#hopefully I’ll still have enough to wreck shit on dusk at least
all-star-crack-ass · 3 years
Ahh 66? Pulls and not a mud or rock in sight, streak of luck finally went out, went sooo over budget but ah well, Ros is home at least! and a ton of dupes, like, Texas really like it at Rhodes huh?
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And I got a dupe of the other kitty cat!
Edit: OH MY GOD I forgot I was on ritalin that’s why I fuckin wouldn’t stop pulling jesus. Note to self
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joviewinchester · 3 years
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Part 2 to the supernatural MBAV crossover ✌️ Also this is on crack so I’m sorry in advance. Lol.
“Oh my gosh, Jack! We’ve been living here for two weeks! Do you know what that means?! We actually live here.” Y/N said excitedly.
“Yeah. I like it here I hope we stay awhile.”
“I have a boyfriend now! Do you know how cool that is?”
“You what?!” Dean exclaimed.
“Don’t eavesdrop! It’s none of your concern.”
“Yes it is. I’m your dad!”
“Moms handle the boys and the periods, and she promised me she’d visit sometime this week, so therefore, it’s none of your concern.”
“Since when have you had contact with Amara?”
“Since like a month ago. Uncle Chuck taught her about the world of cellphones. She promised she’d drop by for at least an hour. You don’t think she’s going to flake on me do you?” Tears welled up in her eyes. Dean held his arms out for a hug.
“Hey, come here, kid. Your mom has done a lot of bad things, but if there’s one thing I know for sure about her, it’s that she never says something unless she means it. Now about the boyfriend thing…”
“His name is Benny, he likes Star Wars, and he’s a calculus nerd. Good enough?”
“Come on Dean. Calculus nerd? You have nothing to worry about.” Sam chimed in.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right, Sammy.”
“Does that mean that me and Jack can go hang out with him and our other friends tonight?” Y/N asked hopefully, putting on the puppy eyes she had inherited from her uncle.
“Fine, but don’t be out any later than 1 am okay?”
“Got it. Would you be mad if we left right now?”
“No. It’s fine. Go ahead, but Jack she is not to be left in a room alone with this punk. Got it? Good.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Drama queen.” She muttered.
“I heard that!”
All of their friends had already arrived by the time they got there. The only thing missing was pizza.
“Dude the delivery guy was so slow last time though. Someone should just go get it. I’m starving.” Ethan complained.
“Not it.” Y/N and Erica said at the same time. Benny and Jack both looked at Sarah.
“Um…don’t look at me. I’m babysitting.” She gestured to Jane who was sitting peacefully watching Dusk.
“I’ll go.” Jack volunteered. Y/N tossed him the keys to the Jeep.
“Don’t wreck my baby.” She said sternly, laying on the floor beside Jane.
“Careful. You sound like your dad.” Jack joked. Y/N threw a pillow at him.
“Okay. Okay. I’m going.”
“So this Dusk thing, what is it even about?” Y/N asked. Erica immediately jumped in.
“Oh my god. It is so good. You’ve never seen Dusk? It’s about a human who falls in love with a vampire and vice versa, but there’s also this werewolf that’s in love with the girl, but she ends up choosing the vampire because, duh, she’s in love with him, but anyways it’s so good and you have to watch all of them with me some time.”
“I’ve seen the Vampire Diaries but I’ve never watched this.”
“Oh my God. Don’t you just love the Salvatore brothers?”
“I love Damon, but I’m not huge on Stefan. Oh and Katherine is so hot, but my favorites are Kol and Kai.”
“You have a thing for murderers with sociopath tendencies and you’re dating Benny?” Erica asked.
“Okay, just leave me alone. Kai is hot and he had reason to murder his entire family.” Literally the entire room was just looking back and forth between them in confusion.
“Remind me to never leave you two alone.” Sarah said.
“Did you just say murdered his entire family casually in a sentence?” Benny asked.
“Yes. If you guys watched the show you would totally get it. Although Jack doesn’t and I made him watch it but then again his biological dad is literally satan-“
“Wait. Wait. Wait. First of all, Castiel isn’t his biological dad? Second of all what is his biological father a serial killer or something?” Ethan asked.
