#guardian furia
darubyprincx · 18 days
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the furia fight basically went like this, right?
(can you tell which one i used a reference for)
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coolcattime · 1 year
After what feels like years of falling through the void, Martha and Andor wake up in what appears to be a forest with firelight coming from a nearby clearing. Confused, they head towards it and are greeted by two pirates, neither of whom they've met before and one of whom Martha is pretty sure is meant to be dead. Capsize and Redbeard greet the newcomers with caution, assuring them they aren't dead, and that at the very least Redbeard isn't dead. The statement isn't the most reassuring, but they don't have any time to explain more since Shadows start creeping into the clearing.
Now in a slight rush, Capsize very quickly explains that *something* has happened to the Champions. They have no idea what but whether they appear next, one of them is going to hunt them all down and try to kill them. Obviously Martha and Andor don't really believe what they're hearing, since the ideas of the four becoming bloodthirsty killers with no regard for their friends is ridiculous, but she doesn't really care if they believe her. She says that they'll be a task to do to escape, they'll just know what it is, and just run from anyone that isn't her or Redbeard even if they really look like one of their friends. The Shadows then overwhelm each one of them and they seemingly black out.
When they seconds later appear in a jungle, now separated, with the distinct idea in their heads that they need to fix the machines scattered around the area, they realise there might have been some truth to the pirate’s words. When arrows start flying and they hear Redbeard crying out in pain, they realise there’s more truth than they ever would’ve believed.
Capsize, Redbeard, Martha, Andor, Gaines, Season 2 Dianite, Alister, Alyssa
Jordan, Sonja, Tucker, Tom, Furia
Waglington, Mot, Spark, Jeriah, Season 1 Ianite
An imposing hunter that roams a jungle corrupted with odd technology, Jordan still believes he’s working in the name of his Lady. When the Shadows began to corrupt him, they used her voice, his desperation to be with her again, to convince him that those he’s killing are nothing more than sacrifices for his Lady. Wielding a rapier and a bow, he hunts ruthlessly through his jungle, defending his tree and his Lady’s temple.
His arrows are less deadly than his sword, but he’s modified them to help him track the targets they hit by giving them intermittent shocks until they remove the arrow head. He will hunt down the intruders in his jungle to sacrifice them for his Lady. Even if some of them look familiar, none of them would be here if they weren’t traitors to the Goddess.
A woman corrupted by forbidden knowledge and a purple disease. The Shadows came whispering to Sonja, promising her the knowledge of what truly happened to Capsize, insisting she wasn’t truly dead. Sonja tried to ignore them for as long as possible, but when her own research into contacting the dead failed her, the amount she had delved into the forbidden knowledge having taken its toll on her body, she gave in and allowed herself to once again make a deal with the Shadows. She was shown Capsize in the Shadow’s realm, being hunted down and killed by Furia over and over again, and in a moment of despair the Shadows took control of the Flux and Taint and fully corrupted her.
She now roams a tainted forest, in the middle of which sits a library filled with the forbidden research that condemned her to this fate. She wields staff which she attacks with, but her real danger comes from the overwhelming taint that has corrupted her body and that she spreads to the survivors she hunts, harming and slowing them. In her mind, she is hunting the monsters that hunted her friend, completely unaware that’s exactly what she’s become.
A ruthless blood knight, strengthened by the wounds of his victims. Tucker was already wracked with guilt before the Shadows came to corrupt him, regretful about the actions he did for the other Mianite. The Shadows poke at the guilt, showing him the killing of the Ianitas, as well as showing him the killers that Jordan and Sonja have become, blaming Tucker for this too. And as the guilt became overwhelming, they corrupted it into a want to join his friends, into an incurable bloodlust.
Now he controls a walled fortress, wielding the god killing sword once again. He uses his victims blood to power himself, resulting in more blood spilling. He has no idea who the people he’s hunting are, he barely has any idea of anything but the need to gather blood and sacrifice those in his fortress to someone.
Tom was not corrupted in the same way his friends were. In fact, he’s no longer himself at all. The Shadows reached out to the power inside him, the god that Tom killed and accidentally stole the power of, and offered him a chance to be in control once again. Dianite was more than happy to accept.
Wielding a jagged, serrated blade, Tom’s body has been bent and manipulated to look more like the horned god that now controls it. Roaming a recreation of his own temple, he has complete control of his environment, seemingly able to appear from anywhere to ambush the survivors. Tom is aware of what’s happening, of what has become of himself and his friends, but is powerless to stop a one again completely empowered Dianite from hunting down his friends still uncorrupted.
There was no corruption needed to persuade Furia into the Shadow's Realm. At the time of their original death, they were invited, given more power to continue to hunt and kill, at the time only survivor, Capsize for all eternity. And who were they to refuse the offer?
Their home is now a burnt wasteland, filled with obstacles that survivors struggle over and they move through effortlessly. Wielding a cursed sword, their attacks burn, growing worse over time if not treated. The Guardian sometimes misses when it was just them chasing down the pretty much helpless captain, but they can't object to the new prey that has slowly made its way to the realm. Though still, they make sure to give extra special attention to her whenever she once again finds herself in their grasp.
