buttholes · 11 months
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Anyway, who cares what the mutants do now that the first new rule of Nu-Staten Island is... they're not allowed on my island.
➤ Deadpool #5 (2019)
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vivarem · 1 month
hello! may I request falco graphics? (AoT)
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awful-roffle · 4 months
I hate updating things no more updating things
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poorlittlevampire · 7 months
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dreamdisk · 1 year
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fettkakao · 9 months
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Various Artistes Fettkakao 50 fett050 7" Vinyl, digital
Inlay design by Teen-Beat Grafica.
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fionnaskyborn · 2 years
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addamsjuice · 5 months
hello everyone look at this new species of lizard discovered in Iran it is named Eremias graphica
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Utsukushii Kare S2E2
The two big headlines from this episode are:
Setup setup setup
It makes sense that the previous episode was so self-contained while this one spent a good bit of its time setting up arcs that look like they’ll take the rest of the (four-episode) season to resolve, since the first episode is based on a story at the end of the first novel and now, with episode 2, we’re just starting out with the first part of the second novel. The setup parts meant that this episode wasn’t as dense as the prior one, but it still delivered on a lot of good moments and, most importantly for my morale as a viewer, it started to show some real progress in Hira and Kiyoi’s relationship.
I’m going to circle back to some of the relationship stuff I’ve been posting about and what it looked like in this episode in another post, but for now, here are some overall thoughts.
We got a continuation of the scene from the end of episode 1, so we learned that at least Hira did attempt to comfort Kiyoi after that exchange, he just did it in an incredibly goofy Hira way (stroking his hair with one finger that he...cleaned first in some way?).
The high school flashback really gave some useful context. We knew from season 1 that Kiyoi was hoping for Hira to make some kind of declaration because of his thoughts before the graduation day kiss. But this scene suggests he was waiting even longer, had more of a sense of urgency than was shown before. When his voiceover said, “Hurry, Hurry,” I really felt for Kiyoi.
I love that Koyama replaced that ugly plaid jacket...with a new ugly plaid jacket. He’s being a deus ex machina again as he tells Hira about the Young Photo Graphica contest, and he’s not finished yet.
The other fans shaming Hira for behaving almost exactly like them really bothered me. It seems like the only thing that makes everyone think he’s “suspicious” is the fact that he’s a dude. Well, and the disguise. But I guess I don’t get the big deal about that either.
Red scarf guy, Anna’s fan, is clearly being set up as serious trouble. He’s making a furious face when Kiyoi is just walking beside her in a totally normal manner. And he has a red ribbon he keeps playing with. I assume the symbolism there isn’t a coincidence and this is implying that he thinks he and Anna are fated to be together. If he turns out to be even half as scary as he seems right now, he’s going to make a good foil for Hira, and could deliver a wake-up call. I just hope the cost of that isn’t too great.
When Kiyoi tells Anna about how he likes the “rush” of live theater, he says it’s “an excitement that borders on fear.” I swear I’ve heard that somewhere before. Was it in season 1 somewhere?
I find Anna really likeable so far. My fantasy is that she turns out to be queer too and she’s going to bat for Kiyoi because he immediately pinged her gaydar. Probably not likely but I feel like it’d be fun. As long as red scarf guy doesn’t get too out of hand.
Seeing Kiyoi be affectionate with Hira when he gets home was priceless. When he came close and put his arms around him, it really did seem like he was showing some growth. He’s initiating affection, he’s using humor in a gentle way, and he still called him “baka” but he did it in a much gentler way than usual. Of course, he couldn’t keep this up once Koyama was on the phone. It can’t have helped that Koyama is cock-blocking him yet again. But his irritation that Koyama is involved in parts of Hira’s life he doesn’t know about is justifiable. Though maybe that magnitude of pouty lip face could be considered excessive.
When Kiyoi is stewing about Koyama the next day, he shows more self-awareness than usual. He says, “I can’t be mature about this,” with regard to Koyama’s presence in Hira’s life. But there was a time when he would have struggled to acknowledge that it bothered him at all, much less to acknowledge that a more mature response is possible (and preferable).
When Koyama actually appears, he handles it...well, better than before. He stays pretty polite and thanks Koyama for helping Hira. He reins himself in even when he’s accused of “freeloading.” He’s still suspicous as hell, but you know, he might be right to be.
