#grapes mi querida
sun-shine706 · 1 year
If I fell asleep and awoke to my safe place and it called me home. I’d smell cinnamon and fabuloso. I’d smell the sweetness of coffee beaconing me ¿queires un cafecito con canela y miel my vida amor? I’d hear her sweet voice upon my ears and feel like I stayed up all night waiting for Christmas. I’d be happy to eat the New Years grapes with her and they would become my favorite. When she asked ¿tenéis hombre? I’d pray my stomach had no bottom, and I could taste home. ¿Te gustaría intentar aprender a contar con tu mano hasta 10, querida? I’d sit upon her lap six years old again and adore her very essence with every atom in my body. Hoping to drink this tranquila in forever. That is how I love her and when she laid to rest I’d grab her un antifaz congelado. Just like she taught me. A mi cielo y sueño while she slept like time had never taken her, I’d count every eyelash on her eyes and hair on her head. When the hard times come I’d have that many reasons to keep going. I’d braid love into her long beautiful black hair. She’d sing to me and I’d dance to the sound of jazz blessing us. It would be as it was so long ago. I’d be home, and I’d feel loved and understood. She’d be by my side as the birds passed us in the sky, and if I felt uncertain I’d only have to hold her hand. When she walked this earth I felt no fear. When she healed my heart, she kissed the angels temples for luck to give me. When the rain fell terribly and the sky boasting it’s thunder, she held me un abrasó. Sabía que el cielo podía caerse o volverse verde esmeralda. Confié en ella para mantenerme a salvo. El uninverso me bendijo con su espíritu, ella vivirá para siempre en mi ofrenda. Her whole life, will have a home with me, her life she will be shown with love. Mi madre Vivian. All I know is, my love for her saved me and I understand what she gave now. She was amazing. I miss her every day and she sends more hope and luck down. I braid it into my hair. -sunshine_706 keep it groovy, moving, and going to therapy.
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bioluminescentfrog · 3 years
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Kieran a General Winter
General Winter,
Tres atardeceres. Os lo dije, soy dueño de tres atardeceres. Volveré en ese periodo de tiempo, el cual no es demasiado extenso. Y aun así me escribís, usando vuestro valioso tiempo y el mío porque no habéis podido esperar tres atardeceres para saber si prefiero “terciopelo en azul medianoche o uno más aberenjenado”, creo recordar fueron sus palabras.
Disculpad mi temperamento. En realidad no estoy enfadado con vos. Me encuentro algo descompuesto esta mañana, después de una noche de júbilo y extravagancia por las calles de la ciudad de Londres junto a mis amigos Nefilim. 
Ahora, obviamente, cualquier jolgorio de hadas contiene placeres tan oscuros que los mortales solo pueden soñar, y así sucesivamente. Pero tras la pasada noche, he de conceder un reticente respeto a las deleitosas capacidades de un inesperado grupo: hombres de negocios londinenses de tardía mediana edad. En nuestro viaje encontramos lo que es conocido aquí como “Fiesta de Jubilación”, una festividad bastante movible en la cual hombres de negocios recorren la ciudad en celebración de un elegido. En este caso solo le conocí como “Kraig”.
¡Nos lo encontramos tres veces a noche! La primera en Tongue y Grapes, donde compartimos un reconocimiento mutuo de compañeros celebrantes pasando la noche. La segunda vez, fue en la Taberna de Shaved Werewolf, hubo rugidos mutuos de reconocimiento por ambas partes, y un intercambio ceremonial de brebajes, como es costumbre. Y la tercera vez, en Pigeon y Spoon, donde fuimos bienvenidos y (un gran honor) introducidos como honorables miembros de la Fiesta, después de lo cual nos obsequiaron con sombreros festivos y batas de jersey de algodón proclamando la majestad del gran Kraig.
Así que comprenderás que hoy tenga menos paciencia de lo que me gustaría, pues tengo un gran dolor de cabeza engendrado por algo que los mortales llaman “clara”, un brebaje repelente que te golpea como un kelpie enfadado. Dejó a mi querida Cristina dormida sobre una pegajosa mesa en Pidgeon y Spoon; Mark y yo tuvimos que llevarla de vuelta al Instituto. Ahora está despierta, por supuesto, y pidiendo café con más fuerza de la habitual. Dado que dispongo de poco tiempo, me esforzaré en responder vuestras preguntas lo mejor que pueda.
Me gusta el azul medianoche para la sala del trono. Creo que hace destacar las enredaderas, y pienso que también estabais dejándome saber que son de vuestra preferencia. Lo siguiente es que estoy mayormente de acuerdo en que la estética general de las salas de tronos debe ir en dirección a un opulento sentimiento gótico, en lugar del ambiente tan de infierno maldito preferido por sus anteriores ocupantes.
Hagamos recordar a nuestra Corte que somos la Luna, como la Corte Seelie es el Sol; mientras ellos son Belleza, nosotros somos Mal Gusto.[1]
De todos modos, no estoy de acuerdo en cuanto a los cráneos. Creo que deben quedarse. Los cráneos son perfectamente apropiados para un ambiente opulentamente gótico. De hecho, me cuesta pensar en un estilo en el que las calaveras no mejorarían la presencia. Si tal estilo existe, definitivamente no sería una buena opción para los salones del trono del Señor Unseelie. Al menos estamos de acuerdo en eso.
Finalmente, me entristece saber que la Corte Seelie continúa rechazando mis peticiones para un tratado de paz. Teníais razón cuando os percatasteis de vuestras sospechas; se han vuelto cada vez más reservados durante este pasado año, incluso entre ellos. Veremos si nuestros exploradores se las arreglan para averiguar algo, aunque en mi experiencia nuestros exploradores parecen caer en romances prohibidos con exploradores Seelie para luego huir juntos. Hemos perdido a cuatro de cinco de esta manera. Supongo que lo que quiero decir es que no estoy precisamente siendo paciente.[2] (Una expresión humana encantadora, ¿no créeis?)
No necesitáis sugerirme que contacte a Adaon; es mi hermano, y hablo con él a menudo. Cada vez que comento la posibilidad de una corte unida, o de una reunión entre yo y la Reina Seelie, dice lo mismo: que ahora no es el momento ya que puede llevar a discordancias. Ahora es el momento de preservar la frágil paz entre las dos cortes y dejar las cosas como están. Él tiene la oreja de la Reina, así que he de confiar que él sabe lo que yo desconozco. Aun así, sabéis que no está en mi naturaleza el hacer nada y llamarlo progreso.
Hablando de esa frágil paz, debo preguntar. ¿Vuestras cabezas rojas han descubierto algo más sobre la extraña presencia que se ha sentido en el Mundo de las Hadas, y si la misma es beneficiosa o antagonista a nuestros intereses? La siento a través de mi conexión con la Tierra. A veces me encuentro despierto, sintiendo esa presencia que no consigo describir, sabiendo que es de nuestro mundo y a la vez no, y que la misma Tierra la teme.
Es suficiente. Confío en que podáis haceros cargo de que la Corte funcione como debe las treinta seis horas restantes en las que me encontraré ausente. Si antes de mi regreso necesitáis más consejos sobre qué color escoger, confío en vuestros instintos, los cuales siempre os han sido de gran ayuda.
Hasta entonces tengo el honor de seguir siendo Vuestro Eterno Soberano, Dueño de los Hob y Domovoi, Rompedor de las Quebradas Tierras, Corona Bajo las Colinas, Oscura Estrella de la Tarde, Amigo de Kraig y Rey de la Corte Unseelie,
Texto original de Cassandra Clare ©
Traducción del texto de Niloa Gray ©
ATENCIÓN: no se permite hacer Drives ni PDFs de “Los Secretos de Blackthorn Hall” por Copyright. Cualquier infringimiento va contra la ley.
