#fruits and vegetables are classified
hot-take-tournament · 7 months
Wouldnt this mean everything is a fruit until proven otherwise
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the things i do for you guys
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match-your-steps · 3 months
"tomatoes aren't vegetables, they're fruits!" if we're doing it that way, then own up and say they're berries. coward.
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The Radiant Radiated Tortoise
One of the rarest tortoise species in the world, the radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) is only native to the island of Madagascar. They can be found throughout the island, but they are most abundant in the southern part of the island, among the scrub and thorny brush. In addition to their home range, this species has also been introduced to the nearby island of Reunion.
Like all tortoises, the radiated tortoise is an herbivore. Grasses, leaves, and decaying vegetation constitute about 80-90% of their diet, and is supplemented with flowers, fruits, and cacti- particularly prickly pear cacti. Finding food also makes up the majority of their daily activity, as they move around their territories to find fresh growth. A. radiata’s thick shell deters most predators, but reptiles and birds are known to feed on eggs and hatchlings.
The radiated tortoise mates all year round, due to the relatively consistent climate and food supply. When a male encounters a suitable female, he seduces her by bobbing his head and smelling her hind legs. If she’s receptive, he will mount her in a surprisingly noisy, violent affair-- both parties hiss and grunt, and in some cases the female’s shell may crack from the force of the male’s plastron striking it. 
If mating is successful, the female lays a clutch of 3-12 eggs in an excavated burrow. These eggs incubate anywhere from 5 to 8 months, depending on the average temperature of the nest. The young that emerge are quite small, only 3-4 cm (1-1.5 in) long and lacking the distinctive patterned dome shell. These tortoises will take 16-20 years to reach their full size and become ready to mate. The lifespan of this species varies widely; most individuals live only 40-60 years, but some have been recorded reaching 188.
A. radiata has a very distinctive look. The shells are extremely curved, and is dark brown or black with a striking yellow star pattern that gives the species its name. The rest of the body is dusty yellow, except for a dark patch on the back of the head. The limbs and tail are also covered in thick, raised scales that offer extra protection against predators and help the tortoise retain moisture. Compared to other tortoise species in terms of size, the radiated tortoise is right in the middle: at their maximum, they can reach 40 cm (16 in) long and weigh up to 15 kg (35 lbs).
Conservation status: The IUCN has classified the radiated tortoise as Critically Endangered, due to habitat loss and overcollection for the pet trade. Wild populations have been Many zoos and conservation programs keep captive populations for breeding and reintroduction.
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Mehgan Murphy
Jackelin Reyna
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redd956 · 21 days
Worldbuilding Food: More than meets the eye
So, you want to world build food but maybe you don't know where to start, have hit a roadblock, or are just looking for some interesting places to addon to. I've got your back.
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Vegetables, Fruits, Grain, Nuts, & Fungi
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One of the first things I think of when it comes to food is fruits and vegetables, and the line between them is surprisingly small.
Like tomatoes are vegetables? Pumpkins are fruits but other gourds are not? When does a herb become a vegetable? Although important to classify, don't let it be your main focus.
Start with
How the produce grows
What it looks like throughout different stages of its life
What parts are edible
How most people consume the produce
How the product is harvested
Is it seasonal
What about the produce that makes its growable environment habitable
How it spreads/reproduces
There's many different unique ways fruits and vegetables grow in just our real world, but that doesn't mean you can stop there.
Cranberries grow on vines that actually float on the surface of soggy ground and water in wetlands. Cashews actually grow on the bottom of cashew apple, which is it's own edible product. There's lots of different ways plants can grow, and what they even need to do so.
Some produce even have their own defense mechanisms (which often which becomes a form of flavor to us). Don't think these defense mechanisms stop at protection from predators. Strawberries are an aggressive plant, fighting, killing, and taking over any nearby plant neighbors. Some plants have thistles and thorns, and others are the hard shell or peel we end up effortlessly cutting through.
Try to think of some environmental things in the world your working with that the produce would have adapted to.
I think my favor example of this IRL is sunflowers. They change directions to face the sun, and when they can't find the sun they face each other. Eventually their seeds weigh them down, and which they'll always face east.
Don't forget fungi is edible too, and has it's very own unique properties.
(Don't forget yeast -> bread, you can make up whatever food you want)
Meats & Agricultural Animals
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I myself am not a meat-eater, but I understand the importance of animal products to a society. If you world doesn't have it, don't fret. This sector won't just be about meat products, but it will contain a lot of it.
Food and what animals are considered for consumption changes from culture to culture. The same can be said for treatment leading up to their role in society as the food on people's plates. Often times a culture cannot imagining eating an animal they see as part of the family, such as dogs or cats IRL, but other times it's seen part of a religious practice such as cows.
There's a lot of cultural stuff that goes into our agricultural animals, both for work, dairy, textiles, and food.
Here's some ideas to start with
What parts of them are edible and used for food
Do they produce any dairy or egg products
How old do they have to be before becoming a produce animal
Are the animals used for other resources too i.e. bones, fur, skins, skulls, blood, etc.
How much food does one animal make
Typically how are they are killed, if they are
What conditions are these animals kept in and are they viewed humane
What environments allow these animals to thrive alongside the people of your world
What does the animal eat
Now... Let's into some culture and religion
Religion and culture has a major impact on what we eat. Take for instance Kosher, Halal, and more. Historical shortages in food even to this day affect what foods we eat. Culture also affects our tastes. The corn line of the United States is drowning in corn, and yet corn is seen as a sweet treat over seas in many nations.
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How the harvesting goes changes a lot about a society, big and small. Think about how terrible a year would go in medieval times if harvest came up incredibly poor, or how wealthy our modern day world would look to those people due to mass production.
Here's some things to think about
What time of year are the biggest and most important harvest(s)
How common are agricultural workers
What would the average person see if they watched people work
What technology/tools are used
What happens if the harvest goes wrong
Do farmers/harvesters get special rights for their role in society
In older societies harvesting and how that went completely shaped how the next year would look. In some cultures the harvesters have been revered, while in other if crossed to far would be expected to tear the country to pieces. Think about the role harvesting plays in your society. What would happen if they striked? Or if a disaster swept the land?
The environment itself will change a lot about what harvesting look likes. Why does this environment work? What are the environmental risk to both the crop and workers?
Are we farming in the water, in the middle of the arctic, underground, high up in the trees?
Exotic Food & Immigration
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While establish what the everyday food in the area is, don't forget to pay mine to the opposites. Immigration and trade play a major role in what foods end up on our plate. As cultures combine and mingle so do their food.
Take one look at the United States, infamous for it's large potions, fatty foods, and immigrant culture cuisine. A lot of foods in the United States are the results of cultures meeting to improve and add onto one another's foods, that includes American styles of pizza, tacos, and more.
Even major cities around the world have styles of foods unique to them.
Let's think
What locally seen foods count as exotic
What foods are nearly impossible to get
Is there access to foreign brands/produce
How expensive is most exotic foods
What styles of cooking are being brought in by foreigners
How do people get exotic foods
What foods would the locals not be able to eat due to not being used to it
Try to think about what makes this food exotic in the local area. Maybe it cannot grow in the local environment. Maybe the quality of the food is simply better overseas. Maybe the animal or plant is far too aggressively invasive for locals.
Trade & Transport
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Food is both a very important export and import, especially in time of devastation.
Don't forget about exports too, what is your society giving out to the world, and getting back. Not all trade has to be capital based. Perhaps your world simply trades on good or service for another.
Here's some things to think about
What's being exported and imported
Are whole animals imported/exported
How is the trade being done i.e. trains, boats, aircraft, teleportation, etc.
Are there any obstacles to trade
What places are all involved in trading
How is the trade brought to where it needs to be inland
In what ways do these trades improve the lives of locals
Transportation is also super important to where food ends up, and more so in what volumes. How do people get all these produce or animals relocated? What kinds of storage are we seeing to keep things fresh (if health standards are even up to code in your worldbuilding)?
What poses a threat to things in storage? i.e. mold, foxes, animal thieves, disease, etc.
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With supply and demand, comes outages, taxes, and restrictions. Unfortunately not everything in the food world goes right. There's natural disasters to come and destroy crops, hostile settlements to block trade, and especially that person who is really bad at cooking but they love doing it so you don't have the heart to say no....
Anyway let's talk restrictions and where they can come from
Wartime can cause a lot of original farmers and workers to become soldiers. It also can lead to the large scale destruction of precious farm land, crops, animals, and overall places to cook.
Perhaps there's a particularly poisonous food, and way too many suspiciously poisoned people. That's when law comes in. There's many reasons for food and drink to become outlawed. Religious reasons, danger, regulations, inebriation, etc.
Knock knock! It's the United States here to embargo your random country. Outside factions can always become an obstacle, leading to loss of traveling cargo or straight up missing farmers too. Nothing comes in, and sometimes nothing comes out.
Perhaps a common plant or favored animal is running low on populous. Now locals are more so focused on reanimating a dwindling population, more so on eating it.
Whether it be hoards of invasive bugs, prion disease caused by cannibalistic animal feed, or sudden inexplicable field of dead corn sickness happens. Maybe something has swept over the land, and no one ever bothered to try to plant said crop again.
Natural Disasters
Natural disasters can not only cause the elimination of entire villages, but accidentally bring in lots of invasive creatures too. Catfish is off the menu for as long as carp is intown.
Straight Up Difficulty
Sometimes a fruit appears once a year, or a tasty creature is a dangerous one to take on in order to eat. It can be difficult getting the right ingredient sometimes. Other times it's new to the market. So much can happen when food is involved.
Preparation & Flavor
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Finally all the food in the world is available, but what are we going to do with it.
Make it even better!
I personally find preparation to be the best part of worldbuilding. Now I get to imagine my fictional little people stewing their pots, and kindling their fires. Reflect off of real world recipes, and maybe even write down exact fantasy recipes of your own.
Don't forget about herbs and spices (I see you British people).
You have five basic taste receptors in your mouth: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and savory. They make great descriptors and fun places to explore when looking into what your foods taste like. Smell can play an important role too.
Does it smell awful and taste great, smell sweet and taste bitter, perhaps it doesn't have anything at all going on.
Happy worldbuilding!
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blimbo-buddy · 25 days
Bug World No Mercy: Naming Systems in the Bug Kingdoms
Before we proceed: I want to note that with all of the names listed, they can also be translated into other languages and it will still suffice as a name for the bug.
