#harry potter x original character
mychemicalimagines · 2 years
Golden Quartet-Harry Potter-Chapter 10/Finale
Summary: The Golden Quartet (2 Weasley’s, a Granger, and a Potter) have been friends since their first year at Hogwarts. Now in their third year, Kelsey Weasley and Harry Potter can barely hold onto their feelings toward one another. Will Sirius Black, who has escaped from Azkaban, ruin their chances of being together…or will they get closer?
Warnings: Language, Talks of Family’s death, Talks of Murder, Violence, Witchcraft, Wizardry, Toxic Family Relationships
Words: 3,496
A/N: Last Chapter! I hope you called enjoyed! Please comment or send me an ask if you want us to continue with Kelsey and Harry’s relationship into Goblet or Fire. We do already have ideas and have started writing part 2!
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Third Person POV
Harry and Kelsey run through the trees, worried about the loud yelp Sirius lets out. They stop by a tree, clearly seeing as past Harry throws a rock at the large werewolf. Lupin turns around and growls before stalking toward him. The dark haired teen in the trees thinks nothing of it when Kelsey lets go of his hand. 
But he wasn’t expecting this…
“OWWWWWW!” Kelsey howls, cupping her mouth.
He quickly wraps his arms around her, trying to get her hands away from her face.
“What are you doing?!” He whispers in her ear.
“Saving your life.” She pushes him backward. “OWWWWW!”
Harry looks back to the tall grass, realizing it was indeed Kelsey that he heard earlier that night. Lupin freezes and as before, he rushes toward the trees.
“Thanks.” He says before sighing. “Great. Now he’s coming for us.”
“Yeah, I didn’t think about that.” She pushes him toward the trees behind her. “Run!”
Together, they run into the forest as fast as they can, listening to the whines and vicious snarls their professor is making as he races after them. They run faster as the snarls are closer, but Harry doesn’t pay attention to the roots sticking out of the ground. He trips and lands flat on his face but Kelsey doesn’t hesitate. 
She quickly turns around and grabs his hand, pulling him up, forcing him to run once again. She wasn’t just going to let the love of her life get devoured by their werewolf professor. Needing to catch their breath, they hide behind a large tree, praying that Lupin went in a different direction. When Harry gets behind the tree, they hear soft snarls, knowing their prayers were unanswered.
He turns his head slightly, trying to watch the werewolf with the peripheral of his eye. He sees Lupin stop nearby and gently pushes Kelsey toward the other side of the tree, keeping her hand in his. She grabs onto his forearm with her other hand, keeping him as close to her as possible. The werewolf sniffs the air, smelling the teens nearby.
He howls loudly before making it sound like he’s running in another direction. Kelsey pulls on Harry’s arm, backing up, thinking the wolf is gone. She couldn’t have been more wrong. They walk backward into the small clearing, keeping their eyes pointed in the direction they have come from. The wolf, happy his plan had worked, sneaks up behind them.
He steps on a few twigs on accident before snarling, alerting the teens of his position. Kelsey gasps and turns around, catching sight of their professor.
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He stands up on his back legs, walking toward them. Harry pulls her backward and wraps his arms around her before turning so his back is facing Lupin, not wanting her to get hurt. 
Buckbeak appears out of nowhere, charging toward the werewolf. With lightning-fast reflexes, his claws slash the air, only inches away from Lupin’s face. He turns and howls loudly at the creature, but Buckbeak slashes his claws again while flapping his large wings, scaring the werewolf away. He bellows loudly as if to say ‘these are my humans’.
The creature then turns toward them, watching them for a moment, making sure they’re alright. Kelsey turns in Harry’s arms, wrapping her own around his waist, digging her face into his chest.
“That was so scary…” She whispers.
He tightens his arms around her and rubs her back, putting his face into her red hair. Wanting to lighten the mood slightly, he mumbles into her hair. 
“Poor Professor Lupin’s having a really tough night.”
She giggles softly before pulling away from Harry when the wind picks up and gets slightly colder. Both of their heads snap up toward the sky as it gets darker to see the floating cloaked figures. Their eyes widen as they realize what time it must be.
“Sirius.” Harry says, letting her go but grabs her hand. “Come on.”
He pulls her in the direction of the piece of Black Lake that he was at earlier in the night. It only took them a few minutes to reach the spot but when they do, they were later than Harry wanted to be. Before when a cyclone of Dementors whirl madly above Harry and Sirius. They watch as past Harry vainly attempts to conjure a Patronus as the cyclone only continues to grow.
“This is horrible.” Kelsey mumbles, squeezing his hand.
“Don’t worry. My dad will come…He’ll conjure the Patronus.”
They watch as the Dementors suck on both males' souls and the past teen falls to his knees, crying out in pain.
“Right there!” Harry points. “You’ll see…”
Kelsey watches as he and Sirius continue to get assaulted by the Dementors, almost killing them both.
“You’re dying.” She whispers, a tear falling from her eye. “Both of you.”
Harry’s face changes as realization appears on his face. He lets go of her hand and runs down toward the water, pulling out his wand. 
“Harry!” She calls out, not wanting him to be seen.
It’s too late. Harry rushes down the rocky outcrop to the exact spot where, to his mind, his father appeared. Pointing his wand, he looks out over the sea of Dementors on the other side of the lake. Memories of him and Kelsey, from the moment he met her till now, flies through his mind at an alarming rate.
A wisp of silver escapes his wand, hovering like a mist then blooms magnificently.
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The trees explode with light and the lake blazes with the reflection of his patronus. He stands utterly still, wand extended to the heavens. Across the lake, the Dementors retreat. He waits, still as a statue until each and everyone is gone then he simply lets his arm drop.
He watches as his past self passes out, thinking what he thought...that his dad was there.
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Buckbeak soars downward before pulling up, Kelsey and Harry on his back. She’s sitting behind him, like they did the day they learned about Hippogriffs, holding onto him tightly. He doesn’t mind, he loves knowing she’s right there with him. After the last two days, he needs her comfort. That...that describes her perfectly. 
His best source of comfort during rough times.
She sacrificed herself their first year during the potion section of the trails before he met Voldemort and Quirrell. She almost died, taking all those potions. During their second year, she got hurt while protecting him and her twin brother from Aragog and his baby spiders. Now, she willingly went into the past to help him break his godfather out of jail.
He doesn’t know what he would do without her and he never wants to find out.
“Kelsey?” He calls out, glancing over his shoulder.
“Yeah?” She speaks up, digging her face into his back.
“I was wrong before. It wasn’t my dad I saw earlier. It was me! I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time, because...well, I’d already done it!” He laughs. “Does that make sense?”
“No!” She shakes her head. “And you know I hate flyinggg!!!”
She screams loud, feeling Buckbeak soar down toward the Dark Tower. Harry laughs, grabbing her hand that’s around his waist, squeezing it, letting her know he’s right there. The creature lands on the cement near the tower. They jump up and around the corner before spotting Sirius in the cell. Kelsey runs over, pulling her wand from her front pocket.
“BOMBARDA!” She points the wand at the lock. 
The door explodes open, forcing Kelsey and Harry to cover their faces as cement flies through the air. Sirius stands up and runs toward them, making sure to give them both a tight hug. Not even a second later, Buckbeak sprints off the edge of the tower, all three people on his back. Kelsey, Sirius and Harry.
She’s not sure how they talked her into that one, but with Sirius laughing and cheering, she doesn’t mind one bit. She smiles softly, keeping her eyes closed and fingers in Buckbeak’s feathers. A few minutes later, the creature flies down into the courtyard, landing on the cement. Harry climbs down first with Sirius close behind. 
He then reaches up and puts his hands on Kelsey’s waist, swinging her off Buckbeak onto the ground next to his godson. He pulls her into the small hallway nearby, letting go of her hand and looks at them both. 
“I’ll be forever grateful for this.” He says with a smile. “To both of you.”
“I want to go with you.” Harry says, stopping his footsteps beside his crush.
“One day perhaps. For some time, my life will be too...Unpredictable. Besides...” He says, putting his hands on his best friend’s son’s shoulders. “You’re meant to be here.”
“But you’re innocent.” He says, looking at him.
“And you know it.” Sirius says, pushing him back until he sits on the bench behind him.
Kelsey turns around and walks to Buckbeak, giving them a moment together. 
“And for now, that’ll do.” He continues with a smile. “I expect you’re tired of hearing this...but you look so like your father. Except your eyes...You have…”
“My mother’s eyes…” Harry smiles widely, finishing his sentence. 
