yomiro · 1 month
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lucidskittler · 8 months
Care to share your current ships?
I'll go first.
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marureenu · 5 months
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dakumomo · 1 year
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Drew hinayachi for the cover of hq rarepair zine💛🧡
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weathertheraine · 1 year
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Swapping clothes with your bestie at a sleepover is all fun and games until the gender euphoria hits…
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thewafflekingdom · 1 year
Keeping Touch - HinaYachi
Part of her was afraid she would lose touch with the boys after graduation, just as she had lost touch with some of her upperclassmen. And it was only exacerbated when it came to light that none of them would be going to the same university, much less near the same cities.
She messaged them often during the summer break, usually in the hopes of setting up a hangout with them, and she found herself gently rejected each time.
Kageyama had much to prepare for, so she wasn't surprised there.
But Hinata?
“I'm sorry, Yachi-san,” he murmured softly over the phone – his voice wobbly and sincere. “I can't right now.”
It wasn't as if she didn't have a lot to do, either. Her university of choice would be a bit of a drive from home, so she had a lot to think about in terms of housing. Join the dorm waitlist or tough out the commute? If she got into the dorms, she would need to think about bedding, what clothing she'd take with her, and also maybe figure out if she had any pet peeves about anything. She'd heard much about nightmare roommates.
But there was more than that.
Her major? Finding a job on campus or nearby to pay for food? Her mom wouldn't cover everything.
But through all that, she felt her heart twist and tug at the thought of not getting to say a proper goodbye to either of them. She lied in bed staring at the ceiling at the end of the day, tears welling in her eyes, and wondered if they could really be that busy.
And then of course she began wondering if maybe she had imagined them being a lot closer than they were.
Yachi devolved into typing out messages to the boys – long, emotional, even vengeful messages – and then slowly deleting them before she could work up the courage to send them.
It's okay, she wants to tell them. We don't have to see each other right now.
I just miss you.
She felt herself sob a little, so she had to put away her phone before she couldn't take it anymore.
It was the week before she was supposed to leave, finally deciding to move forward with the dorms – after all, staying at home would only further twist the knife – when she finally received the message she had been waiting for.
Do you have time today?
Her heart felt like it was going to burst. She had to quickly remind herself that she should be angry. There was absolutely no reason why this message should be making her as happy as it was.
You blow me off for weeks , she felt like responding, and all of a sudden you want to meet up??
No. There was no reason to be scornful. Hinata was doing just a touch better than Kageyama was at this point, after all.
They agreed to meet at the park. Maybe grab a bite to eat from there.
Yachi had packed her things already, so all she had left were her dressiest dresses. It had been weeks after all. Maybe getting dolled up for once wouldn't be a terrible idea. It wouldn't make any difference to Hinata.
She showered, applied her favorite perfume, and sat down to smear some makeup on. It took a few several tries before she wiped everything off and settled on curling her lashes, applying mascara, and dabbing her lips in a pink gloss.
“Okay,” she said. “Stop it. You're extremely overdressed.”
The dress was one she had considered for her graduation. She'd worn it out on family dinners before. It was a starchy, sunny yellow fabric with bows on the shoulders. The skirt fell to her knees, and the waist was cinched modestly with a thin belt. On the way out, she decided to add a white cardigan to hide her shoulders.
For some reason, that felt like a step too far, allowing him to see just that much more skin.
The whole way there – walk, subway ride, walk some more – she reined in her heart rate and steadied her breathing. Just last month, seeing Hinata would never have elicited such a reaction from her. It wasn't as if he had changed since then.
“Seriously,” she mumbled to herself as she stepped out of the station and into the warm glow of sunset. “Relax.”
At last the park came into view. She checked her phone as she waited at the stoplight, but couldn't yet ascertain if he'd made it or not. Would he already be waiting for her at some park bench?
Hinata lived on the other side of town. The outskirts, really, where there were more houses than shops. She'd always wondered what his house looked like, and if it was as warm as he was.
Or as loud.
The park was fully in use. Children ran and played, dogs were walked, and a group of people in jumpsuits stretched and danced in a clearing. Yachi wandered around, clutching her phone, and glanced at every single person she passed.
“Yachi-san,” she heard him murmur from behind her.
She whirled around, nearly dropping her phone in the process.
Hinata stood some paces away, hands stuffed into the pockets of a red hoodie. He gave a half smile, and she felt her heart squeeze again.
Of course he didn't look any different than usual. He wore a pair of black joggers, his old, scuffed up sneakers, and his hair had the exact same cowlick it always had. He reached up now to rub at that cowlick anxiously, and she became aware that she was staring now.
“Hinata-kun,” she said, smiling. “How have you been?”
“Good,” he said, pocketing his hand again. “More or less.”
More or less?
“Wanna walk?” he asked, before she could say anything in response.
“Oh, sure!”
He led them down the sidewalk, in the direction she'd been heading before. “How have you been?” he asked, while she tucked her phone back into her bag.
“Busy, busy,” she said, wiping her hands dry of her sweat. “My semester starts soon so I'm getting ready to move.”
“I'm gonna dorm there,” she explained, somewhat surprised she hadn't mentioned it to him before. Though it could have been because she was angry with him. “It's just too far of a commute, you know?”
“Makes sense,” he said thoughtfully. After a moment of awkward silence, he asked, “Won't you be homesick?”
“Of course I will,” she said with a shrug. “But you have to do what you have to do, right?”
He grew quiet at that.
After a couple of slow laps around the park, he finally suggested grabbing lunch at a nearby sandwich shop.
Yachi mulled over the options as they stood in line – deciding and then re-deciding the closer they got to the front – and he remained pensive beside her. “What are you getting?” she asked, attempting to get a better feel of her appetite.
Or maybe just trying to settle the anxiety his silence was causing her.
“Uh, Italian,” he said absently, checking his phone.
She fidgeted with her sleeve nervously. “...Maybe I'll get the same.”
“It sounds good.”
Yachi then spent the remainder of their time in line agonizing over that. Why was his detachment making her feel as if she was swallowing sand? And why was he acting like this? As if he really, truly, wanted to be anywhere but here?
He placed his order, then turned to her and said, “I'll get yours, too. You wanted the same thing?”
“Oh,” she croaked, surprised. “Oh, it's okay, Hina—”
“No, it's okay. I got it.”
“Um,” she mumbled, clearing her throat. “Yeah. Same as you.”
“Something to drink?”
“Just water. Thank you.”
He handed her the water cup and led her to the soda fountain. Then he proceeded to wait for her to fill her cup before leading her over to a clear booth next to a window. “Wanna sit here?”
“O – Okay.”
They sat across one another, and he sipped and sipped at his water until he had to get back up to refill it. By that point, their order was being called, so he collected their sandwiches on the way back.
He placed the tray between them and took his seat again.
She didn't unwrap her sandwich until he did. At this point, she found she didn't have much of an appetite.
“So...what have you been up to?” she asked at last, watching him scarf down his food as if he hadn't eaten all day. “Aside from preparing for university.”
He set his cup down and examined it for a second, as if he hadn't heard her. Just when she thought he wasn't going to answer her, he said, “I've been doing some thinking about my future. And researching.”
She folded back the wrapper of her sandwich thoughtfully. “Researching?”
He swallowed dryly, not looking at her. “I've... I think I know now that I want to do volleyball for the rest of my life. Or...at least that I wanna do it for as long as I can. So I don't know if wasting any more time at school is really gonna do me any good.”
“Wasting?” Yachi choked out.
“I know,” he mumbled, visibly ashamed. “It's not actually a waste, and I really should continue. But... But what good will it do? It's not as if spending all my time in a classroom or in libraries studying is gonna help me improve.”
“Hinata-kun...” she began, and he held up a hand.
“I've already decided. I'm going to join a team, and I'm going to improve.”
Yachi grew quiet, and after a few minutes, Hinata continued eating. At a much more reasonable pace.
She did the same.
“So, if you've already decided,” Yachi said as they walked, cradling her wrapped half sandwich in the crook of her arm, “have you also decided where you're going?”
Hinata had stuffed his hands back in his pockets, and he took a few minutes to respond. It wasn't until they were standing at some empty corner, where the light had not yet turned, that he said, “I'm going to Brazil, Yachi-san.”
All the air left her lungs. “What ?”
He swallowed visibly. His eyes tightened. “I'm sorry I'm telling you now.”
Yachi thought about these past few weeks. These past couple of months. The lead up to their graduation, all those promises to stay in contact, and then the radio silence. She had half-expected it from Kageyama, who had never seemed exceptionally attached to anyone except Hinata, but not Hinata. And she thought about that, too. The days she spent staring at her phone, and how his one-word responses had cut away at her like knives, and how she kept making excuses for him. He had to be busy prepping for school. He had to be just as busy as she was.
All this time. All this time missing him, and practicing restraint, reminding herself that he had a whole future to prepare for and that he would make time enough soon.
And of course, even if he went to school in a different town, they would see each other. Just like she saw all the rest of them. Just like how she sometimes met up with Tanaka, or Shimuzu, or –
“How long have you known this, Hinata-kun?” she mumbled.
He had been moving to cross the street, but when she stayed where she was, he turned to her. His eyes widened a little, and then he couldn't look at her.
“Hinata,” she said. “Have you known this whole time?”
Some questions shouldn't be asked, she realized now. Some questions didn't need an answer.
They just hurt too much.
“Sort of.”
Yachi squeezed her eyes shut, and with it came tears. Ugly, unreasonable tears. She went to cover her face, but the sandwich was there, and before she could throw it in frustration, Hinata was there also.
“Yachi-san,” he whispered softly, hands on her shoulders.
He wasn't so much bigger than her, but he bowed into her space to catch her eyes and it felt like too much. She turned her head away, clutching at the stupid sandwich and seeking some way out of all this. Some way home, where she can curl up into herself and wait for next Sunday to come. So she can leave. So she can get started on her new life and never think about this person again.
