levelingupmychinese · 19 days
HSK5 - 课号 6 - 除夕由来
En la construcción 替+Sust+V/Adj, 替 es 为/给, "para/por" . Ej. 我们都替他高兴
En la construcción 替+Sust, 替 es "reemplazar/en lugar de", se puede reemplazar por 代替. Ej. 请替我向他问好
"Quizás", por ej. 这会儿说不定还在睡觉呢. No es sinónimo de 估计(probablemente) ni 恐怕 (temerse que probablemente)
"No es seguro/No está determinado", por ej. 出发的时间还说不定
En V+得什么似的 significa "extremadamente". Ej. 吓得什么似的
En Sust+似的 significa "igual", es habitual usarlo como 好像+Sust+似的. Ej. 这好像做梦似的
纷纷+V es "uno detrás de otro. Por ej. 路上的人纷纷往家里跑
Sust+纷纷 significa muchos. Por ej. 落叶纷纷
Diferencias 打听 y 询问
Ambas significan "preguntar"
打听 es coloquial y 询问 es muy formal.
打听 puede ir seguido de 到 (como compl. resultativo), ej. 我打听到他的消息了. 询问 no.
询问 puede llevar CD, 打听 no.
询问 aparte de verbo puede ser sustantivo ("indagación/pregunta"), 打听 no.
询问 también puede significar "pedir opiniones".
表示 y 表达 significan expresar emociones/pensamientos pero con matices diferentes. 表示 es "mostrar" un sentimiento de forma abierta y suele usarse para sentimientos socialmente esperados (arrepentimiento, agradecimiento, etc), también puede significar "indicar". 表达 significa expresar/transmitir sentimientos, deseos o emociones. Otra diferencia es que 表达 suele ir seguida de objeto pero no frase, mientras que 表示 puede ir seguida tanto de objeto como de frase.
急忙 y 赶紧 significan ambos "apresurarse", pero 急忙 es una descripción (急忙吃完 - comer pescado apresuradamente) mientras que 赶紧 es más bien una orden para que alguien se dé prisa (赶紧修好 - reparar tan rápido como sea posible).
此外 y 另外 significan "además", pero 此外 significa "además de las cosas ya mencionadas" mientras que 另外 se usa para hablar de otros temas más allá de lo hablado.
果然 significa "como era de esperar" y 居然 significa "inesperadamente".
Redacción - 我眼中的中国春节
我对中国春节不很熟,可是看起来很有趣。根据传说,很久很久以前有一个怪物,它的名字是"夕",英雄七郎用箭杀它。于是,一年的最后一天是"除夕"。后来,人们年年都会在那天守岁和放鞭炮,因为夕怪物害怕声响。另外,中国春节还有别的丰富风俗: 包饺子、逛庙会、看舞龙、看春晚等等。
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vanishingalleycat · 2 years
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「我来人间一趟 本想万丈光芒,谁知世人模样 只为碎银几两」
I found this quote online and it really stuck with me. Roughly translates to:
“I visited this world, thinking it was made of gold and splendor. Who knew, the kind here would work harder for just a few grounds of silver.”
(feel free to correct me on this translation and or discuss this quote’s meaning!)
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legoomandarindavidyao · 9 months
New Book Launching “ HSK 5 Mastery: Intensive Reading and Exam Prep Strategies V2023 汉语水平考试五级模拟考题
New Book Launching “ HSK 5 Mastery: Intensive Reading and Exam Prep Strategies V2023 汉语水平考试五级模拟考题 – Smart Approaches for Excelling with H51007 Test Analysis and In-Depth Reading Techniques 考题精讲及阅读技巧” , BEST price at Our SHOPIFY Shop @ https://1salesforce.com/products/hsk-5-chinese-intensive-reading-h51007 FREE Sample Book, BEST price at our own website:…
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
I'd say I'm at about a light conversational level in mandarin @ this point 😄
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it’s very annoying sometimes how my parents expect me to know everything about the outside world for them but it comes with the big perk of me being their first source of info on things like Protestantism in the US or Spanish imperialism vs. them hearing about it from people who repost tiktoks to wechat
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beneaththebrim · 4 days
i cannot wait for liehuo trad cn print to come out
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zhuzhudushu · 7 months
聊天的词 12
I started using Tandem again!
生词:( HSK4 / HSK5 / HSK6 )
魔幻 / mó huàn / magic; magical
力量 / lì liang / force, power
专辑(專輯)/ zhuān jí / album (of music)
东岸(東岸)/ dōng àn / east coast
重心 / zhòng xīn / center or main part, central core
硕士(碩士)/ shuò shì / master's degree
建议(建議)/ jiàn yì / to suggest
转换(轉換)/ zhuǎn huàn / to convert, to change
直视(直視)/ zhí shì / to look straight at
课程(課程)/ kè chéng / course, academic program
所能 / suǒ néng / according to one's capabilities, as one is able
协助(協助)/ xié zhù / to provide assistance
包括 / bāo kuò / to include
记忆力 (記憶力) / jì yì lì / memory (lit: memory + strength)
句子 & 翻译:
主唱的声音有魔幻的力量。The lead singer's voice has magical power.
