#henk the mole
yaspup9000 · 2 years
So Yeah.. Um.. I’ve finally making a review? of This Show. I’m sorry for the hold up with this.. I’ve just been through a lot of stuff lately, but now, yeah I still feel a lil crappy but imma push through. Idk if this is even a review i just wanna talk about this show. Anyways, Lets Talk about Alfred J Kwak!
So, for some backround, Alfred J Kwak was an animated tv series that’s actually counts as an Anime funny enough. the reason being that This was a colabration between Dutch and Japan, so yeah, it counts as an anime. Also I think it was based off of a theater show last time i’ve remembered.  Is there anything speical about this show? Well, Yeah, it is actually. This 1980′s show is well, pretty openly left leaning when it comes to its messages. Ie Anti Fascist, Capitalist, has an “interracial couple” (imma get to the race thing later i promise) and a canon trans charater who plays a lot in alot of episodes. Okay so, Before I share all my opinions and thoughts about the show along with my first impressions of the show versus my impressions after watching this show, I’mma just gonna briefly talk about some of the plot and such. (dont worry, I wont really spoil this show for you folks but i will be skimming through some episodes and just talking about a small handful.) So, The lore of the story is that there’s a kind hearted Duck named Alfred, and he tends to sometimes daydream about stuff a lot. Long with his many travels, there’s his Adoptive father Named Henk the mole and Some of Alfred’s friends, such as Oilie the stork,Winnie, and some others. The show itself has some episodes where there could be slice of life to being about anti war. The show can be a bit all over the place and even nuts in some cases but still can be enjoyable and wholesome!
Now funny enough, I know that in some 80′s and 90′s media, there has always been some form of left leaning messaging, Ie, War is bad, dont judge others, something something Pick any episode from captian planet. But with Alfred J Kwak, it doesn’t really sugar coats anything when it comes to being anti Capitalist and Anti Fascist, Heck The Vilain of the show was Literaly HITLER!! Oh yea there’s also some thing about immagration too.  Some of my First Impressions of the show is that, Alfred and Winnie travel to places while fighting nazis and stuff but instead It’s Just about Henk and Alfred, which isnt a bad thing, however i did felt a little disappointed. Also I thought That Dolf was gonna be more of a Looming Threat for Alfred and his friends, since he’s well, Freaking Hitler and all, I thought Dolf would put everything in his power to get rid of Winnie and her little brother or something. Idk, I was actually thinking there would be some more conflict or something. Another thing, I do have a bit of an issue when doing the whole animal racism thing. Even tho I am glad that they’re not using species as a replacement of race (cause Oh boy, It personally rubs me off the wrong way and might does more harm than good) Although, I still believe, that the show could of made a lot more sense if the world the show takes place in is a world where ducks are just the “humans” of the world where theres all kinds of Duck folk and stuff. Cause honestly I think it would feel a little less jarring when it comes to bringing in the issues of race. Cause idk, why they the people of waterland, would feel “uncomfy” over ducks who are black, I mean, yeah sure it could be xenaphobia instead of racism but still, It feels a little bit jarring and hyporical that they would be okay with other random animals and bizare creatures but get weirded out by Black Ducks.
  (Again I guess it could be a Xenaphobia thing idk) Also, I felt a little bummed out that we dont really see much of Winnie nor see her play much important roles in the show. idk man, I felt a little disappointed but hey, At least Winnie is cute tho! I really wished We would see more of her.
