negreabsolut · 4 months
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La taverna El Cavallet presumit, per darekzabrocki. [font]
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p83q2iqzu69aa · 1 year
novinha de shortinhos na rua Beautiful thin blonde milf Amanda Twice loves to get doggy style fucking and pussy licking asshole after anal British gilf Amy fucks herself with a dildo thick white bitch wants me to film her pussy filled creampie Two straight guys licking pussy and boys uncovered gay sex videos xxx morenas gostosas bucetas desenhada e novinha de short The girl poses super sexy clothes Sex with cousin Sexy swap student fucks her massagist
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
I can smell the rain and my windows is close. It’s going to be a bad storm
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eq79jq1r3uoxkv · 1 year
Horny girl starts new day by masturbating her wet creamy pussy (Suima 2) / 3D Hentai game Super hot Carter Cruise dominating big dick handjob CATALINA CRUZ - Little Butthole Loves A Nice Rimjob Appealing teen gets a finger fucking after jerking off unyielding shaft hairy pussy muscle girl Racist cunt throats big black cock MILF Shemale anal fucked bareback in bathroom Son catched his mom exiting from shower and film her hidden Happy ending massages for women FAZENDO SEXO ANAL DE LADINHO
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phospadparadscha · 5 months
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Redesign of Cuno "Clino"-humite for Disco Universe! More details under the read more-
I found the 3D models used in game for Disco Elysium and realized I wasn't designing the clothes accurately, because the models are small in the game I missed a lot of fun details that I'd like to include in future gemsona designs for this series. I know gems and the outfits they wear tend to be more form fitting and less realistic / less folds, but also there's no masculine-presenting gems or gems with ears in Steven Universe sooooo creative liberties abound lol. Follow me for more updates on this AU and the tag "disco universe"! Also, feel free to message me anywhere for ideas on gems for NPCs in the game, theories you have for this AU, or just geek out with me over Disco Elysium!! I'm mashing these two interests together like a mashed potatoes. By the way, this is clinohumite for reference:
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mysticplies · 2 years
ever done a clinohumite? they are part of the humite group which contains several other minerals that generally seem to be shades of brown, yellow, orange, red, and sometimes pink
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They are in charge of security and surveillance. This one invented the Red Eye
(Originally called Andesine but i loved how the clinohumite gemstone looked 🤧)
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
Yesterday's posts made me think of this song that I love. It's also a song inspired by the maquis (guerrilla fighters against Franco's dictatorship), or so I have always interpreted.
I si demà no tornara ("If I don't come back tomorrow") by the Valencian band Obrint Pas.
Here's the lyrics in Valencian-Catalan and the translation to English:
La por em desvetla a les nits sense dormir i sent el vell revòlver que descansa sobre el pit en aquest bosc humit els silenci és l’enemic a trenc d’alba partim seguint les llums del matí
Fear keeps me up on sleepless nights and I feel the old revolver that rests on my chest. In this humid forest silence is the enemy. At the break of dawn we leave following the morning lights.
Travessem l’aurora entre els cingles del massís en aquestes muntanyes sobreviure és resistir hem canviat mil cops de nom però tots sabem qui som guerrillers supervivents combatents de l’últim front
We cross the sunrise among the mountain range's cliffs. In these mountains, to survive is to resist. We have changed our names a thousand times but we all know who we are: surviving guerrilla fighters, combatants of the last front.
Unes flames roges cremem el nostre horitzó la casa on dormirem és un esquelet de foc han matat el masover ens solia refugiar anit em va somriure quan ens vam acomiadar
Red flames burn in our horizon: the house where we slept is a skeleton of fire. They have killed the sharecropper, he used to take us in, last night he smiled at me when we said goodbye.
La lluna ens recorda que som com estels errants ombres d’una guerra perduda en sendes de fang i quan la foscor em venç acaricie en soledat un record en blanc i negre el motiu del meu combat
The moon reminds me that we're like shooting stars, shadows of a war lost in muddy paths and when darkness beats me I caress in solitude a memory in black and white, the reason for my fight.
