#gastric balloon
drturkaa · 7 months
🇬🇧 Looking for a minimally invasive weight loss solution? Since 2011, we offer the Allurion Gastric Balloon procedure in İstanbul—an FDA-approved method that effectively and safely helps you achieve your weight loss goals. Schedule your consultation today!
🇩🇪 Auf der Suche nach einer minimalinvasiven Methode für den Gewichtsverlust? Seit 2011 führen wir in Istanbul das Verfahren mit dem Allurion-Magenballon durch—eine FDA-zugelassene Technologie, die Ihnen sicher und effizient hilft, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Buchen Sie heute eine Beratung!
🇫🇷 À la recherche d'une solution minimalement invasive pour la perte de poids? Depuis 2011, nous proposons la procédure Allurion Gastric Balloon à Istanbul—une technologie approuvée par la FDA qui vous aide à atteindre vos objectifs en toute sécurité. Réservez votre consultation aujourd'hui !
🇮🇹 Cerchi un metodo minimamente invasivo per perdere peso? Dal 2011, offriamo il pallone gastrico Allurion a Istanbul—una tecnologia approvata dalla FDA che ti aiuta a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi in modo sicuro ed efficace. Prenota oggi la tua consulenza!
🇪🇸 ¿Buscas una forma mínimamente invasiva de perder peso? Desde 2011, ofrecemos el balón gástrico Allurion en Estambul—una tecnología aprobada por la FDA que te ayuda a alcanzar tus objetivos de forma efectiva y segura. ¡Agenda tu consulta hoy!
🇹🇷 Kilo verme konusunda minimal invaziv bir çözüm mü arıyorsunuz? 2011 yılından bu yana, İstanbul'da FDA onaylı Allurion Gastric Balloon işlemi ile etkili ve güvenli bir şekilde hedeflerinizi ulaştırıyoruz. Randevunuzu bugün ayırtın!
🇷🇺 Ищете минимально инвазивный способ похудения? С 2011 года в Стамбуле мы предлагаем процедуру гастробаллона Allurion—технологию, одобренную FDA, которая помогает вам безопасно достичь ваших целей. Запишитесь на консультацию сегодня!
📲 +90 552 633999
🌐 www.drturka.com
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medicsey · 8 months
Get fit and lose extra weight with MEDICSEY !
✅Transform to your perfect slim shape with Gastric Balloon
✅The gastric balloon Turkey cost is without surgery, without serious complications, and the patient does not need general anesthesia or a recovery period in the hospital, as it is done by regular endoscopy in only about 15 minutes and is affordable for all.
✅Many types which our qualified team choose what suits you the most , Like The Elipse Swallowable Balloon
✅Over 20 years of experience you will be happy with with the results
✅For more infrormation check our website and contact us :
☎️ +90 552 883 22 21
#gastricballoon #weightloss #healthylifestyle #obesitytreatment #weightlossjourney #healthylifestyle #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #healthyeating #healthyliving #wellness #nutrition #exercise #fitness #health #selfcare #motivation #inspiration #mindandbody #bodypositive #weightlossgoals #lifestylechanges #selfimprovement #healthychoices #bariatricsurgery #gastricbypass #gastricballoon #sleevegastrectomy #healthandwellness
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istanbulobesitycenter · 3 months
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Istanbul Obesity Center Tops Charts in 2023 for Most Gastric Balloon and Gastric Sleeve Surgeries
In a groundbreaking achievement, the Istanbul Obesity Center secured its position as the leading clinic for gastric interventions in Istanbul for the year 2023. Specializing in transformative procedures such as gastric balloon and gastric sleeve surgeries, the center witnessed a remarkable surge in the number of successful procedures.
The Istanbul Obesity Center's commitment to excellence and patient well-being was exemplified by their noteworthy accomplishment of achieving zero complications in the year 2024. This unparalleled success has solidified the clinic's reputation as a beacon of quality and safety in the field of obesity treatment.
Mehmet MD, the chief surgeon at the Istanbul Obesity Center, expressed pride in the team's dedication to providing cutting-edge medical care. "Our focus has always been on delivering the highest standard of care to our patients. Being recognized as the leading clinic for these procedures in Istanbul is a testament to our team's expertise and commitment," stated Mehmet, MD.
