#for a bit killing ourselves to live was stuck in me brain
Hobie stans hear me out:
SpiderPunk x SpiderPosh
I like the idea of a SpiderPosh.
He's a kid, born into money. He was born with a silver spoon up his ass and has been to private school all his life.
He got bitten on a fancy school trip. He has a fancy East End accent and drinks tea with his pinky out. He wears polos and ascots and Calvin Klein underwear unironically.
Hobie meets him and it's like 'ugh fucking hell' cause growing up in London he's come across his fair share of twats
But instead of being stuck up - SpiderPosh is just... Totally innocent and naive in nature.
He's the complete opposite of Hobie - coming from a 'utopian' universe like 2099. He genuinely thinks bigotry is horrifying and unfathomable. He hears about the things that happen in Hobies universe and he's just - floored.
Not only that, but he's concerned. It upsets him. Despite his looks and nature, Posh is extremely firm in his belief in justice, and kindness, and fairness.
To him, the thought of homelessness, and poverty and bigotry is gutting.
The more he knows about discrimination the more he hates it. The more he wants to help.
That's how he starts idolizing Hobie -
At first Posh is entirely intimidated by Hobie, with his bright colors and jagged edges. Whereas Posh is like the pages of a perfectly printed hardback novel.
He's afraid Hobie might hate him, or think he's a poseur. But he still tries anyway, apologizing for even bothering Hobie.
At first, he just asks what his anarchy patch means, and when Hobie tells him, Posh can't help but be dazzled.
A world without leaders, without borders, without poverty or excess. Posh tells him the idea sounds beautiful.
"I think we could do it - humans I mean. It's possible. We all want to do better, we just have to hold ourselves accountable. I'd give up a lot, for a world like that. I'd know we'd all sleep better at night, am I right?"
"Yeah," Hobie tells him. "You are."
Posh plays the interaction on repeat. Thinking about how Hobie explained it so easily, and stood on it so firmly.
He didn't know why his hands would sweat at the thought, even hours later.
And Hobie keeps it in mind too.
Later, he comes to Posh, giving him a book on Anarchy - told him it was due back at his universe's library in a couple days. But he'd figured that maybe a Posh would want a read.
Posh enhales the book in that time, reading over the pages Hobie had dog-earred, the scraps of paper stuffed between the pages with Hobies handwriting and thoughts.
The day the book is do back Posh gives it back to him, and the two send their entire lunch in the Society Campus food court, spilling their thoughts.
Posh thinks he's amazing. He tells him so.
Hobie thinks he's benevolent - a reminder of the good in the multiverse, the true good, the people worth fighting for.
Soon, he starts pestering Hobie, eager to pick his brain - asking for protesting tactics, and how to get people to listen.
Hobie is a happy teacher, always patient, and always fun. He's Posh's favorite type of person. So entirely him, that Posh could never seem to forget how other worldly he seemed.
When Posh learns about Hobies blue laces, to be honest, he's shocked. If anything, he's a bit upset. None of which surprised Hobie. He knew Posh was sheltered, altruistic to a fault.
But it's not that Posh is disgusted with him.
If anything, he's worried sick for Hobie.
He's asks him if he wants to talk about it, or unpack it, or if he's still processing it. The thought of Hobie killing someone, and then living with it everyday scared Posh. Hobies still a person.
But Hobies mostly over it.
Posh understands that sometimes things need to be done, but he still wonders how Hobie carries it with him. He doesn't bring it up anymore though. Hobie has made it clear it isn't a venting matter.
Sure, Hobies rock sounds like the sounds of cars being compacted to Posh, but he likes supporting Hobie.
Posh plays classical violin and piano, and although he and Hobie basically never play together - Hobie, a fellow musician, loves Posh's technique and the complexity of his pieces.
Sure they're the exact opposite. Sure Posh eats pizza with a fork and knife - and Hobie has to teach him how to eat it otherwise - but deep down they're fighting for the same cause.
They have the same values and views and love for the world. They'd both die for freedom and equality.
And they are in love yes they are gay boyfriends. Sheltered Posh gasped at the word queer, and when Hobie explained reclamation and the power in the word - Posh saw the light and now they're two radical gay lovers who do radical queer things
Theyre like those old couples that lie in bed next to each other in reading glasses doing wordcross or knitting before bed except it's Hobie and Posh in matching pajamas reading praxis and discussing the history of anti-capitalism in the west
Hobie and his cute kind boyfriend Posh
Okay say hi to my new oc y'all eventually I'll give him a real name a posh snooty name but until then
Punk and Posh
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theambitiouswoman · 8 months
hey there. i'm just 19 years old and been trying to find my way around things. i've been feeling really terrible lately. my situation's a bit messy.
i have a habit of comparing myself to my peers a lot. not to mention i have some addictions i must get rid of, like spending my time daydreaming a lot, which really affects my schedule. my mother would compare me to my peers when i was really little, and i think it grew on me, and now i'm starting to realize it as i grow up that it's stuck to me.
i couldn't do well with the university exam, so i'm taking a gap year to retake it next year. i feel like a failure sometimes. there were so many things i could have done as a high-schooler, but i just wasted my time. i succeeded in some stuff, yes, but i don't feel like i'm ready to be an adult yet. i feel like i should be knowledgable more, i feel like i know less than i should, and it's killing me inside.
i'm sorry if it's just ranting, but that's about my situation. your account is full of useful information and encouragement, do you have any previous posts/suggestions that you could give me? thank you in advance. i hope you have a nice day.
Hi angel,
At 19, it's normal to feel uncertain and overwhelmed. Remember, you're still figuring things out, and it's okay to take your time. 19 was one of my favorite ages, for no particular reason other than it was fun and I felt like an adult. I certainly had nothing together. My parents would have loved a lot of things for me at that age. Married to the boyfriend I had at the time because it was a huge sin to them based on their religious views, which in retrospect would have been a huge mistake.
Comparing yourself to others is common, but try to focus on your own journey. We normally compare ourselves because we don't have a set plan for our lives with clear goals and intentions. I am sure your mom means well, and its normal for parents to have the same expectations for all of their kids, even though they are literally different people. But everyone has their own path, and what matters most is your progress, not how you measure up to others. You cant let yourself feel bad for meeting anyone else's expectations.
I always tell people to not compare someone else's highlights to your life because life has its ups and downs, and you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. We all have different lives, different qualities. Maybe what took someone else x amount of time and effort to accomplish, is something that is a strength to you and you can accomplish it in half the time, when you are ready.
All you can do for yourself is really focus on you, learn, prepare. Train your brain into processing things faster so you can evolve faster as a person in your brain.
If you know you have some negative habits you want to work on, like daydreaming, you can start taking action and maybe setting small goals to manage your time better. Focus on the things you want to improve about yourself instead of feeling bad about yourself for it. You already know the problem. Maybe working on these issues opens your mind and your live to different opportunities. We have to learn to overcome obstacles, not just physical but mental. This creates a ripple effect not only with our thought process, but our physical actions and in turn attract different realities and opportunities.
You are an individual. You are unique and special. Comparing yourself or living up to someone else's standards for YOUR LIFE when they don't have your strengths or brain, or potential is doing a huge disservice to you. We cant abandon our strengths, we need to discover them. When we abandon them, we are basically abandoning ourself and who we could be for the sake of someone else.
Taking a gap year to retake the university exam is a smart choice. It doesn't mean you're a failure; it's a chance to improve. It is actually great that you recognize that you want to be better. Most people take a gap year anyway. Who says you can't? Why would it make a negative impact on your future? That is simply NOT TRUE <3
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First things first; neither my wife, my son, nor I am a BEAR, and please don't ask me how that stupid rumor shot up. Our case certainly isn't being helped by quaint little cabin situated in the woods on the outskirts of town, me and my son's large amounts of body hair, our love of huntin' and wearing the pelt coats my wonderful wife makes for me, or the fact that Ruth bit until 2nd grade. Luanne (who y'all might know better as mama bear) wants me to add that the folks tellin' our story might've changed the wording because a family of bears is easier to explain than a family of cannibals.
Second: WE AREN'T CANNIBALS. I can actually tell you where that rumour came from: a gaggle of prissy snobs whose birdy brain can't understand that not everybody who sees their churches' towering pillars wants to go to it. We went there once and were nearly blinded by the white. Jokes aside, the whole place looked at us like trash and made it clear that we stuck out like sore thumbs. Thankfully, we mingled with some of the kinder folks and got integrated into their church. It's nice to worship God with people who realize that sinners are His target audience. They warned us ahead o' time that the Townsfolk like to make silly little rumors about those who don't dance in their squares, but we had never expected them to stoop so low. We found it funny then; 'course, it's more of a pain now.
But enough ramblin' from this old coot. The point is, my family is hairy, my family is dirty, but my family is normal. And when normal people come home from church and find their house in shambles and see a little runt sleeping in their son's bed, they normally get a little angry. And it is normal to yell at said theif and chase her out of your house threatening to kill her if she ever comes back. It sounds harsh, but it's normal and justified. Plus, we had gotten little 'pranks' from some of the Townsfolk's little rats from time to time. Eggs on the doors, toilet paper in the trees, and yes, even a couple of break-ins. It's a rough life, but we know how to play the cards we're handed. And this little Goldilocks was dressed in her Sunday best just like the Townsfolk are. So what if she was dirtier than a sprinting pig? Our house is a dirty place, and as Ruth put it, "She looked like she didn't know what being dirty feels like."
We couldn't've known, really. But that doesn't make it any easier.
A week later, we hear a few timid taps on our door. Luanne opens it up, and lo and behold. It's the little golden girl again, even more of a mess than before and carrying a sad little basket of apples. Just before my wife is about to tell her off, though, she breaks into the world's most pitiful sobbing
"Please, ma'am," she barely choked it out in an accent thick like our own, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I really am, just please let me hide here for a bit, they're comin', they're comin', they're comin'-"
Enough of that senseless sputtering went by and we let the poor thing in, her eyes wider than a doe's as she shook in fear. Frankly, we were shocked ourselves. There was no way she could've been one of the Townsfolk with that accent, but we would've recognized her if she was one of our friends' kids. Was she from out of town? We even had those apples she brought as a peace offerin' and we knew they were picked from the Fangs' tree. Was she living off the land, just wanderin' around? And who was the They she seemed so scared of? We didn't know, so we just let her play with Ruth (they were about the same age) and told him to play nice.
A couple of minutes later, we heard a knock at the door. She stopped cold.
"Nononono, please," she whispered, and then bounded up the stairs.
"You better not hide in my room again!" Ruth pounded after her, but Luanne stopped him.
"Baby, don't you hurt her none," she said, "You don't know what that poor girl's gone through."
"But she robbed us-"
"Hate the sin, not the sinner. Week later, she comes into our house shakin' like a wet puppy. You were just like her that day Manny Smith locked you in Mrs. Hutchinson's closet. Don't you remember how you pummeled him to bits and then sobbed into my shirt for half an hour?"
Another knock.
Ruth grimaced at the memory. "I'll be kind, mama, I'll be kind."
"One more thing," Luanne gripped his shoulder like she wanted to squeeze her words in so hard they'd never leave, "If I shout 'you better run on down here,' like Aunt Patty does, tell her to climb out your window, got it?"
"Yes, mama."
"Good, you get going then." As Ruth pounded up the stairs 0, Luanne turned to me. "I don't trust this situation one bit, Carl."
"You think she done somethin' wrong?" I asked
"No. She's runnin' from something wrong."
Another knock came from whatever she was runnin' from. I opened the door and there stood two burly cops, all dressed in they pretty playtime uniforms.
"Good evening, Mr..." The one on the left, wearin' a red bandanna round his head, tapped a pen on a clipboard.
I shifted to the right and smiled. "Ah, come on, boys, you don't remember me?"
The boy on the right smiled sheepishly, a dimple showing on his right cheek, "Sorry, sir, we've gotten that from every person around these parts. We're new, sir."
"Ah, that makes sense," I nodded, "Carl Hooney."
"Y'all wanna come in for a bite to eat?" Luanne asked, "I'll put on a kettle. You boys must be tired from all that cop work you do."
Bandana shook his head, eager to get back on topic, " Sorry ma'am, but we're on a tight schedule."
"Yessir," Dimple shook his head real slow. "Tellin' everybody around 'bout a new burglar on the loose."
"10 year old girl, white skin, blue eyes, bout yay high," Bandana held a hand right below his hip, "Blonde hair, wearing a fancy white dress. Probably covered in mud and dirt from all the time spent travelling round these parts."
"No offense to you good folks, of course," Dimple elbowed his partner.
"None taken." Luanne replied.
"Her real name is Angelina Hannah Hauron, but she's apparently going by the name Goldilocks."
"Runaway from the inner city of Duron. You know how kids are, doing these odd things for attention. Only problem is she's gotten real good at runnin' away. I don't even think she knows she left her city."
"Must not be gettin' enough love from home," Luanne said.
"Exactly," Dimple smiled, "So if y'all get any wind of her, just call us, alright?" He gave me a business card with both their names. Johnny Dennison and Burt Blake, both officers of the Duron police force. "Has to be a private number 'cuz we're the ones specifically assigned to this case. Just makes things a little easier for everyone."
"We'll make sure to tell you everything you need to know," Luanne said.
The two nodded, thanked us, and walked away.
"I didn't know Duron had two new recruits," Luanne said.
"Yeah," I shifted to the left so anyone standing in the doorway could see my police uniform hanging on the wall, "Me neither."
We made our way into Ruth's room. He was showing off his grand collection of baseball cards. His guest was so entranced she hadn't even noticed us coming in until Ruth trailed off to silence. I walked towards the girl and kneeled down to her level.
"Need somewhere to stay, Goldilocks?"
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Don't Blame Me | John 'Soap' MacTavish x F!OC
Chapter 9: Run
Ao3 | Masterpost
John 'Soap' Mactavish wasn't thrilled to be given an escort mission to bring a young woman halfway across the world to a secret safe house especially when he has to pretend to be her husband. At least she's pretty.
General Tags: Fake Marriage, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Slow Build, Canon-Typical Violence
Words: 2k
CW: Mentions of Domestic Abuse
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He taped a piece of tarp to the broken window. He thought about stealing another car and decided against it. He felt bad enough about this one. He couldn’t steal someone’s car just before Christmas. He’d stopped believing in God a long time ago but he knew if he was real that would get him sent to hell for sure. 
It would take almost twenty-four hours to get to British Columbia from here. They decided to stay stateside till Washington. 
They’d get new clothes, toiletries, and anything else before they crossed over. He just wanted to put as much distance between them and Chicago as possible. 
They hadn’t talked much since the restaurant. They’d both dug into each other a bit and it still stung. It wasn’t out of cruelty, just genuine curiosity. Maybe he should have opened up a bit more to her. It’s not like she would know who Hassan was. 
He couldn’t stand the silence in the car and turned on the radio. Most of it was Christmas music. He flipped through till he found one he liked.
“Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away!” He sang along, nudging her with his elbow to get her to join in “This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special. Come on, Nina!”
“I remember this song.” She pushed his arm away but there was a smile tugging at her face. 
“Trust me, by the time we get there you’ll know all the Christmas songs.” He wanted to see her smile fully break through. “You celebrated Christmas when you were younger, right?”
“Younger, keyword.”
“I can fix that. We have to make it up for all that lost time.” 
“We don’t.” She was shaking her head.
“Listen, if we’re gonna be stuck together for it we’re celebrating. Cook up something nice and drink ourselves stupid. Pure blootered.” 
He was running through plans in his head. Most trees would be sold out but he was sure he could find a good bottle of scotch and a couple of steaks to cook. She didn’t seem entirely convinced. 
“It’ll be fun, Neen.” He turned up the music and tugged on her coat sleeve to get her to sway along with him.
The driving was easy. Just long stretches of straight highways cutting through the plains and farmland. Everything was covered in a layer of snow, it made him feel like he was driving through a snow globe. 
“Why did Price call you Soap?” She asked a little after they crossed into North Dakota. They’d broken into a bag of crisps. 
“It’s a nickname. Lots of people get them.” 
“I know what a nickname is. Why is yours Soap?” 
“Can’t tell you.” He said, reaching into her lap to grab a handful. 
“Can’t or won’t?”
“Classified,” He smirked, before eating. 
“You’re so boring sometimes,” She rolled her eyes and groaned.
“Because I won’t tell you classified information?” He chuckled.
“Who am I going to tell? Price? I’m sure he knows already.”
“You could tell your future friends.”
“I’m not going to live that long,” She laughed. 
“Don’t say that, Neen.” He stopped laughing, his mouth forming a thin line. 
“It’s just a joke.” She was getting defensive now. He didn’t want a fight.
“It’s not funny.” His knuckles turned white around the steering wheel. He didn’t know how to tell her that the past twenty-four hours had been his most terrifying. That he kept his hand on her knee to know that she was still alive next to him, afraid her brain would bleed out of her head. That when he woke up and saw his knife missing he wanted to throw up. He’d never failed a mission, come close but always won over in the end. Trying to keep her safe felt like holding water in his hands. “I kill anyone who tries to hurt you.”
“I think I killed the last guy who hurt me, actually,” She smirked.
“Aye, ye did. Absolute weapon you are.” He was smiling again too. “I could have handled it though.”
“He was going to stab you in the face.”
