighed in relief, a beaming smile blossoming on his face. “I would love nothing more than for you to kiss me, Anthony Crowley.”
 As kisses go, it was soft and sweet. Uncertain and new, their noses bumping from time to time as they fell into a rhythm.
 Out of breath, flushed with swollen lips, Crowley pulled back, resting his forehead against Ezra’s, “Happy Christmas.”
 “Happy Christmas, Anthony.” He leaned over to kiss him once more, his fingers finding his hair and tangling themselves in the gloriously soft tresses.
 He briefly pulled away, “Oh, Crowley?”
 “Yes, Ezra?”
 “I forgot to say, I love you too. I was dreadfully distracted by your lovely mouth.”
 Crowley snorted and laughed, capturing Ezra’s plump lips in another kiss.
 Anthony J Crowley was four years old the first time he met the tiny Ezra A Fell; he wasn't impressed.
He was forty-six when he found him again in a bookshop in Soho.
 He was forty-eight when Ezra A Fell became his boyfriend.
And he was forty-nine when he became his husband.  
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echodrops · 5 years
I was thinking of doing an English literature degree in university and was looking into the possibility of becoming a professor. I was wondering about the process of becoming a professor. As in, what type of further degree did you have to get and what was the course load like? Also what exactly does being a professor entail? Do you do research as well as lecturing? I’m sorry for bothering you with this, it’s just that you always explain things well and I don’t know any professors in real life.
Sure, I don’t mind answering these kinds of questions at all!
What type of further degree did you have to get and what was the course load like?
For reference, I have a Masters degree of Fine Arts (in Poetry) which is, for the moment, still considered a terminal degree in the creative writing field, although the Ph.D. is becoming super popular now.
In order to teach at the college level at any accredited institution, you must have a minimum of 18 graduate level credit hours in your chosen field. I.e., you would need at least 18 credits (about 2.5 semesters) of a graduate program in English in order to teach any English college-level courses.
In today’s market, it would be extremely difficult to get any full-time teaching position without having completed at least a Masters degree, so if you want to become a professor, plan on going to graduate school.
Some good news though: Many English graduate programs are generously to fully funded, which means that you’re a lot less likely to leave graduate school with crippling student loan debt than you would be if you went to graduate school in another field like business or medicine. Don’t go to a graduate school that isn’t covering a large portion of your tuition costs. If they don’t offer you good financial aid, just say no thanks!
In terms of what degree you should pursue specifically, that depends on your interest, but three degrees that feed directly into English professor positions, in order of most likely to be hired, are:
Master in Rhetoric and Composition (this is the most likely to get you a job, but personally I would have found a degree like this boring as dirt)
Master in Literature (if you like analyzing other people’s writing, this is where you go; this degree is a double-edged sword though. You can specialize here and get into some really, really niche stuff that you love to death–but if no schools out there need your niche literary background, you may be a less appealing job candidate than the Rhet/Comp person above)
Master in Creative Writing/Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (if you like writing your own stuff, this is the route to go; you will come out of this kind of program fully qualified to teach general English courses. Double-edged sword again though–EVERY school needs people who are experienced in teaching English 101… Not every schools needs someone experienced in teaching, say… Introduction to Poetry)
Course load in graduate programs is more tolerable than undergraduate programs. 12 credits is the minimum to qualify as full-time in undergrad, while 9 is considered full-time for most grad programs. You’ll take fewer classes to get a Master’s degree than an Bachelor’s.
That said, be ready for a completely different vibe and expectation level. People who go to grad school aren’t fucking around. Someone in my program got a B in one of our classes and that was enough to put her on academic probation. My friend, who also went to grad school for English, got an A- that she STILL feels guilty about to this day. So it’s less classes, but the expectation is that you will bring your absolute highest effort to the table in each class and engage fully with the material. (To be honest though, I feel like a lot of graduate-level professors are more chill than undergrad professors; there were “A” grades I worked A LOT harder for in undergrad than some of the “A”s I got in grad school.)
Also what exactly does being a professor entail? Do you do research as well as lecturing?
I’d say there are six general parts to the day-to-day job of a professor:
1) Prep. This is getting your courses ready: writing lectures, building activities, creating homework assignments, building your syllabi, picking readings, designing discussions, etc. This takes a fuck ton more time than you will ever want it to, and you always tell yourself after you get the class done once you’ll never have to do it again, but that’s a lie, because you will find yourself updating and changing things every single semester. Your mandatory “office hours” are basically just prep time since, no matter how much you beg them, students will rarely take advantage of your office hours unless you bribe or force them.
2) Actually teaching. This is your time spent in the classroom. The LEAST time-consuming part of your job. For every hour you actually spend in the classroom, expect to spend 154680060 hours doing outside stuff like grading. If you’re confident in front of crowds, this part is the easiest thing about being a teacher. If you want to get good at the actual “teaching” part of being a professor, take drama classes. Good teachers project confidence and energy at all times in the classroom, and drama teaches you how to do this much better than any public speaking class can.
3) Grading. Hell itself. It never ends. 9/10ths of your job as an English professor is just this. I envy the professors who are out of shits to give and just circle bubbles on a rubric, but I am not that person and so I comment extensively on every single one of the assignments for every single one of my students. If you’re up at 3am in the morning, it’s probably because of this!
4) Dealing with students on a personal level. The scariest part of the job. College is an extremely stressful time in a lot of young people’s lives, and especially if you are not teaching in a rich neighborhood, your students may be experiencing very significant personal, familial, financial, etc. difficulties that severely impact their mental health and well-being. You will encounter situations that you would never expect–students bursting into tears in the middle of class, students coming into your office and telling you they’re contemplating suicide, hearing graphic stories about the students’ abusive backgrounds, and being asked directly for help in situations that are completely outside of your experience level. Because there’s such an incredible stigma against therapists, many students will bring serious mental health issues to their professors long before they would ever consider going to the school’s counseling services.
5) Committees. Dear god. The committees never end. As part of your contract at most institutions, you will be expected to be performing service to the college, aka serving on committees and task forces to do all manner of things. If you’re lucky, you can get on committees you actually care about, with coworkers you like, and then they are fun. If you’re unlucky, you get “voluntold” (aka forcibly placed) on a bunch of committees that you feel completely unpassionate about and you’ll just have to deal until they complete their purpose or fizzle out. The amount of time you put into the committee has no correlation to the amount of work the committee actually gets done.
6) Research and professional development. In the .0002 minutes you have left each week, you will either be required (if you’re at a research institution) or highly encouraged to complete research, publication writing, and professional development activities. At my institution, research is highly encouraged and publication is a sure way to get in good with administration, but professional development is required, i.e. we have to participate in conferences or development trainings throughout the year to demonstrate continued efforts to discover and employ best teaching practices. This is usually a fun part, but you will never, ever have enough time for it.
The path to becoming a professor–some advice:
If you are not yet in college, pick your college based on a combination of three factors: 1) financial aid, obviously; 2) the robustness of their English department (i.e., do they have a Writing Center you could tutor at or other internship opportunities? Do they have a chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the English honor society? Do they send undergrads to conferences? Do they have department events like essay contests and/or writing clubs? Search the school website thoroughly for info on their department--or better yet, call and talk to them); 3) the courses taught (you should be able to access the school’s complete course catalog before applying. If you read over every course the English department offers and none of them interest you, then obviously that’s not the school for you).
If you are already in college, look for opportunities that will make your grad school applications stand out–try to get a job as a writing tutor, join the English honor society, join/sponsor a writing or book club, be on the staff of your school’s literary journal, submit your work (including essays, why not) to other literary journals, take part in any competitions you can, etc. Strong involvement in your English department will make your application to graduate programs shine.
Consider planning for a day-job after grad school, at least for a couple years. The more English experience you have on your resume, the more likely you are to earn a full-time teaching position. Landing a tenure track job right out of grad school is tragically uncommon. Plan on adjuncting for a few years to get some college-level teaching experience under your belt. It’s common for adjunct professors to teach a few classes as a side-job while they do other work, such as freelance editing, to bring home the real money. Then you can translate your courses taught as an adjunct into years of experience when you are applying for full-time positions!
Phew, sorry if that was longer than you expected!
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
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“I am 58 years old and over the years have tried various diets. Whilst having a modicum of success in the short term, weight has always returned.
I then discovered Jago Holmes who has led me down the path of successful weight loss. Unlike a rigid diet, Jago’s plans have taught me that diet is not enough alone and should be balanced with exercise.
I have followed the diet plan in conjunction with the exercises suggested by Jago to not only lose weight but, to maintain that loss.
Following Jago’s theory has not only helped me achieve the weight loss, but has encouraged me to think about my day to day lifestyle using stairs instead of lifts, walk to the shop for a newspaper rather than taking the car. I haven’t followed the diet religiously either, but have snack a jacks for elevenses instead of chocolate biscuits.
I certainly feel better in myself and have reaped the benefits of following Jago’s simple diet suggestions and easy to follow exercise techniques.”
Martin, UK
Unfortunately, we don’t get much of our information from reliable, impartial sources.
All too often, the way we approach dieting and losing weight is through advice and information that we’ve been told works by companies that are actually selling diet products to us.
Many of the myths around today were created by these companies.
So once and for all, I’d like to tell you the truth about why you haven’t managed to find a workable solution to rapid weight loss and to do this, I’m going to explain the facts about 5 of the biggest weight loss myths there are out there…
Weight Loss Myth #1 – Diet Foods Help You Lose Weight
This one is a real killer. Again it’s a triumph of marketing and hype over truth. Let me give you a couple of examples.
Just because a chocolate dessert or a packet of biscuits is classed as low fat, it doesn’t mean it’s actually any good for you. Yes it probably is lower in fat than its regular alternative, but it’s also full of other ingredients that are actually much worse than the fat that was in it.
Makers of these products, emphasise the lack of fat in their products but hide the fact that to make them taste better, they’ve had to replace the fat with sugars. They’ll do it cleverly, by breaking the sugars down in to various forms… sucrose, fructose, glucose syrup. Glycerine etc, the list goes on.
But the problem with sugar is that every time you eat something that has sugars in it, the body has to produce a hormone called Insulin. Insulin’s job is to remove the sugar from the blood and take it to the cells. Unfortunately when insulin is produced, it doesn’t always remove the exact right amount of sugar from the blood.
It creates a low in blood sugar levels, which then sends a signal to your brain to eat more in order to normalise blood sugar levels again.
Another problem is that we’ve been conditioned to believe that ‘diet’ foods actually help us to lose weight. You’ll have seen it yourself when someone orders a big Mac and fries, but insists on getting a diet Cola to go with it!
Most diet foods are created by huge multi-million dollar companies that want your money. They play around with and process your foods adding all kinds of rubbish just to make it appealing for you to buy, because you think it’s going to help you to lose weight.
Processed foods will never help you to lose weight, there’s too much junk inside for your body to cope with, so stay away from them as much as possible.
Weight Loss Myth #2 – Eat Just 3 Square Meals a Day
This time it’s probably your parents fault and their parents before them… You see there are a few reasons why eating at certain times throughout the day just isn’t right.
Firstly you aren’t necessarily hungry at the times that you have to eat. This means that you may be eating for the sake of it and getting more calories than you need each day.
Secondly if you can only eat at certain times throughout the day, because of your work pattern for example, then you may go for hours without being able to eat anything and this slows down your metabolic rate and encourages your body to store fat.
One of the biggest problems with eating in the traditional way is that your metabolic rate slows right down. You’ll burn calories at a snails pace because there are too long gaps between meals.
Eating smaller amounts regularly throughout the day does two things…
1.  It keeps the metabolism revving away and
2.  It stops the body from storing as many of the calories you are eating. Over a period of time, your body gets used to the regular supply of calories and realises that it doesn’t need to store as many of them as there isn’t likely to be times when it won’t get food.
Finally, it’s likely that you’re overeating if you depend on eating 3 set meals a day as the gaps between them will lead to hunger pangs and cravings. When you start getting these messages from the brain, you’ll usually eat more than you need to do.
Weight Loss Myth #3 – Reducing the Calories You Eat Makes You Lose Weight and the Fewer Calories You Eat Then the More Weight You’ll Lose
Sounds logical doesn’t it, and up to a point this is actually true BUT if this was completely right then surely the more you reduced the calories you were eating, then the faster you’d lose weight.
But this just doesn’t happen, you’ll know it yourself if you’ve ever tried restricting the amount of food you eat so low. The weight comes off pretty fast to begin with but after a few days, you can’t seem to lose any more, you quickly reach a plateau.
Here’s the real kicker, doing this means you’re actually making things worse for yourself and compounding the problem.
The reason is that your body gets thrown in to what it perceives as starvation and goes in to survival mode. When you’re in survival mode, your body just won’t release fat to burn. It can’t, in fact it does the complete opposite and actually holds on to it, by producing a hormone called Leptin.
But that’s not all, some of the other downsides you’ll notice are…
A slowdown in your metabolic rate. This is the speed at which you burn calories. You see when food intake is strictly limited, your body will always try to protect itself by holding on to its energy stores… your body fat!
Increased cravings. Your body knows it needs calories to survive and as a response your fat cells produce a hormone called Leptin which increases your cravings for guess what? You’ve guessed it… calories. Usually in the form of high sugar or high fat foods, because it’s these types of foods that will give you the biggest surge in quick fix calories.
An increase in the amount of fat you store. If your body isn’t sure when it’s next going to be fed don’t you think it’s natural to store as many calories as possible to keep your body working normally.
Think of yourself like a camel, it’s hump is almost totally pure fat to help it survive the lean times, it’s there to provide a reserve source of energy… well our bodies can be a bit like this too if we cut down on calories too much for too long, only your hump won’t be at the back!
Weight Loss Myth #4 – Think You’ll Get a Flat Stomach By Doing Sit Ups, Crunches or Some Other SECRET Exercise That No Ones Been Telling You About?
Think again, it just doesn’t work that way.
Crunches, sit ups and other tummy toning exercises are great to do, but the benefits they give you have nothing to do with getting a chiselled torso. So why does everyone think that they do?
Simple, you’ve been lied to again. Infomercials and the media, manipulate our understanding of exactly what certain exercises can really do for you.
Let me explain it this way…
Imagine that you have a fine porcelain vase, but it’s been covered in bubble wrap and brown paper. Covered this way means that you’ll never see the real beauty of the vase because it’s been hidden underneath a thick ugly layer of padding.
That’s how it is with your own tummy muscles.
You’ll never see them or flatten your tummy by doing these types of exercises alone. In fact done to extreme, they may actually lead to an increase in the size of your tummy, because the muscles can slightly increase in size, pushing the fat underneath out still further.
I’m not saying don’t do exercises for your stomach and lower back, because they help to improve posture and overall strength, just don’t expect to have a really flat stomach after religiously doing them for weeks… you’ll only be disappointed.
Weight Loss Myth #5 – Hours of Cardio Burns the Most Fat
This makes me really laugh, especially when I see ‘supposed experts’ advising you to exercise at a particular heart beat level called the weight loss zone.
The theory here is that at a certain level of effort, your body will burn more fat than carbohydrates as it’s main fuel source, but it’s only a slight difference and to get the same benefit you’d need to keep going for much longer.
Do you know how many calories you’d have to burn to lose just 1 pound of fat? Wait for it…
3500 calories!
Yes that’s right, you’d need to burn off 3500 calories in order to lose just 1 pound of fat.
OK, so how many calories can you expect to burn throughout the course of a typical gym workout for one hour, if you really push yourself?
Well it would depend on what exercises you were doing and how hard you worked, but for a typical average cardio workout, you could expect to burn around 600 calories in an hour.
Now I’m not a mathematician, but that means that to burn off 1 pound of body fat, you’d need to do at least 5 or 6 good hour long cardio workouts a week. Yeah right!… Who has that amount of time and level of commitment to do this each week?
Not me, and I actually enjoy working out.
The secret isn’t in doing endless workouts, wearing yourself out and grinding yourself down, its about gently increasing the amount of activity in your life.
Ok, so these are all the things that you shouldn’t do, now let me tell you honestly about the things you do need to do in order to lose weight fast AND keep it off.
I’ll also tell you all about a proven system that you can get hold of in less than a minute from now, so you can get started straight away the right way to lose weight fast AND keep it off.
But Before I Go Any Further, Who am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
Please let me quickly introduce myself.
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My Name is Jago Holmes CPT and I’m a personal trainer working in the UK, with over 10 years experience working with people just like you.
I’m not a celebrity trainer who touts the latest off the wall diet to shed a few pounds, you know the types of diets I mean…
…’The Cabbage soup diet,’
…’The grapefruit diet,’
…’The Maple Syrup diet,
… This weird and wacky detox or that, the list goes on…
No I’ve been successful working with everyday people who have REAL lives, real budgets and don’t have the luxury of having their meals prepared for them, they have to go shopping to buy their own food like you and me.
And over the 10 years I’ve been doing this job, I’ve personally helped hundreds, if not thousands of clients to lose weight fast.
Here’s a Brief Selection of Some of My Clients and Their Success Stories
I understand the problems that everyday men and women face… but more importantly from your point of view, I know how to fix these problems.
But before I go in to that I want to explain to you some quite startling facts about why you’ve probably never managed to lose weight before and keep it off.
And then I’ll show you how by putting all the right pieces together at the same time, you can lose incredible amounts of weight in a remarkably short amount of time.
The Truth is For Any Diet Or Weight Loss Plan to Be Effective For Both Quick AND Long Term Weight Loss, it MUST Contain These 4 Vital Elements: –
Firstly it needs to be based around a ‘proven’ eating plan that works, one that helps you to feel full but also uses the latest advances in dieting research to boost fat loss, without causing side effects like yo-yo dieting or thyroid problems. 
Secondly, it needs to address activity. Yes, I said activity, NOT exercise. The truth is that you don’t have to kill yourself to burn calories. Low intensity activities that fit in to your daily lifestyle are the new way forward and no, you don’t have to don your Lycra shorts and sweatband to become a fitness fanatic in order to succeed! 
Thirdly, it should make use of a few select products that are sold by the supplement industry. Yes there are some that are worth your money. There is more junk on sale than effective products out there, but the truth is when you cut through the hype, there are some supplements that really should be included in an effective diet and weight loss plan. 
Finally, it absolutely has to control and recondition the power of the mind to stop cravings, create inner strength and boost motivation levels. Because it’s in the mind that even the best diets can become overnight failures if the right programming hasn’t been put in place. Without fixing this part of the problem, the whole thing falls flat on its face. 
So with a diet that contains all of these elements, I guess you would really describe it as more of a weight loss system, but I prefer to use the word ‘diet’.
In a nutshell, this is what any good diet system should contain. Each one of these elements is powerful in their own right, but put them together at the same time and you’ve created rocket fuelled weight loss.
This is Why ‘Traditional Dieting’ is Dead.
Sure a good one will give you some weight loss over a few months if you can stick it out that long, but if you want a system where the fat just seems to literally melt away, day after day then this is the solution for you.
Up until now, nobody has bothered to put everything together in one place. All this information is out there and once you sift through the misinformed ramblings and outright lies, you could probably get lucky and find a workable solution for you.
But do you really want to keep trying and testing every new diet there is, desperately searching for the right solution for you?
Wouldn’t you rather just follow a ‘proven’ weight loss system that’s been designed by someone who works day in and day out with clients that want to lose weight?
Up until now, getting it right has been very hard and confusing to follow, which means most people only get average or poor results.
But Now I’ve Done It… I’ve Put Together a Complete 4 Week Diet and Weight Loss System For You…
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I wanted to use all of the research, testing and trial and error, I’ve done with my own one to one clients over the last 10 years to put together a complete package which includes everything you need to get dramatic weight loss in just 4 weeks.
I’ve tested every part of this diet plan on my own clients, many times. They’ve been the Guinea pigs that have tested and improved this system that you can now have access to today, immediately in fact, if you want it.
All the dieting tips, tricks and techniques I’ve tested, tweaked and perfected are all here in one place in the ‘4 Week diet’
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“The exercise plan is a really good guide if you’re not a fan of the gym, it gives you loads of different ideas for exercises to do at home, and outdoor training options.
There’s even some suggestions about exercises you can do while you’re sat at work to tone your stomach!
If you have a busy life and need some advice on how to fit exercise into your diary, this is the guide for you.   The diet plan is a great plan to help you get a healthy diet and keep it. The menus are easy to follow and you don’t have to be a great cook to make them. It also contains a whole lot of knowledge about food to help you pinpoint where the empty calories are and avoid them. 
A really good guide if you want to take control of your diet. If you take this plan on board it’ll last a lot longer than 4 weeks.”
Sue, Halifax
So Please Let Me Tell You All About My New 4 Week Diet…
To fully cover everything that you need to know to be able to lose weight at the fastest possible rate in just 4 weeks from now, for a party, special event, wedding or any celebration I have written it all in to 3 easy to follow, clearly written manuals…
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Firstly there’s the Theory manual. This is vital to the whole diet. In it you’ll discover exactly how my system works. I explain the theory behind my weight loss tricks, so you know exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve and exactly how to do it.
Inside you’ll discover…
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A range of preparations you need to make before you start any diet, that virtually guarantee your success and without doing these things, you’re almost sabotaging your chances of having the body of your dreams (page 11)
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How to set specific goals geared towards YOU that motivate and inspire you to succeed (page 12)
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Why doing this one thing every day takes you from ‘dreamer’ to ‘doer’. At last you’ll have the drive to go on to take real control of your weight. (page 16)
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3 Things that you can do, which done together really fire up your body’s ability to burn fat fast. (pages 20 – 24)
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A range of little known mind programming techniques that you can use to conquer cravings and comfort eating once and for all. Once you master these techniques, you’ll never be at the mercy of your emotions again! (page 26)
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The ideal foods to eat and the ones you need to stay away from.
