#fun fact: Macaque later dies in this AU
squidkid15 · 2 years
Core AU
This shit’s gonna be LONG so lets do this. 
So Basically
Core AU is less of an AU and is instead more of the name me and @lotusmonkey came up with for our RP. It’s canon adjacent/continuation taking place after the end of season 3 and includes all of those events as well as as many headcanons as we can possibly cram into it. It’s really kind of impressive how many we keep shoving in there as we go. It’s ever evolving and we keep adding more and retroactively making things important. 
We’re just having fun. 
It’s not all that cohesive, we think of fun plots and go YEEAAHHHH and shove them in there and play it out. There’s a vague through thread in that it all happens in order to the same monkeys, but that’s about it. 
Okay so it’s mostly Macaque and Wukong, MK also plays a big role but we really focused on the two monkies. 
Important to note, this is NOT a shadowpeach AU. They are incredibly close now that they’ve patched things up and would do anything for each other, but there’s nothing romantic between them.
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Macaque (I play him hi) is if you took canon mac and made him just a bit less angry and a whole lot more abandonment issues. Snarky bastard, more or less on the good side but only because that’s where Wukong is. All he ever really wanted was to go back to how things were before he and Wukong had their big fight, and now that he’s gotten that (more on that later) he’s pretty much mellowed out. He’s still an ass (and he knows it) but he’s not out to get anyone, other than rib Wukong at every change he gets (but its more playful than biting now). He’s very much of the “i’ll do whatever i want and fuck you if you disagree” but luckily for the rest of the cast, what he wants generally aligns with what they want. He’s back by Wukong’s side again so he’s pretty happy there. So, unfortunately, he hasn’t gotten much chance to be a huge pain in the ass lately. I miss his sarcasm.
He’s a demon through and through, with his “true form” (second pic) being mostly made of shadows and a whole lot more spooky than normal. He uses layers upon layers of different kinds of glamor magics he’s developed over the centuries to basically erase that form, he hasn’t even seen himself look like that in centuries. 
We lean HARD into the ‘mage macaque’ narrative, no one can match him in terms of magic alone. Getting into a fistfight with him isn’t fun either, but he’s mostly magic and brains. Can talk his way out of just about anything, we keep using the word ‘battlemaster’. He’s the thinker and the planner, and he and Wukong both know it. 
Good actor also. That’s come up a couple times. 
His core was broken when he died, and the resurrection put it back together enough for him to live, but it wasn’t healed (that comes later). A touch of Wukong’s magic runs up the side of it and deep through it, from how close they were when they were younger. A splash of LBD’s magic runs through the front and to the right, mimicking where the ice was. The gold (that comes from much later in the rp) that mended it is inspired by Kintsugi. It broke, and it broke badly, but was eventually mended once more. 
He has the very unique ability to interact with Cores on a physical level. It’s a very rare ability in the AU, and even among those rare few Macaque has incredibly fine control over it. He can give and take magic from them, rip them free, put them back, etc. We don’t do much with it too often, but it’s VERY important when it does come up. 
He got his past & future hearing back fairly early in the RP (lost it when he died) and since then no longer hides the six ears unless he has a reason to. 
Also he’s just. Full on cat. I think he purred once.
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Wukong (played by Hawk/ @lotusmonkey ) is if you took canon Wukong but held together by ducktape, MK, Macaque, and at least seven prayers. This man needs SO much therapy. He’s really good at hiding this fact, however (to everyone but Macaque) and instead puts on a really good carefree front. Pretty confident in himself in the moment and when things work out, but he’ll second guess himself pretty quick if they go to shit. He’ll rib back at Macaque at every opportunity, and we’ve made several jokes about him tackling Mac from across the room. He’s super protective, especially over MK and Macaque, and will get himself brutally injured in a heartbeat if it means keeping the others safe.
He has like 0 sense of self preservation. After centuries of getting injured in new and brutal ways it really doesn’t phase him anymore. He knows nothing can kill him, and has decided it’d be a nice surprise if something ended up managing it. 
He’s super attached to his glamors, and will not go around without them under any circumstances. There has been one time in the RP where he dropped them willingly, and it was for only in one spot and only a couple minutes. There was another time where he was forced to drop ALL of them for an extended period of time, and it took a pretty big toll on him. 
He sees MK as a son, though he doesn’t admit it out loud, and is unbelievably proud of him and everything he’s accomplished. Again, very protective of him and will do anything to keep him safe while also helping him unlock his powers to the fullest. 
He’s very happy to have Macaque back in his life and on good terms once more, and has promised to ‘never leave him behind again’. For better or for worse, they’re sticking to this. Calls Macaque his ‘battle brother’ and ‘best friend’ and means it. 
The weight of being ‘Monkey King’ rests heavily on him, with all the expectations to have all the answers and fixes and having to be perfect at all times. Tired of the weight of the world on his shoulders, but has also more or less accepted that he doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter, despite how miserable it makes him. 
He needs a lot of hugs. 
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MK has a bit less screentime/building time than the other two, but he’s just as important in most of the story. He’s much the same as in the show, but maybe a bit calmer/more responsible. Hawk and I both play him depending on which monkey he’s talking to at the time, but its primarily Hawk. He’s still a good kid, and shares Wukong’s wildly protective nature, for both monkies. He sees them both (and the rest of the gang) as family, and would do anything for any of them. 
He’s very curious, always excited to learn more about how something works or about a new power and magic, and eager to try it right away. 
His powers are a bit more of a combination of the two monkies, he sees them both as his mentors even if Macaque would deny it and Wukong would be wildly offended. His powers are much more adaptable, so he he actually has a mix of the two of them. All of Wukong’s strength and resilience, but after the first event in the RP (more on that later) he’s gained the ability to tap into some of Macaque’s powers as well, including eventually his ability to interact with cores. 
We turned him into a monkey very early on (yes, turned into) but he’s taking it well. Macaque and Wukong taught him glamor magic immediately after so he could look like his old self if he wanted to once more. 
