#hi future tenure review board
ghost-party · 2 years
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CHAPTER 1 Masterlist || Next
Pairing: Moblit Berner x F!Reader (Modern AU) Word Count: 2.8K Warnings: TA/student relationship, alcohol, swearing, mutual pining A/N: Moblit is so sweet and underrated. I’m excited to show him some love, especially on his birthday! 💛 Future chapters will have 18+ content, so IF YOU ARE A MINOR, DO NOT INTERACT!
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In the past few weeks, you’ve learned exactly how much of a pain it is to change majors. At least you did it before the semester began, and you were able to switch two of your classes. But you hadn’t anticipated needing an additional elective credit. With most courses already full, you sent a hopeful email, expecting a polite rejection in return. Instead, here you are, walking into an Introduction to Archaeology class.
As you settle into one of the only open seats, at the very front of the lecture hall, you can’t help but feel out of place. Not only is this a 100-level course, the majority of your fellow students nervous-looking freshmen, but you’re an English major. Luckily, your genuine interest in the subject seemed to sway the instructor enough to pull some strings and make it so that the course fulfilled your elective requirement.
Speaking of which… You glance around, wondering when they’ll arrive. Class starts in two minutes.
You’re startled when the double doors at the back of the room slam open. “What did I tell you, Moblit? We’re right on time!”
The first entrant, wearing a rumpled button-down and black slacks paired with worn sneakers, practically skips down the steps. Following close behind is a man in a blue sweater, two satchels slung over one shoulder, his arms laden with folders.
“Just barely,” he grumbles. “And can you at least take your bag?” As he walks past you, the stack he’s balancing begins to tip sideways, and you reach up, pushing it back into place.
He meets your gaze and… Wow. Pretty eyes, you think, your heart doing a strange little stutter when his lips curve into a grateful smile.
And then the moment has passed. You sit back in your hard plastic chair, feeling somewhat stunned, and he makes it to the front table without incident, setting his load down with a heavy sigh.
His colleague claps their hands, turning their head this way and that to take in the rows and rows of wide-eyed students. The lights glint against their wire-framed glasses, their hastily-clipped back hair swinging back and forth with zeal.
“Welcome to Archaeology 101! I’m your instructor, Zoe Hange, and this —” they gesture with a flourish towards their beleaguered companion “— is my fellow grad student, Moblit Berner.”
Hange tells the class they’re both two years into their program, and that they had the privilege of going on a dig over the summer with one of the tenured professors. Your gaze slides to Moblit, who looks a little pink beneath his light tan. It doesn’t seem that he enjoys being the center of attention.
“Think of Moblit as a co-instructor — or a TA.” Hange grins at that comment, while Moblit only shakes his head. “You’re welcome to come to either of us with questions this semester. I promise we won’t bite.” From the delightfully menacing delivery of that statement, you suspect many in the class remain unconvinced.
The remainder of the period is spent reviewing the syllabus, and Moblit steps in to take over while Hange scribbles some notes on the board.
You find yourself watching him more than following along on the printout in front of you. His sweater has a small ink stain on one cuff. Despite his apparent shyness, or at least reluctance to accept praise, he speaks clearly and with a strong, steady voice. His light brown hair falls across his forehead whenever he glances down to turn the page.
It’s when Hange interjects, assigning your first reading in the textbook, that you snap out of your daze, your cheeks growing warm with private embarrassment. This isn’t like you, to lose track of time during class, too lost in your own thoughts — especially ones about an instructor.
As you’re packing up, the students around you practically bolting for the door, a voice calls your name. You look up and find Hange waggling their fingers in your direction, smiling broadly.
“Sorry to startle you! Our roster has student ID photos attached.” They begin erasing the board, glancing at you over their shoulder. “That, and you don’t look like one of these timid little freshmen.”
You’re momentarily taken aback, and Moblit sighs. “Hange…”
“Huh? I meant it as a compliment!” Hange claps the chalk dust from their hands and turns to face you. “I just wanted to say hello, after we had such a pleasant email exchange.”
You return their smile, trying to keep your eyes from straying to Moblit, who’s now also looking at you. “Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate your help with everything.”
Hange’s smile widens even further. “Professor… I could get used to hearing that!”
Moblit rests a hand on their shoulder. “It’ll be ‘Doctor’ someday, if you don’t combust from overworking, or stumble into traffic with your nose stuck in a book.”
Hange makes a noise of protest, but Moblit continues, meeting your gaze, “If there’s anything you need, let us know. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help.”
You manage to nod, perhaps a little too quickly. “I will. Thanks.”
When you finally exit the building, breathing in the crisp September air, you let it fill your lungs and hope it can somehow clear your head.
You’ve never been the type to crush on a teacher. But the strange flutter of your heartbeat has you worried that’s about to change… if it’s not already too late.
Over the next few weeks, whenever you have a question, you try to ask Hange rather than Moblit. It’s easier said than done, considering the size of the class and how many other students are eager for their attention.
And it becomes impossible when, unexpectedly, Moblit arrives alone one afternoon and explains that Hange was offered the opportunity to travel to an active archaeological site. He tells the class that they’ll be gone for several weeks, studying abroad, and in the meantime, he will be your sole instructor.
Moblit seems comfortable at the front of the classroom, lecturing with ease as he spends the period reviewing topics that will be covered on your first test.
“You can take it online anytime between now and class time on Friday.” He struggles to be heard over the typical end-of-class chatter and shuffling of backpacks. “If you need help, you’re welcome to come to my office hours.”
Later that day, while studying in your usual cubicle at the library, you realize that you’re struggling to understand a particular concept. You let out a huff of annoyance and drain the dregs of your lukewarm coffee.
Stupid feelings... You hardly even know Moblit, and the only time you’ve spent around him has been during class. It makes no sense. Your inability to rationally explain your schoolgirl crush is frustrating, to say the least.
But if you don’t ask for help, you’re worried your test grade will suffer. As you walk to the sprawling science building, you give yourself a stern mental pep talk. Keep it together. Is your bar really so low that any guy who’s good-looking and kind can get this reaction from you?
You know you’re definitely oversimplifying it. But now’s not the time to dwell on the specific reasons for your attraction.
Moblit’s shared office door is cracked, and, hearing no voices, you reach out and knock.
“Come in.”
You find him sitting in front of his laptop, looking wholly absorbed in something he’s reading. Compared to Hange’s desk on the opposite side of the room, his is near-spotless, with two neat stacks of papers and a few small personal items.
He bites his lip for a moment, eyes still scanning the screen, before he snaps out of his thoughts and looks up at you, a bright smile taking over his face. “Sorry. You caught me working on my thesis.” He gestures to the empty chair in front of his desk. “Please, have a seat.”
You do as he says, shoving the mental image of his lip bite to a dusty corner of your brain. But before you can stop yourself, you ask, “What’s it on? Your thesis.”
Moblit blinks, surprised. “Oh. It’s, uh… hard to explain.” But instead of changing the subject, he leans back in his chair, brows drawn together. “I guess the easiest way to put it is an exploration of art and how recent discoveries have shed greater light on human behavior through the ages.”
“Wow.” You retrieve your textbook from your bag. “Sounds like a lot of research.”
Moblit laughs. “Yes, it is.”
“But it also sounds fascinating. I love the topic.”
Just as the initial question slipped from you, so does your assertion, and the office suddenly feels stifling, the chair beneath you strangely uncomfortable — until Moblit’s smile softens.
“Yeah?” He glances away, and it almost looks as though there’s a hint of pink in his cheeks. But then he clears his throat and says, “So, you needed something. Is it a question about the test?”
You explain the difficulty you’ve been having, and with your textbook open on the desk, the two of you leaning in to look at certain passages he points out, your understanding slowly grows. Moblit has a talent for explaining things in a way that just clicks — seemingly simple statements that add up to a greater whole.
It’s easy to see why plenty of students gravitate towards him for help rather than his more eccentric counterpart. You suspect it’s also because of how he looks when he’s passionately discussing something. There’s a reserved sort of giddiness about him, as if he’s endlessly intrigued by the subject at hand.
“Does that make sense?”
It’s the first hint of uncertainty in his voice, and you’re quick to raise your head and nod, eyes locking with his. You barely withhold a jolt of surprise when you realize how close you both are, with you having scooted forward in your chair, him leaning over the desk to better examine your book.
There’s a moment that passes in silence, the two of you staring at one another. You’ve paid enough attention to him over the weeks — the subtle expressiveness of his face, the way even a look or a twist of his lips can convey so much — to see the slight widening of his eyes and how they dart down for an instant, a flicker you would have missed if you had blinked.
“Thanks for the help.” You draw back, pulling your book into your lap, and Moblit stammers something in return. You barely hear it, the blood is pounding so hard in your ears. The cramped office space has you feeling slightly dizzy. Or maybe it’s just him.
“Good luck on the test!” You finally register his words as you slide your bag onto your shoulder. He offers you an encouraging smile, but he seems distracted as you leave, his eyes fixed intently on his desk.
Petra pouts at your immediate dismissal of her suggestion. “Come on. Please?”
The two of you are sitting in the living room of your apartment. While you’re sprawled on the sofa, trying — and failing — to prepare for your upcoming midterm exams, Petra is perched on the coffee table beside you, her big, beautiful eyes trying to stare straight into your soul. Or at least that’s how it feels.
And it’s honestly less of a coffee table and more of a precarious stack of three wooden pallets Hitch found next to the dumpster out back. The aesthetic of your shared living space is a strange combination of trendy boho chic (Petra), vintage and curbside finds (Hitch), and simple IKEA pieces that were within your collective budget (you).
“I’m not going on another blind date.”
“To be fair,” Petra points out, trying to snatch away the study guide you’ve been staring at for most of the afternoon, “Hitch set you up on the last one.”
You sigh and finally turn to look at her. “Who is he?”
She practically squeals, which has you immediately regretting the question. “He’s a friend of Oluo’s. Well, a friend of his friend.” Noticing your skepticism, she barrels ahead. “Grad student. Has his own place — and a dog. I think he’s in education. Really sweet guy.”
“Does he have a name?”
Petra smirks. “Yes. But I’m not telling you. All you’ll do is Facebook stalk him and talk yourself out of going.”
You groan and drop the study guide on your lap, staring up at the concrete ceiling. “Or I’ll Google him and find out he’s a convicted felon. I would really prefer to find that out ahead of time.”
“I promise, he’s totally normal.” Petra raises her leg and shoves at yours with one fuzzy socked foot. “Just tell me you’re in, I’ll let Oluo know, and he’ll set up the place and time.”
You scrunch up your nose, trying to remind yourself that Oluo and Petra have been dating for three years now, and from what she’s told you, he’s actually decent at planning dates. With a reluctant sigh, you hold out your hand, pinky finger extended.
“If this sucks, I’m done. I’m telling Hitch the same thing when she gets home from pilates.”
“I think it’s actually hot yoga —”
“Whatever.” You wave your pinky in her face until she links hers with it, accepting your terms.
“Deal!” She hops up to her feet and immediately begins typing on her phone. “I’m going to suggest he make reservations at that tapas place on Main Street. Ooh, or maybe…” Her voice trails off as she wanders off towards her bedroom, plotting under her breath.
This is a bad idea. You like Oluo well enough, and Petra means well. You know she does. But this isn’t your first blind date rodeo, and the others you’ve participated in have left you feeling a little jaded about the whole concept.
That, and you’re still very much hung up on a certain TA — much to your dismay.
After your visit to his office several weeks ago, you haven’t spoken to Moblit much, apart from short conversations before and after class. You both have a habit of arriving early, since the classroom is unoccupied right before the two o’clock lecture. And with Hange extending their stay abroad for another few weeks, you’ve offered to help gather papers and assist him with other tasks easier for two people to tackle.
You want to believe the tension you felt that day, sitting across from him, just the two of you, was the good kind. That maybe your crush isn’t as far fetched or unrequited as you thought. But he’s not an easy person to read. And the last thing you want is to make things awkward.
As you flip over onto your stomach and bury your face in a pillow, you try to convince yourself that this date will be good for you. Maybe meeting someone else is exactly what you need to get over your silly little crush.
“You really think I’m that hopeless?”
Moblit tries to frame the question as a joke, but his expression is slightly pained as he stares at Miche and Erwin from across the table. The three of them are at their usual Friday night hangout, a small pub several blocks from campus. Unlike the trendy bars and nightclubs nearby, the place is mercifully devoid of students.
Miche lifts his beer to his lips to avoid answering, while Erwin smiles. Moblit recognizes it as what he calls his “politician’s smile,” the one he plasters on whenever he needs to amp up the charm — or tell a convincing lie.
Before he can even speak, Moblit waves his hand at him. “Stop, stop… Spare me the bullshit.” He’s not usually so candid, but he’s three shots deep and feeling particularly miserable tonight.
“Mobs, come on.” Erwin leans across the table. “It’s just one date.”
“Oluo says she’s cute,” Miche says, his gaze wandering up to the widescreen television hanging across from their booth. 
“See?” Erwin’s smile seems more natural now, its wattage dimmed to acceptable human levels. “She’s roommates with Petra.”
Moblit wracks his hazy brain, trying to recall if he’s ever met Petra’s roommates. “It’s not the one who threw up on Nile at that one frat party, is it?”
Miche snorts. “No, but damn. What a missed opportunity.” He merely grins in the face of Moblit’s disparaging glare.
“She’s smart, pretty…” Erwin waves at the waitress as she passes, signaling for another round. “Lit major, I think. Or maybe it was communications. I forget.”
Moblit sinks back against the vinyl seat, fighting against the urge to bolt from the bar. He’s not sure why his fight or flight instincts kick in whenever his friends try to set him up on dates. But more than anything else, it’s exhausting.
He knows they just want him to be happy. They’re all either in happy, committed relationships (Erwin), dating around in hopes of finding something serious (Miche), or hopelessly in love with someone completely oblivious and unattainable (Hange). It’s hard for him to understand, though, why being single is synonymous with wasting away in reclusive devastation.
As he tosses back another shot of Jameson, he realizes that all this talk of dates and romance has brought to mind the very last person he wants to be thinking about: you.
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iraempirecom · 6 months
John Ohanesian Lear Capital
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Lear Capital, an esteemed name in the premium coin acquisition industry, owes much of its success to the collective efforts of its dedicated and dynamic team. Among them, two leaders stand out with their extraordinary vision and strategic expertise -Kevin DeMeritt, the Founder and Chairman, and John Ohanesian, the Chief Executive Officer.
