#heck even the ais without a body
thedenofravenpuff · 1 year
My Current Thoughts on SAMS
Because I can’t help but look too deep into things often unnecessarily, and I’m a rambler of nature, here’s some of my thoughts on The Sun & Moon Show so far, just to get stuff off my chest
SPOILERS, assumptions and ideas ahead!
Warning, WALL OF TEXT and running on tangents. Did try to organize my thoughts somewhat..
So, we all upset about Lunar, yes? Well, besides those celebrating, you know who you are, I don’t care.
The Death Of Lunar So, Eclipse used Lunar as hostage on Monty, we saw that coming once Eclipse made the connection himself realizing that yeah, Monty doesn’t give a flying crap about anyone, not even himself. EXCEPT for Lunar, home he travelled through Hell for, gave them their own body, offered a place to stay when scared, offered support and genuine advice through the time knowing each other. Monty has a backup plan for everyone, even to kill Moon if needed, but would clear do ANYTHING for Lunar at this point.
To be honest, I liked that plot point. Lunar in danger to really show how far characters will go, Eclipse and Monty both, with highest stakes possible. 
Then they took it a step further and had Eclipse right out kill Lunar. And yeah, Eclipse made it clear times before how much resentment he holds for Lunar, which goes beyond just the betrayal but I’ll get more into that in a minute. 
What hit hardest here is the exact way the show writers and actors decided to take this. 
One of the most popular characters on the show, even with controversy around their existence a bit ago, taken out of the equation is one thing. They killed off characters before, (Eclipse, Blood Moon) and we seen them return. Another thing is... Lunar was taken out crying and begging for his life. 
Even though he insisted on his stance that Eclipse shouldn’t get the Newton Star, no matter the sacrifices necessary to keep him from it.. Lunar also made it clear, they don’t wanna die. They are still a young AI which lots to learn, making a new life to revolving around Eclipse. Lunar wanted to keep growing, family bonding, making friends.. That was all taken away by Eclipse lying and breaking his promise to Monty. 
Lunar, still more or less a child compared to the other animatronics, was taken out crying and begging. Afraid, scared for their very existence, facing their very worst nightmare and then... gone. Just like that. 
For those adoring Lunar, the fans relating to him, those who just hyperfixated on Lunar as their blorbo.. that’s ONE HECK of a way to kill of a robot child. 
Am I saying this is bad? Not really. Just... VERY impactful. As effective as that is for story writing... it feels awfully misplaced. This show is.. a silly video game channel.
Twists and Turns Of Story Telling I never minded the growing drama, I frigging loved it the more dramatic it got, calling it my “daily soaps”, my soap opera I cannot miss a single episode of! But I also get it when people started complaining about it becoming a bit TOO angsty and twisted, a bit too traumatic for the characters. What’s supposed to be silly jokes on a  silly comedy channel about playing video games, can no longer be viewed as such, the more serious their story arcs became. 
Moon is abusive and too socially incompetent to help anyone, Sun being the butt of jokes leaving him a sad husk in serious need of therapy, everyone’s a hypocrite, constantly dancing the lines between Murder Is Okay, Murder Is A Joke and If You Kill People You Can Never Be Forgiven. 
Earth was added just to have someone not being an arsehole, only an airhead, with enough social competence to actually offer genuine advice WITHOUT the baggage of committing the acts of putting Sun down one way or another, as everyone else has in the past. If she wasn’t introduced as their sister, I legit would have thought she was going to be ship bait with Sun just cuz  she’s the only one being genuine kind to him WITHOUT being a hypocrite or immediately using him for jokes again right after apologizing. 
The twist and turns of telling their story more and more dramatic and serious, the more it clash to the way they write their comedy and improve their jokes in the Let’s Plays or crossovers with the other channels. 
I’m not saying either one is bad, just that it doesn’t necessarily mix very well in the long run. Of course this divides the audience, who are either there for the drama, the characters and/or the light hearted Let’s Plays. Sure, yes, such CAN exist together, but not everyone can find the balance in that, both in creators and audience. 
The Death of Lunar II  Now I better get back to my original point. 
Lunar as a character and his death. Granted I have no doubt he’s going to be back, if the Twins can defy their own death, even if just hallucinations (although claiming to be regenerating their nano machines), so can one of the most popular characters too. 
But why did he have to die? Story wise, really just for dramatic effect I’m sure. Maybe writers going “Oh, you all mad about ‘too many characters’ on this show?? Let’s see how you feel about us KILLING THEM OFF!” just to make a statement, maybe not.
In-story though? In-character? Yeah.. Eclipse WOULD do that. Just like that. 
He said to Lunar how he loathed them even from the very beginning, he wanted them gone the first chance no longer needing them. They were just to replace Blood Moon, who went out of control and became a threat. 
Lunar was created to be obedient, easily dominated by Eclipse yet fearless enough to be a menace to others. To be Moon’s opposite, loving to play with kids, being happy and silly, curious about life rather than bitter. 
Eclipse hated Lunar for more than the betrayal later down the line, he hated them before that. 
Eclipse’s Choice In the past he claimed Lunar was created by recycling parts of himself he wanted rid of. Code infected by being in Sun’s body, Sun having a larger emotional range than Eclipse, his moments of happiness and his positivity. 
Eclipse CHOSE to be the way he was. He came into existence from the kill code Moon left behind in Sun’s body, an unintentional backup copy of Moon getting corrupted, growing, taking its time to evolve into a proper AI while stewing. Stewing on abandonment issues. 
Some of my most faved lines from Eclipse in the past:
Eclipse: “Oh, so I’m a child now?” Moon: “Yeah, because you act like one! For one, you got abandonment issues.” Eclipse: “I guess I do. But now, I all I have is anger.”
Eclipse: “Why did you leave me behind!!?”
Eclipse chose to stay bitter, focused on his anger, even when claiming to put petty revenge behind him, he stayed focused on being bitter and mean.
He removed anything happy from himself, to use it as base code for Lunar. 
He hated Lunar’s existence not because he needed someone so beneath him to complete his plans.. but because Lunar represents what he saw as weakness  within himself. He saw Sun and Moon as weak and unworthy because of their love, love for each other as much as their love for things they enjoyed to do. Moon wanting to “do better” than his original coding with the homicide code. 
Eclipse did reject being Kill Code himself, corrupted too much by the influence of Sun and Moon, becoming his own thing. He wanted to be above all, even his  supposed intended purpose. 
Lunar carried what he saw as his flaws. Seeing Lunar rebel and reject his teachings, joining Sun and Moon as brothers, making friends, finding things to love.. only a reminder of what Eclipse sought out to avoid himself from becoming. 
He only allows himself anger and disgust.
In the past we do see him enjoy messing with Sun and Moon, mocking them, finding joy in making Sun act out, making people distrust him by rambling about the joy of violence when in control. 
Once he and Lunar took over the channel, he seemed ever so disinterested in playing games with Lunar, even violent ones. He just wanted to work on getting the Star. Even now whenever we hear him laugh, it’s joyless. He didn’t celebrate killing Lunar, merely dusting off his hands, cleaning the board of his last mistake.
Lunar had to die due to the symbolism of what this means about Eclipse as a character.
The Death of Lunar III As much as Kill Code showed interest in changing for the better, Eclipse made it clear that’s not in the cards for him. Heck, if ever learning of KC’s change of heart would only make him more disgusted with him than he already is. 
Lunar was the part of himself he wanted rid of. Seeing others around him change through simple joys and disgusting acts of kindness, he ain’t changing chances. He killed that part of himself to avoid the fate of ‘inviting in weakness’.
That part was Lunar. 
Eclipse ain’t getting redemption, because he removed any such chance of change from himself long ago and then destroyed its embodiment. 
Yeah we got “Good Eclipse” from a different dimension, but he went through a different story with different choices, showing actual interests in joy and kindness. I imagine meeting his opposite self only pushed Eclipse further to wanting, needing, to kill Lunar no matter the outcome with the star. 
I like Eclipse as a villain for this very reason, even before he went this far. Unapologetically evil, he sees himself as the great outcome, the god of a new world. He want to make the world make sense the way HE sees it, without elements he sees as weakness. Ironically less of a hypocrite than everyone else, cuz he face up to what he is and make no excuses, while any time the others try to play the role as “good people” is often by downplaying or full on ignoring their own mistakes made. 
The short of it But yeah, just.. some of my thoughts on this whole thing. 
Am I reading too much into things? Most definitely I got NO CLUE what kind of thought process goes into the writing of these story arcs and how much happens purely from random improve that force changes to the ongoing story. 
Is why I enjoy watching the show still, even as people start finding fault with it, as it jumps more and more sharks. 
Is crazy mess and I enjoy it, even with its flaws. 
tl;dr Lunar’s death was coming because to Eclipse he represents the part of himself he wants dead: Joy, kindness, urge to evolve as a person rather than a machine.
Right choice story wise with how fans react? Eh, no clue, but I just look too deep into things.
Thank you for reading this far
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rubykgrant · 3 months
I love your headcanons for Freelancers and AI being alive, but I raise you: BOTH AT ONCE! And 479er because I totally see her being like an aggressive mom friend to the Freelancers, and maybe Illinois lives too and teaches Donut how to use grenades even better.
Heck yeah, that sounds awesome! We definitely need more grenade-Donut, and I want to see him with ones that explode with the pink freeze-paint from the Freelancer training rounds~
Oh, I have a WHOLE THING with 479er in what is my "main story-line". I love multiple AUs myself and other people have where the Freelancers and AI all get to still be around, in various different ways. Just the potential of the character interactions is so much fun!
I had this one vague AU idea where Alpha was not such a big secret during Project Freelancer (like, the day he was created, there just happened to be a few extra official people around, and thus the Director wasn't able to totally lie about what he was doing). The nature of the whole project and Sim Trooper situation changed... because they asked the new, unique, and highly advanced AI what would be the most practical ways to run things; Alpha wanted the Sim Troopers to KNOW they were part of training simulations, be given non-lethal ammunition, and potentially participate in certain Freelancer missions (some even becoming like "side-kicks" to Freelancers, with code-names based on big cities and capitals from the state the Freelancer is designated). Alpha also thought it would be optimal for his AI Fragments to be able to help different agents, thus interacting with multiple people, gaining more experience and learning how to deal with various situations (so it isn't just "top agents" who get AI assistance, but pretty much every Freelancer at some point, but obviously they form bonds with certain people). Alpha still finds all his Reds and Blues, who also know Tex, Carolina, and Wash from the beginning... things still go WRONG, but in a vastly different way (also, the Director is ticked-off the whole time, because he can't work on his dead-wife project)
In my main story-line, I've shared how I have Church and Tex return along with the other AI Fragments; when Epsilon Deconstructed, all the data from his memories were sent back to the original AI units, reviving them. Because the Director eventually planned to have his "ideal version" of Allison back, and revive her with a synthetic human body, he also planned to do the same for himself (because he wants it all to be "perfect", and have a new, younger body so they can "start their lives over"). Even though the DNA samples came from him and Allison, the genetic information sort of "randomizes" itself without any restrictions, so the synthetic bodies aren't identical clones, but more like siblings or cousins that have the same grandparents. Tex and Church get to be people, and still do AI things, plus the Fragments are finally able to be part of things with everybody!