I’m not entirely sure what to make of Koyama here. He sure seems to like to butt in between them. It sounds pretty absurd when Kiyoi wonders if Koyama is “asserting dominance,” but, like, I think he kind of is? At the same time, he could have been petty or sneaky about this stuff but instead he’s forthright and tries to be helpful--he even seems to succeed.
That kitchen scene was excruciating. I had to look away more than once. Not to mention Hira praising the botched dish and fighting over his serving with Kiyoi. (As usual, his deference isn’t even internally consistent. Kiyoi is this divine being who has made “the hot pot of the Gods” but Hira doesn’t seem to think he’s so godlike that he has to listen to him when he tells him to stop eating.)
It’s pretty notable that they switch their usual positions for the conversation after the disgusting hot pot full of sake situation. Hira sits on the floor in front of the couch, lower than Kiyoi, and Kiyoi is on the left. It makes sense as this scene is a kind of reversal of their usual habits. Kiyoi is pursuing Hira more emotionally, including praising him. It’s particularly notable that he was able to tell Hira it bothers him that he talks to Koyama about these things and not him. That would have been pretty much impossible for season 1 Kiyoi. It’ll be interesting to see if he can keep this sort of thing up when he hasn’t just downed a bunch of hot sake.
I loved the exchange after Kiyoi ordered Hira to enter the photography contest. In the past, if Hira badmouthed himself, Kiyoi would get angry and contradict him, but he would also undercut it in other ways, like being rude or insulting to Hira himself. He was mildly reproachful but he didn’t do anything to negate the good he did by telling Hira he’s not a “pebble.” Telling Hira that he’s “[his] man” and therefore he can’t be that bad or insignificant is a good strategy--I don’t think Hira has a great comeback for that. And of course, hearing Kiyoi call him that had an effect. But the best bit, to my mind, was “I look best when I’m in your photos.” So danged sweet. And I bet he’s right.
I’ve noticed some folks who seem to have watched the episode on GaGa quoting Kiyoi as saying, “Take photos of me. In the same world.” Viki translates this as “Take photos of me. In the same industry.” The latter seems more likely to me. It’s more specific and on-topic. I’ll have to see what more detailed fansubs have to say on the subject. If Hira could become a professional photographer, their work stuff could overlap in some ways, and of course Kiyoi would like that. Though one thing he hasn’t talked about is the fact that Hira still refuses to photograph any person other than Kiyoi. If he wants to go into that field, then unless he gets into a specific area like landscape photography or, I don’t know, taking pictures of food, he’ll have to be willing to photograph non-Kiyoi human beings.
Hira didn’t get a lot of chances to show growth in this episode, but I think he was more receptive to Kiyoi’s changes in behavior than he would have been at one point in their relationship. And he agreed to enter the contest, which was a big stretch for him.
The setup factor notwithstanding, this was a good episode. I was excited to see the progress the characters are making. The prospect of a season 2 was a bit scary. If the characters had just regressed back to season 1 behavior completely, it would have been demoralizing. If they had resolved all of their problems and were being all mature and perfect all the time, it would have been dull. But I think the story is walking a good line between those extremes. 
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eightyonekilograms · 8 months
Pinafore, a new language designed by @polyaletheia which has algebraic subtyping and is designed first and foremost for GTK user interfaces)
(For a "quick" intro on why algebraic typing is cool, I recommend watching "Monads are everywhere, maybe that's bad?". This is first an excellent introduction to monads if you're not already familiar with them, but then goes a little deeper into their drawbacks. In particular, a big limitation of monads is how monadic error handling with stuff like Result<T, E> requires that all the error types E1, E2, ... in a given functional "chain" need to be descended from a common type and/or contain field properties with the true error contents, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a type system in the first place. Monad transformers are one way around this but they are a pain and haven't (yet?) taken hold among "working-class programmers". But algebraic typing is another possible way out.)