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marshmurmurs · 7 days
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ive connected the dots
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
perpetually burdened with drawing ideas but also havin no motivation or the skills to draw em at any point can i get a hell yeah
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actnod · 3 months
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hope you got your things together, hope you are quite prepared to die looks like we're in for nasty weather, one eye is taken for an eye
𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; décimo primer capítulo.
Entre la densidad de las noches que agrían el paladar de los vástagos y las nevadas cada vez más molestas, sólo los humanos pueden darse el placer de comenzar el año con un espíritu renovado. 
Con la carga de la muerte de decenas de vástagos sobre sus espaldas y una culpa que parece infundada, muchos están aprendiendo a navegar en una ciudad que ahora perciben con nuevos ojos. Los recién llegados de Lasombra han ganado escasa empatía entre sus pares en el Sabbat, pero ¿qué queda para el resto? Sin guía alguna, aquellos que no saben aún a qué clan pertenecen y se entremezclan con quienes pueden, ¿de qué alma cruel obtendrán una pizca de misericordia? 
¿Te creías vigilado hasta en tus sueños? La seguridad en la ciudad se ha duplicado, y los territorios que alguna vez fueron el bastión de los anarquistas han caído en manos de la Camarilla. Aquel que alguna vez soñó con liderar una revolución ha desaparecido, dejando un vacío de poder que ni Gery ni ningún otro rebelde ha osado llenar. Los habitantes de estas tierras, ahora bajo el control de la Camarilla, no pueden evitar lanzar miradas de desdén a sus nuevos guardianes.
Las vías de escape, ya sea por tierra, aire o mar, han sido estrechamente vigiladas. No importa el destino que busques ni la hora en la que lo intentes; algún vástago oculto te hará volver, sin importar tus intentos de eludir su mirada. Incluso aquellos que pensaron que los subterráneos eran un refugio seguro para sus oscuros placeres han descubierto que la fiesta ha llegado a su abrupto fin, de la manera menos esperada. La sombra de la Camarilla se cierne sobre cada rincón, pero muchos juzgarán lo tarde que han llegado a esto. 
¿Acaso han sido demasiado indulgentes? ¿Débiles? ¿Cuál es el adjetivo preciso para describir a líderes que optaron nuevamente por ocultar sus rostros? El Príncipe se mantiene en reclusión tras el ataque que lo convirtió en el epicentro, mientras Aiko, la Arpía, asume la responsabilidad de todas las comunicaciones y órdenes que descienden desde primera línea. Como siempre, los rumores acerca de la ausencia del líder supremo no dejan de propagarse, pero mejor no susurres demasiado fuerte si no quieres que uno de los suyos te tape la boca. 
Conflictos de más alto nivel han bajado a la tierra misma, y las disputas entre vástagos no dejan de entreverse. Quienes han perdido a alguien a manos de los shovelheads no tardarán en culparlos y cuestionar su caminata bajo la luna, mientras que otros también podrían poner aquel peso sobre quienes fallaron en ayudarlos y defenderlos. La ciudad se sume en un torbellino de tensiones y desconfianza, donde cada sombra es sospechosa y cada palabra podría desencadenar la furia de aquellos con sed de sangre y venganza.
El abandono de los antiguos no ha sido pasado por alto por nadie, y mientras que navegar por terreno inestable puede ser un desafío constante, peor es no tener dónde caerse muerto. Es hora de tomar decisiones. ¿En quién recae tu lealtad?
¡Bienvenides a la decimosexta actividad, murcielaguitos! Durante esta actividad mientras los vástagos nuevamente se enfrentan a la incertidumbre de ser convertidos una vez más en daños colaterales por sus antiguos, deben de aprender a sobrellevar las repercusiones en su no-vida, o sería mejor decir, dentro de los barrotes de la jaula de oro que la Camarilla ha impuesto para ellos, ¿Qué clase de trato destinaran hacia los shovelheads? ¿Podrán hacerse cargo de las decisiones que han tomado para sobrevivir? ¿Se conformaran con seguir al margen? 
Ya que esta actividad es más bien libre, los invitamos a explorar las locaciones y situar a sus personajes en los lugares que deseen. Durante esta actividad, también les acercaremos diversas intervenciones y una posibilidad de aumentar sus disciplinas que será explicada a más tardar el día de mañana en el blog correspondiente.   
⦾ Este evento se dará la semana del 3 hasta el 10 de Enero para los vástagos.
⦾ Se desarrollará a través de starters abiertos. Apreciamos la reciprocidad por lo que antes de abrir un starter recuerden responder al menos tres publicaciones que ya estén en el blog, una vez alcanzadas las notas deseadas, son libres de eliminar la publicación de dicho apartado. No olviden rebloguearlos en el blog de starters. 
⦾ Durante esta actividad, el código de vestimenta será libre. Están invitados a publicar lo que están vistiendo sus personajes y luego rebloguearlo en el blog de ediciones. 
⦾ Queremos recordarles que, a pesar de ser un grupal de temáticas sensibles, nuestra prioridad es la comodidad de todes nuestres usuaries por igual, así que les pedimos tengan cuidado con la manera con la que se abordan estos tópicos en el dash ya que se trata de un espacio compartido y pedirles, por favor, que no hagan caso omiso a la lista de triggers que se encuentra actualizada para que puedan hacer uso correcto de cada etiqueta. 