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A great, tasty and quick range of snacks that you can eat all day long that will help you to burn calories, not store them (page 54)
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How to read the lies manufacturers ‘legally’ print on their labelling so you understand which foods to avoid at all costs. (page 55)
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Some really great tips to help you when you eat out so that you’ll still have a good time without suffering the consequences of extra weight gain.(page 57)
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Everything you need to know about supplements. The truth about which ones do have an effect on your weight loss whilst others are simply a waste of your money. (page 58)
Next, There’s ‘The Diet’, Which Covers All the Meals and Foods You’ll Eat Over the Next 4 weeks.
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This manual contains simple menus, shopping lists and quick snack choices in a day by day format, to ensure that you’re feeding your body the right types and amounts of foods essential for losing weight fast.
You’ll also discover…
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An easier way to eat a healthy diet by choosing foods that fill you up for longer, without the addition of extra calories that also saves you time and money!   
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How much you should be eating and when to eat it and also the crucial timing of changing the way you eat to boost energy levels and fat loss 
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A simple but time tested way of eating which guarantees you eat a constant and regular supply of nutrients which stops you craving food at the same time as making you feel fuller.
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Some great tricks to make eating healthily whilst following the ‘4 Week Diet’ child’s play that are quick and simple to do even on your busiest days! 
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A range of quick and healthy food alternatives to your favourites, that give you loads of energy and make you feel fuller for longer. 
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The #1 biggest mistake nearly everyone makes by NOT getting enough of this important nutrient and why doing this simple thing each day will improve the quality of your hair, your skin and energy levels 100%! 
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A step by step eating system that includes shopping lists and daily menus, leaving you to eat on auto pilot, no need to worry about what you are going to eat, it has all been planned out for you in fact, it couldn’t be easier!
Last But Not Least, You’ll Also Get ‘The Exercises.’
This Manual Contains the Final Key to Rapid Weight Loss. The Missing Link in Almost Every Diet You’ve Ever Tried.
But this is no ordinary exercise plan. This is one of the easiest activity plans you’ve ever seen. You don’t need to get your Lycra shorts on and join a gym, you don’t have to spend every spare minute exercising and you don’t have to kill yourself by doing a workout that leaves you aching for days.
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This activity and exercise plan is different, inside you’ll discover…
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A simple but effective way to exercise at home, which takes just a few minutes to do, but that boosts fat loss and leaves you feeling energised all day long (page 9)
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An easy and enjoyable way to become more active that you can do anytime (page 22)
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Some great tips you can use everyday to help you catapult your weight loss to new highs that are easy to do and fit nicely in to your everyday life (page 20)
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A simple but extremely effective walking plan that’ll have you losing weight and loving the feelings of accomplishment you get after each session (page 25)
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An easy to follow workout you can do at home, that includes clear photos and descriptions so you know exactly what to do to tone those ‘hard to reach’ places! (pages 27 – 32)
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A quick way to tighten and firm your tummy muscles which you can do at home for FREE and in less than 5 minutes a day. (page 33 – 46)
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How to fit exercise in to a busy day. So easy to do, you’ll never again struggle to find the time to exercise. You’ll definitely have time to do this. (page 51)
OK Jago, So Why a Diet That Lasts Just 4 Weeks?
Well, that’s a very good question. Remember the last diet you tried, How far did you get?
A few days, a week, 10 days, 2 weeks?
One of the biggest reasons people don’t stick at diets is that there’s no completion date.
Psychologically it’s very difficult to keep doing something that you wouldn’t normally do for an indefinite period. If you know you’ve only got to do something for a short amount of time, it’s much easier to stick to AND you’ll try harder.
Another reason is that I wanted to use a time frame that didn’t just give barely noticeable results, I wanted the ‘wow’ factor and in 4 weeks, you really can achieve outstanding results… believe me, I’ve seen it so many times.
But the real beauty of my NEW improved 4 week diet is…
It won’t take over your life 
It’s quick and easy to do 
You’ll see fast results and 
There are no nasty side effects, except having to buy a whole new set of clothes! 
It’s really easy to do and very effective.
If You Follow My NEW 4 Week Diet You’ll…
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Lose weight fast, so you and anyone who knows you will start seeing your body shape change before your eyes
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Feel more confident about the way you look so you feel comfortable and relaxed around other people
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Have tons more energy and get up and go, nothing will feel like an effort, you’ll have the energy levels of a 5 year old.
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Discover a system that you can use anytime to drop weight at will
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See improvements in the condition of your hair and skin
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Have more zest for life, approach life with a positive attitude so you attract more of the good things in life.
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Be able to buy the clothes you like, not just the ones that hide your worst bits. Shopping will no longer be a chore, you’ll love trying on new clothes.
We all have a perceived idea about dieting…
It’s got to be hard, a challenge. It’s like you have to deprive yourself, almost like punishing yourself for gaining weight.
If it’s not hard, most people don’t consider it to be a diet, but the truth is that dieting doesn’t have to be like this.
Because There’s a Way to Lose Weight Fast Without Starving Yourself or Taking Tablets or Potions That Are Harmful to Your Health…
…and it all Hinges Around Taking Control of Your Mind.
When you really think about it, it’s your mind that controls everything you do.
Once you manage to control your subconscious mind, you hold the key to not only losing weight fast, but also losing weight and controlling it forever.
And ‘The 4 Week Diet’ helps you to do just this. With the mind tricks and reprogramming techniques you’ll learn inside, you’ll finally be able to win the war of the mind.
Cravings and comfort eating will be a thing of the past.
With the information you’ll learn, you’ll find that you crave foods that actually improve your health and help you to lose weight even when you’re feeling a bit down or tired.
But the best thing is that by eating the right types of foods, you won’t have these kinds of mood swings or feelings of tiredness all the time.
You’ll find that you have so much energy, that you’ll wonder how you ever got through each day when you weren’t following ‘The 4 Week Diet’. Everything will be so much easier.
Here are some more things you’ll discover when you use my 4 Week Diet and weight loss plan…
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Exactly how much food you need to eat each day WITHOUT counting calories.
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Which carbs are your friends and which ones will sabotage your best weight loss efforts.
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How to turn your body in to a fat burning machine that burns off your unwanted fat all day long without you having to be constantly on the go.
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How to use some tricks of the mind to create the perfect weight loss mentality, so you won’t cave in to temptation at the first sign of a challenge.
Okay Jago, This Sounds Like Something That I Can Benefit From, But How Much Does the 4 Week Diet Cost?
Losing weight is always going to cost you something…
Whether it’s joining a gym at a cost of $500 – $900.00 a year, hiring your own trainer and paying at least $300.00 a month or signing up for the latest diet scam, where you’ll pay over inflated prices for your shakes or tablets etc.
Or you could start a fitness regime yourself at home and buy yourself a treadmill or cross trainer.
So, let’s just do a quick comparison. The last time I checked, the cost of buying a treadmill would set you back well over $1,000.00. And virtually everyone I know who bought one used it at first but after a few weeks simply used it to hang their clothes over. It was left to gather dust.
Or you could easily pay $75 – $100 bucks per month for a gym membership which you’ll maybe use a few times (that’s over $900.00 per year for that alone!).
Or you could hire a personal trainer like me to work with you. But at a cost of over $75.00 per session, you’d quickly run up a bill of over $300.00 a month, for only four workouts, after that you’d be on your own.
If you think of it this way, you’re actually getting hundreds of dollars worth of top quality expertise and training at your disposal inside this new program, which you get to keep forever…
You can use the techniques time and time again.
But you won’t have to pay anything like this amount or even match my minimum hourly rate of $75.00.
In fact, your total investment for this entire system is just $149.99 $75.99 $37.95.
That’s just a little over a measly dollar a day!
And how many gyms have you been to that give you a 60 day money back guarantee?
(That’s right, I’ll tell you about this in a moment.)
You’ll have everything you need and what’s more you’ll be able to start immediately. Within a few minutes from now if you like…
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The best part is my NEW system is fully and unconditionally guaranteed.
100% RISK-FREE Money Back Guarantee
If you aren’t 100% satisfied that ‘The 4 Week Diet’ provides you with absolutely everything you need to know and all the tools you need to lose weight quickly over the next 4 weeks, then you can simply request a full and complete refund in the next 60 days.
I am pleased to be able to offer you a no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee.
  And should you decide that the program isn’t right for you in any way whatsoever, then I would like you to keep all of the special bonuses which I’ve included for you below. These are worth over $119.94 and are yours for free to keep forever when you place your order.
NO QUESTIONS ASKED… no gimmicky rules or requirements. 
You don’t even need to write an explanation as to why you don’t want to keep the program or produce evidence that you’ve tried the system out, NOTHING!
Remember, I’m so confident that you’ll be delighted with this program and all of the FREE bonuses worth $119.94 that I absolutely INSIST that you send the program back to me for a full and complete refund if you don’t think it’s the right solution for you! 
All you need to do now so you can try out my system completely risk free is place your order now by clicking on the ‘Order Now!’ button below. Follow the simple instructions on screen to download the eBooks through our secure system and you’ll be able to get started in just a few minutes from now.
I promise within days of following my system you’ll be amazed at how quickly the changes will start to happen.
You can relax because you’ve found your solution… this works!
Remember, I’ve used my own experience and extensive research through real life working in the trenches knowledge I have gained with my private 1 to 1 clients over the last 10 years.
I’ve tested this out on them and perfected it before releasing it to you. This is the reason why I‘m so sure it will work for you too and I’m happy to offer such a generous, iron clad, 100% money back guarantee.
“The biggest boost for me is that I now, once again have a regular exercise plan and I am continuing to lose weight and feel better all the time” Debbie
“New Image has been very helpful and has given me lots of encouragement at all times. I am extremely pleased with the results I achieved in my body shape and general fitness”Dawn
“I started the plan with eager anticipation and a determination to succeed, and due to the encouragement and expertise I received along with a lot of hard work , I am delighted to say it has been a resounding success” Barry
Now Even Though You’ll Lose Weight Fast If You Follow My Instructions in ‘The 4 Week Diet,’ I Want to Add Even More Value to This Offer…
I don’t want you to simply be pleased about your purchase, I want you to be absolutely delighted with it!
So I know if you’re anything like me you’ll also find some of these additional FREE bonuses extremely useful: –
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BONUS #1 (worth $11.99) – order now and you will also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Healthy Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss’
Discover over 50 of the most mouth watering smoothies and shakes ever created. Recipes that contain some of the quickest and easy to make fat blasting, energy boosting drinks that take just a couple of minutes to make.
All the recipes have been selected because of their healthy balance as well as for the combination of flavours and textures they provide.
These smoothies are low in fat but very high in taste!
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BONUS #2 (worth $17.99) – order now and you will receive this superb NEW eBook completelyFREE – ‘Healthy Soups For Healthy Living’
In this great little eBook you’ll find a range of tasty and nutritious soups which are both easy and quick to prepare… exactly what you need when time is short.
The recipes have been chosen for their taste but also for their nutritional value, the majority of the soups are low in fat and high in vitamins and minerals.
Each recipe comes complete with its own nutritional breakdown section.
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BONUS #3 (worth $11.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘How To Boost Your Metabolism’
Inside you will learn how absolutely anyone can instantly boost their metabolism by making just 3 SIMPLE changes to their lifestyle.
Learn ways to burn calories even at rest and why doing some exercises will leave you feeling frustrated at your body’s ability to melt away body fat.
You’ll learn the secrets to eating more and weighing less and how some people never seem to gain weight whilst others will always have a weight problem.
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BONUS #4 (worth $21.99) – order now and you will also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Glycemic 101 – How To Effortlessly Control Your Glycemic Index’
Inside you’ll discover exactly how to eat to support and maintain healthy blood sugar levels and how the peaks and troughs in your blood sugar can leave you craving the worst types of junk food.
You’ll learn why using the Glycemic index as your guide to choosing food could dramatically reduce your risk of suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.
And finally you can gain control of your weight forever, so you can choose your own dress size and maintain that shape for the rest of your life.
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BONUS #5 (worth $17.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Healthy Salads For Healthy Living’
You’ll find some really unusual and tasty salads which can be used as meals in their own right or eaten alongside other foods as accompaniments.
Never again will you have to serve up limp lettuce leaves, soggy cucumber or boring tomato slices. Once you try some of these fantastic salads you’ll realise that there is much more to a salad than simply filling up a space on your plate.
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speed-reiding · 7 years
Genuine Admiration
A/N: I’ve envisioned writing this as a series/long form for a long time but finally sat down to do it. Let me know if you have an idea for the title of the series. This is just chapter one.
Y/N had known she wanted to leave Connecticut for Washington, DC since she was 9 years old and learned about the government for the very first time. She had only applied to schools in the DC area and was thrilled with her acceptances to a few. She happily traded her large, well-decorated, private bedroom in her parents’ home for, first, a shared dorm room in college and then, when she continued at the same university for her masters degree, a small studio near the university’s campus. She loved it because no matter how little space she had or how much of her neighbors’ conversations she could hear through the thin walls, she was in DC. 
And of course, there was one thing DC had that Connecticut could never compare to: Dr. Spencer Reid. The young professor had 3 PhDs and worked for the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) of the FBI. While that meant he often had to miss a class or two a semester, his team was usually great about letting him assist remotely. He was the best professor Y/N had ever had. 
Y/N had taken her first of Dr. Reid's classes during her first semester of her senior year of college. Accidentally. She had had to drop a class that conflicted with a required course and she needed another one if she was going to graduate on time. Enter International Criminal Law, a class that sounded fascinating and fit her international relations curriculum- even if criminal law had not been her particular area of interest at the time. That class had drawn her in immediately and had shaped her graduate school applications.
Dr. Reid was brilliant. It didn’t hurt that he was easy on the eyes as well. He always wore formal clothing- usually a jacket and slacks. He also had a beautiful, warm smile, kind eyes that displayed his emotions and- well his body was slim but muscular. His voice was soft but commanding; when Dr. Reid spoke, everybody hung on his every word. 
Naturally, Dr. Reid’s classes were not easy; he expected a lot from his students- a lot of reading, a lot of preparation for debates and discussions and a lot of application on his exams. He didn’t just care that his students could regurgitate information, but rather would be able to apply them to various situations and create solutions- or at least think them through. This meant that his classes started out at full capacity- due to his name, profession and reputation- but about a quarter of the class dropped out during the add/drop period. Dr. Reid seemed to enjoy weeding out those unwilling to work. Y/N liked the challenge.
Y/N had aced her first class with Dr. Reid, unbeknownst to her getting his attention in more ways than one. When she had approached him to write a letter of recommendation to the same university’s graduate program- one that he primarily taught in- he had agreed readily. When Y/N had showed up in International Human Rights Law the following semester, Dr. Reid had noticed as well. Y/N had thanked Dr. Reid with a beautifully hand-written card and a small gift- a small porcelain elephant that resembled one he had mentioned losing in passing. She didn’t know he had followed up with her application and had noted that she would be attending as a member of the graduate school class.
Y/N knew that most of Dr. Reid’s female students tried to flirt with him and expected that they would one day garner his affections. She knew of one specific student who’d had to leave the class after inappropriately offering the professor her contact information and an idea that she would happily perform for him should he raise her grade. She liked Dr. Reid more for not only not accepting such an offer, but for kicking the girl out of the class. While Y/N was not so delusional as to think the professor would ever play hot-for-teacher with her, she hated the idea of him spreading anyone else over his beautiful mahogany desk. 
God, she needed to get laid. Problem was, she wasn’t interested in just sex. She never had been, really; Y/N was a relationship or single person through and through. While this called for many ‘lonely’ months, she never felt the emptiness or regret her friends seemed to when a one night stand proved his intentions to be just that.  
Now, it was the first day of her first semester of graduate school and Y/N was getting ready for Dr. Reid’s class. She was taking 3 classes in total, while vying for a teaching assistant position and working at the university’s writing lab. She couldn’t deny that she was putting in more effort than she would for either of her other classes, but tried to justify it as a first day of class thing, instead of a Dr. Reid thing. She settled on a tasteful raspberry dress with short sleeves and a scoop neck that hit a couple inches above her knee paired with brown ballet flats. It was simple and didn’t look like she had tried too hard. She spent an extra few minutes blow-drying and tousling her dark hair- which had grown significantly longer over the summer- and spritzing on a little musky vanilla perfume. 
Checking her watch, Y/N realized she had less time than she had imagined and entered Room 211 with only a few minutes to spare that Tuesday evening. She chose a seat in the center of the second row of the small room and took out a notebook and pen. She much preferred paper to computer notes, especially when notes were only about conversation. Dr. Reid provided an outline template of all his notes as he believed attendance to be a personal choice for regularly scheduled lectures.
She was the only one in the room until Dr. Reid walked in. He was dressed impeccably- in a dark grey suit with a lilac shirt underneath. His hair was longer than it had been too, and less clean. He had a little bit of scruff on his face. Damn it, he was ever better looking now. He removed his jacket almost instantly and hung it on the back of the chair in the front of the room. Was Y/N making it up or was he giving her a once over.
“Good afternoon Y/N,” Dr. Reid said pleasantly and Y/N glanced over at Dr. Reid, figuring she had definitely been making it up in her head. 
“Hello, Dr. Reid! How was your summer?” she responded with a smile that Dr. Reid immediately returned. He took a moment to answer though. 
“It was lovely, thank you. How was yours?” he finally responded. In his own head, Reid had panicked for a moment. How could he say that he had spent all summer distracted by thoughts of Y/N in his head and that the time had passed painfully slowly as he had just been waiting for this day to see her again. How could he mention that he had spent the whole summer dragging his then-boyfriend to places that Y/N might be, just so that they might run into her, even though that’s where the plan ended. It sounded thoroughly un-genius of him and it had also probably cost him his relationship. How could he tell her that he didn’t mind that his now-ex, Jason, had noticed his odd behavior, given him an ultimatum and, eventually, left. That was not before class conversation. 
“It was relatively monotonous,” Y/N responded, “I was an intern at a small NGO and worked crazy hours. They were significantly understaffed. I think they may have held onto the hope that I’d push back grad school to stay on full-time but alas.”
“Definitely their loss, but I’m happy you chose to return,” Dr. Reid said before he could stop himself. By this time, the other 20 or so students had arrived to the seminar- Y/N supposed no one would actually miss the first day. She was surprised to see Ronnie, a girl she had met during a pre-college program, in the room and made a mental note to catch up with her. 
With that, Dr. Reid started the class. It was engaging as ever, though he spent the beginning discussing the syllabus, work load and expecations. As Y/N was used to, fear struck the eyes of some around her, but she supposed since it was graduate school, fewer than usual seemed likely to actually drop the class.
Y/N stared at her screen in surprise. She had, in fact, been chosen as a teaching assistant for an undergraduate course this semester. The class, however, was a writing-intensive course- all undergrads had to take two in their disciplines- so the class was capped at 20 students. And the professor was no other than Dr. Spencer Reid. Since the class met twice a week- Monday and Wednesday- she would be spending three days a week in the presense of Dr. Reid.
Y/N couldn’t deny how excited she was for it, but she was definitely confused. She had been in talks with the coordinator to serve as one of six TAs in a 200 person introduction to international relations course. In that setting, she would have had to lead her own weekly session and deal with freshmen. Now, her students would be primarily upperclassmen and her workload would be more intense, but less annoying. And the pay was higher. How had that happened?
Dr. Spencer Reid would not have admitted it if you asked him, but he had lobbied hard for Y/N as his TA when he’d seen the list. The first problem was that he hadn’t requested a TA- preferring to do his grading and teaching alone. The next had been that Y/N had already been assigned a class. The final problem had been the potential conflict of interest, which was quickly negated by assurances that Y/N had been his top pupil two semesters in a row and that all of his grading was completely blind. Nevertheless, Dr. Reid knew he was owed more than one favor and called that into play. One intense email thread later, it was confirmed. Even as the pull made itself more obvious, he refused to admit how he felt about Y/N. 
At their first “introduction” meeting in the TA coordinator’s office, Y/N was told- according to Dr. Reid’s instruction- that a scheduling conflict had changed her role. It was the following Monday, the week before the undergraduates would flood campus again. He had justified it to the coordinator as a means to take the pressure off the TA, and the lie sold easily. Y/N just shrugged.
“Sure you won’t get sick of me, Professor?” Y/N sing-songed as the meeting ended and they were packing up. The coordinator had left swiftly to attend another introductory meeting. 
“Sure you won’t get sick of me?” Dr. Reid shot back, mentally kicking himself for how flirtatious he must have sounded, “oh and Y/N?”
“Yes, Dr. Reid?” 
“You can call me Spencer now that we’ll be working together, Y/N,” Spencer said.
“Well then, Spencer, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Ah, but in that class, you can call me Dr. Reid,” Spencer laughed, raising his eyebrows. 
“Gladly, Spencer,” and with that, Y/N was off. Spencer wondered if he had scared her away but in reality, she sped off to stop herself from anymore foolish flirting. She was not about to get her heartbroken because she was making up signs of reciprocity. There was no way her brilliant, modelesque professor was interested in her. 
“There’s no way she’s interested, Morgan,” Spencer said over a beer with his BAU colleagues. They weren’t travelling that week but had gathered at a bar to catch up and unwind. 
“What makes you say that Pretty professor?” Derek Morgan smirked at his new nickname while JJ and Prentiss rolled their eyes. 
“She has this innocent, pragmatic way about her. Not the type to fall for a rousse, but she’ll believe the best in you unless you show her otherwise. She is truly the most beautiful person I’ve ever known”.
“Spence, you know I’m the last person to encourage sleeping with a student,” JJ started, and Spencer’s face fell, “but you never spoke this way about Jason. I know you were enamoured when you met him and I know you trusted in him, but you never talked about him like this. I think this girl is special.”