[1] Tackiness es la palabra usada aquí, que puede significar “mal gusto” o “vulgaridad”.
[2] “I am not exactly holding my breath” es la expresión que utiliza Kieran, que significa “no ser paciente”.
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Kieran al general Winter
General Winter
Tres atardeceres. Te lo dije, tengo tres atardeceres. Regresaré en esa cantidad de tiempo. No es mucho tiempo. Y sin embargo me has escrito, gastaste tu valioso tiempo y el mío porque no podías esperar tres atardeceres para saber si prefiero el terciopelo en azul medianoche o uno en más berenjena, creo que fue tu frase.
Perdona mi temperamento. No estoy realmente enojado contigo. Estoy un poco fuera de lugar esta mañana, después de una noche de alegría y extravagancia en las calles del centro de Londres, junto con mis amigos nefilim. Ahora, obviamente, cualquier juerga de hadas contiene placeres tan oscuros que los mortales solo pueden soñar, y así sucesivamente. Pero, después de la noche anterior, debo admitir un respeto a regañadientes por las capacidades divertidas de un grupo inesperado: los hombres de negocios londinenses de mediana edad. En nuestro viaje nos encontramos con lo que aquí se conoce como una “Fiesta de Jubilación”, una especie de fiesta móvil en la que estos empresarios recorren la ciudad en celebración de un elegido. En este caso, lo conocía solo como "Kraig".
¡Anoche nos encontramos en su fiesta tres veces! La primera vez, en el Tongue & Grapes, solo compartimos un reconocimiento mutuo de los demás celebrantes que pasaban la noche. La segunda vez, en la Posada del Hombre Lobo Afeitado, hubo rugidos mutuos de reconocimiento de ambas partes, y un intercambio ceremonial de bebidas, como es costumbre. Y la tercera vez, en el Pigeon & Spoon, fuimos recibidos y, con gran honor, admitidos como miembros honorarios de la fiesta, después de lo cual nos obsequiaron sombreros festivos y jersey de punto de algodón proclamando la majestuosidad del gran Kraig.
Así que comprenderás si tengo menos paciencia de la que me gustaría, este día, porque tengo un dolor de cabeza vil engendrado por demasiado de lo que los mortales llaman "refajo"(1), una bebida repelente como una patada como un kelpie enojado. Dejó bastante dormida a mi querida Cristina en una mesa bastante pegajosa en Pigeon and Spoon; Mark y yo tuvimos que llevarla de regreso al Instituto. Ahora está despierta, por supuesto, y pide café con más fuerza de lo habitual. Dado que tengo poco tiempo, me esforzaré por responder a sus consultas lo mejor que pueda.
Me gusta el azul medianoche, para el salón del trono. Creo resalta bien las enredaderas rastreras, y también creo que estabas insinuando que también lo prefieres. A continuación, estoy de acuerdo en que la estética general de las salas del trono debería moverse en dirección a una opulenta sensación gótica, en lugar del estado de ánimo preferido de su anterior ocupante del "maldito infierno". Recordemos a nuestra Corte que somos la Luna, como la Corte Seelie es el Sol; en lugar de que sean la belleza y nosotros pegajosos.
Sin embargo, no estoy de acuerdo con los cráneos. Creo que deberían quedarse. Las calaveras son perfectamente apropiadas en un opulento entorno gótico. De hecho, me cuesta pensar en un estilo en el que las calaveras no mejoren su presencia. Si tal estilo existe, definitivamente no sería una buena opción para los salones del trono del Señor Unseelie, al menos estemos de acuerdo en eso.
Por último, me preocupa saber que el Tribunal Seelie sigue rechazando mis solicitudes de una cumbre de paz. Tenías razón cuando dijiste tus sospechas antes; se han vuelto más reservados en el último año, incluso para ellos. Veremos si nuestros exploradores logran aprender algo, aunque en mi experiencia, nuestros exploradores en su mayoría parecen caer en romances prohibidos con exploradores Seelie y luego huyen juntos; perdemos algo así como cuatro de cada cinco de esa manera. Supongo que lo que estoy diciendo es que no estoy conteniendo la respiración exactamente. (Una expresión humana encantadora, ¿no es así?)
No es necesario que me sugieras que me ponga en contacto con Adaon; es mi propio hermano y hablo con él a menudo. Cada vez que menciono la posibilidad de una corte unida, o una reunión entre la Reina Seelie y yo, él dice lo mismo: ahora no es el momento para una cumbre que podría conducir a la discordia, ahora es el momento de preservar la frágil paz. Entre las dos canchas dejando lo suficientemente bien solo. Tiene el oído de la reina, así que debo confiar en que él sabe lo que yo no. Aun así, sabes que no está en mi naturaleza no hacer nada y llamarlo progreso.
Hablando de esa frágil paz, debo preguntar: ¿sus militares han aprendido algo más sobre la extraña presencia que se ha notado en Faerie y si es beneficiosa o contraria a nuestros intereses? Lo siento a través de mi conexión con la Tierra: a veces me despierto, sintiendo esa presencia que no puedo definir, sabiendo que es tanto de Faerie como no de ella, y que la Tierra misma tiene miedo.
Suficiente de eso. Confío en que podrá mantener el Tribunal en funcionamiento durante las treinta y seis horas restantes que estaré fuera. Si es necesaria más selección de colores antes de mi regreso, confío en que se deje llevar por sus instintos, que siempre le han servido bien.
Hasta entonces, tengo el honor de seguir siendo Su Soberano Eterno, Maestro de Hob y Domovoi(2), Rompedor de las Tierras Quebradas, Corona Bajo la Colina, Estrella Oscura de la Noche, Amigo de Kraig y Rey de la Corte Unseelie…
1. Shandy o refajo, es una bebida colombiana que es la mezcla de cerveza con refresco rojo.
2. Espiritus del hogar en la mitología eslava que protegen a los habitantes de esta, Hob es como se les conoce en Inglaterra y Domovoi el nombre original.
Texto original de @cassandraclare
Traducción del texto Annie ©
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happysoldlady · 3 years
Still - Part 2 - Angel Reyes
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a/n: you ask, you shall receive. I have so many things in my drafts right now it’s stupid bruh. y’all enjoy this though! I might do a third, makeup sex part. I haven’t decided yet. 
taglist: @woahitslucyylu​ @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly​ @peaches007​ @cocotheclown​
warning(s): sad boi angel, alcohol use
It had been two whole weeks since you had last spoken to Angel. Two weeks. You hadn’t gone that long without seeing each other since you were very small, and not that long without fucking each other since you were about sixteen. But you were angry. And betrayed, kind of. Angel had never been able to step up for you, and be the guy you needed him to be. And you didn’t feel like you were asking for much.
Angel, on the other hand, felt like you were asking for too much. Suddenly wanting to change something that had worked for the two of you for over a decade. He didn’t understand why you needed commitment from him all of a sudden, and he didn’t understand what this new guy had that he didn’t. Angel had been under the impression for years that the two of you understood that the relationship thing never really works out. You had tried it before, and it always went up in flames.
What Angel didn’t understand, though, is that this new guy gave you the relationship that you and Angel could never have. He gave you early morning sex and afternoon picnics. He gave you thoughtfulness and commitment. He gave you all the pieces that were missing from your relationship with Angel. Not that Angel couldn’t give you those things, because you knew first hand how sweet Angel could be. It’s that he wouldn’t do it. And how could you turn down the relationship in front of you for the relationship that one day might be something more?
So, it’s been two weeks. Because afternoon picnics and surprise hiking trips were occupying all of your time. But even sitting in the sun eating grapes with the man offering you everything, Angel Ignacio Reyes was at the forefront of your mind. And in your true nature, you find yourself knocking on his door later that night. 
