#i always thought even if i couldnt be pretty at least whoever loved me would think i was hot
away-ward · 8 months
Hellow, i'm a newcomer!!! I love your contents, and i might watch thailand f4(?) after this because of your blogs! Anyway, I like your blogs because there just seems to be so many different kinds of people interacting with you here?? It's so obvious and you can kinda see if they like dn or its characters or not by their asks. That led to me: You know, i've never thought the DN series books to be OVERLY repetitive but when you, your anons, and your mutuals put a lot of twos and twos together about how repetitive some plots points, characteristics and sex scenes were, it became even clearer to me about how a lot of them are just so similar now. As if it's a formula at this point.
Another scene that came to mind was when alex told aydin she can fuck whoever she wanted, this scene literally transported me back to winterdamon's bathtub scene where winter was touching herself and said some cringey shit about "little sister" "not being bossed around" or damon being her daddy or something and she can do whatever she wants. And alex moaned will's name also reminded me of that scene of rika moaning trevor/kai's name when she's with michael too, and banks with kai about damon during their first intercourse (these happened right? im pretty sure they did or my mind might just be messing with me?).
And winter calling other girls easy like how rika did in corrupt? Banks rika hideaway aka alex emmy train scene in nightfall? Even the misogyny was repetitive!!!! hELP i hate it here mom 😭 this makes me feel like rika/alex/winter are literally the same type of pd's ideal characters, the mary sue but slutty type, but not much of a whore though, but also badass, only with different hair colours and societal backgrounds. Banks is only similar to emory with her colour, Thank fucking god! Because the other FMCs were LITERALLY so similar in many ways to me. And i feel like it's so unfair because we already got so little of great FMCs in this series whatnot with the opening book: corrupt was just pure shit, but why did pd had to butcher them like that? Even the horsemen had very distinct personality, EVEN IF they had similar characteristics to their friends. Even kai and damon were told to be similar, but they were very different, thats why it wasnt confusing (to me at least). What's with pd and their formulaic overly repetitive writing? Idk if im gonna read their fall away series if they're like this too. Had anybody read it? What are your thoughts on it?
---And on a side note, funny (sarcastic tone) how a lot of things alex said or did about will or emmy's personality/situation in general could have hurt emmy (as a friend), but alex did it anyway, but then alex turned around and was always seen to be not-understanding of em's situation, and sometimes she was even inconsiderate towards how emmy COULD possibly feel about alexwill's past hookups as em's friend, even laugh at her when she was jealous of them (and also for moaning will's name!! Wtf! Pd was so wrong for making will sleep in the same bed with alexemmg. I also hate that we get to see willalex's friendship and trust building even in tidbits, but we can't get the same or more for THE main couples themselves? Will can build that trust with alex to the point she knew he would come for her and be there for he, but pd couldnt make will build trust with emmy? Will grayson deseve to die the most painful death ngl)
(Idk if these alexwill asks had been made clear by your anons many times before or not, but i have only seen your recent blogs so idk, but ig my point still stands. Please do pin/post something to indicate if it has been mentioned or if you're ever tired of seeing them for newcomers like me so we can filter our asks, if this is not too much for you) Then alex was hypocritically literally going batshit crazy for all the insinuations made by will and aydin about emmyaydin??? The situation was?? It's so???? It's like when it happened to emmy, emmy was expected to be okay with it, and not show much jealousy, expected to be perfect always, not only that, even emmy herself kept on doing all the emotional work of everyone on her own, but when it comes to alex (or even will), not only they were cruel with their words and actions, they were also irrationally angry at em at the weirdest of time? As if they had no common sense or something? Like they're the only ones suffering? Funny how will said how em didnt know how will suffered or how alex said to em about how em was not the only one suffering? But alexwill were insufferable as fuck, and they were the ones who kept on being dramatic and dgaf about em's feelings or safetyl, so?? Alexwill Truly had horribe personilities, and they were always seen to be inconsiderate of em's feelings with their thinking unless em called them out for it too, but why does emmy has to tell how much they were hurting her ALL THE TIME so only then they would stop and consider how she felt? So fucking selfish. Alexwill were really so fucking annoying istg---
Just like some of your anons, nightfall ruined will's character for me, i was so disappointed in him because he was described as "being different than his friends" in other books (and maybe the povs we got were from his worse friends, so maybe thats why the bar was under the fucking ground) but then anons were right, in his book, his outward actions were shown to be LIKE THAT. But then again, if he's been best friends with those same disgusting horsemen all his life, why wouldn't he pick up the same hurtful words and behaviour from them, even a little, right? Birds from the same feather after all. When you guys said how similar will and michael were about their misogyny and how that was the main reason why that anon hated will, it became clear to me even more why i hated will in nightfall, because gooododdd i hate michael for the same reasons too!!! That anon just put my hatred better into words. Sometimes i feel like i have a different expectations of how a dark romance should be and then i came across these books and they totally were not within my expectations, they're worse, so my expectations were the one to ruin my enjoyment of reading these dark romance books in general. Maybe idk.
Anyway, if theres any anons who love will grayson, or if KO (away-ward) yourself have some long paragraphs of why you guys love will, please do share because even as a will hater myself, its a bit existing to be in this space for Will and Emmy with so many will hates lol! Maybe if you guys share your cute reasons why you love him here, MAYBE i'll like him better and change some of my opinions about him. In very much need of will grayson appreciation in this will grayson love drought (but ONLY related to emmy please, idgaf about his cute scenes with others, especially damon. I had enough in canon, im sick of them.) 😂
Hey! Welcome.
It would make my day if you decided to watch F4 Thailand. No pressure though. The story is absolutely bonkers, but it's really close to my heart. It’s nice to know someone is getting something from the f4 posts. I mean, I’m entertaining myself, so not getting any notes hasn’t been a deterrent at all, but still. At least I know not everyone hates them. If you do decide to watch, I’m using Viki. It’s free there, as are several of the hana yori dango/boys over flowers versions, if you want to dive right in. Comparing them has been a lot of fun.
Idk if these alexwill asks had been made clear by your anons many times before or not, but I have only seen your recent blogs so idk, but ig my point still stands. Please do pin/post something to indicate if it has been mentioned or if you’re ever tired of seeing them for newcomers like me so we can filter our asks, if this is not too much for you
I’ll start off here. I, for one, don’t mind rehashing the same information. Sometimes it can be a bit redundant when I feel like I have nothing to add because I’ve said everything I have to say, but I don’t want the anon to feel like I’m ignoring their point, but for the most part anon usually bring up a new point or consideration I hadn’t thought of before, so it’s not too bad. There is a “Tag System” post on the desktop that goes over how I tag my posts to find what you’re looking for. However, if you’re using only mobile, it probably won’t show up. I’ve been meaning to add it to the master list for ease.
For a quick run-down, I tag all of my answered messages with “asked and answered”, so searching that tag within my blog will bring up all the previous discussions. You can also search by a character’s full name, but that will bring up all posts concerning them, even if it’s something I rb’d and just tagged as the character. However, that doesn’t always work. I get the best results when I just click the tag I want from a post. That typically works a bit better, simply because Tumblr’s search system is pretty bad by all accounts.
If that doesn’t work, let me know, and I’ll see if I can work out another method.
Anyway, on to your thoughts!
I like your blogs because there just seems to be so many different kinds of people interacting with you here. It's so obvious and you can kinda see if they like dn or its characters or not by their asks
I certainly wasn’t expecting the blog to develop this way. My thoughts are that people just like a place where they can express their thoughts or rant about something without having to fear being judged or someone attacking them for it. There are a lot of things about the series to complain about (obviously), but when people are so deeply entrenched in fandom stuff, it can be hard to realistically critique it without backlash. But it’s all fun to me, so I don’t mind. It’s worth a laugh.
And I hope it’s a lot of different people. It seems to be, but since most are on anon, I can’t really know. It hasn’t been a problem since everyone has been respectful and nice to the other anons, so I can’t complain about that.
DN series books to be OVERLY repetitive but when you, your anons, and your mutuals put a lot of twos and twos together about how repetitive some plots points, characteristics and sex scenes were, it became even clearer to me about how a lot of them are just so similar now. As if it's a formula at this point.
It didn’t feel repetitive to me at first, either. It really was after talking about certain parts so many times that I began to realize they felt like others parts in the series. I think there’s enough different about each scene that it’s not that easy to identify. And, to go along with that, I think it’s because of something you said.
The guys are different.
It’s hard to say which is worse in the series: the horsemen or the women. Obviously, the horsemen take more heat for their misogyny and general lack of accountability wherever they go, but there’s no denying that they are much more developed characters than the girls’. Because the horsemen are the heart of the series. They were there from the start; it’s really all about them.
So what we get left with is PD’s idea of an empowered woman. Which I guess looks one of two ways? Or the idea that these four friends would only be interested in one of two types of women?
You get sexy blonde or sassy brunette. Take your pick.
But I don’t want to break the characters down that way. I’ll never back off the idea that writing is hard, much less writing something of this size. Everyone grows in skill at a different rate, and I would have been excited to see what this story would look like in the hands of a more experienced PD. It’s a shame that the community’s fighting has tarnished their love for the series in a way. But since we got it the way we did, it seems that PD liked a few dynamics or that their imagination lead them down the same path because it’s what they liked, and in the end re-used them, maybe even unconsciously.
Alex told aydin she can fuck whoever she wanted, this scene literally transported me back to winterdamon’s bathtub scene where winter was touching herself and said some cringey shit about “little sister” “not being bossed around” or damon being her daddy or something and she can do whatever she wants
I hadn’t noticed this one, but then it’s no secret I don’t remember a lot of KS haha. Hideaway and KS are my weakest in the series, so they’ll have the most holes for me.
this makes me feel like rika/alex/winter are literally the same type of pd's ideal characters, the mary sue but slutty type, but not much of a whore though, but also badass, only with different hair colours and societal backgrounds
It is a bit frustrating that at times the girls felt like copy/paste. Like it wouldn’t matter who was in the scene, it would unfold the same way. I talk a lot about Alex’s weakness as a character, but that’s mainly because she could have been a good character if she wasn’t written to be perfect in every scene. At times Rika and Winter fall into this trap too.
Not playing favorites, but it could be why I like Emory and Banks a little more; they’re allowed to be imperfect and admit it without making a big deal about it.
Emory says something mean to her friend and apologies. It’s never brought up again, but Emory doesn’t become someone who never makes that mistake again.
Banks gets irritated that she’s dragged-out shopping, but later thanks Alex for her help. It just seemed in the narrative, the other three had to be right always, and if they were angry or mean, it’s because they were right meanwhile, Banks and Em were allowed to be wrong or needless mean sometimes, as we all are.
Idk if im gonna read their fall away series if they're like this too. Had anybody read it? What are your thoughts on it?
If someone has anything to share, feel free. I can post without commentary. All I’ve read is Bully and I can definitely say it was more tame that DN, and felt more like PD was just starting out, working their imagination while DN was more like them pushing their imagination pass it’s limits. It’s not a bad thing for a writer to do that; it’s good. But as a comparison to understand the two different feels of the books to me. Bully was like the first time you go for a run while DN was like a marathon, in terms of writing and creativity.
I still don’t know if that made any sense at all. Sorry.
And on a side note, funny (sarcastic tone) how a lot of things alex said or did about will or emmy's personality/situation in general could have hurt emmy (as a friend), but alex did it anyway –
There’s a lot to say about the Alex situation. To me, it feels like PD started with one intention for NF and Willemmy, but as they let their writing group get involved, those who already had an attachment to Alex, the intent went out the window to appease them. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement when ideas are flying, so if that is the case, I see how it could have happened. It’s just so sad that it did.
Alex should have either been Emmy’s friend or Will’s protector, but she couldn’t be both. That’s the most confusing part of the whole situation. Alex appears in NF first as someone one Emmy’s side and showing concern about Will. But as the novel progresses, she bounces around between being Will’s protector from Emmy and Aydin, to being Emmy’s friend and comforter, to hating Aydin and anyone who aligns with him – namely Emmy. She constantly rotates between these three states, and it never made any sense to me – and apparently several other readers.
I wouldn’t have minded seeing Will and Alex’s friendship developed more if it made clear why Will could never love her the way he loved Emmy, but I doubt that would have happened. I believe PD wanted us to see Will and Alex as being so close, they were basically the same person, having a deeper understanding of each other. It however, never comes to light that way in NF and instead we’re left with a shipping war that was never meant to be.
I can reason on a lot of PD’s executions, but there are a few I can’t let go. One that I’ve been thinking about lately is the fight scene at the cove?
I remember being so mad and hurt and confused that Will would leave Emmy to take on Martin while he fought Aydin. Why would he let Martin lay another finger on her? Why was Aydin more important at that moment, when we know that Aydin doesn’t want Emmy that way. He wants to hurt Will and Alex (at least as far as Will knows).
And then for Alex to be shot by Martin, and that’s what stops the fighting? And then that’s when Will finally kills him. Yes, it was for Emmy technically, and I have no doubt that Martin was trying to shoot Emory, that shooting Alex was a mistake because they were fighting.
But it’s just the narrative of it all. It really sends the message that Alex is more important to the story, to the family, to Will then Emory is.
Emory says Martin will never lay a hand on her again, and while I appreciate the overall idea of her finally fighting back, I would have loved it all the more if she had posed herself to fight him and Will refused to let her. She’d conquered her fear of him; it didn’t mean Will needed to let her fight that fight. I’m so tired of PD putting Emory in the backseat while Alex gets to right passenger in Will’s life. And it’s not fixed until Alex leaves to be in Aydin’s life. I just don’t get it.
Where’s Michael with his “I love you guys, but she is everything!” speech? I need that guy to sit Will down.
But anywho.
Funny how will said how em didn’t know how will suffered or how alex said to em about how em was not the only one suffering? But alexwill were insufferable as fuck, and they were the ones who kept on being dramatic and dgaf about em’s feelings or afety, so??
Yeah, that was pretty irritating. I just kept thinking, “do we all remember who was the one being physically abused for years? Are you talking to the girl who literally just lost her grandmother, the only person who every really cared about her? Oh, your pain is worse? Got it.” I would dare any of them to say those kinds of things to Damon and watch what happens. But no. Em’s got to suck it up.
will's character for me, i was so disappointed in him because he was described as "being different than his friends" in other books
To be honesty, I hated Will in the first three books. Except for in the past scenes. I don’t know how deeply you’ve read into the blog, but I’ve talked before about my DN reading journey, so I won’t go too in depth now, but I was really looking forward to Emory’s story and Will was so boring that I almost didn’t make it.
And then in NF, all I cared about was the past scenes. For me, that was the real Will and anything that happened after that was because he was emotionally disturbed by his heartbreak, and then stunted by his time in prison. It’s not an excuse for his behavior, but a reason I can work with.
Will is not nearly as bad alone, even in the present scenes, as he is when he’s with Alex. The WillAlex shippers really got the best of PD at some points, and it shows. Present Will is not great, but I can work with him in terms of character. Will with Alex is too much because Alex in general doesn’t make sense and is a poor character.
But then again, if he’s been best friends with those same disgusting horsemen all his life
I’m laughing because sometimes when I read sentences like this, I wonder how you as a reader made it through the series. The only reason I kept reading was for the horsemen and their friendship.
Will didn’t just pick up bad traits from them. He probably provided some of his own. It’s why the four of them work so well. I remember Damon saying that Will was the most trouble for his parents. He’s always been this way.
When you guys said how similar will and michael were about their misogyny and how that was the main reason why that anon hated will, it became clear to me even more why i hated will in nightfall, because gooododdd i hate michael for the same reasons too!!! That anon just put my hatred better into words
And this is exactly why it’s worth sharing your thoughts, even negative rant-y ones, because you never know when you’re saying exactly what someone is thinking. You’re probably not as alone as you think in your views. It’s no one wants to deal with the backlash if the wrong person reads it, so we keep silent.
Sometimes I feel like I have a different expectations of how a dark romance should be and then I came across these books and they totally were not within my expectations, they’re worse, so my expectations were the one to ruin my enjoyment of reading these dark romance books in general. Maybe idk.
I guess it depends. DN left a lot to be desired in terms of execution. I usually don’t go into with expectations other than somewhat decent writing, so it could be that you’re expecting literary worthy storytelling when the truth is you’re getting the equivalent of fast food. Maybe I’m wrong. But I think it’s worth for you to list out the things you want from a dark romance and that might help you identify what you’re looking for a little faster, so you don’t waste your time (and brain cells, if you feel that you’ve lost some just trying to process all of this).
if theres any anons who love will grayson, or if KO (away-ward) yourself have some long paragraphs of why you guys love will, please do share because even as a will hater myself, its a bit existing to be in this space for Will and Emmy with so many will hates
  I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s a Will that lives in my head that doesn’t exist in PD’s and that’s how I’m surviving. It’s a bit hard whenever I’m reminded that my Will isn’t the Real Will, but then I don’t care cause I think my Will is better.
I don’t know how to explain my Will other than he’s everything I wanted from NF and somehow he developed from the same place as Real Will.
All I can say, and I hate doing it because I feel like I’m assigning homework, is that if you want to understand how I see Will, you’ll have to read my Will grayson iii tag. Just click the one at the bottom of this post and go from there. That’s all I got.
especially damon. I had enough in canon, im sick of them
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So hey, everyone! If you’ve got any other Willemmy HCs or thoughts or scenes that you just really liked that you’ve been sitting one because you weren’t sure if it was the right time to share, this is a request to send them in. Sounds like this anon needs them.
Thanks everyone! and thanks, Anon, for your message. It's nice to hear from you and hope you enjoy the other content.
