#fucker asked if i could work Saturday cs he knows i can't refuse
deeisace · 3 years
I never watched Supernatural passed uhhh an season finale maybe or like y'know a big bit, where the world was ending and they were in a church? Outside a church and the sky was falling?
I feel like that could be any one'v em
Like, there was Cain? And that big knife made out of a jawbone but like badly? Thing didn't even look sharp but the guy killed so many other guys, wth. I was passed the whole of that, I feel like
Anyway I always see a whole bunch of supernatural stuff on my dash still, I sorta want to go back and watch the first episode?
Idk I will, I have Primeval to watch yet, and line of duty I think it's the last episode tonight? It was interesting I guess, that is the sort of shows I watch sometimes, but I'm mostly watching it to have smth to talk to my boss about on delivery shift days :/
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