#hogwarts itself is a menace to society
nextoooewwop · 8 months
Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe
Within the expansive realm of fantasy literature, few series have captivated audiences quite like J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. Set in a mystical universe that coexists alongside the 'muggle' or non-magical society, the story follows the life of young wizard Harry Potter and his companions Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, who all attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This enchanting universe is teeming with mythical creatures, magical objects, and distinctive locations that make it uniquely captivating. Integral to this fantastical universe are numerous key elements that Rowling masterfully introduces throughout her series. From the concept of innate magic in certain individuals to various magical creatures such as house-elves, goblins, giants, and centaurs each with their unique characteristics. Adding another layer to this already complex world are magical objects like flying broomsticks, invisibility cloaks, time turners among others. However, what truly sets Harry Potter's universe apart from other fantasy narratives is its intricate social structure. It isn't merely a backdrop for fantastical adventures but a richly woven tapestry teeming with its own rules, prejudices and conflicts mirroring real-world issues such as racism or classism. The narrative depth is further enhanced by factions within the wizarding world itself - Ministry of Magic officials, members of Order of Phoenix or Death Eaters each carrying their own ideologies and agendas. Delving further into this magical paradigm reveals how magic is an inherent trait passed down through generations; not something one can learn or acquire if they're not born with it. This genetic aspect brings about the concept of 'pure-blood', 'half-blood', and 'muggle-born' witches and wizards - terms that refer to a person's lineage and its magical potency. From investigating Hogwarts' curriculum to immersing oneself in Quidditch games or exploring detailed creature profiles in Newt Scamander's 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,' every aspect contributes immensely to creating an immersive reading experience that transcends ages and cultures. As we transition from friendly beings to menacing ones within these pages we encounter another facet of this incredibly detailed world crafted by J.K. Rowling.
Discovering the Enchanting Universe: A Brief Overview
In the realm of fantasy literature, few series have captivated audiences quite like J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. Set in a magical world that coexists alongside the 'muggle' or non-magical society, the story follows the life of young wizard Harry Potter and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, who all attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The universe is brimming with enchanting elements such as mythical creatures, magical objects, and distinctive locations that make it uniquely captivating. Integral to this enchanting universe are several key elements that Rowling masterfully introduces throughout her series. The first one being the concept of magic itself, which is portrayed as an innate ability in certain individuals who can then hone their skills at magical institutions like Hogwarts. Then there are various magical creatures such as house-elves, goblins, giants, and centaurs each with their own unique characteristics and roles within the society. Another vital aspect is the existence of magical objects like flying broomsticks, invisibility cloaks, time turners and so on that add another layer to this already complex world. However, what truly sets Harry Potter's universe apart from other fantasy narratives is its intricate social structure. It isn't merely a backdrop for fantastical adventures but a richly woven tapestry teeming with its own rules, prejudices and conflicts. For example, there's a clear divide between pure-blood wizards and muggles or muggle-born wizards which often mirrors real-world issues such as racism or classism. Furthermore, there are various factions within the wizarding world itself - Ministry of Magic officials, members of Order of Phoenix or Death Eaters each carrying their own ideologies and agendas. This intricate detailing not only contributes to making this universe more believable but also enhances its narrative depth by providing numerous plot possibilities.
The Origin of Magic: Understanding the Roots of Wizardry
Delving further into the magical universe of Harry Potter, it becomes crucial to understand the roots of wizardry. The origin of magic is somewhat shrouded in mystery and Rowling has left much of it up to readers' imagination. However, hints scattered throughout the series suggest that magic is an inherent trait passed down through generations. It's not something one can learn or acquire if they're not born with it. This genetic aspect of magic brings about the concept of 'pure-blood', 'half-blood', and 'muggle-born' witches and wizards - terms that refer to a person's lineage and its magical potency. Transitioning from the bloodline aspect, another essential component is the education system in this universe. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry serves as the primary institution for young witches and wizards to hone their abilities. Lessons range from practical subjects like Transfiguration, Potions, and Defense Against Dark Arts to theoretical ones such as History of Magic, all aimed at equipping students with necessary skills. Moreover, other schools like Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy also exist suggesting a wider global community of magical folk. The existence of magical creatures further enriches this magical world. Centaurs with their celestial knowledge, house-elves bound by servitude, goblins with their exceptional crafting skills - each species add a whole new dimension to the wizarding realm. While some creatures are friendly towards wizards, others like Dementors or Basilisks pose grave threats making them integral parts in maintaining balance within this universe. Notably, these elements remind us that while magic opens up an array of possibilities; it also introduces its own set of complexities and challenges – just like any other society would have.
Diving into Hogwarts: An Insight into the Most Famous Wizarding School
Taking a closer look at the Harry Potter universe, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry undoubtedly stands as its pinnacle. Founded over a thousand years ago by four eminent wizards and witches - Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin - this school is imbued with rich history and tradition. Apart from being an educational institution, it's a place where students make lifelong friendships, face their worst fears, experience personal growth, and learn valuable life lessons. Each house within Hogwarts represents different values - bravery in Gryffindor, intelligence in Ravenclaw, loyalty in Hufflepuff, and ambition in Slytherin. These houses serve more than just segregating students; they instill a sense of belongingness among them. Diving deeper into Hogwarts' curriculum reveals a multitude of subjects that equip the students with knowledge and skills to navigate the magical world. Core courses include Charms taught by Professor Flitwick which deals with specific incantations to create specific effects; Transfiguration taught by Professor McGonagall is about changing objects or beings from one form to another; Potions under Professor Snape instructs on brewing magical concoctions; Defense Against Dark Arts varies per year but focuses on defending oneself against malicious magic. Aside from these main studies, there are also other subjects like Herbology, Astronomy, Divination and more providing comprehensive magical education. However, Hogwarts isn't merely about academics. It is also known for its extracurricular activities such as Quidditch – a popular wizarding sport played on broomsticks that adds an exciting facet to student life. The Triwizard Tournament - an inter-school competition is another highlight showcasing courage and intellect of young wizards across nations. Hidden passages, moving staircases, talking portraits – Hogwarts itself seems alive with magic at every corner making it an enchanting place for students to explore during their seven-year stay. Undeniably though beneath its charm lies danger as well – be it forbidden forests housing dangerous creatures or secret chambers hiding deadly secrets – teaching students that wielding magic comes with responsibility and caution too.
Creatures and Beasts: Exploring the Magical Fauna
The Harry Potter universe introduces us to a diverse range of creatures and beasts, each more fantastical than the last. From endearing house-elves like Dobby to majestic phoenixes like Fawkes, these beings add depth and wonder to an already magical world. Delving into the pages of Newt Scamander's 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,' we encounter creatures with unique abilities and characteristics. For instance, the Niffler, a creature irresistibly attracted to shiny objects or the Bowtruckle, an expert at picking locks - each creature is designed with fascinating detail illustrating J.K. Rowling's imagination. Transitioning from friendly beings to menacing ones, we encounter the dark side of magical fauna. The Basilisk – a gigantic serpent capable of petrifying or killing with its gaze – serves as one terrifying example. Similarly dreaded are Dementors, embodiments of despair that drain happiness from their surroundings. These creatures represent formidable adversaries in Harry Potter's journey, testing his courage and resilience in face of danger. However, they also serve another purpose: showcasing the duality inherent in magic – its capability for both wonder and destruction. Taking our exploration further reveals that these creatures are not merely plot devices but integral parts of the wizarding world. They offer opportunities for wizards and witches to display their skills - be it Care of Magical Creatures class at Hogwarts or Newt Scamander’s adventures around the globe studying various beasts. Moreover, these creatures often exhibit human-like traits or emotions which adds layers of complexity to their personalities. This depth makes them more relatable, fostering empathy among readers while subtly teaching lessons about respect towards all forms of life - magical or otherwise. Thus, through her enchanting menagerie of magical fauna, J.K Rowling manages not just to captivate readers but also impart important values.
Unraveling Mystical Artifacts: A Look at Magical Objects and their Functions
Delving into another fascinating aspect of the Harry Potter universe, we encounter a myriad of mystical artifacts. These magical objects, much like the creatures and beasts, add a layer of intrigue and wonder to J.K. Rowling's enchanting world. From everyday items like self-stirring cauldrons and enchanted quills to powerful ones like Horcruxes and the Elder Wand, these objects serve diverse functions while reflecting the creative genius of their author. Transitioning from common household objects, let's explore some of the more potent magical artifacts. The Invisibility Cloak, for instance, is an item of immense power that allows its wearer to become invisible at will - a trait that aids Harry in numerous escapades throughout his journey. Similarly, the Time-Turner - a device enabling its user to travel back in time - plays a pivotal role in 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,' showcasing how these magical objects can significantly influence plotlines. However, it’s not just their functional aspects that make these artifacts intriguing; they also hold symbolic significance within the narrative. Take for example the seven Horcruxes created by Voldemort – they represent his desperate attempts to achieve immortality but also signify his unnatural division of soul and disregard for life’s natural order. On the other hand, Dumbledore’s Pensieve serves as an instrument for introspection and memory exploration, underscoring themes of understanding one's past to navigate present challenges. Thus, these magical artifacts are more than just tools; they are narrative devices that enrich storytelling by adding depth to character arcs and emphasizing key thematic elements within the series.
The Dark Side: Delving into Dark Arts and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
In the magical universe of Harry Potter, there exists a darker side that adds an intriguing contrast to the otherwise enchanting world. This involves the study and practice of the Dark Arts - a form of magic associated with malevolence and causing harm. These arts are not merely villainous tools; they are emblematic of the struggle between good and evil that forms the backbone of J.K. Rowling's narrative. Transitioning into specific elements of the Dark Arts, it becomes impossible to ignore one character who is closely associated with them - Lord Voldemort, or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. His name alone incites fear among most wizards and witches in Rowling's magical universe, making him a symbol for darkness itself. From his early years as Tom Riddle to his rise as one of the darkest wizards in history, Voldemort's journey is steeped in shadowy magic. Whether it’s his use of Horcruxes to attain immortality or his command over dangerous creatures like Nagini and Inferi, Voldemort’s character embodies an exploration into how far one can plunge into darkness for power. However, discussing the Dark Arts isn't just about showcasing vile characters or spells meant to harm. They also serve as a mirror reflecting societal fears back at us. The fear invoked by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named echoes real-world fears about evoking topics we find uncomfortable or terrifying. Thus, while dark on surface level, this aspect provides deeper insights into character motivations and societal issues when explored profoundly – once again highlighting J.K. Rowling’s ability to weave complex themes within her magical narrative without losing its sense of wonderment.
