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Unser cremig-fruchtiges Adventstiramisu mit Spekulatius und Himbeeren ist genau das richtige Dessert für die Weihnachtszeit! Schnell gemacht und einfach vorbereitet schmeckt das winterliche Dessert der ganzen Familie. Denn das winterliche Spekulatiustiramisu wird ohne Alkohol und Kaffee zubereitet.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
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Send 🍇 to handfeed my muse
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Lord Alexander hobbles forward, he did not like raspberries, but he would indulge the old man. He leans in very carefully, lips peeling over massive fangs to snip the little berries out of the old timer’s hands with all the gentleness of a mother croc with her babies.
His face puckered at the sour tartness. Why did this man love these infernal hell fruits so much?
“T-Thank you…” He grunts, reluctantly eating the raspberries.
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pane-bistecca · 9 months
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phototagebuch · 10 months
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28.6.2023: Die Himbeeren sind reif!
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naturugarten · 11 months
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In den #Himbeeren summt es, wie in einem Bienenstock. Hauptsächlich #Honigbienen 🍯🐝, aber auch einige #Hummeln 🐘🐝 und #Wildbienen 🦁🐝 sind zu sehen. #Naturgarten #mygarden
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sonxflight · 1 year
*shoves a raspberry into his mouth* "someone like you isn't made to be alone. now matter how much you believe in it." (kama having one of his sane moments)
“...Perhaps. Yet one shouldn’t need another person in order to know they’re complete.”
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“Besides, I’m not alone... I still have my family.”
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ectoamerican · 1 year
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The real important character development questions || accepting
@himbeeren sent:
what’s one thing they’ve done that they’re the most proud of?
In a short amount of time Danny has developed and trained himself to use his ghostly abilities with much more ease than when he first gained them. They sometimes doubt themselves, but always feel a sense of pride when he figures out how to use these powers properly. The one he's most proud of has been the duplication ability. Because it was originally Plasmius' cool power. But he learned it just from knowing Plasmius could do it and did not let him do any real teaching. (it also took a lot of time to do it correctly)
would they ever go to a haunted house?
Do you mean the house Danny lives in now or....? Just kidding! Although, any home Danny lives in is going to always be 'haunted'. I'm going to assume this question on the list is referring to both actual haunted houses and haunted attraction houses. The answer to both is yes. Danny's parents have taken their children to many haunted locations throughout their lives, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for Danny at all. And haunted attractions of all sorts are some of the highlights of the fall season for him because it's a fun thing to do with friends.
how many languages do they speak? would they like to learn more?
The answer is complicated. English and the weird ghost language are the ones I talk about the most here. However, he can speak a small amount of Esperanto, thanks to his best friend Tucker. It's a DEAD-dead language that another ghost, named Wulf, speaks. And he knows a small amount of Korean. Because his grandmother on his dad's side of the family is from South Korea.
why types of books do they read? do they have a favorite?
Comic books and various science or sci-fi books. Mostly having to do with cryptids, mysteries, or space related sciences. He doesn't have much time for story driven novels. Anything about space is his favorite.
if given the opportunity, would they go to space? why or why not?
{ I think this video/song sums up Danny's feelings. }
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arifink · 2 years
Wildes Wien: Schwebfliege auf Himbeerblüten
Quelle: Ari Fink Photography
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ernaehrunghandbuch · 3 years
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Top 10 der Superfoods mit H!
Als Superfood werden Lebensmittel bezeichnet, die besonders gut für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden sind. Hier die Top 10 der Superfoods mit H!
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Und weiter gehts 😉👌💪 Diese bei uns sehr beliebte Himbeere-Mohn Torte mit innen liegenden Fruchtkern gehört morgen bei unserer Feier auch zum ‚sweet table‘ 😉 Mein Rezept dazu befindet sich im Buch #1 - https://www.private-taste.at/product-page/private-taste-by-anita-moser #90erfeier #privatetastebyanitamoser #himbeeren #Himbeere-mohntorte #mohntorte #backenmachtglücklich #tortebacken #torte https://www.instagram.com/p/CqObPUhjW0a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
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talk about raspberries. do you like raspberries?
Send “Talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person!
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"I can’t say that I do old one, they are small and sour and get stuck in my teeth. I’m not sure why you find enjoyment out of them. They grow in abundance here in my kingdom, along with blackberries too. Perhaps I shall pick some for you and leave them at the place of your dwelling, since you love them so much."
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Himbeer-Schoko Muffins mit Buttermilch (Valentinstag/ Muttertag)
Das Geheimnis unserer saftigen Valentinstag-Schokomuffins ist die Zugabe von Buttermilch im Teig! Und das i-Tüpfelchen dazu die Himbeer-Sahne, die als Herz für eine schöne Optik sorgt.
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naturugarten · 2 years
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Die #Himbeeren ziehen unzählige #Bienen 🐝 an. Es summt wie in einem Bienenstock 🎶 #Naturgarten #mygarden
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sonxflight · 1 year
summary: huh must be the wind
bonus: he do be good lookin
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✧ It's 'Roast The Blog' Hour ║ @himbeeren ✧
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It says shitty, not accurate
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connyskochstudio · 1 year
Römersalat mit Ziegenkäse und Himbeeren
Römersalat mit Ziegenkäse und Himbeeren
Römersalat mit Ziegenkäse und Himbeeren Zutaten für 4 Portionen: 2 Essl. Kürbiskerne 2 Essl. Obstessig 2 Teel. flüssiger Honig 3 Essl. Walnussöl Jodsalz grober Pfeffer 1 grosser Kopf Blattsalat (z.B. Römer- oder Friseesalat) 250 g Himbeeren einige essbare Blüten (z.B. Kapuzinerkresse) 8 kleine Ziegenkäse Zubereitung: Kürbiskerne in einer Pfanne ohne Fett anrösten, bis sie zu duften…
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