“Yeah, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a lovesick Spencer Reid puddle. It’s not a good look. Tell her how you feel,” Prentiss insisted, “and also, do a shot with me!”
And so the night continued like that, Spencer wallowing and taking a drink every time he did. Soon, however, the others had to head home. Spencer, renting a place nearer to campus now, had far shorter of a commute and found himself sitting alone in a booth until past midnight, just dreaming that Y/N would walk in. Around midnight, he paid his tab and poured himself into a cab. Luckily he didn’t have work until his evening class the next day because he knew he would be waking up to a headache. 
The real surprise came when he arrived home, made it to the lobby and the elevator opened to reveal a startlingly under-dressed Y/N. She wore short black flowy shorts, a tank top that exposed her midriff -without a bra- and her beautiful long, dark hair was piled on her head. For a moment, Spencer thought he must be imagining the entire thing, but Y/N appeared equally as surprised. “Dr. Reid! Uh, Spencer, what are you doing here?” she asked, subtly trying to use her arms to cover her exposed middle. 
“I, I live in this building,” Spencer said, glad he’d switched to seltzer once he was alone. He knew he looked tired but at least he wasn’t really drunk. “So do I,” Y/N said simply, “hold the elevator?”
Confused, Spencer did as he was told as Y/N dashed out. He told himself his eyes didn’t go straight to her ass but who was he kidding. He swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. Another minute later, Y/N was back in the elevator carrying a pizza box. 
“Late night cravings,” she smiled, blushing a little, “I’ve gotten a bit off schedule these days. Working into the night, sleeping in, you know?” Spencer could just picture it. He selected the button for the top floor where he lived, and Y/N reached across him to select the floor just below his own. Spencer wondered if the elevator always felt quite so warm.
“Yeah, happens to me all the time when I teach graduate school and work is slow,” he managed to get out, trying not to stare directly at her body. Y/N nodded and looked up at him. She must have sensed his lust and admiration for her, because she unwittingly drew her bottom lip into her mouth and rolled it between her teeth. Spencer must have been a touch drunker than he realized, because his eyes followed her lips like they were glued to them. Damn she was gorgeous.
“Oh screw it,” he heard himself say. Her eyes widened as he closed the gap between them, arm slinking around her waist. She stood on her tip-toes to meet his lips with her own. Then, they were kissing- all lips and tongues crashing into one other as they drew each other closer and closer in. And they stayed that way until the elevator reached his floor.
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freakishlemon · 7 years
I’ve been thinking a lot about the gendering and socialization of work lately with regards to my growing frustrations with my youngest brother, so I’m throwing words at this screen. Might be interesting to you folks, might not, so I’m putting it behind a cut below.
((Read More should start here, mobile users))
So some basic background, I’m the oldest of 4 kids in my family and we live in a rural town that’s been start-stopping it’s way to suburbia sorta kinda maybe, so our upbringing is pretty squarely centered in this little corner of the world. There me (trans-masc genderqueer) born in ‘88, there’s my sister (woman) born in ‘90, middle brother (man) born in ‘92, and the youngest brother (man) born in ‘96. Myself and the middle brother both still live at home, but we are employed and are paying off loans or looking into continuing education, so we’re doing pretty well. My sister has been moved out with her fella and their co-owned pets and she started her own business last year, in addition to subsidizing her income with part-time bar-tending/restaurant gigs when she needs to. All three of us have completed the middle-class white person requirement of earning a Bachelor’s degree (yay debt :/ ).
My youngest brother has a chronic gut illness and had to have surgery on his intestines last December, which prompted him to really think about his college education (that he was failing) and opt to not finish school. I think that was a surprisingly mature decision for this brother. So he takes the time to recover from the surgery and he’s been back to his normal for a while now, so my parents have been prompting him to start seeking employment since about March-ish.
He’s still unemployed, which does not surprise me based on our location/job market/the incredible hell that is Finding A Job, but I find myself and I see my parents becoming more and more frustrated with him.
Now, my parents’ frustration I understand because they’re in their late 50s/60s and they do all those prior generation stereotype things like tell you to make a million follow up calls and go bother the management and just start asking businesses for jobs, which is what they know. The rest of us sympathize with that portion of my brother’s current position, but... it occurred to me that my youngest brother is doing nothing to alleviate this from my parents because he hasn’t learned how to deflect them.
Because he’s looking for his first job.
His. First. Job.
It hit me this morning that the way our society socializes work for afab folks starts so god damn early. If we define a job as Somewhere You Are Scheduled To Be To Perform Work, I started working at 11 at my local library as a volunteer. I outgrew the summer reading program for the young kids and there was nothing for the older kids. I had to be there for my siblings because I was too young to stay home, so I was shelving books or assisting at the Scholastic book fair. Listen, I worked at this library as a volunteer for so long that the retiring children’s librarian had me run the summer reading program for two years, then she retired and there wasn’t a children’s librarian for a year so I ran the summer reading program, AND THEN I TRAINED THE NEW CHILDREN’S LIBRARIAN ON HOW TO RUN A SUMMER READING PROGRAM. It was her first librarian job and I was sixteen. 
My sister started doing the same thing when she aged out of the summer reading program. My brothers didn’t.
But if we count paid work, my sister and I took our first job together at 14 and 12 when we were offered a pretty sweet babysitting gig. We’d finish middle school, walk over to the elementary school down the street to pick up this first grade girl, and hang out at the library doing homework for an hour and a half until the girl’s mom could come pick her up. Three days a week, paid on Thursday like clock work. 
And we both did things like that until we were old enough to be legally hired - babysitting gigs, pet sitting, helping older people with physical tasks (I mean, mostly my grandma just having us doing a day’s worth of chores for pizza and ten bucks, but it’s still work).
And we applied for jobs all through high school and if we didn’t have jobs during the school year, we went for summer jobs. The only time either one of us was without something for at least part of the summer was my summer before senior year of college when I was s c r a m b l i n g for an internship to meet my graduation requirements (the coordinator at my school was no god damn help and I’m still mad about it).
Neither of my brothers was prompted to find paying work until after highschool, except when family friends needed pet sitters and my sister and I were already working. They were only encouraged to do volunteer work during highschool because it was a graduation requirement.
I was unemployed for a few months after graduating college, which is pretty normal, and that’s when I learned to balance out the actual reality of job hunting and my parent’s expectations of it. And you know the easiest way I found to do that? Work around the god damn house. Do all the dishes. Sweep floors. Vacuum. Is there a junk closet mom’s been meaning to go through? Empty it out, clean it, and go through what needs to be done with the stuff, and then do it for her so that she only has to make the decisions without taking her two days off to do it herself. Shit like that. Honestly? Yep. Yeah mom, I put in nine applications today, one of the places I applied to last week should be calling by the end of the week, and look at your sparkling kitchen. Done. I acknowledge my advantage of being a physically healthy person to pull this off and the amazing support of my friend who would call me at six in the morning to wake up my ass to take a walk, talk shit out, and then start the day with a scheduled thing. I know that’s not in the cards for all of us, but even doing a few simple chores like wiping off the flat stove top did a lot to get my parents off my back.
(Once my sister started working for actual paychecks, she’s pretty much always been employed because she rocks at this stuff. When she got her at-time-dream-job-in-her-actual-degree-field at a photo studio for $50k a year, she had three part time restaurant jobs and still managed to have more of a social life than I’ve ever had. And then when she hated that job, she started her own business and is making it work. She’s a rock star. It’s amazing.)
So my middle brother was unemployed for the better part of a year after his retail summer job stopped giving him hours and he was searching for a job in his field-ish. He wasn’t socialized to pick up housework the way my sister and I were, but due to his recently-diagnosed-bipolar-flavoured mental illness (i’m not sure the exact diagnosis, but it’s in the bipolar type family) he would have manic episodes and needed shit to do to manage his brain so it quickly became a thing that mom would leave him a list of shit that had to be done around the house each day/week and he would get it done (less done on depressive days, but still to the point of acceptably done). He built the routine and when he couldn’t get calls back for interviews, he sought out gig jobs from friends and family, which is how he ended up in his current job. And even now after lots of balancing acts and sorting himself out, he’d on a pretty even keel these days, but if he’s got fewer work hours than the rest of us that week and mom leaves him a list, he gets the must-dos done.
My youngest brother was diagnosed with his gut illness at 9, which is a shit hand of cards to be dealt. Flare ups are bad and can lay him out for days. I know that’s a part of his life and is probably affecting how he’s looking for a job and all, but... it’s very frustrating to me that this is his first job hunt (or temporary gig hunt) and he’s 21. 
He was prompted to get summer jobs while he was in college and relatively healthy, but it wasn’t enforced by my parents on him the way it was on the middle brother and certainly not the way it was enforced on my sister and I. It’s very frustrating to me that my mom will leave a list for my youngest brother with things like 1) empty dishwasher, 2) do your laundry, and 3) play with the dog outside for 20 minutes, and not a single one of those things has been done by the time my mom or I get home (we have similar work schedules). And my mom’s response is to just roll her eyes and grudgingly do it or ask me/middle brother to do it. She doesn’t make him do it. She’s never assigned him to make a simple dinner for the rest of us, the way she has middle brother and myself. She’s never assigned him big projects (clean the basement, vacuum the whole house, scrub out the refrigerator) the way she has middle brother and myself, even as something to be done over the course of the week instead of that day. 
It’s just super frustrating to hear him snap at my parents when they pester him about getting a job because mom, dad, middle brother, and myself are doing full time jobs plus sometimes side jobs (middle brother is running a daily livestream and/or podcast, I’m slowly working fiber work business stuff into my life, mom’s starting a yarn dyeing business) PLUS ALL THE HOUSEWORK and he’s sitting there in his room all day filling out applications for a bit and then playing video games for fourteen hours.
Like... I’d feel less frustrated if I knew or suspected it was the gut illness or something that was kicking him all the time, but I don’t think it is. We learned to recognize that kind of stuff when he was in school because there were times when he could only do a half day or couldn’t go at all. Honestly? I just don’t think he knows how to work. Not the way my sister’s and my gendered upbringing taught us. Not the way my middle brother’s mental illness and brain coping taught him. We ended up as people who need stuff to do during the day. It just looks to us like he’s not trying when the reason he hasn’t emptied the dishwasher in two weeks without my mom standing there making him do it is “I forgot."
Just... ffffguh. Venting. 
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trentteti · 5 years
Predictions for the March 2019 LSAT
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It’s only six days before the March LSAT, so it’s time for us at Blueprint to dust off our crystal ball, unpack our tarot cards, and focus our powers of divination. That’s right. It’s time to make some predictions for what’s going to be on the March LSAT.
Now, we don’t have any insider information about what’s going to be on the LSAT. We don’t even have especially keen powers of divination — our crystal ball is completely ineffectual (we bought it on sale at CVS) and we can’t read our tarot cards (we just think they look cool). I, for one, am wrong about all sorts of things. For years I thought Bill Pullman and Bill Paxton were the same person. I’m aware of the harm of perpetuating this belief and the social stigma it caries, but I’m sort of willing to entertain the idea that at least part of the moon landing was faked. One of my core, guiding principles is that no name (first and last) should have more than four syllables.
So I’m wrong a lot, and maybe not the most trustworthy person in general. But I do follow the LSAT very, very closely (perhaps more than any sane or healthy person should), and have a pretty solid grasp on where the test is trending. And that, I think, is ultimately more helpful to someone about to take this test. If I made a bunch of a specific predictions, I’d be wrong about most of them (as would anyone trying to predict exactly what’s going to be on the test) and that would be of little use to you. If instead gave you a more general sense of what’s likely to appear on the test, you’d at least have some general guidelines that would help you prioritize certain concepts in your studies during the waning days before the big test.
For March test, then, I’m only going to make one specific prediction, and then I’ll try my best to give you a general sense of the types of questions and concepts that will probably appear on the exam, based on how this test has been trending for the last few years.
So, first up, the specific prediction: They’re going to re-use an old, nondisclosed test for this one. Probably a test that they used for those test takers who observe the Sabbath and cannot take the exam on a Saturday.
Why do I think this? Well, there will be way more LSATs in 2019 than there have been in any previous year. The exam used to be given four times a year. In 2019, it will be given seven times. So LSAC is responsible for making three extra LSATs in 2019, a (check my math) 75% increase in its output.
And if you think taking the LSAT is hard, think about how much harder (and expensive) it would be to write the LSAT. Not only do you have to come up with all the insane topics that show up on these questions, you have to rigorously test the questions to make sure they produce predictable, standard responses from test takers. It is, to put it mildly, a whole thing.
So LSAC probably can’t afford to make three more LSATs every year. Instead, they’ll use an old nondisclosed exam that never got released to test takers or test prep companies. There’s some precedent for this, too. In 2018, LSAC reused the nondisclosed February 2014 LSAT for the then-brand-new July LSAT.
LSAC could theoretically use an old February test again. But I sort of doubt they’ll do that. By using an old February exam last July, LSAC drew quite a bit of ire from test takers who, rightly or wrongly, felt that this gave people who took the February 2014 exam an unfair advantage. (I, for reasons discussed in this old post, thought those test takers were overreacting). LSAC probably doesn’t want to incur the wrath of angry pre-law types again, so I don’t think they’ll use an exam that was seen by as many people as a previous February test.
So I’m thinking they’re going to use a test that’s only been used for an international LSAT administration or a Sabbath-observer administration. An old Sabbath-observers test feels right to me, since the March exam will be given on a Saturday, and Sabbath observers — by both religious custom and LSAC fiat — cannot take the test on a Saturday. So there will be no one — law-school-bound recent Sabbath-observing religious converts aside — who takes the test on March 30th who had seen the test previously.
This is a prediction I make sort of reluctantly. It’s not one I mentioned to any of the classes I taught. I didn’t want anyone to have the idea that the last week before the test should be spent scouring the internet for information on Sabbath observer exams given between the years 2014 and 2017. Since those exams weren’t disclosed, these searches wouldn’t yield anything helpful. And trying to figure out whether an exam was previously used as you took it could be, at worst, a distraction that most test takers can ill afford.
But, I figure if you clicked on a blog called “Predictions for the March 2019 LSAT,” you’re already on that search. So I’m willing to make that prediction for you. I’m nothing if not a people pleaser.
Other than that though, I think can be of more help giving you a general sense of what to do study in these final, fleeting moments before Saturday. In Logical Reasoning, Strengthen questions have been the most common question type. And an increasingly high proportion of Strengthen questions have been of the Principle variety. So study up on those. Other than those, expect somewhere between six and eight Flaw questions, four and six Necessary questions, three and five Weaken questions, and a handful of Soft Must Be True questions. Get lots of practice with each of those questions. We’ve seen fewer and fewer questions that ask you to identify the formal aspects of an argument — like Main Point, Describe, and Role questions — and almost no Must Be False questions, so those questions aren’t worth prioritizing in your studies.
Also, in Logical Reasoning, the two most important concepts have been, and will certainly continue to be, conditional statements and the common fallacies. Recent exams have had a lot of questions involving conditional statements — the average is about ten questions per exam. However, very few of these exams involve making long, ornate transitive deductions. Most just require you to know whether a condition is sufficient or necessary. So study up on the language of sufficiency and necessity. Of course, knowledge of the common fallacies helps you on a ton of questions. But there are a few common fallacies — particularly causation fallacies, comparison fallacies, equivocations, and exclusivity fallacies — that you appear more frequently that you should spend some extra time studying. Recent exams have been positively replete with causation fallacies, in particular, so make sure you study how to identify causal relationships.
Over on Reading Comprehension, I would expect to get a passage about science, a passage about the arts, a passage about the law, and a passage about history or the social sciences. Passages recently have been structured around a few different organizing principles recently — like trying to prove a cause and effect relationship exists, or attempting to answer a question. I wouldn’t be surprised to see most or all of the passages organized around one of those. The relationship between the comparative passages on recent exams have generally been a little oblique (such as, one passage discusses a general problem, and the other discusses a specific instance of that problem), so make sure to practice identifying the big picture relationship between the two passages on the comparative passages you do this week.
Finally, on Logic Games, you will almost certainly get one basic ordering game, one tiered ordering game, one grouping game (probably what we call an “unstable grouping game”) and either a second grouping game, or a game that combines ordering and grouping. The odds of getting a truly bizarre game is fairly low. But it’s possible that they’re going to draw an old exam from the years in which they briefly got super into weird games, so the odds are, unfortunately, not zero. But nearly all or all of these games will be a lot easier if you construct some scenarios before the first question, so make sure to review all the rules and deductions that are commonly useful for making scenarios.
If you place emphasis on these concepts during this last week, then I will make one final prediction: you’re going to do great.
Predictions for the March 2019 LSAT was originally published on LSAT Blog
0 notes
stmartinspress-blog · 7 years
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The following excerpt is from Bears On the Streets: Three Journeys Across a Changing Russia, a nuanced, deeply researched look at the lives and beliefs of ordinary Russians over time. It goes on sale January 31st.
At one-thirty in the morning, 15 hours after leaving Vladivostok, my train pulled into Birobidzhan. Lugging my bags onto the platform, I looked up at the sight that had so surprised me back in 1995: on the station building, the word Birobidzhan was written not only in Russian, but in Yiddish too.
I glanced for just a moment, as I was nervous to be arriving alone in the dead of night. Fortunately, a few other people had straggled off the train, so I followed them toward a parking lot where, to my relief, there were a couple of waiting taxis. I climbed into one and told the young driver, “Hotel Vostok.”
The boxy, six-story Vostok sits in the center of Birobidzhan, just a few blocks from the train station. I carried my bags up the front steps and into the lobby, and an older woman seated behind the front desk took my passport. Then she looked at her com- puter and said, “You booked your room for the twelfth. But today is the thirteenth.” She tsk-tsked, shaking her head. “You should have booked for the thirteenth, saved yourself some money.”
“But it’s two a.m. on the thirteenth,” I told her. “Check-in time is noon. I wouldn’t have wanted to wait that long to get into my room.”
“Oh, no,” she said. “We put people in rooms as they arrive. It’s the thirteenth today, so you should have booked for the thir- teenth. Very simple. That’s your mistake.” Now I was irritated, but it made no sense to argue. As she fiddled with papers behind the desk, I looked to the side and saw a freestanding rack labeled “Souvenir Shop.” The only items displayed were a dozen small, framed paintings of black-hatted Jewish men in various poses—carrying menorahs, playing poker, playing clarinet while floating in a flock of birds, staring a giant fish in the face. They were bizarre, bordering on anti- Semitic, and I wondered idly why the hotel didn’t just carry postcards instead. Then, the woman interrupted my reverie by asking how I wanted to pay for my room.
I handed her a credit card. “Ohhh,” she said, and pinched it between her forefinger and thumb as though handling a rare document. She fished around under the desk, pulled out a hand- held credit card reader, and said, “I never do this. I hope I don’t mess it up.” She ran the card through the slot very, very slowly. Not surprisingly, it didn’t register. “You have to do it a little faster,” I told her. “Don’t be afraid.” She tried a couple more times, and finally the card registered.
She peered again at her computer. “It says to type in the last four numbers on the card,” she said. “And then press oak.” Press oak? She was speaking Russian, but she said this last word in English, like the tree. I leaned over the counter to look, and on her computer screen was a prompt with the word “OK.” This was becoming a very entertaining hotel check-in.
After some hesitation, the woman managed to type in the four numbers and press oak. Then she told me my room num- ber and wished me a good night.
“And the key?” I asked.
“There’s a dezhurnaya upstairs,” she told me. A dezhurnaya! In the Soviet era, hotels always had dezhurnayas—ladies sta- tioned on each floor who kept the room keys and monitored comings and goings—but I hadn’t encountered such a system in years. Birobidzhan truly did seem to be stuck in a time warp, which was perhaps not surprising, considering the odd history of the place.
In the late 1920s, more than two decades before the State of Israel was established, Joseph Stalin decided to create a Jewish homeland in Russia. But not just anywhere in Russia: the gov- ernment’s decree designated land “near the Amur River in the Far East”—a desolate, swampy outpost 4,000 miles away from Moscow. If the map of Russia were a dartboard with Moscow at the bull’s-eye, Birobidzhan, nestled above the northeast corner of China, would be the spot where a drunk guy accidentally chucked his dart into the wall.
To convince Jews to move there, the government offered free railroad passage, free meals along the way, and 600 rubles to each settler. Soviet propaganda organs produced pictures of smiling workers hauling grain and driving tractors, all of them tanned and happy under the perpetually sunny skies of Stalin’s promised land. Thousands of Jews took up the government’s offer, coming from not only Russia but all over the world— Argentina, the United States, even Palestine—to settle in the new Jewish region.
Some came to escape anti-Semitism. Many came because they had nothing, and therefore nothing to lose. And even more came in the early 1930s to escape starvation, as tens of thou- sands of Soviets began suffering and dying under Stalin’s brutal collectivization policies in Ukraine. As waves of migrants con- tinued to flow here, the Soviet government in 1934 designated the area as the Jewish Autonomous Region, with Birobidzhan as its capital.
This sounded pretty, but the reality was less so. The defining characteristics of the Jewish Autonomous Region were freez- ing winters, blisteringly hot summers and clouds of ravenous mosquitoes. So, even though 41,000 Jews arrived during that first decade, 28,000 of them turned around and left by the end of 1938. Yet new migrants just kept on coming, and by 1948 the region’s Jewish population had swelled to 30,000. Then came a sudden, brutal wave of anti-Jewish repression, as the Soviet government closed schools and synagogues, arrested writers, and drove Jewish cultural and religious life under- ground. From that point on, the Jewish population here began a slow decline.