For example: If you translate “Leaf” into Spanish, “Hoja”, it will still be a valid name because of the word it was translated from. So without further ado:
Slugs of the Garth/Timberland
Before the Great Division Of Slug Country, the Slugs all had the same naming system.
Their names typically followed things associated with nature, wild-grown fruits, trees, leaves, plants, etc.
When the Slugs of the Garth formed their empire, they took on names associated with things you might find in a garden:
Fruits: Banana, Watermelon, Berry
Vegetables: Cucumber, Spud, Carrot
Nuts: Pistachio, Pecan 
Legumes: Chickpea, String Bean
Flowers: Lily, Daffodil, Aster
When the Slugs of the Timberland stayed in the forest, they retained many of their old names, pre-division. These were names that associated with things found in the forest:
Bodies of water: Creek, Lake
Wild-grown fruits: Gumnut, Aronia
Trees: Pine, Birch
Plants: Fern, Ivy
Words relating to the forest: Woodland, Bosky 
There are, however, “ grey area” names that arose after the division of Slug Country, as these names related to things that are present in both gardens and in nature:
Strawberry, Nectar, Apple, and Honey are some examples of these names
However, a slug can actually have a quote attached to them, created for themselves and by themselves. 
Slugs of a high rank - Such as royalty, scholars, guards, advisors, etc.- are the only ones who can acquire a quote, according to Slug Law
These names can take a while to create, think of it like a thesis
High rank slugs must spend a year outlining, rough drafting, and finalizing their quote
This process also includes a month spent out in the forest to be alone with their thoughts
Trusted scholars are tasked with teaching upcoming high ranks multiple lessons of how to craft the perfect quote for themselves
The name itself must remind the others of that particular slug.
Example: “For what is the weakling slug, if they had moistened the soil into mulch, with the flesh of their enemies.” aka (Queen) Mulch.
These quote titles originated from the beginning of the Slug Country, thousands and thousands of years ago. The two warring sides of the previously known Slug Country have retained these types of names since then.
Cockroach Kingdom
Due to the Cockroach Kingdom's closeness to the humans and their society, they've taken on names that have to do with general products of human society, such as:
Human-made objects: Fork, Knife, Wire, Trash Can
Food/Drinks: Pizza, Soda, Hamburger
Buildings: Apartment, Prison, Greenhouse
The domestication of rats and pigeons by the Cockroach Kingdom is one that dates back thousands of years, theorized to be even before the Great Division of Slug Country. This led to titles pertaining to “Pest Tamers”, as the bugs call it, to be created: 
Cockroaches that handle rats are given the title “Rat Tamer” before their name
On the other hand, cockroaches that handle pigeons are given the title “Pigeon Master” before their name
Hammerheads of the Gastropods (Hammerhead Worms)
Hammerhead Worm names generally follow a "4-part rule", going as such: Sir/Madame Gastro- (Given Birth Name) -Pod.
For shortening reasons, one may call a Hammerhead Slug: Sir/Madame (Given Name), Gastro-(Given Name), or (Given Name)-Pod.
Example: Madame Gastro-Grate-Pod, 
Or: Madame Grate, Gastro-Grate, Grate-Pod
In Hammerhead Worm society, it is considered incredibly rude and disrespectful to only refer to one by only their Given Birth Name.
These Given Birth Names will typically be based off of:
The Hammerhead’s physical appearance: Mottle, Splotch, Stripe, Brindle
Physical actions: Scrape, Drag, Grate, Clutch, Trek, Smear
Believed to be the second oldest bug kingdom to perfect “Pest Taming”, Hammerhead Worms classify themselves into small categories, based upon the bird that acts as their steed:
Example: Robin Jockey, Finch Jockey
Moth Citadel
Moths are typically named after:
Organic materials that they eat: Cloth, Shirt, Hair, Blanket, Wool, Silk
Dark-themed words: Dim, Dull, Shade, Bleak
Moths also have a secondary part to their name.
Depending on what stage of the moon they were born under, that will serve as their last name.
For example: Blanket Waxing Crescent.
These last names fall under "Moon Families", although not every moth in the same Moon Family is related to each other.
Cicada Burrow
Since Cicada society puts lots of emphasis on a past life that a cicada has had, their names reflect such beliefs.
Cicada names include their current life's name alongside their previous life's name: (Current life’s name); Once-(Previous life’s name)
Cicada names are typically based around:
Types of trees: Redwood, Oak, Sycamore
Noises: Hum, Buzz, Bang
Words relating to plants/roots: Pith, Root, Stem
Nectar/Juices/Saps: Phloem, Mango Nectar, Apple Juice
An example of this would be: Sycamore; Once-Lily Nectar
Note: If a Cicada has just begun their cycle (Meaning that they are the beginning life of a rebirth cycle) then they will have just a singular name
Beetle Dynasty
Due to the dynasty's heavy emphasis on being defensively strong and armory, their names are ones that sound very heavy/strong/sturdy. This includes
Minerals/Gems: Titanium, Talc, Calcite
Trees/Words relating to trees: Lumber, Branch, Redwood
Words relating to rocks: Sedimentary, Boulder, Cobble
Metals: Cobalt, Copper, Steel
Example: Titanium, Sedimentary, Talc, Lumber
Beetles within the nation may also be granted a special title alongside their name. Usually connecting with a specific achievement
Special Title Example: Tungsten the Artificer, Strata the Batslayer
Worm Empire
Due to their entire empire (and association) being within the dirt, Worms take on names that have something to do with the earth
They can be based off of minerals in the dirt: Sulfur, Dolomite 
The types of dirt: Peat, Clay
Shades of brown: Umber, Beige
Tools used to dig up the earth: Trowel, Shovel 
Words connected to digging and moving around: Wriggle/Wriggling, Tunnel/Tunneling
The leader of the Worm Empire has the title of "Earth Master"
Worms who forage for food are given the title of "Processor"
Example: "Earth Master Excavator" “Processor Bronze”
Butterfly Pavilion
The butterflies take great pride in their appearance and beauty, so it's only fitting that their names reflect that. Many of their names are based on:
Colors: Blue, Amber, Aqua
Positive adjectives: Handsome, Bright, Clever
Flowers: Dahlia, Zinnia, Allium
Words/sounds associated with birds: Whir, Caw, Vane
Bird species: Robin, Hawk, Condor
When born, the caterpillars have their names prefaced with "Beautiful Sprout" and will keep this title until they form into a cocoon.
Upon emerging, the butterfly leaves behind their Beautiful Sprout title
Higher ranking butterflies can gain the title of Weathervane, alongside the number at which they rank at within the group of 10 Weathervanes
They can “rank up” whenever the Weathervane ahead of them retires, dies, or is overthrown
Example: 4th Weathervane Caw
Fly Cluster
Unlike the other bug kingdoms, flies don’t have an actual kingdom due to their nature to roam around and eat things that many bugs wouldn’t even eat as a last resort. However, despite this vagabond-esque culture and lack of a “proper kingdom”, the flies still have a system of names, typically based off of: 
Death-related words: Corpse, Carrion, Muerte
Fungus and fungus genus names: Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Mucor
Bacteria and viruses: Shigella, Rabies
Words relating to decomposition: Decay, Rot, Spoil
Spider Province
Though spiders have a wide array of naming systems that pertain to their kingdom, often you’ll find specific patterns in their names. Some names have a bit to do with their proximity with humans. You’ll find spiders named after:
Carnivorous plants: Sundew, Butterwort 
Words relating to crafting: Concoct, Forge
Words relating to thread spinning: Intertwine, Weave, Spindle
Quiet noises: Mumble, Whisper, Hum, Hush
Clothes: Shirt, Jacket, Sweatshirt, Shoe(s)
Animals: Wolf, Viper, Python (Thanks to @imagination-confusion for this!
Something to note is that all spiders, no matter their age, will have the title of “Mandrel” due to their natural web-spinning capabilities being compared to the likes of that specific weaving tool. 
Example: Spindle the Mandrel
Pillbug Domain
This kingdom of small, armored bugs puts lots of emphasis onto their outer exterior. So it’s only natural that their names reflect such cultural importance in one’s outside shell. Pillbugs will typically be named after:
Outer casing and frameworks: Shell, Chassis, Pod, Hull
Words related to spinning/fast movement: Spin, Bowl, Twist, Sweep
Metals: Aluminum, Steel
Trees/Words relating to trees: Redwood, Oak, Palm, Timber
Nuts: Walnut, Cashew, Pistachio
The Pillbug Domain’s high ranking bugs will sport the title of “Lord Pill” or “Lady Pill”. 
Example: Lord Pill Swing 
Something that you might notice is that many of the names of the Pillbug Domain are similar to the Beetle Dynasty’s names. This is because at some point, the Pillbug Domain was a part of the Beetle Dynasty, however would later on separate from the kingdom due to the Pillbug Lord disagreeing with many of the other leaders. 
Dragonfly Lair
Dragonflies have names that they take great pride in, much like butterflies or cockroaches. Unless you are a close familiar, they demand that you refer to them as their full name or don’t refer to them at all. They carry names based on:
Positive adjectives: Courage, Brave, Gentle, Wise, Wisdom, Lionheart
Quick words: Whip, Snap, Zoom, Swift, Curt
Birds: Robin, Hawk, Falcon
In some rare cases, however, a dragonfly may be named after an old ruler from Europe. This is rarely the case, however. But it’s unknown to the bugs - including the Dragonflies themselves- how exactly knowledge of these European rulers became known.
Dragonfly society consists of a sibling monarchy and 2-4 advisors 
The monarch dragonflies are born with the title “Eye-snatcher”
The advisor dragonflies are given the title “Lecture-wing”
Example: Eye-snatcher Ambition, Lecture-wing Sparrow
The Mosquito Flock
A kingdom that has functionally become a society that advocates for the death of the individual through hunting the sweet nectar of human blood. The Mosquito Flock carries many names based on:
Blood diseases: Sickle Cell, Anemia
Blood-related words: Ichor, Hemoglobin, Hematic
Drinking-related words: Sip, Guzzle, Swig
Eating-related words: Feast, Consume, Ingest
Words relating to a mosquito being killed: Slap, Swipe, Thwack
Bodies of water or general water-related words: Lake, Ocean, Puddle
Mosquito society has in place a title that all mosquitos must call each other by: Brother, Sister, and Sibling. 
This holds a symbolic meaning, as mosquitoes believe they are all united as a “family”, it does not mean that they are all related to each other.
