mindblowingscience · 1 year
A tube of "fossilized lightning" from Nebraska's Sandhills holds a rare type of quasicrystal that had previously only been found in meteorites and at atomic bomb test sites.
Quasicrystals are materials that break the traditional rules of crystallography. Before they were first reported in 1984, scientists thought materials could either be crystalline — with symmetrical, repeating patterns — or amorphous, meaning randomly arranged and disordered. In addition, scientists believed crystals could only be symmetrical a limited number of times when rotated around an axis — two, three, four or six times.
Quasicrystals break those rules. They're put together in an ordered pattern, but that pattern does repeat. They also have rotational symmetries that no ordinary crystal can achieve. A quasicrystal with icosahedral symmetry, for example, can display five-fold symmetry around six different lines of rotation.
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
Podle tradice začínala činnost Peruna s jarní bouří, kterou se příroda probouzí k novému životu. Prvnímu zahřmění se v lidových zvycích věnovala velká pozornost a spojovaly se s ním mnohé obřady, jako např. pohybování nádob ve světnici na znamení osvobození hromu ze zimního spánku, zatnutí sekery do země jako ochrana před bleskem atd. Slované přisuzovali předmětům zasaženým bleskem zvláštní léčivou moc a např. stromy, stejně tak i návrší, kde probíhaly při bouřích pravidelné atmosférické výboje, byly ohrazovány plotem či obehnány příkopem jako uctívaná místa s velkou koncentrací blahodárné síly. V této souvislosti pak rovněž sekera znamenala nástroj i zbraň se silným magickým ochranným účinkem proti nečistým silám a nemocem. Kladla se např. pod postel rodící ženy, na práh chléva či stáje, na poli měla v čase sklizně zamezit krupobití apod. Další Perunovu mocnou zbraň měly představovat hromové (kamenné) střely, tedy belemnity (zkameněliny měkkýšů ×) a fulgurity (sklovina vzniklá přetavením horniny). Jejich nález se považoval za dobré znamení a byly vkládány např. jako ochrana do kolíbek nemluvňat, do krovů střech před nebezpečím blesku či užívány k léčení očních chorob, uhranutí a pro snazší průběh porodu. ~ According to tradition, the activity of Perun began with the first spring storm, which awakens nature to new life. The first thunder was given great attention in folk customs and many ceremonies were associated with it, such as moving vessels in a room as a sign of releasing thunder from winter sleep, driving an ax into the ground as protection against lightning, etc. Slavs attributed special healing powers to objects struck by lightning and e.g. trees, as well as hilltops, where regular atmospheric discharges took place during storms, were enclosed by a fence or surrounded by a ditch and worshiped as places with a great concentration of beneficial power. In this context, an axe also meant a tool or a weapon with a strong magical protective effect against unclean forces and diseases. It was placed, for example, under the bed of a woman in labor, on the threshold of a barn or stable, in the field at harvest time to prevent hail, etc. Perun's other powerful weapon was supposed to be thunder (stone) projectiles, i.e. belemnites (fossils of molluscs ×) and fulgurites (glass formed by remelting the rock). Their discovery was considered a good sign and they were placed, for example, as protection in babies' cradles, in roof trusses against the danger of lightning, or used to treat eye diseases, bewitchment and to make childbirth easier.
Bohové dávných Slovanů ~ Gods of ancient Slavs (Martin Pitro, Petr Vokáč)
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Fulgurite is a hollow, glassy tube formed when lightning strikes the ground. The tube has a rough exterior and either a rough or smooth interior. Fulgurites may be branched like a tree or Lichtenberg figure. They come in a range of colors, including white, brown, green, and black. Most fulgurites are impure silica glass (SiO2) and are classified as the mineraloid lechatelierite. Other forms of lechatelierite include tektites and trinitite.
The word fulgurite comes from the Latin word fulgur, which means thunderbolt. Sometimes fulgurites are called “petrified lightning.”
Make a Rocket Fulgurite
Rather than waiting for lightning to strike, draw the lightning using a D model rocket. Attach the rocket to a spool of copper wire and the end of the wire to a bucket of sand. Launch the rocket at a thunderhead. Anecdotally, this “Ben Franklin” method is highly successful. But, it’s not recommended because launching a rocket during a thunderstorm isn’t safe!