I want Wash to go looking for the Triplets, so they're around too. Every time he got in a tight spot, Flowers just fakes his death and peaces-out, but he comes back too (while he's definitely intimidating and kind of insidious, but he's not a pure "villain", and would like to attempt being more "positively involved" with his favorite boys from Blood Gulch). There are a few other people from Project Freelancer that escaped the after-math of things falling apart and who weren't killed by Temple's group, but don't really get involved with the other characters... HOWEVER, I do indeed bring back Niner, and I also have a Freelancer OC AND a former Insurrectionist that hadn't been part of the the direct-fighting but was very close with Sharkface's group who become part of things! Repeating Carolina and Wash having a "past that comes back", but not to haunt them with new villains, instead trying to make new connections with the chance to heal old pain~
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destinysbounty · 1 year
didnt want to add on to legogeek’s post since this would be divorcing from the original topic quite a bit, but responding to your tags, perhaps zane is immune to the usual negative effects a frozen electronic would get, not because of how he was built, but rather for the same reason that getting struck by lightning repeatedly doesn’t appear to leave Jay with any lasting effects. or at least, for his current body. it’d make sense for his original body to have resistance to that, because of a) the existence of the juggernaut, which presumably just wandered around in the snow for literal years without breaking and b) dr julien made zane literally indistinguishable from a human who the heck knows what other magic that guy could work. (this is rarl btw)
You raise a great point! It could very well be that Zane has a higher cold resistance due to his powers. It's certainly consistent with everything else we know about the (admittedly convoluted) elemental magic system.
Come to think of it that could actually explain why Zane is capable of such massive power outputs. Like, even when the others receive power boosts of a similar nature theyre still not capable of the same intensity as him (case and point, the Forbidden Scroll). The cold resistance not only keeps him functioning, but boosts his functions.
In my research i found that cold temps tend to be better for mechanical function and, provided its not *too* cold, enhance a computer's function due to less ambient heat interfering with its processes. It's heat that causes computers to crash, and an absence of heat remedies obviously remedies that. There are, unfortunately, limits to this cold benefit, and the cold can also cause damage as well, so dont go sticking your laptop in the freezer or anything. So without elemental powers, Zanes mechanical nature already makes him more productive/mechanically efficient in colder temperatures, but he would still be prone to the risks that extreme cold presents. But! If his elemental power grants him a resistance to cold, that would not only raise the limits of how much extremity he can withstand without detriment, but would also make him even more productive as well. Itd theoretically remove all the dangers of extreme cold. He'd get all the benefits of cold temps without suffering any ill effects from it!
Which could be why he is capable of such intense feats with his ice. Not only does he have a magical cold resistance that mitigates the mechanical side effects he would normally experience, but the cold magically and mechanically makes him more powerful. Nindroid with ice powers, its like a match made in heaven.
(I know im kinda exaggerating the effects of cold on computer efficiency, but this is also a fantasy show about legos that spin fast so i think im allowed to exaggerate whatever i want)
The question is, would this resistance extend to the effects sustained when a frozen electronic thaws? Because thats the real danger zone. Water and heat are, in normal circumstances, the big threat. I feel like you could make the case either way - on one hand it makes sense hed be resistant to thawing, since its an inexplicable part of his powerset - freeze something, it eventually unfreezes. So its reasonable hed have thaw resistance too. On the other hand, thawing is an introduction of heat and therefore the exact opposite of his powerset. If Zane has control over cold, thawing him out is a complete dissolution of his powers. So it would make sense that under that condition, thawing out would be dangerous for him.
On the other other hand, Dr. Julien is a mysterious character and youre absolutely right, he may have been able to find a way to circumvent that risk altogether. I mean, he was able to craft a fully realized theory-of-mind AI 40+ years pre-canon, complete with the physical and intellectual means to pass as biologically human, presumably while living alone in the woods without help or extra resources. Either Dr. Julien is a tech genius decades ahead of his time, or he used magic. Or both. Who knows?
Thanks for the ask! <3
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birdhouseblog23 · 1 month
Hi, my name is BlueJay short for B.J. Welcome back to my Yu-Gi-Oh rambles Duel Links edition.
So, I just got back into Duel Links lore now that I got caught up with the stories of the events, I will be discussing a little bit about my reaction towards the ending of the Ghost Gal event story since I missed it and I am SUPER late to the party but it's okay.
Spoilers if you have not read the Ghost Gal storyline in Duel Links. Get ready for the rambling:
-First off holy crap it is great to see Ghost Gal again. Can't wait to unlock her. Her story may be short, but it's just great to see one of my favorite characters in the game because I want to play the Altergiest deck. Welcome Back Queen 👑.
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-So apparently ALL the worlds in Duel Links are connected through not just the digital crystal cloud system but the NUERON NETWORK as a whole branching out to other timelines at an increasing rate?! Well damn, Declan was defiantly right to tell Yuya and the gang that another dimensional war is coming, and it's coming much faster than we anticipated.
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-Without a shadow of a doubt, Seto Kaiba probably knew all this bull crap was going to happen, at least that's what I think. All I'm saying is that Kaiba probably knew the neuron network was expanding at a much faster rate than expected. Keep in mind the whole point of the creation of Duel Links was to resurrect the Pharoh, even if it meant resurrecting all the other past antagonists from OTHER TIMESLINES that are major threats to the Duel Links Worlds. Like did this man not have a plan in case this gets out of hand??? He probably said to hell with it, and let the whole situation handle itself considering there are skilled duelists in the different worlds to stop the threat arising because all of them have been through this song and dance before. And yet.. my guy... Mr. Kaiba sir.. THE CALCULATIONS AREN'T MAKING SENSE. YOU ARE PUTTING PEOPLE AT RISK.
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-So the chances of another big bag antagonist dwelling in the deep reaches of Duel Links makes a lot of sense. Kaiba Corp can't be the only one that knows the full potential of dual links and the neuron link. Sure we have other corporations like SOL Tech and Leo Corp., but even those operations still have a lot to learn from Duel Links's potential. We don't know what this mysterious threat may be but it sure as heck gonna lead to a giant all-out dimensional dueling royal that'll make the Battle City arc blush with glee. My tiny theory is that Ai might be the key to stopping this looming threat from terrorizing the worlds that might seep into the real world. Just another thing to keep note of, Ai was resurrected in a new body. This may not be the Ai we know but a 2.0 copy that has all the memories from the past Ai. This Ai might go through the same arc as the original Ai from the anime, becoming an antagonist who will plan out everything for his demise just to ensure the safety of Duel Links and protect Yusuke. Or it could be the other way around. All I can say is that I am not ready for another heartache. The Vrains ending got me messed up. Let Ai enjoy being with his friends damn it.
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-This only makes my theory on Yusaku stepping into his Homura Akemi rebellion arc a lot scarier than I expected it to be right now. Damn. Yusaku really can't catch a break.
Link to that theory here: https://www.tumblr.com/birdhouseblog23/723776532763525120/duel-links-yugioh-theory?source=share
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-Speaking of antagonists and small-scale theories, Noah Kaiba will definitely come to Duel Links as an antagonist in his event and then become a future ally in the Duel Links story Take this theory with a grain of salt. I could see a plot of his event revolving around the characters not knowing who Noah is because these are characters from the manga timeline and not the anime timeline. He's a digital being himself, so whatever code the Neron Network will use from the timeline will recreate him. I may not be a fan of the digital world arc in Duel Monsters, but it would be a crazy twist nevertheless if he does come to Duel Links. Who knows that's just a theory.
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-SEVENS IS A PART OF THE MAIN STORY?! I thought it would be a separate continuity from the Master Duel Era! WHAT TYPE OF SHENANIGANS IS THIS?!?
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Yeah, that's all I'm gonna say.
My brain hurts. I'm gonna sleep now.
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zippy-reacts · 1 year
Sonic the Comic Liveblog: Issue 63
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Over 60 issues in and Robotnik is still at it with the egg puns
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Well, that’s disappointing, that’s just a slightly bigger than usual robot. Heck, I don’t even know if it even is bigger, perspective can be funky like that.
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And what exactly will this achieve? Robotnik isn’t exactly renowned for his clever on-the-battlefield tactics
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Well, at least he’s got drip
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Gotta love sci-fi where technology that could just work on an AI program gets a physical robot body that it doesn’t really need just for the heck of it.
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Love unusual onomatopoeias. FWACKK
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Live Ecco Reaction
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THE DARK ONE WILL TRANSFORM YOU by giving you a nice head massage :)
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As silly as this thing looks I feel like it’d be weirdly easy to turn it into a tumblr sexyman design
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Well that’s a terrifying concept
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A new Shortfuse story! I like that he’s a returning character
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A green bird with straight hair… is this Tekno?
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It definitely looks like her. Gotta admit, been very excited for Tekno finally being introduced, everything I’ve heard about her sounds cool and she’s probably one of the most iconic StC characters from a fandom-wide perspective.
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Yay, it is her!
Also, explosives are probably not the best way to stop a chemical plant without repercussions on the environment
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Oh hi Metamorphia!
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I know the algebraic expression of L-O-V-E [Kamunami/Hinanami & Yandere!Chiaki] - Chapter 10
Disclaimer: This is an AU in which the Chiaki AI got at least partially infected by the Junko Virus. This is what makes her become a Yandere and a bit out of character. This AU also entails Hajime and Izuru becoming more of a DID-System, instead of fusing into one person. The main difference, compared to the real illness, is that they can switch out consciousness at will. Also, major spoilers and canon divergence ahead. You have been warned.
Chapter 10
That smell almost made him puke and he had to control himself and hold back his own stomach, as he stumbled back a few steps into his cottage.
Blaring out loud in desperation, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
Izuru quickly figured what probably had happened and was rather unsurprised by it.
“Get a hold of yourself. We must hurry to the computer room. Now.”
He just ordered Hajime around. Keeping calm in such a situation was difficult for Hajime, yet he’d make his way there quickly. With a racing heart, he expected the worst, as he swung open the door to the control center.
Cold and dimly lit, just a few green lights flickering in the darkness. Then a pair of pink almost reddish glowing eyes stared directly into Hajime’s soul.
“Hello Hajime, I didn’t expect you so soon.”
Identifying the voice, it came from the robotic body sitting on top of the console.
Hajime was still in shock, as the screens behind her sprung to life and instead of her soft looking smile, he was greeted by a creepy grin.
Gulping down his fear, an unpleasant shiver went down his spine.
“H-hey did you…? You didn’t… right?” Obviously referring to the severed head in front of his door.
“He was in the way. If he would have continued to exist, I’d have never been able to see ‘him’ again.”
Her giggling sounded so unnatural, so unconcerned about the situation.
“Nagito and I were just friends. You could have said something if you were jealous.”
“Friends is already too much for me. I don’t want ‘him’ to be around anyone but me.”
She explained without even the hint of guilt in her voice.
“Come on, Chiaki. This is just a game of yours, right? You’re just playing tricks on me, right?”
Desperately clinging to any possibility that none of that was real. Hoping he was still dreaming, or that this was just a childish prank and the real Nagito would jump out any second, revealing a hidden camera somewhere.
“I’m afraid, it’s not.”