Firefly Faction
Due to the relatively unknown society of the firefly faction, it proved to be difficult to record their types of names for a while. Until now. Typically, a Firefly will be named after:
Fire and heat related words: Flame, Burn
Light related words: Sunshine, Spark, Day
Shine related words: Glimmer, Flicker
Quick motions: Flutter, Blink, Wink
The Ant Colonies
Ant colonies typically do not name their ants, except for some exceptions.
There are head ants in the colony that serve as managers for the different ant ranks, Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer, the latter of which is responsible for what food comes into the colony.
The Head Ant names consist of a First and Last name that:
sounds violent and/or is linked with organs and bones
Example: Lieutenant Snap Neck, Director Rip Molar, and Head Rationer Flesh Maim 
In ant colonies, there are also secondary ranks to the main three:
Soldiers: Watcher, Scout
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
To each of these ranks, there is typically a single leading ant (Although more than one isn’t uncommon in bigger colonies). These leading secondary ants share the same last name as the head ant of their main rank, and will have their name prefaced with “Lead”:
For example, a Leading Constructor ant who works under an ant named “Director Rip Molar” will be named: Lead Constructor Stab Molar 
Meanwhile, the rest of the ants do not have any names given to them, they are typically referred to as their rank, whether they’re Soldiers, Workers, Rationers, or any of the secondary ranks. 
Regular ants can however be referred to and refer to each other as their designated rank (Food Guard, Watcher, etc.)
Drones are typically only referred to as Drones, but ants from the same colony and queen as a drone ant will sometimes refer to him as “Drone Brother”
The Queen Ant will have a violent sounding name, although not one that is formatted like the Head or Leading Ant's
The Queen's name will be prefaced by "Mother" and the name itself may be based off of:
Weapons: Sword, Sling, Crossbow
Torture methods: Keelhauling, Giridrion
Causes of death: Drown, Burn, Blunt Force 
Violent words: Maim, Snap, Rip, Gnash
Organs/Bones: Tibia, Tooth, Stomach
An example of this is: "Queen Mother Macerate II" or “Queen Mother Gnash”
The Bees of the Hive
Though hundreds of beehives reside close to each other, all of differing histories, they all generally share the same types of names. Much like the Ant Colonies, Bee Hives have three main ranks: Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer. Alongside that, they have secondary ranks:
Soldiers: Watcher
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard, Greenskeeper
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
However, unlike the Ant Colonies, Head/Lead bees don’t have first and last names, only first names. Their names will be based around: 
Flowers: Wisteria, Oleander
Jams/preserves: Strawberry Jam, Apricot Preserves
Herbs/Teas: Chamomile, Earl Grey, Mint
Fruits: Apricot, Avocado
Descriptions of their personality: Wonderful, Humble
Regular bees are not actually properly named, instead, they are categorized by their hive's abbreviated name, their rank, and a designated number.
So for example, a drone bee from the Southern Creek Bound hive would be named: SCB-Drone-1033.
The Queen of the hive is given a proper name once she rises to the rank and successfully destroys her competitors. Like the Head and Leading bees, Queens can be named after:
Descriptions of their personality
The queen bee's name is formatted as, "Queen (Name) of the (Hive name abbreviation(if needed)) Dynasty".
A queen's name may be something like: Queen Mango Jam of the SC Dynasty
The Wasp Swarms
Wasps share some of the same name aspects as both the bees and ants. Wasps have three main ranks like the bees and the ants: Workers, Soldiers, and Rationers.
And like with the bee and ant kingdoms, there are lead wasps for each main rank: Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer.
With those ranks comes secondary ranks:
Soldiers: Watcher
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard, Greenskeeper
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
Just like ants and bees, leading secondary ranking wasps will have the title of Lead prefacing their names. Like bee society, wasps don’t have both first and last names, only a first name. These names will be based off of:
Quick actions: Dart, Strike, Jab
Fruits: Pear, Plum
Weapons: Machete, Hammer
Example: Lead Brood Guard Jab, Lieutenant Razor
The rest of the wasps don't have proper names: They are named after the sectors that they are hatched in and what rank they fill
Alongside that, wasps will have the name of the queen they were born under as part of their identification
For example: Battle Queen (Name), Sector F Soldier
Regular wasps can, however, be referred to as/refer to others as “(Sector) (Rank) Sister” or simply just “Sister”. While drones will be referred to as “(Sector) (Rank) Drone” or simply just “Drone”
Example: Sector A Sister, Sector E Drone
Just like the Head and Lead wasps, the Queen Wasp(s) will have names based off of:
Quick actions
Their name will also be prefaced by "Battle"
Example: Battle Queen Prickly Pear III, Battle Queen Mangosteen 
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dangerrah · 1 month
Scp 073
40% ler | 60% lee
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As a ler:
Okay so, surprisingly he’s very merciful as a ler, makes sure the lee is okay with tickles, offers aftercare, etc.
Rarely ever uses his own hands to tickle lees, he prefers using plants! As per this au, his withering effect is replaced with chlorokinesis!
While he’s more gentle with tickles, he WILL tease a lee to the hells and back, he cant help it!
“My, is something wrong? You’re awfully giggly!” “Is something funny? Is there something on my face? It’s quite rude to laugh someone, you know..” “Oh, don’t touch this is a spot? Right here? Are you sure? I mean, you’re laughing so much, it seems perfect!” Being his favorite ones.
During breaches, it’s best to stay clear of the garden area where cain resides. As the second those alarms go off, cain will drop whatever He’s doing to join the fun!
Staff wise, his hands are rated E for everyone. Nobody is safe. But anomaly wise, his favorite target is Abel. (Or, scp 076-2!)
As a lee
Firstly, absolutely adores being tickled, and pretty much everyone on site knows this. He’s touch starved damnit!
His laugh too..its the most precious thing, speaking of, if someone ever calls it cute he gets all flustered and starts hiding his face in his hands <3
His worst spots are his belly, ribs, and back. Mainly his belly though.
Now, the feather material on his shirt around his neck isn’t just for show, it’s his own way of tickling himself .
Speaking of, his plants can and WILL wreck him.
Cannot STAND light tickles, folds immediately at the slightest graze over one of his spots.
Feathers are insta death for him oml
The longer he’s been tickled, the squeakier his laugh gets. Almost like a squeaky toy!
Scp 073-2 instances
100% ler | 0% lee
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(By the way, the image is only SOME instances. Theres multiple of various entities, including fruits, vegetables, etc)
As lers:
Okay, so as a collective, you’re screwed. Period. These little guys FEED of laughter and show no mercy till they get their fill
Azalea’s, Like to group up and flutter against any skin visible. Mainly necks in an attempt to make a person fall, and then usually let the other plants nearby do the rest of the work.
Snapdragons are a bit more mischievous, will wrap vines around a persons ankles and then pull them into shrubbery, nipping, licking, and nuzzling wherever! Their teeth, of course, don’t hurt. And their ‘heads’ are fuzzy to where its pretty ticklish with nuzzles. And, fun fact, are the only plants that can be distracted by chin scratches!
Lily of the valleys aren’t attached to vines like most of the plants, rather they hop off their vine and run around in search of a victim, hence why they travel in a pair of two or more. Once they do, they climb up the persons legs and get under their shirt, scribbling their tiny hands against the belly and sides, occasionally moving to avoid any attempts at stopping them!
Spider lilies, are a special kind. They’ll entrap a victim in their webs, vines with a sticky sap, and then proceed to crawl over the victim, tickling with the four large feathery petals on its body!
Extra! (For both 073 and 073-2)
The plants adore cain, and more often then not will tickle him if he generally just seems sad and in need of a pick me up.
Cain is classified as a ‘creator’ entity, this is a au feature (that i’d love to explain more if asked!).
Cain and Abel USED to share the cell, but got separated for two reasons, one, abel and him loved teaming up when wrecking staff, and two, the plants loved to wreck abel. (The first reason is the main one, but since they kept targetting abel, d-class experiments rarely worked.)
The plants, while laughter is their main source of food, can also photosynthesize and “eat” sugar water!
Cain, much like 035, doesn’t need laughter to eat. Rather its just a better energy boost for him that sleep cannot always provide.
Some of the plants move their heads rapidly to signify excitement, a move they learned from cain while seeing him stim!
Speaking of, he’s on the spectrum..and is super knowledgeable about literally any plant
You can ask him about the most uncommon, unknown plant in the world and he’ll give you all the information you could ever need.
Cain, has a small crop bed for fruits and vegetables, which he gladly gives to the cafeteria in exchange for flower seeds!
Speaking of flowers, he loves making flower crowns, which he loves to give to staff (and other anomalies)!
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krazys-ass-emporium · 2 months
So I was just talking to my sister about whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable and her reply was that it depended on who was doing the classifying. Apparently, beavers are classified as fish so Catholics can eat them during lent.
... I.. I'm not sure where she got this information. Also, apparently there is debate on whether hot chocolate counts as a food or drink.
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demvalhaken · 2 months
Because you wanted it (I secretly did too. I love wasps)
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Just like how I did it with the spiders, i’ll be explaining the wasps, not not a lot of history (Too complicated)
Their diet consists of mostly meats. Maggots are considered a delicacy in their kingdom, the maggot is usually snatched and beheaded before being served. They do incorporate plants into their food, like native Waspian fruits and vegetables. They seem to have a love for topping everything with basil (A basil-like plant that could be classified as a type of basil with bigger leaves. The plant does have thorns, so it’s not really basil)
The Waspian society is similar to the spiders. The queen MUST be a pure bred wasp, or a wasp with no other things mixed in. The queen controls everything and everyone, but the wasps can leave the colony if they feel like it. Wasp City IS NOT the only colony in their territory, it’s just the most popular and largest. A heir can take the throne by either killing the queen, but that’s seen as a very unfair method for other heirs. If the queen survives 50 winters then she is kicked off the throne or can choose to stay till she dies. Another way for a heir to take the throne is by secretly murdering their mother and making it look like an accident then propose they should take the throne in her honour. Still unfair, but at least they won’t be seen as a murderer. But the worst way is accidentally slipping on a puddle of water holding a plate WITH A KNIFE ON IT and then accidentally stabbing their mother, and then sob over her dead body because they’re too young to be queen... and miss their mother. That’s only happened once like at least in ancient times. Hierarchy - The queen and her heirs, people workings in her majesty’s army, citizens who have jobs, normal citizens and princes, homeless, war prisoners and normal prisoners.
As a side note, all other species fear wasps and spread propaganda about them. The common wasp stereotype is being bloodthirsty, angry, recklessly, and a ravenous murderer.