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buttholes · 11 months
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Captain America #8 (1998)
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j3-art · 1 year
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Two of my new photo pieces hung! These are macro photographs of some stained glass while out in LA. you can purchase on canvas, prints or aluminum here:
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sxpxrmxrgxr · 4 months
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Black Lego by Ekow Nimako
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blueberryautumn · 6 months
Libros que llevo leidos y necesito anotar porque luego se me olvida que los leei. Parte 2
Como seaa. hago este post, porque mis necesidades obsesivas compulsivas no me permiten no tener un conteo de mi vida literaria.
incluire novelas, biografias y comics (mangas, novelas graphicas etc,etc)
si alguien se topa con este post, te deso Vibras chidas, y que alguna de estas historias te den la felicidad, las lagrimas y las sonrisas que me brindaron a mi.
obviamente y porque fue en mis epocas de chica basica...
empezare por las Sagas que no tienen adptacion. (segun yo y si la tienen no es canonica y no la eh visto)
Las Cronicas de Terramar. (Earthsea Cycle) ursula k.leguin.
simplemente magico, y llenos de un chingo de sabiduria muy basica, cuando los leei pense, nms esto cualquiera lo sabe... pero...si cualquiera lo sabe y es parte de la educacion basica como humano....porque lo olvidamos y no lo ponemos en practica.
en lo personal son libros que me han ayudado a sobre llevar mi crisis del cuarto de edad (quarter midlife crisis) que se sufre mucho en nuestros 20´s
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Fairy Oak elisabetta gnome
AMO, simplemente amo, los leei a los 14 años, y me tiraron mucho hate, porque no era litertura seria (que la neta, chinguen a su madre cualquiera que te salaga con esa mamada. y mas cuando tienes 14 años y lo unico que quieres es soñar con vivir en un mundo mejor del que vives actualmente), Y aun asi minimo una vez al año repito almenos uno de ellos. y si te gusta #Anne with an E, #Mujercitas, #Gilmore girls. esta es una saga de libros para ti.
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La duologia del reino Celestial. (Celestial Kingdom Duology)
Creo que no son necesario que diga, que soy fan de los Dramas Coreanos, y Chinos (muy poco fan de los japoneses la neta no estan tan chidos). y debo decir que almenos corea se lleva el premio a lo que lleva a la pantalla, PEROOO La litertuar sobre la Mitologia de China....es Extraordinaria. y esta duologia (que el proximo año en feb 2024 saldra un libro de cuentos cortos sobre este mundo) no se queda atras. la verdad me gusto MUCHO y me hizo llorar MUCHO peor valio la pena cada lagrima.
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debo decir que estos diseños para la version UK me gustan mas que los diseños de la version americana. (pero solo es la portada el contenido es igual)
El Mar de la Fertilidad. por Yukio Mishima.
Esta tetralogia, es considerado como un testamento sobre el mundo narrativo sobre japon desde el siglo XX y 1970. todas estas historias tienen en comun a un joven abogado que buscara encontrarse con la reencarnacion de su mejor amigo (quien vivira una gran historia de amor) a travez de diferntes etapas de su vida y a la vez presenciar el cambio moral y espiritual del japon que lo vio nacer y del que lo vera morir. (son libros muy pesados y crudos, PEROOO son talvez libros que almenos a mi me abrieron los ojos a muchisimas cosas no solo sobre japon, sino como seres humanos, que tan capaces somos de venerar algo y seguir con esa conviccion hasta morir y confiar en que morir no es el ultimo paso, sino el inicio de otro fin).
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Hasta aqui con las sagas. si recuerdo algunas otras. las pondre en otro post. por ahora esto es todo amigos. espero esten bien :)
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landmineexplosiongirl · 6 months
guys pretty please send in reqs for pixels and cared/rentry graphica or I'll die I have no ideas
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grandhotelabyss · 9 months
What do you think of Porpentine Heartscape? To the extent that there's a true Adornian avant-garde of negativity in 21st century American lit, with real vitality and an underground following, she's probably the standard-bearer. And her work seems like an interesting case of graphica and digital media reflecting back into the literary sphere - she started off as a (the, really) hypertext superstar, and is now writing conventional novels, of which at least "Psycho Nymph Exile" seems to bear an obvious imprint of Japanese manga, in addition to the American bizarro tradition etc.
(The more formally traditional "Serious Weakness" was too stomach-turning for me to get far in it, but if you've muscled through Bataille maybe you have the strength)
This is the first I'm hearing of her, thanks. The summary of Psycho Nymph Exile sounds fun ("post-anime sapphic gurowave trauma-romance"). A Goodreads review of Serious Weakness says:
This book is for Scorpio Venuses, autists, and people with father and/or older brother issues (and I happen to be all of the above).
I'm a Capricorn Venus, whatever the opposite of autist is, and have mother issues—so perhaps this one's not for me.
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