#i dont want weird stock photos
ot3 · 1 year
omg thank you for being the first normal person I've seen so far about AI who's also an artist T-T like obviously all the stealing is horrible and it's good it's talked about but almost everyone really is acting like the idea of computers being capable of creating images killed their firstborn child
(also I don't mean it as one of the weird AI art bros but as an artist myself I'm just glad that there are other artist with open mind to the concept)
no right like its insane to me to see how many other people who seem reasonable and level headed are falling for the kneejerk response to say ai Isn't Art Can't Be Art ! It's throwing out the baby with the bathwater to an almost incomprehensible degree.
Unfortunately the fact of the matter is that we live in an era where essentially all new technology's first and prime purpose will be for ghoulish, capitalistic, anti-human ends. But to reject any other uses for the technology doesn't do anything other than make you look like an anti-tech weirdo. This is genuinely insanely impressive and revolutionary tech! There are a TON of legitimate artistic uses for AI image generation.
It also seems weird that everyone is delving into this false binary of 'dont use AI, learn to draw' as if there is any conceivable reason for these things to be mutually exclusive? Like, before all of the AI discourse really popped off i was doing some experimenting with using AI in my process.
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the texturing used in this drawing was made by VQGAN + Clip (different type of image generation than the stable diffusion model that is producing most of the AI art that's up for debate right now) running through google colab. I made a bunch of these weird, ethereal images that would have been almost impossible for me to produce under my own power - it would have taken a titanic amount of time, effort, and design to produce any of these through illustrative or photo editing techniques.
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here's a sampling of some of the textures i made. Now I think it would be a real struggle to try and claim that these images made are plagiarisms. However, I stopped messing with the google colab generation for one key reason: i didnt know enough about the image databases being used to train these models. That's the real stumbling block
the internet is CHOCK FULL of images that are free to use commercially and repurposes, there's stuff like wikimedia commons, the smithsonian open access, unsplash and pexels which have free stock photos, etc. I honestly think a nonzero amount of artists would consent to having some of their work used in image generation databases if they were promised noncommercial use of the resulting images, also. But the problem is the people training these AI don't give a shit about any of that. It's just the complete entitlement to other people's work and neglect for creative boundaries that makes AI generation bad.
The fact that people are attempting to replicate the art of living, working artists, or people like kentaro miura who by all accounts were so dedicated to the craft that they worked themselves to death sickens me. And the fact that the companies responsible for this are using that as an active selling point for their product is even worse. It's a pretty miserable time to be an artist, and this is just the icing on the cake.
But I don't want silicon valley greed and bizarre, impotent jealousy from redditors who want custom waifu jpgs to mean that nobody who could really benefit from AI image generation gets to use it.
like, my dad for example. he's been a creative person his whole life but it never really went anywhere. He drew a lot as a kid and then went and got a degree in filmmaking. My parents were living in LA when I was born, with my dad managing a filming/sound studio and the two of them trying to break into writing screenplays. This did not happen because they had three kids, and for the past decade and then some my dad had been doing database programming on contract for the CDC. Now, in his mid 50s, he's finally got a permanent and secure position and, rather than spending all his free time raising children or getting PMP certified to try and angle for a string of promotions, he can start having hobbies again. there's a comic he's been wanting to draw for as long as I can remember.
only, one big problem - in 2021 he had surgery on his cataracts and never healed properly. He's got severely impaired vision and looking at stuff too hard for to long causes him a ton of eye strain and pain. He has to look at a lot of screens for his job so by the time he's off work for the day he's pretty much too fatigued to do all the intense visual stuff it'd take to make a comic.
I wanted to tell him AI image generation could help him make the kind of stuff he always dreamed about making as a kid but instead I had to tell him that as it stands, the predatory nature of AI modeling means it's insanely hard to use it without ripping off vulnerable creatives. Instead we chatted a bit about combining 3d assets, digitally edited photos, or photobashing/digital kitbashing methods to try and make a pipeline he could do without drawing, but the time commitment to learn these methods is probably just not feasible unless his eyes make a pretty unprecedented recovery in future years.
Like, that's the worst thing about all of this. The idea that AI makes the production of certain kinds of art more accessible to people with disabilities isn't just a 'gotcha' being used by the pro-AI people, it's also true. I would love for my dad to be able to make his comic. I myself also have a huge string of health issues and sometimes the main thing stopping me from drawing is that it hurts to do so. Anything in my process that could reduce the strain drawing puts on my body is an accessibility concern in some ways. Eventually degrading so much that I can't draw at all is one of my biggest fears.
But that doesn't counter all of the negatives! It just doesnt! Which fucking sucks man it just sucks so fucking bad that we have this cool incredible thing and we can't use it without being complicit in some stuff i am fully ideologically against! As things stand I really cant imagine that 'ethical' AI image generation will ever exist, so unfortunately it will have to be in the hands of the people using it to decide for themselves if they are using it in a way that is predatory or harmful, or as a legitimate tool to make meaningful works of art.
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degenderates · 8 months
ok fuck it. ranking covers of a home at the end of the world by michael cunningham because guys some of these covers slap and some of them are the ugliest shit i've ever seen. this is the kind of post i would have used to make back in my tiktok days but there's no way im opening that app by my own will again. so mutuals read this post.
last place/ugliest cover first.
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the stock photo. literally what is going on here. the font is practically unreadable and makes no sense. the image itself looks like someone pulled it right off shutterstock. its giving my middle school vsco account. why are there three women on the front? the story is primarily about two guys and one girl. i mean there is a second female pov but she's not part of the polycule. font is clean but ugly. bye.
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the movie poster one. i have so much beef with this cover, even as a movie poster. they literally took three screenshots of the movie and overlayed them into a weird collage type thingy. why is colin farrell standing like that?? why is the character jonathan in the back?? it's giving disney channel. it's giving early 00s--in a bad way. no rights at all. 🍅🍅🍅
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the perks of being a wallflower one. i guess there was a craze for late 90s books to have typewriter font in the middle of a minimalistic cover?? i hate minimalistic, abstract covers. you could choose to tell us something about the book but no. here is an orange circle and a black circle. okay.