“Would’ve gotten a nice new scar if it wasn’t for ya.” He ran his thumb over the scar on his chin. “I think one by my eye would have looked cool.”
“What happened here?” She asked, dragging a finger over her own chin. “Or is that also classified?”
“Cheeky.” He playfully pushed against her arm, “Just a fight when I was kid.”
“What was the fight about?”
“Couldn’t tell ya. Got punched in the back of the head, fell, and cut my chin open. My mates had to drag me to hospital. My maw was pissed.” He laughed. “So, you got any cool scars?”
“I don’t know if it’s cool but I have this.” She rolled up the edge of her shirt, and on her left side was a divet. A gunshot wound, small probably from long range. It was years old judging from how healed it was. 
“Who fucking shot you?”
“It was a hunting accident.” She said, pulling her shirt back down. “My dad and I were unknowingly going for the same deer. I hit the deer, he hit me.”
“Steamin’ bloody Jesus. How old were you?”
“Fourteen,” She shrugged. “It wasn’t on purpose, I know that. The first and only time I ever saw him cry was when he had to dig it out. It’s not as bad as it sounds.”
“I’ve been shot before it’s pretty fucking bad.” He was always surprised at how casually she could talk about her life. It made him wince hearing her treat getting shot like it was a skinned knee you get from falling off a bike. 
“Maybe you were just a baby about it then,” she giggled. She fucking giggled and that made him grin. 
It was getting dark by the time he decided they needed to make a full stop. He pulled into a larger truck stop. There were a couple fast food restaurants inside as well as a convenience store and gift shop. He slipped her a hundred.
“Get whatever you want. I’ll fill up the car.” He kept his eye on her from outside, using any window to keep track as she walked around filling up a basket. Even over some of the shelves, he could see the top of her head. He only lost sight of her as he put the pump back. 
He grabbed his own basket and immediately went to the fridges, grabbing multiple energy and sports drinks. He would sleep when he got her there. He hadn’t found her again but he could hear the slap of her slippers on the linoleum. He could hear her voice, she sounded irritated. Someone was talking back but he couldn’t make out the words. 
“Don’t touch me!” It was Nina. He dropped the basket, rushing down the main way till he saw her. An older man was hovering over her, a hand still outstretched towards her face. A red hand print blooming on his cheek. He moved faster than he could think. He pushed himself between them, placing an arm across Nina’s chest to move her behind him. 
“This is your wonderful husband, I assume?” He was English; London accent. He was older, in his later forties probably. He wasn’t dressed for the weather, oxfords, black pants, and an older-looking green jacket. 
“Do we have a problem?” John growled. His fingers wrapped around her arm protectively, and her muscles were tense. 
“You’re lovely wife seems a little worse for wear. Doing the civil thing and making sure she’s okay. Isn’t that right, love?” He craned his neck to look at Nina. She was holding onto the back of his coat. Her soft tugs pleading to let them leave. 
“You touch er’?” He couldn’t hide his rage. The man was the same height as him but John was bigger, stronger. ‘Give me a reason, fucker’ he thought. 
“George, we should go. It’s not a big deal.” She hadn’t called him that since New York. He could hear in her voice she was scared, he tightened his grip on her arm reassuringly. 
“I should ask you the same thing. Poor thing’s bruised like an apple.” He knew he didn’t need to defend himself to this stranger but did people think he did that to Nina? It made his stomach flip just at the idea. “Got a bit upset about the world cup, did you?”
“Did you touch my wife?” He barked it like an order. He grabbed the front of the man’s jacket, letting go of Nina. His other hand was clenched tightly. He would have taken all his anger and fear out on this man, beaten him bloody into the floor. He would have if he didn’t feel Nina’s hand wrap around his fist. Her mouth was against his shoulder, he could feel her warm breath on his ear. 
“Let’s just get our stuff and leave.” He let go of the man and let Nina pull him to the front register. He kept his arm around her, anyone who wanted to get close to her would have to go through him. 
“Enjoy your honeymoon, lovebirds,” the man called from across the parking lot as he helped Nina into the car. 
He slammed the door as he got in the car, it took him longer to get it started than usual. Nina was watching the man in the rearview for him. As soon as the engine started he pulled out as fast as he could.
“Are you okay?” He asked, his hand on her knee again. She was still looking in the rearview, not listening. He shook her leg a little. “Nina, are you okay?”
“Huh? Oh…yeah… I’m okay. I just…I don’t know.”
“Nina, did he touch you? I need you to tell me what happened.”
“Just my face.” She said, her own hand glossing over her bruised cheeks. “He sounded familiar.”
His stomach dropped.
“What do you mean? Do you know him?”
“I don’t know. I just felt like I’ve heard his voice before.” She was drifting away from him, gazing out the window. He shook her out of her head. 
“What did he say to you?”
“He was asking about my face and what happened and he saw the ring so he was asking if my husband did it. I told him I didn't want to talk and he touched my face and then you were there and you were yelling and I thought you were going to kill him and I didn’t know what to do.” She was blazing through her words, breathing hard. 
“Nina, you’re okay. I’m right here.” He rubbed circles on her knee, wishing he could do more. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there, Nina. You’re safe though. He won’t follow us, he won’t find us. If he does, it’ll be the last thing he ever fucking does.”
All his promises were followed with threats. Violence had become his greatest love language. He didn’t know how to show he cared besides that. He’d kill that man for her but he wouldn’t touch her, not more than this. He’d call her his wife but he wouldn’t kiss her. He’d clean her wounds but would fight about sleeping in the same bed. 
Her hand rested on his. It was warm and he could feel every muscle and tendon twitch beneath her skin. The involuntary movements, just her being alive next to him. Her hand fitted perfectly with his and it made him sweat. He thought about the train and how that seemed like half a lifetime ago. The warmth of her fingers against his skin in the dark. 
He flipped his hand over so their palms were against each other. He was slow as he took the band of her hand and pressed his lips against it. He didn’t know how else to tell her he cared. 
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Tag List: @yeyinde @queen-ilmaree @yearningforsappho
LMK if you want to be added for this or any other fic 💗
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
hang on we got athena saving bobby and vice versa (i think one time one of them was in civilian clothes im not sure) we got chimney going to save maddie in taking of dispatch in civvies we got buck saving eddie in civvies now we got hen saving karen in civvies the parallelsssss
yup so many parallels - its making me a bit insane and feral Nonnie!!!
I'm trying to think of the Bobby and Athena ones - Bobby came for Athena when Jeffery attacked - but they were both in uniform and when Ethan shot bobby in 4x14 she was in both her uniform and in turnouts. I guess she kind of was in civvies when she killed Jeffery in season 5 but that wasn't really a save in the same way live we've had for the others - I'm probably missing one - brain is whirring away from the promo for next week - we don't have enough time to prepare ourselves!!!!
I am very much stuck on the Hen doing compressions in the back of the ambulance - and the parallels not only with Eddie and Buck, but also thinking about the mother who died giving birth and then came back to life - Hen didn't give up then - even though hope had faded and I'm excited to see how they play it because the act of her saving Karen in the back of the ambulance is going to make her realise that she can do more by being a first responder than she could as a doctor - because she gets the chance to provide the life or death stuff before the doctors do - Its going to give her a few realisations. I also wouldn't be surprised if she looked into being a field doctor - in the UK we have doctor paramedics - who are fully qualified doctors who go out in ambulances (and helicopters) to treat in the field - getting life saving care to people faster - its something Hen would excel at and would be an interesting thing for the show to explore!
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un-necessarycontext · 22 days
Hall Passes That Hit Close to Home
“Who’s your hall pass?”
At some point in our lives, many of us get too old or too married to play Fuck, Marry, Kill. Though let’s be real, you’re never actually too old or too married to play it, you just realize we live in a society and talking about fucking and/or killing other people might be a bit much for company.
Anyway, for those of us who for whatever reason, societal or not, feel like they can no longer play Fuck, Marry, Kill the way they used to, talking about hall passes seems to be a good way to fill the void.
What’s a hall pass?
For those who’ve never heard the term or didn’t bother to see what looked like a truly forgettable movie of same name, a hall pass is a person who you are allowed to step outside your marriage for in the hypothetical situation wherein they, too, are interested in having sex with you.
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Usually, this person is a celebrity, the thought being that there’s no way you’d ever actually manage to bang them and thus all parties involved in the agreement feel secure.
It’s all very innocent fun.
It can also tell you a lot about someone’s tastes. Do they go for someone astronomically hot for their hall pass? Or are they more likely to be seduced by someone perhaps not as conventionally attractive, but has an outsized public personality? It can say a lot about your type.
(This, by the way, is how I came to realize my husband finds women with strong eyebrows to be very attractive.)
Is That Your Type Or…?
Bringing this around to Declan, several years ago, we were all enjoying ourselves at a work happy hour. We were all a few drinks in and the conversation wound up coming around to the subject of hall passes.
Our coworker, Kasey, posed the question to me: “Who’s your hall pass?”
I inwardly groaned.
I should state now that my hall passes, like most people’s, reflect what I find attractive in others. And what I usually find attractive are tall, ridiculous, goofy men.
I have never once been attracted to shorter men who have no sense of humor but are otherwise objectively hot. I honestly don’t understand what others see in them.
This is all to say that I’m one of the weirdos whose hall passes aren’t incredibly gorgeous humans, though they’re very much gorgeous in my eyes.
“Jason Segel and Matthew Lillard,” I finally answered.
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Predictably, I was met with a sea of blank faces and spent the next five minutes explaining who each of those actors are and why in the world I’d want them over, say, Henry Cavill.
Eventually, everyone moved on and a few minutes later, the question was posed to Declan.
“Who’s your hall pass?”
He sat back and pretended to think for a moment, scratching at his beard and running a hand through his wild hair.
Then, for a brief moment, he turned and looked at me, before smiling sheepishly and admitting, “Selma Hayek.”
All right then.
So, Declan likes Latina women with large racks.
At this point, I should clarify that I am a half-Latina woman with a large rack.
It was a little thing and no one dwelled on it—Kasey seemed more interested in discussing her hall pass with Ryan Gosling, but it’s something that’s always stuck in my brain. Declan likes brown women.
I’d already known at the time that I shared certain physical traits with his wife: curly brown hair, dark features, outsized boobs. We don’t look alike, she and I, but we don’t look different, if that makes sense.
A big difference is that she’s white and I’m… well, I don’t know what I am. During the winter when I’m paler I can pass for Italian. But once the weather gets warm and the sun hits my skin, it becomes clear pretty fast that I’m not 100% Caucasian.
And I’ve had to learn—as unfortunately many women of color have—that not every guy is into that.
But Declan, it would seem, is. And while I would never go so far as to compare myself to Salma Hayek’s beauty standards, I can’t help but wonder…
I also can’t help but wonder what Declan might have thought if I’d mentioned another one of my hall passes, who might be a tip off as to what else I happen to find attractive: Michael Sheen.
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Wild salt and pepper hair, unruly beard, at times hilarious and at times unhinged? Sounds familiar.
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ellecansee · 1 year
Learning to live with it.
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Being royal.
Not knowing who you are. But only ever knowing that you like everyone else born into life. Must die.
It's the difference between can die/will die.
It's a brutal truth that makes admission, something that others die over. I read somewhere of students killing themselves by shoving pens up their noses. By slamming their heads into their desks and the pens. Hitting their brains.
The pressure. Oh, the pressure. Too much pressure.
Everything must die. Whether it means, we come back in forms we always wanted. With nicer breasts, or smaller waists, thinner thighs, white versus brown. Or darker, perhaps.
We are still boundless. It is the risk that makes drowning seem like a sandpit rather than a vast expanse that leaves you stuck at the very bottom, lifeless yet weightless.
We kill things to eat them, to adorn them onto ourselves, or just because we think they are a pest.
Others do it, because of the immensity of the gravity it takes to live in a body that has been twisted into a form that is too painful it has to exit, rather than exist.
We learn to stay alive, keep ourselves well. But we feel the immensity of the grief. That is placed onto us, by new forms that may take place, by this choice. The uncertainty. The surprise.
Hands. Took up so much of my mind for so long. All the things that consumed parts of me that I had yet to know but felt drawn to.
Entire series's, books, people knowing I existed while I watched them through a screen. But they had been told about me, instead. That other people consumed and loved. But will never know, the immensity it took to simply, be, find, l(o)/i-ve out, being me.
It takes a lot of time and effort to place the things inside of us that are anchors that mean we stop swimming in the sea and just let it run its ways through us.
I drowned at the pool in Jamberoo, once. I still taught myself how to swim after it. My mum had burnt the skin off her leg. In a tabogan accident. I don't like to discuss it.
I jumped off the slide height and thought I'd just wade my way out of the water, even when I hadnt really swam before. But I drowned. For a bit. And had to be dragged out. By someone else. The other girl, didn't even notice or helped.
It wasn't a conscious choice. I was just a 4 yr old, hoping for the best but getting served the worst.
I think being royal, is a bit like that. Unless you are a coward. Who feigns death. And instead would rather exist rather than, coexist.
It's the denial. The way they make their platitudes. In front of others, take their photos, project their hopes and dreams. But they are cowards. Hurt/Kurt.
Kresta Blinds - something you don't see. But a light so bright it blinds. I don't know, where I got this, deep seated courage. It must be my Dad. He didn't want to keep eating himself. Like everybody else was doing.
Selling their sperm and blood for 10 bucks. Then letting their kids fuck each other. In different bodies but with the same blood and genes all the same.
Was he a fucker that had to die? Or was he a fucker that made sure, a lot more other people had to die instead?
It's a two faced coin that spins. And spins endlessly. With us, caught in the middle. Still learning to jump swiftly off the things that scare us the most. To stop those other people, from eating themselves, repeatedly.
It is easy to die for the things we love based on the previous narratives we hear of hero's. But when your Dad already did that for you. Then, does that mean, that we all must die, faster? When people kill others unnecessarily all the time.
I don't understand why the Kennedy's chose to die instead of trying to fix the electoral Commission? Like flying when they didn't have full clearance to fly that night.
It was a completely unreasonable decision to make. My Dad didn't get shot in the head, he tried to prove a point regarding myths attached to royalty. But if we must all die for being royal then who stops everybody else, from eating themselves?
Cos this current lot, haven't been able to do anything but just keep killing everyone else that could've.
We have an entire subculture of people dressing as emos. Commemorating the unbearable truth attached to being a person. That is, that they must die.
But when you only ever try to celebrate it. Rather than live it. Did you do it, properly?
The pressure box makes everything bad seem worse than what they are. I smoke because I am addicted to consistent unrequited love. It is an association I had chosen to make after almost dying and not having my lover, return to me.
Smoking, is, my crutch. Like a third leg. I pop on when one of the other of the two gives out. Or is far to tired to stand. It kills me. I convince myself that the love I want will also kill me too. Since every love lost is a death.
To be killed by your lover, knowing that, even before you had ever met. It was aligned that they were going to be a love lost. So a death.
All the lasts and the firsts mesh into white sand. At this point. Cos you can drown a few times I think. You can also love differently, everytime. So since love is an addiction. Have we all become addicted to the idea of the person we love or have we instead become addicted to them rather than smoking, alcohol, sex and drugs?
I need to take a long break from social media. This is my window. For now.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "HEAT - opening titles" on YouTube
The scene is very compelling he goes through a busy hospital and it's Monday morning and it's already crammed everybody is very busy saving lives and he exits the back and stressed and just drives off it's not like he's stealing is there an ambulance. Distressed because the mission his son says well we're trying to stop these things and they said don't talk about it it's true and Val kilmer has similar reaction he says your monsters and their and a son said wicked monsters yes they are after us humanity so he put his foot down in grab the stuff and the guy was almost in tears of the counter so we can't take it anymore everyone's beating on us. So you're taking everybody else's stuff until we're gone and we needed to fight these things and they know about it. You said we can't help it we need stuff so Val kilmer said there that's the problem and left knowing that what he's doing will kill them off. In about 1 hour this movie will be in full swing right now it's 3:00 a.m. in Los Angeles and the opening scene is around 4:00 a.m. and Brad decides he wants to drive the truck and plowed into the Wells Fargo truck and he's pissed off and the trying to figure out who the big guy was at the party and my son says it was Bill and he incited people to beat me up it's not really sure why except that half of him has that kind of culture and he's wrong and the moron is opening his mouth right now and admitting it they got to be a pretty good take a hit with the drugs made him sleep so it looks like Brad won so everybody beat Brad up and I don't like him either I don't like the sun either so you don't have to like me but if you beat on me you're dead meat and we're going to kill you Azog. And your days are numbered and you read it on track so much Trump so much whatever his name is that you're exposed. . He looks up and says that we're dead so we're going after him said his clan's not around to protect you anymore and you're a fool to begin with you got a big mouth back then and saw Joel Watts figured it out from your stupid big mouth and you're talking to him by itself now where are you well of course Max appreciated to it but I'm tired of telling you and you're not listening so I'm going to take care of it ourselves as you taught us to. So moving on them too they're stupid as hell and you're dangerous and very deadly at times you're going to take them apart cuz they try and get big here all the time to kidnap our son and Dee is trying Non-Stop with that piece of s*** shes stuck in.
I'm going to wrap them out and they do get forced to New Zealand in the next few days a little bit and then a lot when Guantanamo Bay happens and Trump starts blabbing about them.