Sirius chuckles before speaking again. “It’s cruel that I got to spend so much time with James and Lily, but you so little. But know this. The ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them...in here…”
He puts his hand on his godson’s chest exactly where his heart is. He then stands up and walks to Buckbeak, knowing he needs to leave soon or else he’ll get caught. Harry stands up and follows him to see him getting on Buckbeak’s back. Kelsey hands him the chain attached to the bird with a small smile.
Harry stands far enough away, knowing Sirius is going to want to thank his best friend. She didn’t intrude on their moment and he doesn’t want to intrude on theirs.
“Can you do me a favor?” Sirius asks softly, looking down at the red-haired girl.
“Of course.” She says, nodding.
“Take care of Harry, Kelsey. He’s gonna need it.” He smiles before glancing at the boy before turning his attention back to her. “A Potter boy always needs a fiery red-head to keep them in line.”
She giggles, understanding exactly what...or rather whom...he’s talking about. 
James and Lily.
“Don’t worry, Sirius. I will.” 
She smiles before stepping backward until her back is against her best friend’s chest. He puts his hand on her hip before watching as his godfather gives Buckbeak a good slap on the behind. They soar into the glittering sky, going straight toward the moon. Well, in that direction. The two teens smile, proud of what they accomplished today.
Their heads snap toward the direction of the clock tower, shocked at what time it was. 
“We have to go.” She says, grabbing his hand. 
Together, they dash off into the building, hoping to get to the hospital wing before the last bell. They make it to the top of the clocktower, rushing down the hallway, still holding hands. They only let go when they jump down the tree steps leading to the hospital wing doors. Dumbledore turns around, after closing the door and looks at them.
“He’s free. We did it.” Harry answers, panting softly.
“Did what?” He smirks. “Goodnight.”
He waves before walking down the steps nearby, going back to his office. Kelsey looks at Harry with a raised eyebrow, before they both rush to open the doors. They catch the faintest glimpse of themselves across the room, just as they evaporate. Hermione’s head snaps up and a large smile appears on her face. 
Ron, however, raises an eyebrow and frowns at them.
“How’d you two get over there?” He asks, gesturing around the room. “I was just talking to you there...and now you’re there…”
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“What is he talking about, guys?” Kelsey asks, a smirk appearing on her lips. 
“I don’t know…” Hermione shrugs. 
“Honestly, Ron, how can someone be in two places at once?” Harry asks, a smile covering his face.
The three of them, Hermione, Kelsey, and Harry all burst into laughter while Ron is still confused on the other side of the room. The red-haired female walks over to her brother, giggles still escaping her lips as she wraps her arms around his neck from the side, giving him a soft hug.
“It’s okay if you’re going crazy, Ronald. I know we already are…”
He shakes his head with a smile, putting his hand on her arm, squeezing softly.
“Someday you will tell me, right?” He asks, looking up at her.
“Sure. But I will tell you something right now.” She pauses and waits for his nod. “I knew that rat was no good.”
He chuckles and grabs a pillow that he was using for his head before he hits her with it. More laughter enters the room from all four of the teenagers, Kelsey and Ron’s being the loudest.
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It’s a few days later and Harry decides to go see how Professor Lupin is doing, making sure to take Kelsey with him. They walk through his empty classroom, up the stairs to his office to see his back as he faces one of his book shelves, musing playing in the background. Harry reaches around his best friend’s back to knock on the door.
“Hello, Harry...Kelsey.” He says, without even turning around.
When he does turn around, he closes the book in his hands and looks at them with a smile. They both raise an eyebrow, wondering how in the bloody hell did he know they were there.
“Saw you two coming.” He gestures to the Marauders map on his desk. 
He waves his wand and the small box beside the teens closes up, scaring them slightly. They look back at him and their eyes widen at the scratches littering his face...Turns out Buckbeak did get a scratch in that night.
“I’ve looked worse, believe me.” He says, turning around.
Kelsey looks around, noticing all his drawers are open and the bookshelves are almost bare as if he’s been...
“You’ve been sacked…” Harry says, walking further into the room.
“No. No.” Lupin shakes his head. “I resigned, actually.”
“Resigned?” Kelsey’s voice moves up an octave.
“Why?” Harry continues her thought. 
“Well it seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition. This time tomorrow the owls will start arriving and parents will not want a, umm, well someone like me teaching their children.” He answers, cleaning up his desk. 
“You scratched me and I’d rather you teach me than some oaf that doesn’t even know what he’s doing…” Kelsey says, stepping toward him.
“I am very sorry about that. I remember it, but of course, couldn’t stop it.” He says, looking at her.
“Don’t worry about it. I’d rather you keep your job…”
“Dumbledore…” Harry speaks up.
“Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me, well, let’s just say I’m used to this by now.” He says before waving his wand.
All of his clothes start flying into his trunk before locking. Harry sighs and reaches down to take Kelsey’s hand, needing her comfort right now. She laces her fingers with his before looking up at her teacher. He pretends not to notice the movement, but instead, raises an eyebrow. 
“Why do you look so miserable, Harry?” He asks.
“None of it made any difference.” He mumbles, looking up at him. “Pettigrew escaped.” 
“Didn’t make any difference?” Lupin asks, shocked at his words. “Harry, it made all the difference in the world. You two helped uncover the truth. You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. It made a great deal of difference.”
He chuckles before lifting up one of his smaller suitcases. He walks toward the door before looking at his two favorite students. 
“If I am proud of anything, it is of how much you have learned this year. Now, since I am no longer your teacher, I feel no guilt, whatsoever, about giving this back to you.” He gestures to the map. “Now, I must say goodbye. I feel sure we’ll meet again sometime. Until then...Mischief managed…”
He waves his wand and the map closes up before all the ink disappears right before their eyes. Kelsey bites her lip and lets go of her best friend’s hand. She steps forward and wraps her arms around her old professor. Lupin chuckles softly and wraps an arm around her, hugging her close. 
“Goodbye, Kelsey.” He then whispers in her ear. “Take care of him.”
“Of course.” She answers before stepping back.
Both teens watch as he leaves the room, limping slightly. She sighs and shakes her head, saddened by the loss of her favorite professor.
“Come on.” Harry says, grabbing the map from the desk. “Let’s go to lunch.”
She nods and follows him out of the room. It only takes them about ten minutes to get to the hallway near the Great Hall and when they do, they hear Ron’s voice first. 
“Stand back, I said! Or I’ll - I’ll take it upstairs if you don’t settle.”
Kelsey raises an eyebrow and walks around the corner, Harry beside her. 
“Harry!” Neville says, loudly, running toward them. “Wherever did you get it?”
“Can I have a go, Harry? After you, of course.” Seamus says, running toward them as well.
The Boy-Who-Lived raises an eyebrow, confused at what they’re asking.
“What are you talking about?” Kelsey asks, looking at her fellow Gryffindors. 
“Quiet!” Ron speaks up, moving his crutches so he can step back. “Let the man through. Uh, I didn’t mean to open it, Harry. I-I-It was badly wrapped. They made me do it!”
He then points at their older twin brothers.
“Did not!” They say, in sync.
Harry then steps forward, pulling the piece of paper out of the way revealing a brand new broomstick. 
“It’s a Firebolt.” Fred tells him.
“It’s the fastest broomstick in the world.” George continues.
“For me?” Harry smiles widely before looking around. “But who sent it?”
“No one knows.” Ron chuckles.
Hermione holds up a grey feather, glancing up at Harry and Kelsey.
“This came with it.” She states. “Does it mean anything to the two of you?”
They glance at one another with a smirk before shaking their heads, not revealing any secrets. He then picks up the broomstick and grabs his crushes hand, pulling her out of the Great Hall. All Gryffindor students around rush out after them, wanting to see the fastest broom ever made. They all run past Malfoy and his lackeys, who glare at the red-head before raising an eyebrow at all the commotion.
A bunch of the Gryffindors shout out questions, either ‘wanting to go next’ or ‘how fast does it really go?’  Harry lets go of her hand before mounting the broom. Not even a second later, he shoots off into the distance, screaming excitedly as he goes. Kelsey smiles widely, watching the Boy-Who-Lived, finally being able to relax and take a ride on his broom.
No Dementors...No Godfathers wanting to kill him...Just Harry and his broom.
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That night, the Golden Quartet is sitting in their common room, being forced to study for their final exams by their brunette best friend. While Ron sits in a recliner, he stares at his Care of the Magical Creatures book, not actually reading anything. Hermione’s sitting on the floor, using the table in the room to write down her potion’s homework, making sure to get every detail she can.