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Lear Capital offers a variety of precious metal products including coins, bars, and bullion. They also offer services such as IRA rollovers and precious metal storage. For detailed information, check out: Lear Capital Reviews
John Ohanesian: The Direct-to-Consumer Dynamo
John Ohanesian, the President and CEO of Lear, exhibits exceptional expertise in the direct-to-consumer domain. His business ingenuity and adaptability have been instrumental in transforming companies and expanding their reach globally. Transforming Bosley, Inc. Ohanesian's successful stint at Bosley, Inc., a hair restoration brand, is a testament to his business acumen. Over his 20-year tenure as President & CEO, he expanded the brand into 90 markets, including Canada, Mexico, and Japan. His innovative strategies also saw Bosley's line of hair care products reach 35,000 salons across North America. Driving Lear Capital At Lear, Ohanesian leads day-to-day operations while closely collaborating with the board and Kevin DeMeritt, the founder. His rich experience in business development, strategy formulation, and market expansion is continually enhancing Lear's market share and product offerings. Charitable Involvement Ohanesian is an active member of the philanthropic community. He served as the Administrator of Olympic Health Services for the 1984 Summer Olympics held in Los Angeles, CA and has been a board member for several charitable foundations.
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You can connect with John Ohanesian on LinkedIn.
About Kevin DeMeritt
Kevin DeMeritt, with a background in international banking, has a knack for foreseeing financial trends. His deep-rooted understanding of economic cycles, sovereign debt, diversification strategies, and investment quality gold has been pivotal in Lear's success. Anticipating Market Trends DeMeritt's insights have not only helped Lear Capital to thrive but have also guided countless investors towards profitable ventures. His book, The Bulls, The Bears and The Bust, was a testament to his foresight about the market crash of 2001 and the subsequent rise of gold as a preferred investment.
Is Gold Really Useful In Times Of Crisis?See for yourself
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Pioneering Lear Capital As the founder of Lear Capital, DeMeritt's financial acumen has shaped the company into a widely respected precious metals firm. His two decades of experience with investment-grade gold has shielded many investors from the adverse effects of economic downturns while helping them capitalize on prosperous times.
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Sharing Expertise DeMeritt regularly lends his financial wisdom on talk radio shows and through interviews. His views on tangible assets, Wall Street volatility, diversified holdings, US debt, and future financial predictions have provided valuable guidance for investors. You can follow Kevin DeMeritt onTwitter andLinkedIn.
Lear Capital, under the adept leadership of DeMeritt and Ohanesian, continues to thrive. With its focus on providing individual investors with premium coin acquisitions like gold and silver, the company has handled trusted transactions worth over $2 billion. When choosing a precious metals dealer, you should always go with a reputed and reliable provider. To learn about the most reputed gold IRA companies, I recommend checking out my list of top gold IRA providers. There, you can also find the best precious metals company of your state. Alternatively, you can view the top-rated gold IRA company in your US state below: Read the full article
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naturecoaster · 1 year
Hot Job: Pasco Searching for Next Fire Rescue Leader
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~~Fire Chief Scott Cassin’s retirement announcement sparks nationwide search~~ Hot Job: Pasco Searching for Next Fire Rescue Leader The Pasco Board of County Commissioners is launching a nationwide search for the future Fire Chief of Pasco County.  This rare opportunity to join our award-winning Pasco County Fire Rescue Department opens as Chief Scott Cassin announces his retirement, effective later this year. “I want to thank Chief Cassin for his ten years of leadership and dedication to the men and women of Pasco County,” said Pasco County Administrator Mike Carballa.  “During his tenure, we’ve seen extraordinary growth in our community and our fire department.  Chief Cassin has boldly led the organization, and his vision to innovate the department will have a long-lasting impact.” Pasco County is committed to finding the best candidate to lead the department and inspire our dedicated team members, and Chief Cassin’s continued leadership will help ensure a smooth transition for our community.  Our search over the next few months will include a thorough review of applicants and interviews with the top candidates. Qualified applicants can apply through early May by clicking here: mypas.co/FireChiefJob. Pasco Fire Rescue also has other exciting opportunities available.  Apply at mypas.co/FireJobs. Pasco Fire Rescue is dedicated to serving and protecting the people of Pasco County through community risk reduction strategies.  We provide professional, compassionate responses to calls for service, while striving to educate our community.  To learn more about Pasco Fire Rescue, visit: mypas.co/FireRescue. Read the full article
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pavan5 · 1 year
Vanam-Manam project by TDP Government
Mr. Siddha Raghava Rao said that the Andhra Pradesh TDP government, led by N. Chandrababu Naidu, is taking measures to increase the forest cover in the state from 22% to 50% in the future. He has increased the budgets of the forest department by 50% and emphasized the state's rare herbs and valuable red sandalwood reserves.
The Andhra Pradesh TDP government has set a new target of developing green coverage across at least 50% of the state by 2029. To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Forests has launched the 'Vanam-Manam' project, which aims to plant 25 crore saplings. The project is a part of Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s Government Mission Haritha Andhra, which aims to increase the state's green coverage.
Forest Minister Sidda Raghava Rao held a state-level forest department officials' workshop and review meeting in Amaravati, where he announced that check dams are being built in forest areas to increase water levels, and urban forestation is being taken special care of. He also mentioned that the ministry is adjusting manpower to tackle the menace of red sandal smugglers in the Andhra Pradesh-Tamil Nadu borders. The ministry has also taken up 20 eco-tourism projects, of which eight will be ready by December 2017, to know more about TDP MLAs News and TDP Political News visit the TDP official site.
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The Andhra Pradesh TDP government is determined to protect forests in the state, says Minister for Environment, Forests, and Science & Technology, Siddha Raghava Rao. Mr. N. Chandrababu Naidu the former CM of Andhra Pradesh is organizing a program to celebrate the International Day of Biological Diversity, with the theme of “Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism.” The Andhra Pradesh State Board for Biodiversity is making efforts to preserve the biodiversity in the state. Visit TDP’s official website to know TDPs Live Updates and TDP Recent News.
Andhra Pradesh has a huge coastline with a variety of species and climatic conditions that attract tourists. The forest officials should develop green belts to remove environmental imbalances, says Mr. Raghava Rao. Andhra Pradesh TDP government launched a statewide tree plantation program on July 15, called the ‘Vanam-Manam’ initiative, which was kick-started by Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu during his tenure. The TDP government is aiming to plant 26 crore saplings within the next 127 days and is encouraging people from all over the state to participate in the tree plantation drive and became Top TDP Achievements.
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facecuban8 · 2 years
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An individual educated as an accountant has the opportunity to work in a small, medium, or giant firm in either the general public or non-public sector, as an unbiased in their own firm, or as a advisor or contractor to corporations or nonprofit organizations. In endeavor the project, the FASB employees sought to obtain higher understanding of the particular nature of IASC requirements. At the time that the project began , detailed information about the level of comparability of reported financial results between monetary statements prepared based mostly on IASC standards and people prepared based on U.S. The acquisition, use, and balances of the government's expendable financial sources and the related present liabilities-except these accounted for in proprietary funds-are accounted for via governmental funds . Audits are more expensive for publicly-held companies, for auditors should adhere to the stricter audit requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board , and so will move their elevated costs by way of to their purchasers. This step involves gaining an understanding of the business and the business environment in which it operates, and utilizing this info to evaluate whether there may be dangers that might influence the financial statements. 56 There are also less-significant variations between IASC standards and U.S. GAAP that contribute to noncomparability, for example, variations in definitions of line objects and in presentation requirements. While those variations are recognized within the chapters that observe, the discussion on this chapter is restricted to examples within the categories of differences identified as a end result of they are likely to be probably the most significant from a monetary assertion user's perspective. 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Penalties assessed by the IRS can mount up quickly, sometimes doubling the amount truly owed to the IRS. Using our understanding of the tax laws and the mechanisms throughout the IRS obtainable for abatement, we are able to characterize you in negotiating the abatement of the penalties from the preliminary request by way of the appeal course of. Guide Income Vs Tax Earnings Record the price of goods bought by lowering the Inventory object code for merchandise bought and charging the Cost of Goods Sold object code in the working account. Limit access to inventory supply and implement procedures for receiving and delivery. Ensure that every one employees answerable for inventory management and accounting entries are educated in regards to the merchandise and items inventoried. The total debit stability of $30,000 matches the entire credit stability of $30,000. Double-entry bookkeeping shows the entire money coming in, money going out, and, most importantly, the sources of each transaction. Bookkeeping helps each other accounting course of, together with the production of economic statements and the generation of management stories for company decision-making. Double-entry bookkeeping is an important idea that drives every accounting transaction in a company’s monetary reporting. Business owners should understand this concept to manage their accounting process and to investigate financial results. Use this information to learn concerning the double-entry bookkeeping system and tips on how to post accounting transactions correctly. But if you had the money readily available, you could exchange the printer and be again to normal very quickly. Even with your rigorously maintained stability sheet and cash circulate reviews, it’s onerous to foretell what's going to happen sooner or later. 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Management Accounting The movement reached a tipping point in the course of the 2005 Lean Accounting Summit in Dearborn, Michigan, United States. 320 people attended and discussed some great benefits of a new approach to accounting within the lean enterprise. 520 individuals attended the 2nd annual convention in 2006 and it has varied between 250 and 600 attendees since that time. Use the Food Cost Projection Spreadsheet and apply common meal cost by type to create an estimate for the annual meals prices. Job Costing Process Costing How it actually works Assign prices to the delivery of individual jobs, products or services. How it is calculated The complete labor, material and overhead prices for a particular job. Per unit cost of labor, materials and output, based mostly on the total cost of delivering many items over a given timeframe. 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unnamedelement · 3 years
The problem with tiktok is that I have this person has low impulse control when it comes to Tolkien, so now all the dumb thoughts in my this person’s brain are immediately projected onto memes with my own damn with this person’s damn face
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rebelsofshield · 3 years
Far Far Away Comics: 11/4/20-11/11/20
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Phew. On the other side of the election and with three big Star Wars comics to review. Let’s get to it.
Star Wars #8 written by Charles Soule and art by Ramon Rosanas
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Charles Soule really knows how to write a good villain. If the mainline Star Wars title has been lacking anything big over its last dozen or so issues, it’s an original antagonist to root against. Kieron Gillen found great success in Queen Trios of Sho-Torun in his take on the comic, but ever since ending his tenure the Dark Side has felt a little lacking in this series.
Last issue set up Commander Zahra’s vendetta against Leia and this chapter really lets this vengeful Imperial let loose. Soule positions Zahra as not only a tactician, but a woman that isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty by fighting on the frontlines. She proves herself a force to be reckoned with and Soule thankfully shows that Zahra will be around for the long game. She leaves a deadly impression on our heroes here and one that may eat away at Leia in particular for the foreseeable future.
As a whole, Star Wars #8 is wall to wall action spectacle. Whether it’s the evolving space battle unfolding outside Leia’s command ship or Zahra’s deadly boarding party, Soule and Ramon Rosanas rarely give the reader time to breath. More often than not it works and even if there are some areas where the art seems to falter in definition or clarity, they are few and far between.
This was a fun and effective little mini-arc. We move into Soule’s second big story after this, but the lingering damage from Zahra’s attack will be with us for a while. I await her return with eager anticipation.
Score: B+
Star Wars Adventures: Shadow of Vader’s Castle written by Cavan Scott and art by Derek Charm, Nicoletta Balderi, Nick Brokenshire, and Francesco Francavilla
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The Vader’s Castle seasonal miniseries from IDW Publishing have been a Halloween treat for going on three years now. The original Tales from Vader’s Castle remains my favorite product that IDW’s Adventures line has produced. While we only get one super sized issue this year, Shadow of Vader’s Castle is a standout and a worthy follow up to this continually satisfying anthology of creepy stories.
If anything negative can be said about Shadow of Vader’s Castle it’s that it tries to do a bit too much. It covers a lot of ground in it short amount of pages and while the end product feels a tad chaotic, Shadow of Vader’s Castle more than knocks it out of the park.
It begins with a story of a young Mustafrian boy stumbling upon Anakin Skywalker after his slaughter of the Separatist leaders and travels through time to a new generation of lava folk who have decided that they have had enough of the looming shadow of the Dark Lord’s palace. It tells a story of generational fear and rebellion that feels poignant but also provides revelations to key figures from this now iconic Star Wars locale.
Visually, Shadow of Vader’s Castle is a treat. It’s been so long since we’ve seen Derek Charm get to let loose on a Star Wars title and his two tales in this anthology are visually spectacular. Charm turns the vapors of Mustafar into swirling, crimson ghosts that arise to torture the living and the results are striking and sinister. Franceso Francavilla continues to be one of the eeriest and creepiest artists in the Adventures repertoire and his use of color in his segments is masterful. Nick Brokenshire and Nicoletta Balderi’s pages may not be as creepy or arresting, but they are still artistically engaging in their own way. All in all, Shadow’s of Vader’s Castle is an artistic treat and features some of the best visuals of a Star Wars comic this year.
Overall, Cavan Scott continues to prove that he can balance a tight tonal rope for these anthologies. They are undoubtedly darker and scarier than the standard Adventures piece, but never in a way that feels grim or oppressive. It’s fun Halloween macabre creepiness with a dash of Star Wars action and adventure. I truly hope we keep these going for as long as possible. What Halloween doesn’t deserve a trip to Mustafar?
Score: A-
Star Wars Darth Vader #7 written by Greg Pak and art by Raffaele Ienco
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Battered and broken Darth Vader now has to do battle with weird plot points from The Rise of Skywalker! In the next stage of Palpatine’s punishment for his apprentice’s failures, Sith Assassin Ochi of Bestoon sets his sights on the wounded Sith Lord and Vader has to come face to face with the sins of his past and the mysterious secrets of the fiery world of Mustafar.
In many ways, “Into the Fire” continues much of what we have come to expect from this series. Raffaele Ienco’s all-red flashback panels return and Vader is put to the test in some brutally rendered action sequences. In a way, Pak’s script feels like it’s playing with similar ground of Charles Soule’s first arc on our surly old Sith. Seeing Vader rebuild himself from the parts of discarded droids is neat, but it’s not inherently something new or unique.
Ochi Bestoon on the otherhand is an enjoyable antagonist. Raffaele Ienco’s armor design feels badass and classically Star Wars and the physical brawl between these servants of the Dark Side is brutal and entertaining. As a fight book, this is great, but it still feels like we are treading familiar ground of character and theme.
That may change next issue though. Looks like we are in for some weird shit on the horizon, and honestly I’m here for it.
Score: B
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megamikethomson · 4 years
Whatsminer M30s++
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Mining info
Do you consider yourself to be a Bitcoin “idiot”? Then you are going to love the latest offering in the literary market for the currency.
Gustaf van Wyk, an Australian who is obviously very enthusiastic about the possibilities Bitcoin has to offer, puts his best foot forward to illuminate those who need a little extra help with The Idiot’s Guide to Bitcoin, which is available primarily through his own website.
The guide is quite comprehensive when it comes to introducing Bitcoin to the beginner, and the timing couldn’t be better, as it has burst into mainstream acceptance and been the subject of much in the way of media coverage. There are a lot of people making their move in Bitcoin, including the Winklevoss twins, who are trying to start an exchange-traded fund in an attempt to catapult this currency to a new level.
This is not a book about that kind of thing, however; it is necessarily aimed at people who are considering speculative investments in Bitcoin, or those who are looking to launch a start-up dedicated to the virtual currency. It is more for the consumer, who will use it as a medium of exchange, because the author feels that is the best way for the Bitcoin economy to grow.
