#fwoosh prompts
fwoosh-prompts · 5 months
Prompt: Five Champions Chilling in a Hot Tub Very Close Together Because the Shrine of Resurrection Is Only So Big
Where the pilots of the Divine Beasts were ejected from the beasts as they fell to the Blights attacks and their people found them dying and for X reason had found out about the Shrine of Resurrection and took their Champion there only to discover all the others had the same idea. They decide to place all five in the shrine. It's barely enough to cover them but they make it work, and then all they got to do is wait...
Does it still "only" take 100 years or does it take longer?
What sort of clothing did they leave for the other champions? Do the other even get any clothes or is it only Link and Urbosa that get "new" clothes?
How will the remaining Champions handle the complete memory loss?
When/how do they regain their memories, if they do?
What about their powers? Will they have to reactive them somehow or is it rediscovered by muscle memory etc?
Do they get more than one paraglider?
If they only get one, how will they get down from the Great Platau? Will they try to climb?Will they craft their own? Send down Daruk and have him dig out the blocked part where water have collected? Something else?
How will the reunions with their people/family look like? Will there be people who are sceptic to believe they are who they say?
If any of the Age of Calamity plot is included:
Assuming Kogha and the Yiga have turned against Ganon like in AoC after having their own killed/severly wounded by the Calamity, what have the Yiga been up to the last 100 years?
Will Kogha have snuck in a dying Sooga into the shrine too after he got hurt by a Guardian/malice/etc?
How will an amnesiac Yiga handle recovering memories of trying to kill his companions? Is his first memory triggered by bananas or by meeting Yiga spies? Or is it something else? Maybe Link or Urbosa (the two he would've fought the most) handing him a fruit in a similar way to how Kogha did when he was starving in the dlc flashback?
How will Kogha handle Sooga not remembering him?
Do they still steal the Thunder Helm? If so, why? Is it to lure the group into their lair to see if they can jog Sooga's memory? Or are they worried Riju would try to go after Vah Nabooris herself and possibly get hurt?
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fwoosheye · 1 year
A couple of years ago I found this prompt on pinterest and wrote a story there which I've now decided to put here too, but as I can't find @writing-prompt-s original post so... This was the prompt:
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Story under the cut:
The Forgotten Prisoner
Time flows oddly when you have no way to measure it.
They knew they had been sole prisoner in the underground facility for 200 years when the earthquake buried them completely. Two of the three guards had died in the collapsing dorm, leaving the last guard trapped in darkness. No electricity, no water, no food, no heating. They could remember hearing the young guard – barely more than a child – screaming in the dark as he tried to find his companions, and his anguished cries when he found them.
When the lad eventually fumbled past their cell, close to delirious with exhaustion, they spoke to him. Soothing, comforting, but never lying. It had been the first time since they arrived that they were let out. Together they had searched for a way out, and found none. Far too soon the boy passed, and they turned an old office into a burial chamber. Dragging out cabinets, the couch and everything else but the lone desk which they left in the middle as an altar upon which they laid the body.
Then they had continued their quest on their own, but immortal does not mean immune to exhaustion or the need of food and water.
They were eventually forced to give up and settle to wait for rescue, and so they did: Outside the last guards resting place. They had settled down on the couch as if in meditation, and stayed there. To weak to move, to weak to stay alert for more than a few moments at a time, but never able to slip into the eternal sleep.
And so they sat there. Collecting more and more dust, through additional earthquakes and everlasting darkness and solitude. Then one day, their monotone existence changed. A rumble of shifting rock, so unlike that of an earthquake. When the rumbling eventually stopped, they heard something even more rare:
Voices coming ever closer, their words incomprehensible but still familiar enough they could tell their tongue stemmed from the one they had last heard. Then, through closed eyelids, they could see light.
At last they had been found.
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Wild's Wolf: Febuwhump Day 6 -- "You (They) Lied to Me."
Tw: Implied child abuse, medical whump, human experimentation.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Wild knew what was coming by now, when he heard the metallic chime that preceded the opening of that metal door. The hazy memory of rough hands and voices, fear and violation, and above all pain, pain, pain sent his heart racing.
Beeeeep! The door swung inwards with a slow fwoosh! 
Wild backed himself into the furthest corner of his hiding spot underneath the bed, nearly sick with anxiety, as he eyed the man that stepped inside. That in and of itself was odd—these strangers usually dealt with him in overwhelming groups, so that any defense he tried to mount against them was easily crushed. The man even looked different—he wore not the universal white coats common to all of his tormentors, but instead a beige turtleneck sweater and black leather jacket. He was a lot taller than his regular tormentors, too, and broader, though he still had those rounded ears that Wild was learning to hate. The door hissed shut behind him.
He must be worse than all of the others combined, Wild determined, if he was willing to step into the room alone. And he was already coming towards him. Wild raised his shoulders, bracing himself for another fight for his life, a fight he already knew he’d lose like all the ones before it.
The man’s tall boots stopped at the edge of the bed. Then he crouched, stooping down to peek under the bed, and his single eye met Wild’s two. His singular eye. His other had been gouged out, signified clearly by the neat scar that ran over the closed eyelid. Vibrant, blocky tattoos streaked harsh angles across his face, and more climbed the column of his neck and poked out from the hem of his long sleeves. He was obviously strong and battle-worn, and he was coming for Wild.
A shiver of fear ran through the kid. A feral growl left him, and he scrambled back further into the little cranny made by the bed, ready to kick for all that he was worth as he bared his teeth. Oh Hylia, he wasn’t escaping this, he thought faintly.
The man blinked his singular eye owlishly at the response, then bared his teeth back in a wolfish smile. “Hey there, kid,” he said lowly, maintaining an intentionally jovial tone. “What are you doing under there?”
The professor’s voice crackled through the speakers. Behind the one-way glass, the researchers turned up the sound, tuning in through their earpieces.
The kid, of course, gave no response. Those odd long ears of his pinned themselves back against his head similarly to those of a wary cat. Time could see, now, the stark bruises left by cruel hands blossoming underneath the pale skin of his wrists and arms, the deep bags hanging underneath his terrified eyes. The hospital gown he wore hung loosely over his skinny, shivering frame. They hadn’t been kind to him.
If that was true, they’d be here for a while. He might as well make himself comfortable while he tried to earn a bit of the boy’s trust. Time lowered himself to the tile floor and sat against the wall with a groan, which prompted the boy to growl, louder that time. “Oh don’t be dramatic, I’m not threatening you, I’m just old,” Time said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I’m sure you’ll be making all these sounds too, one day.”
Those long ears flicked forwards curiously. A bit of the defensiveness left the boy’s coiled up posture at his tone, and the snarl on his face faded into something softer. Then his shoulders raised as he seemed to remember himself, and he shifted back again, hugging his knees to his chest as he looked away. He warbled something that Time couldn’t even begin to decipher, though it sounded familiar—and those researchers were right, that was not a human language—but given the fearful edge to his young voice, he could translate with mild confidence all the same. Who are you? What are you going to do to me?
“I’m not going to hurt you, kid, don’t you worry,” Time said soothingly. He reached into his pocket. “In fact, I’ve got a little treat for you.”
Time withdrew the crinkly aluminum packet in his pocket, and out of that a jabber nut. They were disguised as regular candy—chocolate covered walnuts would be a good comparison—so believably so that they’d been okayed by the researchers without a second glance. He offered one to the kid.
The boy gazed at the candy sitting in the center of Time’s palm, reaching hesitantly out to take it, then flicked his eyes back up to Time’s face. Whatever he saw there made him go pale, and he moved back, resolutely turning away. Still, he snuck childish glances at the piece of candy, like the refusal hurt him. His stomach audibly rumbled in the cold, silent room.