She could do it. She could really do it.
“Yachi-san,” he said again, and this time his hands fit themselves to her face, steering her back to him so that she'd look him in the eye. “I meant that I'd been thinking about not going to college for a while, but Brazil...this was a spur of the moment – ”
“Then why did you – why did you blow me off this whole time?” she squeaked. She felt her face flush at the petulant sound of her own voice, and she tried again to turn away from him.
He was, of course, much stronger than he looked. He didn't allow an inch. “I... I thought it would be best.”
“Best?” she asked. “ Best? For who?”
He swallowed again. “For you, Yachi-san.”
Her hands curled around his wrists, staring, bewildered, at him. It wasn't until his lashes fluttered, second-thinking himself, that it dawned on her. She twisted out of his grasp. “Were you not going to tell me?” she asked, stepping back. “Were you – Were you just going to ship off to Brazil and never tell me?”
“I was going to tell you,” he protested, and then ducked to pick up the sandwich from the ground, where she'd apparently dropped it. “I – I swear. I just. I didn't want to distract you. You have so much ahead of you and you worked so hard on me and Kageyama and we – we – we just didn't end up... We weren't...”
He fell silent, again. She waited a second, before reaching for the sandwich.
He didn't let it go.
“I didn't want you to worry yourself over me. You needed to focus on getting ready for school.”
Yachi sniffled. She understood what he was trying to say. If she had known any sooner, she wouldn't have been able to focus.
Would she have spent all of her time trying to convince him not to go? For what? For him to stay in Japan, miserable at some school he never wanted to attend, just so that she could see him sometimes?
Or would she have spent all her time with him, trying to make up for the time they were about to lose?
It no longer mattered. This Sunday, she would be moving to a whole other city, and her semester would promptly begin the following week. And Hinata would be leaving the country entirely.
When would they have seen each other next, anyway?
Yachi found herself stepping into him, weaving her arms underneath his. Hinata pulled her even closer, without hesitation.
They've hugged before, of course. But this felt different somehow.
She squeezed him, and he squeezed her right back, even tighter. Her face tucked into his shoulder, and she became aware for the first time of the way he smelled. All the times before, post matches or post training, he smelled sweaty and boyish and hot. But now he smelled like soap, and the onions from their sandwiches, and the evening sun.
A small sob left her, suddenly realizing that there was a lot about Hinata she didn't know. It was the sorts of things you learned with time, with intimacy. What brand was his soap? Was it his favorite? Did he wake up early today for his usual jog? Would he keep doing so in Brazil?
And how was he going to move to Brazil and not know a word of Portuguese?
For one wild, irrational moment, Yachi suddenly wished she knew how to speak Portuguese, just so that she could teach him how to speak it. Just one last thing to teach him, before he left for good.
“How long will you be gone?” she mumbled, and squeezed her eyes shut when he rubbed a hand gently across her upper back.
“A while,” he murmured.
“Will you write me?” she asked meekly.
He gave a small laugh as he pulled away to look at her. It was then she remembered that they were out in public, and she was grateful that for some reason, nobody else wanted to be on this corner.
His hands landed back onto her shoulders.
“Wouldn't it be faster to just send an email?” he asked, smiling. “Letters are outdated.”
“Letters are cool,” she protested. “Something to look forward to.”
“They take so much time.”
“Because you have to think them through,” she said softly. “You can't waste a single line. You can't redo them once they’re written.”
“You can redo them tons of times,” he shook his head. “Am I hearing you right? You want them handwritten, too?”
“Of course I do. That way you won't forget everything I've taught you. You're going to be learning a whole different language, after all.”
He hung his head. “Right.”
“You'll write me?”
“I'll write. But also, I'll call. It'll be faster.”
“And expensive.”
“Oh... Right.”
“I'll miss you,” she said.
“I'll miss you, too,” he replied, before pulling her into another hug.
The first letter came a month later, and then another the month after that.
Hinata messaged often, and called whenever he had the chance. But he continued to write as promised, even going as far as attaching photo printouts. She kept them in a shoe box. The one time she decided to pin up a photo of him, her roommate asked, “Your boyfriend?”
“My best friend,” she corrected.
It gets lonely out here, he wrote at first. And the climate is so different. But the people are nice, and the beaches are beautiful.
She pinned the photo he took of it for her.
I'm glad I did this. And I'm glad you're doing good, too.
“You're more evocative in your letters than over the phone,” she commented one day.
“What's that mean? ” he asked, his voice cracking a little. After a pause he said, “Oh, okay. Okay. Maybe? ”
“You looked it up?”
“ I...had to. ”
Hinata talked about all the new people he was meeting, all the new food he was trying, and of course how much he loved volleyball. He lit up when he talked about it, or at least she imagined he did. Over the phone, it was all about the feeling of playing. The rush he got from it, even now, even months after high school. But in his letters, he went into depth about the things he was learning. New tactics, re-evaluating the game play, and everything in between.
“ Also Oikawa was here? From Aoba Josai, remember him? ”
“Of course I remember him. Small world. What was he doing there?”
“Hanging out, I guess.”
“Uh-huh. That follows.”
“Follows what? ”
Naturally things petered out somewhere around the one-year mark. Yachi was immersed in her courses, somewhere on the brink of re-deciding her future once again, and when break rolled around, in the spring, she thought about asking him: “So...when are you coming back, again?”
She assumed it would be too expensive for him to travel back just for a few weeks, so she decided against asking at all.
“Any other familiar faces lately?” she asked him, when their conversation lulled into silence.
“Surprisingly, no,” he said, which wasn't surprising at all. “Have you seen anyone lately? ”
“From Karasuno?” she asked needlessly. “Tanaka is really good about keeping touch for some reason. He visited a couple of weeks ago.”
“ Ah, I miss Ryuu... ”
She smiled. “He misses you, too.”
“He calls. So does Yamaguchi. And Shimizu, I saw her recently, too.”
“Kageyama ?”
She tapped her fingers against her knee anxiously. “No. I haven't seen him...in a while.”
She gave a shaky smile. “It's okay. He's really busy. He checks in sometimes.”
Hinata went quiet for a few moments, and she could hear the sounds of dishes being washed. The good thing was that the time zones weren't so different. Hinata was either preparing dinner, or cleaning up after dinner.
“Are you busy? I can let you – ”
“ No, I'm... Well, I wanted to tell you so that we don't run into the same problem as before ,” he said, shutting off the water. “ I'm planning on staying another year. Then I wanna... Then I'll come back. ”
Her breath hitched.
Another year.
“That... That's good. I know you're having a lot of fun.”
“It's more than that,” he protested. “I'm learning a lot, Yachi-san. I've grown so much. I think it'd be really good for me.”
She nodded, eyes wet, but she wiped them away and cleared her throat. “I think so, too, Hinata-kun. You have to do what's best for you.”
“Are you excited for another year?” he asked, maybe to change the subject.
Between classwork and projects and part-time work, she didn't really have time to dwell on much else. The weekly phone calls turned to every other week, and the letters came few and far between.
But they came. Less often, and in sporadic lengths, with random items included, but they came all the same. Sometimes photos, sometimes recipes he'd become fond of. It depended on how much time he had at any given moment.
Her birthday rolled around, and he called as he always did, but that day she also received a package. Which explained why he nervously said, “I hope it got there on time...”
In retrospect, it was pretty obvious what he meant.
She sliced the package open, which was wrapped in several layers of tape and postage, and sat on the floor of her dorm room carefully bunching up and setting aside the trash she was accumulating in the process. Inside was a sort of self-care package. Or it had to be. She couldn't make much sense of any of it.
There were several objects stuffed inside, with some half-attempt at organization.
Topping the stack were several packets of what looked like candy. She couldn't read any of the writing, so she spent some time typing in the brand names into her phone to translate to herself. Chocolate, mostly, but also gummies of some sort. Guava flavored, tamarind, strawberry. She hesitated, but unwrapped one to taste.
Her face scrunched. Very sour. Maybe an acquired taste.
She set it aside for later.
Next it appeared he sent her some perfume samples. Maybe to get past customs. She took a little time sniffing and sampling them.
Some colorful, scented candles. Some fluffy, pink slippers. A couple of cute spiral notebooks with matching pens. And at the bottom, folded carefully, was a beautiful knitted quilt. It was colorful, and exceptionally made. Maybe by hand?
She stood to unfold it to its full size, admiring it, then brought it closer to feel the fabric against her cheek.
With a start, she realized it smelled just like his soap. The very one she noticed when they hugged.
Before she could help it, she buried her face into the quilt and breathed in.
Seven more months, and he'd be home for good. Or at least for a while.
Hinata spoke about his future in terms of immediacy . He talked about coming back, sure, and all the things he'd do once he's here. But what about after that? What about the year after next? And the year after that ?
She folded the blanket across the foot of her bed with a sigh.
I just got it , she messaged him. Thank you. I love everything.
His answer was immediate: Ahh that's good! I was worried it wouldn't arrive on time!
She tucked everything away, and that night she slept under the quilt, wondering if he'd used it, too.
These last few months, it finally occurred to her that she'd been moving through her required courses with the same conviction one would their nightly skincare routine.
She had to do it, but she didn't really want to.
As of late she'd been working part-time at her mother's company, and with time she fell into a routine she was beginning to really like. She had asked her mother before how she had chosen this career path. Her mother was still so young, and was younger still when she had decided this was what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.
“I picked and I chose,” her mother said simply.
It can't be that easy. How could it be that easy?
But maybe it really was. Maybe she'd been overthinking it this whole time.
