suicida03cruz · 19 days
"Ese dolorcito en el pecho cuando te das cuenta que no estaba hecho para ti"
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desorden-en-letras · 11 months
Yo era una persona completamente cálida ahora solo llueve y hace frío, con miedo a la tempestad.
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etincelleart · 9 months
So what do you think the yellow color when penny gave her power to winter meant?
So I have two main ideas for that :
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It has something to do with Jaune's Semblance, that he used right before Penny asked him to kill her.
I don't think we really know how his Semblance can expend exactly, we got some hints in Volume 7 with Vine asking him if he "ever thought about extending his Aura". So did he mean that like physically like Vine and Emerald did ? Or an extension in a different way, in time or space for example ? For now there's no confirmation, but it feels like there's something they will do (or have already done) with that.
So yeah, I was thinking that MAYBE, Jaune's Semblance impacted Penny's Aura, maybe it only changed colors because of it, or maybe it also gave her some strenght and reinforced her Aura ? Idk but this is one idea.
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2. It has something to do with Ambrosius' work and actions after "recreating" Penny.
I noticed in a recent tiny rewatch of the chapter "Creation" of Volume 8 that when Ambrosius "recreate" Penny, there's this similar gold light kinda coming out of her body, my interpretation of that is that it's when her Aura was removed from her robot body. But we see right after through the robot body's vision that her Aura is really green inside her new flesh body, and we see it again while she fights and fall on the bridge at some point with Weiss. So her Aura REALLY should be green during the transfer, that's what would be logical since Fria's was blue. So I thought that maybe it was Ambrosius' actions, I know a lot of people said that Penny was only made of Aura after that and didn't have a flesh body. I mean, I believe she still had a flesh body (she bleeded after all-). But what Ambrosius did to her, maybe it made her body special ? She wasn't born in a flesh body after all. So maybe this particularity made her body glow in a different way, because her body was made differently than everyone. But it still doesn't really explain everything at all to me...
One last idea, more boring (krkr), is that it would be because of the place they are. This isn't a physical place, they kinda met in the "mind", or somewhere not on Remnant. It wasn't imagination but it was still somewhere not physical. So I guess it would have to do with that maybe, while we saw Fria's transfer in the physical world of Remnant. But yet idk, even if it's a different place, WHY would it be gold, like I don't really see the reason, it should have been green for it to be logical from the start x)
That's why something's a bit weird here for sure to me-
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leregirenga · 6 months
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La han roto tantas veces que ya no fue divertido volverse a enamorar, optó por mantener la mente fría, las pupilas fijas, los sentimientos apartados, la emociones de lado.
Se dió cuenta de que nada es para siempre, ni siquiera un buen amor, todo tiene un principio y un final. Así que ya no más de encariñarse, menos enamorarse, va a evitar a toda costa un dolor, una tristeza, una perdida más.
Leregi Renga
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electronica-1 · 9 days
No pienso tomarme un solo segundo en chequear la veracidad de este posteo. Firmo a libro cerrado...
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fernthewhimsical · 8 months
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Made rose-lemonade with pink food colouring and edible gold glitter as an offering for Freyja ♡
Also did some divination for some suspicions I had and yeah, three constructed deities I thought were connected were in fact all Freyja.
Like I said on Discord. Three Freyjas in a trenchcoat xD
And the Veiled Silence has revealed herself as Holle.
So quite some changes in the personal pantheon! Both have shown interest in teaching me magic and Otherworldly travel, so this will be interesting
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Gorgeous Flash Gordon Sunday page by Alex Raymond.
Although immensely popular, Flash Gordon was exclusive to the color Sunday pages from its inception in 1934.  It wasn’t until 1940 that a daily newspaper strip, by artist Austin Briggs, was introduced.
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tinta-y-cometas · 1 year
Estoy tratando de reconstruir otra vez mi ser, forjar mis emociones y sentimientos, encerrar más profundo está vez a estos demonios internos. Estoy disponible para volver a colocarme mi máscara de mujer invencible, fría y despiadada.
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n7raul · 3 months
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lasnotassuicidas · 2 years
Y yo lo sabía, sabía que después de tí yo cambiaría, sabía que me convertiría en una persona indiferente y fría con los demás, pero jamás contigo a ti te seguiré viendo y tratando como siempre. Lo he comprobado pues varias personas me lo han afirmado. Pero, ¿Qué esperaban? ¿Cómo esperan que estuviera? Ellos no saben por lo que hemos pasado, no saben que me la pase llorando en las noches, y aún así se atreven a preguntarme porque cambié. Al pasar por todo esto al menos yo si cambiaría. No veo el mundo como antes, ahora todo es distinto...
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
To be somewhat fair to ironwood and fria he was clearly still giving her medical attention and keeling her as safe as he could which given she seemingly had dementia makes some sense, letting her wander around the city probably wouldn’t have been idea
But keeling her completely isolated from anyone except winter and whoever offered medical attention was still cruel,
Yeah, for me the issue here is less so that Ironwood provided Fria with end-of-life care so much as the reasoning behind it. He's not caring for a feeble old woman in her final days out of the goodness of his heart (or at least not just out of the goodness of his heart; Ironwood is most certainly capable of kindness, but that isn't the primary factor in play here), he's doing it so that his handpicked candidate has ready access to the powers of the Winter Maiden.
Given that Fria is... definitely not all there, I definitely don't think she should be allowed to wander around unchecked with the powers of a fully realized Maiden, but the way the scene is framed doesn't raise this point and focuses on Ironwood keeping Fria contained because he wants to be able to transfer her power to the person of his choosing, rather than because she might pose a danger to others without full control of her faculties.