“Oh come on, drama queen, it’s not poison or anything. I know you want it,” Time said with fond amusement. He popped the jabber nut into his mouth, and he made a show of chewing and swallowing in demonstration before he fished out another for the kid. “There, I ate one. Not poisonous, see?”
The kid frowned up at him, looking between the jabber nut and Time himself like he was trying to figure out whatever trick was hiding there. He put his hand forwards as if to take it, then drew it back to his chest, his face clouded with indecision.
“Go on, it’s okay, kid.” It was like feeding an untamed, flighty cat—like one of the ones Malon kept out in the barn, who even after months of progress could be sent scrambling with any sudden move—but Time was nothing if not patient. He kept an easy grin fixed to his face and the lines of his body intentionally open and non-threatening as he scooted a little closer, shoving the offered piece of candy forwards with a little inviting thrust. “It’s for you, you can take it.”
The boy seemed to have a sort of debate with himself as he eyed the candy in Time’s hand, his hands twitching at his sides. Finally, the boy's face screwed up, and he snatched the candy out of Time’s palm. He shoved himself back into the corner of the crawlspace just as quickly—knocking his head against the bedframe in the process, which made Time wince in sympathy—and hunched over the jabber nut, turning it over and over between his fingers. Time only just held back a laugh as he took a long deep sniffffffff of the treat, then darted his tongue out to sneak a taste of the chocolate coating. He jerked back from it with a delighted sound, his long ears waggling similarly to an excited puppy’s tail.
This… was odd, Time thought, eyeing those too-familiar ears, the ones he hadn’t seen in decades, maybe even lifetimes. The researchers had contacted him on the basis of getting his help in establishing communication with some feral child they’d discovered living in the forest. They’d spun a tale of a child raised completely divorced from any other human civilization before now, a golden opportunity for linguistic advancement in the study of him that Time just couldn’t pass up. But they’d mentioned nothing of the obvious otherworldliness about the kid, though the picture they’d sent him had spoken magnitudes, and once he arrived, they were talking about differences in species.
Details were being withheld from him intentionally, it seemed.
Finally, the kid put the chocolate in his mouth, biting down on the jabber nut inside with an obnoxiously exaggerated crunch! Time smiled to himself and tapped at his watch, timing out exactly minute.
Time didn’t even have to wait for that long for the boy to grow bolder. He edged forwards until he was nearly at the edge of the bed, holding his hand out in clear request.
“I’m sorry, you can’t have another one. It's not good to eat more than one at a time.” Time shook his head pointedly, then shot a glance back at the one-way window at the opposite side of the room. The researchers had said that he’d eaten nothing since they’d “gotten” him what seemed to be days ago, poor kid. “Maybe we can request some food for you, huh?”
The kid muttered something back darkly, his disappointment clear in his pout. Time glanced down at his watch. 15 seconds.
“Y’know, I wasn’t always a language professor. If you know what a professor is, I don’t know if you have ‘em where you’re from,” Time began conversationally. “Before that I was certified as a child speech therapist. Turned out to be a good thing when it came to my dissertation, because they’re really the best when it comes to the model of language learning. Y’know, one of my favorite projects, they have this dialect of ancient Mayan out in the really rural parts of Central America, way down south from here, and anyways my youngest went out with me that trip, his mother was a nervous wreck, but I told her that we just had to go, especially since they put us up in one of the nicest hotels down there…”
It was always funny to watch a jabber nut kick into effect. The boy uncrossed his arms, furrowing his brow and frowning as Time continued to prattle on—talking at length was one of his strengths, he knew, whether or not there was something worthy of being discussed. The boy scrubbed at his eyes and pressed his hands over his ears before lowering them again, his expression a perfect picture of bewilderment.
“Wha…?” the boy managed to get out, his eyes wide. “...you can…?”
“Magic,” Time whispered with a conspiratory wink—a blink, really—and a grin. The researchers watching would see nor hear any of their conversation—to their ears Time would continue to speak English, and the boy Hylian. He tapped away at his watch again, setting another timer for 10 minutes. “What’s your name, kid?”
The boy bit his lip until it blanched between his teeth, studying Time’s face as if trying to determine his trustworthiness from sight alone. “...I’m… I’m not supposed to tell my name to strangers,” he said at last, dragging his fingers along the grout lines of the tile floor. 
“My name’s Time Forrester. I have a wife, Malon, and a couple of kids of my own about your age,” Time answered. “We’re not strangers now, are we?”
The boy shrugged, shifting uncomfortably, but he finally offered up with a touch of shyness in return: “My… my name’s Wild.”
“Well, Wild, would you mind coming out here so that we can hold a real conversation?” Time said smoothly. “I don’t know about you, but my back’s getting all cramped, and there are two perfectly good chairs over there."
Wild shook his head, murmuring something about how they’d come back and hurt him that Time clearly wasn’t supposed to hear.
Time paused, chewing over that phrase. Then he spoke. “I know this is all confusing for you,” he said as diplomatically as he could manage. If he kept talking, he could almost pretend that his voice didn’t tremble. “I don’t know a lot, but I’ll do my best to answer any questions that you have, if you’ll answer mine in return, I promise. Is that all right?”
Wild nodded. And when Time stood, stretching out his aching back, then extended his hand down to him, Wild only hesitated for a second before he took it.
First Chapter >> Previous Chapter >> Next Chapter Coming Soon!
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pixiatn · 1 year
Danny & Duke Prompt/idea for y'all while I'm still trying to write my fic
Now I still don't know if I'm gonna include this in my fic, but I wanted to post it incase I didn't but essentially, Halfa/Quarta!Duke
Ok so basically Pariah Dark would be a halfa (until giving up his humanity/human half like Dan) and was sealed into the Infinite Realms by his brother, Gnomon The Eternal Light who was also a halfa, this in turn not only makes Duke part ghost, but also the biological nephew of Pariah Dark.
Duke has a very small amount of ectoplasm flowing throughout his body and also has a core much smaller/underdeveloped than other ghost and even halfas. He inherited abilities from both his father and his uncle resulting in him having a mixed core (light and dark [psh, ok y/n✋🏽🙄])
Insert traumatized Danny attending Gotham Academy after running away for whatever reason👁️👁️, ahem, and staying in the schools dormitories. Danny's first day is going great, he woke up early, made it to class on time, and his classmates were being nice to him, maybe things here wouldn't be so bad. THEN FWOOSH, almost instantly Danny feels a powerful (and somewhat familiar) chill down and his ghost sense goes off and then he starts panicking, cause if he goes ghost then the GIW will know where he is, if he doesn't help then this ghost will seriously fuck up the school.
Bbg spends a bit too long in his head contemplating his options and feels this overwhelming presence get closer, he doesn't hear anybody screaming so thats good. It very quickly becomes not good when the presence comes closer and he realizes why it feels so familiar, it was an aura similar to that of Pariah Dark. Well great that's just fucking great, first day at a new school and he's possibly gonna get beat up by the former ghost king, which by the way, WHO THE FUCK LET HIM OUT-
Danny is thoroughly surprised though when it isn't a ghost capable of mass destruction that comes into the class but actually a rather cute boy his age (oh very pretty ghost guy ok) it isn't until Duke sits at a desk and people start talking to him does he realize (holy fuck this guy is like me)
During his lunch break Danny-boy slips into the Ghost zone to ask his lil ghost council (which consist of Pandora, Dorothea, Frostbite, Wulf, and Clockwork) if it's possible for two different ghost to have similar auras, Pandora states the each ghost aura is unique to that individual, the only way for two ghost to have similar auras is for them to be related
Great, so Danny's classmate is a relative of one of his strongest enemies, and former king of the Infinite Realms? Fucking great
Edit/update: On Dukes side, he finds himself rather drawn towards the pretty new boy in his class and he doesn't know why (it's bc unlike him, Danny has a shit ton of Ectoplasm running through and Dukes still developing core is drawn to that)
Anyway when he starts hanging out with Danny, his core starts absorbing the ectoplasm in the air surrounding him (which comes from Danny constantly exiting/entering the Ghost zone an using portals) which in turn helps Dukes core develop faster, making his powers stronger and granting him new ones
Meme time
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happyk44 · 1 year
Jasico prompt for @butt-puncher based off this tweet
Leo peered over Jason's head. "Who's XghostkingX?" His chin came to rest on Jason's shoulder. "Sounds likely a freaky dude."
