#he has a lot of duplicate expressions but i chose the smile one. where he's looking at u
cyborg-squid · 3 years
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there’s a lot to love about hijikata but my favorite charm point of his has to be his smile that manages to be both soft and smug at the same time.
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stillness-in-green · 3 years
Thoughts on Chapter 314 (and surrounding events)
Being a loose summary of several things I thought about in relation to the leaks, what they say about the series as a whole, a bit of new operating headcanon on the Peerless Thief, and a dash of how fandom is responding to the revelations. Spoilers, obviously.
This chapter makes it quite clear that the HPSC absolutely would have gone in and eliminated the PLF quietly, lethally, and wholly unlawfully if Hawks hadn't reported back the numbers that he did. The only reason the raid involved non-Commission-affiliated heroes at all is because the PLF's manpower was simply too much for the Commission to deal with via their usual methods. I'm both appalled that the disregard for human rights in HeroAca Land is somehow even worse than I thought it was and smug that that tiny little piece I recently posted criticizing the PLF's treatment has turned out to be totally justified and supported by the canon.[1] (Note that this does not absolve Horikoshi of the responsibility to, himself, treat the PLF better than paper dolls tossed into the incinerator of Plot Irrelevance when they cease being convenient to his story.) The fact that the Commission was forced to involve heroes might mean Re-Destro, Mr. Compress and the others are somewhat safer than might otherwise be the case. Because of the involvement of the unsuspecting stooges law-abiding heroes, and because the botched raid became such a huge disaster, there’s far more public scrutiny on this than would otherwise be the case. Of course, "accidents" can still happen,[2] especially in a chaotic environment, but the factors above (combined with Clone!RD murdering the bejeezus out of the Lady Prez) do, I think, suggest that there probably isn't an organized push for quick solutions going on behind closed doors.
I don't think Nagant has been around for a terribly long time or that there was an uptick in vigilantism in recent years—I think the scene where she mentions vigilantes becoming accepted as heroes is just in reference to the early history of heroism. It's in keeping with what Tsukauchi Makoto described in Vigilantes, and forms the basis of the current system—the current system that Nagant was a single cog in a big machine grinding away to preserve.
Speaking of Nagant and the system, it's interesting to me that one of the groups Nagant apparently targeted at the HPSC's behest was corrupt heroes—those who colluded with villains or specifically goaded/incited civilians into using their quirks illegally, thus turning civilians into capital-V Villains in the eyes of the law. One might easily say that targeting corrupt heroes (albeit using a much broader definition of "corrupt") was Stain's whole shtick, but it actually puts me more in mind of the Peerless Thief, Harima Oji. Harima punished greedy or corrupt heroes with theft, and presumably with a measure of declaration and exposure,[3] then distributed their money back to the streets. Someone who ridicules those who abuse their power, and gets away with it for long enough to build a reputation: that right there is a recipe for a folk hero. The HPSC, in whatever form they existed at the time, obviously couldn't let that go on—such repeated humiliations would weaken peoples’ faith in (and obedience to) the system the HPSC was trying to build. At the same time, though, it would also weaken faith in the system to openly acknowledge that system's flaws, to acknowledge that some pretty awful people had found their way into the heroics business specifically for the power and ability to abuse it that the title of Hero afforded them. Public trials would make it a matter of record that some heroes—and, accordingly, heroes at large—did not deserve the public's unquestioning faith. Obviously in a system that was built from the ground up on faith, that was unacceptable. And so Harima was branded a supervillain for exposing the system's flaws, while the corrupt heroes who embodied those flaws to begin with were—and continue to be—quietly disposed of at the HPSC’s discretion.
There's a lot of talk around about how Lady Nagant is stupid, or hypocritical, or delusional, or whatever other dismissive adjective people want to use, because she expresses a preference for AFO's rule over the HPSC's. Firstly, I think it's dubious Lit Crit to fault a character for not being a Paragon of Rationality, especially when they're under the cascading stressors Nagant has been under since she was, what, 13? 14? Forced to live this dichotomy of smiling gallant hero and ruthless covert assassin, had her life threatened by the man who'd taken her in,[4] probably dumped in Tartarus until such time as her trial could be held,[5] and kept in those ghastly, dehumanizing conditions for who knows how long? How shocking, that her objectivity might be somewhat compromised! Secondly, it's not like she's saying that AFO's rule would be a sunny walk in the park. The kanji she uses doesn't even mean "better"; while it can mean serene or tranquil, her more likely meaning is clear/transparent. Her phrasing indicates that she's aware it would be pretty bad; she's simply of the opinion that at least his rule wouldn't be a sham, a pretty lie. It would be bad, but everyone would know it. No one would have these comforting illusions they could lose at any time; if you stepped out of line and got shot in the head by an assassin, well, at least you would probably know you that being defiant was running that risk, rather than never seeing it coming because you'd been told all your life that Heroes Didn't Do That To People. Again, this is a woman whose life was shattered no less than three times by the duplicity of the highest acting authority in this comic.[6] She doesn't have to be Objectively Correct By The Standards Of Ethical Utilitarianism—nor do you have to agree with her choice that because she doesn’t want to live in the Matrix, no one else should get to either—for her opinion to make sense from her own perspective! Thirdly, while I think it's fair to say that the HPSC and AFO actually use fairly similar methods to recruit followers and punish dissenters, we have no idea how much Nagant herself knows about AFO's recruitment tactics other than her own brief experience of it. And while AFO is a controlling and manipulative bastard, at least in his case it's coming from a man who openly styles himself as a Demon King, not an organization positioning itself as lawful regulators of the protectors of society at large while secretly training child soldiers to flagrantly violate every law protecting the human rights and due process of that society's people.
Overhaul's presence is delightful, and yes, he is a victim of Hero Society, if only because Hero Society could have put him in some kind of prison-based rehab facility after Shigaraki was through with him, but chose to dispose of him in Tartarus instead, for absolutely no justifiable cause. I suspect it's only due to Horikoshi not being very interested in the harsh realities of the trauma caused by enforced isolation[7] that Overhaul is the only Tartarus escapee that talks to himself and has dissociated from reality almost completely. Overhaul's maiming was not the fault of Hero Society, nor did Hero Society force him to torture Eri and repeatedly commit cold-blooded murder. But his madness? Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable laying that one at Hero Society's feet, actually. I can’t wait for Deku to have to face the victim that Chisaki Kai has become due to levels of systemic cruelty and negligence that really ought to be criminal—and which, if this were real life, would be.
--------Lately, footnotes are really popular with us!--------
[1] Lady Nagant: *talks about how the Hero Society everyone believes in is illusory, a thin fake over a brutal reality, and that returning to the false simplicity of that status quo will only cause history to repeat itself* Me, two weeks ago: Hero Society will never stop creating its own villains so long as, every time it fails people, it does nothing but shrug and write off the victims as unavoidable, inevitable sacrifices for the greater good.
[2] Yes, I'm still highly suspicious of the "Destro committed suicide in prison" claim.
[3] Compress tells us Harima “preached reformation,” but regardless, you don’t dress up in a modified kabuki costume and waltz midair through nighttime cityscapes raining cash out of the sky if you’re trying to keep your activities a secret.
[4] And her family situation couldn't have been much better than Hawks', if she was targeted by the HPSC to begin with. I would guess she was an orphan in the childcare system, easy to move from whatever alternative care arrangement she was in, be it an orphanage, a group home, or simply mature enough despite her relative youth that she lived alone on government support payments—that kind of thing isn't as unbelievable in Japan as it is in the U.S.—to the HPSC's care.
[5] And given what we learned between this chapter and 297, I doubt she was even allowed to be present for it. Japanese law states that everyone by default is supposed to be present for their own trial, but as in the U.S, that right can be waived if the defendant proves themselves to be a threat to the safety of the judge, court staff and other attendees. And of course, what a threat the HPSC could have painted her as being!
[6] At least until Hori deigns to show us a damn Diet session.
[7] To say nothing of the physical consequences of spending six months stuck in a tiny room with no natural light while frequently being strapped into a straitjacket, of which there should also be several.
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mistaeq · 3 years
I'd like to request a part 6 matchup then please 👀 I'm a scorpio, INFP, bisexual, usually quiet, bizarre gen z sense of humor, big savior complex haha oops, I struggle with depression and I love drawing, listening to music and writing ofc. I get anxious in big crowds so I tend to avoid them, or if I can't avoid them then I just hide behind the person I trust. Thx bby ❤️
TW // depression is mentioned
Thank you for your request, Memory !! Hope you will enjoy this. Finally back with matchups ~♡
Stone Ocean Matchup
My first matchup choice for you is...
Narciso Anasui!
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When you first met, in Emporio's hidden room, Anasui asked himself how could such a quiet person like you be in jail. He genuinely couldn't get it. Narciso doesn't like too talkative people, since he moves, acts and listens to others for his own interests only. But your behavior really caught his attention. Someway maybe more than Kujo Jolyne did.
Since the first time he met anyone, that person would ask questions about his life, his mistakes, about the crime he had committed to be there. And he just didn't like it. That is why, the man had asked Emporio - or Weather Report - to be the one to inform people about his past before people asked him directly. But everyone always ended up asking him for more details. How annoying. You didn't, by the way.
Much to his surprise, though, you know how to me loud and chaotic too, above all when you and Foo Fighters laugh together over memes. He took a look at those too, just for the sake of knowing what you like. Might it be just because he knew that you were the one liking them, even if those memes were not his thing, he'll admit he's let out a couple giggles, looking through those along with you and F.F.
After he got to know you, it looked like Jolyne had completely slipped and gone away from his mind. Much to her happiness, to be honest. Narciso's undesired avances were on the verge of making her go completely feral. "It looks like it's your time to get his marriage proposals, Memory..." Kujo chirped, laughing at your shocked expression when she talked about marriage proposals.
Did you say savior complex? Narciso definitely cherishes this side of you. He's in love with the way you're always in the first row, when it comes to helping someone who needs your help. He even got the occasion to save you as well, when you happened to put yourself in trouble because of your will to absolutely help someone.
This exaggerated - but not negative at all - obsession about you made him wanna start to get all worried about everyone as well. Emporio always told you, Anasui never helped anyone, unless it regarded him or was for his own profit. You told him not to force himself over a behavior which didn't belong to him, since just like you do, he might have ended up in plenty of troubles. But he just wanted to conquer your heart.
Nobody would have dared to bet a single coin on it, but Narciso Anasui is an actual cheesy man, when he's infatuated for someone, who happens to be you. He won't even let depression get to you, the pink haired man is so ready to fight against it for you. In every hobby and passion of yours, you'll find him supporting you and complimenting your job.
This guy fucking loves reading. Please, don't be afraid to ask suggestions or opinions to him, when you're writing something and need someone to read it to comment it and maybe give you some tips. He didn't have many hobbies or things to do in prison, so he used to stick to reading books and letting his fantasy fly outside of the GD St. Jail. Plus we all know one if his all time favourite characters is Mickey... he's a hidden child.