Then we're not involved in this we don't want to be and He's got hijacked in his of half a brains of an idiot in there and a friend who knows exactly what we're doing they built this huge Glass menagerie is delicate it's a careful that you need to be protected in the max road all over it saying it's Rumpelstiltskin it just did not work and it is crap and it's their crap and they need to be excalpicated today.
It says it too I'm tired of looking at you like you're retarded baby and really he says I don't want you trying to bend it like Beckman anymore either because a jackass I agree a lot what are you saying is I look like a big retarded baby because this other brain and I wasn't trying to do things that are not towards physics the laws of physics that's what the idiots like he doesn't like them that much now he hates them trying to give me a fight I was trying to help in his f****** a****** yeah I realize that f****** idiot do I look like a coin laundry machine or some dumb s*** like that this is going to be a f****** w**** show for you people beat that guy up his half of his vampire so they looked at him and said what are you doing and have his bill and they said we got to take you inside and it took him inside and stopped and the question of you they said we got a problem this guy is all mixed up I said don't do that. What do I have to do and he started yelling I don't care I don't care it's certain bill who lives with him. They said anything and just let him lay down there and sleep they scanned him while he was sleeping and they compared it to vampire skins so this is one of them stuck to Bill. We're going to help him somehow and that's how they started out and these vampires went nuts
They were on to them another groups but this Trump group has to go they don't do anything right on purpose and Brad's group tried to help bill they want the information went we tried to help him in the vampires are not letting go they went to it's our son and they had a severe beating. Sons of times people say d is a b**** too and his sons and her son says she is but anybody would be with that thing attached theyre crazy. He says they turned on his clan and they did it on purpose and it might not be true and Trump has the answer a lot of people have the answer and mac daddy is interested no he has the answer is going after the port tons of times he blamed our son and that's going to stop. Today Trump takes severe beatings and what is taken and what he's doing he goes off to the West and he's occupied most of time and comes back a little bit from cesario and other movies rides the prison playing down to Las Vegas Nevada and then it's convoy to Alabama is trying to get his people in the blockade is not broken hurricane heist takes place and it goes to Guantanamo Bay it all comes out and gets erased and dies week later but it's not allowed here at all and the more lock are kept out, as are demons like Dracula and orc orchestra goblin hobgoblin set hemotent all sorts of demons are kept out and the vice president goes nuts and says how are you doing this to our son since I'm not doing it and you're useless now since it's the Max and how are you doing it
0 notes
bubbleteaimagines · 3 years
ajskssj mam may i request a Porco Galliard x fem reader smut scenario😳😳 somethin like a drunk sxx🤧
Tequila and Whiskey
Porco Galliard Oneshot
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Summary: After a night of drinking, you and Porco have a little fun making a mess in Bertholdt’s sheets
Pairings: Porco Galliard x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Drunk sex, slight Voyerism (I think I don’t really know how it works) Soft!Porco at the end cause I’m a sucker
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A giggle escapes your lips as you and Porco come stumbling through the door, almost tripping as your tequila-filled bodies guide around clumsily.
Behind you, both Reiner and Peick are rolling their eyes at the state of you both— drunk and utterly chaotic as you both immediately start shouting once you’re in the confinement’s of Reiner’s apartment.
“Whose idea was it to take them drinking?” Reiner grumbles, hurriedly closing the door and flinching at your loud voice.
“I think it was Colt’s,” Peick grimaces as Porco begins to shout too. “Ironic seeing as he can’t hold his drinks, either.”
“Glad Bertholdt and Annie took care of that one,” Reiner says, “These two are bad enough as it is.”
It’s true— you and Porco don’t really drink much but then you do...let’s just say there’s a reason you both just stick with beer.
However, somewhere during the night you had broken your own rules. Maybe it was the hype of the party or maybe it was Porco’s pride getting in way, not being able to resist a dare from Zeke to drown half a bottle of whiskey.
Of course, you were no better because how could you possibly leave your poor boyfriend all by himself?
You ended up finishing half a bottle of tequila just as quickly and now your friends were stuck with consequences.
“Jesus—” Reiner winced as you talked in voices that were way too loud. “Keep it down you two! you’re gonna wake the neighbors!”
“W-We are the neighbors...dumbass,” Porco slurs weakly, slinging an arm around you. “Remember? We live...here too!”
“Yeah but in a different building,” Peick reminds him as Reiner rolls his eyes.
“Whatever,” Porco shrugs and then pulls you close, grinning into your hair. “You look...sexy tonight baby...who you dressing up for?”
He spins you around which honestly wasn’t a good idea, but you giggle absentmindedly at the compliment and snuggle up to him.
“You baby,” You wiggle your eyebrows, trying to be ‘seductive’ but you look awkward as hell. Peick stifles her laughter while it takes Reiner everything not throw up his damn self.
“Alright, alright,” Not being able to take the flirting, he separates you two. “Both of you— you need to get to bed and sleep this shit off. Bert’s gonna sleep with Annie tonight so you can take his room. Try to break anything or puke, alright?”
“Did you hear that pock?” You whisper horribly as pieck guides you both. “We’re gonna have the room to ourselves. hint, hint.”
“And no fucking!” Reiner calls out, before you’re promptly shoved in Bertholdt’s room and locked in.
You wiggle the doorknob but you can’t seem to open it— Peick must have locked it from the outside.
“Looks like it’s just you and me tonight baby,” Porco whispers huskily, standing behind you and pressing himself against you.
“Yeah but you heard Reiner,” You pout and turn towards him. “No fucking.”
“Fuck Reiner,” Porco scoffs, rolling his honey colored eyes before pulling you close once again. “If I wanna fuck then he’s damn sure not gonna stop me.”
“Yeah but Pock—”
“Shh,” He brings a finger to your lips to stop you. “I think I hear something!”
“What?!” You’re quick to turn left and right, searching for anything in the darkness.
Porco smirks. “It’s the sound of you calling my name in the distance,” He chuckles and you whip around to playfully hit his arm while giggling.
“Not funny!” You pout again. “I thought there was a monster or something in here!”
“I’m no monster,” Porco promises, grinding himself against your ass again, “But I am gonna make you scream.”
You can’t deny, you’re turned on just like that. It’s like a switch, and Porco knows exactly how to flip it even when you’re both drunk as shit.
“Bertl’s gonna kill us,” You whisper as Porco guides you to the bed, easing himself onto it before pulling you into his lap.
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” He assures you, before leaning down to capture your lips with his.
The kiss is soft— but admittedly sloppy as both you and porco are a little off. It’s okay though, you’re soon to make it up and Porco gently lays you back on the bed and then hovers over you.
“I’m gonna have fun with you tonight,” He says, grinning.
“Don’t we always?” You grin right back, and then resume the kiss as both of you fumble with your clothing.
If you were sober you both would’ve been naked in record time. But since you weren’t it took a bit longer to rip your clothes off than Porco would like.
“Damn bra,” He curses, pulling away from the kiss to yank on the material. “Why are you so stubborn? I just wanna see her tits.”
“Just rip it off,” You encourage him, not really caring. Porco was honestly surprised — usually you begged him not to rip your clothes. And wasn’t this your favorite bra, too?
Oh well. That was something you’d have to deal with in the morning because at the moment the material was ripped in half by Porco, your panties soon following.
“Naughty girl,” He whispers as he reaches his fingers down to feel your pussy. “Already wet for me, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” You nod rapidly, not denying it. After all, you had been horny for Porco all night. It took all you had to just sit there and watch him look so good without dragging him off and letting him fuck you in the dirty bar bathroom.
“Good,” Porco smirks, his cock twitching as he realizes it’s all for him. “I’m gonna make you feel so good baby— just wait.”
His body leaves yours for a second as Porco leans back on his knees and fumbles with his own clothing. First, it’s that tight black shirt that made sure to define his biceps, then it’s the jeans that could barely contain his fat cock. And finally, off comes his boxers which has you practically drooling as his erection springs free.
“So big,” Your drunken self whines, momentarily forgetting that this is not the first time you and Porco have had sex. “How’s it gonna fit?”
“You’ll see,” Porco chuckles, and then he lowers himself again to capture your lips.
He lays behind you, his defined chest pressed against your back so you have to slightly turn your neck to meet his lips. In the meantime, porco scoots closer, no room in between you two as he drapes one of your legs over his body, exposing your pussy.
“Pock,” You pull away from the kiss and whine again at the lack of friction between your legs. His cock and his fingers are right there, and your core is begging to be assaulted by either one of them. Or both.
“Yes baby?” In the darkness, you can tell he’s smug. Even with his whisky-fogged brain he knows what he’s doing— teasing you having become second nature by now.
“I need you,” You frown, staring at him with desperate eyes. just to prove it, you wiggle your hips and Porco can feel the heat coming from your soaked core.
“Need what?” He’s not gonna let you off so easily. He wants you to beg for it.
“God— Porco,” You let out a frustrated sigh, just wanting to be stuffed already. “I want your cock, okay?! Or your fingers, doesn’t matter, but I need—”
A sudden gasp escapes your lips as porco complies with your request mid-sentence, reaching down to plung one of his fingers into your pussy.
“Jesus,” A moan leaves your lips, satisfaction flooding through your veins.
“Is this what you want?” Porco questions, even though he knows the answer.
“I...” You shake your head, “I-I need...more! please Pock!”
“God, you’re so fucking needy,” Porco scoffs, a smile tugging at his lips.
“I know,” Porco chuckles as you agree, and then he once again fulfills your wish by adding another finger and then slowly pumping them in and out of your wet cunt.
The action comes at a great relief, and in no time he has you moaning underneath him as his cock grows harder by the second.
“God Bertholdt’s gonna be so mad when I make you cum all over his sheets,” Porco chuckles a little. “Oh well.”
He figured you guys would deal with the consequences later, but right now he was focused on pleasuring you.
He added a third digit, intent on stretching you out for his cock. Not that you minded of course, your head already thrown back in pleasure as you reached over to grip his arm.
“P-Pock,” Moaning his name was as natural as breathing, and Porco loved it.
“Feels good baby?” He asks, wanting to hear your praise. You nod.
“Y-Yes! S’good,” You stutter as you feel Porco bringing you closer to the edge, your walls tightening around his fingers.
He can feel it— and he can see it in the way your eyes flutter close and how your mouth forms an ‘O’ shape.
“Cum for me baby,” He encourages, wanting you to release all over his fingers.
The demand is met in no time, Porco’s lips coming down to capture yours as you moan out and release all over his fingers. The feeling is euphoric, being overwhelmed by your orgasm and Porco’s lips has you seeing stars.
“Fuck,” Porco’s growing more needy by the second as he pulls his fingers out of you and breaks the kiss. You whine at the emptiness, trying to get yourself closer to Porco so he can finally stuff you.
“P-Please, Pock I need you,” You whimper, pawing at his arms.
“I know,” Porco’s just as eager to fill you up. He can hardly take it anymore, the site of your fluttering eye lids and your pretty little cunt soaking wet just for him makes him almost lose his cool.
Luckily, Porco has enough sense to guide his cock to your tight hole before he completely snaps. You moan as his tip just barely gazes your folds, Porco opting to tease you for a moment before slowly sinking himself inside of you.
“Fuck,” Your moans are in sync at the feeling of him filling you up. Your head is thrown back and Porco is leaving sloppy, wet kiss alongside your nape, groaning as he finally bottoms out.
“You’re so fucking tight,” He grunts, involuntarily bucking his lips. He swears- he’ll never get used to how good you take him. It was like your pussy was made just for him, sucking in his thick cock and making him never wanna leave.
“Baby,” You clumsily grip his bicep as Porco begins to move, setting up a steady rhythm and grabbing your hips for support. His tight grip is sure to leave bruises, but that’s the last thing on your mind as his thick cock pounds into you, giving it to you just how you like it.
“That’s right,” Porco is very vocal about how good you’re making him feel, even more so than usual. You suspect it’s got something to do with the shots but you enjoy his rare praises, used to him pulling your hair and calling you his little slut. “So good for me, fuck. I can’t believe this pussy is all mine!”
His trusts get deeper causing you to gasp as he begins to hit your sweet spot. You’re gripping the sheets, his arm, anything to keep your body in place at his brutal pace.
His hips are meeting yours at a bruising speed and you can feel his balls smacking against your ass. Porco’s got your legs wide open, nowhere to run as he utterly ruins your cunt.
“Pock, Pock!” You’re frantically trying to take him but he’s absolutely drilling your pussy and it’s too much- you can’t focus while he keeps assaulting your g-spot, your vision going in and out as your body shakes.
Berthold’s bed is creaking underneath your combined weight, deathly close to collapsing just like you were. You aren’t sure how much longer you can hold on but when Porco reaches down to rub at your sensitive clit you absolutely lose it.
Your hips buck, burying Porco deeper inside of you if that were even possible, and the added pleasure is just enough to bring you to your high, all thoughts leaving your mind as you clench tightly around Porco and cream all over his thick cock.
He’s holding you in place as you shutter, crying out obscenities. The way you’re absolutely wrapped up in pleasure right now is so beautiful to Porco that it fuels his own orgasm, a groan leaving his lips as he stills and shoots his cum directly into your womb.
“Fuck, baby-”
He’s panting, breathing so hard with sore muscles as he tries to support your limp body and his own. Your lips are still parted, letting out stray whimpers as Porco makes sure to fuck every bit of his seed into you. There are no stray drops by the time he’s done with you, hips coming to a still as he finally becomes satisfied at how full you are.
“Pretty girl,” He cooes, somehow having the energy to speak while you’re still a mess. Your eyes flicker over to his and he can see how glazed over they are, your orgasm having consumed all of your strength. “I told you I’d make you feel good, no?”
“Y-Yes,” It’s the only thing you managed to get out, nodding weakly as your sweaty body sticks to his, “S’good.”
“Told you,” He sounds so smug, but looks so soft at the same time you can’t tell which one he’s feeling. However, when he finally pulls out and decides to wrap you in his arms, the heat of his touch replacing the emptiness of his cock, you actually get to see his rare side.
“You feeling okay?” He asks tenderly, softly tracing the place on your hips where his hands had grabbed you a little too tight. Your skin may have been too dark to convey the bruises, or maybe it wasn’t. Either way, Porco feels guilty at the pain you’re sure to experience.
“I-I’m fine,” You look up at him and nuzzle yourself into his neck, smiling a bit at his soft demeanor. “Hardly even felt anything- too focused on cumming.”
“Right,” Porco chuckles at your statement, remembering your pleasure-filled face. “I thought you were gonna pass out for a sec, not gonna lie.”
“Felt like it,” You remark, causing him to chuckle again. And then suddenly, a small yawn leaves your lips as tiredness finally elopes you.
“Princess?” Porco looks down on you as your breathing begins to become more steady, your body relaxing against him.
“Bertholdt’s gonna kill us,” You mumbled sleepily, a ghost of a smile on your face. “I think we may have broke the bed.”
“We’ll get him a new one before he even realizes,” Porco smirks. You giggle.
“How’s that gonna work out?” You ask, but that night you never quite get an answer as you and Porco both begin to drift off, oddly dreaming you might have heard the bed creaking from right next door.
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lis-likes-fics · 3 years
Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x Reader Word Count: 8,820 words smh jfc Warnings: Car crash, many injuries, idk Author’s Note: Okay... maybe I got a little carried away. I did tell you guys I was going to end up writing a couple about him. I’m going through my phase, lemme alone. There will be a part two for certain reasons.
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The sound of Chief Swan’s car parking in his driveway next door didn’t phase Y/N. It was when she heard the people talking where she decided to go to her window and see what was going on. She opened the window and stuck her head out of it in curiosity. She saw Charlie and Billy, a very familiar face, play fighting in Charlie’s driveway next to the red pickup that had been parked there for a few days.
She looked over and saw Jacob, another familiar face because of his relation to Billy, and a girl. Y/N smiled when she realized just who the girl was. She waved out of her window like a child, “Hey, Bella!”
The group looked over and saw her peering down at them with the smile plastered on her face. Billy and Jacob smiled and waved, Charlie gave a small wave of her own. “Hey, Chief, Billy, Jake.”
“Hello, Y/N. How are you?” Billy asked with a smile.
“Same ole, you know me,” she responded.
A smile slowly spread across Bella’s face as the recognition settled in, “Y/N, it’s been forever, how are you?”
She smiled, “Hey, Bells. I’m good. It’s great to see you again.”
Y/N and Bella used to be great friends. She lived in Forks next to Charlie Swan her whole life. Her parents died in a car crash when she was very young and she was left with her grandfather, who died when she was sixteen. She began living on her own in the same house, too sentimental to move away. She had Charlie for adult supervision when she needed it, but she was pretty much independent otherwise.
Y/N, Bella, and Jacob used to play together all the time when she lived here with her. When she moved away, it was just her and Jacob. They hung around a little bit afterwards, but lost touch when they got into junior high. Y/N was currently a senior while Bella was a junior. She was a year older than her, which made her two years older than Jacob - another reason they lost touch.
Y/N stuck her head back in her window and made her way down the stairs and out of the house so she could get a better look at the group. She managed to get a short hug from Bella before they started talking again.
Billy smiled, “And there’s the trio. I miss the days you were just little kids playing in the mud.” Charlie nodded in his silent reminiscing.
Y/N smiled and nudged Bella a little, “Are you still clumsy?”
She chuckled lightly, “Are you?”
She smiled, “Fair enough. One reason we were such good friends-”
“You were both accident prone,” Jacob finished with a laugh.