A visitor to Birobidzhan during the Brezhnev era might hear older men speaking Yiddish in the park, but apart from that, not much marked this place as a onetime Jewish homeland.
Glasnost led to a modest revival of Jewish culture in the 1980s, but it also led to a new, possibly final, exodus, as thousands of Jews took advantage of newly relaxed travel laws to leave the country. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the floodgates truly opened, and thousands more streamed out, in- cluding most of the remaining Jews of Birobidzhan. By the end of 1992, fewer than 5,000 Jews were left here.
So, when Gary and I arrived in Birobidzhan in September 1995, we weren’t sure how much—if any—Jewish culture we’d find. I asked around to see if there was a synagogue in town, but nobody seemed to know. A taxi driver agreed to take us on a search, and after driving in circles, we managed to find a small wooden building with wrought-iron Stars of David in the win- dows. I knocked on the door, and a short, white-bearded man wearing a yarmulke answered.
This was Boris Kaufman, the self-appointed keeper of what turned out to be Birobidzhan’s only synagogue. There was no rabbi in Birobidzhan, Boris told us, so there were no official prayer services here. But twice a week, he led services for a small group of mostly elderly women. “Please join us for the next one, if you’d like,” he said. We eagerly accepted, excited to witness a service in this historic remnant of the once-thriving Jewish Autonomous Region.
When Gary and I arrived at the appointed time, Boris asked me to put on a headscarf. I wasn’t familiar with Jewish rituals, so I didn’t think anything of it, but once the service started it quickly became clear that Boris was making up his own rules. Because what we ended up witnessing was more evangelical tent revival than Jewish service.
Boris read from a Hebrew prayer book, shuddering and rock- ing back and forth in apparent religious ecstasy, while the old women, weeping and waving their hands, called out verses from the New Testament. “Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth and life!’ ” one shouted, as Boris rocked in his chair, a little smile on his lips. It was a jarring scene, as Boris later acknowledged. “Per- haps it bothers some people that we worship Jesus here; I don’t know. I’ve never asked them,” he told me. “But it’s not as though we took over the synagogue from Jews who wanted to hold ser- vices. The generation of older Jews who used to come gradually died out, and no one else came to fill the void.”
Yet Boris, who was ethnically Jewish, also told us he wanted to see Birobidzhan’s Jewish culture preserved. Every morning before the sun rose, he and his mentor, a twenty-something former Yeshiva student named Oleg Shavulski, sang Jewish prayers. A slender, sad-eyed man with a neatly trimmed beard, Oleg taught Boris how to wear the tefillin and translated Hebrew words the older man didn’t know. When we asked about the Jesus-worshiping gatherings in the synagogue, he sighed heavily. “Boris is confused,” he said. “But he will come around eventually. One does not come to the truth in one day or two days. It takes many days.” Oleg was one of the most vocal proponents of revitalizing Jewish culture in Birobidzhan. He told us there were promising signs: Sunday school classes (taught by Oleg) had started up again, a new cultural center had opened, and School No. 2 was not only offering Yiddish classes again, they were also putting on a Rosh Hashanah pageant the following week.
Yet it was hard to avoid the feeling that this was too little, too late. With no rabbi, no functioning synagogue, and no prospects for getting either anytime soon, how much longer could the city’s Jewish community survive?
For that matter, how long could Birobidzhan itself survive in the face of its shattered economy? In the four years since the collapse of the USSR, factories had closed down, thousands of people had lost their jobs, and many who were still working hadn’t been paid in months. With its tree-lined streets and small-town feel, Birobidzhan wasn’t without its charms, but the lack of employment and a persistent sense of malaise were like a cloud hovering just overhead.
This place was dirt poor, and what little money did trickle in went straight to Sokhnut, an organization whose main purpose here was to help Jews get out. “No one wants to invest any money in this city,” Oleg said bitterly. “The easiest thing in the world is to leave, to quit. But there will always be Jews in Birobidzhan, and we must make it possible for them to have a normal spiri- tual life. Someone must be here to take care of those who stay.” This, we discovered, was the central question for Birobid- zhan’s Jews in 1995: Stay, and work to revive the city? Or call it a day, and move to Israel (or Europe, or North America)?
Sokhnut director Mikhail Diment, a weary-looking man of 60 whose office was decorated with a large Israeli flag, spent every day working to help people leave. “We are the one race that knows exactly where it came from,” he told me. “We are linked by faith, by the Torah. And Israel is our homeland.” Those who wanted to leave, he said, should feel no guilt for doing so.
Author David Waiserman, who was born and raised in Birobidzhan, was dismayed by the mass exodus. “The Jews who are leaving this city are leaving for one reason: econom- ics,” he told me. “They got a call from somebody in Israel who said, ‘Hey, Moishe! Get over here and have a look at this place! They got nice cars here, and great food!’ So the people go.” He paused. “But my parents built this city. They are lying in its graveyard. How can I just pick up and go? This is where my roots are.” Maria Shokhtova, a Yiddish teacher at School No. 2, told me that during her childhood in Ukraine, her father prayed “every morning and every night. He knew all the rituals, and we used to go to the synagogue.” But these days, she didn’t do any of those things—and she didn’t know anyone else who did, either. “I live in a little village called Waldheim with my daughter now,” she told me. “When we first came to Waldheim, it was all Jewish. Now you can hardly find any Jews there.”
Alexander Yakubson, a 48-year-old lawyer, was truly torn about what to do. He and his family had emigrated to Israel in 1991, then returned to Birobidzhan three years later to find it a changed place. “When we left Russia in 1991, the economy was more stable, the factories were still working. There was almost no crime,” he said. “When we returned last year, the picture was totally different. There are so many unemployed here now, so many people are poor. Now the Russians envy the Jews in this country, because the Jews can leave.”
“My wife wants to go back to Israel,” he said. “I’m not sure what I want.” Hearing the anguish in his voice, I couldn’t help but think that perhaps when you have two homelands, you really have none. Because you never know where you truly belong.
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
4 Week Diet - Supercharged Weight Loss
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/4-week-diet-supercharged-weight-loss/
4 Week Diet - Supercharged Weight Loss
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“Finally, The Truth About Rapid Weight Loss Revealed.
Read on to Discover The Latest Research And Scientific Breakthroughs Which Change The Face Of Dieting Forever. I’ll Expose The Lies That You’re Being Told And Provide You With A Simple And Effective Solution…
…A 4 Week Diet Which Could Be The Easiest Way To Lose 10-20-30+ Pounds Of Body Fat In Just 4 Weeks That You’ve Ever Tried!”
And it’s guaranteed to work or you’ll get all your money back… How many other diets will give you that kind of a promise?
In fact how many other diet companies want you to succeed?
It’s true most of them rely on your ongoing payments to make the FAT profits they do each year. And this is one of the biggest reasons why up until now you’ve probably never succeeded…
And you thought it was your fault that you were overweight, but it isn’t!
They aren’t telling you the truth, you’re being lied to…
But don’t worry, I have all the answers for you right here. Once you’ve read all of this short report today, you’ll finally understand where you’ve been going wrong all this time, but more importantly you’ll learn how to put it RIGHT…
So you can finally start feeling good about yourself, I mean feel really proud of the way you look so you actually enjoy shopping or getting dressed up to go out and meeting people without feeling embarassed or self conscious about the way you look.
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“This really works! The theories behind the 4 week diet really make sense and Jago has translated these in to an easy to use plan.
I love the recipe suggestions and even your shopping lists are already done for you so there’s no excuse not to get organised which Jago explains is the key.
The simple exercises are well demonstrated, they can be done easily at home to fit around your life.
I’ve used the 4 week diet a number of times for special events and holidays and it’s worked everytime to get me looking and feeling my very best.”
Sarah Reynolds
Dear friend
In this report I’m going to tell you all about the 5 biggest weight loss myths that have been stopping you from getting the body of your dreams…
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Weight Loss Myth #1 – Why you’ve been lied to and tricked in to eating the wrong types of foods.
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Weight Loss Myth #2 – How the way you’ve been taught to eat has actually programmed you to store fat, not burn it.
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Weight Loss Myth #3 – Why eating less doesn’t always mean you’ll end up weighing less.
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Weight Loss Myth #4 – How doing exercises for your tummy won’t help you to get six pack abs or even a flatter waistline.
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Weight Loss Myth #5 – One of the biggest exercise myths around, that’s certain to leave you frustrated at your lack of progress.
Once you know these FACTS and a bunch of other NEW techniques I’ll tell you about, you’ll have the power to burn fat at will.
Just imagine being able to get in to tip top shape in just 4 weeks time. Being able to look your best for…
Your next holiday
A works night out
An anniversary or celebration
Your Birthday 
Do you ever stand in front of a mirror when you’re getting dressed or sometimes catch your reflection in a window and think to yourself ‘oh no, I look awful’
If you do or you just have a mild dislike for the way you look, don’t worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
In fact it amazes me how many people really hate the way their body looks.
But just imagine for a moment if that was different. Imagine looking in the mirror and actually liking what you see. Imagine smiling to yourself when you turn to the side and you look just as good as you did from the front.
Don’t you think that would be an amazing feeling… wouldn’t you like that to be you?
Of course you would, who wouldn’t!
What about shopping, how great would it be to buy the clothes you liked. Fitted, shapely clothes that look good on you, instead of buying something to hide your worst bits or anything to ‘do the job.’
However you feel at the moment, YOU DO HAVE THE POWER to change the way you look and feel, but you’re probably going to have to make some changes.
But don’t worry, I’m going to explain it all to you here in plain, easy to understand English so you finally understand the facts as they stand today. Then you’ll be able to plan a way forwards and start taking control of your body again.
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“I am 58 years old and over the years have tried various diets. Whilst having a modicum of success in the short term, weight has always returned.
I then discovered Jago Holmes who has led me down the path of successful weight loss. Unlike a rigid diet, Jago’s plans have taught me that diet is not enough alone and should be balanced with exercise.
I have followed the diet plan in conjunction with the exercises suggested by Jago to not only lose weight but, to maintain that loss.
Following Jago’s theory has not only helped me achieve the weight loss, but has encouraged me to think about my day to day lifestyle using stairs instead of lifts, walk to the shop for a newspaper rather than taking the car. I haven’t followed the diet religiously either, but have snack a jacks for elevenses instead of chocolate biscuits.
I certainly feel better in myself and have reaped the benefits of following Jago’s simple diet suggestions and easy to follow exercise techniques.”
Martin, UK
Unfortunately, we don’t get much of our information from reliable, impartial sources.
All too often, the way we approach dieting and losing weight is through advice and information that we’ve been told works by companies that are actually selling diet products to us.
Many of the myths around today were created by these companies.
So once and for all, I’d like to tell you the truth about why you haven’t managed to find a workable solution to rapid weight loss and to do this, I’m going to explain the facts about 5 of the biggest weight loss myths there are out there…
Weight Loss Myth #1 – Diet Foods Help You Lose Weight
This one is a real killer. Again it’s a triumph of marketing and hype over truth. Let me give you a couple of examples.
Just because a chocolate dessert or a packet of biscuits is classed as low fat, it doesn’t mean it’s actually any good for you. Yes it probably is lower in fat than its regular alternative, but it’s also full of other ingredients that are actually much worse than the fat that was in it.
Makers of these products, emphasise the lack of fat in their products but hide the fact that to make them taste better, they’ve had to replace the fat with sugars. They’ll do it cleverly, by breaking the sugars down in to various forms… sucrose, fructose, glucose syrup. Glycerine etc, the list goes on.
But the problem with sugar is that every time you eat something that has sugars in it, the body has to produce a hormone called Insulin. Insulin’s job is to remove the sugar from the blood and take it to the cells. Unfortunately when insulin is produced, it doesn’t always remove the exact right amount of sugar from the blood.
It creates a low in blood sugar levels, which then sends a signal to your brain to eat more in order to normalise blood sugar levels again.
Another problem is that we’ve been conditioned to believe that ‘diet’ foods actually help us to lose weight. You’ll have seen it yourself when someone orders a big Mac and fries, but insists on getting a diet Cola to go with it!
Most diet foods are created by huge multi-million dollar companies that want your money. They play around with and process your foods adding all kinds of rubbish just to make it appealing for you to buy, because you think it’s going to help you to lose weight.
Processed foods will never help you to lose weight, there’s too much junk inside for your body to cope with, so stay away from them as much as possible.
Weight Loss Myth #2 – Eat Just 3 Square Meals a Day
This time it’s probably your parents fault and their parents before them… You see there are a few reasons why eating at certain times throughout the day just isn’t right.
Firstly you aren’t necessarily hungry at the times that you have to eat. This means that you may be eating for the sake of it and getting more calories than you need each day.
Secondly if you can only eat at certain times throughout the day, because of your work pattern for example, then you may go for hours without being able to eat anything and this slows down your metabolic rate and encourages your body to store fat.
One of the biggest problems with eating in the traditional way is that your metabolic rate slows right down. You’ll burn calories at a snails pace because there are too long gaps between meals.
Eating smaller amounts regularly throughout the day does two things…
1.  It keeps the metabolism revving away and
2.  It stops the body from storing as many of the calories you are eating. Over a period of time, your body gets used to the regular supply of calories and realises that it doesn’t need to store as many of them as there isn’t likely to be times when it won’t get food.
Finally, it’s likely that you’re overeating if you depend on eating 3 set meals a day as the gaps between them will lead to hunger pangs and cravings. When you start getting these messages from the brain, you’ll usually eat more than you need to do.
Weight Loss Myth #3 – Reducing the Calories You Eat Makes You Lose Weight and the Fewer Calories You Eat Then the More Weight You’ll Lose
Sounds logical doesn’t it, and up to a point this is actually true BUT if this was completely right then surely the more you reduced the calories you were eating, then the faster you’d lose weight.
But this just doesn’t happen, you’ll know it yourself if you’ve ever tried restricting the amount of food you eat so low. The weight comes off pretty fast to begin with but after a few days, you can’t seem to lose any more, you quickly reach a plateau.
Here’s the real kicker, doing this means you’re actually making things worse for yourself and compounding the problem.
The reason is that your body gets thrown in to what it perceives as starvation and goes in to survival mode. When you’re in survival mode, your body just won’t release fat to burn. It can’t, in fact it does the complete opposite and actually holds on to it, by producing a hormone called Leptin.
But that’s not all, some of the other downsides you’ll notice are…
A slowdown in your metabolic rate. This is the speed at which you burn calories. You see when food intake is strictly limited, your body will always try to protect itself by holding on to its energy stores… your body fat!
Increased cravings. Your body knows it needs calories to survive and as a response your fat cells produce a hormone called Leptin which increases your cravings for guess what? You’ve guessed it… calories. Usually in the form of high sugar or high fat foods, because it’s these types of foods that will give you the biggest surge in quick fix calories.
An increase in the amount of fat you store. If your body isn’t sure when it’s next going to be fed don’t you think it’s natural to store as many calories as possible to keep your body working normally.
Think of yourself like a camel, it’s hump is almost totally pure fat to help it survive the lean times, it’s there to provide a reserve source of energy… well our bodies can be a bit like this too if we cut down on calories too much for too long, only your hump won’t be at the back!
Weight Loss Myth #4 – Think You’ll Get a Flat Stomach By Doing Sit Ups, Crunches or Some Other SECRET Exercise That No Ones Been Telling You About?
Think again, it just doesn’t work that way.
Crunches, sit ups and other tummy toning exercises are great to do, but the benefits they give you have nothing to do with getting a chiselled torso. So why does everyone think that they do?
Simple, you’ve been lied to again. Infomercials and the media, manipulate our understanding of exactly what certain exercises can really do for you.
Let me explain it this way…
Imagine that you have a fine porcelain vase, but it’s been covered in bubble wrap and brown paper. Covered this way means that you’ll never see the real beauty of the vase because it’s been hidden underneath a thick ugly layer of padding.
That’s how it is with your own tummy muscles.
You’ll never see them or flatten your tummy by doing these types of exercises alone. In fact done to extreme, they may actually lead to an increase in the size of your tummy, because the muscles can slightly increase in size, pushing the fat underneath out still further.
I’m not saying don’t do exercises for your stomach and lower back, because they help to improve posture and overall strength, just don’t expect to have a really flat stomach after religiously doing them for weeks… you’ll only be disappointed.
Weight Loss Myth #5 – Hours of Cardio Burns the Most Fat
This makes me really laugh, especially when I see ‘supposed experts’ advising you to exercise at a particular heart beat level called the weight loss zone.
The theory here is that at a certain level of effort, your body will burn more fat than carbohydrates as it’s main fuel source, but it’s only a slight difference and to get the same benefit you’d need to keep going for much longer.
Do you know how many calories you’d have to burn to lose just 1 pound of fat? Wait for it…
3500 calories!
Yes that’s right, you’d need to burn off 3500 calories in order to lose just 1 pound of fat.
OK, so how many calories can you expect to burn throughout the course of a typical gym workout for one hour, if you really push yourself?
Well it would depend on what exercises you were doing and how hard you worked, but for a typical average cardio workout, you could expect to burn around 600 calories in an hour.
Now I’m not a mathematician, but that means that to burn off 1 pound of body fat, you’d need to do at least 5 or 6 good hour long cardio workouts a week. Yeah right!… Who has that amount of time and level of commitment to do this each week?
Not me, and I actually enjoy working out.
The secret isn’t in doing endless workouts, wearing yourself out and grinding yourself down, its about gently increasing the amount of activity in your life.
Ok, so these are all the things that you shouldn’t do, now let me tell you honestly about the things you do need to do in order to lose weight fast AND keep it off.
I’ll also tell you all about a proven system that you can get hold of in less than a minute from now, so you can get started straight away the right way to lose weight fast AND keep it off.
But Before I Go Any Further, Who am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
Please let me quickly introduce myself.
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My Name is Jago Holmes CPT and I’m a personal trainer working in the UK, with over 10 years experience working with people just like you.
I’m not a celebrity trainer who touts the latest off the wall diet to shed a few pounds, you know the types of diets I mean…
…’The Cabbage soup diet,’
…’The grapefruit diet,’
…’The Maple Syrup diet,
… This weird and wacky detox or that, the list goes on…
No I’ve been successful working with everyday people who have REAL lives, real budgets and don’t have the luxury of having their meals prepared for them, they have to go shopping to buy their own food like you and me.
And over the 10 years I’ve been doing this job, I’ve personally helped hundreds, if not thousands of clients to lose weight fast.
Here’s a Brief Selection of Some of My Clients and Their Success Stories
I understand the problems that everyday men and women face… but more importantly from your point of view, I know how to fix these problems.
But before I go in to that I want to explain to you some quite startling facts about why you’ve probably never managed to lose weight before and keep it off.
And then I’ll show you how by putting all the right pieces together at the same time, you can lose incredible amounts of weight in a remarkably short amount of time.
The Truth is For Any Diet Or Weight Loss Plan to Be Effective For Both Quick AND Long Term Weight Loss, it MUST Contain These 4 Vital Elements: –
Firstly it needs to be based around a ‘proven’ eating plan that works, one that helps you to feel full but also uses the latest advances in dieting research to boost fat loss, without causing side effects like yo-yo dieting or thyroid problems. 
Secondly, it needs to address activity. Yes, I said activity, NOT exercise. The truth is that you don’t have to kill yourself to burn calories. Low intensity activities that fit in to your daily lifestyle are the new way forward and no, you don’t have to don your Lycra shorts and sweatband to become a fitness fanatic in order to succeed! 
Thirdly, it should make use of a few select products that are sold by the supplement industry. Yes there are some that are worth your money. There is more junk on sale than effective products out there, but the truth is when you cut through the hype, there are some supplements that really should be included in an effective diet and weight loss plan. 
Finally, it absolutely has to control and recondition the power of the mind to stop cravings, create inner strength and boost motivation levels. Because it’s in the mind that even the best diets can become overnight failures if the right programming hasn’t been put in place. Without fixing this part of the problem, the whole thing falls flat on its face. 
So with a diet that contains all of these elements, I guess you would really describe it as more of a weight loss system, but I prefer to use the word ‘diet’.
In a nutshell, this is what any good diet system should contain. Each one of these elements is powerful in their own right, but put them together at the same time and you’ve created rocket fuelled weight loss.
This is Why ‘Traditional Dieting’ is Dead.
Sure a good one will give you some weight loss over a few months if you can stick it out that long, but if you want a system where the fat just seems to literally melt away, day after day then this is the solution for you.
Up until now, nobody has bothered to put everything together in one place. All this information is out there and once you sift through the misinformed ramblings and outright lies, you could probably get lucky and find a workable solution for you.
But do you really want to keep trying and testing every new diet there is, desperately searching for the right solution for you?
Wouldn’t you rather just follow a ‘proven’ weight loss system that’s been designed by someone who works day in and day out with clients that want to lose weight?
Up until now, getting it right has been very hard and confusing to follow, which means most people only get average or poor results.
But Now I’ve Done It… I’ve Put Together a Complete 4 Week Diet and Weight Loss System For You…
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I wanted to use all of the research, testing and trial and error, I’ve done with my own one to one clients over the last 10 years to put together a complete package which includes everything you need to get dramatic weight loss in just 4 weeks.
I’ve tested every part of this diet plan on my own clients, many times. They’ve been the Guinea pigs that have tested and improved this system that you can now have access to today, immediately in fact, if you want it.
All the dieting tips, tricks and techniques I’ve tested, tweaked and perfected are all here in one place in the ‘4 Week diet’
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“The exercise plan is a really good guide if you’re not a fan of the gym, it gives you loads of different ideas for exercises to do at home, and outdoor training options.
There’s even some suggestions about exercises you can do while you’re sat at work to tone your stomach!