*This is unedited and will have some spelling and grammar mistakes. Edits will be done within the day*
3 notes · View notes
blxetsi · 3 years
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armin arlert, mikasa ackerman, and eren jaeger polyamorous headcanons (modern au)
armin arlert x gn!reader, mikasa ackerman x gn!reader, eren jaeger x gn!reader, mikasa x armin x eren x gn!reader
warnings: uhh fluff, this is very long, reader has a gf b4 getting w ema,
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this is like my first post since feb that isnt a request 😍😍😍 how did i pull this out of my ass
- obv eren, mikasa, and armin have been besties since childhood so its no wonder they all got together first 🤩🙏
- and theyre all hot so why wouldnt they wanna date each other
- i think armin and eren wouldve gotten together first, and then invited mikasa into their relationship
- the three of them have been officially going steady for like over a year now, and its going really well
- they didnt really expect you to drop into their lives tho
- youre an old friend of historia's and you two reconnected after you moved to the city, securing yourself a decent paying job working as a writer for the city paper
- you usually get the boring stuff, never able to get a good story to write about, focusing your time on heartwarming stories in the community or the sports column
- its boring but it pays the bills
- you were thankful when historia called you during your lunch and asked if you wanted to get drinks at a bar with her and a couple of other friends
- of course you said yes
- so historia and her girlfriend ymir picked you up after work, having dinner with them after a long week was the best, but you were a bit nervous to meet all of their friends
- thats how you met eren, mikasa and armin
- at first you were sure that mikasa and eren were dating, seeing as mikasa had her head on the taller man's shoulder, while his arm was wrapped around her
- but when armin leaned down to give mikasa a kiss before heading off to the bar you werent so sure
- ymir pulled you away to get more drinks and explained to you what the situation was, while commenting on the way you gawked at the three of them before
- you were embarassed to say the least but they didnt bring it up that night so you hoped the throuple didnt notice (they did)
- you really hit it off with all of them though, especially sasha and jean, and were constantly talked about among the friend group
- because of your demanding job dealing with writers block and deadlines you couldnt really meet up with all of them often, usually just having sleepovers at ymir and historia's apartment, the three of you drinking while you wrote on your laptop
- after a couple months of casual hangouts with historia and ymir and their friends, you kinda became one of them too which was nice
- you were added to the groupchat, you all followed each other on social media, and a certain brunet had taken a liking to you
- eren didnt know why exactly he was so attracted to you but he was, maybe it was your hair, or how pretty your skin looked even when oily or with breakouts, maybe it was your smile or your body or your sense of humor or you kindness or maybe it was all of it
- eren jaeger would always stay faithful to his boyfriend and girlfriend, but maybe they could add another person into the mix, more to love right ?
- he had only known you for a couple of months though, he didnt want to jump the gun and bring this up with his partners so soon, especially if they didnt feel the same way he did
- and it would be a bummer if you turned out to be a bad person or smth
- so summer rolls around with lots of memories being made with your new friends, as well as friends from work, and you get a girlfriend ??
- shes not really your girlfriend you two have only been out on a couple of dates and she kisses you a lot but, you havent talked about labels
- one night you, along with your friends are back at the same bar where you first met them
"so, tell us about the girl youre seeing." ymir says, smirking over her beer.
eren's ears perked up at the mention of you seeing someone. "girl ?"
historia nodded. "mhm ! y/n's been talking to someone recently, they've gone on dates and kissed and stuff."
"and stuff, jesus tori you make it sound like we've had sex." you sighed.
the blonde just laughed, leaning her body onto her freckled companion.
"well ? what about her ?" eren asks. armin slapped him on the arm, already having suspicions about eren's interest in you.
your shoulders sagged. "well, she's great and everything, truly..."
"but ? is there a but in this ?" connie asked. sasha started laughing at connie's use of the word but, while jean slapped the girl on the arm because of her reaction.
you shrugged, swirling what was left of your fruity cocktail in your glass. "well, i'm not sure. she's very lively, and sweet. but i don't know, i just don't see myself being able to be in a steady relationship with her."
"so you're gonna end it ?" eren asked. you thought he seemed a bit too eager about your failure in the love department.
"why do you care so much ? you like the thought of me being lonely ?" you shot back, before downing the rest of your drink.
"no i just-"
"i think what eren means is," mikasa intervened, her smooth voice calming you as she looked at you with a smile on her face. "is that there's no point in staying with her if you can't see yourself with her. don't lead her on."
you nodded. "you're exactly right my friend. which is the plan for tonight because i," you quickly checked the time on your phone. 8:17. "have a date with miss molly at nine, so i will be taking my leave."
the group engaged in a chorus of boos for leaving so early, while you chuckled and took the lighthearted insults thrown at you by sasha and connie with ease. grabbing all of your things you put down two twenties onto the table. "i'll see you guys later, have a goodnight." as you walked off you heard jean yell "have a good time you heartbreaker !" making you shake your head
- the date with molly went less then well. she yelled, and cried, and even tried hitting you at one point. your walk back from the park was spent blocking her on every form of social media you followed her on, and when you got back to your apartment you spent the night in a hot bath before retiring to bed
- meanwhile, armin and mikasa were trying to pry the truth out of eren, who was constantly denying his attraction to you
- finally mikasa took one for the team "eren, you aren't alone with the way you feel, i do too." this made eren more willing to open up to his partners
- armin doesnt say anything about you, only saying how youre kind. he doesnt feel the way that his girlfriend and boyfriend do, but he knows that may change
- soon enough, more time flies and christmas rolls around, with you all deciding to have a secret santa get together.
- historia invites everyone to her home on christmas eve, with ymir begrudgingly allowing it
- bertholdt and annie come too, reiner not being able to make it due to going home for christmas, while everyone else decided to stay in the city
- you picked out your secret santas at the beginning of november so you would all have enough time to find something for each other, you hoped whoever picked your name gave you something good
- after hours of games and karaoke and drinking you all decided it was time to open the presents
- ymir got socks from bertholdt, connie got an ugly beanie from ymir, historia got new pens from mikasa, mikasa got knitting needles from annie, annie got a dumbell from eren, jean got a not so appropriate t shirt from connie, jean gave sasha more comic books, armin gave new stationary paper to bertholdt, sasha gifted you that new biography you've been wanting to read and you gave armin your old copy of frankenstein by mary shelley
- he was surprised but very thankful, "how did you know i needed a new copy ?" "well i remember you said eren spilt water on your old one, and the pages just stuck together so i thought you might as well have mine"
- it warmed armin's heart that you remembered something so insignificant, and opened him up to the thought of being with you
- the rest of the night was spent with hugs and thankfulness, cheering when the clock struck 12 and it became christmas day
- after getting things cleaned up everyone decided it was time to leave, with armin, eren and mikasa offering to give you a ride home
- a ride where armin straight up kissed you in the backseat
- you stopped him of course, thinking that it was weird he would cheat on his partners right in front of them, while they were shocked all on their own for different reasons, armin who didnt have feelings for you KISSED you
- and surprisingly armin took the lead in explaining how he felt, why he kissed you, an apology for doing so, and an offer to start dating all three of them
- your heart was pounding in your ears and your entire face felt hot, it was probably the alcohol, or the way his lips felt so soft when they touched yours, so you said yes.
- its not smooth sailing from there
- youre kind of awkward
- this is your first relationship where you really feel like you could love these guys (you already do) but its also your first relationship with multiple people
- the trio start inviting you over more often, soon for sleepovers, and start inviting themselves over at your own place, mainly eren
- he just comes at random times, sometimes when youre not even there and waits for you, or stays and cleans up a bit before leaving
- armin and you share a deep love of literature, and you often find yourselves in hot debates about whatever youve read (mikasa and eren have to pry you two away before things get physical)
- mikasa likes to cook with you, she shares recipes that her mom taught her, and her and armin love to cook dinner together whereas eren is the breakfast maker of the household
- the first time you slept in the same bed as them you were so nervous your whole body thumped to the tune of your heartbeat, you were convinced armin could even hear it as he was laying beside you, but eren wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his large chest before whispering "youre as stiff as a board, relax honey"
- eren snores, mikasa drools, armin has those dreams where you fall and then violently wake up before you hit the ground
- slowly but surely you stop thinking about your relationship as the trio and you, but as all of you together, and that really helps you come out of your shell a bit
- you may still be in the honeymoon phase, and there may be bumps along the way, but you like being with armin, eren, and mikasa. they make you so happy, it feels like the happiest youve been in a long time
- you like watching eren and armin dance in the living room while you and mikasa cuddle on the couch, before the boys pull you two up as well
- you like when armin reads to you, his soft voice reciting the words of the great gatsby
- you like it when eren can just tell youve had a rough day, and pulls you into a hug like hes protecting you from all the bad things in the world
- you love being with them. you love them. and you think that theyre it for you
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i rushed the ending bc im fucking tired but i kinda wanna do a poly!series with like sasha, connie and jean, or annie, bertholdt and reiner, or any other poly ships u guys may request !
so yeah pls give me feedback it rlly helps me figure out whether you want a polyamorous series (or just like what i write in general), and it would be my first series ever which would be super cool anyways
yeah requests open for poly!ships anyways
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kaiisenn · 3 years
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Regular school Au
Noritoshi Kamo is a teacehrs pet, listening to everything the teachers say and following their every command. He was annoying to say the least, reminding the teachers of yesterday nights homework and asking "is that all?" When the class gets a little amount of homework.
"Woah! Y/n , nice one! " Yuji yelled out after your homerun after you returned back to home. You were apart of the joint baseball team in school, since a lot of kids didnt want to join they had to combine the girls team and the boys team. "Thanks Yu, I didnt want to get striked" Yuji nodding his head looks, he turns to look slightly behind you to see Noritoshi coming up to the two of you. "L/n, I have to speak to you for a moment!" Noritoshi speaks out with confidence "Hah? We're in the middle of a game right now." You say putting your hands on your hips "It's fine, Y/n you just batted so it will be awhile for you to bat again and I'll fill in for you on field!" Yuji spoke up giving you a thumbs up and a dumb smile "Thank you, Itadori. L/n if you would come with me." Noritoshi finalized leading you away from the baseball field
Away from the field behind the gym, you against the wall with your arms crossed against your chest and Noritoshi infront of you, he spoke up breaking the thick air between you two "L/n you barely passed your last test, the teacher is concerned for your future grade and wanted me to tutor you. I was thinking we cou-" putting your hand up stopping him from continuing on "Hold up, Hold up! I never asked for your help and I dont need some teachers pet feeling the need to help me just cause the teacher asked you to." You told him voice strict "L/n I dont understand your retaliation, this would benefit you and if your grades begin to slip you might have to resign from the baseball team. Why not give it a try?" Noristoshi asked head tilting to the side, making him look like a confused puppy "Fine" saying the f longer than needed to show your disinterest.
After finishing your game and walking home to freshen up, you shoot Noritoshi a text giving him your address for the study session 'cant believe he made me give him my number, how annoying'.
Hearing the doorbell ring 30 minutes after the text was sent, you walked to open the front door, pulling the door to you revealing Noritoshi in a nice button up with black dress pants "where were you going to?" You asked looking him up and down wondering why the boy was wearing such a formal outfit "I'm going to tutor you." He said as a fact "well so duh, but what's up with the get up?" You asked pointing at his attire, he begins to blush moving his head to look anywhere besides you "I thought I would make a gold first impression... as a tutor" he spoke rigidly "nah it's fine, you can come as bummy as you want. I dont really care, your probably gonna be uncomfortable in those clothes, wanna borrow one of mine?" You asked leading him up the stairs to your room "are you sure? Your clothes might not fit me and o wouldnt want to ruin your clothes" he asked "it's fine, besides o usually have all my house clothes be a lot bigger so it fits me longer. I'm sure something of mine has to fit" opening up y e ur drawer you got a large tshirt and shorts out for him throwing it to him and giving him directions to the nearest bathroom.
When he came back he looked a little uncomfortable mentally but in those clothes he seemed a lot more relaxed "See I knew something would fit you, I mean you are pretty skinny" you told him while looking through your book bag for a textbook , after he sat down next to you the two of you began your study session.
After awhile you three you head back onto the side of your bed and made a loud groaning noise "Arrgghh! This is so boring, cant we take a break? Watch a movie, play some games, eat something! I mean we've been at this for three hours straight.." Noritoshi turned to you brows furrowed "it is important to learn the topic and know it in and out but I suppose a break wouldnt hurt." He said closing the text book and putting the cap on his pen "Ah! Thank you so much Toshi!" You said jumping from your spot to give him a hug, after a couple of seconds you removed yourself from him to go get some snack from downstairs.
While you were gone, Noritoshi put his hand over his heart trying to suppress the loud pounding, wondering if you could hear the way his heart beat out his chest for you. For awhile now the raven haired boy liked you, he would always state at you from afar while you would play your games with your team, watching in astonishment as you would run back to home base with the confidence of a Queen. God how he loved your stubbornness, and your aggressiveness when you came up to someones bully to tell them off, but he also loved your soft side how you would shy away from embarrassment when you answer would be slightly off in math, he wanted to shield you from outsiders eyes and only keep that side of you for him. He loved every part of you, but he knew he would never get the chance to be close with you so when the teacher asked him if he could tutor you, he jumped on the opportunity without hesitation.
"Hey Toshi, I'm not sure what you would like so I made some popcorn and got a couple of snacks and candies for us to eat. Also I brought some games up, I got Mario Cart, COD, Minecraft, and a couple of others in my back pocket" you informed putting all the snacks on the small coffee table you had in your room "Which one do you wanna play" you asked holding up the different games to his face like a fortune teller telling their client to pick a card "I'll try Mario Cart" he answered "Good choice!" You put the disk in and waiting for the game to load you got the rest set up giving him a controller and popping a swedish fish into your mouth.
"Booyah! You just got yoshi'd, toshi! That's 3 for me and 0 for you my friend." You teased elbowing his side "Why dont we make a bet, whoever's wins has to do what the other person wants" you offered him, Noritoshi lighting up at your offer nodded his head and got serious changing his character to princess peach.
After a long and grueling round, Noritoshi was pronounced the winner "Alright you got lucky that round but ne-" you were suddenly shut off by Noritoshis lips colliding with yours! After getting over the initial shock you began kissing back putting the controller down and wrapping your arms around his neck tangling your hands into the hair at the base of his neck. The kiss began to get more heated with Noritoshi pushing you down to the floor and asking for permission into your mouth, with new found access he got to work exploring your mouth with his tongue. But all good things must come to an end when you couldnt breathe you tapped his shoulder twice and he hesitantly pulled away from your lips. "W-Wow, I didnt think you would be so straight foward" you huffed out trying to catch your breath "god I've been wanting to do that forever" he revealed dropping his head to make home in the crook of your neck "is this a confession I smell?" You teased stroking the back of his head with your right hand while your left was drawing shaped onto his back. "God Y/n you have no idea how obsessed I am with you. Everything you do has me going crazy" he breathed out "I could kinda tell, you would always stare at me from across the classroom. Although I also have a crush on you, I didnt think I would have a chance i mean you're so nice, gentle and caring and even though you kinda annoy me when you remind the teacher of homework I could never be mad at you. You're too cute to ever be mad at, like a otter or a big cuddly dog." You laugh kissing his neck
"You mean it? You really like me too?" He asked pulling his head away from your neck "Of course I do" you say bringing his face closer to yours for another kiss, after awhile you two broke away not getting too far from each other though "Wanna make a bet? Who ever wins gets to choose where we go for our next date." You spoke against his lips slightly kissing the bottom "You're gonna lose then dear" he said quickly getting up to grab his controller "No, you're gonna lose!"
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Omfg I'm so in love with him ahh Noeitoshi supremacy!!!
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You and Dewey were panting and sweating. If you asked Dew... it was not the good panting and sweating. You wiped your brow and groaned at Dewey... he was staring at you... again. A dopey grin on his scruffy face and his brown curls sticked to his forehead. You blushed under his loving gaze, skipped towards your rockstar and heared the floor squeek dangerously among your steps. You pecked Dewey sweetly on the lips while your hand moved to brush his hair out if his face. His hands found your waist, fingers dancing along your sides and his stubble tickled on your face.
Dewey hummed in the kiss... However, it was not how your rockstar preferred to spend his sundaymorning. Throwing away stuff from the attick of your uncles home... But hey... at least he got to spend time with you doing just that. "One more box untill freedom, baby!!!" Dewey whooped loudly in excitement, gesturing to the last box on the attic floor.
The last cardboard box was moved from the wooden floor and when Dewey moved it out of the way, your interest was peaked by an old looking coat that was draped across the floor.
It must have been laying underneath the boxes...
Dewey smirked at your enthausiastic sparkle. He knew you loved old stuff. You leaped toward it and took it into your sweaty hands. The coat felt cold... which peaked your interest, cause it was a bloody hot morning. The material looked like it went to hell and back, multiple times. There was a lot of dust on it and had several holes that were roughly stitched back together.
whoever did this... couldnt sew very good...
You turned the coat around to look at the back, a smirk appeared on your lips as you exeminated the piece of fabric fondly. Dewey's eyes lit up when he saw that smirk appear on your pretty face. He loved to see you excited... It made his heart full. Gosh he adored you when you were in your zone...
You brushed some dust of the shoulder of the green stained coat. Since when... was dust... white?
You held the coat by the shoulders before you and hummed in thought. This COULD be Dewey's size tho...
You flickered your exited gaze towards Dewey, who casually leaned against a shelve. Arms crossed, hair chaotic as ever and an innocent smile on his face. His gaze glued to your every move, and you could swear that your rockstar radiated adoration for you, when he looked at you like that.
"Mister Finnnnnn...." you started as you slowly walked towards him. Dewey's face lit up and he chuckled: "Oh boy.... last time you used that voice you wanted to go tie-shopping..."
You smirked at him and scratched his scruff, you held up the coat and mumbled to him: "Do you want to try this on for me?"