I si demà no tornara al lloc on et vaig deixar vull que recordes que un dia joves com nosaltres vam marxar a lluitar armats d’amor i coratge i un clavell roig amagat combatrem fins l’últim dia sota bandera de la llibertat
And if tomorrow I don't come back to the place where I left you I want you to remember that one day young people like us left to go fight armed with love and courage and a hidden red carnation we'll fight until the last day under the flag of freedom.
(Repeat lyrics)
The voices towards the end of the song, before the last chorus, are reading the names and ages of some of the antifascist fighters who were executed by Franco's dictatorship. Some of the voices overlap so I'm not 100% sure of all, but this is what I hear:
Àgueda Campos Barrachina, 29 years old. Isabel Sáenz González, 24 years old Agustí Jofre Capelinos, 50 years old Emilio (?), 16 years old (?), 29 years old (?) (?), 34 years old Emilio Caballero, 29 years old (?) Cabrera, 57 years old Vicenta Pont(?) Ferrer, 30 years old.
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toaverse · 2 years
Pepa and bruno swap AU
Here it is, everyone! The post you've all been waiting for!
Let's make Bruno an asshole, shall we? :)
The roles of the triplets were pretty clear. Julieta was the one to heal the townspeople, Pepa was to water the crops and remain happy at all times, and Bruno predicted everyone's futures.
When the triplets were kids, Bruno often had bad visions, and the townspeople didn't like that very much.
One day though, Bruno had enough. After the umpteenth bad vision that came true, Bruno blamed Pepa, saying that her bad weather caused it.
And the town, as well as Alma, believed it...
But in reality, Pepa had literally nothing to do with that vision...
Seeing how everyone believed him, Bruno figured that, whenever his bad visions become true, he could simply blame Pepa for it, saying that her bad weather caused misfortune to everyone.
She kinda deserved it anyways. He wasn't the one throwing a tantrum and made it everyone else's problem. And their mamá agreed!
Besides, Bruno thought his gift deserved to be praised too for once.
For the next decades or so, Bruno would blame Pepa for every bad vision that came true, and everyone believed him, especially Alma. Why would her Brunito lie? She saw it herself. Pepa should stop acting like a spoiled brat and control her emotions.
The townspeople weren't any better...
"Pepa killed goldfish with her lightning!"
"Her sudden thunders made me panic-eat, and now I have a gut!"
"Her high humited air made my hair fall out!"
And much more...
Whenever anyone would question what he had to say, Bruno would convince them that Pepa was the bad guy, and that she purposely threw tantrums. But in reality, he used his charm to gaslight everyone who questioned the narrative...
And Pepa? She felt absolutely miserable. Every day, for years on end, she got scolded, insulted, and blamed for every bad vision got came true by either the townspeople, brother or mother. She was forced by her mother to be happy all the time so that she wouldn't cause any storms, hurricanes, or even the smallest drops of rain, 24/7, every single day... And whenever Pepa felt another feeling outside of happiness, Alma or the townspeople would complain while Bruno stood idly by, smirking while feeling proud of himself...
While Julieta met Agustín, and Bruno met Ozma (a.k.a Fish Lady), Pepa remained lonely. No man even wanted to be near her. They all thought she was an unstable freak, a pest, a crazy who will certainly abuse them. Until she met Félix...
He was kind to her, something she hadn't received from anyone in a long while. Félix didn't care about Pepa's destructive weather powers, he just wanted to get to know her.
It wasn't long before they fell in love, and things actually started looking up for Pepa. At least her family didn't complain about her bad weather anymore, and now she had met the man of her dreams! Nothing could go wrong!
Until Bruno found out, and told Alma, who scolded her youngest daughter...
"It's for the best that you remain unmarried and childless." She said to Pepa, who was on the verge of tears. "We don't want you to traumatize or abuse them. It's for the good of this family."
Pepa cried in her room for the rest of that day, and had to hear the townspeople yelling at her to stop crying so that the rain could go away...
At least she still saw Félix from time to time...
For a year, Pepa just felt numb, while pleasing everyone around her so that they didn't complain, but Bruno always found something to blame her for...
