collinhasregrets · 6 months
Here's some Ganglion fan art
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Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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grievous-stims · 1 year
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Ganglion Cyst stimboard for my ganglion cyst!!!
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luxaar-lab · 6 months
Finally… my magnum opus is complete, all without the help of that brat and that Legion I created. Awaken Goetia and Dagahn!
*The trophies of the two Ganglion shake rapidly, and light fills the room. Once the light dissipates, Luxaar could see that his general’s have been reawakened at last.*
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Uuuuuggghhh… head hurt. Where… is Ryzz? Zu… Pharg?
The Zu Pharg has long been destroyed imbecile, all because of you and her. But that matters not… your assistance is greatly appreciated. And yes, Ryzz lives, though I know not for how long?
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Has… the cosmic cancer been eradicated? Did my failures stall BLADE long enough to atleast allow us to deal the finishing blow to humanity?
I’m afraid not… and worse yet we are in an entirely different universe. However, this unfamiliar realm offers opportunity.
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halleehalfgallon · 2 years
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putriutamidewi · 8 months
Hai aku! Ini sudah bulan ke 9 tahun 2023, bagaimana kabarmu?
Terimakasih sudah melewati awal tahun 2023 dengan tetap tidak menyerah untuk memulihkan tanganmu. Kamu tahu? Dari nikmat mempunyai tangan kanan yang berfungsi normal palu dicabut sementara, aku jadi lebih bersyukuur.
Hanya satu nikmat di cabut, betapa susahnya menjalani hari normal. Se sepele mandi dengan mengangkat gayung berisi air, aku tidak mampu. Bahkan menapakkan tangan ke lutut dan tempat sujud rasanya sakitt sekali.
Hai aku! Kamu tau.. semenjak itu setiap aku melihat tanganku, aku berdoa "yaa Allah, jadikanlah tangan ini untuk melakukan aktivitas yang mulia"
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crimsonpublishers · 2 years
PCL Cyst: A Rare Entity
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PCL Cyst: A Rare Entity by Yoshifumi Murata* in Crimson Publishers: Peer Reviewed Orthopedic Research Journals 
Introduction: Intra-articular cysts and ganglia have been reported to be 0.6% and 2.0% in symptomatic knees. The low incidence causes lack of awareness resulting into missing of the diagnosis leading to events which otherwise are preventable.
Case presentation: We report a case of a 26 year old state level track and field athlete who presented with intermittent pain and sudden jerky movement of the right knee for the last 5 months who had consulted two specialists before coming to us and had also undergone two MRI examinations without any definite diagnosis. Diagnostic arthroscopy revealed PCL cyst with full thickness chondral defect on the medial condyle of the femur. Retrospectively, a close look at the preoperative MRI was able to pick up the PCL cyst which had been passed earlier as normal. The delay of 5 months in diagnosis and another 6 months for recuperation resulted in ending the career of the athlete.
Conclusion: In conclusion, reminder of this rare, though known pathology, is likely to facilitate an early diagnosis and treatment resulting into saving the career of the players.
For more Open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on below link https://crimsonpublishersresearch.com/
For more article in Peer Reviewed Orthopedic Research Journals please click on below link https://crimsonpublishers.com/oproj/
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munaeem · 6 months
What is a ganglion?Wrist ganglion – what does it look like?