That was when Y/N registered what she had said. “It’s not my place to tell you guys about his biological dad, so like please don’t tell him I told you anything.”
Everyone agreed and dropped it. Soon after Jack came back with the pizza. “Who’s hungry?”
“I am.” Erica whispered passive aggressively under her breath. Sarah elbowed her and gave her a look, mouthing the words shut up.
Benny, Ethan, Jack, and Jane all grabbed a slice.
“Want one?” Benny asked.
“No I’m fine. Thanks though.” Y/N said. Her mood had noticeably dropped, and it was because she was thinking of her mother. What if she didn’t come like she’d promised? Well, at least her cousin Gabriel promised a visit soon, despite her father’s protest.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Sarah asked her.
“It’s stupid. My mom told me that she was going to visit me sometime this week, but I’m worried she won’t show up.” At that very moment Amara appeared in the room. Now there was a lot of explaining to be done.
“Holy shit! Who are you and how did you do that?!” Ethan exclaimed.
“Wow. Gorgeous alert.” Erica said, ignoring the fact that a woman she didn’t know had just appeared out of nowhere. Y/N immediately jumped up and hugged her.
“I missed you, mom.” She muttered into her hair.
“Mom?!” They all asked at once.
“Woah. Woah. Woah. So what are you then?” Benny asked.
“Why are you guys not very freaked out about this?” Jack asked.
“We know about the supernatural, but nothing like this.” Ethan said still in shock.
“So, you made friends? I’m proud of you. How’s your dad doing?” Amara said.
“Same old. Same old. Sad, confused, protective.”
“Wait how do you guys know about the supernatural?” Jack asked ignoring the side conversation.
“That depends. How do you feel about vampires, warlocks, and seers?” Benny asked.
“Wait! You’re vampires?!” Y/N exclaimed suddenly.
“Not all of us. Just Erica and Sarah.” Ethan said.
“You guys haven’t even the ones killing people have you, because that would suck because then I’d have to kill you.”
“No, but really?! Kill us?!” Sarah exclaimed.
“My family hunts the supernatural! You guys have got to stay on the downlow or my dad and my uncle will straight up kill you and not think twice, please be careful!”
“Are warlocks on that list?” Benny asked.
“Wait, you’re a waflock and you didn’t tell me?!”
“We still don’t know what you two are and I think I speak for everyone when I say I would like to know!”
Y/N sighed. This would be a long conversation. She took in a deep breath. “So, my dad is the vessel of the archangel Michael aka the person Michael needed to possess to win the apocalypse which already happened by the way. My dad kind of saved the world. My Uncle Sam on the other hand is the vessel of Lucifer who is Jack’s biological dad which makes Jack a nephilim, and by the way Lucifer is actually pretty chill. But that’s beside the point. This is Amara my mom aka the darkness aka god’s sister which kind of makes me a Demigod which makes god aka Chuck my uncle and Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel my cousins which makes Jack my second cousin and also by the way Castiel is an angel too. Oh and also my dad is kind of gay for Cas but neither of them will admit but you know, subtext.”
They all looked at her with wide eyes. “If you plan on sticking with me welcome to my dysfunctional family.” She announced.
“Are they okay?” Amara whispered.
“Maybe. I don’t know.” Y/N whispered back.
“Ya know what? Cool. Also can we just talk about how Y/N has hot parents? MILF alert. Like it finally makes sense why she is so pretty.” Erica said casually.
“What’s a MILF?” Amara asked her. Y/N face palmed.
“It’s good. It’s a compliment, but don’t say it to anyone , ever.” Y/N tried to explain.
“Anyways…I guess I’m gonna go and let you all process this interaction. Benny, call me. Bye!” They all left, and Y/N insisted that they take the Jeep and not just teleport.
When they got back to the house everyone kind of just looked at each other awkwardly. “Mom and I are gonna go…what do normal teenage girls do with their non supernatural mothers? Paint their nails? We’ll go do that. See you soon.”
Dean looked at Jack waiting for an explanation. “I’ve got…homework. Yeah. Anyways bye.”
“What just happened?” Sam asked.
Dean shrugged. “Don’t know. Don’t care.”
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