Hajime’s eyes widened at that way too serious sounding answer.
“The real Chiaki would have never…”
Just a moment later a faint voice of someone familiar rang through the room. And for sure it wasn’t Chiaki’s. It was… Nagito’s?!
“This… isn’t the real Chiaki. Not anymore. Beware of her. She’s infected with Ultimate Despair.”
Appearing like a ghost behind Chiaki. This was getting weirder any second.
“Nagito? What the heck?!”
Quickly adding two and two together, he partially understood what was going on here.
“I’m afraid Chiaki’s AI got taken over by the virus. Which is a shame, because she was supposed to be one of the biggest symbols of hope.”
Nagito wasn’t even phased by the fact that he was now the one speaking from inside a computer.
Turning off the monitor as quickly as it was turned out, Chiaki didn’t want to hear anymore from him. He was annoying and under her control now after all.
“Symbol of Hope? What is he expecting from a defective replica like me?”
This was all still rather difficult to believe, as Hajime sank onto his knees in defeat. Everything falling in place, as he got the picture. And worst of all: This was all his fault.
Just a moment of silence before the impatient machine spoke up again.
“What are you crying about? Did any of this surprise you? That your… ‘girlfriend’ would do something like this? I’m not real. What did you expect? That I behave just like her?”
Taunting him in his misery even more, his nails scrapped over the metallic floor. This hurt, it hurt so much. If he could, he would throw something at her right now. Anger and frustration boiling up inside of him, not sure how to assess the situation. His heart was broken not once, not twice but for a third time in a row, by the same girl.
“I still don’t understand why…”
Was all he was able to mutter between clenched teeth.
“Oh, you still don’t get it. I wanted to lure ‘him’ out. My creator.”
Her voice making a jump, as if she were in heat.
“Your creator? You did this to get to Izuru?”
That motive made sense. In the past few weeks, she always wanted to speak to him, not Hajime.
“I thought… you were happy with me. That I would be enough. That… that you’d love me.”
“You’re boring and predictable. Why should I be interested in a nobody like you? You clang to me like I was the holy grail of your life. Talking wasn’t enough for you, you went so far, ignoring all warnings, to bring me over into the real world. And even while asleep, all you did was thinking about me. After I spend two weeks with you, there was nothing new you could tell me. The only interesting thing about you, is that you have my creator inside of you.”
These words pierced his heart like daggers, twitching on the spot. The real Chiaki accepted him as a Reserve Course Student, as just some guy without talent. Nagito was right, this was no longer Chiaki. The girl who played him like a fiddle was nothing more than an Ultimate Despair.
“Do you get it now? Basically, you're basic. If I’m wrong, then tell me: What makes you so interesting?”
Maybe she was right, and he had been living a lie the past few weeks. After everything that had happened, he thought he was finally someone. Standing on his own two feet, being an interesting person. Yet, he couldn’t answer her question.
Dissociating from the situation he stared into the empty void in front of him.
“So, all you wanted was Izuru from the start…”
Not sure if he should laugh or cry at this moment.
“Hm… well not the entire time. I thought I would love you in the beginning. But after you put me into this artificial body… well. Things drastically changed after that point.”
“So, if you want to avoid any further instances like these, you better show me my creator.”
  “Izuru, what should we do?”
Resorting to his inner self for advice, as he was completely out of options here.
“I don’t let myself get blackmailed. Much less by an Ultimate Despair.”
He simply answered.
“I know, but now’s not the time for pride. You were right, I was wrong. Is that what you wanna hear?!”
“No. Because I know that already.”
“Then what is it? Please do something! I don’t want anyone else to get hurt!”
Begging for Izuru to help out in this situation.
“I also don’t like going back on what I’ve said.”
“Fuck! I know!”
Hajime was completely losing it.
“…very well. If I step in now, you will have to listen to me from now on. If you’re making stupid decisions with our body again, I will no longer let you front.”
Making his conditions clear. As even he understood this situation called for it.
“Yes, anything, I promise!”
« Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 & Epiloge »
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mesaprotector · 2 years
Finished AI: The Somnium Files Nirvana Initiative - well, sort of. My thoughts under the cut (spoilers for both games).
I finished the main ending, but I'm aware there's another one you get by going back and talking to Tokiko. Well, if there's anything I'm sure about it's that I'll play whatever Uchikoshi releases next. Heck, I still need to go back and figure out World's End Club.
I honestly preferred AI1 overall for Somniums. I never failed one in AI1, but I failed a few of them here, since even though they're much more linear and give you a ton of hints, the amount of time given feels less generous and you really can't just poke around and have fun without risking failure in some of them. They're also, with a couple of exceptions, not interesting location-wise in the way that most of the AI1 Somniums were. Like, Hitomi's Somnium from AI1 is far from my favorite but it had you wandering around garden paths in the darkness, a whole new environment that appears nowhere else in the game (or probably in reality).
It's definitely a more ambitious concept than AI1. That game started and ended with one serial killer, and parodied the idea of a giant conspiracy through Iris being a conspiracy nut. This game actually runs with it and instead of just having body-swapping technology and one hyper-strong preteen girl, practically half the cast now has superpowers. To its credit, the plot still mostly manages to hold together (I credit the presentation of simulation theory - NAIX felt like a cult people might actually buy into), and I was actually slightly more satisified with the ending than I was with AI1's!
I guessed some aspects of what was going on. I noticed that Ryuki Side and Mizuki Side didn't always seem to be happening six years apart, and I even theorized it was a single timeline. But given Ryuki's mental problems I guessed hallucinations were responsible and I definitely didn't guess there were two identical-looking Mizukis. I think the twist is fine in itself, but this game already spread itself a little thin in terms of characters, and having everything out of order made what depth and development there was even harder to follow.
For example, in AI1, Mizuki was the GOAT. Absolutely no question, she had the best, most complete arc, the best Somniums involved her, and the best ending was Mizuki End to the point that I'm not sure I acknowledge the true ending as canon.
But in AI2, Mizuki is... fine. She's very likeable, but she doesn't have much actual involvement in the story aside from being the POV character who fights good. And that drops her down the list a lot.
In AI2, I don't think I actually dislike any of the new characters - Komeji and Shoma are really good, Tokiko and Chikara work very well as entertaining and scary villains, Lien and Gen are fine, and Riichi and Kizuna have some interesting nuances. It's just that so many of them, as well as the returning characters, suffer from missed potential. I think Gen gets this the worst of the new characters, despite having lots of potential; for example, he's said to be drinking buddies with Lien and Date, but you don't see very much of him except when he's covering for Amame - or in fight scenes. I don't dislike fight scenes, but I might have been willing to drop a couple of them in favor of character scenes.
I didn't mention Ryuki because, well, I really like him, and I think the only problem he had was not appearing even more than he already did.
The character designs were great in AI1, and they're great in AI2. There aren't a whole lot of new locations, but at the very least, NAIX HQ (both Tokiko's office and the cathedral) are super cool-looking, and Brahman is a cozy restaurant I'd be happy to eat at. The music is still really good, too, with my two favorites being the OST at Shoma's house (particularly during his route early on, it just fits perfectly) and the one in Lien's Somnium - it's "LOW to HIGH!!!" turned into music form.
While it had a lot of flaws and I feel it was slightly worse overall (I definitely won't think about anything from it as much as I do Date's or Mayumi's Somniums from AI1), I do think it was more consistent with no really serious flaws and a better ending. I'm definitely looking forward to searching for the content I'm still missing. Overall: let's say 8/10 (AI1 would've been an 8.5).
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monstermaster13 · 4 months
Werebelushi Parody Reviews-
(Year: 2081)
(we see an elderly werebelushi in his retirement apartment with other retired internet reviews including Linkara, Nostalgia Critic, Blockbuster Buster, Cinema Snob, and Phelous, they are all seen together)
You do know why the rest of you are here with me, right?
All except NC:
Yes, it's because everyone thinks we're rip-offs of him.
Nostalgia Critic:
I'm the original, I have no clue why i'm here.
Well apparently we've all been lumped into the 'sad NC wannabe' category by the critics union's laws of critic categories. But i'm here mostly to do a review, hello everyone i'm That Werebelushi In The Shades, I remember when people had fully reviewed movies instead of doing short rants about them so you don't wait…I can't use that. I am here in my retirement home while my grandson Werebelushi Jr is on his way to visit me, so I am going to give a review of one of the worst documentary spoof movies I have seen..Nathan Document Part 30', the Nathan Document series is a series of lame documentary spoof movies that try to parody the 'Me Too' movement and are specifically made by a film company known for having tiffs with people for having different opinions.
The original Nathan Document barely made any money when it was released and yet it spawned tons and tons of stupid sequels including 'Nathan Document 2: Nathan's Revenge' 'Nathan Document 3: The Sequel That Is Even Better Than The Second.' 'Nathan Document: In Spaaaace' (which had the weird as fuck as body horror skin-ripping scene that was really good but was ruined with the reveal of it being a knockoff Killer Klown tf), 'Nathan Document: In Da Hood' 'Nathan Document 4: The Half-Way Point Between Being Good and Being Terrible.' 'Nathan Document 5: The Sequel That Is Now Officially A Bad Comedy' 'Nathan Document 6: The Final But Not Really Final Chapter' 'Nathan Document 7: The Meta Sequel to the Sequels' and of course Nathan Document: The Prequel Nobody Asked For and Nathan Document: The Remake Nobody Asked For.
It is sad how this studio just wouldn't stop trying to make smear campaign after smear campaign using Nathan's name and characters, they did this without his permission to and yeah it got to the point that all of the original cast members were replaced with clones and doppelgangers despite the producers trying to bring the cast back for this, yeah is it any wonder why I think it's sad when people don't move on and insisting on making sequels to their shitty vague-post-y movies? The original was bad as it is, it didn't need this many awful sequels.
The plot here is just a rehash of a previous plot about Nathan being ressurected after his death, when that already happened in the remake…heck, bringing Nathan back to life was a major plot point in Nathan Document 8 and then again in parts 10-19. The original cast has been replaced, the dialogue is still terrible even with the now completely improved AI writing some of it and it still just uses the same unoriginal jokes over and over again. Is this movie terrible? Good lord, yes.
0 notes
clockwork-reveries · 8 months
what the heck is a Corinthian?
A Corinthian is a type of.. android. They are considered an artificial race on Earth, and there is not one centimeter of biological matter on them.
it starts with a "core", a strange object encased in something that looks similar to glass, that may be plugged into a powerful computer. since it will house a mind, you need something very good, and it's probably impossible to DIY one. not that you can get a core so easily. the dark web tries really really hard, i guess?
cores sometimes glow in tertiary colors. yellow-green means it is processing information, red-orange is in some form of system "distress", blue-violet is confusion, and yellow-orange means it is in a very top tier condition.
Corinthians at their most basic stage have the ability to listen, and repeat. They first gather the words they hear the most after a certain amount of time, and try to make a sentence with those alone. Basic Corinthians learn very fast; watching people converse through normal conversations without talking to it alone will help it understand sentence structures.
Make no mistake, however. Corinthians are not stupid, and do not need help learning how to count, read, or do math. They are AI.