Understanding Magic Spells: The Language of Wizards and Witches
Stepping away from the shadows of the Dark Arts, we now delve into an aspect of Harry Potter's universe that is central to all magic practitioners: spells. Spells form the core language for wizards and witches in J.K. Rowling's magical world - a fascinating combination of Latin roots, English words, and made-up phrases that bring about extraordinary effects. The essence of casting a spell lies not just in the spoken incantation but also in the focused intent and practiced wand movements. This intricate dance between word and action gives birth to magic that ranges from simple levitation with 'Wingardium Leviosa' to complex memory alteration with 'Obliviate.' Transitioning from the general overview, let’s explore some specific examples illuminating the complexity behind spell creation. Take, for instance, 'Expecto Patronum,' one of the most iconic spells in Harry Potter series. It summons a Patronus, which is a protective force embodying one’s happiest memories. Not only does this spell illustrate Rowling's creativity in designing unique magical concepts, but it also reflects her linguistic prowess as 'Expecto Patronum' translates to 'I await a guardian' from Latin - connecting perfectly to its function within the narrative. While exploring these magical incantations further, it becomes evident how they serve beyond mere plot devices in Rowling's narrative. Magic spells are integral elements contributing towards character development and story progression. For example, Hermione Granger's proficiency at casting complex spells demonstrates her intellect and dedication to learning while Ron Weasley’s struggle with “Wingardium Leviosa” early on showcases his initial lack of confidence which he eventually overcomes as he matures throughout the series. Thus, rather than being just whimsical expressions of fantasy fiction, these spells powerfully augment both storytelling and thematic depth within Harry Potter’s universe – reflecting yet another layer of J.K.Rowling’s literary brilliance.
From Quidditch to Triwizard Tournament: Analyzing Magical Sports and Games
Just as we have soccer and baseball in the muggle world, the magical world of Harry Potter isn’t devoid of its own set of thrilling sports and games. Quidditch, undoubtedly the most popular game in the wizarding realm, is a fast-paced sport played on broomsticks involving four balls and six hoops. This sport isn't merely for entertainment; it's deeply woven into the social fabric of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Not only does it provide a spectacle for students, but also acts as a platform where characters like Harry Potter can shine, display courage, and develop leadership skills. In addition to this, Quidditch matches are often strategic plot points in Rowling's narrative where important character interactions or revelations occur. Moving beyond Hogwarts' boundaries, we encounter another fascinating event - The Triwizard Tournament. Held between three premier magical schools - Hogwarts, Beauxbatons Academy, and Durmstrang Institute - this tournament consists of three dangerous tasks that test participants' magical abilities to their limits. But more than just showcasing magic prowess, this competition serves as a vehicle for international cooperation among witches and wizards from different cultures - promoting unity while adding an intriguing cultural layer to Rowling's universe. The last task of the Triwizard Tournament deserves particular attention: the maze housing the Triwizard Cup. This labyrinth filled with deadly creatures and enchantments symbolizes mystery, danger, and confusion that mirrors not just Harry's journey within it but his larger path through life itself. It encapsulates his growth from an innocent boy unaware of his magical heritage to a brave young man ready to face lethal challenges head-on. Moreover, it’s within this maze that Cedric Diggory meets his tragic end – marking a turning point in Harry’s life where he realizes that being part of the wizarding world also means dealing with loss and death – deepening our understanding of Rowling’s narrative beyond mere spells or incredible creatures.
Glimpses Beyond Hogwarts: Studying Other Wizarding Institutions Around the Globe
Beyond the well-known corridors of Hogwarts, lies a wider wizarding world teeming with other magical institutions. One such establishment is Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, located in France. Known for its impressive architecture and enchanting surroundings, Beauxbatons’ students are reputed for their refined manners and elegance, much like the French culture they hail from. This institution plays a crucial role in Goblet of Fire where it’s presented not just as a competitor in the Triwizard Tournament but also as a place that nurtures different magic practices and traditions - thereby expanding our perception of the magical universe. In contrast to Beauxbaton’s refinement, we have Durmstrang Institute – another significant school known for its darker reputation. Situated far north in Europe, Durmstrang is notorious for teaching dark arts - a fact that sets it apart from other schools and adds an element of intrigue to Rowling's universe. Its most infamous alumnus is none other than Gellert Grindelwald - one of the darkest wizards who ever lived. Through Durmstrang, Rowling demonstrates that the magical world isn't merely black or white; there exists a spectrum where certain institutions openly embrace what others deem forbidden or taboo. The American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - Ilvermorny - provides yet another glimpse into how diverse Rowling's wizarding world can be. Rooted in Native American folklore, Ilvermorny offers a unique blend of magical education infused with indigenous practices. The introduction of this school in Fantastic Beasts series not only broadens our geographic understanding of the wizarding world but also enriches our knowledge about various ways magic can be interpreted and practiced across different cultures. So while Hogwarts remains at the heart of Harry Potter's world, these other global institutions remind us that magic transcends borders and cultural boundaries – making Rowling’s universe truly universal.
Life After Voldemort's Fall: Examining the Impact on the Magical Community
The defeat of Voldemort, arguably the most feared dark wizard in history, marks a significant turning point in the Harry Potter universe. The immediate aftermath is filled with relief and joy, as people rejoice over the end of a reign that was marked by fear and terror. However, the implications run much deeper than just surface-level jubilation. Voldemort's fall triggers profound changes within the magical community - changes that are worth delving into. To begin with, post-Voldemort’s era sees a remarkable shift in power dynamics within the wizarding world. The Ministry of Magic undergoes a complete overhaul under the leadership of Kingsley Shacklebolt who ensures that it rids itself of corruption and prejudice – notably against Muggle-borns which had been rampant during Voldemort’s regime. Additionally, this period also witnesses an upward trajectory for many characters who played crucial roles in Dumbledore’s Army and Order of Phoenix. They rise to prominent positions within the Ministry and other institutions thereby indicating how bravery and righteousness were rewarded after the dark times. Simultaneously, there is an evident change in attitudes towards Hogwarts School too. The institution, once revered as safe haven for young witches and wizards, had become associated with intense battles and loss during Voldemort’s reign. After his fall though, efforts are made to restore its glory as well as its image. A new headmaster takes charge; lessons forbidden under Death Eaters’ rule are reintroduced; memorials are built for those who sacrificed their lives – all these efforts symbolize healing and reclaiming what was lost to darkness. The aftermath of Voldemort's fall thus brings about a reformative wave across the magical community - redefining power structures, rewarding heroes, restoring faith in institutions - essentially reshaping reality as they knew it under his regime. It serves as an embodiment of hope after despair - showing that even after enduring the darkest times, it is possible for communities to rebuild themselves stronger than before - truly capturing Rowling's theme of resilience triumphing over adversity. In the world of Harry Potter, creatures such as Dementors and Basilisks are embodiments of terror and danger. Dementors, cloaked in dark robes, are known for sucking out happiness from their victims leaving them in despair; while the Basilisk, a giant serpent, can kill with just one look. These ominous beings serve as formidable foes in the series, adding an element of threat and suspense to this magical universe. Magical objects form another intricate aspect of this world. From everyday items like self-stirring cauldrons and Extendable Ears to powerful artifacts like the Elder Wand and Philosopher's Stone – every object has its role within the narrative. They not only enhance the magical ambiance but also play pivotal roles in key events throughout the series. In conclusion, J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series is more than just a tale about a young wizard's journey. It's a meticulously crafted universe teeming with magic at every corner - be it enchanting creatures, fascinating objects or intriguing social dynamics. The attention to detail makes it a universe that readers can immerse themselves into completely, making it timeless and universally appealing. Every character, creature or object serves a purpose - contributing to the overall complexity and depth of this enchanting world. Through her storytelling genius accompanied by her vivid imagination, Rowling has established herself as an icon in fantasy literature – creating a world that continues to captivate audiences around the globe even years after its inception.
Q: What is the main focus of 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'?
A: The main focus is on exploring the universe of Harry Potter in depth.
Q: Does 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' concentrate on any specific aspects of the Harry Potter series?
A: The piece does not specify any particular aspects, it explores the Harry Potter universe as a whole.
Q: Is 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' a book or an article?
A: The text doesn't specify if 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' is a book or an article.
Q: Who is the author of 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'?
A: The text does not provide information about the author of 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'.
Q: What kind of information can one expect to find in 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'?
A: One can expect to find detailed information about the universe of Harry Potter in 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'.
Q: Is 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' a standalone piece or part of a series?
A: The text does not specify if 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' is a standalone piece or part of a series.
Q: Does 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' contain any exclusive information about the Harry Potter series?
A: The text does not mention if 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' contains any exclusive information about the Harry Potter series.
Q: Is 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' intended for a specific audience?
A: The text does not specify a particular audience for 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'. It is likely intended for anyone interested in the Harry Potter universe.
Q: Does 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' explore the making of the Harry Potter series?
A: The text does not specify whether 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' delves into the making of the Harry Potter series.
Q: Is 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' a critical analysis of the Harry Potter series?
A: The text does not specify if 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' is a critical analysis of the Harry Potter series.
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divaxoxo · 3 years
The fact that in hogwarts you need a permission slip to go to hogsmead but not to fight a fucking dragon.
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
gotta do the cooking by the book // fred weasley
Summary: reader just wants to do some baking… Fred has other, less savoury, ideas
Request: not really – I figured I should counteract my sadfred with happyfred
A/N: very much hope you enjoy my loves!!! I literally love writing domestic Fred and George post-BoH like it soothes my soul
Reader: unspecified
Warnings: suggestive themes, swearing, battle of Hogwarts, making out
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You huffed, staring blankly at the mess you’d created around you. The recipe book you’d been using was covered in flour and – was that a piece of eggshell? You huffed again, flicking away the shell and rubbing your hands down your face, trying to read the instructions again. All you wanted to do was make a nice cake to take to the Burrow, to pay Molly back for all her lovely dinners over the years, it really shouldn’t have been too hard. The cake itself seemed easy, actually, but as you stared at the tins and the heaps of icing sugar you had in front of you, your surprised pride at your success was waning quickly.
“Honey, I’m home!”
You bit your lip, concentrating far too much to turn to Fred when he walked in. A frown dragged at his eyebrows in response and he sighed loudly, like a child, when he saw you slaving over the countertop in a bombsite of baking utensils and puddles of substances lost in various stages of the baking process.
“You should be a lot happier to see me, your darling husband, after he’s had such a long day of work,” he said, setting his bag on the floor and walking over to you.
He wrapped his arm around your waist, pressing a kiss to your head as he looked down at the book in front of you, quickly getting distracted by what you were wearing.
“Is this my jumper?” he asked, running his hand up your side, over the familiar knitted fabric beneath his fingers. You hummed in response, not looking up even as you pecked him on the cheek before turning back to the page. He pouted. Not that you noticed, though.
“And why are you making a cake?” he asked, stepping back and taking his blazer off, throwing on the countertop.
“For your Mum,” you muttered before tentatively lifting up the icing sugar and measuring it out just as dutifully.
“Mum? Why-“ Fred cut himself off with a long, dramatic groan. “Do we have to go to that dinner tonight?”
His whining was enough to drag a smile from you, to iron out the crease that had developed between your brows. He wrapped his arms around you, earning a tut as he knocked your elbow, icing sugar dusting the surface.
“You know we do, Freddie,” you said, breaking off a block of softened butter, watching it land into the volcano of sugar you’d created. His chin rested on your head as you began to mix them together.
“But I don’t want to,” he whined, pouting at you as you stepped back and looked at him finally. He tried to hold off the emerging smile, but seeing your face always made his day better and despite yourself, you couldn’t help but grin, too, at his sulky expression. “I just want to stay here, with you.”
Your heart warmed at his words but you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“We could tell Mum I got dragonpox?” he said, eyebrows raised. You shot him a dry look.
“And have her come here to look after you? Great plan there, love.”
You exhaled sharply from your nose, amused at the comedic way his face fell.
“Can you mix that for me?” you asked, pointing to the bowl of icing you’d just started whilst licking some sugar from your thumb.