You had a bottle of wine in one hand, and a clenched fist in the other which you used to knock on his door. Once upon a time, you had a key, but after walking in on him and other girls on several different occasions, you decided that knocking would probably prevent you from getting your feelings hurt. It takes a couple seconds before you hear Angel’s heavy footsteps coming toward the door, and you’re just hoping he isn’t preoccupied with another one of his distractions. 
The door swings open and you’re met with the shirtless (and beautiful, you must admit) man that you’ve adored for half of your life. 
“Y/N?” Angel’s eyes widen a little, confused. “Are you okay? What are you doing here?” Angel hates that he kind of hopes your new boyfriend fucked up somehow. 
“Yeah. No, I’m fine. I just-” You shrug and hold up the bottle of wine in your hand. “I needed a drinking buddy.” You were lying. You knew it, Angel knew it, the bottle of wine knew it. You could drink with anyone, but the truth is, you had a lot you needed to say to Angel and you weren’t sure you could get it all out without a couple glasses of your favorite wine. 
Angel eyes you for a minute, thinking very seriously about returning the favor of you slamming the door in his face, but he’s missed you. So he opens the door wide, and gives you a glimpse of a smile as you stroll through it. 
“You can keep that shit. I’ll drink a beer.” He mutters, admiring the way you throw your head back as you laugh at him. 
“Come on, Angel!” You shriek. “Just one sip. I swear it’s good.” 
“Am I really supposed to trust your judgment?” Angel shoots, scrunching his nose at you as you hold up your half-full glass of wine near his face. 
“My taste is immaculate, first of all.” You pout, wiggling the wine glass in front of him. “Please. Just a tongue dip.” 
“A tongue dip? What the fuck is that?” Angel asks, and then laughing as you demonstrate, sticking your tongue out into the wine instead of sipping it. 
“Okay fine, but I get my own glass querida.” Angel forfeits, smiling at your victory dance as you shuffle to get him his own cup. 
“As if you haven’t drank after me before.” You scoff, shaking your head. “Wasting a perfectly, well sorta, clean glass, Reyes.” 
“I don’t know where your mouth’s been.” It’s out before Angel can stop himself, and once it comes out of his mouth, he immediately regrets it. He wasn’t going to bring it up tonight. He really wasn’t, he had decided that when he let you in. But every time you stick your tongue out of him, all he can think about is how it’s been swirling around some other guy’s dick for weeks now. 
You set the glass down on the counter and slowly walk back into the living room. He can tell by the look on your face that he’s hurt your feelings, and even as he tries to open his mouth to fix it, he can’t. Mostly because he kind of wants to hear your defense. 
“That’s not fair.” You say quietly, your shoulders sitting low, defeated by his obvious opinion of you. “I’ve never judged you for the things you did to forget me. I would never do that to you. I’ve always been supportive if you felt like you needed to be with other people. That’s not fair, Angel.” 
Angel sighs, his eyes moving from their place on the floor up to meet your eyes. “I know. I didn’t mean to say that, querida, I’m sorry.” 
You eye him for a second, and then quietly reach around the counter to get the glass. You pour him a little bit of wine, hand it to him, and then plop down next to him with your own glass. 
“Y/N-” He starts but you cut him off. 
“Drink it. I want to see you try it.” 
He stares at you for a minute, his eyes dancing back and forth between yours, searching for the answers to fixing this in your eyes but ultimately, he comes up short. He raises his glass to his lips, and delicately takes a sip. He face scrunching, and then spreading out in surprise. 
“Shit, querida, that’s not bad.” Angel says, taking a larger sip. 
You laugh, and shake your head. “See, I told you.” 
But not soon after the laughter fades into a silence neither of you know how to fill. Unspoken truths bouncing between you full of things you’re both too afraid to say out loud. Truths you’ve spent weeks in national parks trying to run from. Petrified that if they ever see the light of day, you’ll lose the person that means the most to you in this world. 
“Do I mean anything to you, Angel?” You say quietly, crossing your legs underneath you. 
Angel’s eyebrows furrow, as he turns his whole body toward you. “What are you talking about, mi amor?”
“Don’t do that.” You say, cringing away from him. 
“Do what? It’s the tru-”
“Pretend like I’m the love of your life. Like I’m the girl you want forever with. And even if that’s true, don’t pretend like I’m supposed to know how you feel when you’ve been bouncing back and forth for a decade.” You sputter out, pouring more wine. You’re going to need it for this conversation. 
Angel stares at you for a minute, his mouth opening like he has something to say and then closing again periodically. You try to give him a few minutes to collect his thoughts, but eventually, you decide that maybe you shouldn’t have come over tonight at all. 
Not wanting a replay of the events of last time, you shake your head, and stand, taking your wine glass to the sink and then grabbing your keys. 
“Stop.” Angel finally says, but he stays planted on the couch, his eyes on the floor. 
“No, I’m sorry. This was a bad idea. I’m just going to go home.” You sputter out, looking around the kitchen for your purse. 
“Stop.” Angel says again, this time clearly more abrasive. 
But you can’t hear him over the ringing in your ears. You can’t believe you could be so stupid as to think coming over here would be a good idea. But fuck, you can’t find your purse. 
“I know it’s here somewhere.” You mutter, scurrying around. “Can you help me find it?” 
“What are you looking for?” He asks. 
“My purse.” 
“Did you bring it in?” He asks, his eyes finally meeting yours. 
You shake your head, your mind foggy from the wine. “I can’t remember. I’ll go look in the car.” 
“No.” Angel says, watching as you walk toward your keys. “Y/N, stop!” His loud voice booms over the ringing in your ears and you stop and turn toward him. 
“You aren’t driving home.” He mumbles out, shaking his head. “Just stay here tonight.” 
You shake your head, “I can’t. I’m sorry. I-” 
Angel stands, cutting you off as he crosses the room. He takes your face in his hands and forces you to look at him. His eyes are wide, full of fear of being vulnerable with you. He’s afraid that once he says it out loud, he won’t be able to take it back. He’ll have to commit. 
“Don’t go. Just stay here tonight. It’s fine.”
You pull yourself away from him, and shrug. “I’ll call Y/BF/N.” 
“Absolutely not.” Angel says. 
“Because I love you.” He yells. “Is that what you want? I love you. You’re my favorite person in the world, mi amor. And I love you. And I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to say it until now. Dump him.” Angel takes your face in his hands again, softer this time. 
“Be with me.” He whispers, his eyes searching yours again. He leans down to kiss you, but is met with the tug of you ripping yourself from his grasp again. 
“What changed?” You ask, skeptical of his change of heart. 
Angel gives you an incredulous look as he spouts off, “Nothing changed. This, me and you, will never change. It’s the only real thing in my life. Please, Y/N, te amo.” 
You stare at him for a while, too long, really. So long that when he reaches out for you, you don’t have the heart to pull away from him this time. 
This time, when he leans down to kiss you, you let him. Your lips mold together, as he grips your face, pressing you against the wall of his apartment. Once his lips start trailing down your jaw, you whisper, “You really love me?” 
“Con cada fibra de mi ser.” 
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
The Anniversary: Sun Kissed
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Rafael Barba x Reader x Bryan Kneef. CW: NSFW! This is M/M, M/F, MFM. All warnings should be kept in mind.
WC: A whopping 6,079 words of nothing but smut. 
AN: Dedicating this to @madpanda75 & a HUGE THANK YOU to @beccabarba​  for my beta, bouncing ideas and basically being my cheerleader!
It had been one year since you had entered into a polyamory relationship with Rafael Barba and Bryan Kneef. What started out as a one-time fling after getting caught in a rainstorm, had become a deep loving relationship. Sure it had its nuances, just like every relationship - there were times where the three of you had arguments and butted heads. At the end of the day, however, the three of you had negotiated a level of commitment, trust and love that allowed for infinite possibilities which was so wonderful to explore. It was buoying for you to feel so much love around you and to be part of a team who all had each other’s best interests at heart. While some people, when told of your relationship status, expected sordid tales of group sex and jealousy, the true story was that it was more like managing your love life through Google calendar and happily watching dynamics develop between you, Bryan and Rafael.