Dewey rolled his eyes and tugged you closer on the beltloops of your shorts. "Depends... How many kisses do i get in return?"
You pecked his cheek as an awnser and told him: "This one already. Try it on for meeeeee?"
How could Dewey possibly say no to that adorable pouty face of you... he nodded and you hugged him before handing him the coat.
Dewey stroked your hair lovingly and muttered on your lips: "But I get to pick the movie tonight... AND the pizza... deal my love?"
You nodded quickly and kissed him one more time before turning him around, and patted his shoulders to give him some courage.
Dewey snickered at your eagerness and held up the coat to look at it. He scrunched up his nose when he stated: "Fine darling... BUT... If a beetle crawls out of it... i swear i will scream so hard that you have to get your ears checked... Just forward warning you."
You chuckled and nodded, with a happy smile on your face. Dewey brushed of some more dust from the back of the coat with a chuckle, and went to slip it on.
You swore you felt the air move when his arms slid into the coat. A brush of cold air brushed against your legs and your eyes searched Deweys when you felt this. Wait... what? Did you just... Did Deweys eyes just... had a flash of *green* in them, for a second?
Dewey smirked at you and tugged at the collar of his jacked smugly. His smirk turned into a grin when his eyes landed on yours. He gave you an onve over and bit his lip. Dewry tugged at the collar of his coat again and strolled towards you.
Wait... since when did Dew stroll that confidently...?
Before you could process what was happening you felt yourself being pushed against the door of the attic. That was unusual... but not unwelcome... Deweys lips attacked yours and his hands tangled in your hair instantly. He tugged harshly it with a hunger that was unfamiliar to you. Dewey stroked, petted, even braided your hair... but never tugged at it...
You clenched the collar of his jacket tightly and took in the earthy smell that surrounded your HoneyDew.
His stubble tickling against your face felt familiar. Dewey's hands wandered your body and you panted when he pushed his leg upwards, touching your core as he roughly pinned your hands above your head.
Deweys dark eyes found yours as he tugged your bottom lip with his teeth. He growled with need when his lips moved towards your neck.
You were too caught into pleasure to care.
You threw your head back in pleasure and moaned quietly at the sudden roughness that overtook your, sweet and gentle rockstar.
Dewey let go of your hands and muttered into the hungry kiss: "You like this babes?"
thats... growly... and gravely... and... smug and...
Dewey brought your attention back to him when he nipped on your pulse point. hard
...babes? Dewey had never called you babes before...
As his tongue worked over the bruise on your pulse point, soothing the bruised skin... between sparks of pleasure your mind wandered.
What had gotten into your boy?
You massaged Deweys scalp softly, how he always liked it and instead of the expected moan, Dewey purred.
...your boy purred
Your mind was spinning, switching from pleasure to reason.
Suddenly it hit you. You kissed Dewey hungerly and moved your hands down over his scruff, down his neck, towards his shoulders. Dewey had a manic, hungry look in his eyes when his gaze bored into you... You deepened the kiss and took his bottom lip between your teeth and tugged when you brushed the coat of his shoulders.
With a thump it hit the floor and a bit of green smoke damped off the fabric.
You watched the green flash in Deweys eyes again and Dewey's hand combed calmly through your hair. When you saw his kind gaze again you let go of his bottom lip. Dewey beamed up at you and chirped: "Lip biting huh? Thats kinky..."
You smiled at him and pointed towards your hickey on your neck. His eyes knitted together when he saw your bruised spot and you massaged his scalp softly to calm him down. Your rockstar leaned his hand into yours and hummed contently when you scratched his hair playfully. He lowered his leg between yours and when he hummed your name it was coated with love again.
His arms slowly found its way towards your hips and brushed slowly up and down on your lower back.
You pulled your confused Dewey into a sweet kiss and scratched his stubble when his troubled eyes found yours. Dewey pulled back but before he could ask you kicked the coat out if the way and breathed against his lips: "I'll explain later, okay champ?"
Dewey nodded yes and went to pick up the old coat you loved, but your grip on his shoulder stopped him. You looked into his eyes and muttered: "The only thing i will be needing from this place... is you Dewdrop..."
Dewey blushed and pressed a sweet kiss on the top of your nose. His callous fingers entertwined with yours as you took a hold of his hand and tugged him towards the door. "Let's go home Dewey... Pepperoni pizza?"
Dewey chuckled when you lead him down the stairs and you squeeled he smacked your ass when you walked down the stairs.
When Dewey was done snickering his voice sounded behind you: "Hey! Carefull... I got to pick the pizza, princess..."
You mumbled under your breath:
"You can honestly pick the pizza on any day of the week Dew... as long as im sure that I have you..."
With a slam you left the house of your uncle behind you. And you swore to yourself... that... long coats would be banned from now on...
@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock @bugdrinkss
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anastasiaskarsgard · 3 years
Can you write something where reader and Roman goes on a vacation but Roman barely pays attention to her and basically takes there relationship for granted by paying attention to other girls. Then reader snaps when he doesn’t come to the hotel room all night. She buys an early plane ticket back to HG and tells Roman there over since he wants to cheat and not pay attention to her. Then a week and half goes by where the reader doesn’t speak to him and his assistant calls reader and tells her to..
You swore If he bought one more round for his group of giggling, nearly naked “friends” at the pool on your vacation, you we’re leaving. The weekend get away you had planned and worried over for the past 3 months, trying to make both your busy schedules work together. This was supposed to be a bonding one on one time, but as soon as you arrived, what could pass for the swedish swimsuit team hadn’t left your boyfriends side.
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Initially you thought they were just some brazen whores, with dollar signs in their eyes, and air in their heads going for the famous billionaire, and although that still accurately described them, they apparaently knew him. How Roman knew half a dozen supermodel swimsuit models was beyond you, but not in the least shocking.
“Why weren’t you at the show this year? I looked for you.” Poofy lipped Barbie asked as she ran a finger down his bare arm. “I was so sad, ask anyone.” She finished with an alluring pout.
You were gonna pull her fucking hair out.
“Oh she is telling you zee truth handsome! She looked so pouty. And not just cuz her lips too.” The other platinum blonde in the group whined. Of course she was French.
“You know I’m a busy man. I can’t go to every Victoria’s Secret show they put on. Even if all my favorite models are there waiting for me to kidnap them afterwards.” He drawled sexily as he winked at them and smirked.
That was it. You we’re leaving! But you weren’t going to make a scene. You wouldn’t give these bitches the satisfaction. You took a few calming breaths and walked up in front of Roman to remind him who he came with. Flashing your brightest smile, you got on you tip toes and whispered in his ear, “you were right. I should of worn my suit under this dress. I’m gonna go throw it on and be right back. Don’t get lost! Do you need anything from the room?” You looked up in his beautiful green eyes and refused to show any of the heartbreak you currently were feeling.
“No I’m good. Already got my suit on and I’m ready to swim. Who’s with me? Let’s gets another round and then everyone in the pool.” He glanced over to you and winked just like he had just done to the other girls and it steeled your resolve.
“Be right back!” You said merrily as you caught the sneer of disdain clearly present on half the girls faces, directed right at you, just as you turned towards your bungalow. Just when you thought that was it, you felt two strong arms wrap around you and you were spun around to be kissed quite passionately in front of his little fan club. Pulling away, you looked up in his smiling face.
“I love you. Miss you already!” He said as he released you and headed back to his lounge chair in the shade. You always joked around with him and called him your little vampire, since he really seemed to dislike it, in more than minuscule amounts.
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If looks could kill, you’d be dead from the glares you got sent your way now. Every woman there was as readable as a billboard, and hardly made an effort to hide their intentions from Roman.
Making your way to the little beach bungalow, you decided maybe you were being crazy and over reacting. He just said he loved you in front of a bunch of supermodels! Was it really a huge deal he was nice to them? They were his friends, and after the huge fight you guys had last week over why you could have male friends, it’d be pretty hypocritical to get mad now.
Throwing your suit on, and putting your hair up in a messy bun, you grabbed your sunscreen and giant sunglasses and made your way back out to find your man. It was kinda funny you were wearing a Victoria’s Secret swimsuit too.
Laughing at how exciting life was with Roman Godfrey, you turned the corner bringing the pool into view and stopped dead in your tracks.
Roman currently had a Topless supermodel straddling his shoulders, as she very Unenthusiastically attempted to get her top back from the other supermodel straddling what appeared to be a Calvin Klein underwear model or fucking professional athlete, in what appeared to be a game of chicken.
All of a sudden it was all too much. They were all too much. Too tall, too gorgeous, too fit, too intimidating, too athletic, too perfect. Those girls were who he belonged with. You didn’t know who you were kidding.
While you know that you werent unattractive, and considered pretty in a lot of circles, you were not a freaking supermodel angel or whatever they called them. You were hurt and mad, but you were also realistic.
No longer in the mood to swim, you headed back to the bungalow and felt like you stuck in a haze. Deciding to lay down for a few minutes, you soon were fast asleep.
By the time you woke, it was very dark and you were still very alone. Turning to the clock it read 11:52pm. You lay there blinking at the clock. It was too late to catch a flight home, but every fiber of your being had no desire to look at your neglectful asshole now ex boyfriend . You weren’t going to think about that now. Right now you were calling the front desk and getting your own room.
Thirty minutes later and you had all your stuff moved to your own room, a flight booked for first thing in the morning, and a sympathetic female front desk person that thought very little of Roman godfreys treatment of his girlfriend. As long as she didn’t give up where you were, you were pretty sure you could get out in the morning realatively conflict free.
By the time 2 am rolled around and not even a text message, you resigned yourself to being cast aside. Turning off your phone and removing the SIM card, you swiftly walked to the bathroom and flushed it before you could think about it. That would at least stop her from being able to talk to him or get messages for a day or two.
That’s all she could mentally handle at this point. One day at a time.
One and half weeks later....
You stared at the ceiling listening to your ringtone for the umpteenth time in a row. Whoever they were, they were persistent. Luckily you really liked the song your phone played when it rang so you just kinda zoned out and wiggled to the beat.
When the song ended, and almost instantly began again, you huffed and marched over, grabbing the phone without looking at the caller ID. “Someone better be dead.”
“Excuse me? Um. I’m sorry to disappoint but everyone here is alive and well. However I have to request that you dress yourself in something business casual and get in the limousine waiting outside.” The clipped unmistakable tone of Romans assistant cane through the phone.
Staring ahead incredulously, you couldnt help but laugh out loud. “Is he insane? I’m not getting into a fucking car. It’s over. Tell him to call Malibu Barbie and eat a dick.”
“Mam, I’m afraid I have to insist that you get in the car. Please I am begging. He’s been a nightmare. He said if I failed to convince you to get in the car, then I’m fired. I am actively looking for new employment, but I can’t afford to be jobless. I know this is unprofessional, but please get in the car and have lunch with the man. That’s all he’s asking.” The assistant pleaded.
You knew Roman was difficult and treated his employees poorly at times. You didn’t want to see him but you also didn’t want anyone to get fired because of you. And free food never hurt anybody..
Famous last words....
“Ok. I’ll go.”
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oh-anime · 3 years
He Said Hes Fine
A/N: I FUCKIN DID IT !! I wrote a haikyuu fic! i have loved this manga and anime for eight years and i finally wrote for it. ALBEIT its the shittiest piece of fic ever written but i genuinely hope you enjoy, maybe rb and comment??
summary: he always says it, whats different now?
words: 1399
warnings: Angst, no happy ending, collapsing, ambulance
Ao3 Link
“Im fine! Toss me another one!” Hinata, sweating with his chest rising with every breath, calls out to Kageyama. So the raven haired setter does with pinpoint accuracy the ball reaches Hinata's red hands but the fire in his eyes only burns brighter. The ball reaches the other end of the court before anyone can even see it.  Cheers roar from Karasuno's exhausted team as they take the final and winning set. Hinata and Kageyama celebrate together with hands connecting with so much force. “Yeah!” Hinata shouts
“We get it, you're good at the game” Tsukishima comments standing next to Yamaguchi. He takes the water Yachie offers him before engaging back into conversation with Tadashi.
“Jealous Tsukki?” Kuroo asks as he approaches from the other side of the next, Kenma follows, trying to steady his breathing. Hinata snickers before giving a grin to his opponents. “That was pretty impressive Hinata” The nekoma player compliments before ushering for Kenma to follow him as they join their team
“See you later Shoyo” The opposing setter waves goodbye.
“Wipe that stupid grin off your face” Kageyama spits hoping to break down the sunshine that blinds him. But nothing could, they did it, they beat Nekoma. And it counted, it counted for something. Hinata was on cloud nine. Not even Kageyama could effect him. “You did good Hinata”
Or maybe he could
“Whaaaaa?” He drags it out “An actual compliment? From-”
“You tell anyone and I never toss you another set” Kageyama shoves his hand over his teammates mouth.
“Tsk tsk, haven't you learned?” Tsuki approaches them “You're not the only person who can toss to Hinata..” The blonde looked to the defeated yet determined Inarizaki team watching from the sidelines “Not anymore...your majesty”
“Im fine! Let's go again!” Hinata claps, even their captain, Daichi was exhausted. But not the freak duo. Kageyama sighs but for some reason he couldn't say no, so with sweat practically constricting his view he tosses Hinata another ball watching with the same hidden amazement as it passes Nishinoya and scores them a point.
“Ok” Daichi manages as Kageyama and Hinata share in their cheer. “Good practice match everyone” He nods, feeling the silent gratitude from the other members of the team. “Kageyama, Hinata, since you two seem adamant on practicing you can clean up”. So with groans from the pair and laughter from Tsuki the rest of the team make their way home leaving the pair to close up.
“Do you ever get tired?” Kageyama wonders as they fold up the net. Hinata doesn't respond, in fact he stops in his tracks, his grip faltering a bit. “Oi, Hinata” Kageyama remind the small one of his presence
“Hm? Oh no! Never! Why get tired when this is everything I love!” And suddenly the odd aura was gone and the orange haired ball of energy was back. Kageyama shook off the odd feeling and finished cleaning up.
“M fine” Hinata gives a lazy thumbs up from his desk. They were in the study hall for the last period of the day. Kageyama and Hinata had decided to meet Yamaguchi and Tsukki in their class for extra help.  
They had been doing their homework for at least thirty minutes before Kageyama noticed a slight falter and delay in Hinata's normal determined speed to finish his work. So naturally the boy questioned how he was doing. His response was soft, tired clearly but he still managed a smile.
It made Kageyama's face tingle, he knew his feelings had been surfacing but he buried them. They were for him, plus nothing would come of it. But still, that gentle smile, careful flutter of his eyelids...it was sweet and tugged at Kageyamas heart.
“Great, then finish your work” Tsukki dragged them back to reality. Hinata stuck out his tongue but ultimately set back to work. Once they had finished Tsukki and Yamaguchi wasted no time leaving the two to their own devices.
“Hungry” Was all that left Hinata's mouth, he stood with Kageyama following him making their way to the vending machine by the gym. “Whoever invented chips deserves a raise”
“Im sure they are rolling in money” Kageyama retorts poking the straw into his milk. “Wanna do some sets? Or are you too tired” he teases
“Im…” A yawn that could compete with a babys giggle in the cuteness scale “Fine”
So Kageyama spent the afternoon setting to an increasingly tired Hinata..but he just wouldnt let up.
“Im…” Bokuto waited for the response after his clear victory over his star pupil. Kageyama did too with his eyes still in shock after watching his perfect set...fail. “Fine” Hinata finished through a wavered voice.
“So we all agree? Hinata is clearly not fine?” Akaashi says receiving a nod from Bokuto, a small ‘yep’ from Kuroo and a thumbs up from a sideline Kenma too intently focused on his games.
“I am fine!” The orange haired fighter claims. “I missed a spike! big deal!” He throws his hands into the air in frustration. The training camp had been going well, a tough but educational experience.
Kageyama had his doubts when Bokuto and Kuroo invited the pair to a bit of after dark practice, concerned for Hinata's physical and mental being but of course his partner in-game was revving to go.
“Shoyo you should sleep” Kenma muttered, Kuroo pointed to show his agreement.
Don't call him that, Kageyama thought but he ultimately agreed.
“No fun! Any of you!” Hinata pouts, he sits on the cold gym wall, shivering at the chilled touch. Clearly he refused to go to sleep so this was their best bet at him getting any rest. Kageyama felt out of place in this group with Hinata out of commission but continued playing. He honed his other skills and had an interesting time serving to Bokuto and Kuroo but he found his mind focused on the stupid tangerine who refused to give it up.
“Im f-” He never finished it this time.
That's a first, Kageyama thought before turning around, his face morphing in horror. He watches as both Nishinoya and Daichi race to catch a collapsing Hinata, grabbing him before his head hit the ground.
“H-hinata” Kageyama could barely think. Everyone rushed to the fallen decoy, even Tsukki looked concerned but Kageyama was frozen. Or he was until Suga met his eyes, they told him one thing.
It was odd watching an ambulance pull up at their school. It was even more odd to watch Hinata be taken away. But the worst of the weirdness was having to tell Ukai and Takeda what was happening. Because he didn't know, and he hated that.
And he hated it even more because Hinata never faltered, he could read Kageyama like a book.
“You looked upset during the first period and it was your angry face number 3, so during lunch I went to the store and grabbed some milk!” Kageyama hadn't even registered Hinatas words before the boy skipped away leaving him with the beverage.
Everytime, no matter what, Hinata was there.
“Take a break, grab some ice from yachi and sit out. Observe what Kenma does ok? And make sure you get some water” Hinata said with the most even breath. Kageyama couldnt conjure words, his hands were numb and he couldn't even feel his head. But any outsider couldn't see that, the karasuno setter looked perfectly composed.
So how the hell did this tiny bouncing annoyance know?