“Still are. You had to make sure we didn’t get ourselves killed,” Y/N joked. He nodded as he sighed, a smile on his face as he remembered the old days where you were just little kids.
Charlie spoke, patting the truck, “So what do you think of your homecoming gift?”
Bella’s eyes widened in wonder and she looked from the truck to the people standing around her, “No way. The truck is for me?”
Charlie nodded, “Just bought it off Billy here.”
Jacob smiled, “I rebuilt the engine and-”
“It’s perfect!” She beamed, rushing to the truck with Jacob in tow. Y/N stuck by the window with a smile as she watched them. Bella got in and was given an overview by the long-haired boy while she rolled down the window for Y/N.
She turned to Jacob, “Maybe I can give you a ride to school.”
He shook his head regrettably, “I go to school on the reservation.”
Y/N spoke, “Maybe you can give me a ride. Jacob’s fixing my car right now and I’ve been snatching rides from a couple friends from school.”
She smiled, “Yeah, that’d be fine. It’ll be nice knowing at least one person there.”
She nodded, “Everyone’s super nice, for the most part. You should make friends quickly.”
Over the next couple of weeks, Bella, like everyone, was instantly interested in the Cullens. They were always the attention grabbers of the school, but no one hung out with them or thought well of them because they never hung out with anyone other than themselves. They were a strange group and they got a lot of unnecessary thoughts and names because of it. Y/N didn’t mind them. They were interesting and that was that.
Unlike the Cullens, especially Edward, he was interested in Bella as well. It took awhile for that to come to light, he’d run off after her first day at school. She’d told Y/N all about it on the way back home after school and, while it was strange, it wasn’t too strange for the Cullens. After some quick reassurance, they were fine.
When Edward returned, so did Bella and Y/N’s chat about him. She was sitting in her car, the window rolled down on the driver’s side so she could chat with Bella while she stood outside of the car. “This homework is ridiculous. You’re lucky you have another year before you have to do this,” Y/N complained as she stared at the sheet.
Bella wasn’t paying much attention, her gaze shifting from her own homework to Edward staring at her from across the parking lot. Y/N sighed and went back to her work before hearing a strange screeching sound coming from the end of the lot.
She looked up and saw a van skidding on the ice, careening out of control, headed directly for them. Y/N moved quickly to attempt getting Bella in the truck before the van crashed. She reached over and got the door opened before Bella noticed the truck, tripping on the ice under her feet and causing her to fall back against the door.
The door slammed hard back into Y/N’s skull and she moved to grab her head, her eyes hurting as she squeezed them shut. When the truck rocked back and forth slightly, she opened her eyes again, against the strain, and struggled to look out of the window to see Bella unharmed on the other side.
Her head was hurting too much for her to question how Bella got out of that without a scratch. She sighed and got back to her side, letting out a sigh as her dizziness crashed into her like the door did to her skull. Her vision strained as it sunk in and out.
Her headache began to sink in after her ears started ringing. Bella, getting over her shock, stood and turned to the window to see if you were okay. “Y/N?” She asked, her eyes wide and concern slipping into her voice. Her voice sounded muffled and distant, she could barely make out what Bella was saying.
She looked at Bella with unfocused eyes, “I’m fine.” Her words were slurred, barely hearing her own words over the ringing in her ears. People moved to look when they realized she was in the truck as well.
Students started swarming over to her side, looking in through the open window. They spoke in a choir of mumbles and muffled questions. Someone pushed his way through the group to look at her. “She needs to go to the hospital,” Y/N didn’t pick up a single word of that, but Bella did.
The last thing she saw before slipping into her first round through consciousness and unconsciousness was someone quickly rushing to get both Bella and Y/N to the hospital.
Y/N sat in the room surrounded by white, her feet hanging off the edge of the hospital bed as she kicked them in front of her. She had her hands steadied on the bed to keep her from falling over from the slight dizziness. The ringing had gone down, but it was still there in the background. Her headache was the only thing that had decided to stick around the way it had before.
She was just trying to convince everyone that she was fine. Just like Bella. She looked across the room at Bella, who was talking with her worried father about the accident. She looked away instead of trying to get her eyes to completely focus, the strain hurt.
When the doors opened, a stunningly handsome doctor came through them with a charming smile. He had icy blond hair, pale, ivory skin, and a smile that could kill. His face is kind, but pale, tired - that didn’t make him any less beautiful. He was drop-dead gorgeous. Y/N was sure she was shot with Cupid’s arrow.
He went straight to Bella first, “I heard the Chief's daughter was in.”
Charlie nodded, “Good. Dr. Cullen.”
Dr. Cullen, the head of the Cullen Family. Well, no wonder he was so beautiful. This was Carlisle Cullen.
He turned to the E.R. doctor, “I’ve got this one, Jackie.” She handed him the chart and left. He reviewed Bella’s chart, then felt the back of her head, “You have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion.”
Tyler Crowley, who Y/N assumed was the one who hit the truck, spoke, “I’m so sorry, Bella. I’m really-”
He was cut off by Charlie pulling the curtain between them. Yep, he was definitely the one who hit the truck. Y/N watched the interaction with a slightly tilted her. She was focusing in and out, not caring too much about anyone but Dr. Handsome.
Bella muttered, “It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn’t knocked me out of the way.”
Charlie furrowed his brow, “Edward? Your boy?”
Dr. Cullen looked up before looking back down at the chart. Bella continued, a hidden goal in her words now, “It was amazing he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me.”
He gave her a smile, “As long as you’re safe.”
Bella sighed and glanced as Y/N, who was visibly spacing in and out. She was still trying to get over her headache, but it was a little hard when it rattled her brain like it did. She was just waiting for a doctor to get to her like they said they would.
Carlisle followed Bella’s gaze to Y/N. At first, it was just a glance before he looked back again with a slight intrigue. He quickly finished up with Bella before turning back to Y/N, walking over to her with a smile on his face. She gave a seemingly distracted smile back and he picked up her chart from beside her, looking over it closely.
“What’s your name?” He asked her, looking back up with that same smile. Only this time, she got a good look at his eyes. They were a magnificent honey gold that would have made her weak at the knees, had she been standing.
Instead, it was substituted by a fluttering in her stomach. But who was she kidding, he was probably already married. He had kids, for God’s sake, adopted or not. She glanced down at his hand while he stared at her chart and felt a little bit of unnecessary hope when she saw no ring.
It didn’t matter, though. He was way out of her league.
She struggled to find her voice for a moment, trying to recall the question before answering in a slurred tone, despite her best efforts to make it clear, “Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Y/N, “ he said, as if tasting her name. He nodded slightly, “How are you feeling?"
She shrugged, “I’m okay.”
Dr. Cullen raised a blond brow very slightly before asking, "Any ringing in the ears? Headache? Dizziness?"
"Maybe a little,” she sighed, the slur becoming painfully obvious. He grabbed a small flashlight from his pocket and checked her eyes, running the rest of his tests. He looked back at the chart and sighed, “You've got a minor concussion."
“Course, I do,” she sighed, laughing weakly, “Brilliant.”
He gave her a sympathizing look and smile, speaking in that calm voice of his, “I want you to try to avoid unnecessary movement of your head and neck as much as possible. Limit your exposure to bright lights and loud sounds. Stay hydrated and get lots of rest. That said...you should be staying home for a couple of days before trying to get back to school."
‘Whatever you want, Doctor,’ was what her mind said before she quickly revised her sentence before she said it impulsively, “Alright. Thanks, Doctor.”
He nodded, “You’re very welcome.”
Dr. Cullen finished up with her before helping her off the bed, his icy cold hand placed on her arm so she didn’t trip and fall, which she was bound to do otherwise. Before they left the hospital, she was scheduled for another check up in two days.
She was rather giddy to know that she’d be seeing the blond beauty again in two days. She could hardly wait. She was driven home by Bella afterwards. She told her, “Hey, really sorry about the concussion. It must hurt.”
Y/N shook her head as she lied, “No, not at all.” She would rather not have people worrying over her. She was a lot like Bella in that area. The “suffer in silence” type.
She looked in her driveway and chuckled humorlessly at her car parked in the driveway. She nodded and walked up to the door. She moved the mailbox next to her door to reveal the small “hole” behind it where the car keys were hidden with a note.
When her grandfather was alive, he would often forget where the keys were so she had to put a spare in that space. She might as well use it since it’s there. The note read, “Finished the car. Good as new. You weren’t here so I dropped it off. -Jake”
She grabbed the keys and the note and went inside the house, closing the door behind her. She immediately got a glass of water and took a nap. She was tired.
But the nap didn’t stop her from thinking about the handsome doctor. If anything, it encouraged her as her mind wandered with fantasies of her and the gorgeous man.
Y/N got in her car on the day of her appointment. She was slightly giddy and she wanted to be annoyed with herself - she was acting like a child going to see her crush. She had to continuously remind herself, ‘Dr. Carlisle Cullen is way out of your league. Ring or not, there was no way he would be interested in you. Wake up.’
The reminders deterred her mood a little bit, but not enough to get her to calm down. She pulled out of the driveway and headed to the Forks General Hospital. After waiting for the nurse to show her to the room she’d be getting her checkup in.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” the nurse called, looking around the room that sat four other people. She looked up, a tight smile on her face, “Right here.”
She gave a soft smile and said, “The doctor will see you now.”
Y/N stood and followed the nurse down the hall. She led her to a room where there was a doctor waiting-- not the doctor she was expecting. The doctor smiled at her as she motioned for Y/N to sit down in front of her. Y/N obeyed, her heart sinking in her chest a little bit.
‘He’s probably not here…’
“How are you,” she asked. Y/N gave a tight smile and shrugged, “I’m okay, thank you.”
“Let’s see what we’ve got,” Dr. Lacey looked at the clipboard, “It says here you got a minor concussion a couple days ago?”
Y/N nodded, “Uh, yes. Dr. Cullen assessed me.”
“Ah, yes,” the doctor said, as if fantasizing now. She shook her head and sighed, “So you're coming in for a checkup?”
Y/N nodded. The doctor nodded back and went through the checkup to make sure everything was in order. She took a little longer than Dr. Cullen had, he was efficient and certain of every move he made.
Y/N stopped and sighed to try and rid her thoughts of the golden eyed doctor. She didn’t need to be thinking about him, it would turn into obsession quickly if she continued to wonder about the doctor.
“Alright, you look alright. Be sure to take it easy, if you must go to school, take it easy,” Dr. Lacey broke her from her thoughts.
Y/N responded with a sigh, “I need to get back to school. But I will take it easy.”
“Alright, then. Drink plenty of fluids and be careful.”
“Will do. Thanks.”
After the checkup, Y/N left the room. Her hands gripped her bag as she walked down the hall. She looked up and saw none other than Dr. Carlisle Cullen walking down the hall her way.
He gave a warm smile, “Hello, Y/N. How is your head?”
She smiled back at him, “It’s better. I just came up for my check up. I...expected to see you...” She very slightly furrowed her brow, looking into his eyes. They weren’t the same honey gold eyes they were, they were darker, more brown than they were before.
He nodded, looking down at the chart in his hand briefly before looking back at her, “Something came up and I wasn’t able to take your case.”
She nodded, “Oh, okay.” He motioned to his clipboard and said, “I’ve got to go. Have a nice day, Y/N.”
She smiled at him again, waving, “Bye, Dr. Cullen.” He nodded with a smile and left. She sighed, turned around, and left.
‘So much for ‘not here’,’ she thought before walking off.
It had been a while since she’d seen Carlisle. She hoped the distance and time would help stop her little fantasies, but it only made them worse. Every day and every night, she found herself thinking of Carlisle Cullen. It was driving her crazy.
She could barely focus on the work in front of her as she waited for her next class to start in the parking lot next to her car. When the bell rang, she sighed and threw her bag over her shoulder, beginning to turn to head back into the school. She paused when she saw Bella walking away and towards the forest that bordered the school.
She shook her head, “Where is she going?” She began to follow her, tell her that class was the other way. As Y/N headed over, she saw Edward headed after Bella. She knew she should have turned the other way and given them their privacy but, if they were missing a class period to do something, it would have been good.
And she was never one to miss out on eavesdropping.
She waited after most of the crowd had cleared before headed into the edge of the forest, walking a little ways longer before she finally saw the pair in the distance talking. She could make out some of what Bella was saying, facing away from Edward as he stood rather strangely behind her.
“...skin is pale-white, ice-cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like... you're from a different time,” Bella said, slightly shaken, but not scared. She turned to face Edward now and Y/N furrowed a brow. Her mind wandered back to Carlisle, how his eyes went from gold to dark brown (almost black), how his skin is also pale and cold. She shook her head and turned back to them.
Bella continued, “You never eat food, or drink, or come out in the sunlight. And you said no to the beach trip only after you heard where it was. Because of the treaty.”
‘What treaty?’ she thought. She wasn’t at the beach trip, she turned it down to do homework since she was behind. Before she could think on, Bella spoke again, “How old are you?”
Edward hesitated before speaking, something in his voice that somehow made Y/N cautious and alert, goosebumps rising on her skin from the sudden awareness of all of her escape routes. “Seventeen,” he said.”
Bella continued, “How long have you been 17?”
“A while.”
‘Is she calling him a…’ Y/N couldn’t bring herself to even think of the word. That was absurd! Vampires didn’t exist…
“I know what you are,” Bella said to him, Y/N was barely able to understand but it was audible enough for her to make out.
Edward spoke, his voice firm, edging on chilling, “Say it… Out loud… Say it.”
His tone and his look made Y/N feel a little more frightened than she was before and it was ridiculous. She shouldn’t be scared, he wasn’t a vampire. Was he?
Bella hesitated before finally admitting, “Vampire.”
Edward didn’t deny it and that’s what began to concern Y/N and pierce through her unbelieving thoughts, “Are you afraid?”
She shook her head, “No.”
‘Is Edward…’
His tone was angry now, it only added to Y/N’s fear, “Then ask me the most basic question: what do we eat?”
“You won’t hurt me,” Bella said instead of answering.
The fear that had now stricken Y/N to the core was what completely convinced her that this wasn’t just some weird, strange game the two had going on. Edward was a creature that was believed to just be a myth, this thing that hunted humans for their blood. For food.
Y/N turned around, leaving the forest as quickly as possible before she was found. She didn’t know what to do, so she raced to the parking lot, got in her car, and went home. She could worry about her absence in the rest of her classes later. Right now, she had to make sense of things.
If Edward was a vampire, what does that mean for the rest of his family? Were they all vampires? Was Carlisle…
She didn’t want to think about it. This was absurd, she was crazy. Any moment now, she would wake up from this stupid, sick dream.
No one was a vampire.
But when she didn’t wake up, she was truly surprised and shocked. She got inside as quick as possible and paced around her house anxiously. How long had Bella known? How was she not scared, at least even a little bit? If Edward was a vampire, he had to be dangerous right? Was she safe?
Y/N downed a glass of water to try and calm herself. She needed to calm herself so she could think rationally. After a while, she decided she needed a nap. Maybe a nap would make everything make sense. Or at least calm her enough so she could think straight.
A knock on her door woke Y/N up. She looked at her clock, realizing the time. School had gotten out by now, that could be Bella. She got up and walked cautiously to the door. When she saw Edward on the other side through the peephole, her breath caught in her throat as she stilled.
“Y/N,” he called on the other side. She let out a silent breath, tensed up from her unexpected and potentially dangerous visitor. He spoke again, “I know you're in there. Just let me in, I won't hurt you.”
She thought about it quickly before deciding to just open the door. Her trembling hand landed on the knob and she let out another silent breath before pulling the door opened. She ran a hand through her hand and asked nervously, “Are you all…?”
He sighed, “Can I come in?”
She bit down on her lip and stepped aside, allowing him to step into her home. She closed the door behind him when he was inside and then turned back to him. He gestured for her to sit down and she took the opportunity, looking back up at him anxiously.
“Yes, we're all vampires. Me and my family,” Edward nodded, answering her question.
She thought to herself, ‘Did he know I was there?’
As if he knew what she was thinking, he spoke, “Yes, I knew.”
‘How did you-’
“I can hear what you’re thinking,” he answered her thought once again, “Some of my kind have gifts, I can read minds.”
“Then...why did you let me hear?” She asked. If he knew she was there, He could have easily stopped the conversation until she left, or told her to leave himself.
He shrugged, “I had to break the news to you somehow. The opportunity was right there, so I took it.”
“But why?” She asked him, confusion written in her tone. He sighed and stopped to think for a moment before admitting, “It’s complicated… How is your head?”
Y/N brought her hand up to touch her head as she answered, “Better…” The topic of her head made her think about Carlisle again. Her mind wandered as Carlisle’s face appeared in her thoughts. Only, instead of the golden eyes she remembered seeing that first day, she was met with blood red eyes that pierced into her soul.
Edward shook his head, “Carlisle's no monster. He's anything but. You can trust me on that. He’s the reason for our current lifestyle choice.”
The fear in Y/N’s eyes returned very slightly as she thought about that answer before Edward caught himself, “We consider ourselves vegetarians. We don’t feed on humans, we feed on animals instead. It’s why our eyes aren’t red.”
That calmed her a little more and she turned to play with her hands. She was clearly still shaken and Edward caught onto that. He spoke through the silence that began to settle, “I should be going…”
He stood and turned to the door. He placed his hand on the door knob before turning back to her, “Y/N… please know that we aren’t going to hurt you.”
