#here's the thing i don't necessarily believe in conspiracy but i do believe in corruption everywhere
lysiso · 3 years
congrats on the vaccine bby! hoping it won't affect you too much ! 🥺🥺
thank you!! yeah me too :'D 💕💕
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evilelitest2 · 7 years
What's your take on the whole Trump Russia thing? Like some people have said it's a conspiracy (mainly on the left) but I don't really see the benefit the FBI has for lying about Trump collaborating with Russia and it seems more and more evident that Trump has probably done so. Like I can understand people getting carried away with it and it being used to silence legit criticisms of establishment dems but saying the whole thing is made up is kind of a stretch.
Yeah no the far left is totally wrong on this one, it is pretty clear that there is something defiantly going on with Russia here.  The problem that a lot of Sanders folks are facing is that they feel that 2016 was the ultimate example of the Clinton faction fucking up, and that if this Russian thing is true, then that means that Clinton might have been right, and they think that if they acknowledge this Russian situation, they can’t hate Hillary Clinton for fucking up anymore.
And…that’s dumb.  Because the Russian interference was only one factor in Hillary Clinton’s loss, if Russian had interfered but she hadn’t been an utterly terrible candidate, then she likely would have won anyways. I mean Macron won despite Russian interference.  It is just also true that HIllary CLinton ran an utterly incompetent campaign and was a total loser of a candidate that the Dems should have never supported and Bernie Sanders was completely right 
   Now what defiantly isn’t true is the notion that the Russian secret service hacked the election machines, US elections are almost impossible to fake remotely for a wide variety of reasons and it wouldn’t be worth the risk.  What Russia seems to have done is hack the DNC and Clinton’s campaign, release the documents at an appropriate time, maybe altered them first so they sound worse, reveal an unprecedented amount of fake news involving Clinton and target it at specific swing voters and undecided Republicans, and give valuable voter information to Trump’s data management people.  What is possible but we don’t know yet is that maybe they gave money (either directly or indirectly) and actively put pressure on certain groups to undermine Clinton further.  
    Now I think that it is pretty clear that Putin had absolutely no intention of making Trump president, in fact Trump’s presidency has been a bit of a disaster for Putin.  It seems that he, like everybody else, assumed that Clinton would win and so he wanted to make the election as contested as he possibly could, so that when Clinton won, she would be in a very weakened position and couldn’t hurt Putin as much.  he also wanted to infiltrate the Republican party with pro russian messages so he could put pressure on America internally, like what he has been doing in many European countries.  Trump actually winning seems to have thrown a wrench into his plans, because suddenly the whole world is paying attention to him which…isn’t good for Russia.  Two new round of sanctions have been passed and his preferred candidates have lost in France, Austria, and the Netherlands, Merkel seems to have become stronger, and Europeon support for NATO has actually improved since the election, which isn’t good for him.  Also Trump’s failure makes Putin look bad. 
   On the subject of Trump, it seems like he really is that stupid and this might be the key to not only getting ride of Trump, but also Pence and possibly a lot of the Republican leadership.  Between this and the corruption you can expect the GOP to endure some incredible internal damage to their organization, morale, and brand in the next two years. I mean, Trump Jr. openly being like “yes please” to the suggestion is pretty much proof enough in my books, I don’t necessarily believe the pee thing, but it is very likely that Trump has been involved in money laundering with Russia for years and this is just the natural consequence.  
I think it is really telling that nobody is calling this “Trumpgate” or “Russiagate” its just “The Russian Scandal” cause I think this implies this is going to be the new scandal all other scandals are going to be compared too.  This seems big, and the next two years will be really interestingly  
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sagebodisattva · 5 years
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Yeah, I hear you man. You are externalizing.
I hear that too, brother. And you are externalizing.
Yeah? Well, you may be only speaking metaphorically, but guess what? You are still externalizing, nonetheless.
When we talk about deconstructing our preset conditioning that dictates to the consciousness where to focus the attention, it's important to understand just how crucial this maneuver is towards redefining the old description of reality with the truth of existentiality. And this is no easy task, for the old description of reality is deeply engrained into us, and we are even trained to automatically defend it's position without giving such fortifications any thought. So you can clearly see why, despite a possible initiative to undertake such an endeavor, that it's going to be a very difficult task to employ.
Indeed, it will be a very arduous road to take, but do yourself a favor and don't waste time trying to take any shortcuts, for they don't really lend towards accomplishing the objective at hand. This is most usually evidenced by assumptive efforts to try and circumvent various paraphernalia of indulgence, but this is misspent effort; for the way to master cravings is not attained by avoiding external objects of desire. Remember, avoidance, despite the impression of refrain, is still an attachment, for it still invests in the desire for specific outcome, and therefor isn't conducive towards the necessary detachment required to facilitate the sublimation of the attention. The attention must be re-directed by way of applied implementation, and so the awareness must learn to do this empirically. So it needs attachments to practice on. Removing the objects of desire doesn't get the job done. And forcing someone to do what they don't wanna do, because someone thinks they know better then someone else, won't get the job done either. It has to be a willing enterprise that is fully prepared to confront obstacles and address them accordingly.