The wasps are as diverse or more than the spiders. They can ranges from yellows and browns, to blues and blacks, to reds and oranges, greens and whites. Queen Snow is not a normal coloured wasp, I thought it was cool to make her an albino wasp, WHICH IS VERY, VERY, VERY RARE. Pure bred have ancient Waspian traits like less curled antennae, serrated stingers, sharper features, and a sharper face. Impure have different species traits which include bigger eyes and a smooth, thick stinger. They can also possess no fur on their antennae or have smaller wings. They used to not really crossbreed with other species because the offspring usually die from complications but apparently they kinda learned to just cast a whole enchantment on the continent which would allow all hybrid offsprings to live a normal life. This is why some spider-wasp hybrids exist.
Anyways, let’s go onto some random information that didn’t fit in the three categories.
Wasps are one of the first species to hypothesise that only some people were born with the ability to enchant things and some weren’t.
Wasps are deeply related to hornets, since hornets branched off of wasps when some prehistoric species of wasp decided to ditch the colony and move to a different continent.
Wasps can see the widest range of colour which is why their paintings make other species eyes hurt trying to comprehend them completely.
Wasps have been painting since they were an early species because they wanted to show other species what things looked like on their continent.
The native language of the wasps was too complex for other species to even learn how to say “Good morning” so an ancient spider tried to convince them to learn the mostly universal language. The native language is still taught, after the age of 15 winters, they will start to learn the universal language as a second language
The wasps palaces are built using precious building materials like limestone, quartz, and reinforced gold for spectacular displays of their culture on the palace. The palaces also full of open windows and areas where wind passes through. Not related, but wasps are taught how to fly by LITERALLY THROWING THEM OFF THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF THE PALACE!
If you want me to draw another bug/base, put it in the comments
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caramel1mochi · 8 months
ぐちゃ ! (Splat!) [Yoru x F! Reader] [3]
Out of everyone I've written about, Yoru is hands down the HARDEST. Somehow harder than Chamber??
He's just so solitary, I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel to make them realistically interact. I'm straight up cursing myself for liking this guy HE'S SO MENTALLY TAXING.
Now that that's out of the way, we're back! Here's another 7k long post for you guys!
Yoru x F! Reader
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 4.5 / Part 5 / Part 6
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Hapless doesn't even begin to describe you. With your life flipped upside down within the span of a day; you're left to rely on your best friend Tala to help you pick up the pieces and build the new one forced upon you. And this 'luck' seems to have caught the attention of one of her friends.
。+❤ฺ·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ· +❤·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ·
You hadn’t eaten in almost fifteen hours. And though you didn’t realise it at the time, your stomach made sure you knew it, and rudely awoke you from your slumber as a harsh reminder of your mistake. With a deep angry sigh, you laid on your back and lamented this stupid body.
First, it accepts a foreign solid object into its nervous system and allows it to make non reversible and destructible changes, enough to classify you as a threat. Now it has the gall to ask for food?
Maybe you weren’t all there yet.
You looked to your right to notice a fuzzy ball of blue pressed up against a dull pillow of grey, your blurry vision slowly adjusting to the strands that stuck out. Right, it was Neon. And you weren’t selfish enough to wake her up to get you food.
And so, with major reluctance, like a bear waking up from hibernation, you were forced to move and nourish yourself.
Thankfully, the kitchen was empty.
You walked through the common room earlier. It was empty as well, but there was this odd sensation of a pair of eyes watching you. Like it was some omnipresent, supernatural being. Fused into the environment. And you made the obvious choice of getting the hell out of there.
You were already cursed, you weren’t about to tamper with the spirits and anger them.
With a deep sigh, you turned to the fridge and ignored the pretty sight in front of you. Nearly as golden as yesterday, but because the sun had only begun to rise, the hue was much calmer.
Maybe, now that you had free time, you’d finally get around to cooking yourself breakfast that wasn’t tea and whatever thing you had lying around from the night before. With only one arm to work with, it sounded like a strenuous task to take on.
You looked around, finding all kinds of food. For a moment, it baffled you. Indian food, Australian food, American, eastern asian, african, everything. Even some of the fruit and vegetables left you confused, not when you barely stepped foot outside of your own culture.
But most importantly; were you even allowed to touch this food? None of it was yours, even the raw stuff. Huh, maybe this is why your mother really didn’t want you to move out.
Speaking of your mum, you should probably get to contacting your parents.
Then, you heard someone clear their throat behind you, making you jump and look back. But relief instantly filled you at the sight of Yoru. And this, he caught on to, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh. It’s you.”
He stretched his arm between you and the fridge and moved you away until you were at a comfortable distance, before finally accessing the sanctuary of food. All without touching you. For a moment, you couldn’t tell whether this was impressive or not. 
Did he just hate people or you specifically?
“I’m surprised you showed up after yesterday.”
You shrunk, watching him diligently observe the shelves. Probably for his own plate of food.
“I was hoping everyone was asleep, and, uh… Guess I was wrong, huh?”
You awkwardly chuckled, but Yoru didn’t react.
“I’d bury myself if I were you,” he slammed the door of the fridge and blankly met your gaze, “no offence.”
Then, he walked off, boiling some water as he set the plate on the counter. Not a hint of amicability in any word that left his mouth. You watched him in silence for a moment, before crossing your arms and sighing.
“Thanks, that helps.”
“I’m just being honest.”
Being honest, huh? Yeah. Sounds like a thin veil to insult you.
Once he stepped away and set his food on the table, you quickly took this chance to wash your own cup, preparing to make yourself tea. You really didn’t want to talk to him (or anyone), not when he was as welcoming as a feral cat. But again, this is the same guy who helped you quit your job. Actions speak louder than words, right?
"Neon told us about you yesterday."
"She didn't say anything bad, did she? I'll kill her, if so!"
He silently approached and poured himself tea, before walking off to his table.
"You think you're cursed?"
You sighed in relief, before taking the kettle into your own hand.
"It's not obvious? It's only been two days and everything bad that could happen, happened."
You set down your hot cup with a loud clunk, glancing at him from behind. Now, Yoru was sitting on one of the circular tables. Chopsticks and bowl of food in hand, leaning back on his chair, he didn’t share your passion for the situation whatsoever.
"You're kidding, right? Look around! I destroyed the roof in the training room in front of Harbour and that green haired one, Viper and Neon suddenly switched and hated the nectar they liked before, and you watched me get yelled at by my boss. Now, you're here!"
His eyes darted towards yours.
"I– I mean, I wanted to be alone, but you showed up. Nothing against you!"
He looked away.
"Sounds tough."
Yoru turned his gaze away and lifted a piece of broccoli, daintily biting it. Seeing this, and with no other choice, you took your cup of scalding hot tea and approached his table.
"Also, they figured out what that thing is."
"What thing?"
"The nectar. Fade saw it. It's liquified fear."
You held the back of your chair, staring at him in silence.
"Yeah. You just reminded Viper of her biggest mistake. Why do you think she looked so mad?"
With an awkward chuckle, you sat down, mortification flooding every inch of you. From his vacant expression and monotone voice, it didn’t sound like he was mocking you for your mistake, either. Just letting you know, because, why not?
"You're kidding, right?"
You clutched your temple with a deep sigh, mumbling a few words in Tagalog under your breath. You just reminded Viper of her biggest mistake, he said. The same woman studying your hand and helping you out. Not only her, but also Harbour and Neon. Now it made sense why she mentioned something about an abundance of electricity, and why Harbour was so quick to leave the scene after Viper asked him to describe the sample.
Yoru simply sat in front of you, swallowing a piece of flavourful salmon before he spoke up once more.
"What're you gonna do?"
"I... I don't know. I guess I– I'll wait for Harbour until we get this under control."
"You'll wait for Harbour?"
"Yeah... Not like I have any other choice. But it's all so much to learn..."
"Tch. Like what?"
"Everything! I have to learn how to use a gun, position myself, communicate, use my bracelet, and that's not even scratching the surface! I saw what Brimstone wrote in his email earlier!"
You met his gaze angrily, but he didn’t seem bothered.
"Oh, yeah. That. If you’re so clueless, then stop just letting things happen. Say something."
He picked up a small portion of white rice and ate it, watching confusion take over you. What kind of suggestion was that? You thought.
"Tell him you want to practise taking control of your bracelet first."
"I can't do that! How would I even tell him?"
"‘Harbour, I want to take things slow. Help me with my bracelet first, then the guns.'"
He took a few edamame beans, biting down with a shrug.
"It's not that hard."
You shook your head and crossed your arms.
He wasn’t joking, was he?
"What if he says no?"
"He won't."
"What makes you so sure?"
"I know him."
"What if Viper or Brimstone say no?!"
"They don't have a say in this."
"But then I'd be delaying things!"
"Gekko's been training for a month and he's still in the same place as you."
He met your gaze and pointed at you with his chopsticks, a piece of salmon in between.
“The one with the green hair.”
Then, he took a bite. All while holding in the urge to call you spineless. Not so soon.
It took you a moment to think of anything else to say. Everything that left your mouth was shut down instantaneously, and you weren’t even given a moment to elaborate on it given how cut and dry his answers were. How would you even talk with someone like him? He practically took all of the answers and laid them out in front of you. Clear as the sun.
And you had customer service skills.
"Are you making up stuff to make it look like you're right, or are you really being truthful?"
"Are you calling me a liar, lady?"
He snapped, and you were taken aback by this sudden bout of aggression.
"Okay! Okay, I'll– I'll try it. I'll tell him. But if he says no, it's on you!"
He rolled his eyes and ate a small piece of cucumber.
You stared at him for a few seconds, completely forgetting the hunger you felt. How were you meant to deal with someone like this?
In terms of conversation, Yoru was rude. Very rude. But in terms of actions, he was helping you to an exponential degree. Giving you a clear-cut answer to everything, and not giving you a chance to feed into your anxiety. As outlandish as this thought sounded, you couldn’t help but ask yourself.
Was Yoru being… nice?
"Are you usually like this?"
He raised an eyebrow.
"You're so weird. You look like you can’t stand me, but you're helping me out. Is there something going on? Did Neon tell you anything yesterday?"
"I wanted to train yesterday. But I couldn't."
He stirred his fluffy rice.
"I don't want you to ruin any other place I frequent."
"And... you're doing that by helping me?"
Is that it? Nothing else, no hidden motives? He just didn’t want you to get in his way, and somehow went about it in the most unexpected way possible. Had you known, you would’ve expected him to cuss you out and call it a day.
And nobody has an issue with this…?