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endreal · 9 months
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Found this piece of fulgurite off highway 12 and I am obsessed with how bizarrely perfectly it fits my hand.
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precedex-files · 4 months
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I never understood why in D.P.O. it’s Mulder who is the lightning expert. Scully was a physics major!
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evolutionsvoid · 3 months
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The Four Humors bring much to the world, the precious fluids providing for all walks of life. They fuel the body, heal the flesh, preserve knowledge, warm homes, create wonders and so much more. From them comes the energeiai that brings about magic, incredible arts that give so much more. This should come to no surprise, seeing how they come from Ichor, the very fluid of life. However, there are times when such potent fluids and powerful magic must be held back. When a warning must be given to those who would wield such power with reckless abandon. These arts are capable of bringing both life and death, and sometimes, it is the life they create that is far more terrifying.
For those who live in the Osteo Wastes, Blood Lightning is a powerful magic. It can harden the dusty ground into solid chunks, good for better footing or warding off hungering leviathans. It leaps and crackles through the dry air, wielded by the bone ships that sail across the white dunes, blasting pirates and beasts alike. However, the people warn of overuse of such an art, that Blood Lightning can cause incredible devastation when let loose. Blood is charged with energy and vitality, and these wastes are filled with the dust and bones of what once was. Be it a passing Blood storm, or a fool unleashing such energy without restraint, there is a chance this Blood may cause a spark. The flicker of life that may find home within these ancient bones. If chance be foul and fate be cruel, this rare spark may cascade into something new and violent, life born without cause, care or restraint. The bone dust fuses together by the crimson bolts, and the life-giving energy is given shape and form. What rises from the Osteo Wastes is a beast born from fate and excess, when the land is overloaded with vitality it cannot contain. While its birth is nothing short of miraculous, its image is one of terror and destruction. Life with no mind, no purpose. The path it walks is scorched by its overflowing energy, and it lashes out at everything for it knows no better. With them comes the storm, swirling around its unending neck. The two walk together, their fates entwined. When one ends, the other perishes. Short and swift. Powerful, yet fleeting. Bringing forth, and taking all the same. 
"Storm Beast"
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victusinveritas · 1 month
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🪔 This is an inscription "FVLGVR DIVOM CONDITVM" - which can be translated as "Buried Divine/God's (Jupiter's)lightning". In antiquity, the places where lightning struck the ground were sacred and an inscription recalling the event was placed there. Romanité Museum, Nîmes.
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apreciouspuppy · 7 months
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Regressor Alban Knox Headcanons 🧡🖤🧡
I also hc him as a kitten regressor!
🧡 regression age 3-7
🖤I see Noctyx as a whole agere family :3 but I think Sonny would be his main cg and Uki would be the go to babysitter ! Fulgur would be more a big brother figure to him!
🧡petnames used while he’s in little space : Albanyan, Meow meow, Kitty/Kitten, little bandit
🖤when regressed to toddler ages he must be carried at all times or be in someone’s lap
🧡when regressed to bigger/kid (?) ages he still likes being carried but more than likely is holding someone’s hand most of the time
🖤when he’s regressed he’s more on the bigger side of his regression
🧡acts independent but just wants to be taken care of and things to be done for him
🖤pouty fussy baby
🧡loves hide and seek through all ages ! It’s one of his favorite games
🖤causes tons of mischief when Fulgur is around which ends in Uki having to scold Fulgur and Sonny lightly.. scolding Alban. Alban has a way of getting out of trouble (who can resist puppy dog eyes? Or kitty in this case :3)
🧡meow vocal stimming and lots of babbling when toddler regressed
Request from: @h3ll0everybby1 I hope you like them !!
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ashes-in-a-jar · 2 months
The Sheridan Tapes episode 59
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gimmethemprimals · 2 years
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Are you lost?
I can help.
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hope-to-hell · 5 months
Fulgurite Dreams, chapter four: Stones Along the Path
Adrian Toomes x Reader. A little smut. Things are coming to a head.
