#healthy diet plans
wellnesgreen · 10 months
Feeling fatigued and devoid of vitality? It's high time to rejuvenate your physique and enhance your overall well-being through healthy diet plans. A nutritious and well-balanced alimentary regimen stands as a vital cornerstone for preserving optimal health and invigoration. Within the confines of this composition, we shall delve into the significance of nourishing consumption, furnish you with a comprehensive manual for crafting a dietary blueprint, and proffer invaluable suggestions to fortify your adherence to aspirations.
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chris-martinez · 1 year
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Healthy living is everyone's desire that's why people include exercise in their daily routine. People like to do workout at home, park, or at the gym. For better physical fitness people hire personal trainers to design their workouts & diet plans. A personal trainer makes exercise interesting & maximizes the workout timing. Listen to the podcast & know why personal trainers are important for healthy living. If you want to hire a personal trainer in Henderson & Las Vegas then contact Aguirre Fitness. Visit the website to explore our other fitness training program. For more information, call us at (702) 308-7816 to discuss your fitness needs.
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prettieinpink · 6 months
Question about Cycle Syncing. Do you know where i can find, like a masterlist of food that fits into the steps of the cycle? I always see the same food but how abt the rest? Would be nice to know for example for meal building.
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This post is a masterlist of everything that is recommended you eat while cycle syncing. if you don’t know what that is, read this beginner guide.
This post is a researched post, because I actually couldn’t find a proper masterlist. So, I researched what kinds of nutrients you need during your 4 phases, but I am NO DOCTOR. Just a little disclaimer!
MENSTRUAL/FOLLICULAR PHASE - high iron, vitamin C foods
Silver beet
String beans
Sweet potatoes
Beet greens
Dandelion greens
Chilli peppers
Sweet yellow peppers
Brussel sprouts
Black currants
Dried beef
Whole wheat bread
Enriched pasta
Rye bread
Enriched rice
OVULATORY PHASE – complex carbs, lean proteins, anti-inflammatory, vitamin B6, folate/choline
Sweet potato
Red potato
Green peas
Butternut squash
Turnip greens
Romaine lettuce
Sweet corn
Pink grapefruit
Egg whites
Strained yoghurt
Skinless white meat poultry
Plain greek yoghurt
Low fat cottage cheese
Lean beef
Powdered peanut butter
Beef liver
Pork loin
Organ meat
Kidney beans
Green peas
LUTEAL PHASE – High fibre, vitamin B12, magnesium
Swiss chard
Collard greens
Green peas
Sweet corn
Bok choy
Animal liver
Animal kidney
Swiss cheese
Fresh coconut
Sunflower seeds
Dark chocolate
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vanilla5567 · 17 days
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wieiad 🫶🏼
369 cals
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dietcokekittn · 8 months
Today’s eats✨
669 cals total
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bonefall · 3 months
are amphibians like newts and frogs considered aquatic? i know crustaceans & mollusks would be
Yes they are! Generally, the more time it spends on land, the closer it will be to 5 calories than 4. The estimate was actually based on frogs and tadpoles, I had to make an educated guess.
My best source was a feeding chart from a reptile food website which sells whole small prey for consumption by snakes. It perfectly lists out the values of dozens of small animals, but no fish. So I took a note of the 4 calorie estimate, observed that an adult frog increases in calories compared to tadpoles (bucking the trend with the others on the list where younger animals are worth more caloric value) and went on to do more research
I couldn't find a source that broke down WHOLE prey caloric value like the chart, so I ended up comparing caloric value between rabbit fillets, chicken fillets, and fish fillets on human-centric nutrition websites. My hypothesis was mostly consistent, even with more species added. Fish (perch, flounder, pike) < Wild Mammal (rabbit, squirrel) < Poultry (chicken, turkey, quail). There was overlap between "classes", certain fish getting over the 100 hump, but generally there was a trend I boiled down into 4/5/6
This is consistent with how a lot of fish meat is actually water. In fact, cats quench a lot of their thirst from the food they eat. I also learned some very interesting stuff about the fat distribution in fish which is going to blow a bit of a hole in some of my Clan culture stuff lmaoooo, but I'll furiously swim across that obliterated bridge when I get there
But funfact! Fish oil is rendered fish fats and it is the form that unsaturated fat takes, whereas lard is what saturated fats become. I need to do more research into this topic to understand what kind of difference it would make in a wild cat's diet.
There was one big bucked trend though: salmonid meat was WAAAAY higher in fat and calories. Like, absurdly high. Like 150 cal trout fillet vs 110 cal of rabbit fillet vs 88 cal of perch fillet.
I do not know why that is. My guess is that maybe it's because they were taking the number from farmed salmonids? Maybe it's because they're particularly fatty fish? Perhaps this is just the raw power of salmon slammin'.