He's never gonna bring you into crowded places, and even if he doesn't judge a place as "crowded", he's gonna ask you first anyway. The last thing Narciso wants is making you feel bad for a decision of his. He wouldn't forgive himself for such a thing. The man learnt to pay attention to your expressions of discomfort, and knows when he has to help you.
He doesn't like it, when he has to do it, because it means you're not feeling well, but he won't hide he feels pretty lucky, when you hide behind him, since it means that you really trust him. Don't tell anyone, but Jolyne and Foo Fighter overheard him bragging about this to an annoyed Weather Report, who just wanted to sleep and had to listen to Anasui's half-an-hour-long essay about you, instead.
My second matchup choice for you is...
Hermés Costello!
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Hermés has been having a crush on you, a pretty strong one, for a good amount of time by now, but the thought of you probably not liking girls was haunting her, and she had no idea of what to do to not to make it awkward. She looked for Jolyne, to ask her for an opinion... and overheard you right in the act of revealing your bisexuality to your best friend. Lucky! She started to hang around you more, after that day.
The truth is, that Costello usually laughs over the bizarre gen Z type of memes, but just doesn't want to admit it. She's naturally calmer than you, or for example Foo Fighters, so she thinks that laughing over those might make her menacing woman façade disappear. She doesn't know whether it might be easier to conquer you by being serious and mysterious or by laughing with you.
When she finally chose to confess, she did it in the most cliché way ever. She just didn't know how to do it. She left a note with a confession in your prison cell, and waited for a reaction from you. If it was positive, then, good for her, she would have been able to love you. If it was negative, she would have made up an excuse to make you believe the note was just one of Jojo and F.F.'s pranks. Luckily, you accepted.
Good thing you have such a savior complex, because Hermés tends to constantly put herself in an ocean of troubles, and will definitely need someone to save her everytime, along with Jolyne and Foo Fighters. If it wasn't for you questioning where she is everytime, she probably would have died after not even a week. But luckily, she has such a good girlfriend thinking about her when she needs it.
Depression? Say no more. Your girlfriend will never leave your side on days when you feel it kicking in more than usual. It's true, you can't do much in prison, but the woman keeps on promising you that once you'll be out of there, she'll bring you to lots of new places to explore, wherever you'd like, to take care of your sadness and bad feelings. Damn, finding love in prison is wild.
She sometimes uses Kiss to duplicate herself and be able to take care of you, above all when you're feeling down and needs something to cheer you up. Two Hermés aren't just perfect for cuddling, but also to have fun, since it's comic to see her twice. Though, you tend to ask her to not to do it often, since going back to a single one after Kiss's effect ends, is sometimes painful for Hermés and you're aware of it.
"Yo, Memory... is that possibly... me?" Costello asked, staring at the drawing you were working on, sitting in your prison cell, the sketchbook on your thighs. You nodded, smiling. You enjoyed sketching her, she was like art to you, and couldn't help loving her body and facial featured. "This is fucking amazing. For real Memory." she sat next to you, and kept on staring at your drawing. "Am I that beautiful in your eyes?"
Oh god. Jolyne and Foo Fighters mock the two of you so much because of your habits. Hermés and you often happen to fall asleep, your head on her shoulder and her head on yours, while you're sharing earphones and listen to your favourite music. Such things aren't really appreciated in the middle of the girls in your prison section, so Emporio allows you and your girlfriend to rest in his hidden room.
Hermés doesn't mind big crowds, but she can't say she enjoys them. She'd rather be in peace, or at least with a bunch of people she enjoys staying with, like you, Jolyne and Foo Fighters. The four of you are like a squad, and perfectly know that they have to keep you away from big crowds. Your girlfriend usually take care of it, but if she's not around, Jojo and F.F. do it for her.
Even without you asking for it, if you can't avoid the crowd, Costello will grab your hand, to make sure you don't get lost or panic because of all the people, and pull you through the confusion of the noisy voices, to a place where the two - or four, depends on whether your friends are there too - of you can spend some quality time without having to worry about protecting you from crowds.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Out of curiosity, and because you've mentioned it before: how do you think a friendship between ichigo and aizen would go down? *tosses in a time travel bit, just in case, because why not?*
Pinglist: @yoshifics @bewarethemandragora @runeofluna @selenedreamwalker @hypnos28 @verticallychallengedintrovert @fandommaniac2401 @lovingempress @cynthia-of-the-wallflowers @shadowsofmoonracer @pairp @warriorofbooks @charlottedabookworm @lyra689 @sheyrenawyrsabane @sora-the-empress @xadriannax @yumeniai @arrysa @lirial89-fanfiction @skysong246 @caiahat @grimreaper19 @arosethornbyanyothername @mtkiseki @kaminoko-x @nesskyru @tatarako @parklena42 @zibeth-a @aerdnanocte @timegrenades @healingmichiko @shiko-rae @soraofmelody @fandoms-make-the-world-go-round @north-peach @yannilicious @oceanshimmerspirit-blog @naramyon @presumenothing @miralifox @nonbinary-hawke @dejunco @yuzukimist @wolfsrainrules
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. In general, I’m not a huge fan of Ichigo & Aizen interaction unless Aizen’s just there to fill the enemy role. It’s not like I hate it, it’s just I’m usually not interested in it.
Let’s say Yhwach wins. Soul Society is destroyed. Most people are dead. All that good-bad stuff. Ichigo gets sent back. Along with Aizen. They’re basically the only two powerhouses left, and SK figures if anyone can stop his son, it’s these two with all the knowledge and experience they have against Yhwach. And also if anyone can keep Aizen in check without literally locking him up, it would be Ichigo.
Because I am a sucker for TBTP era, that is where they go. Maybe that’s as far as the SK could send them, maybe he thinks a century-ish to prepare would be enough.
Aizen Sousuke, Fifth Division lieutenant, gets carted off to the Fourth when he collapses out of the blue one afternoon under the weight of a hundred+ years of memories, including all the work he’ll do in his attempt to make a perfect Hogyoku and the events that led to his brief reign in Las Noches and of course his defeat at the hands of Kurosaki Ichigo and Urahara Kisuke and even those two years he spent in the darkness of Muken before being released just in time to watch the world collapse.
Ichigo, mind and body, gets conveniently dumped near a patrol led by Shiba Kaien. It doesn’t take much for the Clan to accept someone who’s so obviously one of them, even if they don’t know who his parents are. He’s also shuffled off to the Fourth because Kaien found him bleeding and near-comatose, and the Shibas have private healers but Unohana is still the best.
Ichigo wakes up first. His healing factor is no joke, and Aizen technically has two souls working to integrate together while his mind struggles to put all the new memories in order. They don’t see each other that day. Aizen gets his own private room, and Ichigo is in a wing reserved for the Shibas. But Ichigo can still sense him, and yeah, a very large part of him is still wary of this man because they aren’t exactly friends and Aizen’s one of the smartest, most dangerous people Ichigo has ever met. But at the same time, he also remembers the Aizen who tried to help him against Yhwach, undoubtedly for his own survival and his own refusal to serve anyone, but by the end, it was also very obvious that Yhwach was going to win and Aizen still didn’t switch sides or run away. Not even for his own survival. If nothing else, Ichigo can respect conviction like that.
Sousuke wakes a few days later. Unohana tells him his reiatsu was depleted, and did he strain himself training? Sousuke easily takes the lie and runs with it, conceding gracefully to Unohana’s ominous stare and lecture before he’s released.
Kyouka Suigetsu is cold even to his touch, and he can’t hear her even though he can feel her again. It’s both jarring and startling. He’s used to a certain kind of emptiness where his spirit once - and now again - resided, and he didn’t realize just how much he missed her felt that emptiness until it’s been filled again. He’s not sure what kind of reception he’ll receive when he enters his mindscape so he puts that off for later.
He goes back to work, brushes aside his captain’s suspicious glances and deflects his gruffly concerned nagging. He gets his hands on a calendar as soon as possible, and a few quick calculations tells him it’s still a good decade before the Hollowfication incident. He hasn’t even met Gin yet. Which reminds him… He considers it for all of a moment before making a mental note to recall all the Shinigami currently secretly under his command, gathering souls out in Rukongai under the guise of missions. Gin was a… tolerable protégé, a quick learner and a dependable subordinate, inasmuch as Sousuke ever depended on anyone. He has no use for him this time though, so he might as well leave the boy and his friend alone. Besides, Ichigo probably won’t approve, and even before they came back, Sousuke had already decided that - at least until Yhwach is taken care of - it would be more trouble than it was worth to have to fight Ichigo every step of the way as well. Until or unless, of course, Ichigo attempts to get him thrown back into Muken.
They don’t meet up until two weeks later. Sousuke is admittedly impressed at the speed Ichigo can get things moving when he’s motivated. Within a week, rumours of a new Shiba enrolling a bit late at the Academy begin circulating. Within two weeks, said new Shiba has reached prodigal status and jumped straight to almost all senior courses, most likely slated to graduate by the end of the year.
“You act quickly when you have made up your mind,” is Aizen’s opening gambit when he appears in the ramen stand that Ichigo deliberately chose because it’s only half a block away from the Fifth Division barracks.
Ichigo shrugs and doesn’t bother looking up from his noodles. “No use dragging my heels, right? I can’t do anything when I’ve got every Shiba in the city hovering over me like I might collapse from a strong gust of wind. They’ll have to back off once I graduate and get a job.”
Aizen makes a faintly skeptical noise once he finishes ordering his own meal. “You would be surprised. The Shiba Clan has always been strangely family-oriented.”
Ichigo rolls his eyes. “There’s nothing strange about being family-oriented. But whatever, we’re not here to talk about them. What’s your plan?” He gets a raised eyebrow for that. Ichigo rolls his eyes again. He feels like he’s going to be doing that a lot. “You can’t tell me you don’t already have like half a dozen plans cooked up. So tell me those, I have a few ideas of my own that I’ll tell you, and we’ll poke holes in each other’s plans until we come up with the best one.”
He gets stared at a bit more before Aizen’s ramen arrives, and they eat in silence for a while. Aizen is the one who breaks it in measured tones, “We need to figure out a way to breach their Wandenreich before Yhwach returns. He is powerful enough on his own. Taking his army from him would be a decent blow against him.”
Ichigo grimaces. “Right, and by we, you mean me.”
Aizen points out, mild as milk, “I cannot manipulate reishi.”
Ichigo sighs but doesn’t protest. His gaze slides over to a nearby shadow before returning to his food. “Right. Well. I guess you’ll be figuring out a way to defeat the Quincy army?”
Aizen waves a dismissive hand. “Yhwach aside, I am not particularly concerned about the rest of them. If push comes to shove and our Bankai are stolen, Urahara Kisuke invented a way to cripple them. I am sure I can duplicate the method.”
Ichigo gives him a hard stare at that. “Okay, but that better not be code for ‘I’m gonna continue feeding people to my sparkly magic stone’. Yours was a failure anyway so there’s no point doing the same thing all over again.”
Aizen counters with a narrow-eyed look that doesn’t quite fit the kind, genial lieutenant disguise he’s got going right now. It’s creepy. “The Hollowfication research will be necessary. I believe it is key to defeating Yhwach.”
