#hs leprechaun
ballsalsda · 4 months
Homestuck Leprechaun Romance Theory
I have a theory on leprechaun romance so let’s go
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If you look at the chart you will see the heart and diamond. We know the heart is the equivalent of matesprits and I think the diamond is also the equivalent of moiralliegence.
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The 4 leaf clover is on the same row as moirails so I’ll guess that the row is associated with luck. The reason for this is that not only is the 4 leaf clover associated with luck but moiralliegence is the soulmates quadrant.
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We know that leprechaun romance is "esta8lished in mutual chicanery, such as the exchange of pranks, coy riddles, slapstick shenanigans, and games of chance" so I will assume the luck row is expressed by games of chance.
I’m gonna guess that the first column is based on "silly attraction" when you want to do silly shit with someone.
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So this is what our chart looks like.
I’m focusing on the moon next. The moon shares the same type of attraction with moiralliegence but shares some aspect of the relationship with matesprits.
I will guess that the row with the heart and moon is about trust and bonding. I will also guess that the column with the moon and diamond is about protection since that is what moiralliegence is about. So the moon involves trust and wanting to protect someone.
I’ll assume a moon partner is trustworthy and protects the other person. They are a good person you can trust with keeping secrets. I think a moon relationship would be expressed using riddles.
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Next I’m gonna be focusing on the balloon and rainbow. I think a key aspect of the bottom row would be casual rivalry.
For the balloon being silly and rivals would mix in the form of pranks. For the rainbow protection and rivalry sounds a little contradictory, but it’s more lighthearted and the person being teased doesnt take it too seriously.
So for the rainbow its like pranking and making fun of them, but getting protective when someone else does.
I’m going to stop adding bullet points from now on.
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This is what the chart looks like now.
I think the last column is an obsession. So the star would be trusting someone a LOT, which could be taken advantage of to form an unhealthy star relationship. A pot of gold relationship could be considered similar to a kissmesis. I dont really know what the horseshoe would be since soulmate/luck + obsession is a weird combination.
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So to recap:
🩷 just basic romantic love, doing silly shit
🌙 protective relationship with trust and no secrets, riddles
⭐ obsessing over someone and trusting them a lot (almost to much), probably doing goofy shenanigans
🍀 like soulmates, lucky to meet, also doing silly shit like games of chance
♦️ like moirails, so protective soulmates, with riddles
Ω idk, but its luck + obsession so interpret that how you want (no horseshoe emoji 😔)
🎈 casual rivals, doing funny pranks on eachother
🌈 lighthearted jokes and pranks, but protective if the other person is bullied (like "only IM aloud to make fun of him")
[imagine pot of gold here] like kismesis, with obsession over rivalry, probably with slapstick shenanigans and beating eachother up (no pot of gold emoji 😔)
That’s my theory/headcanon on leprechaun romance
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 6 months
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:3 leprechaun romance take two
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blancbetula · 1 month
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It’s been a while since I took a serious look at leprechaun romance and charms, so I took another run at it and changed a few things, details under the cut!
I will include details previously outlined in my last post that haven’t changed to consolidate information. GENERALIZED DETAILS:
Charmer - and individual involved in a charm, or a potential charm partner. Can be referred to as “my charmer” or “charm-mate” as a synonym, or as their charm, such as “my Moons” as an endearment or equivalent of saying “kismesis” or “boyfriend”.  Finding someone “charming” implies that you carry charmed feelings for them, or feel as though someone is beginning to inspire charmed feelings.
Vacillating a charm doesn’t really exist in the same way as it does for quadrants. Leprechaun romance is not exactly volatile so much as it is niche and very specific, and since charms can coexist, if feelings shift they may not break a charm and enter a new one, rather than simply create an additional charm.