“Me?” Fred asked, following your thumb with his eyes.
“No,” you shot him a deadpan look, pushing his back to usher him over to the sink. “Your imaginary friend. Yes, you, you muppet.”
He turned to you and stared for a second, trying desperately to ignore your puppy dog eyes as you jutted out your bottom lip. He narrowed his eyes as you leant forward, batting your eyelashes at him.
“Fine, fine, you win. Always your bloody slave, I am.”
“Perfect!” you said, a wide grin stretching your lips. “Just wash your hands first.”
He rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath. He did as he was told, though, side-stepping you so he could get to the bowl whilst you pulled the cake from the tins.
“I don’t really want to go either if I’m honest,” you said, pushing your hair from your face, leaving a large swoop of icing sugar from your hand in your wake. “If I have to listen to Harry go on about how he named his kid after the two bravest men he knew again, I’ll have an aneurysm.”
Fred chuckled under his breath, pursing his lips at your words.
“No offence, of course, because that boy is the sweetest baby in the whole world and I love Harry, but blimey. He named the other one James Sirius – that’s a cracking name, hard to follow, mind you. But, really? I can’t imagine actually being there when Neville chopped the head off that bloody snake and having the gall the call my kid Severus,” you paused for a moment, huffing slightly as you struggled with removing the tin.
Fred had given up with the icing now, too concentrated on you and your little tirade. He wasn’t listening all too closely, more like admiring the view. He smiled as he noticed the streak of icing sugar across your cheek and the dried chocolate mixture smeared on your forehead. Your hair was messier than usual and he couldn’t help but enjoy the sight, especially when you frowned, your pretty lips curling downwards as you ran a hand through the already knotted strands. He felt whole, he realised with a strange relief, as he looked at you.
“Severus blood Snape,” you tutted, shaking your head. “It’s their choice, obviously, and I’ll love that kid regardless but how he got Gin to agree to that I’ll never know.”
Fred stopped listening then, though he could still see your mouth moving, decidedly pretty expressions contorting your features.
“You’re the love of my life, you know that?” he said, interrupting you as his hand stilled on the wooden spoon in his grip. You turned to him, eyes wide, cheeks flushed and mouth open before your brows sunk. Your eyes narrowed to slits as you stared at him, immediately cautious.
“What did you do?”
He laughed at your suspicion; offence written all over his face.
“You, my love, are extremely paranoid-“
You scoffed, rolling your eyes and placing a hand on your hip.
“Excuse me, but you’re a menace to society; with you as a husband it’s a wonder I’m not more paranoid.”
Fred hummed and the spoon clattered to the side of the bowl as he moved to envelop you in his arms, holding you with your back to his chest. You allowed yourself a moments peace from your frantic baking, Fred’s presence taking the edge off, as always.
“I love it when you call me that,” he said softly, muttering into your hair. You smirked and turned around in his arms, looking up to see an affectionate smile playing on his lips.
“What? A menace to society?”
He huffed, frowning as he pinched at your waist, enjoying the squeal that escaped your lips.
“No, cheeky,” he whispered, a fond look in his eyes. “Your husband.”
“Well,” you said, running your hands up and down his arms. “That’s what you are, isn’t it?”
He tilted his head to the side before leaning down and placing a short peck on your nose, grinning at the way your face scrunched up. You both stood there for a moment, enjoying each other. Then, like a light switching off, Fred’s face became very serious.
“I mean it, though. I’m serious. You are the love of my life.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to blow off his words with some half-witty comment or just blatant ignorance, not when he was staring at you so intently with such love in his dark eyes. You remembered the look on his face from the Battle of Hogwarts, from when you’d wandered over to each other with the battle just finishing around you, dead bodies of people you knew at your feet. To say you were happy to see him then was the greatest understatement of the century. You’d never seen anyone look more in love than Fred that day, and the thought alone made you melt inside.
“You’re a sweet talker, Fred Weasley.”
His face changed again, ever so quickly, into something a lot more mischievous, a lot more familiar.
“Between that and my devilishly handsome good looks, it’s no wonder you married me, is it?”
“Oh no,” you said sweetly, turning back to your cakes. “I wonder every day.”
He barked an incredulously laugh before his hand found your hip, pulling you back into him, spatula in hand.
“Fred! I need to finish this-“
Before you could finish your sentence, let alone your cake, his lips were on yours and you were sighing into his mouth, leaning into his tall frame with the spatula resting against his chest. He pulled you closer to him by the waist, leaning down to meet you more easily as his hands roamed underneath his jumper. His cold fingers lingered over the bare skin of your waist and sides and you gasped at the contact, the sound muffled by his lips. He made a whimpering noise as your hands reached into his hair; your fingers scratching lightly at his scalp. You both smiled into the kiss and for a second, it felt like it had when you were younger, when you first got together so long ago. Gently, you pulled away, staring up at Fred through your eyelashes, biting your swollen bottom lip at the way leant towards you, keen to continue your moment.
“Are you sure you need to finish that now?” he said softly with a rather suggestive eyebrow raised. You were reluctant to leave your cake project as it was, but Fred’s hands rubbing up and down your sides made it hard to think about anything else, your breath hitching in your throat. You frowned, swallowing underneath the weight of his knowing grin. The bastard knew he had you.
“We probably have half an hour-“
You didn’t get chance to finish your thought before Fred threw you upside down and over his shoulder. You blinked at the sudden change, a loud huff leaving your lips as Fred made towards the stairs.
“Fred!” you scolded breathlessly, hitting his back with your fist.
“Don’t worry, love.” He said with a smile in his voice, completely unfazed. With one hand wrapped around your calves and the other resting on your bum, he jogged up the stairs towards your room; even from your position, you could practically sense his shit-eating grin. “I’ll get you back to your dessert as soon as I’ve had mine.”
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irisandlily · 4 years
another thing i wrote for my wangxian hogwarts au!!  once again in wen qing’s pov, we get the infamous wei wuxian punching jin zixuan scene and some jiang siblings and soup afterwards!
Wen Qing is leaving Ancient Runes with Lan Wangji and Jiang Yanli when she sees several students run by them. They yell about a fight breaking out between two students in the northern courtyard. 
“Apparently one of them is Jin Zixuan!” Wen Qing’s eyes narrow at this, wondering who would be picking aa fight with Jin Zixuan, and quickly realizes only one student would be stupid enough to get into a fight with Jin Zixuan.
“Yanli!” Luo Qingyang runs down the hall, panic apparent on her face, and stops in front of Jiang Yanli. “Hurry- Wei Wuxian-” Luo Qingyang rushes, “He picked a fight with Zixuan!” Lan Wangji has already rushed past them, and Wen Qing and the others follow after him.
A crowd of students are gathered around Wei Wuxian and Jin Zixuan. Jin Zixuan is being held back by two Gryffindor students, and Wei Wuxian is being held back by Jiang Wanyin, Wen Ning, and multiple of their fellow Ravenclaw housemates.
“I’ll beat you to death!” Wei Wuxian yells at Jin Zixuan, wand in hand as he struggles against the people holding him back, attempting to kick at Jin Zixuan. “I’ll beat you to death!”
“Wei Wuxian!” Jin Zixuan also struggles against the two holding him back.
Lan Wangji pushes through the crowd with minimal effort and grabs Wei Wuxian by the arm. “Stop, Wei Ying.” 
“Don’t stop me Lan Zhan! Let me go!” Wen Qing and Jiang Yanli push through the crowd as well, Jiang Yanli grabbing Wei Wuxian by the shoulder. 
“A-Xian!” she calls his name as he continues to struggle against the others, “A-Xian!” her hands move to arms and she grips them, managing to stop him from struggling and he stills, as Jin Zixuan does the same and the crowd quiets down.
“I heard Jin Zixuan look down on Jiang Yanli.” a Ravenclaw student speaks up, and Wen Qing has to help Jiang Yanli stop Wei Wuxian from attacking Jin Zixuan by gripping his wrist, so he doesn’t try to hex the Gryffindor. “He wants to break the engagement. Wei Wuxian is defending his sister.”
Jiang Yanli glances back briefly, but the hurt is evident on her face. She turns her attention back to Wei Wuxian, and Wen Qing let’s go of his wrist as Jiang Yanli smoothes out his Ravenclaw robes. “A-Xian- let’s go.” she takes him by the hand and leads him away, and Wen Qing can see the absolute fury on his sister’s behalf as he all but glowers at Jin Zixuan as he leaves, with Jiang Cheng following them.
“What is going on here?!” the crowd disperses almost immediately as the Headmaster arrives. Luo Qingyang has a hand on Jin Zixuan's arm. Wen Qing, her brother, and Lan Wangji are standing with them in the middle of the courtyard. 
The Headmaster fixes them all with a pointed stare. “Well?”
“Wei Wuxian got into a fight with Jin Zixuan.” Wen Qing tells her because there isn’t a point in lying. Not when the bruise on Jin Zixuan's face is evidence enough, and their shouting was loud enough to attract even the Headmaster to investigate. 
“Where is Mister Wei?”
“He left with his siblings.” Luo Qingyang answers. “Professor-”
“Miss Luo, Mister Jin, please come with me to my office. I will need an account from the both of you about what happened.” she pauses, addressing the other three. “Were you three involved as well?” Wen Qing and Lan Wangji shake their heads.
“I saw the fight start.” Wen Ning timidly says, “And I was here throughout it.”
“Then you come along too, Mister Wen.” she turns to Wen Qing and Lan Wangji. “You two please find Mister Wei and his siblings and bring them to my office.”
“Yes, Headmaster.” Lan Wangji says, and the Headmaster nods her head and leaves, the other three follow after her.
“I knew something like this would happen sooner or later.” Wen Qing sighs, “Where do you think they went?”
“I’m not sure.” Lan Wangji answers, “Perhaps the Gryffindor common room.” 
“Neither of us knows how to get in.”
They head back into the castle, and when they enter the entrance hall, Lan Wangji comes to a stop.
“What’s wrong?” Wen Qing asks and follows his gaze. She has to squint at first, but she sees a flash of yellow maneuvering across the floor. A little paperman dodges the feet of passing students and Lan Wangji walks over to it immediately, bending down and holding out a hand, allowing the paperman to jump onto his hand.
“What is that?”
“Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji stands up, “Something he was working on last month.”
“Huh.” Wen Qing stares at it, poking its face with a finger. It immediately swats at her. “How does it work?”
“Wei Ying transferred a piece of his consciousness to it.” Lan Wangji answers.
“So a mini, less annoying Wei Wuxian.” paperman Wei Wuxian stomps his foot in protest.
“Wei Ying, are you in the Gryffindor common room?” paperman Wei Wuxian shakes his head, “The Ravenclaw common room?” he shakes his head again and points to their left, where a flight of stone steps are located leading to the dungeons. “The… kitchens?” paperman Wei Wuxian nods his head, jumping up and down in confirmation. Lan Wangji and Wen Qing head down the stone steps and enter the brightly lit corridor that leads to the kitchens and Hufflepuff common room.
They stop in front of a large painting of a silver bowl of fruit, and Lan Wangji lifts his hand higher for the paperman, who tickles the pear in the portrait, and it turns into a large green door handle. He pulls the handle and the portrait swings open, revealing the kitchens. They step into the gigantic high-ceilinged room, and Wen Qing takes a moment to survey it.