According to van Wyk, “…we can take a significant stand against the fight that Bitcoin will have to inevitably endure before it can truly change the world.” That’s some very high-minded stuff.
There are some very difficult parts of the whole Bitcoin process that van Wyk has to cover, and in that way it requires some artful simplification of the technology that surrounds the protocol, from mining to establishing a wallet to obtaining Bitcoin through other means to making purchases with it online.
The author reports that he has received quite a few favorable reviews. And why wouldn’t he? This has been a very strong educational tool, and we all know that this subject can be a very difficult one to explain to the layman, creating a need for a book of this nature. use Whatsminer M30s++   for mining
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Bitcoin Foundation
There has been something of a change at the top of the foremost advocacy group for Bitcoin.
Jon Matonis has recently been named executive director for the Bitcoin Foundation. Is that a big step forward? Well, Peter Vessenes, who is the outgoing director, feels as though Matonis’  “work experience and passion for Bitcoin will combine into something awesome” for the organization’s efforts.
Vessenes says that he is going to concentrate on what he thinks is more suited to him, which is “strategizing, building relationships, fundraising and speaking.”
Matonis describes himself as being “focused on expanding the circulation of nonpolitical digital currencies.” He has been a financial executive for a number of companies, and has also been on the Board of Directors for the Bitcoin Foundation from its inception. He is also a tech contributor to Forbes magazine and is one the board of Tradehill, founded by Jared Kenna, which was the first established U.S. Bitcoin exchange platform.
He also had an eight-year tenure as the Managing Director for the Lydia Group, which involves itself with consultation in a number of different areas, including digital currency, bitcoin brokerage, casinos and betting, payment processing and more.
Matonis will dedicate some of his focus to making Bitcoin something with more of a worldwide reach, and wants to move quickly as he is looking to be strong.
Toward that end, he is intent on being inclusive of what he calls “the various constituencies within the global bitcoin community.” And he realizes that since the majority of the organization’s membership is based outside of the United States, the focus and activities of the B.F. need to reflect that. For example, he intends to hold major Bitcoin conferences outside of the country, although with meetings that have taken place recently in London and Buenos Aires, it appears that kind of thing is already starting to happen.
He concedes that there are “institutional forces opposed to unfettered Bitcoin growth.” And he will continue the organization’s aggressive stance when it comes to legal defense of bitcoin usage. Specific committees have already been set up at the Bitcoin Foundation to address some of the more pertinent issues facing the protocol / currency. Whatsminer M30s++ is  very useful hardware for mining.
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Bitcoin Miners
Folks like to mine bitcoins for a number of reasons, and regardless of what their specific reason is, no one can really blame them. Obviously, anyone who has gone out and purchased special equipment for the purposes of mining is desirous of bringing about a result. That result is to solve blocks and put bitcoins into their wallet, from where they might be sold. Profit is the goal for the most serious miners, and they are confident that they are dealing in a currency that has a very bright future, because they are expecting that their value, relative to other currencies, is not only going to hold, but also go up.
However, beyond those financial motivations, there are other reasons why people get involved to the extent they do. It is conceivable to say that their interest is altruistic in a sense. There is a certain attitude of cooperation that pervades the entire bitcoin experience. And we say that even though the pursuit of bitcoins itself is individualistic, capitalist, independent, competitive – even opportunistic. They can put all of that aside for the greater good. You see, they realize that the stronger the network, the greater the value in the overall product. And when there is more value in the product, then everybody who deals in bitcoin is better off. And, we might add, a residual, though not inconsequential, effect of this is that the bitcoins are going to be worth more money.
It makes all the sense in the world, of course, and it is a ruling principle of all economies. Remember always that bitcoin is an economy unto itself. You can visit exchange sites and you will see the value of one unit of bitcoin measured against units of other currencies such as the United States or Canadian dollar, the Japanese Yen, the British Pound, the Euro, South African Rand and other currencies. Because it can be exchanged, there is an inherent value, and that means something to all the people who have it.
Those who have bitcoins are very hopeful that they will be able to retain some real value, and in fact, hope to see an appreciation in that value, as time progresses, especially since there is going to be a limited amount available. That differs from the U.S. dollar, which has seen massive infusions at will in the past, thus creating inflation. Bitcoins have a better chance at maintaining some value. Whatsminer M30s++  is best hardware for mining
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Bitcoin Mining Brings Technology to the Fore
Are you a fan of technology? Then you may like the idea of bitcoin mining very much. Not only does it involve cutting edge computer action, including putting together an ensemble of equipment that is second to none, but there are constant innovations in terms of the hardware that is Whatsminer M30s++ required, and that is something that is always going to be extremely exciting.
There are a lot of technological innovations that are working at once when you look into this world. There is a tremendous demand for database, of course, and the kind of activity that must be undertaken during the process is something that obviously demands a tremendous amount of computing power; so much so that it is not unusual at all for teams of people to get together and combine their resources, all working toward the common goal, which is bitcoin mining, of course.
When people are fully engrossed in this whole process, it is absolutely imperative that they stay on top of everything that represents a technological advancement. The reason for this is that when folks aspire to do bitcoin mining successfully, and at a high level, they know they are competing with others to “get there first.”
Loads of people enjoy it, however. There is something very different about bitcoin mining, because at the end there is discovery, somewhat like a gold strike, that will ultimately reward those who succeed at it. As the hardware has now accelerated into the ASIC stage, it is literally flying like a jet to the stratosphere.
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Er Emergency Room Season 1
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Susan Lewis, MDFirst appearanceSeptember 19, 1994 (1x01, '24 Hours')Last appearanceApril 2, 2009 (15x22, 'And In The End')Portrayed bySherry StringfieldDuration1994–96, 2001–05, 2009In-universe informationNicknameSusieTitle
Resident (1994–1996)
Attending (2001–2005)
Chief of Emergency Medicine (2003–2005)
OccupationEmergency PhysicianFamily
Henry Lewis (father)
Irene “Cookie” Lewis (mother, deceased)
Chloe Lewis (sister)
SpouseChuck Martin (ex-husband)Significant otherDiv Cvetic (ex-boyfriend)ChildrenCosmo Martin (son, with Chuck)RelativesSuzie Lewis (niece)
Emergency Room
Hospital Er Rooms
Susan Lewis is a character as played by Sherry Stringfield, on the fictional television show ER. Sherry Stringfield is one of ER's original cast members, portraying Susan in Season 1 as an eager resident. Stringfield left the show, the character was not recast and Susan left County General Hospital and the series in Season 3, but. ER Confidential November 17, 1994. Season 1, Episode 10. November 17, 1994. Cvetic (John Terry) struggles with a growing sense of hatred toward his patients; Hathaway faces an ethical crisis.
Dr. Susan Lewis is a character as played by Sherry Stringfield, on the fictional television showER.
Sherry Stringfield is one of ER's original cast members, portraying Susan in Season 1 as an eager resident. Stringfield left the show, the character was not recast and Susan left County General Hospital and the series in Season 3, but Stringfield and the character returned five seasons later as an attending physician in Season 8. Susan Lewis eventually checked out of the ER for good in 2005, at the beginning of Season 12, having been passed over for tenure in favor of John Carter by Kerry Weaver. She was offered a tenured position at a hospital in Iowa City.
During the third season of the series, actress Sherry Stringfield left ER for the first time. In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Stringfield explained that having a family was one of the primary reasons for her to leave the show.[1] According to Entertainment Weekly, Stringfield's decision to quit angered the show's executive producer John Wells, because she left just as Dr. Lewis got embroiled in a budding romance with Anthony Edwards' Dr. Mark Greene.[2] Stringfield revealed it was not a pleasant situation and said: 'The producers were in shock. They tried to talk me out of it. It took a long time to get out of my contract.'[3]
However, by the time of the eighth season, her schedule allowed her to return to the series. Wells said they were 'delighted to welcome her back as a series regular and can't wait to work with her again.'[1] Stringfield remained in the main cast for four more seasons, until August 2005, when she announced that she would be leaving ER again and stated: 'I am extremely grateful for the time I spent on ER,' Stringfield explained. 'It is a wonderful show, and there are so many people I will miss. But I'm ready for new roles and new challenges.'[4]
Character history[edit]
Seasons 1–3 First Departure (1994–1996)[edit]
In Season 1, Susan is a second year resident. She is shown to be an eager and competent young doctor working in the emergency department of County General Hospital. She is good friends with Nurse Carol Hathaway, Dr. Doug Ross and especially Dr. Mark Greene, who is her best friend.
Though an extremely capable doctor, Susan is initially seen to have problems asserting herself. This is frequently taken advantage of by the senior and more forthright doctors in the hospital, such as Dr. Peter Benton and particularly Dr. Jack Kayson. This leads to several confrontations, and animosity worsens when Kayson discharges one of Susan's patients, failing to notice the severity of his symptoms, which ultimately leads to the patient's death.
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Kayson tries to deflect the blame onto Susan and her competence is questioned. Her superior, Mark, is forced to monitor her every move and their friendship is put under strain as a result. During the case review, however, the board rules in Susan's favor and reprimands Kayson—much to his chagrin.
Shortly after, Kayson is rushed into hospital suffering from a heart attack. Despite their past disagreement on the issue, Kayson opts for Susan's non-invasive form of treatment against the advice of a senior doctor, who (like Kayson) is an advocate of surgical angioplasty. Finally asserting herself, Susan stands her ground and refuses to allow Kayson to be treated surgically. Following his recovery, Kayson shows his gratitude by asking Susan to be his valentine date, which she awkwardly declines.
Susan's personal life is far less settled than her professional one. In Season 1, she is seen to have a brief relationship with psychiatrist Div Cvetic, who ultimately has a nervous breakdown and disappears. Susan later learns that he married someone he met through a dating service, run by a taxi driver from his cab.
Most of her problems, however, are family-related. Susan's parents, Cookie and Henry, are shown to be flighty (her father is jokingly referred to as a test pilot for Barcalounger) and difficult to talk to. Her older sister, Chloe, is the source of most of her distress, with a seemingly never ending series of problems with alcohol, drugs, men, and money. Chloe eventually has a baby girl, who she names Susan ('Little Susie') after her sister. During Season 2 however, Chloe begins to use alcohol and drugs once again. After deciding that she cannot look after her baby, she leaves Chicago, abandoning Susie on a flustered and overworked Susan.
Susan as she appeared in 1996.
She struggles to be a good mother to the child while completing her demanding residency. Already overstressed, Susan clashes with the new Chief Resident, Kerry Weaver, numerous times, forcing Mark Greene to step in between them. Animosity between Kerry and Susan lessens over time, but never goes away completely. Realizing that Chloe may never return, Susan considers giving Susie up for adoption. She gets as far as introducing the baby to potential adoptive parents, but cannot bring herself to part with her niece, so she decides to keep her and adopt the child as her own.
Susan grows extremely attached to the baby, but she gets a surprise when a reformed Chloe reappears later in the season and tries to reclaim 'little Susie'. Susan can't see past Chloe's mistakes, regardless of her recent turnaround and new responsible boyfriend. Desperate to keep the baby, Susan attempts to fight Chloe for custody, but is forced to reconsider when the judge warns her that she would lose. Susan begrudgingly reaches an agreement with her sister, and after regaining custody of 'little Susie', Chloe moves her family to Phoenix, Arizona to start a new life.
Susan struggles to cope with the loss of her niece and goes through a period of grief and counseling. She throws herself into her work to escape her feelings of loneliness, which manages to impress Weaver and, with Mark's encouragement, Kerry agrees to offer Susan the position of chief resident (she promises to support Susan's promotion if Mark recommends her as County's new attending physician). Much of the ER staff hoped Susan could achieve that title, but Susan turns the position down, later telling Mark that there is more to life than work.
Setting up Sherry Stringfield's departure from the series in Season 3, the beginnings of a romance appears to develop between Susan and Mark, or more to the point, they are shown to have problems identifying their current relationship as friendship. Both seem timid and cautious around each other. Initially more upfront about the situation, Susan invites Mark to join her on holiday in Maui, Hawaii, but is embarrassed when he appears hesitant, and later retracts the offer, feeling she overstepped a boundary.
Fearful that he may have missed his chance with Susan, Mark attempts to convey his attraction towards her upon her return, though he cannot find the courage to follow through and is left perplexed by Susan's reticence. It transpires that Susan never actually made it to Maui, she instead visited her sister and 'little Susie' in Phoenix as she could not overcome her fear of flying. Mark helps her overcome this fear in the following episode ('Fear of Flying'), supporting her during a helicopter flight rotation where they are called upon to treat victims of a serious motor accident.
As they grow closer, Mark finally plucks up the courage to casually ask Susan out, however she declines, telling him that they 'need to talk'. Shortly after, Mark witnesses Susan in numerous secret talks with the ER's chief of emergency medicine, David Morgenstern, and concludes that they are seeing each other. He confronts Susan, but she reveals that Morgenstern was merely helping her to transfer her residency. Desperately missing her niece, Susan had made the decision to move to Phoenix to be near her sister's family.
During a hectic last day for Susan at County's ER, Mark struggles with her imminent departure, but still finds himself afraid to admit his true feelings for her. The hospital staff arrange a leaving party for Susan, but it is canceled due to an influx of critical patients from a motoring accident. Susan leaves the hospital unable to say goodbye to Mark, who was busy working on a trauma patient. He manages to arrive just as her train is about to depart (episode 'Union Station). Mark pleads with her to stay because he loves her. But Susan doesn't see a future in Chicago or with him. She kisses him and says 'I love you, too' as the train departs.
Seasons 8–12 and second departure (2001–2005)[edit]
Susan returns during Season 8 as she left, shown to arrive on a train into Chicago to interview for a job. Susan visits County General for the first time in 5 years and sees the hospital has changed as well as the faces. She meets Mark for coffee and reveals that Chloe has moved on to another city, and she has decided that she can't follow her sister's family around forever. Mark offers her a job as an attending physician at County General, despite Kerry Weaver's reservations – the two never got along when they worked together before.
Susan returns to County (2001).
During Season 8 Susan has a brief relationship with Dr. John Carter after they both admit that they had a crush on each other when he was a medical student and she was a resident – it doesn't last, as Susan realizes in the episode Secrets and Lies, that Carter is really in love with Abby Lockhart. She then tells Carter to 'tell her' about his feelings. The two both break up on good terms and remain good friends throughout the rest of her career at County. Her problems with Chloe resurface when her niece Susie goes missing in New York after leaving a distressing voicemail message on her aunt's phone. Susan flies to New York (in a crossover with Third Watch) and discovers Chloe doped up, sleeping rough. Towards the end of the season, Susan faces one of her most difficult story lines, as her best friend Mark Greene reveals to her that his brain tumor has returned. The two rekindled their close friendship as she helps him come to terms with his diagnosis. Susan is alluded to in Mark's goodbye letter in 'The Letter' when Mark comments that he had to leave the way he did, even though there were things of a more personal nature to say. After her best friend's death, Susan warmed up to other friendships in the ER with Abby Lockhart and Elizabeth Corday, and was able to work better with her old colleague Kerry Weaver. Dr. Romano, who actually respected her (he once told another doctor to get Dr. Lewis when he had a medical emergency, calling her 'the least annoying person down there'), also promoted her to Deputy Chief of Emergency Medicine much to Kerry Weaver's dismay.