Dancing is considered flirtatious and can be adjacent to foreplay, and since music can be danced to, it is given an air of suggestiveness as well, though not consistently. The culture of Midnight City gives the leprechauns a tolerance for it and widens their understanding of what music can be and how it can be enjoyed without certain implications. Mixing more than one charm makes relationships more complicated, and depending on the particular mix of charms, there may be contradictions that make little sense! This isn’t abnormal. Being in more than one charm is sometimes referred to as being “in a bracelet”, as in a charm bracelet. Charm bracelets are actually given as gifts sometimes between charm-mates as symbols of devotion or adherence to a charm, almost like a wedding ring- but leprechauns have no understanding of human-typical marriage. Having more than three charms in a bracelet with your charm-mate is considered unstable, and codependent. Plurality in relationships is considered default, and only having one charm-mate who fulfills more than three charm needs is considered too dependent and singular- although this still happens anyway, and can be done healthily with some effort. CHARMS:
Hearts: This charm is the closest to human love and matespritship. The most important part of Hearts as a charm is reciprocity. One-sidedness is considered unhealthy, and inherently Heartless. Meaningful emotional connections, comfort with one another, and intimacy of multiple kinds are standard. Somewhat invokes the idea of “soulmates”, if only for the similarity between the symbol for the Soul aspect and the symbol for the charm. Charm-breakers: one-sidedness, lack of interpersonal understanding.
Moons: This charm invokes the idea of a relationship built on a lack of consistency, as the moon goes through phases. Feelings may become stronger or weaker and change with regularity. There is a type of orbit and magnetism invoked, and the Moons charm is the one most often formed through distance, whether physical or a simple lack of engagement. Mutual absence while in a Moons charm is considered healthy and normal. This is a common charm to form a bracelet with, but without a bracelet, Moons are often intellectually close and tangle philosophically over all else. Interfacing over ideas and perspectives, and non-charm-related topics or activities such as interests and hobbies are integral. Sometimes the Moon charm is dependent on those hobbies and interests, and will wax and wane in tandem. Charm-breakers: consistent communication and contact, regular frequency of interactions, disinterest in the internal life of partner.
Stars: Starstruck can sometimes be an accurate term for those in a Stars charm. The primary emotions evoked by someone’s Stars charm-mate would be adoration and reverence, and an encompassing respect. This can be based around personality, ability or skill, appearance, etc. This charm is commonly one-sided, and can dip into worshipful infatuation and a parasocial understanding of one’s charm-mate. Notably, that dynamic is not considered a Charm-breaker, to a degree which many non-leprechauns and even leprechauns outside of the specific charm may find unhealthy or concerning. Stars charms rarely break without a hard conversation and explicit establishment of boundaries. Someone caught as the subject of a one-sided Stars charm may feel overwhelmed or undeserving of the respect they’re given, but if they begin to feel like their personal space or privacy is violated, they must set boundaries and contain or dissolve the charm, or it will become unhealthy. Charm-breakers: disrespect, intense discomfort, dangerous manipulation.
Clovers: The Clovers charm comes naturally, and charm-mates bring out the best in one another. The charm is playful, low-effort, and high impact. If a charmer needs to do a lot of work to make their Clovers happy, it’s considered a failure of the charm. It should be effortless, smooth-sailing, and involve little to no negative emotions prompted by the charm. Misunderstandings should not happen- so too much explicit communication is considered unnecessary, and borderline charm-breaking. Charm-breakers: awkwardness, dissatisfaction, interpersonal conflict, negativity. Diamonds: The Diamonds charm requires a thick skin. It’s grating, harder and meaner than any other charm, and is the closest equivalent to kismesissitude. It is meant to be a charm of catharsis, for getting emotions and energy out of one’s system in a healthy, safe environment, where everyone involved understands the risks. If someone gets cut, it’s expected, and should be negotiated. A Diamonds charm is inherently conflict-intense, and can be physically taxing, emotionally draining, and exhausting- this is the goal. Meetings between a healthy Diamonds charm should result in relief of some kind- if it doesn’t, that drifts towards an unhealthy relationship, but does not risk breaking the charm. Someone in a Diamonds charm will often involve their Balloons charm if they have one- where their Balloons charm will provide any physical comfort or attention that may be needed after meeting with a Diamonds. Charm-breakers: conflict avoidance, fatal intent, violation of boundaries, gaslighting/guilt-tripping about agreed-upon behaviors. Lack of catharsis.
Horseshoes: This charm is not the closest to moirallegience, but could be mistaken for one only in its occasional resemblance to human platonic friendship, which can then be mistaken for moirallegience. It is a wildly low stakes charm, and “polyshoes” are very common. There is typically a lack of intense physicality or complex commitments, and this charm is easily formed and easily broken depending on things as simple as a scheduling conflict, because of how low-stakes it is as a charm. The phrase “hold your horses” is invoked as a sort-of equivalent to “friendzoning”, where one is essentially told by a charm-mate that they are exclusively interested in Horseshoes, turning down an offer to expand into a bracelet. This usually implies a lack of interest in physical intimacy, or even the vaguest sense of monamory that leprechauns consider possible. Charm-breakers: jealousy, possessiveness, fixation on monamory.