Gastric balloon and gastric sleeve surgeries are among the most sought-after weight loss interventions, offering patients effective solutions for obesity. The Istanbul Obesity Center's achievement in 2023 underscores its pivotal role in advancing medical practices in the field of bariatric surgery.
As the center continues to set new benchmarks, it remains a symbol of excellence in obesity treatment, not only in Istanbul but on a broader scale. Patients seeking reliable and successful weight loss interventions can confidently turn to the Istanbul Obesity Center for world-class care.
For further information, please contact:
Istanbul Obesity Center Whatsapp: https://wa.me/905451339979 Web Site: https://www.istanbulobesitycenter.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/istanbulobesitycenter
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safwantaha11 · 4 months
Gastric Balloon: Is it a safe and effective weight loss solution?
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What is a Gastric Balloon?
If you or someone you know is struggling with obesity, you may have heard of a weight loss procedure called a gastric balloon. But what is it exactly?
Definition and Explanation of Gastric Balloon
Doctors use a soft silicone balloon, inserted through your mouth using an endoscope, to help you lose weight without surgery. Once healthcare providers put the balloon in place, they inflate it with a sterile saline solution. This takes up space in your stomach, which helps you feel full faster and eat less food.
Types of Gastric Balloons
There are several types of gastric balloons, but they all work similarly. Here are some of the most common types:
Single Intragastric Balloon: Doctors fill this type of balloon with a saline solution and place it in your stomach for up to six months.
Dual Intragastric Balloon: This type of balloon is like a single balloon, but there are two balloons instead of one.
Swallowable Balloon: This type of balloon is a pill that you swallow. Once it reaches your stomach, it is inflated with a saline solution.
How Does it Work?
The idea behind the gastric balloon is simple: it takes up space in your stomach, which helps you eat less food and lose weight. When the balloon is in place, you will feel full faster, and you will be less likely to overeat. It’s important to note that the balloon is only a temporary solution, and it’s up to you to make lasting lifestyle changes to maintain your weight loss.
Is it Right for You?
Before considering a gastric balloon, it’s important to talk to your doctor. You may be a good candidate if:
You have a BMI (body mass index) between 30 and 40.
You have tried other weight loss methods without success.
You do not have any medical conditions that would make the procedure risky.
Who is a good candidate for a gastric balloon?
A gastric balloon is a non-surgical weight loss solution that can be a good option for some people. Here are some factors that can make someone a good candidate for a gastric balloon:
Health Conditions
Gastric balloons are generally recommended for people who are overweight or obese and have health conditions related to their weight, such as:
High blood pressure
Sleep apnea
Joint problems
Other weight-related health conditions
BMI Requirements
Body mass index (BMI) is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight. Gastric balloons are typically recommended for people with a BMI of 30 or higher. But, some people with a BMI of 27 or higher may also be eligible if they have weight-related health conditions.
Willingness to Commit to Lifestyle Changes
A gastric balloon is not a quick fix for weight loss. It requires a commitment to lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet and regular exercise. Individuals willing to make lifestyle changes and fully commit to them are good candidates for a gastric balloon.
Psychological Evaluation
Before getting a gastric balloon, it’s important to have a psychological evaluation to determine if you have any underlying mental health conditions that may affect your ability to make lifestyle changes or adhere to the aftercare instructions.
Age Requirements
Gastric balloon procedures are typically not recommended for individuals under 18 years old, as the procedure may be unsafe for children and teenagers whose bodies are still developing.
Absence of Certain Conditions
Some conditions may make someone ineligible for a gastric balloon, including:
Previous gastrointestinal surgery
Active stomach ulcers or other stomach problems
Pregnancy or breastfeeding
Certain medical conditions that affect the digestive system
It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider to determine if a gastric balloon is a good weight loss solution for you. They can check your health and determine if you meet the criteria for a gastric balloon.
How effective is a gastric balloon in promoting weight loss?
Gastric balloons can help people lose weight, but the amount of weight loss can vary from person to person. Studies have shown that gastric balloons can help people lose an average of 5–10% of their starting weight.
How does a gastric balloon help with weight loss?
A gastric balloon is a soft, silicone balloon that is placed in your stomach. It takes up space in your stomach, which makes you feel full faster and eat less food. When you eat less, you consume fewer calories, and this can lead to weight loss.
How much weight can you lose with a gastric balloon?
The amount of weight you can lose with a gastric balloon varies depending on several factors, including:
How much did you weigh before getting the balloon
How long do you keep the balloon in your stomach?