Ichigo scowls. “That’s fine. But not your way.”
Aizen’s lip curls a little, equal parts derision and mockery before it’s wiped away again, just as a group of Shinigami duck inside to pick up their takeout order. They whisper excitedly when they catch sight of Aizen, and all of them blush when Aizen smiles at them. Ichigo thinks he might gag.
“Do you think,” Aizen says with all the silky bite of hidden poison, as soon as the Shinigami have left. “Your Urahara Kisuke created his Hogyoku any differently than I? He somehow succeeded where I did not, but do not think for one second that his hands are any cleaner than mine. The very nature of the Hogyoku requires the sacrifice of souls. He is no saint, no matter what kind of pedestal you’ve put him on in your-” He stops. Looks at Ichigo. A frown creases his brow. “…But you know that.”
Ichigo shrugs. “That Kisuke’s done some seriously messed up shit? Well yeah. I mean, Exhibit A: Rukia, Exhibit B: me. And I didn’t spend all my time at the Shouten only drinking tea and training, you know. Sometimes we talked.”
He doesn’t let himself think about it though. He’s been handling everything so far by very pointedly not thinking about it. About everything he’s lost. About everyone he’s lost.
“Just find another way,” Ichigo finishes irritably. “You’re supposed to be smart, right? So quit fucking around and figure it out.”
Aizen… doesn’t do anything as obvious as glare or even clench his jaw or anything, but there’s something about the unblinking sharpness of his expression that makes Ichigo think the man is torn between amused and annoyed and maybe a little incredulous. Ichigo doesn’t quite understand where all those emotions are coming from but he scowls back with an unflinching sort of steadiness because this is a line in the sand, and Aizen will not be crossing it. Not again.
Aizen finally concedes with little more than a huff of a laugh through his nose even as he turns back to his meal. “As you say,” He agrees, and if you only listened to his tone of voice, you’d think he was the pinnacle of gracious modesty. “And what of Urahara Kisuke? Will you be stopping him too?”
Ichigo frowns. “Yeah, but it’ll probably take me a while to get there. I was thinking, after I graduate, should I go to the Twelfth? We’ll probably need Kisuke, sooner or later.”
“You believe you can influence him enough to change him?” Aizen looks amused all over again.
“I can try,” Ichigo retorts. “If it really comes down to it, I can find his labs, burn everything that looks shady, and then pin him down and explain everything to him. And hopefully by then I’ll have found a way through to the Wandenreich too so that would be proof.”
He bristles defensively when Aizen actually rolls his eyes, a little. And here he thought the bastard was too refined for that.
“And there is the Kurosaki Ichigo I recall from our early days,” Aizen murmurs. He doesn’t give Ichigo the chance to snap back, continuing smoothly, if pointedly, “Do you even know enough about any scientific field or technological research to catch the Twelfth’s eye? At this point in time, those are the only types of graduates Urahara Kisuke is looking for.”
“Well, no,” Ichigo admits. He knows a bit from listening to Kisuke in the other future-past but probably not enough to actually make a career out of it. “But you can teach me, right?”
Aizen doesn’t even blink, but his reiatsu flutters just a moment, giving away his genuine surprise. “Me. Teach you.”
“You can say no,” Ichigo snorts. “If I can’t get into the Twelfth, I figure the Thirteenth or Eighth might be-”
“I have not said no,” Aizen cuts him off calmly. “And it would be foolish of you to believe there is no danger in working your way into Kyouraku Shunsui or Ukitake Jyuushirou’s good graces. This is not a century in the future where they’ve spent years stewing silently under a number of injustices against people they claimed to care about. This is a time where they turned their faces and said nothing when the Gotei’s elite was gutted overnight on one man’s say-so. Kyouka Suigetsu’s hypnosis ensured that an already paranoid government would condemn them, this is true, but I never had to hypnotize a single Shinigami for them to let the matter go. There was talk, of course, but in the end, they swept the incident under the rug all on their own.” He studies Ichigo for a long moment, and whatever he sees there - Fury? Disgust? Disappointment? - makes him nod with something like satisfaction and something like pity. “I will teach you some basics. I teach classes a few times a week at the Academy. I can set aside some office hours for you. If you can turn Urahara Kisuke to our cause, it would simplify matters greatly. But I doubt you will enjoy it much. You have always preferred the arts, I believe.”
Ichigo freezes. Aizen looks particularly innocent despite the dark-tinted amusement that swims underneath. “I did say I have watched you grow up all your life, did I not?”
“…You are so fucking creepy,” Ichigo finally croaks.
And Aizen beams rainbows and butterflies in response, and hell Ichigo wishes he’d looked like that at Yhwach because surely it would’ve been a one-hit KO. It sure as fuck makes Ichigo want to run screaming in the opposite direction.
And… some time passes. Ichi goes to school, meets up with Aizen in his office a couple times a week for tutoring sessions, plots with Aizen, snarks with Aizen, shouts at Aizen on one memorable occasion when they argued over whether hypnotizing everyone into helping them fight would be a good tactic (Ichigo wins with a no, for now, to be rehashed in the future).
Eventually though, people notice.
Sousuke hasn’t been using Kyouka Suigetsu as much. To be honest, there’s simply no real need, which is… an actual novelty. He is literally not doing anything illegal, and in fact hasn’t done anything illegal - beyond ensuring all the Shinigami under his command don’t remember what they’ve been doing for him - since he came back in time. He’s fairly certain it’s some kind of record.
It’s largely Ichigo’s fault, Sousuke decides. When he isn’t doing paperwork or teaching a class or away on a mission, he’s tutoring Ichigo or ironing out their future potential plans with him.
And Ichigo is not like Gin. Gin was obedient. For all that he had a mischievous streak, he also walked a careful line around Sousuke. He had a knack for just enough backtalk to be amusing but not offensive, made himself useful but didn’t linger enough for his presence to become annoying, and ultimately, he did anything and everything Aizen asked of him.
Ichigo is not like that. He very much does not give a damn about whether or not he offends Sousuke. He’ll park himself in Sousuke’s office until he learns whatever chapter of whatever topic Sousuke is teaching him that day. He’ll let them both take a break if they end up too frustrated, but he keeps at it, and he never shies from asking Sousuke to explain something again if he doesn’t understand. He matches Sousuke word for word if they disagree over something. He isn’t too prideful to concede if Sousuke makes a good enough point, but likewise, he doesn’t let Sousuke get away with insisting on being right when Ichigo comes out on top in their arguments.
It’s frustrating, and more than once, Sousuke thinks it would be so much easier if he could just… hypnotize Ichigo a little, to make him a little more agreeable. Of course, then he remembers Kyouka Suigetsu won’t work on him, because they may be back in time, but the soul remembers, and Ichigo adapted to Kyouka Suigetsu’s illusions from the very first moment they teamed up against Yhwach like he’d done it his entire life. Kyouka Suigetsu has never and will never work against Ichigo, and Sousuke’s still undecided about whether to be impressed or insulted by this.
So Sousuke is forced to cope. He’s appalled when Ichigo actually manages to goad him into snapping back once or twice, but at the same time, there’s something almost freeing about not having to watch his words, his actions, his very facial expressions, when there’s only Ichigo around. With Ichigo, there is no need to pretend because he already knows exactly the kind of person Sousuke is, and it leaves him feeling simultaneously wrong-footed and uneasy and perhaps just a touch grateful.
Eventually, Hirako notices. Hirako Shinji has forever been a thorn in Sousuke’s side. Not particularly life-threatening, almost forgettable at times, but irritating all the same. Hirako’s always seen something off about Sousuke. He’s never been able to see the full picture, but he sees enough to remain wary. Not that it helped him much in the end of course.
But he sees Sousuke with Ichigo, with the Shiba’s latest pride and joy, and undoubtedly, he probably thinks Sousuke is corrupting him. Which secretly amuses Sousuke to some degree. If there’s one man Sousuke would put money down on being uncorruptible, or at least very close to it, it would be Kurosaki Ichigo. If anything, it tended to be the other way around. Ichigo drew people into his orbit and changed them, simply by being himself. No mind manipulation necessary.
“Sou-chan,” Hirako sidles up to him one day, peering at him like that would make Sousuke crack and spill all his secrets. “I hear you’ve been hangin’ out with an Academy brat lately.”
Sousuke levels a patiently droll expression on his captain. “Indeed. Shiba-san has expressed an interest in joining the Twelfth upon his graduation, and he wishes to further his education in certain sciences in order to better his chances for acceptance. Since I have some knowledge of several areas in the field, I offered to tutor him during my office hours.”
And the best thing of all, he isn’t even lying. He wonders if Hirako can sense it too, because his captain stares, keen-eyed and silent, too controlled to flap his jaw in shock, but shocked all the same. It makes Sousuke wonder if he really did lie to Hirako that much the first time around. Then he remembers that more often than not, he simply left an illusion of himself in the barracks while he worked in his labs.
Hm. Is that why? because some part of Hirako - perhaps because of his Zanpakutou’s abilities - has always sensed that literally everything about his own lieutenant was fake?
“I see,” The man says at last. “Well, that’s good. The kid could benefit from that if he really wants to get into the Twelfth.” But I’ll be watching you goes unsaid. “Invite him over sometime,” He continues, and the offer is genuine, because at his core, Sousuke’s captain is a good man. “He can see what a Division looks like from the inside.”
Sousuke watches him walk away. He wonders if it will change anything if he tries shoving Ichigo in Hirako’s direction. It could be interesting to find out.
And…. that’s all I have. Basically these two getting to know each other in-between figuring out how to save the world and dragging in allies and settling into their lives in the past. And Sousuke still mind-whammying people as a first instinct. And Ichigo stopping him from mind-whammying people, which becomes instinct. It’s an interesting friendship, to say the least.
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ouuuuki · 3 years
Stormbringer ((Page 15-40))
Chuya Nakahara never dreams His awakening is like bubbles rising from the mud. Chuya woke up in his room. There are walls, floors, and ceilings that are murky rooms. The blue darkness that covers them. The furnishings are "Kishingaku". A bed with sheets and a small bookshelf embedded in the wall of a small bookshelf A jewel-related booklet is randomly opened on the desk in the center of the safe. That's all. Asahi, who looks like a film inserted through the gaps in the curtain crevice shading cloth, cuts the murky room into two halves, and Chuya Nakahara got up. I'm sweating a little around his chest. The slag was swirling around it, but I can't remember what it was like. This is always the case these days. I gave up and got out of the sleeper and took a shower. Chuya Nakahara thinks about himself while bathing in boiling water from his head. He is 16 years old. Since joining Port Mafia a year ago, it has achieved results at an unprecedented speed, and it is a program of at most 2383 lines that researchers who are recognized by the organization C () DE: 0 have devote themselves to it.