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the modern cover (i assume). i like the watercolor and how it's not too busy but there's still a discernable image (unlike a CERTAIN cover i just discussed...🙄). the font kind of fucks up the whole thing though. it doesn't match the vibes of the book at all. it's very new-adult-romance and just feels off. because yeah technically the book is about new adults and their relationship drama but it's not this...cute.
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the uk cover (?). the quality of this image sucks but i literally could only find it on abebooks.co.uk so. it's not bad, just really busy. the font has a shadow so it can be readable but that makes it feel even more cluttered. i like how the angel statue makes an appearance, but all the colors and how bright it is just makes it feel like a little too much.
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the color burned one. honestly while i like the vibes i'm not quite sure who this lady is supposed to be. that looks like a wing so she's probably the white angel statue, but she looks too human. and angels aren't different colors like that. i like how this is simple and black, very classy. but ultimately it doesn't really make a lot of sense.
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the grey one. this is simple, but nice. it's dark but with light shining behind the house--a nice balance of hardships but also hope, which fits the story. there's a swingset, which makes sense given the story is about growing up, in a sense. and there might have been a swingset at the actual house in the book. can't remember. the font is clean. a little sci-fi/futuristic for my taste but that's alright i guess. this is the cover i have. i guess i should be lucky it's not one of the previous ones but i really wish i had the next one...
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the first edition. look it's classy. it's gothic. the angel is there. the sky looks like it could be ohio or nyc. there's powerlines. the font is stylish but not over the top. it's not too bright. it's slaying. one of my favorite things about this cover is how it emphasizes the angel, because the book itself was written around michael cunningham's seminal short story "white angel" which i have talked about a lot on this blog. it also is in a similar pose to the actual angel statue it was based on, the black angel of iowa city (shown below). i'm a fan. i wish i had this cover soooo bad<333
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overall thoughts: most of these covers are kind of shitty lol. this book deserves better</3 if one of y'all live in the US, dont care much about covers, and want a free copy of this book i'll send my copy (the grey cover) to you for free just so i can buy the top ranked one on ebay lol. anyways if u got to the end and found this at all entertaining, tell me so. this was fun to do except when tumblr deleted the whole thing and i had to remake the entire post!!! lol!!!! and y'all should read this book because it's very good and very messy queer and i adore it deeply. <3
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gaykillermoth · 1 year
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hi im mothman and i post about horror, men, bugs, men, OSHA, and cats. secretly a dog in a hazmat suit. only valid kinnie in the world. follow me.
more here on my website or go under the cut if youre not interested
i also run @moethman [art blog] and other blogs unimportant
i like looking for the sources of gifs and images. want me to find the source of something for you? want a particular graphic [cat gifs, dancing dinosaurs, stock photos of people eating dinner, anything and everything]? send me an ask
FULL NAME LIST: mothman, jay, hazmat, boy, wesley, metal gear solid [can be shortened to mgs or metal/gear/solid idgaf], jack, ethan, knife, crypt, otto, jacket
FULL PRONOUN LIST: it/its, he/him, they/them, moth/moths, win/winter/winters/winterself, mold/moldself, bio/hazard/biohazard/biohazardself, knife/knives/kniveself, ☢️/☢️s, vhs/vhself, 🔪/🔪s, all cat neos
i post about a lot of things. very rarely consistent. but consistent interests of mine include bugs esp. lepidoptera, ARGs, horror esp. video games and internet horror, OSHA, GIFs, and hazmat suits incl. plague doctor suits. i like games even though i cant play them often.
im objectum. we fuck computers here. if you think thats weird choke and die ❤️
i am a wolf i am a cat i am a bug i am not to be perceived im your little buddy who wants treats i dont know you. i contain multitudes
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basslinegrave · 8 months
fnaf story shoulve ended at pizzasim and then to not actually end entirely there should be more stuff from the past im still waiting for a game or other media about fredbears 😭 literally origins and stuff theres so much you can do with that
i also would keep the books but i only care about fazbear frights cause the main stories are silly goofy one shots loved fetch loved in the flesh loved the fazgoo one like yeah this is great stuff
i mean help wanted was great as a game collection and in vr on top of that but it lowkey retconning all prev games is a weird step and then they obviously didnt know what theyre doing theres more questions than answers now (yes it has been like that with previous fnaf games but at that time it was kept mainly within one thing instead of a fazillion books and deleted and unused game files)
will we ever know what happened to bonnie? maybe in 7 years? will cassies story also be fake like gregorys? which i dont hate, i actually love an unreliable narrator but im worried thats not even the case!! they made a bunch of fake endings in a comic book style which could totally be because of a crunch but it would be so much better if it was a plan from the start that theyre all drawn by gregory
but with how they scrapped 80% of SB and still didnt have time its unlikely
i can literally only mingle with old content (and im happy theres so much to watch now like fnaf 1-3 remakes and ppl playing help wanted and fangames or just going back to the actual og fnaf) if not for mxes and the henry theories and cassie being genuinely an interesting character (gregory sucks) i wouldnt be interested in the new stuff and just stay in the past
also the graphic novels and comics its like. yeah id love to read these but if half of the art is traced and 100% of it is lazy as fuck i dont really feel like looking at it.. (i do like how fucked up afton looks like in silver eyes and also the bonnie suit but i just saw like 2 days ago some comparisons of stuff being traced i believe it was a bonnie from there idk from fanart so bahhh idc if pinky traced from stock photos thats like. ok if youre crunching but if its from other art thats a no)
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baekhvuns · 2 years
SEONGHWA'S PARIS PHOTOS I'M DYING OUR MODEL 😭🤧 the hwaist 😩 and his giant boots!
I can't say bestie and his new photos kinda reminded me of that dream again🤚🏻🙅🏼‍♀️ ajhduahshshwgsgs no it was normal and wholesome and that's the problem, no spicy or ridiculous stuff but I was like WHYYYY BRAIN, WHYYYY. I'll say this: we were in Venice and there was ice cream involved (sorry GELATO) I was on my period suffering (as I am atm) I just always have to dream about someone, literally every night some weird shit is going on, hahahah.
