#heart chakra healing
nisha-md · 7 months
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dreamzandexperiences · 8 months
4th Chakra: The Most Beautiful Heart / Anahata Chakra
In the intricate web of the human energy system, the "Heart Chakra", also known as the Anahata Chakra, occupies a central and profound place.
Heart Chakra Unveiling the Anahata Chakra: In the intricate web of the human energy system, the “Heart Chakra”, also known as the Anahata Chakra, occupies a central and profound place. Situated at the midpoint of the body’s seven chakras, this energy centre holds the key to: Love, Compassion, Empathy, and Balance. Nurturing the Heart’s Essence The Anahata Chakra is not merely a physical…
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
Opening the Pathway to Love: A Guided Meditation for the Heart Chakra
Shaina Tranquilino
August 4, 2023
It is essential to find ways to nurture our emotional well-being and cultivate love and compassion within ourselves. The heart chakra, also known as Anahata, is the energy centre responsible for connecting us with these feelings. Located at the centre of our chest, this powerful chakra governs our capacity to give and receive love, forgiveness, empathy, and gratitude. By meditating on our heart chakra, we can create a harmonious balance in our lives and foster healthy relationships with others. Join me on a transformative journey through a guided meditation dedicated to opening and healing your heart chakra.
Step 1: Find a Serene Space
Begin by finding a quiet space where you won't be disturbed for the duration of your meditation practice. Ensure that the environment is calm, comfortable, and free from distractions. You may choose to light some candles or play gentle background music to enhance the ambiance.
Step 2: Get Comfortable
Sit in a relaxed position - either cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Straighten your spine while keeping your body relaxed; gently close your eyes.
Step 3: Deep Breathing
Take several deep breaths in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. With each inhale, imagine drawing in positive energy into your heart space; with each exhale, release any tension or negativity.
Step 4: Visualize Green Light
Visualize a vibrant green light radiating from the centre of your chest, representing your heart chakra. As you inhale deeply, imagine this green light growing brighter and more expansive with every breath.
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Step 5: Focus on Loving Affirmations
Repeat loving affirmations silently or aloud such as "I am worthy of love," "I forgive myself and others," and "I am open to receiving and giving love." Allow these affirmations to resonate within your heart space, filling it with warmth and compassion.
Step 6: Release Emotional Blockages
As you continue breathing deeply, visualize any emotional blockages or past hurts dissolving away. Imagine them being gently released from your heart chakra as the green light expands further, purifying and healing this energy centre.
Step 7: Cultivate Love and Compassion
Direct your focus towards yourself, acknowledging that self-love is the foundation of all relationships. Visualize a radiant pink light enveloping your entire being, emanating pure love and compassion. Feel this love permeate every cell of your body, uplifting and nurturing you.
Step 8: Extend Love Outwards
Now, expand your loving energy beyond yourself. Visualize sending waves of unconditional love and compassion to those around you - family, friends, colleagues, even strangers. Envision this beautiful energy connecting hearts across distances and fostering harmony in the world.
By dedicating time to meditate on our heart chakra regularly, we can create profound shifts in our lives. Opening ourselves up to love and compassion not only benefits us personally but also has a ripple effect on those we encounter daily. Through this guided meditation for the heart chakra, may we all cultivate a deep sense of connection, forge healthier relationships, and contribute to a world filled with more love and understanding.
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twinflamesandtarot · 1 year
Green heart chakra 💚healing bath ritual 🛀
The new moon is always an ideal time to let go of the past. Water can purify and clear out negative energy. Soak up the blessings and open up to receive good vibrations. ❇️
Green is the color of the heart chakra. It is a colour of good health, wealth, prosperity and grounding energy. You may add gem stones or crystals to amplify the intention of your ritual.
I am working on breaking the generational cycle of lack. The negative thought pattern here is that money is difficult to obtain and that you must suffer to accumulate it. I love a life of ease. I believe money is energy and like attracts like. I believe money comes to me easily and everything I spend comes back to me expediently!
I watched the water drain and I let my bad thoughts go down with it. I released the all my negative habits and the subconscious programming I received from my family. I was honest about my perceived limitations and wrote them down on paper. I burned the passer with a green candle and blew the ashes in the wind.
Since then I have had a luxurious stay and even got an upgrade. I met some affluent people and got lots of compliments on my work. My overall outlook is more positive and the pit of worry has disappeared from my body. I ask for what I want and I expect to receive it. My level of confidence is so much higher!
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phoenix----rising · 7 months
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𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑏𝑦 𝑀𝑢ℎ𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑑 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑎ℎ
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
spiritual notes: the path of the heart 💚
When exploring the intricacies of spiritual consciousness, one often encounters a labyrinth of interconnected themes, energies, and practices. At the center of this exploration lies the concept of living from the heart, a state of being that transcends the limitations of the ego-driven mind and aligns one with the universal force of love. This journey toward heart-based consciousness is not only a spiritual pursuit but also a practical approach to navigating life's challenges with grace and wisdom.