The more he gets to know Wukong on a personal instead of student/teacher level, the more he’s slowly starting to see beneath Wukong’s mask and just how much of a mess he is beneath it all, and is working on trying to figure out how best to fix it. 
The namesake of the AU, cores are the biggest difference/headcanon that really defines how the AU plays out, and a whole lot of the plot points. The biggest separation from canon and the AU is cores and how we treat them and interact with them in the AU.
Cores are, essentially, souls. Every being has them, but immortals are several times the size of a mortals because they also double as a magic source/storage. They are pure magic, not a physical entity like an organ, though they are just as essential. 
A soul is everything a person is. Thoughts, feelings, personality, etc. To immortals, they are also a power source. A finite (but very large) pool of magic from which immortals draw upon for magic. Some immortals tap into theirs more than others, it all depends on their magic. Macaque uses his far more than Wukong, for example, because Macaque uses far more magic. He opens portals, summons shadows, forms shadows into things, etc. All of these tap into his core. Sort of like a mana pool in a video game. Wukong, on the other hand, hardly ever taps into his. He’s far more physical, and will instead punch or kick instead of using magic. 
Cores can be depleted through various means. It could be as simple as using too much magic before there’s time for it to regenerate (very rare, there is VAST amounts of magic in a core, naturally burning it all down is almost unheard of) or something draining it (which we have toyed with a few times in different ways). Draining a core is dangerous, but not fatal until and unless they are drained dry. Recovery is as simple as not using magic and resting for some time. If the mechanism to deplete a core is a bit more violent, it can sometimes take some time before using magic feels normal again, and can even be painful if too much is used too soon. 
Cores can also be broken (different from being drained). Cores can only be broken by magical means, or the death of the body. A core breaks naturally in death, but can also be the cause (as was Macaque’s). A broken core is fatal. 
Cores can crack or be damaged over time, and this is actually fairly common in immortals. The cracks don’t do any real tangible damage to the core, but is a sign of some sort of trauma. Either to the core directly, or emotional/mental can be a cause as well. 
They’re...sort of nebulously physical. They aren’t a physical thing like an organ, there is no space in the chest for them and they aren’t there after death. They’re entirely magical, but do have an appearance (Wukong and MK can see them with gold vision/true sight). Each one looks different to each person in color/design. They only gain a physical form when one is given to them by some sort of magic designed to interact with them. A weapon that has been enchanted to target the core specifically can touch a core (in my head they have a similar texture/material to those solid glass ball knickknacks). Macaque can also give them a more physical form because of his ability to remove them. Once removed they can be held by others, but it’s only after Macaque has given them a form. It makes sense in my head but as soon as I put it on paper it sounds a bit silly lmao. 
It’s ongoing, like I said, because we just keep thinking of fun new things to add to it and we’re planning like 15 plot points ahead of where we’ve already written, but the barebones of where we’ve gone so far:
1. MK saves Macaque & Macaque saves MK
This whole thing actually started as just a one-off idea & RP (as you do) and was meant to just explore an idea. But now we’re almost a month into a single throughplot. But the original idea was based on mage mac and how he relies much more heavily on magic to run than MK or Wukong, who have just their 7 kinds of immortality. MK and Macaque being trapped somewhere that sapped their magic (we later decided they got kidnapped when MK delivered noodles to Mac’s place, sorta retconned in the “how”), Macaque’s a lot faster than MK. MK manages to hold out/make it easier on Macaque for as long as he can, until they’re both on death’s door. When he’s basically out, he offers his core to Macaque to take, break, and use it to save himself (like how he does when they first meet, but more willingly and a bit more desperate). 
Mac, who has since grown a bit fond of MK, does something slightly different. He still takes some of the power from MK’s core to open a portal and get them both out of there, but doesn’t break it. Instead, when he pulls it out, MK turns to stone. 
Wukong shows up at this point, having felt them arrive on his mountain and sees Mac like seven eights dead and MK turned to stone trying to protect him. He’s Not Happy but after a bit of explaining from Mac, doesn’t take it out on him. Instead, to reverse it, Macaque acts as a conduit to recharge MK’s core using Wukong’s. One hand on Wukong’s, one hand on MKs, letting the power move through him to charge MK’s core enough that it’s no longer in any danger. Mac struggles with the urge to just crush Wukong’s core right then and there because they’re still on terrible terms. He resists. The stone cracks, MK is saved, but is now monkey after getting a direct shot of Wukong’s magic (this is also where MK picks up his ability to use some of mac’s powers). 
Head back to the mountain for some recovery time, teaching MK how to glamor. Wukong and Mac snark at each other over it. Eventually they break into an argument about Macaque’s death - turns out Wukong had no idea Macaque died. He thought macaque went off on his own after their fight to stew and wanted nothing to do with Wukong again. Macaque was killed by a third party immediately after the fight, soon enough that he thought it was Wukong. They make up (maybe a bit quick, if I could go back and rewrite I would maybe make it take longer, but thats just me and we were excited to get to the fun of them being buddies again. Like I said, this is mostly for fun instead of a cohesive plot)  and make a Very Important promise. 
"I.. I can't go back, I can't change it. But.. I won't leave you behind. Never again."
“I'm going to hold you to that this time. For better or for worse, you're not leaving me behind again."
Mac finishes recovering, MK takes a bit longer because he was so much more damaged.
2. Storming heaven & the mayor
Turns out, while mac and MK were captured and being drained like batteries, Wukong was running around interrogating people trying to figure out where the fuck his rival and kid ended up. He gets a few vague leads before they manage to escape on their own.
During the recovery, before he and Mac made up, Wukong was periodically popping in and out to continue his hunt for answers. After they make up, Wukong stays true to his word and doesn’t leave Mac behind. Once he’s all better, however, they’re off. One of the leads Wukong found was that the assassination attempt was orchestrated by someone up in the celestial realm itself, and he and Macaque go kicking in their door (very literally) for answers. 