Tell me if Seonghwa or anyone else came to you in your dreams 👀
I wanted so many Shinee stuff like their snow globe but THE PRICES SM FUCK YOU, LEE SOO MAN I'M IN YOUR CLOSET! SM seriously fooled and robbed me 3 times so I will never order from their shop directly ever again. My most precious stuff are the Japanese merch cause I bought some of them in Japan myself. And Japanese albums are always so expensive 💀
Yeah the amount of times I had to re-arrange the Ateez shelf in the past year...
Feet??? Hannah I'm so sorry, but tbh I used to laugh like a maniac every time I took their heads off it was funny for some reason. And I used to "serve" the heads as food, me and my friend played Haunted House so that's why, but wtf 😬😬😬😬
Maybe I do have Cleo maybe I don't, can't tell you 👁👄👁 omg I wanna smell! I have Strawberry Shortcake themed clothes for some reason and I know there are many characters in that story, but it was never a popular thing over there. Neither the OG show nor the newer one.
So you ARE the main character after all, you may not claim this energy but still congrats the final girlie!
I wish I got Wonderland though the straight bit, so rude isyssuyshssgjssg.
#deep idk what it means, but "you probably don't speak often" I'm sorry but I literally monologue to myself out loud all the time, I only shut up when I'm angry or exhausted or I don't like someone...
I apparently smell like sweet candy and cherry lollipops hmmmm I do use cherry flavoured lip balm a lot!
I really wanted to get Lucifer or RDD eras jsdyusgegshs but I got Everybody which is cool I don't like the Everybody slander. Wbu?
Take this one! https://uquiz.com/quiz/m0wkZD?p=2847924
- DV 💖
SEONGHWA'S PARIS PHOTOS I'M DYING OUR MODEL 😭🤧 the hwaist 😩 and his giant boots!
I can't say bestie and his new photos kinda reminded me of that dream again🤚🏻🙅🏼‍♀️ ajhduahshshwgsgs no it was normal and wholesome and that's the problem, no spicy or ridiculous stuff but I was like WHYYYY BRAIN, WHYYYY. I'll say this: we were in Venice and there was ice cream involved (sorry GELATO) I was on my period suffering (as I am atm) I just always have to dream about someone, literally every night some weird shit is going on, hahahah.
GDJWDHKW i dreamt about baekhyun this is not a good thing 🔫 NO SPICE??? 😭 NAURR U AND THE LAUNDRY HWA WHEN !!! in venice 👁👁 i smell an au in the brewing 👁👁
Tell me if Seonghwa or anyone else came to you in your dreams 👀
I wanted so many Shinee stuff like their snow globe but THE PRICES SM FUCK YOU, LEE SOO MAN I'M IN YOUR CLOSET! SM seriously fooled and robbed me 3 times so I will never order from their shop directly ever again. My most precious stuff are the Japanese merch cause I bought some of them in Japan myself. And Japanese albums are always so expensive 💀 Yeah the amount of times I had to re-arrange the Ateez shelf in the past year...
NO FR EITHER THEYRE SO EXPENSIVE OR THEY DONT STOCK IT! OR THEY STOCK IT IN THE SMGLOBAL SHOP AND THATS SHIT,,, 3 tIMES??? 😧😧 id sue 🔫 YEAH THE JAPANESE ONES R SO EXPENSIVE AND FOR WHAT 😭😭😭 no bro same they’re tucked away in my closet and there’s a stack of them 😭😭
Feet??? Hannah I'm so sorry, but tbh I used to laugh like a maniac every time I took their heads off it was funny for some reason. And I used to "serve" the heads as food, me and my friend played Haunted House so that's why, but wtf 😬😬😬😬
yeah FEET 😭😭 poor girlie even had the button in her tummy that sand party in the usa 😭😭 FBWMDBWMDHWK ANON 😭😭😭 WHAT GOES ON
Maybe I do have Cleo maybe I don't, can't tell you 👁👄👁 omg I wanna smell! I have Strawberry Shortcake themed clothes for some reason and I know there are many characters in that story, but it was never a popular thing over there. Neither the OG show nor the newer one.
im literally going to rob u. THEY SMELL SO SO GOOD i have them tucked in a box and it smells the BEST ive had them since 2011? and they’ve not lost their scent it’s incredible 🤌🏼 YOU HAVE THE CLOTHES?!? IM 😭😭
So you ARE the main character after all, you may not claim this energy but still congrats the final girlie! I wish I got Wonderland though the straight bit, so rude isyssuyshssgjssg.
I WISH I WASNT I WAS WAITING FOR THE OTHER GIRLIE 😭😭 LMFAOOOO wonderland album superior but wave album even more 🤌🏼
https://imgur.com/a/9T1Dmpz #deep idk what it means, but "you probably don't speak often" I'm sorry but I literally monologue to myself out loud all the time, I only shut up when I'm angry or exhausted or I don't like someone...
that was. DEEP. BFMWBDWK DO U ALSO INTERVIEW YOURSELF BC ME TOO FBFB i think it’s pretty accurate!
I apparently smell like sweet candy and cherry lollipops hmmmm I do use cherry flavoured lip balm a lot!
gonna steal ur entire wardrobe what the fuck HRKQHDWK 😭😭😭 im listening to kokobop and id literally say u would smell like that if it were a perfume or wave!!
I really wanted to get Lucifer or RDD eras jsdyusgegshs but I got Everybody which is cool I don't like the Everybody slander. Wbu?
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Take this one! https://uquiz.com/quiz/m0wkZD?p=2847924
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neenawz · 3 years
the lack of “aesthetic” and professional photoshoots for curvy gals in formal attire is my villain origin
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exemplary-stoner · 4 years
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Reddit is a hell hole but I keep returning to r/stockphotowar
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abimee · 3 years
hello hello! feel free to ignore this entirely, do you have any tips or advice for learning how to draw different body types and faces as well as using photo refs? I wanna get to the point of being more comfortable with it not being perfect and human but I’m not sure! How to really begin or go towards this
hm. preface i am not taught artistically at all not even highschool art class and am entirely aelf taught and like, from the viewpoint of hobbyist art currently in the US objectuvely i am a """bad artist"""" and not something to take art advice from. but i am glad to give my two cents
i think the jpimg off point is to first ruminate on the whys, and its not anobby to say that you want to draw humans more realistic in the sense of natural features and differences because you wabt others to see themselves in your work, or because youd love to draw a variety of characters. but second is coming to terms that with that, you have to do a lot of sensitive reading and understanding; you gotta research and listen to people, like say if you draw cleft lips abd someone with a cleft lip tells you that hey! its more common if they dont have teeth where the cleft is closed, you listen and adapt. attempting to get everything right the first time kinda destroys itself in the process, and as you delve into drawing say fatness, disabilities, physical differemces, etc you must come to accept that you are drawing for the people, and thus the people are allowed to criticise you and you must adapt.