How much do you change your diet and exercise habits while the balloon is in place?
On average, people who get a gastric balloon lose 5–10% of their starting weight. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds before getting the balloon, you might lose 10–20 pounds.
Is a gastric balloon a permanent weight loss solution?
After six months, your healthcare provider will remove the gastric balloon, and you will be responsible for maintaining the weight loss achieved during the procedure by continuing to eat a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
How does gastric balloon compare to other weight loss methods?
Gastric balloons are a way to lose weight without surgery. They are not like diet or exercise. They are more effective than those methods. But, they are not as effective as surgery.
What are the Risks and Potential Side Effects of Gastric Balloons?
Gastric balloons are a popular weight loss solution, but like any medical procedure, they come with risks and potential side effects. Here are some of the common risks and side effects associated with gastric balloons:
Short-Term Side Effects
Nausea and vomiting
It’s normal to feel nauseous or vomit after getting a gastric balloon. This is because your stomach is adjusting to the new device.
Abdominal pain and discomfort
You may experience discomfort or mild pain in your abdomen as the balloon takes up space in your stomach.
Reflux and heartburn
Some people may experience reflux or heartburn after getting a gastric balloon. This occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus.
Long-Term Risks
Balloon deflation or rupture
Although rare, there is a risk that the balloon could deflate or rupture while in your stomach. This can cause serious complications, such as intestinal obstruction or perforation.
Bowel obstruction
In some cases, the balloon can block the digestive tract, leading to bowel obstruction. This requires immediate medical attention.
Nutritional deficiencies
Since the gastric balloon takes up space in your stomach, you may not be able to eat as much as before. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies if you’re not getting enough nutrients in your diet.
Complications Associated with Gastric Balloons
Any time a foreign object is inserted into the body, there is a risk of infection.
The placement of the balloon can cause bleeding in rare cases.
Allergic reactions
Some people may have an allergic reaction to the materials used in the balloon.
It’s important to note that not everyone will experience these risks and side effects. However, it’s important to discuss these potential complications with your healthcare provider before deciding on a gastric balloon.
If you experience any severe or persistent side effects after getting a gastric balloon, seek medical attention immediately.
What is the process of getting a gastric balloon?
Getting a gastric balloon involves several steps, including consultation and evaluation with a healthcare provider, placement procedure, and follow-up care. Let’s take a closer look at each of these steps.
Consultation and evaluation
Before getting a gastric balloon, you’ll need to have a consultation and evaluation with a healthcare provider. This is to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure and to discuss any potential risks or complications.
In the consultation, your healthcare provider will ask about your medical history and any medications you take. They may also check your body and order tests like blood work to make sure you’re healthy enough for the procedure.
Placement procedure
If you’re deemed a good candidate for a gastric balloon, the next step is the placement procedure. This is typically done as an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day.
During the placement procedure, you’ll be given a sedative to help you relax. Then, your healthcare provider will insert a deflated balloon through your mouth and into your stomach using an endoscope, which is a long, flexible tube with a camera on the end.
Once the balloon is in place, it will be filled with a sterile saline solution. This will make it expand and take up space in your stomach, helping you feel full more quickly and eat less. The entire procedure usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour.
Aftercare and follow-up
After the placement procedure, you’ll need to follow some guidelines for aftercare and follow-up. These may include:
Following a liquid or soft food diet for a few days after the procedure
Taking medications to help manage any discomfort or nausea
Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated
Avoiding strenuous activity for a few days
Attending regular follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor your progress and make sure the balloon is working as it should
Your healthcare provider will give you detailed instructions on what to do and what to avoid after the procedure. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure the best possible outcome.
Gastric balloons can be an effective tool in weight loss for those who meet the criteria and follow the necessary aftercare. But, it’s important to consider the potential risks and side effects before making a decision. Consultation with a healthcare provider can help determine if a gastric balloon is the right weight loss solution for you.
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eldoctors · 6 months
سعر عملية بالون المعدة
سعر عملية بالون المعدة من ضمن الأمور التي يبحث عنها الكثير من الأفراد الذين يعانون من الوزن المفرط، حيث أن بالون المعدة عبارة عن بالون صغير يدخل في المعدة، ويتم استعماله كأنه نوع من العلاجات عن طريق المنظار، ففي بداية الأمر يقوم الطبيب بإدخال البالون إلى المعدة باستعمال المنظار الداخلي، ثم يتم إنتفاخها سواء بالمحلول الملحي أو الغازي، كما أن الغرض منها هو تقليل معدل الغذاء الذي يدخل للمعدل، مما يتسبب في الإحساس بالشبع في وقت سريع.
