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bunnyhatgirl · 2 years
pretty girls stay up all night & sleep all day ❤︎
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iflifewasadream420 · 1 month
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because no matter what you like, you're never doing it right
I don't play about my girly girl things, I'm gonna reclaim all that shit! yes I am girl, I like my shallow hobbies I like my shallow thoughts and I'm gonna prove you wrong about them again and again
indulge or look down upon but girl beware to them I'm worth just as much as you are!
I'm sensitive, I have an eye for visuals and aesthetics, my makeup is art, I like my basic music, the lyrics get me, my impractical styling the fake, the fixed, the plastered and caked, all a calming ritual reminding me of beauty throughout the day
I let them dump all their "at least she can walk in them heals", "those nails probably make great weapons","she does have the body for that dress","I bet that hair and makeup took her hours"and"oh what an interesting outfit" 's on me!
let them go to bed with the satisfaction that they are better than me while I close my eyes and smile at all the stupidly girl things that make me happy
I let them feel satisfied with their wit when I uncomfortably smile at those backhanded compliments and I feel satisfied with my heart for not coming up with a single mean thing to come back with, because I can see beyond my interests!
your looks are cool, your words are cool, your thoughts are cool, and your girls so cool and important and not just accepted or tolerated but celebrated, not like those other girls, not like me, at least not right now, when we need them smart instead of sexy, because ofcourse both doesn't exist
but no! keep looking down at us with your normal life and mature behavior and proper ways, you with your artsy sporty smarty lifestyle, your games and books and fancy equipment, which "DONT TOUCH you're gonna break it, just go back to brushing your hair!" which "oh you're into that book? I bet the boys like that about you!" which "ugh just try harder princess and the pea!" and there will be pretty pink pop culture fashionista which "no makeup can fix this", "no glow up make you right", "you're not girly enough to be girl", "no letting you in until you've consumed all we did already so long ago"
be girly or be reasonable, madonna or whore, girls fight no more, be shallow or deep, Lilith or eve, it doesn't matter what you like because girl you're never doing it right, smart or dumb cause that's what that is
girls can't do make up and science fair CHOOSE
girls can't read romance and classics CHOOSE
girls can't like videogames and shopping CHOOSE
so you do and you do it wrong only girly girls like shopping, only sporty girls can run, only smart girls know history
if your hobby is skincare or reading or something else, it's valid, it's not a hobby, it's right, it's wrong and useless and helpful and beautiful and ridiculous and shallow and deep depending on the observer because it's girl!
but all our hobbies are ruined by machines you support capitalism and small peoples dreams, the products made by brands instead of innovative minds, you empower some and you hurt others, the books made of tropes instead of plots, the projects about honor instead of encouraging curiosity, the matches about money instead of skills and play
so there might never be no taking eachothers hand and showing them what girl is like, no loving eachother because we're all right, in this conversation, too different, not all the same but maybe someday aware that the problem was never girl and always system
they applaud intellect by calling others stupid, and drool at the overstyled you're not supposed to be like
my friend does math like no one else so quick and easy and always right but when she wears a dress they laugh all night, I do my math counting with nail polishes and stuffed animals but they see my dress and it's me they wanna dance with, now look at it from one side or the other, they deem both of us worthless none better than the other
by simply liking the things I like, I've been called silly, ditzy and shallow, girly all my life but hobbies are hobbies no matter if you disagree! coffee runs and hearts on my notes and trying new hairstyles, I wear my ribbons and glitter and "fakestuff" while impressing you with knowledge you thought "someone like me" couldn't posess, knowledge which you still explain slow and easy back to me not because I didn't get it but because you never will
girl isn't ditzy, girl isn't pointless, girl isn't too stupid to understand! it's misogyny not respecting women and tainting the term girl with their lack of taking me seriously
and one more word to be perfectly clear "girls" and "girly girls" and "non girly girls" and "girly not girls" if things are bad as they often are, and no one will accept you not even one of us, be confident, embrace and accept, only you have the power to truly validate yourself
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nawangrizky · 4 months
Kebun Bunga dan Lorong Panjang (1)
Rambut gelap dan panjang perempuan itu dicepol asal. Ada jepit besar warna biru yang membuatnya tetap tergelung meski anak-anak rambut berjatuhan di sisi telinganya. Pandangannya terlempar ke luar jendela. Banyak kabut di sana. Di jendela dan di matanya.