If you have a busy life and need some advice on how to fit exercise into your diary, this is the guide for you.   The diet plan is a great plan to help you get a healthy diet and keep it. The menus are easy to follow and you don’t have to be a great cook to make them. It also contains a whole lot of knowledge about food to help you pinpoint where the empty calories are and avoid them. 
A really good guide if you want to take control of your diet. If you take this plan on board it’ll last a lot longer than 4 weeks.”
Sue, Halifax
So Please Let Me Tell You All About My New 4 Week Diet…
To fully cover everything that you need to know to be able to lose weight at the fastest possible rate in just 4 weeks from now, for a party, special event, wedding or any celebration I have written it all in to 3 easy to follow, clearly written manuals…
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Firstly there’s the Theory manual. This is vital to the whole diet. In it you’ll discover exactly how my system works. I explain the theory behind my weight loss tricks, so you know exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve and exactly how to do it.
Inside you’ll discover…
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A range of preparations you need to make before you start any diet, that virtually guarantee your success and without doing these things, you’re almost sabotaging your chances of having the body of your dreams (page 11)
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How to set specific goals geared towards YOU that motivate and inspire you to succeed (page 12)
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Why doing this one thing every day takes you from ‘dreamer’ to ‘doer’. At last you’ll have the drive to go on to take real control of your weight. (page 16)
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3 Things that you can do, which done together really fire up your body’s ability to burn fat fast. (pages 20 – 24)
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A range of little known mind programming techniques that you can use to conquer cravings and comfort eating once and for all. Once you master these techniques, you’ll never be at the mercy of your emotions again! (page 26)
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The ideal foods to eat and the ones you need to stay away from.
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A great, tasty and quick range of snacks that you can eat all day long that will help you to burn calories, not store them (page 54)
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How to read the lies manufacturers ‘legally’ print on their labelling so you understand which foods to avoid at all costs. (page 55)
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Some really great tips to help you when you eat out so that you’ll still have a good time without suffering the consequences of extra weight gain.(page 57)
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Everything you need to know about supplements. The truth about which ones do have an effect on your weight loss whilst others are simply a waste of your money. (page 58)
Next, There’s ‘The Diet’, Which Covers All the Meals and Foods You’ll Eat Over the Next 4 weeks.
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This manual contains simple menus, shopping lists and quick snack choices in a day by day format, to ensure that you’re feeding your body the right types and amounts of foods essential for losing weight fast.
You’ll also discover…
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An easier way to eat a healthy diet by choosing foods that fill you up for longer, without the addition of extra calories that also saves you time and money!   
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How much you should be eating and when to eat it and also the crucial timing of changing the way you eat to boost energy levels and fat loss 
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A simple but time tested way of eating which guarantees you eat a constant and regular supply of nutrients which stops you craving food at the same time as making you feel fuller.
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Some great tricks to make eating healthily whilst following the ‘4 Week Diet’ child’s play that are quick and simple to do even on your busiest days! 
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A range of quick and healthy food alternatives to your favourites, that give you loads of energy and make you feel fuller for longer. 
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The #1 biggest mistake nearly everyone makes by NOT getting enough of this important nutrient and why doing this simple thing each day will improve the quality of your hair, your skin and energy levels 100%! 
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A step by step eating system that includes shopping lists and daily menus, leaving you to eat on auto pilot, no need to worry about what you are going to eat, it has all been planned out for you in fact, it couldn’t be easier!
Last But Not Least, You’ll Also Get ‘The Exercises.’
This Manual Contains the Final Key to Rapid Weight Loss. The Missing Link in Almost Every Diet You’ve Ever Tried.
But this is no ordinary exercise plan. This is one of the easiest activity plans you’ve ever seen. You don’t need to get your Lycra shorts on and join a gym, you don’t have to spend every spare minute exercising and you don’t have to kill yourself by doing a workout that leaves you aching for days.
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This activity and exercise plan is different, inside you’ll discover…
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A simple but effective way to exercise at home, which takes just a few minutes to do, but that boosts fat loss and leaves you feeling energised all day long (page 9)
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An easy and enjoyable way to become more active that you can do anytime (page 22)
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Some great tips you can use everyday to help you catapult your weight loss to new highs that are easy to do and fit nicely in to your everyday life (page 20)
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A simple but extremely effective walking plan that’ll have you losing weight and loving the feelings of accomplishment you get after each session (page 25)
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An easy to follow workout you can do at home, that includes clear photos and descriptions so you know exactly what to do to tone those ‘hard to reach’ places! (pages 27 – 32)
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A quick way to tighten and firm your tummy muscles which you can do at home for FREE and in less than 5 minutes a day. (page 33 – 46)
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How to fit exercise in to a busy day. So easy to do, you’ll never again struggle to find the time to exercise. You’ll definitely have time to do this. (page 51)
OK Jago, So Why a Diet That Lasts Just 4 Weeks?
Well, that’s a very good question. Remember the last diet you tried, How far did you get?
A few days, a week, 10 days, 2 weeks?
One of the biggest reasons people don’t stick at diets is that there’s no completion date.
Psychologically it’s very difficult to keep doing something that you wouldn’t normally do for an indefinite period. If you know you’ve only got to do something for a short amount of time, it’s much easier to stick to AND you’ll try harder.
Another reason is that I wanted to use a time frame that didn’t just give barely noticeable results, I wanted the ‘wow’ factor and in 4 weeks, you really can achieve outstanding results… believe me, I’ve seen it so many times.
But the real beauty of my NEW improved 4 week diet is…
It won’t take over your life 
It’s quick and easy to do 
You’ll see fast results and 
There are no nasty side effects, except having to buy a whole new set of clothes! 
It’s really easy to do and very effective.
If You Follow My NEW 4 Week Diet You’ll…
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Lose weight fast, so you and anyone who knows you will start seeing your body shape change before your eyes
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Feel more confident about the way you look so you feel comfortable and relaxed around other people
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Have tons more energy and get up and go, nothing will feel like an effort, you’ll have the energy levels of a 5 year old.
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Discover a system that you can use anytime to drop weight at will
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See improvements in the condition of your hair and skin
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Have more zest for life, approach life with a positive attitude so you attract more of the good things in life.
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Be able to buy the clothes you like, not just the ones that hide your worst bits. Shopping will no longer be a chore, you’ll love trying on new clothes.
We all have a perceived idea about dieting…
It’s got to be hard, a challenge. It’s like you have to deprive yourself, almost like punishing yourself for gaining weight.
If it’s not hard, most people don’t consider it to be a diet, but the truth is that dieting doesn’t have to be like this.
Because There’s a Way to Lose Weight Fast Without Starving Yourself or Taking Tablets or Potions That Are Harmful to Your Health…
…and it all Hinges Around Taking Control of Your Mind.
When you really think about it, it’s your mind that controls everything you do.
Once you manage to control your subconscious mind, you hold the key to not only losing weight fast, but also losing weight and controlling it forever.
And ‘The 4 Week Diet’ helps you to do just this. With the mind tricks and reprogramming techniques you’ll learn inside, you’ll finally be able to win the war of the mind.
Cravings and comfort eating will be a thing of the past.
With the information you’ll learn, you’ll find that you crave foods that actually improve your health and help you to lose weight even when you’re feeling a bit down or tired.
But the best thing is that by eating the right types of foods, you won’t have these kinds of mood swings or feelings of tiredness all the time.
You’ll find that you have so much energy, that you’ll wonder how you ever got through each day when you weren’t following ‘The 4 Week Diet’. Everything will be so much easier.
Here are some more things you’ll discover when you use my 4 Week Diet and weight loss plan…
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Exactly how much food you need to eat each day WITHOUT counting calories.
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Which carbs are your friends and which ones will sabotage your best weight loss efforts.
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How to turn your body in to a fat burning machine that burns off your unwanted fat all day long without you having to be constantly on the go.
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How to use some tricks of the mind to create the perfect weight loss mentality, so you won’t cave in to temptation at the first sign of a challenge.
Okay Jago, This Sounds Like Something That I Can Benefit From, But How Much Does the 4 Week Diet Cost?
Losing weight is always going to cost you something…
Whether it’s joining a gym at a cost of $500 – $900.00 a year, hiring your own trainer and paying at least $300.00 a month or signing up for the latest diet scam, where you’ll pay over inflated prices for your shakes or tablets etc.
Or you could start a fitness regime yourself at home and buy yourself a treadmill or cross trainer.
So, let’s just do a quick comparison. The last time I checked, the cost of buying a treadmill would set you back well over $1,000.00. And virtually everyone I know who bought one used it at first but after a few weeks simply used it to hang their clothes over. It was left to gather dust.
Or you could easily pay $75 – $100 bucks per month for a gym membership which you’ll maybe use a few times (that’s over $900.00 per year for that alone!).
Or you could hire a personal trainer like me to work with you. But at a cost of over $75.00 per session, you’d quickly run up a bill of over $300.00 a month, for only four workouts, after that you’d be on your own.
If you think of it this way, you’re actually getting hundreds of dollars worth of top quality expertise and training at your disposal inside this new program, which you get to keep forever…
You can use the techniques time and time again.
But you won’t have to pay anything like this amount or even match my minimum hourly rate of $75.00.
In fact, your total investment for this entire system is just $149.99 $75.99 $37.95.
That’s just a little over a measly dollar a day!
And how many gyms have you been to that give you a 60 day money back guarantee?
(That’s right, I’ll tell you about this in a moment.)
You’ll have everything you need and what’s more you’ll be able to start immediately. Within a few minutes from now if you like…
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The best part is my NEW system is fully and unconditionally guaranteed.
100% RISK-FREE Money Back Guarantee
If you aren’t 100% satisfied that ‘The 4 Week Diet’ provides you with absolutely everything you need to know and all the tools you need to lose weight quickly over the next 4 weeks, then you can simply request a full and complete refund in the next 60 days.
I am pleased to be able to offer you a no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee.
  And should you decide that the program isn’t right for you in any way whatsoever, then I would like you to keep all of the special bonuses which I’ve included for you below. These are worth over $119.94 and are yours for free to keep forever when you place your order.
NO QUESTIONS ASKED… no gimmicky rules or requirements. 
You don’t even need to write an explanation as to why you don’t want to keep the program or produce evidence that you’ve tried the system out, NOTHING!
Remember, I’m so confident that you’ll be delighted with this program and all of the FREE bonuses worth $119.94 that I absolutely INSIST that you send the program back to me for a full and complete refund if you don’t think it’s the right solution for you! 
All you need to do now so you can try out my system completely risk free is place your order now by clicking on the ‘Order Now!’ button below. Follow the simple instructions on screen to download the eBooks through our secure system and you’ll be able to get started in just a few minutes from now.
I promise within days of following my system you’ll be amazed at how quickly the changes will start to happen.
You can relax because you’ve found your solution… this works!
Remember, I’ve used my own experience and extensive research through real life working in the trenches knowledge I have gained with my private 1 to 1 clients over the last 10 years.
I’ve tested this out on them and perfected it before releasing it to you. This is the reason why I‘m so sure it will work for you too and I’m happy to offer such a generous, iron clad, 100% money back guarantee.
“The biggest boost for me is that I now, once again have a regular exercise plan and I am continuing to lose weight and feel better all the time” Debbie
“New Image has been very helpful and has given me lots of encouragement at all times. I am extremely pleased with the results I achieved in my body shape and general fitness”Dawn
“I started the plan with eager anticipation and a determination to succeed, and due to the encouragement and expertise I received along with a lot of hard work , I am delighted to say it has been a resounding success” Barry
Now Even Though You’ll Lose Weight Fast If You Follow My Instructions in ‘The 4 Week Diet,’ I Want to Add Even More Value to This Offer…
I don’t want you to simply be pleased about your purchase, I want you to be absolutely delighted with it!
So I know if you’re anything like me you’ll also find some of these additional FREE bonuses extremely useful: –
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BONUS #1 (worth $11.99) – order now and you will also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Healthy Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss’
Discover over 50 of the most mouth watering smoothies and shakes ever created. Recipes that contain some of the quickest and easy to make fat blasting, energy boosting drinks that take just a couple of minutes to make.
All the recipes have been selected because of their healthy balance as well as for the combination of flavours and textures they provide.
These smoothies are low in fat but very high in taste!
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BONUS #2 (worth $17.99) – order now and you will receive this superb NEW eBook completelyFREE – ‘Healthy Soups For Healthy Living’
In this great little eBook you’ll find a range of tasty and nutritious soups which are both easy and quick to prepare… exactly what you need when time is short.
The recipes have been chosen for their taste but also for their nutritional value, the majority of the soups are low in fat and high in vitamins and minerals.
Each recipe comes complete with its own nutritional breakdown section.
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BONUS #3 (worth $11.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘How To Boost Your Metabolism’
Inside you will learn how absolutely anyone can instantly boost their metabolism by making just 3 SIMPLE changes to their lifestyle.
Learn ways to burn calories even at rest and why doing some exercises will leave you feeling frustrated at your body’s ability to melt away body fat.
You’ll learn the secrets to eating more and weighing less and how some people never seem to gain weight whilst others will always have a weight problem.
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BONUS #4 (worth $21.99) – order now and you will also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Glycemic 101 – How To Effortlessly Control Your Glycemic Index’
Inside you’ll discover exactly how to eat to support and maintain healthy blood sugar levels and how the peaks and troughs in your blood sugar can leave you craving the worst types of junk food.
You’ll learn why using the Glycemic index as your guide to choosing food could dramatically reduce your risk of suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.
And finally you can gain control of your weight forever, so you can choose your own dress size and maintain that shape for the rest of your life.
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BONUS #5 (worth $17.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Healthy Salads For Healthy Living’
You’ll find some really unusual and tasty salads which can be used as meals in their own right or eaten alongside other foods as accompaniments.
Never again will you have to serve up limp lettuce leaves, soggy cucumber or boring tomato slices. Once you try some of these fantastic salads you’ll realise that there is much more to a salad than simply filling up a space on your plate.
There are 17 mouthwatering recipes that draw inspiration from all over the world along with some useful hints and tips for how to make the most out of any salad by using some of the healthy and tasty dressings you’ll find inside.
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BONUS #6 (worth $37.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘How To Start Running’
I thought this might be a really great bonus for you. It’s one of my favourite training guides and will help you to plan, organise and start your very own running program. 
Running is a great way to lose weight and build up your fitness levels so you have more energy in everyday life. But the problem is that most people don’t know how to get started properly, so they end up giving up too soon without noticing any improvements to their fitness or seeing any weight loss benefits at all.
‘How To Start Running’ is a complete guide to running for both beginners and experienced runners. The advanced techniques and training tips you’ll learn inside will change the way you think about running forever.
Included In This Special Offer
Cost If Bought Separately
The 4 Week Diet (All 3 Manuals)
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Healthy Smoothies
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Healthy Soups For Healthy Living
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How To Boost Your Metabolism –
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Glycemic 101
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Healthy Salads For Healthy Living
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How To Start Running
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Total If Purchased Separately
Taking Advantage Of This Special Offer You’ll Pay Just:
$79.50 $37.95
So that’s a total of over $157.89 worth of recipes, techniques and tips which are available elsewhere at the prices you see here, but all yours when you order ‘The 4 Week Diet.’
And no matter what you decide the bonuses are yours free to keep forever.
So What Makes ‘The 4 Week Diet’ Different to all the Other Diets Out There?
Well, firstly it’s been written by an ‘experienced’ practicing personal trainer. I know what works quickly and I know what works over the long term.
You’ll lose weight quickly but safely, and if you continue using the techniques and principles you’ll learn, you’ll also keep the weight off too.
Whilst this is a diet and a very big part of the system, I don’t attack the fat using only one technique, I throw everything at it, to really boost weight loss… 
I use all of the latest up to date diet tricks and supplemental breakthroughs to get remarkable results.
Why You Should Give it a Try…
It’s safe, fast, effective, easy to do and it’s guaranteed to give results. That’s right, you didn’t misread that last bit.
I stand behind my 4 week diet. If you don’t see amazing results after following my advice, I’ll give you back every cent.
And it’s very easy to get a refund, if it doesn’t work for you, simply send me an email and you’ll get all your money back.
How many diet clubs, magazines or personal trainers etc will offer you that sort of a guarantee?
You may think I must really believe in this system to offer this sort of guarantee… well I do.
Every single time anyone has followed this step by step system fully, they have seen dramatic results.
In fact not only will I give you a full refund, but I’ll also give you 6 weeks to try it out.
Oh, and just in case you’re wondering if you’d ever get your money back, as well as my own 60 day money back guarantee, you also get Clickbanks 60 day Guarantee. Clickbank is the secure payment processor we use, and they have a very strict policy for their authors.
We have to stick by their rules or we get kicked out!
So it’s your decision, you have absolutely nothing to lose. I guarantee you’ll lose weight fast and see rapid changes in your body shape.
But perhaps more importantly…
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You’ll learn the right way to eat, so you can lose weight whenever you choose. If you’ve got a birthday, a holiday, anniversary, new job on the horizon… for any reason you like.
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You’ll discover which foods help you to lose fat and which ones cause you to store fat, so you can stop banging your head against a brick wall, you’ll know the solution.
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You’ll finally see why you’ve been getting it wrong all these years and why the lies and untruths you’ve been told have been keeping you from EVER being the shape you want to be.
But all this can change right now. Once you place your order below and download your copy of my NEW 4 Week weight loss plan, you’ll have instant access to the eBooks so you can get started right away!
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I really hope you decide to give it a try. After all you’ve got nothing to lose with this offer and EVERYTHING to gain.
Yours Sincerely,
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  Jago Holmes, CPT 
Author, ‘The 4 Week Diet’ 
Well it’s over to you, the decision is yours now…
I’ve taken away any risk you might feel about trying out my 4 week diet by offering such a RISK FREE money back guarantee.
All this information can be yours immediately for just $37.95. Simply click below to order and you’ll be taken to our secure payment page. From there, just follow the on screen instructions to download your own copy of these superb eBooks.
P.S.  Please remember there is absolutely NO RISK at all for you to try my 4 Week diet. If you aren’t thrilled with the information you find inside the program and don’t notice the changes you expect during the next 4 weeks after following my advice, then simply email me at the address you’ll find on my ‘contact us’ page at the bottom of the page and I will refund your order.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, my system has been used by hundreds of my own clients and it works, and I guarantee it will work for you too! 
P.P.S.  Remember by ordering “The 4 Week Diet,’ you’re not just getting the Complete weight loss system, but you’ll also receive at no extra cost whatsoever all of the bonuses worth $119.94 TOTALLY FREE which also contain vital information to help keep you motivated.
P.P.P.S.  There is just one small catch to this offer, I have put this package together and included all these extra bonuses which are for sale elsewhere at the prices you’ve seen, but I’m not sure how long I’m going to offer these extra bonuses for FREE with this deal.
You need to act straight away to guarantee that you will receive the additional bonuses for this package, so place your order now and then you won’t miss out on this great bonus package deal!
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PLEASE NOTE: ‘The 4 Week Diet’ is a downloadable eBook package. No physical products will be shipped. You’ll have immediate access to download the eBooks to your own computer once you’ve placed your order.
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
4 Week Diet - Supercharged Weight Loss
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/4-week-diet-supercharged-weight-loss/
4 Week Diet - Supercharged Weight Loss
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    Need To Lose Weight Fast?
“Finally, The Truth About Rapid Weight Loss Revealed.
Read on to Discover The Latest Research And Scientific Breakthroughs Which Change The Face Of Dieting Forever. I’ll Expose The Lies That You’re Being Told And Provide You With A Simple And Effective Solution…
…A 4 Week Diet Which Could Be The Easiest Way To Lose 10-20-30+ Pounds Of Body Fat In Just 4 Weeks That You’ve Ever Tried!”
And it’s guaranteed to work or you’ll get all your money back… How many other diets will give you that kind of a promise?
In fact how many other diet companies want you to succeed?
It’s true most of them rely on your ongoing payments to make the FAT profits they do each year. And this is one of the biggest reasons why up until now you’ve probably never succeeded…
And you thought it was your fault that you were overweight, but it isn’t!
They aren’t telling you the truth, you’re being lied to…
But don’t worry, I have all the answers for you right here. Once you’ve read all of this short report today, you’ll finally understand where you’ve been going wrong all this time, but more importantly you’ll learn how to put it RIGHT…
So you can finally start feeling good about yourself, I mean feel really proud of the way you look so you actually enjoy shopping or getting dressed up to go out and meeting people without feeling embarassed or self conscious about the way you look.
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“This really works! The theories behind the 4 week diet really make sense and Jago has translated these in to an easy to use plan.
I love the recipe suggestions and even your shopping lists are already done for you so there’s no excuse not to get organised which Jago explains is the key.
The simple exercises are well demonstrated, they can be done easily at home to fit around your life.
I’ve used the 4 week diet a number of times for special events and holidays and it’s worked everytime to get me looking and feeling my very best.”
Sarah Reynolds
Dear friend
In this report I’m going to tell you all about the 5 biggest weight loss myths that have been stopping you from getting the body of your dreams…
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Weight Loss Myth #1 – Why you’ve been lied to and tricked in to eating the wrong types of foods.
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Weight Loss Myth #2 – How the way you’ve been taught to eat has actually programmed you to store fat, not burn it.
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Weight Loss Myth #3 – Why eating less doesn’t always mean you’ll end up weighing less.
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Weight Loss Myth #4 – How doing exercises for your tummy won’t help you to get six pack abs or even a flatter waistline.
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Weight Loss Myth #5 – One of the biggest exercise myths around, that’s certain to leave you frustrated at your lack of progress.
Once you know these FACTS and a bunch of other NEW techniques I’ll tell you about, you’ll have the power to burn fat at will.