thirdly is that you wont get it right instintaniously, its a learning process! dont feel the need to post your attempts online of theyre not up to par for you, but attempting is te first step in everything. you can read and research and listen and refference all you can, but if you dont consistently attempt it you wont get anywhere
and its sort of hard to say how to go about... attempting it, besides "just try". attempt to freehand, say, a tall fat person with acne scars posing for prom, or a skinny eldery person with scoliosis making tea, and when youre finished you can look at yoir piece and begin to deconstruct what you think you got wrong and what you got right. pull up (real life) refferences made by people and extrapolate what tou can re-attempt.
and as for diversifying general faces and features of humanity; engage in the moving picture, watch movies and short films and photography and youtube essays and watch the people around you, take stock of what you see in the world both behind a performed lens and in reality and see whar you may miss, what shapes you see and how peoples eyes crinkle or how their lips turn or how their fingers move. watching the world more closely is how i began to notice featres outside of my own at a young age
and as for refference photos, i think finding archive blogs cataloguing photos shot from real lives and not stock posing websites is a great way to see a range of natural poses. pausing youtube videos to refference someones legs as they attempt to kick a ball, or old myspace photos drifting across rabdom aesthetic blogs. just stare at them and the form or the composition and attempt to remake it, and attempt as many times over as many years as you want. trace over memes and teach yourself to look at bodies as shapes and lines rather than whole figures and you may be able to decobstruct and recreate those poses from memory alone soon after
and above all dont be afraid to make "bad art" in that the anatony is off or the hands are too childish compared to the detail of the image, or maybe the face looks weird or the legs are bent strangely. part of a human looking piece of art is in the flaws too
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just look at all the weord anatomy and crude acribbling in my art and yet somehow people like it, so not doing everything right is sometimes good 🗿
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Sound Of The Devil~ 1 (One Shot) Cajun Accented Human Alastor X OC Marie (Hazbin Hotel) (Yandere)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, this one shot is going to be beyond smutty And Alastor is going to be making marie a hot mess. Now this is obviously not canon alastor this is just how we imagine him if he was sexual. We do not say this is how he should be and as long as no one is being hurt there is no harm in it. This is all for pleasure and entertainments and we hope you enjoy!]
(Marie's pov)
I let out a sigh, rubbing my eyes as I yawn as I just finished locking the front door a d am now bringing out the trash as I put it down when I hear a scream as I stand up as I see a man running well Stumbling his way towards me. "S-Sir?" I asked as I backed up when I saw the blood as I see a shadow before I see the person. He was a bit taller, in the 6 foot placement, slende--no wait. No there's no way..
"R-Run! H-He's the devil!" The man said as he grabbed my skirt as I see him now.
"Al... astor ." I whimper out
"Oh dear me, cher~" He says. "Now I nevuh wanted you to see me like this cher, not like this... Dere is no helping it cher, yor are gonna have ta come with me."
I was frozen in place gripping the trash in my hand it is tearing. He slits the man throat and my face is splatter in blood. I scream and run back into the building. I run to the door but when I got there I remember it is lock and turn to run to get the keys but Alastor face is an inch away from mine.
"Now cher ya shold go to sleep, ya'll need your rest for tonight my sunberry sweetness.~" He purrs then slams my head into the wood of the door and everything goes black.
(He couldn't just use a pressure point??? He just slams her head xD)
(XD He knows just how to slam it in just the right way it only takes one hit XD
(XD With only a big chance for some serious concussion)
I swore I heard the flash of a camerea as everything was black as I freaked out before I realized it's just my eyes are closed as I was met with a sudden painful throbbing as I let out a whimper as I felt like I would cry, not only from that nightmare. But the pain what did I do to my head?
(Oh look you get her!)
(bad! Go to the corner!)
(And think of what you done!)
I tried to go and grab my head but I cant move my arms.... Why Cannot I not move my arms!? I look at them and see them tied and thick padded leather binds against a bed frame. I started to panic and felt like I have a panic attack!
"Calm down cher~" I hear the calming and soothing voice of Alastor I know he did this but his voice no matter how afraid I am it makes me fell calm and safe. "I am sorry, I may have hit ya a bit to hard awn the head jest give me a moment cher. I take real good care of ya."
I let out a whimper. "Alastor..Alastor tell me you didn't do what I saw.." "Oh cher it gonna be awright." Oh god. Oh god he killed him. He's going to kill me!
"Oh god...please..please don't kill me Alastor."I whimper out.
He started laughing. "Kill ya Cher? Why awn earth would I evah do a thing like that!?! No no no Cher~ I am going to make ya'll mine Mawn Ange~"
(Mawn Ange Canjun accent for French mon Ange aka my angel!)
(...well I would say that's worse but it's not ;3)
(;3 no it is not)
"i-,I-I dont--"
"aw Cher." He said pushing my hair out of my face.
"you're adorable~! Ah loved ya ever since I first met ya, you was always so put togedder~ even wit dat boss of yours, yous still smiled and did da best you could~" he said leaning in as I turned my head from his out of fear
"Buy ya saw sumthing ya can unseen Cher." He says. "I love ya to much to kill kill ya so I am going ta do something better Mawn Ange~"
"What?" I ask shaking and her turns my head to him.
"I am going make ya all mine!" He says and starts to unbutton my blouse. "Boudy~ Mind~ Und soul~"
With that my blouse and skirt were off and I was in nothing but my bra, panties, stockings and garters.My eyes widen as I let out a small whimper as my hands tried to cover, but the straos kept them tied to the posts. The one day I wear the nice undergarments my friend got me..
"D-D-Don't look."
"Aw now cher ain't nothing no one hasn't seen." He said smirking as I just looked away, shaking still.
"Wait don tell me cher yous still as untouched as fresh snow." He said as my face and went red
I blush more. And he pulled out a camera. He took several photos of me.