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Sudah beberapa hari ini ia tergesa-gesa mengajakku bertemu, tapi agendaku tak punya sela. Hari ini saat kubisa, ia tidak tampak seingin itu. Barangkali karena keinginannya cerita sudah reda, barangkali karena sudah terlampau kebas lukanya.
“Nggak ngopi?” tanyaku. Di depannya ada green tea, pilihan yang sungguh terlalu sehat bagi orang masokis berpenyakit magg seperti perempuan ini. 
“Busui,” jawabnya sekilas. Ia tersenyum ke arahku, minta dimaklumi.
“Busui kok banyak pikiran, harusnya bahagia,” komentarku. Aku duduk di depannya dan baru menyadari bahwa ia lebih berantakan dari yang kelihatan. Make up tipis-tipis tak menyamarkan bengkak di matanya, tampak tak ada upaya berusaha menyamarkannya juga. Wajahnya kelihatan kelelahan. Entah karena begadang, entah karena terlalu banyak menguras air mata.
Ia menghela napas, “Iya, ibu macam apa, di antara sekian banyak hal yang mestinya kusyukuri, aku malah membebani kepalaku sendiri?”
Ada badai di rumahnya. Turbulence. Cuaca yang kemudian membuka matanya. Ia tak sebahagia yang ia dan orang-orang kira. Ternyata dalam rumah tangganya, ia sendirian dalam perjalanan di kebun penuh bunga. Suaminya ternyata mengambil jalan yang berbeda: lorong panjang tanpa cahaya.
"Malam itu, aku menghabiskan jam-jam panjang untuk menyibak satu-satu monster yang ia sembunyikan. Tentang betapa ia peduli dan perhatian pada seseorang, dan betapa rasa itu bersambut, betapa ia merasa bersalah pada orang lain dan memelas minta waktu untuk menyampaikan maafnya sendiri, betapa, katanya, aku tak bisa menyelamatkan dia dari dirinya sendiri, betapa ia ingin pergi dari sini, betapa ia merasa lelah, tapi merasa tak ada yang peduli padanya, dan upaya-upayanya untuk mencari bahagia dalam kegelapan di sana." Perempuan itu menarik napas, berat sekali. "Segala yang ternyata tak ia temukan di rumah, tak ia temukan di aku. Ia ternyata punya kehidupan lain di luar aku dan duniaku."
"Kau tahu, saat itu tanganku gemetaran seperti orang gila. Sialnya, tanganku tahu ke mana harus mencari, seperti dipandu. Satu-satu segalanya kusaksikan dan tersimpan. Sialnya lagi, yang pantas kubombardir dengan semua kegilaan ini sedang tertidur nyenyak di sampingku. Damai dan kelihatan baik-baik saja." 
Air mata menggenang di mata kirinya, tapi lekas-lekas ia telan lagi. "Aku menyimpannya sendirian, Ki, diam-diam. Aku berpura-pura masih di kebun bunga, padahal sejak tahu, aku mengikutinya ke lorong itu."
"Kemudian mataku terbuka lagi. Dengan lagak tak tahu apa-apa, aku memperhatikan segala gerak-geriknya, kata-katanya, tatapan matanya, upayanya sembunyi-sembunyi. Hal-hal yang sebelumnya kupikir cukup kupahami, sekarang memberi arti yang berbeda. Sejak itu, dalam setiap peluk dan ciumnya, aku mencicipi juga rasa bersalah."
"Aku jadi tak yakin lagi, jangan-jangan ia di lorong inilah dirinya yang asli. Jangan-jangan dirinya yang selama ini kukenallah yang sebenarnya cuma pura-pura."
Aku mengenal keduanya bertahun-tahun lalu. Pasangan ini tidak sempurna, aku tahu, tapi aku selalu yakin mereka tumbuh bersama. Berproses bersama. Yang baru sekarang kutahu, barangkali langkah mereka memang searah, hanya tidak seiring sejalan, ternyata ritmenya tidak seirama. 