On the couch sits Kelsey and Harry, writing away in their respective notebooks. The former writing her Divinations notes while the latter...well let’s say he’s not actually doing any homework either. Halfway down the page, Harry sighs to himself before he rips out and crumples up the piece of parchment. He tosses it in the trashcan in the middle of their group before standing up.
“I’ll be back.” 
He moves away from the group, walking toward the stairs to the dorm rooms. Kelsey raises an eyebrow before glancing down at the piece of paper in the can near her feet. Five words stick out to her. She tilts her head and leans down to read them. 
‘Kelsey, I am madly in…’ 
She reaches toward the paper, but jumps as the common room door slams open. She sits back in her seat as Seamus walks into the room, talking away with Dean Thomas. She sighs and looks back toward the trash can, watching as the paper magically disappears like all trash does when thrown away…
She guesses she’ll never find out what Harry has been wanting to say to her...Not knowing he feels the same as she does...
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d14n3k14 · 2 months
It’s the other story when Ominis hears about it🫴
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819 notes · View notes
Pansy: Professor Snape won't trace this back to us, right?
Y/n: Are you kidding? He traces everything back to us. Professor Snape traces things we haven't even done yet back to us.
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theosbaby · 4 months
lost in the fire
theodore nott x fem!reader x pansy parkinson
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summary; you said you might be into girls, you said you're going through a phase... well, maybe you can bring a friend.
warnings; reader is bisexual, sub!reader, dom!theo, dom!pansy, SMUT, threesome (fmf), tribbing, oral sex (male and fem receiving), p in v, praising, dirty talk, unprotected sex. this is the first time i write a threesome, hope it doesn't suck.
author's note; english isn't my first language, so you might find mistakes. first time posting here, hope you like it!
inspired by 'lost in the fire' by gesaffelstein, the weekend
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it was a friday night. slytherin party night. best fucking night of the month. the common room was crowded, everyone was there, including some students from other houses, and you were dancing with pansy in the improvised dance floor. both of you were sweaty and a bit drunk as you rubbed your bodies together to the rhythm of music, teasing and seducing each other.
meanwhile, a couple of hungry eyes watched you from afar; theo nott was sitting in one of the couches, glass of whisky in hand, as he analysed every movement you both made. theo had been trying to get in your pants for months now, but you kept rejecting him because you had been having some doubts about your sexuality since you started being friends with pansy and you realised that you liked her as more than friends. "i'm going through a phase" you had told him, but theo wasn't going to give up that easily; he was determined to fuck you.
seeing you dancing so provocatively with his best friend ignited something in him, so he finished the rest of his whisky in one gulp and stood up from the couch, deciding to approach you confidently.
"hey there, beautiful," he whispered in your ear, pressing his body to your back while you kept dancing with pansy.
you jumped slightly at theo's touch, surprised by his sudden appearance. you turned around slightly to face him, still holding onto pansy's waist as you said, "oh... hey, theo..." your voice was breathless, and you glanced over at pansy, who grinned back at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
theo and pansy were childhood friends, so she obviously knew about the guy's feelings for you. and she also knew that those feelings were reciprocated, even though you had never admitted it out loud. they both liked you and you liked them back, and she had no problem with sharing, so she pushed you against theo's body, sandwiching you between their bodies while she winked at her best friend.
you felt theo wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him, his free hand running through your hair. he leaned down to whisper in your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
"you look incredible tonight," he said softly, before kissing your cheek gently.
he couldn't help but notice how well you and pansy complemented each other, the contrast between your personalities creating a perfect balance. and he wanted desperately to be part of that.
"dance with me," he asked you.
you hesitated, but nodded slowly, biting your lip nervously as you kept holding onto pansy's waist. you felt a thrill of excitement run through your body when you ground your ass against theo, moving sensually to the music. your eyes were fixed in pansy's green ones the whole time, feeling the heat emanating from their bodies as the three of you started dancing together.
the air became thick with desire in no time. pansy ran her fingers through your hair, pulling it back lightly to kiss your neck gently. at the same time. theo's hands roamed over your curves, feeling every contour of your body underneath your tight black dress. he could see the way your pupils dilated as you turned slightly to look at him, and he knew you were getting aroused. he pressed himself even closer to you, feeling the heat of your bodies melding into one.
"i wanna fuck you so bad," he whispered in your ear, pressing his hardening erection against your ass, "and so does pansy, you know?"
you blushed deeply at theo's words, feeling your heart rate increase as you tried to process what he was suggesting.
"you have us wrapped around your pretty little finger, love..." he kept talking, making your body flinch at his words.
"do i?" you inquired with faked innocence as you fluttered your eyelashes at him.
"oh you know damn well, baby."
you looked at pansy almost instantly when you heard her soft voice and you saw her smiling playfully back at you.
"so what are you gonna do about it?" you asked teasingly, looking between them with doe eyes full of curiosity and anticipation.
pansy reached out to stroke your cheek affectionately, before standing on her tiptoes to press a passionate kiss to your lips. you gasped in her mouth as you felt her lips against yours.
theo watched you both closely, his cock stirring in his pants as he imagined the three of you naked and tangled up between his bedsheets. he could hardly believe his luck; you were finally willing to have sex with him... adding pansy to the mix just made him harder.
"why don't we get out of here so we can make you feel good, love?" he suggested, his voice low and grave with need. "would you like that?" he asked you, placing some wet kisses on your neck as you kissed pansy.
you pulled away from her kiss reluctantly, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through your veins. you glanced at theo, biting your lip as you thought about what he was suggesting. you didn't want to make things awkward between them, since you knew they were such close friends, but at the same time you couldn't deny the thrill of being with both of them at the same time.
"yeah... i want that," you answered, your voice barely above a whisper as you stared deeply into his eyes.
"my dorm," theo replied simply, leading the way towards the boys dormitories without any further discussion.
when you arrived at his room, he unlocked the door quickly, pushing it open and gesturing for you and pansy to enter ahead of him. once inside, he closed the door behind him and locked it before turning back to the both of you, finding you already kissing again. "fucking hell," he muttered under his breath, watching closely as he started approaching you.
you felt theo's body pressing against your back as pansy devoured your mouth, slipping her playful tongue between your parted lips. his hands started roaming over your body and you moaned softly against pansy's lips, your own hands exploring her slim body while you pulled her closer to you.
after a few seconds you broke the kiss and turned to face theo, not wanting to make him feel left out; you grasped his neck and pulled him into a kiss too. he fucking moaned at the contact and the sound made you feel weak on the knees as you tangled your fingers in his soft wavy hair.
pansy started lifting your dress over your hips slowly, placing wet kisses on your shoulders and neck while her fingers caressed your thighs. when she exposed your black lace thong, she started toying with the hem of it teasingly, making your breath hitch.
theo pulled away from you reluctantly, gripping your dress to take it off completely. you stood almost fully naked and flushed in front of his hungry gaze, which wandered all over your bare form.
he grasped your jaw, lifting your head so that your eyes met his as he pressed against your body, muttering, "so fucking beautiful."
he captured your lips in another filthy kiss as pansy cupped your pussy over your soaked underwear, causing you to gasp in surprise.
"oh my god," you whined in between kisses.
you parted your legs to allow the brunette to touch you as she pleased.
"she's so wet," she said in a whisper that the both of you could perfectly hear and theo groaned.
"bed, now," he ordered, pulling away from you.
while you made your way towards his bed, you could hear the rustling of their clothing as it hit the floor. you sat on the edge of the mattress and pansy was the first one to approach you, already naked.
"You have a beautiful body, pans," you complimented her, opening your legs for her.
you saw her smiling as she positioned between your spread thighs, placing a little peck on your lips. you grabbed one of her breasts, toying with her perky little nipple until it hardened and she let out a soft moan, her eyes closing and head falling back.
pansy shifted slightly, intertwining your legs with hers so that your pussies were pressed against each other, and she ground against you, grasping at your hips to hold you close. you moaned softly, feeling a surge of pleasure shoot through your body as your cunts rubbed together through your underwear. immediately, your hips bucked against pansy's, wanting to create more friction between your clits.
"mmm... feels so good," you said breathlessly, getting wetter by the second.
your gaze drifted to theo, who was watching you both intently, his cock straining against his boxers as he listened to your breathy moans. you watched him approaching you, unable to hold back any longer. he kneeled on the bed next your body, taking his thick and long shaft out of his underwear; your eyes widened at his size.