整张专辑都很棒。The entire album is great.
你是在东岸,对吧?You're on the east coast, right?
不过我现在要把重心放在法文和英文,因为我之后打算去法国读硕士。But now I'm putting focus on French and English, because I plan to go to France for my Master's.
我建议可以用word繁简转换的功能。I suggest using word traditional-simplified conversion function.
我快不能直视这个课程了。I can barely watch this course.
我会尽我所能地协助你。I will do what I can to assist you.
好多欧美明星说 世界巡回 ,却不包括中国。A lot of European/American celebrities say "world tour", but they don't include China.
你记忆力真好。Your memory is really good.
Taglist: (let me know if you want to be added or removed!) @blue-grama @florphy @hope-and-sleep @mycatmybaby @nighttime-study @potentiallypolyglot @zeesqueere
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helenstudies · 8 months
Welcome to my Studyblr! ✨
I've been here since 2014 but well, I never got around to actually introducing myself, I guess? Here I go.
My name is Helen (They/Them).
24 year old Queer INFP Capricorn in Myanmar.
What am I learning? Well, a lot of things but mostly languages, literature, and psychology.
I am a native Burmese speaker but I also speak other languages! English (C2), Korean (TOPIK 6) Mandarin Chinese (HSK5) and Japanese (JLPT N3) respectively. I try to keep my certifications up to date but covid made it really difficult.
I'm working towards a Diploma in Pali.
I am also learning Spanish, Russian, Latin, ASL etc and absolutely getting my ass kicked by them.
I'm a freelance translator, writer, tarot reader, astrologist, language study guide, language instructor and a bookseller by trade!
I don't do all of those at once. I just sort of... rotate them if that makes sense. 2 at a time, 3 at a time etc.
I am very hardworking but I also have neck arthritis (Cervical Spondylosis), ADHD and Social Anxiety so it's a struggle.
I also have tons of hobbies. I like reading books, writing reviews, journaling and writing fan fictions etc so I'm all over the place.
I have a lot of stray cats that I've adopted so you'll get to see them obstructing my studies as well!
My life's not very glamorous. I'm in Myanmar. With the wars going on, there ain't a lot to glamorize either. But I'm trying my best to hang on and also help others hang on. So you'll see me talking about free consultations and free lectures and humanitarian aid stuff etc.
I run a weekly book club called "HAIYUU" with my friend! HAIYUU stands for 俳友 which is Haiku friends and it's so fun!
I also run a paid telegram channel for tarot/oracle readings with my Haiyuu co-host as well as other friends
I'm taking it one day at a time.
That's pretty much all of it! I hope y'all have a fun time looking at my posts.
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chaotic-improver · 4 months
1/100 days of productivity
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Today I finally finished everything from last semester! I had the two last exams for my Chinese classes, and now I’m free! Well, not really lol. This semester I did a lot better than the one before, but there were still many areas where I could’ve improved. So, to keep track of my progress and motivate me, I decided to start this blog! If you’re also a studyblr account, I’d really love to be mutuals! 💚💛
My goals for the next semester:
📚 turn in all my homework!
📚 get the 75% scholarship
📚 pass HSK5
🫖 eat breakfast on at least 3/5 school days
🫖 drink more tea :)
🫖 drink two monsters per week maximum :(
🪴 waste less time on youtube
🪴 read at least 5 books
🪴 spend more time doing what I love 💚
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HSK5 - 课号 7 - 成语故事两则
Por sí solo significa "Ciego. Ej. 她眼睛是瞎得
瞎+V significa "hacer absurdamente". Ej. 瞎说 es como 胡说
分别+V puede significar "separadamente". Ej. 我分别找两个人打听了这事情
分别+V también puede significar "respectivamente". Ej. ……发展慢、工资太低分别占20.3%和20%
分别 puede significar "separación (de 2 personas)". Ej. 我们已经分别20年了
分别 también puede significar "diferencia", igual que 区别. Ej. 我不知道这两种做法有什么分别
Medidor para cosas alargadas y cilíndricas. Ej. 一根绳子
Raíz (de árbol, diente...), también se puede usar figuradamente. Ej. 牙根
Adverbio que significa lo mismo que 就
Diferencias 忽然 y 突然
Ambas son adverbios que significan "repentinamente"
忽然 sólo es una adverbio y sólo se puede usar antes de verbo o frase
突然 puede ser tanto adverbio como adjetivo
Como ambas son adverbios, se puede sustituir 忽然 por 突然 pero sólo 突然 por 忽然 cuando es un adverbio
摸 es "tocar" y 摇 es "sacudir"
反映 es "reflejar/reflejo" y 反应 es "reacción/reaccionar"
继续 es "continuar/continuación" y 连续 es "sucesivamente/continuamente"
唉 es una exclamación que puede significar estar de acuerdo o reconocer y 哎 es una exclamación que puede significar sorpresa, desaprobación o usarse para atraer atención
Redacción - 有的放矢
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legoomandarindavidyao · 10 months
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(via HSK 5 Mastery: Advanced Exam Skills and Reading Strategies 汉语水平考试五级模拟考题 H51332)
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
~15% thru my hsk6 deck....