Especially when it was his wedding day...
During the ceremony, Pepa couldn't help but cry out of happiness for her brother. But that was a mistake, as a cloud formed above her head, and a few drops fell...
Everyone's attention turned to Pepa, away from the bride and groom, and they weren't happy either...
The weather woman quickly grew anxious from all those eyes on her, all those glares and mean looks towards her, and accidentally caused a hurricane...
Alma, Ozma and Bruno were boiling with rage, screaming at her that she ruined the wedding, that she always ruined everything...
She was locked up in her room for the rest of that day, with the demand that she stopped "crying like a baby"...
The 6 years were a blur for Pepa. It was a pattern of accidentally causing rain and storms, getting blamed for bad visions by her brother, and getting scolded by both by her mother.
Until her oldest niece, Isabela, got her gift.
Just like her, Isa's gift, which was growing flowers and plants, was tied to her emotions.
But Alma and the rest of the family started to treat the girl like her. She avoid her, and constantly told her to keep her emotions in check.
So, Pepa tried to take her oldest niece under her wing, and the two grew a strong bond, almost like that of a mother and daughter.
There were times where Pepa just wanted to run away with Félix and taking Isabela with them, they could be the family she wanted so badly. But she couldn't do that to Julieta, and her mother would definitely find out...
For the next 6 years, life went on. More children were born, which meant more gifts. And almost the whole family was happy!
Until Mira’s ceremony came…
She didn’t get a gift, and everyone was saddened for the girl…
Pepa as well, which resulted in rain…
Julieta and Agustín comforted their youngest daughter while everyone else got mad at the weather woman…
“I think it’s better for everyone if you just leave, sis.” Bruno told her after the chaos, struggling to hide the smirk on his face…
So, not being able to take it anymore, Pepa followed her brother’s advise…
But…she just couldn’t leave Isabela. She still wanted to see her grow. So, Pepa hid in the walls, staying closely near her family just for her niece…
Félix was quite confused when he didn’t see Pepa for the next week. We’re was she? But he eventually got to hear that Pepa “Left the family because she didn’t care.” He didn’t believe this, and vowed to wait for her, how many years or decades that may be.
As for Isabela, her treatment didn’t get better…
And I think we all know the rest by now…
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skiniibuniii · 6 months
i was just looking through a trashbag legit full of art supplies and fabric and sewing shit all that, yea?
well god fucking blessed me, or really, i blessed myself half a year ago.
i hid a razor blade in there. and it was away from the humitity and its never been used its not even a little rusty. i am so happy rn lmao
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tanzania2023 · 9 months
17 Juliol: Llac Manyara
Aviam, això va així:
Jambo: Hola
Asante: Gràcies
Karibu: Benvinguts / de res
Raca Raca: depressa
Pole Pole: A poc a poc
Tafadhali: Si us plau
Habari za asubuhi: Bon dia
Usiku mwema: Bona nit
Hakuna Matata: cap problema
Avui després d'esmorzar hem fet el checkout del Olerai Lodge i ja hem tingut problemes per pagar. La Visa no l'acceptava la màquina i hem de pagar amb dòlars. I aquí tenim el problema: bitllets petits? No. Bitllets una mica trencats o arrugats? No. Bitllets d'abans del 2009? No. I així hem anat passant l'estona, triant els bitllets un per un fins que als senyors els agradin.
Un cop passat el tràngol, enfilem cap a Napuru Waterfalls. La carretera surt desde la principal i té tants sotracs que sembla el Shambala. Passem pel mig de poblats amb carrers estrets, avançant un munt de nens uniformats que van al cole. La carretera es cada cop més verda, més selvàtica i més elevada.
Arribem a una esplanada on ahir hi havia l'arribada d'una maratón i encara queden restes de la carrera.
Hi ha una guixeta on una noia amb un entusiasme zero ens cobra 10 dòlars per cap.
Havent pagat, tres xavals apareixen per fer-nos de guies i ens acompanyen per un camí verd, humit i preciós. Sembla un bosc del Pirineu però amb plantes selvàtiques.