When Bryan and Rafael suggested celebrating the anniversary with a tropical trip, you could not pack your bags fast enough. Of course, Bryan was able to cash in on favors from his wealthy clients and secured a private island for the week. You and Bryan flew to New York to meet with Rafael to then board a private plane from JFK.
You looked out the window to the aqua water shimmering 10,000 feet below; you were giddy with excitement. You felt a hand slide up your thigh and you turned, meeting Rafael’s bright green eyes. “I am so happy we are getting to do this.” you exclaimed, your voice gaining a high-pitch.
“Me too, querida,” Rafael replied, grabbing your hand and holding it. He used his thumb to stroke the top of it. 
“I still can’t believe you were able to get a whole week off though.” 
“I…” Rafael trailed off, waving his hand back and forth, “...also cashed in on some favors.”
“Who could ever say no to you, guapo?” you replied, sipping your drink. “I know I certainly have a hard time saying no… papi.”
His eyes dipped to your lips and you purposely licked them slowly, before biting the bottom one. Rafael let out a little growl and gripped the back of your head, holding you. You let out a little moan as his mouth slid over yours, his tongue probing and exploring, yours doing the same in return. His large hands skimmed your arms and made way to your chest, settling there and squeezing the fat of your flesh, running his thumb over your nipples, already diamond-hard, even under your tank-top.
The kiss became more probative, more aggressive, as you moved over the seat, climbing into his lap. From there, his hands moved to your ass, grabbing the ample flesh there. You slid your hands under his shirt, feeling the dusting of chest hair, and his muscles rippling under your fingertips.
You paused and looked around. “Where is Bryan?”
“Duty called - work,” Rafael explained. “He takes after me in many ways, aside from just looks.”
“It really does blow my mind how much you two look alike and aren’t related.” You shrugged. 
You both turned to the sound of someone clearing their throat. It was Bryan sitting across, having joined you. Despite taking the time off, the head of the litigation department was still on call, especially as some newbie associate had fucked up a very important filing. Bryan was now trying to use all his cards with the judge so the case did not get dismissed with prejudice. 
“Joining the mile high club, hmm?” Bryan asked, cocking his brow. One of his hands held a short tumbler (likely filled with whiskey) and the other was by the zipper of his pants, with a very large, noticeable tent.
“Care to join us?” You purred as your hands made way down to the button of Rafael’s pants, undoing it and then unzipping them. Rafael’s eyes fluttered closed as you snaked your hand into his pants, rubbing him through his boxers.
Bryan shook his head. “No, I want to enjoy the show.”
Rafael turned his gaze back to you and used his index finger to turn your focus back to him. “Then let's give him a show, querida.”
You smiled wickedly. “Okay papi.”
Bryan let out a grunt as he furiously stroked his erection as you bounced on Rafael’s cock. You leaned back slightly, your hands gripping Rafael’s thighs tightly. Your tits bounced in tandem with Rafael’s thrusts and you let out an obscene moan as he began to rub your clit in haphazard circles. 
“Oh fuck papi, I’m going to cum! Make me cum!” 
“That’s right mi niñita, come for papi,” Rafael grunted. His hands moved to your waist, pulling you, your tits, flush to his face. One hand immediately reached for one while his mouth was on the other nipple instantly, suckling and nipping. You reached around to play with your clit. 
Rafael bit your nipple hard as fucked into you harder, chasing his own release. You cried out once more, “Fuck, fuck, oh god…” Your voice trailed off into a cacophony of moans, whimpers, and mewls as you came hard around Rafael’s cock. As you came down from your own high, you murmured words of encouragement for him to come and fill you up with his load. It was too much for Rafael and he grunted as he stiffened, cumming deeply inside you. 
Bryan couldn’t stand being an inactive participant anymore and he stood, taking the two steps to join you. You turned to him and Bryan smacked his cock on your lips, smearing the pre-cum on your lips. You opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, bringing it over your bottom lip. Bryan fed you his cock, your warm mouth encasing his length. Rafael stroked your hair as you blew Bryan. “That’s it querida. Make him come. Let him fill you up like I filled you up.”
Bryan groaned at Rafael’s words. His hands weaved into your hair as he began to fuck your mouth. He was already at the precipice so it only took a few sucks from you for him to fall apart, rumbling your name as his cock twitched and spurted creamy ropes of cum in your mouth. As he stumbled back, Rafael pulled you into a deep kiss, tasting Bryan’s release in your mouth. You let out another moan at the filthy action. Bryan watched as you two kissed, his eyes darkening at the sight of his release snowball between the two of you.  
“That was fun,” you purred, breaking the kiss, and wiping the corner of your mouth with your thumb. You remained intimately connected with Rafael, watching Bryan straighten himself up. 
“I’ll say. I can’t wait until we land, kitten,” Bryan replied, now sitting back in his seat, sipping his drink. You snuggled into Rafael’s chest, still not making a move to leave. The tips of Rafael’s fingers stroked your back and you felt content. 
“Me either,” you replied. “Before I forget, I just want to say thank you for all of this. We’re going to have so much fun and I am so thankful for you both. I love you all so, so much.”
“And we love you,” Rafael murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You hummed contentedly once more.
The pilot came on, announcing that the plane was getting ready to land, which served as the impetus for you to leave Rafael’s lap and for you and him to re-dress.
The beachfront villa was what dreams of a home in the Caribbean are made of. It was a modern enchanted island with glorious white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters.  And the beach served as your front lawn. The private residence was comfortably hidden behind mature palms, almond and sea grape trees, various overgrown flowering vines, and numerous fruit and floral vegetation. It was lush, full, and wild. The whole setting among the sea palms combined to create the solitude and seclusion you were all hoping for. It was the kind of magical place that you would want to get lost in forever.
You felt like you were in your own little island oasis. From the ocean facing position, there were no other homes and the rooms were all gracious in size. You knew there was a nearby community consisting of only private residences and vacation villas but there were no beach bars or restaurants on this beach to create unwanted noises and crowds. 
Once everyone was settled in and refreshed - no longer smelling like plane and sex - it made the most sense to hit the beach (afterall, it was right there). You laid on the beach towel, facing the ocean and enjoying the warmth of the sun on your skin. Rafael had immediately decided to go for a swim. Bryan massaged sunblock into your skin. You felt his fingers nimbly undo your swimsuit top. You propped yourself up, turning towards him. The top fell to the sand, leaving you completely bare. 
“You don’t want tan lines, hmm?” Bryan winked and you rolled your eyes. 
“Bryan, you are incorrigible.” 
“Is that a complaint? You knew what you were signing up for with me. I am not like Rafael - I am, as you say, insubordinate and churlish,” Bryan replied as he gently pushed you back down so he could continue rubbing the lotion on your back. His hands trailed down your sides to your bottoms and then down your thighs. 
His hands left you briefly so he could squeeze more lotion into his hands. When his hands returned, they were at the tops of your inner thighs and your breath hitched as he moved closer and closer to your cunt. “You know, we are all by ourselves. I could just move these to the side and no one would ever know.” And to prove his point, Bryan pushed your bottoms to the side, exposing your pussy. A finger trailed softly and you involuntarily shivered as arousal shot through you, making you feel warmer than the Caribbean sun.
Bryan continued stroking you softly, gathering your wetness on his finger. He sucked on his finger and then he slid his finger deep inside, knuckle deep. “Such a needy pussy.” He continued as your cunt clenched around your finger. “Getting fucked on the plane wasn’t enough?” He removed his finger and sucked again.
You rolled over facing him. “Please Bryan, you are no saint yourself.”