Jason swiped away the notification and kept watching the dog training video Piper sent with the caption "You" and a pink heart emoji. "Just this guy who sends me recipes." Jason frowned as the video ended and typed a quick rebuttal back at Piper that just because the dog was a golden retriever did not mean it was him. "I don't know him."
Leo's breath went hot against his cheek. "Then why," Leo said, drawing out the "I" sound for as long as his breath lasted. He rolled over, locking his head backwards over Jason's shoulder, face to the curling and finally inhaled. Coughing briefly, he continued, "is he DMing you?" Leo flicked his cheek. "What, he is a potential booty call?"
Jason scowled. "I don't do that, Leo."
"You should," Leo huffed. "I got pegged on Tuesday by a hottie boom-booty and her boyfriend. All with the sweet send of a "You down to clown?" meme."
Rolling his eyes, Jason shifted ever so slightly and grinned when Leo slid off his shoulder and crashed to the ground. "You give all aroace people a bad name."
From the ground, Leo swatted at Jason's ankles. "Just because I don't get the attraction part doesn't mean I don't know what good feels like. And there are some angles only the thick fingers of a college football player can hit, alright?'"
Jason snorted and opened up Instagram. He switched to the messages section and clicked the top one. A link to a recipe popped up. Above it were a thousand other recipe links. No messages, no words, no comments.
Just other people's posts.
Jason didn't know who this Nico guy was. It was spring break in his sophomore year of high school. His step-mom dragged them all out to some meditative retreat that banned all use of electronics. It was supposed to be some kind of spiritual cleanse. All Jason remembered was doing yoga, eating really bland meals, and Thalia sneaking out of their room through the window in the middle of the night and coming back six hours later smelling like weed and wearing someone else's bra.
She had a lot more fun than he did.
But when he finally got his phone back, he had twenty-three messages from XghostkingX, all recipe posts from different accounts. He checked out the account, trying to figure out who "Nico" was. But the account was private. He checked out the recipes too. They weren't weird. Seemed like completely normal recipes. Bread, pasta, Mexican dishes, Indian dishes, pastries, keto, high protein, vegeterian. Pretty much everything except Italian.
Which Jason found interesting. He wanted to ask about it but...
He turned and flashed a sprawled out Leo the messages. "They're just recipes. He started sending them to me when I was on that no-phones thing with my family."
Leo snatched the phone from him and begin scrolling at top speed. "Wasn't that, like, five years ago?" Jason shrugged. Leo stared at him unamused. "Seriously, man? And you haven't said anything?" He shook the phone. "You don't even know this guy!"
Jason reached for his phone but Leo rolled away, spring up to his feet. "Leo, give me my phone."
"Just one second," Leo said, very clearly typing something.
"Do not talk to him, Leo!" Jason shouted, shooting out of his chair and towards his best friend.
"I'm just gonna hit him up!" Leo yelled as he scrambled away on his gangly twig legs. "See what's up!"
Jason grabbed a pillow off his bed and hurled it at Leo through the doorway. Leo squawked loud, without dignity, as it beamed him in the back of the head and knocked him down. Darting through the doorway, Jason threw himself over Leo. All the air fwooshed out of his lungs.
Grunts and grounds filled the air as they wrestled for the phone. Leo curled inwards of himself. Jason rolled him over onto his back. Leo kicked at him. Grabbing at his legs, Jason pinned him down and started tugging at his arms. He ripped the phone of Leo's hands and sat on his chest in retaliation.
Leo spread his hands behind his head and fluttered his eyelashes, before wheezing, "Why, why Mr. Grace, you're so forward."
Jason shoved his foot in Leo's face. Leo shouted and slapped it away with spluttering indignation. "Fuck off and suffocate, Valdez." He turned to his phone. His heart exploded in his chest. Panic induced upwards his throat. "Oh my fucking gods, Leo." He shoved both his feet into Leo's face again, kicking at his jaw.
Ignoring Leo's protesting yells, Jason scanned the string of messages in the chat. The first one started off okay. Yo, who is this? Then they slowly began to deteriorate into complete nonsense. Probably as Jason and Leo were fighting over the phone.
Crap, crap, crap, he thought, as he began typing out apologies.
Sorry for that, it was my friend, he was wondering why you keep DMing me even though we don't know each other. He sent the text and closed out of the app before planting both feet beside Leos face and flaring down at him.
Jason bonked him again then twitched as his phone buzzed. The notification read XghostkingX sent you a message. Leo squirmed under Jason's weight. "Did he respond? Is he telling you why he keeps sending you messages? Is he hot?"
Leo batted his eyelashes Sweetly. Jason bonked him on the head with his phone. "I am going to eat you one day, Leo."
"I don't care what you do to me, so long as I get to come first," Leo said.
Jason swatted at him as he opened up the text.
Haha, no problem. I was wondering when you were going to say something. I'm Nico. Sorry for all the recipes. I was sick with the flu and couldn't remember how to save them to my notes app. I meant to send them to my sister, but I messed up on her username. I'm dyslexic. Powered through it but it does get worse when I can't think straight. Actually using speech to text right now. Filling in the punctuations after the fact. Anyway, you never said anything so I just kept saving there here to refer back to. Kind of easier than opening my notes app all the time to be honest.
Another text popped up. A picture this time. Followed by a series of more pictures. All of food. Jason recognized some of them from the recipes he'd clicked through out of curiosity. The plating was different. A little less professional, but they looked just as good as they had in the videos.
Some of the photos had a cute boy in the background. He presented the plates with a shy look on his face. His dark shaggy hair was pulled back in a few photos.
Some of my successes, the next message read.
Quickly Jason texted back, Is that you?
Yeah, Nico's reply read. My sister took them to send to my grandma in Venice. I usually just photograph the food. I have other pictures on my page. You can follow if you want.
Jason didn't hesitate before replying, Okay.
He clicked Nico's username and hit the follow button before waiting patiently. A second later the page opened up for him. Nico had a lot of pictures of food, dogs, paintings. There were few pictures of him as Jason scrolled mindlessly through his accounts. The ones that did feature him were always flocked by two other girls - one white and tall, with a braid tucked over her shoulder and fierce eyes, the other short and black with a wide smile, typically tucked under one of their arms.
Jason clicked on a picture of what looked to lasagna roll-up but much fancier and sent it to the chat. That looks good. I don't remember seeing a post for it.
That's my grandma's recipe, Nico typed back. It's a chicken cannelloni. Trade secret though. Can't give it to you. There was a brief lull before another message popped up. But I could make it for you, if you're interested. Make up for spamming you these last five years. Laughing face emoji.
Jason paused. Then, Does it travel well? Who knows if the USPS will keep it fresh.
My dad lives in the Bay Area, Nico replied with a laughing face emoji. And I'm here for the next couple months. Another brief pause while Jason's mind caught up with the air in his lungs. If you didn't want people to know where you lived, you shouldn't post pictures of yourself at university. Congrats on your win by the way.
A deep heat crossed Jason's face. So Nico had checked out his page? What did he think of the personality Jason exhibited through carefully selected photographs and captions? Did he think he was cool?