⦾ La selectividad, rol burbuja o parecidos permanecen estrictamente prohibidos. De sentirse afectade por alguna de estas situaciones, por favor siéntanse libres de acercarse a la administración.
⦾ Para las personas que aun no lo han deshabilitado, les recordamos  que sus buzones deben de permanecer cerrados para los  mensajes anónimos en todo momento y hasta nuevo aviso.
⦾ Durante esta actividad, no se permitirán los privados ni los flashbacks.
⦾ Por último y no menos importante, la actividad tendrá una duración de 8 días. El fin de la actividad en su totalidad será el día 30 de ENERO a las 16 hs GMT-6, mismo horario en el que se publicará la siguiente.
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spartalabouche · 3 months
charr masterpost
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karaska (she/they) necromancer
daughter of rytlock brimstone and an olmakhan after a one night stand. her mom was a merchant who traveled around and met rytlock by chance and didnt tell him when she had his cubs. karaska found out later and tracked him down and follows him around everywhere. he finds her very annoying
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furia ghostfang (they/them) warrior
retired primus who got tired of cubs and ended up in the position of pact commander instead. will never get out of the habit of talking to the rest of the guild like cubs. dont MAKE them turn this bus around.
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sorry this is the best image i have. calypso killjoy (she/her) thief
visiting in cantha to see if shed like to retire there. her husband died in the charr civil war and she is still broken up about it. in cantha she witnesses the sexiest nasty little freak shes ever seen and has her bisexual awakening at the tender age of 70something. her husband would have wanted her to move on by now anyway
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???? name pending (they/them) guardian
man i gotta figure osmething out for this guy i dunno. theyre just kinda there rn
thats all of them for now enjoy
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empyrean-rpg · 2 months
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Desde los lejanos albores de la historia, los dragones fueron reverenciados como guardianes supremos del mundo, protectores divinos, elegidos por el mismísimo dios Velaris en pos de salvaguardar al mundo. Tal digno cometido, era venerado por los pueblos, manifestándose en un reverencial respeto por su reluctancia a cruzar la imponente cordillera, la cual era interpretada como una "advertencia" divina de lo prohibido. Aquel territorio, envuelto en una perfecta mixtura de misterio y temor, era una frontera intransitable para el reino de Empyrean.
La armonía se tradujo en siglos y siglos de paz, pero desafortunadamente se vieron eclipsados cuando los pueblos cercanos a la cordillera comenzaron a sufrir inexplicables y aterradores ataques, vinculados rápidamente con los oscuros secretos de las tierras prohibidas. De una zona jamás explorada.
Por suerte, gracias al conocimiento ancestral de los escribas, aliado con su estudio del mineral de Velaris, desveló su poder como fuente de magia menor, una defensa necesaria para enfrentar la peligrosamente creciente amenaza. Los humanos, marcados con la reliquia de los dragones, forjaron una alianza con estas criaturas aladas.
Con el poder de la magia menor, fundaron la primera academia militar de Empyrean, donde jóvenes eran entrenados para enfrentar los embates enemigos.
El primer choque entre las regiones fue una lucha épica y desgarradora. Empyrean, en desventaja durante mucho tiempo, vio cómo sus ciudades eran arrasadas por el fuego enemigo.
Entre las ruinas, se perdieron los valiosos archivos, manuscritos y pergaminos del edificio de los escribas, reducidos a cenizas por la furia de la batalla.
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splashink-games · 10 months
Using Poppets to Explore the World(s)
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Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk is a first-person dungeon crawling JRPG. Using puppets created by her apprentice Luca, the Dusk Witch Dronya explores the Labyrinth under the town of Refrain.
What awaits in the labyrinth is a plethora of worlds, monsters, and levelling up!
Spoiler warning for the story and postgame below the cut!
So I've been wanting to play Labyrinth of Refrain for a long while now. Probably about as long as I've waited for the N1RV Ann-A release, but this one's actually released so- Here we are, I guess.
To clarify, unlike all the bad reviews, I only had one crash and it was cause the game was trying to use my stupid integrated graphics instead of my actual gpu so there's that. Never had an issue with stability.
To start with gameplay, it's what you'd expect from a game of the genre. There's a lot to take in heading into it: puppets, pacts, covens, the dungeon exploration. As someone who's played Mary Skelter and Etrian Odyssey, I thoroughly enjoyed the mechanics.
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I think the classes felt a little shallow, with some being obviously better than others. By the end of the game, I was thinking of ditching Marginal Maze (the mage class) altogether while having a team of Gothic Coppelias (crit-focused class) and Aster Knights (the all-arounder) instead because their skills are immensely useful for long fights. Or choosing Aster Knights over Shinobushi (DEX-based class) because the Knights can tank better. As an aside, the resistance skills in the classes felt like filler, simply because I could just have equipment to increase them and I could have much better skills instead.
The most interesting mechanic to me was the Pacts and Covens. I didn't think it'd be so satisfying to have that many units attacking. Plus the different effects of each pact and formation are interesting, though the formations are also a little lacking since there's only so many ways to form your brigade. The pacts having the magic was also nice, since I could mix and match the skills with the puppets.
I had an issue with the magic/Donum not being all too useful until late in the game. And even then, I wouldn't use it unless I had a particularly difficult or a boss fight ahead of me. Two things stood out to me for this, one being that I couldn't restore Donum in the labyrinth and two being my attacks were just stronger than the skills most of the time.