They get a couple. The attempt on Mac’s life was because heaven saw him and Wukong working together in the battle against LBD and feared what would happen with the two of them together once more. The attempt on MK’s life was because they feared a second Wukong, and some calamity he was supposed to bring (foreshadowing go BRRRRR). The mechanism of the attempt on their lives is something (we made up) called the Dark Ravine. Some ancient thing that was used to kill immortals, drained the magic out of them. It hasn’t been used for some time. 
They also find that one of heaven’s court is infected with...something. They don’t know what it is. But the noble keels over half-dead after muttering some ominous nonsense. Mac and Wukong are understandably a bit wigged out, as is the rest of the court. Ne’Zha (who we again passed back and fourth, but usually ended up being me) is assigned to join them on their quest to figure out what the hell happened. They leave with more questions than answers.
They keep searching, busting in more doors in both the celestial and mortal realms. After one such dead end in the mortal realm, the three of them are attacked by the not-mayor, who appears to have a new master. Macaque and Wukong beat him up pretty good (Ne’Zha stays out to evacuate some civilians because the two of them is already wildly overkill) until Macaque stumbles, his core flaring up after so much intense use so soon after it was damaged. The Mayor tries to take advantage of this, going for Macaque, but Wukong takes the hit instead. Immediately after, the mayor makes his exit with some cryptic words. 
3. Sick Wukong & the shadow
They keep going, Macaque notices the hit seems to be bothering Wukong some but Wukong plays it off well enough that Mac sorta forgets. Keep searching, Macaque pushes Wukong into a river at one point when they stop for the night. It’s very cute. Water wars part one. 
We do a lot of timeskipping at this point as the 3 go around. At one point Wukong astral projects to check on MK. He’s still doing good, the rest of the gang came up to the mountain to hang out.
Wukong slowly starts to slow down, acting sick. He goes from being the first person awake to the last one, and he’s just not all there. Very cold, and Mac starts to notice and get worried. Before he can really properly bring it up, however, they’re attacked again. 
This time, but some broken, twisted Shadow Macaque. It looks like one of his clones, but it’s all sorts of messed up. It gets a couple really good hits on Wukong, and is definitely targeting him, more or less ignoring Macaque and Ne’Zha. One of the hits rips Wukong’s glamors (& hoodie, he slept in a hoodie and they were attacked pretty early in the morning) and reveals a big black crack looking thing over his chest, where the mayor hit him. He’s Not Doing Good, so Macaque and Ne’Zha have to try and protect him. 
The shadow thing, turns out, is using Mac’s lantern as a core/power source, but Macaque can’t get to it without risk of being infected the same way they now know Wukong was. Wukong, being the self sacrificing idiot he is, uses himself as bait to give Mac an opening to rip the lantern free, but Wukong gets really badly injured in the process. Now with his old weapon in hand, Mac’s more or less unstoppable and crushes the shadow before rushing to check on Wukong. 
4. Mac’s turn in the blender
Right after he gets there, a portal opens beneath him and Wukong. It’s some twisted thing, one he almost recognizes (black center & blue fire ring), and it drops them both in the ruins of LBD’s mech. Snowy cold and big chunks of metal scattered everywhere, very cool image. They got separated in the portal travel, and Mac starts hunting for Wukong. 
Wukong, meanwhile, is REALLY not doing good. The attacks from the shadow made the infection worse, and he’s basically delirious. The mayor (the one who portaled them) finds him before Mac does, and starts dragging him off to Somewhere ( :) ). 
Mac keeps searching, and eventually finds the both of them in the center of the ruins of the mech. Big, empty circle where the butt of the staff crushed everything under it. In the center there’s the furnace, and the mayor dragging a very limp Wukong towards it. 
Mac jumps in to protect Wukong, and it....doesn’t go well. 
The mayor’s new master is the ravine (which is sorta weirdly semi-sentient, enough to make plans but all it really wants is to feed on magic) and he’s working with it in order to eliminate the major threats that thwarted his lady, getting them out of the way so he can can continue her work. Part of that agreement is that the mayor gets some...upgrades. The ravine has already chewed on a decent chunk of Mac’s power (where the shadow came from, and where the mayor got the almost-familiar portal) as well as MK’s and now Wukong’s (from the infection). And the mayor got some of those powers in order to help deliver the entirety of the monkey’s cores to the ravine.
Mac gets flattened. 
He’s broken in all of the places in only a couple hits, and the mayor goes back to trying to melt Wukong down again. Mac manages to talk the mayor into trying to kill mac first, with the plan that he could portal away from the inside of the furnace without the mayor ever knowing. 
Unfortunately, the furnace acts as a sort of nullifier, and mac’s magic doesn’t work inside it. Wukong woke up enough to see Mac getting dropped in and panics hard enough to basically nuke the area, blowing up anything that could be used to light the furnace and damaging the mayor enough that he leaves to recuperate. He knocks himself the fuck out when he nukes the place, and the mayor gives him a solid kick in anger before leaving, really messing his chest up.
Mac has no idea this has happened, the furnace is completely soundproof, and he’s stuck with the sound of himself alone. 
Ne’Zha, meanwhile, has started searching for the monkies after they dropped through a portal that didn’t seem too intentional - Mac left the lantern behind. After coming up empty each time, he contacts MK in the hopes that they had gone back to him. This, in turn, freaks MK out and he and Ne’Zha meet up to go track the monkies down. Combining his gold vision with the magic in Mac’s lantern, MK manages to lead them to the monkies. They see the remains of Mac’s fight with the mayor and are Immediately worried because there’s a whole lot of blood. They see Wukong first and fret over him before the furnace starts yelling to MK again (like it did telling him to stop in the show) and they find Mac. 