Also Another thing that Kinda confused me is one of Alfred’s friends. Like okay in the episode, Alfred’s first birthday, we get to see Hannes and Wannas were once friends with Alfred, but then later in the next episode with the whole time skip i think? Hannes and Wannes end up being Friends Dolf and made fun of him cause he has a father as a mole. Which made me go, BRUH, DUDE, YOU WERE VIBIN AND CHILLIN WITH ALFRED AND HENK IN THE LAST EPISODE!? WHAT ARE YOU TALKIN ABOUT!? Idk why they heck they stopped being his friend just to be friends with this Random school yard bully kid. Maybe its ether from peer pressure or they just wants to be friends with him now cause.. idk man.. Your guess its good as mine. Also in the later episodes, one of them just disappeared out of thin air while the other Which was, I think Wannes ended up becoming a rich racist with family members who lives in the stolen land of Black ducks now. So yeah.. That happened.  Some Other things to ramble about is Oilie, and honestly, I really like him and find him pretty intreasting when it comes to rep. okay so, Depending on which dub from different languges, Oilie is ether confirmed to be a lesbian or a trans guy. He’s not like just some background charater, he actually plays apart in a few episodes even won for ruler of Waterland. Oilie as a charater is really sweet and wholesome along with still being Alfred’s friend even in adulthood. And he seems like a loving husband and father! Honestly yeah, I Personally think Alfred J Kwak was a good show! i feel like you guys should most def give it a watch. I felt like there were some stuff I’ve missed and im sorry that this was a jumbled mess of a post I hope everyone was able to understand my thoughts somewhat. I might prob make a sequal post of this in cause any Alfred J Kwak fan comes to me and have us talk out stuff.  but for how hope you guys enjoy your day
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igazikutya · 3 years
Zajok a nappaliból – Grande Traxelektor 2020 – „SENSE”
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Kétezerhúsz összegzéseinek utolsó fejezetéhez, a „Sense” nevet viselő downtempo, ambient, dub, experimental, trip-hop és ki-tudja-még-mi-más műfajú, egyben a legsokszínűbb Traxelektor válogatáshoz értünk, 101 felvételből összeállítva. Hogy mitől soxínűbb? Egyszerű a matek: Egy nagyobb szobában sokkal kreatívabban tudod ugyanazt a bútor mennyiséget elhelyezni. Ühüm. Aha! De mi van akkor, ha a bútor is kevesebb? Üljünk le, kávé, cigi, brit tudósokért kiáltó paradoxonhoz értünk. Elnézést kérek a kedves olvasótól, nem gondolom, hogy ez valami zenei feng-shui, pláne nem ikeabana volna, de tény, az itt hallható művekre leginkább igaz, hogy van bennük bőven csend is, hogy terük is van, nem stadionnyi (anno görög, mára magyar mértékegység), hanem akár galaxisnyi méretben. És persze ne felejtsük el, hogy a tetriszhez is kell beesési tér, még ha a vége egy tömör valami is. Szorri, kezd ez az írás is elszabadulni, és a neves költöztető és fuvarozó, Simon “Django” László vallomásává alakulni. Idézem: „ Az emberek alapvető tévedése, hogy igyekeznek minél több dologgal feltölteni a meglévő dolgok közötti, még megmaradt részt (rést)” - írja Simon, a Kisteherem, a mozgó/fekvő tetrisz - a költöztetés metafizikája címü esszéjében. A műben ezt a jelenséget elcsetreszesedésnek nevezi. (Kisteherem pedig nem egy iráni település, csak az autója) Szóval no more csetresz, let there be space! ...and time! Szóval a tér, a tér, ott jártunk. Environment. Ambience, Milieu és Entourage a négy térőr. Biztos neked is megvan az az élményed, hogy állsz mondjuk egy domb vagy hely tetején ��s hallgatod a kilométerekre haladó autók vagy vonat hangját, amint szétterül a tájon és összekeveredik az ugató kutyák és egyéb közeli történések hangjával, mondjuk hirtelen becsapódik egy ajtó. Ma már ennek műfaja van, field recordings-nek hívják, még kiadó is van ilyen néven. Ezek az arcok füllel fotóznak, mert a zaj is zene. Igazából mindig is zene volt, az egész világ zene, és bármilyen részéből fotóznál ki egy szeletet a füleddel, az is ebbe a kategóriába kerülne. (Mitka - Mедитация) Lényegre térve... Az egyébként is mindig aktív ASC (James Clements) idén 4 felvétellel is bekerült, ebből kettőt párosban abszolvált Sam