The boy was given this room because he was warmed up, but he brought no money, no position, and no joy to Chuya. In the past, Nakaya doesn't know who he is. The memory of Setsu is that he was kidnapped from a military research facility eight years ago. There is no life before that, the darkness of one side What kind of darkness of the night It's deeper and darker than the darkness of the shooting ball. He wiped his body and headed for the dressing. When he pushed on a side of the wall, the wall opened silently, revealing a clothing rack. All his clothes were high-class, and I chose one of them that had no wrinkles and put it through my sleeves. Hold the emerald jasper cuffs on his sleeves and look in the mirror. After a small tongue, Chuya left the room. When he left the 0 Sugu family, a shuttle car appeared as if he had timed. The black luxury car was driven by Port Mafia's black clothes with light-shielding glasses. When I stopped at Chuya's sideways sentence, the more important thing that silently opened the back seat door remained missing.
"To the usual shop," Chuya said to the driver, he got into the car and closed his eyes. A black luxury car ran smoothly on the main road in the center of the city. Commuter cars were jam-packed on every road and every intersection. However, the Wakimichi car carrying Chuya passed through the convoy, a side road, and a traffic jam. It's as if you used magic that wouldn't interfere with other cars. "What was yesterday's transaction record?" This is it. "',," Chuya read the documents given by the driver. It is a document printed with a special dye that cannot be duplicated. All the content was encrypted so that it would not be evidence even if it was held down by the police. 0 "Hmm, is the transaction going well this week?" Chuya said in a throwing voice. Chuya's job at the "boring" Kanshi Sport Mafia was to monitor the distribution of smuggled gems. Gemstone-One of the highest substances in the world, Iguiyamond Shimizu, has the highest value per unit weight. Jonathan. Jade. And the mere element under pressure from Kongoishi will become a magic stone with terrifying magical power as it touches people's eyes, fins, and hands.
And the condensed thing of that demon is the smuggled jewel. As long as there is a jewel that was like a shadow created by the brilliance of the jewel, there will always be a smuggled jewel that is a shadow. There are countless places in the world where the shadow of the world and smuggled jewels are born. A poor miner sneaks in and steals in a gem block. Alternatively, a robber smashes a jewelery store, Shokes, with a stock and takes it away, or a pirate sinks a merchant ship carrying jewels. Or hold a quick-up robbery from the neck of Serep. The "dark" gems thus created in the mining areas owned by the rebels, paid for weapons and drugs, cannot enter the world of light as they are, where illegal organizations such as Port Mafia have trouble. A carrier who sheds light on the dark-colored jewels that have flowed to the port of Yokohama brings them to Yokohama, the late shop buys them, and a skilled processor does not know the source. Cut it back to. Turn the necklace into a 0 presslet, the presslet into an earring, and the earring into a ring to bring a second life to the jewel. The new gems created in this way are given a formal appraisal by the Mafia's breathtaking gem, a smoky appraiser, put on the market by wholesalers, and lined up at the front of the prestigious jewelry store Ire. The smuggling jewelry industry is one of the most important sources of income for the Australian Mafia. Giyo, Kaya
This is because smuggled gems, which can eliminate intermediate exploitation by customs and distribution control companies, always generate enormous profits. However, items with magical power like jewels inevitably attract blood and violence. So far, Chuya, who should be prepared for further violence, such as chewing any violence in one bite, has done its job perfectly in order to suppress it and establish stable distribution. Too perfect. Many of the members of the old stock were surprised. I didn't expect the 16-year-old kid to manage the dark jewel market so perfectly. However, there were a few who were not surprised. Those who fought against "Sheep", an organization that was once headed by Chuya. The king of the organization that continued to afflict the Mafia. I wondered what wondered when one or two of the jewelry markets were completely controlled, but surprises, praise, or jealousy didn't matter to Chuya. What they want is something they can never give. Chuya Nakahara threw the document into his seat with the annoyance of throwing a pebble. And he said in a small, thorny voice, "I don't know how many years it will take at this rate." The driver pretended not to hear. Surprising Exploitation is', Re "
The luxury car carrying Chuya headed for a quiet residential area as originally planned. It was quiet except for the crowing of the greenfinch in the low sky. The sound of the train and the hustle and bustle of commuting, the car that couldn't reach this point ran quietly and stopped in front of a store. Brick Old World Brick old billboards have the store name Ku Old World,-in pale letters. Chuya got out of the car because the neon tube was not lit because it was before the store opened in the morning. The car ran away quietly so as not to break the tranquility of the residential area. Chuya opened the store door. Five guns greeted Chuya. "The store is in preparation," said two men, holding their guns. The muzzle of the pistol is pressed against Chuya's head. "Isn't it okay if it's a corpse?" Said another man, Su-san. A shotgun with a barrel cut down is placed on Chuya's chest. "Isn't it careless without an escort, Mr. Jewel King?" Wow, a different man said. A pistol is pointed at Chuya's flank. Is it enough?
"Even you can't prevent the first strike from this position :::" another man screamed. A small pistol that fits in the palm of the hand is attached to Chuya's neck. "What should I do? Invincible Gravity Master. If you cry right now and apologize, I'll kill you easily." I said in front of Ya. A long-barreled pistol is aimed straight at Chuya's eyebrows. If you attack one person, you will be shot from the rest. If you try to retreat, you will be shot from the front. Before you are shot from the front, you will be shot from the back. Chuya did not react. I didn't even change my facial expression. The air in the room was hardened. Everyone put a lot of effort into the fingers on the gun. The dry sound of "Han!" Echoed in the surrounding streets. 0 From the head of Chuya who stood up, the colorful decorative strings that hung down like bloody ("Chuya! Port Mafia Joining One" Congratulations on the anniversary! "And the joyful voices of the men echoed throughout the store. Chuya looked around with a disgusted head. Dead rock fluttering.
"I'm a fool." That's "It's not a huge monster ..." White smoke was rising from each barrel, and a colorful paper company was on Chuya's head. In the air he flutters with confetti. The men were looking at Chuya, who was covered with a string, with a grin. Gathered there were members of the Mutual Aid Society within the Port Mafia. He is not just a mutual aid society. All of them are the leaders of the future of the organization, and their positions are equal to or better than Chuya. And all are composed only of young people under the age of 25. Port His Mafia's young wolves, who are only called "Young People's Association" by the organization. Chuya sighs and walks to the back of the store with a cold look without greeting anyone. "Why isn't Chuya happy?" Said a tall man on Nakahara's back. "Everyone got together for you." "Don't celebrate the first anniversary." Chuya told me to reject. "I'm glad I don't know what to do." "Don't say that. You must love it." A tall man chased Chuya. "I'll have time to give a souvenir later. Isn't it fun like a student?" Chuya stopped and turned around and stared at the other person. "In other words, you are the mastermind or the piano man. Your sense of joke is rotten at all.":
Egao "Well, I'm still breathing today to annoy everyone with this rotten joke." Chuya's sarcasm returned a cool smile to the mafia standing in a black cloak and white long skirt. .. Known in the organization as "Piano Man. His clothes are always in black and white. He is tall, has thin fingers and always has a happy smile. He is the founder of this youth association and It plays a role like a leader. It is this man who invited Chuya to this young group. He is more like a craftsman than a mafia. He is almost the only fake bill with the same accuracy as the real one in Yokohama, a complete fake bill But with a whimsical personality, if you're not happy with the fake bills, you'll run out of time for months, even if it's an instruction from the chief. By the way, The nickname "Piano Man." Does not come from black and white clothing. He uses an electric winder with a carbon steel piano wire to kill his enemies. When this copper wire is entwined around his neck, any mysterious power It can't be removed, and in a few seconds the neck will fall off. What's left behind is the perfect flat between the shoulders. And the voluminous blood and the reverberation of the screams of the victims. A man with cruelty. He is now said to be the youngest man closest to a boat mafia executive. As Chuya walked into the store, another man called out. Haha! Chuya's face was awesome! At least I'm in great agreement with this show! Saseiya Zankyo
Hitsujio A young star and former mafia enemy, Chuya Nakahara, the King of Sheep! It's worth joining this young group just to see your troubled face! " As he swirled his gun, he laughed in a voice that a young blonde man often passed through. Chuya glared at the blonde young man. "Hmm, tell me. If I didn't realize that it was a show, you were dead at the beginning of Albato 0 Suze, Mia Tori Ku" Jimankobushi Nagu "Wow. I'm sorry, but I was killed by Chuya. It's not as good as it gets, but before being hit by Chuya's proud fist, this hatchet cuts off his fist. ”Babiro Kukri Knife When you say that, a wide hatchet appears silently from the back of your jacket. It was. The young man let go of his hand after flashing his blade and slashing the air several times in a non-heavy motion. The impact of the fall of the floor pierced the hatchet, and the young man laughed as the hatchet ran radially on the floor with a heavy sound. 0 Yukai Albatross Laughs a lot with a funny face, the street name of the young man is Ku Abotori 4 He is a tuned person and speaks better than anyone else. His men lose sight of him, even in the middle of a struggle of bullets, blood and flesh. " If he goes to talk or laugh, he's there. Albatross, tsu ... Toku Abotori Tsu is said to be in control of "everything faster than walking" in the Port Mafia, that is, a vehicle. That's his territory. , Coast Guard Leh crack
He will prepare all the transport boats that will not get caught in the higuchi and the dar. In some cases, we will also procure criminal vehicle supplements with forged registration number marks. Originally an organization's "escape shop," you can control anything with a control stick. Faster and more precise than anyone else. Rumor has it that he took a shabby fishing boat and escaped from the Coast Guard's high-mobility combat helicopter, but no one in the organization doubts that rumor. The person who offended him cannot live in an organization for three days. The car, the stream of stuff and money, is at his knees. If he hates him, all economic activity will be cut off and he will quickly become ill-mannered. "Chuya Nakahara, let's make a toast." However, Chuya ignores it at a glance and walks to the back of the store. "Oh, I'm in a bad mood today, Chuya." The stupid bird left while supporting the glass with an exaggerated movement to prevent champagne from spilling. "About once a month, he suddenly becomes moody, but what happened? Did he have a pulsed dream?" A pulsed dream. The moment he heard the word, Chuya looked back and looked like a flame. "It's not like that!" 25 Bungo Stray Dogs STORM BRINGER
The angry quivering the glass of the store "Scary ::: What?" Chuya hesitated a little, wandered his eyes, and said that his voice was a little less tuned than before. "Maybe it's because you make noise upstairs every day until the morning, but it's a stupid bird. I'll forget it many times, so I'll say it again, because your floor is my ceiling." "No. You can't forget it? You know, you're a neighbor. ”The stupid bird laughed with a benign face. The stupid bird lived on the same high-class residential land as Chuya, one floor above. According to Chuya, the placement of Abatos was one of the biggest mistakes the Port Mafia made. The stupid bird sometimes gets into Chuya's room on a whim and pulls out Chuya by saying,'・ Help with work ,. And Chuya got better at swimming thanks to taking him to a ridiculously distant battle zone on a car, a ship, or a helicopter. This is because the stupid bird does not always prepare a return flight. Albatross Chuya ignored the stupid bird and walked to the back of the store. And when I tried to put a cloak on the hanger hook of the store, a man with a champagne glass appeared next to me. From the back of his bangs, he was screaming at Chuya with a dark gaze. "I didn't expect you to stay this long: Albato 0 Susaki, Albatross
Fufu and the man were strangely thin. A thin wrist is swimming in the sleeve of his shirt. What's more, the hand that doesn't have a glass of champagne is holding a drip stick that hangs the drug solution, and the tube that extends from the drip bag disappears into the clothes. He was an unhealthy man. "Surgeon" Chuya received the champagne glass presented. Then he looked inside. "I don't think it's poisoned." "No poison." The man called the surgeon smiled darkly. "I wonder if you can't kill with poison." "What do you know?" "It's an experience." "Because I've killed a lot with poison" with dark eyes. Mafia medical director, only a surgeon. In the black society, there are many unlicensed doctors, but he is different. He is a real doctor with a PhD in medicine in North America. Sugujuyo, the dark doctor is a profession that is in great demand in a black society. If you go to a regular hospital, you have to rely on a dark doctor to treat the wounds that are reported to you-gunshot wounds and torture wounds-the same in Port Mafia. It is. Fishing,
But there are also differences. In the Port Mafia, doctors are especially important and favored chiefs, Ogai Mori, who is also a former dark doctor. Ryo, Tsujin and the thick port mafia medical team, Ku surgeon is the best doctor. At this young age, he has already saved the lives of nearly 800 humans. And he deliberately took the same human life as that. His purpose is to get closer to God. His belief was that "every time you save a person, you can approach God." His goal is to save two million lives, the same number of humans that God killed in the Bible. I entered the Mafia, and I was waiting for a large-scale conflict where people would die like bugs. "It's not like they're all gathering together, no way to gather surgeons: I looked around. "In the first place, it's about the first anniversary, do you hold such a gathering?" "I'll explain that." A young man with a gentle voice came out with a slow movement. 0 "The first year after joining was the most difficult time for the Mafia." Su "What?" The scared young man smiled. The smile is seductively sweet. And his facial features are strangely well-organized. The magical beauty is that if you dress up as a man and smile, a woman will be dressed up, and if you dress up as a woman and smile, a man will be watered down.