سعر عملية بالون المعدة
يتنوع سعر عملية بالون المعدة للقضاء على السمنة المفرطة على العديد من الأمور التي من بينها، المراكز الطبية والجراحين والأطباء، وأيضًا تتحكم حالة الشخص ومدى احتي��جه لنوع خاص من البالون على أن يتم تحديد سعر بالون المعدة، وبالرغم من هذا يعد بالون المعدة من ضمن أكثر الأساليب المستخدمة بكثرة في ذلك الوقت.
كما أن العديد من المراكز والعيادات الطبية تقوم بطرح إمكانية تقسيط بالون المعدة، وهذا يكون هدفه مساهمة المريض في تحمله لتكاليف عملية بالون المعدة.
تعرف أيضاً على: ما هي عملية بالون المعدة
نصائح بعد إجراء عملية بالون المعدة
بداية ظهور نتيجة بالون المعدة بشكل تدريجي منذ ثاني أسبوع من وضع البالون، وذلك يكون بالتزامن مع التزام الشخص بالعديد من التعليمات والنصائح الهامة، ومن ضمنها كالتالي:
التزام المريض بالنظام الغذائي عن طريق إرشادات الطبيب المعالج، والذي يكون دائمًا أخذ المأكولات السائلة في أول الأسابيع، وبعد ذلك أخذ المأكولات الصلبة بالشكل التدريجي.
التوقف عن ممارسة التمارين الرياضية الصعبة والمهمات اليومية لفترة ما تقارب نحو ثلاثة أشهر.
عمل الفحوصات والتشخيصات المستمرة والمتابعة مع الطبيب، وذلك من أجل التأكد من أن البالون سليمة وتقوم بوظائفها على أكمل وجه.
اقرأ المزيد عن: تجارب عملية البالون للتنحيف
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selimsurgerycenter · 8 months
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Get Better Option with Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopy is also used to fully evaluate the abdomen before planned surgery for gastric, liver, and pancreatic malignancies. Our surgeons perform techniques on a daily basis and are experts in their field. For more information, reach our website or call us at (337) 502-8706.
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munaeem · 9 months
How much weight can you lose with a gastric balloon?
A gastric balloon, also known as an intragastric balloon, is a non-surgical weight loss tool that is often used to jump-start weight loss in individuals with obesity. This temporary and reversible procedure involves placing a deflated balloon into the stomach, which is then filled with a sterile saline solution, reducing the available space for food and creating a feeling of fullness. The impact…
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knower-one · 10 months
يمكن القول بأن عملية بالون المعدة تُعد حلا وسيلة فعالة للتخلص من السمنة المفرطة، ويتمتع البالون بعدة مزايا، مثل عدم الحاجة إلى عملية جراحية، وتحفيز الشعور بالشبع وتقليل قدرة المعدة على استيعاب الطعام، ولكنها تعتبر حلاً مؤقتًا وغير نهائي. ويجب الانتباه إلى أن العملية لا تتناسب مع الجميع، وقد تتطلب بعض الشروط والتحضيرات اللازمة قبل إجرائها. وينصح بالتواصل مع طبيب متخصص لتقييم حالة الجسم وتحديد ما إذا كانت عملية بالون المعدة مناسبة للمريض أم لا، كما ينصح باتباع نظام صحي وممارسة الرياضة بانتظام للحفاظ على الوزن المثالي بعد إزالة البالون.
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cwlsmelbourne · 11 months
Taking Control Of Your Weight: The Science Behind ORBERA Gastric Balloon
Eating too much and not exercising can cause you to put on weight. But that doesn't mean it's easy to get rid of it. You could try dieting, exercise or both but these methods don't work for everyone. That's why your doctor might recommend something else: the orbera balloon procedure. This is a non-surgical procedure that makes your stomach smaller so you eat less food.
It does this by filling your stomach with an inflatable silicone balloon that stretches it out as much as possible—thereby reducing its volume by about 30 percent so you feel full on less food!
In this article, we will explore the science behind ORBERA Gastric Balloon. Let's get started.