Beneath him Leo was still struggling and wheezing. Jason ignored him as he typed. I'd be creeped out, but that cannoli thing looks too good, so yeah, why not?
Nico's reply was a cute smiley emoji. Here's my number, he wrote. Call me when you wanna come over. Takes a while to make the pasta from scratch but I'm sure I can keep you entertained. Another smiling emoji.
Jason swallowed around his rising emotions. Sounds good. I'll let you know when I'm free.
A thumbs up and another smiley face.
Finally, he slid off of Leo's chest and landed on the hardwood floors. Leo inhaled dramatically then coughed rapidly before flipping over to his stomach. He groaned as he pushed himself up to his knees. Jason exited the chat.
"So, you getting that dick or what?" Leo drawled. Jason shoved him back as he laughed deliriously.
"Shut up." He pushed up to a stand and dragged Leo off the floor. "He's gonna make me one of his recipes."
"Ahh, dinner date."
Jason cuffed Leo's shoulder before wrapping him in a headlock. Leo laughed boisterously and didn't fight back. Instead he licked a long line down Jason's arm. Jason rolled his eyes and pinched his ear before letting him go.
"It's not a date." He smoothed down his shirt and began looking through his calendar. "He's just trying to make up for spamming me these last five years."
"Uh huh," Leo said, with a twinkle in his eyes that Jason sometimes loved and sometimes hated.
"Yeah, uh huh," Jason muttered back.
Another notification popped up. Without a second thought, Jason clicked it. A picture of a small cake with elaborate icing work and chocolate drips. Nico was in the background, crouched low so all you could see was his face, flour in his hair, a little bit of icing smeared on his cheek. He was smiling wide, eyes glancing up at the person taking the picture. Underneath the photo were the words, For dessert?
Jason hearted the photo immediately and wrote, Sounds good. It looks delicious.
Leo leaned over his shoulder. "He does look pretty delicious."
Jason swatted him away, cheeks burning. "Fuck off, Valdez." Leo cackled behind him before jogging back into Jason's bedroom. Jason turned back to the photo. Nico did look really nice. Messy in a cute way.
Maybe if Jason played his cards right, he could score more than a free dinner and a cute dessert.
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For day 1 of @sorielweek! The prompt was "Fire."
(Rating: T // Word Count: 1399)
Fire crackled in the hearth. There was always a fire, in Tori’s house. It might’ve been stifling to someone with a little more skin than him, but as it was, he just appreciated the white noise.
Orange noise? Eh, That joke would need some refining before he fired it at her. Heh.
Point was, there was no more peaceful spot, on the earth or under it, than the armchair in front of Tori’s fireplace.
The brown upholstery practically swallowed him, but that was a pro rather than a con. Papyrus couldn’t call him in to help with dinner if he couldn’t see him. Also, Tori found it adorable when he curled up to sleep between the arms of the chair. If he was lucky—and if she was convinced he was unconscious—she’d place a quick kiss on the top of his skull.
Tori was already in bed, now. Papyrus and the kid too. Sans had his own room in the combined skeleton-boss household, but the chair was comfier. The fire sounded like slippers crunching through the snow, or like the quiet popping of knuckles, or like teeth chewing undercooked spaghetti. Y’know. Comforting things.
In the fireplace, something popped. Eh, maybe that was a bit loud, but it wasn’t bad. Water balloons popped when he threw them at Undyne’s spiked fins. It was a solid noise. He’d give it seven out of ten stars.
Pop pop FWOOSH—the fire blazed hot and bright enough that Sans could feel it with his eyes closed.
He wiped a hand down his face, sitting up groggily. 
The fire was spitting and shuddering, like Grillby when he had a cold. 
…Did Tori have a cold?
Sans slipped off of the chair, slippers soft on the hardwood. The fire reached for him—flames licking at his ankles like that annoying dog. He jumped back and stomped his feet until the embers on his slippers were snuffed out.
Maybe he should bring Tori a glass of water?
One stop at the sink later, Sans clipped through Tori’s door. 
He was promptly greeted with a fireball to the chest.
“C’mon, Tori.” He dumped the glass of water down his front. “That was my favorite shirt.”
It was hard to see past the cloud of steam, but he could hear her ragged breathing just fine.
“Sans?” she finally asked. “I am… oh, I am so sorry…”
Dang. Things must be bad if she was apologizing instead of teasing him about his shirt, which was identical to all of his other white shirts.
“‘S okay. I can borrow one of yours, right?” He stepped over to her closet.
Comforting wasn’t his strong suit. He didn’t fit in any suits, really. The shoulders were always too wide, and the ties were too long.
Tori’s black t-shirt was too long too, but at least it had a good joke on it. Stop staring at my mussels. A pile of clams were drawn in the middle.
“Whaddaya think?” He pretended to flex. 
Papyrus had shown him how enough times, and he thought it was pretty convincing. Even if the ‘short sleeves’ covered him up to his forearms.
Tori let out a wet snort. She’d turned on the bedside lamp by now, so he could easily see the tears soaking her fur.
“It is… well, I suppose it could make a cute dress.” She smiled a little.
“Great. Dress means I don’t have to wear pants.” He grinned back.
Tori wiped her face, her paw steaming a bit as she did so. Oh, yeah.
“So, uh… any particular reason you’re even hotter than usual tonight?” he said before realizing how it would sound.
His gaze skirted away from the tank top strap slipping down her shoulder.
(He wasn’t wrong.)
She burst out in the roaring laugh that he loved.
“If you cannot handle the heat, you should get out of the kitchen.”
“Good thing I’m not in the kitchen, huh? Unless you’ve baked some pies in here I don’t know about…” He lifted up the edge of her purple comforter, pretending to look for baked goods.
Instead he was eye level with thick, ivory-furred legs. He might have stared a little longer than necessary.
“Hmm. Perhaps you should check this side.”
She scooped him up in one paw. His slippers fell to the carpet as she dropped him on the mattress beside her.
“Uh.” His ribcage felt warmer than when she’d thrown a fireball at it. “No pies here, either.”
“Oh, how disappointing.” She gave an exaggerated frown. “You are welcome to leave, then, if you would like.”
She leaned back, her left arm stretched across the pillow beside her. He knew her well enough to read the invitation.
“Nah. This is comfier than your chair.” He rested his skull in the crook of her elbow.
She was warm. She was always warm, but either she was hotter than usual, or… heh. Or it was all in his head.
Her smile was even softer than her arm.
“Thank you, Sans,” she said quietly. Sincerely. Another suit that he couldn’t fill.
“Hey, I’m the one who should be thanking you. For the armrest, I mean.” He patted her bicep, and she laughed.
“And for the shirt,” she added, smoothing her other paw over the front of it. 
Each of his ribs tingled at her touch. He swore that she’d see them through the black of the shirt—each of them glowing with neon light, like cracked glowsticks.
“For the. Yeah.”
Her paw froze near the end of his sternum.
“Is this alright?”
The direct question caught him off guard. This wasn’t how they did things. They danced around anything solid, like their feet were on hot coals. 
But she’d done the hard part. All he had to do was give a one-word response. He was great at those.
“Yeah,” he said, stupidly breathless for someone without lungs. “Yeah.”
Two words. One over par. That would count against him if they were playing golf.
She pulled him closer, nuzzling against his shoulder. 
“I suppose I must appear clingy tonight.” Her breath puffed warmly against his spine. “And I did not answer your question. About why I am ‘hot.’”
“Hotter than usual,” he corrected, and was rewarded with a laugh that rolled over him in gentle waves. 
“It was a simple nightmare. Nothing I could not handle alone. However… the company does not hurt.”