Deadman's Carp "The first year is the steepest curve of the dead for mafia subscribers. In the meantime, most humans either run away, are crushed, or are confused and erased by the organization.・ It's a celebration of survival. ”Maybe,“ Sledding and fun. Did you think I was crushed by a blunder?''A public relations officer? ”Chuya glared. No, I don't think. "I am."'・ The young man, who was called a public relations officer, smiled mysteriously. And', Shu spokesman-丨 His work is extremely special among these people. A window for negotiations with the world of light. That is the job of a public relations officer, that is, the job that appears in public. He also negotiates with front companies, meets and negotiates with government officials, and in some cases responds to the press. If Port Mafia has a front face, it's him. 0 It was extremely difficult to kill him. In a sense, it's harder than killing the chief, because he's an active movie actor and a fashionable child who even has enthusiastic supporters abroad. If he was killed or missing, media outlets around the world would write and report it as the most important article, so it's natural to be in a turmoil, who killed it, 1 how?
In other words, the search for suspects attracts attention from all over the world. It is a situation that the back organization absolutely wants to avoid. In addition, since the public relations officer himself is a powerful talent, and his ability is a counterattack type talent that responds to the attacker's murderous intention, evidence is given. It is absolutely impossible to erase it quietly, and once the criminal is named, media outlets around the world will enthusiastically reveal the murderer's identity, purpose, and mastermind. The privacy of the people involved in the organization who took the lead in the murder was launched high in the sky and never returned. The organization is over. Destrap Bakutan Oso, he's the first bomb to fire when he dies, a deadly poison that no one can touch. And his weapon isn't just famous. He is a born actor. The speech and bargaining ability that comes from his acting capsetsukan, and his beauty, which is said to have a perfect curve on his face, especially the problem with the legal world, were when he reached the bargaining table. You almost settle "But if you get kicked out of the organization, I don't care at all," the spokeswoman smiled like a feather. "At that time, I'll invite you to my main business. Let's aim for the world as a silver screen haiku together." Su "I'm absolutely sorry." Chuya made a bitter face as if he had poisoned. "I'm absolutely sorry to say it again." "I objected to the anniversary," I suddenly heard that quiet voice echoing from the back of the store. I didn't scream. There was no intimidating voice. However, everyone was silent and the voice was scary.
I looked at you. A man in plain clothes stood there Iceman: Shiriki Shin "Mi Cold Blood ,," Chuya said in a cautious voice. "That's right. The celebration seat doesn't look good on you." The man had no feelings. His presence was different even in the gorgeous and intense youth association. He had the tranquility of a dark night, radiating any ambition or impression, rather inhaling all the signs and sounds of his surroundings. Icemank cold blood. The second oldest man after the piano man, he is an expressionless and expressionless man. He prefers simple clothes. And his work is also quite simple and mundane. Hitman, especially in the Mafia. All the time he carries a knife that doesn't even use a gun that doesn't use his abilities to kill, but he never uses it for work. He works with what's indispensable. Fountain pen, liquor botokiyoto, kazahimo shunkandan cancer 2 ru, electric lamp decoration string. The moment everything is in his hands, he's a more dangerous weapon than a bullet, so he can kill people anywhere, whether in the desert, in the palace, or in the vault of the bank. Although it may be inside, there is another special skill in the desert man and cold blood. When he activates a different ability nearby, he feels it as simple as his skin.
It is his constitution, not his ability or skill, that he can feel. Therefore, his success rate in killing is higher than that of the hundreds of fighting talents, because he can instantly sniff out the right place and time for killing. However, because he does not have different abilities, he cannot pay attention to the special affairs section and the military police's special crime countermeasures section. Take measures, just a shadow man with no connection. If Chuya could be killed, the most likely thing would be cold-blooded ostriches, the organization said. Iceman "I didn't expect you to come to my celebration, Mi cold-blooded ostrich. Do you hate me? "Chuya laughed provocatively. "You and I killed each other once in the" sheep "era, so it seems that you failed to assassinate me and lost your reputation?" "I opposed the feast, but that was you. It's not because I don't like it. It's because I have a grudge and I don't have an iceman. It makes you more angry. " "It's not like it's crushed." "What?" Ötzi Iceman "I thought it would cause a rebellion." The cold-blooded voice was as sharp as the sound of a lump of ice cracking. The leader of the Sheep. I thought you would betray the chief and kill him and wage war on Mafia. To prevent that, Pianoman had you join this youth group. "
Chuya glanced at the piano man. The piano man is expressionless and watching the conversation. Neither denial nor affirmation. In other words, it is affirmation. "::: Yeah. That's right." Chuya glared at everyone. "Everyone was kindly watching over me like a newborn red toy boy. I'm thrilled. So that I don't get sharp, I'm wearing a toy and even rattling. Thanks. So I was alive and turned one year old, so I need a big toy event. "He said, squeezing a glass of champagne in his hand. Iceman eyebrows where liquid splatters Even if you see it, cold blood does not move your eyebrows Iceman "There is evidence to warn you" Cold blood continues. "June 18th, 3:18 pm. A jewelry wholesaler who offended the rooftop was injured for three months after he was completely healed. The reason is that you did a good job. It's a lonely question, but when you hear it, you blow the wholesaler to the roof of a three-story building. "2" Was that so? I forgot. "Contrary to the content of the reply, Chuya's eyes are sharp. .. "If you have the courage to try it now, try it now," Su'Iceman cold-blooded. After five seconds of expressionlessness that sucked in all the emotions, he said, "Where were you born? Sui Suiman Eritsuka Gochuya reacted quickly. Grabbing the cold-blooded collar and pulling it roughly.
The sewing of the shirt broke somewhere and there was a sharp noise. Ötzi "What's this hand?" Cold Blood looked down at the hand he grabbed and said emotionally. "It's up to you," Chuya screamed from the side, as if the stupid bird was in trouble. "Hey, take it to that side," and grabbed Chuya's arm. "Don't get angry at such a question, Chuya. You're not like me?" "You can't decide what's like me. I'll kill you." Chuya swiftly flipped the arm that grabbed herself. The stupid bird, who was dressed to be pushed away, stepped on the tatara behind him and stepped forward, and Chuya's leg suddenly stopped. I, Tsukinha :, "Chuya's temple has a billard stick attached to it. Horizontally, with the edge of the sword, you can stick it. : What is this stick? "Chuya said silently, still. "Hey 0 Iceman" It's up to you, "said the cold blood holding the stick. Chuya pulled his upper body away from the stick, and then shook his head and head-butted the stick. (The stick flew away. A myriad of pieces of wood from Icemans splattered throughout the room. Most of them fell on the cold blood that had the sticks, and only Iceman. A sharp piece of wood cut through the right temple and blood was eye-catching It runs down the edge of the room, but the cold blood even blinks.
No "That's it" I heard the most ruthless voice I've ever had. Behind Chuya: Before I knew it, a transparent piano wire extended from the sleeve of the raised arm on which the piano man was standing, like a high-class necklace that circled Chuya's neck. .. The first rule of this young society, "Chuya", the piano man said coldly. "Don't use different abilities for your friends." Did you forget it? ”The name is piano wire, but it is different from the one used for musical instruments. It's not that easy, it's a completely industrial steel wire that hangs and ties up rebar and concrete lumps, and a take-up device is installed behind the sleeves of the piano man. When it starts, the piano wire transforms into the lightest decapitation stand in the world, and the neck is cut off. Even if Chuya tries to reduce the mass of the piano wire by gravity operation, it is not possible to increase the winding speed, so it is the neck. "I know you're in a bad mood, Riyama," said Piano Man. "If nothing is done, you will lose to Dazai. You have to become an executive before Dazai. Because, in the first place, you were in Remafia because you had a secret document that only executives could see. Because it's for reading. The document tells you what you are. "Wakato Umei
Chuya's expression has changed. "Why that :::" "But it takes another five years to become an executive in this condition." Chuya's eyebrows are engraved with deep wrinkles and the meshed teeth creak. No, I say, "Pianoman smiled ruthlessly. "I'm being told by the chief," "What?" Chuya flirts with "I was ordered. Immediately after you joined the youth association, what should I watch for Chuya?" Do you want to get new information? Do you want to investigate the contents of secret materials on your own? "" I'm a ::: watcher. If you don't need to see it, you're a human being of an enemy organization, of course. You've been told why, of course, and you're a piano man who could strip your fangs. It's a totally amazing truth. " "::: Stop" Chuya moaned in a murderous voice. B. "" Araha vomit ". Also known as the military's artificial genius research body," Prototype Ko 258th ". That is you. You are not a human being, you are just an artificial I suspect it's a personality. The basis is
Because you don't dream. "Chuya groaned unvoiced. It was a momentary event. Chuya's right hand flashed like a snake, grabbed the pianoman's arm, and crushed and destroyed the electric winder for the piano wire there. Then, Chuya's left hand picked up the falling sticks and debris from the throat, and attached the pointed tip to the piano man's throat. Apatrosk Kukri Knife Machine Vist spokesman, who moved quickly except for Chuya, took out the submachine gun from the inside of the suit and attached it to Chuya. The hatchet sword of the stupid bird was hit on the neck of Chuya. The surgeon took out the syringe and put the tip on Chuya's temple. He picked up a glass of champagne with broken cold blood and brought its pointed tip close to Chuya's eyes. And everyone at rest was moving, even holding their breath. It's like a still photo. The only thing that moves is the power and the ball that receives the rising sun- "Only the dust that shines and shines 0 All of them could kill someone's life with just one action, but no one moved. Su "Do it," said Chuya. The voice was the trembling of a squeezed bow. "Anyone can do it, but let me finish planning the event before that." Piano Month said in a plain voice.