Sure, she had tons of friends that had made it these past couple of years and realized they had no idea what they were doing, so they restarted or decided to take a break or had meltdowns in the middle of the library and then decided they were overthinking it, too. And sure, she might have had a few connections to career paths that they didn't, and she tried not to overthink this, but sometimes this wasn't the blessing that it appeared to be. Sometimes people ended up in places they didn't want to be, because they wanted to make their parents happy –
All this to say, Yachi realized that she was happy going into work right now. And this might not be a forever thing, but what was?
“Sometimes you pick and you choose wrong,” her mother told her. “You're only nineteen, Hitoka, dear. You have time. It'll be okay.”
She had time.
Hinata greeted her with a hug. Somehow even tighter than the one he'd said goodbye with.
He squeezed her into him, and she could only squeeze back.
“ Hinata-kun ,” she mumbled, so softly it was almost a breath. Her fingers curled into the fabric of his jacket, and he smelled so different. And he was just a little taller than the last time she saw him. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she sniffled, tucking herself against his shoulder.
“Thanks for making time for me,” he said, rubbing at her back.
“Are you kidding?” she asked, as they pulled away from one another.
Hinata had arrived the other day. She was surprised he hadn't decided to spend more time with his family. But of course, he wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon.
He assured as much now, taking her hands and squeezing them gently.
“You've basically been my paypal this entire time, you know?”
“It's pen pal, Hinata-kun,” she laughed.
His face reddened. “Oh.”
“Are you hungry?” she asked, squeezing his hands to regain his attention.
“I'm always hungry.”
There was a good spot within walking distance. She'd met him at the subway station, carrying a little gift bag with all of his favorite snacks.
“Oh, I could kiss you right now,” he'd said to her, as he rifled through the contents of the bag.
She blushed happily. “The snacks you sent me were pretty good.”
“Nothing compares to these bad boys,” he said, popping open some bag eagerly.
The waitress greeted them with a brilliant smile. “Just two tonight?” she asked as the door swung shut behind them.
“Yup,” he chirped.
She led them to a cozy booth. “Take your time, alright?”
“So what's the plan now?” she asked him, scanning the menu.
“I'm thinking combo number two,” he murmured, holding the menu up to his face. “Seems like the best bang for your buck.”
She laughed again. “No, I meant for your future.”
He rubbed his forehead, laughing. “I must still have jet lag.”
“No, to be fair, I keep accidentally not giving you context.” She looked at her own menu. “Combo number two sounds good to me, too.”
The waitress returned to take their orders, beaming at them as she made small talk. “Are we out on a date of some kind?”
“Sort of,” Hinata replied, without seeming to think about it.
The waitress clapped her hands. “ Wonderful . You two make such a cute pair. Would you like to start with an appetizer?”
Yachi stared at Hinata, bewildered.
“Do you like wings, Yachi-san?” he asked, still looking at the menu. Unbothered. Maybe even unaware.
She stuttered, struggling to ignore the weird feeling starting up in her middle all of a sudden. “Um – yeah – I. I'll eat wings.”
“S – Sure...”
“Excellent,” the waitress smiled, glancing between them with an expression that made Yachi's heart rate pick up. “Be right back.”
“ Hinata! ” she hissed at him, as he gulped down the glass of water the waitress had placed before him.
“What?” he asked, wiping his mouth with his wrist.
“You just told her we're on a date!”
“Did I?” He took up the glass again to drink some more. “I mean, a hang out is kind of like a date. But between friends.”
“That's not accurate at all! A date is a date.”
“I mean, I guess it's dependent on what you mean.”
“A date is...” she trailed off anxiously. “Like, a nice dinner and a movie. Holding hands and stuff.”
“Sometimes we hold hands.”
“When you're leading me around places, yeah,” she laughed, rolling her eyes.
“Same difference, no?”
“Absolutely not.”
The waitress placed the basket of wings between them. “Need a refill there?”
“Thank you.” He leaned back to let her pour from the pitcher. It wasn't until the waitress disappeared again that he said, “I guess I wasn't really paying attention. But it doesn't matter if she thinks that, right? Two people out to dinner, and you look pretty. And I'm wearing a new jacket.”
She looked down at herself. She was wearing a cozy knitted long-sleeve and a pair of comfy jeans.
He twisted to look behind him. More customers were beginning to trickle in, filling the space with noise.
“It's a popular spot,” Yachi said, when he straightened.
He took a wing. “Do you come here a lot?”
“No,” she admitted, folding her arms on the table. “I... I've been here a couple of times. The first time I actually was on a date.”
He started, almost dropping the wing. “Really?”
“Once. The first and only...so far.”
“Well, this is the second,” he said plainly, looking rather serious.
“Uh-huh,” she said, smiling again. “Right. Well, on this date, he ordered wings, too.”
He placed the half-eaten wing back into the basket. “I'll send these back.”
“No, you won't,” she scoffed, still smiling.
He lifted his hand, whose fingers were still covered in buffalo sauce, and opened his mouth to call the waitress over.
Yachi stole forward and grabbed at his hand. “Hinata-kun! Stop that!”
“When did this date happen?” he asked, grinning now. “Where did you meet the guy?”
“He was a mutual friend. Or a friend of a friend. They set us up because we were in the same major, and he happened to be about the same age, I guess. He was nice,” she sighed. “This was... I don't know, a little over a year ago?”
“You never told me?” he asked, folding his arms. He almost looked hurt.
“It wasn't worth telling,” she said. “He brought me here, and the food was good. But he just wasn't...it. We had nothing in common aside from the courses we were taking and maybe a couple of shows we liked. He talked over me. He definitely thought he was smarter than me...”
“Smarter than you? ” His chin landed in his palm, staring openly now. “No one's smarter than you, Yachi-san.”
“I don't know about that...”
“Here we go!” The waitress appeared, balancing their orders on a tray. “Hope you're hungry!”
Hinata dug in immediately, almost as soon as the plate was in front of him. His appetite had always been impressive. She wondered suddenly if he'd gone for a jog this morning.
She chewed mechanically, staring down at her plate.
It didn't take very long before he asked, “You okay?”
“I'm okay,” she said, tapping the ends of her chopsticks against the plate. “Well. Actually, I wanted to ask you something... I've been wanting to ask for a very long time. Ever since you left.”
“How did you know that you wanted to go to Brazil?” She leaned forward, and so did he. Watching her with rapt attention. “That's such a huge step. You left everything and everyone behind on a feeling, right? That this would be the right move for you?”
“More or less...” he murmured, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“It was...on a whim, right?”
Hinata shrugged, deciding if that was the right word. “I guess you can say that. I did a little research leading up to graduation. And I asked some of the older guys. You know, like, what they would have done if they were in my shoes. It led me to Brazil, and I didn't have anything to lose.”
“But that was it?”
“I guess it's hard to explain,” he muttered, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Yachi – you. You're so smart, and so talented. And driven, and organized. You have so much going for you, and your hobbies aren't...”
“All-consuming?” she filled in.
“Yeah. They don't consume you.”
She smiled.
“I – I needed to do this, Yachi-san. I had no choice. I had to get better. I had to. It would have killed me if I hadn't even tried.”
Yachi thought maybe she wouldn't understand. She had hobbies, of course.
None she would leave the country for, though.
“Weren't you scared?” she asked.
“Yeah, I was pretty scared,” he said. “But that's usually my sign that it's a good idea, you know?”
“Oh, Hinata-kun,” she said, barely stifling her laughter. “That's so bad.”
He laughed into his bite of food. “Yeah, probably.”
He carried her leftovers on the way back to the station, and as he did, he joked, “Do you have time for a movie? We can make it a proper date.”
“I definitely do not,” she said. “But neither do you. You look tired.”
“I'm never tired.”
He probably wasn't lying.
“Maybe next time,” she sighed. 
Because there would be a next time. He promised he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon and Hinata, she’s learned, always kept his promises.
“I’ll hold you to it.”
Note: Also posted on A03, here's link.
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dewcrafter · 10 months
In The Middle
Yachi’s pov
For the first time I’ve left hinata’s side and followed tadashi into a forest until he stopped in a clearing and fell down to the ground, I turned visible so I could hug him…..it hurt to see him like this I’ve known that he likes tsukishima and it had already hurt him for liking him but this added more pain to him and how he will get through this I don’t know or at least I hope he can get through this. “Tadashi…..?” I said, it’s been about 30 minutes and Tadashi has finally calmed down although I’ve got a feeling someone is watching us but that isn’t my concern for now “w-what am I going to do?” Tadashi asked me, looking up at me with small tears still flowing from his eyes. “I don’t know…., we should go talk to the Anglicized about this” I said, sprouting my wings while he was doing the same. We both stood up when “yamaguchi?” We heard two voices say from behind us we turned around to see hinata and tsukishima staring at us in shock. I mean why wouldn’t they be shocked? They see Tadashi with wings and a halo and a random girl also with wings and a halo “w-what are you??? Who is she????” said tsukishima pointing at me 
“uh well uhm….” Tadashi stuttered trying to find the right words to say when Hinata spoke up “are you angels?” as he said that his eyes didn’t leave me, so he must’ve been the intense stare I felt WAIT this isn’t the time to be thinking of this we need to leave so I did what I’ve been doing for years and turned invisible to the human eye “WHERE DID SHE GO” yelled tsukishima staring in shock on where I was though hinata just smiled.
Changing pov to: Yamaguchi 
I stared at tsukki and hinata, then tsukki walked towards me and said “explain who she is and why you ran away and why do you have wings???” he seemed a bit upset about me running away and I did consider telling him everything but that’s when I heard hitoka say “cmon tadashi we need to go right now so we can figure out what to do” I sighed and went invisible as well which of course scared tsukki but hinata just walked off like everything was normal…...hinata can be kinda creepy. 