Just imagine being able to get in to tip top shape in just 4 weeks time. Being able to look your best for…
Your next holiday
A works night out
An anniversary or celebration
Your Birthday 
Do you ever stand in front of a mirror when you’re getting dressed or sometimes catch your reflection in a window and think to yourself ‘oh no, I look awful’
If you do or you just have a mild dislike for the way you look, don’t worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
In fact it amazes me how many people really hate the way their body looks.
But just imagine for a moment if that was different. Imagine looking in the mirror and actually liking what you see. Imagine smiling to yourself when you turn to the side and you look just as good as you did from the front.
Don’t you think that would be an amazing feeling… wouldn’t you like that to be you?
Of course you would, who wouldn’t!
What about shopping, how great would it be to buy the clothes you liked. Fitted, shapely clothes that look good on you, instead of buying something to hide your worst bits or anything to ‘do the job.’
However you feel at the moment, YOU DO HAVE THE POWER to change the way you look and feel, but you’re probably going to have to make some changes.
But don’t worry, I’m going to explain it all to you here in plain, easy to understand English so you finally understand the facts as they stand today. Then you’ll be able to plan a way forwards and start taking control of your body again.
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“I am 58 years old and over the years have tried various diets. Whilst having a modicum of success in the short term, weight has always returned.
I then discovered Jago Holmes who has led me down the path of successful weight loss. Unlike a rigid diet, Jago’s plans have taught me that diet is not enough alone and should be balanced with exercise.
I have followed the diet plan in conjunction with the exercises suggested by Jago to not only lose weight but, to maintain that loss.
Following Jago’s theory has not only helped me achieve the weight loss, but has encouraged me to think about my day to day lifestyle using stairs instead of lifts, walk to the shop for a newspaper rather than taking the car. I haven’t followed the diet religiously either, but have snack a jacks for elevenses instead of chocolate biscuits.
I certainly feel better in myself and have reaped the benefits of following Jago’s simple diet suggestions and easy to follow exercise techniques.”
Martin, UK
Unfortunately, we don’t get much of our information from reliable, impartial sources.
All too often, the way we approach dieting and losing weight is through advice and information that we’ve been told works by companies that are actually selling diet products to us.
Many of the myths around today were created by these companies.
So once and for all, I’d like to tell you the truth about why you haven’t managed to find a workable solution to rapid weight loss and to do this, I’m going to explain the facts about 5 of the biggest weight loss myths there are out there…
Weight Loss Myth #1 – Diet Foods Help You Lose Weight
This one is a real killer. Again it’s a triumph of marketing and hype over truth. Let me give you a couple of examples.
Just because a chocolate dessert or a packet of biscuits is classed as low fat, it doesn’t mean it’s actually any good for you. Yes it probably is lower in fat than its regular alternative, but it’s also full of other ingredients that are actually much worse than the fat that was in it.
Makers of these products, emphasise the lack of fat in their products but hide the fact that to make them taste better, they’ve had to replace the fat with sugars. They’ll do it cleverly, by breaking the sugars down in to various forms… sucrose, fructose, glucose syrup. Glycerine etc, the list goes on.
But the problem with sugar is that every time you eat something that has sugars in it, the body has to produce a hormone called Insulin. Insulin’s job is to remove the sugar from the blood and take it to the cells. Unfortunately when insulin is produced, it doesn’t always remove the exact right amount of sugar from the blood.
It creates a low in blood sugar levels, which then sends a signal to your brain to eat more in order to normalise blood sugar levels again.
Another problem is that we’ve been conditioned to believe that ‘diet’ foods actually help us to lose weight. You’ll have seen it yourself when someone orders a big Mac and fries, but insists on getting a diet Cola to go with it!
Most diet foods are created by huge multi-million dollar companies that want your money. They play around with and process your foods adding all kinds of rubbish just to make it appealing for you to buy, because you think it’s going to help you to lose weight.
Processed foods will never help you to lose weight, there’s too much junk inside for your body to cope with, so stay away from them as much as possible.
Weight Loss Myth #2 – Eat Just 3 Square Meals a Day
This time it’s probably your parents fault and their parents before them… You see there are a few reasons why eating at certain times throughout the day just isn’t right.
Firstly you aren’t necessarily hungry at the times that you have to eat. This means that you may be eating for the sake of it and getting more calories than you need each day.
Secondly if you can only eat at certain times throughout the day, because of your work pattern for example, then you may go for hours without being able to eat anything and this slows down your metabolic rate and encourages your body to store fat.
One of the biggest problems with eating in the traditional way is that your metabolic rate slows right down. You’ll burn calories at a snails pace because there are too long gaps between meals.
Eating smaller amounts regularly throughout the day does two things…
1.  It keeps the metabolism revving away and
2.  It stops the body from storing as many of the calories you are eating. Over a period of time, your body gets used to the regular supply of calories and realises that it doesn’t need to store as many of them as there isn’t likely to be times when it won’t get food.
Finally, it’s likely that you’re overeating if you depend on eating 3 set meals a day as the gaps between them will lead to hunger pangs and cravings. When you start getting these messages from the brain, you’ll usually eat more than you need to do.
Weight Loss Myth #3 – Reducing the Calories You Eat Makes You Lose Weight and the Fewer Calories You Eat Then the More Weight You’ll Lose
Sounds logical doesn’t it, and up to a point this is actually true BUT if this was completely right then surely the more you reduced the calories you were eating, then the faster you’d lose weight.
But this just doesn’t happen, you’ll know it yourself if you’ve ever tried restricting the amount of food you eat so low. The weight comes off pretty fast to begin with but after a few days, you can’t seem to lose any more, you quickly reach a plateau.
Here’s the real kicker, doing this means you’re actually making things worse for yourself and compounding the problem.
The reason is that your body gets thrown in to what it perceives as starvation and goes in to survival mode. When you’re in survival mode, your body just won’t release fat to burn. It can’t, in fact it does the complete opposite and actually holds on to it, by producing a hormone called Leptin.
But that’s not all, some of the other downsides you’ll notice are…
A slowdown in your metabolic rate. This is the speed at which you burn calories. You see when food intake is strictly limited, your body will always try to protect itself by holding on to its energy stores… your body fat!
Increased cravings. Your body knows it needs calories to survive and as a response your fat cells produce a hormone called Leptin which increases your cravings for guess what? You’ve guessed it… calories. Usually in the form of high sugar or high fat foods, because it’s these types of foods that will give you the biggest surge in quick fix calories.
An increase in the amount of fat you store. If your body isn’t sure when it’s next going to be fed don’t you think it’s natural to store as many calories as possible to keep your body working normally.
Think of yourself like a camel, it’s hump is almost totally pure fat to help it survive the lean times, it’s there to provide a reserve source of energy… well our bodies can be a bit like this too if we cut down on calories too much for too long, only your hump won’t be at the back!
Weight Loss Myth #4 – Think You’ll Get a Flat Stomach By Doing Sit Ups, Crunches or Some Other SECRET Exercise That No Ones Been Telling You About?
Think again, it just doesn’t work that way.
Crunches, sit ups and other tummy toning exercises are great to do, but the benefits they give you have nothing to do with getting a chiselled torso. So why does everyone think that they do?
Simple, you’ve been lied to again. Infomercials and the media, manipulate our understanding of exactly what certain exercises can really do for you.
Let me explain it this way…
Imagine that you have a fine porcelain vase, but it’s been covered in bubble wrap and brown paper. Covered this way means that you’ll never see the real beauty of the vase because it’s been hidden underneath a thick ugly layer of padding.
That’s how it is with your own tummy muscles.
You’ll never see them or flatten your tummy by doing these types of exercises alone. In fact done to extreme, they may actually lead to an increase in the size of your tummy, because the muscles can slightly increase in size, pushing the fat underneath out still further.
I’m not saying don’t do exercises for your stomach and lower back, because they help to improve posture and overall strength, just don’t expect to have a really flat stomach after religiously doing them for weeks… you’ll only be disappointed.
Weight Loss Myth #5 – Hours of Cardio Burns the Most Fat
This makes me really laugh, especially when I see ‘supposed experts’ advising you to exercise at a particular heart beat level called the weight loss zone.
The theory here is that at a certain level of effort, your body will burn more fat than carbohydrates as it’s main fuel source, but it’s only a slight difference and to get the same benefit you’d need to keep going for much longer.
Do you know how many calories you’d have to burn to lose just 1 pound of fat? Wait for it…
3500 calories!
Yes that’s right, you’d need to burn off 3500 calories in order to lose just 1 pound of fat.
OK, so how many calories can you expect to burn throughout the course of a typical gym workout for one hour, if you really push yourself?
Well it would depend on what exercises you were doing and how hard you worked, but for a typical average cardio workout, you could expect to burn around 600 calories in an hour.
Now I’m not a mathematician, but that means that to burn off 1 pound of body fat, you’d need to do at least 5 or 6 good hour long cardio workouts a week. Yeah right!… Who has that amount of time and level of commitment to do this each week?
Not me, and I actually enjoy working out.
The secret isn’t in doing endless workouts, wearing yourself out and grinding yourself down, its about gently increasing the amount of activity in your life.
Ok, so these are all the things that you shouldn’t do, now let me tell you honestly about the things you do need to do in order to lose weight fast AND keep it off.
I’ll also tell you all about a proven system that you can get hold of in less than a minute from now, so you can get started straight away the right way to lose weight fast AND keep it off.
But Before I Go Any Further, Who am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
Please let me quickly introduce myself.
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My Name is Jago Holmes CPT and I’m a personal trainer working in the UK, with over 10 years experience working with people just like you.
I’m not a celebrity trainer who touts the latest off the wall diet to shed a few pounds, you know the types of diets I mean…
…’The Cabbage soup diet,’
…’The grapefruit diet,’
…’The Maple Syrup diet,
… This weird and wacky detox or that, the list goes on…
No I’ve been successful working with everyday people who have REAL lives, real budgets and don’t have the luxury of having their meals prepared for them, they have to go shopping to buy their own food like you and me.
And over the 10 years I’ve been doing this job, I’ve personally helped hundreds, if not thousands of clients to lose weight fast.
Here’s a Brief Selection of Some of My Clients and Their Success Stories
I understand the problems that everyday men and women face… but more importantly from your point of view, I know how to fix these problems.
But before I go in to that I want to explain to you some quite startling facts about why you’ve probably never managed to lose weight before and keep it off.
And then I’ll show you how by putting all the right pieces together at the same time, you can lose incredible amounts of weight in a remarkably short amount of time.
The Truth is For Any Diet Or Weight Loss Plan to Be Effective For Both Quick AND Long Term Weight Loss, it MUST Contain These 4 Vital Elements: –
Firstly it needs to be based around a ‘proven’ eating plan that works, one that helps you to feel full but also uses the latest advances in dieting research to boost fat loss, without causing side effects like yo-yo dieting or thyroid problems. 
Secondly, it needs to address activity. Yes, I said activity, NOT exercise. The truth is that you don’t have to kill yourself to burn calories. Low intensity activities that fit in to your daily lifestyle are the new way forward and no, you don’t have to don your Lycra shorts and sweatband to become a fitness fanatic in order to succeed! 
Thirdly, it should make use of a few select products that are sold by the supplement industry. Yes there are some that are worth your money. There is more junk on sale than effective products out there, but the truth is when you cut through the hype, there are some supplements that really should be included in an effective diet and weight loss plan. 
Finally, it absolutely has to control and recondition the power of the mind to stop cravings, create inner strength and boost motivation levels. Because it’s in the mind that even the best diets can become overnight failures if the right programming hasn’t been put in place. Without fixing this part of the problem, the whole thing falls flat on its face. 
So with a diet that contains all of these elements, I guess you would really describe it as more of a weight loss system, but I prefer to use the word ‘diet’.
In a nutshell, this is what any good diet system should contain. Each one of these elements is powerful in their own right, but put them together at the same time and you’ve created rocket fuelled weight loss.
This is Why ‘Traditional Dieting’ is Dead.
Sure a good one will give you some weight loss over a few months if you can stick it out that long, but if you want a system where the fat just seems to literally melt away, day after day then this is the solution for you.
Up until now, nobody has bothered to put everything together in one place. All this information is out there and once you sift through the misinformed ramblings and outright lies, you could probably get lucky and find a workable solution for you.
But do you really want to keep trying and testing every new diet there is, desperately searching for the right solution for you?
Wouldn’t you rather just follow a ‘proven’ weight loss system that’s been designed by someone who works day in and day out with clients that want to lose weight?
Up until now, getting it right has been very hard and confusing to follow, which means most people only get average or poor results.
But Now I’ve Done It… I’ve Put Together a Complete 4 Week Diet and Weight Loss System For You…
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I wanted to use all of the research, testing and trial and error, I’ve done with my own one to one clients over the last 10 years to put together a complete package which includes everything you need to get dramatic weight loss in just 4 weeks.
I’ve tested every part of this diet plan on my own clients, many times. They’ve been the Guinea pigs that have tested and improved this system that you can now have access to today, immediately in fact, if you want it.
All the dieting tips, tricks and techniques I’ve tested, tweaked and perfected are all here in one place in the ‘4 Week diet’
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“The exercise plan is a really good guide if you’re not a fan of the gym, it gives you loads of different ideas for exercises to do at home, and outdoor training options.
There’s even some suggestions about exercises you can do while you’re sat at work to tone your stomach!
If you have a busy life and need some advice on how to fit exercise into your diary, this is the guide for you.   The diet plan is a great plan to help you get a healthy diet and keep it. The menus are easy to follow and you don’t have to be a great cook to make them. It also contains a whole lot of knowledge about food to help you pinpoint where the empty calories are and avoid them. 
A really good guide if you want to take control of your diet. If you take this plan on board it’ll last a lot longer than 4 weeks.”
Sue, Halifax
So Please Let Me Tell You All About My New 4 Week Diet…
To fully cover everything that you need to know to be able to lose weight at the fastest possible rate in just 4 weeks from now, for a party, special event, wedding or any celebration I have written it all in to 3 easy to follow, clearly written manuals…
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Firstly there’s the Theory manual. This is vital to the whole diet. In it you’ll discover exactly how my system works. I explain the theory behind my weight loss tricks, so you know exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve and exactly how to do it.
Inside you’ll discover…
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A range of preparations you need to make before you start any diet, that virtually guarantee your success and without doing these things, you’re almost sabotaging your chances of having the body of your dreams (page 11)
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How to set specific goals geared towards YOU that motivate and inspire you to succeed (page 12)
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Why doing this one thing every day takes you from ‘dreamer’ to ‘doer’. At last you’ll have the drive to go on to take real control of your weight. (page 16)
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3 Things that you can do, which done together really fire up your body’s ability to burn fat fast. (pages 20 – 24)
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A range of little known mind programming techniques that you can use to conquer cravings and comfort eating once and for all. Once you master these techniques, you’ll never be at the mercy of your emotions again! (page 26)
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The ideal foods to eat and the ones you need to stay away from.
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A great, tasty and quick range of snacks that you can eat all day long that will help you to burn calories, not store them (page 54)
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How to read the lies manufacturers ‘legally’ print on their labelling so you understand which foods to avoid at all costs. (page 55)
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Some really great tips to help you when you eat out so that you’ll still have a good time without suffering the consequences of extra weight gain.(page 57)
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Everything you need to know about supplements. The truth about which ones do have an effect on your weight loss whilst others are simply a waste of your money. (page 58)
Next, There’s ‘The Diet’, Which Covers All the Meals and Foods You’ll Eat Over the Next 4 weeks.
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This manual contains simple menus, shopping lists and quick snack choices in a day by day format, to ensure that you’re feeding your body the right types and amounts of foods essential for losing weight fast.
You’ll also discover…
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An easier way to eat a healthy diet by choosing foods that fill you up for longer, without the addition of extra calories that also saves you time and money!   
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How much you should be eating and when to eat it and also the crucial timing of changing the way you eat to boost energy levels and fat loss 
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A simple but time tested way of eating which guarantees you eat a constant and regular supply of nutrients which stops you craving food at the same time as making you feel fuller.
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Some great tricks to make eating healthily whilst following the ‘4 Week Diet’ child’s play that are quick and simple to do even on your busiest days! 
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A range of quick and healthy food alternatives to your favourites, that give you loads of energy and make you feel fuller for longer. 
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The #1 biggest mistake nearly everyone makes by NOT getting enough of this important nutrient and why doing this simple thing each day will improve the quality of your hair, your skin and energy levels 100%! 
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A step by step eating system that includes shopping lists and daily menus, leaving you to eat on auto pilot, no need to worry about what you are going to eat, it has all been planned out for you in fact, it couldn’t be easier!
Last But Not Least, You’ll Also Get ‘The Exercises.’
This Manual Contains the Final Key to Rapid Weight Loss. The Missing Link in Almost Every Diet You’ve Ever Tried.
But this is no ordinary exercise plan. This is one of the easiest activity plans you’ve ever seen. You don’t need to get your Lycra shorts on and join a gym, you don’t have to spend every spare minute exercising and you don’t have to kill yourself by doing a workout that leaves you aching for days.
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This activity and exercise plan is different, inside you’ll discover…
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A simple but effective way to exercise at home, which takes just a few minutes to do, but that boosts fat loss and leaves you feeling energised all day long (page 9)
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An easy and enjoyable way to become more active that you can do anytime (page 22)
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Some great tips you can use everyday to help you catapult your weight loss to new highs that are easy to do and fit nicely in to your everyday life (page 20)
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A simple but extremely effective walking plan that’ll have you losing weight and loving the feelings of accomplishment you get after each session (page 25)
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An easy to follow workout you can do at home, that includes clear photos and descriptions so you know exactly what to do to tone those ‘hard to reach’ places! (pages 27 – 32)
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A quick way to tighten and firm your tummy muscles which you can do at home for FREE and in less than 5 minutes a day. (page 33 – 46)
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How to fit exercise in to a busy day. So easy to do, you’ll never again struggle to find the time to exercise. You’ll definitely have time to do this. (page 51)
OK Jago, So Why a Diet That Lasts Just 4 Weeks?
Well, that’s a very good question. Remember the last diet you tried, How far did you get?
A few days, a week, 10 days, 2 weeks?
One of the biggest reasons people don’t stick at diets is that there’s no completion date.
Psychologically it’s very difficult to keep doing something that you wouldn’t normally do for an indefinite period. If you know you’ve only got to do something for a short amount of time, it’s much easier to stick to AND you’ll try harder.
Another reason is that I wanted to use a time frame that didn’t just give barely noticeable results, I wanted the ‘wow’ factor and in 4 weeks, you really can achieve outstanding results… believe me, I’ve seen it so many times.
But the real beauty of my NEW improved 4 week diet is…
It won’t take over your life 
It’s quick and easy to do 
You’ll see fast results and 
There are no nasty side effects, except having to buy a whole new set of clothes! 
It’s really easy to do and very effective.
If You Follow My NEW 4 Week Diet You’ll…
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Lose weight fast, so you and anyone who knows you will start seeing your body shape change before your eyes
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Feel more confident about the way you look so you feel comfortable and relaxed around other people
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Have tons more energy and get up and go, nothing will feel like an effort, you’ll have the energy levels of a 5 year old.
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Discover a system that you can use anytime to drop weight at will
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See improvements in the condition of your hair and skin
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Have more zest for life, approach life with a positive attitude so you attract more of the good things in life.
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Be able to buy the clothes you like, not just the ones that hide your worst bits. Shopping will no longer be a chore, you’ll love trying on new clothes.
We all have a perceived idea about dieting…
It’s got to be hard, a challenge. It’s like you have to deprive yourself, almost like punishing yourself for gaining weight.
If it’s not hard, most people don’t consider it to be a diet, but the truth is that dieting doesn’t have to be like this.
Because There’s a Way to Lose Weight Fast Without Starving Yourself or Taking Tablets or Potions That Are Harmful to Your Health…
…and it all Hinges Around Taking Control of Your Mind.
When you really think about it, it’s your mind that controls everything you do.
Once you manage to control your subconscious mind, you hold the key to not only losing weight fast, but also losing weight and controlling it forever.
And ‘The 4 Week Diet’ helps you to do just this. With the mind tricks and reprogramming techniques you’ll learn inside, you’ll finally be able to win the war of the mind.
Cravings and comfort eating will be a thing of the past.
With the information you’ll learn, you’ll find that you crave foods that actually improve your health and help you to lose weight even when you’re feeling a bit down or tired.
But the best thing is that by eating the right types of foods, you won’t have these kinds of mood swings or feelings of tiredness all the time.
You’ll find that you have so much energy, that you’ll wonder how you ever got through each day when you weren’t following ‘The 4 Week Diet’. Everything will be so much easier.
Here are some more things you’ll discover when you use my 4 Week Diet and weight loss plan…
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Exactly how much food you need to eat each day WITHOUT counting calories.
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Which carbs are your friends and which ones will sabotage your best weight loss efforts.
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How to turn your body in to a fat burning machine that burns off your unwanted fat all day long without you having to be constantly on the go.
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How to use some tricks of the mind to create the perfect weight loss mentality, so you won’t cave in to temptation at the first sign of a challenge.
Okay Jago, This Sounds Like Something That I Can Benefit From, But How Much Does the 4 Week Diet Cost?
Losing weight is always going to cost you something…
Whether it’s joining a gym at a cost of $500 – $900.00 a year, hiring your own trainer and paying at least $300.00 a month or signing up for the latest diet scam, where you’ll pay over inflated prices for your shakes or tablets etc.
Or you could start a fitness regime yourself at home and buy yourself a treadmill or cross trainer.
So, let’s just do a quick comparison. The last time I checked, the cost of buying a treadmill would set you back well over $1,000.00. And virtually everyone I know who bought one used it at first but after a few weeks simply used it to hang their clothes over. It was left to gather dust.
Or you could easily pay $75 – $100 bucks per month for a gym membership which you’ll maybe use a few times (that’s over $900.00 per year for that alone!).