Anyway, at one point I was trying to estimate exact caloric value per popular prey species, but decided I didn't have the "backing" to get so exact with the numbers since I was doing estimates with the fish. I'll do the work if it comes down to it, but for now, 4/5/6 is a quick, easy guideline you can use for just about any WC project.
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fattofitsure · 11 months
Meal plan for weight loss
A well-balanced meal plan for weight loss typically includes a combination of nutrient-rich foods that are low in calories. Here's a sample meal plan to help you get started:
Option 1: Veggie omelet made with egg whites or egg substitute, filled with spinach, mushrooms, and bell peppers.
Option 2: Greek yogurt topped with berries and a sprinkle of nuts or seeds.
Option 3: Whole grain toast with avocado and sliced hard-boiled eggs.
Option 1: Apple slices with a tablespoon of almond butter.
Option 2: Carrot sticks with hummus.
Option 3: A small handful of mixed nuts.
Option 1: Grilled chicken or tofu salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and a light vinaigrette dressing.
Option 2: Quinoa or brown rice bowl with roasted vegetables and a lean protein source like grilled salmon or chickpeas.
Option 3: Whole grain wrap filled with lean turkey or chicken, lettuce, tomato, and mustard.
Option 1: Low-fat cottage cheese with sliced peaches.
Option 2: Celery sticks with peanut butter.
Option 3: Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of granola.
Option 1: Baked or grilled fish (such as salmon or cod) with steamed broccoli and a side of quinoa or sweet potato.
Option 2: Stir-fried tofu or lean beef with mixed vegetables (broccoli, bell peppers, snap peas) and brown rice.
Option 3: Grilled chicken breast with roasted Brussels sprouts and a small portion of whole wheat pasta.
Option 1: Sliced cucumbers with a low-fat yogurt dip.
Option 2: Air-popped popcorn.
Option 3: Hard-boiled eggs with cherry tomatoes.
It's important to note that individual dietary needs and preferences may vary. Adjust portion sizes according to your specific calorie requirements and consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized advice. Additionally, remember to stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues.
Click here to get meal plan
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spicyangelz · 5 months
"200 leg raises a day?!" Yes.
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So about the couch to 5k, i literally cant do it anymore i tried to go running but i slipped REALLY BAD and its freezing cold so ill do it again when its warmer (remind me in 2024 (☆ω☆)
In a month, we are having a festival at school and i have to fit in this REALLY tight dress because it was expensive and my mom wont buy me another(; ̄Д ̄) i bought it last year and i gained pretty much from it so i NEED to get to a better shape RIGHT NOW. im going to do 200 leg raises and an arm workout 6 times a week and i will update you guys in a week! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ if its works, i will continue until the festival. After the festival i will start exercising more normally and stick to volleyball and gym (im getting my gym card soon) more!!
my current sizes (please dont be mean(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄))
waist: 81cm
arms: 27cm
tigh(s): 56cm
lower belly: 89cm
spicyangelz is signing off! bye qties (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
UPDATE 1: It was my first time and oh god, my stomach was hurting so much, but my loer back was in pain so i will change it from crouches to leg raises since i cant do crouches correctly (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ and i ate so much sweets today, we made cookies and ate candy at school... but i will stop eating sugar after this day! i promise ill update you guys every time i see something change! (*´ I `)ノ゚(ノД`゚)゚。
UPDATE 2: i took a 2 day break since my abs were SO SORE. but today i will do the leg raises again and i feel like my stomach has already gotten flatter YAY\(≧▽≦)/i also feel alot better since i havent ate sugar in a while, this friday i will post my sizes again and lets see how much i have lost in a week! stay tuned angelz!
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rainyfestivalsweets · 3 months
So.... I need to vent, again.
This time about seemingly innocuous diet saboteurs.
For one thing- fucking Snapchat.
I have noticed that when I look at any of the snap subscription things (mainly gym/fitness related stuff) they fucking shove fast food ads in there.... and somehow it never seems to get to the title 'story' no matter how long you watch.
For Cripes sakes. One of the reasons I don't use that entertainment anymore is because of those fucking ads. So you want views? Match your fucking ads to what I need, like fucking Amazon does.
Know your audience, I absolutely don't want to see that shit. How about you show me some protein powder ads? As much as I despise Built bars, I would rather have ads for that than some bull shit food that NEVER tastes as good as the advertising looks. Seriously, FUCK OFF.
Another diet sabotage thing is when someone knows you are on a weight loss &/or health journey and they send you snaps or reels that reference fast food, mukbangs, or . Why would someone choose to inject that into your space? Do I really look like I am suffering from a lack of McDonald's? Cake memes? You think I don't know where the fucking cake lives? Come OOOOOON.
Please just don't. This is hard enough and this shit is fucking everywhere. It is inescapable in real life, I shouldn't need to be dodging bullshit from my friends and family.