A ganglion is a non-cancerous cyst or fluid-filled lump that usually forms on or near joints and tendons in the body. It appears as a soft, round bump under the skin and can vary in size from a small pea to a larger marble. One common area where ganglions tend to develop is the wrist. Wrist Ganglion – What does it look like? When it comes to wrist ganglions, they typically appear as a visible,…
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geethahari · 1 year
Submandibular Ganglion
Features: It is the peripheral parasympathetic ganglion. Topographically related to lingual Nerve Functionally related to chorda tympani, branch of facial Nerve It is a fusiform ganglion lies on hypoglossus, above the deep part of submandibular gland suspended from lingual Nerve by two roots. Connections of Submandibular Ganglion
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Schlechter Schlaf erhöht das Glaukomrisiko Ein kürzlich BMJ geöffnet Studie berichtet, dass Schnarchen, Tagesmüdigkeit, Schlaflosigkeit und Schlafdauer das Glaukomrisiko erhöhen können. Lernen: Assoziation von Schlafverhalten und -muster mit dem Glaukomrisiko: eine prospektive Kohortenstudie in der UK Biobank. Bildnachweis: SERGEI PRIMAKOV / Shutterstock.com Was ist Glaukom? Auf der ganzen Welt bleibt das Glaukom eine Hauptursache für irreversiblen Sehverlust. Bei derzeit über 70 Millionen Menschen, die weltweit v... #Chirurgie #chronisch #Diabetes #Forschung #Ganglion #Glaukom #Obstruktive_Schlafapnoe #Schlafapnoe #schlafen #Schlaflosigkeit #Schnarchen #Sehkraftverlust #UK_Biobank
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teaboot · 3 months
Did you know. That you can just. Buy arthritic compression gloves. For joint pain
My hands feel so fucking nice right now
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ngulinerbakalana · 2 years
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#testimonipakaigelangmciuntuksakitganglion #testimonipakaimagicstickuntuksakitganglion #testimonipakaibioglassuntukganglion #testimonipribadiganglion #ganglion #testimonimci Gang lion oh gang lion.. Selama ini saya hanya mendengar keluhan saat konsul tentang beberapa klien yg ada muncul gang lion ditangannya. Trs saya jg sering membaca testimoni pakai produk mci misalnya gelang, magic stick, bioglass untuk atasi penyakit gang lion. Eeehhhh ga taunya ternyata saya sendiri juga kena yang dinamakan GANG LION bukan gang senggol hehehe Jadi ceritanya waktu itu 2 minggu setelah lebaran tiba2 tangan kiri saya sakit, linu, kesemutan yang ga biasa. Rasa linunya itu bener2 susah tangan untuk mobilisasi. Padahal sebelumnya tangan kiri saya baik2 saja dan ga ada tanda gejala apapun yg bakal sakit kayak gini astaghfirullah sakit beneran!!! Akhirnya sy coba untuk rileks, tenang lalu sambil diraba ada apa dipergelangan tangan sy sebelah kiri? Ternyata pas saya raba dan tekan, terabalah itu benjolan kecil dan lunak (gang lion itu seperti cairan yg menumpuk disendi biasa disebut juga kista). Semakin ditekan semakin linu g karuan. Alhamdulillah penanganan pertama sy langsung roll #magicstickmci dan pakai #gelangmci diroll terus smpe sakitnya berkurang. Beberapa saat kemudian sy kontrol kedokter, dan dokter bilang ini gang lion. Tp karna ukurannya masih kecil jadinya tidak perlu oprasi dan difoto juga ga keliatan ya karna ukurannya masih cilik y 😁 Akhirnya dokter kasih obat pereda nyeri saja dan saya dianjurkan fisioterapi, tp sygnya sy ga punya waktu bolak balik kerumah sakit untuk fisio dan obat nyerinya pun cuman sy tebus tp pas sampe rumah ga diminum😌😌 Alhamdulillah tepat satu bulan skrg sy raba walaupun benjolannya masih ada kecil tp sudah tidak sakit lagi. Sy yakin ikhtiar bisa sehat dirumah dengan serangkaian produk mci yg saya punya seperti bioglass, gelang mci, magic stick dan lainnya masih buanyak lengkap dirumah pokoknya😆 Bismillah hidup jauh lebih sehat lebih baik dengan produk mci smua karna ALLAH SWT. Allah yg menyembuhkan, gelang mci hanyalah perantara ikhtiarnya saja. Trimakasih y allah.. Trimakasih jg untuk teman2 yg udah baca surat cinta testimoni sy (at Makassar) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce2sN67pbmH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thelegend9798 · 2 years
Specific neural circuit in mice can help detect the dimmest shadows possible
Specific neural circuit in mice can help detect the dimmest shadows possible
Mice uses a specific neural pathway to detect shadows, and it can detect just about the dimmest shadows possible, according to new research from Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. The human eye has the same neural circuit, which researchers think could be used to probe visual diseases at unprecedented resolution. A night-vision image of a mouse swimming in darkness. Image Credit:…
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luxaar-lab · 6 months
Shell will not be enough, I must revive my fellow kin….. perhaps there are trophies of them in this world?
Our species name is the Ganglion… the apex of all life.
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
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reward piece done for a twitter lovely !
Commission Info (23 Aug. 2023)
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iced-souls · 5 days
Oh the urge to draw to be forced to a stop from the wrist of pain
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