The dungeon exploration was fun too! Albeit the red damaging spots were annoying. The breakable walls added a cool thing to look out for in each floor. Mud exits were extremely useful, despite it being kinda bad for farming mana.
The game itself wasn't so hard, but I don't think that's a huge problem. On normal, the fights and dungeon crawling offered an adequate amount of challenge while still letting me breeze through. I think my fun focused on optimizing my puppets and enjoying the story.
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Speaking of story, it was wonderful and I'm glad it didn't flop for me since I poured over 70 hours into it. Well, I guess I wouldn't have poured time into it if the story flopped. And for all its missteps, the story does a fantastic job of developing its characters including all their flaws and relationships.
The Dusk Witch Dronya is a great look at a character who gives no shits to get what she wants, but despite being a ruthless person, she still has a soft side for Luca. We get to gradually understand her goals and uncover her history with various characters. Her relationship with Luca and Isara are especially well-written, I think. With Luca, Dronya's both a guardian and mentor despite her actions towards the child. And with Isara, an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers? An unrequited love, enough to care for her orphaned child.
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The narrative twists itself at the end, revealing an array of information that changes how you look at things. Luca is a soul witch. Dronya is a puppet. The Funas are also puppets. Furia, who you hear from some characters earlier in the game, is Baba Yaga and rightfully assumes her role as the main villain again.
The game, while it hides a lot from the players, is still able to tell a cohesive story while developing characters.
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As for the art and music- well I kind of drowned out the music in all honesty. It happens when most of the battle music is the same and you're focused on getting through to the next story point.
The (Japanese) voice acting, however, was very nice. At times a little overacted but I thought the voice cast matched their characters.
The art is in the usual anime-style and its quality is top-notch. I liked seeing the motifs between the characters shown in different ages (Luca, Dronya, Marietta).
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The 100% wasn't too hard to do and it was all new content! The hidden bosses had some annoying quirks, like needing a specific pact to make the fight easier, but overall offered a level of difficulty that was nice! I didn't even need to fully optimize my puppets for it.
The post-game story was also refreshing. I'm a pushover for good(?) endings. It lets you tie up some loose ends in the alternate timeline and find out a little more about Mezzaluca.
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For those looking for a good story and a lot of unit optimizing, this is a game for you!
As always,
Enjoy gaming!
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legiongamerrd · 1 month
Hace 11 años fue lanzado God of War: Ascension. Es un juego de acción-aventura, desarrollado por Santa Monica Studios y publicado por Sony para PlayStation 3. Es el 11vo juego de la serie God of War, y precuela de toda la serie. Basado en la mitología griega, el juego sucede en la Antigua Grecia, con la venganza como tema central. El jugador controla al protagonista, Kratos, ex-sirviente del dios de la Guerra, Ares, quien engañó a Kratos para que asesine a su esposa e hija. Como respuesta a esta tragedia, Kratos rompe con Ares, rompiendo su pacto de sangre con el dios. Kratos, por consecuencia, fue encerrado y torturado por las tres Furias, guardianes del honor y encargadas del castigo. Ayudado por el encargado de juramentos, Orkos, Kratos escapa de su encierro y confronta a las Furias para liberarse por completo de su atadura con Ares.
#LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #SantaMonicaStudio #Sony #GodofWar #Kratos #GodofWarAscencion #PlayStation #PlayStation3 #PS3 #Accion #Aventura #Hacknslash
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thetoxicgamer · 9 months
All teams qualified for 2023 LoL World Championship
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The 2023 World Championship field is slowly taking shape as leagues from North America and EMEA to Korea, China, and all across the world finish off their most recent seasons. This marks the pointy end of the League of Legends competitive cycle. This year, Worlds will descend on South Korea for the first time since 2018, when Invictus Gaming became the first-ever Chinese world champions. League’s premier event looks very different this year, with Riot Games rubberstamping several format changes ranging from the introduction of best of threes to a Swiss-style stage and more bracket-based play. Worlds 2023 is been penned in for an Oct. 10 start date, which is a little later than the standard September click-off. The play-ins and group stages will be held in Seoul before the tournament shifts to Busan for finals. Seoul’s 17,000-capacity Gocheok Sky Dome will be hosting the grand finals. When the premier event finally begins in late October we will have 22 League teams locked in and ready to battle for history at the 13th edition of one of the most illustrious tournaments in all esports. That will include four representatives each from heavyweight regions like China and Korea, between three and four from NA and EMEA, and a host of Cinderella hopefuls. Table of contents - All 2023 League World Championship teams - LCS (NA) representatives - LCS teams still in contention - LEC (EMEA) representatives - LEC teams still in contention - LCK (Korea) representatives - LCK teams still in contention - LPL (China) representatives - LPL teams still in contention - PCS (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, SEA, Oceania) representatives - PCS teams still in contention - VCS (Vietnam) representatives - VCS teams still in contention - CBLOL (Brazil) representatives - CBLOL teams still in contention - LJL (Japan) representatives - LJL teams still in contention - LLA (Latin America) representatives - LLA teams still in contention - Worlds 2023 Qualifying Series Winner 2023 League World Championship teams LCS (North America) - TBA (LCS 2023 Championship Champion) - TBA (LCS 2023 Championship Runner-Up) - TBA (LCS 2023 Championship 3rd Place) LCS teams still in contention - Cloud9 - Golden Guardians - Evil Geniuses - Team Liquid - NRG - TSM - Dignitas - 100 Thieves LEC (EMEA) - TBA (LEC 2023 Season Finals Champion) - TBA (LEC 2023 Season Finals Runner-Up) - TBA (LEC 2023 Season Finals 3rd Place) LEC teams still in contention - G2 Esports - MAD Lions - Team BDS - Excel - Fnatic - SK Gaming LCK (Korea) - TBA (LCK 2023 Summer Champion) - TBA (LCK 2023 Championship Points) - TBA (LCK 2023 Regional Finals Winner) - TBA (LCK 2023 Regional Finals Runner-Up) LCK teams still in contention - Gen.G - KT Rolster - Dplus KIA - Hanwha Life - T1 - Liiv SANDBOX/Nongshim RedForce LPL (China) - JD Gaming - TBA (LPL 2023 Summer Champion) - TBA (LPL 2023 Regional Finals Winner) - TBA (LPL 2023 Regional Finals Runner-Up) LPL teams still in contention - Bilibili Gaming - LNG Esports - EDward Gaming - Top Esports - Weibo Gaming PCS (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Southeast Asia, Oceania) - PCS (2023 Summer Champion) - PCS (2023 Summer Runner-Up) PCS teams still in contention - PSG Talon - J Team - Beyond Gaming - Three of: Deep Cross Gaming, CTBC Flying Oyster, Frank Esports, HELL PIGS, and West Point Esports Philippines - Chiefs Esports Club (Oceania) - Team Bliss (Oceania) VCS (Vietnam) - VCS (2023 Summer Champion) - VCS (2023 Summer Runner-Up) VCS teams still in contention - GAM Esports - Team Whales - Four of: Saigon Buffalo, Team Secret, CERBERUS Esports, SBTC Esports, Team Flash, MGN Box Esports CBLOL (Brazil) - TBA (CBLOL 2023 Split Two Champion) CBLOL teams still in contention - RED Canids - paiN Gaming - LOUD - Fluxo - INTZ - One of: Vivo Keyd Stars, FURIA LJL (Japan) - TBA (LJL 2023 Summer Champion) LJL teams still in contention - DetonatioN FM - SoftBank HAWKS - FENNEL - Crest Gaming Act - Sengoku Gaming - AXIZ LLA (Latin America) - TBA (LLA 2023 Closing Champion) LLA teams still in contention - Movistar R7 - Estral Esports - Six Karma - INFINITY - Team Aze - Isurus Worlds 2023 Qualifying Series Winner - TBA (One of North America #4/EMEA #4) We will continuously update the above details for you as all the competitive League seasons continue to wrap up over the next few months. Read the full article
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darubyprincx · 2 months
For a Mianite prompt: The aftermass of Dianite or Capsize's death? Maybe with Tom seeing their ghosts? (I really liked the trinity island fic you did)
(hi i'm so glad you enjoyed that one! i gotta credit @syndianites for the headcanon, it's lived rent free in my brain ever since)
The silence was very loud.
Furia pulled her blade from the fallen Captain's now limp body, unruffled, professional. He didn't even give the blade the honor of being cleaned, simply letting the blood still shining dark and grotesquely on it drip to the floor in precious little beads.
With a hoarse, ragged yell, Redbeard drew his own sword at blinding speed and charged Furia, light breaking where it hit the dueling blades. Tucker was shouting now, banging on the walls but still stuck in the hole he'd fallen into. Jordan walked forward a step, uncertain, obviously caught between wanting to help Redbeard with the fight and not wanting to get within slashing distance of the now raging duel. Which made sense, all things considered, because Redbeard's swordsmanship was more than advanced enough to keep up with the Guardian of the Temple of Dianite, Furia herself.
Speaking of Furia-
Oh, nevermind. He's dead now.
The Skipper wavered where he stood, breath coming in heaves, before dropping his sword and stumbling over to where his sister's body lay. Dropping to his knees, he clumsily took her hand and howled.
To say that it hurt to watch was an understatement. Tom hated that he had to look away, and hated himself for doing it, but he knew what came next. Even out of the corner of his eye, he could see a shimmer raise from Capsize's body.
He forced himself to look up again and directly at the scene unspooling itself before him. (Fittingly, nobody left alive in the room was looking at Furia.) Sonja was trying and failing to help pull Tucker out of the hole in the floor. Jordan stood statue-still in the place he had been for the past five minutes, and next to where Redbeard knelt, utterly undone by grief, the ghost of Capsize sat, desperately trying and failing to capture his attention. She caught Tom staring at her and he looked away, a second too late.
"What's wrong?" she demanded, stomping towards him. "Why can't he hear me? Why can you see me? Answer me, laddie!"
"Because you're dead," said Tom, rubbing his eyes with a sigh to avoid looking at everything. "They can't see you. If it helps, Furia's dead."
Furia's soul was gone to god knows where. Tom saw it out of the corner of his eye but did not dare look over. He instead focused on the spectre of Capsize, resplendent in rage, and tried to calm his nerves.
