#gay chileno
frederickondategui · 2 months
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Frederick Ondategui foot
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pichulato · 1 year
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Y comenzamos de nuevo😈
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kervinvalor · 9 months
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juan-ka-lgbtqia-plus · 5 months
Más de 83 mil personas viven con VIH en Chile.
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kodzaken · 9 months
historia y personajes originales, especialmente ambientada en chile. porfis no repostear en ningún otro lado, gracias !!
parte uno: conocer.
LOS PERSONAJES (o los principales)
1. El Damían: el típico weon payaso del curso. ha estado en el cuadro de repitencia más de una vez, pero pa que estamos con hueás, los profes siempre lo terminan salvando (igual repitió primero básico, le costó aprender a leer). 18 años, este año sale de cuarto medio, pero no tiene puta idea de que va a hacer con su vida: lo único que sabe es que le gustan los autos, el fútbol, los juegos de pc y el nico. ¿ah? me pasé, parece. pero filo. algún día lo va a aceptar.
El menor de tres hermanos, siempre le tocó ser el saco de boxeo y el que heredaba toda la ropa que a sus hermanos ya le quedaban chicas. El papá fue a comprar cigarros y nunca volvió, así que fiel protector mamón de su mamita. en su villa le dicen “el canilla”, porque siempre se iba a la mala en los partidos cuando se picaba. alto, un pajero de uno ochenta y tres y con el pelo bien liso: una vez vio un tiktok y llegó a la casa con un mullet: desde ahí ha sido su peinado estrella, aunque en el colegio igual lo webeaban con peso pluma (“si no lo tengo tan corto como ese weón, que hablan”). según sus compañeros igual quedó como campeón, porque todas las minas andaban detrás de él, pero no es un secreto pa nadie que el damián es abiertamente gay (“atrévanse a webearme, les planto la media patá en la raja”).
bueno, un cabro promedio en todo caso, ¿o no? filo.
2. El Nico (nicolás, pa algunos profes y cualquiera que esté en mala con él en verdad): medio cuico. cuico. la mayoría del curso le tiene mala, porque si que es un poco desagradable a veces siempre (aunque es presidente, así que nadie se atreve a decirle nada). su postura siempre es la correcta, y no acepta quejas al respecto. el típico weon que probablemente termine siendo ingeniero comercial o abogado y pelea con el profe de historia.
18 años. compañero de curso del damían, obviamente. (una vez les tocó hacer un trabajo juntos y tuvo que ir a su casa: desde que escuchó que le decían “canillita” en los almacenes, nunca lo dejó de webear). El Damían es el único que se atreve a responderle en todo caso, así que los profes siempre terminan por colocarlos juntos en los trabajos en pareja.
El nico lo odia (“que weón más barsa y chanta”).
en fin. ¿qué más? hijo único, un metro setenta y seis, medio rubio con ojos verdes (“caucásico de mierda”, le diría el damían). le gusta leer, ver documentales, marvel y secretamente está aprendiendo a hacer croché con su abuela, pero eso nadie tiene que saberlo. tiene un perro: un golden retriever que se llama cerati (aunque odia tener que limpiarle la mierda cuando lo saca a pasear). sus papás siempre están con llamadas, o reuniones por zoom, así que aprecia y cuida harto su soledad. le gusta estar solo. de verdad.
o eso cree, supongo.
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blank-n-dekel · 7 months
Felt like posting about my letterboxd lists and my personal favorite is this one called Queer movies that somehow praise nature and or roads.
Obviously handpicked by me and all, hope u like them!!
Some aren't my faves but I would 10/10 love to discuss them. You can leave some recommendations (i would love if you actually do it) xx
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creamosloquesomos · 2 years
Ser homosexual
Siempre pensé que los gay se justificaban de sus acciones, que lo veían como una ayuda a situaciones que ellos provocaban pero con los pocos años que llevo fuera del clóset me doy cuenta que no es así, que alfinal quizás si sea un siempre a el maricon o el wekereque aún que sea en broma para mi ya no lo es y me afecta y me hace sentir inseguro de ser quien soy, incluso que te traten de loca o de forma femenina no me me gusta ya que me considero masculino no soy trans y creo que me da apena explicarlo pero la gente se siente con el poder de decirte así solo porque eres gay.