Balloons: This charm is the closest equivalent to the quadrant of moirallegience that exists. It’s built primarily on emotional support and emotional intimacy, vulnerability, and an almost therapeutic dynamic. This can be one-sided and still be healthy. Respite and recuperation are often prioritized, and as a result those who are in particularly voracious Diamonds charms may seek out Balloons as a counterweight. Expressions of affection can range from encouraging someone to take care of themself- eating and showering, to giving medical aid or physical reassurance when a charm-mate has been injured, or allowing a charm-mate to vent and giving advice. This can sometimes result in codependency, or over-reliance on a Balloons charm for emotional regulation, but this does not technically break the charm. It simply must come from a place of genuine care- manipulation should be kept out of it. If those behaviors are discovered, this almost immediately pops a Balloon. Charm-breakers: gaslighting, conflict or hostility.
Rainbows: A Rainbows charm is often like lightning in a bottle. They are fleeting and circumstantial relationships, rarely meant to be filled for long periods of time, or by the same person for such a period. Starting a Rainbows charm typically shows an understanding that a relationship will not last long, or involve a serious long-term commitment. Despite that, they can be very beautiful and passionate relationships, all but enhanced by their briefness. The only way to maintain a lasting Rainbows is by changing circumstances and dynamics to create a new temporary state that facilitates a renewal of Rainbows. Charm-mates for Rainbows may be recurrent, where they break and form a Rainbows charm over and over as their special circumstances repeat, but they do not carry that charm between down-periods, somewhat unlike the Moons charm. Charm-breakers: desire for permanence, clingy-ness past the expiration of the relationship, desire for commitment. 
Pot o’ Gold: Gold as a charm is very transactional, and business-esque. It can often be very fixated on value, and what you and your partner bring to the relationship outside of the relationship itself. You value what your partner brings to the relationship- sometimes a service, sometimes assets, sometimes knowledge or skills. It can be said as a joke, but its fully possible the added value of a partner is dental. This charm is usually more serious, but to be healthy, must be reciprocal- all participants must bring something to the relationship- it cannot be one-sided. Respect, like in the Stars charm, is very important- but unlike the Stars charm, it must be mutual. Charm-breakers: Lack of respect, one-sidedness, extortion/exploitation of labor or emotions. ADDITIONAL DETAILS:
Some certain charm bracelets can have unique titles, or invoke particular phrases. If exploring a bracelet of Diamonds-Horseshoes, you will be commonly asked if youre “playing Balloon darts”, and some may be asked if theyre “into Balloon popping”- the idea that someone finds it gratifying to form and then break Balloons charms out of sadistic enjoyment. A Balloons-Gold relationship is sometimes referred to colloquially as “work-wives”, or one’s partner as their “work wife”. 
A Diamonds-Moons charm will often be called a “blood moon”- both in the likelihood of a meeting between charm-mates being particularly intense, and the rarity with which it occurs. Diamonds-Horseshoes bracelets are often associated with the term “bloodsport”, and accurately, some who partake in this bracelet engage in duels as expressions of their charm. One-sided Star-(Other Charm) bracelets are often called “star-crossed”, and can take on an interesting sense of Shakespearian Longing- This is seen in Matchsticks and Crowbar, with Matchsticks’s one-sided Stars charm accompanying their mutual Moons.
Eggs and Biscuits are seen as codependent and risking breaking their bracelet by the other leprechauns- as they have a Balloons-Horseshoes-Clovers-Hearts bracelet, which is one too many charms. Luckily, they get along so well and spend so much time together that the have so far made it work.
Trace, Fin, and Itchy all carry Stars for Sleuth- particularly because they are especially vulnerable to Sleuth’s non-stop and habitual posturing as hard-boiled and badass, which all three of them have a hard time seeing through. Sleuth does not notice this.
I’m always willing to answer questions about this stuff! Pop in an ask for any kind of elaboration on bracelets, or curiosities!