What else?
Oh, if I say I have to go to so and so store for my favorite ice cream, Artic Zero, and you mention Dairy Queen, Culver's or Cold Stone.... seriously, fuck off. 😑
What is the difference? One is 1200 calories per serving (total guess, the bigger ones could be more) and has been known to cause me binges. Like, weeks long binges where I struggle to control what I consume, suffer blood sugar problems and literally spiral down into a vat of self hate and depreciation. One is 150 calories for a whole fucking pint, has protein and satisfies my craving. Pretty sure *I* know which one I want and what will make me feel better overall. Also- you think I don't know how amazing Cold Stone or Ben & Jerry's is?
I was over 300 pounds, as a relatively short woman.
I know where the fucking ice cream lives. 🙄
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Getting healthier can be really fucking hard. Don't make it harder on your people, we are already goddamn struggling daily and we are not being confronted by your big Mac snaps.
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dietetary · 7 months
Nadeszła jesień i pewnie wiele z Was czuje osłabienie, a nawet chroniczne zmęczenie. Co w takim razie mówi o tym dietetyka? Przed Wami spis suplementów m.in. na odporność, dobry humor czy świetną cerę, które rzeczywiście warto stosować w codziennej rutynie - efekty mogą Was zaskoczyć!
1) Witamina D: w okresie jesienno zimowym 4000 UI dziennie, od kwietnia do września 2000 UI na dobę. Dlaczego tak dużo, skoro w polskich normach żywienia jest to tylko 600 UI na dzień? Ponieważ, aby zapobiec krzywicy i utrzymać ilość kalcytriolu (aktywnej formy witaminy D3) we krwi na poziomie minimum 87 nmol/L należy dziennie przyjmować 3000 UI. Witamina D wykazuje również działanie antynowotworowe, terapeutyczne (np. depresji czy u osób z autyzmem, ponieważ początkuje produkcję serotoniny w organizmie), zmniejsza ciśnienie, ryzyko wystąpienia chorób serca oraz cukrzycy typu I. Znajdziecie ją m.in. w tranach, grzybach (np. shitake), margarynie miękkiej oraz mleku.
2) Lecytyna: pisałam już jakiś czas temu post o jej właściwościach. W skrócie - bardzo skuteczna, pochodzenia naturalnego pomoc w efektywnej nauce, koncentracji i zapamiętywaniu. Dzienne zapotrzebowanie wynosi od 2 g do 2,5 g. Znajdziecie ją w żółtku jaja kurzego, słoneczniku, rzepaku oraz ziarnach soi.
3) Probiotyki: a wraz z nimi prebiotyki (synbiotyki zawierają obie te rzeczy). Pro - czyli kolonie dobrych bakterii jelitowych, pre - frakcja błonnika nierozpuszczalnego, która dzięki tej właściwości jest pokarmem dla bakterii jelitowych, które go fermentują. Dbaj o swoje bakterie jelitowe, ponieważ to one w dużym stopniu dyktują Ci, jakie masz dziś samopoczucie, parszywe czy superowe poprzez oś mózg-jelita. Jak rozpieszczać naszych przyjaciół? Dbaj o dzienną podaż błonnika (wg WHO 25 g błonnika dziennie) w tym tego nierozpuszczalnego z m.in. płatków owsianych, otrębów, produktów pełnoziarnistych, orzechów i nasion. Natomiast aby dbać o prawidłowy skład naszej jelitowej ekipy należy jej dostarczać codziennie nowych towarzyszy przygody pod postacią fermentowanych produktów - kombuchy, kefirów, wszelkich kiszonych warzyw (ogórki, kimchi, rzodkiewki, co kto lubi) i innych.
4) Colostrum: tzw. siara, pierwsze wyprodukowane przez ssaki mleko pod koniec ciąży, które zawiera w sobie najwięcej laktoferyny oraz immunoglobulin G przyczyniających się do selekcji odpowiednich szczepów bakteryjnych w jelitach człowieka. Colostrum bogate w najcenniejsze składniki zapobiega wszelkim infekcjom czy alergiom, to jest dosłowny game changer w odporności.
5) Kolagen morski: last but not least dla zadbanej nie tylko cery, ale również stawów, kości, włosów czy paznokci. Dlaczego akurat morski, a nie żaden inny? Ponieważ ten konkretny pochodzenia rybiego ma najbardziej zbliżoną budowę do naszego, ludzkiego, dzięki czemu jest największa szansa, że wpasuje się w nasz i rzeczywiście zadziała.
Pamiętaj, suplementację zaczynamy dopiero wtedy, jeżeli Twoja dieta nie pokrywa zapotrzebowania na dany element. Właśnie w tym tkwi piękno dietetyki - aby wyciągać wszystko co potrzebne Z PYSZNEGO JEDZENIA, nie z kapsułki.