Amigos/amigas no todos brillamos o vivimos de la escarcha
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virginvirg0 · 9 months
tengo a dejarte irrrr, tu eres el único que me está deprimiendo
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frederickondategui · 2 months
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Frederick Ondategui tied foot (Part 3)
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pagesofoldtime · 1 year
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Windsor Castle Diciembre 2022
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vannyqwea · 19 days
Weon en chile la mayoría podemos ser unos wecos, darnos besos en la cara para saludarnos, (hombres y mujeres) pero es muy raro que un chileno sea tan Pero tan cariñoso con otros, hasta incluso los gays o lelas de chile no son tan cariñosos, eso es por que hay códigos, se respeta:
Conocido - amigo - mejor amigo - pololos - novios - esposos.
A todos se les trata de manera distinta y correspondiente a lo que es.
Lo más complicado es pasar de pololear a ser novios, así que yo siempre diré que México es el indicado de chile por el hecho que el wn lo veo siendo una pulga, por qué el otro es como un tornillo que nunca se afloja.
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awesomefringey · 1 year
Sabine, do you think he's in Mexico on business? It's been so weird for him to go there these last few years for no apparent reason... I still don't understand why he went to Mexico to shoot those scenes for the AFHF mini documentary
I can imagine Louis likes it there and I assume he’s there to write some songs?
Louis has also been going to Mexico for years. Not as openly as these days but I remember receipts, where Louis and Harry were seen at Chileno Bay around the end of 2014. I also vaguely recall another comment of someone who claimed to have seen both together on a “gay island” in Mexico.
It’s obviously all with a huge grain of salt. But since Louis so openly enjoys his time in Mexico these days, makes me think it’s not a recent or new vacation spot for him and I find those receipts have become somewhat more possible in hindsight.
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latamclassiclitbracket · 11 months
Tengo miedo, torero - Pedro Lemebel
Tengo miedo torero es el cuarto libro y única novela del escritor chileno Pedro Lemebel. Fue publicado en Chile en 2001 por la colección «Biblioteca breve» de Seix Barral. Ese mismo año se publicó también en España en la colección «Narrativas hispánicas» de Anagrama. La novela, situada en Santiago de Chile durante el segundo semestre de 1986, trata acerca de una historia de amor gay entre un homosexual adulto de escasos recursos y un guerrillero de izquierda perteneciente al Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez, que participará del atentado contra la dictadura militar de Augusto Pinochet. Entre los personajes de la novela figuran el mismo Pinochet, su esposa Lucía Hiriart y Gonzalo Cáceres, por entonces estilista de Hiriart y que más tarde se convirtió en personaje de farándula.
Lee más sobre esta novela en Wikipedia.
My Tender Matador - Pedro Lemebel
My Tender Matador is a 2001 novel by Chilean writer Pedro Lemebel. Set in Santiago during the second half of 1986, the novel is a love story between a poor travesti and a leftist Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front guerrilla who participates in the attempted assassination of military dictator Augusto Pinochet. Among the characters in the novel are Pinochet himself, his wife Lucía Hiriart and Gonzalo Cáceres, then Hiriart's stylist and later a show business personality. My Tender Matador is the fourth book and only novel by Lemebel. It was published in Chile in 2001 by Seix Barral's "Biblioteca breve" collection. That same year it was also published in Spain in Anagrama's "Narrativas hispánicas" collection.
Read more about this novel on Wikipedia.
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mantecol · 1 year
My mum literally just said; "I accept if you're gay, trans, lesbian whatever. But I won't accept if you ever, EVER dare to go out with a chileno"
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kawaiioctonauts · 2 years
Some Octonauts Headcanons I made up
Hi, I'm going to share some Octonauts headcanons I made up.
Captain Barnacles:
1. He's big as in "Big Beefy Polar Bear."
2. He really cares about his crew so much that he's sometimes described as a mother hen.
3. He tends to sometimes get broody as in "broody hen broody." He even clucks and displays mother hen behavior.
4. He often crows like a rooster to wake everyone up in the morning or just call everyone to morning roll call and he even sometimes does it and sounds the Octo-Alert at the same time.
5. I know that polar bears can't lay eggs, but idk he can lay eggs. He can lay 1 egg twice a day. He even clucks a chicken egg song to alert the other Octonauts and to celebrate his accomplishments. He even has his own nesting box just for that.