Because he was there, and he cared.
“I knew and I saw for months..and I just ignored it” Kageyama balled his fists, he stormed away from the conversation ignoring the calls from his coaches.
“I dont just like you Tobio, I love you”
“I dont feel the same”
He regretted the words instantly
“Im fine” Hinata said, if you could even call the stoic boy that stood in front of him Shoyo Hinata anymore.
“Wait Hinata-”
“I said Im fine” He put a hand up before leaving the gym.
The gym typically felt full of life whether filled with his teammates or just littered with balls. No matter how many people were in it, it never felt empty, it breathed life and energy.
But in this moment
As Hinata left the gym with his quickly falling tears hitting the ground.
The gym had never felt more empty.
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hyunjinssmile · 4 years
This look on hyunjin has made me die so enjoy this drabble.
Switch!Hyunjin x Switch!Reader (even tho hyunjin is leading more dom here oops)
Smut, just pure smut. Goddamnit these photos. Seriously its just filth.
riding, dirty talk, oral (m recieving), praising hyunjin bc he is a pretty boy, manhandling, teasing, alot of back and forth, unprotected (please wrap your crap), creampie :,) cockwarming(kinda) uhhh just like playful couple that’s competitive but both switches
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The sound of the apartment door closing quietly alerted you of your boyfriend arriving home, his attempts of being quiet completely thrown out of the window as he bumps into the wall, a groan falling from his lips as he stumbled back, obviously tired.
‘Baby!’ You smiled, getting off of the bed, your eyes still glued to the book that was in your hands, before you looked up at your boyfriends face, your jaw immediately dropping.
‘Hey baby’ he giggled, walking toward you, absolutely clueless as to the hear rising between your thighs.
You didnt respond, your hand reaching out to touch the side of his jaw,
Goddamn his stylists. His makeup looked ethereal, his hair still up in a way that made your mind spin.
‘Oh, my makeup is still on, i forgot to take it off after shooting.. what do you think?’ His hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer to him, allowing for you to get a closer look.
‘Baby you look beautiful-‘ your voice was soft as you gulped, your thumb running over his bottom lip softly as you pressed your thighs together.
A smirk graced his features as he observed your face, your eyes blown wide as you bit on your bottom lip subconsciously, allowing him to catch onto your thoughts.
He suddenly pushed you back, your knees hitting the bed as you fell back onto the sheets, hyunjin was quick to climb over you, his chain hanging down over your face as he chuckled at your flustered expression. His lips hovered over your ear as he whispered,
‘Should I fuck you with this makeup on?, I see the way youre looking at me’
His knee was between your thighs, one of his hands playing with your hair that was blown out around you, the other holding himself above you.
Your hands found his chest softly, before slipping up behind his neck, you leaned up, it was your turn to whisper into his ear
‘Wanna ride you-‘
It caught him off guard, he liked making you flustered but you just threw him for a spin.
‘W-what?’ He spoke, clearing his throat.
Your abrupt confession had his pants tightening quicker than hed like to confess, and the thought of you riding him right now, after he was so tired was definitely attractive.
‘I want to ride you, Hyunjin’
Your cheeks were bright red but you knew what you wanted to do.
‘As much as I want you to pound me into the mattress, youre tired, I can tell. I wanna appreciate my beautiful boyfriend’
Hyunjin crumbled under your words, a pout forming on his lips as he pressed his lips to yours, mumbling a thankyou before rolling off to the side, his back up against the headboard, a groan leaving him as he stretched out his tired legs.
‘Look at you, so pretty, god, as soon as i saw you i started dripping’
Your dirty words matched his, and it was going to drive him insane. You sat up infront of him, observing his outfit, skinny jeans and a black shirt, his leather jacket still on, they obviously finished shooting late so he came straight home afterward.
You crawled over him slowly his eyes staring into yours, a goofy smile over his lips as he still manages to look down at you, his eye makeup was beautiful, you couldnt bring yourself to look away, that was until he made another remark;
‘Take too long and I will press your face into the mattress, baby’
You glared at him playfully before pressing your knee closer to his crotch, making him shift in his place.
‘It would be a shame to make that makeup run down your face, baby boy’ you smiled as you traced his jawline again. You knew you were pressing his buttons.
‘Gonna make me cry? You sure you can baby? Remember last time you called me baby boy?, when you were so fucking full of my cock that you couldnt speak? You can talk all you want but as soon as I fill you up youre mine.’
You stopped yourself from whimpering at his words, deciding youd try to prove him wrong.
You tapped the side of his hip as he took the hint, helping you pull his pants down to his thighs, his boxers with them.
His member was rock hard against his stomach, his shirt somewhat covering the leaking tip as you smiled.
You pushed his shirt up, your hoodie riding up as you bend over his cock, his lip caught between his teeth as he looked down at you, one of his hands reaching out to brush your hair out of your face, a look of adoration accross his features as you pressed a kiss to his tip, the action causing a gasp to leave his pretty lips, a smile forming on your face as he glares at you.
‘Dont get used to it’
You rolled your eyes as you slowly continued, allowing him to guide you up and down his member, his eyes shut as he groaned , the feeling of your lips around him making him go insane.
‘Im going to-‘
You quickly pulled off of him, making him stare at you, obviously offended.
‘I told you I wanted to ride you’ you shrugged at him, making him pout but he wasnt complaining.
You made your way up to straddle him, your breath fanning his face as you kissed him again, his hands pulling you down onto him, reminding you of his strength even while tired ,as he smirked, biting your bottom lip.
You sat back on your heels, pulling your underwear to the side as you let him see how wet you were, his eyes darkening as his hands tightened their grips on your hips.
‘Fuck let me return the favour first at least baby, please’ his eyes were still trained on your leaking hole as you pulled his chin up to your face,
‘Maybe after you come deep inside me, okay?’
He groaned loudly at your words, pulling you forward so you sat directly over his cock,
As much as you wanted to sit on him straight away, you both knew you needed to be prepped at least a little, and Hyunjin was already on it, pulling the underwear back to the side as he let his slim fingers trace over your wet folds, one quickly entering you, making you press your still clothed chest to his, your face in his neck as he chuckled, once again groaning at your tightness around his digit.
‘Gonna feel so good filling you up, fuck, baby I need you now’
His voice was a higher pitch as he felt himself twitch, his own words impacting him more than he indended.
You braced yourself over his member as he helped guide it within your velvety walls, slowly sinking down onto him, until he was fully sheathed within you.
You couldn’t help yourself, whines bubbling up in your throat, but as soon as you saw the smirk appear on his face, you placed your face in his neck, buting down on the skin as you clenched around him, whimpers falling from his lips as he quickly grabbed at your hips.
‘Fuck’ you both moaned in unison, once again staring into eachothers eyes.
You started swivelling your hips, causing for his jaw to hang slack, eyes rolling back as his head hit the headboard, your own head rolling back on your shoulders as you let one of your hands grab his still clothed thigh to keep your balance, the slightly different angle causing for him to be slightly less deep inside you, and he noticed straight away, sitting forward and pulling your hips back over him, your chest pressed impossibly close to his as he pulled you back down deeper, locking his arms around your midsection as you whined out.
‘Im sorry baby but I want to be as deep as possible in this pussy, my pussy, right?’
‘All yours!’ You squeaked as you somewhat let the reigns of power slip back to him, it made you wonder if they ever were yours in the first place.
With the dark look in his eyes you assumed you were never really in control of this man, but you werent complaining.
His lips kissed up your neck as he started pulling you up and down his member, his brute force and strength causing for you to feel hot all over.
Your hoodie suddenly became a nuisance to him, and he pulled away from you, only to pull it off of your figure, your bare breasts causing his breath to catch, not expecting it.
‘Fuck, little minx you were ready for this werent you?’
His dirty mouth would be the death of you.
‘Probably, fuck, waited for me to come home, wanted me to ruin this little pussy’
His groans were getting louder and more breathy as you began to clench around him more, beads of sweat falling down his temple, and you were quick to rub it away from his makeup, making him smirk.
‘You love this look hm? The stylists said it suited me, they said whoever im dating is lucky, are you lucky baby?’
‘So- so lucky, so fucking lucky- fuck youre so deep hyunjinnie-‘
His nickname falling from your lips made him whimper, his stronger frame falling away as you always managed to make his heart speed up,
‘Feel so good- always make me feel so good- ‘ you kept praising him, drawing long breathy whines from his lips as you both got closer.
He was close, and so were you, and he was ready to fill you up,
You suddenly climaxed, whimpering his name as you shook slightly, grabbing onto the roots of his hair, he grunted, before flipping you onto your back, pushing straight back into your fluttering hole, the overstimulation pushing you straight into another orgasm, making his head spin at the sight of your juices covering his cock.
He pushed into you slowly but so deeply, whines of your name leaving his mouth as you leaned up to kiss him, clenching down hard as you wrapped your arms around his neck, effectively trapping him,
Your clenching sent him over the edge as his hips shot forward, pressing as deep as he could as he filled you up, his hands holding the side of your face as he continued kissing you, getting lost in your lips, softly thrusting as he came down.
‘Fucking hell’ he groaned as he semi- collapsed ontop of you, making you frown
‘Before you say it- you took care of me okay? Im allowed to fuck my beautiful baby even if im tired, and I did a hell of a good job at it as well’ he said sassily as he bit the side of your boob softly, making you chuckle,
‘Gonna sleep like this’ he sighed, face right ontop of your chest, kissing at the soft flesh that he usually would have left marked up by now.
‘Like this? Deep inside me still?’
Your dirty words once again made him twitch, a smile tugging on your lips as you felt him start to get hard again within your already-coated walls.
‘Did you have to be so perfect? Like damn im going to need to sleep at some point’ he whined, before rolling you back ontop of him, a yawn on his lips,
‘Though this time, you seriously gotta do it, or im going to fall asleep and you wont get to come again’
‘Fine, fine’
‘Hurry up’ he whined, making you giggle,
‘You dont sound so tired’
‘Shut up and fuck yourself onto me, look! Youre leaking down my cock, i filled you and this is how you repay me? Unacceptable’ he quipped playfully, even though he loved the sight of his cum flowing out of you.
You couldnt help but laugh at your sassy boyfriend, kissing his lips softly as you both giggled,
‘I love you’
‘I love you too’
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smallblueandloud · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 for the writing ask- I AM SO SORRY I COULDNT STOP!!! xoxo
aaaah these questions look SO GOOD thank you so much <3 <3 for this ask meme, which will be open all weekend!
1. tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
i pulled open all of my WIP google docs for this and my laptop started whirring ominously, lmao. this is going to be a Little Long but i love talking about my wips so who cares!! (under the cut because EXCERPTS)
guys and dolls but gay - very, very casual rewrite of guys and dolls if sky masterson was a woman. i’m loving how chill i’m being about this one because it’s so much fun to not have to worry how i’m going to write lyrics in a not-weird way and just focus on the story. this one’s first because it’s theoretically closest to being finished.
sky, laughing: “oh? people. all the people you turn down every day. well, i imagine there’s someone out there that’ll catch your eye.”
sarah, stiffening: “...yes, there will be.”
sky: “and what might this person be like?”
sarah: “he will not be a gambler, for one.”
sky does not miss the pointed pronoun. “i’m not interested in what he won’t be, i’m interested in what he will be.” she sits down on the desk, in a pointedly masculine pose, and sets her fedora next to her - at her most Hot Queer, basically. “how will you know when he gets to you?”
my fic for the aos rarepair fic exchange - i can’t give any plot or ship details, for obvious reasons, but it’s 1.3k and i’m having fun with it!
steven roadtrip of destiny - canon divergent fic set at the end of steven universe future where steven goes on a roadtrip instead of... canon. it deals with some heavy emotions and it’s also a character study so it’s tentatively shelved until i get around to rewatching suf. but i am projecting on steven like crazy and it’s really, really cathartic. it’s taught me a lot about myself too lmao.
He’s never been anonymous before. He kind of likes it. It means he can fold his arms on the table and put his head down without Pearl worrying about his posture, or someone asking him if something’s okay.
In the last few months, he’s grown to hate people asking him how he’s doing, or if he’s okay. He always ends up lying, because he doesn’t want to worry them, and he ends up feeling worse.
Probably because it’s more of him supporting other people without supporting himself.
He should have told someone how he was feeling. He should have reached out. Sadie could’ve helped him. Lars would’ve listened. Connie would have hugged him and then found him the appropriate mental health professional.
(God, Steven wants a hug. Also the appropriate mental health professional? Whoever that would be.)
untitled aos fic - i don’t want to give a lot of details because :eye emoji: and also i don’t know much about what the plot of this is going to be anyway, lmao. but here’s an excerpt:
daisy “that actor who doesn’t shut up about data harvesting” johnson (@daisyquake) tweeted: two weeks :eyes emoji:
Elena Rodriguez | Seven Cents S2 Streaming On Netflix Now! (@yoyorodriguez) retweeted and added: the problem with being friends with daisy is that you SHOULD have some insight into what her tweets mean but you still have no idea
Fitz (@justfitz) retweeted and added: Try being married to her
untitled star wars twins fic - because i am a total and massive nerd. i’m just kind of stuffing everything i have feels about from the post-anh era into this and planning on figuring it out later? i’m really loving talking about the culture of alderaan (and the culture of the survivors) and also i just love writing luke and leia’s relationship... so much......
(no excerpt for that one because i’ve basically posted all of it in various posts lmao)
aos ds9 au - i’ve posted a LOT about this already and i want to keep the plot a surprise but fsk is in this and married and half the cast is aliens, what else do you need in life.
“Good morning,” says Jemma, coming into the room with her hair wet and her uniform crooked. “Hello, darling.”
“Hi,” says Daisy, turning her face up for a kiss. Jemma obliges absently as she walks past, looking around the room.
“Has anyone seen my hair clip?”
“No,” say Fitz and Daisy in unison.
and of course, last but never least in my heart, chapter 3 of the magnum opus - writing this is on hold until my brain decides to stop hitting me over the head at every possible moment, but there’s like... 2k written so far? it’s. it’s going.
“Yeah, yeah,” says Coulson, and makes quick work of the right gauntlet. It’s only halfway through the left one that his fingers slow and he says, quietly, “Simmons designed these, didn’t she?”
She lets out a quick breath. “Yeah.”
He stays quiet for a few more seconds, finishing up the last of the straps, making sure they’re tight enough. Finally, he says, “She should be helping you with these.”
Daisy pulls her arms back and swallows down some words, or maybe a couple of feelings, or maybe a sob. “Yeah, well.”
2. tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
the last sentence of the magnum opus!!!!!!!!!!
no, lmao, i’m gonna try to be serious. i really, really want to write some librarians fic in the near future? also MORE OF THE SENSE8 AU. i’m DYING to write some stuff about that. especially sam’s cluster, for some reason? Let’s Make Him Suffer (Comedically)! one day i’m gonna finish that list of what cluster/situation each song is about and then it’ll be over for all of us!
3. what is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
i spent about eight months imagining a scene where riza hawkeye was really injured and mustang was holding her in his arms (basically the promised day scene but with more privacy) so does that count?
hmm, just for some other possibilities: glinda telling dorothy about elphaba, laura somehow seeing or speaking to natasha during catws, a good omens au of the good place (specifically the ”i don’t even like you!” / “you doooooooo” scene), kencyrath au of star wars (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE, except setting up the first scene alone would take 7k, but i want to talk about leia and luke and their MESSED UP TRUST ISSUES in this au).
oh, also, something about star trek tng where jean-luc and beverly and jack were in love and then jack died and picard left. more specifically a scene set during the pilot episode where jean-luc very cordially offers beverly the option to transfer off the enterprise, that he wouldn’t dream of holding it against her, and beverly very cordially telling jean-luc to go fuck himself. i want to write 30k of that broken triad. i want it so bad. i dream of that fic. maybe one day when i find myself with a completely empty month or two, i’ll binge all of tng and Write Some Stuff.
4. share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
since you and i have tww in common, i’m gonna do a tww fic! otherwise i’d have to reread literally every fic i’ve ever written, lmao.
(this is long but i put this post under the cut so i have RIGHTS. also consider this a sneak peek for the j/d fic in the sense8 au?)
“It’s okay,” says Helen. She sits for a moment in silence, seeming thoughtful. “The Congressman and I are in the same cluster,” she says eventually. “I’d- I supposed that’s easier on the Secret Service?”
“Yes,” says Donna. “The-”
She stops herself from saying anything further. President Bartlet and the First Lady aren’t exactly quiet about who’s in their cluster, especially with senior staff, but that doesn’t mean she should go talking about it in an unsecured room in LA, of all places.
To cover for her blunder, she gives up something else: “The same with Josh. They got really lucky with him, actually. It’s just him and me, so they won’t have to worry about anyone threatening the Chief of Staff through the barista in the local Starbucks.”
Helen looks up from the Ohio numbers she’d drifted back to, a slow smile creeping up on her face. “Josh is in your cluster?”
“Uh-” says Donna, feeling like national security wasn’t worth whatever she’s just blundered into. Oops. “Josh- Josh is my cluster, ma’am.”
She catches her mistake the second it’s out of her mouth, but Helen doesn’t call her on it, more focused on other revelations. “No wonder you two look at each other the way you do!” she says, sounding delighted. Donna shuts her eyes, praying for this to go away. It’s not that she’s ashamed of Josh - it’s just so, so complicated, and other people never think about how difficult it was. Still is.
i’m just... i really liked the idea of donna fumbling and having to reveal this to cover up for what else she was going to say? i don’t know why i’m so charmed by this. i think it’s because it would be impossible in the show - you can’t show what someone was going to say on television, not without a lot of setup and very careful scripting. it’s just a really fun situation to write about and i’m really proud of this conversation in general.
also helen santos was a dream to write and i love her a lot. i kind of want to write one of the fics in the series about her and her cluster solely because like... look at her. she’s a delight in literally every scene. i love her.