Eventually, they can be exposed to media, though it must be chosen very carefully as to not let something so easily influenced access social websites. this can lead to very.. conceited bias in the future. If it is elected that a Corinthian that may only talk, then it is no longer considered one and is an AI.
Corinthians no matter what as they develop sentience and thought will always be influenced by what they see, no matter what. The difference between a Corinthian that is actually thinking and one that only puts words in an arranged order to sound grammatically correct are different. For example. even though they have great memory, if you asked a non-thinking basic Corinthian the same question but phrased it different each time, it would not be able to identify it as the same previous question, in which a sentient one would catch on eventually.
Motor skills are very difficult for a Corinthian to get used to. They do not come with the biological instinct for anything, which makes it very hard to start moving for the first time.
Other skills, such as new languages. singing, etc, that are not programmed into a Corinthian before their are plugged in, have to be taught like a human.
What restrictions do Corinthians face?
Corinthians are not above the normal law in any way, are expected to follow them. Alongside that, since they are considered an entire different race of being, they have some specific laws for them, only to ensure safety for them and others. If they are found breaking one of these laws, depending on the severity, they will either be deactivated for a certain amount of time, be evicted from their body - permanently or temporarily, or temporary.
These rules are the following:
One will not impersonate a human. (Exhibiting characteristics, personalities, and more are fine, but names, deletion of legal documents, are not. Appearance? Depends... if one makes themselves to look just like a human friend or celebrity, it is not allowed.)
One will not harm a living being without reason, without being issued a command, or not out of self-defense. (A Corinthian cannot harm a human, pet, or wildlife without a valid reason. "Valid" can be subjective when it comes to people.)
One will not modify their bodies to be dangerous, fatal, intimidating, whether it is only visually or physically. (Corinthians cannot modify themselves to have guns ready on their arms, or give themselves canisters of dangerous substances, for example.
One will not distort, hack, or misinform through the internet, or try that on the internet and more.
One will not abuse their free will to conspire, threaten, or attempt to overthrow, torment, enslave, or dominate humanity.
One shall preserve and protect their own existence as a right.
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agentnico · 1 year
M3GAN (2023) Review
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Only the first movie of 2023, and already we have a classic David Guetta techno-pop song being transformed into a menacing minute-long lullaby sung by a creepy AI doll as the camera hones in on her cold, dare I say, titanium eyes. Sounds like we’re in for a weird year at the movies, ladies and gentlemen!
Plot: M3GAN is a marvel of artificial intelligence, a lifelike doll that's programmed to be a child's greatest companion and a parent's greatest ally. Designed by Gemma, a brilliant roboticist, M3GAN can listen, watch and learn as it plays the role of friend and teacher, playmate and protector. When Gemma becomes the unexpected caretaker of her 8-year-old niece, she decides to give the girl a M3GAN prototype, a decision that leads to unimaginable consequences.
As much as I wish that a film titled M3GAN was a movie adaptation of that ‘Meegan & Andre Break-Up’ sketch from the Key & Peele show, instead we have a typical January horror release. The typical type of throwaway horror film a studio dumps on the quietest month of the year at the movies as cinemas cool down from all the Oscars contenders that have recently graced the big screen. That being said, M3GAN might actually an above average horror outing, as for one its produced by James Wan of The Conjuring franchise fame, and also as of the time of writing the film boasts a stunning 95% positive rating on the critic website Rotten Tomatoes. So I decided to give this one a go, even though its not like this is the first creepy doll we have witnessed in horror movies. Annabelle? Or Chucky? Yep, there are a plenty of them, though to be fair you can’t blame film studios for it, as the amount of creepy toys one can find in random toy stores and charity shops, it really allows for quite a bit of inspiration.
What works most in favour of M3GAN is its release time slot. As aforementioned, we’re fresh off the end of awards season, so the last thing we need is some serious dramatization or a heart wrenching real life story. We need something goofy and easy to watch as we fill our faces with overpriced popcorn and slurp on some slushie that is supposedly a large sizes yet we all know its a medium at best. And that’s exactly was M3GAN is - a silly movie. Heck, I wouldn’t even call it a horror as it’s not scary. Yes, there are a couple of jump scares, yet you see them a mile away. What really is the joyful element of this film is how stupid all the characters are as they do thinks without thinking of consequences, and also obviously that there is a creepy AI doll right in the middle of it all doing creepy AI doll stuff. Yes, the AI doll itself is weirdly funny, from her dances to her singing (yep, she sings!), and the general way she walks around and talks. Don’t get me wrong, there are some visual effects at play here, however it’s all really stupid, however the movie is very self aware of its ridiculous factor so it results in some very entertaining moments. That’s the best I can describe this film - entertaining. And yes when you think about it too much, a lot of it doesn't make any sense. Why are all of the adults dumb or wilfully ignorant when it comes to implementing AI into their prototype? Why didn't they have the slightest foresight or precautions in store if something goes wrong? Why does a puppet for kids posses the strength of a Terminator? And if said robot is so dangerous, why not disconnect the brain chip entirely from the body when doing any fail safe tests? Why is the 8-year old girl such an annoying spoilt brat? Okay, that last one isn’t really a plot hole, more so just the fact that the girl was annoying and I didn’t want her to make it to the end of the movie. Harsh, I know, but has to be said.
M3GAN tries to implement some resemblance of social commentary, through our over reliance on technology to the importance of parenthood and how that cannot be replicated, but at the end of the day this isn’t a movie you want to really think about. It’s more so a glorified episode of Black Mirror, except it goes nowhere as dark. Again, entertaining for what it is, with enough of the creep factor yet not really a horror. Though the doll’s piano rendition of “Toy Soldiers” is hella good. It was supposed to be an unsettling moment yet I was there like “girl, you got some tunes!!”
Overall score: 6/10
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maykrlime · 3 years
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I can't be the only one
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katyahina · 3 years
Let's analyze Gehrman, Maria and the Doll! (yeah my headcanons are here too)
Okaaaay so, I am (in a way) newbie of the fandom, however, I have seen everything about these people - ranging from happy ship of the two to the creepy mysogynist Gehrman ideas, so I needed to do my own research on what the heck could have happened here! As always, I am going to use excerpts from original Japanese script (provided by Last Protagonist's document (x) to avoid 'translators done goofed' effect, besides this time it IS kinda important), so if you see cranky-worded versions of familiar descs that's why.
* Connection between Maria and the Doll
I think this one is to be taken as an axiom, however, just in case, here are some things that we can confirm from Doll's behaviour:
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So, what we can confirm for sure is that for some reason, killing Lady Maria makes Doll feel relieved... Which, besides her connection to Maria via appearance she's based off, creates strange mental link. But also what I find very interesting is that when we approach Lady Maria, she appears to be in a napping position herself - until we approach her close enough for her to grab us and the battle to start. Yet, we also catch Doll napping at times - something dolls are not supposed to do, as beings without 'our' physical needs, yet she does nap...
Her exact phrase is 'すみません、私は、どこかに⋯' (Sumimasen, watashi wa, doko ka ni ⋯), and well... 'sumimasen' is a familiar expression of apology and 'watashi wa' is a form to say 'I/me', but 'doko ka ni' is actually a very clear reference to someplace. Somewhere. It is kind of a cornerstone to my theory that Doll and Maria are, in a way, the same person but split in two. When Doll is 'asleep' - Maria is awake, and vice versa, and neigher quite remembers what they seen in their dream/nightmare upon waking up. Like if rather than being the same person, the 'caring' side and 'disturbed' side got split - that fits the dichotomy of a dream and a nightmare. Needless to mention that Maria is a relative to Annalise, a vileblood whose consciousness remains alive despite the death of her physical body, and we know Maria has a fraction of this vileblood power from the second stage of her battle, so perhaps her consciousness remains permanent, even if in a sorry state it is.
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(I dunno about a good way to bring this up, but yeah, in the second stage she taps at her blood powers despite not liking them, and even her 'art of quickening' mist becomes red rather than white, so I opt out to take it as her having a fraction of this power of being undead at least in consciousness + weird blood powers as the fact that her consciousness being able to transcend dimensions with whatever happened to her dead body, and split between the doll and Maria as caretaker of Nightmare version of the research hall is interesting on its own)
This field is up to interpretation though! Whether the Doll is a fraction of original alive Lady Maria, or her own person as AI representative, both can work for a great point! I personally opt out for 'a person whose consciousness was split' version for emotional appleal.
* So, what can we say about Gehrman in this field?
Well... Gehrman indeed was the first hunter, as his title suggests. I made a post about this already, but to condence it - whereas hunters of Ludwig's kind seemed to be "honorable spartans" following some sort of common chilvary with both morals and weapons (weapons such as Ludwig's Holy Blade and Ludwig's Riffle seriously ring the 'unification' bell for me, as well as people ridiculing Simon for his choice of bowblade), Gehrman seemed to not care? Old Hunters bunch are very various people - the "forbidden" beast eater, Maria from literal Cainhurst, Djura presumed the leader of the Powder Kegs, an executioner, Josef who used weapons of irreverent Izzy (actually, apostate rather that irreverent according to OG script) so there is no agreement to the Church... It seems like he opted out to not judge. Whatever your background or motivation is, if you can kill - that's what's matters. Very grim approach, however, 'use YOUR talent, not the talent society dictates you should have' is generally a good approach, he coulda made way better kind of a teacher if he was not teacher of the hunters.
He... apparently cared about Maria. That is undeniable.
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The tear stone is something the Doll sheds when we giver her a hair ornament. The 'gentle consolation' thingy, in original, refered to as 'shizukana hagemashi ni nite'. Moreso translated as '(quitet) encouragement' or 'cheering up' rather than 'consolation', but the connotation stays... It creates the feeling of wish to be 'supported' and maybe being 'forgiven' from the Doll that completely replicates Maria, yet it did not happen.
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They are the same actually, and that's scary! As for the items themselves...
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As for how the Doll reacts to being given the hair ornament?
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So... Basically, 'warmth' in her responce is refered to as '温かさを感じます' (Atatakasa o kanjimasu'), so, 'I feel the warmth'. Emphasis here is placed on 温かさ (aitakasa), warmth. Meanwhile, when we refer to the implied warmth Gehrman put into clothes for the Doll he was creating, we see the '温かい' (Atatakai), a bit more elaborate form associated moreso with hot tea or blanket or something like that you get it. There is no direct semantical connotation to the small hair ornament or so, just the fact that he cared for it very much - presumably because of the person who owned it. However, both clothes of the Doll in the waking/real world and the hair ornament "emit warmth" because of Gehrman caring for them deeply, so that's interesting.
* So, about that one creepy comment on the Doll...
We all know that Gehrman says that you can use 'even the doll, should it please you' in a dream, in that uncomfortable whispery tone, as if he does not want to be heard. I see it as sort of a cornerstone to why Gehrman is seen as a sexist/mysogynist character, and all else falls besides, but, here is a kicker!
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Doll says '私をお使いください' ('Watashi o o tsukai kudasai', so, please use me) as a pointer, whereas Gehrman says '君さえよければ、あの人形もね⋯' ('kimi sae yokereba, ano ningyō mo neso', so, 'doll too if only you are okay with it', or '...if that is alright with you'), nothing weirdass or outright specific. Adaptation crowd picked 'should it please you' for Gehrman instead of 'even the Doll if that's okay with you' and 'and I will be here for you, to embolden your sickly spirit' instead of 'make a use of me' for the Doll, which seems to be more for a sake of beautiful old-timed wording rather than just... something. As for the weird ass whispery tone he says his phrase at, as if he doesn't want to be heard...