“The company does hurt,” he joked, lifting up Tori’s shirt to reveal the hole seared into his beneath.
He’d expected her to laugh with him, but instead she looked away in embarrassment. 
“That was irresponsible of me. As was my outburst with the hearth, before.”
Sans’s browbone furrowed. 
“So you knew you were doing that? Messing with the fire?”
“Not consciously.” She sighed. “You are perceptive, Sans. Surely you have noticed that the flames are in tune with my emotions.”
He had. It was why he’d come to her room in the first place.
“This happened somewhat often when I was alone in the Ruins. Nightmares. Uncontrolled magic. I had thought that I was past this, but I still should have warned you. You always sleep so close to the fire.” She frowned.
“Yeah, well. It’s cozy. About the closest thing to sleeping with you.”
He snapped his jaw shut. He was like a glowstick, and all his stupid-fluid was leaking out.
But Tori smirked, before bringing her lips close to his collarbone.
“Is it, now?”
“Nah,” he corrected. “I’m pretty sure your chair doesn’t flirt with me.”
Because that was what they were doing, right? What they’d been doing for as long as he could remember. They slid into familiar banter like he slipped into his favorite slippers.
Tori giggled.
“Well, for tonight, at the very least, you will not have to settle for the chair.”
She kissed the bottom of his jaw.
“Goodnight, Sans.”
She tucked him under her chin, like he was a slightly-larger-than-average teddy bear. Her arm draped over his hips. Her knees scrunched up, brushing the soles of his feet. He could’ve been one of those plastic classroom skeletons, for how little he dared to move.
But soon her snores rumbled like the crackling fire. As if having Sans in her bed was the most normal thing in the world.
He smiled, adjusting himself to better curl into her.
(Maybe it could be.)
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
Making A Dent
Waking Dreamer - Part Thirteen
(tw: nightmare mention? Wow thats it. I SWEAR the plot picks up after this, this is the tipping point - thank you for sticking with me through the dredge of a series-)
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Focus and breath.
Aaron closed his eyes, feeling the warm, golden light tangle softly down his veins. It wrapped through his bones.
His lungs pressed gently at his ribs, expanding to pull in the invisible light. Life. unbridled power.
Blocked right at the rips of his fingers.
“You stopped breathing…” Jeremiah murmured softly, gently prompting him to continue.
Aaron kept his eyes closed, pulling in another smooth breath.
The copper mug of water was only half full, but was already starting to better resemble lead. It weighed at his arms, pulling a tremor from his aching muscles.
He focused.
Warmth. Heat. Boiling…
It didn’t seem to be happening.
But of course it wouldn’t. He wasn’t in a dream, he wouldn’t be able to access The Core in the waking world. And as much as Jeremiah and Jessie worked with him, telling him that this would make it easier in the dreams, he still couldn’t quite bring himself to understand this ‘training’.
Wasn’t this just going to enforce the belief that he’d fail?
Aaron sighed, setting the mug back down on the counter, not bothering to even look at the pitiful, distinctly not hot, thing. 
“I don’t think it’s helping.”
Jeremiah frowned softly at him, tugging him by the shoulders away from the counter again. “It’s helping. You’re building neural pathways and strengthening the pull like muscle memory. Even if you can’t manifest right now, that doesn’t mean your efforts are futile.”
Aaron shrugged his hands away. Gently. He didn’t want to hurt the poor guy’s feelings. Not when he was trying so hard to help. “I think…something’s just…wrong with me. I can’t - it’s not helping the dreams. I’ve been having them every night for weeks now - I guess…I’m having fewer nightmares, but during the bad dreams, The Core is still just gone. I…I don’t know, Jer. I don’t know anything..”
Jeremiah nodded solemnly. “I think you just need some rest. You work yourself to death during the day, and you work yourself to death in your sleep. You need the practice - it’s important - but you need to rest, too.”
Aaron took in a shaky breath, letting it out again. He glanced around the coffee shop - the warm streetlights shining through darkened windows. Shadows. 
“..okay. Enough for today, then. Let’s j-”
“-no no, I’ll finish closing - you just go get some sleep.”
Aaron blinked at him. “...really? I don’t want you to have t-”
“No, I’m serious. You’ve had a much longer shift than me, go get some sleep.” 
Aaron smiled softly back at him. “You’re wonderful…” his eyes were already burning from exhaustion. He reached behind him and snagged his jacket off the counter, sleeves fwooshing as he slipped his arms into place. 
“You’re sure?”
Jeremiah chuckled warmly, giving Aaron a solid scoot toward the door. “Go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Aaron smiled, stepping back and toward the door. “You’re the best - thank you.”
“Mhm, now get.”
“Yea yea yea-” he shoved open the front door. “Goodnight!!” 
And off into the night he went.
Jeremiah watched him go. 
All the way across the street. Into the darkness.
His eyes finally turned back to the mug. Copper was a good idea. 
He picked it up gingerly. By the handle.
No bubbling yet, but close.
He pulled up a tendril and wove the piece of Core to his fingertips, shielding himself from the heat as his hands wrapped around the mug. 
There was a slight indent that his fingers smothered - soft lines where Aaron’s hands once were.
The poor boy was running so hot, he didn’t even realize the liquid was as well.
Aaron had figured it out.
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Twisted Trial: Part 2
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So? This getaway car of yours!?
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Like I said, central garage, bottom floor! But to get there, we’ll need to get to the other side of the complex!
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I suppose a little closer would’ve aroused suspicion.
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Thank you for understanding! I admit, it is a hassle!
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Oh crap!
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Come on! This way!
*Munakata and a handful of armed men burst out from the other end of the corridor and begin to give chase to Nagito and Uchui. 
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*With the entire Foundation aware of the danger thanks to Alter Ego, an ambush is all too easy. Soldiers begin to dive out from the side rooms of the hallway in an attempt to grab the escapees. Fortunately or unfortunately, none of them succeed, as Uchui and Nagito dodge and dive over and under them.
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*Uchui’s scream prompts Nagito to do just that. They both slide right down the hallway, with Munakata and the soldiers still in hot pursuit.
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Stop right there!
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And let you cut me into little bits with that sword!? Nah, I’ll just keep running!
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Come on, let’s go this way!
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*Nagito grabs Uchui’s arm to help him keep up, and then starts rushing up the stairs, with the soldiers not letting up.
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WAIT WAIT WAIT, what are you doing!? We’re supposed to be going down!?
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Don’t be stupid! They’ve probably left a trap or another ambush at the bottom of these stairs!
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And going up helps HOW!?
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I’ve put my trust in you!
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I need YOU to reciprocate that trust!
*Within a few moments, Nagito and Uchui burst onto the roof of the central building, and still grasping onto each other, rush across the rooftop.
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Give me that!
Soldier: H-Hey, sir!?
*Munakata suddenly snatches an RPG Launcher from one of his escorting soldiers, and aims it straight at the escapees.
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*The explosion goes off and blows up the roof. Neither Nagito, nor Uchui are hit dead on by the explosion, but both are sent flying forward by it, causing them to let go.
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*Knowing full well Munakata won’t give them time to recover, Uchui doesn’t wait for Nagito to rescue him, and instead pulls himself up and keeps running across the rooftops.
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*However, as they approach the edge of the building, they see their cohort ahead take a leap and jump off the roof down to the roof of another building slightly below.
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Oh, you’ve gotta be KIDDDING MEEEEE!!?
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*Munakata launches another RPG, and with no more time, Uchui screams and follows Nagito, diving off the roof, tucking, ducking and rolling onto the building below them.
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Are you ok Kamukura!?
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Ngh...Yeah, I...I’m ok...
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*Just as it seems like things are starting to relax, an attack chopper suddenly takes flight and hovers next to them. The sliding door opens and a figure pokes their head out.