5. what character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
daisy johnson!!! i love writing daisy johnson!!!! she is the most adhd character i’ve ever written and i literally just have to transcribe my own inner monologue and it works perfectly!!!!!
Swing shift: 1600 hours to 2400 hours. Daisy always ends up getting back to her quarters at like 0030 hours, when Jemma is asleep and Fitz is reading some kind of technical journal. Then she has to eat replicated pizza, alone, and freshly replicated pizza is actually pretty hot but it feels cold at that time of night, like, spiritually.
6. what character do you have the most fun writing?
...whoops i literally just answered that lmao. uh. i also really love writing sky masterson in the guys and dolls fic? she’s just weaponized hot queerness in a suit and i love her for it. she is intentionally trying to seduce this repressed lesbian and it’s really funny and also really hot of her and it’s so much fun to write.
also, i wrote chidi for the tgp fic and it was possibly the most fun i’ve ever had with a pov, although that was also because i was purposefully trying to mimic the tone of the show. i still think that line about michael and a grenade is, like, the funniest i have ever been in my life. but chidi’s panic was surprisingly easy to write? all of tgp’s characters have such STRONG voices, it makes writing fic ridiculously easy as long as you don’t get stuck on a plot for six months.
7. what do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? would others agree?
oof, this one is ALWAYS tricky. uh? uhh?? i’m going to ruin everything by saying this but i basically alternate between the same two sentence structures and i am really frustrated about it. i also alternate between the same two styles of endings and i always use the same beginning (set scene, main character pov, thoughts-as-exposition, back to scene).
BUT ON A MORE POSITIVE NOTE i like to talk about emotions and relationships and character development!! i have my “queer subtext goggles” superglued to my face, lmao. i like to think about how characters must have felt about things in canon and how it must’ve influenced them. i like making people deal with the consequences of their actions, especially how it’s influenced they themself. i also just really, really like writing people who love each other, whether it’s romantic or platonic or anything in between. i just want them to be happy! i just want them to stick together! doesn’t matter what fandom, i stand by it.
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chicagopd2020 · 4 years
New Beginnings Are Good For Everyone!!!
Kim Burgess has loved everything about her job. Honestly it was getting to be a little to much for at times. She loves being an FBI Agent & helping save lives of the people & putting away the bad guys but she is ready for something different. She still wants to work in law enforcement but something with a smaller unit of people. Luckily she made a new friend with a woman that had some into the FBI a few months ago. Erin Lindsey.
She was given the job of showing her the ropes of how everything was done. Within the time that they had soent together they had become very close, she would even go as far as saying Erin was her best friend. She was jealous of her a little though becayse tge unit that she came from in Chicago was exactly the kind of work that she has always wanted to do.
It just becomes a bit much at times. I just sometimes wish I work in a unit like you used to work in, Kim says to Erin
Kim you have been here for right at 5 years if you a change nobody would judge you. Erins tells her
That may be true but I honestly wouldnt even know where to start, all I know is how to be an FBI Agent.
If I can set up a metting between you and my old sargent in Chicago, would you be willing to fly out there for a few days.
You would really do that for me? She asks
Of course as much as you have done for me its the least I could do.
Kim thinking that it wouldnt actually happen told Erin if she could set it up that she would fly out and me him.
Erin let Kim know to keep her a couple days & she would have an answer for her.
Kims weekend was pretty uneventful for the most part. It was just her & her couch...with the work week she had she thought she deserved it. Knowing Monday morning would come quicker than she wanted it to. As her alarm goes off at 4:30am like usual she gets up so that she would have enough time to get ready to make it on time to the office.
She arrives at the office at 6:30am like normal with her & Erin's morning coffee to help them survive the day.
Erin spots Kim walking her way with the extra coffee in her hand. She met her halfway because she was just so excited to let her know about the phone called that happened this weekend. She just had to let her know everything that she was told.
Good Morning Beautiful    Erin says excitedly with a huge smile on her face.
Good Morning to you too.    Smiling back to her
So I was going to wait til lunch and tell you the information that i found out this weekend but I dont think I can wait that long.
What are you talking about?    She asked puzzled
So I talked to my olf Sargent Hank Voight and he actually has an open spot in the Intelligence Unit. He is willing to meet with you next week to see if you would be a great addition to the team or not. I vouched for you and told him that he wouldnt find anyone better.
Kim had this blank look on her face...she just couldnt believe this was happening. She had pushed it of her mind thinking it wasnt going to happen.
I cant think you enough for doing this for me. What if he doesnt like me?
Just be yourself & he will love you. Plus ive seen first hand what you can do in the field. I know you are an amazing cop & would be a perfect fit for the team.
All Kim could do is hug Erin so tight.
She left for Chicago tomorrow & would be there for couple days. She has never been more nervous about anything but the only reason that she was this way was because she wanted it so bad. Everything was packed and ready to head to what she was hoping was the beginning of a new start to the rest of her life.
Ever since Erin had left without saying anything to him he just hasnt been the same. He goes to work does his job but besides that he doesnt really care about much of anything else. His job is the only thing that he has good going for him right now. He would only hang with the team at mollys for few drinks but he would always stay quiet just thinking about maybe what he done to cause her to up and leave him without as much as an explanation.
Everyone was worried about Jay, they knew he was hurting because of her leaving but he never let it affect his job performance. They just want him to be happy and find someone to make him happy again. They all know that she isnt coming back this time. She is gone for good and there is nothing that Jay,Hank or anyone on the team could do to bring her back. Maybe they could talk him into letting them set him up on a blind date.
5 months had gone by and he knew that he should put himself back out in the dating world but he didnt really want to start caring about someone again the way he did her just to be hurt again, but he also knows that he cant compare every woman to her and not every woman out there is going to hurt him or leave him. He just has to be a little more cautious this time before letting someone competely in. Maybe just maybe he might take the guys up on their option of letting them set me up on a blind date, I mean if it doesnt work out i mean at least he cant say that he didnt try.
He walks into the pin and he sees Adam & Kevin having a conversation so he walks up to them with a slight smile on his face.
Set it up. He blurts out
They both look at him kind of lost.
Ok..What exactly are you setting up?
You said that you wanted to set me up on a blind date & i thought that i would give it a shot. Whats the worst thing that could happen....Get stood up or End up not having a good time. I will never know if I dont give it a shot.
They were surprised but they are just glad that he is finally putting himself out there or at least giving them the opportunity to get him back in the dating life.
You got it brother..    They both say with a smile on their face.
Saying that he was nervous was a little bit of an understatement. He had arrived a little bit early just to make sure that everything was fine and set up to his liking. He had been sitting for 30 mins. She was a few mins late...whoever she was.
After sitting there for a little while longer he realized that she wasnt coming so he just decided to go to the bar and have drink or 2 or 4 he hadnt really made up his mind. He was sitting there looking at his drink when he seen a shadow standing next to him.
Is this seat taken? The nice lady ask
Not at all feel free he says as he goes back to nursing his drink getting lost in his thoughts.
Im sorry i dont mean to intrude but are you ok? You dont look the best...No offense. She ask him
No offense taken. I let my friends set me up on a blind date and whoever she was decided that to stand me up, so instead of sitting at the table looking like a fool i decided that i would come over here and have a few drinks. So i guess you could say that i have been better. Whats a lady like you doing out at this time of night?
I am staying in a room upstairs & have alot going through my mind so i thought that maybe if I came down here and had a drink that maybe it would ease my mind a bit and that i would actually be able to get some sleep. She informs him
Are you in Chicago for business or fun?
I am here for business I am currently living in Washington but I have an interview tomorrow and if all goes well then i may just end up permanently in Chicago. Heres to hoping she says as she holds up her glass.
He holds his up as well. I hope everything goes the way that you want it to tomorrow. My name is Jay he says as he sticks out his hand with a small smile.
My name is Kim it was very nice meeting you Jay but I think that it is time that i head upstairs to get some rest so that i dont look too tired in the morning. Good Night and I hope that your night gets better.
Thank you Kim, Good Luck tomorrow on your interview.
As she walks away he couldnt help but to look over his shoulder one last time before she was out of his sight knowing that he may never see this woman again. He was surprised that when he looked over he shoulder that his eyes was met with hers looking right back at him and she turn the corner with one final smile. When she was out of his sight he finished the drink in his hand he decided to just head home, turns out that being stood up turned out to be one of the best things that had happened to him. He really had to thank the boys for choosing such a horrible date for him.
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chocojjk · 5 years
Heaven Knows
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summary: im not even gonna try, yall know im bad at summaries 
words: 2.7k
a/n: this forreal took me 6 hours i think im burning out ,, also guess what?? its not edited 
you were chilling in your best friends dorm room without him being there, which is honestly just a normal thing
jisung was out with his friends which means he wouldn't be back for a while
apparently they needed to talk to him about something important
“an intervention, they said,” jisung says chuckling
“What would you need an intervention for??”
“I honestly have no clue”
which left you here, all alone, completely bored out of your mind
laying there in his bed scanning his room for something to do when something shiny on top of his desk caught your eye
with the amount of times you've been here before, you have never seen this object
and so your curiosity got the best of you
you walked over and saw that it was a CD, written on it were the words “for you” and a badly drawn heart, the messy handwriting clearly belonging to your best friend
you chuckle at this
you never knew jisung could be this cheesy
turning on his computer, his screensaver, which was a picture of the two of you, lit up the room
you see, you and jisung have been childhood best friends
your parents were best friends which just means that you guys saw each other all the time
but dont get me wrong, they never forced your guys’ friendhsip
the two of you just got along
growing up, you would always be by his side and him yours
you didnt trust anyone as much as you trusted jisung
inputting in the CD, his honey-like voice started filling the air
“hey, its jisung, haha, of course you know that since ive already given this to you”
you let out small chuckle, clearly enjoying how worked up your best friend sounded
you cant help but feel guilty for invading his personal space
but c’mon, it was you and jisung
personal space is a myth when it comes to the both of you
and so you continued to listen
“umm, ive been meaning to tell you this for a while but could never find the words to do so , so uh,, i-i made you a CD with all the songs that makes me think of you”
‘how cute’ you thought to yourself, ignoring the rising jealousy that you were feeling in the pit of your stomach
wait what??
pshh, youre not jealous
why would you be jealous??? he’s just your best friend
‘im just disappointed that he didnt trust me with this,’ you told yourself
yup, thats all, just clear and utter disappointment
jealousy? we dont know her
plus, you had a very loving boyfriend
“ok so this first song is just how i feel whenever we’re together, this is better together by jack johnson”
and as the song filled your ears, you can't help but imagine that this CD was for you
keyword: imagine
jisung has made it very clear that he only saw you as his best friend, heck, maybe even as his sister
you think back to the day where you joked around of a possibility of the two of you
“ji, what if one day you become my boyfriend”
“hahaha y/n, that’s a weird joke”
“why is that so weird??”
“uhm because were just best friends” he replies, stating the obvious
and ever since then you have pushed the thought of you guys as a couple in the back of your head
never allowing your feelings to surface for the boy
your thoughts were interrupted when you heard your best friends sweet voice again
“ok remember when your first boyfriend broke your heart? well this song pretty much sums up how i felt the whole time, and every other time you get in a relationship.”
“I could treat you so much better than them, you know?”
“why can't you see that??? haha,, anyways this is Better by Gabe Bondoc”
damn, whoever this girl was got jisung whipped as fuck
you started wondering who she was and how come jisung never told you about her before
was she part of your friend group? did you know her?
whoever she was, you hoped that she’d wake up soon and realize what a catch your best friend is and that she would have to be the dumbest person alive to not love him back
“okay uhm, were halfway in this playlist now. sometimes i feel like you feel this way too, but i don't know, maybe i'm just being delusional. this is Friends by Ed Sheeran”
okay so clue number 1, this girl is definitely good friends with jisung
what the fuck han jisung
who is she
“if they find out would it all go wrong and heaven knows no one wants it to,”
you dont know why or what happened, but when you heard that line of the song, you cant help but release all the bottled up feelings that youve been hiding
yes, you were in love with your best friend
yes, you got into relationships as a way to get over him
no, it never works
because every time you were left with a broken heart, he was there to piece it all back together
he was there wiping your tears, holding you, singing you cheesy love songs
he was there with his bad jokes that always brings a smile on your face, making you happy, making you whole again
jisung was always there, and you cant escape him
and now as you listen to a playlist not made for you, your heart begins to break
surely if this was for you, he would have given it to you a long time ago
just the mere thought of jisung caring for another girl besides you hurt your heart
you decided that it was time to stop
you scolded yourself for even listening to it in the first place
and so you took the CD out, and put it back where it belong
a couple minutes later, jisung enters his room, seeing your figure seated in front of his computer, your head rested on your hands as your shoulders shook slightly, a sign that you were crying
“hey, are you okay?” he says grabbing your hands, making you look straight into his eyes
“shh it’s okay, im here,” he continues, pulling you into a warm hug
and you can't help but be mad
why the fuck was he being so sweet to you when he’s in love with someone else
han jisung, this is not fair, not fair at all
and then you realized that you were doing the same exact thing
you pushed him away from you, which caused him to stumble back, hitting the desk behind him
“I-i have to go”
running out of the room, jisung tried to chase after you however,,
“Woah woah woah why are you in such a hurry?”
chan and minho
“I-uh y/n just ran out and i-”
“y/n again?, jisung didnt we just talk about how you should see her less,” minho exclaims
“Yeah, this really isnt healthy for you jisung, you really should stop pining over this girl,” chan continued
“guys, shes my best friend!”
“Ok and she obviously doesnt wanna talk to you if she ran away, dont force yourself in places where you dont belong or youll just get hurt in the end,” the older guys continued
“were just looking out for you jisung,” chan finishes
and so with his head drooped down, he made his way back into his room
and then he noticed it,,
the CD
‘fuck fuck fuck’
A million thoughts were racing through jisungs head
he was sure that you've heard it, why else would you react that way when you saw him
god, he should've never made that CD in the first place
was he that much of a coward that he couldnt just tell you he was in love with you in person
and now you know and obviously dont feel the same
‘Great going jisung, you just ruined your relationship with your best friend’
its been 3 days and there hasnt been any contact within the both of you
you ended up breaking up with your 4 month long boyfriend
“Its because of jisung huh?”
you racked your brain for a different excuse but then decided to come clean, this boy has always been so sweet to you, the least you could do is be honest with him
“how’d you know?”
“I see the way you look at him y/n, its like youre looking at millions of stars, i always hope you’d learn to look at me that way”
“are you mad?”
he gives you a sad smile, “no.. not at you, i always knew this would happen”
“im really sorry hyunjin”
“Its okay, i wish you and jisung all the happiness in the world”
“thank you,” you reply even though you knew that it wasnt going to happen since he liked someone else 
meanwhile, jisung has locked himself up in his room
he was ashamed of himself for making that playlist
his friends have been asking him to hang out yet all he can do is mope around listening to the stupid songs that he has added and cringing at how dumb his voice recordings sounded
he missed you so much but he was so scared to reach out to you
3 days might not seem like a long time, but with you and jisung, 3 days felt like a whole year
Im not saying that you guys are always glued together, no, thats not the case
But you guys would always text each other
Sending each other memes throughout the day
But now the both of you was just left with silence
It really allowed you both to think
he figured you hated him and never wanted to see him again
So he never expected you to knock on his door
“chan, go away, just leave me here to cry”
“errmm, its not chan”
jisungs eyes nearly popped out of his sockets as soon as he heard your voice
and in one quick second he was scrambling to open his door
“you were crying???”
“whats wrong?”
“nothing, im glad youre here”
“umm, why wouldn't i be?”
“I-i just thought that after the other day, you wouldnt-”
“about that” you say, quickly cutting him off
“can we talk?”
“arent we doing that right now?” jisung jokes but as soon as he saw the nervous expression on your face, he shut his mouth and let you in , closing the door behind him
‘oh god, shes gonna tell me that she never wants to see me ever again’
“im sorry-”
“I didnt mean it-”
the both of you having confused expressions written on your faces
“You first,” you say
Jisung nervously scratches the back of his head, refusing to meet your gaze
“the - the cd, i,, i didnt mean it” he says but the way he slightly bit his lip afterwards was a clear indication that he was lying
did he forget that he was your best friend? there was really no point in lying to you
however, you just chose to ride along with his little lie
“oh, well then i guess that makes what im about to say easier”
accepting the fact that you were about to break his heart, he nods at you, urging you to go on
“Jisung, im in love with you”
“its okay that you don't like me back, we can still be best friends -- wait...what?” jisung replies quickly, ending his prepared speech
You looked at him, stunned at his sudden confession
“You're in love with me?”
“You like me ??”
damn both of you guys are so dumb i sWEAr
“Well,,,, yeah,,,, didnt you listen to the CD? I literally say your name in it”
“After the last song,” he says, like it was the most obvious thing on earth
“I-” you make yourself over to his desk, looking for the CD
as soon as you found it, you plopped it into his computer
“really y/n???? Youre gonna listen to it right in front of me as if i havent been embarrassed enough” he says with a pout
“jisung shuT UP”
you fast forward to the part where you left off of  
“this next song is called Wait for You,, im sure you know this song as we always sing to it toegether, but yeahh ill always be here waiting for the day to come when you finally notice me”
The song begins to play yet you fast forward even more in rapid search of your name
“and, well this brings us to the last song,, god, i really hope you dont hate me right now, if you haven’t guessed by now, im in love with you. I dont know when it started or how it happened, maybe ive been in love with you ever since we were three, i don't know okay. But yeah,,, i fell in love with my best friend, god this is so cliche, but y/n l/n i love you”
you were shocked,,,
but at the same time, you felt like you can finally breathe
he loves you back
Han Jisung fucking loves you back
god reader, if you just stayed and listened until the very end, maybe this au wont be so long my brain cells are disappearing writing this
jisung wasn't making an effort to say something, not even to joke around
he was just sitting on his bed behind you, waiting for you to do something,, anything
we all know by now that he aint going to be the one to make the first move
the last song playing was the only thing that could be heard in the room
until,, you finally turned to face him, wearing the biggest smile on your face
you tackled him unto the bed
“you're so annoying,,” you say, hitting him
at this point he has his arms around you as you were sprawled out across his body
“I love you too,” you confess, looking straight in his eyes
jisung doesn't know where he got his newly found courage
But he wasnt complaining as he reached out to your face, finally connecting his lips upon yours
“Ive been wanting to do that for so long”
“Why didnt you?”