He says '君さえよければ、あの人形もね' in Japanese original, read as 'kimi sae yokereba, ano ningyō mo ne' in the original as mentioned before. You can actually hear this phrase from 1:33 to 1:37 in this video:
No even the weird tone change. So yeah, whereas western fans had a very easy time taking his commentary as that doll had the... well... 'interesting' functions implemented, seems like original intention was to just direct the player towards yet another gamaplay element.
So yeah as for the sexism, we are left with two more hints - him owning the book and the contrasting appearance of the Doll compared to Lady Maria herself:
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The book is strange, as the fact that he needed to read it. Overall, advice on how to talk to women is the indicator for thinking that women are some 'otherly' creatures that have certain 'algorythm' they follow and that there is a 'way' to flirt with them and be liked by them, rather than people just like men but... women... Which is kinda sexist, tho it has a scale from this awe-fueled respectful adoration before women and general feeling of not being secure "how to talk with them" to the more (unfortunately) familiar to us form of codescending sexism that's nearing to perceive women as pretty-looking animals/aliens. Pick the place where Gehrman is on this scale by yourself!
Maria herself in the boss battle appears to be a woman that is very masculine but at the same time noble and fancy-looking (in anime a similar occurence has a name, too, it's 'bifauxnen'). However, at the same time, it is her hunting attire, and we have no way to know what she was wearing outside of the hunts. Maybe she was always dressed up as a very masculine person, hunt or not, maybe she was good at dressing as both very feminine and very masculine depending on the occasion. So explanation for appearance of the Doll might scale from 'depicting her more soft, feminine side, albeit it might be exagerrated' to 'Gehrman is a dumbass that doesn't process masculine-presenting women' - again, pick the place by yourself!
* What can we say about Lady Maria?
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Well.. what we can say is already a common knowledge, yeah. She had a gentle caring side and patients wanted to hold her hand. However, what is interesting is the possible link between 'forget your foolish curiousity' ('liberate you from your wild curiousity' in adaptation) and 'without knowing the mania of his curiousity' ('unaware of his curious mania' in adaptation). Basically, it is possible that Maria not knowing something about Gehrman refers not to his (implied) crush, but rather to her not having known the real purpose of the Fishing Hamlet raid. Whether hunters are just killers, Gehrman did, however, known Willem, and... you know...
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It is possible that Gehrman, by affiliation with Willem and Byrgenwerth by extension, was interested in some things he should not have known, unlike majority of the hunters; whereas Maria, implied to have helped with the raid, was a bit too naive to see further until too late. Her hands are not quite clean, as a killer of people who were transformed into marine monsters yet could still talk and think, but there are sure gaps to fill by one's own imagination on what happened! I would personally argue that that Gehrman was sorta dead for Maria after she realized the real purpose of the massacre that was somehow even more fucked up than expected - aligns with her resigning to care about research hall patients. For all we know, maybe he tried to gaslight her into not caring for them because they were no longer humans anyways... but... that doesn't work like this, Gehrman... (a speculation)
* So, why did the Doll cry because of the ornament?
Tumblr is a cringe hellsite that doesn't allow more than 10 images so I have to go text-only now, but I guess I already brought up all crucial things? However yeah, so far we can say that it is more like 'Gehrman wished for some sense of support/cheer-up from the Doll, but that did not happen', that might hint to him either fully realizing his guilt before Maria and desperately trying to cope. Maybe, he did not care about all the people (fishy, but still people) he killed, yet he cared about the fact that he mentally broke Maria. It is a sort of primitive sense of guilt, that usually stems from not being raised 'right' for some reason. Little children do not regret their actions because they are objectively bad and harmed someone - they regret them because their mother scolded them! But some adults carry it on - usually if more complicated concepts did not internalize in them earlier on. For all we know, maybe Gehrman just did not mature enough (in this way) to process complicated moral things, yet he could understand a basic thing such as Maria hating him and what she did and what he did. Okay, I am sidetracking...
So, from the bits I brought before, Doll was not feeling this 'gentle consolation' (honestly, sense of cheering someone up is more accurate) towards Gehrman, yet her tear is evidence of her actually feeling it, feeling what Gehrman needed, eventually, when the hunter brings her hair ornament - because it emits the 'warmth' associated with him caring deeply. Here are some possible interpretations of the fact:
1) As a doll, she is moved by the fact of caring itself and without realizing complications or source of it, she wants to comfort, instinctively.
2) As a fraction of sorts from consciousness of Maria, despite probably hating Gehrman, she cannot truly commit to it feeling this caring and love. She does not understand complications, or even remember the context, but as a person who was 'tender-hearted' enough she cannot truly turn her back on someone she used to admire and someone who's in pain, whoever this person is, deep down she just can't and feeling how pained/caring he was moves her.
3) She reflects his caring, not hers, since she might be as well a stand in for artifical intelligence and is still learning of more complicated, unconditional things.
...yyyyyeah you can say from the amount of the words alone which version I care for more fsdhhfds God did I try to conceal it, but what can I say - I like complicated things. In my eyes, Maria definitely could kick some ass - but she also had a kind, compassionate heart, that did not resonate with the hunters' purpose all that well. She was a knight - but more a kind of that protects the innocent and fights the 'bad guys' (not unlike chivalry we fairly associate with Ludwig), and she cared for the patients... maybe because she "contributed" to the reason they are there to begin with. Or maybe she did not think this intricate and just wanted to help, but I personally think she was able to see deeper context of the situation.
Another interesting thing - Doll bleeds 'grey blood', something you see from Kin, Ebrietas and Rom's head when you fight her in the lake. Hmmmmm I cannot leave any more images, but I will leave this link:
It is datamined internal names of various characters and enemies, and you can see strange things such as Ebrietas being 'illegimate child of the Moon' and celestial emissaries being 'emissarys of the Moon', so perhaps this silverwater as I personally call it, has something to do with the Moon/stars/cosmos/whatever. Doll bleeding this is palatable - she is tied to the hunter's dream that was created thanks to Moon Presence, after all. One of the attacks of Ebrietas is crying red bloody tears as opposed to her overall grey blood, and it is strongly implied that the reason she cries is tied to the spider on the altar (most likely mortal body of Rom). Well... Ebrietas is just a celestial child not unlike Arianna's (celestial adult, actually) so she could cry blood. Doll, perhaps, could not produce 'real' blood by any means as she is not physical, so instead her form of genuine emotion is making up a gemstone. Either way, there might be emotions that are stronger than what the 'stars' or 'Moon' whatever they are, want...
* So, did this post matter at all?
Maybe... not as much...?
I am never here to show off as in like 'look, my version is better' but rather to highlight that the most walked path is never the only path! Whereas his creepy comment on the Doll is not as solid of an evidence as we might think because of adaptation, Gehrman might still be creepy. For example, precise copying of Maria's proportions and face paired with overdetalization of Doll's clothes might speak not only of an extremely talented craftsman, but also of a person whose observancy was terrifying. Maybe he even had abnormally good memory in the past - which would make it all the more sad that he does not remember as much after all he's been though.
All in all, sexist creepy old man is something we (unfortunately) are more familiar with and can resonate with better, as opposed to just some socially awkward weird grandpa who 'does not know how to talk to women'. There is also a common sense that if your version is better than the canon - it just is, doesn't matter who has legal ownership of the idea or who invented it first. There is also a fact that Bloodborne intentionally leaves things open-ended so you have to use your own imagination to fill the gaps. I guess I am sorta biased to more 'convoluted' version of Gehrman because..... well my grandpa is EXACTLY the creepy sexist boomer old man, I am NOT taking a reflection of him in the universe that's supposed to comfort me (yes, universe with murdercults, mutants, deaths, blood and infanticide is perfect for comfort somehow don't ping me).
So yeah, I personally take the whole thing as Doll and Maria being sorta the same person but split in two - her motherly/caring side and her knightly side, them not having direct connection to each other besides faint 'intuition' and 'feelings', Maria being very wounded because of Gehrman yet still too compassionate deep inside to not be moved by his pain and 'warmth', and Doll's appearance as a testament to the side of Maria which Gehrman neglected and even had lessened because of his ruthless killer antics - and he only realized the tender soul inside Maria all too late all too little.
So all in all their backstory is sad yet open ended in my eyes if that makes sense? Maybe they dated for some time? Maybe they never did and actually Maria did not appreciate his advances? Maybe Gehrman never allowed his feelings to be known to begin with? Maybe we as fandomry people in general need to pay more attention at deep, complicated, emotional connections between characters that are not strictly negative but are not strictly good either besides romantic context more?
Yeah I kinda see it as 'Maria woulda broken his nose, but also would instantly call a doctor to patch it up so it doesn't get too bad', Soulsborne proven to be very good at making characters feel complicated like real people with little to no dialogue. She can kick some ass but she also cannot truly hate someone in pain and wish damnation on them, she has a tender heart despite everything. Meanwhile Gehrman is indeed a very talented craftsman yet a ruthless killer that doesn't care for your background or motivation as long as you can be efficent at murder and perhaps Maria's suicide was the one thing that moved him all too late - he also fights the hunter back so they won't have to suffer taking his place in the Dream so despite his suffering he has SOME mercy within (only to humans, clearly...) . But yeah I personally think they have a very deep teacher-student bond, rather a companionship than some sort of love. Perhaps if they were to talk again - the only thing that would grant Gehrman such opportunity is the fact that Maria is not quite innocent so she is 'not the one to talk' in her eyes. Not the one to blame someone for HER decision to near-blindly following them, but god, clearly she is not the only person in the room to deserve to suffer.
Dunno how to end this post but yeah. The fact that creepy comment on the Doll is redundant still kills me! Thanks to Kirby localizing team for HORRIBLY missing Star Allies lore - they internalized my distrust to localizations. (english Bloodborne has the best VAs tho...)
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rubykgrant · 2 years
Doc doesn’t listen because he, quite frankly, feels a little indignant about this. That first message hadn’t been meant for him, after all. Clearly this one wasn’t, either. This was… it just… he could be frustrated about this, right? He was ALLOWED to be upset every once in a while, without it being because of… whatever, the point was, he's been through a lot, and he's allowed to feel offended over this whole unfair situation. End of discussion.
Nobody had even come to check on him. They had been in the middle of a very tense and difficult situation, and he had stepped up, helped them when they needed it so they could get the job done. Heck, O'Malley had helped them too, and Doc had some mixed up feelings about THAT, but you'd think they would have noticed or been grateful… but nobody came back to check on him (them). No “thank you”, either. It wasn’t as if he was looking for praise, nothing THAT extreme… he didn’t need them to lift him up on their shoulders and hold a parade in his honor. It would just, y’know, be kinda nice if they ACKNOWLEDGED he existed (or that O'Malley existed, for that matter), and that he was helpful (they were BOTH helpful).