In the realm of spirituality, the mind often presents itself as an obstacle to living from the heart. It whispers doubts and fears, suggesting that focusing on love will detract from one's efficiency and practicality. However, as we delve deeper into the nature of heart-based living, we discover that the mind does not cease to function; rather, it operates under a new jurisdiction—the law of love. This concept of mind-heart coherence allows us to harness the intelligence of the heart while still engaging in daily tasks and responsibilities.
Living from the heart enables us to perceive reality through a different lens—one that is attuned to the energy behind words and actions. Instead of reacting defensively to criticism or grievances, we become adept at sensing the underlying desire for connection and intimacy. This heightened awareness fosters deeper understanding and empathy in our relationships, transforming conflicts into opportunities for growth and healing.
At the core of heart-based consciousness lies the recognition that love is the highest truth, the ultimate guiding force in the universe. This acknowledgment leads us on a path of devotion, a journey toward aligning ourselves with the divine essence of love. While this path may present challenges and resistance from the ego, it ultimately leads to a profound surrender to the power of love.
In various spiritual traditions and esoteric teachings, the concept of the heart is deeply intertwined with themes of devotion, transformation, and spiritual evolution. For example, in Christianity, the path of devotion mirrors the journey of Jesus Christ, who withdrew to the wilderness to commune with God and align himself with divine love. Similarly, in astrology, the Sun symbolizes our connection to our spiritual essence, representing the core of our being and our capacity to radiate love and light into the world.
The astrological sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, embodies the qualities of courage, creativity, and generosity that are synonymous with heart-based consciousness. Leos are known for their strong vital energy and their ability to lead with warmth and kindness. Through their connection to the heart, Leos embody the archetype of the hero, bravely facing life's challenges with love and integrity.
As we journey through life, we are invited to cultivate the power of our cosmic heart, to embrace the light of our true essence, and to align ourselves with the universal force of love. This journey requires courage, dedication, and a willingness to surrender to the wisdom of the heart. Yet, in doing so, we discover a profound sense of fulfillment, purpose, and joy that transcends the limitations of the egoic mind.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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mycrystalearth · 5 months
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urloveangel · 8 months
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yearning4u0nly · 1 year
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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speak from your heart 💗 remind people of their innate beauty and talents
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neptunes-sol-angel · 9 months
Crystal Tip from the Sol Angel
If you somewhat enjoy your job and the people that you work with, but desire extra money, then carry Malachite with you while you work your shift.
I was a food runner at a big screen bistro, and wore my "heart chakra necklace" for emotional healing, but ended up receiving an abundance of tips for the entire week that I wore it.
This is what it looks like btw
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lovelydwyn · 5 months
Going out to a bar on the weekend is cool but have you ever locked yourself in a dark room with dimly glowing and twinkling lights, nag champa, 639 Hz frequencies, cho ku rei, and spent the night conversing with your angels and guides.. cuz yeah….
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ivemanifest · 2 months
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The highest expansion starts from within and the vibration of an open heart.
Allowing yourself to fully accept your heart is allowing yourself to accept the moment and knowing deeply that you are always moving forward.
Deep vibrations of love and expansion are fully here. In this moment when you tune into your heart, you'll feel the infinite abundance of life, of love, of joy & the deepest purest bliss.
Having your heart open is a practice and a conscious decision that is made repeatedly. Yet the end results are so much more satisfying and fulfilling, when you finally set yourself free with an open heart 🤍
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twinflamesandtarot · 1 year
Green heart chakra 💚healing bath ritual 🛀
The new moon is always an ideal time to let go of the past. Water can purify and clear out negative energy. Soak up the blessings and open up to receive good vibrations. ❇️
Green is the color of the heart chakra. It is a colour of good health, wealth, prosperity and grounding energy. You may add gem stones or crystals to amplify the intention of your ritual.
I am working on breaking the generational cycle of lack. The negative thought pattern here is that money is difficult to obtain and that you must suffer to accumulate it. I love a life of ease. I believe money is energy and like attracts like. I believe money comes to me easily and everything I spend comes back to me expediently!
I watched the water drain and I let my bad thoughts go down with it. I released the all my negative habits and the subconscious programming I received from my family. I was honest about my perceived limitations and wrote them down on paper. I burned the passer with a green candle and blew the ashes in the wind.
Since then I have had a luxurious stay and even got an upgrade. I met some affluent people and got lots of compliments on my work. My overall outlook is more positive and the pit of worry has disappeared from my body. I ask for what I want and I expect to receive it. My level of confidence is so much higher!
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phoenix----rising · 8 months
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𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑏𝑦 𝑆𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑧 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐴𝑟𝑡
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Let's Learn! - Dendritic Agate
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DENDRITIC AGATE: Also Can Be Known As Tree/Moss Agate Depending On Inclusions Good For Spiritual Awareness Increases Abundance And Grounding Helps With Stress Associated With The Nervous System Deals With Heart And Root Chakras Releases Negative Emotions And Guilt Works Well With Jobs In Agriculture And Botany Helps Connections With Family And Loved Ones Stress And Pain Reducer Aids In Trauma Healing Brings Safety In Travels
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