Yoru really was a walking oxymoron, wasn’t he? And you couldn't help but be even more curious about him, finally taking the cup of tea into your hand.
"Thanks, I guess."
He threw you a quick hum of acknowledgement.
Boarding the same vehicle you first arrived in, you were taken far, far away to a remote island made up of a single valley that stretched out until the ocean halted its path. You hopped out of the vehicle into a field of grass and nervously looked around, checking for any sign of fauna. And it's not like it was difficult either. There were absolutely no mountains in sight. Aside from a few insects, naught was found.
Harbour jumped out behind you, taking a deep breath with a wide smile on his face, as if you didn't just destroy a portion of the base yesterday.
"Look at this place, it's perfect, waiting to be squashed! How's your arm, friend?"
You awkwardly smiled, meeting his gaze. He held two guns in each hand, and just this sight made you nervous for what's to come.
"The drug's wearing off..."
"Good, good, we can take it step by step, then. Let's get started with the scans Viper handed me, first. Can you hold this for me?"
And as if he was giving you a piece of candy, he held out his hand, a Ghost in his grip waiting to be grabbed by you. You cleared your throat and slowly took it with your right hand, your fingers wrapping around the grip. One wrong move, and both of you could be squashed. Damn you for wearing the bracelet on your main hand, right?
You stared at the gun while he took out a suitcase, processing the fact that it was a real weapon. Forget the bracelet, just pulling the trigger could cause injury, or death. Should you be holding something like this?
"So, uh, Harbour, I was thinking, and..."
You swallowed, meeting his gaze whilst he fumbled with the open bag, now set on the ground. He waited for you to continue, but the words just wouldn't come out.
"What is it?"
"I think we should–"
How hard was it just to tell him?!
"I think we should focus on my hand first!"
Harbour stood up and raised an eyebrow, papers in hand. Their contents were obscured on account of the angle he held them in.
"You've never used a gun before?"
"Uh, no?"
He shrugged, holding out his hand once more.
"That's fair. Give me that back, and we'll get to it when you're ready."
You blinked, staring at him in shock.
Wow, he listened! So, Yoru was right, huh? Maybe the people here aren't as rigid as the ones back home...
Immediately, you shook your head and handed him his gun back, pushing those thoughts out of your head. Don't think about it, else your luck will be jinxed and you'd probably squash the VLT/R by accident.
"So, what's that?"
"This, my friend, are your X-rays. Left and right arm. See this?"
He placed both papers right next to each other on the ground. With the calm winds that barely managed to sway a strand of hair on your heads, it was safe to say they wouldn't be blown away any time soon. Now, you could see clearly the difference between your left and right arm.
"These extra lines here are your brand new nerves; made and connected to the stem. Some sensory, some motor. Mostly motor. Do you know what that means?"
You stared at him with a forced smile, non-verbally telling him you hated these pauses. The suspension killed you. Literally, if you moved one finger.
"Okay, okay, it means that you'll be able to voluntarily control parts of your bracelet. Like a muscle."
You tilted your head with a more natural smile. 'Bracelet' and 'like a muscle' sounded so wrong together.
"How do you move this arm?"
He pointed at your left arm. And you lifted your elbow in confusion, rotating your hand repeatedly.
"I, uh, I just move it, I guess?"
"Exactly, and how do you move parts of the bracelet?"
"Just like you would with a muscle! You just have to find out where, and the search begins here."
He pointed at your right wrist on the paper where most of the extra nerves lay. Like roots, they spread out viciously across your entire arm towards your shoulder, before the picture was cut off. You could barely understand what he meant on account of your clouded frame of mind, but it was worth a try, right?
You turned towards the empty field and held out your right hand, working to move every possible muscle.
"You have to forgive me, I'm not really a biology guy."
"Could've fooled me. What are you into, then?"
"History! Everything history. Name anything, and there's an astronomically high chance I know about it."
You winced once you moved the wrong muscle, quickly relaxing your hand once more. It felt like a finger was shoved deep between the bones of your wrist, before pulling away. Was that it?
"Fun... And what about this place? You're sure this island has no animals I'll inevitably kill?"
"Oh no, no chance. There used to be a chemical weapons plant on this island many years ago, and the fumes from that killed all of the wildlife. Nothing to worry about."
Nothing to worry about? He sounded unnaturally upbeat as he explained this, like a professor at a university who was too happy about his job. No wonder he was the coach, he was just so pleasant to be around even while discussing macabre topics.
"What country was it?"
"That I don't remember, but I know it was around when World War One took place." 
Good, good. So, nothing else was dying at your hand. Fumbling around with your fingers for a few seconds as you both chatted, you didn't find any 'nerve points', so to speak. All you did was tense the muscles on your wrist, arch your fingers and loosen them.
“So, you have an artefact, I have this thing, is there anyone else like us?”
“Well, Astra is one of us, but her whole arm is made of gold. Last she told me, it had something to do with a pond, but not much else was said.”
You perked up at this, looking at him from the corner of your eye.
“She has a golden arm? That sounds so much cooler.”
You took the two X-rays and set them side by side. Comparing both arms, you noted down where the prevalent nerves were and worked to gain control over them. Progress has been naught so far, so you might as well, right?
“Wait til’ you see what’s under the gold. I won't tell you, though!”
“Lame! So, anyone else?”
“Let me think… Oh, Yoru has his samurai mask that he painted over.”
He said the last part between gritted teeth. And with a giggle that interrupted him, you silenced yourself and waited for him to continue his sentence.
He shrugged, confused at your expectant look.
“I don’t know. Guy keeps to himself, I can't get more than two words out of him.”
“Oh… Wait, aren’t you the coach around here?”
Why was he so okay with one of his subordinates being so conceited, then? With you, sure. You were a newbie. But him?
“He’s like that with everyone. You should see how Brimstone gets when they talk, it’s like getting blood out of a stone!” he stifled his chuckle, “I have to step in sometimes, but it’s hilarious to watch.”
“And you guys are okay with it?”
“Ehh, well, yes. It’s not really the end of the world. Besides, he makes up for it.”
How could he possibly make up for it? Being rude is– well, it’s being rude, there’s no way to–
Then, a shadow emerged above both of you. But before it could strike, you immediately loosened the point, and it fused back into the air like nothing happened.
"Wait, wait– I think I found it!"
It felt like you could somehow, instead of moving a whole set of muscles, you could move them individually. Even the ones buried deep within, shifting towards the bracelet. You tensed one muscle once more. And there, you could see the shadow form. But when the pressure was kept steady, so was the silhouette, and it stood still like a cloud looming over both of you.
"This is amazing!"
You cried out in joy, Harbour smiling.
"Congratulations! So, think you can move that away? I'd like to live another day, please."
"Oh, right– right, yeah, sorry."
You awkwardly giggled, and worked on moving the silhouette far away to a safe distance. Harbour promptly walked to your right, his arms crossed. His sarcasm was just too much for you.
"No worries. Now, with only a few more days of practise, you'll be squashing the invaders like they're flies on command! Exciting, don’t you think?"
You shared his joy for a moment, before meeting his gaze with a certain amount of concern.
"You're joking, right?"
"...Sure. Now, back to work!"
You sighed, bringing up your hand with your fingers stretched apart. 
This is gonna be a long day.
You’d been training for a while, and now that they deemed it fit, after three days in the protocol, you were finally able to meet Neon’s friends. And by ‘they’, it was just everyone other than the administration. To them, meeting you took more priority than giving you a name, a room, and trying to understand your abilities properly.
“I can’t wait for you to meet everyone! If Raze wasn’t so tired, she’d definitely be throwing you a party right now.”
You sighed, barely able to keep your own eyelids up, let alone your entire body to walk down the never ending hallway.
“I’m not in the mood for parties, Tal– uh, Neon.”
“And that’s where you’re lucky! Congratulations! Maybe things are turning around for you.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, her joy simply too contagious. Maybe they were.
“I know, you can tell how excited I am.”
You lifted your hand, nectar oozing off of it like your arm had a bath all out of its own volition. With your powers now seemingly under control, the dosage Viper gave you this time around was much less potent. And thanks to this, you were able to produce whatever cursed perfume the bracelet can make.
“Can I, uh, have some tissues?”
“Sure, here.”
“Yo, what’s that smell?”
The doorway stood merely a few metres away from you. And even at such distance, you could still hear one of the guys announce. And unfortunately for you, that voice was dreadfully familiar. You stopped, catching Neon’s attention.
“Uh oh, that sounds like…”
“Oh, that’s Gekko. He’s chill, don’t worry.”
“Gekko? The one with the green hair? He’s the one who saw me destroy the roof with Harbour!”
Neon rolled her eyes and grabbed your left wrist, pulling you towards her.
“Hoy, relax, Y/N. They’ve probably forgotten about it by now, you know how fast things happen around here?”
Not fast enough, apparently. Gekko was still in training, if Yoru was correct.
“Okay, but promise you’ll be there.”
“I’m not going anywhere! Now, let’s get you some tissues before this smell kills me.”
Judging by that sentence, the hallway probably started to stink of adobo, enough to send her into a delirious state of hunger, and… enough to catch the attention of the ones in the cafeteria, unfortunately.
You walked through the doorway, eyes rapidly darting to every table. Contrasting the empty sight you’d gotten used to, now, the cafeteria was stuffed with people split into their respective friend groups. Everyone wearing their own bright sets of colours, it was like a congregation of pretty butterflies. Even Harbour sat with others you couldn’t recognise, and…
Amongst all of them, he stuck out. Really stuck out.
Thank god, you thought. The mere sight of Yoru made you feel at ease, despite his incredibly unfriendly expression as he watched his friends chat. And by the looks of things, he contributed absolutely nothing to the conversation, either.
Neon wasn’t lying when she said there’s plenty of them, huh?
Neon called out, handing you a few tissues to wipe your hand with. But before you could thank her, you were promptly interrupted by an enthusiastic voice from the table the Japanese sat at.
“Neon, over here!”
One of the women called out, excitedly waving her hand to catch the attention of both of you. And unfortunately for you, she was one of the ones you’d never seen before. Her, and everyone who sat around her.
“That’s Raze,"
“That’s her name?”
“Trust me, Y/N, you’re the odd one out, here. Anyway, come on!”
You rolled your eyes and followed, wiping your hand in the process. And just by touching a single finger, half of the tissue had already gotten soaked with the liquid, and the smell unfortunately spread even further.