(Hey, uh, Mr. T? What the fuck?
Listen, kid. I’ve seen you out there. And you could damn well use a second set of eyes.)
He’ll be okay. He will. He will. It’s just this moment to get through, this gasping wet red mist that catches on his lips and lashes, this not as bad as it looks. Promise.
That’s good, because you look like hell.
He’ll be okay with a few new scars that, given time, will catch on the furrows of his brow and be memorialized there. But tonight blood runs in rivulets down his face and he’s leaning back against the shower wall with his eyes shut tight;
Guess I’m not as fast as I used to be
his belly twitches beneath the spread of your fingers
and I know I said I was done with it all
and he shifts his feet
but it looks like it isn’t done with me.
and brings his hand up to cover yours.
It’s okay to worry about him, mind. He’s a tough sonuvabitch but he’s still just a man at the end of the day: a man who aches and bleeds, a man who’s gonna feel every scrape and bruise in the morning. It's okay if your words don’t come out right, if instead they manifest as a half-spoken can I just that hangs about your lips. He hears the meaning just the same. And what could be better now than his hand guiding yours around his cock, urging you to lean against him and so what if the angle’s off? You’ve got him here where the outside world can’t reach in, where it’s just you and him and the fading scent of copper.
Later, sweetheart. Now c’mere.
Dream about his eyes rolled back. Dream about all the many thoughts that spill like ribbons from his eyes, his mouth, his ears; he whispers none of this is real but all of it is true. He’s tangled in velvet and satin, throwing light in one moment and absorbing it the next. Wrap him in leather, in raw skin still slick with blood and fat. Hold him close, even as he slips through your fingers.
I worry.
I know.
He swallows a strange small sound, a pebble in a deep well; he breathes harshly wet and for a moment his body is unfathomably heavy, leaning on you with the weight of worlds. But his head tilts back to thump against the tile and when he opens his eyes they cut like knives through the shower’s haze.
What are you gonna tell him?
The truth, mostly.
I’m gonna tell you a story, and you’re gonna listen.)
Is it really a secret if they both know?
(For a while, we were enemies. I hope that’s changed.)
If they were both remade by this strange new world, does that mean they’re kin?
(You shouldn’t hunt alone.
I’m not— what’s happening? I don’t get it. )
He stands in the kitchen with a knife in his hand. It’s a warning and a wager: I’m willing to bet these stars can change. He stands and smiles and draws the line: this is where I kill you for your secrets, and this is where I let it go. In his mind’s eye, he flicks the blade and watches close for where it lands.
(Wind’s shifted.)
One for glory. Two for grace. Three for blood and four for bone. Five to fly and six to fall. Adrian throws the dice.
That’s how it is, honey. I don’t like it either but I have to see this through.
(You can’t fight the whole world, kid. What are you gonna do when you have to take a life?
Maybe I won't have to.
And if you do?)
Bone shards reach skyward through his empty eyes; he breathes dust and oil and fuck, don’t let this—he’s okay, he’s okay, it’s gonna be fine — oh Adrian, honey, what have you done?
Same thing I always do, sweetheart: ride the updraft. He whispers thick wet secrets in your ear. It’ll be alright.
(Besides. What would Liz say if I let you do this on your own? Let an old man be selfish. Don’t make me disappoint my little girl.)
I need to put this right. Damn kid thinks he can handle this, but it’s gonna take more than a few webs and some smartass comments. I don’t want him to carry that weight.
Once upon a time, a man walked away from a black-market empire. He took his wings and left his crew earthbound, hungering after that last big job that would’ve made all their dreams come true, that would’ve weighed down their pockets for the rest of their lives. But the thing is,
(It’s like riding a bike)
hunger has a way of driving men mad.
Time to go hunting.
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After lightning struck a tree in a New Port Richey neighborhood, a University of South Florida professor discovered the strike led to the formation of a new phosphorus material. It was found in a rock -- the first time in solid form on Earth -- and could represent a member of a new mineral group.
"We have never seen this material occur naturally on Earth -- minerals similar to it can be found in meteorites and space, but we've never seen this exact material anywhere," said geoscientist Matthew Pasek.