 Pots and pans hang on the walls, sitting in piles on the floor, on the stoves and countertops. On the other side of the room, is a large brick fireplace, and four long tables, identical to the ones in the Great Hall. House-elves go back and forth, preparing dinner. Many of them offer her and Lan Wangji something to eat, but they politely refuse. 
Sitting at the end of one of the tables is Wei Wuxian, who has an elbow propped up onto the table, his head resting in his hand, with his eyes closed.
Lan Wangji walks over and holds his hand down for the paperman to return to his body, but the paperman seems to have other plans. Wen Qing watches with amusement as paperman Wei Wuxian travels up Lan Wangji’s arm and jumps onto his head.
“Do not fool around.” Lan Wangji says, holding his hand up and paperman Wei Wuxian jumps back on it and blows a kiss to Lan Wangji, who’s expression remains as serious as ever, but Wen Qing can see his ears turning pink. The paperman jumps down onto the table and latches itself onto Wei Wuxian’s arm, and a few seconds later the paperman goes limp and Wei Wuxian opens his eyes.
“Lan Zhan.” he smiles, and Wen Qing cannot believe Lan Wangji doesn’t see how utterly smitten Wei Wuxian is with him. His smile is so full of fondness for the Hufflepuff that Wen Qing has (on more than one occasion), left the room because of it. The same could be said with Wei Wuxian though, who, despite being Lan Wangji’s best friend, is unable to discern how the Hufflepuff feels for him.
“He barely started tolerating me until last year Qing-Jie! There’s no way he likes me the way I like him!”
Wen Qing remembers that conversation and had simply rolled her eyes and told Wei Wuxian not to involve her in whatever problems he had with his romantic life.
“Headmaster asked us to find you and your siblings.” Lan Wangji says, and Wei Wuxian’s smile turns into a frown.
“I’m guessing she found out about me punching the peacock huh?"
“You caused a racket.” Wen Qing reminds him, “So many students were shouting and running over to see you guys fight.”
“You should not have-”
“I know I know I shouldn’t have punched him.” Wei Wuxian says before Lan Wangji can finish his sentence. “But Lan Zhan! If you had been there even you wouldn’t have scolded me! I couldn’t let him get away with what he said about jiejie!”
“Where are your brother and sister anyway?” she asks, and he gestures to his left. Jiang Yanli and Jiang Wanyin are at the very end of the room, in front of one of the stoves, talking in hushed fervent whispers as Jiang Yanli waves her wand, carrying ingredients into a large pot.
“We don’t have to go to Headmaster’s office yet do we? Jiejie is making her lotus pork rib soup!” Wei Wuxian makes a pleading face at Lan Wangji.
“Okay.” Lan Wangji agrees almost immediately, and Wei Wuxian cheers as Lan Wangji sits down next to him. He turns to Wen Qing, who holds a hand up immediately.
“Don’t even think about making that face at me.” she says, “I’ve been stuck living in the same space as you for four years. I’m immune to your bullshit.”
“Qing-Jie!” he whines, and she rolls her eyes before taking the seat across from him. Jiang Yanli and Jiang Wanyin walk over to the end of the table and Jiang Yanli serves them soup. They talk about classes as they eat (everyone except Lan Wangji of course), and Wei Wuxian begins asking them questions about their Ancient Runes class.
“Why didn’t you take Ancient Runes if you’re so interested in the subject?”
“Because Wen Qing!” he answers, as if his reason is obvious. “Old man Qiren hates me.”
“Uncle does not hate you.” Wei Wuxian shoots Lan Wangji a look. “Uncle is just not used to someone as innovative like yourself.”
“Lan Zhan, I adore that you think so highly of me, but I am an absolute menace. A ‘hazard to wizarding society’ as he put it.”
“You’re a hazard to yourself.” Jiang Wanyin retorts, and Wen Qing nods her head in agreement. Wei Wuxian picks up a bread roll (courtesy of the kitchen’s house-elves) and throws it at his brother. The bread roll bounces off of Jiang Wanyin’s face harmlessly. “You-!” Wei Wuxian sticks his tongue out at him, to which Jiang Wanyin shoves a bread roll in his mouth in retaliation.
“Boys please.” Jiang Yanli says with a barely concealed smile and amusement, giggling even as Wei Wuxian spits out the bread roll and attempts to shove it at Jiang Wanyin.
Next time, I’ll ask if A-Ning can join us. 
Wen Qing takes another sip of the soup, sharing an amused glance with Lan Wangji at the siblings’ antics. 
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unfortunatelysirius · 7 years
Whispers in the Dark [Tom Riddle x Ravenclaw! Reader - Pre-Hogwarts]
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♥ PROMPT ♥    Y/N L/N has a family notorious for writing school books, and this causes her to be teased and taunted mercilessly by Hogwarts students of every color. Tom, however, regards the girl with intrigue, and this leads to a relationship both passionate and consequential. ♥ A/N ♥   I wanted a new set-up for my imagines, so here I am with a different kind. Putting that aside, [3] was the winner! Sorry to fans of [5], but fortunately, that will be the next series I begin after my other two series meet an end. I’m particularly excited to get started on this series, as I’ve always been really big trash for Tom Riddle. His backstory is so intriguing and anything to do with him enraptures me. Should I be ashamed? He’s really hot as a youngster, so I’m not very ashamed. By the way, everyone, the story is told in third-person like Not Your Girlfriend is. If you all want that changed, just message my inbox! Thank you all for requesting. It makes me so happy when I see my inbox filled with requests. It gets my creative juices a’flowing. So thank you. And also, I apologise for the long wait. And let’s begin! ♥ WARNINGS ♥ Swearing, Angst, Death, Horror, Romance ♥ WORD COUNT ♥ 2312  Y/N was desperate, her head whirling as she tore and fumbled with books of varying deterioration and length. She needed to find the book with the right answer, the book that would change everything—fix everything. Was she a fool? Did looking to books for an answer to something so big and blatant—something she merely needed to ask a professor herself to receive a solidified answer—make her the world’s biggest clod? She remembered a certain quote then, one she learned when a mere toddler home-schooled in all things literature and magic—Shakespearean, filled with meaning and metaphor. “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” Was she somewhere in-between such, caught in the middle of wisdom and dolt-plagued tomfoolery? Her parents might have denied it, but Y/N wasn’t convinced. She never believed in fairytales, nor did she believe any single compliment was sincere. It was something she got from him. “Bloody hell,” she whispered, grabbing at her left temple as it began to pound at her, like a stick against one’s drum. It was like a war inside her head, with screams and groans coming from every direction. Monsters—demons of all shapes and sizes—were tearing at her mind, ripping her sanity into shreds. The books became weights, only they weren’t on her shoulders—each page-flip required every bit of stamina Y/N had left. But she needed the answers—she needed them. She didn’t care for the pain if it meant she’d come out victorious in the end. A few bumps and bruises were nothing; they were miniscular compared to the tragedy that’d befallen her all throughout her life. One book fell to the ground, then another. This one made her pause in her quest. The second was a book her own mother had written—a research book, filled to the absolute brim with history. It explained the legacy of Grindewald, it brought to attention the achievements of several Pureblood families, and it also highlighted the atmospheric beauty of Hogwarts. Nowhere did it have answers. What was the bloody point in her mother writing a book if it answered nothing but the questions that came with the pesky curiosity of an insolent youth? It was pathetically unhelpful—it gave nothing but a headache, a certain vibration that ran from each synapse to the next, bringing with it tremors of nerves. But he needed her help. He was waiting, ever-so-patiently and ever-so-kindly. And she was desperate to please him and to bring him news of success. She wouldn’t have the heart to look him in the eye and give a sad shake of the head. What was the point in a visitation when she would only be the bearer of bad news? Finally came along a book with black and violet coloring, velvet lining, and medieval font. There were apparent crucifixes aligning the front, but for some reason, the only illustration that come form inside her head was that of a serpent. Y/N could only stare at it for a moment, her eardrums giving a faint “thump, thump, thump” as both her heart and her ears became one, drilling into her a resonant, “Open it, Y/N. Open it.” She would, but only for him. She had no need for this book, so fabrication was a necessary process. Motivation was nonexistent, so for him, she’d try. She’d give herself some, even if it tore apart her comprehension and lucidity in the process. Slowly but surely, she creaked open the book. Inside was a short introduction, then a table of contents, located on the next page. Y/N nearly skimmed past, so lost in her thoughts that she was faint of observation. When she saw the list for the fifth chapter, she smiled with delight. There in bold letters, she seen the word “Immortality.” And right below, there was the word that made her both breathless and sore, a strong feeling of befuddlement setting in her intestines. “...Horcruxes…” And like the whisper of a Parseltongue hissing at a reptilian bastard, there it came… like a song, menacing and alight with fear and foreshadowing and darkness… “First comes murder, so evanescent and divine, then comes a spell, wretchedly dissolved into brine. Salt in the wounds, a fool’s dying breath leaves, ‘To those that live; retain your mask and identity.’” They’d never take them alive. Never, never, never—        
- Y/N L/N awoke with a gasp. Air felt finite when her chest both heaved and sucked for just a single breath, enough for her to retain a chance at life. The atmosphere felt hot and sticky, just like always—it was a family trait to have a house that reeked of sweat and humiliation. Her room was the least obvious, as she always casted a spell to interchange the scent, but every morning was the same. She’d awake with her throat sore and choking, then she’d breathe in the essence of her home. The home that bore so many memories, yet gave her chills down the spine whenever she entered it.