Just approaching the table, you could feel the eyes of everyone on you, a smile lifting each and every one of their lips. Despite their amiable expressions, it still made you nervous to be thrust into the spotlight so quickly. All, but the one who needn’t be named, at this point. The one with the white hair immediately perked up, excited by your very presence.
“Hey! You’re the new one, right? Where were you the whole time?!”
You smiled awkwardly and sat down right next to her, only now noticing that each of them were actually eating food. Mostly empty plates and plastic wrappings around them, of course, but it was a surprise, nonetheless.
“I was, uh, getting examined and… you know, training, and stuff.”
“Psh, I mean, we all train, but I’ve never seen someone train so hard we never see them. Not even Yoru! This must be serious, yeah?”
You raised an eyebrow, staring at her in confusion. Wasn’t a portion of the building destroyed because of you literally the day before? That wasn’t to mention the news stories that spread around after your hand was imprinted on that hill. Huh, maybe Neon was right about things going fast around here. 
Pun not intended.
“Neon told us all about you, yesterday! Is it true you have a shapeshifting bracelet? Is it tech? Can I see it?!”
Another perked up, clearly excited. And despite her incredibly harsh german accent, you somehow managed to dig out the words.
It took you a moment to even comprehend what she said, before slowly lifting your right hand and revealing said bracelet. The wet tissues were held in a way that wouldn’t obscure what they were observing. Clearly, she was disappointed that it wasn’t tech and instead a plant.
But before anyone could actually make a comment, Gekko coughed and cleared his throat, covering the lower half of his face with a hand.
“Yo, seriously, anyone smell that?”
“Smell what? All I smell is Raze.”
Killjoy said, and you were immediately perplexed at what she meant.
“Tch. No wonder Gekko can’t breathe, then.”
Yoru scoffed, earning a playful eye-roll from Raze.
“Come on! My bombs don’t smell that bad. Sure, sometimes they’re suffocating, but nothing that would hurt, you know?”
“Hoy, don’t get your hopes up. It’s just the stuff from her hand. It’s like, nectar, or something.”
Neon pointed at your hand and unintentionally guided all of their eyes towards you all over again. With an awkward chuckle, you tossed the wet tissues on the table, working to shift their attention to it instead.
“The smell’s in, uh, this thing.”
Gekko grabbed one tissue and smelled it, coughing and promptly tossing it away.
“Okay– bad idea, bad idea.”
Jett took it, stuffing it into her nose and taking the biggest sniff ever. Unlike Gekko, who successfully suffocated himself, she was instead met with a heavenly aroma.
“Mmmm, it smells like a fresh spring breeze after a hard day’s work! My favourite!”
“Ugh, this feels like that mission with Viper all over again!”
You quickly nudged Neon’s, bringing yourself closer to her in order to not be heard.
“Is he okay?!”
“Yeah! He just has asthma, don’t worry about it.”
Neon looked back to her friends as they chatted, before her eyes widened in realisation.
“Uh– wait, now that I think about it, you probably shouldn’t be working with him–”
Then, a loud, familiar and enthusiastic voice interrupted the conversation; all of you looking up to see Harbour standing behind Killjoy and Raze; giving you a clear vision of him. Of course, despite everything that happened, the sight of him inspired dread more than anything else.
“Y/N, ready to get back to training?”
You weakly smiled, the words ‘I’m exhausted and I want to spend all day in bed, please,’ lodged in your throat.
It had been almost six hours of pure vigorous training on that island, and you’d only had a thirty minute break. But you’d just asked Harbour to take it slow, and with that entire time you could’ve spent learning how to use a gun; you instead used up all of it on learning how to use your hand. So, how could you say no?
And so, despite your heavy eye-lids and inability to hold your head up, you nodded, and pulled all of your weight to stand.
Then, another familiar voice interrupted this conversation.
“You guys trained all day. How does a break sound?”
Yoru said, twisting the spiked bracelet he wore. Eyes locked on it, he didn't acknowledge your existence.
“A break? Yeah, I could use one right now, actually. As long as Y/N’s up for it.”
Uh oh.
“Great! It sounds, uh, sounds great! I– I can do that.”
“Good, I’ll see you tonight, then. Astra! How about that one book you recommended?”
Harbour promptly walked off, a dark-skinned woman wearing purple and gold attire immediately following along. You stared at Yoru for a few seconds, but the moment you opened your mouth was also the moment he stood up and walked off, earning an angry look from Raze.
“Come on, we just sat down!”
“Bathroom. Sorry.”
With a single turn, Yoru disappeared thanks to the doorway that did him a favour and concealed all of him. And this time, you really weren't sure what to think about him. But one thing you were sure of;
with his quickness and convenient timing, Yoru absolutely didn’t leave for the bathroom.
It had been a few days since that whole debacle took place. And in those few days, though you were training, you still spent time with Neon’s friends and even clicked with a select few of them as things settled. You had your own room, you were assigned a proper name, and your bracelet’s capabilities were narrowed down in a comprehensible list. However, despite all of this, you never thanked Yoru for what he’d done.
Whenever you’d see him, it would be like seeing a wild cicada; it would only last a few seconds before he’d walk off. Minus the noise that cicadas make, of course. Which is partly why you’re so excited to have finally caught him in the training range, alone, rapidly shooting down a bunch of bots. And with only one bullet used for each one, his aim was dangerously accurate.
Not that it concerned you, right now.
“Hey, Yoru!”
He greeted back. So quietly, you nearly didn’t catch it since it was drowned out by the echoes of the bullets, combined with the bots heads’ loudly breaking with each shot. Yoru straightened his back and met your gaze, easing his grip on the Vandal. However, using its muzzle, he pointed at your bracelet.
“That hand under control?”
You eagerly nodded, and he went back to shooting, ready to disregard you.
“Hey, also, thanks for helping me out again, I don’t think things would’ve been as smooth if you didn’t step in.”
Just by the way he furrowed his brow, you could tell he wasn’t exactly pleased with this. The moment of silence was interrupted with a loud gunshot, another bot falling to the ground.
“Sure, whatever you say.”
He took another shot in silence, leaving you confused. And though you waited for him to bring up whatever bothered him and continue his sentence, as expected; naught was said.
“Uh… what? Did I say something wrong?”
“No. I just don’t think you took my advice.”
“Why not? I did what you told me to do, and we focused on my hand first.”
Yoru fired one final shot, another bot collapsing. Then, he took out the empty magazine and met your gaze.
“I told you not to let everyone walk all over you, A/N. I told you to speak.”
You were perplexed even further. Was he not listening to what you were saying, or just intentionally ignored it to make it look like he has a point to prove?
“I did! I told Harbour to take it slow, just like you said!”
“And you were ready to get back to training right after that.”
Almost instantly, you were left with your counter-argument lodged in your throat. As much as you wanted to defend yourself, he had a point there. You were exhausted, couldn’t even focus on a simple conversation, but you didn’t say anything. And thus, didn’t take his advice… or whatever he said. But this wasn’t an overnight change, you thought. You couldn’t just switch like that.
You crossed your arms, growing irritated.
“So? Look, you helped me, and I’m saying thanks. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Tch. Whatever.”
What the hell is this guy’s problem?! You clenched your fists, barely able to keep yourself from raising your voice. And with his mildly irked expression that didn’t change throughout this entire conversation; you were all the more annoyed.
“Are you in the mood to fight, or something?”
“No, but I’m not going to brownnose you like everyone else, lady. I’m telling you what nobody else can.”
Your eyes widened, and you saw red. Who does he think he is?!
“You’re not a hero for insulting me, Yoru! If you have something to say, then say it!”
You pointed at him condescendingly as you spoke, treating him the same way he treated you; less. With how vast and large the training room was, your increasingly loud voice began to echo. A massive contrast to how calm and monotone he was.
Surprisingly enough, pointing at him seemed to have evoked a reaction other than ‘mildly irritated’, and Yoru now shared your anger. You asked for the truth, and god knows you’d get it.
“Fine. Being around you pisses me off, A/N. this ‘unlucky’ gimmick you won’t shut up about is just a scapegoat.”
“What’re you trying to say?”
“For god's sake, I’m saying you’re spineless!”
He snapped, and you stared at him in shock. It took you a few seconds to even find the right words to say.
“Spineless? What the hell is wrong with you?! You’re acting like I wanted all of this to happen to me!”
“Get the hell over it. Things happen to all of us, but we're not moaning nonstop about it.”
His voice returned to its normal pitch, to your surprise. In fact, it was a bit quieter, and he spoke through gritted teeth. You hadn’t noticed that Yoru pulled out another magazine and inserted it into the Vandal, angling his body back to the bots. And with that, he took his time to aim, prepared to shoot.
“Prove me wrong. Frankly, I’m doing you a favour by telling you all of this.”
At this point, you couldn’t think properly from how much you wanted to squash him then and there. Prove him wrong, he said? Fine. Why be peaceful when he was sniffing out a fight like a starving rat in the dark?
You slammed your hand against the big red button to your right. And with a loud and prolonged ding, training was halted, and he was forced to focus all of his attention on you.
“Okay, you’ve had your piece, but it’s only fair I also have mine, right?”
Yoru gently set his Vandal down on the counter in front of you and begrudgingly met your gaze, crossing his arms. He wasn’t amused.
“I don’t care how high and mighty you think you are, but I’m not gonna let a corny egomaniac like you talk to me like that!” You pointed at his chest as you spoke. But gradually, with each word, you resorted to poking him in a patronising manner. “Just because you stand around all mysteriously and stay quiet all the time doesn’t mean you’re better than me, you stupid son of a b–”
A red ball immediately shot out of your bracelet, swiftly dodged by Yoru.
And with a loud splat, it slammed against the wall, slowly sliding towards the ground as clear fluids seeped out of it like an incredibly wet towel. You both stared at it for a few seconds, sharing each others’ astonishment. 
But it wasn’t until he met your gaze, donning an incredibly smug expression he absolutely did not try to hide. Without words, you knew he was mocking you.
“Bravo. Or whatever Chamber says.”
He placed both hands in his pockets and walked off behind you towards the doorway, leaving you in your own little bubble of terror to process. That little bomb you shot out saved you from having to crawl to Sage with a broken finger, he thought. That’s for sure. But for once, he’d keep his mouth shut and say something more appropriate.
“If you’re smart, you’d think about what I said.”
His footsteps faded away with each passing second you spent scrutinising the ‘bomb’.
Slowly, you walked towards it, taking in its appearance. And it didn’t look like a traditional bomb, even by the standards of your alien bracelet. Was it even a bomb?