What Is an ORBERA Gastric Balloon?
An orbera balloon is a small, flexible silicone device that's inserted into the stomach through a tube. It's filled with saline solution and once in place, it expands and creates a feeling of fullness. This helps you control your appetite so you can lose weight faster than traditional dieting or surgery options.
How Does an ORBERA Gastric Balloon Work?
When you have the ORBERA Gastric Balloon, a thin tube is inserted into your mouth to inflate and deflate the balloon. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and is done under general anaesthesia or conscious sedation, meaning that you will not feel any pain during this time.
The balloon is filled with water through a valve that stays on top of your stomach after insertion; this allows for easy inflation/deflation as needed throughout treatment.
Once fully inflated, the device can be left in place for up to six months (or longer if needed). When it's time for removal, surgeons simply remove both ends of the tube from inside their patient's body!
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How Does an ORBERA Gastric Balloon Work for Weight Loss?
When an ORBERA Gastric Balloon is inserted into your stomach, it creates a feeling of fullness that can last for several hours. This means you'll feel less hungry and will eat less food overall, which leads to weight loss.
The balloon itself is made from MRI-safe silicone and contains a small amount of sterile water (about 1 mL). It also has an outer coating that protects it from stomach acid as well as any other substances you may consume while wearing it.
The entire device measures about 2 inches long by 0.5 inches wide at its widest point; once it's been inserted through an endoscope into your body cavity, the doctor will inflate the balloon with saline solution until it reaches its desired size--usually about 4 cm long by 3 cm wide--before removing both ends of the tube where they were connected during insertion so nothing else can get inside there either!
How Does an ORBERA Gastric Balloon Work for Weight Maintenance?
If you're looking to lose weight, orbera balloon is an FDA-approved treatment for obesity. The balloon will help you get to your ideal weight and stay there. But if your main goal is to maintain that lower weight, then what does the science say about how the device works?
The science shows that people who have had the procedure keep more of their lost weight off than those who don't have it done. In one study, participants were split into two groups: those who received an ORBERA Gastric Balloon treatment (aka bariatric surgery) and those who did not receive any type of procedure or medication at all (the control group).
After six years, there was a significant difference between these two groups: Those who had undergone gastric bypass surgery lost 66% more pounds than those in the control group; however, even though they didn't lose as much weight--about 34%--those who had undergone gastric banding still kept off more pounds than their counterparts at 12 months post-surgery!
We know that this is a lot to take in, but we're here to help! If you have any questions about the ORBERA Gastric Balloon or whether it's right for you, please don't hesitate to contact professional team.
They will be happy to answer any questions and help guide you through the process of getting an ORBERA Gastric Balloon placed.
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universaltech27 · 1 year
Weight Loss Treatment through Gastric Ballon
Many people want to lose weight, and with so many therapies available, determining which one is best for you can be frustrating.
One of our bariatric treatments at Halcyon Health Care involves placing a gastric balloon into your stomach, which takes up space and reduces your food intake, making weight loss a straightforward process.
The process entails swallowing a capsule containing the balloon. To determine the site, an X-ray is conducted. The balloon is filled by a tube linked to the capsule. The tube is detached after the second X-ray. After 16-20 weeks, it normally lessens.
The most important thing is to keep the weight off. Your specialist staff has been at your side every step of the way!
Stop worrying and contact us for all your weight issues :
Or Mail us at : [email protected]
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drturkaa · 8 months
🇬🇧 Are you looking to transform your life with a simple and non-surgical weight loss solution? The Allurion Gastric Balloon in Istanbul is the choice for you! No downtime, no surgery, and effective results. Trust in our unparalleled expertise for a transformative journey.
🇩🇪 Suchen Sie nach einer einfachen und nicht-chirurgischen Gewichtsabnahme-Lösung? Der Allurion Magenballon in Istanbul ist die richtige Wahl für Sie! Keine Ausfallzeiten, keine Operation und effektive Ergebnisse. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere unübertroffene Expertise für eine transformative Reise.
🇫🇷 Vous cherchez à transformer votre vie avec une solution de perte de poids simple et non chirurgicale ? Le ballon gastrique Allurion à Istanbul est le choix pour vous ! Aucun temps d'arrêt, aucune chirurgie, et des résultats efficaces. Faites confiance à notre expertise inégalée pour un voyage transformateur.
