#i found there backstories on that one youtube comment
anxiousheart7 · 7 months
*spoilers* Astarion’s story - analysis and thoughts
I’ve been thinking quite a lot on Astarion the last couple of weeks, and the journey I’ve been on with him. I’ve seen a lot of content about him.
I’ll start by saying this - I didn’t ascend him. I couldn’t. I did, however, watch the ascension on YouTube but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. And I’m going to explain why.
Here’s the TL:DR version, with my deeper dive below.
As Astarion gets his revenge in Cazador, his flurry of knives felt oddly satisfying to me. It was a release as grim and cathartic. That cry of pain and ending felt necessary for him. I came out of that palace knowing that it was ok and he’d be ok.
The ascension felt gratuitous. Watching him carve exactly what Cazador put him through should have been cathartic too, but it wasn’t. I just felt a shiver of cold. And that was the moment I knew it was the ‘bad’ ending.
Experiencing Astarion’s Journey - delving deeper
I don’t think I’ve ever quite experienced a character story like his before. Here’s someone who is quite clearly designed to draw you in via the usual routes. He’s attractive, he’s got the funny lines. He’s the rogue - a lot of D&D players’ favourite class. He quickly becomes indispensable.
At the start, his flirting was fun. Act 1 I think is supposed to be a light hearted toe in the water, so to speak. Right up until your first major choice with the goblin vs tiefling conflict. Then it becomes real. But until then you can spend copious amounts of time wandering and chatting to your new friends in camp while some of them (namely Lae’zel, Gale, Karlach and Astarion) go straight to ‘i want you’ territory. And you’ll gravitate to those that are ready to get hot and heavy because…video game sex.
There was such a focus on romancing your camp and you lean into that so heavily in act 1. Approval is all-important. And his approval is harder to get, so you try harder with your choices. You want this guy. Like really want him. He’s like ambrosia. And, if you’re not one of the 100k rejections toted in Larion’s infographic, you get him.
As a recovering people pleaser, I’m not going to lie, that was a hard concept to grasp. To make your choices based on who you were trying to impress is exactly the kind of behaviour I’ve been trying to step away from in real life. But hey, this is a game so I’ll be ok.
And then it starts…
Looking back, there’s this line that stood out ‘it felt like you weren’t all there’. Despite his insistence later, Astarion was very likely going to that place of dissociation that he talks about later on. And that’s sad, because as Tav you want this milestone to be special. You want them to fall in love with you. The reward for all your hard-earned approval hiking.
But Astarion masks. He masks well, but you can tell on Insight that it’s all an act. Even when you look closely, the ham fisted complements he throws at you reflects the 10 charisma he’s carrying around. He works as a lothario not because he’s an adept silver-tongued Casanova. It’s because he’s simply beautiful. People see him and want him. His looks mask what’s going on underneath. But then you look into his eyes and it’s right there, plain as day.
There’s so much more underneath. I have watched the scene over and over with the hammy chat up lines as he’s trying to convince you to sleep with him again (I got propositioned first before the tiefling party) and the more I watch, the more I believe that ‘I love you’ wasn’t an act. They wouldn’t have given you three brush off comment choices if it was. He meant that, and I don’t think he even realised he meant it until he found the words coming out of his mouth - as though he was daring himself to say it.
With Astarion, it’s all in the eyes.
And, as someone who has seen those eyes in the mirror on a pretty regular basis, I knew there and then until he started revealing his backstory - the scars, the master and all the rest, I knew this was going to hit very hard and this man was a deep well. He was so lost that he barely had any idea of who he was any more.
By the time you’re well into Act 2, you’re starting to get the gist of him. You learn about his sadness and sense of loss around his identity before he was turned. You learn about the scars. And you learn about Cazador. I got the sense that all of this exposition was almost like a therapy dump from him. Thoughts and feelings he’s wanted to express for decades but hasn’t had a soul to tell - or he’s been compelled not to by his master. Now he can get them out. He can voice how unfair and unjust it feels. The sarcasm, the cynicism, all a way of expressing how much pain he is in. But one thing he’s never lost is the knowledge that he doesn’t deserve this. He hasn’t been beaten down so much to believe that he is unworthy of better treatment. And that sense of self is what I believe has kept him going all this time. He knows it wasn’t his fault. He knows Cazador was a cruel, sadistic monster.
And I hugged him. Of course I hugged him. I defended his autonomy from the moonrise drow and I hugged him after. At this point I’d fallen as hard for him as he had for me. I cared for him. I couldn’t make any of those obviously awful choices with him. When the details of the ritual came up I felt a knot in my stomach. And sure enough every time we talked after that point he talked about taking that power and I thought ‘this will be rough’.
It reminded me of a lot of really bad experiences I’d had in the past. Boyfriends and friends who were clearly bad for me and I was bad for them. And yet, I needed to help this guy. This person who had nobody for so long. Who didn’t know what it felt like to have someone actually care about him.
I looked this as someone who has experienced trauma in their life. How would I feel. How have I felt? To be scared of so many things. To wonder why on earth would I do something nice for someone else when I’ve sat in alleys, starving and in pain while people just walk on by. No gods to answer my pleas for help. I’d be cynical and disapproving too. I’d have a warped sense of humour. I’d want to never feel that again. Of course he saw the one thing that could protect him and feel compelled to grasp it with both hands.
Astarion has conjured up feelings in me I thought were long gone.
Astarion’s finale
The images I’ve included in this post have been doing the rounds on tumblr and this hits so hard it hurts. Astarion’s journey ends in such as way that it’s meant to be hard.
If you’re a gamer that commodifies your characters as a series of stats or objectifies them based on their design, then ascend him. It doesn’t matter to you. And I’ve seen plenty of people on message boards and Facebook saying exactly that - “but he gets these powers and is so badass”. They’ve never seen past the facade. He was a jerk at the start of the game, a creepy flirt and a vampire ready to be staked. And that was it.
Every excessive power in this game has a major consequence that you have to live with. This choice I think is one of the biggest before the climax of the game.
The ascension pretty much erases him. It takes who he was and the healing that he’s done and throws it away, as if it never really mattered.
And to him he’s worth exactly what he thought he was to begin with. His self-worth is warped into superiority and his hunger and fear replaced with a hunger for power and dominance. He’s not free in this form. He just becomes a new kind of imprisoned. He’s placed in stasis forevermore. And this won’t last forever because as absolute power corrupts absolutely, it also falls. Just like Ozymandius, he’ll rise and collapse under his own grandiose. And he’ll take you with him if you let him.
That steamy scene before he turns you is basically exactly what the Larion writer is saying - you’ve not empathised or grown here. Have your sex scene and then enjoy your eternal enslavement with New Cazador. It’s a bad ending for you and Astarion. You get to be exactly what he was, no matter what pretty words he tried to convince you with - he’s still that 10 charisma trying to convince himself as much as you. He’s Act 1 Astarion with some nifty new powers. He will control you like a doll and yours will be the same half life his was. He’ll start with promises of being his right hand, but somewhere down the line you’ll do or say something and he’ll do to you what was done to him. It’s the ultimate narcissistic relationship.
If Astarion walks away, he’s him. Truly him. With purpose and a new path to walk. You can build a new life together with nothing holding you back. The trauma behind him, he can now walk a path of healing for himself and learn who he is. It makes me feel hopeful and joyful that he gets a second chance.
And that’s where I’m at. My ideal ending is for them both to go off together searching for a cure for his vampirism. Whether it’s possible, who knows - on writing this I’m still to finish my first run of the game. But at least there’s that glimmer of hope in that ending.
I think Astarion is beautiful. There’s a reason half the internet is madly in love with him right now. But if you let yourself, he becomes more than a nice body and a pretty face. His complexity opens up like a puzzle box and you feel the satisfaction of a truly beautiful arc come to its climax. He’s a beautifully written and crafted character and I’m so glad to have experienced his story.