It lay in a pile of clear liquid produced by it. And if your assumptions were correct, it was the same nectar that would emit scent. Like a rat king, each green section of this unfamiliar plant connected at the centre and formed a demented yet pretty circle of red and green, nectar oozing off of each tentacle.
What the hell kind of demonic flower is this…?
However, even though you were observing something you’d never seen in your life produced by you, you still couldn’t help but think about that a-hole. Psh. Not unlucky, he said. Just spineless. You asked for your life to be completely lost by accepting the gift from Manuel, right?
You sighed, furious. Whatever. The important thing is; you just discovered something new. And you needed to find out where the trigger was to shoot out those… er, bomb things.
You observed the slew of plants for the next few minutes, probably hours, all of your attention completely locked on it. But you still didn’t touch it out of fear. So much so, you didn’t notice that there was a figure staring at you from behind as it stood next to the doorway in silence.
Until he cleared his throat.
You jumped and looked back, but the apology got stuck in your throat once you saw an ominous figure enveloped in darkness, a purple hood concealing the person’s pitch black features. Of course, that wasn’t to mention the three cyan slits where its face should be, facing you like a predator in a dark, dark forest.
“A/N, right?”
“I’m Omen.”
It clicked.
He’s Omen?! You’ve heard his name dropped a few times, even saw it written on the scoreboard while training, but he– You immediately cleared your throat, standing up properly and awkwardly positioning yourself to cover the plant.
“Omen! I heard about you. You’re…” you looked him up and down, nervously smiling, “you look, uh, unique…?”
“I get that a lot.”
You noticed the slits in his face expand horizontally. Subtle, but in the darkness, it was hard to not notice. Was that supposed to be his way of smiling…?
“I heard yelling in here from the other room. Are you okay?”
You crossed your arms, frustrated all over again.
“You were in the common room?”
“Of course, by the fireplace. I always sit there.”
“Oh, really? Sorry…” 
You immediately felt guilty at the fact you’d bothered him enough to have forced him up to check on you. And with how quiet that area was at this time of day, it must’ve been extra irritating to listen to.
He stepped out of the shadows and moved towards you; a black vapour emitted from his hood before disappearing into the air. And though this was terrifying since it was a literal ghost walking towards you, the way he moved somehow looked… zen. Each step gentle, letting out as little noise as possible.
He had the same aura as Sage, but stronger. Tranquil and peaceful. The exact opposite as to how you felt currently.
Then, he stopped next to you, allowing the light above to shine upon whatever features there were. And still, you couldn’t really see what he was really made of, outside of the clothes, armour and bandages that covered him.
He pointed to what you were supposed to be hiding.
“What’s this?”
Your eyes widened, flushing.
“That’s– that’s uh, you know, it’s a funny story, actually…”
“Oh, it’s new?”
He knelt down and poked the plant, immediately making you panic.
“Wait, uh, Omen, I don’t think you should–”
The red tentacles stuck on the stem promptly wrapped around his finger, holding onto it for dear life. Effectively, his finger was stuck, and the nectar spread on it made it much easier to trap him.
Uh oh.
Omen tried to pull away, but even you could tell he struggled. Somehow, now, the main stem of it merged itself onto the metal ground as if it sprouted from it moments prior. And with this sturdy support; it successfully kept the wraith in place.
“It has a death grip. It could trap whoever steps in it.”
And just like that, the black mist that formed his finger disintegrated into nothing, allowing him to easily escape its grasp. Within the next second, he gathered a small amount of his shadows to ‘regrow’ the lost limb, standing up and meeting your gaze.
Right, you forgot that you were talking to a GHOST. Normal stuff, right? How silly of you to forget.
“Now we figured out what kind of plant your bracelet is made of.”
You perked up at this.
“This is sundew. Carnivorous, last I heard. You should tell Viper about this.”
Ugh, Viper? Right now? The thought of asking Viper about this absolutely left your mind the moment it entered. You just weren’t in the mood to take up her time with something unimportant like this. Who knows, she could be–
Wait, but doesn’t that mean Yoru was right?
You immediately shook your head. Whatever, that jerk has no place in your mind. Or anywhere near you, for that matter.
“I– I think I'll ask her about it later. She has a mission going on and stuff, I don’t want to bother her.”
He stared at you. And with only the slits to go off of, you had no idea what was going through his mind. Then, he tilted his head.
“Are you certain? This seems… important. Does she make you uncomfortable?”
You smiled and waved him off, slightly blushing.
“Omen! She’s the last person who would make me uncomfortable. I already bothered you enough with all the yelling, I promise I’ll deal with it on my own, okay? Don’t worry about it.”
He stared at you for a few seconds, before nodding. Though, with the awkward motion of it, he seemed incredibly unconvinced.
“If you say so. But, just to make sure, does this have to do with Yoru?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I’ve seen you talk to him for a few mornings when you first arrived here. You two seem to click together.”
That was him?!
“Yeah, click together, sure…”
Should you tell Omen about the argument? But it would be weird, wouldn’t it? It would be awkward to admit you got in an argument on your first week… Especially with Yoru. And everyone here seems to make excuses for how crass he was, for some reason. Why would anyone tolerate this type of behaviour? Especially Viper.
You sighed, awkwardly scratching at your bracelet.
“I’ll– I’ll try to get this under control, probably with Harbour. Thanks for the talk, and stuff. See you later!”
You called out, immediately marching towards the exit and disappearing before another word could be exchanged. Omen was left alone in the training range, and god knows you felt bad.
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rate-every-bat · 4 months
Could you rate the honduran white bat? They’re my favorite and I even have a character based on them!
Hello! I'd love to, thank you for the suggestion!
Today's Bat: Honduran White Bat
The Honduran White Bat is the first line of defense against bat-haters. "Bats are ugly-" WRONG. "Bats carry disease-" NOT THIS GUY. The second someone says they don't like bats, for any given reason, I want you to pull this picture up on your phone and tell them they're WRONG:
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Environmental Impact: Not much is known about how Honduran White Bats affect their environments. They live across Panama, Honduras, and parts of Central America. They're frugivores, but don't disperse seeds. They aren't known to carry any pests or diseases. They are, of course, famed for their roost-making behavior: by chewing along the ribs of heliconia leaves, they create tents in which to rest, camouflaged from predators. Fun fact: their roosts are mixed-sex until mating season, at which point the bats will split into "bachelor" and "maternal" roosts for patrol and child-rearing, respectively. Unfortunately, the species is currently classified as "near-threatened" on the IUCN Red List because of habitat destruction.
Beauty: I mean, look at them. Each is around two inches tall and weighs 5 grams. Their unique orange-yellow accents stand out against their white coats, making them look like cotton ball art dolls. Even if you aren't an enjoyer of leaf noses and echolocator's ears (which I very much am), you've gotta admit these guys are something special.
Power: Remember the unique orange-yellow coloration of their ears, nose, and wings? This pigment comes from lutein, a carotenoid often found in fruits in vegetables. Most mammals disperse these pigments evenly around the body, but Honduran White Bats take advantage of lutein's oxygen-carrying properties and accumulate the pigment at the spots of their body most likely to be injured to allow for speedier healing. This unique property makes them an object of scientific curiosity, as understanding how they utilize lutein may lead to developments in treatment and prevention of macular degeneration in humans!
Overall: If you like bats, cotton balls, DIY, scientific research opportunities, or figs, this little guy has something for you. Thank you for sharing your favorite bat with me! C:
(Today's sources: Animal Diversity Web, Chemical and Engineering News)
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theshadowrealmitself · 11 months
Fistfight in the break room between a Vulcan and a Human over what classifies as a vegetable or a fruit
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birdstudies · 48 minutes
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April 8, 2024 - Ashy-headed Laughingthrush (Argya cinereifrons) These laughingthrushes are found in parts of southwestern Sri Lanka in lowland and mountain forests. They eat invertebrates, small vertebrates, fruit, and seeds, foraging in flocks, sometimes with other species, on or near the ground in leaf litter and vegetation. Breeding cooperatively, they build large nests from twigs, dry leaves, rootlets, and lichen in bushes or small trees. Females lay clutches of three to four eggs, though more than one may lay them. Multiple group members incubate the eggs and care for the chicks. They are classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN due to moderate population declines from habitat loss and degradation in their small and fragmented range.
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hot-take-tournament · 7 months
So I looked up the rhubarb thing and apparently the reason they were sometimes classified as fruits was because in the late 1940s tariffs made it cheaper to import fruits than vegetables. You heard that right. The reason is tax evasion.
that's actually the same reason why this blog is still called a 'tumblr tournament' despite all evidence pointing to the contrary
you might not know this, but tournament poll blogs actually get tax breaks
as long as we keep insisting that this is still a bracket the IRS can't touch us
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Carve Out Some Time for the Cassowary
Famous for their bright colors and short tempers, cassowaries are a group of flightless birds in the genus Casuarius. There are three species: the Northern Cassowary (C. unappendiculatus) which is found in New Guinea; the Southern Cassowary (C. casuarius), native southern New Guinea and northern Australia; and the Dwarf Cassowary (C. bennetti), endemic to New Guinea and the surrounding islands. All three species prefer tropical forests, though they are known to venture into savannahs, wetlands, and suburban areas in search of food.
Cassowaries are mainly active at dawn and dusk, and spend the time in between in their nests-- large pads of vegetation built on the ground. They opportunistic omnivores; their primary source of food is fruit and fungi, but they will also eat insects, frogs, fish, birds, small mammals, and carrion when available. Much of the fruit they eat is swallowed whole, which makes cassowaries invaluable for spreading seeds throughout their range. Additionally, due to their large size, adult cassowaries have no natural predators, and will aggressively defend their young from predators like snakes, monitor lizards, birds of prey, and wild dogs. When startled this birds can run up to 50 kph (31 mph), or lash out with their powerful legs.
Members of the Casuarius genus are solitary, save for the reproductive season. This season runs from May to September, when fruit is most abundant. Males maintain and defend territories, and call to attract mates. These calls are extremely loud, and at one of the lowest frequencies of any known bird, at about 23 Hertz. When a female approaches, the male crouches and allows the female to inspect him. She may also chase him, typically into water where the two perform a ritualistic fight before she submits. After laying her eggs, the female will move on to another male’s territory.
The eggs are extremely large and bright green, and usually laid in clutches of four. The male alone tends these eggs, incubating them and maintaining the nest for 50-52 days. The chicks that emerge stay with him for an additional 8-9 months until they become independent. Individuals take up to three years to become fully mature, and the average lifespan of wild Casuarius is anywhere from 30 to 50 years.