Into Season 9, Susan meets a flight nurse named Chuck Martin (played by Donal Logue) on a plane to Las Vegas. They both get drunk upon arrival and end up getting married in Vegas. They quickly have the marriage annulled once they return to Chicago, but eventually start dating again, and Susan becomes pregnant. She is finally promoted to the position of Chief of Emergency Medicine after Robert Romano dies in Season 10. While other pregnant characters had given birth on the show, at the time, Susan's was the first major birth offscreen, with her giving birth sometime between Seasons 10 and 11 (and being placed on bedrest amid concerns of preterm labor). Chuck ends up caring for their baby boy Cosmo as a stay-at-home parent while Susan works.
Into Season 11, Susan begins to build some anxiety about the upcoming tenure offer. It ultimately goes to her friend John Carter, due to her lack of grant funding, finally leading to her final exit from the series at the beginning of Season 12 in the episode 'Canon City'. Susan is offered a tenure track position at a hospital in Iowa City, Iowa (presumably University of Iowa). Technically, Stringfield was the first and last original cast member to leave the show. (Being the first to leave in 1996, then in 2005 after the rest of the original cast left.) This was later bested by Noah as he returned in the final season of E.R in 2009.
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Season 15 Return in The End (2009)[edit]
In the season 15 episode 'The Book of Abby', long-serving nurse Haleh Adams shows the departing Abby Lockhart a closet wall where all the past doctors and employees have put their locker name tags. Amongst them, the tag 'Lewis' can be seen.
Dr. Susan Lewis returned for the series finale titled 'And in the End...',[5][6] returning to Chicago for the opening of The Carter Center. During evening drinks with Peter Benton, John Carter, Kerry Weaver, Elizabeth Corday, and Rachel Greene, Susan is heard confirming to Dr. Corday that she still lives in Iowa. Additionally, she states that she and Chuck have split and she is now dating again. She eventually returns to the ER for the last time in the series with Rachel Greene and Carter, where she visits and jokes with the staff, much to the annoyance of Dr. Banfield who interrupts the talk by asking Susan who she is.
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Sherry Stringfield's decision to leave ER was a 'shock wave through Hollywood.'[7] According to Entertainment Weekly, people called Stringfield 'nuts' for leaving 'the hottest show on TV for some investment banker in New York.'[3]
Other officesPreceded by Robert Romano Chief of Emergency Medicine 2004–2005Succeeded by Luka Kovač
^ abVanessa Sibbald (2001). 'Why Sherry Stringfield has returned to `ER''. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 2019-07-11.
^Kennedy, Dana (1997-10-17). 'Why I left ER, by Sherry Stringfield'. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2007-02-24.
^ abKennedy, Dana (1997-10-17). 'Sherry Stringfield, the Goodbye Girl'. Entertainment Weekly.
^'Sherry Stringfield quits 'ER' Again'. Digital Spy. 2005-08-06. Retrieved 2007-04-12.
^Mickey O'Connor (2009). 'Sherry Stringfield Returning to ER'. TV Guide. Retrieved 2019-07-11.
^'Sherry Stringfield is Back!'. TV Guide. 2009-02-12. Retrieved 2009-02-12.
^'STRINGFIELD YEARNS FOR `NORMAL LIFE''. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 1996-11-22. Retrieved 2012-03-28.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Susan_Lewis&oldid=992148957'
Doug RossFirst appearanceSeptember 19, 1994 (1x01, '24 Hours')Last appearanceMarch 12, 2009 (15x19, 'Old Times')Portrayed byGeorge ClooneyDuration1994–1999, 2000, 2009In-universe informationFull nameDouglas RossNicknameDoug, DougieGenderMaleTitlePediatric Fellow (1994–1998) Pediatric Attending (1998–1999)OccupationPhysician, PediatricianFamilyRay Ross (father; deceased) Sarah Ross (mother)SpouseCarol Hathaway (wife)ChildrenKate Ross (daughter, with Carol) Tess Ross (daughter, with Carol)Born1962[1]
Dr. Douglas 'Doug' Ross is a fictional character from the television series ER, portrayed by George Clooney. George Clooney's removal from the main cast opening credits was in the 16th episode of season 5.
Doug Ross was raised by his mother, Sarah, after his father, Ray, abandoned their family. In Season 1, Ross revealed to a patient that he had a son, and he tells nurse Wendy Goldman that he doesn't know his son's name as he's never seen him. Not much else is known about Doug's past. Despite his jumbled personal life, Ross is a dedicated ER pediatrician. He has always been committed to medicine and children and to helping no matter the rules or the consequences. During Season 2, Doug rescued a boy trapped in a flooding storm drain during a rainstorm. His heroic efforts were filmed on local television, making him a media star. This event helped him earn back his job at County, because his supervisor in pediatrics originally wasn't going to renew his fellowship due to his disrespect for authority.
During Season 2, Ray tries to reconcile with Doug, who has difficulty reconnecting with the man who abandoned him and his mother. Ray owns a ritzy hotel in Chicago, and Doug lets his guard down a little but is disappointed when his father offers to take him to a Chicago Bulls game and then stands him up. Ross later reveals that he and his mother were abused by his father. Doug later has an affair with Ray's girlfriend, a woman from whom Ray stole money, but ends the relationship when it becomes clear that she has many problems.
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Ross is a womanizer who dates and leaves many women throughout the course of the show. His womanizing days abruptly end after a one-night stand with an epileptic woman who hides her condition and dies in the ER. Ross learns her name only after she dies, after which he stops dating for a while until he gets back together with Carol Hathaway, the head nurse of the ER at County.
Warner Bros. Television, the studio which produces ER for NBC, kept secret from NBC Dr. Ross' cameo in 'Such Sweet Sorrow', which promoted the episode as Carol Hathaway's goodbye, with no mention of Ross' appearance. The original version of 'Such Sweet Sorrow' that Warner Bros. sent to NBC ended after the scene where we see Hathaway on the plane to Seattle. At the eleventh hour, Warner Bros. sent an 'edited' version of the episode by messenger to NBC headquarters in New York for broadcast. NBC was miffed that it was kept in the dark as it could have generated valuable ad revenue if it had aired promos that the episode marked the return of George Clooney. Clooney cited the fans of the show for his reason for making the cameo (he wanted Hathaway's and Ross's characters to get back together, which many fans hoped for). Clooney reportedly only asked to be paid scale for the cameo.
In the season 15 episode 'Old Times,' Ross is working as an attending physician at the University of Washington Medical Center. He is helping a grieving grandmother (Susan Sarandon) whose grandson was gravely injured in a bicycle accident. He talks to Sam and Neela after finding out that they are from County, asking them whether any of his old colleagues still work there. Doug and Carol are responsible for getting the kidney for Carter and a heart for another County patient, but they never discover who receives the organs.
In the pilot episode, which takes place on St. Patrick's Day 1994, Ross is brought into the ER not long before his shift, to be 'treated' for drunkenness by his longtime friend, Dr. Mark Greene. Throughout the next few seasons, Ross is shown to be compassionate, though not always using the best judgment. His love of children is best seen during darker situations, such as when a child is in danger. When Peter Benton talks about how surgeons deal with emotionally charged cases and ER doctors have it easy, Ross leaves him stunned into silence when describing cases that include a young girl who beat her mother to death, a kid who is going to lose his leg to cancer and another kid who is dying from a life of homelessness. His lack of judgment leads him to assault abusive parents in the ER, but his counseling in that case just consists of the shrink telling him not to do that again.
He is a passionate doctor who puts the welfare of his patients, especially children, above his medical career. In one episode, Dr. Ross saves a young boy who is drowning and is flown in to County General using a news helicopter. This garners him much attention, earns him an award, and saves his job. Ross doesn't handle authority well, even when Mark is his boss. He is a pediatrician, but in several episodes performs medical procedures on adults, usually when the other doctors are busy.
In another episode, he tries to do an ultra-rapid detox on a drug-addicted baby without the mother's consent. Hathaway assists, but when Greene and Weaver discover that the procedure is being done in violation of hospital policy and the law, Doug is punished. He is left on probation for 30 days and is supervised by Dr. Kerry Weaver and Dr. Greene, who have to co-sign his charts. Doug's attitude toward patient treatment often has consequences for his coworkers and supervisors, who have received reprimands from their superiors for Doug's actions.
He vies to be an attending physician for emergency pediatrics. He eventually gets the job, even though doctors Greene and Weaver oppose his promotion because the position isn't necessary and the funds are needed elsewhere. Greene is ultimately happy for Ross, but Weaver is aghast and campaigns against his new position.
He resigns in the aftermath of a scandal in which he shows a mother how to bypass the lockouts on a DilaudidPCA, enabling her to give a lethal dose of medication to her terminally ill son. Ross had earlier stolen Dilaudid from a pain- medication study and given it to the mother, only to be discovered by Weaver and Greene, who reprimand him but kept the incident private. The incident prompts the closure of Hathaway's free clinic in the hospital, since it supplied the PCA to this mother, and Ross faces suspension from work and possible criminal charges. A friend of Ross, who is the Chief of Genetics, stands up for him and the charges against him are dropped, but Ross resigns from the hospital and moves to Seattle. When Ross leaves, he and Hathaway are on poor terms until she discovers that she's pregnant with his twin girls. Her clinic is later re-opened, but she has to report to her former assistant there.
Ross was written out of the series because Clooney wished to focus on his expanding film career. He also said that there wasn't any strong story in place for his character after Season 5.[This quote needs a citation] He appeared at the end of the penultimate episode of season 6, when Carol leaves Cook County to reunite with Ross in Seattle. He was reportedly asked to return briefly in season 8, to make an appearance in Anthony Edwards's last episode during Greene's funeral, but Clooney declined because he did not want his cameo appearance to overshadow the departure of a beloved character on the show.
Clooney returned to ER for its 15th and final season in 2009 in a story arc beginning with Episode 328, titled 'Old Times', with Julianna Margulies also returning as Hathaway. The two are now married and work to help convince a grieving grandmother to donate her grandson's organs. During the process, Doug talks with Neela Rasgotra and learns that nearly everyone he knows has since departed County with Anspaugh being the only one left. At the end of the episode they receive word of the success of their efforts, unaware that the doctor who got the kidney was their old friend John Carter.
Casting and creation[edit]
George Clooney did not receive a casting call for the television series. He received a draft of the script from a friend; he read it and became interested in the part. He said: 'I like the flaws in this guy. I can play him.'[2]
Neal Baer who worked on ER was inspired by his personal experiences to write storylines for the character of Doug Ross. He did his residency while he was on ER and became a pediatrician, which helped to 'draw on really complicated ethical dilemmas.'[3]
The character was described as 'a complicated children's doctor who could be self-centered quick-tempered and giving, hitting the bottle to avoid dealing with consequences of his actions.'[4]
In 2004, Ross was listed in Bravo's 100 Greatest TV Characters.[5]Entertainment Weekly placed Ross in its list of the '30 Great TV Doctors and Nurses'.[6] The character was included in Fox News' list of 'The Best TV Doctors For Surgeon General' and in Philadelphia Magazine's 10 Best Doctors on Television.[7][8] Ross was also listed in Wetpaint's '10 Hottest Male Doctors on TV' and in BuzzFeed's '16 Hottest Doctors On Television'.[9][10] His relationship with Carol Hathaway was included in AOL TV's list of the 'Best TV Couples of All Time' and in the same list by TV Guide.[11][12]
For his work on the series, Clooney received two Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series in 1995 and 1996.[13][14] He was also nominated for three Golden Globe Awards for Best Actor – Television Series Drama in 1995, 1996, and 1997 (losing to co-star Anthony Edwards).[15][16][17]
^Mimi Leder (director), John Wells (writer) (1996-02-22). 'The Healers'. ER. Season 2. Episode 16. NBC.
^Keenleyside, Sam (April 1998). Bedside Manners: George Clooney and ER. ECW Press. p. 51. ISBN978-1-5502-2336-1.
^Tate, Nick (January 11, 2015). ''ER' Producer Dr. Neal Baer Turns Lens on Poverty, Education Reform'. Newsmax Media. Retrieved August 15, 2015.
^Potts, Kimberly (September 1, 2011). George Clooney: The Last Great Movie Star Revised and Updated Edition. Applause. p. 51. ISBN978-1-5578-3785-1.
^'Bravo > 100 Greatest TV Characters'. Bravo. Archived from the original on July 17, 2007. Retrieved November 11, 2006.
^Wilkinson, Amy (June 15, 2009). 'George Clooney – Paging Dr. Feelgood: 30 Great TV Doctors and Nurses – Photo 12 of 28'. Entertainment Weekly. Time Inc. Retrieved January 24, 2013.
^'The Best TV Doctors For Surgeon General'. Fox News. Retrieved January 24, 2013.
^Palan, Erica (October 11, 2011). '10 Best Doctors on Television'. Philadelphia Magazine. Retrieved January 24, 2013.
^Martin, Rebecca (December 21, 2012). 'The 10 Hottest Male Doctors on TV'. Wetpaint. The Cambio Network. Retrieved January 24, 2013.
^'The 16 Hottest Doctors On Television'. BuzzFeed. September 28, 2012. Retrieved January 24, 2013.
^Potts, Kimberly (February 11, 2008). 'Best TV Couples of All Time'. AOL TV. Aol, Inc. Retrieved September 24, 2012.
^'Couples Pictures, ER Photos - Photo Gallery: The Best TV Couples of All Time'. TV Guide. Retrieved June 25, 2012.
^'Primetime Emmy nominations for 1995 - Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series'. Emmys.com. Retrieved January 24, 2013.
^'Primetime Emmy nominations for 1996 - Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series'. Emmys.com. Retrieved January 24, 2013.
^'The 53rd Annual Golden Globe Awards (1996)'. Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Retrieved January 24, 2013.
^'The 54th Annual Golden Globe Awards (1997)'. Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Archived from the original on May 21, 2013. Retrieved January 24, 2013.
^'The 54th Annual Golden Globe Awards (1998)'. Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Retrieved January 24, 2013.
Emergency Room
External links[edit]
Bio at TNT.com
Official ER website at NBC.com
Hospital Er Rooms
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Doug_Ross&oldid=991497793'
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
In the final weeks of the Supreme Court’s last term, the court’s conservative majority overruled two decades-old cases. The cases made headlines — not because their content was especially attention-grabbing, but because of what they may signal for the future. In both cases, liberal justices sounded the alarm on the threats they saw to other precedents. Justice Stephen Breyer even wrote in one dissent that he was left wondering “which cases the Court will overrule next.”