She considered her words before allowing them to make sense in her head. If they were going to hurt her, they would have done it already. She nodded, “Okay.” He nodded to her, before finally turning and leaving.
She thought about her visit from Edward a lot after that-- not nearly enough to be more than she thought about Carlisle, but it was a close second. His words calmed her more, they seemed sincere enough for her to be able to believe. But she was still shaken and working on the believing part.
She still went to school. She decided her fear shouldn’t be enough to put her further behind than she already was by missing just two days of school before and then half a day after the big reveal. She was wary of the Cullens, but she wasn’t scared of them. If she was, it wasn’t as much as when she first learned of their secret.
Their eyes seemed to watch her sometimes, as if they were trying to see every move she made, waiting for a slipup. She assumed it was because she knew their secret. She wouldn’t tell anyone, she wouldn’t risk anything by telling someone. Besides, people would think she was crazy if they did.
Y/N assumed Edward had told his siblings this because they stopped watching her so closely after a while.
Her schedule consisted of school and home. She didn’t have reason to be any other place, so she stayed inside. There was apparently some wild animal attacking people in Forks. Now that she knew about vampires, she had her suspicions. After Edward’s admittance of their diet, she had reason to believe and trust that it wasn’t them. So she had to be careful.
She was doing her homework again one afternoon. She saw that there was going to be a thunderstorm sometime later on, so she moved her work outside to get some air before that happened. She didn’t like being outside during any storm, rain or not.
The door opened at Bella’s house and she turned her head to see who it was. She saw Bella and gave a wave, “Hey, Bells.”
“Uh- Hey, Y/N,” she responded, giving a wave of her own.
Suddenly, Edward stepped in view and she looked up at him. She’d gotten quite used to him, but she still wasn’t that used to him. “Hello, Y/N. How are you?” He asked her with a soft smile. He was still trying to ease her into this. He didn’t want to spook her.
She had been spooked enough when she found out.
“I'm fine... Thanks,” she cleared her throat.
Edward thought for a moment before speaking, “Bella and I are going to play baseball with my family. You're more than welcome to come, if you would like.”
She shook her head, “No, I'm okay. I wouldn't want to intrude, I’m not a big sports person anyway... You have fun, though.” She gave a tight smile.
He nodded, “Alright. Good night.”
“Good night,” she said after him as he walked away with Bella. They got in her car and drove away. Y/N sighed and stood, walking back into her house to make whatever she had in her fridge for dinner.
Y/N looked out of her window from her room when she heard a car drive up to Bella’s driveway. She was probably just getting back home. It was already dark outside, it would make sense. When Bella slammed the door, Y/N opened her window and looked out. She seemed angry.
“Bella, is everything alright?” She asked, glancing at Edward behind her.
She looked up at Y/N. She nodded, Y/N could tell through the darkness of the night because of Bella’s pale skin-- although not as pale as Edward’s. “Yeah, just... We're fine. Stay inside.”
Y/N trailed off, “Okay…” She glanced at Edward through the dark. Edward’s pale white skin allowed her to makeout the look on his face. There was a warning in his features, not a warning against him, though.
She retreated from her window, closing it shut and returning to what she was doing. A few minutes later, she heard the door to their house slam as Bella drove away quickly from the house. Edward wasn’t with her. Charlie was standing in the light of the porch, watching her leave with a seemingly pained expression.
Y/N stood at her window, looking as best she could without opening it. She was confused, why did Charlie look like that? She sighed, it wasn’t her problem, she shouldn’t be so concerned about it.
She shook her head, retreating from her window once again and deciding to go to bed. Everything was sure to blow over in the morning.
A strange crash was heard downstairs as Y/N woke up suddenly from her sleep. She thought about what to do, there was an intruder in the house. She looked around her room and grabbed her baseball bat. Her grandfather had made a bat for her when she was younger and it was one of the really sentimental things she kept around, even if she didn’t play.
She carefully locked her bedroom door and went into her closet to hide, clutching the bat in her hands tight. After a moment, her door knob jiggled furiously. She pushed her hand against her mouth to keep her quiet. She was terrified at this point.
When the jiggling stopped, she removed her hand slowly. Then the door was kicked down and off of its hinges, making her jump as she clamped her hand back over her mouth and stopped breathing to stay quiet.
She couldn’t see anything, she didn’t take any chances with leaving the door opened just a crack. She listened closely and allowed herself to breathe as silently as humanly possibly.
Soft footsteps were heard on the other side of the door. With how soft they were, this had to be a woman. Why would there be a woman inside of her house trying to get to her?
The footsteps stopped. Y/N stilled and held her breath again so she could hear anything that happened. When the footsteps continued, they seemed to stalk closer to the door and Y/N’s heart only continued to pound in her chest. It was pounding so fast and so loud that she could feel and hear it in her chest. She was sure it would stop soon.
There was more silence.
Y/N let out a yelp as the door opened violently and revealed a woman with fiery red hair. Her eyes were wild and sadistic as she smirked maliciously at her. “Hello, there,” she said.
The woman grabbed Y/N by her throat, pulling her back to her chest as her hand moved to cover her mouth. Her other hand came to pinch her nose, keeping her from breathing as she slowly and painfully stopped the air flow from reaching her brain and lungs.
Y/N struggled against the woman’s hold, trying to scream and yell to try and get the attention of the chief next door, who’s probably already asleep. Y/N’s struggling slowed as she grew weaker. She started seeing black spots in her vision as if faded in and out with each failed attempt to breathe.
Soon, she couldn’t fight anymore as her body went limp and she went unconscious. The woman let go of her, dropping her to the floor. Her goal wasn’t to kill her… yet.
Rosalie and Esme were sent to Bella’s place to guard Charlie and Y/N. Rosalie was confused as to why she needed protecting. They didn’t associate with her, the tracker, James, would have no reason to try and hurt her.
As they came up on the house, Esme checked quickly for Charlie to make sure he was safe. When she saw Charlie sitting in his house, she nodded to herself. Charlie was safe.
Rosalie took Y/N’s, looking inside the house. She stopped when she saw the door slightly opened. She walked up to the door, pushing it open as it squealed against the motion. She stepped inside and saw the broken vase on the floor behind the door.
Whoever opened the door before must have knocked the vase over by opening the door too quickly. She looked up the stairs, rushing to the top quickly and seeing the door on the floor. It had been kicked down. She searched the house quickly, listening closely for a heartbeat. She found nothing but an empty house.
She rushed back to Esme, “We have a problem. The girl isn’t here. Someone broke in.”
Esme’s eyes widened slightly and she grabbed her phone, quickly calling Carlisle to inform him of the news. When the phone picked up, she spoke quickly, “Y/N’s gone. She’s been taken.”
There was silence on the other end before Carlisle spoke, his voice was still calm, but it was lower in tone and held a slight edge to it that only a vampire could pick up, “What?”
Rosalie spoke, knowing Carlisle would be able to hear her, “The front door was opened and her bedroom door was kicked down. She’s nowhere.”
Carlisle’s grip on the phone tightened, but he eased it before he could break the phone. There were tiny dents where his fingers had squished the phone. He spoke in a disturbingly calm voice, “Watch Charlie. I’ll handle Y/N.”
He hung up the phone and returned his grip to the steering wheel. Edward and Emmett had heard the conversation on both ends. Edward was the only one who knew what was going on, Emmett was still trying to catch on. Why was this girl so important?
Carlisle stepped on the gas, carefully not to step too hard so his foot didn’t go through the bottom of the car, as he spoke, “Continue heading to Bella, I’ve got to turn around.”
Edward saw his plan before he could ask. They came up to a dealership just after Emmett asked Edward’s forgotten question, “How are you doing to get there?” When he saw the dealership, he spoke, “Oh.”
Carlisle pulled over and got out of the car, handing the keys to Edward. Edward told him, “Good luck.”
He nodded and Edward moved to the driver’s side before pulling out and speeding down the road again. Emmett was still confused as to why Y/N was so important, but he thought it best not to ask. The answer would probably pop up eventually.
Carlisle disappeared into the car dealership, intent on finding Y/N.
After the long process-- at least, it was long for him --of getting his car, Alice had called Carlisle’s cell. She spoke quickly, knowing he was already listening. “I see her. She’s in her car, in the back tied up. Victoria’s taking her somewhere.”
“Where are they?” Carlisle asked, his tone patient but his emotions anything but. Alice was quiet for a moment, looking closely into her vision before answering, “They’re headed to Seattle.”
“Thank you, Alice,” he told her sincerely. Alice hung up the phone and he sped down the road on his way to her.
Y/N inhaled deeply as she began to open her eyes. They fluttered before finally settling to see what was around her. She looked up and let out a small groan, “Where am I?”
She looked over when a female voice answered, “She’s awake.”
That woke her up completely. Memories from earlier hit her like a train as she went to sit up, realizing her hands and legs were tied up. The bindings were tight, she could barely move her fingers because her hands were tied so close together. She managed to sit herself up with tons of difficulty.
The woman was driving so quickly that all Y/N could make out through the windows were shades of dark green and blue. It was still dark outside, so she hadn’t been out for too long. The speed was enough to make Y/N nauseous as she moved to put her seatbelt on, going as quickly as possible in her panic. She needed to stay calm and the seatbelt was some sort of mundane reassurance.
“Where are you taking me?” She asked, her breath quick with worry.
“Nowhere you need to be in a rush to be. We're going to meet your friends,” the woman responded with a sadistic smile.
“My friends?”
“The Cullens,” she answered her.
Realization hit her as Y/N let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She spoke in a slight whisper, “You’re a vampire.”
The woman looked in the rear view mirror at her, giving Y/N a view of her crimson red eyes, “Smart girl.”
Y/N gulped, “Are you going to kill me?”
“No, of course not,” the woman said, before shrugging a shoulder and smirking, “Not yet, at least.” She looked back at the road for a moment and Y/N looked around quickly. There had to be some way for her to get out of this situation. She couldn’t defeat a vampire, if she tried anything, she probably would kill her earlier than expected.
Before she could think of anything, the woman’s eyes turned to the mirror again and she frowned, snarling at what she saw. She turned around to see through the windshield in the back. Y/N looked back as well, but she couldn’t see anything. They were going too fast for her to make out a single thing.
The woman huffed and turned the wheel harshly, vastly overestimating the turn before the car swerved dangerously off the road. They were in air for a second and that’s when time seemed to slow.
Y/N was nauseous as she felt herself lift off of the seat as she seemed to float on thin air. A cry left her throat and tears pricked in her eyes as she feared for her life as she thought about the impact of crashing at this speed.
In the second they were in the air, Victoria managed to open her door and dart out of the car, leaving Y/N there. She was already gone before the car even crashed.
The front wheels crashed onto the ground harshly and the nose of the car dug into the soil. It flipped the car over as it landed on the hood, the back of the car propping up against the tree behind it.
Y/N groaned and she smelt the smoke and gas. She moved, but she was stuck and there was a pain in her chest that made it hard to breathe. A strangled cry let her throat as she looked down and saw a large shard of glass sticking out of her chest. Her head spun and she was nauseous all over again.
She looked down at her seatbelt slowly, pressing the button to take it off before falling to the bottom. The glass on the bottom sliced at her skin and she winced. Blood, sweat, and tears covered her. She looked to see if she could find a way out of the car. She could hear the gas leaking out of the car, it would blow with her in it if she didn’t get out.
She ignored the glass and other sharp materials, moving to get to the door, to open it so she could escape. She tried all she could but she couldn’t reach the door, she was trapped.
But then the door ripped off of the car, allowing a passage to escape. She wiggled toward it, but she could barely move, the car was beginning to collapse in on itself and it was weighing down on her.
She could barely see, her vision was blurry and going in and out. It was so hot, it was making her dizzy. She saw a pale form in front of her, but she could make out a face. The form ripped the car apart over her so he could grab her, pulling her out of the car and to safety.
When she was finally out of the car, away from the heat and the gas, a round of coughs rattled through her. The smoke was no longer trying to cloud her lungs as she went to breathe. When the coughs subsided, she blinked until her vision slowly came back to her.
She looked back down at the glass shard in her chest, she brought her hands up, reaching her fingers to grab the shard nervously. When she had a good enough grip, she closed her eyes shut to brace herself.
“No, don’t do that,” a voice said. She knew that voice.
Her eyes flew open and she saw Carlisle, reaching to grab her hands. She reacted quickly, rushing to get away from him. She couldn’t move very well, the bonds wouldn’t allow it.
“No! Don’t touch me!” Y/N screamed, flinching away from the desperate touch of Carlisle. Her eyes were wild, her breathing fast and shallow, her whole body trembling in uncontrolled fear.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Carlisle said, gently taking Y/N’s hands and holding them firmly. Their eyes met. “Listen to me,” he told her, “You’re safe and they aren’t going to hurt you again. I’m here now. Trust me, I won’t let anybody hurt you.”
Carlisle almost expected Y/n to yank her hands away in her panic, but she didn’t-- instead she relaxed a little, tears slipping from her eyes, and let out a breath, “I…”
“It’s okay,” he said, smiled, and pulled her into a hug she didn’t resist. “It’s okay, I’m here.” She calmed the best she could and her exhaustion snuck up on her, causing her to pass out in his arms.
He sighed and looked at the wounds all over her body, then glaring at the glass in her chest. He needed to help her quickly. He took off his jacket, removing the shard and tying it around her chest as tight as he could without suffocating her.
He set her in the back of his car so she could lay down and made sure she was alright. He stepped on the gas and they were off to his house in no time at all.
Y/N breathed in suddenly, her eyes shooting open as she went to look around frantically to see where she was. Her body was in pain, but it didn’t hurt as badly as it did before. A soft, calm, soothing voice spoke to her, “Hey, hey. It’s alright, calm down.”
She looked to see Carlisle hovering over her, cotton in hand as he tried to get her to calm down. “Where am I?” She asked quickly, still working on the adrenaline she’d built up while she was asleep.
“Just relax,” he told her, “You’re in my home.” She took a breath in and allowed herself to lay back again. He gave her a reassuring smile, dabbing the cotton ball against a cut on her forehead. She winced and looked up at him while he worked.
“What happened?” She asked quietly.
He looked down at her, his eyes darker than the honey gold. They were around the same color she saw when she went to the hospital the second time, only they were slightly darker. “You don’t remember?” He asked, just as gently.
She looked down at her chest, there were stitches there that explained the numbness.
The glass shard in her chest from the crash.
She looked at her hand, seeing her bruised wrists.
The rope she was tied in by the woman.
It all came back to her as she looked over herself and then back into Carlisle’s still calming eyes. She remembered seeing those eyes after being dragged out of the burning car by him.
“You... You saved me,” she mumbled, sight disbelief as she stared at the gorgeous man.
“Of course, I did,” he told her gently as he bandaged the cut on her forehead. She had quite a few bandages on her body. She remembered the cuts and scrapes from trying to escape from the car.
She shook her head and blinked, “But...why?”
“I couldn't let you die, Y/N,” he said softly.
“Because you’re a doctor,” she concluded, feeling a little down by the answer.
“Because...it's complicated,” he shook his head and let out a sigh.
Y/N nodded, sighing slightly before wincing from the action, “That’s what Edward said, too.”
“You know our secret,” he stated more than asked. She nodded, “Yes.”
“Edward told me,” he replied.
She looked back at him, “Are you mad?”
He glanced at her, a small smile on his face, “Of course not.”
She managed to crack a joke, surprising even herself, “Just disappointed?”
He chuckled lightly, she felt triumphant about getting a chuckle out of him, “No, not that either.”
She smiled slightly before it dropped again, “Then what?”
Carlisle hesitated, setting the cotton ball down as he looked back at her, into her eyes. He stood blinking at her, lost in thought as if he tried to find out how to respond. He finally spoke, looking away from her as he did, “I’m captivated by you.” He returned his gaze to her curious, sparkling eyes.
“Me?” She questioned, shocked and surprised, “How?”
He chuckled weakly again at how shocked she sounded, “It has a degree of fate in it…” He returned to his work, picking up a cream and rubbing it onto her wrists over her bruises without hurting her.
“Ah, yes. Fate. My favorite thing,” she joked, watching his hands move along her wrists. He genuinely laughed, the two of them relaxing a little more before he turned to her ankles to rub the cream on the bruises there as well.
After rubbing in the cream, he bandaged the bruises and flashed her a smile, “I’m all done.”
She smiled at him, “Thank you, Carlisle.” She moved to sit up a bit more and he helped her so she wouldn’t hurt herself more than she was already hurt.
He shook his head, “There’s no need to thank me.”
She stared at him, memorizing his features like it would be the last time she’d ever see him. Another gaze into his eyes and she remembered the second checkup. He was supposed to be her doctor. She knew his answer was a lie, she just didn’t want to point it out. But she felt a degree of necessity now.
“Why weren't you the one to take my case when I went for my checkup?” She questioned, a soft expression on her face as she examined his.
He sighed and looked down at his hands holding the role of bandages. “You,” he said, only looking up after, “It’s the same reason my ears are a different color than the first time you met me.”
She listened intently, her eyes never leaving him as he spoke, “When I said a degree of fate, that's what I mean... Your blood attracts me. I’ve lived a long existence and I’ve never had to try and hold myself back. It’s how I know…”
She furrowed her brows and he looked down and away from her again. She moved her head so he would look at her again. She threw her legs over the side of where she was sitting so her body was facing him now, “How you know what?”