"gonna be a good girl and suck me off, love?" he growled lowly, his voice rough with desire.
he brushed the tip of his cock against your lips, while pansy and you kept tribbing, and you nodded eagerly, opening your mouth and taking theo's cock in your mouth greedily.
you wrapped your hand around his base and squeezed him tightly, taking him as far as you could without gagging. then, you started bobbing your head up and down while you used your tongue to tease the sensitive head of his dick.
you looked up at him with a playful expression in your eyes and theo groaned at the sight, feeling his cock slide inside your warm, wet mouth. he ran his hand through your hair, pulling at it slightly to guide your movements.
"that's it, love," he whispered hoarsely, "such a good girl."
pansy moaned loudly at the sight, grasping hard at your thigh, and also praised you, "you look so pretty sucking theo's cock, baby."
theo glanced over at pansy, seeing her grinding slowly against your pussy, your panties damp with your combined juices. he couldn't help but think how incredibly erotic the scene was.
you hummed around theo's shaft, feeling a tingling in your core as pansy pulled your panties to the side and kept grinding against your bare pussy, her hand moving to caress your swollen clit.
"mmm... i want to see you come, baby," she whispered seductively, "i want to watch you cum for us."
theo groaned louder, feeling his own release approaching as he took in the sight of your soaked cunt pulsing with need; he was so close to cumming, but he managed to hold back.
your cheeks hollowed as you continued to suck theo's dick, despite your need to pull back and moan freely, feeling your climax building up inside of you. you kept sucking him until your breathing became so uneven that you felt like couldn't breathe with his dick on your mouth and you released it with a loud pop.
"so close... i'm gonna cum" you warned, your walls contracting around nothing.
theo leaned in to take one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking at it and making you moan. you looked up at pansy with a pleading expression in you eyes and she smiled, rubbing her thumb harder against your clit until your were coming.
"that's it, let it out, love," theo whispered with his mouth pressed to your breast, his fingers caressing the other one.
you came hard, letting out a loud drawn-out moan while you gasped for air, feeling your pussy spasm violently and your whole body trembling from pleasure. pansy came right after you with a loud cry, her back arching as you both tried to keep the movements of your hips to ride out your orgasms, finally, she collapsed onto your chest, her breathing ragged and her heart racing.
theo watched closely, his cock throbbing at the sight of two beautiful women writhing in pleasure beside him. he leaned in to press a kiss on your lips, you returned it lazily as you recovered from the aftershocks of your climax.
"gonna fuck you now," theo muttered between kisses, "you want that, pretty girl?"
"yeah." you nodded eagerly.
you reached for pansy's face, cupping her cheek to pull her into the kiss too, the feeling of both of their tongues and lips brushing against yours made you whimper. you couldn't help but smile, pulling back to watch them kissing while you caressed their faces; the sight only made you wetter.
it was theo who broke the contact after a few seconds, pupils dilated while he grabbed your hips and placed you higher on the bed, your head falling against the pillow. you spread your legs wider instinctively to make room for him as he positioned between them. his hands moved up your thighs, slowly caressing your skin, until he reached your thong and started pulling it down; you lifted your hips and closed your legs momentarily to allow him to take it off.
"such a pretty little pussy," he said, sliding the head of his cock between your slick folds.
you whimpered softly at the action and bite your lower lip, your hips buckled.
"you gonna eat pansy's cunt while i fuck you, yeah?" he commanded in a tender voice, still rubbing his tip against your puffy clit.
you couldn't form any coherent sentence, so you limited yourself to nod in agreement. then pansy approached you, placing a brief kiss on your lips before straddling your face. you grasped at her thighs, lowering her until she was sitting on your mouth and you sucked her pussy greedily, making her moan as your tongue lapped at her clit. you felt theo slipping one finger inside of you slowly and you hummed against pansy.
"so tight and wet for me, huh." his words made you tighter around his digit. "gonna fuck you so good, sweetheart."
he inserted another finger next to the first one to stretch you out, curling them to rub your g-spot. his actions had you moaning repeatedly as you practically made out with pansy's pussy.
"please," you begged, growing inpatient; you could feel your juices dripping onto his bedding.
the sound of your voice was muted by pansy's flesh, but he understood you perfectly and decided to comply. you felt him slowly pushing his cock inside your tight pussy, stretching you out until he was fully seated in your wetness; you heard him moaning loudly.
"god, your pussy is fucking heaven..." he groaned.
you whimpered against pansy's flesh and grasped hard at her thighs, licking a long stripe from her entrance down to her clit, capturing it between your lips to suck on it. she kept moaning and squirming and you knew she was close.
"doing such a good job eating pansy out, love," he muttered as he started thrusting into you, setting a slow pace at first. "gonna make her cum on your pretty face?"
you hummed in delight as you felt his cock hitting all the right spots, your hips bucking to try and match his rhythm.
"fuck yes!" you heard pansy moan while she ground her hips faster against your tongue, her legs started shaking underneath your touch.
you couldn't see anything since her body was blocking your view, but you could hear the sound of wet kisses and theo's skin slapping against yours as he quickened the rhythm.
pansy came with a series of moans while she rode your face, body trembling and head falling back. then, she collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily; her cheeks were flushed.
you looked up at theo, lips swollen and glistening with pansy's juices as you took in the sight that was thedore nott towering over your body while he fucked you. you wrapped your legs around his hips and he leaned in to press a passionate kiss to your lips, tangling his fingers in your hair.
"i've wanted this for so long..." he groaned in your mouth, breaking the kiss.
he left a trail of wet kisses down your jaw and towards your neck. your bodies were so close together that his pelvis rubbed your clit with each thrust, sending shivers down your spine. you grasped at his hair strands, forcing him back up to keep kissing him.
"fuck," you whimpered between kisses, "wish i've let you fuck me sooner."
he chuckled at your admission. "yeah?" he bite your lip teasingly, looking into your eyes with a playful gleam in his. "well, guess we'll have to make up for the lost time."
you nodded eagerly, moaning loudly when you felt pansy's hand slipping between your bodies to start toying with your swollen clit; for a moment, you had forgotten she was there too.
your orgasm started building up due to combination of the stimulation on your clit and his dick rubbing your g-spot.
"i'm gonna cum," you told him, your pussy clamping around him like a vice.
"go ahead, love," he encouraged you, "cum all over my cock."
he watched closely as your pussy engulfed his dick and the sight almost sent him over the edge, but he managed to hold back until you were coming around his cock with a loud cry, muscles tightening and legs shaking. the feeling of your tight cunt squeezing him was all it took for him to spill inside you, filling you with his cum as he let out the prettiest whimpers.
"fuck, theo." you panted out, falling limp onto the mattress.
he placed a series of kisses on your forehead and temple as you both came down from your highs.
"yeah, i know." he chuckled while he pulled out, laying down next to you.
the three of you laid there in silence for a few minutes, completely spent and satisfied, as you cuddled.
"hottest thing i've ever done," you whispered, your gaze wandering between them both, "we should make this a habit."
you heard them laughing affectionately at your comment... they couldn't help but agree with you, though.
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moonbeamoclock · 5 months
Hot take that shouldn’t be a hot take:
my biggest pet peeve is when people tag something as a x reader but it’s actually an oc…..i got to the last chapter of a fic only for the description of the ‘reader’ to be of a white person.
then the author got nasty with me after i called her out about it but that’s whatever
it takes an extra 2 mins to have a generic description of a person rather then give the details of their appearance but some of y’all are just too lazy to do even that
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daenakills · 10 months
His dark eyes.
Tom Riddle x reader, might delete.
Part 2
warning: obsession, angsty, mentions of death, tom being up for no good. tom being tom basically. short.
'The perfect couple' you were told by your classmates and even teachers when you walked down the halls.
Tom and you had started dating three months ago, three months ago when you declared your love to him and he with an expressionless face told you to date. At that moment, you were very happy, feeling like it was the best day of your life. You were sure many girls wished that they were you.
Before that, you looked at him from a distance, wondering why he stood out among the others. Little by little you realized that his presence invaded your senses, clouded your vision, and innumerable thoughts about him blocked your normal ideas.
The moment he said yes, you got really excited. He was beautiful, with those almost black eyes that looked at you intensely, with black hair that was styled in a very elegant way, and with an intelligence superior to the others.
You still remembered the first month of the relationship, those vacations he spent at Hogwarts since he didn't want to go back to that orphanage where he grew up. You convinced your parents to go on holiday to England alone, after all you went there every summer, and what better time to be with your boyfriend than on holiday.
In the afternoon you found a way to enter his room without some nosy coming, you sat on his bed while he was sitting studying some things. He had many papers on the desk, all neatly arranged by category. He hadn't even flinched at your presence, as if he was something routine. You got up from the bed and proceeded to approach him.