I could say so much more…but it’s long enough as it is. Thanks for reading x
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Any opinions/ideas about the Nagpa? They’re basically just Skeksis so I like ‘em
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You hit the nail on the head friend, Nagpa are Skeksis with the serial numbers filed off, along with some extra details that we can use for some delightful adventure hooks. Here's some Nagpa lore, with some of my own revisions:
Originally a coven of thirteen wicked mages, The Nagpa sought power above all things, eventually getting it into their heads that if they devoured the flesh of a god, they could ascend to a state of semi-divinity. This led them to attempt to summon, bind, and slay a god/throw their lot in with a divine civil war/whatever blasphemous action works with the backstory of your campaign
For this action, they were cursed so that their appearance befitted their monstrous character (withered vultures) and forced to wander eternally, abandoning their fine holdings and preventing them from easily congregating in one place. Still in possession of their great magic however, it's not unusual to find a Nagpa in possession of a number of lairs, a portable fortress, or flying domicile, skirting the rules of the curse while allowing them to maintain their opulence.
Because of their secretive dealings pre-curse, all Nagpa have an ability to detect when anyone within 100 miles speaks of them or any of their conspirators. They usualy hunt and kill those who are loose lipped about their existence, allowing them to remain secret for centuries and making them amazing narrative boogymen.
Maintaining schemes that last for generations at a time, it's not uncommon for a down-on-their-luck Nagpa to attach itself to some group using its lifetimes of knowledge and magical ability to bargin for what it desires.
Before We get into the adventure hooks, I wanted to share this amazing youtube comment that I found while doing research for this post:
Phileas Liebmann:
This is such a great scene. In just a few shots we learn everything we need to know about the Skeksis: they're decadent, they're cruel, they hold themselves higher than all other life, they despise each other, but are obligated to dine together nonetheless, hinting that they are traditional folk. Show, don't tell at its finest!
The locals speak of a withered figure who stalks about the badlands, trading treasures for secrets and enacting powerful magic at terrible prices. After dealing with one or two knockon effects of this entities dealings, the party end up meeting it through dumb luck or desperate need, at which point the vulture headed man introduces himself with humble modesty as "Your humble Grandfather Greatest". Grandfather can pay in rare treasures if they're willing to do him some favours, each a small step towards his return to true power.
A beloved sage is dead, murdered by magic, and his young apprentice is on the run. The bounty is steep, but when the party catch up to their quarry they hear a very different tale from her recounting: She and her teacher had spent years delving into a trove of lore from a fallen elven kingdom, but were attacked by some kind of vulture-witch after finishing their latest translation. Apparently the creature is still after her, and by telling them she's put them in danger as well.
Finding that a rover's life quite suits her, one of the nagpa has set herself up as advisor to a clan of travelling marauders, making herself indispensable by using her sorcery to aid their raids on various settlements. Convinced that the initial nagpa ritual still could have worked, she steers these brigands towards temples and other holysites looking to strip the meat off demigods and knaw the marrow of saintly relics.
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toasterhasabucket · 15 days
TW : this whole thing is about !death and suicide! and very very much just me complaining and crying about the POEM TO HIS PARENTS
Starting off strong, Arthur's parents killed themselves when he was young. He wrote a poem about it, about his parents, about his grief and wanting it back, wanting comfort and boy, oh boy! I am SOBBING. I couldn't find a written copy of his poem so I just kept replaying it and writing it down in my notes app
This is the poem ( if I misspelled anything, don't tell me, just ignore it please)
"I don't recall how we met
as I was far too young
I knew you not as you are now
because to me you were the sun
and always present warmth and glow
a light that's always there
to wipe the teas from out my eyes
to brush my matted hair
and I would lie if not to say our relationship was pure.
I am young
a cause of grief of this I am quite sure
despite all this id be remiss to say there was no love
a calmness and a careful word
a nudge not a shove
there were nights I recall
I needed you the most
I'd crawl from bed and walk to you
and you would hold me close
between the love of both of you
to ail my sleeping strife
I never felt so safe
yet so cold
in all my life.
I too recall a time I was trying to impress
a goofy boy named Arthur dressed in his mother's best
was only dad who laughed with me
as mother you withdrew but
when he joined in dressing up
you cried in laughter too
and there was the time we all did find ourselves stuck in the rain
mother had her gown near soaked
and dad was much the same
and though we were miserable
mother found us a spot of dry
which we all ate a pretend meal
jelly and sea pie.
and now you're gone
and I can't explain the loss that lingers here
the size of a young boys parents
he wishes could be near
and there are nights
where he needs you
and he still crawls out of bed
and walks toward your bedroom door
before recalling you're dead.
and I want someone to tell that boy
to swallow all the hate
that nothing he could have said
would have changed his parents fate
and I want that someone to be you
as I write this
but alas
this pain will linger with me still
I pray this too shall pass."
Oh my God. That's emotional and so important to him I wonder if the people in the YouTube comments had anything to say about it?
One person said "glad we got to learn more about johns backstory" WHAT ABOUT HIS SOUL CRUSHING POEM
Sorry forgot some of your parents didn't kill themselves, my mistake, so so so sorry that you're crooked and evil and didn't sob your eyes out when he recited his poem. (I am completely normal and chill)
Another person said something like "Arthur, the boy who lived" and yk this could mean many things, maybe because he's survived many life threatening situations and actually escaped death, maybe it's because of the ending of the episode. OR it's because his parents are dead and if that's why
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I am going to roll myself into a hole and throw UP.
There's nothing terribly wrong with the joke I'm just dramatic and a crybaby
I need to stop complaining so NOW I'm going to take in this poem like it should have been.
Let's point out my "highlights"
"because to me you were the sun" when you're young and have good parents you like them most the time, he was young when they died, he looked up to them still and saw them in such a bright and amazing way
"and now you're gone and I can't explain the loss that lingers here the size of a young boys parents he wishes could be near and there are nights where he needs you and he still crawls out of bed and walks toward your bedroom door before recalling you're dead"
"and I want someone to tell that boy to swallow all the hate. that nothing he could have said would have changed his parents fate"
God Arthur you just like to kick me right in the stomach don't you, this almost brought me to my knees I'm not even going, I almost went onto the floor. Put this into perspective, you're a kid who is around your parents ALL the time then one day they kill themselves, even as a kid survivors guilt is a thing, most the time survivors guilt is seen in like horror movies and shit but dude, when I found out my mom committed I thought smth like I wish I could have done something, it should have been me, even though I was ten I felt accountable for what happened because it feels like all the love you gave was never enough because in the end they left by choice. That will LINGER that will STAIN and it is forever, not matter how faint it seems at times it'll never really go away. So I know like first hand, a child who's parents killed themselves or even just have dead parents, all have thought at one time "why not me."
"nothing he could have said would have changed his parents fate"
I'll never get over this line, EVER.
Not only do I relate I FEEL this, this whole poem was like a slap in the face, hit after hit, I felt seen but in a way I didn't want to be. I felt like I was exposed and I don't think I've ever read anything that's made me feel so read to.
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See this is the part where I explain that I am not complaining about people not caring about his poem and this very important part to him, it's more of me really complaining that I care and relate to much so it's overwhelming
I am not here to be like "you don't care about this like I do? Die" and if I sound like that I was joking or having a moment because I'm going off the rails with a crazy train (I love that song)
And obviously of course it's sad and everything but not everyone can relate and think about it from the way I do and I get that
Not everyone has experienced something like this and I'm glad!
But I guess since I related I was just so shocked and a little confused on why I didn't see anyone talk about it
Sure the poem isn't metaphorically fancy and is more blunt then most but it's gets the point across and I like that. I like that a lot
Anyways I'm going to draw Arthur angst, love you guys bye!
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from your post about torchwood character analysis - do you have anything to say about owen? about his death maybe? or his dynamics with other characters?
personally I think Owen's progression is so ignored! many people really don't like him, and I think that's because they buy into his "mean guy" front too much, right from the start, when I prefer to see that as shield of some sorts.
chronologically: his childhood? sucked. in season two, episode five 'Adam', he talks about his mother, claiming that she said that she "didn't have to like him in order to love him". straight off the bat - what the hell - we see that she clearly was some form of abusive. presumably in an emotional manner, by not caring at all and being neglectful. therefore, possibly being a stem for his almost attention-seeking behavior (specifically in season one), where he acts 'mean' in order to get a reaction from others. alternatively it could suggest his self-neglect, as he doesn't actually look after himself, as shown through the means of sexual relationships without any long-term point.
the reason for this??