"WE got ta document dis moment Cher~ So we know jus the way ya look before I have ya screaming ma name and falling into a passionate mess of all ya breathless moans and glistening skin just like fresh dew awn the mawning lawn. Mawn Ange"
He took them, smiling at the roll before he pulled down my panties suddenly. I gasped and he got between my legs and licked my core and I cry out and he snapped a photo just as I did. Why did that make me shudder in need?
I squirm when I felt him lap at me.
"S-stoo I-It feels weird! Please my stomach! It feels like something's forming!" (Good~ Also that soon? Come on Marie xD)
(XD Yeah Marie XD What does that Accent Edge that much.......... well it does to me so I feel you XD)
I cried out when he shoved his tongue in and I convulsed and he drank what cam out of me camera flashing and I am panting and arching my back rubbing into his face with reckless abandon.
I..I didn't want the feeling to stop, I hasn't ever felt something like that,never!
(Oh girl ..you're so screwed)
(XD So screwed XD)
[So if you want to hear the voice Alastor Ed talk in Alastor roll as Cajun there is two videos you can find it without having a time stamp one of them is a animation the other just a recording of that moment. Look up Hunicast Cajun Alastor and trust me you ears will be very happy XD
Anyways hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all of our friends!]
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rubbish78 · 3 years
The guy that was asking to buy my stockings blocked ME
I guess he was pissy I didn’t give him an example of sexy panty hose pics idk
I know it’s hard to believe (to men) but I don’t have millions of sexy photos of myself saved to my phone, it’s really not something I do. When I’m in a relationship with someone MaYBE then but normally? No. I’m not taking “sexy” photos of myself everyday and it’s something I gotta prep for too, ya know
I informed him he would have to wait until I got home from my trip so I could wear the type of panty hose he wanted. He kept saying he pay more if I did things quickly like okay but I’m at work dude, you know I’m a flight attendant since that’s your fucking fetish
He eagerly also wanted to know what I wear on a daily basis at work and to his disappointment I told him thick black tight. Many flight attendants wear compression tights because we are prior to getting fucking spider veins.
He wanted to buy thin panty hoses or thigh highs. Both are impractical and uncomfortable. I need fucking support standing on my feet all day, you fucking buffoon.
Again, I told him I had them (thin panty hoses and thigh highs) at home and he would have to wait for 2 flipping days. He demanded I send pictures as proof but again I DONT take weird daddy long leg photos on my phone and I sent random mirror selfies where I had nude thin panty hose on
GUESS it wasn’t good enough lol and he blocked me
I know he was offering me €500 euros for each pair but that whole interaction just annoyed me, really annoyed me
Like shut the fuck up, you little horny asshole demanding bitch ShUT the FUCK up im at work
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xxriverxx · 3 years
hi !!  this is river !!  they are character #22, from boston, non-binary, bisexual, chill, hopefully funny, self-hating and self-loving, and studying art history bc i wanted an art hoe. i’m putting their info below pls plot with me yayay im so excited. 
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welcome aboard, river navarro, student #22. we are excited to set sail with you ! has anyone told you that you look like aron piper? according to our records, you hail from boston, usa, prefer they/them pronouns, are non-binary, and are here to study art history. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of your academic scholarship — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + relaxed, + genial, but also - self-critical. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the sun deck. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a snowglobe from quincy market.  
river grew up as the oldest child of three younger brothers and one younger sister. they are closest with their sister, of course, and protective of her. their brothers are kind of losers, but river still takes responsibility for them as the oldest sibling. they spent their whole life living in beantown usa, aka boston. yea, they’ve got that annoying boston drawl accent because they didn’t live in the touristy areas. love them anyway. 
after reading about this experimental education cruise online, river knew it was the perfect thing for them. they’ve spent their whole life shielding their younger siblings from their parents’ drama and divorce, and river decided it was finally time to do something for themselves. so this lil art hoe hopped on board the second they were able. they love to paint  ( not like well ... more like ... messy polluck shit, )  and doodle badly. their hair is always being dyed different colors depending on what quarter life crisis river is going through at the time. some days they are the most friendly, outgoing person you’ve ever met, and other days they’re locked up sulking in their bedroom in true infj fashion. good luck with them. pls plot with them. they’re lovely at heart and messy on the outside. 
also, if it means anything to you, they’re a pisces sun, virgo moon, leo rising.
things river likes:
top 40 music. yea, instead of hating what’s popular, river likes the concept of each generation having a set of pop culture and music that reflects a collective identity. or, yknow, corporate goons making money. but regardless, top 40 music is out there and everyone knows it and they think that is kind of beautiful, in a way, all the memories tied to those songs. 
also the most obscure indie music shit in genres you never even knew existed
monster energy drinks. 
taking everyday pictures and selling them as stock photos online
alcohol. lots of liquor. but also, lots and lots of white wines. the cheaper the better. probably drinks way too much for healthy levels and has a questionable relationship with it.
romance and romance novels. whatever. dont judge them. 
bright colors. neons and light pastels are their favorite. 
comedy films
indie films
comedic indie coming of age films 
stupid video games no one plays anymore like runescape and monkeyball  ( and yea they brought their gamecube aboard ) 
school. learning. knowing stuff. the tv show jeopardy. 
literally any animal
spaghetti, spinach pizza, authentic mexican food, and those weird jello cakes with fruit in them  ( their mom always made them )
things river hates:
people who hate everything for no reason
people who hate everyone for no reason
cleaning up their room  ( sorry roommies ) 
horror films
studying. forcing yourself to retain things only for an exam. 
their ugly handwriting
avocados, strawberries, tomatoes, burgers, salmon, and any food that requires too much formal dining.
if you like this post i will im u to plot <3
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machineryangel · 3 years
If you make another sapphic images post can you maybe include butch and androgynous women? As a butch I never really get to see masculine women being soft and tender much in media and it would mean the world to me! :)
you're so right! and i've been meaning to explain this actually- so thank you for this ask! because i take the pics off pinterest, my moodboards are unfortunately not as inclusive as i'd like them to be. i too want butch & andro / fat / hairy / indigenous people in my gay moodboards, believe me, but when i try to search for those specific wlw images, (i did many times!) all i get is either 1) a pic of one, say, butch woman and not a couple 2) a cartoon couple with those qualities- both of which contrast with the theme of my mbs.