“What are you doing studying? It's the holidays, there are no subjects to study.” You put your hands on his shoulders.
“There is always something to study, wisdom is eternal.” he muttered, as if the words coming out of his mouth were normal for boys still going to Hogwarts. You tried to talk to him a few more times, and each time he found an excuse to answer you curtly but calmly.
You were like this all month, until he confronted you near the ladies' room.
“Look, I'll tell you a few things and I want you to listen carefully. I don't have time for you all the time.” Silence. Silence is what there was when he whispered those words to you.
You waited for that to be all, but he continued. “I don't want you there all the time, either. I thought it would be enough for me to say that I was your boyfriend and to talk to you. But no, it doesn't seem to be enough. This alliance suits us both. You, because you want to be with me and me, because it keeps the professor distracted, who thinks I don't feel anything. So, tell me once and for all if you want to continue.” You were paralysed, until you let your heart win, and you decided that yes, you were going to continue. “I'm surprised you don't cry. At least that's a change.” Yes, you too were surprised that you didn't cry. You had the feeling of crying the whole day, wondering how to hold back the tears and make the words come out.
Tom never specified which teacher thought he didn't feel anything, but after dating him for three months, you came to the conclusion that that professor, whoever they were, was right, Tom doesn't feel.
Now you walked with him through the halls, letting his henchmen (whom he called friends in front of the others, or well, they claimed to be his friends) were a few steps away from you. You didn't talk to Tom. The both of you exchanged the odd word from time to time, just to avoid suspicion.
You used to be unable to keep your feelings, but now you have your hiding place. Behind Tom's back, you had started dating Simon Buxton, from Gryffindor. At first, you avoided Simon since he was always giving you hints that he wanted to be with you.
You were afraid that Tom would find out and do something to you, which was not a surprise. Sometimes at night you would find Tom reading things that were not correct, things about sacrifices.
But after a while, you realized that Tom really wasn't interested in you or your life. So you started sneaking out with Simon, that's what you were headed for right now, you walked away from Tom telling him you were going to find your friends, he kissed you on the forehead and let you go. The other girls around made cute sounds, telling you that you were very lucky, you ignored them.
In a short time you arrived at your hiding place with Simon, that place where they saw each other when they didn't want to be seen, that is, always. You found him already waiting for you a few steps beyond his hiding place, without waiting for him, he pounced on you.
He started kissing you and touching every part of your robe, you tried to stop him, since they weren't in the hideout yet. Without you realizing it, someone else entered the scene. It was Abraxas Malfoy.
He saw you and Simon, and he only needed to see them to go out and report the event to Tom. You continued kissing with Simon, you didn't know what was waiting for you.
You made it to the room after all your classes, thank Merlin that Simon released you minutes after you told him to stop.
You started to open the door of the room when you realized that it was already open, you went in anyway, thinking that it had only been your mistake. Freaking out when you see Tom, standing up, staring at you in the middle of your room.
“Tom, what are you doing here? Or rather, how did you get in?” You knew the answer to that last question, what you wondered was why he was there.
He completely ignored your two questions, “Do you know what would have happened if it hadn't been Abraxas who saw Simon and you kissing? Total chaos, they'd be out there saying that the perfect couple isn't so perfect. Do you know how it makes me look?” So that's what it was about, how it makes him look.
“I'll be more careful next time.”
“You are funny.” He looked at you with a serious face, he didn't find a hint of humour in it. “It won't happen again because you won't see Simon any more, that disgusting blood traitor.”
“Don't call him that! Besides, if I'm careful, no one is going to find out and no one is going to ruin your oh so precious reputation.”
“It's not just that, darling.” You didn't know why, but that flattery felt full of poison. “You are mine” he came closer to you as he spoke, “You are mine from the moment you first looked at me. I remember your face when I told you that I would be your boyfriend. You looked so excited.” he'd say with fake preoccupation as he touched your face, and for some reason you couldn't bring yourself to remove it, “It doesn't deserve to see that.” His face changed from fake shock to looking completely serious, the more you looked at him, the emptier his black eyes looked.
“Simon pleases me, he listens to me and understands me. He does everything you don't. I think you should find another girl for this.” You said with teary eyes.
“I don't want another girl, I want you!” He grabbed your shoulders and slammed you against the door, a few steps behind you. “And I have you, and I won't let you go. Ever. Do you hear me? Ever.”
You ate your food while you listened to the other girls talk about how tragic the news about Simon were. He had been missing since the day Tom threatened you.
Since that, Tom has wanted to sneak into your room to bite your neck while you cry over Simon at night, taunting you with small whispers, “Are you still crying over the traitor? Mm, too bad, I think you should stop thinking about him, he's not coming back” as his hands encircle your entire body.
At that moment you realize that the professor was wrong, Tom does feel something, the problem it's that it isn't love.
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plxnetn1ne · 18 days
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cute first date idea; hand to hand combat
no but actually this is the first time ever drawing Sebastian so please be as mean as you can i can take it
ref used here
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noelles-legacy · 19 days
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Finally, it is complete!
Oh. My. God. This took way too long to complete, but finally Noelle’s character sheet is complete!… at least for now 😅 the first half I completed very fast and I had all of these amazing ideas and it turned out amazing, just how I imagined it… but then came the second half, and I had all these things I wanted to share about her character, but then I started loosing steam and hit a huge art block. It took two weeks more then I had initially intended because I had little motivation or inspiration to add on to it, but slowly and surely I finished it.
I understand that this is a bit different from my other “gameplay related” comics, but i thought it would be fun to share who my MC is, and to give a more clearer look on her personality and background for anyone who is curious or wants to perhaps draw Noelle with there Mc (which btw I would absolutely LOVE ❤️ if you ever want to, plz do, just tag me ❤️❤️)
There’s so much more about her character and background that I still want to share, however there’s a it too much to fit in a scrapbook page so perhaps in the future I will find the time to type it out and share it, or even slowly reveal it in some short stories I’m thinking about (perhaps start ao3 and what not, idk just a thought 😏) but for now this is what I shall reveal for now. Also plz ignore if some of her history doesn’t make complete sense, I’m still working on it…
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ibloodstone · 1 month
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a small sketch of Dramione, I think that one of these days I will present the already finished art
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yarahdraws · 6 months
Querían que tuviéramos decendencia pues ya lo tenemos 🥺💖
Me encantó dibujarlo, me va a dar un paro cardíaco de tanta dulzura 😩😭💖💚💚💚💚
Mi esposa y mi hija son tan preciosas!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
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isbreulla · 7 months
𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠...
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d14n3k14 · 1 month
| Restricted Section |
「𝑆ℎℎ…. 𝑃𝑒𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑠’𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 us.」
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There were supposed to be a comic of this
Perhaps I’ll draw it when I got more energy next time 🥲 (it’s Monday tomorrow and I hate my job 💀)
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dreamcubed · 2 years
afterglow | oliver wood x reader
song; afterglow [taylor swift] pairing; oliver wood x fem!ravenclaw!reader genre; fluff, angst, hurt comfort, ex2l word count; 1,8k timeline; prisoner of azkaban warnings; swearing, usual post-break up angst summary; during your relationship with oliver, your friend groups fused to form one - so, when you broke up over a deemed "petty reason" and refused to go anywhere near each other, your friends decided to do something to fix the "split custody" situation they had found themselves in
"fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves."
"We're children of divorce."
"Tell me about it," Faye sighed, sinking down in her seat next to Percy in the library.
"We have to do something about it," Jideofor said from his position on the floor, "It's not like they broke up because one of them cheated or - I don't know - abused the other?"
"Literally," Faye replied, "It was the pettiest fucking reason."
Penelope, sat in an armchair, looked up from her book, "They're obviously still in love with each other, too."
"What was the reason?" Percy asked, "Nobody ever told me."
"They both forgot their anniversary," Jideofor sighed, "Like, they got mad at the other for forgetting when they literally forgot themselves."
"Fucking hypocrites," Faye scoffed.
"They're both too stubborn for their own good," Penelope closed her book and placed it neatly on her lap, "So I think we ought to step in."
"Is it really any of our business, though? I mean-"
"Percy," Faye interrupted, "They expect us to separate back to two separate friend groups like we never merged - this is absolutely our business."
Percy nodded with a dramatic sigh, "Okay, what's the plan?"
"Y/N," Penelope said as she sat down next to you, prolonging the last vowel in your name.
"Yes?" you said absently, not even looking up from your book.
"Will you come to Hogsmeade with us this weekend?"