"Bertahun-tahun aku mengenalnya, satu hal yang kuyakin pasti. Ia punya dinding tinggi menjaga privasinya. Selama ini aku percaya padanya, sepenuh hati dan jiwa, tak pernah sekalipun aku mengintervensi atau sekadar ingin tahu. Aku percaya padanya tanpa ragu." Suaranya bergetar, "Jadi begitu masuk ke lorong yang ia sembunyikan itu, meskipun merasa tersakiti, aku juga merasa sudah menyakitinya."
"Jangan," sanggahku. "Kamu tetap harus sadar bahwa dalam ceritamu tadi, dia villain-nya."
Ia menarik tangisnya, "Aku merasa berkontribusi menjadikannya begitu. Apa aku terlalu tak acuh, sampai tak sadar ia menggali lorong gelap sepanjang ini, selama ini, diam-diam? Apa aku terlalu banyak bicara, apa aku tak bisa dipercaya, hingga ia tak bisa cerita apa-apa? Aku merasa gagal jadi temannya, bagaimana aku punya muka mengaku aku istrinya?"
"Barangkali karena aku terlalu bodoh atau terlalu menyayanginya, bahkan ketika dia menyakitiku, aku berusaha memahaminya."
Perempuan itu menatapku, air mata jatuh di pipi kirinya.
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nefertitinay · 1 year
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3 สาว "2NY1" เน่ นุ๊ก หญิง : เจอกันปีละครั้ง สองครั้ง หรือบางปีก็ไม่ได้เจอกันเลยจ้าาาาาา 🤣😂🤣😂 #Th #Thai #Asian #Friends #GirlsGang #Girltalk (ที่ EXIST Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cns7raqp4Vs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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girltrashdump · 10 months
Good afternoon Lovely people
The best part about talking to yourself on the internet is that no one cares. there is such a safe feeling about no one caring about what you do. well, that last time I talked to and dumped my trash I had no boyfriend no drive, awful grades just sadness, and an awful hair dye job ( even though I love bad hair dye jobs) but today on this awful hot day in New York City I sit in the lounge of my college looking out at Washington square park feeling nothing. you may say well at least that it’s not depression or sadness. but I feel so empty and without purpose once again. How did I find myself so happy these past 7 months? 
well let me give you the long run down of my life these past months 
January: look at the pervious post 
February: I saw him and he saw me and I didn’t know him but he knew me and he started plotting his way to somehow infect my life. btw I lost my virginity ( so fucking crazy)
March: The happy month of my life, He made me feel I had a purpose to make him happy and stay. I was happy that I had something to do with my time besides cutting myself and pretending to be happy 
April: well we fought a lot but that sex was amazing( people were not lying when they say makeup sex is the best !!!) 
May: I thought we were going to be over but we stayed because he said he wanted it 
June: Best summer romance shit ever. Loved it I thought we were happy He told me he wanted me after he seen me
July: he doesn’t want me anymore- Over during my awful  shift at the RC 
well that has been me and sorry for abandoning you I won’t let it happen  again
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cat-boy · 2 years
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brandeewine · 1 year
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.Was supposed to join the #urbansketch group downtown today; but thanks to a football game, there was no parking. Sat outside by the splash pad at @shopparkwest & practiced sketching & painting people, instead. #watercolor #painting #bubbles #girltalk https://www.instagram.com/p/CoRAb26rpOo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mareina · 2 years
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teenagequeenglitter · 2 years
#tinder #bumble #hingeOne #wordstoliveby #goodadvice #truth #girltalk #lifequotes #selfrespect #singlemom
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ayla-dama · 12 days
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astrogirlvian · 17 days
Hey 🙋🏽 It's been a minute since we caught up, but I've got something on my mind I wanted to share.
🌟 Have you ever noticed how our bodies can fluctuate so much? I've been feeling it lately, especially with how quickly my weight seems to change. 🤔
Bought some pants recently that are too big now, while others are suddenly too small! 🙈 And you know what's interesting? I've realized that what I wear can really impact how I feel about myself. 💃
That's why I've been loving bodysuits lately—they help me feel more connected to my body and boost my confidence!
💖 Have you noticed similar changes in yourself too?
Let's chat! 🌸
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naturecaresolutions · 3 months
#Naturecaresolutions new project in kairali nilayam high school. Getting closer to women's wellness. How cute people are accepting new hygiene way. When r u going to start? Contact us for more information. Website:www.naturecaresolutions.com
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livelifeintentionally · 7 months
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Celebrating Lifelong Friendships
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