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nyason · 1 year
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jakeeexp · 10 months
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i think that since im real into troll culture n shit, my trollsona would be into leprechaun culture
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fictofaggot · 1 year
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stop forcibly feminizing him he looks like a wet baby bird
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midnightcrustcat · 1 year
Your leprechaun ocs interacting with the felt. boxing match? I'm betting on your funkies to win
holy shit this was so fun to draw eel tysm for requesting this<333
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(frog to frog violence<333)
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die-action-index · 22 days
leprechaun romance chart....save me Leprechaun roamnce chart. Save me
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nah but y'all need to utilize this fr. we weren't introduced leprechaun romance for nothin!!!!
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worselydrawnaranea · 5 months
So what’s your opinion on the whole leprechaun gnome felt mfs thing?
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I quite enjoy their........existence.
However, the only time I ever talk a8out them is in reference to their INGENIOUS NONANT SYSTEM.
The nonart is compromised of nine sym8ols: while one, the heart sym8ol, is closely related to a matespritship or what humans call "love", the other eight are 8ased around playing pranks on one another or 8eing silly in each other's general presence. Unlike with quadrants or whatever human romance is, leprechauns will strive to have more than one of these signs with a partner. A pair with three or more signs is called a trove. There are a whopping possi8le 181 440 different troves which a pair can be in........quite fascinating, isn't it?
One final thing to remem8er is that while humans and trolls often have pairings with the opposite gender, leprechauns do no- oh wait, I'm assuming you didn't want all that.
My apologies ::::)
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homiu-l · 1 month
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
Hey thanks for your perspective! I like seeing what other people think of a piece of media I engage with, and I can take in what another person’s perspective can be compared to mine. I always thought it was tough to keep up with HS^2, and before Yiffy it was boring. I read the prologue for HS^2 and it was nice, but ultimately pointless.
You make a good point about Jane, and I gotta describe the surreal decision for how they builded up to Jane’s villain arc.
So there is a series of snapchats from 11/11/2016 to 12/31/16 (I think) showing conversations between Jane and Roxy (calliope is there) discussing the celebration of the return of the gods on Earth C by blowing up the moon. Jane has her transportalizer hijacked by the felt, run by Jack Noir and Jane’s account now gets post updates from felt members. Roxy and Calliope attempt to get help but Jane successfully defends herself against the felt and enslaves Jack Noir with a tiaratop, and then puts Clover in charge of her snapchat account. She escapes before the moon explodes.
So the buildup to Jane being racist was her being kidnapped and then giving her social media to a leprechaun, who worked for the main bad guy of Homestuck who is last seen on his knees with the evil red Betty Crocker thing around his neck.
Yeah I can see why Jane became evil, she was the CEO of a corporation, and running corporations just make you literally irredeemably cruel to everyone. (If you can’t tell I’m being sarcastic)
To give credit to epilogues/postcanon apologists when they argue that the story’s character’s are not acting out of character, just rather changed over time or were always like this, but just didn’t have the unrestricted worship and authority Earth C gave them, they are in a sense, correct.
What postcanon apologists forget to argue is if the execution of this change in character works within the media it is produced under, and I gotta say, an obscure set of snapchat posts released after the credits that were only dug up by fans following the Homestuck Pinterest account which preluded a character’s villain arc by having her kidnapped and unkidnap herself was a poorly executed start to a vaillain arc, maybe they should have done more with the whole Jack possessed by the tiaratop thing and Jane running the most powerful corporation on Earth C, but I don’t write Homestuck.
The tiaratop thing only gets elaborated on in Homestuck^2 later on when in panels you can see tiaratops on Crockercorp soldiers in the April 2020 updates, nearly a whole year after the epilogues dropped. Before that I’d just assumed all the people decided in unity to be racist because Jane said so and most people can’t think for themselves actually, and just believe what a nice looking authority figure says. That last part might be true considering how well James Roach has gotten along with the Homestuck fandom.
So what is the moral of the story to all this? Well being a CEO of a corporation makes you a fascist because being in a position of power makes you think you’re better than everyone else and that they should be sorted into categories you consider lesser and better by your standards.
Sure there is actual human history to the rise of fascism and why some aristocrats and corporate businessmen supported the cause but I ain’t reading all that, my hypothesis is simple to understand and affirms all the premonitions I have about the world around me, so it must be correct!
So basically the Homestuck snapchats predicted Elon Musk buying Twitter and retweeting conspiracy theorist tweets because Elon Musk is the CEO of 5 companies now.