"And you can?" Capsize asked now, voice raising in volume and anger. "Ye did nothing to help! My brother thinks me gone and ye just be standing there like a damn fool!"
"Because none of them know that I can talk to ghosts," Tom said quickly. "Please keep your voice down. I can't do anything right now when everyone else is here and watching."
"So to them, you're just talking to yourself?"
Tom sighed. "Yeah. I've been doing it for years. They probably think I'm crazy."
Capsize nodded in satisfaction. "Good. Because you are."
Tom sighed again, stepping back and raising his hands slightly in surrender. "I can pass on any messages you have to Redbeard," he said, desperate to avoid the intensity of Capsize's glare. "I'll have to wait a few minutes to pull him aside and tell him in private, but it's the least I can do."
Capsize tilted her head thoughtfully. "So ye do have a heart." (Tom winced a little at that, but said nothing.) "Very well. Tell me brother that I'm still here and that I be very grateful to him for revenging me so swiftly. Mum would be proud."
Tom nodded, and she continued. "So if I be a ghost, what now? Do I just haunt ye for the rest of eternity?"
Tom shrugged. "I mean, it's different for everyone," he said. "You could. Some people move on instantly, like Furia did. Gods and people blessed by gods tend to respawn. Some hang around a little bit before headed to the afterlife, if you want to do that I might be able to point you in the right direction. I've made a few friends with the really old ghosts that are just happy to be seen and heard after decades of being invisible to the living. It's your choice, really."
Capsize continued regarding him with that even gaze with her arms crossed, seemingly weighing his entire soul. "Didn't expect a follower of Dianite to be a medium," she said eventually with grudging respect.
"A what?"
"A medium. People who intervene for the dead and guide them to the afterlife."
"I mean, I guess," said Tom with another shrug, looking through Capsize to keep an eye on everyone else. "Okay. Tucker's out of the hole and Jordan's talking to Redbeard. We should probably be back on the road again soon. You should be able to float through people and walls with no problem, so just follow us out until we're back in the Overworld again and we can talk more then. Deal?"
"Deal," said Capsize, holding out one ghostly hand.
"Can't shake," said Tom. "It'd go right through."
"Nevermind, then," said Capsize, sticking her hand back in her pocket with a sigh as she looked back towards her brother. "Hope he remembers to toss me body into the sea. It's the customary burial for all sailors. If he had been the one who had died, I would have done the same for him."
Tom nodded, and as he walked over to Sonja and Tucker to catch them up on what had happened, Capsize stayed behind, watching him thoughtfully.
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coolcattime · 1 year
Heyo its me the usual anon here with a mianite au
Mianite noir. S1 tucker is a PI a bit rough and a complete downer who has a bitter view of the world but more often than not takes on difficult or dangerous cases that the mostly corrupt police force wont. He's often wears a symbol of mianite on his neck under his shirt so that it's pressed against his chest. His weapon of choice is a white and blue revolver that never seems to tun out of amno, and he often spends his sober days in the local mianite church praying some long forgotten sins away.
Sonja is a cop, a fresh recruit bright eyed and hoping to help people she is quickly finding out about the rot and corruption deeply embedded in the force. She often works with tucker in solving cases using insider knowledge only the police force is privvy to. The longer she works in the force the more her positivity and hope is sapped away and she often times finds herself considering taking bribes under the table or ignoring the many injustices infront of her. She used to attend service at the mianite temple often but now rarely goes instead confiding in a friend of hers. She has a white and blue pistol for a weapon but if you pay close attention when she shoots the gun the smoke lingers for a moment wrapping around the barrel and almost reaches her hand but always fades away before making it that far.
Tom, is a mafia boss, he runs the underworld and encourages the rampant crime in the city buying off the police and visciously attacking rival gangs. He's considered a mysterious figure in the underworld with roomers being He's an invincible monster with people pumping hundreds of rounds of ammo into his chest and him walking it off and killing them. Mostly everyone fears him. He has a tattoo of the mark of dianite on his chest, he has an all black tommy gun that shoots flaming bullets but, his true weapon is a bowie knife that has a crimson red hilt a serrated edge and a arcane looking markings on it. Very few have managed to survive against him when he weilds it. His base is an abandoned church in the center of the industrial district of the city
Jordan is a bartender. Well he owns the bar and works the counter. His place is a no fighting zone so most people no matter what side they're on drink here cops, mobsters, petty criminals, and pi's because of his bartending he is always pretty up to date on roomers or the situation of the city which can be a tempting prospect. There are many roomers surrounding him, that every mob boss in the city fears him, that the police would rather not look into the shady aspects of his business model. He takes one day a week off where he heads into the woods some claim that they see foxes coming out of the forest to greet him and lead him further into it some who said they followed him deep into the woods say that he worships a mostly forgotten goddess. His weapon of choice is a riffle that he keeps under his bar, the metal is a dull shade of purple. He is also quite proficient with his hands wearing a set of amethyst and emerald rings on his hands that make his hits devastating.
Okay, I love all of this. Like I love this so so much. I love the idea of a noir but also magical world, I think the concepts combine really well as magic but in a very gritty messed up world is always interesting. In order to keep my brain straight, this is gonna go: discussing characters you've presented, adding a few more, and then a little plot.