When we got to heaven we hurriedly went to what humans call our ‘boss’ “lady Anglicized” said hitoka as we got to her throne 
“yes hitoka?” said lady Anglicized  
“The human I was assigned to confessed his love to me and hitoka’s assigned human and the one I was assigned to saw us with our wings out, what should we do?” I asked showing a small bit of panic “hmmm” lady Anglicized  said before pulling out the book of thoughts, it’s a book where you write a name in it and it will give you the person’s thoughts throughout their life, “Tadashi do you love him?” lady Anglicized  asked after a few minutes of reading the book of memories “....yes I do…..” I said looking down at the ground “your jobs are to keep them happy and protected and i’ve seen that you have made tsukishima very happy with your time on earth but it shows that he really wants to be your love so I Lady Anglicized  grant you Tadashi Yamaguchi permission to be with Kei Tsukishima” she said making me whip my head up to look at her before smiling brighter than I’ve ever smiled before, then she turned her attention to hitoka “hitoka I will give you a new assignment for hinata shoyo, I will have you be a new student at karasuno high, you will become the teams first year manager and get close to hinata shoyo” after she said that hitoka smiled very happy at the fact she will be able to have an actual conversation with everyone, we both bowed and said “thank you Lady Anglicized” and left the room to go back to our team. 
The Next day was a rocky morning, I woke up 4 hours before tsukki and I would usually meet up and head to school, made myself breakfast and quickly rushed to tsukki’s house so I could wait for him at his front porch, it’s a very nice small porch with a small table and two rocking chairs that are fun to rock back and forth in. After three hours of waiting and almost falling asleep multiple times tsukki finally came out of his house and upon seeing me tried to sneak past me but I saw him “tsukki” I said making him stop and turn to look at me seemingly embarrassed and ashamed “yamaguchi” he said catching me a bit off guard, he stopped calling me by my full name when we were little so hearing it from him was so weird but nonetheless I stood up and walked over to him “tsukki, i’m sorry I ran off I just got so overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do, i’m really sorry and I do like you a lot so what i’m trying to say is yes i’d like to be your boyfriend” I said smiling at him as he looked at me shocked before scrunching his eyebrows together “what about in the forest, what was that why’d you have a halo and who was that girl??” he asked a bit angrily “what?” I asked faking my confusion as that was all I could really do “what do you mean what, you we’re in the forest you ran off to with wings and a halo and there was this blonde haired girl holding you who also had wings and a halo and-and then she disappeared and then you wouldn’t answer me and then disappeared too!” he said confused and looking at me lost “tsukki, I don’t know what your talking about” I said looking at him worriedly “I-...whatever” he said walking off with his hands in his jacket pockets “oh c'mon tsukki your really going to put your hands in your jacket pocket!” I said huffing at him which made him smile as he slipped out one of his hands and grabbed my hand pulling me along with him.
Yamaguchi got that gaslighting rizz 
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yumeina-draws · 2 years
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Some random doodles done over the past year.
A nice Eirika drawing, a HinaYachi doodle, and some FF14 characters.
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runayachi · 2 years
per @allhailthealmightyemus request! here is another snippet of the exes interviews  
Tsukishima: I remember that! The famous Cafeteria Kiss. Everyone knew Hinata and Yachi were dating, but no one had seen them kiss yet. And then he ran away. 
Hinata: Yeah. I ran away to throw up. 
Yachi: I was grateful he left, actually. I nearly passed out after the kiss. It took me ten minutes before I even realized that I’d just been staring into space. 
Hinata: I did come back! I felt horrible for running away like that. But Yachi told me not to worry. 
Yachi: Well, I was just as nervous as you! How could I possibly hold it against you? Besides, you’d been nothing but supportive before, so I understood! We were both incredibly nervous. 
Hinata: Yachi, you’re so sweet! How come we broke up? Why did we do that? 
Yachi, known lesbian: ...because I realized I was gay. 
Hinata: Oh, yeah. 
Kageyama: She literally has a girlfriend, idiot. 
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vannahfanfics · 2 years
Drastic Measures
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Word Count: 4700
Fake Dating, Fluff, Romance, Humor
Summary: Atsumu and Hitoka are tired of their roommates-slash-crushes not picking up on their very obvious hints. So, they resort to drastic measures. Or, in which Atsumu and Hitoka pretend to date to make Kiyoomi and Shouyou jealous.
Evening, everyone! Here is my story for the Catch-A-Match Haikyuu!! Synchro Big Bang! I couldn’t have created this absolute dream of a fake dating fic without my partner Andi, so be sure to go give their beautiful art lots and lots of love!
“Yacchan! Come on, come on, I have to peeeee!” 
Hitoka exhaled deeply as she lowered the fluffy towel from her face and frowned into the misty bathroom mirror. Damp strands of hair still hung clumped around her face; she hadn’t even moved on to her morning hair routine before Shouyou was pounding at the door demanding for her to get out! Her frown deepened as his pleading and whining were interrupted by the gravelly voice of Kiyoomi, griping at him to stop yelling so early in the morning—though it was already ten a.m.; it seemed he had just awoken this fine Saturday morning and had not yet had his coffee. Shouyou’s whiny voice just seemed to rise in pitch at his berating, and the tail of end of it was interrupted by Atsumu’s cheerful voice joining in with a playful barb at Shouyou’s expense. 
Hitoka groaned and let her head fall forward until it thumped against the mirror, making the thin film of condensation bead in some places and sending water droplets streaming down the mirror. 
If you’d told Hitoka one year ago that she would be sharing an apartment in Osaka with three members of the MSBY Black Jackals while on an internship, she would have laughed. Yet, here she was, eight months into the venture. It had been a wonderful experience, all things considered. Having Shouyou back into her life was a welcome event and was what had led her to accept Shouyou’s proposal when she mentioned to him she was searching for an apartment in Osaka. She had been nervous about the other two boys, at first, but they had rapidly grown on her. Kiyoomi, though he seemed gruff at first, was a nice breath of sophistication in the chaos that Shouyou and Atsumu sowed. Not that the chaos wasn’t fun; Atsumu was similar to Shouyou in a lot of respects, just slightly taller and with a pronounced accent. 
That’s probably why he had become her closest friend and confidant. 
“Yacchaaaaaaaaan!” Shouyou’s cry was sharp and wheedling, indicating that he was probably going to soil himself if Hitoka didn’t vacate the bathroom. With a sour pout on her lips, she piled her wet hair into a towel atop her head and wrapped her body in another, and then opened the door. After eight months of living with a female, the three boys didn’t even blink at the amount of blushing pink skin she was displaying as she cocked her hip in the doorway. 
“Shouyou!” she sulked. “Today is my coffee date with Atsumu! I would have thought you would have regulated your bladder schedule around that by now.” 
“‘M sorry, ‘m sorry!” he sniffed. The poor thing had genuine tears in his eyes. He had his hands between his legs and was hunched over, hopping from one foot to another in an effort to keep his bladder from bursting into his pajama pants. “I just—Atsumu bet that I wouldn’t drink the whole carton of soy milk—” 
“You drank all our soy milk?!” 
“Yes, and now I have to pee, so move!”
Hitoka gasped in affront as he ruthlessly shoved her aside so he could barrel into the bathroom. He slammed the door in her face, and it wasn’t even two seconds before she heard him exhale in exultance. Hitoka rolled her eyes and turned around, her arms crossed as she looked at Atsumu with a hitched eyebrow. 
Atsumu just smiled bashfully and raised his hands in surrender. 
“In my defense, he started off by saying, ‘I bet you won’t dare me to drink all this.’” 
“Morons,” Kiyoomi grumped, his face wrinkling off in distaste. He left them in the hall to shamble off into the kitchen, probably to get a cup of coffee before that bulging vein in his head burst from his blood pressure. Hitoka watched him go out of the corner of his eyes, before exhaling deeply and letting her tense body sag. 
“Ugh, my hair is going to be a mess now!” she complained. Atsumu clicked his tongue and reached out to grab a strand of hair hanging out of the towel between his thumb and index finger. 
“Aw, no need to doll yerself up for me, Yacchan, love,” he said with a wink. Hitoka giggled and swatted his hand away. “I mean it! How about we do lazy Sunday, eh? Sexy casual?” 
“Hmmm, it has been a while since I’ve indulged in a nice pair of sweatpants,” Hitoka considered with a tilt of her head and a tap of her fingers against her pursed lips. “And the weather is quite warm today.” 
“See you in thirty, then, love,” Atsumu smirked before flouncing back to his room. Hitoka just shook her head at the extra pep he put in his step, all for her benefit; but hey, she didn’t mind that Atsumu was always as excited about their weekly outings as she was. 
After all, it was the time they could spend unabashedly complaining about the gigantic crushes they had on their roommates. They hadn’t even had their coffees for two minutes before Atsumu was lamenting into his caramel iced latte.
“Ugh, what the hell was Omi-Omi thinkin’, walkin’ out shirtless like that and complainin’ with that deep, gruff voice?” he sighed dramatically, even throwing his head back to grimace at the cloudy blue sky. “I almost combusted on the spot!”
“The two of them aren’t even thinking at all, or we wouldn’t be here complaining about how oblivious they are every Sunday!” Hitoka pointed out before daintily sipping at her vanilla bean creme frappuccino. She had paraded out in her cozy baby pink sweats, a cute white blouse, and a comfy sheer pink cardigan right in front of Shouyou, and though his eyes had lingered on her form far more than what was considered friendly, he had said nor done nothing! It was maddening! 
“Ahh… Yacchan, I am beginning to think that we must resort to drastic measures to court our fair but unbelievably stupid beaus,” Atsumu mumbled around his straw. 
“Drastic measures?” 
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“Yes, drastic measures!” he affirmed. Hitoka raised her eyebrow when he slammed his fist down on the table. “Hitoka, we must resort to the tried-and-true method of attraction a man’s attention… jealousy.” 