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unforth · 5 months
I'm just about done with vol. 8 of the TGCF translation, which will mark my first full reread since my first time and all I want to do is start it from the beginning all over again. I have the Chinese new revised version RIGHT HERE and it just drives me nuts that I can't read it yet, not at any speed that'd make it worth doing anyway considering how little time I have for reading. It's just so frustrating, I've been studying Chinese so much for over 2 years and I still know "only" about 3k words, and I need at least double that to realistically attempt a novel-length book (to be clear please don't say "just go for it!" I'm extremely busy and have very little time for myself and it's not that I think I can't it's that the time investment compared to the reward I'd get makes it functionally impossible. Im not at a point in my life where it makes sense for me to spend a week to read a page, and I can't concentrate on translation when my family is around making lots of noise). And I get that if I consider it as "I've been studying Chinese for about 800 days" the fact that I basically have averaged 3 or 4 new words a day is pretty awesome actually but it still feels so slow. 😔 and it especially drives me insane when I'm looking around my room or talking with my kids and we're saying really basic stuff and I realize just how few of the words we're using I'd be able to translate.
I'm really looking forward to the "I have learned enough Chinese to get by" part. This "I am trying to learn enough Chinese to get by" stage is fricken annoying, and feels endless. 😔😔😔
Eta: I do have a plan, to be clear. I'm working through DuChinese's entire collection of readings; I just did my first "advanced," which is HSK5, and I'm close to having most of HSK4 down. The highest level DuChinese readings are HSK6. I figure when I get to the point I've worked through those, I'll have done as much as I can with the resources currently available, and I'll just need to keep growing my vocabulary. So I'm. Doing that. I'm guessing it'll take another 1.5 to 2 years to work through all that. It just feels like forever while I'm in the middle. 🫠
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snowv89 · 8 months
随感 #11 (Random Thoughts #11)
今天我和我的中文伙伴讨论人工智能,上周我们讨论MBTI,我们的话题最近挺复杂。对我来说,我应该说到这样的话题,因为我已经达到了比较高级的水平。但是这些话题确实很难讨论,是一个挑战。我的中文伙伴也感觉有点难,因为她跟我一样所以她也必须使用许多的生词。有时候我感觉我的进度非常慢,因为这些挑战让我真的想,“天啊!我的华语烂极了!”,但我应该坚持谈论这种的话题,因为至少我可以用我最近学到的HSK生词 😂
Today I spoke to my Chinese langauge exchange partner about AI and last week we spoke about MBTI. Our topics have become more and more complex and I do think this is a good thing for me since I've already achieved a certain level. However, these topics are really difficult to talk about in our respective languages because we use a lot of new words. There are times where I feel that my progress to a more advanced level of Chinese is quite slow as I sometimes feel that my Chinese is beyond terrible but I am to persevere and continue, as hey, at least I can use the words I've learnt studying for HSK5 😆
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zhuzhudushu · 8 months
Chinese Langblr Reintroduction
Well, it's been about a year and my blog has grown a lot. So I figured I was overdue for a new intro.
欢迎回到啊!I'm Julz or 朱朱 and I've been self-studying Chinese since May 2020. I'm currently studying HSK5 level, and I've been here on langblr since August 2021.
This is a side blog. I follow from @ladysieglindes <3
I'm known for answering questions with ridiculous long in-depth answers, sharing vocabulary/grammar notes, doing subtitles on cute Taiwanese baby videos, and discussing Chinese names for hours on end.
Here are some important links. Feel free to look around~
My Discord Server!! All levels welcome :3
Navigation & FAQ Page
Resources & Product Review Page
Chinese Music Recommendation Page
Answered Questions
Grammar notes tag
Welcome and feel free to ask me anything, Chinese-related or not!
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digitalpaws · 10 months
I saw in your "15 questions" post that your hobbies include learning languages, I'm curious, which languages do you speak or even know a little? :)
hi, tysm for the ask!! 🥰
From my best language to worst:
Polish - native
English - C1? idk
Russian - B1+/B2
Chinese - about HSK4, trying to get to HSK5
Spanish - learned it in high school, I understand a lot but can't really speak it much
I also know some very basic German because I learned it in middle school but it's the ordering coffee level lol
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