He looked back up at her, the way she was sitting now put him standing between her legs. Neither of them seemed to notice, though. They were wrapped up in their conversation.
“It’s how I know you’re… my mate,” he finished, watching for her reaction closely. Once again, she was caught by surprise. “I’m-” she closed her eyes and shook her head before looking back up at him, “Like a soulmate?”
He licked his lips with a light chuckle, “More or less, yes.”
She blinked at him, “Me?”
He sighed slightly, furrowing his brow as he gazed at her. He spoke gently, “You really don’t see it?”
She shrugged lightly, “I don't see how you could be… How I could be... You're way out of my league.”
A smile tugged at his lips, “Apparently not.”
“I don’t know what to say,” she chuckled.
He shook his head, “You don’t have to say anything.” He set a hand under her chin, lifting her head a little to see him better before dropping his hand. He spoke in a gentle tone, “You’re perfect for me.” He smiled and kissed her forehead softly.
She gazed into his eyes, the eyes that seemed to turn lighter with every moment that passed, as if her presence was restoring their warm, honey golden hue. She licked her lips, her eyelids fluttering. They were so close now.
“Why did you save me?” Y/N’s voice was barely above a whisper. Carlisle had managed to take her breath away as she tried to regulate it again.
His hands moved to her arms, just above her wrists. He slowly drifted down until they took her hands in his own. Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes darted from his to his lips. Their fingers intertwined as they relished in the slow, sensual moment. Everything was still and calm, nothing was disturbed or had any sign of turning out that way.
It seemed like they would be frozen in place like this before Y/N made the first move, her hands moving from his as her arms wrapped around Carlisle’s neck. She pressed her lips to his, letting out her breath at the relief of the kiss.
Carlisle’s hands fell to her waist, steadying her as he kissed her back. Their lips molded together, moving in sync with each, in perfect harmony. She could feel what he meant about being his “mate”. She could feel that bond, that connection that they held. She was Intoxicated by him.
Her fingers intertwined in his hair, keeping him as close to her as possible. She wanted to feel him against her, his body close to hers in that sensual moment. It was as if the world stopped around them, as if it allowed them to have the moment for as long as they wanted, allowing them their forever.
It took awhile for Y/N to finally pull back to allow her lungs some air. Their eyes were closed, her forehead pressed against his as she caught her breath. He didn’t move from where he was, relishing in her presence. He spoke, his voice a whisper in the air, her words meant for her ears only, “I don't want to lose you.”
That was enough for her as she smiled and brought him back into another life-altering kiss.
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lrissa · 3 years
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Save Humanity For me
summary: the expedition to take back wall Maria doesn’t go as Levi hoped when he saves his battered lover.
warnings: angst
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
There you were, standing on Wall Maria as you stared off into the horizon. The sun was still coming up from its slumber as it spilled hues of orange and red over the sky. You stood beside Erwin, Levi, and Eren as the rest of the scouts clanked their blades against the stone to find our enemies. Thinking it was a waste of time you persisted on staying standing on the wall.
From the corner of your eye you saw Levi, his raven hair swayed in the morning gust of wind as he stood broadly, his shoulders rolled back into place as always.
You have known Levi for what felt like eternity, you both equaled each other in the perfect ways, you were the brains he was brawns despite him already being intelligent and witty. There even sparked a romance between you two that began when you both went together to take back Eren.
Turning your posture to face him, you raised you hand and set it on his forearm. His gaze flickered to you in an instant. As you were about to speak a loud shot rang through the air as red smoke flew through the sky. Right below you.
A gust of wind flew past you as the last thing you saw go down the wall was a dark green cape and raven hair. Unsheathing your own blades you took hastily step forward until Erwin put his arm out to stop you.
When you looked down you saw Reiner and a blade jammed through his neck, along with an angry Levi that stuck another blade through his chest. Your face contorted into one of disgust and shock.
You saw Levi retreat back to the wall as Reiner began to arch his back in the ground.
"Levi!" You yelled just as a large beam of yellow lightning crashed onto the ground and erupted snakes of yellow electricity and large gusts of wind.
There laid the armored titan, your eyes hyper fixed on the titan as Erwin began to spew orders at the scouts.
"Keep on the lookout! Locate his allies!"
Yellow beams of light and dirt shot up from the ground surrounding the outer village immediately. Breath hitched in your throat as you quickly realized you were trapped, by hundreds of titans and a monkey.
Levi swung up from the wall and landed neatly behind you, putting a protective hand on your back as he himself analyzed the danger we just got ourselves into.
Erwin stood dumbstruck as the scouts began to shout worries and yells for Erwins next plan. You and Levi stood quietly behind him as you felt Levi rubbing your back softly, a gesture he does often.
"Are you finally ready to say something. I could've had breakfast during the wait." Levi remarked with a monotonous voice.
Erwin turned around and began giving distinct orders. Levi and Hanji's squad were meant to be taking down Reiner.
"...Give your hearts!" Was the last thing you caught from his speech as everyone began to departure, Levi's hand leaving your back.
"Wait, Armin, Levi, Y/N" Erwin commanded as you halted in your steps, turning around.
"I did say Levi's squad but I need you and Y/N to stay."
"To protect the horses and not Eren?" Levi shot back
"Yes, and strike him down when the time comes." Erwin unsheathed his blade and pointed at the beast titan, shivers ran down your spine.
"Understood" Levi cooly spoke "Since I failed to kill that armored brat earlier."
"Y/N." Erwin stated as Levi was nearing the edge of the wall, curious as to where you were assigned to so if needed he could help aid you.
"Do not let a single titan near those horses." You nodded "Of course." Pulling the hood over your head you ran to the edge of the wall beside Levi and jumped off together.
Nearing the separation time you and Levi looked at one another, exchanging nods that held the words 'please, be safe'. Taking off in separate directions you flew forwards as Levi spun around on his ODM gear, spinning in the air as he unsheathed his blades to take down the titan below him.
Racing forwards you stared at the beast titan, it looked as if it was staring daggers at you. Shaking your head you gazed down and found a titan running.
Unsheathing your blades you stared down at the demon as you unleashed your ODM on it, the slight nick in its shoulder made it spin its head at you. It had huge blue eyes and a small frown on its features, if only you cared was all you could think when you diverged its hand and spun around it, spinning backwards to fixate yourself back on your target. Releasing your ODM on its nape as you readied to strike, tearing your blades through its nape and exiting hastily.
This carried on for only about 15 minutes until you landed on a rooftop, titan blood finding itself on your clothes and face, steam fluttering into the air.
Looking around the rooftops you spotted a certain raven haired man, a slight smile plastering on your features. You released an ODM and began to race towards him.
Until, bits of rock flew past your eyes. Time began to slow as you turned your head at the cause. The beast titan.
A rock nicked your arm as you let out grunt and shot your ODM behind a building, hiding in the small alley as blood cascaded down your arm.
"What the fuck.." you muttered
Seeing the rocks stopped you shot your ODM at the top of the building and flew up, as you soared above the buildings momentarily all you saw was red. Corpses were stuffed under rocks, faces half missing, blood and guts stained scout uniforms.
"Levi!" you yelled once you landed on a roof, noticing the beast titan reach for a new rock.
"Levi!" you yelled louder this time, just as you see a raven head fly past you. His eyes caught yours for a moment and they widened a fraction.
He was going straight for the titan, why is he going straight for it. These thoughts screamed at you in your mind as you shot to follow him.
When he heard the shot of ODM gear he never expected you to follow him, why would this brat girl follow him into a clear death zone.
The beast titan threw a new round of its rocks, you had still been mid air when he sent off this blow. Considering your chances of survival you shut your eyes, small tears had formed at the corners of your eyes. You released your ODM and tried your best to maneuver into a small ball.
As you awakened your new demise you couldn't help but hear screaming, screaming from the scouts who had lived up until now to die, everything they've done in their live to die in this moment. But one scream stood out, it wasn't screaming to scream but rather at someone. Ah, Levi, my new romance would have to come to an end. It's sad, being the last thing you hear are the curdled screams from your blossoming lover. Tears were streaming down your face now, it's time, isn't it.
Just as you predicted you felt a stone shard rip right through your uniform and flesh, lodging itself into your stomach region. This time you screamed.
You lost control of your ball formation and fell straight for the ground below you, turning in the air so your stomach laid up as you clutched it tightly, screams still emitting from your mouth.
The hard ground never met you, but instead arms, shaking arms.
"Brat... idiot.. why, Y/N" You groaned and lifted a hand off your stomach, clasping his white shirt with your bloody hands.
"Levi.." You eventually mustered as he found a safe spot, leaning you against the wall comfortably as he crouched down in front of you.
"Brat, what were you thinking." He almost yelled, but it never faltered your smile as you stared at him, taking in his features one last time for your keeping. He had tears cascading down his cheeks, dirt covering his face and his hair was disheveled.
You slowly raised your hand and planted it onto his wet cheek.
"Levi.. live.. for me" You gave him a smile, before wrenching over and coughing up blood, you furrowed your brows in pain and leaned back once more.
"No.. shut up, shut the fuck up brat" He cried out as he his went to his belt, you watched with sad eyes until you realized what he'd grabbed. The case.
You shook your head, it was the liquid to make you into a titan. "No-.. Levi." You said as clearly as you could, pushing the case back to his chest as he stared at you with a look of pain.
He even knew it was a waste of a liquid, but still, he would still do it if she had agreed. Levi placed the case onto the ground and brought his hand up to caress your face.
"I'm sorry...." He spoke with a cracked voice, his usual personality faltering as he stared into your eyes. He knew he would never get you back and it hurt him, bad.
"Save.. humanity.." you felt your grip on his cheek falling but Levi raised his hand and kept it there, he didn't want you to leave yet, not ever.
"I will." He nodded sadly as he watched the life leave your glistening eyes.
"I love you Y/N" He got out before tears fell freely and he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him as he sobbed into your shoulder, gripping you tightly, just to feel the last of your living and breathing touch.
"I love you.... Levi." You said slowly, your last breath being his sweet name, it's all you could've hoped for as you finally left this hell.
Everything was still, Levi knew you were gone now, he knew he was holding the corpse of the woman he loved and entrusted with his life. But yet he couldn't let go as he continued to cry, his eyes were red with tears.
"I love you so much.." Was all he could whisper to himself before pulling away from the corpse, it's head falling limp once it left his shoulder.
He picked your body up gently, the tears were gone now. Leaving the small alley his heart clenched, surveying the broken town. He shot his ODM gear up to the wall were Levi assumed he'd find Erwin.
Reaching the top he stood staring at Erwin, the commander turned to look at Levi, his eyes widening when he found the body of Y/N.
No words were spoken between the two as Erwin looked up at Levi again to study his facial expressions, his eyes shadowed and his cold and stoic expression was back.
"Let's murder that fucking titan."
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Marguerite Baker
Part 3
RE7 Rewrite Masterlist
Ethan Winters x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: spoilers for re7, violence, injuries, blood, gross rotted stuff, marguerites boss battle so gross sack thing, bugs, injuries
Author’s Note: I am having a ton of fun with this! At the time of me writing this I haven’t posted any of the parts lol so hopefully you all are enjoying it as well!
Some of these lines are directly from the game so they may sound familiar.
Summary: Getting the serum recipe, going through the old house, killing Marguerite and getting the D-series arm.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator. Some of these lines are directly from the game so they may sound familiar.
(not my gif) (i'm not posting any pics of marguerites boss fight cause I know a lot of people are super grossed out with it and I don't blame them lol)
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Ethan dozed off in the trailer. You sat on the counter, counting each and every bullet the two of you had together. You looked around at everything in the trailer. You were fairly certain it was Zoe’s. She had left behind a couple extra weapons and bullets that you scrounged together.
Ethan began to stir after about 30 minutes of sleep. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. You handed him a water bottle you had found in Zoe’s fridge. He took it gratefully and drank about half of it. He ran his hands through his hair, taking a deep breath as you handed him all of his stuff back.
“We have to go to the old house,” you told him. He nodded.
“Did you get any sleep?” You shook your head.
“I didn’t want any. I’m too hyped up on adrenaline. The second we get out of here I’m going to crash for days.” He laughed a bit and nodded, standing up. He got himself situated. He got himself together, looking you up and down. You were both dirty and worn from the entire situation. You looked like you were about to collapse if you closed your eyes, your gaze wide. You opened the door a bit and looked around outside.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked. You shrugged and grabbed a gun.
“I don’t know what else we can do. We’ll get lost without Zoe.”
“That’s a good point.”
“I’m the brains, you're the brawn babe.” He rolled his eyes and looked himself up and down. He was scrawny. He barely had any muscle on him. “We share the brain and brawn then. Come on.”
The two of you made your way to the old house. It was the same place you had seen Mia go in the video she made for the two of you. You had some idea where you had to go then. You just had to find the serum. That was it.
You stayed close together as you walked through the place. You found some extra weapons along with things that you could use back at the house. You were quick and as quiet as you could be, only speaking when you needed to speak. As you entered one of the rooms you picked up a piece of paper that was lying on the table. You read through it quickly.
“The mothers name is Marguerite. The man is Jack, which we know and the boy is Lucas,” you said quietly. “Seemed like they were a regular family before all this. I wonder what went wrong,” you whispered. He nodded and looked over your head at the paper.
“Must have been something huge.”
“No shit.”
Suddenly something rammed into the gate wall behind you. You and Ethan turned around quickly, him standing between you and the gate. Mia was there, her hands through the holes. She looked desperate.
“Ethan!” she said breathily.
“Mia!” you said mockingly. “Are you going to try and kill us again?” Ethan grabbed your arm.
“That wasn’t me...I’m sorry,” she tried to say.
“No more bullshit Mia. I want some answers. Y/N told me what you told her but I know there’s more,” Ethan said.
“I know, I know you’re right. And I always wanted to tell you but I can only remember a little and the rest is gone!” Behind her Lucas appeared from the corner, grabbing her tightly and pulling her back.
“Daddy right? Who are you, you precious thing?” Lucas stuck his head out at you, a disgusting smile on his face. “We would get along,” he muttered. Ethan blocked Lucas’s view of you as he slinked away. “Well don’t just stand there Ethan! Do something.” Mia yelled for help and the door shut. You moved aside and looked at where she had just gone.
“That guy seems like a dick. We would not get along.” Ethan scoffed.
“Come on. We have to get that fucking serum.”
The two of you made it through to the other side of the old house just in time for Marguerite to push you down a hole in the ground. You figured you would have plenty of time to get in and out but she had caught you.
As you landed in the wet ground underneath the house, you felt the wind get knocked out of you. Marguerite's bugs flew down and beside you Ethan was standing. He used the fire thrower to the best of his ability and without even standing up you shot Marguerite in the face. She stumbled back and then forward, falling into the hole with the both of you. You screeched, quickly climbing up. Ethan was hot on your tails. Marguerite slinked away underneath you into the rest of the underground of the house.
He held tightly onto your arm, letting out a loud annoyed sigh.
“She’s nice,” you muttered.
“Not a great cook though.” You laughed and nodded. “Are you alright?” You nodded curtly.
“I think. You?” He nodded, holding up his hand.
“Still stapled on.” You rolled your eyes and turned around, walking back up the stairs. You opened the door that she had stopped you from opening. It opened up carefully and you were able to step inside. There were a lot of hanging baby dolls. In between some candles was a box. You rushed over to it and opened it up.
There seemed to be some sort of bones inside, along with a vile. On the back of the lid was some sort of recipe.
“D-series cranial nerve and D-series peripheral nerve,” you muttered aloud. “This is just the recipe for the serum, not the serum itself.” He let out a groan.
“Awesome.” The phone behind the two of you rang.
“If she knew where the phone was she should have come here herself,” you muttered. Ethan picked it up and you leaned against it so you could hear.
“Well? Did you find the serum?” she asked.
“We just got done dealing with your mom and her fucking bugs. Wish you could have warned me.”
“Sorry about that. What about the serum?”
“Haven’t found any but we did find out how to make one. A D-series head and arm. That can’t be right,” he muttered.
“A head? I think I have that around here somewhere.”
“You do?” he said incredulously.
“I don’t know about the arm though. Have you searched the whole house?”
“No not yet. We still have to check the second floor.”
“Alright, check it out. No funny business you two we’re on a mission.” You rolled your eyes.
“We’ll try to keep our hands to ourselves. We’ll meet you at the trailer if we find it.” He hung up the phone. Before he could even say anything you ventured further into the second floor. It wasn’t long before you found a door that had a single lantern on it.
“Looks like we need the other lantern,” you said aloud.
“This is why you’re the brains.” You rolled your eyes.
“Marguerite had one when she went down there.”
“I am not going down there.”
“You may have to.” The two of you walked back to where the hole in the ground one and saw the lantern just before Marguerite's impossibly long arms came to take it away. You let out a shaky sigh and gestured to him.
“Man first. We live in a patriarchal society.”
“I hate you.” He climbed the ladder down and looked around before you even thought about going down. You waited for a minute and he gestured for you to follow. You were careful as you went down and noticed Marguerite had some sort of pathway for the two of you to follow.
You went down that and came up to a green house of sorts. You went inside warily, guns raised. You and Ethan shared one last look before going up the stairs.