Hitoka snorted in laughter, causing Atsumu to pout indignantly. She took a moment for her giggles to settle down before she asked, “Jealousy?” 
“Yes!” His voice was a little high-pitched and squeaky with insistence. “Yacchan, there is great power in making a man jealous.” 
“And how do you propose we make Shouyou and Kiyoomi jealous?” 
“Why, you and I start dating, of course.” 
Hitoka’s mouth fell open so hard that it almost hit the table. Date? Atsumu? At her reaction, he smirked and leaned forward a little to continue, “Not for real, of course. Come on, Yacchan, you’re a girl! You must have read a fake dating fanfic once or twice in your life?” Guilty as charged, Hitoka sheepishly slid down in her seat and used her cardigan to hide the blush creeping up her face. 
“Atsumu, this isn’t a fanfic, though…” 
“But it could be!” he asserted, slamming his plastic coffee cup down on the table this time. The glob of whipped cream atop his latte jumped before slapping back down on the clinking ice cubes. “You saw the way Sho-chan looked at you this morning! I’m telling you, I so much as kiss you on the cheek in front of that guy, and he’ll be thinking about it for weeks.” 
Hmm… The idea certainly has merit, Hitoka thought, smacking her pursed lips as she considered the proposal. Absurdity of the notion aside, it was clear that what she and Atsumu were doing now wasn’t working. Perhaps the situation truly did call for some… drastic measures. 
“All right. Let’s do it!” 
Atsumu’s face lit up in delight. She yelped as he suddenly wrenched his chair around the table, coming to sit right next to her. He quickly used a hand to ruffle his hair, adjusted his tee shirt to look a little rumpled, and then slung his arm around Hitoka’s shoulders. 
“What’re you doing?” she asked in confusion as he pulled her close, so close their arms squished together. 
“I’m planting the seeds, love. Now, look happy and cute,” he said and held up his phone, camera at the ready. Hitoka barely had the time to plaster a sweet smile on her face before the sound of the shutter sent the pigeon pecking at the crumbs on the ground nearby flapping away in fright. Atsumu immediately pulled away from her, thumbs flying across his phone screen. Within seconds, there was a soft ping! from Hitoka’s phone, and she lifted it to see a social media notification that Atsumu had posted their picture. 
She hadn’t even pulled up the post yet and Kiyoomi had already replied with a brusque “Looking awful chummy.” 
Atsumu cackled in delight and held up his phone victoriously, even going so far as to kick his legs under the table. His heels repeatedly struck the metal chair with resounding bang-bang-bangs, which were barely audible over his squeals of, “It worked! I told ya, Yacchan, it worked! Oooooh, I bet Omi-Omi is just stewing in self-loathing right now!” 
“I wonder if Shouyou has commented!” Hitoka cried. Atsumu’s enthusiasm was infectious, and so she couldn’t help but find herself eager to know if her crush had taken the bait, too. She refreshed the post, and sure enough, Shouyou’s comment appeared in the thread: “Two best friends! <3”
“Atsumu! Atsumu, what does this mean?!” Hitoka shouted while grabbing him by the shoulder, forcing him to lean over her shoulder while she frantically shoved her phone screen in his face. Atsumu’s head bobbed back and forth a little as he tried to focus on the little blip on Hitoka’s screen; when he finally managed to read it, he sucked in a gasp. 
“Ooooh, he’s so jealous!” 
“Is he?!” Hitoka fretted. “Are you sure it’s not just an innocent observation?” 
“Critical thinking skills, Hitoka!” Atsumu cried and flicked her on the forehead with the nail of his index finger. She wailed in affront, hand flying to the circular pink mark that bloomed on her skin, while Atsumu pointed emphatically at the phone screen. “The heart Emoji tells all! It’s a classic deflection technique! He wants to seem unbothered when, in reality, he’s probably frothing at the mouth with rage right now!” 
“Oh my goodness! Atsumu, you’re amazing! Telling so much from just a simple comment…” Hitoka breathed in awe while she peered close at her phone screen as if the proximity would automatically bestow her the remarkable talent. 
“You live and you learn, Hitoka, dear,” Atsumu hummed with a dismissive wave of his hand. “One day you, too, will be blessed with the ability to see into men’s hearts.” He then sat up and clapped his hands together, a downright devious grin splitting his face. “Now. We have their attention. It’s time to drive them wild.” 
Before Hitoka could inquire as to how, Atsumu dipped his finger into the whipped cream atop his latte to scoop up a little glob of it. Then, with a completely indifferent expression, he dabbed it onto Hitoka’s cheek. 
“Hey, what’s the big idea?” she cried. When she went to wipe it away with the sleeve of her cardigan, he lightly slapped her hand away. “Ow, hey! Atsumu!” 
“Hush. It’s for the greater good,” he answered unsympathetically. Hitoka had no clue how getting whipped cream smeared on her face could possibly be for the greater good, so she just stared incredulously at her best friend. Her expression turned even more shocked when he held up his phone again with the camera facing her. 
“Atsumu, what are you—?” Her question morphed into a high-pitched squeak when he suddenly dove in to lick the whipped cream off her cheek. She wasn’t sure what came first—the sight of him crowding her personal space on the phone screen with his tongue sticking out or the wet feeling of it sliding a line up her skin—but either way, she reacted the same. Face blazing bright red, mouth falling agape, eyes blowing wide—the perfect demure contrast to the smug smirk tugging at Atsumu’s lips. Truly, a masterpiece of a candid photo. 
“That oughta do it,” Atsumu quipped nonchalantly after swiping his tongue across his lip to clear the remaining hints of whipped cream. Hitoka frowned at the disgusting feeling of his saliva drying on her cheek and hastily wiped her face with the sleeve of her cardigan. 
“You could have warned me!” 
“It wouldn’t have looked right!” Atsumu snapped back without looking up from his phone. “It’s all for the cause, Hitoka, love.” Hitoka’s phone chimed with another pleasant ding! as Atsumu sent the photo out into the world for all to see. Atsumu had captioned the photo “Silly girl, what am I going to do with her? <3” Hitoka really questioned whether the cause was really worth getting licked in the face; after all, everyone knew that Atsumu and Hitoka were close. Surely this photo, suggestive as it was, couldn’t—
That train of thought came to a screeching halt when she got a text notification from Shouyou. 
Yacchan, are you and ‘Tsumu actually dating?
“Hook, line, and sinker,” Atsumu purred as he read the text over Hitoka’s shoulder. Hitoka just stared dumbly at her phone screen with her thumbs hovering over her keyboard. What should she do? What should she say? She hadn’t thought this far ahead when she agreed to this plan! Shouyou didn’t give her a chance to respond. Rapid fwip-fwip-fwips filled her ears as speech bubbles appeared rapid-fire on her screen. 
LOL, of course you are! Just look at you two! 
Why didn’t you tell me? o>u<o
How long has it been since those coffee dates became real dates?
I guess I should have seen this coming
Not that I’m mad or anything! 
Of course I’m not mad LOL 
Why would I be? I’m happy for you two! 
I’m so happy for you!
<3 <3 <3
“Damn. Maybe I overdid it,” Atsumu sniffed, watching the stream of texts appear on her phone screen. Hitoka curled up in her seat as she felt guilt twist her belly into tight knots. Maybe this was the wrong thing to do. Maybe she should have just been honest with Shouyou instead of playing this twisted little mind game. But what if she was wrong? Shouyou always had been a rapid-fire texter anyway, just like he spoke whatever came to mind without a filter. Maybe he really was just happy! Maybe he was just so excited for her that he couldn’t contain himself!
“Oh, no you don’t,” Atsumu frowned and snapped his fingers a few times in front of Hitoka’s face. It yanked her out of her spiral of doubt, and she looked at him, blinking incomprehensibly. “Don’t start questioning things! Sho-chan is beside himself right now. There’s no doubt.” 
Hitoka looked back down at her phone. She bit down on her lip, ruminating on what she was about to do. Her thumbs swirled circles in the air over her keyboard; then, she swiftly typed a reply before she could change her mind. 
Thank you, Shouyou! I’m very happy! ^u^ Atsumu really is the best. 
A soft thwip, and Hitoka couldn’t take that little speech bubble back, not now. 
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Three weeks. It had been three weeks, and Atsumu’s dumb drastic measures had yielded nothing for Hitoka. Nothing! Shouyou was so stupidly oblivious that it was going to kill her. Kill her!
Kiyoomi had folded in two days. Two days! All it had taken was them walking into the kitchen holding hands one morning, and the guy had caved. He’d grabbed Atsumu by the front of his tee-shirt and hauled him off down the hall before either of them could register what was happening. 
Kiyoomi had seen right through the guise, demanding to know what the hell Atsumu was playing at because he knew that even though Atsumu was straight he would never dream of dating Hitoka. “Come on! After all those ‘like a little sister I never had’ comments, do you think I would be stupid enough to believe you actually had a thing for her? What game are you playing here?” Of course, Atsumu had been all too eager to tell Kiyoomi that he was in fact bisexual, although he was “very, very gay for him and only him.” That sure put out the fuse on Kiyoomi’s dynamite. 
Once Kiyoomi had calmed down, Atsumu and Hitoka explained the entire plot. He took it quite well, aside from whacking Atsumu upside the head for “being a bad influence on a pure soul like Hitoka.” But the die was cast now. Kiyoomi actually agreed to continue with the ploy, much to their shock. He said that he wanted didn’t want Hitoka to come out of this “ill-conceived scheme,” as he’d put it, with nothing, so he would go on as if nothing had happened if only for her to have a chance at happiness too. 
“I honestly don’t know if Shouyou has feelings for you, Hitoka,” he’d said with a simple shrug, “but if he does, he’ll crack before the end of the month.”
