#i hate me too
Panties of the day ??
Feeling giving today haha 🫠
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sad-and-depression · 1 year
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simplydnp · 27 days
seeing no posts about connecting 'sensual' and 'crack' so i shall give you the pieces and let you put them together <3
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I destroy myself so there's nothing left for other people to break.
idk not me
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borderlinebelle · 9 months
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“so she sat around in her car like all the fucking time”, a photo series 7/25 4:44pm
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delusionalmaniac · 6 months
beginner ana tips
one) don’t let anyone get suspicious. make sure to eat in front of your family and friends. it’s tempting to skip school lunch but don’t, because you don’t want your stomach growling in class or your friends asking you why you skipped. instead pack something you can pick at, like a cucumber salad (chopped up cucumbers). you can hide this behind your lunchbox and sit at the corner of the table so they know that your eating but not what your eating.
two) don’t snack. it leads to binging. only eat when you absolutely have to (someone’s watching you). for me it’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
three) drink water and tea. a lot of it. when you pee your stomach gets flatter. when you drink your stomach gets fuller.
four) always eat less than 1000 calories. always always always. i don’t care what your limit is but it should be less than 1000.
five) don’t tell anyone your weight. they may catch on or try to get to your weight (you want to be the skinniest friend).
six) always pretend your eating more than you are. if your having tea at home send a picture of it to your friends (of the mug not the tea) and say your having cocoa. if you pretend to eat more other people will feel more comfortable eating more and you will be the skinniest.
stay safe babies 🫶
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localpizza-bot · 1 year
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I’m not gonna sugarcoat it
This is definitely not a dream
Scribbling in notes is pretty fun
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gonegirl445 · 2 months
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everybody knows that im the best im crazy
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
When your father forces you to marry your ex who's doing your cousin and few months later she gives birth to a purple evil baby that hates you:
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Interacting with me must be such a disappointment
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m3r0t · 8 months
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I’m always the other girl. I’m the one that’s not liked. Or ugly. Or weird. Or odd. Or socially dead. I’m the one you don’t want to be. The one that’s whispered about behind her back. THe one that’s ignored. That’s overlooked. That’s hated. That’s teased. That’s mocked. That’s isolated. The Other Girl. I don’t want to be, but I’m her. Every single time.
For once, just once. I just want people to see me as her. The one that’s liked. That’s loved. That’s pretty. That’s admired. That everyone wants to be around. That’s wanted. That you laugh with and not at. I just want to be her, and not the other girl.
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viana08 · 16 days
Azt hittem szeretsz de tévedtem bíztam benned-hitem neked,de hazudtál
Kételkedtem a kapcsolatunkba és oka volt!
Azt hittem hogy te más vagy de tévedtem és bárcsak sosem írtál volna rám és ne mondtad volna azt hogy “SZERETLEK”mert ennél nagyobb hazugságot nem hallottam tőled!
Igazam lett újra!
Azt hittem te leszel az aki majd meg gyógyít aki majd be kötné a sebeimet aki majd a mosolyával a szeretetével és a szemével az érintésével fogja be kötni azt de nem így lett én is HAZUDTAM magamnak és TE is nekem
Újra őszintén mosolyogtam! neked köszönhetően,de neked hála most már ismét nem fogok
Azt hittem szeretsz azt hittem itt az igazi meg jött pont akkor amikor meg tört vagyok aki majd segít és mellettem áll.Akit majd mesélhetek az Örökévalónak azt hogy hogyan is szeretem belé és,hogy hogyan látom őt de nem így történt inkább ismét szét törted azt amit félve a kezedbe adtam és nem is mesélhetem rólad annak aki meg értet volna és át is érezte volna azt amit én amikor mesélek rólad!
Azt mondtad,hogy vigyázni kel rám,hogy mellettem vagy és segítesz meg hallgatsz és szeretsz,de nem így lett miért nem tartottad meg a szavaidat?? Miért HAZUDTÁL??
(Saját gondolat!)
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delusionalmaniac · 6 months
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binging stops right now
i’ve got nine kg to lose
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navillerainlove2 · 9 months
I don't know what's going on, I've been feeling the constant need to cry for days, but I can't.
The pain is getting stronger and I'm only getting weaker.
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ghostlydeadcorpse · 28 days
vent 10
God I am so fcking gross, i always think about disgustingly violent thoughts about killing myself and destructing myself. like burning myself alive with a cigarette, cutting my own skin with scissors or a blade instead of a knife, destroy my mental health by stabbing myself brutally, shove a gun bullet down my throat but I can't. yet I can't help it, it's so addictive and hypnotizing. the urge to hold it in feels so painful.
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