KATIE! his fiance. the one who literally died of an alien parasite before they could get married. in season two, episode twelve 'Fragments', we see a chunk of his backstory, before he became this 'selfish jerk'. I think that he was a really normal dude, genuinely in love. and the way that that relationship became an absolute trainwreck really mentally damaged him, the way he sees the world, the way he sees love and relationships. I think that kind of loss absolutely destroys a person and hence, as a defense mechanism to avoid the world from hurting him again: he decided to be an extremely unlikable idiot.
in 'Adam' Owen is stripped of his cool-ness and turns into - not many ways to put this - a needy geek. in a deleted scene I found on YouTube (I'll tag the series of deleted scenes below, it's somewhere in that vid), he calls his mother and tries to arrange meeting up with her. that is the only time we ever see him talk to her, and he's very much not himself: he's weaker and so he's dropped the emotion floodgates, calling his mother even though she hurt him. therefore, I feel that Owen isn't actually the jerk he pretends to be. supported by how literally just before he dies (for the final time), he reverts to being a normal person. his plain and sweet self. (which entirely heartbreaking, but I had to add that in, for his depth, my apologies everybody)
he had the affair with Gwen at the peak of the not-caring-about-anybody phase and really seemed to end up regretting it. he and Gwen (as friends) are really sweet, their vibes match so well and I love how they basically have a sibling dynamic.
as for Jack, well, Jack has this amazing power how everyone in Torchwood remains good friends no matter what. Owen shoots Jack? "I forgive you". Ianto shoots Owen? they're friends again in season two. and so I really do think that Jack and Owen are friends. they have trust. a lot of trust, but there is friction (look at the season one finale, for god's sake). Jack resurrected Owen because he emotionally wasn't ready to give him up, and that may have ended up being a selfish move because of how crushing it was on everyone involved.
the zombie arc was a massive challenge and he conquered it so incredibly. from episodes 9-13 (season two) he was fine, give or take the sarcastic comment. in season two, episode eight 'A Day in the Death', Jack provides nothing but tough love to Owen. being what he needed but didn't exactly want.
when Owen died fully in episode thirteen he was ready to stop living like he was. a walking corpse. he did not want to die, but he knew that his insanely fragile existence wasn't worth it.
in conclusion, I think Owen's progression is immaculate. he learns to drop the tough guy brick wall to the point where he has actual two way friendships. although, I do wish he'd had the date with Tosh. although I understand why it wasn't going to happen. they're destined away from each other. (maybe how Owen is destined to find anything but happiness)
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thank you for reading, if you made it to here you're a real one 💪
the deleted scene:
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st-agatha-city · 4 months
I’m obsessively interested in this game, but I don’t have a PC or MacBook (u don’t even want to know how hard I tried to get it to work with shady Windows-emulator apps and sheer dumb hope 💀 ) SOO I was wondering if anyone has posted a play-through or anything? Or if there’s a wiki or smth where I can at least read the lore? Idk help I’m going insane 😭
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Oh my gosh - I am so flattered!! There are no play-throughs YET (barring my own crummy demos of like... 2 different routes?), and there are infrequent streams from small creators, but I will absolutely be posting here if I or anyone else releases a Let's Play!
My YouTube can be found here! Animatics and voice actor previews are put here, as well as some AMV oddities and the like :) I haven't updated in quite some time because YouTube scares me now I've been busy with IRL stuff and programming, but I intend to update the channel in the future :)
My St. Agatha Play Through footage can be found here!
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As for keeping up to date with fan content, projects, and lore -
My Toyhouse acts as an informal wiki. Many pages are under construction or contain outdated info, but will be updated overtime, especially if prompted to make any pages or characters a priority :) You can do that in my DMs, inbox, on Toyhouse, or via Discord (more on that in a second.)
If you want a Toyhouse code to join the site (as anyone can view, but only invited members can utilize it's services) for the purpose of leaving comments, saving things to your favorites, or for storing your own characters and lore - DM me here! I can get you one no problem :) I also make tutorials and answer questions on how to use the site, as it has a fairly steep learning curve, but is WELL worth the time if you have it to spend. I love it so so much now that I know how to use it.
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People who are sixteen or older can join the Discord! It's invite only, but you are encouraged to message me for access! You can meet other fans, see WIPs, and ask questions to me or others in-the-know more directly :) I also do dev tests and we host live play throughs there!
⚠️ Heads up - the themes and subject matter of this game are discussed openly. This is a mature, but not adult game. There is no nudity or pornographic content, but there might be references to this as well as to gore, death, drug use, assault, and animal violence. As for other potential triggers - suggestive humor, references and cartoon depictions of violence and mild gore can be seen in art and fan art. Any art involving blood will be censored :) We do not tag self harm scars, but do tag open self harm wounds in art. That's another thing to keep in mind.
These are matters of importance or passing importance in the game, mostly in character backstory, they can be expected to be brought up in the server, and I don't advise joining if this might be a deal breaker for you
This server is also plural friendly, and hosts both pluralkit and tupperbox. The server is also pro-endo, and I will not be entertaining discourse on the matter.
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I'll do some asking around to see if anyone has seen or has been considering doing a Let's Play! I've had some people bring that up to me before.
Thanks for sending in the ask!! And thank you for your interest 💌
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bezea-time · 6 months
So... Hi.
This is my first ever post I make about Trigun. And it's me just generally ranting about my thoughts on all of the Trigun versions and on the fandom as a new Trigun fan that came to be one with Trigun Stampede.*some spoilers for all versions of Trigun in my ranting*
I first found anything Trigun related in August of this year when I randomly saw a Youtube short of Vash from Trigun Stampede, and I just clicked on it because I found it intriguing as the title of the short was something like "this anime has beautiful CGI" and that the comment section of that short seemed too devided between people praising the show and people writing "not CGI again, it looks awful", which is a reaction that I can understand as anime doesn't have a good track record with using the CGI style. But from the short alone, that had some scenes of the first Trigun Stampede episode, I thought it just looked fine.
And then I watched the show and I absolutetly loved it (and still do, lol). The animation is amazing, even if at first it was kinda weird before getting used to the characters' design and movements with the CGI.
When it comes to the characters, I think that Meryl and Roberto were a fun pair and a good point of view for the viewer to the weird and suspicious things going on with Vash, Vash was such a fun and sweet but also misterious and cool character and Wolfwood was amazing, especially his introduction (best one 10/10). His backstory episode had me in tears. And they even dared to make the animation on that backstory different from the rest of the show, being so beautiful and warm with baby Nico and Livio at the orphanage and then so trippy and strange when he gets experimented on... ahhh, that episode was just so goddamn good!!! (Sorry, got a little carried away....) And I love Meryl as the female protagonist and her progression throughout the episodes.
The only thing that I remember bothering me after watching it the first 2 times (I think?) was the aftermath of the reveal that Vash is a Plant on the sandsteamer, as I thought that after that the plot just speeded up too quickly and the audience (especially first time Trigun watchers like me) and the characters didn't get the proper time needed to compute and reflect on the fact that Vash is a Plant. Like ya, we got the flashback episode after the steamer one, but I feel like it would have worked better if that was shown later, because at that point I cared more about the characters of Meryl, Wolfwood and Roberto and their reaction to Vash being a Plant, and also how tf they found ship 3 and got there, than the tragic flashback between Knives and Vash.
But overall I still think that Stampede is pretty solid standing on it's own as a sci-fi space western story about 2 brothers and their complicated relationship and differing morals and goals. (I mean, it's still not finished but the point it's that I think that season 1 was pretty good despite obviously having it's flaws, and I can't wait for season 2, aaaa!!)
Plus, the CGI animation really grew on me as I watched the show. It looks amazing! Especially the fights. Best use of CGI on character design and animation in anime, imo.
Then I watched the Trigun 1998 anime adaptation. And I had so much fun. I loved the more day to day laid back adventures with the people of No Man's Land, and that then things with Vash started getting more misterious and complex. Also, I cried when Wolfwood died. (This man and his story sure knows how to make you cry... goddamnit I wanna give him a hug...)