now i've also did some digging through tumblr + insta for those kind of pictures but 90% of them are small account owners' and their partners' own pics and most of them are tagged as #dont rb. taking those directly off someone's personal page without their consent would be weird and wrong, so i didn't.
to be honest, i did not go further than that, bec i'm both lazy and i have a really busy schedule, but also, i have really no idea where else to look for the kind of pics we talk about- that are not screencaps from a tv show and/or look like stock photos.
if any of you has any suggestion on this, please send me an ask or pm me, because i really wanna make those mbs more inclusive! <3 also if anyone wants to submit their own couple pics for the mbs, i'd definitely be honored to put those in & make sure to credit you <3
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elvencheesewheels · 5 years
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more screencaps from misc games 
#misc#i love gongtats point and click games they all follow like the same pattern and#use the same weird stock photo imagery and strange sound effects and are a bit janky but like.. in the most endearing way#they're fun to just go through if you want a silly short thing you can click through in  8 minutes or so where you just collect random shape#s and give lemons to strange stock photo geese or something#if i ever start a youtube where i play games or something i'd definitely just make a whole video like.. 'playing through every gongtats#point and click game'.. idk much about that but the account that uploads them all to kongregate at least has like.. OVER 100 games#uploaded i think and they're all literally basically the same experience (at least all 10 I've played are the same)#like the stock photos and strange royalty free sound effects change but it's mostly the same sort of puzzles#theyre just so fun in a very weird way ggjhgjh#i wonder if they even have the same code base or whatever and they just change the images and text font and sounds out#like i dont even think theyre bad games or anything im not like 'lol look how bad it is hee hee' but it's more like#surreal? because the elemetns are JUST cohesive enough to fit the theme (if there's a forest game there will be forest animals#etc.) but you can also tell all the stock photos are from different places and the animals dont go together and youre usually just hunting#these random jewels or gems that stands out clearly against the environment and it's like#it's cohesive but not choesive simulatneously and it gives it this weird surreal whimsical quality where nothing youre#doing genuinely makes any sense but the game mechanics still do#like youre given no explanation as to why you have to collect three swords in order to open the trunk of a tree and get a pile of#berries which you then give to a snake who then gives you a glass eye which you use to get a random magic leaf that allows you#to see invisible objects in your environment.. yet because of the meta level of you knowing it's a puzzle game and knowing how that stuff#generally works you're still able to breeze through all the ''puzzles'' extremely simply despite them having like no real logic to them#idk there's just something fascinating about it like.. it's surreal and strange and i just keep wanting to play more of them even though#objectively it's just matchiing items and entering a few number codes you find hidden on mushrooms and stuff ghgh#ALSO i think they've stopped this recently but some of the older games i've played start with the opening logo to some point and click#site but the guys voice is so jarring and he just yells something like 'frEE GAME.. DOT COM' and so even your very first#second in the game is bound to be nonsensical and surreal
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kikiyakno · 3 years
TEXTS: Kian & Jaesang
Date → Sunday July 10, 2021 ( 1 AM )
Mentioned  →  Jae’s crush, Kang Nova, Seong Sunwoo, Brandon Kelly
Synopsis  → After a big question, the boys have late night heart-to-heart sesh between best friends.
Feat. → @yijaesang
Kian — 12:49 AM
can I ask you a question?
you don't have to answer if it makes you sad
Jae — 12:57 AM
you can ask me anything u know that
are you sure? 👀
(unsent) I'm already sad what's the difference
duh now hit me with it
What does it feel like?
to be n love...and stuff...
momo said you were in love...
I'm in the worst kind of love
and I still wouldn't trade it
love isn't what they always told us
we're kind of led to believe we're supposed to feel like we can't live without that person
but the truth is, we can feel like we can live without them if we have to but that it's not like it would kill us, it would just...our life would feel half
think about it like this
we're surviving without woo and we're existing still sure but, there's a piece that isn't connected into place, isn't there? That's a real love
I'm probably not the best to ask since I'm in love with someone who doesn't even want to speak to me or know me. But I guess I still know a bit from how I feel
I really like someone...
but I'm afraid to call it love...since I've never felt it before
yes you have and you'd know it when you felt it, trust me
compare it in part to how you feel about woo and me. The three of us are all each other's person before anyone else
but since it's the first time you really have to look at it
it's easy to think it's something it's not or that it's deeper than it'll end up being
and you have to ask why you're afraid to say it
because I don't want to be wrong...
I wasn't wrong about you guys.
and you KNEW you weren't wrong about us right?
well you used to talk about me a lot...
but susu kept me around.
and i wanted to be your friend
I was a foreign kid trying to survive around people who didn't speak my language, i disliked anyone who spoke English
I disliked anyone regardless let's be real
but you still knew didn't you
I hoped you give me a chance.
So all those other kids would stop picking on me...
So maybe yes.
damn you just wanted my mean mug to be used to your advantage 😂
there's no way to really be sure sometimes but I think you feeling afraid that you might be wrong is something to heavily take into consideration
if you felt it truly, you wouldn't think you're wrong
oh...okay...i see....
well what if I think it's everything I wanted!
And i'm just paranoid over nothing.
that could very well be the case
momo said I'M in love
she asked about you cos she’s been worried
no I mean
if momo hasnt said you are, are you
has momo asked who you're in love with?
😥 no...
she hasn’t said anything about who I’ve been going out with
i just figured she's busy
that woman knows things that happen in her SLEEP, she's never too busy
so I'm guessing you're talking about Brandon?
is it all the gossip that made you guess?
nova told me she saw you two even before GG
if anything, there's clues on GG that point to some reasons that maybe you do really need to make sure
you know I dont put much stock in GG but also going off my own experience with Brandon...
you really gotta be sure because as someone who knows you, I don't see it. I know the kind of person you are and I know how he is
he’s not what everyone thinks.
but I know...I know what he did wasn’t cool.
if people think of you as something, you have had the capability to be that person that's the thing. People will say I'm a mean cold asshole and you'd punch them but you know i can be
I feel like you don't know the half of stuff he's done to be honest but it's not my place to tell you after you've started feeling this way because it'll look bad on me
I still appreciate the honesty...I understand.