Tucker as the cynical PI is such a good take. A kind of light in the darkness of a corrupt system, but he definitely doesn't see himself that way. I love the idea of his revolver, guns that don't seem to run out of ammo are always very fun to me especially revolvers since you should be able to clearly see the amount of ammo they have.
Sonja as the slowly fading optimist is so good. Her being a cop attempting to avoid corruption is really fun, especially as I imagine it adds some conflict to her interactions with Tucker. I also really like the way her canon turning to the shadows is here both with her slowly losing her faith in Mianite and smoke from her gun literally trying to reach out to her.
1000% yes to Mafia boss Tom. I love everything you've written from the general mysteries around him, to his weapons, to his base being in an abandoned church. He's the exact thing that Tucker and Sonja want to take down, but also a very useful ally if he's on your side.
I love the idea of Jordan and his safe haven bar. It works really well for him as being a person who shouldn't be dangerous but really is because of his position which provides him with a lot of information. I also love him closing to bar to go worship Ianite, that's such a good vibe. I also love his weapons, especially as I imagine there's stories of him using them when someone tries to break the no fights in the bar.
For a couple of my own character ideas:
Capsize is basically a black market seller/information broker. Redbeard seems to be her bodyguard, but people who actually know Capsize contest the idea what she would need one. She trades mostly out of a warehouse on the docks, though she'll trade smaller items and information from a backroom of Jordan's bar just for the safety. She has a pretty good relationship with Tom who she'll trade quite a lot with, respects Tucker despite their opposing places in the world, and she'll tolerate Jordan because of the bar, the fact her brother likes him, and the worshipping of the same forgotten goddess. She's very close with Sonja, but hides her job since she doesn't want Sonja to pick between her and her morales. Her weapon is a pistol which feels like it packs more of a punch than it reasonably should. Redbeard has a shotgun which doesn't have much special about it and seems mostly for show.
Furia is a serial killer, looming on the backdrop and creating crime scenes that look like sacrifices to Dianite. He isn't known to the public, most people thinking his crimes are done by Tom. (Look he's more here as a backdrop for my plot idea)
A small idea for a plot:
People are going missing in the city, turning up a couple weeks later killed in murder scenes arranged to look like sacrifices to Dianite. Despite the fear that's spreading, police aren't fully investigating as the believe they're being committed by Tom, an infamous Mafia boss, on his own underlings for betraying him. These murders are being investigated by Tucker aided by Sonja who has been getting him the official reports, however under investigated the cases are.
One evening, about a week after the last murder, they head to Jordan's bar hoping to buy some information. When they get there, Capsize isn't in, though Tom is who quickly goes to annoy them under the freedom of the no fight rule and Jordan carefully watching. This doesn't last very long as Capsize bursts in, jacket ripped and shoulder bleeding, and almost immediately tries to pin Tom against the wall and threaten him. She's dragged to the backroom by Jordan, who's both annoyed and apologetic, but not before she manages to get out that one of 'Tom's Dianite worshipping idiots' jumped her and kidnapped Redbeard. Tom has no idea what she's talking about, but Tucker and Sonja realise the very real possibility that Redbeard has been taken by the serial killer. And five being pulled into a desperate investigation to uncover the serial killer before they claim another victim.
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jokin-izar · 10 months
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   “Cinco tumbas”, Jorge Quer.    "Deberías haberte ido”,Daniel Kehlmann.
   “Dispersión”, Iain Reid .
   “El árbol viene”, Munir Hachemi.    “Huésped de una noche”, Heather Gudenkauf.
   “La chica que vive al final del camino”, Laird Koening.
   “Las madres”, Carmen Mola.
   “Los crímenes de Hamlet”, Malenka Ramos.    “Sundial”, Catriona Ward.
   “Todos en mi familia han matado a alguien”, Benjamin Stevenson.    “Tratado de brujería vasca”, Pierre Lancre.    “Ventisca”, Marie Vingtras.    “Verano de miedo”, Carlos Molinero.
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   “El Grifo” 
   “El quinto día”
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   "Sombra y Hueso"  T1-T2    “Star Trek: Picard" T3
   “The Ark"    “The Mandalorian" T3    “Tú también lo harías"
   “Yellowjackets" T1-T2
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                   - - - PELÍCULAS - - -
                         “¡Shazam! La Furia De Los Dioses"                         "Cráter”                         "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor entre ladrones"
                        “El cuarto pasajero” 
                        “Guardianes de la Galaxia 3 ”
                        “Historias apocalípticas”                         "Irati"                         "Renfield" 
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Shazam! Furia degli dei
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✔️ 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐐𝐔𝐈 ▶ https://bit.ly/3Ix71Et
Regia di James Gunn. Un film con Pom Klementieff, Elizabeth Debicki, Karen Gillan, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana. Cast completo Titolo originale: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Genere Azione, Avventura, Fantascienza, - USA, 2023, Uscita cinema mercoledì 3 maggio 2023 distribuito da Walt Disney.
:: Trama Shazam! Furia degli dei ::
Qui siamo in una terra incognita, da cui non sono trapelate informazioni. Non sappiamo per certo nemmeno se il cast di protagonisti farà integralmente il proprio ritorno, in compenso è noto che sarà ancora James Gunn a dirigere il film - oltre a uno special Tv natalizio dedicato a questi eroi. Visto il finale del capitolo precedente, possiamo però supporre che rivedremo Elizabeth Debicki nei panni Ayesha. La sacerdotessa dorata infatti non aveva esaurito il suo ruolo e anzi sembrava aver iniziato l'esperimento per dare vita all'essere perfetto: Adam Warlock, che nei fumetti però ha anche una sorta di doppio malvagio, il temibile Magus.