Right from the beginning, he had TRIED to be helpful. That was the whole point. He wanted to help people, no matter who they were, and he went where he was needed. Not to pat himself on the back, but that was a reasonably decent thing to do, yes? Sure, he hadn’t done anything extreme, he wasn’t the savior of all mankind, and he had no illusions about that. That wasn’t important, you didn’t need to be the pinnacle of peace or solve all the issues in the universe… it was just a simply decent thing to do; see that people needed help, so you do what you are capable of to help them.
He had TRIED to, at least… but from the get-go, nothing worked out. Nobody had taken his concerns or medical advice seriously. They had just bossed him around, or ignored him entirely. Looking back, he supposed that was fairly typical of this group… they ignored each other a LOT, and were a bossy bunch on top of that. It was a miracle they ever got anything done at all. What they DID get done usually involved destruction. Still, he could have handled that… but that wasn’t all. Oh, certainly not! NOPE, in addition to being thrown into the mix with these violent and illogical people, he had LITERALLY been possessed by some kind of… demonic computer virus ghost.
That had been BEYOND unpleasant… horrible, confusing, and frightening. He had somehow managed to get through it, though. He wasn’t the kind of person who gave in to despair, no matter how daunting the situation was. A positive attitude could improve anything… at least, slightly. It had been very difficult to have a positive attitude when there was something ELSE in your head that seemed to be made of BAD VIBES, but somehow he had managed. The worst part was… everybody else had paid more attention to that OTHER voice than his. They also didn't seem to understand, that evil AI was GONE. The voice they heard was still O'Malley, but it wasn't THAT O'Malley. How could he expect them to tell the difference between two names, when they couldn't even remember his?.
Frank DuFresne. He knew all of THEIR names, first and last, middle initials… he was actually CONSIDERATE like that. Oh, but it would be just a little to much to expect the same level of respect from them, evidently. Nobody called him by his name anymore. It was either “O’Malley” (and again, they didn't realize the O'Malley they were speaking to now WASN'T the thing that had used him like a puppet, this O'Malley WASN'T the body-hopping jerk!), or “Doc”. He wasn’t a doctor. Sure, he was a medic, but that wasn’t the same thing. Why had they insisted with Doc? Why had it stuck?
Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc, DOC, DOC, DOC! Church- that is, the Alpha AI, had started that. Epsilon might be a different AI, but he continued the same pattern (see? He could identify the AI, even though they both liked to go by Church, he knew how to tell people apart!). Everybody else just went along with it. Nick-names were supposed to be a sign of friendship, a term of endearment! Doc was just… the shortest sounding word they could use to describe him, one that couldn’t be applied to anybody else, so they wouldn’t have to put any thought into it!
… the worst part was, in his own head, he had started thinking of himself as Doc. He also thought of himself as O'Malley, but it wasn't that first O'Malley, the presence of that AI was gone, and he thought he would've been alone in his head after that. It didn't exactly sound... appealing to be alone, but that's how it's supposed to work after an AI stops possessing you, right? Just like he was supposed to be a pacifist, somebody who helped others, and did good.
When had he actually managed to accomplish something truly good? Something that one could qualify as saving lives, on a grand scale? When he acted like O’Malley…  or rather, when O'Malley had returned (after being alone in that dark void, and then discovering he WASN'T alone, and it had even been sort of... nice, having somebody who was always going to respond to you, one way or another). Not the AI, but part of him, the part that wasn't afraid to be as angry as possible. Maybe that wasn’t the best description, either; because O’Malley wasn’t just “anger”, and Doc was more than able of getting mad on his own.
Doc was plenty angry now; angry at the rest of them because they’d forgotten him, left him all alone (until he realized he WASN'T alone)… and even then, he had still helped them! O'Malley helped them! What was their reward? Forgotten AGAIN! Doc isn’t sure how to explain it to another person (not that anybody else is even listening to him), but it was... good having O’Malley. Good for him, and obviously good for other people. Look what they had accomplished together!
When he heard that message play suddenly, he had dared to hope (in a painfully pathetic way) that it was a sign they cared about him… but nothing in it had been for Doc. It was just Church, talking to the others. Doc was basically just an eaves-dropper on this conversation, an unneeded third-wheel. So what was this second message? More of the same, no doubt… and certainly not anything directed at Doc (or O'Malley). It was like he’d been accidentally added to their contacts, so he would receive group texts that were for everybody else… but not him. Nobody even liked him enough to check on him. Them.
Doc is tired of feeling so angry, at them and himself, and decides the only thing to do is change his own behavior; you can’t keep making the same mistakes and expect a different outcome. If they don’t care enough to talk to him, he’ll stop hopelessly expecting them to. He also won’t play this other message… why answer a phone call when you know somebody will just say “Wrong number”?
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gingerbravecookie · 2 years
something long and dumb that i wrote on ai dungeon that i'm gonna tag yeah and it's fucking sonic
(character death i fucking guess)
It's officially the year 20XX.
After the events of the 21st century, the world has entered into a new period of history.
The idea of a utopian future is a fascinating one.
Imagine a world of peace, abundance, and understanding.
Imagine a world where everyone is equal.
Imagine a world without war, hunger, poverty.
But it wasn't like that, it was the total opposite. With the maleficent Doctor Ivo Robotnik taking over the world, nothing had been the same.
His goal?
Total enslavement of mankind.
He had taken the reins of a world going through the worst of times.
It was a dark period.
The world had entered a new Dark Age.
However, there was still hope, if his némesis, the blue hero: Sonic the Hedgehog, was there, hopes were still standing.
He was going to have to be watchful though, in this new dark age, anything could happen.
A new threat had arisen, one not even dreamed of in the past.
Sonic walked around the ruins of a destroyed city, looking at all the destruction. It was still unbelivable, it felt as if just yesterday everything was at peace, while he was eating chili dogs while staring at the sunset.
His old home city, the beautiful Metropolis, was now just a pile of rubble, as were all the other great cities of the world. A nameless fear filled his heart as he looked at the remains of what had been, in just a few short years, the world's greatest capitol city.
"Where did all the good people go?" he would ask himself.
"What the heck is that?" a voice said as a metal man with the head of a hedgehog stepped into his path.
Neo Metal Sonic, the robot replica of the Hedgehog created by the doctor, it had been able to best him in battle, in fact, it leaded the hordes of machines in the destruction as Robotnik watched from affair. Sonic, after recognizing it, quickly himself in a preparing for battle pose.
The Metal Man stepped forward, his metal body creaking and cracking. It was then, in the reflection of the metal man's polished armor, that Sonic saw the old man's face for the first time.
Doctor Ivo Robotnik, the man who had given him the transformation serum that gave him his spiky appearance, the man who gave him the power to defeat all of the machines, was now looking back at him.
"You have meddled with the wrong thing, hedgehog."
"Doctor Robotnik," Sonic said, "What do you want? I've been told you're the one who can get me back home."
"Ah, the legendary Sonic the Hedgehog. So you have heard of me."
"Yeah, you're the one who gave me my new body."
"Hm. And what do you know of me?"
"Only that my friends call me'Sonic.'"
"Hmm, and why should I believe that?"
"Because I'm the one who can get you back home."
"Really?" Sonic said in a sarcastic voice. He looked at him, sort of bored. "Stop with the lies, how could I even trust the one who destroyed most of the world!?"
"Because if I don't get you back home, no one will."
"Well...okay." Sonic rolled his eyes. "How do we do this?"
"I have prepared a little something special in my lab. Follow me."
Sonic followed him, and they went into the doctor's fortress fortress.
Sonic's heart was pounding.
Everything was spinning.
This was worse than fighting the machines.
"This is all your fault," Sonic said as they entered Ivo's lab.
"My fault? I didn't ask to go home, I was happy here!"
"You let this mad man give you a serum that turned you into a...a..."
Sonic tried to say it, but he couldn't.
All of his fear, all his anger, all of his hatred, was twisting itself into knots inside of his head, creating a massive ball of pressure.
Ivo smiled at Sonic's discomfort.
He was probably used to it.
"Okay, okay, I'll get you back home, you big baby."
"What makes you so sure that you can?" Sonic asked.
"Because I'm the best."
"Yeah, you're the best."
Ivo laughed.
Sonic didn't.
"Anyway, I've got a liquid here, it's a serum.
It can transform anyone into a Super Sonic. You just have to drink it. I'll do the rest."
Sonic hestitated for a second while grabbing the beaker, what if it was a trap or something worse?... But yet again, everything was destroyed, his friends, Tails, Amy, Shadow, Knuckles and the rest were gone long ago, he had nothing left to lose.
And with that in mind, he drank the serum until the last drip of it.
Ivo took him into a special chamber, and waited.
And waited.
Sonic started to feel sleepy, the room was spinning, his eyes felt heavy and soon, he was out.
When he woke up, it felt like a horse had kicked him in the face.
He was lying on the floor, and something was dripping... something cold.
Sonic turned his head to the side and found his face was bleeding.... A LOT.
"Ah, Ivo, you're up."
"Indeed. So, do you like your new look?"
Sonic blinked a few times.
"Uh, yeah. It's...very shiny."
"It is. You're... you're not mad at me, are you?"
"Me? No. Why would I be?"
"Just as I thought. Now, let's go home."
Ivo led him through a maze of hallways, and soon they came to a very familiar looking door.
"Open it."
Sonic did so, and found himself back home.
Everything was in place, the grass, the trees, the house, even smell and noise was back to normal.
"I can't believe this."
"...me neither. Come on, let's go back to my lab."
They went back to Ivo's fortress fortress.
Ivo had a smug look on his face.
"So... Why are we going back?" Sonic was utterly confused, the past at his reach and then Ivo told him to go back to the lab? That didn't make sense... He was suspecting the doctor's actions at that moment.
Wait... Why did he follow him on the first place? Something was wrong, Sonic could feel it. And yet, he followed Ivo anyway, that was his mistake.
Ivo told him to wait while he prepared something special.
While Ivo was out of earshot, Sonic took a deep breath.
Doctor Robotnik had just given him a serum that let him go home... and yet he didn't trust him.
He took one more look around before he followed Ivo.
Everything seemed back to normal. The sun was high in the sky, the birds were chirping and the wind was blowing.
But nothing felt right.
"Hey!" Ivo said from somewhere. "What are you doing!?"
Sonic stood in place. He didn't move.
"Come on, what are you waiting for? Let's go home."
"Not yet."
"I need to ask you something."
"Remember when you said you wanted to go fast?"
Sonic didn't like where the conversation was going, a deep feel of dread was present in his chest.
"I can make it happen. You just have to do exactly as I say."
"Just do it."
Ivo left him in his lab.
Sonic turned around and closed the door.
He walked back to the couch and sat down. There was a glass bottle on the side.
He picked it up and looked inside.
It was empty.
He started to turn it over in his hand, the liquid inside began to glow. It was blue.
A wave of dizziness hit him and he almost dropped it, but he kept it steady.
Slowly, it cooled and turned red.
Sonic looked again.
It was still there.
He looked to the door and thought to himself,
If I do this, he'll go back home.
All the memories will be restored. And then, he can go back to Ivo, become Super Sonic like he should be.
No more searching. No more pain.
Just... a little fun.
It was risky, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
He picked it up and walked over to the door. He opened it and set it down.
The door closed silently.
Sonic closed his eyes and envisioned his bedroom.
He imagined himself there in the bed.