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You know Komaeda, I changed my mind! I’m NOT ok anymore!
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Reasonable! Hold on tight.
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*Dragging Uchui against his will across the long rooftop, Nekomaru’s chopper opens fire. Nagito is fast enough to avoid the bullets, while Uchui screams in fear.
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Brace yourself! HYAGH!
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*Nagito reels back and tosses Uchui’s body through a window above them. When Uchui goes crashing through the window, Nagito leaps up through the hole he made. He helps Uchui up to his feet, and they continue running as the chopper keeps firing at them.
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We’re almost at the East Block!
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We’re going to have to jump it! HIYAGHCK!
*With a heavy swing, Nagito blows a hole in the wall, opening up the side of the building facing the East Block building. He then bounds across to the other side and blows a hole through that building too.
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Come on! 
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*pant!* *pant!* *pant!*
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Surrender! Now!
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*Nagito reaches over and grabs a chunk of concrete off the side of his building, and he leans back, ready to throw it at the chopper.
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*With Uchui’s shout, he drops it.
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*And with a scream, Uchui jumps...
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*Uchui unfortunately doesn’t jump off the best footing, and he’s unable to reach the other side of the building! Instead, he faceplants and begins to slide down the glass towards the ground far below. Luckily, Nagito quickly leaps out and grabs Uchui before he can fall, hanging off the side of the building by his foot.
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I’ve got you! Now hold on tight!
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If I had a yen for every time I’ve heard THAT TODAAAAGH!
*Uchui nearly throws up as Nagito flips them both back into the building. As soon as they get inside, they continue to run.
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*Nekomaru grabs a radio.
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Sakura! We failed to get them! It’s up to you now!
Sakura: Don’t worry! They shan’t pass me!
Kyosuke: I am on my way with backup Sakura Ogami! But I hope you will not need it!
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This area shouldn’t be as heavily guarded! We shouldn’t have to worry about taking the stairs!
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But we’ll need to hurry! This building will be swamped before long!
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There! Down the hall!
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We don’t have a choice! We’ll need to fight through them!
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We-Where’s-!? Where’s the “we!?” I can’t take these guys!
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Fair point...
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Alright then, stay close to me.
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Komaeda, please-
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You asked me not to kill them. 
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I haven’t taken any lives so far, and I don’t intend to.
*Steeling themselves, Nagito rushes down the hallway, with Uchui struggling to catch up as Sakura and her Soldiers attempt to intercept them.
Soldiers: GAGH!
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*With a single blow, Nagito is able to swamp most of the advancing soldiers immediately. He then goes straight for Sakura, who blocks his attack.
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How fast the night changes, Nagito Komaeda. I’ll bet you never imagined the day you’d be facing down the strongest woman on earth!?
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Are you kidding me!? Who do you think you’re talking to!? I could never dream of such a thing!
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In fact, I’m amazed I haven’t peed a little in my trousers yet!
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That said, I’m sorry Ogami, but I cannot waste this opportunity, and I cannot let you stop me!
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You took the words right out of my mouth! HAGH!
*Sakura takes a heavy swing, which Nagito dodges under.
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Not without you!
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Don’t worry about me, I’ll catch up! Just save yourself first!
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Soldier: Don’t let him get away!
*Uchui follows suit and decks it down the hallway towards the stairs. The soldiers around try to tackle him over or shoot him down, but he’s able to avoid these.
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For someone who’s so tired of life, I sure am good at avoiding death!
Soldier: Hugh!
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*One of the soldiers that dives at Uchui sticks out their foot and trips the Theoretical Physicist up. Uchui topples forward and lands on his face.
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There you are...YOU’RE MINE!
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Shit shit shit SHIT SHIT!
*At the worst possible time, Munakata and his goons suddenly burst into the block through the elevator. 
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I won’t kill you...But I have no problems turning you into a handicap!
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Ahhh! OOH!
*Munakata lunges at Uchui and starts to swipe at him with his sword. Uchui narrowly dodges each attack, until he hits his ankle on one of the fallen soldiers.
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*Before Munakata can deal the decisive blow, Munakata is suddenlt restrained by Nagito, who rushes up behind him.
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*He then grabs Munakata by the arm and throws him straight at Sakura. Munakata lands right into her rock hard abs.
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Gagh! You heathen!
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I said I’d be willing to fight you! I didn’t say I’d fight fairly!
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We’ve wasted enough time, let’s go!
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Yes! Thanks!
*This time, Uchui holds out his arm willingly for Nagito to grab and heave him along. They bolt it down the hallway, blowing aside all the other soldiers, and beeline it for the stairs.
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Oh no...
*The get to the square block of stairs, and look down in dismay. Several dozens of heavily armed soldiers start to climb up the flights, and barricade the way down.
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So...uh...You think you can take them?
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Maybe...But even I might struggle if it’s just me against all of them...Especially on a playing field as tight as this...
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Where’s Kuripa when you need him...?
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This ends now!
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*heavy breathing*
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*Sakura and Munakata draw closer, with all their soldiers.
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I’ll gut them...I’ll gut them both...!
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Patience! I know you crave vengeance and justice, but it’s imperative we capture them alive.
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That’s it...!
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Hey...Komaeda...I’m sorry about this...
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Sorry about wha-!?
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*Everyone staggers back, caught completely off guard, as Uchui grabs one of the collapsed soldiers guns, gets Nagito in a headlock, and points the weapon straight at his head.
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What the hell are you doing-!?
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Last warning! I mean it! If any of you take one step closer, I pop a round right in his head!
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You can’t be serious.
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A pathetic bluff. We won’t fall for it-
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*Despite their boasts of confidence, Munakata and Sakura’s faces go pale as Uchui fires three rounds into Nagito’s gut!
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I don’t make idle threats old timer! Even if it is a bluff, are you sure you wanna risk it!? I’m not exactly in the perfect frame of mind right now!
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Munakata! If he’s serious, this could go very wrong, very fast!
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Krgh...But what do we do!? We can’t just let them go!
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I know not what they intend, but they have no escape. We’ve cornered them.
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That’s what you think...
*Uchui leans in and whispers in Nagito’s ear.
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Are you alright?
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No! You just SHOT me!
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I know, I’m sorry, and I’ll patch you up, but I can only DO so if we make this work! Can you still stand straight?
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I think so...why?
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I really need you to catch me...
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What are you-!?
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*To the horror of the Future Foundation, with the gun pressed to his “hostage” Uchui continues to back up...until he falls off the banister backwards...!
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Gah! Huh!? HAH!?
*The sequence of events that follow is miraculous. After falling off the banister, Uchui and Nagito fall a long long way to the cold hard floor below, past the heavily guarded staircase and all the soldiers. With the force making Uchui let go, Nagito, still heavily wounded, straightens himself and falls below Uchui. He successfully crashes down to the ground on his feet at the bottom of the stairs, then reaches out his arms and catches Uchui before he can go splat!
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Hah...Why did I think doing that was a good idea!?
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It WAS a good idea! You just saved us!
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Not yet! To the van!
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I’ve got you, don’t worry!
*This time, Uchui lends Nagito a helping hand. He allows the wounded Luckster to rest on his shoulder, as they frantically get to the car. He loads Nagito inside and then jumps in the drivers seat, wasting not a single second in smashing the accelerator with his foot.
Soldier: NO! STOP THEM!
*The soldiers get down the stairs too late, as Uchui and Nagito beeline it straight out of the garage and to the open road.
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*Uchui triumphantly sticks his head out of the window and screams back at the Foundation, as they smash through the buildings front gates and successfully make their escape.
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*Sakura hangs her head in defeat, while Munakata pounds the ground in agony, as they both watch the vehicle drive a long way away.