But the problem with the 98 anime is that Knives is too much in the background for me to care that deeply about the conflict between the twins. The Gung-Ho-Guns, especially Legato, were more interesting and fleshed out antagonists than Knives, that can be described as cartoonishly evil in this version (like, it's not a bad thing, but he could have been portrayed as more sympathetic like his other versions).
Plus, the Plants part of the Trigun deal is really left out in this version. Like, the Dependent Plants don't even get personalized as they are shown and treated all the time as objects - they are never shown to unfurl. Though, I think this was because of sensoring issues from back then, but still, they could have put some body suit on them or something, idk. It's such an important part of Trigun and it was completely left out in this version. Though, they certainly didn't have a problem making Vash sometimes chase women kinda excessively. I mean ya, it was way worse in 2010 with Amelia in Badlands Rumble. But really, what was the need... though, compared to other anime it is very tame when it comes to this (and thank everything for that!), plus the headcanon that Vash just exaggerated these behaviours so he can make himself appear like any fool Human man helps with ignoring these scenes. So, ya... I still don't like it but it's not that bad as it could have been in this aspect.
But that aside, watching this anime really hit me with the nostalgia train of the 90s/early 2000s anime (yes, I was born in 2001 but reruns on TV exist, so ya... sorry if this is random but there are always some smartasses on the Internet that like doing the "how can you even know about it you weren't even born or you were just a baby when these shows came out", plus there are piracy sites to watch older shows on, lol).
So ya, I literally fell in love with Trigun 1998, and pretty fast. It really has a charm to it, not just because it has that nostalgic feeling for me, but also because Trigun 1998 (and the manga) is really quite unique with the way it does story telling, the jokes, the characters and their dynamics (at least imo) and it also felt like a breath of fresh air for me, considering that I was kinda tired of fast paced Netflix like shows and current action anime don't appeal to me that much. (Also, huh, pointing at my pretty big disappointments with MHA that made me reach the point where I actually ended up making 4 huge ass posts with my issues with the anime/manga on my other Tumblr blog. Hahaha, trust me when I say that all versions of Trigun are a gold mine of a story, despite having differences between each other and each one their own (pretty small, imo) issues. And when I say that Trigun saved me by giving me a very good mood in some of my free time, as I really reached a point where everything seemed too boring or annoying to me, until I found Trigun, lol)
And then I got to the manga... and holy shit, did it get me hooked to the point I ended up staying up until 4 a.m. for 3 days straight to finish reading all of it... and yes, from the Trigun manga's first chapter to the end of Trigun Maximum... I needed a lot of coffee to function in those mornings as I woke up 2 hours later everyday, haha, fuck sleep I need my dose of Trigun so I can know what happens next and then laugh and cry because of it!!
Okay, my hyperfixation aside, the manga is amazing and it's obviously my favourite version of Trigun, no question.
This opinion also seems to be true in most of the fandom. Which makes sense as it is the original material and the longest, and thus the most complete version of Trigun (lol).
But this is where I found something that kinda annoys me in the fandom. Like, don't get me wrong for the most part the Trigun fandom is pretty great (at least in the circles I found myself in), but there were some people that kinda really annoyed me (tho, this is more a me problem than necessarely a others problem, as I can just ignore these things and move on to my business, lol - but I'm a dumbass that sometimes complains too much, so here I am). And that is people that don't seem to shut up about how bad Trigun Stampede is because of the CGI and the fact that the story was changed and it isn't the same as Trigun 1998 or that it is not a continuation of it. And you know what, these people are valid in having these opinions, okay? I'm not here to police anyone's tastes, lol, despite writing this in this post in my blog.
But I'm also of the opinion that people that think this are being a little bit unfair to Trigun Stampede as it was obvious from the start that the show was gonna be it's own thing.
Plus, I kinda like the idea that Trigun 1998 along with the Badlands Rumble movie, Trigun Manga along with Trigun Maximum and Trigun Stampede are their own Universes parallel to each other, considering all the differences they have between each other. And also, I'm not really a fan of the opinion that some people in fandoms have that "the adaptations need to follow the source material/original perfectly". I mean, it's an adaptation, somethings are bound to be changed to fit a certain style or era. Also, I'm a fan of Doctor Who and superhero (DC and Marvel) comic books, so big changes are a part of the course in my favourite media, lol. The important thing it's keeping the core of the story and characters. Plus, certain things, like books and video games, need more changes to their stories and characters in order to be adapted to screen, so ya.
But anyway, the point that I'm trying to make is that I don't like how quick some people are/were to dismiss Trigun Stampede and how they critique it without even having watched it. Like, if some people watched it and didn't like it that is totally valid, but it really annoyed me how quick some people were to just shove it down without even giving it one chance, when I think that Stampede is one of the best things to come out in recent years.
Maybe I'm being a little biased because it was my first Trigun version. But I also think that too many people are being biased themselves based on the "It's absolute garbage because it's not like the original" mentality (and the original that they usually refer to is the Trigun 1998 anime, that is, ironically, pretty different from the actual source material too, lol. Okay, I understand that the 98 anime has the excuse of airing when the manga wasn't finished yet but still...). Also, this annoys me because it is a problem that exists with all the series and their fandoms nowadays, which is not giving the chance for a series to explore itself before they talk negativelly about it.
I mean, come on, Trigun Stampede has so much potential, let it flourish on its own without always being compared to it's predecessors.
Though, I also feel like that some part of these opinions/criticisms come from the fact that people nowadays are also kinda tired of remakes, which ya valid, but not all remakes are "cash grab garbage", and Stampede is really great and trying to do it's own thing. So, I think that it really deserves the praise and popularity it is getting.
But ya, despite these nitpicks of mine, I'm having a great and fun time with Trigun and it's fandom.
Never thought I would obsess over a character that is a Humanoid Plant Energy Reactor, lmao. Also, it really got me with all it's symbolism with flowers and religion. There is nothing more that I love than a misterious alien protagonist in a story with religious imagery and dealing with complex moral questions while also having the most bizarre and silly base premise and characters.
Also, Vash deserves all the love and hugs in the Universe!! This Plant-man gives me so many feelings. And he is so hurt. And doesn't allow himself to get too close to people, but he still helps them the best way he can, despite pretty much everyone being against him. Until, Wolfwood, Meryl and Milly come along. Aaaa!! The feels...
I love Trigun so much!!!
All versions of it.
So, anyways, thanks for reading my rant.
Love & Peace🤞🏻
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the-ventriloquizt · 9 months
Hello I saw Black Mask discussion and I just had to chime in! I need to read more comics on him defiantly to have a full opinion but I think something interesting is how he could parallel Batman (I know like, every villain does, but still lol). Both of them having dealt with trauma and forming these new, dark identities to deal with it, heavily focusing on a mask they wear, seeing they’re civilian identity as the fake persona.
I will also say 2 things I love and found very interesting were Roman’s backstory in this one comic (forgive me I’ve forgotten the name) where he took inspiration from Bruce Wayne’s parents death and decided to kill his own, tying their fates together forever. I think there’s something very messed up about that, the way he co-opted Bruce’s trauma and how like many other iconic villain hero pairs he’s forced them to have this shared connection, even if that wasn’t his intention in the comic. I think he could make a great main nemesis for Batman.
As well Mr. Rouges on YouTube has a great series called the Patient Files, HIGHLY reccomend! Great characterization of him and his bond to Batman. Anyway sorry if I rambled here too much, I just liked that there was good Black Mask discussion going on.
Thank you! I haven't read through all of his comics either, I've just read most of his earliest ones and his more recent ones. I've still gotta go through a bunch more, which I'm not exactly looking forward to… Though the comic you brought up is making me wanna get back to it. I think that sounds really interesting, I wish there was an easier way to find specific comics because I'd love to read that.
I think it's a really interesting connection between the two there, especially since it's something Roman chose on purpose. I've been listening to the Batman Audio Adventures podcast recently, and the mythologizing of the Wayne family's tragedy coming through as repetitive, ghoulish 'true crime' programs really got to me. Roman, with his weird attachment to symbology and how it makes identity, co-opting that kind of tragedy would be a cool twist on it.