Un giorno, mentre sono scuola, una loro coetanea davanti l'intera classe chiede loro se sono una coppia, insospettita dalla vicinanza dei due. Nonostante Léo specifichi che il loro rapporto è solamente di amicizia e quasi fraterno, il loro forte e duraturo legame viene improvvisamente e bruscamente interrotto. Léo inizia a evitare il suo amico, timoroso che la loro amicizia possa essere fraintesa. Dal canto suo, Rémi si sente ferito e non riesce a capire il vero motivo del perché il suo migliore amica abbia cambiato atteggiamento nei suoi confronti.
Un film (in Italiano anche pellicola) è una serie di immagini che, dopo essere state registrate su uno o più supporti cinematografici e una volta proiettate su uno schermo, creano l'illusione di un'immagine in movimento.[1] Questa illusione ottica permette a colui che guarda lo schermo, nonostante siano diverse immagini che scorrono in rapida successione, di percepire un movimento continuo.
Il processo di produzione cinematografica viene considerato ad oggi sia come arte che come un settore industriale. Un film viene materialmente creato in diversi metodi: riprendendo una scena con una macchina da presa, oppure fotografando diversi disegni o modelli in miniatura utilizzando le tecniche tradizionali dell'animazione, oppure ancora utilizzando tecnologie moderne come la CGI e l'animazione al computer, o infine grazie ad una combinazione di queste tecniche.
L'immagine in movimento può eventualmente essere accompagnata dal suono. In tale caso il suono può essere registrato sul supporto cinematografico, assieme all'immagine, oppure può essere registrato, separatamente dall'immagine, su uno o più supporti fonografici.
Con la parola cinema (abbreviazione del termine inglese cinematography, “cinematografia”) ci si è spesso normalmente riferiti all'attività di produzione dei film o all'arte a cui si riferisce. Ad oggi con questo termine si definisce l'arte di stimolare delle esperienze per comunicare idee, storie, percezioni, sensazioni, il bello o l'atmosfera attraverso la registrazione o il movimento programmato di immagini insieme ad altre stimolazioni sensoriali.[2]
In origine i film venivano registrati su pellicole di materiale plastico attraverso un processo fotochimico che poi, grazie ad un proiettore, si rendevano visibili su un grande schermo. Attualmente i film sono spesso concepiti in formato digitale attraverso tutto l'intero processo di produzione, distribuzione e proiezione.
Il film è un artefatto culturale creato da una specifica cultura, riflettendola e, al tempo stesso, influenzandola. È per questo motivo che il film viene considerato come un'importante forma d'arte, una fonte di intrattenimento popolare ed un potente mezzo per educare (o indottrinare) la popolazione. Il fatto che sia fruibile attraverso la vista rende questa forma d'arte una potente forma di comunicazione universale. Alcuni film sono diventati popolari in tutto il mondo grazie all'uso del doppiaggio o dei sottotitoli per tradurre i dialoghi del film stesso in lingue diverse da quella (o quelle) utilizzata nella sua produzione.
Le singole immagini che formano il film sono chiamate “fotogrammi”. Durante la proiezione delle tradizionali pellicole di celluloide, un otturatore rotante muove la pellicola per posizionare ogni fotogramma nella posizione giusta per essere proiettato. Durante il processo, fra un frammento e l'altro vengono creati degli intervalli scuri, di cui però lo spettatore non nota la loro presenza per via del cosiddetto effetto della persistenza della visione: per un breve periodo di tempo l'immagine permane a livello della retina. La percezione del movimento è dovuta ad un effetto psicologico definito come “fenomeno Phi”.
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estrenos2023 · 1 year
En esta página te mostraremos todas las películas más esperadas en los próximos meses del año en curso.
MAYO -2023:
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JUNIO -2023
Sipder-Man: Cruzando en Muliverso
Transformers:El despertar de las Bestias
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10 Lives
White bird
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Trolls 3
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Los Juegos del Hambre:Balada de Pájaros Cantores y Serpientes
Wish:El poder de los Deseos
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empyrean-rpg · 2 months
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Una década ha transcurrido desde la épica batalla que selló la ruina de Amyr, sin embargo, el aliento gélido de la adversidad aún se cierne sobre Empyrean. Más allá de la majestuosa cordillera, las sombras de las tierras prohibidas acechan en su sed de destrucción insaciable. A pesar de la debilidad que corroe la antigua barrera, los escuadrones de valientes guerreros se alzan como guardianes del reino, dispuestos a defender sus fronteras con valor indomable y ferocidad imperturbable.
El destino, envuelto en un manto de incertidumbre, aún se reserva su juicio. Las criaturas oscuras y sus huestes infernales se agitan en la oscuridad, anhelando el momento propicio para desatar su furia sobre las tierras de Empyrean. Mas, por ahora, los corazones intrépidos, los imponentes dragones y las espadas afiladas mantienen la oscuridad a raya, vigilantes ante el inminente retorno del caos.
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