KDC (Samuel Wood) társaságában. Üde színfoltok az év végén hajrázó C.P.I., Hugo Capablanca és Marc Piñol erősen pszichedelikus párosa két felvétellel is, HAAi-től a Head Above The Parakeets, a Teleplasmiste mágikus mélységű An Unexpected Visit-je, Jimi Tenor-tól a Kiss Me After The Acid Rain. Klasszikus galaxisépítőink közül is többen aktívak voltak, a The Grid Floatation-jének a Special Request (Paul Woolford) készített olyan remixet, mely a kilencvenesek klasszik ambientjét idézi, a Higher Intelligence Agency Discatron EP-jével jelentkezett szólásra, a The Future Sound of London folytatta a múlt jövőbe történő expanzív teleportálását, idén az 1994-es Lifeforms ambientdupla nyitótrackjét, a Cascade-et bontották tizenhárom dimenzióba. Robert Henke Monolake-je is két felvétellel igazolja, a rutin nem zárja ki a megújulást és kreativitást. A covidra való legfrappánsabb reakciót Le temps isolé címmel élhettük meg Mouchoir Étanche (Marc Richter) jóvoltából. A külvilág messze van, homályos, a lélek pedig mozdulatlan lebeg. Slágerünk is van, mégpedig egy slágerírótól: az egykori Air egyik felétől Nicolas Godin-tól a  The Border. Nekem slágerszámba ment a brit testvérduó uh-tól (Dominic és Fionnuala Kennedy) a Seasick In Salts is. Rødhåd (Mike Bierbach, aki berlini, német, és nem viking) Mood albumáról két felvétellel került be, Vril-lel közösen (Out Of Place Artefacts) pedig eggyel. Jay Glass Dubs Soma albumán közreműködve osont be a ciprusi görög Maria Spivak az underground színtérre, hogy aztán szerzői albumával (Μετά Το Ρέιβ – a fordító szerint ez „A rave után”-t takar) ott is ragadjon, két felvétellel klubtag. Amúgy meg, talán már említettem év közben is, hogy az oroszok nem hogy a spájzban, de a nappaliban vannak, a Traxelektor minden kategóriájában, eltérő műfajokban fel-feltűnnek ifjú orosz muzsikusok, mint például Yenisei (Ilya Burtsev Szentpétervárról) vagy a ФАКТУРА kiadó Ural Cult válogatását is említhetném. Hazánk a „Sense” kategóriában is képviselve van, a horhos (Gugyella Zoltán és Győrffy Ákos) duójának személyében, a Mana Manánál megjelent 7 darab címet viselő lemezről egy track-kel, Mike Nylons (Borsos Janó) Eneme trilógiájának első részéről a Maelströmmel (a Farbwechsel gondozásában) és persze tigrics (Bereznyei Róbert) két kedvességgel, kiemelten a Iowe-val.
Spotify playlist
(79/101, 8h04m/9h51m)
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Acid Pauli - Propagating Flip Flops [Mod, Ouie] African Head Charge - Dervish Dub [Churchical Chant Of The Iyabinghi, On-U-Sound] African Head Charge - Peace and Happiness [Churchical Chant Of The Iyabinghi, On-U-Sound] Alternative Particle Choir - Magic Feet [Black Hole Diaries , -wdo- Collaborations] Alva Noto - Xerrox Kirlian [Xerrox Vol. 4, Raster-Noton] An Gleann Dubh - Valley Falls Deep (Remix) [Fd 004, Full Dose] Anatoly Grinberg & Mark Spybey - It Started to Move Towards Me [The Failure of Language, Ant-Zen] Anna Homler & Alessio Capovilla ‎- De'la Cocce [Vasi Comunicanti, Gang Of Ducks] Anti Drone Squad - Self-Surveillance [Pax Digitalis, Sin Hilo] Aril Brikha - Everything Was Here First [Dance Of A Trillion Stars, Mule Musiq] ASC - Particle Fields [Colours Fade, Volume Five, Auxiliary Transmissions] ASC - Permafrost [Pattern Recognition - Second Sequence, Auxiliary] ASC & Sam KDC - A Lasting Impression [A Restless Mind, Auxiliary] ASC & Sam KDC - Delusions [A Restless Mind, Auxiliary] Atom™ - R3V [<3, Raster] Automat - Ankaten (Patrick Pulsinger Remix) [Modul Remixes #1, Compost] Ben Bondy - Proraso [Sibling, Experiences Ltd.] Bochum Welt - Color Me (Telefon Tel Aviv Remix) [Seafire Remixes, Central Processing Unit] Burial x Four Tet x Thom Yorke - His Rope [Her Revolution / His Rope, XL] CAO - Flesh Luminescence [Flesh Luminescence, Club Chai] Carmen Villain - Observable Future (D.K. Remix)[Both Lines Will Be Blue Remixed, Smalltown Supersound] Chris Liebing feat. Gary Numan - Polished Chrome (The Friend Pt. 1)(Remixed by Chris Carter) Commodo - Procession [Procession, Deep Medi Musik] CPI – Islaalsl [Alianza, Hivern Discs] CPI - Templo De Agua [Alianza, Hivern Discs] Cremation Lily - November Sails (Demo)[Oceanic Debris, Self-released] Dadub - Infinite Regresses [Hypersynchron, Ohm Resistance] Dadub - Of Simulacra [Hypersynchron, Ohm Resistance] Deadbeat & Paul St. Hilaire - War Games [Four Quarters Of Love And Modern Lash, Another Moon] Deadbeat & The Mole - Rollin Heavy In The Spielplaz [Deadbeat Meets The Mole, BLKRTZ] dgoHn - Electryon [Undesignated Proximate, Love Love] Die Wilde Jagd - Gondel [Haut, Bureau B] Dimensional Holofonic Sound - Seeing Is Believing (Remix) [Seeing Is Believing, Holofonic] Dom and Roland - The Expanse [Lost In The Moment, Dom & Roland Productions] Elder Island - Stranger Exchange (Jay Glass Dubs Remix) [The Omnitone Collection Remixed Pt. 1, Elder Island] E-Saggila- Replica [Corporate Cross, Hospital] Fluxion - Distance [Perspectives, Vibrant Music] Forest Drive West - Invisible [Mantis 01, Delsin] Forest On Stasys - Ùtero [Ataraxia, Accents] Future Sound Of London, The - Cascade Part 7 [Cascade 2020, fsoldigital.com] Future Sound Of London, The - What Falls Away is Always [Cascade 2020, fsoldigital.com] Ground feat. Sinkishi & Kabamix - Wakusei Y [Wakusei, ESP Institute] HAAi - Head Above The Parakeets [Put Your Head Above The Parakeets, Mute] Happa - One Three Five [Blue 07, Whities] Hermes X - My Perception [Mutual Aid 2020 by Boheh Allstars, Mutual Aid] Higher Intelligence Agency - 3P [Discatron, Self-Released] Higher Intelligence Agency - Discatron [Discatron, Self-Released] horhos - Metropolitan Avenue-Coney Island [7 Darab, Mana Mana] Hoshina Anniversary - Shinju [Go Shichi Go Shichi Shichi, Youth] Jay Glass Dubs - Hyperacousis (for Miles) [Rijia, not on label] Jay Glass Dubs - Indolent [Rijia, not on label] Jimi Tenor - Kiss Me After The Acid Rain [Metamorpha, BubbleTease Communications] Jóhann Jóhannsson & Yair Elazar Glotman ‎- A Minor Astronomical Event [Last And First Men (OST), Deutsche Grammophon] Jon Hassell - Timeless [Seeing Through Sound (Pentimento Volume Two), Ndeya] Jonathan Fitoussi - Soleil de Minuit [Plein Soleil, Obliques] Kanthor - Apologie du Nom [Mathème, Shaded Explorations] KAZUHO - 紫鳥線テンダー (SHICHO-LINE TENDER) [Blitz, 99CTS] LF58 - Evocazione, Contatto, Risveglio [Alterazione,  Astral Industries] Loscil - Faults [Faults, Coasts, Lines, Self-Released] Lucrecia Dalt - Disuelta [No Era Solida, Rvng Intl.] Mantris - Augustine Tower [Souvenirs from Imaginary Cities, Souvenirs from Imaginary Cities] Marco Shuttle - Ritmo Elegante [Ritmo Elegante, Spazio Disponibile] Metal - Point Vacancies [Point Vacancies, ESP Institute] Mike Nylons - Maelström [Eneme I, Farbwechsel] Mitka - Mедитация [VA - Ural Cult, ФАКТУРА] Monolake - Phaenon Ono [Archaeopteryx, Monolake - Imbalance Computer Music] Monolake - Plateaux Orthogonal [Archaeopteryx, Monolake - Imbalance Computer Music] Mouchoir Étanche - Le temps isolé [Une Fille Pétrifiée, Cellule 75] Nathan Fake - Ezekiel [Blizzards, Cambria Instruments] Negativland - Don't Don't Get Freaked Out [The World Will Decide, Seeland] Negativland - The World Will Decide [The World Will Decide, Seeland] Nicolas Godin - The Border [Concrete And Glass, Because Music] Nummer Music - Sea Junkies [Night Confidence, Nummer Music] Regis - Blood Tide [DN Tapes, Downwards] Rer Repeter - Principles Unknown [Mutual Aid 2020 by Boheh Allstars, Mutual Aid] Rødhåd - Like Sleepwalkers Ghosting Through A Dreamscape [Mood, WSNWG] Rødhåd - No Forms To Fill Out, No Instant Check, No Waiting Period [Mood, WSNWG] Roedelius - Ebenfalls [Selbstportrait - Wahre Liebe, Bureau B] Roger Robinson - Forward [Mutual Aid 2020 by Boheh Allstars, Mutual Aid] Sabaturin - Direnker [Kenemglev, Holuzam] Significant Other - Mike's Gone Back To Manchester [Club Aura, Oscilla Sound] Soreab - Flowers [Kraepelin Avenue, Baroque Sunburst] Spivak - Enough Throwbacks [Μετά Το Ρέιβ, Ecstatic] Spivak with H4S- Σχεδόν Σίγουρα [Μετά Το Ρέιβ, Ecstatic] Surgeon - Europa Code [Europa Code, Ilian Tape] Teleplasmiste - An Unexpected Visit [To Kiss Earth Goodbye, House of Mythology] The Black Dog - Cup Noodle (Unemployed Youth Version) [Further Fragments, Dust Science] The Grid - Floatation (Special Request Remix) [Floatation (Special Request Remix), Chemical Alley] tigrics - Kerns [Dimensionless, Self-released] tigrics - lowe [Dimensionless, Self-released] Tomaga - Osiris' Theme [Extended Play 2, Self-released] uh - Seasick In Salts [Seasick In Salts, PRAH] UVB76 - Anya [Iwa Gaaden, Random Numbers] Varuna - Ratu [Mantis 04, Delsin] Vril & Rødhåd - Nazca [Out Of Place Artefacts, WSNWG] Wata Igarashi - Reflections [WIP02, WIP] XQST - HRBA [eXquisite CORpsE presents XQST - AE, Isla] Yenisei - Insomnia [Melancholy Of Decay, TESTFM] Yenisei - Swirl [Melancholy Of Decay, TESTFM] Yui Onodera - Ray 1 [Ray, Serein]