In the time it took for Ne’Zha to find MK and for them to arrive at the furnace, it’s given Macaque his past & future hearing back. (the reasoning being that it gave wukong sight, and talked to MK, we were wondering what it would do for Mac). Mac hasn’t had this power in centuries, and he’s beyond overwhelmed by hearing everything all at once as well as how broken he is from the fight.
They manage to get the monkies home, but it’s not fun for anyone. 
5. Fever Wukong Arc (tm)
Ne’Zha borrows a healer from heaven to at least get the monkies off death’s doorstep, but there’s only so much they can do because they don’t know what’s wrong with Wukong, and Macaque is VERY broken. 
They spend a few days unconscious, and eventually Mac wakes up first. MK gives him some pretty heavy duty earmuffs to block out most of the sounds because Mac is in Sensory Hell while he can’t control this power, and doesn’t talk for a while because its too loud. 
Wukong takes a lot longer to wake up, and he’s barely there for most of it. He’s deep in the fever and super delirious, it’s not very often he’s fully aware. He accidentally reveals some Trauma in his haze, and his glamors are forced to drop when the infection drags on his magic too much. Macaque actually has to forcefully remove them because Wukong would have killed himself trying to hang on to them and fighting the infection like that. He doesn’t take it well. 
Macaque and MK start looking for a cure in Wukong’s library, but find exactly no information on the ravine anywhere. They do, however, find information on a forest (that we made up) that will answer any question you ask of it, assuming you can pass its trial. They start banking on this being their best bet to save Wukong, because he’s actively dying. 
And he knows it. 
Macaque knows it too, but he’s Very Deep in denial.
As of the time of writing this, we’re in the middle of a bittersweet fluffy moment where Mac and Wukong are grooming each other and Macaque is talking about the stupid shit they’ll get up to when Wukong gets better. 
The last reply is from Hawk, and Wukong is humoring him asking about where they’ll go as he’s actively passing out and his heartbeat is slowing. 
And that’s as far as we’ve gotten. 
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Does anyone in R. AU like to draw? Paint? Anything like that?
*sniff* >:3
OK SO Wukong's one of us, he used to draw a shit tone of fan art for the fandoms he's in though it kind of died out his life got busier though if he ever need the extra cash he'll reopen commissions or some times if he has the time he'll draw for fun
MK is kind of like Hiccup when it comes to drawing, he'll do sketches of creatures and inventions that he either comes up with himself or that are actually real. He used to color all his drawings when he was younger but as he got older it just became a lot easier to just shade with pencil instead of being a neat freak over all the colors
Macaque doodles, he never really had the time to practice up his skill and learn from different artist how to devolve his skills but he still loves to draw and doodles especially if it's a moment he'd like to remember
Mei spent a lot of time hanging around Ao Lie's anatomy books growing up so she got really familiar with how human bodies worked and so she became very skilled at drawing said human bodies because as a kid she found it fun to try and draw all the anatomy type stuff in Ao Lie's books
PIF is very skilled at drawing up building lay outs due to the fact that she was a thief and had to learn the lay out of a building before she broke into said building. as such Red Son as a kid would watch his mom draw buildings and so he'd mimic it and try and draw his own. This later developed into a skill of him being able to draw blue prints very well whether it was for buildings or machines.
Ao Qin has a lot of time on his hands as his wife is the one actively running their kingdom as such one of the skills Ao Qin perfected over the year was painting with water color. He especially loves to paint back grounds.
During therapy one of the skill Sandy picked up was art therapy where he'd try and paint what he was feeling. while he doesn't do it much now Sandy still sometimes paints to calm himself and help him focus
One of Yellowtusk's favorite past times used to be sculpting pottery, while her hands are a bit too big to properly do small pieces she was still rather good at doing larger pieces and once she went down the path to redemption she picked this skill back up
The (not) Mayor & Tang are both into map drawing. The mayor is into city planning maps and street lay outs where as Tang is into rp and fantasy maps
Erlang is an architect/engineering god (smth along those lines) so he's learned the art of using charcoal to draw his designs for inventions and buildings. and then someone introduced him online building design technology (I am blanking on what it's called) and he quickly became a pro at that.
Syntax isn't the best at drawing but he designed himself an interactive 3D model app that helps him design inventions by being able to put pieces together and see how they work
(a stretch but...)
Spider Queen is super into fashion and is quite the sewer. Seeing as she has six arms SQ picked up the skill of fashion design and sewing to make herself a bunch of badass outfits
Bai-He is super into doing people's hair, make-up, and nails (she wants to work at salon when she's older) but surprisingly she's actually really good at it
Ji-Ji being a war goddess has perfected the art of drawing battle plans
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neirmetes · 1 year
Welcome to another round of: Neirmetes’ Demonstrably Niche Fanfic Idea that they may or may not even write depending on public interest
Today we have a fairly simple one, and its a Macaque x Reader
So have you ever heard of the Count of Monte Cristo? Regardless of if you’ve read the book or watched a movie or whatever other form of media it's been reincarnated as, allow me to lay down the basics. Fair warning, I do not know how to summarize things quickly.
Basically its a story about a man (Edmund Dantes) framed by two close people in his life (three technically but the other guy barely really counts) and sent to prison for treason. He meets an incredibly intelligent man in prison. As they make efforts towards their prison escape, they become closer; like a father and son. The intelligent old man then bequeaths onto Edmund an island with an enormous amount of wealth, since he believed he would not survive to make the escape. Spoiler: he did not in fact survive to make the escape.
Now here’s where our protagonist overlaps with our favorite antagonist, Edmund uses this second chance at life and newly acquired power to exact his revenge onto those who had wronged him. The wording was deliberately written to be familiar, and draw parallels between Edmund and Macaque.
And here is where I move this towards the x Reader genre
What I left out is that Edmund had a fiancé- the beautiful Mercedes, and was set to marry her right before he was thrown in jail. When he escaped, he later learned that his beloved had married one of the very people responsible for his imprisonment. For the fic, the Reader takes the place of Mercedes; a lover who never found out what truly happened to her other half. When she dies, she reincarnates and ends up with SWK in present time (oops love triangle). And so the revenge ploy starts. 