"What?" "Is there a souvenir for the first anniversary?" I took it out of my pocket. "This is it," Chuya moved his gaze with a watchful expression. And, as if it was frozen, the breathing that stopped everything seemed to stop even beating. The mosquito came out of Kawa Chuya's hand, and the fragments of the stick that he was holding fell off. Chuya picked it up as if he had forgotten the surroundings. It was a photo. "Isn't it worth it? I had a hard time." Chuya approached the photo as if he was fascinated. The voice of the piano man has not arrived. Chuya, who withdrew his weapon with a bitter smile, didn't even notice it. 0 "If you ask an unprecedented question, show it from the next time." It was Chuya, who was five years old. Somewhere on the beach. With the sea in the background, Chuya and a young man wearing hemp kimono are shown. The two are holding hands, and the young man heading toward the photographer is squinting and smiling, perhaps because of the dazzling diagonal sunlight. Young Chuya is foolish and uncertain if he doesn't know what's going on.
"The picture was taken in an old rural village in the western region," said Piano Man, looking at the photographer. "Now it's an abandoned village, and no one lives in the area, but the surgeon got a hit from the medical records kept in the nearby village. 丨 丨 Surgeon" "Fufu ::: Human Even if he lied, the dental record does not lie. "The surgeon brought another document with an unhealthy smile. "Medical records have to be kept for several years ::: That duty has become a light ::: Fufu: ・: ・"-Kouwa', Chuya looks embarrassed and the surgeon and him Comparing the documents presented by him, "Don't worry if you take credit for yourself, a surgeon!" "Without my power, I couldn't even reach the medical record. The medical record of the crushed clinic is from the company that has as much sand as the sand on the beach that the medical corporation keeps together. , I followed the memoirs to find the desired storage location-because I threatened all the material storage companies and finally arrived at it! "Apatros in Switzerland
"Of course, no good explorer can reach his destination without the first step. A spokeswoman laughed softly and offered another document." Of my personal acquaintance. To women
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0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 5 years
We Drive the $1 Million-Plus “Outlaw” Ferrari Dino Monza 3.6 Evo
We’ve just pulled into a nondescript strip mall some 25 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, looking for Hing Wa Lee Jewelers. Shotgun-toting security guards stationed at the first- and second-floor doors bark instructions at us to wait where we are.
Eventually David Lee emerges with a smile and breaks the tension. He says hello and then leads us below the stucco-covered building into a subterranean parking lot. A white garage door, pristine against the otherwise grimy cement walls, opens via remote control, revealing a car nut’s Narnia: a row of Ferrari supercars on the left, including an F40, an F50, and a 288 GTO; a Pagani Huayra and a Porsche Carrera GT on the right; and two Rolls-Royce Phantom limos shoehorned in the back.
But this is more than just a personal storage facility full of supercars; to Lee, what’s inside is a testament to his life’s achievements.
A while back, a direct message came to our Automobile Instagram account from @ferraricollectordavidlee, who has more than 750,000 followers. It included a link to a post containing a photo gallery of a very clean-looking Ferrari Dino, but there was no text to explain its purpose.
It didn’t take much digging to reveal Lee’s social-media fame is secondary only to his real-life success. The Los Angeles Times once described the businessman’s assets as an “investment empire.” His portfolio began to take shape in the 1990s, when upon graduating from the University of Southern California, Lee revamped the Hong Kong–based gemstone company his father founded in 1965. He continues to run and invest in that business today, as well as various other interests.
“A lot of people don’t look at the Dino respectfully because it was a lower, inexpensive kind of entry-price-point Ferrari.”
But we were far more concerned with the reason for the Instagram message. As it turned out, Lee invited us to see and drive his intriguing Dino, beginning at his watches-and-more jewelry store in Walnut, California.
Hing Wa Lee also serves as a hub for a community of car enthusiasts Lee curated himself. He hosts sizable monthly Cars and Chronos shows in the business’s front yard. He displays a smattering of his own collection and invites others to present their cars as well. Lee sends an open invitation to the public via his Instagram account for one and all to come gawk at the machines.
“I just want to promote car culture,” Lee says. “We’re lucky in Southern California to have good weather, to have kind of a car culture that is really widely accepted. It’s a diverse car culture as well that is a place we are able to express ourselves.”
A 3.6-liter V-8 powers businessman and Ferrari enthusiast David Lee’s outlaw Dino. Builder Moto Technique sourced an F40 donor engine before removing the turbos and boring it out to increase displacement.
Lee owns several examples of what many consider Ferrari’s most important cars, which led to several guest appearances on “Jay Leno’s Garage.” His ensuing small degree of celebrity within the car-enthusiast world lured him down a path that would lead the Ferrari collector to become a Ferrari modder and outlaw—ultimately resulting in the Dino in question.
First was a phone call during which Lee and fellow Instagram celeb and Porsche builder Magnus Walker planned to collaborate on a video of the pair driving up Southern California’s famous Angeles Crest Highway. The idea was for Lee and Walker to drive cars from the manufacturers that have been part of their rise to prominence in the car community. Walker chose his signature “outlaw” 1971 Porsche 911 branded with the number 277. The red, white, and blue sports car is well known enough to have a Hot Wheels model cast in its honor. But this presented a problem for Lee, as he didn’t own the right signature vehicle to run with Walker’s hot-rod 911.
Quad exhaust: The attractive exhaust system produces sounds to match the car’s exquisite appearance, especially at high rpm.
“A Daytona Spider probably wouldn’t be so good for that,” Lee says. “Ferrari’s golden years were in the ’60s, and I have a lot of ’60s . Then it goes ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s, but that also wouldn’t match. I said, ‘Magnus, I’ll get back to you. Let me think about this.’”
Lee concluded he needed to build something appropriate for the occasion without ruffling the feathers of too many purists. “A lot of people don’t look at the Dino respectfully because it was a lower, inexpensive kind of entry-price-point Ferrari,” he says. “People would kind of be snobbish about it.”
Lee found a story about a modified Dino with a Ferrari 328 engine, updated transmission, and 360 wheels. He tried to buy it from its owner and builder, Kevin O’Rourke, but couldn’t get him to part with his creation. Lee knew he would have to build his own interpretation; he also knew he risked upsetting purists after seeing how people responded negatively to O’Rourke’s car. For some people, the opinions of others are irrelevant, but that philosophy doesn’t work particularly well for social-media influencers looking to connect with fans.
The Monza 3.6 Evo looks fairly stock from the outside, but David Lee’s fabricator produced replica 17-inch wheels and transparent headlight covers that serve as the telltale giveaways.
From behind the wheel of his modified 1972 Dino 246 GTS, though—which Lee calls the Monza 3.6 Evo—the investment of more than $1 million and a year-plus of development time seem to have been worth it. The build is cohesive to an impressive degree; the car is supposed to drive like it came from the factory. In reality, Moto Technique in the United Kingdom did the work.
There are modern touches like low-speed power steering, mighty Brembo brakes, a revised suspension, and bigger 17-inch wheels based on an original Dino design.
The “3.6” designation comes from the naturally aspirated V-8’s displacement. The engine started as a 2.9-liter twin-turbo sourced from a Ferrari F40, but Lee’s builder removed the turbos and bored out the block. Other parts were overhauled or swapped, including new pistons and headers and an F40 radiator. The resulting output is 400 horsepower from an engine that revs past 7,000 rpm. Gear changes are courtesy of a five-speed manual Lee says comes from a Ferrari 328.
There are modern touches like low-speed power steering, mighty Brembo brakes, a revised suspension, and bigger 17-inch wheels based on an original Campagnolo design. The whole build is balanced, planted, and easier to drive than expected. All that power in a 2,400-pound car with near 50:50 weight distribution is almost always a winning combination.
The engine turns over immediately upon startup and begins a charismatic idle. The clutch is fairly easy to work, and adjusting the seats proves more difficult than operating the well-sorted gated-shifter gearbox. Power delivery is linear as we carve through the winding bends that slice across the hills near Lee’s store. The engine vies for center stage with its meaty roar, but you can’t help but notice the feel of the strong brakes under your foot, the nice steering—accurate despite some play around center—and the vehicle’s overall ease of use. This Dino drives like a classic, but its updates mean it coexists with modern traffic without too much white-knuckle action. In the process of creating it, Lee says, “I’ve learned to love the Dino. It’s such a great design. So beautiful, so balanced, such a great car.”
Lee is so happy with the outcome that he plans to commission a series of 25 of these artisanal restomod Monza 3.6 Evos during a five-year span, under the company name Monza Automotive Design. Like certain other car-restoration and modification businesses that also play in a similar automotive space and that value individualism, Lee plans to disallow customers from ordering duplicate color schemes. Lee therefore has the only one that will be black with a red interior. Each will be priced at $1 million, and Lee so far doesn’t offer much in the way of details on how the business will be structured. But he tells us—and this is no surprise considering the rise of the boutique automotive restomod business—he already has a number of interested parties. Just don’t expect armed guards to be included in the steep price of admission.
0 notes
jesusvasser · 5 years
We Drive the $1 Million-Plus “Outlaw” Ferrari Dino Monza 3.6 Evo
We’ve just pulled into a nondescript strip mall some 25 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, looking for Hing Wa Lee Jewelers. Shotgun-toting security guards stationed at the first- and second-floor doors bark instructions at us to wait where we are.
Eventually David Lee emerges with a smile and breaks the tension. He says hello and then leads us below the stucco-covered building into a subterranean parking lot. A white garage door, pristine against the otherwise grimy cement walls, opens via remote control, revealing a car nut’s Narnia: a row of Ferrari supercars on the left, including an F40, an F50, and a 288 GTO; a Pagani Huayra and a Porsche Carrera GT on the right; and two Rolls-Royce Phantom limos shoehorned in the back.
But this is more than just a personal storage facility full of supercars; to Lee, what’s inside is a testament to his life’s achievements.
A while back, a direct message came to our Automobile Instagram account from @ferraricollectordavidlee, who has more than 750,000 followers. It included a link to a post containing a photo gallery of a very clean-looking Ferrari Dino, but there was no text to explain its purpose.
It didn’t take much digging to reveal Lee’s social-media fame is secondary only to his real-life success. The Los Angeles Times once described the businessman’s assets as an “investment empire.” His portfolio began to take shape in the 1990s, when upon graduating from the University of Southern California, Lee revamped the Hong Kong–based gemstone company his father founded in 1965. He continues to run and invest in that business today, as well as various other interests.
“A lot of people don’t look at the Dino respectfully because it was a lower, inexpensive kind of entry-price-point Ferrari.”