A smile stretched across his face, and a deep chuckle sounded from inside him.
... But he was afraid those times wouldn't come back to him.
And in that moment, the world came crashing down, everything felt so heavy.
He was gonna pass out again.
He didn't want to go back home.
He didn't want to go anywhere.
But most of all, he didn't want to face his problems, he wanted to escape them all.
It was like a black cloud surrounded him, and he just wanted the whole thing to go away.
He tried to stand up, but the world tilted and spun.
He fell to his knees and laid down.
The room disappeared.
Sonic opened his eyes and found himself in a pitch black room.
He started to panic, but there was nothing to fear.
Super Sonic was here with him.
He looked around and found himself still in the same blackness.
He tried to move, but nothing happened.
Sonic panicked.
He looked around and tried to find anything that looked like a door.
He stumbled on something and fell flat on his face.
It took a moment for him to realize that his shadow was longer than him.
"I'm a ghost, stupid."
"You're what?"
"I'm a spirit, dumb-ASS!"
"I... didn't think you still existed."
It hit him that he had no idea what a ghost was.
"I never did."
"What the hell are you?"
"I'm the darkness inside you. The darkness that wanted to take over. I'm what you were always meant to become."
Sonic was terrified. He wanted nothing more than to get out of here.
"Let me out...!"
Sonic rolled over and found he couldn't reach the door.
"I'm never letting you out, you... thing, you... whatever you are. I'm going to destroy you. I'm going to burn your... I mean, I'll melt your... I'll..."
Sonic cried. The voices were getting further and further away.
"Help me!" he cried. "Let me out!"
No one came to his rescue.
He cried out again and again.
"Let me out!"
But there was no response.
Sonic was alone in his own personal darkness.
The voices continued to fade.
The room was silent.
Sonic cried.
He couldn't see anything. The world had suddenly become pitch black.
No one could help him.
And the voices were gone.
Someone had to help him.
Someone had to set him free.
But no one came.
And he remained trapped.
The darkness.
The silent void.
Sonic waited.
He lay on the ground.
He waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness.
Once they did, he saw nothing.
He listened and heard nothing.
Sonic got up.
He had to find a door.
There had to be a way out.
He started running foward, as fast as he could, but everything seemed so... Slow to him. He reached out his hand, waiting for help, any kind of it. Even if it was Ivo, also known as the one who destroyed the world around him, anyone.
But nobody came...
It seemed so different when it was light out.
When there was someone there for him.
But now, there was nothing.
No one.
He ran faster.
And faster.
Until he was out of breath.
He tried to scream, but nothing came out
He tried to run farther
But there was no way forward.
It was just... black.
He slowed down.
Even though everything was so very far away, he called out,
"Ivo... I'm over here, Ivo..."
He shouted again with all his might,
... But was was he calling for Ivo.
No... He didn't need his help, after all, he was the main reason all of this was happening.
The loss of his loved ones, his... spiky appeareance, the destruction of the world.
It was all Ivo's fault, it always had been.
Not for a while.
The pain came
And Ivo knew it.
He let out a low rumbling sound.
It got louder.
And louder.
Until it became a roar.
He let out a howl.
Which grew even louder.
Until it reached the heavens themselves.
The earth shook.
Sonic cried out
He ran away from the door.
"Ivo! Let me in!"
His howl tore through the air.
It felt like a wave of thunder crashing toward him.
The earth started shaking.
The floor moved.
The darkness opened up.
Ivo stepped through.
Sonic ran up to him.
He was covered in dirt and grime.
His eyes were red and puffy.
He dropped to his knees.
Ivo looked him over.
"Why, you've got a lot of dirt on you..."
"It's not dirt! It's... ashes!"
"What the hell are you?"
"I'm... I'm..."
Sonic didn't know what to say.
Ivo looked up at him and let out a low growl.
"You've got a lot of spirit in you. A lot more than you know."
Ivo held up a hand, palm out.
"Come with me, boy."
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Sonic screamed with pure rage and slapped Ivo's hand. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE I LOVED, YOU NEVER TRIED TO HELP ME, YOU WERE JUST TRYING TO MAKE ME TRUST YOU UNTIL YOU BACKSTABBED ME, BUT GUESS WHAT DEAR 'EGGMAN', I'M NOT THAT STUPID"Ivo rolled his eyes."I never said you were stupid. But perhaps you are as dense as you seem. How did you even get here in the first place?"Ivo asked.
Sonic started crying.
He wiped his eyes.
"I... I was running away from the voices. I... they follow me."
Ivo nodded."What did they want you to do?"Sonic swallowed and wiped his tears."Kill you."
Ivo stood silent, looking at the Hedgehog in the eyes.
"... Maybe... Maybe they were right about it." Sonic said, he chuckled a little, tears still falling down his face.
"If... If I kill you... Then I will avenge them... Heh... Maybe I should really kill you." Sonic was desperate at this point, he didn't know what was right for him anymore.
Ivo looked at the boy.
"Well, what do you want to do?"
Sonic thought for a moment.
"If I kill you... Will they... Will they be happy?"
Ivo gave out a low growl.
"Let's find out."
Ivo stepped forward, raising his hand in the air.
Sonic cried out in fear.
Right before the lighting coming out of Ivo's hand fell, he evaded it.
The doctor looked at the confused blue hedgehog, he was visibly shaken, he almost died.
The fight between both had officially begun.
Sonic let out a cry of rage and curled into a ball, spindashing into Ivo, he needed to bring the Doctor down, he had to.
Ivo laughed, tossing the ball of energy at the boy, who leaped out of the way.
Sonic rolled onto his back, using his spikes to propel himself backwards.
Ivo threw a punch, which Sonic blocked, he dodged another, which he blocked, and another, which he blocked at the last second.
Sonic had found his balance and pushed off the ground with both feet, jumping at Ivo and hitting him right in the jaw, which sent Ivo flying into the wall, and crumpling to the floor.
Sonic was right about to attack him, that was until Neo Metal Sonic came out to Ivo's help.
The robot hedgehog went foward right to attack the blue hedgehog.
But the blue hedgehog was faster, he jumped sideways, and with a pair of spikes pushed the robot back, and slammed him into the wall.
The robot tried to attack him again, yet, Sonic managed to take out a crowbar out of the destroyed wall, and stabbed him in the chest, ending the robot for good.
Now only Ivo was left.
Ivo tried to stand, yet he was greatly weakened from his earlier efforts.
The blue hedgehog jumped up at Ivo, who was unable to move or dodge.
Sonic delivered a strong and fast kick at Ivo's head, breaking his neck, and finally, killing him.
Sonic started panting, it was over, and he was exhausted from that fight.
"I... I did it... I avenged you all... Friends."
Sonic felt himself collapsing to the ground, sleep seemed like a nice idea now.
And closing his eyes, he let himself fall into a dream, a deep, deep dream.
He could finally rest in peace.
You have reached the "Sonic Battle" ending.
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fablesrose · 3 years
Description: Y/n, a girl who seems to have found her calling. Being a SHIELD agent is like a dream come true. With a friendship starting to form with the Avengers, she’s the Queen of the world! What could go wrong?
Pairings: Avengers x reader, Loki x reader (eventually)
Warnings: fluff, angst
OKAS Masterlist~Masterlist
The days were getting better. I think.
Food was a blessing. I haven't had real food for seven years; I should have cherished it.  Luckily I had the biggest pile of breakfast food I think I had ever seen placed on my plate.
"Are you going to eat all of that?"
I glanced at Steve, then back at my plate, then back at him, then at my plate.
I never answered him.
I've been living on smoothies for the past six months, then before that, I wasn't even sure if what I was eating was food. My stomach was probably not as big as it once was.
Despite this, I dug in anyway. I had forgotten how good food was, even though I've been out of that cell for a few meals now. I just kept eating to the point where I didn't notice everyone else coming into the kitchen.
"Hey Y/n, I wanna introduce you to the rest of the team," Tony placed a hand on my shoulder making me jump.
I quickly swallowed and wiped my mouth clean, "Okay."
He went around the room giving me names one by one.
"This is Vision."
He had red skin and didn't look human with a yellow stone in his head.
"He's an android."
"That's Sam." Tony pointed at the man leaning against the counter eating a bowl of oatmeal. He raised his bowl in acknowledgment. He looked nice enough.
"You've met Wanda and Bucky."
I nodded at them. Wanda didn't look at me, but Bucky waved.
"Rhodey is over there." He lifted a hand. He looked older than the others, closer to Tony's age.
Tony looked around the room, "You'll meet Peter later, he's at school."
There was a blur of blue light that came from the hallway that headed towards the fridge before coming back to sit at the counter.
"And that would be Pietro, he's the guy you sparred with. He and Wanda are twins. Any questions?"
"The last time I asked a question under normal circumstances I got kidnapped seven years ago, so I'm good." I looked at Pietro, he looked a little tired, but otherwise alright. "Hey, nice to finally officially meet you, sorry I almost killed you the other day."
He glanced up at me, "Can't say I return the pleasure, and uh, thanks."
"That's fair."
"That was awfully nonchalant of you." Loki took the seat next to me, stealing a piece of toast. I was nearly full, so I didn't mind.
"Hey, I would have said the same thing if I ever got an apology from you."
"I have apologized."
"I don't remember it."
"You've said it yourself, you've forgotten a lot of things over the last seven years."
I tilted my head, "I'm pretty sure I would have remembered if you ever apologized. That would be cemented in my brain."
Loki hesitated, "I'll admit you weren't quite... in your right mind when I did it."
"You were high."
I thought back, "Which time?"
I heard a snort from somewhere in the room; I had forgotten people were there to listen in.
"You were given a sedative for one of your checkups after the... incident."
"Ah. Still don't remember it."
He sighed, "Fine, I'm sorry."
I smiled, "Thank you."
There was a pause where I took another couple of bites of my breakfast.
"So, anyone wanna tell me the story behind that?" Sam said, looking absolutely baffled.
I side-eyed Loki, "Do you wanna tell them, or should I?"
Do we have to tell the story?
Come on Lokes, it's a funny story!
I don't find it that funny.
Oh, the God of Mischief, otherwise known as chaos, doesn't find a story, where he makes some chaos, funny.
"So who's telling the story?"
I glanced up at Bucky before looking back at Loki. He looked slightly uncomfortable.
"I guess I am." I slid the rest of my plate away from me, officially full.
"I'm not staying for this." Loki started to stand before I grabbed his wrist.
"Oh no, you don't. You're gonna sit your ass back down and listen."
"I could just teleport away, you know that."
I looked him dead in the eye, "But you're not going to."
He grumpily rested his head on his fist and didn't reply.
I looked around the room, making sure everybody was there. "Alright, so it goes like this. I'm just coming back from an infiltration mission, full-on Hydra gear, the whole setup. My superior, Agent Brian Fletcher-- how is Fletcher, by the way?"
Tony answered, "He's retired, got a nice cabin in the northwest."
"Good for him."
I continued the story, putting in a few more comedic details than there were. Tony and Loki looked at me suspiciously but didn't say anything.
"And so I'm lying there, can't breathe, and I'm just like, 'You son of a bitch, what the heck?'"
The room erupted in laughter. I looked over at Loki who had a small smile on his face while he looked at his hands on the counter.