So the way to begin to reel in the attention, so to speak, is to reframe how we believe reality is produced. We are conditioned from a very young age to over look our own awareness, the conduit from which the stream of projections manifest, and to focus exclusively on the reflections, that is, the so called external phenomenon. This conditioning is what is known as externalization. It's a conditioning that takes no responsibility for reality; due to a false outlook that distances itself from that which is looked upon. Hence, imaginary separations are established, and the facets of existential reality become compartmentalized, and therefor are, for all intents and purposes, no longer recognized as existential, therefore deemphasizing the attention from it's own agency and redirecting it towards getting stuck on the projected perceptibles, which are no longer seen as projected reflections and, thereof, are only appreciated as externally existing fixed configurations of content.
From here, the delusions of illusion are inaugurated. This is where the finger is pointed outwards from, in an attempt to explain that which is being manifested from the mind. And when I say "mind", I do not mean any ingredient of reality. Whenever I say mind, I am referring to that which precedes the body, the brain, the emotions and the perceptions. This is where it begins to become very difficult to navigate our way back out of, towards the truth of reality, and by the time we come of age and are in a position of increased autonomy to do so, it is often already too late. Then. it becomes a matter of intervention, which is where I come in. And I say unto you, stop pointing outwards. Stop searching outwards. Stop blaming outwards. Stop externalizing. You are looking in the wrong place, and are concerned with exactly the last place that needs to be addressed. You may explore the external world from here to eternity, and search through content from soup to nuts, but all you will be really doing is sifting through layers of appearances. Understand that the spiritual journey doesn't even begin, until you start to look introspectively, towards the source of all these things.
“Look inwards for the source? Sage, it sounds like you are saying that men are gods.”
What man? What god? These are both equally inventory items of illusion. Obviously men are not gods, for we are limited and very powerless, but that's mainly due to the self imposed mental enslavement; the kind of mental slavery that looks to assign power and authority to some external property. And looking outwards towards external properties will only trap the attention further and further, for this is the nature of details; they ensnare you, and reveal even further details to sink you deeper and deeper into. And it never has an end. For every answer illusion provides, 10 more questions will arise. And all the while, the vehicle from which you are operating, of which you have only a limited time to negotiate the situation, rapidly fades away; and before you know it, the end of your form will have arrived, and you will die chasing phantoms.
So this is why it is important to make some tracks redirecting the attention. So far, you have only shifted your attention between a variety of different inventory items, and I am not asking you to focus your attention on another inventory item. I am asking you to redirect the attention towards itself. Not to YOUR self, but to ITSELF, meaning, not towards your ego, or your personification, but towards awareness itself. This is all part of understanding the nature of potentiality; you don't get caught up in attaching to it's appearances. If you do, you will certainly be at it's mercy, which in itself, is yet another distraction that snares the attention; as it reinforces the idea of the inventory by verifying itself to the attention via contention. This is another trap, for fighting against the external, while overlooking it's root cause, doesn't improve one's chances of self recognition, which, in turn, further convolutes the situation by the inevitable use of deductive reasoning based on premises that simply aren't true, and before long, one will be fully entrenched in the game of grasping and avoiding, whilst fighting adversity, all of which, keep one mired in illusion.
As with details, adversaries will increase the more the attention is placed towards them. This is where people find a plethora of excuses for not looking inwards:
“Introspection isn't going to stop the tyrannical governments of the world from spreading corruption and seeking to enslave us under a totalitarian rule.”
“Introspection isn't going to put food on the table, nor provide any practical means by which to make the world a better place.”
Can you see how these are the wrong areas to address? These concerns can be dealt with by you, personally, by looking towards where they originate from. This realm is a training ground, not a place to seek repose and security. This realm is necessarily going to stick unfairness and injustice in your face, any chance it gets, but this is exactly the trick used to fixate your attention on the perceptibles, and keep it away from the truth. Almost everything in life is this type of device.
“But what about the conspiracies! The symbolisms! The phonetics! The double meanings! The anagrams! The ancient texts! The evil that seeks to enslave us!”
You are reading into the inventory items way too much. All the language, memes and symbols reflect the psychology and the zeitgeist of your current state, which is manifested as a world full of confusion, paranoia, demonization and righteous indignation. These are all the apparatuses of your addiction to externalization, hence the complaints about all of this is more of the same: scheming ploys to try and get the conversation right back on the external inventory again.
Look, it doesn't matter how dramatic you try to make the cosmic horror narrative out to be, it's still a projected externalization of the inner state that created it. All of these types of assertions are insights into your own subconscious mind, that you are projecting outwards and alienating from yourself as external phenomenon. What else do you need to know? You want to address these issues? Then look within yourself. The outer world is a reflection of the inner condition and the inner predilection. The crux of your misunderstanding, the lynchpin to your entire disempowerment, is the conditioning that makes you believe that you are byproduct and not source. This is the spell that everyone is under.
And what's that you say? No matter how much you believe that externalizations originate from within you, nothing you do within yourself is going to stop what's actually occurring on the external? And that this belief does not change the situation, but only how the situation is viewed?
No, you don't know that. Because it's only a matter of belief, and not the result of realization and experimentation, do you chalk it off as such. If you had the actual knowing of it, then you would see and experience how you can mold what's occurring on the so called external. Those who know about the nature of the source have a task that is almost insurmountable. Especially since they are in slim company. People all start out deluded and then some wake up. But the quest isn't found in making illusion more comfortable and ideal, the quest is found in simply waking up yourself and then to assist all individuals towards the same. No projection can allow or disallow you to wake up, it can only, at most, distract you and invite you to get lost in it for awhile. And whether or not you do is completely within your power to control.
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