In a recent study published in Communications Earth & Environment, Pasek examines how high-energy events, such as lightning, can cause unique chemical reactions, and in this instance, result in a new material -- one that is transitional between space minerals and minerals found on Earth.
"When lightning strikes a tree, the ground typically explodes out and the surrounding grass dies, forming a scar and sending electric discharge through nearby rock, soil and sand, forming fulgurites, also known as 'fossilized lightning'," Pasek said.
Read more.
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yetvalerian · 9 months
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ive been getting some very nice comments on ao3 this week, so i thought i'd post some of fulgurite's affliction pt 2 here. thanks so much for leaving a comment when you don't have to. i always love seeing what you guys have to say <3
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After lightning struck a tree in a New Port Richey neighborhood, a University of South Florida professor discovered the strike led to the formation of a new phosphorus material.
It was found in a rock – the first time in solid form on Earth – and could represent a member of a new mineral group. 
Lightning, can cause unique chemical reactions, and in this instance, result in a new material – one that is transitional between space minerals and minerals found on Earth.
When lightning strikes a tree, the ground typically explodes out and the surrounding grass dies, forming a scar and sending electric discharge through nearby rock, soil and sand, forming fulgurites, also known as ‘fossilized lightning’
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Fight scene practice!! If you can still write a bit of Empires season 1, I'd love to see Pix and fWhip fighting with a trident and a sword respectively. Maybe one of them was pranking the other one and almost got away, but got outpaced in the chase and decided it would be more fun to turn and fight instead of running?
"Well, if we're going to be pulling off this heist together, we should probably know how each of us fights," Pix says, shrugging his shirt back on. "How about a spar? First blood work for you?"
"Uh, that depends. Do you, like, bleed?" fWhip asks. He's still holding a small stone covered in Pix's blood, but, like... he pulled it out of sand that may have also been Pix's blood.
"Of course I do," Pix scoffs. "I'm just as human as you are."
"...Right. But, uh, yeah. First blood works."
"Excellent! Right this way."
It's still late at night, but Pix looks as spry as ever. More than he's been all day, in fact. The training field is quiet and empty except for a single guard lurking in the corner. fWhip gets the sense that she's trying to be unobtrusive.
Pix draw his trident from his inventory and fWhip does the same with his sword. There's no clear signal to start. They just begin circling each other slowly, about ten paces apart. The training field is lit well enough by the stars and the moon. Out here, there's no need to worry about clouds obstructing their vision.
fWhip strikes first. He smacks the trident with the flat of his blade to get it out of his way and darts in to his right.
Pix takes a half step back and parries with the back end of the trident. It's a pretty fancy flourish.
fWhip punishes him for it. Feints high over Pix's guard and slashes at his stomach when Pix pulls his trident up. Pix scrambles back. fWhip follows. He presses attacks every chance he gets and Pix parries as he retreats, though he can never quite get the tines of the trident positioned for a counterattack, not since he ceded the range with that first, fateful flourish. It's almost like dealing with a quarterstaff, though not one fWhip can expect to break.
fWhip follows Pix all the way to the edge of the training field with the wooden wall of the barracks. Ah. That has to be plan. Lure fWhip in close and try to get him to catch his sword in the planks. fWhip steps back a bit to give himself space from the wall.
And gives Pix enough space to bring his tines to bear. Pity the length of the trident keeps him too far away for fWhip to employ his greatest weapon (pocket sand).
Pix jabs at fWhip over and over again and fWhip narrowly dodges each jab, but he can't close the range again. Well, time for his second greatest weapon.
"Flash grenade!" fWhip yells as he pulls the device out of his sandless pocket and squeezes his eyes shut against the explosion of brilliant white light. It shakes his whole head despite his best efforts to scramble out of the way.
When he opens his eyes, Pix is standing there, leaning on his trident. "You have, uh–" he gestures vaguely to his own nose.
fWhip brings his hand up to his face. Sure enough, his fingers come away red. Right. Standing too close to a flashbang always did give him nosebleeds. "I guess you win?"
Pix shrugs. "We just said first blood. Never said whose blood."
fWhip laughs. "Works for me." Winning always does.
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batu1997kristal · 2 years
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