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Henk from Alfred J Kwak is partially or completely blind, I think, but he's a mole so IDK if that counts as disabled, since they're all like that... also, would you consider opening submissions? I can think of some other disabled characters, but they are from unpopular shows/comics and show up only briefly, so it would be difficult for you to find pictures of them. I would be happy to take a screenshot and then submit them here tho. It would probably make things faster for you too.
Henk has been added! While I appreciate the suggestion, the amount I requests I get right now is already a lot so I think I would get overwhelmed with submissions. But you can still submit your characters via ask and I’ll ask for help if need. Thanks again!
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tmnotizie · 6 years
PESARO – Dopo il successo di Loving Vincent, che ha ormai portato nelle sale un totale di 240 mila spettatori, arriva al cinema il film evento che offre un nuovo sguardo su Van Gogh (1853-1890), attraverso il lascito della più grande collezionista privata di opere del pittore olandese: Helene Kröller–Müller (1869-1939), la donna che ai primi del Novecento, ammaliata da un viaggio tra Milano, Roma e Firenze, e sull’esempio del mecenatismo dei Medici, giunse ad acquistare quasi 300 suoi lavori, tra dipinti e disegni.
Così, proprio a partire dall’Italia tanto amata da Helene e da una mostra che sta raccogliendo un’affluenza eccezionale (sono già quasi 350.000 i visitatori a oggi, a un mese dalla chiusura), nasce Van Gogh. Tra il grano e il cielo. Il film evento, diretto da Giovanni Piscaglia e scritto da Matteo Moneta con la consulenza scientifica e la partecipazione di Marco Goldin, è prodotto da 3D Produzioni e Nexo Digital e sarà nelle sale solo il 9, 10 e 11 aprile (elenco a breve su www.nexodigital.it), per raccontare l’unione spirituale di due persone che non si incontrarono mai durante la loro vita (Helene Kröller–Müller aveva 11 anni quando Van Gogh morì nel 1890), ma che condivisero la stessa tensione verso l’assoluto, la stessa ricerca di una dimensione religiosa e artistica pura, senza compromessi. Due universi interiori dominati dall’inquietudine e dal tormento, che entrambi hanno espresso attraverso una vera e propria mole di lettere: fonti storiche insostituibili ed elemento suggestivo che punteggia la narrazione del documentario. La colonna sonora originale del film è firmata dal compositore e pianista Remo Anzovino.
Ad accompagnare l’intero racconto è l’attrice Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, ripresa nella chiesa di Auvers-sur-Oise che Van Gogh dipinse qualche settimana prima di suicidarsi. L’occasione per raccontare l’intera parabola artistica di Van Gogh, e la collezione di Helene Kröller–Müller, è una mostra di eccezionale rilievo, Van Gogh. Tra il grano e il cielo, nella Basilica Palladiana di Vicenza, curata dallo storico dell’arte Marco Goldin, che raccoglie 40 dipinti e 85 disegni proventi dal Kröller-Müller Museum di Otterlo in Olanda, dove oggi è custodita l’eredità di Helene.
Al viaggio dentro la mostra, si affianca quello in alcuni dei luoghi più importanti per l’arte di Van Gogh: la chiesa di Nuenen (soggetto dei quadri e dei disegni degli anni olandesi che fanno da sfondo al capitolo dedicato all’ansia religiosa di Van Gogh, che trova un parallelo in quella di Helene), l’Accademia Reale di Belle arti di Bruxelles (nelle cui aule Vincent trascorse pochi mesi), le strade di Parigi (da Rue Lepic 54, dove Vincent visse per due anni a partire dal marzo 1886 con il fratello Theo, sino al Moulin de la Galette e alla vigna di Montmartre) e Auvers-sur-Oise (dove l’artista si recò negli ultimi settanta giorni della sua vita e fu accompagnato in questo percorso dal Dottor Gachet). Una serie di preziose riprese sono state realizzate a Otterlo nelle sale e nel parco del Kröller-Müller Museum, progettato da Henry van de Velde a poco più di un’ora di auto da Amsterdam.