He makes me laugh a lot...and happy!
He calls me beautiful. And intelligent. I feel like it after he says it sometimes.
And we talk about going on adventures! All around the world...he said he wants to see all his favorite places with me...so we can make new memories together.
it feels like a dream whenever he speaks to me…
let me ask you something
has he ever asked where YOU want to go or is it just HIS favorite places?
has he mentioned any of your stuff from la playa or pride? have you mentioned his?
you don't find it a bit funny that you start hanging out with him and someone starts shading taking care of someone better than their so called best friends?
you are all those things, kian. you're all those words of validation but what actions has he done?
does Momo have a brandon special?
talk is talk, but it's the actions you need to fall for. or you'll just be left with words
we had a picnic... he cooked for us and it was kind of awful, but it was the thought!
we had a sleepover one day. That was nice...
he hasn’t talked about la Playa or pride... I haven’t brought it up much either.
I’m listening to you I promise.
It’s just...making me think is all.
did you congratulate him for either of his "sets*?
positive about that?
did you forget or are you trying to lie
yes you did say stuff?
yes I did say things!
and did he say anything to you?
did you know it wasn't me who had ft brandon kelly on all the advertisement
and it wasn't me who made him take a photo backstage and never uploaded it
I had to agree to the whole thing just so he'd stop tagging me in cat things and sending his weird ass "fans" after me with edits after i kept telling him I hate it and that it pisses me off
you mentioned his "victories" and he couldn't say a word about yours? nothing at all?
we are on the RADIO kian
we shocked the entire COMMUNITY and nothing from the guy whos trying to woo you or whatever? that's a huge red flag kian. I bet he talked all about minjoons though didn't he?
he hasn’t...or Didnt.
i bet you total strangers have
talked about minjoon’s?
said something to you about yours
Oh! Well!
Does my follower influx count?
I guess. And I'm sure people around SM have mentioned it
that's not even a friend, kian. thats someone who just wants your attention on them
Maybe...maybe I’m just someone who’s giving him a chance. And it’s okay if that’s what it is.
I understand why you would think that. I do. I promise.
And I’m not mad at you, don’t worry. I’m glad that you’re so honest with me. I always want you to be.
[unsent] even if I disagree
it's not okay if your potential first time loving someone is wasted on you though
at least one person in my life isn't, what a relief
I just want you to be happy and I just want to be around to be there for you and make sure you don't get blinded by flashy offers and pretty words because you deserve more than anyone in the world ya kno?
take it from me...you don't want to be where I am right now
I’m sorry, Jaesang...
I mean that you are where you are now.
At least going to Seoul was still fun right?!
And flying in a private plane!
if it weren't for the good memories with you, I think a huge part of me would wish we hadn't gone
ended up costing me another person close to me but that's nothing new lately is it?
but you and I had fun and that matters more
Lets go out!
I hate you talking like this.
on the holy night of Sunday??? What would momo say 😱😱😱🤯 
I'm down to go out though
we can do whatever you want
we’re gonna go food truck hoppin 😤
I'm starving so that's perfect
want me to come pick you up or are we taking the scooter?
careful you'll make my heart flutter
I can drop u off at the hospital if u need that
I hope you drop your taco
and what do you do when I die
take ur Jean jackets 😗
would you miss me when you wear them?
do cars have tires Jaesang
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sherlocksdick · 3 years
hello, sorry if this might be weird but im planning to apply for an art major and im a bit confused with the whole portfolio thing and just in general what needs to be done before applying to an art major, and since you're a visual arts major i was wondering if u could share some tips/advice about creating portfolio and just what steps to take? again sorry for weird ask, ive just reached a point where im rlly confused and extremely nervous about college and all that comes with it, thank you in advance
1. Check if the universities you’re applying to actually require or not a portfolio, and if thats the case i advice you to check what the university is showing, what they’re teaching, alumni that have graduated and their own work and portfolios, so you have a base of what the university is interested in. (Per example, we know CalArts and Gobelins have a very distinct brand, so you want to show stuff that is similar to what they do in your portfolio to get more chances to get in, and this same thing applies to other universities) 
2. You should try to have a variety of works that will show that you are capable of doing a lot of different things, if we take the example of being an illustrator/graphic designer you can show that you can do character design, then background, then animals, motion, and so on in different mediums, but mostly all of it within a same style so it has consistency, which is very important. If you’re a visual arts major you can show different mediums, like photography, sculpture and painting but everything you show has to be cohesive with each other.
3. InDesign is a very good platform to build your portfolio. Per my teachers advice: show off but keep it short, concise, no one wants to watch a 40 pages long portfolio, and mostly try to stick to a short color palette. Don’t overdo with words and explanations and don’t overdo pages decorations. Use at 3-4 fonts though.  Since we are Visual Arts majors our works are usually....well, a lot, and since all of it had to be photographed try to choose pictures that have a similar color palettes so it doesn’t look too heavy on the eye. Put a small description of year, medium, technique, and name if it’s needed. If you actually look up both artists and architects portfolios you will find some good inspiration!
So, if i had to put the portfolio making into steps:
1. Investigate/research the universities youre applying to and pin down what you see about them, style, classes, graduates, etc.
2. Create a different portfolio for each university youre applying to because most of them will require different things, you can use the same pictures if you want to but with a different emphasis in each one of them.
3. Choose a design that you think will benefit your works, choose a color palette, a couple of nice fonts, and dont cramp too many pictures in just one page unless it has a very styled design that youre trying to follow, and even if thats the case try not to pick images that are too ‘’visually heavy’’ to cram together in just one page.
4. Look for art portfolio references! Artists, architecture, projects, everything will help and you will see that creating one is much more easy and less scary than it sounds. Stay away from the stock photos of portfolios though, theyre usually unrealistic. 
5. Clara Lieu on youtube have many videos about portfolio making, like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBWu8xBfZCw  so check them out and see if it helps too, specially if youre american because she shows people who have been accepted into RISD, Calarts and so on.