Southern Cassowaries are the largest of the three species, at up to 1.8 m (5ft 11 in) tall and weighing 58 kg (130 lbs) on average. Females tend to be much larger than males, and the species is considered to be the largest in Asia and the 3rd largest in the world. The Dwarf Cassowary, as the name implies, is significantly smaller at only 1.5m (4ft 11in) tall and 26 kg (57 lbs) at maximum. Northern Cassowaries lie between the two extremes. While all three species have black bodies, the coloration of their heads and necks vary significantly. Both the Northern and Southern Cassowary species have wattles-- pouches of skin that dangle from the neck-- that can be red, gold, purple, or white, which contrasts sharply with their blue necks. The Dwarf Cassowary lacks a wattle, and has a darker blue neck. In addition, it has the smallest head crest, or casque,; the Southern Cassowary’s casque is blade-shaped, and larger than the Dwarf Cassowary’s. The Northern Cassowary’s casque is more flared, and the largest of the three species.
Conservation Status: The Dwarf and Northern Cassowary species are considered Near Threatened and Least Concern respectively by the IUCN, while the Southern Cassowary is classified as endangered. All three are threatened primarily by habitat loss.
If you like what I do, consider leaving a tip or buying me a ko-fi!
Steve Parish
Kevin Schafer
San Diego Zoo
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Flora of Thedas Master List
Master list of all the flora in Thedas, mentioned or seen.
Additional notes on certain items will be listed at the bottom, for items marked with asterisks, see the key below for a brief explanation and the Game assets and Additional Notes and Trivia section at the bottom. Sources are listed at the very end and this time linked.
For other lists here are posts for: Real Plants in Thedas
Key: * - Name comes from the asset file name ** - Name not provided but identified based on the textures used on the asset. *** - See Additional Notes and Trivia.
General Flora: Flowers and Foliage
Acacia*: Black Wood*
Andraste's Grace
Ardent Blossom
Banyan Tree*
Beech Tree
Birch: White Birch*
Cactus: Pear Cactus*
Cedar: Red Cedar
Clover: Forest Clover*
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress*, Topiary Cypress*
Daisy: Marguerite
Elephant Ear*
Fade Berry*
Felicidus Aria
Fern: Red Fern*, Sword Fern*
Harlot's Blush
Hero Tree*
Lichen: Glowing Lichen
Lily: Calla Lily**, Water Lily
Moss: Oakmoss, Redmoss, Tree-Moss
Northern Prickleweed
Oak: Serault Oak
Palm Tree: Curly Palm*, Fan Palm*
Pine: Chir Pine*, Stone Pine
Ponga Tree*
Rose: Climbing Rose
Sugar Cane
Walnut: Black Walnut
Wilds Flower
Apple: Applewood Apple, Green Apple, Golden Apple, Red Apple
Berries: Blackberry, Blueberry, Bramble Berry, Cranberry, Elderberry, Raspberry, Strawberry
Coco, Chocolate
Currants: Black Currant
Nuts: Almonds, Chestnut, Hognut, Peanuts
Orange: Sweet Orange
Palm Fruit: Date
Passion Fruit
Pear: Bradford Pear*
Beans: Bush Bean, Green Bean, Pale Bean, White Bean
Bell Peppers: Red Bell Peppers
Daikon Radish*
Onion: Red Onion, Sweet Onion, White Onion
Peppers: Antivan Pepper, Green Pepper, Hot Pepper, Hot Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper
Squash: Baby Pumpkin, Marrow Squash, Pumpkin, String Squash
Fungus of Thedas
Deep Mushrooms
Bleeding Russula
Blighted Morel
Brimstone Mushroom
Deep Mushroom
Destroying Spirit
Ghoul's Mushroom
Unnamed Mushroom Ortan Thaig
Surface Mushrooms
Beetle Spore
Field Mushroom
Sponge Root***
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom***
Unnamed Mushroom***
Antivan Cord-Seed
Cumin, Cumin Seed
Dill, Dill Seed
Pepper: Black Pepper
Peppercorn: Black Peppercorn
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Herbs of Thedas
Herbs count as anything that Dragon Age has classified as an herb (whether technically correct or not), plants that are used as herbs in real life. These do not include mushrooms, fungi, or deep mushrooms simply for ease of organization.
Amrita Vein
Andraste's Mantle
Arbor Blessing
Crystal Grace
Deathroot: Arcanist Deathroot, Lunatic's Deathroot
Elfroot/Canavaris: Bitter Elfroot, Gossamer Elfroot, Royal Elfroot
Embrium: Dark Embrium, Salubrious Embrium
Ghoul's Beard
Lotus: Black Lotus, Blood Lotus, Dawn Lotus
Mint: Anderfel's Mint, Foxmint, Peppermint
Mintroot - Not a true mint based on its description and the fact that it grows on trees.
Prophet's Laurel
Rashvine Nettle
Spindleweed: Verdant Spindleweed
Vandal Aria
Star Anise
Game Assets Notes
These are plants shown in Dragon Age but aren't named in universe, just in their model files or through identification of the textures. Since most filler plant textures are just that of real world plants.
**NOTE:** When I mention they are not the known name of any plant, this comes with the caveat of being popular common names. Common names are highly variable and inconsistent. They depend on regional knowledge and association. Some travel farther than others. Common names are also not reliable identifiers.
Acacia: Black Wood ~ Note: Black Wood is a type of acacia. Both acacia and black wood are named assets.
Artichoke ~ Note: Identification comes from asset name, the artichoke flower is used as ornamentation of a box.
Banyan Tree
Boxwood ~ A type of shrub, identification comes from asset name.
Bradford Pear ~ Their fruits are edible, however their flowers are known to emit a smell akin to rotting meat. Identification comes from asset name.
Calla Lily ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters.
Cattail ~ Note: Seen through out DAO and DAI, identification comes from asset name.
Coleus ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters and in the Frostback Basin.
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress, Topiary Cypress ~ Note: In terms of the Italian Cypress, in world it wouldl likely be called the "Antivan Cypress" given that Antiva is pulling from Italian culture, food, environments, and other inspirational elements. Cypress is a plant that is named in canon.
Daikon Radish ~ Note: Found on Dennet's farm, identification comes from asset name.
Elephant Ear ~ Note: Foliage found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from asset name.
Fade Berry
Fern: Red Fern, Sword Fern ~ Note: The red fern isn't a real plant and therefore can be considered unique to Thedas. In contrast the sword fern is a real plant. Identification comes from the asset name for both of these ferns.
Forest Clover
Foxleaf ~ Note: This is another plant that is not real, no plant has this common name as far as I could find.
Gasbloom ~ Note: Seen in the Arbor Wilds, the Frostback Basin some elven ruins, and the elven ruins of multiplayer levels. Their identification comes from the asset name. There are two versions of the texture the "fixed" version is used in JoH dlc and thus explains the difference in appearance. This is not the name of a known mushroom.
Hero Tree
Palm: Curly Palm, Fan Palm ~ Note: Both palms are seen in the Frostback Basin, both are identified by their named assets.
Pear Cactus ~ Note: Found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from the asset name.
Pine: Chir Pine
Ponga Tree ~ Note: Also known as the 'Tree Fern'. This is the tree you see in Val Royeaux garden as coming from Par Vollen, and throughout the Arbor Wilds.
Redwood ~ Note: Identified by the name of the file asset. Found in the Winter Palace, Exalted Plains, and on multiplayer maps.
Waterweed ~ Note: In real life this is an entire genus not one particular plant. Though the six plants in this genus do share the common name of waterweed.
White Birch
Additional Notes and Trivia
Ironwood - Unclear if this is an alternative name, the actual name of the plant, or both.
Morel - This mushroom is inferred due to the existence of Blighted Morel. However it is not explicitly specified there is a non-blighted morel.
Sponge Root - Though canonical as it is mentioned and shown in World of Thedas vol. 2 on pg. 138 with a collection of deep mushroom and surface mushroom illustrations. This mushroom was cut twice from Inquisition. It was cut from the base game as a craftable, it had a much different appearance from its final design, and then it was cut again from Trespasser. It does however still make an appearance in Inquisition as the inventory icon for Crystal Grace.
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom Is mentioned in multiplayer when there are two Lukas playing.
Unnamed Mushroom These brown mushrooms are seen in the Fallow Mire and the Frostback Basin. They are shown in two different sizes ranging from shorter than a dwarf to taller than one.
There is one unlisted mushroom, its assets is named "red mushroom" and thus is identified by textures. These is not a canon name but is included for completeness. Amanita Muscaria: More commonly know as fly agaric or fly amanita, the red top with white spots is an iconic in its imagery. You will find large swaths of these mushrooms in the Frostback Basin. Their assets is named "Red Mushroom".
Winterberry is a real plant. However, from what we see in DA2, it does not the same as the plant we have in the real world, just a shared common name.
Wormroot is another real plant name. However, due to the description in The Calling, it does not seem to be the same plant. In The Calling it is used to treat the venom of a giant spider. The real world plant is used to treat parasites in the gut and does not seem to hold any shared uses in folk lore, folk medicine, or western medicine practices.
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blogforfauna · 2 years
Vulpes Macrotis
There are four true fox species in North America including the red fox, arctic fox, swift fox, and kit fox. Kit foxes are the smallest of these four, weighing about 5 pounds (lighter than the average house cat).
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Kit foxes live in southwestern North America, preferring dry climates like the Mojave and Sonoran desert. These regions can get quite hot and kit foxes are poorly adapted to the heat. Because of this, kit foxes shelter in a burrow during the day. They can dig these burrows but they more commonly enlarge abandoned burrows made by animals like badgers or prairie dogs, often adding extra entrances. In more mountainous regions they use rock outcroppings as dens. They come out of these burrows at night to hunt for animals like kangaroo rats, cottontail rabbits, prairie dogs, lizards, and ground-dwelling birds. They’ll also eat vegetation like cactus fruits and tomatoes.
The population of the kit fox is classified as least concern, meaning they aren’t at risk for extinction, but their population is decreasing due to habitat loss and poisons used to kill rodents and insects. The San Joaquin kit fox subspecies is endangered for these reasons.
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Like all other fox species, kit foxes generally hunt alone. They are quite social, though, and live in pairs or small family groups. They aren’t very territorial either, so the territory of different groups of kit foxes often overlap.
I rate the kit fox 15/10. Definitely would pet
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Photo credits:
(1) Jason Sims (2) Joel Sartore (3) Utahcamera on Wikipedia (4) Jason Sims
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