Now in the book, Edmund handles this questionably; I personally have an interpretation that works better for the purposes of this fic. What’s important to take away right now is that Edmund never stopped loving Mercedes, and knows she’s innocent in this. But because of her connections with his enemy, she’s still heavily affected. Remember that for later
I do plan for this to be a full-on AU in order to include fun stuffs from the Count of Monte Cristo while incorporating stuffs from LMK. I might change some character’s roles, and others might completely undergo a makeover. (I’m looking at you LBD) And a part of me wants to also end it on a bittersweet/angsty note by leaning into the sun wukong x reader a bit more.
If you thought the love triangle trope can only be about tough choices and miscommunications, you are sorely lacking in imagination, my friend. Because I’m about to make it hurt
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jestiamy · 11 months
#responding to gloomy; 23 24 #1 #2 #3 #4 for the oc ask game since. oc was not specified I'm going to choose who I answer for what based on how interesting I think the answer will be
23: venera is stupidly loyal. 'how is that a flaw' you ask me. I say she takes it to the point it somehow is, in fact, a genuine character flaw. if she likes you and you say, hey man if I ever start going crazy and killing people you're joining me right? as like a joke or whatever. she goes yeah sure! in that way she says literally everything that kind of makes it hard to tell if she's being serious. only for you to find out several years later she in fact does have a very detailed plan of what she would do in the event you both are going evil, and it mostly goes 'fuck stuff up, vary depending on the brand of evil.' -- I guess if I put her in the linear lmk timeline she'd be an antagonist because of how I'd play with that, actually. / she's pretty honest, actually. well, for the most part. in the somewhat evil antagonist linear lmk au that's probably mostly her 'canon' setting she's probably not very honest most of the time. she's also actually physically really strong, despite shapeshifters not getting 'all' of the power of their source, even a fraction of unknown amount of macaque is like, several times the power of the average demon. she does not look this strong whatsoever, this is really helpful in the event of an actual fight as literally no one expects her to be able to throw even a proper punch (mostly because she can't. she just kicks stuff and hopes that's enough. it usually is.) 24: Makya is actually the only oc I have that had a serious plotline around that, as his father passes away in the summer of 1955 (around there, anyways. sometimes he dies in the winter of 1946 because I give makya a brother but that's a crossover au and so we are pointedly not talking about it) mostly he just kind of walled himself off after. became a bit of a globe trotter. basically dissociated for ten years straight. it's a bit of a ride but he was freshly immortal so he was kind of coming to terms with that too, in normal circumstances he just tends to isolate himself more. 1*: oh yeah sure, like all of them - makya has skulls, light has all consuming darkness (and spiderwebs), v has general fluidity, ch'en has the ouroboros/the circle, hong has, oddly enough, crosses, gongdai has clocks, I could keep going but I occasionally repeat themes a few times over sometimes. *taking motif to mean like, a central part of them and their journey and a representative of that. some being more literal then others 2: none of my characters have voice claims. literally none. except, of course, light, who has a stupidly distorted sans undertale voice beeps that come out whenever they talk. think error sans in underverse. they are the literal only one. I generally struggle with voice claims and don't like having to do it so I typically don't 3: indoor: default for all my ocs. outdoor: karius, makya, hong, jianwei. neutral: light, venera 4: venera has a hobby of watching people. an unfortunate hold over from when she was looking for a base like, several hundred years ago. she didn't really try to kick it. light talks to the voices in their head (the hypothetical tumblr ask blog mentioned in the tags of this post). the voices in their head generally ask stupid things, like wow why are you in this weird creepy void light, why don't you have clothes light, why are we here light, etc. it's not very fun for light, mostly because they don't really have answers. the voices don't need to know that though. jianwei melodramatically stands in the rain and wonders how his life devolved into where it is now in his spare time. makya does not have spare time and he generally prefers it that way.
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
Sparkling Laughter
the giggle glow au is the only thing keeping me sane right now
Word Count: 2.6k
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MK hadn't really noticed it at first.
Between always being in a brightly lit area and mainly focusing on training, it wasn't exactly like he saw Wukong laugh often.
So maybe it took him a while to notice.
But after he noticed, it was kinda hard to miss.
Wukong straight up glowed when he laughed.
And MK didn't mean that figuratively. No, he meant it very literally.
A single chuckle was enough to get Wukong glowing like a nightlight. Full out laughter could very nearly light up a whole room.
"You know, the stories never mentioned that you glow." MK said, one day, a few monkeys climbing all over him. The monkeys messing his hair up was what had prompted Wukong to start laughing in the first place, and MK figured there was no better time than the present to bring it up.
"It was never really something that others deemed important, I guess." Wukong said, shrugging, still faintly glowing with a few remaining chuckles as he helped remove some of the monkeys from MK. "It's definitely not showstopping or cool, so it was just left out."
"I think it's neat." MK said, "You're kinda like... a light up toy or something."
"Hm, not sure how I feel about that comparison." Wukong said, pulling the last monkey off of MK's shoulders, and ruffling MK's hair, fixing the mess the monkeys had left it in. "There you go, bud, all good as new."
"Thanks, Monkey King." MK said, scooping up his bag from where he'd laid it on the ground, summoning the staff and getting ready to vault back to the city. "Y'know, we are just doing game night tonight. You're welcome to join if you want to-"
"It's fine, I've got something to do tonight." Wukong said, giving MK a smile that didn't feel...fully real. "You go have fun with your friends."
MK slowly nodded, not fully believing Wukong, but figuring that arguing would probably get him nowhere. So he turned, jumping off of Flower Fruit Mountain, and leaving Wukong all by himself.
Two months later, on the ship, Mei found a game of Twister in one of the closets.