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//Nagito Komaeda has escaped.//
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hunnybadgerv · 2 years
“Want me to model these for you?” for Sharky and Tayen? 🖤😘
Summary: Sharky has a soft spot for making the deputy grin, even when that’s all there is time for.
a/n: Prompted by NightWingsHero: “Want me to model these for you?” for Sharky and Tayen. Just so you know the moment I saw this, it practically wrote itself. From this list.
Floor Model
Even in the low light they looked perfect. Deputy Tayen Quick’s fingertips traced the outline, the delicate edges tickling her skin.
Warm breath caressed her ear, accompanied with that voice laced with a hint of smoke. “Want me to model these for you?”
Tayen tilted her head as the tip of his nose nudged at her ear lobe. His lips were warm, his stubble rough against the thin skin of her neck. As long as he was content to tease her neck, Tayen remained silent in response to his question. When his teeth scraped over her jugular, she hissed softly and her hand detoured to into his hair.
They’d figured out the little signs. He knew her weakness—that nibbling, kissing, and sucking on her neck. And he knew that when she reached up for him, she wanted his mouth on hers. He responded just as she wished. Soft at first, then, when her lips parted, his tongue dove past. Tayen shifted, turning in his arms. His hands pulled at her hips the whole time. He wanted her close, as close as she did.
Breathless, their foreheads met first, then their eyes.
“So?” he said, between deep, fast breaths.
“How could I ever say no to the sexiest floor model in Hope County?” she replied with a wide grin, repeating what he’d said to her once when she was trying to find something dry to change into after an impromptu swim. Their current situation was far less dire. And she was incredibly curious.
“You trying to sweet talk me, Dep?”
“Hell, yes.”
“Good, because it’s working.” He kissed her mouth hard. Then that comforting warmth he emanated disappeared. Being next to Sharky was like standing next to an open flame—bright, warm, inviting, with a hint of danger.
He hopped over the counter and faced her. His cocksure grin sparked her own crooked smile, then his sweatshirt came off, pulling his undershirt off with it. Both fell on the floor at his feet.
Tayen nodded with unmasked approval and appreciation, waiting.
“Fwoosh!” he sang, guiding the arrow toward his chest and tucking it beneath his arm. He swirled on the spot then fell to the side. He grabbed for the counter on his way down. All the time, offering a vivid soundtrack for his death.
She grabbed the edge of the counter and looked over it.
Sharky lay there, legs akimbo, part on his side and his back. One arm reaching outward for nothing in particular.
“It really brings out your eyes,” she told him with a laugh.
His head turned and he batted his eyelashes at her. “Really?” He pulled the arrow from beneath him and held the fletching near his cheek.
The deputy hopped over the counter and crouched beside him, plucking the arrow out of his hand and twirling it between her fingers. She brushed the soft feathery material over his cheek, then down his sternum before she leaned over and kissed him. “Definitely, but I’m heavily biased.”
“Just can’t resist the baby blues,” he crooned, slipping his hand along her cheek to pull her closer.
She kissed him. It was languid, sweet, unhurried. And she wished that kissing him were the only thing she had to contemplate for the next few hours. “Like I’d ever try,” she told him, finally pulling away and breaking the kiss.
His fingers lingered in her hair a moment, before she leaned back on her haunches. Once she stood, she held her hand out to him.
“And here I was hoping you wouldn’t be able to resist rescuing me.”
Tayen leaned against his bare chest, letting her fingers trace over his ribs as her lips brush against his. She looked up into his eyes, licking her lips. “Let me get through with this thing,” she whispered. Each time he tried to seal his lips to hers, she eased back until he relented. “Then I can rescue you all day long.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” he said, pulling her body more firmly against his.
“Good.” This time when he bent his lips to hers, she welcomed his kiss.
The bell on the front door jangled in the dimness. “I swear to God! If you two are fucking in here, I’ll shoot you both,” Jess’ voice carried through the small building.
Tayen smiled against his lips.
“What’d’ya take me for, chica?” Sharky called over his shoulder. “Charlemagne Victor Boshaw the fourth is not a minute man. And besides, if we were, you would’ve known.”
Patting him on the chest, Tayen laughed softly. She grabbed all the arrows in the bin on the counter, then kissed him one more time. “Meet you out front.”
“Right behind you.” Sharky planted a kiss on her temple before he bent to grab his clothes.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
GT( or also known as God Teenagers, thanks @hyperf1xate-much for the group name :D💖) have gotten a job as Researchers and guards in the SCP-FOUNDATION. They can use their powers in their duties after making a deal with the Site directors, and proving them that they can all control their powers and will not harm anyone in and outside the facilities.
It was just a normal day, checking the facility, guarding so no SCP or Class-D members would escape and conducting research. Lexdrigo was hanging out with SCP-999 or also known as the "tickle monster", everything was going good, until they sneezed, forgetting that they're teleporting ability would randomly act up when they sneezed and not realizing that it was powerful enough to send the rest of the teenage gods, some guards, MTF'S researchers, class-D members and even a few Site directors to a place they knew quite well, Observer's Casita.
Everyone was confused, the guards and MTF's were on high alert, protecting the site-directors and researchers. The class-D were terrified and were as close to the Guards as they could get. Lexdrigo and still having SCP-999 on their head quickly went to their siblings to tell them what happened.
Lexdrigo: so, yeahhh... Sorry for getting us stuck in this, we might even lose this job, I'm sorry
Roux: no no, it's fine, it was an accident and your still training to get control over that, so it's fine. Honestly I'm more worried about Hollow and the others when they see this
Wolfredo: Speaking of them.... Look over there.
They all look where wolfredo was pointing and sees observer and the others, The guards quickly put their guns up at them to protect the people behind them. The Godly teenagers quickly went in front of them and Zin quickly signaled the guards and MTF's to lower their weapons. As they did, Roux tried to say an apology but only manages to let out a wheeze, their siblings know what they were thinking and thought the same
"We're all completely fucked"
( I'm sorry if there was mistakes, or somethings I got wrong about the SCP FOUNDATION and the roles, I'm not much in the SCP fandom but I tried my best to make it as accurate to what I researched and known, still very sorry if I got somethings wrong tho ಥ‿ಥ, also I'm not used to this types of prompts where I use my OC's so please bare with me here, but I still hoped you enjoyed... I'm still sorry tho ( ;∀;) )
Hollow and the Alicorn Goddess Solaris were being held back by the two Mirabel's, Hollow was holding her warhammer weapon behind her, which had spikes.
Solaris gritted through her teeth, trying not to yell. "So.. you.. siblings... teleported humans here.. by accident?" She asked, her teeth becoming sharp.
Hollow swung her warhammer with one hand to the right, her eye twitching. "I believe that if multiple humans teleport here once again, I can, and will, smack you godly siblings nine meters to the sky, sending you flying for three seconds."
Shadow Facade still had her horn have a bit of electricity, "Okay look- we don't care if you're the SCP Foundation, but right now you're angering a literal Goddess of the Sun from an Alternate Universe, and a super soldier who is the mother of those two with us." They point at Observer and Scrap.
Scrap slowly sat down and curled up in a fetal position, muttering something about angering a goddes.
Observer Mirabel just sighed and snapped a portal beside them.
"That's the portal to your world, enter it, I'm pretty sure you only have two minutes and twenty seconds left before my surrogate mom and equine friends try to smack you across my land for either twenty-nine meters or a literal mile and more."
FWOOSH! Celestial Everfree's mane immediately caught on fire and is currently melting her golden regalia. A clang of the warhammer was now heard.
"Correction: two minutes, the sun god is angry at you and Hollow doesn't like intruders. Ask questions, but run afterwards."