Bryan chuckled darkly. Your eyes scanned his tanned chest, the trimmed hair that traveled south and then met his eyes once more. You beckoned him and he gave you a lascivious smile before covering his body with yours. He kissed you deeply, his beard and his hot lips against yours. He moved to kiss the skin of your shoulder, and began playing with your nipples. His hands squeezed on your tits as he nipped your neck, sucking a mark into your skin. You let out a whimper at the slight edge of sharp pain combining with pleasure, as he soothed the spot with his tongue. 
“Should we move this to the house?” Bryan asked as he resumed kissing and exploring your neck with his mouth and tongue.
“Sex on the beach has always been on my bucket list,” you confessed, shrugging slightly. Bryan’s hands headed lower, pulling down your bottoms. You lifted your hips to help him and he broke the kiss to remove them completely. 
There was a very evident tent in his swim trunks. You helped him remove his trunks and he was over your body once more. His cock nudged against your entrance.
You reached for him. Bryan wasted no time; he took your arms and bracketed your wrists in a bruising grip over your head. You gasped as he moved his mouth to your neck where every kiss sent shivers through you. Your legs were spread wide, welcoming his cock which slid in easily as you were already sopping wet. He filled you up in one thrust and gave no time for you to adjust to his girth. 
“Fuck, yes! Oh daddy!” You cried out as your hips lifted against his. Bryan let out a grunt as he drove into you, every snap of his hips sent tingles up your spine.
“You take this cock so well kitten,” Bryan gritted between clenched teeth as he continued his thrusting, “Fucking bomb pussy.” The sounds that emanated from his chest were primal.
The sand on your ass irritated your skin, but you did your best to ignore it as Bryan’s cock nudged your sweet spot over and over. You could feel the beginnings of your orgasm begin to crest. Bryan moved one of his hands from your wrists, and snaked between your bodies, rubbing your pussy. 
“I’m going to… going to… oh fuck me!” You cried out as you came hard, your walls tightening around Bryan’s cock. Your back bowed from the intensity of your orgasm as it crashed over you, the roar deafening and you could not tell what sound was you or the waves crashing against the beach. Bryan tumbled after you, your name escaping his lips. 
Bryan released your arms and you wrapped them around his neck, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. A shadow covered the two of you and you broke the kiss to look upward. 
Rafael was standing over you, having come back from his swim. Beads of water rolled off of his body and dripped onto the sand. His hands were on his hips and a brow was arched. 
“Enjoying the show papi?” You purred. Bryan rolled off of you, evidence of your release on his cock. Rafael smirked. “I just wish I was part of it.”
“You had your chance earlier...” Bryan replied darkly, his eyes narrowing.
“Guys…” You sat up, crossing your arms. “Play nicely. Why don’t we… go clean up? That shower has lots of room for all of us.”
Back at the house both men took turns making each other come, as well as  you once more, under the hot steam of the shower. 
Day turned into night. The bright sun dropped into the horizon, turning the sky vivid shades of purples, pinks, and oranges. The sound of insects singing filled the air.  Inside, Bamboleo played loudly as Rafael and you danced around in the living room.  Rafael grabbed your hips, swiveling his hips against yours before twirling you. His hand then landed on the small of your back, bringing you back to him. You held his hands as the two of you continued dancing. As the song came to an end, Rafael pulled you close to him and dipped you. You erupted in giggles, as he pulled you back to standing. You were both hot, sweaty and out of breath.  
“That was wonderful.” You sighed happily. Rafael pressed a kiss to your cheek, before grabbing your hand and leading you to the kitchen, where Bryan was in the kitchen finishing cooking. 
“Domestic Bryan - so adorable.” You teased, as you hopped onto the barstool. Bryan’s eyes narrowed and he shot you a look. 
“Kitten, the only thing accurate about that sentence is the dom part.” He winked and your skin prickled in response. 
Rafael circled around the island to the side where Bryan was. He plucked a carrot directly from the pan, making a hum of approval. Bryan turned to Rafael and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, before reaching down to grab his ass. You hopped off the stool, leaving both men be, as you pulled down plates and finished setting up for dinner.
Clean up after was a team effort and you pressed a quick kiss on Bryan’s cheek as you warned him to not soak the cast iron skillet. You ended up taking over while both men packed leftovers in containers and finished cleaning up. After, you all settled in the living room to unwind. As Bryan and Rafael talked politics, you drifted off to sleep in Rafael’s strong arms, as he stroked your hair. 
When you woke up, it was after midnight. You were covered with a throw blanket and you realized you had fallen asleep. You stood and stretched, elongating your limbs like a cat, before folding the blanket. You made your way to the bedroom - the door was open a crack. From where you were standing, you watched Bryan fuck Rafael. He held Rafael’s thighs with his arms while Rafael laid on his back. Groans of hot pleasure and need emanated from both men. So many physical sensations ran through your body;  with sudden inspiration, you brought your hand under your sleep shorts and began to rub your clit. 
“Bry - fuck! Yes, harder, harder. Fuck you’re going to make me come so hard.” Rafael panted as he brought his hand to his cock, stroking.
“That’s right, take it.” The way his muscles twitched, you knew Rafael was about to come. He stroked himself furiously and, with a matching grunt, came all over his hand and stomach in spurts. Bryan withdrew himself and came all over Rafael’s stomach.
You bit your lip as you stifled your own moan as you came yourself. Bryan threw himself on the bed lying next to Rafael. You watched as their chests rose and fell. 
You rapped lightly on the door, catching the attention of both men looking toward you. “Fuck, that was hot.” You replied as you entered the room. Bryan reached for you and pulled you to the bed. Rafael moved, excusing himself and you pushed him back down to snake your tongue on his abdomen. The salty mix of their release filled your mouth. Rafael let out a small sigh as you did so. Rafael eventually left to clean up and when he returned, you snuggled between them, with arms and legs all wrapped around one another.
After breakfast the following morning, Rafael suggested trying out the infinity pool. When you get to the pool, both men are sitting on opposite sides. You climb carefully in, and sink in between both men.  
“Y/N are you having a good time?” Rafael asked. 
You smiled in response. “This has been so wonderful. It's a shame it’ll be over in a few days' time.” 
“Then we should make the most of it.” Bryan husked. You looked side to side and realized both men are making their way over to you.  You laughed loudly. “You two are insatiable.”
“Oh, but you fucking love it,” Rafael commented. 
“Kitten that was the whole point of this trip,” Bryan followed. The water splashed as they pounced on you. Bryan kisses you deeply as Rafael’s hands are on your ass, pulling your bottoms down. Bryan’s hands land on your tits, rolling your nipples through your swimsuit with his fingers. You moan as Bryan dips his head to capture a globe in his mouth. 
Rafael’s hands are on your ass, spreading your cheeks wide. The water laps at your cunt gently and the contrast of the cold water on your heated skin makes you shiver. 
“Lean back on Bryan.” Rafael commanded and you do so, dropping your weight against Bryan. Rafael lifted up your legs and you’re nearly laying flat, floating while Bryan held you up. Rafael stroked your pussy, pleased at how wet you were. “You’re wetter than the pool,” he murmured before he dipped his head. His breath was hot on your aching cunt, and he buried his face into you, sucking and licking and devouring your slick folds.
He licked you with big, broad strokes, before targeting your swollen, sensitive clit, taking it between his lips, trapping it so he could torment it with his tongue, scraping just slightly with his teeth. Meanwhile Bryan reached down to grab at your tits. You cried out from the sensation of both men on you. Rafael’s tongue massages your clit furiously before dipping his tongue inside you slightly, mimicking what was to come.
“That feels so good.” You whined. “Yes, yes, Rafael!”
Bryan murmured against you all the filthy things he and Rafael planned, which only served to stoke your orgasm.  Your thighs began to tremble and your hips bucked. Rafael lifted his mouth from you, evidence of your arousal on his face and you whined once more. “Let's take this inside.”