She’d been having nightmares ever since she could remember. For her, life was Hell in itself, and even in her dreams she couldn’t find solace. Everything was a cycle; life ran and repeated, much like history did, and it was all so fucking inescapable. Maybe that should have meant something to her. She was born in this house, raised in this house, taught in this house; it was a cycle, a rinse-and-repeat process that everyone in her damn family went through from their first breaths to their last. Nightmares weren’t meant to be in the cycle, and maybe that was the first sign—the first showing that Y/N was nothing like her family. Her chest was burning. She felt like Frigg, just moments before her son Balder died in her arms from a mistletoe dart. That sensation of grief surrounding your senses, of denial festering in your bones, of heartache manifesting as a persona—that was something she emphasized with, whether she wished to admit to it or not. This nightmare—it was quite unlike the others. It hurt to think about; hell, it just plain hurt. It was nothing but a figment of Y/N’s imagination; it wouldn’t hurt her. It couldn’t. It was a bloody dream; it shouldn’t have any damn power over her. Should it? Could it? Y/N kicked off her sheets and sat up in bed. She ran a hand through her Y/H/C hair, flinching at the tangles that stung with each violent tug. She kept thinking about the dream, sweat drenching her brow and her knickers. Shivers tremored up and down her back, but she couldn’t tell if they were from fear or pleasure. It was like the nightmare both excited and unnerved her. She felt the temptation to panic, but she also wanted to calmly drink in the world around her. She wanted to know what this meant. To Y/N, it appeared to be some sort of premonition. And it scared her to death to think that that might be true. A face was something she was missing. She had a book, a mysterious object called a “Horcrux,” and an apparent desperation to please someone. But a face was missing… and that was the one way to determine if this was really a nightmare… or if it was a presage for what was to come. This thought frightened her into a sleepless stupor that lasted the rest of that night. Her only regret lay in knowing that she’d be up at nine that same day to pack and head off to Platform 9 ¾. Even then, she couldn’t help herself but shake silently in bed, head clouded in fantasies of a life where she didn’t loathe her own existence and nightmares didn’t plague her sleep. That following morning, a mere four hours after her abrupt awakening, Y/N could feel the slight dusting of crust in the corners of her eyes and the stress on her brow and cheeks that caused premature wrinkles to coat her features. She hated that feeling—that horrible feeling of sleep-deprivation and weakness—but why should that have bothered her? It was a chronic feeling; there was nothing unusual about this. Nothing—nothing at all. But then, she thought about her dream. The Parseltongue, the song—the implications, the premonitions. This time, it wasn’t just fatigue weighing down her shoulders. It was fear. “Y/N, darling, the train has no use for rocks as passengers!” It was her mother, a flamboyantly-dressed, spiky-haired woman that was known to be continually-perky and full of life. She was ignorant to the things that society said behind her back. Y/N didn’t know whether to sympathize with her or find amusement in the situation. “Get up, get up! Time to dress yourself—blimey, Y/N, you look like death!” Her mother had just opened the door, and she was staring at Y/N with wide eyes, her mouth agape. The youngest of the two just scowled hard, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden. It was one thing for her peers to make her feel terrible, but it was a whole other thing when her mum uttered something regarding her appearance. It stung less, but brought more to attention. Though she felt bad for it, she honestly just wished her mother would bugger off. She told her mother so. “I’d rather not have you here when doing so,” Y/N said, throwing her mother a dark look. “Can you leave?” Her mother blanched slightly, but covered it up with a smile. “Of course, darling,” she said. “We leave twenty minutes till!” Y/N rubbed a hand over her face. Standing up, she stretched her limbs and looked to a nearby mirror. Her reflection caused her to instantly look away, a frown adorning her mouth. It was time to dress, she supposed. She definitely could see why her mother was shocked by her appearance. She threw on an old shirt of her father’s, then a pair of denim jeans. A pair of trainers were slipped on her feet, partially dirty but presentable enough that Y/N shrugged off their flaws. She went about the room, cleaning up any blatant messes and taking all the objects that she knew she’d need in her 5th year of Hogwarts. Clothes, robes, books, wand, and owl—those were the basics, the barest necessities. The thought of someone controlling her plagued her, leaving her to contemplate it for a solid hour… and then her mother and father came, telling her it was time to Apparate to the platform. An expression of embarrassment was permanently set into Y/N’s features as she arrived at the fantastical platform hidden within the walls of King’s Cross Station. She looked around, eying all of her peers with an expression of reproach. Though she hated them with every fiber of her being, she hated her parents the most. They were the ones that turned into a mockery. They made her into a puppet, controlled by the whims and jeers of people that only knew her by her last name. It made her into a hateful, spoiled little girl, and she was aware—but she couldn’t help it. She was filled with an uncontrollable bubble of rage, and it was completely a part of her. She ignored the mirth-filled stares she was getting around the station and turned to look at her parents. She felt guilty for the way she was thinking about her parents, so surprising the two, she wrapped them into a hug. “I love you,” she mumbled, making a face as she pulled back. The two parents could only watch, dumbfounded, as their only child made her way to the train. Y/N was an enigma neither parent could solve or even fathom. She wasn’t the only one filled with fear at that moment. Y/N strolled her way from corridor to corridor, face pulling into a frown every time some nasty git caught her gaze. She was hardly paying attention to where she was walking until a tall body knocked directly into her, pulling her and her bag to the floor from the impact. It bleeding well hurt, and she was meaning to give the person a comment on his lack of coordination, but then she looked up and she lost all ability to talk. Tom Marvolo Riddle. Slytherin Prefect, judging by the badge, and the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He had eyes you could get lost in, and a frown that was permanently imbedded into his mouth. He looked like he knew his way around a wand and his way around socialization—while he looked brooding, he also looked manipulative. Dark. Malevolent. Haunted. Y/N stared at him, and Tom stared at her. Y/N was the first to realize how utterly ridiculous she was being, and she quickly frowned at him. Not a scowl, no—but somewhere in between. “I’m sorry,” she said, and she couldn’t tell why she wasn’t being standoffish. “Didn’t look where I was going.” Tom quirked an eyebrow at her. His brown eyes were full of curiosity. Such a strange feeling for someone so mysterious. “It’s alright,” he said quietly. He extended a hand, and Y/N gladly took it. She tried to ignore the sparks she felt when she touched his hand. She now stood up, glancing up to Tom with a shy expression, all of a sudden. “Thank you,” she said, just as quietly. She watched as Tom quickly headed down the corridor. She was stricken. Was it fear? Attraction? Intrigue? They all felt the same to her. Maybe it was all three. “First comes murder, so evanescent and divine, then comes a spell, wretchedly dissolved into brine. Salt in the wounds, a fool’s dying breath leaves, ‘To those that live; retain your mask and identity.’” Even then, she didn’t notice her mistake.
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necrosisrp · 7 years
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1961. The construction of the first generation of Death Eaters by The Dark Lord. At the beginning, it is merely a society of purists, before the indoctrination of immense hatred begins. The people that support the doctrines since the conception is ascended as a part of the inner circle, named as The Covenants.
1962. The first muggleborn Minister of Magic, Nobby Leach, is chosen, stirring disgust amidst the purists. Mysterious deaths of muggles and muggleborns have begun to raise concern amidst the wizarding community.
1965. The Ban on Experimental Breeding is enacted by Newt Scamander, and it affected the experimental cluster of the Death Eaters; they must flee into hiding in order to continue with their research.
1968. Nobby Leach passes away from an illness, and various rumours regarding the purist society’s prominent member, Abraxas Malfoy, arise in regards to the passing.  Eugenia Jenkins becomes the new Minister.
1970. The Death Eaters surfaces as the foremost menace of the wizarding world, and it has become the moment when The First Wizarding War is declared, despite its hushed nature. The wizarding world is placed under a silent caution, although Ministry of Magic still tries to cover this fact to prevent the society from disarray.
1971. The first open battle between the Death Eaters and humanists creates an upsurge in the death toll, especially on the latter’s side. Muggles and muggleborns are put under blatant fright after the loss of their protectors. The Ministry of Magic begins to secretly dissolve into two sides.
1974. After a moment of silence that was mistaken for a retreat, the Death Eaters begin to murder for sports, abusing the Unforgivable Curses.
1975. Mortimer Abernathy rises into the Minister of Magic seat after the departure of Eugenia Jenkins during the nick of time; the resignation has been declared as a moot point.  Bartemius Crouch Sr. is promoted to the Minister of Law position, helping combat the Death Eaters.
1976. Under the command of Bartemius Crouch Sr., a multitude of Death Eaters are sent to Azkaban for law violations, but under the Imperius Curse many innocent souls are also captured in the attempt, locked up in Azkaban without a trial. Damocles Belby created the Wolfsbane potion. The Order of Phoenix is established by Albus Dumbledore, the reigning Headmaster of Hogwarts.
1978. With foreign support, Azkaban is liberated, rendering Death Eaters free. The former Minister of Magic, Mortimer Abernathy, is assassinated, and Hubertus Blacklocke assumes the vacant seat. The Order of Phoenix rises to protect muggles and muggleborns, building a makeshift camp nearby Hogsmeade.
1980. Children related to the Death Eaters and their supporters are retracted from Hogwarts. The animosity between the activists and purists is at an all-time high. The Ministry of Magic officially separates itself with The Knight of Terror, which spearheads the dark activities within the ministry for the past years.
1981. The war escalates to an open battle in the middle of London, etching casualties on both sides. Albus Dumbledore is captured by the Death Eaters and locked in Azkaban. Bartemius Crouch Sr., the Minister of Magic after the Knight of Terror was formed,  is killed within the open fire. Both sides retract themselves, with the Death Eaters covering England, while The Order of Phoenix returns to Ireland and Scotland. Muggles and muggleborns are expected to leave England immediately upon the reign of The Dark Lord.
1982. Present day. The war has transferred underground, with double agents infiltrating both sides. The experiments with muggles’ weaponry and medical advancements have become a trend, especially amidst the Death Eaters. The activists keep losing muggles and muggleborns in the hands of the Death Eaters, especially those who have no chance to escape England.
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penumbra-rp · 5 years
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Ash, you will be playing the role of Amycus Carrow!
“How do you feel,” Amycus mocks hostilly, a scoff and a sharp roll of his eyes following. He takes off then, darting towards the right side of the court, racket striking the ball and letting it sail over the net. “What are you? My therapist? Asking me how I feel and shit all the fuckin’ time.” He feels everything. Always. And asking him about it only manages to make it worse.
Admin Becky: mark-me-down-as-scared-and-horny.gif because it’s quite frankly rude of Amycus to be so endearing in such a terrifyingly dangerous, diamond-cuttingly sharp, violently unhinged sort of way. What struck me the most about him is that is so unapologetically himself. He doesn’t try to hide his opinions and instead of letting his rage hinder him he has learned to use it to his advantage, embracing bloodshed and allowing himself to be useful to Riddle -- which succeeds in making him all the more deadly. He’s carving out a name for himself and unlike many of his peers is choosing fear over adoration. I can already tell that he’s here to cause trouble and I honestly can’t wait to witness the carnage. 
01. Out of Character
AGE: 25
02. In Character
CHARACTER: Amycus Carrow
FACECLAIM: Manny Montana
(-) ABRASIVE – Amycus possesses a personality that the faint of heart cannot and will not be capable of handling. He’s overly aggressive and highly confrontational, with a tendency to rub people the wrong way from the moment they shake his hand, and he tips his head back and laughs when he succeeds. It makes it increasingly difficult to get to know and get close to someone like him. Harsh and insensitive, he cannot be bothered to spare a second thought for anyone else and their feelings, more importantly, he doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him. He finds that he doesn’t like most people anyways, so he thinks nothing of it as he pushes people away due to his annoyances and attitudes.
(-) IRASCIBLE – A young man with a short fuse, Amycus has a legendary temper, known for being ‘perpetually angry’ by his peers. He is quick to infuriate and prone to mood swings, going from crackling embers to a full blaze within mere moments without much warning. He’s volatile, known to lash out at anyone and anything when his temper is triggered. Incredibly irritable, the Carrow boy has always been hot-tempered and testy, more at home with his fury than anything else. And this fury manifests itself into cruelty and ruthlessness. His actions are driven by rage and spite, above any other motivations, leading him to wild and wicked behaviors. Fighting and cursing and initiating arguments are his ways to handle his problems, sooner spitting or throwing a punch to make a point.
(-) IMPETUOUS – The easiest way to make Amycus do something is to tell him that he can’t, tell him that he won’t. With his lack of regard for others, and a devil may care attitude towards most things, Amycus will dive headfirst into anything even if he cannot see the bottom. They call him reckless, call him rampant, and they wouldn’t be incorrect. Logistics are lost on him, seeing A and knowing he needs to get to B, and so he simply charges towards it without forethought. He’s a fast moving man, always has been and always would be, and his life needs to keep up the pace with his mind. While his sister possesses a penchant for thought and calculation, Amycus is a man of action (and not just action, but reaction too), and that’s what makes him useful.
