#fuck them this is why i don't fuck the modern feminist movement it's full of a lot of bs and rampant misogyny aside from misandry
When people take the accountability away from women and decide to place the blame on men like nearly most of the Modern Western Feminists™ for literally ALL of their problems, then they aren’t empowering women; what they are doing is basically relegate women to a victimhood, helpless position and make men have power over them by not holding women accountable for a damn thing. Ironic, isn’t it? 🤔  
#anti sexism#anti misogyny#anti misandry#text#like do these so-called feminists not realize wtf they are doing?#also they have devalued everything female-related and feminine so women wouldn't be valued unless they do something#'masculine' or 'male-centric' like....the amount of sexism in that logic is off the charts but it's perpetuated by people who want to#supposedly help women by reinforcing in them the idea that being a woman just fucking sucks that there is no escape from utter suffering#abuse trauma and silence and that their lives would be far better if they were just men#this is the shit women have been fed for years now#i'm fucking pissed#in their quest to 'help' women they end up fucking them over more than the 'patriarchal' system#when you relegate women to being nothing more than victims of grr Evil Men >:( then what the fuck you bitches are doing?#you are taking the power away from them and give it to men which is what the fuck a lot of y'all say you OPPOSE#like....the cognitive dissonance and contradictions are incredible#god the more i read about their ideology the more i realize how fucking full of shit western feminism really is#western feminists don't even help women they just use us for ideology and attacking Evool Mens >>:(((#fuck them this is why i don't fuck the modern feminist movement it's full of a lot of bs and rampant misogyny aside from misandry#when you really analyze a lot of the viewponts they hold of womanhood and femininity#which they think is inherently patriarchal traumatizing and evil like wow ok misogynist#i don't fuck with sexists that's why i don't fuck with a lot of this so-called female empowerment movement when it tells women#they need to stfu and learn their place IF they dare to have a different opinion and just accept the fact that they are women and that's a#very horrible thing because of all the shitty things that come with it#what a great way to empower women...#🙄🙄🙄🙄
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ex-terf-anti-terf · 2 years
Hey, I'm a former TRA who certainly gets called a terf online from time to time. When I was shifting from "tra" to "terf" i ran a semi popular ask a former terf™️ blog to cope with the guilt i felt after making so make of my personality "fuck terfs" for so long, so everytime I see an "ex terf" blog i feel the need to interact, if out of nothing but genuine curiosity.
I've read through some of your blog and you don't seem as much like the usual "person faking having had been a terf" that pops up so I'm very interested in asking a few questions about you and why you've ended up here,,
A lot of what you say about these communities is fair. When others are getting into radical feminism, I encourage it of course but I tell them absolutely NOT to try to join social media communities because they're batshit and full of "gender critical" conservatives who literally do not give a fuck about women in the first place, much less actual gender abolition, like they literally just think they belong because some radlib called them a terf over something they did that was transphobic. There's an overall lack of gatekeeping in any of these circles which is part of why they've gone to shit imo, but I think an ever bigger proponent is the word terf being used to describe SO many people, that the term altogether has changed shape and expanded to include many peoplewho are far from actuallytrans exclusionary. I've observed this phenomena that comes as a result, in which of course radfems who are trans exclusionary insist that you can't have female liberation without trans exclusion when you're 'radicalizing', but on the flipside the "tras" insist that radical feminism, or sometimes just generally any type of feminism is actually "terfy" and participating makes you a "terf". 10 years ago it wasn't like this, and I really do feel that we're in a state where people more or less force you to "pick a side" whether or not you fully agree with those on either "side". The "TRA movement is so chocked full of homophobia, sexism, racism, and even retroactive transphobia imo. But the radfems are in a position where many don't gatekeep out these gendercrits, so I end up getting a different form of also homophobia, sexism, racism, transphobia etc. I simply feel that actual radfeminism, as in based on the theory and then adjusted unto a modern context, is the best path I can take. I am a radical feminist because I think that the theory is more solid than any of the other stuff out there, even if the communities make me irrate. And when I compare them side by side, the stuff that "terf" communities have done that I think are fucked up are lesser than the things that the "tra" community has done.
I actually lost the main question I initially wanted to ask in this and more or less just expressed a though that I'd been expressing for a long time. I suppose I am wondering, if you had recognized many of the issues in the TRA community before, but also still have a lot of radfem beliefs, why did you end up here and targeting this topic? Did you have an ex tra blog before? Why are you here, and not a casual rad who regularly critiques the community that calls themselves terfs even when they're not radical feminists, or even by any means libfems? Maybe this should've been a dm instead lol but o well
Thank you for sharing this with me! Lemme just answer these in order.
Why do I run a blog for ex TERFs?
I still have heavy criticisms of TRAs and I don’t really engage with trans communities in general. However, I was — as I’ve said many times on this blog — abused and traumatized by TERFs for over a year. Since I left I’ve met other ex-TERFs and discovered that that’s not an uncommon experience. So I created a blog to bring hope to people who are also being abused and traumatized by TERFs.
Did I have an ex-TRA blog before?
No, because I was never a TRA (and I’m still not). Like I said I don’t really engage with trans communities, just individual trans people. I would never consider myself a TRA (for several reasons, one of which being that I consider it to be a mildly offensive term) and I also don’t usually get called a TRA by FITs because I’m not a fourteen-year-old with a million xenogenders. I’m a grown-ass adult with critical thinking skills and I have opinions that are more complex and nuanced than fit into one prescribed label.
Why did I choose to repurpose this blog instead of leaving it like it was and just criticizing both sides?
Well, I am honestly deeply ashamed of some of the shit I said on this blog when I was deep I to radical feminism. I had to delete my posts because I recognized the harm I had done to many people — not just trans people but people of color, and even other disabled folks and women. The least I could do to remedy that was to remove the posts, the absolute bare minimum. I still criticize both communities, or I do my best to. The longer I’m out of radfem communities the less and less I agree with their politics on anything, and I’m starting to uncover in therapy that most of the opinions I retained from radical feminism were a trauma response, born out of a sense of fear, and that I don’t truly believe most of them.
On that note, though, feel free to DM me! I’d love to keep talking with you.
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