Back in the bedroom, it was a pile of limbs as you all touched and grabbed at each other. You dropped to your knees in between both men, taking turns to suck each man’s cock. One hand jerked one man’s cock while your mouth was on the other’s. 
Both men grunted and groaned above you and you felt like some kind of wanton goddess, drunk on power as each man succumbed to your warm wet mouth. 
Rafael’s hands wrap into your hair, as he begins to fuck your mouth mercilessly and without warning. Sounds of spluttering and gagging fill the room. You can feel saliva drip out from the corner of your mouth and onto you. Rafael’s thrusts quicken and you moan around his cock, which sends vibrations through him. Bryan moved to Rafael and both men kissed, their tongues rolling against one another. 
Rafael pulled out of your mouth and you used the back of your hand to wipe your mouth. You stand and Bryan pulls you in for a deep kiss before turning you back to Rafael. Bryan lays down on the bed, in the middle. His fat cock stood proudly and he jerked it slowly. “C’mere and ride daddy.” He growled.
As you climb onto the bed, Rafael grabs the lube on the nightstand and drizzles it over Bryan’s cock and hand. You watch, fascinated, as Bryan slicks his cock. Once ready, you climb over Bryan and sink down. You both let out groans as you begin to roll your hips above him. You lean forward, gripping Bryan’s tanned chest, leaving half-moon marks. The sound of skin on skin filled the room as your ass clapped on his thighs. Bryan pulls you further down, taking a tit into his mouth. The bed dipped again, and Rafael is behind you, drizzling lube over your puckered entrance. A finger makes its way in, then a second, in preparation of being fucked.
“That’s it, take his cock.” Rafael commanded as he fucked your tight rosebud with his fingers.
“Yes daddy, oh yes daddy, fuck me!” You cried out as Bryan sat up and sucked marks on your skin.
Rafael lined his cock along your entrance and you all let out an obscene moan as Rafael inserted the tip of his cock inside of you. He slid into you and you gasped as he filled you up completely. Rafael pressed hot searing kisses along your backside, murmuring praises of how you were such a good girl taking both daddys’ cocks. You felt so wonderfully and deliciously full.
The two men fell into a smooth rhythm, both of them fucking you in tandem, bodies moving with one another as they thrust inside you. You were trembling as they fucked you, letting out pathetic whimpers and clinging to their bodies. Bryan’s strong arms held you close, grinding his hips into yours and giving you just the right friction on your clit to make you go wild and fall apart once more. You chanted their names as if it were prayer. Bryan meets Rafael’s eyes and it takes all of Rafael’s willpower to not blow his load right there and then.
“Look at you kitten, taking us so well… our pretty little toy, huh?” Bryan panted.
 You moaned at his words. It was overwhelming in the best way, you were completely consumed by them. Every part of your body, your consciousness, was filled by them both.
Bryan feels his balls tighten upward and he knows he is unable to hold on for much longer. 
“Come for us Y/N.” Rafael grunted, as he watched his cock disappear in and out of you. You snaked a hand between you and Bryan and began to rub furiously. 
Bryan’s hands fly to your hips and he starts to really pound into you.
“Oh god, oh god, I am going to come. You’re going to make me come.” You pant.
“We want you to come.” Rafael grunted. “We need for you to come. Milk our cocks.”
You cried out with every thrust, babbling incoherently. Your body responded to Rafael’s commands, feeling your orgasm explode.
Rafael chases his own release, pumping in and out of you before he lets out a loud shout, followed by a stream of Spanish words as he comes.
Rafael pulls out and spreads your ass cheeks, watching how his come dripped out of you and down to Bryan’s balls. Rafael dips his head there and begins to lick. Bryan shouts an obscene stream of words as body goes rigid, his cock pulsing with pleasure as he blows his hot load into you.
As you come down, you slowly lift off of Bryan and roll into his embrace. Rafael followed suit and the three of you drift for a well deserved afternoon cat-nap.
The days passed in a blur in a myriad of activities, aside from fucking each other’s brains out. You took kite-surfing lessons, went on an amazing day trip on a yacht where you all went snorkeling, had beers at a local microbrewery, and explored the Baths on Virgin Gorda. 
The plan for one of the final days was to take a trip to Anegada. That morning, however, Bryan was on his phone, arguing with what sounded like work. He put his phone against his chest and looked at Rafael and you and shook his head.
You were disappointed, but Rafael promised you and he would have the best day ever. And the two of you did. After the hour-long ferry ride, you arrived at Anegada. It felt spacious, wild, and distant as it was separate from the main islands, built on a barrier reef. Because Anegada is the most distant of all the British Virgin Islands, the plan was to make sure to spend at least one full day to enjoy all it had to offer. The island was filled with flamingos, a free to visit iguana sanctuary, and a population of wild cows that almost outnumbered the people. From the shore, you spotted the pink mounds of conch shells in the water. 
Rafael’s arms wrapped around you during the ferry ride back. And as the day turned to night, you struggled to find a piece of sky that did not sparkle with stars. You rested your head on his shoulder as the warm salty air blew gently. 
“I love you.” Rafael murmured against your skin. 
“I love you too.” You replied and Rafael squeezed you tighter in response. “I hate that you are in New York and we’re here. It always feels like a piece of the puzzle is missing.”
“I know, querida. But it won’t be like this forever.” Rafael replied, as he brushed some hair that blew into your face.
“I hope so.” You replied, before burying your face into his chest. 
The final full day had arrived. Soon it would be back to reality - with Rafael flying directly back to New York while you and Bryan flew back to Chicago. 
You leaned over the railing in the front of the house, watching the waves crash along the shoreline as the sun began to rise. You picked up your coffee from the railing and took a long sip. 
The door creaked open and footsteps approached. You turned around and smiled at Bryan who had just walked out of the shower. A towel hung around his waist and another towel was wrapped around his neck. 
“Morning beautiful. You’re up early.” 
You gave him a small shrug and turned back to the horizon. “I couldn’t sleep. Where’s Raf?”
“Surprisingly still asleep.” Bryan commented as he stood next to you. 
You hummed quietly, feeling butterflies flutter in your stomach. “I guess I am just bummed that this is all ending.”
“Just the trip. Not us.” Bryan replied, taking your coffee out of your hand and taking a sip himself. He wrinkled his nose as he swallowed. “You put way too much sugar.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a small smile as you took back the cup. You pressed your hands to his chest and stroked. “I know that, but I just wish we were all together, all the time. I was telling Rafael that sometimes this long distance thing sucks..”
The normally acerbic litigator responded by wrapping you tightly in his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You looked up at him, catching his green eyes which sparkled. “What are you thinking?” You asked, reaching up to push some of his wet hair back. 
Bryan wrinkled his nose again, feeling his chest tighten. So he did what he did best - shoved those feelings down and again did what he did best - he made a move.
Bryan leaned down to kiss you and you felt his hands slide up and under your nightgown. His hand moved to the front and a deep rumble emerged from his chest. “Going commando kitten?”
“Easy access for daddy.” You purred. “But you didn’t answer my - oh.” Bryan stroked your folds, feeling you become more and more wet with just his touch. You reached down and palmed his hard cock. Bryan hummed in pleasure as you did so, moving his hand from your cunt to cover your hand with his, keeping you in place. With your other hand, you played with his towel and tugged it down, revealing his big, fat cock. Pre-cum weeped from the slit of his cut cock and you squatted down immediately to take him in his mouth. You were used to the weight of his cock on your tongue and longed for the feel of him stretching your mouth. The idea of going down on him made your mouth salivate. Bryan’s hands weaved into your hair, guiding you as you bobbed on his cock.
Bryan let out an expletive as he gripped the railing. “Oh yes, kitten, suck daddy’s cock. Just like that.” 