I think it's kinda weird how little his criminal pursuits relate to Bruce Wayne for a lot of his appearances, given that his origin story is so tied to him. It's like he completely forgot that Bruce Wayne embarrassed him and that he'd wanted him dead.
I think that his Patient File there is really neat! I think I'll watch a few more, I love how I looked it up and it immediately showed me that there's a Ventriloquist video. Gotta say, it seems really bad when a lot of the people in the comments are like 'wow thank goodness he's not just a torture guy'. My favorite parts are him talking about Gotham being a bad city, and that Batman is misguided in trying to make it good, and then the fun nudge at Jeremiah about his 'mask' looking a lot like Roman's. Wait, and the thing about Harvey being the most honest of them all, given he's got two equally true visible faces. I think that's really interesting and it makes me wish they'd interact (though maybe they did I'm not sure...) Thank you so much for sharing this stuff with me, I really like talking about characters with everyone!
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showtime-star · 2 years
(Long text 😓)
Idk if some of y'all even care about this but as a kid I would always watch "The Princess and The Frog" and I loved the film dearly. But one thing I was always interested in was Dr. Facilier. He was intriguing to me I would wonder "how'd he get into Voodoo?" "What's his backstory?" "How'd he meet his friends on the other side?" Never did get an answer..but today I went to YouTube and watched a clip of the movie where Facilier is talking to his "friends" and I went to the comments people we're saying "this guy deserves his own movie" "I wish we knew his backstory" and so I took to Google and tried to find anything about Facilier. This is what I found...so far?
Facilier also claims to practice Hoodoo or traditional folk magic.
In an earlier script, Dr. Facilier would not just be a dark wizard who wants to conquer New Orleans with the help of his friends, he would have been Mama Odie's son, who followed the path of the dark arts, unlike his mother. In this same script, there was to be a showdown between the two of them, which would have converged into a major battle during the Mardi Gras.
Facilier was originally named Dr. Duvalier after Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, the Voodoo practicing genocidal dictator of Haiti. Duvalier also had a fondness for dressing as Baron Samedi but also prayed to Jesus Christ. Perhaps to avoid reprisals from Duvalier's remaining supporters, the name was changed to "Facilier" from "facilitate" meaning "to enable."
Facilier is the first black Disney Villain and the fourth to be French or have French origins.
Facilier appears to resemble Baron Samedi, the Haitian voodoo Loa of the dead. He wore a top hat, a tuxedo, and other accessories. He too has associations with voodoo spirits. It may be presumed that Facilier is a worshiper of Samedi.
For those who don't know this is Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier ⬇️
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I don't know if this answers anything but it was fun to look for :)
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seriouslycromulent · 10 months
Ok. So I know I'm late to the conversation, but let's just say that I'm disappointed, although not surprised to read casually racist comments on YouTube posts about Billy Spencer and the revelation that Eliot Spencer's dad is black.
I say not surprised because I wasn't born yesterday, and I've learned from years of being a Star Trek fan that even if a show centers around uniting across cultures, features a multicultural cast, and spreads a message of fighting bad guys in every form, bigots will still gravitate toward that fandom and lose their shit if a person of color is centered in a space that the bigot assumes a white person "should have" been centered.
Because the fandom world is just a microcosm of all the bitchassness that exists in the world overall. The global society we live in is brimming with racism, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny and a myriad of other forms of bigotry. And that reality will always be reflected in fandom because bigots are often oblivious and carry their prejudice with them wherever they go ... including into the fandom world.
Now I don't know the age of the person who claimed that hiring Keith David to play Eliot's dad was a sign of "everything having to be politically correct these days," but if I didn't know any better, I would've thought I had been transported back to the 1990s and was engaging with Al Bundy on Married with Children.
Seriously? People are still using the phrase "politically correct" without a hint of irony? I thought bigots had moved on to calling everything that doesn't center straight, white, cis, able-bodied people as "woke." I guess this person just likes the classics.
Nevermind that we rarely, if ever, see transracial adoption depicted on American television when the child is white. Nevermind that the series has always had a theme around found family from different backgrounds working together to bring a little more justice into an unjust and unfair world. Nevermind that we waited 6.5 seasons to learn more about Eliot's background, and all we learned was that he was adopted, his parents are black, and why he and his dad fell out and hadn't spoken in over 2 decades.
No. Bigots are mad because a white person has black parents on a fictional series because it didn't fit their preferred narrative.
Leverage is not a show without flaws, but it has always been a show that challenged the status quo, behind the scenes and in the stories they tell. Your discomfort after learning that Eliot was raised by black parents is a reflection of your bias and skanky race issues regarding BIPOC folks, and you should examine that further. Not search for facile excuses to hide your bigotry behind other "reasons" to dislike the episode. You're fooling no one.
And the adoption story of Eliot Spencer was not "forced." It was simply not telegraphed with clues at every opportunity because Eliot plays everything close to the vest, especially his past. It's completely on brand for him, and if you cared about this character, you wouldn't have a problem with it and would acknowledge the consistency of him never referencing it.
As for the people who think that the writers just dumped his entire backstory on us in one episode, what show are you watching? There's plenty more to Eliot's background than who his dad is and why they fell out. And I bet if his dad was white, these so-called fans would've raced to their keyboards to write countless fanfic backstories to Eliot's life growing up in a small town, how he navigated high school especially with being adopted, and his life, in general, prior to joining the military. All the while taking the information from the episode to craft a layered history of his life.
There's a ton of stories out there to tell about Eliot Spencer, but a lot of the bigots fans are now deflated because that means they have to write a story with black parents and they don't want to do that. But I bet every single one of them will swear they're not racist or bigots or anti-black in any way.
Racism in fandom is not new, but I honestly expected more from the Leverage fandom. Granted, I know it's not everyone in the fandom. And you can argue it's not even the majority, but I've seen very little pushback from the fans who don't have a problem with Billy Spencer being black against the fans who do have a problem with Billy Spencer being black. And that too is very telling.
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Hello there! I have been a fan of the Wingfeather saga series for 3 years, (and the animated series since they where aired on YouTube) and I found your fanfics on Ao3 about a year and a half ago. I just wanted to tell you that I think you are an amazing writer, and a really great Wingfeather fan :)
One thing I was wondering, what exactly was it that made Artham your favorite character? For me, it probably would've been his dynamic. Or maybe the way he was written. I'm honestly not sure lol
Hi and first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH. I’m so happy to hear you like my stories and think I’m a good Wingfeather fan. Just, just trust me when I say that means a lot to me, I always feel like I'm not doing enough, so thank you <3
Okay so I’ve been ruminating on this question for a while, because it deserves a good answer and I love my boy a lot. (also I just really appreciated the nice comments and wanted to keep staring at the ask for a while) I am going to attempt to answer it tonight though!
So, first, Artham is just very much the kind of character I like. Tragic backstory? mentally ill? loyal to an absolute fault? loves children? kind? incredible fighter? He’s all of these things and many more and these are traits I love a lot in characters.
Second, Andrew writes him really, really well. He feels so human and so real, like he’s an actual person I could be friends with (and hug). His struggles remind me of my own- he gets better and then slides backwards, he tries so hard to help the people he cares about but doesn’t always know how to do that. He wants so badly to be with his family and to be loved but doesn’t feel worthy of any of that. I love, love, LOVE that he doesn’t lose his mental illness after his transformation. I was so scared that it was just gonna disappear in book three AND THEN IT DIDN’T and I was so happy, because that’s something that happens a lot with characters in media these days- their trauma/mental illness just magically disappears and that’s not how real life works! But Artham doesn’t have that happen even though magic is involved and I love that.
Related to that second point is that I find him both relatable and encouraging. I relate to his struggles with anxiety, depression, trying to cope with past mistakes, blaming myself for things I can’t control or fix… and I find it comforting that the books show that as Sara puts it, “even the noblest soul can be broken”. We are all broken, we have all made mistakes and fallen, even those of us with noble hearts and the best of intentions, and we can come out of that. We can go on living and still find love and kindness and support from people. It’s both solidarity and a reminder that there’s some good in the world, and it’s worth fighting for.