Well, the end of the month was almost here, and Shouyou was looking pretty crack-less. Atsumu and Hitoka were running out of ideas. They’d tried everything they could think of—holding hands, cuddling, feeding each other, little kisses, giggly sweet nothings and innuendos. They’d even orchestrated a very elaborate plan involving cleverly chosen vantage points and a pillow dummy to have Shouyou “catch” them in the act of making out, but nothing! No dice! Shouyou just acted sickeningly sweet and supportive about the whole thing, and it made Hitoka want to die. 
“Atsumu, I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up,” she groaned into her phone, rolling over in her bed to miserably hug her pillow. He was out with Kiyoomi tonight under the guise of shopping for a surprise present for Hitoka, leaving her to wallow in her failure alone in her room. “Maybe we were wrong. Maybe he just doesn’t like me like that.” 
“I’m telling you, Yacchan, he’ll cave!” Atsumu insisted on the other end of the line. “We just have to play it out a little bit longer. Shouyou’s a good guy. It’s just gonna take him a lot to overcome his pride as your best friend.” 
“How much more can we do?” Hitoka sighed in exasperation. Atsumu just groaned in uncertainty, which all but cemented her fears. 
Shouyou just doesn’t see me that way. 
“Look, you just enjoy your date, okay? I’m tired. We can talk about this tomorrow or something,” Hitoka said quietly. Atsumu began to protest, but she cut him off by hanging up. She dropped her phone down on the bed, then flopped her face down into the mattress. Ugh, it was so frustrating that she wanted to scream! But Hitoka didn’t even have the energy to muster up a tiny little whine. It was exhausted, getting your heart broken over something you never even had. 
She rolled her face to the side. Her eyes had begun to sting with tears, and as she moved, they smeared across her comforter to leave dark streaks in the fabric. Her phone was still lit up, showing her lock screen. Even with her “dating” Atsumu, it was still a picture of her and Shouyou. Her favorite one—them at graduating, smiling goofily as they posed with their diplomas. Even with the ache growing deeper in her heart, Hitoka couldn’t help but smile. She reached out to trace her fingertips over the pixelated form of Shouyou grinning so brightly back at her. 
At least he’ll always be my best friend. A consolation prize, but better than losing outright. She’d get over it eventually. Time would go on, the pain would fade, and she’d look back on all of this as a passing whimsy of “what if?” An alternate reality to entertain in the theater of her mind, and nothing more. 
She nearly jumped out of her skin when there was a loud knock on her bedroom door. 
“Yacchan? Can I talk to you?” came Shouyou’s muffled voice.
“Wha-wha? O-oh, sure!” she cried while she bolted up into a sitting position and hastily scrubbed at her eyes. She quickly threw herself into a lounging position, trying to seem like she had been idling on her phone instead of starring in her own melodrama. She smiled at Shouyou as he came in, nonchalantly as if her heart wasn’t about to burst out of her chest. “What’s up?” 
Shouyou lingered at the doorway. He looked everywhere but at her; his shaky gaze jumped from the papers strewn across her desk to the pile of clothes spilling out of her hamper to the corner of the ceiling before finally coming to a rest at his feet. He had his hands in his jeans pockets, but then he pulled them out to rub his palms down his legs, and then he grabbed nervously at the hem of his tee-shirt. All her own personal problems immediately forgotten in the face of his anxiety, Hitoka tossed her phone aside and crawled to the end of the bed. 
“Shouyou? Shouyou, what’s wrong?” 
Finally, his eyes flickered up to meet hers. The words burst from his mouth like water from a dam. 
“I think Atsumu is cheating on you.” 
All Hitoka could think to say was, “Eh?” 
That was the catalyst. Shouyou rushed up to the end of the bed to grab her hands and squeeze them tight while words tumbled from his mouth nearly too fast for Hitoka to understand them. 
“No, I know he’s cheating on you! I’m so sorry, Yacchan! I didn’t want to tell you at first, I knew you’d be devastated, but I just couldn’t watch it any longer! I caught him the other day on the phone with someone, he tried to play it off but I know there’s someone else, I just know that he’s running around behind your back! And seeing him parade you around like you’re the only one, it—ugh, it just burns me up inside!” 
Like a light switch had flipped, his mood immediately did a one-eighty. His concerned and empathetic expression immediately twisted into a scowl, and his grip tightened around Hitoka’s hands. 
“Ugh, the nerve of that bastard!” he ranted and stamped his foot against the floor so hard that her bedframe rattled a little bit. 
“How could he? You’re the woman of every man’s dreams! He should be kissing the ground at your feet, showering you in gifts, taking every minute of every day to spend with you! And instead, he’s giving somebody else the attention you deserve?” An angry flush was creeping up his neck, slowly dying his skin red. His orange eyes seemed more like the sun than ever, blazing bright enough to light fire to everything around him. 
“Shouyou,” Hitoka tried again, but Shouyou continued to rant without even acknowledging that he’d heard her at all. He probably hadn’t. 
“That’s it! As soon as he gets home, I’m kicking his ass! I’ll show him what happens when he dares to stomp all over your heart, Yacchan! He’ll never think about flirting with another person by the time I’m through with him! Ugh, I’m gonna—” 
It was clear that Shouyou wasn’t going to stop his tirade without more direct intervention. So, Hitoka slapped her hand over his mouth with a stern, “Shouyou.” 
She felt his mouth open against her palm, followed by his lips coming together in a tight seam. Finally, he was staring at her with nothing short of rapt attention. 
“Atsumu isn’t cheating on me.” 
Shouyou went to speak against her hand, and so she just pressed it harder to his mouth. He obediently stopped talking, though he looked like a kicked puppy while doing it. 
“Atsumu isn’t cheating on me because we aren’t dating.” 
Hitoka lowered her hand from his mouth and gave him a small nod, indicating that he could respond. He opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. He pressed his lips together in a terse line, and then grunted, “I don’t get it.” 
“Atsumu and I were just pretend dating.” 
“Pretend dating? Why?” 
“To get you jealous!” Hitoka cried and threw up her arms in exasperation. Shouyou’s eyes blew wide in an owlish expression. “You were so oblivious to my crush that it was driving me crazy, and he was going through the same thing with Kiyoomi, and so he concocted this whole fake-dating scheme to get you guys to finally ask us out!”
“But Kiyoomi was the only one to take the bait, and so he and Atsumu have been dating-dating while me and Atsumu have been fake-dating!” she continued breathlessly, not even realizing that Shouyou had begun talking. Her arms flailed around her in emphatic gestures, and Shouyou had to dodge one of her hands when it whipped about and nearly whacked him in the face. 
“And youuuu just kept being so sweet and supportive and ugh about it because you obviously don’t like me like that, and all I’ve accomplished is being a total idiot!” 
It was Shouyou’s turn to shut her up, but not with his hand. Instead, he slapped his hands to her cheeks and jerked her head around to he could smash his lips to hers. It certainly wouldn’t go down in the records as the most romantic kiss ever, but it still had Hitoka’s bones melting to goop inside her body. She slowly slumped down with a soft “hmmmmm,” eyelashes fluttering and eyes glazing over in a dreamy haze at the feeling of Shouyou’s plush lips against her own. 
“Yacchan,” he breathed when he pulled back. He didn’t go far, remaining close enough for his warm breath to ghost over her face and send even more tingles spreading through her already excited nerves. “You really need to get better at reading people, because I most definitely like you like that.” 
“Really?” she blinked. Shouyou snickered, then leaned in to press a soft little kiss to the tip of her nose. 
“Yeah. I guess you didn’t realize that, otherwise you would have just asked me out instead of going along with this whole fake-dating scheme of Atsumu’s and putting me through three weeks of hell.” 
Hitoka’s face flushed hot with shame and embarrassment. Maybe she really hadn’t anticipated how drastic these measures really were. 
“I’m sorry, Shouyou,” she pouted. “I was just so caught up in my own feelings that I didn’t even think about yours! Oh, I bet it was tearing you up inside. I’m such a horrible person.” 
“Nah, it’s okay,” Shouyou reassured her, and she looked at him doubtfully. “Really! I think it’s cute, the idea that you got so stupid over me.” 
Hitoka couldn’t help but giggle. 
“Yeah, I guess it was all pretty stupid, huh? I can’t believe I let Atsumu talk me into this instead of just getting the courage to tell you how I feel,” she said with a sheepish smile. Man, she really had been so silly!
“Well, Atsumu does have a talent for making people do stupid things,” Shouyou hummed in amusement. “Did we already forget the soy milk incident?” 
“Trust me, I didn’t forget. You still owe me a carton of soy milk,” she huffed indignantly. 
“We’ll call it even, then,” Shouyou smirked and leaned in to nuzzle the tip of his nose affectionately against her cheek. “I’ve done one stupid thing, and you’ve done one stupid thing. Both on account of one Atsumu Miya.” 
“Okay,” Hitoka chuckled and looped her arms around his neck. It seemed she’d read him right that time, because he clambered up onto the bed, knocking her onto her back so he could tangle his body with hers in a tight, adoring cuddle. Maybe they’d been drastic measures indeed, but everything had worked out in the end. Hitoka sure couldn’t complain about that. 
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loveephia · 8 months
JAKFJSKDKSKSJ THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON😭😭?!?@?# kinda experiencing writer's block rn, but I'M GLAD THAT YOU LIKE MY WORKS UEHEUEUE
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marureenu · 5 months
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hinayachi ♡♡
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pearlsephoni · 8 months
Spiking Heartbeats: Team-Building
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Relationships: Platonic Karasuno First Years, platonic Hinayachi (Hinata & Yachi), pre-relationship Tsukkiyama (Tsukishima/Yamaguchi), pre-relationship Kagehina (Kageyama/Hinata)
Characters: Shoyo Hinata, Hitoka Yachi, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kei Tsukishima, Tobio Kageyama
Word Count: 2.9k
“Ditch?” Yachi repeats, looking extremely unsure of herself. “Ditch,” Shoyo confirms.