 Il documentario propone inoltre gli interventi di alcuni autorevoli esperti: la storica dell’arte Lisette Pelsers, direttrice del Kröller–Müller Museum di Otterlo in Olanda; Leo Jansen, studioso che ha curato l’edizione critica delle lettere di Van Gogh; Sjraar van Heugten, storico dell’arte tra le maggiori autorità mondiali sul lavoro di Vincent van Gogh; la scrittrice e storica della cultura, Eva Rovers, autrice della biografia di Helene; Georges Mayer, professore onorario di Storia dell’arte all’Accademia Reale di Belle Arti di Bruxelles; lo scrittore e docente di Storia dell’arte all’Università Paris 8 Pascal Bonafoux.
 Helene Müller fu nel suo tempo una delle donne più ricche d’Olanda. Figlia di industriali tedeschi, sposò Anton Kröller, con il quale si trasferì in Olanda e con cui ebbe 4 figli. Si avvicinò all’arte durante le lezioni di Henk Bremmer, pittore e divulgatore culturale, dal quale era solita accompagnare la figlia. Fu Bremmer a consigliarle i primi acquisti e a farle conoscere l’arte di Van Gogh. E nel 1909 Helene acquistò il primo quadro del pittore olandese. Negli anni della maturità, quando la sua collezione sarà la più importante dopo quella degli eredi di Van Gogh, Helene deciderà di fondare un museo per condividere con gli altri la serenità e il conforto che traeva dai quadri.
L’ispirazione le verrà proprio da un viaggio in Italia, tra Milano, Roma e Firenze, dove l’esempio dei Medici e del loro mecenatismo fece su di lei una profonda impressione. Helene si ispirò a Van Gogh a tal punto da andare al fronte a curare i feriti durante la Prima guerra mondiale, spinta da quello stesso amore verso i sofferenti e gli umili che aveva portato Vincent a farsi predicatore laico tra i minatori della regione belga del Borinage, qualche tempo prima di decidere di diventare artista.
Curata da Marco Goldin, la mostra Van Gogh. Tra il grano e il cielo (aperta sino all’8 aprile nella Basilica Palladiana di Vicenza) racconta l’arte e il genio di Van Gogh attraverso i principali periodi della sua attività: gli anni olandesi, dominati da scene di vita contadina e da colori terrosi, debitori della pittura di Jean-François Millet e della scuola realista francese di Barbizon, oltre che della scuola dell’Aia; il periodo parigino, quando Van Gogh trova la sua strada nell’esplosione del colore e nella pittura a piccoli tocchi degli impressionisti e soprattutto dei post impressionisti come Seurat.
Arles, il momento più felice, quando il pittore si perde nella luce e nell’estasi della pittura en plein air, ma anche quando la tensione emotiva e il fallito tentativo di dare vita a una comunità artistica insieme all’amico Gauguin lo portano alla prima grave crisi, che lo conduce a recidersi parte dell’orecchio; il ricovero nella casa di cura per malattie mentali a Saint-Rémy e l’elaborazione di un segno stilizzato e vorticoso, forse il suo più caratteristico; infine le ultime dieci settimane a Auvers-sur-Oise, quando la sua pittura si fa un poco più distesa. Particolare rilievo la mostra dedica al disegno nella pratica dell’artista olandese.
Le sue tele apparentemente istintive e realizzate in presa diretta si avvalevano talvolta di lunghi studi preparatori, non schizzi ma opere in sé compiute, dove già si trova la presenza della linea spezzata che caratterizza lo stile dei dipinti. Lavori delicati, i disegni, che soffrono la luce e che pertanto è molto raro vedere esposti.
il , scritto da Matteo Moneta, è di Giovanni Piscaglia, pesarese, classe 1984, diplomato al Liceo Classico, laureato in Scienze della Comunicazione e Semiotica all’Università di Bologna nel 2008, si avvia alla carriera di filmmaker allo IED di Milano diplomandosi nel 2010. Tra il 2008 e il 2011 realizza videoclip, cortometraggi, installazioni e lavori di videoarte che gli valgono premi al Festival Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema di Pesaro – I° Premio nel 2009 e III° nel 2010.