Idk, I just draw a lot of hope from Artham and what happened to him- which sounds silly because he’s a fictional character, but human beings often process real life experiences through stories so- I keep repeating this phrase to myself, it’s kind of become my mantra, “don’t give up before you get your wings”. Because, in book 2, Artham is ready to give up, he DOES give up, and it is at that very moment that he sees Tink and all of a sudden he has a reason to live again and he FIGHTS for it, and it turns out that he was meant to be there all along to save Tink AND to be transformed and have his mind restored. And I try to remember that because I’m going through a lot of crap and I feel like giving up a lot, but remembering that maybe I’m right where I need to be, maybe if I just keep holding on a little longer I’ll get my wings- that something good will come from this- and that helps.
So, uh, yeah. I could probably go on but I think that covers most of it.
TLDR: Artham is a character I love a lot because I relate to him and I love the kind of character he is (loyal, kind, brave, and somehow so, so soft despite everything). I’m drawing a lot of hope from this fictional character and his story. He is the best boy <3
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This song keeps haunting me. It has zero bragging and bravado, but it's absolutely a Bohun song for me.
If anyone wants to know how the shaman's music from "The soft wings of carrion birds" sounds like - in that scene where Bohun's lying in the ger and his soul "roams the Steppe, in search of a grave" - this is it. They don't have the same voice (I imagine that to be audibly older and less 'perfect', and also harder to pin down concerning the supposed gender of the singer), and of course the language would be different*, but the igil playing and overall expression are definitely what I had in mind.
Besides... those words are meant for being sung in an attempt at healing Bohun. (And can be found in an English translation at the head of the comment section on youtube... ;))
*Or not... I'm still pondering over the backstory of that character. They have an igil, they might actually have some Tuvan roots beside their Oirat ones. And know both languages. But I haven't gotten around to doing any research on how plausible that would be for that time. And if I ever get to, there's probably more urgent riddles to solve. Like... how the heck they managed to avoid conversion for so long and only ever get expelled for something completely unrelated after they arrived at the Don. (The joys of wanting something to make sense historically as an afterthought that was intended as fanfiction with some fantasy elements in the first place :D)
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cyarskj1899 · 4 months
https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/acf3ee8156c1493bb07fa97cec39012b [Script Offer] [F4M] Living With A Nympho Yandere Girlfriend [Rape] [Fdom] [Yandere] [Kisses] [Blowjob] [Edging] [Cowgirl] [Needy Moans] [Creampie] [Milking You Dry] [Cockwarming] [You're Mine] so many [Good Boy] mentions [Impreg] [Breeding] [Aftercare] [Sweet On A Crazy Level] [1 Year Anniversary]
A yandere has some appeal from a distance but living with one is a harsh reality no one is truly ready for. You've fallen head over heels for your dream girl and just a few weeks into the relationship you realized how draining a nymphomaniac yandere girlfriend can be, most times literally. You come back home later than usual and she greets you with a smile like she always does. It disappears as she finds out you've been talking to a female colleague after work. Your daily milking now comes with a punishment: one orgasm for each minute you spent talking to your colleague. How much rest will you get tonight?
Notes for artists:
This is a rewrite of my very first script (https://pastes.psstaudio.com/post/512e0043a28d44869ac601f37493c58a) to celebrate my first year as a script writer.
You will play the character of a very bubbly but controlling yandere. She is set straight on milking her boyfriend so he doesn't think of other girls and she does so happily every single day. There are little details forming her backstory and how they met, which hints at the prequel. This is perfect as a stand-alone, however.
The last tag [1 Year Anniversary] should be removed. 
Please contact me before using my work for non-Reddit purposes (i.e., Patreon, Youtube, Pornhub). For Reddit, please tag u/livejoker in the comments or DM me. You have freedom to adjust my script as needed, but credit must be given to "livejoker". This script is for adults only.
Script Stats:
With all [actions] included, this script has 2,422 words. 
[optional: door open sound FX]
[bubbly tone]
Baby, you're back! I -
[quick kisses, giggle]
I'm sorry! You're gone for most of the day, it's just too long for me. You're twelve minutes late. What happened, sweetie?
Traffic? But I watched the news and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
Babe..? Why are you lying to me?
I'm not asking, I know you are. I checked the app on my phone; the one that shows your location and you spent twelve minutes at work after your usual clock out time. Now, it only takes you thirty minutes on average to drive from work to here and you always text me whenever your boss keeps you for overtime yet you didn't. Why are you giving me this traffic excuse?
Hand me your phone.
Are you saying "no" to me?
Good boy.
[pensive noises, few seconds]
...Who is this?
This text that I found. Who is she?
A colleague? And why did she text you asking if you're free tomorrow?
[getting angry tone]
We talked about this. I don't want you to talk to ANY other girl.
But you did talk to her! How else would she have gotten your number? Do I need to remind you what to say when a girl talks to you?
Do I need to remind you what to say when a girl talks to you?
Do you need a reminder on what to say when a girl talks to you?
I think I do. You say: "I'm not allowed to have a conversation without my girlfriend's permission." You clearly don't know what's good for you. Luckily, I do - that's why you trust me to make all the tough decisions. In fact, I'll fix this problem right now.
[optional: phone "beep" sound FX]
I just blocked that bimbo slut. Don't ever talk to her again, got it?
[kiss, calm down tone]
You're such a good boy when you stay out of trouble. This little tantrum you just gave me earned you a punishment on top of your daily milking.
Ah, ah, ah~! Not another peep from you.  Don't tell me you're "not in the mood". You really are testing me today, aren't you?
I assure you that I'm not mad, okay? I'm just disappointed that after all this time we'd be over this "being in the mood" thing. Things go so well between us when you listen to me. Here, take my hand. Let's go to the bedroom.
See? I even put on some new sheets. Get undressed for me, sweetie.
[optional: fabric sound FX]
[approval noises, "mmh"]
I love watching you undress. That body is perfect for me. I could snuggle up to you and rest my head on that chest for hours, hearing your heart beat for me. Now, lay on the bed and spread your legs, baby.
[optional: bed sound FX]
Kneeling between your thighs always makes me happy. I get to see this wonderful cock - my cock. No one will ever touch this cock except me.
[slow sniffing]
I just adore your musk. It's such a masculine smell. My brain gets this... euphoric sensation whenever I get my nose up close and -
[quick sniffs, shaky exhale]
F-fuuuuck~. I need to show this cock how much I love it.
[kisses, then start blowjob with moans]
I love hearing you groan. I know exactly what you like: my mouth washing this gorgeous cock, my tongue flickering up any pre-cum that oozes out the tip as one of my hands fondles and squeezes your balls. I love to use my free hand to rake my nails across your stomach and thighs. It makes you shiver so nicely.
[resume blowjob]
[optional: spit sounds, stroke for a few seconds]
Ha~! There. All wet and slippery. Stay hard for me, okay, baby? I'll just slip my jeans and shirt off.
[optional: fabric sound FX]
Look at how wet my panties have gotten. How hard my nipples are poking through my bra. I don't even know why I bother wearing these since they always come off at some point.
[optional: fabric sound FX, then bed sound FX]
Let me lie down beside you.
[happy sigh]
Our bodies sharing their warmth. My leg straddling yours, my pussy juices covering your thigh... mmh... I can't help but rub myself against you. My heart flutters each time I'm this close - cuddling the person I love the most in the world.
[gentle kisses]
I love having my face so close to yours. I can nuzzle my nose into your neck or bring my mouth next to your ear and whisper...
I'll stroke your cock while I tell you exactly what turns me on.
[optional: wet handjob sound FX]
Your smell. When you're at work I can't help but grab one of your shirts from the laundry and sniff it. It makes me so needy, making me wet while I wait for you to get home. When you do it takes so much willpower to not jump you the moment you walk in. I'd tear your clothes off and ride your cock until we're both covered in sweat.
I make sure to do the groceries and all the other little errands while you're at work so that you can stay with me for the whole weekend. Wear that thin sundress; the one that stops right below my butt. No bra. No panty. It's loose, too, so you know I have nothing else underneath. Sit on your lap while you're trying to watch something as I rock my hips to get you hard. Or when you're gaming with your friends while I slurp on your cock, trying your best not to moan out. Do you think they know that I'm there the whole time? My tongue lapping up all that cum for hours?