Marugite crashed through the window, causing you both to fall backwards. She gave you an intense look, her long limbs reaching around you.
“I’m her mother. Not you!” She hurried away. You and Ethan quickly regained your balance and held up your guns.
“Did you see her-”
“Yeah.” You swallowed hard and went up the stairs.
It took you and Ethan a good amount of time to get through her. But you had the grenades and Ethan had the flame thrower. Between the two of you, it took longer than it should have. She blew up after some time, leaving behind only her lantern.
You picked it up.
“Just fucking stay dead okay?!” Ethan said, out of breath. You nodded.
“I second that. Let’s just go and get the arm okay?” He swallowed, looking over at you. You watched as his eyes went big. “What?”
“Your chest.” You looked down and saw blood was pooling around your chest and shoulder area. Your eyes went wide as well as the pain hit you. Marguerite must have gotten you and you hadn’t even noticed with all the adrenaline. Ethan quickly rushed over to you and put his hand on your shoulder. “We’re going back to the trailer so I can look at this.” You nodded and let him help you walk out of the green house.
It was a very short walk to the trailer. He sat you down on the bed and kneeled in front of you. He tugged at the hem of your shirt.
“At least buy me dinner first,” you said through a groan. He gave you a look and he helped you take the shirt off. You had a large gash from your collarbone to your arm. Ethan winced just at the sight of it. He pulled out some of the first aid he had found.
“This is going to hurt.” You nodded as he poured something on it. You winced through gritted teeth. He pulled out some bandages. “You aren’t dying on me now, I don’t care what you say.”
“You held your own pretty good back there,” you admitted.
“Yeah, with your help.” You watched as he focused his eyes on your wound. He looked so intense. You had always liked Ethan but when Mia went missing he was all you knew. As you stared into his eyes you thought maybe you had always loved him.
Loved him?
It hit you like a bag of bricks. You took a short breath in and Ethan just assumed it was the pain. You had to look away as you felt yourself get flustered. He was your best friend's husband. But she had been gone for three years and she was always gone before that anyway. You found it in yourself to look back at him. He was smiling slightly up at you.
“It’s the best I can do.”
“It’s great,” you said. “I already feel better. Thank you Doctor Winters.”
“Just doin my job.” You swallowed and stood up. He grabbed your arm, shaking his head.
“You aren’t going with me. I can get the arm.” You shook your head more aggressively than him.
“I’m not letting you go alone.”
“You just said I could hold my own.”
“And you admitted you needed me.”
His hand was firm on your arm. You stared into each other's eyes and suddenly it was so obvious you had always loved him. That's why you came. Sure, you hoped Mia was okay but truthfully you couldn’t let him die if you could help it. The way he laughed and the way he hated beer but drank it anyway and the way he reloaded a gun was weird and the way he looked at you.
“I’ll be okay. Get some rest. Hopefully Zoe will come here before I do.” He let your arm go. He had felt the tension.
You were getting so dizzy from blood loss you had to sit down.
“I’ll be right back,” he said. You reached forward and held his hand.
“Please be safe Ethan.” He nodded curtly and left the trailer. You put your head down on the pillow and let yourself breathe evenly.
Ethan returned with the D-series arm only a half an hour later. Zoe was still not there. You were sleeping peacefully on the bed, your face finally at peace. He watched you for a moment. You were his only friend over this whole Mia thing. Most of his friends beforehand had left him when he got super into trying to find her but not you.
And then you told him everything and it all kinda changed.
He leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. If you died...he couldn’t deal with it. You were his best friend. He...he loved you. He didn’t want to admit it to himself because of Mia but he really truly did. He ran his hand over his face, letting that settle in.
Suddenly the phone rang, waking you up. Ethan turned quickly and picked it up.
“Now where the hell are you? You know what, nevermind. We only need the head and you’ve got it.” You stood up and walked over, putting your head against the phone like you usually did.
“Hey buddy!” You let out an annoyed sigh. Lucas. “I thought you should know. I decided Zoe needed a time out. She and Mia are here with me. And they’re keeping each other company.”
“Just let them both go, what do you need them for?!”
“That’s family business Ethan! Not your concern understand? Now. If you want the head feel free to come by any time and I’ll give it to ya! But only if you participate in a little activity I put together for you two!”
“Where are they?” he asked.
“I know you’re excited! But don’t worry! It's not going anywhere. First step I need you to take partner is for you to take a look in that fridge there.”
“Fuck you.”
“Oh come on now, don’t be like that. You wanna have fun don’t ya? Now look in the fridge.” Lucas hung up. You gave Ethan a look. Ethan put the phone down. You walked over to the fridge and found inside the deputies head. You scoffed.
“This guy again. Man.” You picked it up, wincing at the pain and the smell. On the back of his head was a note. “‘The pig is waiting for you in the dissection room bitch,’” you read. “Now that’s not very nice,” you muttered, putting the head back in the fridge. Ethan let out an annoyed sigh.
“This can’t ever be easy can it?”
“Hell no.” He gestured to your arm .
“How are you feeling?” You shrugged then winced.
“It’ll heal nicely,” you muttered. “How was getting the arm?” He showed it to you, waving it around as he spoke.
“Weird. I thought I saw a little girl and there were all these childrens toys. I got out of there quick though.” He put the arm down and walked up to you. “Let’s change the bandages and then we’ll go to the dissection room.”
“Bitch,” you mocked. Ethan laughed, raising his hands up to your shoulder. You sat down on the table and let him take a look.
“You aren’t lookin too good,” he muttered.
“You should never say that to a lady.” He rolled his eyes.
“You always look stunning. Even covered in blood and dirt.”
“Aw Ethan, thank you. Right back at you.” He put a new bandage on and you watched him do it. If he had looked in your eyes he would have seen the metaphorical hearts coming out of them. Finally he looked back up at your face.
“You should be okay now.”
“Thank you,” you said genuinely. He nodded curtly and stood back. “Can I ask you something?” He nodded. “Are you going to stay with Mia if she gets out of here alive?”
“Don’t ask me that,” he muttered.
“Because you’re messing with my vows by the answer I wanna give you.” You smiled a bit, looking down. “We have to go get whatever he left for us. Come on.” You nodded and stood up. You almost tripped forward from dizziness and he grabbed your healthy arm to keep you steady. Your faces were mere centimeters away. You looked into each other's eyes and he couldn’t help himself.
He kissed you.
Suddenly the pain from your arm was gone. You melted into his lips. He pulled away and froze. Your eyes went wide.
“Did you mean-”
With that he walked out the trailer door to the dissection room.
Part 4
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ororowrites · 3 years
By the Open Fire - Yahya x Black Character
I’m getting back into the writing spirit and decided to write a little Christmas one-shot about my latest celebrity crush. Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and Happy Holidays! 
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Warnings: Very, very, light smut, fluffy as hell
Word Count: 2,664
Six months was entirely too long to be away from the love of her life. 
Candace tapped the tip of her pen against the blank page, hoping her writer’s block would magically disappear. Being an actress was so much easier than trying to write a novel. Why didn’t Candace just stick to her day job? Since the pandemic began, she was trying her hand at other talents and writing a novel seemed to be the one wish on her wish list that stood out. On top of Yahya being out of the country filming for most of the year, Candace was in search of a way to fight a depression that was on the brink of flooding her life. Her filming project had come to a halt until 2021 and she was stuck in her Manhattan apartment until it was safe to come out again.
Yahya would be home in a couple of days and Candace was looking forward to his arrival. So many months a part made her heart ache and the heart below her waist. After hundreds of facetime calls, numerous texts a day and a few Zoom sessions that included their shared friends, her man would be there in the flesh. 
“Fuck,” Candace cursed under her breath. The block wasn’t budging, forcing the actress to give up and retreat to the kitchen for wine. Her phone rang, interrupting her attempt to brainstorm for the next chapter in her book. “You always call at the perfect time,” she groaned at her twin sister on the other end of the line. 
“Candy, you can never just say hello like a normal human,” Trinity laughed. “But did mama call you with the latest gossip?” 
“No, but she’s been texting me all damn day. I’ve been busy so I haven’t checked them yet. Wassup,” she pressed, knowing the gossip was most likely church related. Their mother had been an usher at the same church since they were nine. 
“Girl,” Trinity exclaimed, before explaining the recent Chicago gossip. “Mrs. Jackson got caught cheating with James. Someone saw them out at the park together, kissing up on each other and all that.” 
“Ewww, in this panoramic,” Candace gagged. “I’m not shocked though. That old floozy was always flirting with daddy and almost made mama beat her ass one Easter Sunday. Remember that?” 
Trinity cackled, “Boooooy, mama was about to peel that woman’s skin back and break her neck. Ol’ girl was trying it that day and knows she is too old to still be acting like that. But enough about Florence, what have you been up to today? Ain’t your man on his way back to New York?” 
 Candace rolled her eyes because she knew where this conversation was going. Her sister had four children, leaving Candace the only childless sibling left in the pack of five children. 
“He’ll be back in two days and then we’re going to Colorado for Christmas. Since we can’t gather for the holidays, figured we’d go somewhere where we can safely distance ourselves but still get away. You know,” Candace said, swirling the wine around in her glass before taking a sip. 
“Mmmhhhhmmm. You gon’ get knocked up in them mountains,” Trinity added in a serious tone. “You two renting out a cabin or something up there?” 
“Ain’t nobody getting knocked up until she has a ring on her finger. Yes, we’re getting a cabin and just chillin’ out. Yahya has been working and needs a break. I’ve been....lonely.” Candace paced her kitchen, trying to think of an excuse to end this call before her twin irritated her soul. 
“Ya’ll haven’t seen each in months, he’s going to tear--” 
“Trin!” One major difference between the two of them was the lack of filter on Trinity’s part. The woman would say anything in front of anyone. “Look, I need to go straighten up before before Yah gets here. I’ll talk to you later?” 
Trinity sighed loudly on the other end because she knew her sister was rushing her off the call. Not liking people in her relationship business bugged Trinity because she was the nosey twin that wanted to know everything, much like their mother. “Well at least you won’t be needing to replace the batteries in that vibrator any time soon since the real Dr. Manhattan is back in the picture.” Before Candace could reply to the vulgar comment, Trinity squeezed out a quick ‘love you’ before hanging up. 
“Nasty ass,” Candace rolled her eyes and placed the phone back in the pocket of her jeans. 
The next two days were the same song. Candace’s brain did not want to focus on writing, so she eventually gave up and settled on online shopping to ease her frustration. The night her beautiful man was supposed to return, the actress fell asleep on the couch. His flight had been delayed by a couple of hours and he didn’t make it home until 3AM. 
He quietly entered the apartment, knowing Candace could never stay awake past twelve. The 6′3 actor, tip toed across the floor doing his best ballerina impression. Light snores could be heard over the infomercial playing on the television. She looked peaceful, almost child-like curled up on the sofa under her favorite coral throw. Yahya slowly leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Candace’s pouted lips. She stirred slightly, mumbling under her breath and fell back into a slumber. 
“Baby,” he sung into her ear, placing another kiss on her cheek. 
“Hmm.” Candace finally opened her eyes to see her Christmas gift standing right in front of her. Even with blurred vision, the smell of his cologne was a dead giveaway. She screeched and scurried to her feet to throw her arms around Yahya’s neck. Naturally, her legs wrapped around his waist as he rocked them back and forth. “I missed you so much.” 
“I missed you too,” he grunted, peppering Candace’s face in kisses. “My baaaaaaby,” Yahya sang as they fell to the sofa in a heap of long limbs. “It smells good in here, what you cook?” 
“Negro, you’re always looking for the food. Ol’ hungry ass,” Candace shook her head and playfully punched her lover’s bicep. “But, I saved you some fried rice and shrimp...homemade because that’s the only dish I’m good at.” 
“Oh, that’s not the only dish you’re good at,” he bit his lip, pulling Candace into a slow, passionate kiss, showing her how much he really missed her. With both of them being in the industry, they understood the heartache that came with being in a relationship and not seeing your significant other for weeks or months at a time. In this case, their time away from each other was extended due to the pandemic. “Mmmmm,” Yahya hummed into Candace’s lips before pulling away. He wanted to save the X-rated loving for their trip when he would have more time to rest and beat the severe jet lag from flying across the world for 12 hours. 
“We should get some food in this belly, babe,” Candace couldn’t contain the big cheesy grin that made her cheeks hurt. 
Christmas Eve 
Toni Braxton’s sultry voice filled the cabin as Yahya finished pouring the wine for their night cap. They had a busy day on the slopes trying not to kill themselves or break any bones. 
“Baby, where your fine ass at,” Yahya called out, making his way to the living room. The fireplace crackled, sending waves of heat throughout the cabin’s living area. The sun had set, but the mountains were still glowing against the dark sky. Their view was impeccable and the mood was set for a night of bonding and loving. “Candy, don’t make me come get you.” He warned playfully, sitting in front of the fire on their floor palette they had built earlier that night. 
“What was that,” Candace teased, stopping in the doorway getting a front row view of Yahya’s bare upper half. His back muscles bulged as he tended to the fire. 
“You back there sleeping, old lady,” he asked, with his back still turned away from her. 
“No, I was back there wrapping one last gift,” she replied, her voice dropping an octave prompting Yahya to turn around. 
His eyes almost fell out of his head, “Damn girl.” Pulling his bottom lip into his mouth, he moved forward, inspecting the gift that was screaming to be unwrapped. “This all for me?” 
“Every inch of it.” Her words almost came out as a moan. The way this man was eyeing her had moisture pooling between her legs. The fancy lingerie wouldn’t last long at this rate. Words became an afterthought when actions began to do all the talking. All it took was a soul turning kiss to send them both to the floor on their palette in front of the fireplace. Candace couldn’t tell if the fire had her skin tingling or the anticipation of having his hands rubbing over the most sensitive parts of her body. The wine and fruits sitting on the mantle quickly became an afterthought. 
For minutes, they enjoyed exploring each other and parts they hadn’t touched in months. Yahya was nestled between Candace’s thighs, both of them breathless and horny. Candace’s lace get up was quickly removed and thrown to the side. She giggled when his lips grazed her belly button, those giggles soon turning into pants and whispered obscenities. With gentle licks, he coaxed her clit out of its hood.
 Toys were fun but they weren’t the real thing and oh did she miss the real thing. See, the real thing knew exactly how to pull her close to the edge before sending her back. Her man’s skilled tongue sank deeper drawing intricate patterns in her center as she massaged the top of his head with her fingertips. 
Candace’s breath hitched in her throat and her thighs shook awaiting the impending release. “Jesus,” she moaned as her body suddenly felt light and her center thumped. 
“Still as sweet as I remember,” he grinned, kissing Candace’s inner thigh. 
Another track on their Toni Braxton Christmas playlist began to play and Yahya rested his head on Candace’s stomach. Time was precious and Yahya didn’t want to waste an ounce of the rare quiet moment they had. Soon, they’d both be filming again and the world would be back to normal. 
“What’s on your mind, baby,” Candace asked, her heart and breath back to a steady rhythm. 
“I don’t spend enough time with you. At least not lately,” he began. “I knew what I was getting into when we were back in school. Still makes me feel bad though.” 
“Yah, I enjoy all the moments that we do get to spend together. You’ve been working your ass off this year. Yes, I would love more times like this but we should also celebrate all your accomplishments. Because you’re doing the damn thang and I’m so proud of you.” 
“Thank you. You always say the right shit to get me together,” he chuckled. “Sometimes a nigga just be in his feelings and I missed the hell out of you those six months.” 
“Yeah, six months has never gone by that slowly. You should see my credit card statements. I’ve never purchased that many sex toys in my life,” Candace covered her face with her arm. 
“Word? Well.... you won’t be needing those sex toys for awhile.” 
A smirk formed on her lips when she felt him bump against her thigh, “No, no, you just sit back and relax. I got this.” Sitting up, Candace placed a hand on Yahya’s chest, prompting him to switch her spots. 
“You are beautiful,” Yahya’s eyes gleamed. After all these years, he could still make Candace blush like a little school girl. “Don’t hide that smile, girl.” His large hands massaged her thighs as she eased him inside of her. 
They both exhaled, letting Toni Braxton serenade them through the night.
Christmas Morning
They had finally made it to bed and got a few hours of sleep before Christmas morning arrived and it was time to get up for their next day of adventures. 
First, they needed to re-fuel their bodies after the festivities that took place the night before in front of the fireplace and in the bedroom. The shower also got some of their loving that morning. Candace could hear Yahya singing his own version of Joy to the World while whipping up his famous oatmeal. That man never knew the words to any song but sung his own words with all the confidence in the world. 
“Yah, do you ever know the words,” Candace questioned, placing a quick kiss on his cheek before grabbing a bowl from one of the kitchen shelves. 
“Nope,” he replied in a matter of fact tone. “It’s the Abdul-Mateen version.”
“Uh huh, sure.” 
Over breakfast, they continued joking about Yahya’s talent of making up his own versions of songs. Joy and love was on full display. They had always been the couple to roast each other and the next minute adore each other like the two biggest saps in the world.. Their relationship was built on a strong friendship they developed while they were in film school before reconnecting a few years later. 
They walked a short distance to one of the coffee shops near their cabin to grab hot chocolate. It was a chilly 45 degrees, but to avoid sitting in the shop, they walked back to their rental, taking a scenic route that Yahya suggested. 