In April 2010, Hinata Shoyo and his childhood friend Yachi Hitoka leave Miyagi Prefecture to attend university in Tokyo. Shortly thereafter, an attempt to avoid compulsory hazing during their medical school orientation leads to an unlikely new friendship with three fellow first years
A/N: Written by @r0mantic-era as part of our collaborative series of Haikyuu Hospital Playlist AU fics, featuring the Karasuno first years as the 99s! Originally published on AO3 on March 25th. Further author's notes can be found there.
Hinata Shoyo sits with his back pressed against the wall of a crowded room, clutching his abdomen and gritting his teeth.
While an off-key rendition of Katy Perry’s Hot and Cold warbles through the cramped space, his stomach churns the overabundance of food he’d eaten during dinner. Eager to please his new seniors as they piled meat on his plate, Shoyo had shoved down piece after piece, constantly replaced in a never-ending stream, and ignored his body’s growing protests.
Now, he’s paying the price.
Beside him, Yachi gnaws on her fingernails, free hand twisted into the fabric of his tee shirt. “Hinata,” she mumbles. “I can’t do this.”
“Hurghh,” Shoyo groans in response, battling a wave of nausea as it rolls over his body. Although he prides himself on his stomach, he’s never been able to eat like Yachi. Bile rises in his throat.
Noticing the telltale signs, Yachi hurriedly presses her water bottle into his hand. “Drink,” she urges, glancing nervously over to their left. When Shoyo follows her gaze, he sees cases upon cases of alcohol stacked against the wall. The thought of getting hazed with alcohol in this state…Shoyo chokes down a gag and immediately looks away, back towards the front of the room.
“Wonderful performance! Everyone give a big hand to Hakuba-kun!!” announces Yamamoto Akane, one of the older med students running the retreat. “Who’s next?” The upperclassman’s eyes gleam while she scans the crowd, like a lion surveying a herd of antelope, as Hakuba Gao—one of their fellow first years—hurries off the stage, cheeks flaming.
“Hinata, I will pass away if I have to sing in front of the whole class,” Yachi hisses in his ear, pure dread plastered across her face. “Please!”
Shoyo chugs the water and finishes in several gulps before wiping the back of his hand across his mouth with a sigh. Sweet relief hits his system when he swallows, easing the pressure in his stomach just enough to respond properly. “I’m in no shape to perform, either,” he whispers back. “Let’s ditch.”
“Ditch?” Yachi repeats, looking extremely unsure of herself.
“Ditch,” Shoyo confirms, holding out his hand to his oldest and dearest childhood friend with a grin. Clearly conflicted, Yachi stares at him, torn between her fear of getting in trouble and her obvious desire to leave. 
After a minute, Shoyo makes the decision for her. “We won’t get caught,” he asserts confidently. Momentarily grabbing her hand, he climbs to his feet and leads her out the back door. Yachi follows without protest, stage fright more anxiety-inducing than any punishment their seniors can deal out.
The fresh night air kisses his lungs when they slip outside, clearing away his food-induced queasiness until it is nothing more than a faint, dull ache. Creeping across the porch of the inn, Shoyo makes to turn the corner when Yachi grips the edge of his tee shirt.
“Hinata, wait! Look!” Yachi warns under her breath, gesturing ahead.
Sure enough, he spots two other seniors leaning against the exit of the venue. Shoyo can’t remember their names, but the scowls on their faces are more than enough of a deterrent. “Damn it!” he curses quietly. 
Their department orientation retreat is located high in the mountains at a walled inn with only one entrance: in short, there is no escape.
“The toilet?” Yachi suggests, pointing at a very sad port-a-potty a little ways away.
Shoyo wrinkles his nose. “We’d reek something awful if we went there.”
Yachi pales at the reminder. “And then we wouldn’t be able to make any friends for the rest of medical school!” she concludes, whisper rising in pitch. 
Shoyo flicks her on the forehead. “You’re doing it again.”
“My bad.” Yachi rubs the spot with a small blush, embarrassed by the call-out. “Um, well, what about that shed?” She raises one finger to point toward the back of the courtyard. Sure enough, there’s a small shed there, with blue paint peeling off the door and a rusted tin roof.
“Great thinking!” Shoyo praises, dashing towards the back. Yachi follows after, inching along the side of the inn pressed to the wall like some sort of secret agent. Once she joins him by the front of the shed, Shoyo grabs the door handle and wrenches it open with a loud creak.
“Eep!” Yachi lets out a tiny shriek, which Shoyo barely manages to muffle with his hand.
Two pairs of eyes stare back from the far end of the tiny supply shed, which is actually the size of a small closet. Shoyo vaguely recognizes the pair from the day’s earlier activities—they’re fellow first year students. 
An outdated SONY portable CD player sits on the ground, bracketed by their shoes. The cord of a pair of wired headphones travels up the space between them only to diverge at their shoulders, an earbud traveling to each ear.
“Oh, great,” says the first guy—he’s clearly huge, even though his frame is hunched and folded into itself in an attempt to make himself small. “This is what I was afraid of.”
His friend, similarly big but not quite as colossal, sits squished beside him with his arms wrapped around his knees. He’s a little mousy despite his big size, with a smattering of freckles across his face and jittery knees. “Tsukki… They can hear you.” His voice is soft and a little sweet.
“That’s the whole point, Yamaguchi,” replies ‘Tsukki’, who rolls his eyes behind square-rimmed glasses. “This shed is occupied. Go make out somewhere else.”
“Make out?!” Yachi squeaks, horrified.
“We’re running away from compulsory Karaoke,” Shoyo corrects, face flaming. “Yachi is my childhood friend!”
‘Yamaguchi’ perks up at that. “Tsukki and I are childhood friends, too!” he offers excitedly. “And we also came here to avoid performing!”
“Shut up, Yamaguchi,” Tsukki mutters.
Shoyo frowns at that. What’s this Tsukki guy’s problem?
“Sorry, Tsukki!” chirps Yamaguchi, flashing a toothy smile, completely unfazed by the fact that his friend just told him to shut up.
Shoyo exchanges a glance with Yachi that says, These guys are weird. She meets his eyes in agreement, lifting a hand to chew on her fingernails.
“Well, Tsukki—,” Shoyo begins.
“That’s Tsukishima to you.”
“Well, Tsukishima,” he amends. “You don’t own this shed, so you can’t complain if we join you.” Without waiting for an answer, he steps inside, extending a hand to pull Yachi in after him. She closes the door hastily and leans against it awkwardly.
“It was already cramped in here,” Tsukishima huffs.
Shoyo appraises him, squinting to see under the dim light bulb. “You’re really whiny, aren’t you?”
“Don’t say that about Tsukki!” Yamaguchi retorts immediately, uncurling his spine abruptly. His lanky limbs practically vibrate with defensive intensity. Tsukishima sighs through his nose.
“Whining is all he’s been doing since we met!” Shoyo points out, squeezing into the spot beside Tsukishima and bumping the boy over to the side with an aggressive scoot of the hips. “Yacchan, come sit here,” he instructs, patting the newly vacated space.
Tsukishima plucks the earbud from Yamaguchi’s ears and rolls up the headphones before tucking them and the Walkman into his jacket pocket. “We’re only letting you stay here because you’re both tiny,” he mutters, now pressed up against Yamaguchi due to the narrow dimensions of the shed. Yamaguchi looks rather uncomfortable, contorted awkwardly against the wall to make more space. Tsukishima’s hands are tightly clasped in his lap, his face oddly redder than it was just a minute prior.
“Tiny?!” Shoyo jabs Tsukishima in the ribs with his elbow, sensitive about his height. “I’m a very respectable height, you know. You’re just…freaky!”
Yamaguchi snickers into his hand. Shoyo is starting to think that he’s not quite as nice as initial appearances had suggested.
“Shhhh,” Yachi interjects worriedly. “You two are going to get us caught! Can’t we all just be quiet?!”
Shoyo can’t really handle awkward silence, though, when he’s not preoccupied by a task. “My name’s Hinata Shoyo. She’s Yachi Hitoka,” he tells Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. “Yacchan and I are from Miyagi Prefecture.”
“I’m Yamaguchi Tadashi from Tokyo,” Yamaguchi tells Shoyo, twisting his torso in an attempt to find a better sitting position. “And this is my best friend Tsukishima Kei! Tsukki scored in the top percentile on the entrance exam for this program,” he announces proudly, puffing out his chest like he’s sharing his own scores and not somebody else’s.
“Shut up, Yamaguchi,” Tsukishima groans, burying his head in his hands. Shoyo thinks he catches a glimpse of pink cheeks peeking through Tsukishima’s fingers.
“Sorry, Tsukki!”
“Shhhh!!” Yachi begs, hushing them all again. “What if—”
The door to the shed swings open.
“Ahhh!! We’re sorry!!” Yachi yelps, immediately getting to her knees to beg for forgiveness.
The person standing there stares down at her, eyes wide. “Huh.” And then he looks up.
Flat black hair cut like a bowl sits above piercing eyes, cobalt like the blue of a Mikasa volleyball. Shoyo traces the stranger’s small nose down to his deeply set frown, lips curved like Cupid’s bow. The boy is tall, hands shoved into the pockets of a black Adidas tracksuit.
The first coherent thought that Shoyo manages to formulate is: Cool.
“Oh, it’s this asshole again,” Tsukishima states, matter-of-fact. “The one who was trying to boss us around during the games earlier today. Kageyama, right?”
Kageyama’s face clouds like the sky before a storm. “You were the reason our team ate lunch last,” he mutters. “All the yogurt was gone by then. Jerk.”
“So you’re not an upperclassman?” Yachi asks, relief blossoming across her face. She scrambles to her feet and grabs Kageyama’s sleeve, pulling him inside before quickly shutting the door. “Phew… Now everybody be quiet!” she orders. “I don’t even want to think about what they’ll do to us if they find us.”