Nel 2011 realizza “ODISSEA_KOMA_NOSTOS”, videoinstallazione a 4 schermi basata su un adattamento originale dell’Odissea di Omero, che ottiene una menzione speciale alle selezioni della Biennale dei Giovani Artisti del Mediterraneo e pubblicata nel saggio “Felici coincidenze. L’antico nello sguardo dell’arte contemporanea” di Lucia Cataldo. Nel 2010 il primo documentario, realizzato per il Piccolo Teatro di Milano: “La compagnia alla prima” presentato al Chiostro del Teatro Grassi.
Dal 2011 è nell’organico 3D Produzioni come regista e autore. Dal 2013 a oggi ha firmato con 3D Produzioni e per Sky Arte HD numerosi titoli, occupandosi in maniera preferenziale di arte antica e teatro. Tra i più importanti: Gli Ulissi: In viaggio con Bob Wilson (2013); Maria Callas Remastered (con Dario Fo), (2014); Divina Bellezza – Il Duomo di Siena (con Alessandro Haber), (2016); Culture Chanel, la donna che legge (con Kasia Smutniak), (2016); Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria. Il Cuore della Perfezione, (2016); Viae Crucis – Le 40 ore di Taranto (2017).
I media partner Radio Capital, Sky Arte HD, ARTE.it e MYmovies.it. Si ringrazia Guanda, editore italiano di Lettere a Theo di Vincent van Gogh, per aver messo a disposizione del documentario le sue traduzioni a cura di Marisa Donvito e Beatrice Casavecchia.
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valeriebielbooks · 7 years
August Writers’ Forum
In my journey through the steps of independent publishing, refining my writing skills, and most recently completing a successful agent search, I’ve come across some excellent information, tips, tools, and shortcuts that I think would be beneficial to any writer. Once a month, I’ll share the “best of” information and news from the publishing industry as well as feature other authors and writing instructors with tips to share. I am incredibly thankful for the assistance and advice given to me from writing and publishing professionals and am happy pay that forward. On a professional level, I also use my publicity and editorial skills to aid other authors through my company Lost Lake Press. Some purchase links for books I'm recommending are affiliate links which pay me a small fee.  
  New(ish) Books
Historical Fiction writer, Terri Karsten, is newly retired from teaching and has tackled a new project with a historical blog entitled Bric-A-Brac “Thoughts on writing, reading, and exploring the past. At the beginning of the summer she released a new historical fiction title for middle-grade readers. When Luck Runs Out purchase link
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ABOUT THE BOOK: New York City is full of homeless orphans following the Civil War. Two of them, Meg Kelly and her little brother, Mole, take a chance on a better life. They travel Weston on an orphan train. Will they ever find a place to call home?
Midwest authors with lovely romantic and funny new releases included Angie Stanton with If Ever and Ellie Cahill with I Temporarily Do.  I recommend them both! Look for an upcoming interview with Liz and a review of this latest title.
Bookish Events
September has a full slate of wonderful events to attend from Madison to Milwaukee. Here’s a few at the top of my list:
Mystery to Me Bookstore, 1863 Monroe Street, Madison (Full Event Details Here)
September 10 at  2 pm – Kevin Henkes and Laura Dronzek will celebrate their newest picture book collaboration In the Middle of Fall.
September 12 at 7 pm – Robert Madrygan will discuss his novel The Solace of Trees.
September 23 at 2 pm – Jim Thompson will give a talk about Peanut of Blind Faith Farm.
September 28 at 6 pm – Kathleen Ernst will launch her newest Chloe Ellefson mystery title Mining for Justice.
A Room of One’s Own, 315 W. Gorham Street, Madison (Full Event Details Here)
September 19 at 6:00 pm – Denise Dubois will discuss Self-Made Woman.
September 22 at 6:00 pm – Paul Buhl will launch his book Johnny Appleseed.
Books & Company of Oconomowoc is co-hosting an event with Michael Perry at the Pewaukee Public Library on September 22 at 5:30 pm. (Full Event Details Here)
Boswell Books of Milwaukee has a number of excellent ticketed events coming up in October. I’m posting these a month in advance as they tend to sell out. (Please note these are often in bigger event venues in the Milwaukee area.) (Full Event Details Here)
October 23 at 7 pm  - Scott Kelly, author of Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery
October 8  at 4 pm – Rick Riordan, author of Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard #3: The Ship of the Dead (and so much more.)
October 29 at 2 pm – Kate DiCamillo, author of La La La: A Story of Hope (and Tales of Despereaux and Because of Winn Dixie.) This event is co-hosted with Books & Company of Oconomowoc.