It hadn't taken much to convince everyone else to join in, that is, other than Macaque, who insisted on not taking part. Not even 4 minutes into the game, Red Son forcibly kicked Wukong out, on the grounds that his tail gave him an unfair advantage. This left only Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, MK, Mei, and Red Son on the Twister mat.
Macaque lazily spun the spinner with his tail.
"Left hand blue." He said, voice a complete deadpan. Mei moved to reach over across MK-
And Tang fell down, bringing Pigsy down with him, who accidentally bumped into Red Son, who, knocked off balance, fell into Mei, who fell down on top of MK.
In the end, only Sandy was left still in 'standing', the others in a pile on top of the twister mat.
".....Sandy wins?" Macaque said, a questioning lilt in his voice, prompting MK to look over at him-
Which caused him to notice the expression on Wukong's face.
It suddenly struck MK that within the one week everyone had been on the ship, Wukong had yet to laugh, which in hindsight was rather concerning, but right now that meant that the other's didn't know-
"Uh guys? You might want to shield your eyes." MK said, barely managing to say it before-
Wukong burst out laughing, doubling over, and lighting up like a flashlight, accompanied by a few sparkles shining in the air. Macaque startled at the sudden noise, and ended up falling off the couch, which just made Wukong laugh harder, glowing brighter as a result. The others yelped at the sudden brightness, MK's warning not having registered in time.
Wukong, registering the fact that he was currently blinding the others, calmed down a little, the glow lessening as he went from full out laughter to soft chuckles.
"S- sorry I just-" He started, clearly trying to keep himself from falling back into hysterics again. "You looked so funny I just- I couldn't help it-"
Mei was the first to manage to blink the residual spots out of her vision and register what had just occurred.
"You glow?!" She asked, incredulous, the others also sporting similar expressions of surprise.
Things proceeded to go downhill from there, questions getting thrown out without any answers. At some point, in the chaos, Wukong straight up left the room without anyone noticing he was gone until Macaque pointed it out.
Of course, after a day or so, the hype of the new information had died down a little.
But not completely.
It was early morning, and almost everyone was in the kitchen. Mei and MK on their phones, Pigsy working on breakfast, Sandy pouring some tea, Red Son sipping some coffee, Tang reading a newspaper, and Wukong leaning against the kitchen wall, looking lost in thought. (They'd all long since learned it was pointless to try to wake Macaque up, he was not a morning person.)
Overall, it was an average morning.
And then Wukong started giggling, glowing softly. He was clearly lost in thought, probably completely forgetting where he was at the moment. Mei looked up from her phone to glance over at him.
"What, did you think of something funny, 'Sparkle Snickers'?" Mei asked, and Wukong-
Wukong's giggling abruptly cut off as became aware of where he was again, and as soon as he registered what Mei had just said, he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck in a flustered motion.
It took a moment for the others to connect the dots.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Mei said, an evil smirk appearing on her face. "Glitter Gleam."
Wukong's tail waved back and forth in a nervous gesture.
"Giggly Nightlight."
A nervous smile formed on Wukong's face.
"Twinkle Toes-"
"Okay, stop." Wukong said, a hand covering his face, a faint blush visible on the tips of his ears. MK almost felt bad for him, but at the same time...
"C'mon, after everything I've tried teasing you with, nicknames about your Giggle Glow is what gets to you?" Mei asked, laughing a bit herself as Wukong squeaked as the word "giggle glow" left her mouth. "Seriously? This is what embarrasses you?"
"It's not embarrassing-" Wukong said, which was a sentence nobody really believed, considering the way he still wouldn't look at them and the fact that the faint blush still hadn't faded. "It's just, not....cool, y'know?"
"No, I don't know." Mei said, leaning forwards on her elbows. "Please, enlighten me."
Wukong stuttered, clearly trying to figure out how to explain it, as MK set his phone down on the table.
"Is that why the stories don't mention that you glow?" MK asked, "You don't think it's cool, which, by the way, it totally is, but since you believe it isn't you got them to cut it out cause you're embarrassed over it?"
"It's not cool! And I'm not embarrassed!" Wukong denied, fur bristling as the others leveled him with a look that clearly showed that they didn't believe that statement one bit. He looked around the room, registering everyone's expressions-
He could tell they weren't going to let him live this down.
So he did the first thing he thought of.
He turned and ran away, hitting the light switch as he did so, sending the room into complete darkness so no one could see where he went.
"Wh- hey!" MK cried out, standing up and fumbling for the light switch. As he did so, he heard a thump, a muffled yelp, and a door shut, but he was mainly focused on trying to find the stupid light, why could you never find it when you need it-
The light switched back on, revealing that MK had been a good distance away from it. Macaque stood beside it, looking confused.
"What is going on?" He asked, looking confused.
"Monkey King ran away over something stupid." Red Son said, filling the shadow monkey in on the situation.
"So, what, you're all going to go look for him?" Macaque asked, sighing when the others nodded in response. "I should've expected that...."
"C'mon! You can search with us!" Mei said, grabbing hold of Macaque's arm and dragging him with her, MK and Red Son following close behind. Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy opted to stay in the kitchen, in case Wukong ended up circling back. MK, Mei, Macaque, and Red Son ended up walking through the halls, keeping an eye out for any sign of the Monkey King.
"Couldn't you just, y'know, use your hearing to find him?" Red Son eventually asked Macaque, who stumbled a little at the question, having not expected to be addressed.
"Who, me?" He asked, looking...oddly nervous. "Nah, he has ways of getting around it anyways."
"...Are you sure?" MK asked, now feeling just the slightest bit suspicious. "I remember you saying that you could hear anything-"
"I'm sure! I won't be any help here, I assure you!" Macaque said, shrinking down a bit as the three continued to stare at him.
"Y'know, you've seemed a little off this morning...." Mei said, and Macaque scratched the side of his face nervously. "Are you....okay?"
"What? Oh, I'm fine." Macaque said, chuckling nervously- and immediately realizing his mistake, as a faint glow resonated from him for a few moments. It wasn't long, but it was enough.