Post w odpowiedzi na wywołanie mnie do tablicy przez @lekkotakworld i @pozarta <3
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chris-martinez · 1 year
How Important Are Personal Trainer For Healthy Living?
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Nowadays everybody wants to live a healthy life. Nobody wants to live an unhealthy, unfit life. That's why most people add exercise to their routine life. People love to exercise in their homes, park, or at the gym. At the gym personal trainer design the whole workout & diet plan as per fitness objectives. They help you throughout the fitness journey. There are huge benefits to working with a personal trainer. Read the given blog & know why personal trainers are important for healthy living. If you are looking for a personal trainer then contact Aguirre Fitness located in Henderson, NV. Visit the website & know about our other fitness training programs. For more information, call us at (702) 308-7816 to discuss your fitness needs.
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healthy-liiviing · 1 month
Top 11 Habits For a Healthy Lifestyle
Move: Regular exercise keeps bones and muscles strong.
Eat Healthy: Include fruits, veggies, and lean proteins in your diet.
Breakfast: Boost metabolism by having a nutritious breakfast.
Hydrate: Drink plenty of water for overall well-being.
Sleep Well: Prioritize quality sleep.
Limit Processed Foods: Opt for nourishing options.
Exercise Regularly: Stay active.
Reduce Sitting Time: Move throughout the day.
Get Outdoors: Fresh air benefits mind and body.
Practice Mindfulness: Stay present and reduce stress.
Stay Positive: Cultivate a positive mindset.
Remember, these habits contribute to a healthier you! 🌿💪
download my ebook in here
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brownsugar-dreams · 2 years
21 Day Healthy Wealthy Body Cleanse
Leveling up is an ongoing journey. Lately I’ve been feeling the need to do a cleanse and welcome in new energy. I’m thinking a 21 day cleanse that incorporates mind, body, spirit exercises. One of the hardest parts about doing cleanses is not having someone to keep you accountable. If you’ve been wanting to do a cleanse, join the program where you can track your progress, connect with people who are also doing the cleanse, and get recipe ideas. You can join free anytime before the start date!
The first cleanse will be a liquid diet and will start on Monday October 10, 2022!
Always check with your doctor before starting any new changes to your diet, especially if you have medical issues.
For this cleanse you will need:
1. A juicer, blender, or citrus press
2. Fresh fruit and/or vegetables (preferably organic and in season)
Juice for breakfast
Juice for lunch
Juice for snack
Juice for dinner
Juicing Recipes: The Juicing Bible is an excellent resource. Amazon link: https://amzn.to/3qEsKBb
I’ll also post some recipes in the program group tab
3. Water, water, water! 💦 Water keeps you hydrated, clears skin blemishes, and normalizes your digestive system. Making sure that you are well hydrated during your cleanse is very important. You need to drink at least half of your body weight in water every day. For example if you weigh 150 lbs, you need to drink 75 ounces of water each day= 9 1/2 8 ounce glasses per day.
4. A lemon in at least 1 glass of water per day = 21 lemons for your water for the 21 days of this cleanse.
5. A gratitude journal to help you work on cleansing your spirit. Everyday when you wake up instead of grabbing your phone take a few deep breaths and cultivate a feeling of gratitude. Pull out your gratitude journal and write down one thing you are grateful for. You can do this while sipping on some lemon water.
6. Practice meditation for 5-10 minutes each day. This might be hard for some people but if you can attempt meditation after writing in your gratitude journal it’ll get easier each day.
7. $21 dollars. Give $1 away each day to a stranger. This can be in the form of a tip, charity, or just sending $1 to someone random each day. This will open up the reciprocation of universal energy of abundance and prosperity. If you’re unfamiliar with the flow of money, listen to this podcast episode.
Do your daily check-ins right on the program which you can access on my website or the app.
Sign up
Remember you are in control! If you want to do 2-3 days or 5-7 days or do 10-21 or more days the choice is yours! Take it one day at a time, listen to your body, and again check with doctor! I’m super excited! I can’t wait to hear about the amazing things that are going to manifest over the next few weeks. Let’s go!
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h0ney-b3a-143 · 9 days
yogurt covered blueberries (2 kcal each!)
hi!! I'm bea. here's a recipe for yogurt covered blueberries :)
Blueberries (0.7 kcal each)
Sugar Free Vanilla Chobani Yogurt (70 kcal per 3/4 cup)
Cinnamon to taste (3 kcal per tsp)
Wash blueberries
Mix Yogurt and cinnamon in a small bowl
using a fork, toss the blueberries in the yogurt to cover them fully.
Place blueberries on a pan covered in parchment paper
freeze for at least 1 hour, then place in a container
keep frozen when not in use!
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dietcokekittn · 7 months
Today’s eats✨
697 cals total
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