El camí rellisca i fa molta baixada, no es fàcil. Es molt dret i complicat, però aviat arribem a baix de tot on corre un riuet de muntanya preciós. Anem caminant pel riu, sortejant pedres, rocs i l'aigua. Els guies ens ajuden.
I, una estona després, arribem al final del camí: un salt d'aigua molt alt envoltat de verd i roca. Es preciós i ha valgut la pena venir.
A la tornada ja som amics de tota la vida amb els guies, que son molt bons nanos. Un es Massai i va descalç.
Un cop al cotxe de nou, anem a l'oficina de Roadtrips a recollir l'entrada al Serengeti, que ens costa gairebé 2000 dòlars pels 4, el guía i el cotxe, per 3 dies.
Dinem a una pizzería i enfilem cap el Llac Manyara, al Maramboi Tented Lodge
A mig camí ens trobem un mercat rollo encants dels Massai i li demanem al xòfer de parar. Es un mercat impressionant, no hem vist mai res així. Ple de Massais vestits de forma tradicional venent de tot: taronges, patates, cebes, llavors, sabates, roba, radios, i fins i tot cabres. En serio, hi havia un camió ple de cabres i els Massais feien cua per comprar-ne.
Hem fet fotos però no els hi agradava gaire i fins i tot una noia ens ha renyat.
Ha estat molt impactant i autèntic
Seguim cap al Lodge i en arribar ja ens hem trobat jirafes, impalas, monos babuins, ñus, i més bitxos.
El Lodge es espectacular, a prop del llac. Ens reben amb un suc boníssim i anem a veure la posta de sol a la piscina, des d'on truquem a l'Arnau.
Les habitacions són tendes i no tant impressionants
Només entrar ens surt un porc senglar (Pumba) de sota l'habitació, que marxa espantat.
Sopem a la terrassa del Lodge amb espelmes.
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tavtarnish · 1 year
ok hi im sending this to everyone in the taskforce and im too lazy to write up somethimg unique for everyone but. if u have the information, can u provide me with ur codsona's age range, height, birthday, and nationality? plus any additional info that you want to share.
Hi yes! (i actually have just put this on some art I've just done so that's easy peasy)
Age: 27*
Height: 5'9
Birthday: July 9th
Nationality: Anglo-Irish
Additional info:
He's a linguist and can speak Mandarin and Russian (they weren't very inventive when thinking about what languages to focus on for work)
Speaks English fluently
Learned Irish but only conversationally
The youngest child out of a rather big family
Joined the army, less so because he wanted to but because he had a talent (they're not actually very patriotic)
* = by 29 they'll have to go into general service or a specialised sector so I chose 27
He's been in the army since just before his 19th birthday
Works in SIGNIT (signals intelligence) but this sometimes needs HUMIT (human intelligence)
So has worked in espionage both as a spy and the analyst
Has a few scars - most are combat related but some aren't (he will lie and say they are and make wild ass stories for them)
Love tattoos and piercings - the most anti-scared of needles ever.
Kinda quiet but in a normal range? Can be very loud when excited tho
Calm Chaotic energy
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techno-toister · 2 years
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§  Category: Humite
§  Mohs scale: 6
§  Occupation: Patroller 
§  Age: 317
§  Personality: adventurous and kind
§  Talents: average joe
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gemsona-advice · 2 years
single gem sardonyx and hessonite fusion?
Sard, spessartine garnet, carnelian, humite?
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caustic-splines · 5 days
Philosophy Logic Maths
Physics Chemistry Biology Earth Science
Self-Organization Cellular Automaton, Mind, VSM
Human, Human Brain and Body, Human Condition, Skill
Engineering Statistics Knowledge
Systems Science, Cybernetics, Psychology
Language and Linguistics
Outline of Self, Self-Schema, Personal Life
Intelligence, AI, Conceptual Model
Health, Technology
Law, Business, Alternate Reality Game, HUMIT
Culture, Reality)
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humi-ts · 1 month
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Écouter / acheter: I,Eternal & Humit de I,Eternal & Humit
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