[soft giggle]
I love talking like this to you. It always gets a reaction. Your cock is painfully hard... This is what you should be doing: listening to every single word I say.
[tender kisses between each "rule" below]
A good boy should always listen to his girlfriend.
A good boy should always let his girlfriend know where he is... and who he's with.
A good boy shouldn't lie to his girlfriend, not even once.
A good boy shouldn't try to get out of his daily milking, it's what's best for him.
Finally, a good boy should be thankful he has such a loving girlfriend care for him. Say, "thank you", baby.
Louder or I'll squeeze those balls!
[approval moan]
You make me so happy by following my demands. I just wish I didn't have to repeat myself so often. No matter how long it takes, be it a few weeks, a few months or even a few years... you'll learn. I'll make sure you learn.
[kiss, needy tone]
You're doing such a good job. Are you close, baby? You've been twitching for a bit, now.
Be a good boy and get ready to cum for me, okay?
[breathy moans in ear]
You want to be my good boy? You want to cum and release all that pent-up stress? All this dirty talk got you sexually frustrated, didn't it? I bet all you're thinking about is cumming. You want to cum so badly. Your balls are aching. Your cock is twitching. A good boy would be allowed to cum. He would be on the very edge, just a breath away from release.
[stern tone, stop any sound FX if present]
Too bad you're not a good boy. You've broken the rules and this is your punishment. I'm not letting you cum just yet.
[disappointed sigh]
Where's the ballgag... Ah, here it is. Open your mouth, sweetie~!
[optional: slap sound FX]
You're seriously pushing your luck! You better open up or I'll punish you for a whole month.
[optional: fitting ballgag sound FX]
The only sounds I want to hear is your whimpering as I ride you.
Your cock is just begging to plunge into my tight, little pussy and controlling you like this has made me even more needy. Now stop - nggh - struggling! Let me get on top of you...
Unless you want another slap I suggest you stop moving!
There, good boy. I really hate getting physical but you give me no choice sometimes. I'll just rub my pussy against your cock for a bit.
[slow shaky breathing]
It takes so much restraint for a... ha~... a nympho like me to not fuck you senseless each and every night. You kept saying how tired it made you feel to - nggh - cum multiple times a day. Good thing I have some toys to s-sate my needs. But tonight I'm... ha~! I'm gonna ride this cock until the bed is soaked with our juices~!
[shaky moans]
I-I need your cock inside me so bad! Let me reach between my legs a-and slide it in...
[gasp, long moan, then moans throughout speech]
[optional: slow riding sound FX]
Twelve. Minutes. I was going to prepare your favorite meal, help you shower and massage your shoulders from a hard day of work. Then, I'd tuck you into bed and milk you to sleep like I do every night. You just had to talk to that skank! You shouldn't trust her.
Because she doesn't care about you like I do! Remember when my parents first met you? They weren't sure if you were the right one, especially my dad. I'm Daddy's Little Princess, after all. He wanted the man I brought home to be the right one and I reassured him that you were. You're perfect for me, baby! You're my whole world. Don't you see how much I love you? I gave up so many things just so I could be your perfect girlfriend here in this cabin. Far away from other people. Far away from other s-skanks!
I'm so glad my parents gave us their guest cabin as a gift. Out on the edge of their property, the woods in our backyard where my dad used to hunt. I always wanted to come back home but with my... ha~... sexual appetite I needed my own place. Once they see your car go down their driveway and towards the cabin at the far end they know I'm going to drain your balls. Tonight isn't about you, though. I don't care how sore you'll feel in the morning!
[optional: faster riding sound FX]
[rising moans, start reaching orgasm]
I-I'm getting so fucking close~! I won't cum unless you d-do, that's tonight's rule. H-how many minutes late were you?
That's r-right! Twelve m-minutes. We'll come together t-twelve... times~!
Uh huh, you will, baby, and you'll only cum in my needy, little pussy! Aren't you happy that you broke the rules? You'll learn now, won't you?
G-good boy~! Such a good boy!
[moans closer to orgasm]
I want you to breed me so fucking bad~! Your child growing inside me as my breasts become full with milk. You'd suckle on them as my pussy would squeeze your cock for every drop of cum you have. We'd have such a big family! Too bad my dad would kick us out if you got me pregnant. I p-promised him I'd stay on the pill b-but once we can find our own place I'll sleep with your cock buried inside my fertile pussy, k-keeping my womb full of your seed. I'd have my arm wrapped around yours as we'd walk in public. The other girls would see that you bred me. We'd get married! Oh God~! I want to be your pregnant wife so bad!
F-fuuuuck~! Just talking about it is making my mind go blank! Babe, I'm -
[shivering moans]
I'm gonna cum... I need you to fill me up... B-but remember: only when I tell you. I'll count down f-from ten a-and when I reach one I want you... t-to cum!
The day I moved in next to you I imagined us fucking like animals!
That camping trip was the perfect opportunity to make you mine!
A-and ever since I made sure your balls were empty!
It keeps you docile and submissive, mine to keep!
T-too bad I can't tire you out every night b-but if I could, baby, you know I would!
Ha~... four!
My pussy is molded for your cock, we're perfect for each other!
You don't need anyone else, just me!
Let's leave this place so we can raise a family together!
Cum inside me! Imagine you're finally breeding me~! Becoming a father! I love you so much! That's it, baby!
[rapid kisses while moaning/cumming - he's still gagged so no mouth smooching]
[optional: slow down riding to a stop sound FX]
[shaky breath for 20 seconds, gentle tone]
Shhh... Shhh... Shhhh, it's okay. I'm here, sweetie, it's over. Your heart is beating so fast. Let me remove your ballgag.
[optional: remove ballgag sound FX]
[gentle kisses]
You did so well. You've been a very good boy for holding out the full ten seconds.
It wasn't easy, I know, but you did it. Breathe with me, it'll calm you down.
And out...
[exhale, do as many times you wish - preferably four total]
Let's rest for a while. Mmmh... this was so intense for you.
I think the countdown helped. I definitely feel much better after that.
Nuh uh, I haven't forgotten about your punishment. I'm still upset at you for breaking the rules. You remember when we made them together?
Yeah, it was at your apartment. I moved in with you shortly after admitting I was a nympho. I know my needs are far greater than yours. I was draining you in more than one way.
But you took the milking rule well. Just a milking a day so you wouldn't think of other girls. Then you just had to give a ride to a colleague. I had to add another rule about talking to girls after that. You don't need any other girl, you just need me.
[slow kisses]
I'll go make dinner in a bit so we can get more energy for the... eleven other orgasms.
I promise you'll enjoy it. I'll try to be gentle, even though it's a punishment. I'll take such good care of your cock. For now just relax with me. I'm not going anywhere... I'll always be with you.
[optional: soft breathing/kisses for as long as you wish, preferably 20+ seconds][end]
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burr-ell · 1 year
Hello! It's New Fan again. I hope you're doing well. I'm still slowly making my way through Campaign 1 of CT but I have a concern.
When you said that One Guy will go away soon, how soon are we talking about? It wasn't bad at first and I found Tiberius to be a bit charming but there are moments when it feels like it is not roleplay anymore and the player is genuinely being a dick.
Maybe I'm getting confused because they are pro-VAs and he's just really into it but I just cannot stop the bad feeling.
I'm debating on whether I should skip until he's gone or just endure it.
it's never that bad at first, is it
The thing about Tiberius is that the cast had been playing together for two years prior to the start of the stream and had known each other for longer because they were colleagues. And while I can't speak to who they are as people, they at least seem genuinely kind and forgiving, especially Matt, which is probably why Orion was allowed to stick around as long as he did. (And in fairness, Orion was also dealing with cancer and substance abuse issues during this period, which doesn't excuse his behavior but also helps explain why the cast gave him so many chances.)