"Depends who's attending."
"Me, Faye, Jid and Percy."
You finally looked up from the inked pages, casting a sceptical raised eyebrow in Penelope's direction. "And Wood isn't going?"
"No, it's your turn with us, or whatever," she rolled her eyes, "Oliver is busy with quidditch, as per usual."
You hummed, "Okay, I'll come."
"You have to talk to him again eventually, you know."
"Says who?"
"Says your children who are sick of split custody."
"You aren't our children."
Penelope rolled her eyes again, "We might as well be. Point is, it's traumatising for us to not have parents who are civil with each other."
"Then why don't you tell Wood to stop acting like everything was my fault."
"It's traumatising for us to be your messengers, too."
"Fuck off, Penny," you grumbled, sinking into the armchair and delving back into your book.
"I thought he wasn't supposed to be coming," you snapped, staring at Oliver Wood through the window of the Three Broomsticks.
"Yeah, uh, change of plans," Faye said hurriedly, pushing you through the door and into the pub.
"He was always gonna come, wasn't he?" you sighed, watching as the boy in question went through the similar stages of grief you just did.
Faye said nothing in response, and forced you into the seat next to Oliver before sandwiching you in place by sitting on your other side. His scent swarmed up your nostrils and you couldn't help the twinge of mixed comfort and regret that formed in your heart. For so long, that smell had been a relaxer for you, a source of tranquility at the end of a hard day - now, it filled you with a strange sense of mourning.
Oliver didn't look at you.
You sighed, swirling around the liquid of the butterbeer that had been pushed over to you, too pensive to even take a sip. The conversations of the people on the table around you were mere background static as you began to feel tears threatening to spill. It didn't help that normally you would go to Oliver when you were like this.
Of course, his ability to recognise your emotions hadn't disappeared. Breaking up didn't change the fact that he knew you better than anyone else.
"Lass-" fuck, not that nickname, "-do you need to step outside?" He said it so quietly no one else heard, and your heart dropped at his caring tone.
"Don't do this to me, Oliver," you choked out silently, "I can't." You lifted your butterbeer to your lips and gulped some down, swallowing your tears with it and straightening your back.
You heard him sigh beside you.
"Oh my Merlin!" Jideofor exclaimed, "Look at all the new sweets!" He was gazing at Honeyduke's new assortment through the shop window. "Can we go in?" he was looking in Oliver's direction.
The Gryffindor quidditch captain shrugged, "Ask your mother."
You had been taking the back of the group as you walked, and had only now caught up to them.
"Y/N, can we go in?"
"Ask your father," you said, irritably, as you needed to piss from the multiple butterbeers you downed. You wished they were actually alcoholic.
"I did. He told me to ask you."
You side-eyed Oliver. "You can go in for the time it takes me to go to the toilet. Then we're going back."
You watched as all the group except Oliver and Percy rushed into the sweet shop.
"Why do they act like such children?" the latter grumbled, before following them into Honeyduke's.
Oliver turned to you, observing as you watched your shared friends through the glass.
"We're not being fair to them," you said with a hint of melancholy to your tone.
He let out a half-forced laugh, "You actually sound like a woman talking to her ex-husband about their kids."
"Aren't I?" you said somewhat jokingly - though Oliver could sense the depressing undertone.
"You broke up with me," he reminded.
"I can't take all the blame."
He chewed on his lip, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for forgetting our anniversary. I've been so consumed with quidditch lately since it's my last chance to win the Quidditch Cup - I didn't mean to neglect you," he let out a breath, "But don't act like you didn't forget too."
"I've been so busy studying for my NEWTs," you lamented, "I'm a Ravenclaw - people expect so much from me! But... I- I'm sorry too. NEWTs weren't more important than you... they still aren't."
The last three words Oliver almost didn't hear, as you lowered your volume when you spoke them. He sighed, "Quidditch has never been more important to me than you."
You heard laughter echo from within the shop: your friends, clearly having made a stellar joke that got even Percy giggling.
"I still need the toilet," you said, walking away from Oliver slowly, finally letting your tears spill once your back was facing him.
"Hey," Oliver said softly, catching your attention in the hidden corner of the library you were sat in.
You put down the book on potions you had been reluctantly reading, and couldn't help but have flashbacks of your Hogsmeade conversation as you looked at his face. After going to the toilet that day, you hadn't had another moment alone with him, and (if you were honest) you had partly been responsible for ensuring that.
Oliver sat down opposite you on the table, letting his bag drop to the ground with a soft thud.
"Can I give something to you?" he asked.
With a cautious sigh, you nodded.
He fished around in his bag for a few moments, before pushing a small wrapped parcel in your direction. You glanced at him carefully, making him gesture for you to open it - slowly, you obliged.
The brown paper revealed a small box, which you carefully opened to see a little figurine buried in packaging paper for cushioning. Upon digging it out and examining it closely, you realised that it was of a miniature broom with two riders on it: the one on the front of the broom was a boy with brown hair, and the one behind him - with her arms wrapped around his - was a girl with hair matching yours. The boy was in red robes and the girl was in blue.
"I know it's a bit late, but I still wanted to get you something for our anniversary," he said, watching nervously as you stared at the gift.
A tear was rolling down your cheek before you could stop it.
"Ollie," your voice cracked as you spoke, "You really make this hard for me, don't you?"
"Why do we have to remain broken up?" he asked, his lower lip plump from chewing on it.
You began searching in your own bag as you processed the question he had just asked you, finally pulling out a book.
Quidditch: A Wizard's First Love.
"It's- it's nothing compared to your gift, but I- while we were in Hogsmeade, I saw this in the bookstore and it made me think of you - I couldn't help but buy it."
You pushed the leather-bound book across the table, and Oliver picked it up carefully, a smile itching on to his face.
"Not my greatest love, though," he said quietly, but in that section of the library you would have heard a pin drop.
You fiddled with your thumbs as he skimmed his eyes over the blurb.
"Thank you, lass, I'll read it as soon as possible."
Then his hands were wiping the tears off your cheeks, as he smiled down at you softly.
"Can I be your boyfriend again? Please?"
With a small sob, you nodded, allowing your foreheads to fall against each other's as you enjoyed his warmth and scent.
Fuck, you had missed him so much.
"Y/N!" Penelope exclaimed, making everyone's attention turn towards you.
You gave your friend group a warm smile as the Summer breeze tickled your cheeks. They were scattered around a tree by the Black Lake, some reading, some working, some chatting: you were the last member of the group to arrive.
"I was worried you wouldn't come," Faye said, glancing towards Oliver, who was sat against the large tree trunk with the book you gave him in his hands.
You gave her a light chuckle, "Of course I came." You then moved to sit beside your boyfriend, him greeting you with a peck to the lips.
The others watched the exchange in amazement.
"You made up?" Jideofor asked, his face stretched in a grin.
You felt heat rush to your ears as you nodded.
Cheers erupted from the people surrounding you, and you felt the vibrations of Oliver's laughter when he placed his arm around your shoulders.
"Thank fuck," Penelope sighed, "We no longer have the trauma of divorced parents."
"We aren't your parents," you retorted.
Everyone around you gave you a sceptical look, including Oliver.
"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side," you said to him somewhat bitterly.
"I can still admit when you're wrong, lass."
"I'm never wrong."
"You sure?" your faces were getting closer, and as your lips were about to touch you heard a groan from beside you.
It was Percy. "Didn't miss the PDA," he said with disgust lacing his face.
"Oh, fuck off," Oliver replied, kissing you anyway.
written; 10/09/2022 —> 07/10/2022 published; 08/10/2022 edited; —/—/——
taglist; @workinatdapyramid
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misguidedasgardian · 1 month
The Lifeaters (I.1)
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I. Diagon Alley
Chapter Summary: Your aunt takes you to buy your list of things for Hogwarts, you were so excited, specially since you were going with your best friend 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic), reader is a reader insert EXCEPT FOR her last name, I need something to call her by, except for that, she is un-described 
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia (?), that is what i’m going to call for racism against muggles 😂😂 with Draco we are going to have a lot of that
Wordcount: 3.8 k
Notes: I’m so excited for this, it took a lot of thinking because first they are children and it’s kinda boring, but I love Harry Potter! I’m a late Potterhead bloomer haha, anyways�� here they are! 