🇮🇹 Stai cercando di trasformare la tua vita con una soluzione di perdita di peso semplice e non chirurgica? Il palloncino gastrico Allurion a Istanbul è la scelta giusta per te! Nessun tempo di fermo, nessuna chirurgia e risultati efficaci. Fidati della nostra competenza senza pari per un viaggio trasformativo.
🇪🇸 ¿Buscas transformar tu vida con una solución para perder peso simple y sin cirugía? ¡El balón gástrico Allurion en Estambul es la elección para ti! Sin tiempo de inactividad, sin cirugía y resultados efectivos. Confía en nuestra experiencia sin igual para un viaje transformador.
🇹🇷 Cerrahi olmayan ve basit bir kilo verme çözümüyle hayatınızı dönüştürmeye mi çalışıyorsunuz? İstanbul'daki Allurion Mide Balonu sizin için doğru seçim! Hiçbir iş kaybı, cerrahi işlem veya etkili sonuçlar. Dönüşümcü bir yolculuk için benzersiz uzmanlığımıza güvenin.
🇷🇺 Вы ищете простое и нехирургическое решение для потери веса? Гастробаллон Allurion в Стамбуле — это ваш выбор! Без простоя, без хирургии и эффективные результаты. Доверьтесь нашей несравненной экспертизе для трансформационного пути.
📲 +90 552633999
🌐 www.drturka.com
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allurionindia · 1 year
5 Ways to Lose Weight for the Wedding Season
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Weddings are not a prerequisite for kickstarting your fitness journey but they can be strong catalysts. If losing a few pounds to make heads turn and look your best appeals to you, we’ve compiled a list of helpful hints. This will be extremely useful as the wedding season approaches.
  Plan a meal schedule: Consistency is one of the most important aspects of any new habit, and this is especially true when it comes to food. A haphazard meal cycle during the day would result in increased food cravings at irregular intervals. As a result, it’s critical to schedule your meals and stick to them, allowing your body to go through its natural hunger and satiation cycles.
  Track your consumption: To understand how to change a routine, you must first thoroughly understand the details of your current routine. It refers to the number of calories you consume on a daily basis. Observe your diet for 2-3 days to obtain an average figure, and then subtract 150-250 calories from this figure as your new daily goal. Plan your meals and keep track of them to ensure you’re on track.
Replace starchy carbs for non-starchy options: Starchy carbohydrates include potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, cereals, etc. Studies show that reducing these from your diet shows positive results in appetite reduction, faster weight loss, and overall metabolism improvement. Replacing starchy carbs with non-starchy options, for eg. Replacing rice with cauliflower rice can go a long way.
Snacks: Snacks are a great way to curb cravings and manage hunger, but the key is to not overindulge and make the snacks count. This can be done by choosing treats that are high in nutrition and low in calories, for eg. makhana.
Last but not least, the Allurion Program is designed to help you manage your fitness journey with less difficulty. The program’s cutting-edge technology eliminates the need for other interventions such as bariatric surgery. The Allurion weight loss Program is a non-invasive method that uses a swallowable gastric balloon to help you lose 10-15% of your body weight in 16 weeks. With long-lasting results, this method gets you closer to your fitness goals with fewer struggles, ensuring that you’re ready for wedding season.
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ahmed25646 · 2 years
after 40 years of weight problem, Jacques achieves his goals thanks to the gastric balloon
after 40 years of weight problem, Jacques achieves his goals thanks to the gastric balloon
Jacques, 67, spoke to Futura about his long journey to lose weight. After years of failure, an unconventional method has overcome those extra pounds. Discover its history. Jacques Degroote, a 67-year-old engineer, is one of the French people concerned about their weight. ” For a long time I had problems with being overweight, with yo-yos, with diets. I bought a whole collection of diet books…
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Gastric Balloon is used to treat obesity and morbid obesity. They work by reducing appetite and increasing satiety (feeling full). Patients who have had gastric bypass surgery often find they still feel hungry after losing a significant amount of weight. Gastric balloons are a safe alternative to bariatric surgery and are reversible.
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webdijitalmedya · 2 years
Gastric balloon Turkey
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selimsurgerycenter · 8 months
Gastric Balloon for Weight Loss
Our team has carefully researched and selected a series of gastric balloons to provide our patients with safe, effective, and sustainable weight-loss options in a private, comfortable outpatient setting. To more details, visit our website or call us at (337) 502-8706.
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