Or you could hire a personal trainer like me to work with you. But at a cost of over $75.00 per session, you’d quickly run up a bill of over $300.00 a month, for only four workouts, after that you’d be on your own.
If you think of it this way, you’re actually getting hundreds of dollars worth of top quality expertise and training at your disposal inside this new program, which you get to keep forever…
You can use the techniques time and time again.
But you won’t have to pay anything like this amount or even match my minimum hourly rate of $75.00.
In fact, your total investment for this entire system is just $149.99 $75.99 $37.95.
That’s just a little over a measly dollar a day!
And how many gyms have you been to that give you a 60 day money back guarantee?
(That’s right, I’ll tell you about this in a moment.)
You’ll have everything you need and what’s more you’ll be able to start immediately. Within a few minutes from now if you like…
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The best part is my NEW system is fully and unconditionally guaranteed.
100% RISK-FREE Money Back Guarantee
If you aren’t 100% satisfied that ‘The 4 Week Diet’ provides you with absolutely everything you need to know and all the tools you need to lose weight quickly over the next 4 weeks, then you can simply request a full and complete refund in the next 60 days.
I am pleased to be able to offer you a no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee.
  And should you decide that the program isn’t right for you in any way whatsoever, then I would like you to keep all of the special bonuses which I’ve included for you below. These are worth over $119.94 and are yours for free to keep forever when you place your order.
NO QUESTIONS ASKED… no gimmicky rules or requirements. 
You don’t even need to write an explanation as to why you don’t want to keep the program or produce evidence that you’ve tried the system out, NOTHING!
Remember, I’m so confident that you’ll be delighted with this program and all of the FREE bonuses worth $119.94 that I absolutely INSIST that you send the program back to me for a full and complete refund if you don’t think it’s the right solution for you! 
All you need to do now so you can try out my system completely risk free is place your order now by clicking on the ‘Order Now!’ button below. Follow the simple instructions on screen to download the eBooks through our secure system and you’ll be able to get started in just a few minutes from now.
I promise within days of following my system you’ll be amazed at how quickly the changes will start to happen.
You can relax because you’ve found your solution… this works!
Remember, I’ve used my own experience and extensive research through real life working in the trenches knowledge I have gained with my private 1 to 1 clients over the last 10 years.
I’ve tested this out on them and perfected it before releasing it to you. This is the reason why I‘m so sure it will work for you too and I’m happy to offer such a generous, iron clad, 100% money back guarantee.
“The biggest boost for me is that I now, once again have a regular exercise plan and I am continuing to lose weight and feel better all the time” Debbie
“New Image has been very helpful and has given me lots of encouragement at all times. I am extremely pleased with the results I achieved in my body shape and general fitness”Dawn
“I started the plan with eager anticipation and a determination to succeed, and due to the encouragement and expertise I received along with a lot of hard work , I am delighted to say it has been a resounding success” Barry
Now Even Though You’ll Lose Weight Fast If You Follow My Instructions in ‘The 4 Week Diet,’ I Want to Add Even More Value to This Offer…
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These smoothies are low in fat but very high in taste!
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BONUS #2 (worth $17.99) – order now and you will receive this superb NEW eBook completelyFREE – ‘Healthy Soups For Healthy Living’
In this great little eBook you’ll find a range of tasty and nutritious soups which are both easy and quick to prepare… exactly what you need when time is short.
The recipes have been chosen for their taste but also for their nutritional value, the majority of the soups are low in fat and high in vitamins and minerals.
Each recipe comes complete with its own nutritional breakdown section.
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BONUS #5 (worth $17.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Healthy Salads For Healthy Living’
You’ll find some really unusual and tasty salads which can be used as meals in their own right or eaten alongside other foods as accompaniments.
Never again will you have to serve up limp lettuce leaves, soggy cucumber or boring tomato slices. Once you try some of these fantastic salads you’ll realise that there is much more to a salad than simply filling up a space on your plate.
There are 17 mouthwatering recipes that draw inspiration from all over the world along with some useful hints and tips for how to make the most out of any salad by using some of the healthy and tasty dressings you’ll find inside.
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I thought this might be a really great bonus for you. It’s one of my favourite training guides and will help you to plan, organise and start your very own running program. 
Running is a great way to lose weight and build up your fitness levels so you have more energy in everyday life. But the problem is that most people don’t know how to get started properly, so they end up giving up too soon without noticing any improvements to their fitness or seeing any weight loss benefits at all.
‘How To Start Running’ is a complete guide to running for both beginners and experienced runners. The advanced techniques and training tips you’ll learn inside will change the way you think about running forever.
Included In This Special Offer
Cost If Bought Separately
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So What Makes ‘The 4 Week Diet’ Different to all the Other Diets Out There?
Well, firstly it’s been written by an ‘experienced’ practicing personal trainer. I know what works quickly and I know what works over the long term.
You’ll lose weight quickly but safely, and if you continue using the techniques and principles you’ll learn, you’ll also keep the weight off too.
Whilst this is a diet and a very big part of the system, I don’t attack the fat using only one technique, I throw everything at it, to really boost weight loss… 
I use all of the latest up to date diet tricks and supplemental breakthroughs to get remarkable results.
Why You Should Give it a Try…
It’s safe, fast, effective, easy to do and it’s guaranteed to give results. That’s right, you didn’t misread that last bit.
I stand behind my 4 week diet. If you don’t see amazing results after following my advice, I’ll give you back every cent.
And it’s very easy to get a refund, if it doesn’t work for you, simply send me an email and you’ll get all your money back.
How many diet clubs, magazines or personal trainers etc will offer you that sort of a guarantee?
You may think I must really believe in this system to offer this sort of guarantee… well I do.
Every single time anyone has followed this step by step system fully, they have seen dramatic results.
In fact not only will I give you a full refund, but I’ll also give you 6 weeks to try it out.
Oh, and just in case you’re wondering if you’d ever get your money back, as well as my own 60 day money back guarantee, you also get Clickbanks 60 day Guarantee. Clickbank is the secure payment processor we use, and they have a very strict policy for their authors.
We have to stick by their rules or we get kicked out!
So it’s your decision, you have absolutely nothing to lose. I guarantee you’ll lose weight fast and see rapid changes in your body shape.
But perhaps more importantly…
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You’ll learn the right way to eat, so you can lose weight whenever you choose. If you’ve got a birthday, a holiday, anniversary, new job on the horizon… for any reason you like.
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You’ll discover which foods help you to lose fat and which ones cause you to store fat, so you can stop banging your head against a brick wall, you’ll know the solution.
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You’ll finally see why you’ve been getting it wrong all these years and why the lies and untruths you’ve been told have been keeping you from EVER being the shape you want to be.
But all this can change right now. Once you place your order below and download your copy of my NEW 4 Week weight loss plan, you’ll have instant access to the eBooks so you can get started right away!
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I really hope you decide to give it a try. After all you’ve got nothing to lose with this offer and EVERYTHING to gain.
Yours Sincerely,
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  Jago Holmes, CPT 
Author, ‘The 4 Week Diet’ 
Well it’s over to you, the decision is yours now…
I’ve taken away any risk you might feel about trying out my 4 week diet by offering such a RISK FREE money back guarantee.
All this information can be yours immediately for just $37.95. Simply click below to order and you’ll be taken to our secure payment page. From there, just follow the on screen instructions to download your own copy of these superb eBooks.
P.S.  Please remember there is absolutely NO RISK at all for you to try my 4 Week diet. If you aren’t thrilled with the information you find inside the program and don’t notice the changes you expect during the next 4 weeks after following my advice, then simply email me at the address you’ll find on my ‘contact us’ page at the bottom of the page and I will refund your order.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, my system has been used by hundreds of my own clients and it works, and I guarantee it will work for you too! 
P.P.S.  Remember by ordering “The 4 Week Diet,’ you’re not just getting the Complete weight loss system, but you’ll also receive at no extra cost whatsoever all of the bonuses worth $119.94 TOTALLY FREE which also contain vital information to help keep you motivated.
P.P.P.S.  There is just one small catch to this offer, I have put this package together and included all these extra bonuses which are for sale elsewhere at the prices you’ve seen, but I’m not sure how long I’m going to offer these extra bonuses for FREE with this deal.
You need to act straight away to guarantee that you will receive the additional bonuses for this package, so place your order now and then you won’t miss out on this great bonus package deal!
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PLEASE NOTE: ‘The 4 Week Diet’ is a downloadable eBook package. No physical products will be shipped. You’ll have immediate access to download the eBooks to your own computer once you’ve placed your order.
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
4 Week Diet - Supercharged Weight Loss
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4 Week Diet - Supercharged Weight Loss
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    Need To Lose Weight Fast?
“Finally, The Truth About Rapid Weight Loss Revealed.
Read on to Discover The Latest Research And Scientific Breakthroughs Which Change The Face Of Dieting Forever. I’ll Expose The Lies That You’re Being Told And Provide You With A Simple And Effective Solution…
…A 4 Week Diet Which Could Be The Easiest Way To Lose 10-20-30+ Pounds Of Body Fat In Just 4 Weeks That You’ve Ever Tried!”
And it’s guaranteed to work or you’ll get all your money back… How many other diets will give you that kind of a promise?
In fact how many other diet companies want you to succeed?
It’s true most of them rely on your ongoing payments to make the FAT profits they do each year. And this is one of the biggest reasons why up until now you’ve probably never succeeded…
And you thought it was your fault that you were overweight, but it isn’t!
They aren’t telling you the truth, you’re being lied to…
But don’t worry, I have all the answers for you right here. Once you’ve read all of this short report today, you’ll finally understand where you’ve been going wrong all this time, but more importantly you’ll learn how to put it RIGHT…
So you can finally start feeling good about yourself, I mean feel really proud of the way you look so you actually enjoy shopping or getting dressed up to go out and meeting people without feeling embarassed or self conscious about the way you look.
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“This really works! The theories behind the 4 week diet really make sense and Jago has translated these in to an easy to use plan.
I love the recipe suggestions and even your shopping lists are already done for you so there’s no excuse not to get organised which Jago explains is the key.
The simple exercises are well demonstrated, they can be done easily at home to fit around your life.
I’ve used the 4 week diet a number of times for special events and holidays and it’s worked everytime to get me looking and feeling my very best.”
Sarah Reynolds
Dear friend
In this report I’m going to tell you all about the 5 biggest weight loss myths that have been stopping you from getting the body of your dreams…
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Weight Loss Myth #1 – Why you’ve been lied to and tricked in to eating the wrong types of foods.
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Weight Loss Myth #2 – How the way you’ve been taught to eat has actually programmed you to store fat, not burn it.
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Weight Loss Myth #3 – Why eating less doesn’t always mean you’ll end up weighing less.
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Weight Loss Myth #4 – How doing exercises for your tummy won’t help you to get six pack abs or even a flatter waistline.
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Weight Loss Myth #5 – One of the biggest exercise myths around, that’s certain to leave you frustrated at your lack of progress.
Once you know these FACTS and a bunch of other NEW techniques I’ll tell you about, you’ll have the power to burn fat at will.
Just imagine being able to get in to tip top shape in just 4 weeks time. Being able to look your best for…
Your next holiday
A works night out
An anniversary or celebration
Your Birthday 
Do you ever stand in front of a mirror when you’re getting dressed or sometimes catch your reflection in a window and think to yourself ‘oh no, I look awful’
If you do or you just have a mild dislike for the way you look, don’t worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
In fact it amazes me how many people really hate the way their body looks.
But just imagine for a moment if that was different. Imagine looking in the mirror and actually liking what you see. Imagine smiling to yourself when you turn to the side and you look just as good as you did from the front.
Don’t you think that would be an amazing feeling… wouldn’t you like that to be you?
Of course you would, who wouldn’t!
What about shopping, how great would it be to buy the clothes you liked. Fitted, shapely clothes that look good on you, instead of buying something to hide your worst bits or anything to ‘do the job.’
However you feel at the moment, YOU DO HAVE THE POWER to change the way you look and feel, but you’re probably going to have to make some changes.
But don’t worry, I’m going to explain it all to you here in plain, easy to understand English so you finally understand the facts as they stand today. Then you’ll be able to plan a way forwards and start taking control of your body again.
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“I am 58 years old and over the years have tried various diets. Whilst having a modicum of success in the short term, weight has always returned.
I then discovered Jago Holmes who has led me down the path of successful weight loss. Unlike a rigid diet, Jago’s plans have taught me that diet is not enough alone and should be balanced with exercise.
I have followed the diet plan in conjunction with the exercises suggested by Jago to not only lose weight but, to maintain that loss.
Following Jago’s theory has not only helped me achieve the weight loss, but has encouraged me to think about my day to day lifestyle using stairs instead of lifts, walk to the shop for a newspaper rather than taking the car. I haven’t followed the diet religiously either, but have snack a jacks for elevenses instead of chocolate biscuits.
I certainly feel better in myself and have reaped the benefits of following Jago’s simple diet suggestions and easy to follow exercise techniques.”
Martin, UK
Unfortunately, we don’t get much of our information from reliable, impartial sources.
All too often, the way we approach dieting and losing weight is through advice and information that we’ve been told works by companies that are actually selling diet products to us.
Many of the myths around today were created by these companies.
So once and for all, I’d like to tell you the truth about why you haven’t managed to find a workable solution to rapid weight loss and to do this, I’m going to explain the facts about 5 of the biggest weight loss myths there are out there…
Weight Loss Myth #1 – Diet Foods Help You Lose Weight
This one is a real killer. Again it’s a triumph of marketing and hype over truth. Let me give you a couple of examples.
Just because a chocolate dessert or a packet of biscuits is classed as low fat, it doesn’t mean it’s actually any good for you. Yes it probably is lower in fat than its regular alternative, but it’s also full of other ingredients that are actually much worse than the fat that was in it.
Makers of these products, emphasise the lack of fat in their products but hide the fact that to make them taste better, they’ve had to replace the fat with sugars. They’ll do it cleverly, by breaking the sugars down in to various forms… sucrose, fructose, glucose syrup. Glycerine etc, the list goes on.
But the problem with sugar is that every time you eat something that has sugars in it, the body has to produce a hormone called Insulin. Insulin’s job is to remove the sugar from the blood and take it to the cells. Unfortunately when insulin is produced, it doesn’t always remove the exact right amount of sugar from the blood.
It creates a low in blood sugar levels, which then sends a signal to your brain to eat more in order to normalise blood sugar levels again.
Another problem is that we’ve been conditioned to believe that ‘diet’ foods actually help us to lose weight. You’ll have seen it yourself when someone orders a big Mac and fries, but insists on getting a diet Cola to go with it!
Most diet foods are created by huge multi-million dollar companies that want your money. They play around with and process your foods adding all kinds of rubbish just to make it appealing for you to buy, because you think it’s going to help you to lose weight.
Processed foods will never help you to lose weight, there’s too much junk inside for your body to cope with, so stay away from them as much as possible.
Weight Loss Myth #2 – Eat Just 3 Square Meals a Day
This time it’s probably your parents fault and their parents before them… You see there are a few reasons why eating at certain times throughout the day just isn’t right.
Firstly you aren’t necessarily hungry at the times that you have to eat. This means that you may be eating for the sake of it and getting more calories than you need each day.
Secondly if you can only eat at certain times throughout the day, because of your work pattern for example, then you may go for hours without being able to eat anything and this slows down your metabolic rate and encourages your body to store fat.
One of the biggest problems with eating in the traditional way is that your metabolic rate slows right down. You’ll burn calories at a snails pace because there are too long gaps between meals.
Eating smaller amounts regularly throughout the day does two things…
1.  It keeps the metabolism revving away and
2.  It stops the body from storing as many of the calories you are eating. Over a period of time, your body gets used to the regular supply of calories and realises that it doesn’t need to store as many of them as there isn’t likely to be times when it won’t get food.
Finally, it’s likely that you’re overeating if you depend on eating 3 set meals a day as the gaps between them will lead to hunger pangs and cravings. When you start getting these messages from the brain, you’ll usually eat more than you need to do.
Weight Loss Myth #3 – Reducing the Calories You Eat Makes You Lose Weight and the Fewer Calories You Eat Then the More Weight You’ll Lose
Sounds logical doesn’t it, and up to a point this is actually true BUT if this was completely right then surely the more you reduced the calories you were eating, then the faster you’d lose weight.
But this just doesn’t happen, you’ll know it yourself if you’ve ever tried restricting the amount of food you eat so low. The weight comes off pretty fast to begin with but after a few days, you can’t seem to lose any more, you quickly reach a plateau.
Here’s the real kicker, doing this means you’re actually making things worse for yourself and compounding the problem.
The reason is that your body gets thrown in to what it perceives as starvation and goes in to survival mode. When you’re in survival mode, your body just won’t release fat to burn. It can’t, in fact it does the complete opposite and actually holds on to it, by producing a hormone called Leptin.
But that’s not all, some of the other downsides you’ll notice are…
A slowdown in your metabolic rate. This is the speed at which you burn calories. You see when food intake is strictly limited, your body will always try to protect itself by holding on to its energy stores… your body fat!
Increased cravings. Your body knows it needs calories to survive and as a response your fat cells produce a hormone called Leptin which increases your cravings for guess what? You’ve guessed it… calories. Usually in the form of high sugar or high fat foods, because it’s these types of foods that will give you the biggest surge in quick fix calories.
An increase in the amount of fat you store. If your body isn’t sure when it’s next going to be fed don’t you think it’s natural to store as many calories as possible to keep your body working normally.
Think of yourself like a camel, it’s hump is almost totally pure fat to help it survive the lean times, it’s there to provide a reserve source of energy… well our bodies can be a bit like this too if we cut down on calories too much for too long, only your hump won’t be at the back!
Weight Loss Myth #4 – Think You’ll Get a Flat Stomach By Doing Sit Ups, Crunches or Some Other SECRET Exercise That No Ones Been Telling You About?
Think again, it just doesn’t work that way.
Crunches, sit ups and other tummy toning exercises are great to do, but the benefits they give you have nothing to do with getting a chiselled torso. So why does everyone think that they do?
Simple, you’ve been lied to again. Infomercials and the media, manipulate our understanding of exactly what certain exercises can really do for you.
Let me explain it this way…
Imagine that you have a fine porcelain vase, but it’s been covered in bubble wrap and brown paper. Covered this way means that you’ll never see the real beauty of the vase because it’s been hidden underneath a thick ugly layer of padding.
That’s how it is with your own tummy muscles.
You’ll never see them or flatten your tummy by doing these types of exercises alone. In fact done to extreme, they may actually lead to an increase in the size of your tummy, because the muscles can slightly increase in size, pushing the fat underneath out still further.
I’m not saying don’t do exercises for your stomach and lower back, because they help to improve posture and overall strength, just don’t expect to have a really flat stomach after religiously doing them for weeks… you’ll only be disappointed.
Weight Loss Myth #5 – Hours of Cardio Burns the Most Fat
This makes me really laugh, especially when I see ‘supposed experts’ advising you to exercise at a particular heart beat level called the weight loss zone.
The theory here is that at a certain level of effort, your body will burn more fat than carbohydrates as it’s main fuel source, but it’s only a slight difference and to get the same benefit you’d need to keep going for much longer.
Do you know how many calories you’d have to burn to lose just 1 pound of fat? Wait for it…
3500 calories!
Yes that’s right, you’d need to burn off 3500 calories in order to lose just 1 pound of fat.
OK, so how many calories can you expect to burn throughout the course of a typical gym workout for one hour, if you really push yourself?
Well it would depend on what exercises you were doing and how hard you worked, but for a typical average cardio workout, you could expect to burn around 600 calories in an hour.
Now I’m not a mathematician, but that means that to burn off 1 pound of body fat, you’d need to do at least 5 or 6 good hour long cardio workouts a week. Yeah right!… Who has that amount of time and level of commitment to do this each week?
Not me, and I actually enjoy working out.
The secret isn’t in doing endless workouts, wearing yourself out and grinding yourself down, its about gently increasing the amount of activity in your life.
Ok, so these are all the things that you shouldn’t do, now let me tell you honestly about the things you do need to do in order to lose weight fast AND keep it off.
I’ll also tell you all about a proven system that you can get hold of in less than a minute from now, so you can get started straight away the right way to lose weight fast AND keep it off.
But Before I Go Any Further, Who am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
Please let me quickly introduce myself.
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My Name is Jago Holmes CPT and I’m a personal trainer working in the UK, with over 10 years experience working with people just like you.
I’m not a celebrity trainer who touts the latest off the wall diet to shed a few pounds, you know the types of diets I mean…
…’The Cabbage soup diet,’
…’The grapefruit diet,’
…’The Maple Syrup diet,
… This weird and wacky detox or that, the list goes on…
No I’ve been successful working with everyday people who have REAL lives, real budgets and don’t have the luxury of having their meals prepared for them, they have to go shopping to buy their own food like you and me.
And over the 10 years I’ve been doing this job, I’ve personally helped hundreds, if not thousands of clients to lose weight fast.
Here’s a Brief Selection of Some of My Clients and Their Success Stories
I understand the problems that everyday men and women face… but more importantly from your point of view, I know how to fix these problems.
But before I go in to that I want to explain to you some quite startling facts about why you’ve probably never managed to lose weight before and keep it off.
And then I’ll show you how by putting all the right pieces together at the same time, you can lose incredible amounts of weight in a remarkably short amount of time.
The Truth is For Any Diet Or Weight Loss Plan to Be Effective For Both Quick AND Long Term Weight Loss, it MUST Contain These 4 Vital Elements: –
Firstly it needs to be based around a ‘proven’ eating plan that works, one that helps you to feel full but also uses the latest advances in dieting research to boost fat loss, without causing side effects like yo-yo dieting or thyroid problems. 