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And . . . BANNED BOOKS WEEK begins September 24
I challenge everyone to read at least one book that has made this list through the years during the month of September. Report back here with what you read and what you thought of it. Inquiring minds want to know. This is a serious assignment!!  (If September is too busy for you, see if any of the books you’ve previously read have made this list. You might be surprised.) Here’s list of the 100 most frequently challenged and banned books by decade.
I feel like if someone tells me something is banned, it makes me want to read it even more. Right!!??
Please let me know of any upcoming book releases or events that you’d like featured in the Writers’ Forum!
Featured Subject
Several Ideas to Face the Daily Challenge
I read Terry Whalin’s article about making time for it all at just the right time. I have a number of projects in progress, a few speaking events to prepare for, regular work, and family obligations to fit into each day and week. I’m sure I sound a lot like you.
I appreciated his acknowledgement that somehow made me feel like I’m not the only one who feels like they run from thing to thing all day long. His questions are pertinent and made me reassess how I truly use my time. He talks about balance, using technology, and admitting that not everything gets done.
His approach made me feel a lot better about my to-do list. See if you agree when you read the whole article here.
Pre-Publication Information
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He Said/She Said – The Dos and Don’ts of Dialogue Tags
I loved this article by Katie McCoach on the KM Editorial blog. She gets beyond the said and asked and shows us good and bad examples. “I compare adverbs and alternate dialogue tags to a strong spice. Some is nice, but too much will spoil the batch.” This is a great tutorial that is helpful even if you are ‘seasoned’ author.
Preferences vs. Rules
On another grammar topic, Louise Harnby of the Proofreader’s Parlor discusses grammar rules versus preferences. You might be surprised that things you were taught in school as rules can be bent a bit. I think this will be a fun article to share with my critique group as we often have discussions just like this.
What You Need to Know Before You Judge the Self-Published Author
As a self-published or indie author, I have felt the sting of judgement from those in the traditional publishing world. I know that any other indie authors reading this have felt this disdain as well. What I find most interesting is how many authors now toggle between the two worlds, indie publishing some titles while traditionally publishing others. While some people may lament the indie publishing boom, I think the technology and systems that have made it possible for the indie author to reach larger audiences are a godsend. The Liminal Pages article on indie publishing is a must read for anyone in this industry no matter HOW you publish.
After all, “Diversity in the arts is strength.”
The next three articles toggle between pre- and post-publication. Decisions about formatting and distribution take place (technically) before publication, but after the book is essentially complete.
The Hard Facts on Hardcovers
Kathy Rowe on Indies Unlimited writes a thorough article about creating a hardcover book as an indie published author. Previously, most print-on-demand technologies only allowed for soft cover books, but for children’s book authors—particularly picture book authors—the hardcover has always been seen as a necessity but unavailable. But things change!! This article gives a thorough review of where you can get your beloved hardcovers and compares pricing from platform to platform.
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Getting Your Self-Published Book into Libraries
You must have a thorough understanding of how to get your book into libraries before you make decisions that might impact your ability to do this. So well before you hit the ‘publish’ button read this excellent article by Jane Friedman – How to Get Your Book Distributed: What Self-Published Authors Need to Know.  Further your education with a more detailed look at e-book distribution to libraries with the Digital Publishing 101 article on library distribution.
The Coveted Book Table: How Those Books Get There
How does a book get plucked from the shelves of obscurity to lay flat in all its loveliness for the casual browser at a bookstore? Amy Collins on the Bookworks blog tell us all about this slightly insane process here.
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Amazon Ads How To
Have you tried an Amazon ad yet? I haven’t, but I’m stockpiling information because I definitely need to give this a try to boost my sales. Luckily, many authors have come before us and written very nice tutorials about how this is done. Frances Caballo gives us the basics, including Amazon specifics like rules and word counts. And Deanna Cabinian gives a very thorough breakdown of her Amazon ad experience in promoting her young adult novel as a guest author on Jane Friedman’s blog. It’s very helpful to walk through Cabinian’s trial ads and the statistics for sales each generated. Now we have no excuses not to try this ourselves.
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Just when you think you understand social media they change things around . . .
One of my favorite bloggers (can’t you tell), Frances Caballo, has written a two-part series on changes that have been made to the most popular social media platforms. You probably have noticed some of these already and adapted to them without much thought. You can find these on the Social Media Just for Authors Blog under these headlines: Have You Seen These Changes on Facebook and Twitter? Part 1 and Have You Seen These Social Media Changes? Part 2
I hope that these articles helped you on your writing and publishing journey!
Happy Reading & Writing, Valerie  
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