(+) PASSIONATE – For someone who says they don’t care about anything, Amycus will certainly be the first one to get worked up when it comes to certain things that are important to him. He’s extremely emotionally expressive. His passion manifests in the intensity with which he does all things, never quitting halfway through, always seeing things to their completion once he starts them. It makes for a rather lethal force of nature once his path is set. It’s in the conviction with which he speaks about everything, forceful and animated with the inflection of his words and strong in the language he chooses. While it often prompts others to tell him to calm down or lighten up – Amycus does not know the meaning of such words, cannot comply with such requests. His passion makes him determined, drives him to continue, gives him the grit to persevere when others would give up.
(+) CLEVER – Amycus is not exactly the most brilliant, intellectual, I-have-top-marks-in-my-class kind of ‘smart’. But he’s a problem solver by nature, and it’s the engineer in him that is prone to thinking critically (if properly motivated to do so – that’s the important part). He has much more potential than he allows people to know, mostly because he doesn’t feel to expend the energy. Violence is what he’s known for, not his brain, and he uses that – letting others count on his dependable nature, and shocking them as he allows himself to be underestimated. But if you give Amycus a problem, it’s guaranteed he’ll figure it out. He’s an out of the box thinker, a quick thinker, rather resourceful and works best on his feet, in the moment, in the midst of action.
Prelude | The bad guy always has a very specific type of man in his back pocket – a secret weapon, a wild card, a loose canon of sorts. One they release when all else fails, one they unchain with the knowledge that destruction is eminent but necessary. A man just as, if not more dangerous, more deadly, than himself. A vicious, feral creature – with his true nature kept suppressed and subdued by gilded societal cages, his thirst for blood and violence going unquenched as the only sustenance fit enough to fuel his fury. It’s rather difficult to find someone like that…but only if you don’t know where to look. There’s always been something off, something predatory in those near-black eyes of his – immortalized in family portraits within the compound estate, and plastered over covers of GQ and Forbes. Something unsettling that triggered that fight or flight response in the pit of your stomach as it clenches and twists. It speaks to something unhinged, something untamed in the Carrow heir. He slinks and stalks through the streets, the silk of his shirts as dark as the dead of night – a panther camouflaged amidst a jungle of concrete. It seems he hides from high points, rooftops and ledges, body tense and about to ambush, always ready for attack. And when he smiles, it’s more a bearing of fangs than anything else. It’s fear that creates the foundations of his reputation. There’s a reason the stories festered and grew, there’s a reason that his every step caused yet another glance averted, caused bodies to part along sidewalks to not be in his path, caused his enemies, his sister’s enemies, his family’s enemies, to turn and retreat. It’s all so they might not end up like the others that have fallen by his hand. They call him a menace – good for nothing but destroying. And it just so happens, Amycus Carrow fits Tom Riddle’s criteria to a T.
Two | He has his father’s looks – edges sharp and features dark, but it is his mother’s temper that is passed down to him like a most coveted heirloom. Unruly. It’s the first word that comes to mind to describe him. He lived violently, turbulently. This whirlwind of a boy. He is everything his sister is not. Fire where she is ice, passion where she is poised. They couldn’t take their eyes off of him for a single moment without consequence. But there was no room for whirlwinds in their society, only proper little lads with firm handshakes who knew which spoon to use for soup and tea. So his mother smooths his hair down with careful brush strokes (to press his horns back in, most likely). Tells him to smile and play nice with the other boys (to hide his sharpened teeth, of course). Forcing his essence – his wildness – into order – perhaps, because she knew what it was capable of. He hated every correction of his mother’s fingertips, wincing and whining and snapping his jaws as she straightened his collar and re-tied his bowtie, fixing the disheveled wrinkles that only appeared because he thought it’d be a good idea to fight with one of the little Rowle boys in the park for bothering his sister. His mother leaves and he loosens his tie – the chain – around his neck. That’s better.
Three | Other children become means of entertainment, punching bags and spit targets. Throwing rocks at them from the top of the jungle gym he’d claimed as his throne. He’s the sudden push that sends others toppling from the slide because it’s his. He’s the one to create minions of his classmates, leveraging the safety of their toys so they’d commandeer all the red crayons because that was his color. Amycus was a mean little boy. And he grows into a cruel young man – with eyes like daggers and a tongue like a blade. His blood sings in tones of violence, misbehaving his favorite thing, and fighting his sport of choice – always stirring the pot, looking to get a rise out of others, returning home with bloody fists and a bloody face for his sister to clean up. He’s sent to boarding school then, his parents seeking reform and discipline that he desperately needed. After that, they submit his application to Hogwarts – not attending university was not an option, but they allow him the illusion of choice even as his major is selected for him. He will study Engineering, they decide, just as Alecto studies Business. There is a strategy in that – one collecting knowledge that the other doesn’t, filling in the gaps that would make them the perfect unit fit to lead at the helm of Carrow Energy together. He studies because apparently a piece of paper means something, even with an empire inked into his parent’s will for him to inherit. But he graduates and trades his diploma for a seat at the head of the boardroom table beside Alecto’s. Amycus knows nothing of the petroleum sector, cares none about oil rigs being created in their name and the forests sacrificed by pollution from it – but he knows electricity, knows energy, finds it fascinating for it’s capacity to create power just as it has the capacity to destroy. While he might not care for the conversation, he relishes in making the board members squirm under the intensity of his gaze, making them cling to edges of their seats waiting for him to fly off the handle at even the smallest offense.
Four | He’s a flash in the crowd, a blur of motion hidden between immaculately dressed bodies, camouflaged beneath designer fabrics, swinging chandeliers playing tricks of light that allow you to see him and then make him vanish, blended in until he wishes to be seen. So it’s easy for him to disappear when he gets his assignment. The rev of a Ducati in the moonlight, he slides down the visor of his helmet and takes off. It’s only then that they realize he’s gone. When Forbes calls, intent on congratulating him and Alecto on making their Most Influential list for the third time, he can’t come to the phone. He’s busy. Hands slicked with the crimson of blood – he’d never be able to swipe to answer. They’ll leave a message. While Carrow Energy is meant to be his livelihood, his heart will never be in it. Clean energy projects and electricity reduction plans pale in comparison to the real work that he’s entrusted to do for the Death Eaters. ‘Give them a taste of hell,’ Riddle’s voice sounds in his ear. A whistleblower’s head cradled in his hands, a sharp twist, a neck snapped. The call to darkness is relentless, and Amycus can’t help but pick up every time, asserting his dominance and inflicting his wild brand of violence wherever his mad eyes set themselves.
“Mr. Carrow?”
The pleasant voice of the Carrow’s in-housekeeper, Camila, carries across the courtyard towards him.
“Digame,” Amycus responds, a tennis racket flipped in his hand, his wrist rotating as he prepped himself to practice. The machine revs up, spits out a yellow ball – one he whacks forcefully towards the back gate.
“Los periodistas de GQ están aquí. Your interview is now, they tell me.”
“That’s today? Puta madre…”
He allows her to let them into the compound, but he doesn’t stop the machine, lets it continue to fire out tennis balls only to be met with aggressive swings. “You caught me during practice, lads. Want to try?” Holding out his racket, to the videographer, who promptly shakes his head, adjusting the massive camera poised on his shoulder. A low growl rumbles at the back of his throat as he twists with alarming speed to clip the ball sailing their way. “Well,” Amycus impatiently waves the racket around, knocking it beneath one journalist’s notepad and letting it fall to the floor, only to jab it harshly into his chest a moment after. “Are we doing this or no?”  
i. How do you feel about your current occupation?
“How do you feel,” Amycus mocks hostilly, a scoff and a sharp roll of his eyes following. He takes off then, darting towards the right side of the court, racket striking the ball and letting it sail over the net. “What are you? My therapist? Asking me how I feel and shit all the fuckin’ time.” He feels everything. Always. And asking him about it only manages to make it worse. His eyes widen, he clicks his tongue, “Ay Dio – I’m sorry. You probably cannot print curses, eh?” Inhaling slowly, he purses his lips, giving a lazy shrug of his shoulder, as if he cannot be bothered to lift them both at the same time  “I hate it.” His expression is serious, jaw flexing. “I mean, everyday I get to do what I want. I come and go as I please, I don’t report to a single damn person in that building. It’s just awful,” the grin that slides across his lips is the same as a blade’s edge, slick and sharp, as sarcasm embeds within his words.
ii. What song would you say describes yourself?
“You listen to Latin music?” An inquisitive brow risen, flicking his attention towards his Apple Watch, connecting it to the bluetooth speakers outside, and turning up the volume. “Listen to this. It’s by J Balvin and Bad Bunny.” He presses play and the sounds of YO LE LLEGO fills the manicured grassy grounds. “Dónde e’ que están los cuartos, ‘manito, ey, y yo le llego,” the words roll smooth over his tongue, tone low, as it transports him to the other night, the song blasting in his Ferrari at 1AM as he headed towards The Dungeon, speeding through reds with the top down and sunglasses slid over his eyes. It’s the only song fitting. The only song to describe Amycus Carrow: “They’re saying – where the drinks, and the women, and the money, and my people are? That’s where I’ll be.”
iii. Does reputation matter to you?
“It doesn’t…” Amycus says, only for his eyes to squint up at the beaming sun in contemplation, bringing up a hand to act as a makeshift visor, “But it also does.” The Carrows have built their empire on the foundations of fear and intimidation in order to breed respect. It’s with this familial reputation that Amycus has carved out a reputation of his own – known for being the worst of all who possess their name, whispers carried along the city’s dark underbelly of his savagery. And it is on this same reputation coupled with his vicious exploits, that makes him known. But, it can also be said that Amycus cannot bring himself to care about what others think of him. Given his frequent trips to Scotland Yard, decorated in handcuffs, and brawls within The Dungeon’s walls being part of news highlight reels, Amycus can’t bring himself to care of what people say, as they’ll always talk, always judge. Just so long as they don’t do either to his face…
iv. What is your relationship with your parents like?
“I’m the favorite,” Amycus gives a rather rare boast, using his racket to dribble one of the yellow balls that landed by his feet, only to smack it into the back gate with a powerful swing. It’s not often that he brags of his favor over Alecto, quick to dispel the thoughts, only whipping the truth out as a secret weapon when he wished to win an argument as a teen against her. “So yeah, we’re rather close, my parents and I.” Many parents do their best to rid their children of the nagging thought that one is better than the other, that one is more favored, more special. But his mother and father couldn’t seemed to be bothered with the courtesy. It was Amycus who was praised after even the most minute achievements. It was Amycus whose fencing matches and debate competitions were attended with undying support. And it is Amycus that is praised for strides the company takes with himself and his sister serving as new leadership. “They say I take after mami – apparently, she gifted me her temper. And her rasp of a voice.” But the idea is sound and spot on. Even he finds his heartbeat picks up pace if she even so much as raises her voice.
v. What languages can you speak?
“Two – Spanish and English. Fluently. Clearly.” He says Spanish first because he considers it his first language. He learned that the sky was azul before he knew what blue was. With Latino parents, the language was spoken in the Carrow estate from he was born and it’s the language he reverts to when he’s with family, when he steps foot onto the compound. It’s this same fluency that causes him to thrive with his overseas contacts in Mexico. “`Lecto is the…polyglot. That’s the word right? Poly…glot? That’s so ugly. Why is English so ugly,” he wrinkles his nose in distaste, shaking his head, “Linguista, is what she is. I think she knows like…German or some shit. Like, who needs German? To do anything?”
vi. If your home was on fire and you could only save one item, what would you choose?