Breyer and the other liberal justices may soon get an answer on just how far the conservative justices are willing to go. The Supreme Court is back in session today, and it is already facing a docket full of high-profile cases, including several in which the justices have been asked to reexamine and potentially overrule past decisions. On Friday, for instance, the court announced it will review a restrictive Louisiana abortion law that’s nearly identical to a Texas law struck down by the justices in 2016. That case will be a particularly closely-watched test of whether the conservative justices are willing to start reversing liberal precedents on abortion rights. Generally, once a precedent is established, the justices say they’ll adhere to it, meaning that in cases involving hot topics like abortion or affirmative action, they’ll hand down a ruling that’s in line with what past justices have decided. But, of course, as we saw in the previous term, this isn’t always the case. Justices do sometimes overrule precedents or change them in substantial ways, and studies have shown that when that happens, their ideological preferences influence which precedents they affirm or override.
This appears to be true of the Roberts court as well, but according to a FiveThirtyEight analysis of Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1953, his court so far actually hasn’t been any more likely than previous courts to alter precedents. But there’s a key distinction: When the Roberts court does break with past rulings, it tends to do so by the slimmest of margins. Under Chief Justice John Roberts, the vast majority of precedent-altering cases have been decided by a narrow one-vote majority — and most of those cases have split along ideological lines. That’s a departure from previous courts, where there was typically greater consensus when overturning precedent. And it might also signal that Roberts — who has said that ideologically divided, 5-4 decisions undermine the court’s reputation — is actually more comfortable with divisive rulings than he lets on.
On the other hand, concern for the court’s reputation as an impartial institution might mean Roberts will move more cautiously than some of his conservative colleagues would like. “Roberts is in something of a bind,” said James Spriggs, a political scientist at Washington University in St. Louis. “There might be plenty of cases he wants to overrule. But as chief justice, he’d prefer to make big changes with a consensus, and that might lead him to vote in ways that are in tension with his ideological views.”
The Roberts court is already overturning precedents without consensus
In a system where unelected judges wield an enormous amount of power, the principle of adherence to precedent helps ensure that a single judge can’t simply decide he doesn’t like the rules and change them. And Supreme Court justices do so sparingly, perhaps in part to avoid the impression that they’re taking the law into their own hands. According to our analysis of precedent-altering decisions in the Supreme Court Database,1 they make up just about 2 percent of the total decisions handed down under Roberts, Rehnquist, Burger and Warren.
But even if these types of cases are rare, the Roberts court is handling them differently. As the table below shows, about 70 percent of the precedent-altering cases during Roberts’ tenure were decided by a thin one-vote margin, and only 14 percent were unanimous. That’s a big contrast with previous courts, where one-vote majorities only decided between 20 and 31 percent of precedent-altering cases.
One obvious culprit for this trend is the growing polarization dividing the court’s left and right flanks. For over a decade, Justice Anthony Kennedy was the court’s “swing” justice, which meant that even though he was still quite conservative, he would sometimes pivot and join the liberal justices on issues like gay rights. Nevertheless, more than half (62 percent) of the Roberts court’s precedent-altering decisions have gone in a conservative direction, as coded by the Supreme Court Database.2 And in rulings decided by one vote, the conservatives also usually came out on top. Five conservative justices (including Kennedy) were in the majority in two-thirds of these decisions; the liberal bloc, meanwhile, was only in the majority 20 percent of the time. Now with Kennedy retired, Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh (Kennedy’s replacement) are at the center of the court, which means that liberal precedents may be in even more danger.
This pattern is troubling to some, in part because it signals that the current court is willing to make big changes without a consensus, which was rarer under previous chief justices. Leah Litman, a law professor at the University of Michigan, told me that she’s concerned that these types of decisions “could undermine the court’s legitimacy.” Chief Justice Earl Warren, for instance, famously negotiated with his more conservative colleagues to obtain a unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education because he thought it would give the decision greater authority. Ideologically divided decisions in high-profile cases run a higher risk of being seen as politically motivated — such as when the Roberts court ruled that the government can’t restrict political spending by corporations.
Some liberal precedents could be in trouble
Of course, none of this bodes well for more liberal precedents on issues like abortion or affirmative action, since there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that if justices do overturn a precedent, they’re more likely to dismantle one they disagree with ideologically. “Conservatives will generally uphold conservative precedents and overturn liberal precedents, and liberals will do the opposite,” said Jeffrey Segal, a political science professor at Stony Brook University and the co-author of a book on the Supreme Court and precedent.
But precedents aren’t overturned only because of the justices’ ideological leanings — other factors play a role, too. Sometimes there are philosophical differences, as in the case of Justice Clarence Thomas, who is notoriously skeptical of loyalty to precedent for precedent’s sake alone. In a concurring opinion a few months ago, he wrote, “When faced with a demonstrably erroneous precedent, my rule is simple: We should not follow it.” Thomas is not necessarily alone in this regard, although he is unusually open about his views. Other justices have also varied on how much they seem to lean on precedent. According to one study using data from the Burger and Rehnquist courts, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was more likely to show deference to precedent than Kennedy. The stature of the precedent in question can matter, too. For instance, one study found that justices were more likely to overrule a precedent that they disagreed with if it was also still active and influential, as was the case when the conservative justices overturned a longstanding ruling involving public sector unions in 2018.
There may also be moments when a wing of the court feels more emboldened to overturn precedents — like when the court’s ideological center of gravity shifts. In 2006, for instance, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, then the court’s “swing” justice, was replaced by Samuel Alito, a reliable conservative. The following term, the court issued five precedent-altering decisions — more than in any other single year since — including a case where the conservatives voted to allow a ban on a specific method of abortion for the first time. Ryan Black, a political science professor at Michigan State University, said it’s possible that this year could be similar. “It’s the same pattern — the median moved right, and the conservative wing of the court is stronger and more homogenous, so it’s not unreasonable to expect they might want to strike while the iron is hot,” he said.
But Roberts may emerge as a defender of precedent
There’s a possibility, though, that Roberts will emerge as an unlikely savior of liberal precedents — or at least work to postpone their demise. Given his pivotal role at the court’s center and as the chief justice, he’s likely to be more influenced by concerns about the court’s institutional reputation and his own judicial legacy at a moment when public opinion of the court is more polarized than at any other point in the past 20 years. And that could lead to some unexpected alliances with the liberal justices, in this term and beyond.
Take a case from last term, where the court had the opportunity to overturn a 1997 ruling that gives federal agencies the power to interpret their own regulations — a longstanding conservative bogeyman. Instead of voting with the conservatives to overturn it, Roberts cast his lot in with the liberals and instead voted to narrow the precedent’s scope. Litman told me that the liberals may similarly work with Roberts this term if they see an opening to avoid sweeping changes to precedents they support.
But Roberts could also join his fellow conservatives to start overturning more high-profile liberal precedents, and if he does, some experts say he risks jeopardizing the court’s status as a neutral arbiter. According to Spriggs’s research, people are less likely to think favorably of a narrowly decided, precedent-altering ruling than a unanimous one. “Consensus makes the ruling seem more neutral and less partisan,” he said.
Then again, more recent studies by Michael Salamone, a political science professor at Washington State University, have suggested that when the issue is controversial, the size of the majority might not matter very much. In his experiments, he found that if the issue was something high-profile, like abortion or gun control, the case’s margin didn’t matter — people’s views of the ruling were guided by their politics on the issue.
Roberts is an avowed skeptic of political science, so chances are he’s not looking to these studies for guidance. And regardless of how he decides to approach upholding precedent this term, it seems safe to say that at least some precedents are likely to fall by the wayside, given the court’s recent track record. But it’s also entirely possible that the Supreme Court’s long-awaited conservative revolution also may not be coming as quickly as some on the court’s right wing would like.
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caitsbooks · 5 years
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Caitsbooks’s Top 10 Most Anticipated April 2019 Releases
This year is absolutely flying by. I can't believe it's April already! This month has some of my most anticipated releases of the year, with a good mix of debut novels, series starters, and continuations! My wallet may hate me this month, but I'll be very happy once all these books come out.
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April Releases
Note: These are in order of release date
April 2nd 
10. Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy #1) by Emily A. Duncan This book is probably my most anticipated debut novel, if not one of my most anticipated books overall for 2019. Wicked Saints has gotten a lot of hype, and after reading the ARC, I can say it deserves all of it. This book broke me, in the best possible way, and I don't think I'll ever be over it. Read my review here for more of my ranting.
"A girl who can speak to gods must save her people without destroying herself. A prince in danger must decide who to trust. A boy with a monstrous secret waits in the wings. Together, they must assassinate the king and stop the war. In a centuries-long war where beauty and brutality meet, their three paths entwine in a shadowy world of spilled blood and mysterious saints, where a forbidden romance threatens to tip the scales between dark and light."
9. Defy Me (Shatter Me #5) by Tahereh Mafi The Shatter Me series has been one of my favorites since I first read it as a trilogy back in 2015. While I was nervous at first about the series being continued, I am now 100% on board and so excited for the next installment! The Kenji novella, Shadow Me, really got my hyped for this book!
(Spoilers below for the Shatter Me series, books 1 - 4) "Juliette’s short tenure as the supreme commander of North America has been an utter disaster. When the children of the other world leaders show up on her doorstep, she wants nothing more than to turn to Warner for support and guidance. But he shatters her heart when he reveals that he’s been keeping secrets about her family and her identity from her—secrets that change everything. Juliette is devastated, and the darkness that’s always dwelled within her threatens to consume her. An explosive encounter with unexpected visitors might be enough to push her over the edge."
8. Defy the Fates (Constellation #3) by Claudia Gray
I cannot express how excited I am for this book. I loved the first two novels, and I've been dying to find out how it all ends! If you're looking for a new sci-fi series, definitely pick this one up!!
(spoilers below for Defy the Stars and Defy the Worlds)
“Hunted and desperate. Abel only has one mission left that matters: save the life of Noemi Vidal. To do that, he not only has to escape the Genesis authorities, he also must face the one person in the galaxy who still has the means to destroy him. Burton Mansfield's consciousness lives on, desperate for a home, and Abel's own body is his last bargaining chip.  Alone in the universe. Brought back from the brink of death, Noemi Vidal finds Abel has not only saved her life, but he's made her into something else, something more. Not quite mech, yet not quite human any longer, Noemi must find her place in a universe where she is utterly unique, all while trying to create a world where anyone--even a mech--can be free. The final battle between Earth and the colony planets is here, and there's no lengths to which Earth won't go to preserve its domination over all humanity. But together, the universe's most advanced mech and its first human-mech hybrid might have the power to change the galaxy for good.”
7. The Princess and the Fangirl (Once Upon a Con #2) by Ashley Poston
This is the new companion novel to Geekerella. The first book was absolutely amazing, and I can't wait to see where Ashley Poston goes with this one!
"Imogen Lovelace is an ordinary fangirl on an impossible mission: save her favorite character, Princess Amara, from being killed off from her favorite franchise, Starfield. The problem is, Jessica Stone—the actress who plays Princess Amara—wants nothing more than to leave the intense scrutiny of the fandom behind. If this year's ExcelsiCon isn't her last, she'll consider her career derailed. When a case of mistaken identity throws look-a-likes Imogen and Jess together, they quickly become enemies. But when the script for the Starfield sequel leaks, and all signs point to Jess, she and Imogen must trade places to find the person responsible. That's easier said than done when the girls step into each other's shoes and discover new romantic possibilities, as well as the other side of intense fandom. As these "princesses" race to find the script-leaker, they must rescue themselves from their own expectations, and redefine what it means to live happily ever after. "
6. The Devouring Gray (The Devouring Gray #1) by Christine Lynn Herman
This book is one of my most anticipated debut novels of the year. People have been comparing it to The Raven Cycle, one of my all-time favorite series, so obviously I need to devour it. (Yes, I know that was a bad pun)
"On the edge of town a beast haunts the woods, trapped in the Gray, its bonds loosening… Uprooted from the city, Violet Saunders doesn’t have much hope of fitting in at her new school in Four Paths, a town almost buried in the woodlands of rural New York. The fact that she’s descended from one of the town’s founders doesn’t help much, either—her new neighbors treat her with distant respect, and something very like fear. When she meets Justin, May, Isaac, and Harper, all children of founder families, and sees the otherworldly destruction they can wreak, she starts to wonder if the townsfolk are right to be afraid. When bodies start to appear in the woods, the locals become downright hostile. Can the teenagers solve the mystery of Four Paths, and their own part in it, before another calamity strikes?"
5. You'd Be Mine by Erin Hahn
I was lucky enough to read an ARC of this back in January, and it blew me away. It was so much more than I expected. This is definitely not a book to miss!
"Annie Mathers is America’s sweetheart and heir to a country music legacy full of all the things her Gran warned her about. Superstar Clay Coolidge is most definitely going to end up one of those things. But unfortunately for Clay, if he can’t convince Annie to join his summer tour, his music label is going to drop him. That’s what happens when your bad boy image turns into bad boy reality. Annie has been avoiding the spotlight after her parents’ tragic death, except on her skyrocketing YouTube channel. Clay’s label wants to land Annie, and Clay has to make it happen. Swayed by Clay’s undeniable charm and good looks, Annie and her band agree to join the tour. From the start fans want them to be more than just tour mates, and Annie and Clay can’t help but wonder if the fans are right. But if there’s one part of fame Annie wants nothing to do with, it’s a high-profile relationship. She had a front row seat to her parents’ volatile marriage and isn’t interested in repeating history. If only she could convince her heart that Clay, with his painful past and head over heels inducing tenor, isn’t worth the risk. "
April 9th 
4. Descendant of the Crane by Joan He
This book has been called a YA Game of Thrones, filled with political intrigue and mystery. This is another book that has gotten a bit of hype, and I'm looking forward to seeing if it lives up to it.
"Princess Hesina of Yan has always been eager to shirk the responsibilities of the crown, dreaming of an unremarkable life. But when her beloved father is found dead, she’s thrust into power, suddenly the queen of a surprisingly unstable kingdom. What’s more, Hesina believes that her father was murdered—and that the killer is someone close to her. Hesina’s court is packed full of dissemblers and deceivers eager to use the king’s death for political gain, each as plausibly guilty as the next. Her advisers would like her to blame the neighboring kingdom of Kendi’a, whose ruler has been mustering for war. Determined to find her father’s actual killer, Hesina does something desperate: she enlists the aid of a soothsayer—a treasonous act, punishable by death, since magic was outlawed centuries ago. Using the information provided by the sooth, and uncertain if she can trust her family, Hesina turns to Akira—a brilliant investigator who’s also a convicted criminal with secrets of his own. With the future of Yan at stake, can Hesina find justice for her father? Or will the cost be too high?"
3. The Red Scrolls of Magic (The Eldest Curses #1) by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu
I think everyone can agree that Magnus and Alec are some of the best characters in The Shadowhunter Chronicles. Needless to say, I'm so excited that they're getting their own series!!! I've been waiting for this for too long.