“Well, you had a- dklfjasfkasjf,,,,, wait,,,,,, you have a boyfriend???”
And now were back to frantic jisung
“dont worry ji, i broke up with him,” you say a small smile on your lips
“wait, you broke up with him???
are you dumb????
He has like the prettiest face???
And like the nicest lips??
And hes so tall and he can dance so well!!”
“Jisung, if i didnt know any better, i would think you have a crush on him”
“shut up, im just saying,, that man is pReTTY”
“yeah youre right, he has everything i want in a man, maybe i should call him again, tell him i was just kidding about the break up” jisung pouts at this
“uhm, im sorry but you have a boyfriend now so you cant do that”
“oh really?”
“who is he ??”
“y/nnn,,” jisung whines
“will you be my girlfriend???”
“as long as you make me more CD’s” you say teasingly
“oh shut up”
1 year later
you and jisung are still going as strong as ever, and it was great
it was like you guys were always meant to be together, your relationship being the perfect balance of best friends and lovers 
as you were cleaning out your bedroom, you spotted the CD, still looking as shiny as ever, in between a couple of your books, and you cant help but smile at the memory
you were so lost in your thoughts that you didnt notice your boyfriend enter your room
“babe whats that?”
“oh nothing, just a certain CD that this overly romantic boy made me,”
“oh god, youre never gonna let that go huh��
“I just didnt know you could be THIS cheesy, like you really were symping over me” you say
the CD became an inside joke between the two of you,,,
you would always tease jisung about how cliche it was
“I still cant believe you didnt listen until the end, like what kind of dumbass just starts a playlist and doesnt even listen to the whole thing”
“hey!, youre the one in love with me, so guess whos the bigger dumbass”
a/n: oops another one but the last song is called Best Friend by Jason Chen hehe
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pact-ideas · 5 years
 Your home is the beautiful hidden city of Leira a haven for the wood elves to hide away from the cruelty of the outside world, each house was made from the wood of a different tree and the city was warded away from the rest of the world by a magical forest that never let anyone through its majestic depths, life in Leira was peaceful as it had been for a thousand years
you fucking hate it
ok maybe not the peace, the peace was nice everyone can agree that peace was if a little boring generally a good thing but.... well.... ok first of all that magical forest thing works two way no one can leave. ever. this didnt stop you trying when you were little you used to take off into the forest determined to see what was at the other side but no matter how hard you tried or how you navigated or how long you were walking or anything you always ended up back in Leira it was always the same you would end up right back at home and your mother would brush the twigs out of your hair and say how “silly” you were to get lost in the forest it made you indescribably angry but you didnt even understand why
growing up in this place was a nightmare, Leira was created by melora the goddess of nature so as you can imagine the culture of leira was pretty heavily dedicated to sucking her metaphysical dick, everyone’s a vegetarian and natures roams free throughout the city which is nice and all but when your late for school and you get stuck behind a 20 ton bear it easy to loose your fucking patience and it not like you want to kill an animal or anything but your desperately curious to know what meat tastes like. one night there was a big wild fire and a bunch of birds got roasted in the flames and yeah it was sad and all that but my god the SMELL! it was amazing and theres no way you can ever get any kind of meat since theres no privacy anywhere in the god damn city, you live with your family and streets are ALWAYS busy with people and even in the rare moment when theres no other elves around theres always some kind of nature around and since most of the elves if the city can speak to animals your pretty sure if you did anything too sacrilegious it would be reported before you could say “barbecue”. and the people ugh the FUCKING PEOPLE you mother keeps nagging you and telling you off for regecting all your sutiors but in fairness your not really regecting 8 or 9 suitors your regecting one because EVERYONE HERE IS THE FUCKING SAME THEYVE GOT LONG FLOWING HAIR THEYRE SLIM AND DELICATE LOOKING THEY WRITE POTRY ABOUT NATURE AND THEY PROBABLY PLAY THE FUCKING PAN FLUTE.
ok what the fuck is up with pan flutes theyre anoying to play and they dont even sound good why cant we just bang some fucking sticks together and make some real noise!
and the worst thing about it is that everyone you have ever met god damn loves it here if you go to a town elder to ask about if people can get through the forest he just pats you on the head and says some shit like “dont worry little one no outsiders will ever get in” and you have to fight back the urge to scream beacause NO LORENCE YOU DONT GET IT but you just nod and smile because if you say anything than you get branded as even more of a fucking outsider than when you decided to tie up your hair for the first time.I mean by the GODS what is wrong with tying up your hair? ugh you know whats wrong with it in Leria elves belive that hair should flow out beautifuly and naturally its common for full adults to have hair that reaches the floor and some elders employ neighbourhood kids to pick up their hair after them when they walk so it doesn't trail behind them on the ground but whoever decided that elvish hair was contantly elegant never seemed to be able to get your hair to obey. your hair constantly got caught on buttons and jackets and even door handles! your hair is only down to your waist and its already the biggest nuisance in your life you cant imagine it reaching the floor and always getting stepped on so one day you had had enough, you got some twine and tied up your hair you thought it looked pretty good but when your mother saw it for the first time my god it was like you were dying she asked what was wrong if you needed some kind of help and after she hear that your hair was getting in the way she decided to spend three hour THREE FUCKING HOURS brushing it which is not only fucking painfull but its the kind of stupid bullshit you were trying to avoid when you tied it up in the fucking first place. eventually people got a little more used to you tying up your hair there was always a limit there was always a “oh honey grannies coming round for dinner so dont you think you should take down your hair?” and its like ..... why? but becuase theyre your family you dont question it and let your hair down but secretly you think that maybe granny wouldnt mind it if you could eat without accidentally getting stray hairs in your mouth every....single...time you took a bite to eat.
buuuuuut theres some hope theres a legend of a warrior with a great connection to nature who must leave the safty of the city and defeat a great evil in the outside world and your determined that that person will be you you got to the libary at noght and read books on the outside world and FUCK it sounds so fucking interesting so different  so god damn DIFFERENT you read about beings who live between dimensions and every single member of there race is completly different to each other every single one is entirly unique some are good some are evil some have physical forms some are made of gas and some of them are just a mad pile of limbs I mean can you imagine? the very idea of beings like that sets you mind ablaze and your determined to meet one but the fucking problem with that is the the legendary hero is suppose to be able to connect with nature and you... struggle with that. you call out to the trees to obey your commands you try to connect with the animals and you appeal to the elements but nothing ever works its so fucking frustrating this is your only chance of leaving the city and you can even begin to make progress everyone in the city at least has SOME connection to nature there are toddlers that can make flowers bloom and you cant even bend a branch. everyone teacher youve ever had tells you not to give up and to keep trying and that you just need to look deep down withing yourslef and find the connection you dont know is there but that just bullshit the reason you can connect with the trees is because deep down you dont WANT to connect with the trees you know it and the trees know it why cant anyone see?everyone in the world from your teacher to your parents tyo the town elders to the fucking animals seemed to think that your just one attitude adjustment away from being a perfect happy elf “keep trying” they say “you’ll get it eventually” all your fucking life youve been hearing that but you know what? you dont want to be a perfect elf with long hair and a dozy smile you dont want to be the hero who connects with nature and is celebrated as the perfect figure you dont want to be here anymore! you want to eat meat and wear clothes that dont make me look like a plant obsessed ballet dancer and fight people with your bare hands and play the drums and do whatever you want with my hair and be FUCKING FREE
you sneak into the library the books your looking for is old and worn but within it is the ritual that you need. The great one Uthuctarr is surprised to be contacted by an elf but you get along like a house on fire. soon the terms of the pact are agreed you have the pentagram scrawled onto the library floor in chalk all you need to seal the pact is a part of your self, most people use blood but you have a better idea, you take out the dagger you stole, its carved out of bone it was used by ancient elves to hunt in the days when the world was new, functionally the bone dagger is everything the elves of Leira stand against but they couldnt destroy it without discrediting their precious history. its perfect, you undo the twine holding your hair and let the blond mass fall forward over your face. with your left and you grab a clump of long blond hair near the base and with your right you take the blunt bone dagger and cut. you hand is not steady and your hair is thick but that doesnt stop you and soon a huge chunk of blond mess falls away into the centre of the pentagram. you pause for a moment thinking about what youve just dont and you realise you can feel the night hair against your ears and in all you life youve never felt anything more divine you begin to laugh, truly laugh. not at a joke or out of politeness but out of pure unfiltered joy. quickly you grab another clump and get back to work. after a few more minutes of frenzied cutting your finally free of you long messy STUPID hair, you gather the hair into the centre of the pentagram and step back. suddenly all on its own the hair bursts into dark blue flames, the small is awful, you love it, from the fire a tiny thread of blue flame pushes out of the flame and begins to weave its way out of the library though the city and into the forest the locals are mystified but you know whats happening after all these years you are finally being shown the path out of Leira.
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princessselene126 · 4 years
Hey yall, emotional abuse, physical pain (not self harm, just illness pain), brief mention of periods, and shitty parents tws coming up.
So i generally try to keep my personal life off here unless I won’t be posting for a while and want to let you know why (like i did with my ear infection.), but I’m having a really bad week and a half and desperately need to vent. Feel free to completely ignore this because I don’t expect anyone to respond, I just need to get everything off my chest--although any suggestions as to what the fuck I should do are more than welcome.
My dad and stepmom have been controlling any emotionally abusive for pretty much my entire life--because you know, abuse doesn’t just start randomly and it’s not something that you can easily fix.
Anyway. When I went home for my ear infection, my stepmom got kinda mad about it. Mad might be the wrong word, controlling is probably better. I didnt tell her or my dad that I was coming home to see the doctor for a few reasons:
I knew if I told them, they’d tell me i should tough it out and go to class
They’d say that i was being over dramatic and that it couldn’t possible hurt that bad
They’d ask why I couldn’t have seen a doctor in Milwaukee (where my college is and 1.5 hours from home), why I needed to come home for something like that.
So I didn’t tell them. While I was home my stepmom texted me asking how I was doing. At the time she didn’t know I had an ear infection or that I was home, so of course like the idiot I am, I was honest and told her I came home sunday night. Seriously I think honesty is my fatal flaw. She, of course, asked why and I told her that “I cant think right now, let alone take a bus somewhere I’ve never been before. I tried to get into the dr at school, but they dont have any openings until wednesday.” I was able to get into my doctor at home on monday, two full days before I would have been able too at school, so it seems logical that id go home right? I couldnt hear out of my right ear anyway, so it’s not like I would have been able to pay attention in class and actually learn anything. 
She drops it or that day.
But my stepmom, being my stepmom, of course texts me back a few days later (fthursday or friday i think) because she thinks that I should have tried harder to find a doctor here. She said, and I fucking quote this entire goddamn text 
Hey so I just want to clarify with you ... you could have gone to a dr there you know? You guys didn’t have to come all the way home and back. good lord. Just find a clinic thats an urgent care or er. you might have had to pay more out of pocket, but so what? And you have 2 insuraces, so that wouldve helped more too. Just saying. So I thought I’d let you know instead of doing all that craziness back and forth. Make it easier on yourself next time kiddo.
And this has me fucking livid because:
I literally explained to her why I didn’t find someone in Milwaukee days before. 
She’s insinuating that it’s too inconvenient for my mom to come get me.
And my stepdad had off on tuesday, so he gladly took me back too school. No questions asked. No complaints. He even bought my antibiotics for me (which I was totally prepared to pay the $10 for myself) before we left.
She’s talking down to me as if I had no idea that I could do this.
I can’t afford to pay more out of pocket right now, even if I might (read: MIGHT) get reimbursed for it later.
Going home literally WAS making it easier on myself.
So I send a screenshot of this text to my mom of course, and she replies almost immediately just going off. My mom and I havent always had the best relationship (she has some emotionally abusive habits too, but she knows about most of them, acknowledges them, and tries her best to fix them), but I know that she will always be there for me. She’s that person who will drive an hour and a half just to come make sure someone is okay, and she has done so 2-3 times in my 2 years at college. She doesn’t care if I’m 45 and living on the other side of the country, she will drive or by a plane ticket to hep me if/when need it. So my mom is beyond pissed off that my stepmom would ever imply that coming to get me, take care of me, is an inconvenience.
I reply a simple “i know” to my stepmom, because I know better than to give her a long winded explanation. She’ll just come back at me with an even longer block of text basically telling me how wrong/stupid i was to not just see a dr in the area.
And of course, of fucking course, she replies with a long block of text anyway basically telling me the same fucking thing. She does this several times and I keep doing the “i know” “yeah” “okay” thing because I just didn’t have the fucking ENERGY you guys. 
But then she says 
my goodness you’re a peach sometimes. Just trying to help and maybe you guys didn’t think of that. 
So by this point in time my patience was completely GONE. I have absolutely none left. I know when my stepmom calls me a peach it’s just her “nice” way of saying “you’re being a fucking bitch.” ((Keep in mind this entire time I was taking screenshots and sending them to my mom so she could be mad with me.)) And so I fucking went off in the nicest way possible. I tell her
no, you’re trying to be in control of the situation that had absolutely nothing to do with you
I was going to just try going to a dr the next morning, but then my mom called and I was crying and she asked if I wanted to come home, so I said yes. It wasn’t an inconvenience to her, though it feels like you’re trying to make it seem that way. And [stepdad] had off so he was easily able to take me back.
I’m not an idiot, im an adult fully capable of doing things myself. But i also recognized that I needed help and accepted it when my mom noticed I did as well
Because yes. I was in so much pain that I was actually crying from it. I usually have a decent pain tolerance (horrific period cramps will do that to a person), but for some reason whenever I say that I’m genuinely in pain my stepmom never seems to think it could be “that bad.” And... that’s exactly how that went. I was soooo prepared to just tough it out and wait until Wednesday if I absolutely had to. But then my mom called and I may be 20 years old but there are those times when you’re an adult and you just need your parent. You need your parent to tell you it’s going to be okay. You need your parent to hold and comfort you. You need your parent to take you to the dr. And for me this was one of those times. I so very rarely ask for help but this time i needed it, and there’s no reason for my stepmom (or anyone) to make me feel like I should be ashamed of that.
So she said something brief to that and I didn’t reply back. Ne next moring she sends me another text starting off with something along the lines of “I’m hurt by how you treated me last night...” and I didn’t read the rest because I knew it would make me mad. I did, however send a screenshot to my mom again.
The next day I call both my mom and my paternal grandma to talk about this entire conversation.
My mom thinks that I should cut off ties with them for at least a few months because this has been overwhelming me so much. I agree with her, but I’m concerned about my younger siblings (not that they’ll get hurt or anything, but that I won’t be able to see them) and also my aunt is getting married in may.
And my grandma was livid too. She’s never liked my stepmom because she’s always thought that she’s treated me like shit. (For a long time i mistakenly believed that my stepmom was a better person than my mom, but I was an impressionable child/teenager then). My grandma and I talked about times when stepmom made me feel bad about myself or treated me as lesser than my half siblings. And my grandma agrees that I should keep my distance, but she asked me to not cut ties, and to keep a decent amount of peace, until after my aunt’s wedding.
Which I understand. I get it. I love my aunt a lot and I truly dont want to cause any problems at her wedding, she deserves the world. But at the same time I don’t know how much longer I can take this you guys. I’m supposed to go to a water park for a night with my dad, stepmom, and siblings during my spring break (it was a christmas present from my dad to the family) and I’m absolutely dreading it. I don’t want to go. My mom says I should just lie and say I have to work, but again, fatal flaw here is honesty, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that. I want to see my siblings too, but I really need to start taking care of myself.
I’ve spent far too long worrying about my family even after not living at home for the last two years. I need to take care of myself. I do. But I honestly don’t know how to do that without causing a family feud in the process.
And the reason this was all triggered again today (after not having talked to anyone on my dad’s side since saturday) is because I got a call from a random number while I was in class today. It was a call from my home city and whoever it was left a voicemail. In the back of my mind I started worrying that it was my dad and that he wanted to talk me into not being upset with my stepmom (he’s a terrible person too but that’s a rant for a different day).
I have yet to listen to it because the idea of talking about this with him makes me nauseous. At the same time, not knowing who called is making me overwhelmingly anxious. I don’t know what would be best:
Ignoring the voicemail, or listening to it and potentially having to talk to my dad?
Toughing out being around my family until after the wedding, or risk causing a family feud by cutting ties?
I just... I’m so lost you guys.
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 4 years
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Misery Loves Company Part 2:
Meet Esmé Squalor:
The city's sixth most important financial advisor, powerhouse fashionista, and fixated on revenge coke addict. Esmé takes no time showing the orphans that she is just as scary and dangerous as Olaf and sometimes they think she is the worst of the two. Esmé has one thing on her mind and that is her precious sugar bowl which she vows she will steal back or she will burn the entirety of VFD down trying.