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Your aunt’s sweet voice, alongside the chirping of birds and the sun peeking through your windows woke you up. She was followed by your house elf that brought you breakfast in a tray
“Wake up my sweet girl! Today is the day before the actual day!”, she chanted. She had this saying, that the day before an important day is more exciting than the day itself. Because it was already the day, but the day before… it was filled with excitement… confusing but made sense in a war
She seemed to be even more excited than you if that was even possible, today you were going to go to Diagon Alley to get your things for Hogwarts, it was your first year in the school of witchcraft and wizardry 
You were so so happy
After you had your breakfast and heard your aunt speak about how excited she was for you to go to Hogwarts and reassuring you that it didn’t matter if you were not sorted in Slytherin, but you knew the truth
It did mattered 
For you at least
Draco Malfoy was your best friend, your friends and even you were actually Slytherin legacies, there wasn’t other house for you
You smiled as she helped you pick an outfit to get going. You got dressed in a nice skirt, blouse and sweater, and dragonskin boots. Even though you lived close to the Malfoys, you discussed meeting there.
You lived in the outskirts of a Muggle town called Salisbury, for them it was a secret of course but many other wizard families lived nearby, of course, their mansions hidden behind enchantments and protection spells.
Yours was by no means a mansion, it held one ground floor, but it was made mainly of white marble. With big windows and spacious rooms 
You were barely the second generation living in England, your mother’s family came from France, and your father’s family… they were English, that’s the only thing you actually knew about them
Yes, how could you not know?
But you had asked your Aunt until she got frustrated, and promised she was going to tell you when you were ready, you had to agree or she was never going to allow you to know the truth
But you guessed it was a fairly prominent family, a wizarding family at least, or else, you wouldn’t be surrounded by the people you were
The Malfoys for example 
Sometimes the thought of getting to know them kept you up at night, where were they? Did you have more aunts and uncles? Maybe a grandfather? of grandmother?
You came back to the present when your aunt Cercille gave you the small punch were you kept the floo powder
It was not your favorite travel method but it was the quickest to get where you need to go
The apparition was immediate and just like that, you were in Diagon Alley, your aunt immediately summoned a handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped your face from any cinder or ash.
You had accompanied her to the Alley before, and you walked through the busy street as looked in awe at the owls, the wands and cauldrons, and this time, they will finally going to belong to you 
“I want nothing but the best for my darling niece”, you heard your aunt speak out loud, “for her first year at Hogwarts”, many families were walking up and down the alley with smiles on their faces, many kids your age as well, and some older, you saw a whole family, whose all members were redheads, looking for the same things you were, how fun. 
You entered the store they just left, for your books, as your aunt gave the list to the store clerk, and as he handed her the books, she started passing them on to your poor house elf that had come with you to help with the shopping. The pile of books became too much, surpassing the poor servant, and you had to take the rest, soon they surpassed you too.
And you exited the store without being able to look at anything.
Luckily Meek teleported itself back to your house, to leave the books, came back to you to grab yours and repeated the action.
“Thank you”, the elf didn’t speak much, he just nodded and apparated out and back again
“Can I get the nimbus 2000?”, you asked your aunt as you were back on the street, “please? I’ve been saving galleons…”
“You cannot my dear”, she said, pushing you down the street, “we were reminded that first years cannot bring their own broomsticks, maybe for next year”, and it sounded silly, but you wanted to cry, it meant that no quidditch for you
You bought in other stores the brass scale, a telescope (of course the black one with silver details), the cauldron and a beautiful set of antique crystal phials, now you were only missing your wand, and your familiar, and for the last one, you really wanted an owl, even though your aunt had given you that look, she preferred a cat, they were cleaner, but you promised you would clean after your owl.
So when you looked up at your aunt, and found her distracted speaking to an old friend she encountered, you took the opportunity to grab your small purse, and enter the first owlery that was closest to you. 
The store was a little bit run down, and you immediately got hit by a strong smell of bird waste and hay, and the hoots of the beautiful birds, you look at each and every one of them, they were big, small and medium sized, brown ones, even a beautiful snow white one… but a big set of orange eyes caught your eyes
“Are you here to choose your familiar little girl?”, an old man said behind a wooden desk, making you jump, “An owl?”, you nodded, enthusiastically, looking back at your aunt through the glass, she was still speaking to that friend, “Owls are fascinating creatures, very smart, and this ones are already trained to fetch letters and packages”, he said, he pointed to a Barn owl with huge black eyes
“Yeah, I love them”, you said, admiring the bird, but your gaze returned to a silvery cage, at the back of the store, as you looked closely, you noticed those enchanting orange eyes belonged to a big black owl, it’s feathers were ruffled, and she looked a little scruffy, but she was gorgeous, the store manager followed your gaze and smiled nervously
“She is… strange”, the Owl handler said, and you looked at him, “but you felt a bond didn’t you?”, and you nodded
“I want that one”, you said, and he only nodded, walking towards the back of the store and brought you the magnificent creature 
“She is a Southern white-faced owl, but with a strange condition that is called melanism, turn her feathers black you see”, he explained, and she was so beautiful, “Be careful little witch, she bites”, he said, concern when you opened her cage, and he was amazed when the bird let you touch her feathery head
“I’ll take her”, you said with a wide smile
You got out of the shop holding the cage with difficulty, and when you saw your aunt’s face, you knew you had made the right choice
“What is that?”, she asked, pointing at your familiar
“my owl, I just bought it, do you like it?”, you asked simply
“That is not…”, she wanted to fight you but when she saw your “innocent” smile, she knew it was a lost battle already, “I love her”, he said, with a weird fake smile, she sneaked a finger through the bars to pet her, and she bit her
“She bites”, you warned, clearly late, and she just scowled at you
“Let’s get going”, she said, losing her short patience, and you walked behind her, happily
“Basilik!”, you heard, behind you, you turned to meet Draco, your very best friend
“Hey Draco”, you said, smiling softly, he reached you, walking down the alleyway, and his mother walked right behind him. 
“You got your familiar I see, my father bought me an Eagle Owl, fearsome creature”, he said, contented 
Draco eyed your big black owl, with round orange eyes
“Weird creature”, he admired, you giggled
“Be careful!”, you warned, when you saw him try to pet her, “She…”
“Au!”, Draco whined, looking at his bloodied finger
“... bites”, you said, smiling apologetically. Draco just glared at your owl.
“Miss, let me take that for you”, said Meek, the house elf sworn to your family
“Thank you”, you said with a shy smile, and you saw both elf and owl disappear quickly, how were you going to name her?. You kept walking down the street while your mothers spoke
“Do you think any muggleborn will enter Slytherin? I don’t think so, they better not!!”, Draco whispered in your ear, poking his tongue out in sign of disgust
“You are only acting like a tosser because you fear they might be better than you!”, you mocked, trying to change the subject. Draco was your best friend, but when he spoke like that of people, you felt guilty, your chest tightened, you didn’t liked it 
“Yeah sure”, he said bitterly
“Here children, let’s go to Olivander’s”, said Narcissa, grabbing you both by the back of your necks to lead you to the most famous wand maker in the country
You entered the wand shop slowly, it seemed to be empty, but everyone got their wands here, all of them.
An old man was behind the desk, with wild gray hair but kind eyes
The man didn’t even doubt when it came to Draco, he nodded signaling you both to wait with his bony finger, and he went looking for his wand in the back of the store, when he returned, he had in his hand an spotless black box, when it opened, it revealed a perfect shaped wand with a silver handle
“10 inches, hawthorn wood, unicorn core”, he resumed, offering the wand to Draco, he took it, you saw concentration in his hand and the entirety of the wand shined with a golden light. He nodded with a smirk, he had found his wand and it looked like Olivander had made it for himself especially, but you guessed that it was it felt like to everybody
When you looked at the wand maker, he was looking right at you.
“Let’s try this one”, he directed himself to a shelf behind him, he came back with a whitish box in his boney hands
You grabbed the wand he was offering me, it was strange looking, I gave it a wave and a complete book case fell off the wall. You gasped, dropping the wand like it burned 
“Too unyielding”, he said, not even surprised, “strange”, because I was with Draco, he believed you to be deserving of an unyielding wand? you didn't even know what that meant. He looked at you one more time, giving it some thought, and then he went to the back of the store. 
