#golpe de estado
valhalla-awaitsfor-us · 8 months
I hope that no one takes the posts that I reblogged as meaning that I don't care about what happened on 9/11 in the USA. I remember being 3 years old and watching television and not understanding what was happening but crying when I saw so much suffering.
However, I do believe that it is important to give MUCH more visibility to the military coup in Chile than what the media gives it on this date (Both happened on the same day, different years). It is worrying how the entire world only talks about what happened in the USA while many, including the gringos themselves, do not even know what their own government did not only in Chile but throughout Latin America. The millions of dead and missing people that affect us to this day. Look for Operation Condor if want to know what happened here not that long ago.
"Never forget" seems like a phrase only applicable to the United States and the rest of the "first world", while the crimes committed here by their imperialist governments seem irrelevant in their school history books.
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cannibalsurprise · 8 months
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Letter from a daughter to her disappeared-detainee dad. Circa 1973. Chile.
Dear Daddy:
I am sad because you’re not coming, daddy, I love you so so much, I’m waiting for you, because you’re good and not bad. Poor daddy. I remember you so much and I love you more.
Daddy, in school I got good grades and I study very hard, so you don’t have a lazy daughter, mommy says I have to be well-behaved and study a lot so you can come home. Lulu (her sister) and I don’t know why they took our daddy. Our mommy says that when we grow up we will understand, that now we are little and we gotta study.
I love you so much, and when you come back, we’re going out to play, with my sister we can’t be happy because you’re far away, I caught mommy crying, but she says it’s nothing. We are all sad.
A hug and a kiss from your daughter.
Little duck.
Sin perdón ni olvido.
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andrewckeeper · 2 months
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LIDMF AI + PHOTOSHOP "23-F, Golpe de estado en España", 1981.
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antroposthuman · 8 months
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Ahí donde llega todo
y donde todo comienza
canto que ha sido valiente
siempre será canción nueva.
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lolistica · 8 months
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reconcavo · 25 days
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Gilberto Gil e Chico Buarque durante a Passeata dos Cem Mil, em 1968.
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contratiemp0 · 8 months
a cincuenta años después del golpe, es decir, el once de septiembre de dos mil veintitrés, las primeras horas las recibió una fuerte lluvia como las lágrimas de las familias que aún cargan con la incertidumbre de no saber dónde están sus seres queridos. En Santiago, cincuenta años después del inicio de la dictadura, no hay nadie a quien lo acompañe el silencio.
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claudiosuenaga · 1 month
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H�� exatos 60 anos, no dia 19 de março de 1964, a direita respondia com a "Marcha da Família com Deus pela Liberdade", reunindo oitocentas mil pessoas em São Paulo, muitas delas simples donas de casa católicas, com o terço na mão. Vivendo as agruras da crise econômica, insatisfeita com a corrupção e a incompetência administrativa que grassavam na vida pública e assolada pelo fantasma da bolchevização, a classe média "silenciosa" mobilizava-se na maior manifestação de massas já ocorrida em toda a nossa história, superada apenas pelo movimento das Diretas Já, vinte anos depois.
Não leia Os 60 anos do Golpe (ou Contrarrevolução) Militar de 31 de Março de 1964:
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nicolasfolch · 8 months
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Hay fotos que se hacen prácticamente solas, de las que creo que nunca me aburriré. Santiago de Chile.
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raurquiz · 8 months
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#11DeSeptiembre1973 #50AnosdelGolpedeEstado #golpedeestado #salvadorallende #niperdonniolvido #chile
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qualifiedcharlatan · 8 months
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Fragmento de lo que fue el proceso creativo de una secuencia fotográfica en conmemoración a los 50 años del golpe de estado en Chile.
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unwncualquiera · 8 months
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mujerconsombreroo · 7 months
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danna-an · 8 months
Hoy llueve a minutos de los 50 años del golpe, cuánto comenzó la tortura y matanza en este país.
Cuando mi familia se quebró para siempre con torturas, asesinatos y exilio.
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rice-pudding-slaps · 2 years
49 years since the military coup that started a 17 year dictatorship in Chile
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Memories of the coup: The day that changed our history
On tuesday 11th 1973 the lives of thousands of chileans changed forever
According to the Thruth Comissions, just in September of 1973 there were:
598 people assasinated
274 people victims of forced dessapparition
19083 people victims of political imprisonment and torture
Personal reminder during the 17 years of dictatorship there was a total of at least 38000 people who were victims of political violence. Some of the estimates reach 68000 people. This is counting the hundreds of cases from native people (A big part of them mapuche) or LGBTQ+ people that weren't taken into account during the first comissions
The same comissions have stated that there were a total of 150 children executed, 40 dissappeared and 2200 detained and tortured.
A coup funded and orchestrated by the United States. 6800 people.
May we never forget, so it never happens again.
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hnwaltz · 2 years
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Nunca dejes que te hablen de amor.
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