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l1ttlecreatures · 3 years
owen harper’s badges
i was struggling looking for places to get owen’s badges (and just find out what the badges actually were tbh) so now that i have finished im gna share my knowledge with u all 
if i missed any lmk and ill add them<33
lets start off easy dkjfh
red che guevara badge
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this is a pretty common find
very easy to find ; ‘che guevara badge’ in ebay or etsy would do the trick
here is one: Che Guevara BUTTON PIN BADGE 25mm 1 INCH Political Student Cuba Face Revolution | eBay
uk subs badge
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i love this band i will not lie 10/10 recommend
the photos we have of this are unclear - the badge looks mottled, like it could be khaki coloured in some photos, but there are no signs of badges like this online, so we could say its one of the more common black badges, but vintage, and has been weathered with time ? which honestly it looks more black in some shots than green
looking at different listings it does look like they fade to be greeny but i do not know
i dont have anything else to suggest so im going to blame it on weird lighting in the hub and move on
the plain black one is a common badge, one of the first things to come up when you type in ‘uk subs badge’ online (here is one for ur convenience UK Subs - Name Button Badge (rockbymail.com))
che guevara pop art badge (srry for lq image)
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this one took me a while to find, but thats only because i made a spelling mistake and didnt realise for ages
id say its a pretty common badge, but it is out of stock everywhere- i put my email in on the site though so ill update the post if it comes back in stock (this site- Button, badge CHE GUEVARA - pop art | Tips for original gifts (ukposters.co.uk))
i managed to get one off of ebay, through a one-off auction, i dont imagine itd be too rare for that to happen again so just keep an eye out
manufactured by pyramid international, but is not on their site
8 ball badge
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theres a lot of similar badges out there, and getting one slightly different probably wouldnt hurt that much
i managed to find an exact dupe on ebay (id drop the link but i got the last one)
this is a similar one: 8 Ball Pool 1 Inch / 25mm Pin Button Badge Black Snooker Billiards Hustler Fun | eBay
u can characterise it by the artificial reflection spot
crass anarchy and peace badge
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to get an exact dupe of this badge would be pretty hard- i cant find a place that makes them with the red like owen’s instead of the black
because of this, im assuming that owen’s badge is a genuine one
if you want an exact one then keep ur eyes peeled on the likes of ebay, depop, etsy, etc one will turn up eventually
if ur lazy then a safe bet is probably just to get one made, or deal with it being a different colour (heres a link to one of those Crass - Anarchy & Peace - Button Badge - 25mm Punk Badges, Fridge Magnet Option | eBay)
john lennon badge
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just a badge with john lennon on i found it pretty easily
John Lennon LP Cover badge Official Merchandise | eBay
siouxsie sioux badge
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another punk icon i love siouxsie so much
this one took me FOREVER to find and it was so worth it i actually think its sick
this is the site i got mine from;
Siouxsie & the Banshees - Underwear Button Badge (rockbymail.com)
the clash badge
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again... adore this band
i got the first one i saw on ebay, from this seller: THE CLASH Button Badge UK Punk Rock Band - London Calling, Combat Rock 25mm Pin | eBay, there is one left and i cant find another (red) for sale at the moment
there are a lot of similar looking badges out there, namely the same badge but with black text instead of red, which would work just fine (THE CLASH Button Badge - UK Punk Rock Band London Calling, Combat Rock 25mm Pin | eBay)
sex pistols im a mess badge
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owen has good taste in bands
this one is pretty simple to find!! (was nice to have an easy one for a change)
owens looks to be light brown with blue text in some photos and then just look b+w in others; ur call
heres a link but if you look it up then youre almost guaranteed to find one
sex pistols im a mess | eBay
circle-a badge
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kind of just ur bog standard circle a
if u want the exact badge then heres the link but ngl noones going to tell the difference between it and any other
Punk Rock Anarchy Symbol 25mm Button Badge (thevinylfrontierbarry.com)
i got my eight ball and sex and drugs and rock n roll badge (below) from the same ebay seller and they included a free one, and i love them for it
sex n drugs n rock n roll badge
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pretty standard tbh
theres a few on ebay but if u google it then theres loads!!!
you didnt need me to tell u this
here is one: SEx n Drugs N rock n Roll 1 inch 25mm Button Pin Badge Punk Skin | eBay
and here is a holographic one because who does not enjoy a holographic badge SEx n Drugs N rock n Roll 1 inch 25mm Prism Button Pin Badge Punk Skin | eBay
yellow and black tongue stick out badge
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this was one that i really had trouble with for some reason like i just could not find an exact match
i found a glittery one which honestly was very exciting for me
if you know where to get this badge pls hmu !!
manic street preachers badge
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again, this is one i was unable to locate, unfortunately
this one was really bugging me so i made a post in forum to try and locate it, but i still came up empty handed. i think the best bet would be to get one custom made.
the text appears to be the logo on the front of their first studio album, generation terrorists (1992). i recommend btw. 
like the last one, if u have any info on where to get one of these then hmu !! ill add it 
sex pistols rock n roll swindle badge 
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this badge had me confused for a while ngl
for a while i was sure that it was a different band and spent uh. quite a while looking for a badge that matched that description and then i checked my list again and i had a lightbulb moment where i realised that there were two sex pistols badges and id only done one (i may be stupid)
not that this realisation changed much as i still wasnt able to track one down anywhere
i played around in some editing software and made a (pretty bad but shhh) template thingy? which u can use to get ur own badge printed somewhere idk 
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onto the final badge (thats if i didnt forget one)
go deh badge
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original badge manufactured by london based brand better badges (known for being one of the biggest exporters of punk badges in the 70s and 80s)
i cant find a place to recover one of these badges - i can only find two pictures of it online (that arent torchwood screenshots)
your best bet would to be get one made i reckon
i also made a template thingy for this one in case u wanted to get ur own printed. the font i used was futura condensed bold in case u wanted to do ur own (instead of using my ugly little attempt)
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bonus: the frankenstein patch 
Curse Of Frankenstein Sew On Patch Hammer Horror Film Movie | Etsy
dont think i missed any but in case i did then let me know!!! ill try my best to find them 
thank u for reading hope i helped ! <333
when i was identifying some of his badges this post by scarecrowprops on ig really helped (https://www.instagram.com/p/CLuW01IjliB/) nd also this post (https://iant0jones.tumblr.com/post/141100170804/owens-badges-on-his-lab-coat/amp) 
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