Nowhere are Ironwood's priorities with regards to Fria more clear than when he sends Winter to murder her for a strategic advantage. Make no mistake, what Ironwood ordered Winter to do was murder. Fria is not so much a person in Ironwood's calculus as she is a resource, and her life and agency become necessary sacrifices in pursuit of victory once Ironwood believes Atlas is sufficiently vulnerable.
This may be a controversial opinion, but Ironwood's decision was correct from a strategic standpoint, if poorly timed. Atlas needs every resource it can get to meet Salem's invasion, and there are few resources on Remnant more potent than a Maiden, especially when you consider the fact that you also gain access to the associated Relic. If employed correctly, the Relic of Creation could have been a massive boon to the war effort, despite its limitations. It could have been used to generate equipment, materiel, defenses, or even robotic reinforcements as needed. It can only do one of those at a time, but even that offers a level of flexibility the hidebound Atlesian military desperately needs to face Salem's forces, and Ironwood has enough troops to use the Staff as many times as he wants - and this is just the most basic, least creative use for the Staff I can think of!
Ironwood absolutely fucked up by sending Winter to claim the Maiden's power as soon as Cinder spooked him and not providing her with adequate cover, but he was absolutely right to try to establish control over the Maiden power from a strategic standpoint, because it expands his options significantly and opens up a number of new avenues by which to attack, defend, and retreat. Unfortunately, he was right kind of by accident, because he sends Winter to kill Fria because he's scared and wants to run from Salem, rather than because he's preparing to fight.
Moral implications aside, and there are a lot of them, I can't imagine that Winter "Solve Social Situations By Hitting Them" Schnee is particularly good at providing care to the elderly, and the scene where we're introduced to Fria heavily implies that Winter is the only one providing that care (because Ironwood can't risk the power going somewhere else).
I do think that Ironwood is genuinely trying to do the right thing and be a good person for most of his run on the show, in his own heavyhanded, hamfisted way, but when I look back on his actions and interactions in light of Volume 8, there's always this sense of "You aren't quite real to me, and I am prepared to sacrifice you (regretfully, perhaps, and maybe even with hesitation, but I will do it in the end) if it becomes necessary" to him. Still one of my favorite characters, though. I love how flawed and complex he is, and his voice and aesthetic are *chef's kiss*. Jason Rose did a wonderful job bringing the character to life.
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suicida03cruz · 6 months
El amor no esta hecho para mi, en cambio el dolor, el miedo y la soledad es lo unico que me acompaño toda mi vida...
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weathermanpolls · 6 months
You guys snuck in during the last half hour to make Yang tied with Ilia, so Yang gets in, regardless of this poll.
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labikinaaa · 4 months
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leregirenga · 7 months
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"Nunca había sentido una noche tan fría, nunca había sentido un segundo tan eterno, nunca había sentido mi alma desgarrarse en un instante. Creo que es la primera vez que he sentido que mi alma no respira y que mi corazón no se mueve. Creo, que es la primera noche de lluvia, que quiero que termine."
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thesparringpanther · 2 years
One thing I can never figure out is why even a paranoid-ridden Ironwood would dedicate a secret hospital wing to keeping Fria alive. It's not like Fria's health took a turn for the worst after the Fall, Fria's been knocking on death's door for a long time now if Qrow jokes about it and Winter's 8 year career led up to becoming the Maiden. And it's not like Ironwood is above this either, Ironwood has always been a "The ends justify the means" character. He comes up with the options that no one else wants to voice and doesn't care. He even has a whole song dedicated to how much he doesn't care about people reacting to his morally dubious plans. So, if any character would have euthanized Fria, or at the very least zapped her powers away so the only thing keeping his Kingdom from being a giant crater isn't an old woman on life support, it'd be him and only him.
And that is not even counting the last time they kept a Maiden on life support Salem's forces attacked, took the power, and trashed the Kingdom on the way out.
What I'm rambling about is that for some reason Ironwood holds Fria in deep regards.
Ironwood is a contradiction. He wars with his humanity, believing and wanting to be emotionless in the name of efficiency while also pulling a complete 180 and will go above and beyond to protect his friends.
Let's look at Ironwood's job. He's the first, and hopefully, last, person in Remnant to hold a majority of the power on his Council.
But contrary as to what the show portrays, the General seat and the Headmaster seats are not the same seat. He would have had to either have been a Headmaster promoted to the General or vice versa.
Considering all the values Ironwood holds dear in his heart, the same values Qrow lambasts in World of Remnant, it's the latter.
Headmasters are either assumed by the Vice Headmaster if the current Headmaster dies (Glynda) or elected independently of their council's input, likely by the other Headmasters (Lionheart). Makes sense, considering they need to be briefed on the whole magic WMD in their basements thing, it's best that the common people don't vote others into this position.
Now, Ozpin detests the usage of armies and fleets. He knows it just causes more unrest and easier for Salem to manipulate, so Ironwood would have been on the bottom of his Atlas Headmaster list.
So I propose that Fria was the one that recommended/brought Ironwood into the Ozluminati. She saw something in him and trusted him to become a part of the bigger picture. And through that Ironwood earned the trust of Ozpin, enough for when the time came around it was easier to trust Ironwood as the Headmaster of Atlas and the Keeper of the Staff than getting another guy to do so.
And because of this that I think General Jimmy "Emotions Are Worthless" Ironwood prioritized Fria's comfort and was only willing to pull the plug when everything else failed.
Cuz if there's one thing Ironwood values, it's people believing in him.
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