"All Magnus Bane wanted was a vacation—a lavish trip across Europe with Alec Lightwood, the Shadowhunter who against all odds is finally his boyfriend. But as soon as the pair settles in Paris, an old friend arrives with news about a demon-worshipping cult called the Crimson Hand that is bent on causing chaos around the world. A cult that was apparently founded by Magnus himself. Years ago. As a joke. Now Magnus and Alec must race across Europe to track down the Crimson Hand and its elusive new leader before the cult can cause any more damage. As if it wasn’t bad enough that their romantic getaway has been sidetracked, demons are now dogging their every step, and it is becoming harder to tell friend from foe. As their quest for answers becomes increasingly dire, Magnus and Alec will have to trust each other more than ever—even if it means revealing the secrets they’ve both been keeping."
April 16th 
2. Serious Moonlight by Jenn Bennett
Last year, I finally started reading Jenn Bennett's books, and fell in love with them. I went on a binge of all of her YA contemporaries, and I'm dying for more. At this point, it doesn't even matter to me what it's actually about. If it's written by Jenn Bennett, I'll read it.
"Mystery-book aficionado Birdie Lindberg has an overactive imagination. Raised in isolation and homeschooled by strict grandparents, she’s cultivated a whimsical fantasy life in which she plays the heroic detective and every stranger is a suspect. But her solitary world expands when she takes a job the summer before college, working the graveyard shift at a historic Seattle hotel. In her new job, Birdie hopes to blossom from introverted dreamer to brave pioneer, and gregarious Daniel Aoki volunteers to be her guide. The hotel’s charismatic young van driver shares the same nocturnal shift and patronizes the waterfront Moonlight Diner where she waits for the early morning ferry after work. Daniel also shares her appetite for intrigue, and he’s stumbled upon a real-life mystery: a famous reclusive writer—never before seen in public—might be secretly meeting someone at the hotel. To uncover the writer’s puzzling identity, Birdie must come out of her shell…discovering that most confounding mystery of all may be her growing feelings for the elusive riddle that is Daniel."
April 23rd 
1. The Tiger at Midnight (The Tiger at Midnight Trilogy #1) by Swati Teerdhala
I am living for all the new fantasy novels coming out, and especially #ownvoices ones! This synopsis has me so intrigued and I can't wait to dive in.
"Esha is a legend, but no one knows. It’s only in the shadows that she moonlights as the Viper, the rebels’ highly skilled assassin. She’s devoted her life to avenging what she lost in the royal coup, and now she’s been tasked with her most important mission to date: taking down the ruthless General Hotha. Kunal has been a soldier since childhood, training morning and night to uphold the power of King Vardaan. His uncle, the general, has ensured that Kunal never strays from the path—even as a part of Kunal longs to join the outside world, which has been growing only more volatile. Then Esha’s and Kunal’s paths cross—and an unimaginable chain of events unfolds. Both the Viper and the soldier think they’re calling the shots, but they’re not the only players moving the pieces. As the bonds that hold their land in order break down and the sins of the past meet the promise of a new future, both rebel and soldier must make unforgivable choices."
What is your most anticipated release this April?
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lfthinkerwrites · 5 years
High School AU: The Monthly Doctor’s ‘Conference’
At the monthly Doctor's 'Conference', certain members of the faculty make decisions.
The Tuesday night before the arrival of Superintendent al Ghul and his entourage saw Jonathan, Pamela, Harley, Penelope, Victor Fries, and Kirk Langstrom all gathered around a table in the Teacher's Lounge for the monthly Doctor's 'Conference'. Except the 'conference' was actually a poker game that only those who held PhDs were allowed to participate in. It had been a long-standing tradition that predated even Strange's tenure as principal, hence why he'd never bothered to get rid of it.
At the head of the table, Victor dealt the cards. "The usual rules apply, ladies and gentlemen. Perhaps tonight, someone other than a psychiatrist will win."
"Not a chance," Harley crowed, eagerly looking at her cards. "I'm gonna beat the pants off of ya!"
"What's the prize tonight?" Pamela asked. "Better not be a tie again."
Victor reached into the bag by his feet and pulled out a bottle of fine red wine. He placed it in the center of the table and Harley let out an appreciative whistle. "Nice. Now I'm definitely gonna win!"
"We'll see," Jonathan said. "We'll see. Who's hand is it?"
"Mine," Kirk said. He looked at his cards and grimaced, which made Jonathan cluck his tongue.
"You can't exactly complain about losing to psychiatrists all the time when you make it this easy for us."
"Not now Jon," Kirk said. He frowned, then placed three cards back into the stack before taking a three more. "I've got enough on my mind as is. Francine wants me to start putting in applications to other schools and universities ahead of tomorrow." He threw a red chip into the pot.
"Nora's expressed some concern to me as well," Victor said, reviewing his own cards. "She's become rather fond of Gotham. She doesn't want to leave." He peered over his cards to look at Jonathan and Penelope. "Have you informed Nashton?"
"We did," Jonathan answered, taking a card from the deck after Victor had finished. "He tried to get us to sign him a doctor's note excusing him from tomorrow."
Pamela made a disgusted noise. "Coward."
"Jonathan," Penelope asked after reviewing her cards. "Do you still have that whiskey?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"May I have some?"
Jonathan nodded, pulling the half-empty bottle from his bag and setting it on the table. Penelope grabbed the bottle and took a long swig out of it.
"Whoa, take it easy Penny," Harley said. "That stuff'll knock you out."
Penelope finished her drink, then shot Harley a long-suffering look. "I had to listen to Jason Todd go on for over an hour about how Bruce Wayne was ruining his life and how he was going to make him pay. I've earned that whiskey."
Harley cringed. "Yeesh. Jason. He's a nice kid, really, but he could write the book on Daddy Issues." She took a look at her own cards and her eyes lit up. "I'm bettin'!"
"Now who's making it easy?" Pamela grumbled.
The other players made their bets, only to not be surprised in the slightest when Harley won with a squeal of delight. "Who's turn is it to deal?" Kirk asked.
"Mine," Jonathan answered. He dealt cards to everyone around the table then sat back.
Penelope interrupted the game by asking a question. "Just how bad is Superintendent al Ghul?"
Harley gave her a surprised look before settling back down. "I keep forgettin' how new you are here, Penny. Anyway, Superintendent al Ghul is the absolute worst. He's some old school, hardline guy. His family's like this seven-hundred-year-old line of princes or somethin' from Saudi Arabia. They run a big global company. He used to be the top dog himself before he decided to take a step back and 'improve the minds of the future generations."
"He wants to use the school system to promote his vision of the world," Victor added. "He was the one who hired Strange. That should tell you all you need to know."
"And one more thing!" Harley said. "You know Wayne's youngest?"
"Damian? By reputation, yes," Penelope answered. "Whenever Jason's not complaining about Bruce, he's usually complaining about Damian."
"Well, Damian's Mom is al Ghul's daughter," Harley said. "So yeah, he and Wayne are kind of tight." Penelope grabbed Jonathan's whiskey bottle and took another long swig. Harley shook her head. "This sucks that he had to show up now, just when you and Eddie were finally startin' to go out."
Penelope nearly choked on the whiskey, which prompted Jonathan to pat her on the back. She put the bottle down and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Dating-me and Edward-we are absolutely not dating, Harley!"
Harley arched an eyebrow. "No? Then how come you rode with him to the hospital?"
Penelope looked back down at her cards, willing the flush on her face to go away to no avail. "That doesn't mean I have any feelings for him. Jonathan and Tetch were making their statements to the police and Ellen was almost hysterical. She needed an adult with her. That's all."
"She didn't look that hysterical to me. She and Dent's daughter were takin' pictures of the whole thing on their phones," Jonathan piped up, which earned him a glare.
Harley, as always, wasn't about to give up that easily. "Oh come on, Penny! Don't act like I haven't caught you taking a look at Eddie's-"
Kirk held up a hand. "Please, Harley, don't finish that sentence."
Penelope's face was burning hot now. "I haven't-that still doesn't mean anything Harley."
Harley gave her a sneaky look. "Yeah, right. Besides, everyone and their mother knows that Eddie's crazy about ya! You two just make sense!"
Penelope dropped her cards on the table. "He...is?"
The rest of the table gave her a wide-eyed look, even stoic Victor. "He's been pining for you the second he laid eyes on you," Pamela said slowly as if she was speaking to a child. "You really didn't know?"
"He ain't exactly been subtle about it either," Jonathan grumbled, taking advantage of the distraction to sneak a peek at Penelope's cards before discarding one of his own. "He's been a goddamn nuisance."
Harley brought a hand up to her face. "Geez Louise, Penny! I thought all this time you were just playin' hard to get!"
"I thought you actually had taste," Pamela added.
Penelope quickly gathered her cards. "He's been absolutely insufferable half the time towards me from the moment I started here, how was I supposed to know?"
Pamela reviewed her cards before throwing a few chips in the pot. "Yes, well, Edward unfortunately never graduated above pulling a girl's pigtails when he liked them. How that man managed to find someone willing to have his child is a mystery I'll never be able to solve."
Kirk and Victor exchanged a long-suffering look. "Aren't you glad we're not still in the dating scene, Vic?"
"Immeasurably," Victor answered. "Is anyone else betting?"
"I am," Penelope added. "Now, can we please just get back to the game?"
"Nuh uh," Harley said, throwing another chip in. "So now you know. What're you gonna do?"
Penelope showed her hand. Full house. She took a breath. "Before I do anything, I want to hear it from Edward himself."
"You better hurry then. After al Ghul gets through with us, you might not get another chance!" Harley sighed. "We might all get separated. You and Eddie. Jonny, Eddie, and Jervis. Me, Red, and Lina." She let out a sniffle. "Me and Mistah J!"
Pamela rolled her eyes. "How is it that two trained psychiatrists," she pointed at Penelope and Harley, "Can't tell when someone is in love with them and when someone isn't?"
"Oh, lay off of Mistah J, Red! We're takin' it slow, that's all!"
"More like glacial," Jonathan said.
"Whatever," Harley grumbled. "At least he's not takin' al Ghul lying down!"
This actually piqued Jonathan's interest. "Oh? What's the Clown got planned this time?"
Harley grinned. "He said that if he's gonna get punished anyway, he's gonna go out on his own terms! He's just gonna be himself tomorrow!"
Pamela opened her mouth to respond when a determined look came over her face. She put her cards down. "I can't believe I'm saying this," she said. "But I actually agree with him. Strange, Wayne, al Ghul and everyone else on the school board has had it out for us for years. Why not end it on our terms?"
Jonathan played with his pile of chips before he nodded. "Yeah. You're right. If not now, then they'll get us at some point. Might as well go out swingin'."
Victor raised an eyebrow. "That may all be well and good for you lot, but some of us have spouses and families to consider."
"You can be good little sheep if you like," Pamela said. "But some of us would like to keep our dignity intact."
Harley clapped her hands. "Yeah! Fight the power! Are you in, Penny?"
"I'm not sure," she said quietly, obviously still thinking about someone else entirely. "But you do what you think is right."
"First thing's first," Kirk said. "Let's win this wine."
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fandomforward · 6 years
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Jackson Bird has been making magic with the HPA for over eight incredible years! At Hogwarts, that basically makes him a super senior, which means the time has come for Jack to leave the nest and pursue some awesome new projects! He’s left a message for all of us, but first Jack, a message for you: We’ve been so honored to learn and grow with you over the years - thank you for taking so many of us under your wing. Over eight years, you’ve helped the HPA spread its wings and reach incredible heights. As you take to the sky, we’ll be cheering you on and excited to see all you accomplish! Don’t forget to tweet, and remember - Hogwarts (and the HPA) will always be here to welcome you home. ❤️⚡️
And now, some words from Jack:
Today I’m stepping down as the Director of Wizard-Muggle Relations at the HPA.
I’ve been with the HPA for eight years, first as a volunteer and for the past five years as an employee. This tenure would make me a super senior at Hogwarts, which I think we can all agree, is not a cute look.
Much like Hogwarts, the HPA has been my school, my place of friendship, and my home. I joined the HPA as a volunteer in 2010 at twenty-years-old and was hired full-time at just twenty-three. I’ve spent my whole adult life thus far guided by wizards. From teaching me how to manage a staff and conduct performance reviews to challenging me to grow into an activist and enveloping me in unconditional love when I came out as transgender, my colleagues at the HPA have helped mold me into the person I am today.
I have met many of the most important people in my life at the HPA. Our volunteers, our founders, our board members, our chapter members, our partners, and our donors are truly passionate, kind, and creative folks that I’ve been honored to work alongside and befriend over the years. It’s because of each one of them that I know the HPA will continue forward with even more strength and magic than I’m leaving it with.
I’ve been fortunate to be there for some of the HPA’s greatest victories – like helping pass marriage equality bills year after year, mobilizing fans for net neutrality, educating on safe spaces for transgender people, successfully getting Warners Bros. to switch to ethically-sourced chocolate for their Harry Potter candies, and so much more.
And I can’t wait to watch as future victories roll in. Granger Leadership Academy is entering its fifth year as our training ground for future fan activists. There are now over 235 chapters in thirty-five nations, in six continents (nearly four times as many as there were when I joined eight years ago). Neville Fights Back is giving hope and instructions to all of us in this dark timeline. And this year’s Accio Books campaign, adding to the 350,000 books HPA members have already donated around the world in past years to send books to Boys and Girls Clubs in Puerto Rico, feels particularly special to me. Afterall, it was seeing fans come together in support of a community in need after another disastrous hurricane in 2010 that inspired me to join up in the beginning.
So why am I departing from this magical organization that has colored in the outlines of my life for the past eight years? I don’t have a great reason, other than that it’s time.
I’ve been super fortunate during my time at the HPA to be allowed – encouraged, in fact – to continue other creative pursuits on top of my job. Having been hired at such a young age, it was always understood that the HPA was a center of learning for me and not a final destination. Now, as my creative endeavors have grown more and more, it’s come time for me to move on.
But moving on doesn’t mean leaving. Not really. I’ll be watching from the sidelines, cheering everyone on, and maybe popping up as a guest in videos or livestreams from time to time. I’ll even be attending VidCon and LeakyCon as an individual this year so make sure to say hi if you see me (I’ll be the one trying to figure out what to do with all my free time now that I don’t have to wake up at six am to open the HPA’s merch booth every morning).
Who I am will always be inextricably tied with the HPA and this amazing, wonderful, magical community. In fact, I’m pretty sure my heart has a lightning bolt sticking out of it at this point. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Thank you to each and every one of you, all of you who make up the HPA. I promise to continue living out the values of the community and never forget the magic I was taught here. The HPA will always be my home. Always.
The Weapon We Have Is Love,
Jackson Bird
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Many Registered Republicans In Washington State
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-many-registered-republicans-in-washington-state/
How Many Registered Republicans In Washington State
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More To The Story In Maine 2020
LATE BALLOTS in Washington State Trend Republican 2020
The coronavirus pandemic and its devastating economic fallout are two major issues that have an impact on the election. NBC News is tracking and updating daily the number of coronavirus related deaths in each state and U.S. territory, as well as the jobless claims as reported weekly by the Department of Labor that counts how many people have filed for unemployment benefits.