6. He works out by lifting weights.
7. He's Autistic for sure.
8. If he were a human, he would be albino for sure.
9. He's gay for sure.
10. He loves and knows how to knit, crochet, sew, do embroidery, and do cross-stitch.
11. He stims by preening his fur, and he does this by pulling out little hairs from his furry body.
12. He's pretty good at cooking and baking, and he even sometimes watches cooking and baking tutorials on YouTube.
13. He has sensitivity and texture issues in his sense of taste. Also, he's vegan.
14. He enjoys learning new languages.
1. His favorite Nick Jr. show is definitely Santiago of the Seas.
2. He loves and knows how to knit and crochet, especially because he's obsessed with yarn.
3. He also knows how to sew, do embroidery, and do cross-stitch.
4. His most favorite song is "The Wellerman."
5. He has a bad habit of chewing on stuff.
6. He can sometimes get broody as in "broody hen broody." He even clucks and displays mother hen behavior.
7. I know that cats can't lay eggs, but idk he can lay eggs. He can lay 1 egg twice a day. He even clucks a chicken egg song to alert the other Octonauts and to celebrate his accomplishments. He even has his own nesting box just for that.
8. He sometimes crows like a rooster in the morning to wake everyone up when Captain Barnacles isn't around. But when Kwazii crows and Captain Barnacles is around he just sounds the Octo-Alert while Kwazii crows.
9. He's gay for sure.
10. He's Autistic for sure and he has ADHD for sure.
11. He knows how to make pasta.
12. He has sensitivity and texture issues in his sense of taste, especially when it comes to kelp cakes. Also, his least favorite flavor of kelp cakes is licorice-flavored, but he'll only eat them if they have strawberry jam on them.
13. He enjoys learning new languages.
1. He's from the Chilean Antarctica Territory.
2. He did medical school alongside high school.
3. He got his medical license early due to being a prodigy in medical school.
4. He knows how to knit, crochet, sew, do embroidery, and do cross-stitch.
5. He can sometimes get broody as in "broody hen broody." He even clucks and displays mother hen behavior.
6. Yes, penguins can lay eggs, but only female penguins can lay eggs. But he can lay 1 egg once a day. He even clucks a chicken egg song to alert the other Octonauts and to celebrate his accomplishment. He even has his own nesting box just for that.
7. His favorite breakfast meal is Frosted Flakes and almond milk, which is ironic for a penguin.
8. He's Autistic for sure.
9. He's gay for sure.
10. He has an anxiety disorder and the other Octonauts understand it and help him out with it.
11. He has sensitivity and texture issues in his sense of taste. Also, the only rice he'll eat is plain white rice with strained pasta sauce on it.
12. He can make awesome doughnuts, especially a Chilean dessert called berlines chilenos.
13. He enjoys learning new languages.
1. Whenever she gets frustrated, she suddenly barks and she gets all like "oops, my bad."
2. When she's delirious or really tired, she'll just chase her tail.
3. She can play the violin.
4. She can sometimes get broody as in "broody hen broody." She even clucks and displays mother hen behavior.
5. I know that dogs can't lay eggs, but idk she can lay eggs. She can lay 1 egg once a day. She even clucks a chicken egg song to alert the other Octonauts and to celebrate her accomplishment. She even has her own nesting box just for that.
6. Her favorite dessert is chocolate cake, which is ironic for a dog.
7. She's pansexual for sure.
8. She's Autistic for sure.
9. She knows how to knit, crochet, sew, do embroidery, and do cross-stitch.
10. Her favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry.
11. She can make really good desserts.
12. She has sensitivity and texture issues in her sense of taste. Also, she's vegan.
13. She enjoys learning new languages.
1. He stims by doing raptor hands and flapping.
2. He knows how to crochet, knit, sew, do embroidery, and do cross-stitch.
3. He can also play the violin, and he can play the piano and the cello too.
4. He cares so much about his friends that he’s often described as a “mother hen” and he sometimes gets overprotective too.
5. He tends to sometimes get broody as in "broody hen broody." He even clucks and displays mother hen behavior.
6. I know that sea otters can't lay eggs, but idk he can lay eggs. He can lay 1 egg once a day. He even clucks a chicken egg song to alert the other Octonauts and to celebrate his accomplishments. He even has his own nesting box just for that.