Esmé has no problem with any of the vicious acts that Olaf suggests. She is down for just about anything he has in mind. Murder? Yes. Very in. Kidnapping? Yes. Completely In. Arson? Yes. The innest thing since aqueous martinis. And making sure a young child is never able to sleep peacefully again? In her words that 'deliciously in'. The children have a new villain to watch out for and believe it or not...shes more unstable than Olaf.
[Trigger warning: subtle and not so subtle hints at Esme and Olafs hideous and devious intentions with teenaged orphans. Please read with caution]
Olaf was driving like an absolute psychopath as he raced from the burning hospital to the rundown carnival in the hinterland. He was angry. He felt defeated. Not only did those three blasted orphans escape his clutches AGAIN, now apparently someone had survived one of the fires...which one? He did not know. But that bastard, Jacques Snicket, seemed so sure of it when Olaf was watching that video. *stupid fucking VFD and their stupid fucking members escaping their well deserved deaths!* he thought as he growled as loud as he could. And to make matters worse while he was driving this way all he could think about was the woman who broke his heart so many years ago and so many times since then because he was driving just like her.
"YOU IDIOTS LET MY PRETTY LITTLE PET RUN AWAY!" He yelled hitting his fists as hard as he could on the steering wheel.
"Well technically boss..." the bald man spoke up. "She didn't *run away* the bookworm rolled her away on a gurney,"
Olaf growled again. "Oh. How I *cannot* wait to obliterate *that* brat! Oh, he thinks I've been brutal before, he hasnt the faintest fucking idea! And if you dont shut your mouth YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH AS WELL!" Olaf yelled.
Now everyone in the car shifted a little, even Esmé who was unamused at the whole situation but kind of fearing for her life as he drove like a unpredictable madman. But...when I say that everyone in the car shifted a little...I mean *everyone* and even the three secret passengers in the trunk shifted a little especially Klaus Baudelaire who started to shake.
"Klaus...Klaus...you're fine," Violet whispered desperately reaching around for his hand. Once she found it she squeezed his hand tightly trying to keep him in reality with her and Sunny.
"We shouldnt have gotten in this trunk," Klaus whispered back. "He is going to kill Sunny and I...and..." he stopped talking when he looked towards Violet, who frowned. Both older orphans knew what Olaf would do to Violet if given the chance. Hell, both older orphans knew what Esme wanted to do with Klaus if given the chance. They both feared that even Sunny, by now,  Had a faint idea of what Olaf was talking about. "Why did....you *make me*... get in his trunk," klaus cried as he began to sob. Sunny turned her head towards her brother.
"Shhhh," Sunny pleaded. "Quiet," she reminded Klaus.
"We're going to die..." he whispered fearfully.
Violet frowned as she held klaus' hand tighter and grabbed Sunnys hand with her free hand. "I got you guys," she whispered. "I'll always protect you,"
"We know," sunny whispered back.
"Can you believe there is a SURVIVOR!?" Olaf shouted and then he screamed in pure anger. "Just when Ithought I was winning! I framed them for my MURDER for fucks sake! I HAD that pretty little brat!" He screamed angrily.
Violet shuddered and Sunny put a comforting hand in hers.
Esme scoffed and rolled her eyes when he mentioned Violet being 'pretty' again. He turned to her. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"
"HOW THE FUCK IS THIS *MY* FAULT!?" She asked angrily. "It was YOUR idea to use the girl as bait!"
"But you let the Baudelaires take the Snicket bitch right out the operating theater!"
"YOU SET THE HOSPITAL ON FIRE! I GOT THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!" she yelled. "He was standing right next to YOU. Why didnt ypu do anything!"
"HE WAS HOLDING THE LARGE KNIFE YOU GAVE TO HIM!" Olaf yelled back. "The plan was to use the girl as BAIT! NOT have him actually kill her! She is our key to BOTH fortunes!"
Esme gave a wicked smirk. "Oh...that was the plan? I must've forgot,"
"You pathetic jealous bitch!" He yelled.
"Oh *Im* pathetic? You've lost to these children for MONTHS now!"
"If I was in charge of this entire thing, those two girls would be dead and the boy would be our little prisoner," Esme replied wickedly smiling.
This made Klaus shiver and Sunny put her free hand in his the same way she had for Violet.
"You wouldnt have the SNICKET fortune if you killed the Snicket bitch you dumb bitch!"
Esme smiled wickedly at Olaf again. "I dont need Lemony's fortune...hell, unlike *you* I dont need Beatrice's fortune either," she laughed. "No what *I* want is to make *Beatrice's little mommy's boy suffer* " Esme tapped her long nails against her window. "Of course I also want back what's *mine*!"
Olaf rolled his eyes. "*So do I*!" He screamed. "But NOW one or two of them might not be inheritors of ANYTHING! SINCE THERES A FUCKING SURVIVOR!"
"Darling...youre honestly looking at *that* all wrong. I think this is good news," Esme replied
 Olaf responded by pushing his foot harder on the pedal.
"How is that a GOOD THING!?" hr asked.
"Well...think about it. Whoever it is. We will get to kill," esme pointed out. "I personally hope its Beatrice. I'd love to kill that sugar bowl snatching bitch...ooooh and we could make her children watch!"
"Or we can torture her children in front of her," Olaf pointed out smiling.
"Who do you think the survivor is boss?" The hook handed man asked.
"I dont know. If its Bertrand...well that's the least exciting option. But Esme's right...if its Beatrice, torturing her or her precious son and daughter would be fun."
"What about Snicket?" The henchperson of indeterminate gender asked.
Olaf pushed hard on the brakes causing everyone to ram forward a bit. His car came to a screeching halt. Violet, who had the misfortune of getting into the trunk first was squished harshly against the end of the trunk as Klaus tried to shift himself away from violet to give her room. Violet had let go of Klaus' hand in attempt to shield Sunny from hitting anything. Olaf turned around to face his henchperson. "I doubt that its Snicket...but...if it is...let's just say when I find his pretty pipsqueak daughter...I will make him watch as I *destroy* her entirely and then I will make her watch as I murder her father agonizingly slow and then I'll murder that stupid fucking bookworm and biting brat in front of her too," he hissed causing Violet to start shaking.
He took a deep breath and began driving again. Esme huffed in annoyance as the hook handed man did his best to hide a disgusted face.
Klaus looked to Vi. "Speaking of that...did he...?"
Violet wiped a few tears from her eyes. "I dont know...while I was conscious, no. Esme kept barging in before he could do more than touch my face or leg. But... when I was unconscious...I dont know. Wouldnt I know? Like...wouldnt I feel different?" She whispered as she began to sob quietly.
Klaus sighed. He didnt know the answer to that. He just gave Violet a small smile. "Yes, I think you would feel different. So if you feel the same then he didnt," he lied as he shifted his arm under her head to give her head some support. He had no way of knowing...and he feared that Violet would never get a true answer.
Violet nestled closer to Klaus and Sunny as she shivered form the cold mountain air that seeked in through the bullet holes of Olafs trunk. Klaus and Sunny could hear her whimpers and shivers. Klaus tried his best to take off his suit jacket from where he laid but he couldnt. Sunny shifted to lay more on Violet to act as a blanket for her. "Violet..." klaus whispered.
"Yeah," she replied back in a hushed tone as she wiped a few tears from her eyes.
"I just wanna say this... if I ever find out that he *did* hurt you or if he ever *does* hurt you like *that*...or if he continues to try to hurt you like *that* **I'll castrate him myself...**" klaus whispered. Violet looked towards her brother and even in the cold, dark trunk of their worst nightmare's car, she could see the dark look in his eyes.
"Klaus...you dont..."
"Oh you're right," he replied. "I'll hold him down and let you do it if youd rather.."
Violet gave a small chuckle to that.
"Darling! I've been thinking about what you said back in crow town,"
"What did I say back in crow town?" Olaf asked confused as he continued to drive like a psycho.
"Well... you said that the boy was much more fun to torture than either one of the girls...and *you're right!*" Esme recalled. "So why dont we just keep him,"
Olaf growled. "Wr are keeping the Snicket bitch! That little tease has another thing coming..."
"We are keeping the boy..." esme demanded in a tone that made Klaus shudder.
"Why dont we just keep who we catch first?" The hook handed man replied. "Besides when we left the hospital the brats were stuck in a utility closet...I doubt they all made it out,"
Olaf snickered at this. "It would be nice if one or two of them burned to a crisp...just like their parents," he began smiling and laughing.
"Well, except the survivor," the henchperson of indeterminate gender replied.
This sent Olaf into another screaming and raging fit.
Esme rubbed her temples. "I just want my sugar bowl...that's it...that's all. I'm down with murder, kidnapping, and making it to where little children cant have another peaceful night of sleep but I AM NOT DOWN WITH THE YELLING AND THE INSANE DRIVING!!!!"
"Fuck off...we are almost to Caligari Carnival. Then we can ask Madame Lulu where to find that little Snicket tease and the two other ugly brats," Olaf replied.
Esme rolled her eyes. *I will kill that fucking brat. Hes not touching any girl related to that bitch Katherine* she thought as she continued to rub her temples. 
Esme was not someone who was used to someone telling her that she cant have her way. She was too rich, beautiful, and powerful for *that* bullshit but as she sat in the passenger seat of Olaf's car she was beginning to think that shed have to take matters into her own hands if she was going to get what she wanted. Olaf seemed determined to have the Snicket brat as a captive...and Esme would rather have the infant than the Snicket girl.
"Do we have any wine? I'm parched and I heard wine is very in this time of year,"
"We have some in the trunk. I would be happy to get it if we stopped," the hook handed man replied.
The three children froze. Violet put her arm around Sunny tightly as Klaus put his arm around Violet to hold her and Sunny, who laid on top of Violet hoping to keep her warm, put a loving hand on Violet and her other on Klaus. Their hearts stopped as Olaf stopped the car.
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olberic · 4 years
vesperia ask meme from this post 
👤 favourite character?
pretty even tie between raven and patty! love their backstories. love their development. love their thottiness
👥 most used party?
yuri or flynn / raven / patty / rita ! yuri or flynn depends on what mood im in or if i want extra healing
👍 who do you play as most?
still yuri, but ive been playing as patty a lotttt more lately
👎 who do you play as least?
estelle and judith.... i love them but im so bad at targeting estelle’s spells and i can’t keep judith in the air for longer than like.. 20 hits....
🌆 favourite town?
aurnion!! the music is so so good, i love that its a base of sorts for a lot of the npcs, and i really like that its like in a corner of a mountain too! i’d live there
🏞 favourite dungeon?
manor of the wicked, mostly bc i spent sooo much time grinding in and around there! honourary mention for tarqaron for having the best soundtrack tho
🌎 is there anywhere on the world map that’s comforting to you?
i love the zopheir drifts! 
😴 what inn do you go to most often?
the one in myorzo even tho its super inconvenient bc it has everyone sharing a bed which i think is super cute 
🎧 favourite song on the soundtrack?
YES i listen to the soundtrack all the time YES i have these memorized: breath of resonance (aurnion), fury sparks (vs flynn), twisted blades (vs zagi), oath of the union (dahngrest), tragic resolution (sad music from the post-cumore confrontation), dark conspiracy and the tower of contraption (upper ghasfarost), radiant light fostering life (egothor forest), the world at your fingertips (zaude), brooding omen (tarqaron)
🦅 most fun giganto beast to fight?
BRUTAL BY FAR... it spawns so often and u can get ur allies to distract the summons and just 1v1 it w a paralysis charm
🐆 favourite monster?
first time i had to fight a skunky i nearly cried i can’t kill them i always run away
🐉 favourite boss?
fight wise? probably gauche and droite bc they’re fun or estelle bc she’s really easy to practice combos on! character wise its schwann bc ill admit it i simp for raven
⚔️ most fun battle?
again probably gauche and droite, and outside of bosses it’d be the wrath nails in the labyrinth of memories! if u take flynn and just use dazzling glare on them two or three times you get a fatal strike and its fun to make a 300000 hp total battle go down to like. 6 hits
💀 hardest boss battle?
besides the first gattuso def the cameos in the tag team battle... how many times have i gotten barbatos almost dead before he gets healed and my healers get sealed... then stressing about the time left for the party battle im sick of it im SICK 
✨ favourite mystic arte?
raven’s wink in crisis rain it’d be wolf fury if not for the rare time i can get seifer with summon friends
🎉 any victory quotes that stand out to you?
“our weapons are love!” “justice!” “sexualityyyyy” “WOULD YOU STOP” 
and besides that i love patty’s “the queen of the seas has arrived!” and yuri and flynn’s fistbump bc those are cute 
🥰 favourite NPC?
i didn’t really have any for this game?? like i much prefer the PCs but also... gauche and droite hold a special place in my heart, and nan won me over with her development. also yeager. kakyoin lookin ass
🧥 favourite outfits?
yuri: true knight + the hairpins attachment. i’d die for the ponytail
estelle: her default is actually my fave, but heroic actress for the ristelle
repede: not an outfit but overdrive brigade or bust
karol: warehouse master! i love the jacket
rita: seeker. its what she deserves
raven: that summer guy bc his hair in that has me 😳 and also adept assassin
judith: draconic lancer or glamourous maid... i am not immune to hot girl
patty: pirate queen bc its what she deserves
flynn: benevolent beneficiary and its soley because of the thigh holster
👕 least favourite outfits?
whoever decided on yuri’s yumanju/swim outfits needs to be JAILED... miska doctoral degree and the frog outfit and sultry temptress and dont get me started on the xmas and samurai ones 
🎥 favourite skit?
❤️ did you ship any characters?
from the moment rita blushed at estelle i was hooked on them... also yuri/flynn is like. too canon to not love. also raven/literally anyone except karol (son) and rita (lesbian)
💔 any ships you don’t like?
yuri/estelle and flynn/estelle bc i can’t stomach her not being a rita im not even joking 
🏥 what healer do you use most?
raven! i usually don’t need more than a few love shots and i have more than enough items to make up for the lack of recovery spells
🗺 most enjoyed side quest / side quest chain?
do i even have to say best friends? and the sicily ones are pretty fun and i also like seeing nan in the hunting blades ones
🤢 most annoying side quest / side quest chain?
🔪 what difficulty do you play on most often?
normal for now sjvbksdvjbs i plan on doing hard next tho
💯 solo coliseum fights or tag team coliseum fights?
tag team bc i love fighting the others! i usually bring raven but by god do i love rita and schwann’s dialogue in the knights fight
➕ have you played the EX new game plus?
not yet! i’ll be doing that for the mid-hundreds levels tho 
🔨 are there any weapons you always keep equipped?
meteorite blade and defender for yuri, strike eagle +1a and misericorde for raven, holy avenger for estelle, beserker heart for flynn, song of gaia for rita, brionac for judith, and leoluca + black thunder for patty
🗣 do you play dubbed or subbed?
🎮 which is your favourite minigame (warehouse, draspi, snowboarding, poker, dragon rider)?
fuck minigames but gun to my head i had to pick one it’d be poker bc the mechanics make sense
🗡 yuri or flynn?
sorry king but it’s yuri for this one yall had me with the vigilantism 
👑 ioder or estelle?
estelle obvs tho ioder is def the better choice for emperor
🏹 raven or schwann?
raven bc hes a thot and not a bootlicker but id be lying if i said schwann couldnt get it
👯‍♀️ gauche or droite?
💪 hunting blades or leviathan’s claw?
leviathan’s claw! even if the hunting blades werent awful i’d still pick them bc i love LOVE the serpent’s fang lore and how the guild itself is linked to patty’s backstory and also. also yeager. 
🏠 zaphias or dahngrest?
dahngrest! i truly cannot stand the empire imagine living there
🏕 inns or camping?
inns 100% i will go so far out of my way to make them share rooms rather than camping which is so so boring 
👾 original or definitive edition?
definitive! its the only one ive played, i love patty too much to ever play the og, and being available on the switch is so good
🎢 what difficulty do you play on?
oh my god. oh my god i put this question in twice FUCK
💿 have you played any other tales games?
not yet :-( i love this one too much to change tho i do have beseria bought and ready to go
👬 have you watched first strike?
not yet :-(((( i havent found it anywhere yet but i heard raven’s in it and im. im
⏱ how long have you spent on the game?
....190 hours and counting.....
🗻 what part of the game are you at right now?
working through the 200 man melees now! once i finish those (ive only got yuri and raven done so far)
✅ how did you decide to start playing?
1 i heard it was similar to octopath 2 i thought it was turn based going into it SKJSBDVKSJDVB 3 saw a gif of yuri and flynn on here somewhere and thought aw shit guess i’ll start this game if there’s an active fandom (NOT THAT THERE’S MUCH OF ONE) 4 the game was on sale sdbksdvjbksdjv
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chnsfairy · 5 years
a rose of a different color | yang jeongin
words ; 2,302
requested ; no
genre ; fluff
warnings ; literally one, maybe two, curse words
a/n ; dedicated to one of the best people i know 
m.list in bio
ok so maybe you weren’t a big fan of the whole valentines day thing
flowers and chocolates and whatnot
the whole shEbANG
love was such a foreign concept to you as throughout your first couple years of high school you’d been solely focusing on your grades,, you didn’t have time for romance or anything like that 
your school had, unfortunately, decided to sell roses and chocolates that could be anonymously given to people. it was pretty cheap and people had fun sending their friends or special someone presents throughout the day
but you hadn’t been paying attention to whatever that was,, in the end, you completely forgot about it
anyway,,, i mean you’ve got a history test tomorrow GOOD LUCK BBY (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
you’ve got other things to focus on other than that stuff 
so while other’s were busy wasting a dollar on the red roses, you were catching up on some school work in the library
at this point during the day it was nice and quiet, only a couple of other kids were sitting at the desks surrounding you and the librarian had left to eat or something
no one really knows where she goes
and the only noise that you could hear was the scribbling of pencils on paper or the clicky noise of fingers tapping keyboards
well that was until jisung decided to burst through the door and diSRUPT EVERYBODY LIKE USUAL THAT KID IS LOUDD (⇀‸↼‶) (#><)
your best friend everybody, with his fluffy blonde hair and headphones, permanently glued to his ears
“look y/n- i love that you always fix up my essays and homework for me, really, but you gotta do something other than just sit in here and workkkk” jisung said, quickly sliding into the seat across from you and took the book from out of your hands and into his lap
“hey!” he took your book bitch you want it back (︶︹︺)
“nope,, you can get it after class if you want~” jisung stood up and started waving it in the air before checking his watch and giving you a smirk
“lunch is over anyway do you ever check the clock?” book still in his hand he headed towards the doors that opened up into the busy hallway and disappeared into the crowd of students
did you want to get up?
did you have to to get that useless education? 
so you frantically tried to shove everything back into your bag,, dropping things multiple times onto the floor as you scramble to catch up with jisung
who feels miles away at this point
and after about ten seconds you just gave up said ‘fuck this’ and started walking at a normal pace towards your locker 
aint no boy gonna make you run through the crowd of rushing teens o(>< )o (;¬_¬)
however when you did reach your locker you could clearly see the same boy you just basically ran away from you, leaning against the metal box and who seemed to be reading the back of your book
jisung saw that you were coming up from the hallway and stood up straight, allowing you to actually open your locker instead of just block you from it
“so can i have it back now?”