"Monkey King." MK said, and Wukong turned, dropping the Macaque glamour as he ran down the hallway, the trio chasing after him. he rounded a corner, and the trio turned to follow, but MK paused, hearing a faint banging coming from the closet door. He stopped, letting the others continue to chase Wukong, and turned, opening the door-
And the real Macaque tumbled out, onto the floor.
"I'm going to kill him." He mumbled, distractedly letting MK help him stand up. "He locked me in the closet. I'm going to kill him."
"Yeah, maybe save the murder for later." MK said, turning to follow where he'd seen the others gone.
He eventually found them, standing in the common room, looking around them with a healthy does of suspicion.
"Where'd he go?" MK asked.
"We know he hasn't left this room. Red Son made sure of it." Mei said, Red Son holding up a tablet to show he'd hacked into the ship's security systems. "But as for where in this room he is...."
"...As much as I hate this, I've got an idea." Macaque said, the others looking at him with mild shock. "Don't look at me like that, I'm only doing this because it'll be funny, and cause I wanna get revenge on him for locking me in a closet."
"The floor is yours." Red Son said, doing an over dramatic bow as he said it. Macaque rolled his eyes (and MK mentally decided to bring up the shadow monkey's own dramatics later-) but he stepped forwards, into the center of the room.
A shadow clone appeared, slowly emerging from Macaque's own shadow. It stood there for a moment, still, before turning and merging with a shadow on the wall.
A few seconds passed.
And then a faint glow, as well as some muffled giggling, came from behind one of the cabinets. MK quickly moved forwards, reaching behind it-
And pulling out a doll-sized Monkey King, holding him up by the edge of his clothes.
Wukong squeaked, quickly switching back to his usual size, sending MK a bit off balance, and trying to run away, but MK refused to let him, holding tight to the edge of Wukong's outfit. It took a few minutes of struggling, (which Macaque clearly enjoyed, if his own muffled laughter was anything to go by.), but eventually Wukong gave up, sighing as he fell down onto his back, laying there, defeated. Mei and Red Son moved to stand closer to him, and MK lightly nudged him with his foot.
"You ready to admit that your Light-up Laughter is cool now?" He asked, and Wukong groaned, rolling over so that his face was hidden by the floor.
"Stop giving it stupid names!" He whined, "And it's not cool!"
"I should warn you." Macaque said, sitting down on the nearby couch, "You're not going to make much progress on this. He was like this even back when we we're 'friends'. I'm surprised he didn't grow out of it, honestly."
"You shut up." Wukong hissed, sitting up a little just to glare at Macaque before going back to laying face down on the floor. "I should've never let myself laugh in front of any of you."
Well. That sentence was, on some level, mildly concerning, but MK decided to brush past it for now.
"Aw, c'mon Monkey King." Mei said, kneeling down and poking Wukong's arm, repeatedly. "You can't just mope over a few nicknames forever."
"Watch me."
"If you keep this up, we'll have to start calling you the emo monkey, instead of Macaque." Red Son said.
"Should I be offended by that?" Macaque asked, "I feel like I should be offended by that-"
Wukong didn't respond, continuing to lay face down on the floor. Mei continued poking his arm. After a few minutes of consideration, MK started to lightly nudge Wukong as well. Red Son knelt down beside MK to start poking Wukong in the back with a pencil he'd found on a nearby desk. Macaque watched this go down with thinly veiled amusement.
After a few moments of no response from Wukong though, Macaque sighed, standing up and making his way over. Silently, he created a few pairs of sunglasses, handing them off to each member of the trio, indicating for them to put them on. A bit confused, but willing to go along with it, they complied, sliding the glasses over their eyes. Macaque, having affirmed that their eyes were protected, slid his own pair of sunglasses on, then looked down at Wukong, contemplating.
And then he leaned down and skittered his fingers behind Wukong's knee. The reaction was immediate, Wukong squeaking before breaking into loud laughter, lighting up like a beacon, sparkles shining all around him. It was nearly bright enough to make the trio shield their eyes, even with sunglasses. Wukong kicked his leg out, very nearly missing hitting Macaque in the face, rolling over and getting up, practically scrambling to get away from the other monkey.
"Don't do that." He hissed, once he'd managed to get a hold of himself, the light dimming and vanishing completely. (Mei, quietly, mumbled something about wishing she'd gotten that on camera.)
"Either you stop moping around and accept the facts about your, what did Mei call it- right, 'Giggle Glow'-" Macaque said, giving Wukong a threatening look. "Or I tickle you again. Your choice."
".....Fine. Fine!" Wukong said, "It's cool! Whatever! Can we just drop this already?!"
They didn't drop it. They very much didn't drop it.
Whenever Wukong so much as lightly chuckled, someone would comment on the glow. At some point, he genuinely considered the idea of just never laughing in the others presence ever again, but that plan was quickly laid to rest-
The others were just. Too. Funny.
"Kill me." Wukong muttered, his face on the table, a faint glow still surrounding him from residual laughter. "You guys are going to kill me."
"Yep, that's the plan!" Macaque called from the door way. "Can't believe it took you so long to figure that out, Sparkling Peach-"
"I hate all of you."
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heatsu · 3 years
So eh, some time ago I watched a movie,,Maquia: The promised flower blooms,, and it,, it ,, it was so good oh my god
And it got me inspired to create AU for the Demon Bull family :-)) it's just Maquia AU or ,, everybody fucking dies,,AU
Here is design of Princess Iron Fan in said AU (Changing her hair colour gave me so much pain but ✨ it's for the plot✨) . She also looks way younger than I normally draw her , but it's also because she's lorph.
I'll put description of AU below ;-0 it won't make much sense without knowing the movie , but
Also please go watch this movie it's so good (£+*((#(
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CW: deaths and cringe because I can't write lmao
Also English is not my main language and writing has been pretty hard for my smooth brain lately, so forgive me for how bad it is 💀
Their storyline happens before the movie action.