But we were far more concerned with the reason for the Instagram message. As it turned out, Lee invited us to see and drive his intriguing Dino, beginning at his watches-and-more jewelry store in Walnut, California.
Hing Wa Lee also serves as a hub for a community of car enthusiasts Lee curated himself. He hosts sizable monthly Cars and Chronos shows in the business’s front yard. He displays a smattering of his own collection and invites others to present their cars as well. Lee sends an open invitation to the public via his Instagram account for one and all to come gawk at the machines.
“I just want to promote car culture,” Lee says. “We’re lucky in Southern California to have good weather, to have kind of a car culture that is really widely accepted. It’s a diverse car culture as well that is a place we are able to express ourselves.”
A 3.6-liter V-8 powers businessman and Ferrari enthusiast David Lee’s outlaw Dino. Builder Moto Technique sourced an F40 donor engine before removing the turbos and boring it out to increase displacement.
Lee owns several examples of what many consider Ferrari’s most important cars, which led to several guest appearances on “Jay Leno’s Garage.” His ensuing small degree of celebrity within the car-enthusiast world lured him down a path that would lead the Ferrari collector to become a Ferrari modder and outlaw—ultimately resulting in the Dino in question.
First was a phone call during which Lee and fellow Instagram celeb and Porsche builder Magnus Walker planned to collaborate on a video of the pair driving up Southern California’s famous Angeles Crest Highway. The idea was for Lee and Walker to drive cars from the manufacturers that have been part of their rise to prominence in the car community. Walker chose his signature “outlaw” 1971 Porsche 911 branded with the number 277. The red, white, and blue sports car is well known enough to have a Hot Wheels model cast in its honor. But this presented a problem for Lee, as he didn’t own the right signature vehicle to run with Walker’s hot-rod 911.
Quad exhaust: The attractive exhaust system produces sounds to match the car’s exquisite appearance, especially at high rpm.
“A Daytona Spider probably wouldn’t be so good for that,” Lee says. “Ferrari’s golden years were in the ’60s, and I have a lot of ’60s . Then it goes ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s, but that also wouldn’t match. I said, ‘Magnus, I’ll get back to you. Let me think about this.’”
Lee concluded he needed to build something appropriate for the occasion without ruffling the feathers of too many purists. “A lot of people don’t look at the Dino respectfully because it was a lower, inexpensive kind of entry-price-point Ferrari,” he says. “People would kind of be snobbish about it.”
Lee found a story about a modified Dino with a Ferrari 328 engine, updated transmission, and 360 wheels. He tried to buy it from its owner and builder, Kevin O’Rourke, but couldn’t get him to part with his creation. Lee knew he would have to build his own interpretation; he also knew he risked upsetting purists after seeing how people responded negatively to O’Rourke’s car. For some people, the opinions of others are irrelevant, but that philosophy doesn’t work particularly well for social-media influencers looking to connect with fans.
The Monza 3.6 Evo looks fairly stock from the outside, but David Lee’s fabricator produced replica 17-inch wheels and transparent headlight covers that serve as the telltale giveaways.
From behind the wheel of his modified 1972 Dino 246 GTS, though—which Lee calls the Monza 3.6 Evo—the investment of more than $1 million and a year-plus of development time seem to have been worth it. The build is cohesive to an impressive degree; the car is supposed to drive like it came from the factory. In reality, Moto Technique in the United Kingdom did the work.
There are modern touches like low-speed power steering, mighty Brembo brakes, a revised suspension, and bigger 17-inch wheels based on an original Dino design.
The “3.6” designation comes from the naturally aspirated V-8’s displacement. The engine started as a 2.9-liter twin-turbo sourced from a Ferrari F40, but Lee’s builder removed the turbos and bored out the block. Other parts were overhauled or swapped, including new pistons and headers and an F40 radiator. The resulting output is 400 horsepower from an engine that revs past 7,000 rpm. Gear changes are courtesy of a five-speed manual Lee says comes from a Ferrari 328.
There are modern touches like low-speed power steering, mighty Brembo brakes, a revised suspension, and bigger 17-inch wheels based on an original Campagnolo design. The whole build is balanced, planted, and easier to drive than expected. All that power in a 2,400-pound car with near 50:50 weight distribution is almost always a winning combination.
The engine turns over immediately upon startup and begins a charismatic idle. The clutch is fairly easy to work, and adjusting the seats proves more difficult than operating the well-sorted gated-shifter gearbox. Power delivery is linear as we carve through the winding bends that slice across the hills near Lee’s store. The engine vies for center stage with its meaty roar, but you can’t help but notice the feel of the strong brakes under your foot, the nice steering—accurate despite some play around center—and the vehicle’s overall ease of use. This Dino drives like a classic, but its updates mean it coexists with modern traffic without too much white-knuckle action. In the process of creating it, Lee says, “I’ve learned to love the Dino. It’s such a great design. So beautiful, so balanced, such a great car.”
Lee is so happy with the outcome that he plans to commission a series of 25 of these artisanal restomod Monza 3.6 Evos during a five-year span, under the company name Monza Automotive Design. Like certain other car-restoration and modification businesses that also play in a similar automotive space and that value individualism, Lee plans to disallow customers from ordering duplicate color schemes. Lee therefore has the only one that will be black with a red interior. Each will be priced at $1 million, and Lee so far doesn’t offer much in the way of details on how the business will be structured. But he tells us—and this is no surprise considering the rise of the boutique automotive restomod business—he already has a number of interested parties. Just don’t expect armed guards to be included in the steep price of admission.
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 5 years
We Drive the $1 Million-Plus “Outlaw” Ferrari Dino Monza 3.6 Evo
We’ve just pulled into a nondescript strip mall some 25 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, looking for Hing Wa Lee Jewelers. Shotgun-toting security guards stationed at the first- and second-floor doors bark instructions at us to wait where we are.
Eventually David Lee emerges with a smile and breaks the tension. He says hello and then leads us below the stucco-covered building into a subterranean parking lot. A white garage door, pristine against the otherwise grimy cement walls, opens via remote control, revealing a car nut’s Narnia: a row of Ferrari supercars on the left, including an F40, an F50, and a 288 GTO; a Pagani Huayra and a Porsche Carrera GT on the right; and two Rolls-Royce Phantom limos shoehorned in the back.
But this is more than just a personal storage facility full of supercars; to Lee, what’s inside is a testament to his life’s achievements.
A while back, a direct message came to our Automobile Instagram account from @ferraricollectordavidlee, who has more than 750,000 followers. It included a link to a post containing a photo gallery of a very clean-looking Ferrari Dino, but there was no text to explain its purpose.
It didn’t take much digging to reveal Lee’s social-media fame is secondary only to his real-life success. The Los Angeles Times once described the businessman’s assets as an “investment empire.” His portfolio began to take shape in the 1990s, when upon graduating from the University of Southern California, Lee revamped the Hong Kong–based gemstone company his father founded in 1965. He continues to run and invest in that business today, as well as various other interests.
“A lot of people don’t look at the Dino respectfully because it was a lower, inexpensive kind of entry-price-point Ferrari.”
But we were far more concerned with the reason for the Instagram message. As it turned out, Lee invited us to see and drive his intriguing Dino, beginning at his watches-and-more jewelry store in Walnut, California.
Hing Wa Lee also serves as a hub for a community of car enthusiasts Lee curated himself. He hosts sizable monthly Cars and Chronos shows in the business’s front yard. He displays a smattering of his own collection and invites others to present their cars as well. Lee sends an open invitation to the public via his Instagram account for one and all to come gawk at the machines.
“I just want to promote car culture,” Lee says. “We’re lucky in Southern California to have good weather, to have kind of a car culture that is really widely accepted. It’s a diverse car culture as well that is a place we are able to express ourselves.”
A 3.6-liter V-8 powers businessman and Ferrari enthusiast David Lee’s outlaw Dino. Builder Moto Technique sourced an F40 donor engine before removing the turbos and boring it out to increase displacement.
Lee owns several examples of what many consider Ferrari’s most important cars, which led to several guest appearances on “Jay Leno’s Garage.” His ensuing small degree of celebrity within the car-enthusiast world lured him down a path that would lead the Ferrari collector to become a Ferrari modder and outlaw—ultimately resulting in the Dino in question.
First was a phone call during which Lee and fellow Instagram celeb and Porsche builder Magnus Walker planned to collaborate on a video of the pair driving up Southern California’s famous Angeles Crest Highway. The idea was for Lee and Walker to drive cars from the manufacturers that have been part of their rise to prominence in the car community. Walker chose his signature “outlaw” 1971 Porsche 911 branded with the number 277. The red, white, and blue sports car is well known enough to have a Hot Wheels model cast in its honor. But this presented a problem for Lee, as he didn’t own the right signature vehicle to run with Walker’s hot-rod 911.
Quad exhaust: The attractive exhaust system produces sounds to match the car’s exquisite appearance, especially at high rpm.
“A Daytona Spider probably wouldn’t be so good for that,” Lee says. “Ferrari’s golden years were in the ’60s, and I have a lot of ’60s . Then it goes ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s, but that also wouldn’t match. I said, ‘Magnus, I’ll get back to you. Let me think about this.’”
Lee concluded he needed to build something appropriate for the occasion without ruffling the feathers of too many purists. “A lot of people don’t look at the Dino respectfully because it was a lower, inexpensive kind of entry-price-point Ferrari,” he says. “People would kind of be snobbish about it.”
Lee found a story about a modified Dino with a Ferrari 328 engine, updated transmission, and 360 wheels. He tried to buy it from its owner and builder, Kevin O’Rourke, but couldn’t get him to part with his creation. Lee knew he would have to build his own interpretation; he also knew he risked upsetting purists after seeing how people responded negatively to O’Rourke’s car. For some people, the opinions of others are irrelevant, but that philosophy doesn’t work particularly well for social-media influencers looking to connect with fans.
The Monza 3.6 Evo looks fairly stock from the outside, but David Lee’s fabricator produced replica 17-inch wheels and transparent headlight covers that serve as the telltale giveaways.
From behind the wheel of his modified 1972 Dino 246 GTS, though—which Lee calls the Monza 3.6 Evo—the investment of more than $1 million and a year-plus of development time seem to have been worth it. The build is cohesive to an impressive degree; the car is supposed to drive like it came from the factory. In reality, Moto Technique in the United Kingdom did the work.
There are modern touches like low-speed power steering, mighty Brembo brakes, a revised suspension, and bigger 17-inch wheels based on an original Dino design.
The “3.6” designation comes from the naturally aspirated V-8’s displacement. The engine started as a 2.9-liter twin-turbo sourced from a Ferrari F40, but Lee’s builder removed the turbos and bored out the block. Other parts were overhauled or swapped, including new pistons and headers and an F40 radiator. The resulting output is 400 horsepower from an engine that revs past 7,000 rpm. Gear changes are courtesy of a five-speed manual Lee says comes from a Ferrari 328.