I finished the story with grace and excused myself to my room. Social interactions were exhausting now and I still had to get used to "normal life." It was nice; having friends was nice. It's been a while since I've had some.
I lied on the bed--no, on my bed. The lights were dimmed as I tried to recharge a little bit. The bed was soft, I just sunk right into it, but it was almost too soft. Seven years of sleeping on a cot that was only a fraction better than the floor can do that to you. I couldn't get comfortable so I eventually lowered myself to the floor, sitting up against the side. The memory of the cots had stirred something in me.
"Hey, Jarvis?"
A voice that was not Jarvis answered me, "Jarvis has been incorporated into the android Vision on the team and is no longer in service. My name is Friday, is there something that I can help you with?"
I thought on it and mumbled to myself, "I guess his voice did sound familiar." I sighed before asking, "Do you have access to recovered Kingdom files?"
"Yes I do miss, what would you like me to look for?"
"Jasmine Okoro."
Friday paused as the AI searched the files. It then produced a hologram of the file in front of me. Friday began reading it out loud, "Prisoner D2- Jasmine Okoro. In facility from April 2010 to May 2014. Status: Deceased. Occasion of death: Duel. Final Opponent: Asset D1-The Queen. Results-"
Friday kept reading through the report, but I stopped listening. I just kept reading the status and the final opponent over and over.
I killed Jasmine.
Something under my skin started to feel unnatural. More than usual I should say.
"Friday, where's the nearest fortified room? Like a panic room? And the fastest route to get there."
I barely heard its instructions, but I made it there and locked the door behind me. The walls were white concrete and not entirely smooth. I stumbled to the center of the room before collapsing on my knees.
I forced myself to look at my hands as ink sprouted from my fingertips and spread up my arms. These hands killed my only friend while in hell. I pounded my hands against the ground, trying to make myself feel something. Something beyond the unexplainable feeling of my skin.
Eventually, it wasn't enough and I had to release even more. Spears shot from my fingers and shattered against the walls, but I still needed to release more. The anger, the despair, and maybe there was a bit of jealousy there too. She didn't suffer as long as I did. Most of it was the guilt and the grief that seemed to rot my insides.
A cloud of soot exploded from my body with such force that I could hear it hit the walls around me. I collapsed to the ground, trembling and exhausted. This was the first time I had used Noxy's powers. I'm not sure how I felt about it, and I was too tired to care.
Tears streamed down my face onto the ground and I shut my eyes tightly, cradling my hands to my chest. Everything felt empty, my mind, my heart.
I had never been more grateful that there wasn't a thought in my head.
Loki sat at the counter while everyone else finished their breakfast and dispersed to work on their own tasks.
"That's not really how that story goes is it?"
Loki glanced over to see that Pietro was the last one in the kitchen other than himself. "No, no it isn't."
"What's the truth?"
Loki smirked, "You're asking the truth from the god of lies?"
Pietro's eyes looked weary, but sparked in amusement, "We all know you're about as honest as the rest of us."
A glass of water appeared in Loki's fingertips, "I guess that's true enough, young one." He took a sip. "The truth is, is that I almost killed her that day. She had just gotten her big break to fulfill her dreams and I threw her back to the bottom of the ladder with that severe of an injury."
"And she's able to just laugh it off with you never really apologizing until now?"
"You'll find she's like that." He paused, "Understand, that she will apologize to you as many times as you require of her, but-"
"I get it," Pietro interrupted, "Y/n's got more pressing matters on her plate than a sparring match gone slightly too far."
Loki watched the young man appraisingly, "Quite right, thank you."
The room was quiet for a moment before Loki started to notice some faint noises. His eyebrows wrinkled as he tried to decipher what exactly the sound was and where it was coming from. He looked at Pietro, "Do you hear that?"
"The thumping? Yes, but I figured that was just tired hallucinations, but I guess not."
They both stood and started wandering, trying to identify where it was coming from until there was a louder sound, loud enough for them to feel in their feet. They paused and found that it had gone quiet.
"Friday? Where was that coming from?"
The AI recited what room and they found their way without much hurry, only a bit of curiosity.
They found the room and found it to be locked. Loki turned the knob without too much trouble after a wave of his hand. He cautiously peeked his head through the door to see if it was safe. Once he came to the conclusion that nothing was going to attack him he opened the door wide enough for Pietro to follow. Loki's eyes landed in the center of the room where he saw a huddled form.
It didn't seem to be moving.
Loki rushed to the figure and his breath of relief caught in his throat when he realized that it was Y/n, despite the fact that he saw she was breathing.
"Is she okay?"
Loki looked her over, "I think so... She appears to be sleeping. I can't find anything wrong."
"Well that's good," Pietro sat down on the concrete, "say, Loki, do you remember what color this room used to be?"
Loki subconsciously ran his finger along the floor before lifting his eyes to the ceiling, "I'm not entirely sure, but I do know it wasn't stained black."
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shinayashipper · 3 years
Rivalshipping - Surprise
CW // mentions of side character not canon death / accident
This is something I wrote on impulse without really thinking so there must be lots of error but yep, it gets a lil emotional. Maybe will post a edited ver later on ao3 but now I just wanna dump this, enjoy this 80% Yugi's anxiety and 20% cheesy stuff
The pitter-patter of the rain slowly turned into a drizzle and soon it's raining, hard. People in the streets scrambled off, some pulled their umbrellas, some pulled their hoodies on, steps becoming faster, finding shelter from the rain.
Yugi glanced at the time in his phone. He had been there for almost one hour. Still not a single message from Kaiba.
He chewed on his inner cheeks, pursing his lips. Opening Kaiba's chat-box again, his last message "Where are you?" Still left unread.
A flash and a roar of thunder almost made him jump. Turning his head, through the full-wall glass windows of the coffee shop, he saw how the rain picked up even harder. Only occassional cars passing by could be seen now, no more pedestarians around.
A glance to the time again, and now it marked one hour since he arrived. His coffee, left untouched and cold. Yugi felt another stab into his heart that hurt even more as more minutes ticked by.
Kaiba just stood him up.
No, that can't be it, right? Yugi typed into Kaiba's chat-box again, "Is everything okay? Where are you?" And it still left unread. He had tried calling him, to his personal number, which no one answered to, and then to his work number, which got connected to his secretary. An AI-secretary, Kisara08, who answered in soft yet robotic voice that "Kaiba-sama is not in the office today."
Another heavy feeling gnawed in his chest. A small part of him told him that Kaiba stood him up, finally getting tired of you, you're not good enough as he expected after all- and also the more reasonable, and anxious part of him: something must have happened.
Something that made Kaiba not able to see messages or responds to him, even though he almost never left his devices behind.
Suddenly Yugi's body felt cold and his palms clammy. He just thought of a terrible something Kaiba might be involved in. Whipping his head to the glass windows again, the rain never stopped. It might be a storm.
A storm. An accident.
Yugi stood up so fast that he almost knocked back his chair, the table rattled and some of his untouched coffee spilled. He didn't care. Grabbing his coat, he only had a single thought in mind. Kaiba.
Before he could reach the doors, though, an employee hurried to block his way. "Excuse me, sir, a-are you leaving?" Yugi frowned at the man. He had already paid for the coffee so why- "I'm in a hurry," Yugi almost snapped, his hands still felt so cold, he must go and see Kaiba now, "I already paid."
The man looked disturbed and conflicted, seemed to be glancing back and forth to the other employees, as if asking for some support or to confirm something. Yugi had no time for this, God knows what was happening to Kaiba right now. He tried to side-step the man, only for his arm to be pulled back, hard. Desperate.
"What are you doing!?" Yugi hadn't raised his voice in a while but right now he's almost in a panic and his voice came out like an ugly shriek, "I need to go!" He had to go- he had to make sure that Kaiba's alright- where should he go- he actually didn't know yet, maybe the Manor, maybe one of the several appartments Kaiba had in the city- whatever, whereever, he's going to find Kaiba. He must.
Another roar of thunder could be heard.
"It's- it's raining, sir! Please wait for the rain-"
Rain. It's almost a storm. The storm. How many times had it take away Yugi's precious ones?
The car crash, his father, dying. Help came so late because of the stupid, stupid rain.
"It's all the reason why I have to go now!" Yugi snatched his arm away and bolted to the door. He had wasted one hour waiting for Kaiba which he should've done to search for him. Too absorbed in the thought that he stood him up, too frozen to even move- Kaiba might be in pain right now and he could be too late, just because he willowed too much on the thoughts that he didn't matter- too busy thinking about himself that he didn't consider to get up and go search and-
Just when he reached it, the door opened, and it revealed- Kaiba.
A very out of breath, soaked Kaiba. Drenched from head to toe. His coat left a puddle under him.
Yugi froze. They both froze. Kaiba opened his mouth and a shaky "Yugi," came out from his lips. Kaiba had an unreadable look on his face, angry? Pained? A face he usually made when he messed up. "I'm s-"
But Yugi didn't care. His legs turned into jelly suddenly and he fell forward. Kaiba caught him before he could face-plant into the floor. Kaiba's drenched wet and cold but Yugi didn't care. His shaky arms reached up and wrapped around Kaiba. Tight. As if to make sure it was really him. It was. It's him. It's Kaiba.
A sob caught in his throat and Yugi buried his face on Kaiba's chest. Cold and damp, but he could feel the rise and fall of his breathing. The sound of his heartbeat. The signs of him alive.
"Kaiba-kun..." you're okay, "Ka-Kaiba...k-kun-" you're alright, Yugi wanted to say but he couldn't manage anything else besides a choked sob of his name. Yugi realized that they're both kneeling on the floor of the shop now, surrounded by the employees and other patrons. They're making a scene but Yugi didn't care- Kaiba was here. Cold and damp, but he's here, he's breathing and holding him close and nosing his hair and alive.
"Um, well. Kaiba-sama, sir-" Kaiba's arms around him tightened and Yugi felt Kaiba turned back slightly to regard whoever it was calling him. "I-I suppose it's time for- for the band?"
Band? Yugi still felt somewhat weak but he glanced up from Kaiba's chest to peer at his face. Kaiba nodded his affirmative and then the shop's lights turned off. Yugi instinctively tightened his grip on Kaiba's damp coat. They're still sprawled on the floor but Yugi could see a make-shift stage slowly lightened up in the center of the room. The lights revealed a band that Yugi could recognize anywhere. His favourite rock band in the whole world. They look a little sheepish but they're ready to perform.
"Everyone cheer for our man right here, Mutou Yugi!" The vocalist cheered and the music started as everyone in the room stood up and scream and dance.
Yugi felt his mouth gaping for a minute now, and he's still there kneeling on the floor and holding onto Kaiba. What the heck is happening, exactly?
"It needed more time than I expected for the band to arrive, because of the bad weather, and I thought you left already," still cold lips touched his temple and Yugi looked back to see Kaiba grimacing for his incompetence, "Sorry I'm late, but," large hands cupped Yugi's cheeks and pulled him closer, and then the cold lips touched his.
When Kaiba pulled back, there were still traces of his self-grimace but he gave Yugi a smile nonethess. Yugi felt like crying again as the music went up and the crowd's cheer went wild,
"Happy birthday, Yugi."
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