You hummed and then pulled off to jack him as you ducked your head under to suck on his balls briefly before resuming blowing him. You hollowed your cheeks and used one free hand to pump his length in tandem. 
“You look so good down there,” Bryan growled.
“I love daddy’s cock.” You moaned. “I need it.” 
In response, his hands twisted and tugged on your hair more, pulling on your scalp. The twinge of pain only spurred you, so when you took him in your mouth again, you relaxed your throat so you could take him further, until he hit near the back of your throat. You tried to move, but instead he held you in place. “That’s right baby, choke on this cock.”
Saliva eked out from the corners of your mouth, dripping on the wood of the patio and your eyes watered. All it took was three successive taps to his thigh to release you. When he did, you gasped loudly for air, allowing for the oxygen to fill your lungs. 
“Fuck me, please.” You begged, now standing. Bryan cupped your face with his hands, kissing you deeply. He stroked your cheek gently as his eyes sparkled, full of deviousness. 
“Let’s see if Rafael is awake.”
You cried out as Bryan fucked you. You were on top of him, in reverse. Your feet were planted on his muscular thighs as he brought you up and down by your hips. Rafael was to the side, reaching over to play with your clit.
“I’m going to come, oh my god, oh my god!”
“Come for us Y/N,” Rafael commanded. “Give it to us.”
You wailed as you came hard, falling apart. Your nerve endings were white-hot and sizzling. Bryan chased his own release, coming deep and hard inside of you. You could feel his release drip out of you. You barely had a moment to come down when Bryan nudged you forward, causing him to slip out. Rafael took place behind you, sliding his cock into you from behind, fucking Bryan’s come back inside of you. 
Your arms were wobbly, so you landed on the side of your face, your arms splayed out. Bryan sat to your side and delivered sharp spanks to your ass. 
“Whose pussy is this?” Rafael grunted.
“Yours!” You cried out. Bryan tugged on your hair, twisting your head up. 
“And?” Bryan growled.
“Yours too. Your pussy.”
“That’s right.” Bryan crushed his mouth against yours, sliding his tongue deeply into your mouth as Rafael continued to pound into you.  It was rough, messy, possessive as he did it, thrusting deep and leaving bruises on your hips.
“Is this what you wanted?” Bryan rasped in your ear. “You wanted us to ruin you?”
All you could do was whimper as Rafael continued to fuck into you. Breathy little whines were pushed from your lungs as he gripped you roughly.
“Yes, daddy!” You gasped, eyes rolling back as Bryan reached over to play with your clit, rough fingers toying with you while his lips found your throat.
“All ours.” Bryan replied. “Our good fuckin’ girl.”
And that is what did it for you. Being called a good girl. Rafael felt your walls flutter around his cock and he knew you had come. The sensation caused his cock to kick and he slid out and jerked his release all over ass, painting you with thick, creamy ropes. After the last of his release came out, you collapsed towards Bryan and he held you as Rafael rubbed his come all over your ass. To make matters more perverse, Rafael wiped his cock with his hand which had yours and Bryan’s release and also rubbed that on your ass.
You were completely sated and unable to move, so you just laid there as Rafael and Bryan murmured praises over you as they moved to clean you up. 
The remainder of the day was spent enjoying each other, broken with breaks to pack up. 
You were lounging on a netted hammock, which swayed gently. Your toes brushed against the wood flooring of the deck. Rafael and Bryan watched you from inside. 
Rafael looked at Bryan. “When are you telling her?”
Bryan sighed, his hands now on his hips . “Now I suppose. You think she will be happy?”
“Why wouldn’t she be?”
“It’s a big change.” Bryan replied. “And she told me herself before that she wouldn’t do it--”
“Because you can barely keep it in your pants, Bryan.” Rafael replied with a smirk. He slapped Bryan on the shoulder. “Go.”
Wordlessly, Bryan walked outside to where you were. You looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “Hey.”
Bryan reached for you. “We need to talk.” 
Instantly you felt your stomach knot up. “Sure.” You carefully stood and Bryan helped you steady yourself. 
“So what’s up Bry?” You asked, crossing your arms. You tried to read his expression but he had perfected that stony look.
“I’m leaving Chicago. And I want you to come with me.” Bryan confessed.
“Wait - what? Where to? What happened to STR Laurie?” You questioned. 
“Everything is fine. STR Laurie is opening an office in New York City and they want me to head it.” 
You blinked. “I’m sorry, I think I had a minor stroke. You are moving to Manhattan?”
Bryan nodded. “And I want you to come with me. With us.” He glanced at Rafael who was still watching from inside.
“Live with you and Rafael?” You asked, stunned.
“Is that a no?” Bryan questioned. You shook your head as a huge grin spread on your face. 
“I would love nothing more!” You squealed, wrapping your arms around him for a tight squeeze. The door opened and Rafael came out. You looked at Rafael. “Did you know about this?”
Rafael nodded. “Whose idea do you think it was?” 
You pulled out of Bryan’s embrace and tugged Rafael closer to you. “This is the best news!” You squealed once more, giddy with excitement.
“How about we celebrate one more time then? Tomorrow will be here soon enough,” Rafael replied softly.
You nodded. And the three of you headed back inside, ready to embark on the newest chapter of your lives. You couldn’t wait. 
And you suspected they couldn’t either.
Tags: @madpanda75  @tropes-and-tales @delia26 @mgarner1227@beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03  @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49​ @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom​ @differentshadesofgray​ @misssirenlove​ @esparza-army​ @bananas-pajamas​ @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie​ @theenchantedgalleryofstories​ @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty​ @ktiz90​ @evee87​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @detective-giggles​ @rampantmuses​ @jazzyjoi​ @caked-crusader​ @rachelxwayne​ @prurientpuddlejumper​ @lv7867​ @permanentlydizzy​ @bisexual-dreamer02​ @madamsnape921​ @averyhotchner​ @teamsladsandgents​ @qvid-pro-qvo​ @alwaysachorusgirl​
97 notes · View notes
School Girl Attitude Part 4
Master List
Warnings: Cranky Sonny and touch on smut 
WC: 1447
Enjoy x
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“Why do you keep making excuses? Are you ashamed to say I’ am your girlfriend or something?”
“Come on Y/N” Sonny snapped back at you.
“You know what Sonny” you looked up at him in the eyes, yours filled with tears “Maybe you should have listened to your mother.” You picked up your overnight bag and walked out the door.
Sonny was coming up to his exam finals at Fordham and 2 weeks after that he was sitting for the bar. Rafael had heard through the grape vine that he was in line for Bureau Chief wanting to take the position and had spoken to Sonny about finally making the move to becoming ADA. You had been supportive of Sonny making the move. You were sad that if he got the job he wouldn’t be your partner anymore but it was his dream to make ADA and you would still be working close to him anyway.
You were even more supportive of Rafael taking the Bureau Chief Job because you knew then he wouldn’t be leaving you. He was quickly getting over being ADA and had spoken to you about moving away, but after getting into a fight about him wanting to leave, he promised he would put his feelers out in Manhattan, that’s when he heard about the other position.
The plan for the weekend was to spend it at Sonny’s helping him study and at some point helping him unwind a little. He had been so stressed out with finals and final assessments due, as well as studying for the bar and the cases you guys were trying to crack, that any kind of intimacy had been put on hold for the last couple of weeks. Everything had been fine till it was brought up about the upcoming NYPD gala and you asked if you could disclose before then so you guys could actually go ‘together’,
“I don’t think we are ready disclose”
“What do you mean we aren’t ready Sonny? If you don’t think we are ready now we never will be. I get your stressed but come on”
“It’s too much for me to think about right now. Can’t you just wait till I’ am ADA it will be less of a head ache and less paper work. Why do you have to keep nagging me, I can’t catch a break from you”
“Rafi” you sobbed down the phone
“Y/N what’s wrong? Where are you?”