“What kind of pinche question is that?” His face screws up like he smells something bad, just imagining smoke and burning wood and it tickles his nose. In fact, he raises his racket-hand to swipe the back of his palm beneath his nose for good measure before twirling it between his fingers to let it’s point stare the reporter in the face. “ Don’t speak that kind of thing into the air, eh,” he threatens darkly. Because God forbid something happen to his home, his sanctuary, just about the only place where he feels truly at ease, he’d hunt down this reporter and his videographers and his supervisors and lastly his family and skin them alive. “But I’d take the dogs. Stuff is…stuff. It can be replaced. But Santo and Diosa. They mean a lot to me. Not a lot of things do.”
vii. Which Hogwarts University faculty did you study at? The Gryffindor School of Applied Science, the Ravenclaw School of Humanities, the Slytherin School of Social Science, or the Hufflepuff School of Art?
Pretty sure you could have Google’d this one, pendejo, he mutters beneath his breath. The Carrow heir hadn’t seen the point of school, not at the time, not when the company was his to inherit eventually. But when his great great grandfather Aurelio came to this country, he made it so that his grandfather had all the opportunities he didn’t. It was a task carried forward, and forward again – so Amycus had no choice but to obtain a degree, as ignorance was something his parents wouldn’t allow to be attached to their name. The course catalog is something he skims over carelessly as he sips his morning tea. A boy at eighteen smirking wickedly across the table as he tells them ‘Modern Dance’ at the Hufflepuff School had really piqued his interest. It’s swiftly shot down, as he knows it would be. “I studied engineering at the Gryffindor School,” he confesses, “I actually started at the Slytherin School, studying law.” Amycus scoffs, shaking his head. What a joke that first year had been. “Imagine me? A lawyer? Mothers and fuckers of the jury, type shit. But my father thought since I liked to argue so much I’d be good at it. He wasn’t wrong or anything, but…I couldn’t be a lawyer, not with my record.” Shrugging, he thinks not of his multiple counts of assault, disorderly conduct, vandalism, trespassing, and reckless driving, creating stain after inky stain on what could have been a pristine reputation. “Crimson was always more my color, anyways.”
vix. What is your social media username?
Amycus blinks. Once. Twice. The muscles in his jaw clenching and releasing, in his irritation. Of all the senseless questions, this one had to be the worst of them. “Don’t know if you’ve ever heard of the…Google? You know, you put things in, you search them, and you find things you want to know?” He pauses the ball machine, and puts a hand out to the reporter, “Your phone. Unlock it.” His requests are met with apprehension, sure, but they do not go unheeded, the device slid into his awaiting palm. His fingers are lightning quick as he taps at keys, typing his own name into the search engine. “Oh – look, that’s me. There’s my picture, and the Carrow Energy website, and oh! Look at that. That’s my handle. Amycuscarrow – all one word. All in a matter of seconds. Crazy right?” His wild eyes stare across at the journalist, before locking his phone and tucking it into the man’s jacket pocket. “Got any other questions, or can I finish practicing my backhand swing?”
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nextoooewwop · 8 months
Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe
Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe
Within the expansive realm of fantasy literature, few series have captivated audiences quite like J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. Set in a mystical universe that coexists alongside the 'muggle' or non-magical society, the story follows the life of young wizard Harry Potter and his companions Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, who all attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This enchanting universe is teeming with mythical creatures, magical objects, and distinctive locations that make it uniquely captivating. Integral to this fantastical universe are numerous key elements that Rowling masterfully introduces throughout her series. From the concept of innate magic in certain individuals to various magical creatures such as house-elves, goblins, giants, and centaurs each with their unique characteristics. Adding another layer to this already complex world are magical objects like flying broomsticks, invisibility cloaks, time turners among others. However, what truly sets Harry Potter's universe apart from other fantasy narratives is its intricate social structure. It isn't merely a backdrop for fantastical adventures but a richly woven tapestry teeming with its own rules, prejudices and conflicts mirroring real-world issues such as racism or classism. The narrative depth is further enhanced by factions within the wizarding world itself - Ministry of Magic officials, members of Order of Phoenix or Death Eaters each carrying their own ideologies and agendas. Delving further into this magical paradigm reveals how magic is an inherent trait passed down through generations; not something one can learn or acquire if they're not born with it. This genetic aspect brings about the concept of 'pure-blood', 'half-blood', and 'muggle-born' witches and wizards - terms that refer to a person's lineage and its magical potency. From investigating Hogwarts' curriculum to immersing oneself in Quidditch games or exploring detailed creature profiles in Newt Scamander's 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,' every aspect contributes immensely to creating an immersive reading experience that transcends ages and cultures. As we transition from friendly beings to menacing ones within these pages we encounter another facet of this incredibly detailed world crafted by J.K. Rowling.
Discovering the Enchanting Universe: A Brief Overview
In the realm of fantasy literature, few series have captivated audiences quite like J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. Set in a magical world that coexists alongside the 'muggle' or non-magical society, the story follows the life of young wizard Harry Potter and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, who all attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The universe is brimming with enchanting elements such as mythical creatures, magical objects, and distinctive locations that make it uniquely captivating. Integral to this enchanting universe are several key elements that Rowling masterfully introduces throughout her series. The first one being the concept of magic itself, which is portrayed as an innate ability in certain individuals who can then hone their skills at magical institutions like Hogwarts. Then there are various magical creatures such as house-elves, goblins, giants, and centaurs each with their own unique characteristics and roles within the society. Another vital aspect is the existence of magical objects like flying broomsticks, invisibility cloaks, time turners and so on that add another layer to this already complex world. However, what truly sets Harry Potter's universe apart from other fantasy narratives is its intricate social structure. It isn't merely a backdrop for fantastical adventures but a richly woven tapestry teeming with its own rules, prejudices and conflicts. For example, there's a clear divide between pure-blood wizards and muggles or muggle-born wizards which often mirrors real-world issues such as racism or classism. Furthermore, there are various factions within the wizarding world itself - Ministry of Magic officials, members of Order of Phoenix or Death Eaters each carrying their own ideologies and agendas. This intricate detailing not only contributes to making this universe more believable but also enhances its narrative depth by providing numerous plot possibilities.
The Origin of Magic: Understanding the Roots of Wizardry
Delving further into the magical universe of Harry Potter, it becomes crucial to understand the roots of wizardry. The origin of magic is somewhat shrouded in mystery and Rowling has left much of it up to readers' imagination. However, hints scattered throughout the series suggest that magic is an inherent trait passed down through generations. It's not something one can learn or acquire if they're not born with it. This genetic aspect of magic brings about the concept of 'pure-blood', 'half-blood', and 'muggle-born' witches and wizards - terms that refer to a person's lineage and its magical potency. Transitioning from the bloodline aspect, another essential component is the education system in this universe. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry serves as the primary institution for young witches and wizards to hone their abilities. Lessons range from practical subjects like Transfiguration, Potions, and Defense Against Dark Arts to theoretical ones such as History of Magic, all aimed at equipping students with necessary skills. Moreover, other schools like Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy also exist suggesting a wider global community of magical folk. The existence of magical creatures further enriches this magical world. Centaurs with their celestial knowledge, house-elves bound by servitude, goblins with their exceptional crafting skills - each species add a whole new dimension to the wizarding realm. While some creatures are friendly towards wizards, others like Dementors or Basilisks pose grave threats making them integral parts in maintaining balance within this universe. Notably, these elements remind us that while magic opens up an array of possibilities; it also introduces its own set of complexities and challenges – just like any other society would have.
Diving into Hogwarts: An Insight into the Most Famous Wizarding School
Taking a closer look at the Harry Potter universe, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry undoubtedly stands as its pinnacle. Founded over a thousand years ago by four eminent wizards and witches - Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin - this school is imbued with rich history and tradition. Apart from being an educational institution, it's a place where students make lifelong friendships, face their worst fears, experience personal growth, and learn valuable life lessons. Each house within Hogwarts represents different values - bravery in Gryffindor, intelligence in Ravenclaw, loyalty in Hufflepuff, and ambition in Slytherin. These houses serve more than just segregating students; they instill a sense of belongingness among them. Diving deeper into Hogwarts' curriculum reveals a multitude of subjects that equip the students with knowledge and skills to navigate the magical world. Core courses include Charms taught by Professor Flitwick which deals with specific incantations to create specific effects; Transfiguration taught by Professor McGonagall is about changing objects or beings from one form to another; Potions under Professor Snape instructs on brewing magical concoctions; Defense Against Dark Arts varies per year but focuses on defending oneself against malicious magic. Aside from these main studies, there are also other subjects like Herbology, Astronomy, Divination and more providing comprehensive magical education. However, Hogwarts isn't merely about academics. It is also known for its extracurricular activities such as Quidditch – a popular wizarding sport played on broomsticks that adds an exciting facet to student life. The Triwizard Tournament - an inter-school competition is another highlight showcasing courage and intellect of young wizards across nations. Hidden passages, moving staircases, talking portraits – Hogwarts itself seems alive with magic at every corner making it an enchanting place for students to explore during their seven-year stay. Undeniably though beneath its charm lies danger as well – be it forbidden forests housing dangerous creatures or secret chambers hiding deadly secrets – teaching students that wielding magic comes with responsibility and caution too.
Creatures and Beasts: Exploring the Magical Fauna
The Harry Potter universe introduces us to a diverse range of creatures and beasts, each more fantastical than the last. From endearing house-elves like Dobby to majestic phoenixes like Fawkes, these beings add depth and wonder to an already magical world. Delving into the pages of Newt Scamander's 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,' we encounter creatures with unique abilities and characteristics. For instance, the Niffler, a creature irresistibly attracted to shiny objects or the Bowtruckle, an expert at picking locks - each creature is designed with fascinating detail illustrating J.K. Rowling's imagination. Transitioning from friendly beings to menacing ones, we encounter the dark side of magical fauna. The Basilisk – a gigantic serpent capable of petrifying or killing with its gaze – serves as one terrifying example. Similarly dreaded are Dementors, embodiments of despair that drain happiness from their surroundings. These creatures represent formidable adversaries in Harry Potter's journey, testing his courage and resilience in face of danger. However, they also serve another purpose: showcasing the duality inherent in magic – its capability for both wonder and destruction. Taking our exploration further reveals that these creatures are not merely plot devices but integral parts of the wizarding world. They offer opportunities for wizards and witches to display their skills - be it Care of Magical Creatures class at Hogwarts or Newt Scamander’s adventures around the globe studying various beasts. Moreover, these creatures often exhibit human-like traits or emotions which adds layers of complexity to their personalities. This depth makes them more relatable, fostering empathy among readers while subtly teaching lessons about respect towards all forms of life - magical or otherwise. Thus, through her enchanting menagerie of magical fauna, J.K Rowling manages not just to captivate readers but also impart important values.