And look out for Disney CEO Bob Iger, he’s making bad and boring Disney movies with minority lead actors ON PURPOSE to radicalize fans of old, better cinematic franchises to bring about the 4th reich!!!
Funny enough, the aim for Jane Crocker being the villain in Homestuck 2 was also to make her an allegory for DONALD TRUMP. Even the bonus story for these random nothingbuger OCs made by WhatPumpkin, were suppose to be people getting BERNIE SANDERS to become President. They even advertise support for Bernie Sanders on the official HOMESTUCK TWITTER ACCOUNT. Of course, Bernie Sanders dropped out of presidential election. HS Twitter had to delete it and WhatPumpkin had to cancel that side story. Needless to say, the force of politics in Homestuck 2 was that bad.
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demonic-narwhale · 11 months
Guh introduction? Yeah
Ghello I'm Eel and this is my tumblr. *Kaboom SFX* I'm 21. Japanese and Filipino.
Little animations or something is just tagged as #animation
Ideas I spout will go under: #eel ideas
Doodles will just be #doodles oodles
If you wanna send some stuff to the ask or something, go right ahead (i don't wanna come off as like some cold "do not interact with" sorta person) working on it
I like drawing HS Intermission funkies you can find them in the tags like
#Midnight Crew
#The Felt
#The Exiles
#Problem Sleuth
I also will list like the individual characters in the tags
Some AUs: (totally me not being a lil ill in the membrane. Also. Will perhaps add other silly ideas AUs what? oh Eel)
#Intermission Yeehaw
#Intermission Small Town
#Intermission Hooked
#Intermission But Trolls
I have a Carapace + Leprechaun "group" they are: #Common Midnight Swing
And another Carapace focused news editorial thing yeah: #Night Times
I also have an oc that is thrown into The Felt #hk She's in a polycule with Trace and Fin and I will tag any art focused on them in #sharkbait (just so if you don't dig it, just go ahead and block it lol)
I have some homestuck troll ocs as well that I haven't really posted much here (yet)
My "main gang" will be #main10gang And the rest just #troll ocs
I have a Toyhouse as well:
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Alright, Eel out
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i am making Racket again. Bigger and better than ever baby!!!!
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knightobreath · 2 months
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Very unfinished II Homestuck au, species and caste assignments. notes under cut
also for the uninitiated, you can read about the different species on the hs wiki pages and judge from that
I mostly assigned castes based on the color of the characters with a few exceptions. (colorless characters got to be put in spots based on what I think)
s1 all trolls, s2 all humans (except for yin-yang), and s3 is a mixed bag (how fun!)
most assignments were just Vibes honestly. except for the more specific ones
i dont want to classpect SAVE ME FROM THE CLASSPECT DEMONS !!!!!
i think the meta parallel between steve cobs and betty crocker/the condesce is funny. im leaning into it
accidental transgender oops
cherub was an obvious choice for yin-yang (*i take a long drag from my (candy) cigarette* society would be so beautiful if we didnt have the evil alter trope) but I think they wouldn't function like normal cherubs. my obsession with canon compliance (to ii in this case) makes me want to keep them both alive. no one side domination. they are evenly matched and fuse, staying together into adulthood
IK paper would work as a cherub and is more mechanically similar but i have my limits and also I Don't Want To
i'm not quite sure how i want to age everyone. in homestuck all the players were 13-16 and I don't know how it would work without dumb teens playing the apocalypse game. putting a pin in that
the shimmers being horrorterrors (which is the only correct choice within canon species and i am taking no criticisms) makes s2ep14 funnier. the baby you were taking care of is actually the spawn of the elder gods and now you have eldritch horrors at your door asking for their kid back
the floor being a denizen you see my vision. You See It (i have so much logistical work to do here)
I'm going to make a bunch of the side characters carapacians i just didnt feel like listing them all out. Lol. i have 5 million missing assignments
I think all the meeple tech 4s onwards would not use caste colors. is this because i didn't want to deal with it? Maybe. yes
i have nothing to say on the first guardians you can figure that one out yourself. actually no you can ask. but i love being mysterious
You will notice there's no box. that's because of the deep lore and impactful implications of i dont care enough
also @trolling-pip hi (please tell me if you want to be @'d in further au upd8s as well)
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foryouthegays · 10 months
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