Moderates Seeking A Home
Outside the formal party organization, some ordinary Republican voters who dont feel any allegiance to Trump found themselves without a real political home for the past few years. Among that group, Herrera Beutlers stance on impeachment was admirable, and potentially an invitation back to the fold.
A Vancouver man who asked to remain anonymous to avoid what he called the wackadoodles had been voting Republican for his entire adult life. That changed in 2016.
Free trade, open economic policy, small government, none of that is the Republican party anymore, he said. If they stay on the path theyre on, I dont see myself going back.
He also voted against Herrera Beutler for the first time last year because he was fed up with the party as a whole, he said. He might go back to supporting the congresswoman in the future after her impeachment vote.
He doesnt consider himself a Republican anymore, but hes not a Democrat or a third party voter either.
a mix-and-match independent. Im going to look more at character and moderate policy perspectives than I will at rhetoric or extremism on either side, he said.
While the national trends would indicate that there are more voters experiencing the same kind of drift away from their voting history, theres not a very reliable way to track how many of those people are in Southwest Washington.
Most Democratic And Republicancounties In Alabama
Which Alabama counties have the most Democrats and which has the most Republicans?
It turns out even the Reddest of Red states has a drop of Blue.
24/7 Wall Street;recently used voting data and a review of current and historical representation in Congress to determine the political leanings counties across the country. That index was then used to determine the most Democratic and most Republican counties in each state.
Alabama is a solid Republican state but the analysis found pockets of Democratic support. For example, in 2012, 61 percent of Alabama voters opted for Republican candidate Mitt Romney, one of the highest shares the losing candidate received from any state. In Greene County, however, 85 percent of the voters cast their ballot for President Obama. Whats more, Greene County helped send a Democrat to the U.S. House of Representatives in each of the last five Congressional elections.
Thats enough to make Greene County the most Democratic county in Alabama.
And what about the most Republican County? There is a lot of competition for that title but the recognition goes to Blount county, according to;24/7 Wall Street. In 2012, more than 86 percent of voters cast their ballot for GOP nominee Romney, the highest share of any county in Alabama. Also, county residents are represented in the House by the 4th and 6th Congressional Districts, both of which are held by Republicans.
Welcome to Tuesdays Wake Up Call. Lets see whats going on:
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The Washington State Republican Party Is Thriving
Published by Kyle Fischer on September 17, 2019September 17, 2019
From Bellingham to Clarkston, Republicans in Washington State are not only making a difference but providing a voice that is often ignored by Seattle liberals hellbent on out of touch ideological policies that dont work.
Republican and conservative non-partisan elected officials are presenting fresh ideas and implementing innovative solutions to the most pressing issues in our communities, issues that are largely ignored by the one-party rule of Democrats in Olympia and Seattle.
Lets start with homelessness and mental health.; Seattle spends tens of millions to address homelessness and crime but continues to top the charts for worst in the nation in both categories.; Meanwhile communities like Marysville are taking a new approach by pairing much-needed behavioral health services with a no-tolerance policy on criminal activity.
Pierce County, the second largest county in the state, is led by Republican County Executive, Bruce Dammeier. Under his leadership, homelessness in the county has dropped 9% in the last year due to his prioritizing of increased behavioral health services and strict enforcement of laws.
And finally, taxes.; Washingtonians have repeatedly insisted that they do not want new taxes, yet Democrats never tire of finding new ways to make Washingtonians pay including seeking an energy tax, a capital gains tax, a jobs tax, and more all in just the last year.
Democrats Have 12 Million More Registered Voters Than Republicans
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UVA Center for Politics Larry Sabatos Crystal Ball posted the latest numbers of registered Democrats, Republicans and Independents in the 31 states that require party registration to vote. Democrats and their friends in the media have been great at getting people to register as Democrats .
Democrats lead the GOP by 12 million registered voters in states that are key in the mid-terms.
Its not good news for the GOP in the mid-terms. Important states now have more registered Democrats than Republicans, and in many, its by a significant amount.
Democrats now account for 40% of the registered voters in those states, Republicans are only 29% and Independents account for 28 percent. Its shocking when one considers they are successfully running on high taxes and spending, a loss of freedoms, Stormy Daniels, and open borders.
There arent many states that are solid red and many are close to becoming blue.
It gives Democrats a decided advantage.
Its concerning when you consider states like North Carolina and Colorado now have more Democrats than Republicans and others like Arizona are close. We can thank the invasion of leftists coming in from foreign nations for some of this. Certainly, it is what changed California. Foreigners loyal to their native lands are deciding our policies.
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How Many Registered Voters In Washington State 2021
Voter Turnout. Last updated on 2/03/2021 3:28 PM. Voters can register and update their address through 8pm on Election Day. Therefore, the total number of registered voters may change daily 2020 Report of Elections in WashingtonState. 2019 Report of Elections in WashingtonState. 2018 Report of Elections in WashingtonState. 2017 Report of Elections in WashingtonState. 2016 Report of Elections in WashingtonState. Voter Registration Data & Tables Age Demographics (by gender, Congressional, and Legislative District Early voting in Washington. In Washington, all registered voters are automatically mailed a ballot. They can also vote early in-person. In 2016, 98% of the total votes were cast early Secretary of State Kim Wyman announced Tuesday that 4,116,894 voters, or 84.14% of Washington’s 4,892,871 registered voters, filled out their ballots for the Nov. 3 election. The 84.14% turnout.
Washington Voters Cast Record Numbers Of Ballots In 2020
BUSINESS SERVICES 450 N. 4th Street Boise, ID 83702 P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0080 334-2301 [email protected
S ome 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America’s adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud. The Election.
Voters who are not registered must complete and submit a paper registration form. A fully online voter registration system is expected in 2020. Idaho: Online voter registration, enacted in 2016, went live on December 6, 2017. Florida: Online voter registration, enacted in 2015, went live on October 1, 2017
Number of New applications approved by week, broken down by county . New Voter Apps Party shows a count of new voter applications by county and Democratic, Republican and Other. All by Age contains the count of ALL voters by county and the age groups requested
According to the D.C. Board of Elections, 438,373 of the District’s more than 670,000 inhabitants were registered to vote as of Jan. 31 this year. Of registered voters, three.
<p>Either start with the example below, or design your own scenario. Youâ ve just seen what happens when voter margin and turnout change for, How turnout and swing voters could get Trump or Biden to 270, Trumpâ s 2016 victory was largely driven by White voters. Washingtonstate scores highest Primary election turnout since 1964, Washingtonstate ballot drop box. When it comes to the lowest.
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Which Administration Should Have Been The One To End The Us Presence In Afghanistan
There are more than 10 professors affiliated with the Democratic Party for every faculty member who is a registered Republican, according to a new study.
Mitchell Langbert, an associate professor of business management at Brooklyn College, reviewed the party affiliations of 8,688 tenure-track, Ph.D.-holding professors at 51 of the top 60 liberal arts colleges listed in U.S. News and World Reports 2017 rankings.
Nearly 60 percent of all faculty members were registered as either a Republican or a Democrat, and of that sample, there were 10.4 times as many Democrats as Republicans.
TOP STORIESTexas Supreme Court rules AWOL Democrats may be arrested
The political registration of full-time, Ph.D.-holding professors in top-tier liberal arts colleges is overwhelmingly Democratic, Mr. Langbert wrote in an article published by the National Association of Scholars. Indeed, faculty political affiliations at 39 percent of the colleges in my sample are Republican free having zero Republicans.
There are several shortcomings associated with political uniformity in higher education, Mr. Langbert continued, including biased research and diminished academic credibility.
Studies show that academic psychologists are more likely to study the attitudes and behaviors of conservatives than liberals. They are also more likely to view conservative beliefs as deviant.
There are a few colleges that stood out in Mr. Langberts sample.
Key Point From This Article
In Battleground States, Newly Registered Democrats Are Outnumbering Newly Registered Republicans
Altogether, there are 31 states with party registration; in the others, such as Virginia, voters register without reference to party. In 19 states and the District, there are more registered Democrats than Republicans. In 12 states, there are more registered Republicans than Democrats. In aggregate, 40% of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, 29% are Republicans, and 28% are independents. Nationally, the Democratic advantage in the party registration states approaches 12 million.
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In 2021 Republicans Will Have Full Control Of The Legislative And Executive Branch In 23 States
Democrats and independents grow more diverse since 2008. According to gallup.com about 42% of voters claim to be independents. There is a big difference between a state, for example with 7000 registered greens, which had a net increase of plus 200 where 201 new voters registered in to the greens and only 1 left, compared to a situation in the same state where 5000 voters newly registered green but at the same time 4800 left the party. Currently, republicans have 51 seats, and democrats have 47 with two races still undecided. San francisco 62.61% modoc 54.46% santa clara 29.92% Their partisan affiliation was roughly split between three groups: How the county has changed since this time last year: Democrats will have full control of the legislative and executive branch in 15 states. There are roughly 55 million registered republicans. There are 517,562 registered democrats this year in allegheny county, compared to 520,135 in 2016. The counties with the 10 highest percentages of democratic party, republican party, and no party preference registered voters are: According to data from ballot access news, independents make up 29.09 percent of registered voters, while republicans make up 28.87 percent and democrats make up 39.66 percent. In 12 states, there are more registered republicans than democrats.
Video: Voting And Registration
The totals on this page represent counts of registered voters as of the date shown. Actual numbers continue to change daily as county auditors update voter records. Voter Registration by County since 2000 Spreadsheet Voter Registration by Precinct Split Spreadsheet (May 1, 2021 Millions of Americans miss the opportunity to vote because they don’t know how to register or they miss their state’s deadline to register. What we’re doing. As the nation’s largest and longest-standing grassroots voter registration organization, our volunteers register hundreds of thousands of voters and host community voter registration.
Washington With college campuses closed, festivals and concerts canceled, and motor vehicle offices shuttered, the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted not only the normal way of life for millions of Americans, but the traditional means of voter registration during an election year that could attract record turnout. Now, civic groups devoted to signing up new Maine Enacts Online Voter Registration Law. July 26, 2021. WASHINGTON, D.C. Democrats in Maine have enacted a new law that will allow residents to register to vote online for the first time in 2023. The change was proposed by Democrats in the state legislature, where they hold a majority, and signed into law by Gov. Janet Mills last week
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Number Of Registered Voters By State 2021
Voter registration is the requirement that a person eligible to vote registers on an electoral roll before that person is entitled or permitted to vote. Voter registration may be automatic or may require each eligible person to submit an application. Registration varies between jurisdictions.
Almost 92 million eligible Americans did not vote in the 2016 presidential election. Voter registration and participation are crucial for the nations democracy to function properly and for the US government to provide fair representation.
Low voter registration numbers and low voter turnout can be the result of several factors. To increase voter registration and participation, barriers to registering to vote, and barriers to voting must be eliminated, such as additional restrictions on identification forms and reforms to ensure all eligible ballots will be securely counted. Additionally, those alienated from the democratic process or discouraged from voting must feel that their voice is heard by their leaders and encouraged to participate in elections.
Some pro-voter policies that have shown to increase voter registration and participation are:
Automatic voter registration.
Pierce County Elections Pierce County Wa
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Registered voters in California make up 51.90% of its total population. Hawaii has the lowest percentage of 49.50%. Maine has the highest percentage of registered voters of 77.10% registered voters. Only nine states the District of Columbia have percentages of registered voters of 70% or higher. Here are the 10 states with the highest.
Washington. 3,545,000 people have voted so far. 4,630,000 were registered to vote as of Sept. 1. Voter registration data for 2020 includes only active registered voters in states that report.
Exit Full Screen. OLYMPIA Washington state saw its highest primary turnout in more than five decades, with 55% of the state’s 4.6 million voters returning ballots for last week’s election.
NEARLY 24,000 REGISTERED VOTERS IN WASHINGTON CO. Washington County has its highest number of registered voters in the last 30 years ahead of November’s general election. Monday was the final day to register to vote for the election, and according to County Clerk Beth Rothermel, the county had 23,993 registered voters as of the deadline
Judicial Watch, a right wing legal activist organization, claimed to have discovered in an October 2020 study that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting.
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Map 1 And Table : Party Registration Totals By State July 2018
Democrats no longer control the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, or for that matter most of the governorships or state legislatures. But they still maintain a toehold in the political process with their edge in the realm of voter registration. At least that is the case in the 31 states and the District of Columbia that register voters by political party. As of this month, 13 of these states boast a Democratic plurality in registered voters, compared to eight states where there is a Republican plurality. In the other 10 states, there are more registered independents than either Democrats or Republicans, with Democrats out-registering the Republicans in six of these states and the GOP with more voters than the Democrats in the other four. They are indicated in the chart as I or I. Nationally, four out of every 10 registered voters in party registration states are Democrats, with slightly less than three out of every 10 registered as Republicans or independents. Overall, the current Democratic advantage over Republicans in the party registration states approaches 12 million.
Recent party registration numbers used here are from state election websites and are based on totals compiled in early July 2018. Registration data are as of the following months: October 2016 ; February 2017 ; November 2017 ; January 2018 ; March 2018 ; April 2018 ; May 2018 ; June 2018 ; and July 2018 .
The Claim: There Are Just 133 Million Registered Voters In The Us
Despite losing dozens of lawsuits and the Electoral Collegeâs certification of Bidenâs win, President Donald Trumpâs campaign and others continue to promote falsehoods about the credibility and security of the election.
A Dec. 21 , which pulled a screenshot of a Twitter post, claimed Biden somehow received 22 million phantom votes. The post has over 1,200 shares, as of Dec. 30.
âSimple math: Trump got 74 million votes and there are only 133 million registered voters in the USA,â the claims. âEven if everyone whoâs registered actually voted, there would only be 59 million votes left for Biden. So how the hell did Biden get 81 million votes? 22 million extra?â
The Facebook user who made that particular post has not returned a request for comment from USA TODAY.
Another made the same claim without pulling a screenshot from Twitter. USA TODAY has also reached out to this user for comment.
And the Twitter account MSM Fact Checking posted a similar claim on Dec. 18, from which many viral Facebook posts stem.
And then, âJust for complete transparency, even at 65% turnout the total would be just over 138,000,000 voters resulting in over 155,000,000 votes. However you look at it, it doesnât add up.â
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brandongunte1r · 3 years
She had no way to move but with the river.