Princess Iron Fan is lorph born in Clan of Separated
Her mom dies while giving birth to her , so she's raised by her father. They don't have good relationship ,but none of them cares or trirs to make it better, because he was terrible guy and so Pif didn't feel any love towards him.
When pif was 15 her father was outcast by The Elder because he kept stirring up peace.
Her best friend is Mak (six eared macaque but also lorph)(fun fact, in polish his name has the same variety as poppy because yes).
They're just living their peaceful life and slowly getting higher and higher in their's clan hierarchy. Pif is gaining respect, but because of her hard personality she isn't really liked.
After some time the monotony and peace of Clan of Separated starts to annoy her and, against discourages of Mak and The Elder she decided to live the Clan.
Because of not knowing much but having a hard personality she decides to go to one or near Kingdoms and become Lorphs' diplomat.
Between one of said kingdom's lords, the Demon Bull King, rises a A fiery feeling and soon they decide to get married and lead a life together.
Pif is putting her past in oblivion and forgets the most important warning The Elder had given her: ,, If you ever love someone who isn't a lorph, only then you will Feel the real lonliness,,.
Soon pif appears to be pregnant and few months later Red Son descends into the world.
Traumatic childbirth takes her attention from the fact, that her newborn son doesn't seem to Inherit any lorph features, And hence being able to live centuries long life.
Ansorbed in euphoria or new life role she forgets that the ones she love will soon get old and die, while she will still remain young.
They live next years in happiness, but when political atmosphere starts to get tense pif decides to paint her hair black so that she isn't that recognizable.
But soon a tragedy occures - dbk gets kidnapped by the kingdom of Mezarte to be used as war weapon. In opposite to Renatos he is too proud to give up and so he loses his life.
Pif comes back to reality and her euphoria is gone. In sorrow she creates magical fan from hibiol on which she wrote things for her husband.
She realises that without dbk she is hardly able to raise Red Son. Also the realisation that she will be forced to watch his death makes her unintentionally emotionally closed on him.
She's not a good mother and red son is not a good child .
Soon he decides to stop doing weaving hibiol because he saw no sense in it and his fire powers are becoming more destructive.
In seek of revenge he decides to join Mezarte army where he plans A coup d'état.
A one-man A coup d'état.
On the final day when he gives life to his plan, he fails and He is pierced with bayonet by a general and he dies.
Princess iron fan is devastated and loses sense of existence. She decides to come back to Clan of Separated, but she isn't able to get over her loss and knowledge that she will still have to live centuries.
And so she kills herself.
The end lmao
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I hunger for more AU what happens to the antagonists in the Reincarnation AU
Ooh, good question :)
(Note I has Edited this)
So pretty much all the villains in the show got reincarnated via the spell and I guess this is going to explain what their reincarnated selves are like:
Jin and Yin became con artists though they somehow got their hands on some pretty useful mythical artifacts
PIF became an infamous thief known as Ironfan and she steals priceless and ancient artifacts from all over the world
DBK became Wukong's landlord and he's less of a villain this time around because his brother plays a much more antagonist role (for reasons I'll explain later)
Red Son isn't an antagonist in this au because Mei and MK befriended him when they were younger. They were more of a skating rival.
Spider Queen is an alchemist and due to her being born with six arms (she's half spider demon) she got treated rather harshly as a child and so now she's hellbent on turning everyone into spider demons like herself and ruling over them. She's also tricked the other spiders into working for her promising them each something that she'll give them once she rules the city.
Syntax wants someone to fund his research and tech and Spider Queen promised him that so he joined her.
Spindrax is just in it for the chaos and to watch her brother's back (her brother is Syntax)
Huntsman is a creepy dude (like horror movie villain creepy) and he is also an assassin. He joined Spider Queen for the money.
Strong Spider joined Spider Queen because he thinks that she'll make the city a better place. He's also a select mute in this au. He's also the only one in the spider gang that started out as a full Spider demon.
Scorpion Queen is still a Scorpion demon but she looks different now. She really just wants a good friend as she was always betrayed by her friends in the past which caused her to go a little mad in her search for the perfect friend aka she's a bit insane not going to lie
LBD and the Mayor are mafia members.
The Mayor is Bai He (LBD's hostess) dad and he was an okay dude but when his wife divorced him he got angry and LBD manipulated that anger and got him to join her and her mafia family.
LBD grew up in the bad parts of the city and vowed to make the city a better place so she became a politician but when that didn't work she sought out a future seer and asked them if she could ever change the city. The seer pointed her towards a life of crime and so LBD started her own mafia family. (She's also meant to be a mirror of Wukong in this as a way to contrast how Wukong could have turned out or how LBD could have turned out so they have similar childhoods).
However, LBD didn't get a chance to complete her mission as a young cop named Ba (See the reincarnation of General Ba from JTTW) shot and killed her in a cop vs mafia family shootout. This of course crushed the (not) Mayor and so he spent the next several years trying to find a way to bring her back, which he does eventually, but in the process, he ended up distancing himself from his daughter.
The camel ridge trio technically never got released from the scroll because everyone died before the events of season 4 could happen but they actually do show up because a mystery villain shows up and uses them like pawns to knock some sense into the celestial realm.
(Bonus) Macaque isn't really a villain in this au as he's more of a lancer for Wukong but, but he does get antagonistic moments as he keeps getting fucking possessed or his powers go out of control. Macaque's whole deal is that before he died against the possessed Monkey King he sent out Rumble and Savage to find him once he was reincarnated and give him back his powers (which they did) but while also giving him back his powers he got his memories back as well. Anyways by wizard rules in this universe, Macaque becomes a wizard. However, fun fact, he's wanted for grand theft auto (Ba hates him for this but hey, cars are cool).
(woah so long) But yeah this is what happens to all the villains in the Reincarnation au however I do add plenty more villains to the plot to keep it moving forward.
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