“i don't know what you’re talking about.”
that littlE-
“you know what- nevermind i guess you’ll just have to work on calculus by yourself” you chuckled lightly to yourself as you opened your locker
“wha- no! i’ll give it- oh hey” jisung stopped mid-sentence as he peered into the same metal box you were looking at
“woah y/n who’s the lucky guy?”
“uhhhh,,, no one???” wth jisung you know its me stfu
when you looked in you could see a delicate rose laying at the bottom of your locker next to your books, the same one the school had been selling to students
carefully, you picked it up to examine the red flower closer,, it was beautiful, to say the least
it almost looked perfect you were shocked to see it being preserved this well
“at this rate its gonna be like that forever-”
beT you wacked his arm as he gave out a small laugh and raised his hands in surrender
“im kidding~ anyway, who’s it from?” 
you looked deeper into your locker, maybe this person left a note or something,,, who knows
“um it doesn’t say...” you said, still confused, as you close the door to your locker
“uuuu y/nnnnn~ looks like someones pining over youuuu” h a its me
you quickly shook your head and shrugged it off as jisung went on about how good this was for you
ok so maybe you’re kinda dying on the inside and you’re trying really hard not to say anything but this is kinda sweet and adorable and omg you dont even know who this kid is but they’re already doing things to you and your heart<(`^´)>
“sungie a flower can mean a lot of different things” you argued
“but on valentines day?? of all days?? come on y/n,, red one's represent love you know”
“yeah yeah whatever,” you said as you continued walking towards your next, soon arrivng and heading for the back of the classroom where you took a seat in your usual spot
“hey how do you think they got into your locker?” jisung questioned as he plopped his bag on the floor and sat in the seat next to you
oh shit he’s right how- huh- how did they get in cREEPY
“maybe they have access to the master key,,, um student council?”
“jisung why would the student council have access to the master key?”
jisung scratched the back of his head and shrugged his shoulders
“i dont know maybe they stole it~” he wiggled his eyebrows and gave you a smirk before pulling out 
“oh shut up, they probably know seungmin or something- who’s mom is literally the principle” 
the teacher had then started the class and for the first time in a while you found yourself distracted, you couldnt focus on anything the teacher was saying and your notebook remained empty by the end of the period
i mean like
the fact that someone went to all that trouble just to give you that,, i mean couldnt they have done it another time?? i mean you’re not complaining at all,, but you dont want to make someone go out of your way to do that (╯︵╰,)
“y/n its time to go, come on” snapping out of your daze you see jisung and everyone else packing up to leave “wow first time i’ve seen you distracted about anything”
“n-no there was just nothing note worth today”
“uh huh sure”
the rest of the day passed as normal, you only had one more class before you headed home and all you were doing was working with your project partner, jeongin, to finish a presentation, which was due next week
when you got home you found a small vase from a cupboard in the kitchen and filled it with water before placing the pretty flower in it,, unsure of what else to do with it but put it on your desk
the next day went the same as always, you went to class, jisung annoyed you to a point where you felt like hitting him, but you gave up and helped him with his math work and you read in the library during lunch
nothing new
you met jisung at your locker once again after lunch and you could clearly see the sweat laced across his forehead and his heavy breaths indicated that he was probably outside playing basketball with hyunjin or something
“what’s your bet i can cheat on this history test”
“can i bet negative”
“wow o ye, of little faith,, come on believe in me”
rolling your eyes you opened your locker once again to grab a book, which you were instead met with what looks like another rose?
but its not valentines day??
“y/n there's no denying it now”
this time the fragile blossom was more of a lavender shade
“oh hey cool it’s a different color,” jisung said as he peered over shoulder “that means its got a different meaning”
“hey maybe you’ll ace a botany quiz instead of this history one, yeah?”
“haha very funny”
and that was that,,, you left it in your locker and took it home and placed it gently in the vase with the other flower, not giving it much thought other than that
still you were kinda curious
over the weekend you almost forgot about it, but your mind still drifted to the origin and the person who bought the flowers that continued to sit at your desk
you didnt know how to feel honestly, you had no clue who this person was yet they still make your insides all squishy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) uWU
on monday, you thought that this whole thing would have passed and that you would never get to find out who your rose giver was
yet when you opened your locker yet again after lunch, with a wild jisung peeking over your shoulder again, there they were again
but this time there was wayy more than just a single flower
a bouquet of thirteen different colored roses, all identical and just utterly gorgeous
“you know i once read something about the number of roses given to you...although i’ve forgotten about it now” jisung whispered, causing you to jump back in surprise
turning to your friend you gave him a glare before closing your locker once again
“oh come on arent you curious who it is??”
“yeah right y/n i can tell you do”
“i do not,, because whoever it is shouldnt waste their time or money on me”
jisung laughed and swung his arm around your shoulder, “ok y/n whatever you say”
for the rest of the week this person continued to fill your locker with all sorts of colors and combinations of roses
and day after day the number seemed to get smaller, tuesday it was twelve, wednesday there were ten, on thursday it suddenly dropped down to two, and finally back to only one on friday
but something was different this time
there was actually a note
“meet me by the orchid tree after school? um only if you want to...”
even in their notes they sounded adorable you couldnt just not go,, and you would be lying if you were to say you weren’t at all curious
jisung continued teasing you throughout the entire week, offering to find out who it was if really necessary and ended up just continuously guessing who it could be when you said no
“awww look at my y/n,, growing up and getting into relationships~” jisung cooed as you put the rest of your notebooks into your bag and pulled out the single rose from this afternoon, as well as the note that came with it
you were actually quite nervous, to say the least, i mean,, you’ve never had any experience with romance and you didnt know what you were even going to say
throughout the afternoon you had kept fidgeting with your fingers and hair out of nerves, and when it finally came to leave for the day your hands were clammy and you just felt so...jittery
jisung pat your back and pushed you out the front doors and into the small courtyard, motioning towards the old orchid tree that sat at the other end of the field
“ok if you’re not back in five minutes im going home and assuming you’ve got a date,” he said giving you a wink before pulling out his headphones from his bag
‘go!’ jisung mouthed before he sat down on a bench near the front doors,, leaving you completely vulnerable on your own
breath. take a couple steps. breath. take a few more. just keep breathing and maybe the nerves will calm you down,, you thought as you made your way across the grass towards the tree
in the distance you could see a boy sitting under it, black hair covering his head and such bright red roses in his hands you could see them from all the way over here
as you reached closer you were able to make out the face of your admirer
“jeongin?” you asked, an unknowing relief sound filling your voice
standing up quickly, red across his cheeks, jeongin gave you a small smile before looking back down at the ground
“are you disappointed?” he asked, you could hear the nerves tint his sentence,, he went through all this trouble because he just has no other clue hOW TO TALK TOO SOMEONE SO AMAZING AS YOU OK HES SCARED OF REJECTION HE DIDNT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO
“um, surprisingly?” you took a couple more steps towards him, only a couple of inches separated the two of you now
“not really” you said before quickly pecking his cheek, causing jeongin’s entire face to go red 
you quickly hid in your hands and shook your head,, trying not to squeal or do anything more stupid than you just did
“a-ah im sorry!” 
you heard a small giggle come from in front of you,, opening your eyes you saw jeongin holding six pure crimson red roses out in front of him
“im glad~” he said as you took the small bouquet from his hands
“wanna go see a movie or something?” jeongin offered, hope glittering his eyes you couldnt help but grin
“of course i would”
bonus ;
“hey you dyed your hair again.” you said to jeongin, carefully reaching your hand out to touch it
“uh yeah...do you like it?”
“i love it black baby,” taking his hand in yours you gave him a smile “you look really good.” 
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fanfics4all · 5 years
Seeing The Past
Request: Yes / No Heyo! If it’s not too much trouble (which is fine if you’re busy!), can I get a 15, and 33 with Rick Grimes? Thank you! @arthur-morgans-sweetheart
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Rick Grimes x Rhee!Reader
Word count:  1926
Warnings: Glenn’s death  
Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Who knew the end of the world would happen this way? Dead people roaming the earth… People seeing their loved ones as rotting corpse walking around or lying dead on the ground. It was a depressing world, but my brother helped me keep surviving. Glenn Rhee was the one person I was living for still. We may not be related by blood, but he was my older brother (By only a year, but he acted like I was way younger.). I was adopted by his parents before the world went to shit. He was always protective of me and when the dead started walking, he was even more protective. I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere outside of where we were staying without him. He knew I could handle myself, but he didn’t want to take any risks. When our group found Alexandria, Glenn was so happy. He thought we were finally in a safe place and so did I. Glenn, Maggie, and I had our own house with running water and everything! It was amazing that a place like this still existed! It almost felt normal… That was until someone named Negan came into the picture…
Glenn went with some of our people to take care of the Saviors and Negan. I was told to stay back. Glenn and I fought and he ended up winning. Before they left I ran to the gate.
“Glenn!” I called to my brother and he turned around.
“‘I told you you’re staying here!” He said with a slight glare.
“I know, I am. I just wanted to say I love you and you better come back to me in one piece.” I said with a worried tone. His face softened and pulled me in for a hug.
“Y/N/N, don’t worry. We’ll be back before you know it.” He said smiling down at me.
“Please be careful…” I said and he nodded.
“I love you squirt.” He said ruffling my hair. Then I watched them leave and the gate close.
It was a week when the group came back. I watched the gate open and everyone walk in. I ran up to them and looked for Glenn. I didn’t see him. I didn’t see Maggie. I didn’t see Abraham. I didn’t see shasha. I didn’t see Daryl. I looked at what was left of the group confused and worried.
“W-Where’s Glenn?” I asked. Everyone looked at me sadly and the looked at Rick.
“Where is my brother?” I asked louder and more worried.
“I’m sorry…” Rick said and my eyes glossed over.
“No… No! He can’t be dead! What did you do!?” I shouted at him.
“Hey, it wasn’t his fault.” Carl said.
“Like hell it wasn’t! It was his idea to go after them in the first place!” I shouted with tears falling down my face.
“I’m sorry Y/N…” He said shaking his head.
“How did he die?” I asked looking at the ground, watching my tears hit the dark ground.
“You don’t want to know.” He said.
“That’s not your decision to make! How did my brother die?” I asked glaring at him through tear filled eyes.
“Negan. We didn’t kill them all… Negan killed him.” He answered.
“How?” I asked not accepting that as the answer.
“You don’t need to know that…” He said.
“Tell. Me. How. My. Brother. Died.” I said determined to know.
“He bashed his head in… there was blood all over the ground…” Rick said and I let out a cry.
“W-where’s his b-body?” I cried.
“Maggie took it with her to Hilltop. Her and Sasha.” He answered.
“This is your fault.” I said and ran into my house.
That happened months ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday…  My brother was dead. The one person that I was surviving for is dead. The rest of the group had been keeping their eyes on me because they thought I was a danger to myself. They weren’t wrong. I was a danger to myself, that’s why they took all my weapons from me. I could hear my brother’s voice every day and it was driving me crazy. He would tell me how this isn’t how mom and dad would want me to act. How he was worried about me. How I should leave my room. How I shouldn’t have hurt myself. How I should be living my life like he taught me. How I should be surviving…
“Hey Y/N?” The voice of the man I never wanted to see again rang through my room. I didn’t answer and just kept staring at the wall.
“Are you okay?” He asked. Again, I ignored him. He sighed and I felt him sit next to me on my bed.
“Glenn wouldn’t want you living like this.” He said and I looked at him for the first time since he told me my brother was dead.
“Don’t you say his name.” I growled at him.
“Y/N, Glenn would want you to survive, to fight-”
“He’s dead because of you!” I shouted getting up.
“Negan killed him not-”
“You’re the reason he was out there in the first place! He only went because of you! You killed him!” I shouted crying once again.
“I’m sorry…” He sighed.
“Get out.” I said.
“Y/N please, just let me talk.” He said and I growled.
“Get the hell out of my house!” I shouted and threw a book at him. Rick got up and I heard him shut the front door. I sat back on my bed and hugged my knees crying.
“You need to forgive him.” I heard Glenn say.
“He killed you…” I said looking up at him.
“No Y/N/N, Negan killed me not Rick.” He said and I shook my head.
“You went because of Rick…” I cried.
“I went because of you. I wanted to keep you safe and I knew that would be the only way to do it.” He said and I stared at him.
“You died because of me then?” I asked crying more.
“No, I died because of Negan.” He said and I swear I could feel his arms around me.
“You need to forgive Rick.” He said.
“Only if you don’t leave me again…” I said.
“I’ll never leave you.” He said and again I swear I could feel him kiss my head like he always did.
A week after that Glenn kept telling me to forgive him. I figured Rick would come check up on my again, but he never did. My brother told me to leave the house and apologize and forgive him. So for the first time in months, I showered, got dressed in something other than just Glenn’s clothes, but I still wore his sweatshirt. I walked downstairs and grabbed the handle to the front door.
“Just open the door Sis.” He said and I took a deep breath.
“You’ll be there with me right?” I whispered. I thought I felt his hand on my shoulder.
“Always.” He said and I opened the door. The sunlight felt nice on my skin, I haven’t seen it in so long. I could feel everyone looking at me. I kept my head down and walked to the Grimes’ house. I knocked on the door and after a few minutes I looked up to see Carl answer.
“Y/N? You’re- You’re here…” He said shocked and I nodded my head.
“Um… is your dad home?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yeah, come on in.” He said moving to the side. I walked in and he called up to his dad. Rick walked down and looked at me shocked.
“Carl, why don’t you go check on Rosita.” Rick said to his son. Carl nodded then left the house.
“Is everything okay, Y/N?” He asked.
“Forgive him.” My brother’s voice said to me.
“I’m sorry I blamed you… Glenn wouldn’t blame you.” I said and he looked at me shocked once again.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t bring your brother back to you.” He said walking closer to me.
“It’s okay… I know he’s always with me.” I said and Rick pulled me into a hug. I looked behind him to see Glenn smiling at me.
After that day Rick was keeping me close to him. He was actually really sweet and caring. He actually asked me on a date, which I thought was weird seeing as it was the end of the world, but I accepted. It was surprisingly nice, he made dinner, we watched some movie he had in their house, and the night ended with a kiss. It was a pretty nice night, and I haven’t had one of those since Glenn died…
We got into a relationship and everyone was shocked to say the least. But when they saw my smile back they understood. They were happy to see me back to normal. Well to them I was normal, but my brother haunted me. I wasn’t even sure if it was his ghost or if he was something my mind made up to help me cope. Rick wanted me to move in with him and Carl after a few months, but I was scared to. I didn’t want him to know about Glenn…
“Glenn?” I asked when I didn’t see him with me.
“Glenn? Where are you?” I asked my eyes starting to water. There was no answer.
“Glenn please!” I called out and tears left my eyes.
“Glenn, Don’t die on me– Please.” I cried holding my knees to my chest.
“Shhh, I’m right here Y/N/N.” I heard him say and I looked up to see him smiling at me.
“Where were you? I thought you were gone again.” I said sobbing.
“I’m sorry, Sis, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said.
“You can’t leave me like that! I can’t do this without you!” I said and he pulled me to him.
“Don’t worry little sis, I’m never leaving you.” He said.
“I love you Glenn.” I said.
“Y/N?” I heard Rick’s voice. I looked up and saw him looking concerned.
“Rick? What are you doing here?” I asked and looked my brother.
“Who are you talking to?” He asked looking around my room.
“N-No one…” I said.
“I heard you say your brother’s name. Do you see him?” He asked walking closer to me.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” I said and glanced at my brother.
“Tell him.” Glenn said and I shook my head.
“No…” I whispered, but Rick heard.
“You are seeing him… How long?” He asked.
“I’m not seeing my-”
“Don’t lie to me.” He said sitting next to me on the bed.
“How long?” He asked.
“Since he died…” I said and he sighed.
“Y/N, he’s gone…” He said and I shook my head.
“No! He said he’d never leave me!” I cried and he pulled me to him.
“He’ll always be in your heart, but he’s not here Y/N.” He said and I shook my head.
“I can’t do it without him…” I said and he pulled my face up to look at him.
“You have me.” He said and looked into his eyes.
“I love you Y/N, and I’m going to do right by Glenn and protect you. Including protecting you from yourself.” He said then captured my lips in a kiss. It was sweet and mixed with the saltiness of my tears.
“Let me help you.” He said and I nodded.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @tigermillionaire-philanthropist @marveloverdcsstuff
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