Livingston Parish, one of the hardest hit areas with about 138,000 people, an official estimated that 75 percent of the homes were a total loss.. She rubbed her fingers through the dirt, and grabbed a handful of grass to wipe between her legs. From here he could see four lesser pyramids, the city’s western walls, and the camps of the Yunkishmen by the shores of Slaver’s Bay, where a thick column of greasy smoke twisted upward like some monstrous serpent. FS1 will provide coverage of Friday and Saturday qualifying and Sunday eliminations for each NHRA Mello Yello Series event, with a minimum of 16 Sunday eliminations shows to be presented in a live coverage format, and the remainder shown either in weekend afternoon or primetime time slots.. She had no way to move but with the river. "It's the only pair in your size. We think he is a tremendous player who is only going to get better. An acquaintance of the writer was married to a gentleman in Louisiana, who was the proprietor of some eight hundred slaves. Another turned his cup over to wash away a finger of blood before it reached the place where he was seated. A safe place, beyond my sister’s reach.”. AOL Autos: How to choose an auto repair shop. Hello! Sorry this is late coming up, I had lots to do today! And assorted computer trouble didn help either
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statetalks · 3 years
How Did President Clinton’s Impeachment Affect Republicans
Overview: Clintons International Policy
Watch: Republicans Demand More Impeachment Witnesses, When Clinton Was On Trial | MSNBC
For decades, the contours of the Cold War had largely determined U.S. action abroad. Strategists saw each coup, revolution, and civil war as part of the larger struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. With the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, however, President Clinton was faced with international crises in the Middle East, the Balkans, Africa, and Haiti, on their own terms. He envisioned a post-Cold War role in which the United States used its overwhelming military superiority, and its influence as global police, to preserve the peace. This foreign policy strategy had both success and failure.
The Impeachment Was Delayed Due To Air Strikes Against Iraq
An impeachment vote was due for December 17 but was abruptly canceled after the U.S. launched airstrikes against Saddam Husseins Iraq. On December 19, the House approved two articles of impeachment against Clinton. The minor conflict with Iraq began due to Husseins reluctance to comply with United Nations weapons inspectors. It was known as Operation Desert Fox. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said in response to allegations that the bombing was a distraction, I dont think were pretending that we can get everything, so this is I think we are being very honest about what our ability is. We are lessening, degrading his ability to use this. The weapons of mass destruction are the threat of the future.
A similar allegation surrounded Clintons bombing of terrorist bases in Sudan and Afghanistan in August 1998, around the time the president was due to appear before a grand jury. That operation was known as Infinite Reach.
But News Of Clinton’s Affair With Lewinsky Got Out
In July 1998, Clinton testified over the allegations that he’d committed perjury by lying about his affair with Lewinsky. And by August, he’d admitted to having an affair with Lewinsky.
Lewinsky had also recorded conversations of her talking about the affair, and the transcripts of the conversation went public in October 1998.
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Comparing Impeachments Across Us History
Note: This lesson is
Note: This lesson is adapted from materials contained in the Bill of Rights Institutes forthcoming U.S. History resource entitled Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: A History of the American Experiment. This free online resource covers 1491 to the present day, is aligned to the College Boards AP U.S. history framework, and will be available for use in the 2020 school year. To learn more and to receive updates, visit our website. Lesson Objectives:
Students will review the Founders intentions for the practice of impeachment using excerpts from Madisons Notes on the Debates of the Federal Convention;and the Constitution.
Students will compare the contexts for the impeachment proceedings of Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.
Students will evaluate the significance of the process of impeachment as a component of the system of checks and balances.
Handout A: The Constitutional Provisions on Impeachment
Handout B: Impeachment in U.S. History
The president receives gifts from a foreign power without the approval of Congress. The president orders detention of a racial or ethnic group for national security reasons. The president refuses to enforce laws passed by Congress. The president participates in a conspiracy to conceal evidence that his associates have committed a burglary. In a sexual harassment lawsuit, the president lies under oath.
On February 5 The Senate Acquitted Trump On Both Charges
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For the abuse of power charge, 48 senators voted to convict Trump, including Republican Sen. Mitt Romney, who was the first senator to ever vote for the removal of a president in their own party. The other 52 Republican senators voted to acquit him.
“Corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one’s oath of office that I can imagine,” Romney said in a speech announcing his decision.
Romney joined the Republicans to vote to acquit in the obstruction of Congress charge, which passed on a 53-47 vote.
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Impeachment And Public Opinion: Three Key Indicators To Watch
There have been two serious efforts in the past half-century to impeach and remove a U.S. president from office. The first, which ended in 1974, led to the resignation of its targetPresident Richard Nixon. The second, which began in 1998 against President Bill Clinton, led to the resignation of the man who had orchestrated the effortHouse Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Now we have entered the early phase of a third impeachment and removal effort, this time directed against President Donald Trump. Will it lead to triumph or disaster for Democrats? Will it lead to the end of Mr. Trumps presidency or pave the way for his reelection? We do not know. But history gives us clues about what to watch for along the way.
First, a presidents standing with the American people as the impeachment inquiry proceeds makes a big difference. As the Watergate hearings unfolded in the summer of 1973, soon followed by the infamous Saturday night massacre in the fall, President Nixons job approval fell steadily from 50% in the late spring of 1973 to just 24% at the beginning of 1974. During the next eight months, culminating in Mr. Nixons resignation, it barely budged. In short, Nixon was gravely damaged politically long before the House of Representatives voted to impeach him on three counts in July.
What Were The Consequences
According to some accounts, Johnson wept at the news of his acquittal, vowing to devote himself to restoring his reputation.
It didn’t work.
He served out the rest of his presidential term, but his final months in office were beset with the same power struggles that warped his tenure prior to impeachment.
And in 1869, Democrats lost the White House to Republican candidate General Ulysses S Grant, who allowed his party’s plan for Radical Reconstruction to continue.
And buying Alaska in 1867 for a cool $7.2m.
Johnson was also one of the poorest presidents. He never went to school.
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From The Washington Post Archive
President Bill Clinton was impeached on Dec. 19, 1998.
Over what? Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstructing justice to cover up an Oval Office affair with Monica Lewinsky, an intern. Clintons affair and its cover-up was investigated as part of a four-year probe led by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.
Here is complete coverage of Clintons impeachment from The Washington Post archive.
The House of Representatives impeached the president of the United States yesterday for only the second time in American history, charging William Jefferson Clinton with high crimes and misdemeanors for lying under oath and obstructing justice to cover up an Oval Office affair with a young intern.
At 1:25 p.m. on a day of constitutional drama and personal trauma, the Republican-led House voted 228 to 206 largely along party lines to approve the first article of impeachment accusing the Democratic president of perjury before a grand jury. Within the hour, lawmakers went on to pass another article alleging he tampered with witnesses and helped hide evidence, but rejected two other articles on perjury and abuse of power.
Emerging from the Oval Office with first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton on his arm and Vice President Gore at his side, the president stood with his Democratic defenders and decried the partisan vote against him. Brushing aside calls for resignation, Clinton vowed to serve “until the last hour of the last day of my term.”
The Clinton Impeachment And Its Fallout
House of Representatives impeached US President Donald Trump
America was captivated by the story, especially;as it played out in;televised hearings, often with graphic detail
By Russell Riley
The next seven months found the American public consumed by the Lewinsky affair, following every nuance of the investigation by Starr and debating the merits of the case. Nothing like this had so captured the attention of the American public since Watergate and Nixon’s resignation from office. Startling revelations came out, including taped interviews in which Lewinsky described details of the affair as well as a dress that contained samples of the President’s DNA. On August 17, 1998, following his testimony before a federal grand jury on the matter, Clinton acknowledged in a televised address to the nation his “inappropriate” conduct with Lewinsky and admitted that he had misled the nation and embarrassed his family. But he did not admit to having lied, having instructed anyone else to lie, or orchestrating a cover-up involving anyone else.
Impeachment Fallout
In the process of pursuing an impeachment of the president, the Republicans had seriously overplayed their hand. An indication of what lay ahead came when the party actually lost five seats in the House while gaining no Senate seats in the November 1998 elections conducted just prior to the impeachment vote. Traditionally, the opposition party registers significant gains in the off-year elections of a President’s second term, and so the Republican loss was virtually unprecedented.
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Republican Who ‘wanted To Destroy’ Bill Clinton During 1998 Impeachment Has Regrets
A former Republican congressman who led the charge to impeach Bill Clinton in 1998 said he paid a visit to the former Democratic president a few years ago to ask forgiveness for his role in the affair.
I hated Bill Clinton, wanted to destroy him, asked to be on Judiciary Committee so that I could impeach him, said Bob Inglis, R-S.C., in an interview on The Long Game, a Yahoo News podcast.
Inglis visited Clinton a few years ago at the former presidents office in Harlem, he said, in what he described as a very interesting meeting. Inglis informed Clinton that he joined the Judiciary Committee as soon as he was elected to Congress in 1992, the same year Clinton was elected president, with the intent of impeaching him.
I hated you so much that I wanted to impeach you, Inglis told Clinton.
Clinton sort of flinched, Inglis said. I said, Yeah, I know you hadnt done anything yet, but so much did I hate you.
I told him that it wasnt good for my soul, it wasnt good for the country, for me to have that level of animosity toward him, Inglis said. He didnt say the words that you would hope to hear, which is, Youre forgiven. But in every way he has expressed that to me. Hes been very kind to accept the apology for sure.
Inglis left his seat in Congress in 1998, the same year the Republican-controlled House impeached Clinton, to run for the U.S. Senate. He narrowly lost to Democratic incumbent Sen. Fritz Hollings, who had held the seat since 1966.
Clinton Was Popular Impeachment Wasnt
By the time the House of Representatives voted to open an impeachment inquiry against Clinton in October 1998, the allegations against the president had been in the news for months. Clinton had publicly confessed to the affair in August, and in mid-September, Starr delivered his lengthy and salacious report which included a case for impeaching Clinton to Congress.
At that moment, support for impeachment seemed like it might be on the upswing. A Gallup poll conducted in mid-October, just after the House voted to formally open an impeachment inquiry, found that 48 percent of the public supported the decision to hold hearings. But as the chart below shows, support for impeachment didnt continue to tick upward. In mid-December, when the House voted to impeach Clinton on two counts of perjury and obstruction of justice, just about 40 percent of the public continued to think he should be impeached and the same was true in February, when the Senate voted to acquit him.
There were other signs, too, that the public didnt think Clinton should be removed from office. Republicans efforts to impeach Clinton appeared to be dramatically backfiring in real time after running a slew of ads attacking Clinton in the lead-up to the midterms, they lost seats and House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who had been one of Clintons loudest critics, resigned the speakership.
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What Did He Do
In the shadow of the Civil War, President Andrew Johnson – a Democrat – sparred constantly with the Republican-held Congress over how to rebuild the defeated US South.
The “Radical Republicans” of this period pushed for legislation to punish former Confederate leaders and protect the rights of freed slaves. Johnson used his presidential veto to block the Republican efforts at every turn.
In March, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act, crafted to curtail the president’s ability to fire members of his cabinet without approval from the Senate. In defiance, Johnson suspended a cabinet member and political rival, Edwin Stanton, while Congress was in recess.
If today’s proceedings seem like a lot of political theatrics, it is in keeping with impeachment tradition: Stanton responded to his firing by locking himself in his office and refusing to leave.
Stanton’s removal proved to be the final straw – the House Republicans rushed to draft 11 articles of impeachment.
After a vote along party lines the articles were presented to the Senate, where he was acquitted, but only just. It was a single vote short of the two-thirds majority needed to convict.
Clinton Impeachment Process Began On October 5 1998
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In September 1998, the House Judiciary Committee announced that an impeachment resolution would be brought to a vote on October 5. On that day, the committee voted 21-16 to move forward with a full impeachment inquiry. At the time, the New York Times described it as a party-line vote, with Democrats voting in favor of Clinton and Republicans voting in favor of impeachment.
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Bill Clinton Impeachment: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know
Bill Clintons impeachment process lasted for four months between 1998 and 1999. Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, was accused of lying under oath and of obstruction of justice in relation to a sexual harassment lawsuit that had been brought by Paula Jones. That lawsuit led to an independent inquiry from Counsel Ken Starr for the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee.
On September 24, 2019, the House Democrats announced that they had opened an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in announcing the beginning of the inquiry, No one is above the law.
Heres what you need to know:
The Criminal Justice System
The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 was an Act of Congress dealing with crime and law enforcement. It is the largest crime bill in the history of the United States, and consisted of 356 pages that provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons, and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs, which were designed with significant input from experienced police officers. Sponsored by Representative Jack Brooks of Texas, the bill was originally written by Senator Joe Biden of Delaware, and then was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton.
Following the 101 California Street shooting, the 1993 Waco Siege, and other high-profile instances of violent crime, the Act expanded federal law in several ways. One of the most noted sections was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Other parts of the Act provided for a greatly expanded federal death penalty, new classes of individuals banned from possessing firearms, the elimination of higher education for inmates, and a variety of new crimes defined in statutes relating to immigration law, hate crimes, sex crimes, and gang-related crime. The bill also required states to establish registries for sexual offenders by September 1997.
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Impeachment By House Of Representatives
On December 11, 1998, the House Judiciary Committee agreed to send three articles of impeachment to the full House for consideration. The vote on two articles, grand juryperjury and obstruction of justice, was 2117, both along party lines. On the third, perjury in the Paula Jones case, the committee voted 2018, with Republican Lindsey Graham joining with Democrats, in order to give President Clinton “the legal benefit of the doubt”. The next day, December 12, the committee agreed to send a fourth and final article, for abuse of power, to the full House by a 2117 vote, again, along party lines.
Although proceedings were delayed due to the bombing of Iraq, on the passage of H. Res. 611, Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, on grounds of perjury to a grand jury and obstruction of justice . The two other articles were rejected, the count of perjury in the Jones case and abuse of power . Clinton thus became the second U.S. president to be impeached; the first, Andrew Johnson, was impeached in 1868. The only other previous U.S. president to be the subject of formal House impeachment proceedings was Richard Nixon in 197374. The Judiciary Committee agreed to a resolution containing three articles of impeachment in July 1974, but Nixon resigned from office soon thereafter, before the House took up the resolution.
The Republican Impeachment Push
Rep. Biggs’ advice to Republicans battling impeachment
Republicans distilled those down into four articles of impeachment. Two of them for perjury in depositions other than the grand jury and for obstructing Congress didnt make it out of the House of Representatives. But Clinton was impeached for perjury after he lied to the grand jury in the Jones case, and also for obstruction of justice.
Clinton wasnt the only one whose private failings were revealed. Rep. Bob Livingston, a Republican who supported impeachment and was in line to be speaker of the House, abruptly withdrew his name from running for that leadership position and admitted his own infidelity. He had been snared by a public call from Larry Flynt, publisher of the pornographic Hustler magazine, for proof of sexual hypocrisy.
The Senate trial of Clinton was a spectacle that featured videotaped testimony from Lewinsky and the embarrassing questions from Clintons grand jury testimony played back on the Senate floor.
The entire scandal consumed the country for a year. News of the affair leaked into the press in January of 1998. Clinton talked to a grand jury about the meaning of the word is in August. Starr released his infamous report with its prurient details in September. The House voted to impeach in December. Clintons trial in the Senate took place in February 1999.
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source https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-did-president-clintons-impeachment-affect-republicans/
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