Secondly, it needs to address activity. Yes, I said activity, NOT exercise. The truth is that you don’t have to kill yourself to burn calories. Low intensity activities that fit in to your daily lifestyle are the new way forward and no, you don’t have to don your Lycra shorts and sweatband to become a fitness fanatic in order to succeed! 
Thirdly, it should make use of a few select products that are sold by the supplement industry. Yes there are some that are worth your money. There is more junk on sale than effective products out there, but the truth is when you cut through the hype, there are some supplements that really should be included in an effective diet and weight loss plan. 
Finally, it absolutely has to control and recondition the power of the mind to stop cravings, create inner strength and boost motivation levels. Because it’s in the mind that even the best diets can become overnight failures if the right programming hasn’t been put in place. Without fixing this part of the problem, the whole thing falls flat on its face. 
So with a diet that contains all of these elements, I guess you would really describe it as more of a weight loss system, but I prefer to use the word ‘diet’.
In a nutshell, this is what any good diet system should contain. Each one of these elements is powerful in their own right, but put them together at the same time and you’ve created rocket fuelled weight loss.
This is Why ‘Traditional Dieting’ is Dead.
Sure a good one will give you some weight loss over a few months if you can stick it out that long, but if you want a system where the fat just seems to literally melt away, day after day then this is the solution for you.
Up until now, nobody has bothered to put everything together in one place. All this information is out there and once you sift through the misinformed ramblings and outright lies, you could probably get lucky and find a workable solution for you.
But do you really want to keep trying and testing every new diet there is, desperately searching for the right solution for you?
Wouldn’t you rather just follow a ‘proven’ weight loss system that’s been designed by someone who works day in and day out with clients that want to lose weight?
Up until now, getting it right has been very hard and confusing to follow, which means most people only get average or poor results.
But Now I’ve Done It… I’ve Put Together a Complete 4 Week Diet and Weight Loss System For You…
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I wanted to use all of the research, testing and trial and error, I’ve done with my own one to one clients over the last 10 years to put together a complete package which includes everything you need to get dramatic weight loss in just 4 weeks.
I’ve tested every part of this diet plan on my own clients, many times. They’ve been the Guinea pigs that have tested and improved this system that you can now have access to today, immediately in fact, if you want it.
All the dieting tips, tricks and techniques I’ve tested, tweaked and perfected are all here in one place in the ‘4 Week diet’
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“The exercise plan is a really good guide if you’re not a fan of the gym, it gives you loads of different ideas for exercises to do at home, and outdoor training options.
There’s even some suggestions about exercises you can do while you’re sat at work to tone your stomach!
If you have a busy life and need some advice on how to fit exercise into your diary, this is the guide for you.   The diet plan is a great plan to help you get a healthy diet and keep it. The menus are easy to follow and you don’t have to be a great cook to make them. It also contains a whole lot of knowledge about food to help you pinpoint where the empty calories are and avoid them. 
A really good guide if you want to take control of your diet. If you take this plan on board it’ll last a lot longer than 4 weeks.”
Sue, Halifax
So Please Let Me Tell You All About My New 4 Week Diet…
To fully cover everything that you need to know to be able to lose weight at the fastest possible rate in just 4 weeks from now, for a party, special event, wedding or any celebration I have written it all in to 3 easy to follow, clearly written manuals…
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Firstly there’s the Theory manual. This is vital to the whole diet. In it you’ll discover exactly how my system works. I explain the theory behind my weight loss tricks, so you know exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve and exactly how to do it.
Inside you’ll discover…
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A range of preparations you need to make before you start any diet, that virtually guarantee your success and without doing these things, you’re almost sabotaging your chances of having the body of your dreams (page 11)
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How to set specific goals geared towards YOU that motivate and inspire you to succeed (page 12)
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Why doing this one thing every day takes you from ‘dreamer’ to ‘doer’. At last you’ll have the drive to go on to take real control of your weight. (page 16)
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3 Things that you can do, which done together really fire up your body’s ability to burn fat fast. (pages 20 – 24)
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A range of little known mind programming techniques that you can use to conquer cravings and comfort eating once and for all. Once you master these techniques, you’ll never be at the mercy of your emotions again! (page 26)
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The ideal foods to eat and the ones you need to stay away from.
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A great, tasty and quick range of snacks that you can eat all day long that will help you to burn calories, not store them (page 54)
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How to read the lies manufacturers ‘legally’ print on their labelling so you understand which foods to avoid at all costs. (page 55)
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Some really great tips to help you when you eat out so that you’ll still have a good time without suffering the consequences of extra weight gain.(page 57)
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Everything you need to know about supplements. The truth about which ones do have an effect on your weight loss whilst others are simply a waste of your money. (page 58)
Next, There’s ‘The Diet’, Which Covers All the Meals and Foods You’ll Eat Over the Next 4 weeks.
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This manual contains simple menus, shopping lists and quick snack choices in a day by day format, to ensure that you’re feeding your body the right types and amounts of foods essential for losing weight fast.
You’ll also discover…
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An easier way to eat a healthy diet by choosing foods that fill you up for longer, without the addition of extra calories that also saves you time and money!   
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How much you should be eating and when to eat it and also the crucial timing of changing the way you eat to boost energy levels and fat loss 
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A simple but time tested way of eating which guarantees you eat a constant and regular supply of nutrients which stops you craving food at the same time as making you feel fuller.
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Some great tricks to make eating healthily whilst following the ‘4 Week Diet’ child’s play that are quick and simple to do even on your busiest days! 
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A range of quick and healthy food alternatives to your favourites, that give you loads of energy and make you feel fuller for longer. 
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The #1 biggest mistake nearly everyone makes by NOT getting enough of this important nutrient and why doing this simple thing each day will improve the quality of your hair, your skin and energy levels 100%! 
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A step by step eating system that includes shopping lists and daily menus, leaving you to eat on auto pilot, no need to worry about what you are going to eat, it has all been planned out for you in fact, it couldn’t be easier!
Last But Not Least, You’ll Also Get ‘The Exercises.’
This Manual Contains the Final Key to Rapid Weight Loss. The Missing Link in Almost Every Diet You’ve Ever Tried.
But this is no ordinary exercise plan. This is one of the easiest activity plans you’ve ever seen. You don’t need to get your Lycra shorts on and join a gym, you don’t have to spend every spare minute exercising and you don’t have to kill yourself by doing a workout that leaves you aching for days.
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This activity and exercise plan is different, inside you’ll discover…
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A simple but effective way to exercise at home, which takes just a few minutes to do, but that boosts fat loss and leaves you feeling energised all day long (page 9)
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An easy and enjoyable way to become more active that you can do anytime (page 22)
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Some great tips you can use everyday to help you catapult your weight loss to new highs that are easy to do and fit nicely in to your everyday life (page 20)
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A simple but extremely effective walking plan that’ll have you losing weight and loving the feelings of accomplishment you get after each session (page 25)
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An easy to follow workout you can do at home, that includes clear photos and descriptions so you know exactly what to do to tone those ‘hard to reach’ places! (pages 27 – 32)
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A quick way to tighten and firm your tummy muscles which you can do at home for FREE and in less than 5 minutes a day. (page 33 – 46)
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How to fit exercise in to a busy day. So easy to do, you’ll never again struggle to find the time to exercise. You’ll definitely have time to do this. (page 51)
OK Jago, So Why a Diet That Lasts Just 4 Weeks?
Well, that’s a very good question. Remember the last diet you tried, How far did you get?
A few days, a week, 10 days, 2 weeks?
One of the biggest reasons people don’t stick at diets is that there’s no completion date.
Psychologically it’s very difficult to keep doing something that you wouldn’t normally do for an indefinite period. If you know you’ve only got to do something for a short amount of time, it’s much easier to stick to AND you’ll try harder.
Another reason is that I wanted to use a time frame that didn’t just give barely noticeable results, I wanted the ‘wow’ factor and in 4 weeks, you really can achieve outstanding results… believe me, I’ve seen it so many times.
But the real beauty of my NEW improved 4 week diet is…
It won’t take over your life 
It’s quick and easy to do 
You’ll see fast results and 
There are no nasty side effects, except having to buy a whole new set of clothes! 
It’s really easy to do and very effective.
If You Follow My NEW 4 Week Diet You’ll…
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Lose weight fast, so you and anyone who knows you will start seeing your body shape change before your eyes
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Feel more confident about the way you look so you feel comfortable and relaxed around other people
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Have tons more energy and get up and go, nothing will feel like an effort, you’ll have the energy levels of a 5 year old.
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Discover a system that you can use anytime to drop weight at will
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See improvements in the condition of your hair and skin
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Have more zest for life, approach life with a positive attitude so you attract more of the good things in life.
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Be able to buy the clothes you like, not just the ones that hide your worst bits. Shopping will no longer be a chore, you’ll love trying on new clothes.
We all have a perceived idea about dieting…
It’s got to be hard, a challenge. It’s like you have to deprive yourself, almost like punishing yourself for gaining weight.
If it’s not hard, most people don’t consider it to be a diet, but the truth is that dieting doesn’t have to be like this.
Because There’s a Way to Lose Weight Fast Without Starving Yourself or Taking Tablets or Potions That Are Harmful to Your Health…
…and it all Hinges Around Taking Control of Your Mind.
When you really think about it, it’s your mind that controls everything you do.
Once you manage to control your subconscious mind, you hold the key to not only losing weight fast, but also losing weight and controlling it forever.
And ‘The 4 Week Diet’ helps you to do just this. With the mind tricks and reprogramming techniques you’ll learn inside, you’ll finally be able to win the war of the mind.
Cravings and comfort eating will be a thing of the past.
With the information you’ll learn, you’ll find that you crave foods that actually improve your health and help you to lose weight even when you’re feeling a bit down or tired.
But the best thing is that by eating the right types of foods, you won’t have these kinds of mood swings or feelings of tiredness all the time.
You’ll find that you have so much energy, that you’ll wonder how you ever got through each day when you weren’t following ‘The 4 Week Diet’. Everything will be so much easier.
Here are some more things you’ll discover when you use my 4 Week Diet and weight loss plan…
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Exactly how much food you need to eat each day WITHOUT counting calories.
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Which carbs are your friends and which ones will sabotage your best weight loss efforts.
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How to turn your body in to a fat burning machine that burns off your unwanted fat all day long without you having to be constantly on the go.
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How to use some tricks of the mind to create the perfect weight loss mentality, so you won’t cave in to temptation at the first sign of a challenge.
Okay Jago, This Sounds Like Something That I Can Benefit From, But How Much Does the 4 Week Diet Cost?
Losing weight is always going to cost you something…
Whether it’s joining a gym at a cost of $500 – $900.00 a year, hiring your own trainer and paying at least $300.00 a month or signing up for the latest diet scam, where you’ll pay over inflated prices for your shakes or tablets etc.
Or you could start a fitness regime yourself at home and buy yourself a treadmill or cross trainer.
So, let’s just do a quick comparison. The last time I checked, the cost of buying a treadmill would set you back well over $1,000.00. And virtually everyone I know who bought one used it at first but after a few weeks simply used it to hang their clothes over. It was left to gather dust.
Or you could easily pay $75 – $100 bucks per month for a gym membership which you’ll maybe use a few times (that’s over $900.00 per year for that alone!).
Or you could hire a personal trainer like me to work with you. But at a cost of over $75.00 per session, you’d quickly run up a bill of over $300.00 a month, for only four workouts, after that you’d be on your own.
If you think of it this way, you’re actually getting hundreds of dollars worth of top quality expertise and training at your disposal inside this new program, which you get to keep forever…
You can use the techniques time and time again.
But you won’t have to pay anything like this amount or even match my minimum hourly rate of $75.00.
In fact, your total investment for this entire system is just $149.99 $75.99 $37.95.
That’s just a little over a measly dollar a day!
And how many gyms have you been to that give you a 60 day money back guarantee?
(That’s right, I’ll tell you about this in a moment.)
You’ll have everything you need and what’s more you’ll be able to start immediately. Within a few minutes from now if you like…
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The best part is my NEW system is fully and unconditionally guaranteed.
100% RISK-FREE Money Back Guarantee
If you aren’t 100% satisfied that ‘The 4 Week Diet’ provides you with absolutely everything you need to know and all the tools you need to lose weight quickly over the next 4 weeks, then you can simply request a full and complete refund in the next 60 days.
I am pleased to be able to offer you a no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee.
  And should you decide that the program isn’t right for you in any way whatsoever, then I would like you to keep all of the special bonuses which I’ve included for you below. These are worth over $119.94 and are yours for free to keep forever when you place your order.
NO QUESTIONS ASKED… no gimmicky rules or requirements. 
You don’t even need to write an explanation as to why you don’t want to keep the program or produce evidence that you’ve tried the system out, NOTHING!
Remember, I’m so confident that you’ll be delighted with this program and all of the FREE bonuses worth $119.94 that I absolutely INSIST that you send the program back to me for a full and complete refund if you don’t think it’s the right solution for you! 
All you need to do now so you can try out my system completely risk free is place your order now by clicking on the ‘Order Now!’ button below. Follow the simple instructions on screen to download the eBooks through our secure system and you’ll be able to get started in just a few minutes from now.
I promise within days of following my system you’ll be amazed at how quickly the changes will start to happen.
You can relax because you’ve found your solution… this works!
Remember, I’ve used my own experience and extensive research through real life working in the trenches knowledge I have gained with my private 1 to 1 clients over the last 10 years.
I’ve tested this out on them and perfected it before releasing it to you. This is the reason why I‘m so sure it will work for you too and I’m happy to offer such a generous, iron clad, 100% money back guarantee.
“The biggest boost for me is that I now, once again have a regular exercise plan and I am continuing to lose weight and feel better all the time” Debbie
“New Image has been very helpful and has given me lots of encouragement at all times. I am extremely pleased with the results I achieved in my body shape and general fitness”Dawn
“I started the plan with eager anticipation and a determination to succeed, and due to the encouragement and expertise I received along with a lot of hard work , I am delighted to say it has been a resounding success” Barry
Now Even Though You’ll Lose Weight Fast If You Follow My Instructions in ‘The 4 Week Diet,’ I Want to Add Even More Value to This Offer…
I don’t want you to simply be pleased about your purchase, I want you to be absolutely delighted with it!
So I know if you’re anything like me you’ll also find some of these additional FREE bonuses extremely useful: –
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BONUS #1 (worth $11.99) – order now and you will also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Healthy Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss’
Discover over 50 of the most mouth watering smoothies and shakes ever created. Recipes that contain some of the quickest and easy to make fat blasting, energy boosting drinks that take just a couple of minutes to make.
All the recipes have been selected because of their healthy balance as well as for the combination of flavours and textures they provide.
These smoothies are low in fat but very high in taste!
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BONUS #2 (worth $17.99) – order now and you will receive this superb NEW eBook completelyFREE – ‘Healthy Soups For Healthy Living’
In this great little eBook you’ll find a range of tasty and nutritious soups which are both easy and quick to prepare… exactly what you need when time is short.
The recipes have been chosen for their taste but also for their nutritional value, the majority of the soups are low in fat and high in vitamins and minerals.
Each recipe comes complete with its own nutritional breakdown section.
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BONUS #3 (worth $11.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘How To Boost Your Metabolism’
Inside you will learn how absolutely anyone can instantly boost their metabolism by making just 3 SIMPLE changes to their lifestyle.
Learn ways to burn calories even at rest and why doing some exercises will leave you feeling frustrated at your body’s ability to melt away body fat.
You’ll learn the secrets to eating more and weighing less and how some people never seem to gain weight whilst others will always have a weight problem.
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BONUS #4 (worth $21.99) – order now and you will also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Glycemic 101 – How To Effortlessly Control Your Glycemic Index’
Inside you’ll discover exactly how to eat to support and maintain healthy blood sugar levels and how the peaks and troughs in your blood sugar can leave you craving the worst types of junk food.
You’ll learn why using the Glycemic index as your guide to choosing food could dramatically reduce your risk of suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.
And finally you can gain control of your weight forever, so you can choose your own dress size and maintain that shape for the rest of your life.
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BONUS #5 (worth $17.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘Healthy Salads For Healthy Living’
You’ll find some really unusual and tasty salads which can be used as meals in their own right or eaten alongside other foods as accompaniments.
Never again will you have to serve up limp lettuce leaves, soggy cucumber or boring tomato slices. Once you try some of these fantastic salads you’ll realise that there is much more to a salad than simply filling up a space on your plate.
There are 17 mouthwatering recipes that draw inspiration from all over the world along with some useful hints and tips for how to make the most out of any salad by using some of the healthy and tasty dressings you’ll find inside.
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BONUS #6 (worth $37.99) – order now and you’ll also receive this eBook completely FREE – ‘How To Start Running’
I thought this might be a really great bonus for you. It’s one of my favourite training guides and will help you to plan, organise and start your very own running program. 
Running is a great way to lose weight and build up your fitness levels so you have more energy in everyday life. But the problem is that most people don’t know how to get started properly, so they end up giving up too soon without noticing any improvements to their fitness or seeing any weight loss benefits at all.
‘How To Start Running’ is a complete guide to running for both beginners and experienced runners. The advanced techniques and training tips you’ll learn inside will change the way you think about running forever.
Included In This Special Offer
Cost If Bought Separately
The 4 Week Diet (All 3 Manuals)
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Healthy Smoothies
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Healthy Soups For Healthy Living
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How To Boost Your Metabolism –
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Glycemic 101
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Healthy Salads For Healthy Living
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How To Start Running
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Total If Purchased Separately
Taking Advantage Of This Special Offer You’ll Pay Just:
$79.50 $37.95
So that’s a total of over $157.89 worth of recipes, techniques and tips which are available elsewhere at the prices you see here, but all yours when you order ‘The 4 Week Diet.’
And no matter what you decide the bonuses are yours free to keep forever.
So What Makes ‘The 4 Week Diet’ Different to all the Other Diets Out There?
Well, firstly it’s been written by an ‘experienced’ practicing personal trainer. I know what works quickly and I know what works over the long term.
You’ll lose weight quickly but safely, and if you continue using the techniques and principles you’ll learn, you’ll also keep the weight off too.
Whilst this is a diet and a very big part of the system, I don’t attack the fat using only one technique, I throw everything at it, to really boost weight loss… 
I use all of the latest up to date diet tricks and supplemental breakthroughs to get remarkable results.
Why You Should Give it a Try…
It’s safe, fast, effective, easy to do and it’s guaranteed to give results. That’s right, you didn’t misread that last bit.
I stand behind my 4 week diet. If you don’t see amazing results after following my advice, I’ll give you back every cent.
And it’s very easy to get a refund, if it doesn’t work for you, simply send me an email and you’ll get all your money back.
How many diet clubs, magazines or personal trainers etc will offer you that sort of a guarantee?
You may think I must really believe in this system to offer this sort of guarantee… well I do.
Every single time anyone has followed this step by step system fully, they have seen dramatic results.
In fact not only will I give you a full refund, but I’ll also give you 6 weeks to try it out.
Oh, and just in case you’re wondering if you’d ever get your money back, as well as my own 60 day money back guarantee, you also get Clickbanks 60 day Guarantee. Clickbank is the secure payment processor we use, and they have a very strict policy for their authors.
We have to stick by their rules or we get kicked out!
So it’s your decision, you have absolutely nothing to lose. I guarantee you’ll lose weight fast and see rapid changes in your body shape.
But perhaps more importantly…
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You’ll learn the right way to eat, so you can lose weight whenever you choose. If you’ve got a birthday, a holiday, anniversary, new job on the horizon… for any reason you like.
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You’ll discover which foods help you to lose fat and which ones cause you to store fat, so you can stop banging your head against a brick wall, you’ll know the solution.
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You’ll finally see why you’ve been getting it wrong all these years and why the lies and untruths you’ve been told have been keeping you from EVER being the shape you want to be.
But all this can change right now. Once you place your order below and download your copy of my NEW 4 Week weight loss plan, you’ll have instant access to the eBooks so you can get started right away!
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I really hope you decide to give it a try. After all you’ve got nothing to lose with this offer and EVERYTHING to gain.
Yours Sincerely,
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  Jago Holmes, CPT 
Author, ‘The 4 Week Diet’ 
Well it’s over to you, the decision is yours now…
I’ve taken away any risk you might feel about trying out my 4 week diet by offering such a RISK FREE money back guarantee.
All this information can be yours immediately for just $37.95. Simply click below to order and you’ll be taken to our secure payment page. From there, just follow the on screen instructions to download your own copy of these superb eBooks.
P.S.  Please remember there is absolutely NO RISK at all for you to try my 4 Week diet. If you aren’t thrilled with the information you find inside the program and don’t notice the changes you expect during the next 4 weeks after following my advice, then simply email me at the address you’ll find on my ‘contact us’ page at the bottom of the page and I will refund your order.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, my system has been used by hundreds of my own clients and it works, and I guarantee it will work for you too! 
P.P.S.  Remember by ordering “The 4 Week Diet,’ you’re not just getting the Complete weight loss system, but you’ll also receive at no extra cost whatsoever all of the bonuses worth $119.94 TOTALLY FREE which also contain vital information to help keep you motivated.
P.P.P.S.  There is just one small catch to this offer, I have put this package together and included all these extra bonuses which are for sale elsewhere at the prices you’ve seen, but I’m not sure how long I’m going to offer these extra bonuses for FREE with this deal.
You need to act straight away to guarantee that you will receive the additional bonuses for this package, so place your order now and then you won’t miss out on this great bonus package deal!
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PLEASE NOTE: ‘The 4 Week Diet’ is a downloadable eBook package. No physical products will be shipped. You’ll have immediate access to download the eBooks to your own computer once you’ve placed your order.
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