At her command, the shed falls silent for a while. Kageyama shuffles his feet awkwardly before crouching on the ground in a flat-footed squat. Shoyo watches him with intrigue; he can’t help it. Kageyama is…he’s eye-catching.
“What are you staring at?” Kageyama grunts after a little while, breaking the quiet.
“Nothing,” Shoyo says immediately, a flush crawling up his neck. Caught red-handed. “Iwasntlookingatanything!”
“What?” Kageyama prods, leaning closer. “Are you even speaking Japanese?”
“O meu nome é Shoyo Hinata,” Shoyo jokes, feeling his skin grow sweaty under his clothes.
Kageyama stares at him blankly and tilts his head, clearly confused. Shoyo stifles a laugh. This Kageyama guy has some pretty cute behaviors, he has to admit.
Yachi swats Shoyo’s arm gently. “His name is Hinata Shoyo. I’m Yachi Hitoka. We’re from Yukigaoka in Miyagi Prefecture,” she says timidly.
Kageyama nods, looking rather solemn. “I’m Kageyama Tobio. I’m from Sendai, so I’m from Miyagi, too.”
“No way!” Shoyo whispers, fighting to keep his voice down. “I’m a huge fan of the Sendai Frogs!”
“The volleyball team?” Tsukishima perks up for the first time since Kageyama entered the shed. “I guess you have some taste, after all, Shrimpy. The Frogs have some of the best blockers in the V-League.”
Before Shoyo can contest the ‘shrimpy’ comment, Kageyama speaks up: “The Frogs have weak offensive power; they only just made the jump from division two to division one. The best team in the V-League is hands-down the Schweiden Adlers.”
“You take that back!” Shoyo protests, seething, right as Tsukishima exclaims, “The Adlers?! The fucking Adlers?!”
“Be quiet!!” Yachi begs.
“I’m just stating facts,” Kageyama retorts, crossing his arms. “The Frogs are shitty.”
“The Frogs are not shitty!” Shoyo declares, heated in a way he only is when it comes to his favorite sport. He played wing spiker for his school team all through high school until it was time to study for university entrance exams—so sue him for being a little overly passionate. “They’re about to thrash the Adlers in their next match!”
“You’re a dumbass if you think—” Kageyama begins, meeting Shoyo’s glare head-on, when the door swings open for a third time.
“Having fun?” asks Yamamoto Akane, standing in the entryway, incisors sharp in her sparkly white smile.
Shoyo fails to suppress his audible gulp.
“Our next performers will be a group of five! They specially volunteered to perform this next song and they’ll be cleaning up the whole place once we call it a night!” announces Yamamoto, hitting play on the iPod Nano attached to the stereo speakers.
As the familiar Woaaaah of Justin Bieber’s Baby starts to reverberate through the room, Yamaguchi clutches his microphone like a lifeline, horror-stricken. Yachi’s knees knock together like a baby giraffe. Tsukishima stares blankly ahead.
“I don’t know this song,” Kageyama announces into his microphone, prompting giggles from the audience.
“Just do ad-libs!” Yachi squeaks, lowering her microphone so that she’s only audible to the five of them. “Who knows what the upperclassmen will do if we don’t try!”
“I know you love me, I know you care,” Tsukishima says, completely deadpan, into his microphone in accented English. He sounds like he’s reciting a passage for class.
What follows is the flattest, worst musical performance that Shoyo has ever witnessed, much less participated in. Despite the fact that English was never his favorite strongest subject, Shoyo’s firm grasp on pop culture and five years of playing guitar as a hobby mean that he and Yamaguchi manage to halfway carry the tune, stumbling over the lyrics. Yachi, who Shoyo knows to be an incredibly gifted pianist and lovely singer, spends the verses breathing loudly into the microphone and warbles out the refrain pitchily, halfway hiding behind Tsukishima, who is still doing a monotone robot impression (but somehow seems to know every word, including the rap).
As for Kageyama…he just yells, “Hey!” into his microphone every few seconds, so gruff it’s almost aggressive.
Their rendition is awful, objectively, and their classmates clutch their stomachs the whole time, peals of laughter ringing through the room. Shoyo knows they mean it in good fun; when the song comes to a painful end, the other first years drunkenly hoot and holler with good-natured enthusiasm. Nonetheless, Yamaguchi and Yachi still seem to be moments away from death by mortification.
Thankfully, the event ends shortly afterward, with their fellow students stumbling into the sleeping quarters; everyone is freshly of age and unused to drinking.
Kageyama, Yachi, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Shoyo remain behind, where Yamamoto hands them all trash bags and a few brooms. “Hopefully this serves as a good lesson about being good team players instead of sneaking off to avoid participating,” she tells them. “It was so sweet of you five to offer to clean all this up in place of your very tired seniors!” Yamamoto stretches her arms above her head and yawns, exaggerated. “See you in the morning~”
Once they’re alone, Yamaguchi slumps back against a wall. “I can’t believe we got caught,” he groans.
“We wouldn’t have gotten caught if these two menaces could keep their voices down,” Tsukishima snarks, bending over and getting to work, plucking up paper plates and red solo cups by their rims with two fingers, wrinkling his nose. “God damn it, everything is sticky.”
“You were being loud, too!” Shoyo objects, hands on his hips.
“Let’s just hurry and get this over with,” Yamaguchi interrupts, pinching the bridge of his nose. Abashed, Shoyo joins Tsukishima in cleaning up, along with everyone else.
They finish the job in just thirty minutes, partially because Shoyo and Kageyama somehow end up competing as to who can collect the most trash: it all starts innocently enough, with Kageyama side-eyeing Shoyo’s less-full trash bag with a smirk. Shoyo can’t really even explain how it devolves into the two of them furiously stuffing garbage into their bags as fast as they can.
Shoyo thinks he hears Tsukishima whisper, “single-celled organisms” to Yamaguchi, who snickers in response, but he graciously elects to ignore them.
Once clean-up is finished, the five of them haul the bags out to the dumpster.
“We did it!” Yachi cheers, releasing a huge sigh of relief. Shoyo grins as he watches the tension flow out from her body, fully, for the first time that evening. Without warning, however, she stiffens again.
“What’s wrong, Yacchan?” he asks, genuinely concerned. “Did we forget something?”
“No, no! It’s all okay!” Yachi digs the toe of her converse into the dirt, fiddling with her small purse. “It’s just, um… Um, well, my parents got me a digital camera. To record memories of my time at university. And…I…Will you all take the first picture with me?” she squeaks out, completely pink in the face.
“In front of the dumpster?” Tsukishima raises a skeptical eyebrow.
“Ah, no, um…maybe in front of the inn?” 
“Of course, we can!” Shoyo interrupts, marching over to the front of the main building and shucking off his shoes. “Everyone, stack your shoes here. We can put the camera on top of the pile and use the timer setting!”
Surprisingly, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima and Kageyama all surrender their shoes to the pile without a fight. Yachi’s red converse sit at the very top, flipped upside down so that the little camera can rest on a flat surface. Idly, Shoyo wonders if tonight is the start of something interesting.
“I’m clicking the button!” Yachi announces, pressing down before hurrying to the front steps of the inn, where the others are already waiting. She sits in the very center, sandwiched between Kageyama and Shoyo. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima perch on the step behind them.
Shoyo watches the little green light flash, counting down from ten…nine…eight…seven…six…five…four…three…two…
He raises two fingers in a peace sign and stretches his mouth into his widest smile.
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itsdaifuku · 1 year
tag people you‘d like to get to know better
i was tagged by the lovely @angel-bubbles :3 thank you for the tag! inviting @liykaii @yaahkap @verrverii @annahhopee @miloeveryday38 @vicbutbetter @yetdevout @daveyistheloml to join!!
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three ships: chilumi, hinayachi (the fanarts are adorable ok guys u need to check them out), davey/angel
first ever ship: zutara!! BRO NEVER GONNA LEAVE THAT BOAT!
last song: seisyun complex - kessoku band. the opening song from the anime 'Bocchi the Rock!'
last movie: wakanda forever, LOL i realized i mostly watch series these days
currently reading: a bunch of ongoing mangas. my fave ongoing ones rn are kindergarten wars (comedy), a sign of affection (romance), satsujin kansatsukan no kohaku (brutal)
currently watching: animes that came out this and last season (DIY-do it yourself, BSD season 4, buddy daddies)
currently consuming: fudge brownies i baked the other day lol and goodboy audios hehehe
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stylinbreeze60 · 2 years
Also Hinata Shouyou
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Favorite thing about them
Everything. He’s sunshiney, he perseveres against adversity, he has boundless energy, he fills me with such serotonin on sight
Least favorite thing about them
I have a least favorite thing?
Favorite line
[MANGA SPOILERS] *casually* “Anyways, Hoshiumi-san, if you want the Little Giant nickname, you can have it.”
HinaNoya! Short Kings Alliance
It’s not a nOTP, but I’m actually not a fan of KageHina. It’s the hipster side of me: it’s popular, therefore I don’t like it
Random headcanon
He and Hoshiumi text each other regularly in present day and talk smack to each other constantly
Unpopular opinion
He is the most amazing person ever. Oh, wait. That’s a popular opinion
Song I associate with them
The Room Where It Happens, because as I demonstrated in my Haikyuu/Hamilton crack, he wants to be in “the room where it happens”~ (if your curiosity is piqued, click here)
Favorite picture of them
My eternal profile picture. Here it is in all its glory
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thewafflekingdom · 1 year
Rating: G
Pairing: HinaYachi
Yachi's biggest fear is losing contact with the boys. She can deal with Kageyama being distant, but not Hinata.
Then she finds out he's leaving the country entirely...
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