The wand he offered you looked like an ordinary branch picked up from under a tree, you grabbed it in your hand gently, you pointed at no place in particular, and the single flower that was in a pot nearby, died, like immediately, your owl in your shoulder hoot nervously, flapping its wings hitting you in the face 
“NO!”, he said quickly, taking the wand from your hand 
“Sorry”, you whispered, even if it wasn’t my choice. His cloudy eyes met your face one more time, he seemed to be deeply analyzing you
“Let’s see”, he said, waggling his finger, he grabbed a box from a pile on his desk, and he gave it to you, it was a dark brown wand, it look like two branches had come together, twirling, melted together, the handle had metallic details imbedded in the wood. It was quite breathtaking
You held it and you looked at it, you felt as it had a life on it’s own, and it had taken to you, it shined just like draco’s
“Funny”, the man muttered, looking at you through his piercing blue eyes, “same core as your friend’s, unicorn, it’s twelve and half inches, very pliant, maple wood, unicorn hair core”, he resumed, “the maple wood is considered for adventurous wizards, it will polish and nurture  itself as greater it becomes, just like the witch learns new spells”, he said, and you felt pretty proud, this was your wand, it was pretty cool, and the matching core with Draco it turned it even cooler 
“Thank you Sr”, you said with a wide smile, admiring your wand 
“Remember little witch, the wand chooses the wizard, this wand called me this morning, knowing her owner was close”, he smiled and you, and you thanked him
You looked at each other
“A matching core between friends means that you will never be able to harm one another”, he said wisely, “that is indeed very rare”, Draco smirked at you, and you smiled back at him. 
“You don’t believe that do you?”, mocked Draco just as you closed the door of Ollivander’s behind you
“I don’t know, sounds pretty cool to me”, you giggled. 
“We have an appointment with Madam Malkin, sweety”, called my aunt, “to make your robes for school”, she said excitedly, squeezing your shoulders
And you turned to one less busy street, and soon you were before an impressive seamstress shop, elegant and classy. “Madam Malkin's robes for all occasions”, in golden letters shone over a black pain on top of the door. A small bell rang when you entered, and behind a counter a lady with dark hair, glasses and a handmade suit were waiting for you
“Ah! Narcissa darling! So good to see you! Is that Draco? a handsome little man he has become”, her voice was thunderous and high pitched, it made you want to cover your ears
“Isn’t he? we are here to get his robes for his first years at Hogwarts”, she said proudly, and then, she looked down at you
“And who is this sweetling?”
“(Y/N) Basilik”, presented your aunt
“She is so delicious, come, come!”, 
And as this lady placed you and Draco on a literal pedestal and took your measures. But then the door rang and she went away to receive the guests as your aunts went away to the other section of the store to gaze at party dress robes.
A boy joined you both at fitting, he had pitch black messy hair and hid two big green eyes behind round glasses. Madam Malkin begin to measure him too
You shared funny looks with Draco, he clearly was a first year just like you, and he was obviously going to HOgwarts too
“Hullo”, greeted Draco, you can tell he was excited, “Hogwarts too?”
“Yes”, hes answered sharply, focusing on his image in the mirror
“We already got our wands and our books”, you shipped in, “did you?”
“Not yet”, he answered simply 
“We are going to see riding brooms next…”, said Draco, the boy didn’t seem to be particularly interested in speaking to you, which you thought was a bit sad, the more friends and people you knew in your first year the better right?
“... We don’t know why first years can’t have their own. We are thinking about bullying my father into buying me one, then figuring out how to sneak it into the castle”, you smiled widely and nodded enthusiastically, the boy just looked back at you like you had two heads 
“Have you got your own broom?”, you asked him
“No”, he answered
“Do you play Quidditch?”, asked Draco, still trying to make him engage with you 
“No”, he answered again, and you wanted to make Draco stop trying to talk to him, he was clearly mean an uninterested
“We do, my father says it’s a crime if we aren’t picked to play for our house, and I must say, I agree. You know what House you’ll be in yet?”, he pressed 
“no”, he said, like he was being quizzed by his governess 
“Well nobody really knows until they get there, do they?”, you offered, perhaps he didn’t know what we were speaking about, but… who didn’t know Quidditch? or how Hogwarts worked?, “but we are going to be in Slytherin, you looked at Draco, surprised, “all my family has been - imagine being in Hufflepuff”, he mocked looking at you, you giggled, “I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?”, he mumbled a response, looking clearly lost 
“Look at that man!”, interrupted Draco, you three turned to the window, to see a huge man standing outside, with icecreams in his hands, he was a giant!
“That’s Hagrid”, answered the boy, finally saying something with more content, “He works at Hogwarts”
Oh Rubeus Hagrid! you had heard him being mentioned in your aunt’s “nice people” list regarding Hogwarts staff 
“I heard of him”, you chided smiling at the nice-looking man
“He is kind of a servant, isn’t he?”, asked Draco
“He is the Gamekeeper”, he snapped back, frowning
“What is a Gamekeeper?”, you asked 
“He is some sort of a savage”, said Drco bluntly, “he lives in a hut in the woods and takes care of the grounds sometimes he gets drunk, tries to do magic and sets fire to his bed”, he mocked
“REALLY?”, you started wondering if all gamekeepers tended to do such things, or was it only him, why did they call them game-keepers anyways? Did they organize games for the students or something?
“I think he is brilliant”, defended the boy, and to Draco it finally sinked in that he was not going to become his friend 
“Do you?”, sneered Draco, he was not becoming his friend and he was acting accordingly, “why is he here with you, where are your parents?”, he asked again
“They are dead”, an awkward silence dominated the three of you as a magic tailor’s tape finished taking your measures 
“I’m sorry”, you and Draco said at the same time, for you it was a familiar feeling, for Draco as well as he sympathized with you 
“But they were our kind were they?”, asked Draco, the final straw if to see if this kid was going to become a friend or… not
“They were a Witch and a Wizard, if that’s what you mean”, he said, clearly annoyed 
“I really don;t think they should let the other sort in, do you? they are not the same, they have never been brought up to know our ways. Some of them have never even heard of Hogwarts until they get the letter, imagine. I think they should keep it in the old wizarding families, what’s your surname anyways”, you watched the boy intently, to see his reaction, he was even more annoyed 
Before he could answer, Madam Malkin came back, and he hopped off the pedestal and almost ran away from the both of you following the Madam 
“See you at Hogwarts”, you offered with a smile, you really hoped you didn’t, he seemed boring and mean. You got distracted when Madame Malkin came back here again and pieces of fabric flied from the shelves and to your body, you giggled when a turmoil of thread, fabrics, and silver needle all guided by that woman dressed you in your school uniform
“Will they go to Slytherin?”, she asked
“Of course”, is the only thing you heard 
 Then Narcissa took you to a Belgium tea shop, where of course Draco and you indulged in Belgium chocolate, drinking it, and eating as much as you could. Uncle Lucius met you there with the rest of Draco’s things 
And then your aunt took you home
And when your parents died, she became your guardian, she took you in when you were barely a baby, your father on his side had no known relatives, and on your mother’s side she was the only one, her and your grandfather that lived in France. And you were being raised in your family home.
She has given you a comfortable life, your family lineage on your mother’s side assure her, you and many generations to come would live comfortably without having to work a day in your life. Your family had gathered their fortune not only through centuries, but they were big in the beauty potions and creams that come from century-old spells and family recipes. Your family had a magical cosmetics company basically, that was handled by your second grade uncles and aunts
Your parents died when you were barely a baby, in the first Wizarding war, but your aunt never liked to discuss it, and you didn’t want to even ask. You felt something was wrong, she’d say she will tell you about it when you are older, alongside the identity of your father
So you never asked again.
Deep down you preferred it, not knowing, but you were curious 
But you didn’t want to dwell on this.
Tomorrow, you started at Hogwarts, something to keep your mind occupied 
School for witchcraft and wizardry
You were excited, so excited you could barely sleep, you already knew a few of your classmates, you had met them in Malfoy’s parties and balls. 
You were longing to meet new people, make friends, but most of all, you were dying to learn spells, use magic, make potions, you were looking forwards to it
Your owl hooted by the window where you placed her cage, and you looked at her huge orange eyes. How were you going to name her?
Shadow? Nah, too boring
It meant shadow in Romanian 
You liked that, she looked like a shadow, perched in her silver cage. 
You were so nervous you actually prepared everything for the next day, and put everything in a black leather trunk in order, your aunt wanted Meek to do it the next day, but you were so excited, you even sat on the carpet and peeked rough your books, transfigurations! and magical animals! oh Merlin you were so excited! what you were going to wear tomorrow to get to the Station?
Tomorrow, it was going to be the start of a new life. 
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sunnyrealist · 3 months
Kate Mayflower's Report Card: 1893-1894 School Year (My OC)
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Art by @giselsann-opencommissions Fanfic: The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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venomousvio · 2 months
"You've lost, Sallow."
Affie X Sebastian first artwork.
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Affie's request can be a bit... unpredictable tho wink wink (a small cont. under keep reading!)
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Dont get ur hopes up Seb
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