[You can continue it if you'd like! I just wanted to write Solaris and Hollow becoming/acting furious lmao]
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amarantine-amirite · 2 years
Ho Ho Holy Crap
Rose came home to see Nancy on the roof with a crossbow. "What are you doing on the roof with a crossbow?" she asked. The sight perturbed her.
"Valerie went to go buy a Christmas tree." Nancy replied, "It's November." Indeed, Valerie was worse than the department store in this regard. It always annoyed Nancy when the department store put up their Christmas crap way too early.
Rose started to worry. "So you're going to shoot her for it?" she said with a bit of panic in her voice.
Nancy reassured her, "Of course not. I'm going to set it on fire." This did not calm Rose. Seeing someone on the roof of the house aim a crossbow at the neighbors across the street because they put out the Christmas decorations too soon would freak anybody out. 
Valerie pulled up with a tree strapped to the car. Nancy loaded the arrow in the crossbow and lit it. She shot, she missed.
The arrow didn't hit the Christmas tree, but it did hit the house. It went through the window and hit the most flammable thing in the house: a freshly lacquered kitchen cabinet. The house went up like an electric guitar when you plug it into a car battery.
The house stood there in flames. It burned from the inside out. Smoke poured out of it like a shield volcano. the outside of the house developed dark patches as the flames made their way from the inside to the outside.
"OK," Nancy said, thinking out loud, "so maybe this wasn't the brightest of ideas". As spectacular as it looked from the street, pyrotechnics doth not a good idea make. "You may want to call the fire department, " Nancy chuckled.
Valerie stood there with her jaw so far open that a flying squirrel could fit in her mouth. "You did this?" she gasped at Nancy, "what the hell is fucking wrong with you?!"
"Hey, maybe it'll only burn down on the inside, and you can just reuse the shell of the house," Nancy responded.
That made no sense whatsoever. If by some miracle the house only had burned down on the inside, the structural integrity of the exterior of the house would not be what it was. Walls could fall in, the roof could collapse, and other structures could fail.
"What do you mean it will only burn down on the inside?" Valerie objected, "If it burns down, it burns down!"
Nancy tried to keep talking to get out of this, but as she continued to run her mouth, the worse it got. Valerie got mad and took a run at her.
Nancy ran down the street full blast as Valerie chased her. She saw a cherry picker parked over by where the big fir trees are. Nancy decided to hide in the cherry picker.
It didn't quite go to plan. Everything went from great to worse in the oddest of ways. A pair of raccoons stole the cherry picker…with Nancy in the basket!
A high-speed chase ensued. The raccoons weaved all over the road trying to drive the cherry picker. Nancy could feel every bump and sway up there. Whenever the raccoons turned on a dime, she felt like she was going to fall out of the basket. While trying to get onto the New Jersey turnpike, the raccoon manning the steering wheel accidentally hit the "adjust basket height" button multiple times. The basket plummeted. The longer the chase went on, the more the basket bounced.
The chase only stopped when the cherry picker got stuck in the mud. Nancy climbed out and threw up in the parking lot of the Formica Kingdom.
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fwoosh-prompts · 1 year
Prompt: You're no Demon Lord of Mine!
Or: This town ain't big enough for the both of us (and it ain't me who's gonna leave)
A Zelda – Skyward Sword prompt.
Ghirahim finds a way up to Skyloft only to discover that there's another Demon there. Batreaux meanwhile do not appreciate the appearance of a different demon. Not only is this upstart calling itself a lord, it's aiming to harm his humans and that is unacceptable. So he decides to go all out and teach this pale brat an unpleasant lesson.
Basically, it's Ghirahim vs. Batreaux.
Is Batreaux older or younger than Ghirahim?
Does Batreaux have any special powers?
Have they met before?
What does Ghirahim think about the situation?
Is Link around? What about other skyloftians?
If yes, will any of them try to help?
Ngl in my mind when I wrote this prompt I imagined that Batreaux was around when Demise was rising and that he was strong enough to break off from Demise's control, and settled down underground near Hylia's temple, only to accidentally be sent to the sky too with her people (and that while he might have appeared scared when Link attacked him when they first met, it was mix of being startled, and because he didn't want to have to hurt a human in self-defense. And maybe a little bit was because Link was holding a holy blade and those hurt a bit more). But just because that's what I imagine atm doesn't mean you must do that! Go for what you feel makes most sense/is funniest/more interesting etc. :)
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fwoosheye · 1 year
Out of habit I accidentally queued a post I had planned to reblog right away on my sideblog @art-i-like-and-want-to-save, and when I went to fix that...
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Yeah I'm not gonna scroll through all of that. It's okay if it's about 200 days late for mermay. I might have some issues though because my main is apparently barely better
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And then I have ~150 in drafts and 0q on @fwoosh-prompts which in comparison is reasonable... I really should go through my drafts though..........
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hellfirehotline · 2 years
more random dialogue prompts @hellblczes​  sent  ->   “well, i guess that’s broken.”  (bruce or anyone you vibe with!)
Staring  directly  forward  at  the  wreck  that  was  once  the  Batmobile,  Bruce  had  come  to  the  decision  that  ‘ broken ’  was  an  understatement.  The  crumple  zone  was  well  and  thoroughly  crumpled.  Glass  windows  shattered,  tires  good  and  popped.  He  supposed  that  he  could  fix  it.  A  few  scrap  parts  from  a  junkyard  and some  elbow  grease,  maybe  the  odd  hand  from  Alfred  here  and  there,  and  it  would  be  good  as--  
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A  sigh  erupted  from  his  lips  as  the  wreck  burst  into  flames.  Great.  Now,  instead  of  a  few  scrap  parts,  he  was  going  to  have  to  scrap  together  an  entire  car  under  the  radar.  Great.  He  turned  to  Constantine,  looking  as  displeased  as  ever.  “ Yeah.  Broken. ”
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fw00shy · 3 years
Camera Obscura
Harry traces the blurred borders of Draco's body from his feet down past his mouth, his eyes. He looks back at the pinhole and imagines Draco on the other side, straight-backed and serious and solid all the way through. Here, he's a smudge of a soul, curling in Harry's heart.
For today’s @drarrymicrofic prompt, obscure!
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withbroombefore · 2 years
ooh "remember me" for the ask game!
This is, uh, 2.5 drabbles technically, but sssh it's fine. Also I ignored the angsty tendencies that are implied with this prompt, because what immediately came to mind was that post about spouses who don't have enough object permanence to be jealous, so here you are.
Wei Wuxian’s phone rings, which is weird. He’d forgotten it even did that, but to be fair, who would call instead of texting? But it seems to be happening, so he prods at it until the ringing stops and returns to his work.
The ringing begins again nearly instantly. The third–fourth?–time, his prodding seems to accidentally pick up the call, because someone on the other end says, “Wei Ying.”
“What?” Wei Wuxian tacks an experimental line onto the latest version of the talisman and activates it, so if there is an immediate reply the sound is lost in the fwoosh.
“Wei Ying,” he hears, when the little gout of flame has been doused with the bucket of water he now keeps for that purpose. “Are you on fire?”
“No,” Wei Wuxian says, peering at the singed page in hopes of working out what happened. “Oh, I see. I drew the lines in the wrong order.”
“Careless.” There is amusement in the tone, which is rude but fair. It’s a very pleasing voice, Wei Wuxian reflects absently, fishing a fresh paper out and hunting for a surface that is not waterlogged.
“It’s part of my process,” Wei Wuxian says. “Also, who is this?”
“This is your husband,” the voice says. “I am picking up dinner. They are out of fried rice; would you prefer brown or white?”
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian says, pleased. “I forgot you existed, because research ate my brain. I don’t care about the rice. Are there spring rolls?”
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