Unraveling Mystical Artifacts: A Look at Magical Objects and their Functions
Delving into another fascinating aspect of the Harry Potter universe, we encounter a myriad of mystical artifacts. These magical objects, much like the creatures and beasts, add a layer of intrigue and wonder to J.K. Rowling's enchanting world. From everyday items like self-stirring cauldrons and enchanted quills to powerful ones like Horcruxes and the Elder Wand, these objects serve diverse functions while reflecting the creative genius of their author. Transitioning from common household objects, let's explore some of the more potent magical artifacts. The Invisibility Cloak, for instance, is an item of immense power that allows its wearer to become invisible at will - a trait that aids Harry in numerous escapades throughout his journey. Similarly, the Time-Turner - a device enabling its user to travel back in time - plays a pivotal role in 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,' showcasing how these magical objects can significantly influence plotlines. However, it’s not just their functional aspects that make these artifacts intriguing; they also hold symbolic significance within the narrative. Take for example the seven Horcruxes created by Voldemort – they represent his desperate attempts to achieve immortality but also signify his unnatural division of soul and disregard for life’s natural order. On the other hand, Dumbledore’s Pensieve serves as an instrument for introspection and memory exploration, underscoring themes of understanding one's past to navigate present challenges. Thus, these magical artifacts are more than just tools; they are narrative devices that enrich storytelling by adding depth to character arcs and emphasizing key thematic elements within the series.
The Dark Side: Delving into Dark Arts and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
In the magical universe of Harry Potter, there exists a darker side that adds an intriguing contrast to the otherwise enchanting world. This involves the study and practice of the Dark Arts - a form of magic associated with malevolence and causing harm. These arts are not merely villainous tools; they are emblematic of the struggle between good and evil that forms the backbone of J.K. Rowling's narrative. Transitioning into specific elements of the Dark Arts, it becomes impossible to ignore one character who is closely associated with them - Lord Voldemort, or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. His name alone incites fear among most wizards and witches in Rowling's magical universe, making him a symbol for darkness itself. From his early years as Tom Riddle to his rise as one of the darkest wizards in history, Voldemort's journey is steeped in shadowy magic. Whether it’s his use of Horcruxes to attain immortality or his command over dangerous creatures like Nagini and Inferi, Voldemort’s character embodies an exploration into how far one can plunge into darkness for power. However, discussing the Dark Arts isn't just about showcasing vile characters or spells meant to harm. They also serve as a mirror reflecting societal fears back at us. The fear invoked by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named echoes real-world fears about evoking topics we find uncomfortable or terrifying. Thus, while dark on surface level, this aspect provides deeper insights into character motivations and societal issues when explored profoundly – once again highlighting J.K. Rowling’s ability to weave complex themes within her magical narrative without losing its sense of wonderment.
Understanding Magic Spells: The Language of Wizards and Witches
Stepping away from the shadows of the Dark Arts, we now delve into an aspect of Harry Potter's universe that is central to all magic practitioners: spells. Spells form the core language for wizards and witches in J.K. Rowling's magical world - a fascinating combination of Latin roots, English words, and made-up phrases that bring about extraordinary effects. The essence of casting a spell lies not just in the spoken incantation but also in the focused intent and practiced wand movements. This intricate dance between word and action gives birth to magic that ranges from simple levitation with 'Wingardium Leviosa' to complex memory alteration with 'Obliviate.' Transitioning from the general overview, let’s explore some specific examples illuminating the complexity behind spell creation. Take, for instance, 'Expecto Patronum,' one of the most iconic spells in Harry Potter series. It summons a Patronus, which is a protective force embodying one’s happiest memories. Not only does this spell illustrate Rowling's creativity in designing unique magical concepts, but it also reflects her linguistic prowess as 'Expecto Patronum' translates to 'I await a guardian' from Latin - connecting perfectly to its function within the narrative. While exploring these magical incantations further, it becomes evident how they serve beyond mere plot devices in Rowling's narrative. Magic spells are integral elements contributing towards character development and story progression. For example, Hermione Granger's proficiency at casting complex spells demonstrates her intellect and dedication to learning while Ron Weasley’s struggle with “Wingardium Leviosa” early on showcases his initial lack of confidence which he eventually overcomes as he matures throughout the series. Thus, rather than being just whimsical expressions of fantasy fiction, these spells powerfully augment both storytelling and thematic depth within Harry Potter’s universe – reflecting yet another layer of J.K.Rowling’s literary brilliance.
From Quidditch to Triwizard Tournament: Analyzing Magical Sports and Games
Just as we have soccer and baseball in the muggle world, the magical world of Harry Potter isn’t devoid of its own set of thrilling sports and games. Quidditch, undoubtedly the most popular game in the wizarding realm, is a fast-paced sport played on broomsticks involving four balls and six hoops. This sport isn't merely for entertainment; it's deeply woven into the social fabric of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Not only does it provide a spectacle for students, but also acts as a platform where characters like Harry Potter can shine, display courage, and develop leadership skills. In addition to this, Quidditch matches are often strategic plot points in Rowling's narrative where important character interactions or revelations occur. Moving beyond Hogwarts' boundaries, we encounter another fascinating event - The Triwizard Tournament. Held between three premier magical schools - Hogwarts, Beauxbatons Academy, and Durmstrang Institute - this tournament consists of three dangerous tasks that test participants' magical abilities to their limits. But more than just showcasing magic prowess, this competition serves as a vehicle for international cooperation among witches and wizards from different cultures - promoting unity while adding an intriguing cultural layer to Rowling's universe. The last task of the Triwizard Tournament deserves particular attention: the maze housing the Triwizard Cup. This labyrinth filled with deadly creatures and enchantments symbolizes mystery, danger, and confusion that mirrors not just Harry's journey within it but his larger path through life itself. It encapsulates his growth from an innocent boy unaware of his magical heritage to a brave young man ready to face lethal challenges head-on. Moreover, it’s within this maze that Cedric Diggory meets his tragic end – marking a turning point in Harry’s life where he realizes that being part of the wizarding world also means dealing with loss and death – deepening our understanding of Rowling’s narrative beyond mere spells or incredible creatures.
Glimpses Beyond Hogwarts: Studying Other Wizarding Institutions Around the Globe
Beyond the well-known corridors of Hogwarts, lies a wider wizarding world teeming with other magical institutions. One such establishment is Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, located in France. Known for its impressive architecture and enchanting surroundings, Beauxbatons’ students are reputed for their refined manners and elegance, much like the French culture they hail from. This institution plays a crucial role in Goblet of Fire where it’s presented not just as a competitor in the Triwizard Tournament but also as a place that nurtures different magic practices and traditions - thereby expanding our perception of the magical universe. In contrast to Beauxbaton’s refinement, we have Durmstrang Institute – another significant school known for its darker reputation. Situated far north in Europe, Durmstrang is notorious for teaching dark arts - a fact that sets it apart from other schools and adds an element of intrigue to Rowling's universe. Its most infamous alumnus is none other than Gellert Grindelwald - one of the darkest wizards who ever lived. Through Durmstrang, Rowling demonstrates that the magical world isn't merely black or white; there exists a spectrum where certain institutions openly embrace what others deem forbidden or taboo. The American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - Ilvermorny - provides yet another glimpse into how diverse Rowling's wizarding world can be. Rooted in Native American folklore, Ilvermorny offers a unique blend of magical education infused with indigenous practices. The introduction of this school in Fantastic Beasts series not only broadens our geographic understanding of the wizarding world but also enriches our knowledge about various ways magic can be interpreted and practiced across different cultures. So while Hogwarts remains at the heart of Harry Potter's world, these other global institutions remind us that magic transcends borders and cultural boundaries – making Rowling’s universe truly universal.
Life After Voldemort's Fall: Examining the Impact on the Magical Community
The defeat of Voldemort, arguably the most feared dark wizard in history, marks a significant turning point in the Harry Potter universe. The immediate aftermath is filled with relief and joy, as people rejoice over the end of a reign that was marked by fear and terror. However, the implications run much deeper than just surface-level jubilation. Voldemort's fall triggers profound changes within the magical community - changes that are worth delving into. To begin with, post-Voldemort’s era sees a remarkable shift in power dynamics within the wizarding world. The Ministry of Magic undergoes a complete overhaul under the leadership of Kingsley Shacklebolt who ensures that it rids itself of corruption and prejudice – notably against Muggle-borns which had been rampant during Voldemort’s regime. Additionally, this period also witnesses an upward trajectory for many characters who played crucial roles in Dumbledore’s Army and Order of Phoenix. They rise to prominent positions within the Ministry and other institutions thereby indicating how bravery and righteousness were rewarded after the dark times. Simultaneously, there is an evident change in attitudes towards Hogwarts School too. The institution, once revered as safe haven for young witches and wizards, had become associated with intense battles and loss during Voldemort’s reign. After his fall though, efforts are made to restore its glory as well as its image. A new headmaster takes charge; lessons forbidden under Death Eaters’ rule are reintroduced; memorials are built for those who sacrificed their lives – all these efforts symbolize healing and reclaiming what was lost to darkness. The aftermath of Voldemort's fall thus brings about a reformative wave across the magical community - redefining power structures, rewarding heroes, restoring faith in institutions - essentially reshaping reality as they knew it under his regime. It serves as an embodiment of hope after despair - showing that even after enduring the darkest times, it is possible for communities to rebuild themselves stronger than before - truly capturing Rowling's theme of resilience triumphing over adversity. In the world of Harry Potter, creatures such as Dementors and Basilisks are embodiments of terror and danger. Dementors, cloaked in dark robes, are known for sucking out happiness from their victims leaving them in despair; while the Basilisk, a giant serpent, can kill with just one look. These ominous beings serve as formidable foes in the series, adding an element of threat and suspense to this magical universe. Magical objects form another intricate aspect of this world. From everyday items like self-stirring cauldrons and Extendable Ears to powerful artifacts like the Elder Wand and Philosopher's Stone – every object has its role within the narrative. They not only enhance the magical ambiance but also play pivotal roles in key events throughout the series. In conclusion, J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series is more than just a tale about a young wizard's journey. It's a meticulously crafted universe teeming with magic at every corner - be it enchanting creatures, fascinating objects or intriguing social dynamics. The attention to detail makes it a universe that readers can immerse themselves into completely, making it timeless and universally appealing. Every character, creature or object serves a purpose - contributing to the overall complexity and depth of this enchanting world. Through her storytelling genius accompanied by her vivid imagination, Rowling has established herself as an icon in fantasy literature – creating a world that continues to captivate audiences around the globe even years after its inception.
Q: What is the main focus of 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'?
A: The main focus is on exploring the universe of Harry Potter in depth.
Q: Does 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' concentrate on any specific aspects of the Harry Potter series?
A: The piece does not specify any particular aspects, it explores the Harry Potter universe as a whole.
Q: Is 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' a book or an article?
A: The text doesn't specify if 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' is a book or an article.
Q: Who is the author of 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'?
A: The text does not provide information about the author of 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'.
Q: What kind of information can one expect to find in 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'?
A: One can expect to find detailed information about the universe of Harry Potter in 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'.
Q: Is 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' a standalone piece or part of a series?
A: The text does not specify if 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' is a standalone piece or part of a series.
Q: Does 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' contain any exclusive information about the Harry Potter series?
A: The text does not mention if 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' contains any exclusive information about the Harry Potter series.
Q: Is 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' intended for a specific audience?
A: The text does not specify a particular audience for 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe'. It is likely intended for anyone interested in the Harry Potter universe.
Q: Does 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' explore the making of the Harry Potter series?
A: The text does not specify whether 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' delves into the making of the Harry Potter series.
Q: Is 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' a critical analysis of the Harry Potter series?
A: The text does not specify if 'Exploring the Magical World: A Deep Dive into Harry Potter's Universe' is a critical analysis of the Harry Potter series.
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