There are modern touches like low-speed power steering, mighty Brembo brakes, a revised suspension, and bigger 17-inch wheels based on an original Campagnolo design. The whole build is balanced, planted, and easier to drive than expected. All that power in a 2,400-pound car with near 50:50 weight distribution is almost always a winning combination.
The engine turns over immediately upon startup and begins a charismatic idle. The clutch is fairly easy to work, and adjusting the seats proves more difficult than operating the well-sorted gated-shifter gearbox. Power delivery is linear as we carve through the winding bends that slice across the hills near Lee’s store. The engine vies for center stage with its meaty roar, but you can’t help but notice the feel of the strong brakes under your foot, the nice steering—accurate despite some play around center—and the vehicle’s overall ease of use. This Dino drives like a classic, but its updates mean it coexists with modern traffic without too much white-knuckle action. In the process of creating it, Lee says, “I’ve learned to love the Dino. It’s such a great design. So beautiful, so balanced, such a great car.”
Lee is so happy with the outcome that he plans to commission a series of 25 of these artisanal restomod Monza 3.6 Evos during a five-year span, under the company name Monza Automotive Design. Like certain other car-restoration and modification businesses that also play in a similar automotive space and that value individualism, Lee plans to disallow customers from ordering duplicate color schemes. Lee therefore has the only one that will be black with a red interior. Each will be priced at $1 million, and Lee so far doesn’t offer much in the way of details on how the business will be structured. But he tells us—and this is no surprise considering the rise of the boutique automotive restomod business—he already has a number of interested parties. Just don’t expect armed guards to be included in the steep price of admission.
0 notes
Grimoire of Zero 1 | The Royal Tutor 2 | SukaSuka 1 | Tsukigakirei 2 | Kado 2 | Twin Angel Break 2 | Boku no Hero Academia 16
Grimoire of Zero 1
I mistook this as Re:Zero at one point (because of the Zero Kara Hajimeru… start of the title). However, despite my having never seen Re:Zero, I’m always open for a good fantasy title.
At least this show is funny, that’s for sure.
Eh, this plot seems like Bungou’s a tad – if you think about why Atsushi was hunted down and such – but then who’s going to be Zero in a Bungou Stray Dogs x Grimoire of Zero AU?
This seems a little cliché in how it handles its humour, but I have a feeling it’ll go above and beyond.
What struck me was that they chose the name Plasta as the capital’s name. A capital city called “Plaster”, pretty much, LOL.
The ED reminds me of Flip Flappers and the book motif reminds me of Deltora Quest, so it’s quite the nostalgic feeling. It’s a keeper, although if it becomes an endless bore of a quest then it may hold less potential than I think it does.
The Royal Tutor 2
It seems Bruno is one prince everyone with a strict study regimen’ll relate to. (Or at least, those who’ve had a strict study regimen at least once in their life.) Even if this is an exercise in drawing out humour to the fullest, it’s relatable and that’s part of what gives this show its personality.
I haven’t seen anyone this enthusiastic to have a master since Yotaro (SGRS)! LOL.
Heine used watakushi. He’s very polite.
Yeahhhhhhh…this, as you may know from how I treated Love Tyrant and Armed Girls, is not going to go down well. Just when the show had gained my favour, too…
I think the girls might’ve referred to Heine as Heinecchi. Update: My mistake, it was Heine-chan.
Behoove? Welp, I learnt a new English word from the subs. It’s not every day that happens, although I tend to pick up cultural things a lot from subs (hence these notes).
Creepy CGI door is not to be taken lightly too. The camera angle was a bit weird there, to boot.
Eeeeeeee! Kai is the one I want to know about the most! (Not just ‘cos he’s handsome, mind you. It’s because he doesn’t talk.)
Shadow? A name for a white dog? Doesn’t make much sense, but it makes me laugh, so okay, I’ll take it. *beams*
Just antisocial, eh? All the more reason to like ‘im.
SukaSuka 1
There aren’t too many promising debuts this season (I only really have my eyes on BnHA, Kado and The Royal Tutor at the moment) because “shows potential” is very different to “I want to keep watching!” for me, but maybe SukaSuka will do the trick.
Why does every fantasy world these days involve animal people? Who knows?
Intereting to note there was Scarborough Fair in English (yes, I had the volume on this time). As a side note, the song was sung by a Tamaru Yamada. (Around when the juggling Pac-Man appears, there’s credits for it.)
I would’ve asked where she was going if she said she had to go, mate. Ask her!
Ny…troll girl is pretty typical for this kind of anime, but Willem seems like he could be a spanner in the works.
Butt shot no. 1.
That oddly placed camera angle (the one where you see into the room from the window) was weird. Seriously though, how does Willem know Nyllathgo (or whatever troll girl’s name is)? Update: her name is Nygglatho. It was close, but not quite it…
Reptrace appears to be a made up cuisine.
I can only see the kids as shippers in the making, but I guess that’s YoI’s fault…?
I remember from pre-show material her katakana name is Kutori, so I’m gonna go with that spelling.
Lemme guess: it’s because the weapons are the kids?(!)
Well that was new: I can normally guess a new point for a show that plays it safe like this, but Kutori is a weapon too? That I didn’t guess. That automatically means I keep it on, at least for another week.
Tsukigakirei 2
Tsukigakirei is sitting somewhere pretty high on the list of “shows to go on hold this season”, so it’ll have to perform well to not have to get that treatment. Considering I can be fairly strict with my 5 show quota, I need to put 2 shows on hold (since out of 8 shows, the third is Kenka Bancho Otome, which automatically goes out of the running), 1 if I use a space I just freed up.
Was the live action OP really necessary? Considering this is anime, it is a bit odd. (Then again, didn’t I raise that gripe with Kado too?)
I don’t normally think about staff much unless they’re familiar names, but Seiji Kishi is a name that’s come up before – with Rampo Kitan.
It just so happens the girly boy is the one with the horns on his headband…for some reason, I find it suits him, since he’s the devil’s advocate to Kotaro. Also, why isn’t Kotaro wearing his headband?
Hey, this feeling. I’ve never really participated in these sport days (if I was forced to do stuff, I’d shotgun shotput since no one really took it), but I know the feelings around them real well. Once again, Tsukigakirei excels in recreating a teenage experience…
I has a small sneaking suspicion Akane’s toy would have gotten lost, and it seems like that’s coming true.
I laughed a really derpy laugh at devil’s advocate boy liking the teacher. Even though I had a small squick moment that it may have been romantic, suki is quite the broad term compared to how Akane and Kotaro’s romance is laid out so…it can’t be said for sure that the boy’s “like” is romantic, too.
That pink thing is a potato mascot?! I’m not angry, just hella surprised – that pink thing is so not a potato.
I gave a little “aw!” at when Kotaro told Akane she was fine the way she was. Now there’s a sentiment I can get behind.
Why does he box the light string? I don’t get it…but at least it makes him more dynamic than, say, Haruki (Sagrada Reset).
Haneteru-kun? So that’s how you say it in Japanese?
The style of the ED is unique, that’s for sure.
I think Tsukigakirei just proved itself. Sure, it’s not a complete “turn genres on its head” sort of thing, but it’s competent at what it does, and that’s all it needs right now. That’s all it’ll ever need. Then again, that does beggar the question: what goes on hold instead? There’s only one way to find out…
Kado 2
I was surprised to find out Shunina was voiced by none other than Akoya (Takuma Terashima)!
The OP is a rather odd choice (in regards to the music), but it does at least set the atmosphere well.
WPAN? I know of LANs and WANs, so WLAN makes sense (kind of), but not that…Okay, I learnt something.
“…we’re touching the ground…”
When the plane looks better than the characters…you know you’re doing CG wrong.
I want the OST of this, that song when Shindo touches the bottom of the cube really creates the feeling of a “foreign space”.
Erm, while Shindo and Shunina are negotiating, Shunina seems to have forgotten he’s buck naked…? Not that I mind, and it completely makes sense for an alien like him, but…yeah. He’s naked.
Base 10 = decimal, base 16 = hexadecimal, base 2 = binary. Shunina seems to be expressing the time in binary, but time is in base 60 (because 60 seconds = 1 minute and so on, so forth).
That bread doesn’t look too appetising, LOL.
I know Kado is much prettier flat, but when it’s just slow pans…you can tell they skimped on the budget. CGI is costly, sure, but…make sure you have proper budget before you make an anime, people, please. (On the other hand, I like 2D!Shunina.)
Is there any significance as to what order people appear in the ED?
Kado’s been my top contender ever since episode 0. While it does have its visual flaws, it’s an intelligent anime that takes its time to explain things and build suspense.
Twin Angel Break 2
I ended up keeping this on because I have no access to Twin Angel: Twinkle Paradise…
I never knew Sumire was such a sucker for her brother…I’ve never seen such a trope in magical girl shows before, and normally when you see it in anime, it’s a dude lusting after his younger sister, not the other way around. Just another sign this is aimed at pachinko-playing guys…
Gah! Fanservice shots! In my magical girl anime! *points* Another sign this is for dudes. By the way, ari can mean ant.
People don’t move like conveyer belts when solving maths problems.
Welp, such is the mark of a society that wants extroverts…
Meguru appears to have a red bean bun, although I’m not sure of its name aside from “red bean bun”.
Wait, where’s the ball?!
I always thought “Pochi” was a common name for a dog in Japan, kinda like the Western world’s “Spot”. Or “Hachi”, if you want your dog to be like Hachiko.
An event about animals at Tokyo Big Sight? Well, I’ll be. Wonders never cease in this show.
During the pan, the screen seems to jolt a bit. It’s kinda awkward for a show that is otherwise good visually.
Who has a porcupine as a pet? Sometimes I can’t tell if this show’s for little girls or older men…Well, Google says it’s possible to have a porcupine as a pet, but still I bet a pachislot-playing man wouldn’t know you can have a pet porcupine.
I was most displeased when I realised Sumire has a Gainax moment in her transformation sequence. Yet another fanservice spot to add to the growing list of annoyances in this show…
Geddit? It’s Me-ari?
It’s the ol’ duplication trick. Saw it in Smile Precure, so I guess I’m kinda numb to it already.
I was not expecting that for the ED. I really didn’t.
Well, I’ve had enough gripes about this show. It’s going on hold so I can figure out my feelings about it. That being said, there’s a lot of “middle ground” anime this time - if SukaSuka or Grimoire of Zero don’t get the boot from their next ep, I’ll have to deal with 6 simulcasting anime and leave the space open. (Luckily, there have been so many full seasons that I have a little too much bingewatching material available, regardless of whether I have the space open or not.)
Boku no Hero Academia 16
Not sure if chicken race means this or actual chicken racing, since Google tells me actual chicken racing exists.
I’ve wanted to know more about Tokoyami for a while, so here’s hoping for character development!
A-ha! Exploiting landmines’ propulsion – not many would think of that, but Midoriya certainly would.
All Might, Thirteen and Present Mic ganging up like that looks ridiculous, but it’s hilarious and helps to break up the suspense. *thumbs up*
*laughs* Oh man, this is what makes this show so good. It manages to strike hard and well with both its humour, strategy and action – it never misses one beat. That’s the spirit, Boku no Hero Academia! Keep going just like this!
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