“Can I come over?”
“Of course mi querida, I’ll leave the door unlocked”
By the time you got to Rafael’s place your eyes were red, blood shot and puffy. You turned the door handle and walked in putting down your overnight bag and hand bag locking the door behind you. You walked into Rafael’s apartment, on the coffee table yours and Rafael’s favourite bottle of white wine with two wine glasses and two ice cream bowls and spoons, a small smile pulling to your face.
“Rafi” you yelled out, your voice breaking slightly.
“In here” you heard his voice from his home office. You toed off your shoes and walked to stand in the door frame.
“Hey” you said just above a whisper. Rafael looked up from his desk and his face dropped as soon as he seen you, jumping up to take you into his arms hugging you tight.
“Mi querida, what’s happened?”
You were sitting shoulder to shoulder with Rafael on his lounge room floor leaning back on his couch. You were on your 4th glass of wine and second bowel of ice cream.
“Thank you Rafi. I’ am glad you’re my best friend”
“Anytime mi querida”
“I might message Liv and ask for some days off, I need to clear my head.“
“Whatever you need, if you want to stay the weekend with me, you can have the bed”
You lent over and kissed Rafael on the cheek.
Sonny walked in to the bullpen on Monday morning half expecting to see you sitting there. His heart sunk at the sight of your empty desk. He hadn’t had much sleep snice the night you walked out. The fight swimming around his head, you weren’t answering your phone and when he turned up at your apartment early Saturday morning you weren’t there either. He did call Rafael and left a message, only receiving a text back saying to give you time.
“Carisi is Y/N ok?” Amanda walked out of Liv’s office patting him on the shoulder as she walked to her desk.
“Ah yeah” He smiled over at Amanda.
‘Carisi can you go to Barba’s and pick up all those case files we left there last week, I want to run over some things” Fin asked as he walked back over to his desk.
“Yeah sure” Sonny got up off his chair and walked out making his way to Rafael’s office.
Sonny walked into Rafael’s office saying hello to Carmen who told him to go straight in. Rafael was sitting behind his desk writing on his note pad,
“Hey Barba, I just came to pick up those files”
“They’re there” Rafael pointed at the conference table not even looking up from his notes.
“Is Y/N ok?” Sonny asked walking towards his desk. Rafael looked up at him with a glare, jaw clenched.
“If you’re not wanting to make that move with her you need to end it now and stop giving her false hope. Y/N is falling for you hard and you just pushed her away. So the answer to your question, no she is not ok. I don’t understand you told your family but you don’t want to disclose?” Rafael snapped. Thick tension filled the room. Sonny was all red. “She went home this morning. She is off till Wednesday, you didn’t hear that from me”
Sonny walked into the squad room, walked to his desk and sat the files down, turned and walked to Liv’s office knocking and walking in,
“Liv, can I have a chat?”
“Sure Carisi what’s up?” Sonny walked in closing the door behind him, moving to sit down across from Liv.
“Could I please get a copy of the disclosure of information paperwork?”
Liv pulled off her glasses starring at him, “Can I ask why?” Liv sat back crossing her arms in front of herself.
“Ah-“Sonny went all red reaching for the back of his neck to rub it “Y/N and I, ya know”
“Oh ok” Liv smiled, reaching down into her desk draw, pulling out a form and handing it to him.
“It’s only one piece of paper?” Sonny looked at her in surprise, Liv chuckled.
“Fill it out, both of you sign it and give it to me by the end of the week. It’s about time Carisi.”
You sat on your couch with a glass of wine watching the Note Book when there was a knock at the door. You jumped up sitting your glass on the coffee table and walking to the door. You didn’t have a peep hole and weren’t excepting anyone so you yelled out
“Who is it?”
“It’s me Y/N”
You swung the door open to Sonny leaning against the wall across from your door, Rafael down the hall walking to the lifts.
“Rafael Barba” you snarled.
“You’ll thank me later mi querida” Rafael yelled blowing you a kiss and kept walking.
“Can I come in?” Sonny stood up off the wall walking closer to you. You stepped out of the way and let him pass. Sonny walked into your apartment you following after you closed the door. Sonny sat down on a dining room chair,
“What do you need?” you crossed your arms in front of yourself.
“I need you to sign something” Sonny reached into his jacket inside pocket, pulled out a piece of folded paper and extended his arm to you. You stepped forward taking the paper from him, unfolding it scanning down the page at what was written on it.
“So you want to sign this and everything goes back to normal?”
“Y/N this what you wanted isn’t it? I’ am trying to make this right. I want this too, babe please”
“You’re going to have to do a lot more than just hand me this and expect me to forgive you straight away” You tried not to smile. Sonny stood up off his chair and in a couple of strides was in front of you running his pointer finger from your chin, down your throat, between your breast, over your belly button slipping his hand into your shorts into your panties.
“I’ am sure I’ll think of something” Sonny smiled, his lips crashing onto yours.
Tags: @detective-giggles @the-baby-bookworm @thatesqcrush @permanentlydizzy @averyhotchner @infiniteoddball @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @wanniiieeee @shittanyy
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felices18fer · 7 years
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No podía haber algo hecho por mí sin añadir a nuestras queridas series y películas, aquí te dejo unas poquitas que seguro te he recomendado mil veces, o incluso ya has visto, porque seamos iguales y estamos ya conectadas o porque soy una pesada, de todos modos son unas pocas de las que me han llegado de alguna manera u otra y son importantes para mí y las quiero compartir contigo, porque igual que para mí significan algo igual para ti también o te cambian un mal día y por poco que sea ya es suficiente:
Primero unas poquitas películas:
- Amores asesinos. Sí, tenía que ser la primera (aunque ahora dudo de si ya la habías visto).
- Cuestión de tiempo.
- Recuérdame.
- Toro.
- Orígenes (sale nuestra querida OA).
- Soñadores.
- Pulp Fiction.
- León el profesional.
- Jack of the red hearts.
- La la land.
- Un monstruo viene a verme.
- Cyberbully.
- Love, Rosie.
- Yo antes de ti.
- Héroes.
- Un invierno en la playa.
- Vivir para siempre.
- Submarino.
- ¿Quién ama a Gilbert Grape? (papi Leo).
- Flipped.
- 50/50.
- Mi chica.
Falta algunas que yo creo que ya hemos hablado de ellas y no quería repetirme demasiado.
Ahora, las series: 
- Glee (no puedo hacer una lista y no ponerla).
- Teen Wolf (lo mismo).
- Bates Motel (no sé como vas con esta, así que es un recuerdo).
- Mr. Robot.
- The Get Down.
- Anne with an e.
- Se quien eres.
- Pulseras Rojas.
- Rillington place.
- Sense 8.
- Jane the virgin (no tenía mucha confianza y me sorprendió con la ternura que tiene).
- The 100.
- Riley y el mundo.
- Gossip girl.
- Pequeñas mentirosas.
Y todas las que compartimos que siempre está bien recordar los comienzos <3.
Y bueno, como nos gusta mucho youtube, te voy a dejar unos pocos canales por si alguna vez quieres contenido nuevo o algo:
- Bely Basarte.
- Alexander Stewart.
- Samantha Harvey.
Un poco de todo:
- Inés Jimm.
- Teresa Macetas.
- Dodie Clark.
- Ter.
- Andrea Compton.
- Herrejón.
- Berry Berryuca.
- Hermanos Jaso.
- Kian and Jc.
- Conan Gray.
- Jordan Clark.
- Jonan Perrea.
- Omglobalnews.
- Holly Molly ( y su segundo canal Holly Dolly).
- Radikal Sive.
- David Dobrik.
- Enjajaja.
Espero haberte ayudado en un día aburrido, aunque ahora con los estudios puede que no tengas mucho tiempo
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bioluminescentfrog · 3 years
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For you <3
Thank you so much, love
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