But you are not at all alone in feeling that way, anon. I feel secondhand embarrassment sometimes even thinking about what he was like and how uncomfortable some of his behavior made everyone. For what it's worth, to give you a timeframe, Orion leaves after episode 27, and episodes 18 and 19 also don't have him (and the change in vibe is palpable). His last episode is really the nadir and it's pretty skippable. Personally, I'm messy and live for drama and found that reading people's salty YouTube comments helped get me through it (as well as the fact that I always listen to the show while I'm doing something—early C1 was for either portfolio work or support grinding in FE Awakening), but it's not for everyone.
If it gets to be too much? Skip to 18 and 19, then to either 24 or 28 depending on what you think you're up for. 24 is the actual start of the Briarwood arc and it opens with the scene where Percy reveals his backstory, which is excellent, and as an added bonus, Tiberius isn't in that part at all because when Vex said they should all go down to the workshop to check on their friend Tiberius just left to go do his own thing. (A microcosm, if you will.) 28 is when he's actually gone, and again—the change in atmosphere is pretty visceral. 25 is also worth watching, in my opinion; Orion tries metagaming with the Briarwood fight and Matt immediately has Delilah hit him with Feeblemind to take him out, and then #NoMercyPercy reveals himself and it's just as incredible as it is in the animated show—honestly, in my view it hits even harder.
If you want my opinion, the Orion episodes are still worth watching at some point...but no one in the fandom blames you if you don't, or if you decide to skip all his episodes and then go back and watch them later if you like everyone else enough to suffer through him. If you do decide to skip ahead, this reddit post has a pretty good rundown of what happened (with a few incorrect minor irrelevant details); it's not on the CR subreddit because fun fact! Discussions of Orion got banned in any context there outside of the first 27 episodes.
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(Well, this got longer that i anticipated, sorry about the wall of text, anxiety made me do it)
Hey, the person that both recommended in asks and submitted Yuurivoice characters, i just saw a tiktok that kinda upset me and it made me kinda paranoid about the possible consequences of my actions so i just wanted to say:
If any of you following this blog ever want to get into the yuurivoice stuff, specifically bittersweet, please, i'm begging you, be respectful of the fact that he has his reasons to probably never make it 100% explicitly canon in the main storyline, don't be a dick/annoying about it and maybe also don't ask about it's canonicity in stream chat, it's been asked and he has answered many times before just watch the old youtube streams.
(And for the love of god, don't be all passive aggressive about him apperantly "profiting" of the idea of the poly by making an non-canon 18+ audio of the three of them for his patreon [which the patreon and by extension the exlusive content on there is basically his main income afaik and he's only made one or two of the poly out of all the monthly content that makes him money] but still "refusing" to make them canon, like that tiktok person did.
Making it sound all like intentionally manipulative, i guess? Like some sort of eqivalent to like a big studio queerbaiting or something?! What the fuck is wrong with some people?! Especially on that godforsaken app?!)
I usually stay away from both most fandoms (especially asmr/audio roleplay type youtuber fandoms) and tiktok (and especially said fandoms on tiktok) but curiosity got the better of me and i checked the yuurivoice tiktok tag and since i don't have a tiktok account i counldn't check the comments on that video to see how other people responded and i've seen some other people complaining about it not being fully canon on tiktok as well but again since i don't usually interact with the fandom it's hard for me to tell if the bad attitude about the ambiguity is a majority or minority kind of thing in the fandom as a whole.
And while i generally trust that most people following you're lovely blog are gonna be respectful, i couldn't help but be anxious about possibly adding even one other person being so negative about this to the fandom through my recommendation.
And like if you read my rambling on my submission, i personally can't relate to how some people seem so hung up on this needing to be so black and white anyway.
It is canon (and explicitly so) that these three people love each other (in whatever way), are family, are gonna stay together and wanna go home together. If i remember correctly he has said before that it seems like some people like to ignore the found family aspect of the story and how being loved unconditionally now is a huge thing for the one of the three that isn't officially dating the other two (the other two being a couple since the start of the story) because of his backstory.
Idk, since he has metioned that this is essentially a piece of emotionally personal vent art in a way, it just seems kinda disrespectful to me how some people go about this, yk?
And personally i find his reasoning in regards to it needing to be an inherently kinda ambigious situation because of the self-insert aspect understandable.
At one point to being asked about if they're canon he said something along the lines of:
"The best answer to that question is actually "You tell me. Are they? ""
(Again sorry for the wall of text, and the negativity, i guess, i just needed to get this off my chest/make sure.)
some people just love being hateful, sorry they're going through that rn...
to anyone that mightve picked up the recommendatio from past asks, please be respectful to the creator i havent listened to yuurivoice myself, but i dont think theres anything wrong w keeping smth ambiguous as long as ur open about that, which from your asks he seems to have been for a while now?? its not queerbaiting if you literally say "ill leave it up to interpretation" especially considering the self insert element of the listener being included, and the creator trying to be respectful
theres also smth to be said here about the expectation of every polyam relationship being a triangle idk. i also dont see the relevance of an 18+ audio w all 3, i dont see how that would be baiting at all. Sorry the creator is having to deal w bullshit for that.
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picnokinesis · 9 months
TAKAAAAA!!! The first chapter for part 6 was so good and I am sooo excited for the rest of the fic!! Of course you mentioned that the title is lyrics from “Exit Music (for a film)” but are there any other songs on the playlist that are going to be especially relevant in part 6? I love to listen to the songs and try and come up with theories :))
AHH HELLO!! I'm honestly so stoked that people enjoyed it so much hahah, everyone's comments have been so so lovely <3
And oh, excellent question! The answer is yes, there are a few! So, there are actually a few threads throughout part 6 that lead directly on from part 5, and one of the things that gets mentioned related to this is Gabriela's rec list of songs. On that list, there's a song called Monolith by Twin Pumpkin, which particularly resonates with some things that are going through the Doctor's head in part 6 (it's also a song I found on an instagram fanvid for spyfall part 2 which i cannot find for the LIFE of me, which is a shame because i absolutely LOVED it). I actually also really love this acoustic cover of the song that I literally just discovered hahaha
There's also an album called Hospice by The Antlers that gets mentioned at one point during the fic - and this one is an interesting one because the only reason I included a song from it on the playlist in the first place was because the song was called Thirteen haha - but then listening to the album, I realised that it REALLY resonates with what happens in this story, especially the backstory stuff for the Doctor. There's a track called Two which is scarily on the nose lyrics-wise in places, and in fact the title for part 8 will be taken from that track. The trick with this song is figuring out which lyrics are relevant and which ones aren't haha, as well as which ones are exactly right, which ones are sort of metaphorically right and which ones are about different characters hahaha. There's also this BEAUTIFUL cover on youtube that I also recommend because it gives it quite a different vibe and I love it so much. But yeah so whilst this song doesn't specifically come up in part 6, if you want a song for theorising, this is the song.
And then finally, there's Upward Over the Mountain by Iron & Wine which....I can't really say what this one is about until I get to the chapter where listening to it whilst writing made me cry hahah. But it's another important one for this au.
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nervousron · 2 years
if you don’t mind, I just finished GTA V this morning and it’s like consuming my world— where does one find all the good nuggets abt Trevor’s backstory and his relationship with his mom? :] I know that’s kind of a vague request but I played Mrs. Phillips and I just found myself wanting MORE lol, I’ve been going through some of your posts as well scoping for info lolol
Any tips appreciated!!
Yeah, happy to help if I can! I won't lie, its a bit of a slog to dig through everything. But if you have the time the two most helpful things I've found for finding small details and background lore are youtuber whatever57010's All Possibilities videos, and OpenIV.
OpenIV is great if you have the game on PC. It lets you dig through most of the audio files, which is how I found all the Mrs. Philips lines. It's kind of a pain to install sometimes, but I have 2 working links. I think you can use it on your PC with an xbox game disk too, but I haven't tried it personally
whatever57010's videos are basically every outcome for a mission. It usually includes all of the alternate dialogue so its way handy.
If you want Trevor background stuff specifically, the rampages and obviously the mrs philips quest give a lot of insight on her. (He has lots of incest comments here and there too. Off the top of my head I cant remember where they are) Idk, a lot of his lore is just kinda sprinkled throughout the game, so its hard to direct you to specific spots. I hope this all helps though!
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