7. He loves learning about science, math, literature, and history. And his favorite subject is marine biology, which is why he’s the Marine Biologist of the Octonauts.
8. He even collects books, especially textbooks and workbooks.
9. He also loves learning languages.
10. In fact, he also loves to collect books that are in different languages, especially textbooks and workbooks for learning languages.
11. He has sensitivity and texture issues in his sense of taste (and he’s allergic to sea urchins (because they make him queasy but not enough to make him vomit)). He’ll only use pasta sauce if it’s strained and not made with sea urchins (of course, there is no such thing as pasta sauce made from sea urchins).
12. He’s pansexual for sure.
13. He’s Autistic for sure.
14. Out of the whole Octonauts crew, he’s the most fluent in Vegimalese (mostly because he hangs out with the Vegimals the most).
1. She taught herself to fix things and learned a lot about fixing things too from her dad Ranger Marsh.
2. She’s also big on making do and mending.
3. She also knows how to crochet, knit, sew, do embroidery, and do cross-stitch.
4. She can play the guitar.
5. She can sometimes get broody as in "broody hen broody." She even clucks and displays mother hen behavior.
6. I know that bunny rabbits can't lay eggs, but idk she can lay eggs. She can lay 1 egg twice a day. She even clucks a chicken egg song to alert the other Octonauts and to celebrate her accomplishment. She even has her own nesting box just for that.
7. She has sensitivity and texture issues in her sense of taste, but her favorite foods are carrots and spinach. She also prefers her pasta sauce to be strained.
8. She’s Autistic for sure.
9. She’s a lesbian for sure.
10. Her favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip (not mint chocolate chip, but just chocolate chip).
11. Her favorite desserts are apple pie and carrot cake, which are ironic for a bunny rabbit.
Professor Inkling:
1. He’s able to walk, but he uses a wheelchair most of the time.
2. He never displays chicken behaviors, he never gets broody, and he can’t lay eggs at all.
3. But he understands the Octonauts whenever they display chicken behaviors or get broody.
4. He’s even delivered eggs laid by the Octonauts.
5. Of course he’s Autistic.
6. He knows how to crochet, knit, sew, do embroidery, and do cross-stitch.
7. Ironically, his favorite music is music by Nicki Minaj.
8. He occasionally does a cute little “nya” like a cat and everyone thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
9. He’s the only heterosexual member of the Octonauts.
The Vegimals:
1. They love collecting cookbooks, especially dessert cookbooks.
2. They’re genderfluid pansexuals for sure.
3. They understand every language around the world, including English.
4. They also love collecting stuffed toys and they also love collecting toys for puppies.
5. They also know how to crochet, knit, sew, do embroidery, and do cross-stitch.
And that’s it…. For now. I might post more headcanons some day.
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isivvywritting · 10 months
Arte pa' tus ojos, una historia chilena
Hola hola, les vengo a hacer un poco de promo ya que planeo comenzar a publicar por acá Arte pa' tus ojos, o ese es el nombre provisional, una historia que ocurre en Chile donde se habla con palabras chilenas.
La historia detrás de querer escribir algo con vocabulario chileno no es muy larga, en verdad estaba escribiendo otra cosa con español neutro pero me quedé terriblemente pegada y no quería perder a los protagonistas porque me parecían buenos personajes, hasta que pensé, todo esto sería mucho más fácil si fueran chilenos.
Esta es la historia de dos hombres que poco tienen en común, la mítica dama y el vagabundo, pobre rico, pobre gallo y unas cuantas novelas más, pero gay.
Williams es un cuico en toda regla que, encontrándose en una situación complicada, conoce a Bjorn, un flaite no tan flaite, con un nombre Europeo que no sabe de dónde sacó, y que a pesar de no tener experiencia previa con hombres se siente atraído inmediatamente por Will y no teme lanzarse a pedirle su número. Y aunque al principio las cosas no salen como planeaba, el destino se esfuerza en encontrarlos una vez más y darles la oportunidad de comenzar el romance que marcaría sus vidas para siempre.
El típico romance juvenil, muy tierno, muy romántico, muy hot, MUCHO.
No es una historia tan larga pero si tienes un tiempito para leer a estos dos enamorándose y estando enamorados bienvenido sea.
Gracias por su atención,
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