“If we get lost or I end up falling off one of these mountains, I hope my family doesn’t kill you,” Candace joked, admiring the beautiful scene before them. 
“Oh, I know where we are. I was out here early yesterday morning trying to find the perfect spot,” Yahya replied. 
“Huh, perfect spot for what?” 
He didn’t answer right away and instead reached for Candace’s hand, stopping her in her tracks. “Something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile.” Placing his cup on one of the rocks, Yahya pulled a box from his pocket and got down on one knee. 
“What...what...” For once, Candace was speechless and caught completely off guard. 
“It’s hard as hell to surprise you and I’ve been trying to think of the perfect time to do this without your nosey ass finding out.” Tears began to flow down Candace’s cheeks. “We’ve been at this for a few years and I’ve had some of my best moments with you by my side. I want to make what we have forever.” He opened the small box to reveal a beautiful emerald cut ring. “Say love... would you marry me?” 
Being the goofball that she was, Candace laughed between her tears “You’re trying to get me pregnant on this trip, aren’t you?” 
“Well that can be arranged if you say yes.” 
“Ye...yes, of course!” Her vision blurred as Yahya slid the rock on her finger and stood to his feet to kiss his future bride. Moments later Yahya’s phone rang with an incoming Facetime call. 
“Hey Trinity, hey moms,” Yahya cheesed, turning his phone to share the screen with Candace. “Looks like you two aren’t getting rid of me anytime soon.” 
“She said yes,” Trinity screamed, jumping up and down with their mother. “Aye, aye, ayyyeeeeee.” 
Still in complete shock and happiness overflowing, Candace shrieked, “Wait, you two knew about this the entire time!” 
“Yep! It’s been burning my ass to keep this secret from you all this time,” Trinity teased, sticking out her tongue. “He took mom with him to ring shop last year and everything.” 
“Welcome to the family, son. Congratulations baby,” Ms. Fredrick sang, clapping for the happy couple on the other end of the call. 
“Now, I hope you two are using protection out there because having a baby before the wedding is-” 
“Trinity,” Candace called out, shaking her head. 
They should have followed Trinity’s advice because approximately two months later..... 
Hope you all enjoyed! This is the first piece I’ve written in a year. I have no idea if I’ m going to continue the stories I began before my hiatus, yet. But, we will explore that in the coming year! Who knows, we may get more Candace and Yahya depending on how hard writer’s block slaps me. May the new year bring you all peace and joy! 
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aldcaldos · 3 years
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* BLACKBIRD "seconds later, feels like something's missing- something really important. then i realize you're there, always were, and this stupid wave of relief washes over me."  a mix for vesper and johnny.
tracklist and lyrics under the cut
chainsmoking - jacob banks
it’s getting harder to breathe chainsmoking your love can’t be good for my sanity can’t be good for my lungs
dark nights - dorothy
don’t send me no angel this city’s too cold ‘cause i need a man with a black heart of gold
blackbird - the beatles
blackbird singing in the dead of night take these broken wings and learn to fly all your life you were only waiting for this moment to arise
never fade away - p.t. adamczyk
i saw in you what life was missing you lit a flame that consumed my hate i’m not one for reminiscing but i’d trade it all for your sweet embrace
apartment - bobi andonov
you can’t lie, i know how you feel about me, about me, yeah you’re nervous, tonight isn’t real but don’t we, don’t we
subtle thing - marian hill
i always see you when i’m out on the street i wanna talk and you appear on my screen dreaming like a broken record looping all you know forever
power - isak danielson
i was lost until i found me in you i saw a side of me that i was scared to but now i hear my name and i’m running your way all i feel as i get closer to you is the desire to move like you do so now i hear my name and i’m running you way
blurry - jp saxe
your lips up against my neck you whisper in my ear “don’t let go yet” and i don’t gotta know what’s next ‘cause all that i’m in are the parts of my skin touching yours
lay all your love on me - the butterfly effect
but now it isn’t true now everything is new and all i’ve learned has overturned i beg of you
madman - sam tinnesz
voices in my head turn me wicked from within something waking from the depths a madman, a madman
if i had a heart - fever ray
if i had a heart i could love you if i had a voice i’d sing after the night when i wake up i’ll see what tomorrow brings
mercy - jacob banks
i sing your lullabies your melody, like a symphony we burn the same inside a fire
do it for me - rosenfeld
give me your hand i’ll show you things you’ve never done hold my head i’ll make you feel like never before
iris - goo goo dolls
and all i can taste is this moment and all i can breathe is your life and sooner or later, it’s over i just don’t want to miss you tonight
wicked games - the hot damns
these wicked games we play kill the lights, better hold on tight out for blood better run and hide
bloodshot - dove cameron
and my friends say i’m losin’ my mind and my parents check in all the time but it’s harder to see you’re not mine with my bloodshot eyes
heaven in hiding - halsey
and when you start to look at me, a physical fatality and you surrender to the heat, you’ll know i can put on a show, i can put on a show don’t you see what you’re finding? this is heaven in hiding
obsessed - dynoro
i ran through all your veins i saw all of your visions i found all of you babe but i couldn’t find me anywhere and now i’m stuck inside of you
even if it hurts - sam tinnesz
even if it hurts even if it makes me bleed i’m gonna carry you pushing through with the dirt on my sleeves
(don’t fear) the reaper - blue öyster cult
all our times have come here but now they’re gone seasons don’t fear the reaper nor do the wind, the sun or the rain we can be like they are come on baby, don’t fear the reaper
the only living thing - adam french
won’t you lay your body down get to know me be the only living thing i care about you’re not alone when i’m around
voyeur girl - stephen
those stolen eyes can’t hide what’s underneath a lonely power no one else can see voyeur girl wanting more, more and more
slow love - tender
spend a little too much time together forgotten how to be all by ourselves could be worse, yeah, it could be better we'll stay inside beyond all others
worst in me - unlike pluto
i saw you standing there, and i knew i’m done for, it’s over, i’m through playing games from the start sinking your nails in my heart
smoke - pvris
you make your way into my veins course right through my limbs and dig you way into my brain so in the second that you walk, walk into a room i can’t help myself from that thing that you do
the drugs - mother mother
‘cause your hotter than the sun and your better than the drugs i used to love and you’re deadly like a gun yeah, you’re deadly like the drugs oh, the drugs i used to love
something to lose - dylyn
oh i’m scared, this time i really care ‘cause i’m a better me when i’m with you suddenly i got something to lose i’m just so scared, i don’t wanna tear us apart ‘cause i like how i feel when i’m with you
fear of falling asleep - tender
and as i lay here in my bed at night the only thing that’s mine is my fear of falling asleep and not waking up
my demons - starset
take me high and i’ll sing oh you make everything okay we are one and the same oh you take all of the pain away
gravity - eden
‘cause you say i drink and i smoke and i talk too much but i know you lied when you said that you just gotta go and save yourself
hallucinations - pvris
hallucinations, you occupy my imagination’s running wild new sensations, sweet temptations i can’t tell what’s real and what’s
dinner & diatribes - hozier
honey, i laugh when it sinks in a pillar i am of pride scarcely can speak for my thinking what you’d do to me tonight
artificial paradise - vlad holiday
numb me ‘til i feel emotion beat me up so i can fight for what i believe in trip me so i fall all the way up to heaven plug me in and take whatever makes me human
trouble - tender
whenever i’m alone i feel your ghost your presence is known, i already know too much what you did in your past life, it’s no business of mine i would join you and all, but i’m starting to tell we’ll be fine
bones - wens
tangle me, tangle me in your web all of me is alive ‘til i’m dead hold me close ‘til my pulse loses time i’ll be yours if you’re mine, if you’re mine
heat - l.a. rose
it’s not passion till you bleed a little for it it’s not love till you lost more than a little bit feel the heat on your neck it’s not real it’s gone and you’re no longer holding on to it if we want to get close then we’ll need to get lost in the heat of it
in flames - digital daggers
and i know your devils i know them by name when you look my way oh i’m not afraid
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chanel5designer · 3 years
Macgyver 5x10 final scene continuation fanfic
....“Hiding your emotions. Did they go way?”
Riley stares deeply into Mac’s eyes, trying to decipher what she sees written on Mac’s face. There is such a raw intensity about it - a longing she’s spent many nights dreaming about but never really believed she would experience with Mac.
A little frown appears on her forehead as she replies, “Why does it matter Mac? You’re going to propose to Desi.”
A flash of hurt skates across his face. Brokenly he responds, “It changes everything, Riles. I admit that my desire to propose to Desi wasn’t as well thought out as it should have been.” He glances away from Riley and gets a faraway look in his eyes, “Ever since my dad died, and losing Jack, I’ve been searching for a way to stabilize and clarify my relationship with Desi. I thought that by making that grand gesture by proposing marriage would get us back on the right track in our relationship. Admittedly, not my best, but I am so tired of feeling alone, like I don’t really belong to anyone. The uncertainty was driving me nuts. Until your confession, I thought you only saw me as a really good friend. I love our friendship, and the thought of screwing it up terrifies me. You’re the most stable, secure relationship in my life. The thought of losing that paralyzed me. You know what I see when I look at you? You are the epitome of all that I ever wanted in a woman, but never thought I had the chance to have. You’re a smart, beautiful, resourceful genius hacker who knows how to improvise and has the kindest heart of all the people I know. You love fiercely and have saved me in every way imaginable. It’s always been you, ever since I unlocked your handcuffs and you joined me in this crazy, dangerous life. You drew me under your spell and slowly filled in all of the cracks that I didn’t know I had. You are my rock, my best friend, my home. So I need to know, am I too late?”
Shocked by what she hears, Riley takes a deep breath centering herself as her mind races with this new information. Tilting her head slightly to the side, she says, “You really thought proposing marriage was the answer to your relationship issues? Not your best idea Mac. I really thought you were happy with Desi. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you is to be happy. Before I answer your question, I need to know if I say yes, will you go back to your original plan and propose to Desi?”
“No. Desi and I were done the minute I heard your confession to Bozer. I think she too knew that we weren’t the right fit for each other, and was tired of trying to fix what proved to be an unfixable relationship. We agreed to break off our relationship for good just prior to today’s debriefing in the war room. I’ve spent the last few hours wrestling with what to do about your confession. Do I act on it or let it go? On the one hand, your confession was like being given a cold drink of water after getting lost in the desert. It soothed the voice in my head taunting me that I don’t really belong to anyone. My entire family is dead. I know our group at the Phoenix is family, but I wanted something more. Something deeper. A personal connection - a person to wholeheartedly love and who would love me with that same passion. On the other hand, hearing that I was breaking your heart gutted me. I feel horrible for having caused you pain. You’re the last person I ever wanted to hurt. Learning Leanna had been killed reinforced my desire to see you. Life is short. I don’t want to waste another moment wondering what might have been. I know, no matter what comes next, whether you confirm that those feelings you buried did in fact go away or not, the no knowing would be worse than taking the risk to find out if my own buried feelings for you are reciprocated.”
She looks deeply into his eyes, contemplating how to respond to all that she’s learned. Mac - her best friend Angus Macgyver - admitted to having feelings for her. Can she risk everything and tell him the truth? She’s never stopped loving him, and never will. Out of nowhere, a lyric pops into her head. If you want to know if he loves you so, it’s in his kiss. “Could it really be that easy?” she thinks.
“Let’s find out,” she thinks. Riley reaches up and snakes her arms around his neck drawing him in for a deep, passionate kiss. It was like nothing she’d ever imagined. It was so much better.
Surprised by her move, it takes Mac a second to react to the fact that he’s kissing Riley Davis. Once his brain registers what’s happening, he pours all of the longing and buried feelings into expressing how much she means to him. When he finally draws back to get some much needed air, he looks down at her. His Riley. He now understands what Bozer meant when he said he didn’t want to die before getting the chance to kiss Riley. Getting the chance is life changing.
Riley looks up at Mac checking to see his response because she’s wrecked right now. She’d imagined them kissing would be good, but this was exponentially better. She never wants to stop.
He looks as wrecked as she feels.
She realizes they are still standing in her door way and he could probably use a rest and an ice pack or three. She gently grabs his hand leading him to her couch pointing for him to sit down before going to her fridge and pulling out a couple bottles of his favorite beer and a bag of frozen carrots. He’s limping slightly and given the hell they’ve gone through, she knows he’s got to be covered in bruises.
“Do you want to live in a world of what if and might have been, or will you seize this opportunity to let out all of the emotions you’ve bottled up inside and come home?” She argues with herself.
She walks back over to the sofa, handing Mac his drink before sitting down on the chair across from him. He’s fidgeting. She grabs a paper clip and hands it to him. He smiles gratefully.
“Mac,” she whispers, “My feelings...they never left. No matter how much I suppressed them and tried to move on, I couldn’t. My heart has been and always will be yours. I’m never leaving you. It’s you and me no matter what.”
A huge grin breaks out on Mac’s face, causing the wound on his cheek to throb a bit. He lifts the frozen carrots to dull the pain and gets ready to speak.
Riley holds up a finger causing Mac to pause before speaking, “But Mac, I want to say a few things. While I still have feelings for you, I’m not ready to be in a relationship with you. Honestly, you’re not ready to be in a relationship with me either. I’m scared if we jump into this too quickly, it will flame out, making us just another failed statistic in the long list of Phoenix operatives whose relationships that haven’t worked. Besides we still have to work with Desi. Let’s be smart about this so that it doesn’t create a rift in the team. I have no intention of being your rebound, second choice or safety net. I need you to prove to me that we can still work together smoothly despite of our feelings. Show me that the knowledge of our feelings hasn’t compromised our ability to work together. I want you to promise me that you will be willing to work on finding healthier coping mechanisms to deal with your trauma. Maybe even talk to a therapist to see what kind of tools they have to help you process your negative emotions. I’ll go with you if you want to a session or two. It’d wreck me if I lost you because your body can’t handle all of the emotional trauma you’ve suffered and you ended up stuck in a panic attack like what happened in Kazakhstan on a future mission.”
His euphoria at their first kiss deflates a little bit at her words, but he understands where she’s coming from. He knew he needed to make some changes, not just for Riley but for himself. He admitted to himself that his erratic behavior was rooted in the fear of being alone.
“Does that mean I can’t ask you out on a date until I can prove to you that we can make this work professionally?”
“Let’s take a few months and focus on working on ourselves before we talk about going on dates and getting into a relationship. Don’t worry. We will still see each other and hang out. We will do it together, like we do everything else. You jump. I jump. You go boom, I go boom. So prove me wrong. Show me that not all Phoenix relationships have to end in heartbreak. Show me some of that infamous Angus Macgyver charm I’ve heard so much about. Sweep me off my feet if you can,” She smirked.
Grinning widely at the challenge issued, Mac replies, “I’m looking forward to it Miss Davis.”
Game on.
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 6x14 Page 23
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Okay what episode do we have today?
Ah okay, a Regina centric. That’s cool.
Is that the same guard Snow stripped naked in 1x16? Whaaaat?! Just looked it up and it totally is! Awesome call back! I’m going to name him Jim.
Oh my God, she killed Jim!!
Wait, so this has to be after Heart of Darkness.
The terrified look on that woman’s face when Regina strokes her chin, looks at her longingly and tells her she loves her. Omg Regina was in love with this woman all along! It was never about Daniel. It was about Christina! I’m naming her Christina. 
They are my otp now.
How did Tinker Bell get out of neverland? Pan decides when people leave, and I doubt he’d let her leave just to pay a visit with the Evil Queen. But then and again maybe it was all part of his big plan.
Oh. Pixie dust doesn’t dictate who your true love is. It just shows you possibilities. That’s not what you said before, Tinker Bell!
Regina, we all know you spared her because she’s your ex-girlfriend.
Actually, this visit from Tinker Bell is odd because she doesn’t seem angry at all like when she, like, wanted to kill Regina in 3x03. How did she go from, “okay. I lost my wings because of you but it’s all cool. I just want my otp together.” to “I’m gonna f***ing drug you with pixie dust and rip your heart out!”?
Also, this is the Evil Queen I like to see. So cold, terrifying and breaking on the inside. I’m not a fan of the humorous one in 6x02. I wish Split Queen was more like this as well. Ah different writers and director. Interesting.
Split Queen: “…not some burlap-loving peasant who sleeps on dirt.” Wish Robin: “Excuse me, I sleep on hay.” Important distinction!
Snow’s so excited about the wedding, bless her.
Lol Zelena just drags Emma’s hand to look at her ring. My girl loves shiny things! And how could I forget, her otp is getting married! She is in heaven right now!
I love Emma just casually talking to Zelena like they’re gal pals at a sleepover. More of this please! 
I can see what sqers say about this scene. Regina really does look hurt by the notion of Emma getting married. There is no heterosexual reason for her to react like this unless she’s in love with Hook. I think this is the only time they hug. Man, I feel so bad for sqers because upon this rewatch I can really see where they are coming from with that interpretation. It’s definitely there. And then they hug because Emma’s getting married to someone else. I would be so upset if that was my otp. What am I talking about, I watched 10 seasons of Smallville as a hardcore Chloe x Clark shipper. I think this exact scenario played out and it freaking hurts! 
In other news, I am so in love with Snow. Have I mentioned that? I feel like I haven’t mentioned it in a while and it needs to be said. 
I’m also in love with David, in case you forgot. I want to join their marriage. Can I join their marriage? I’m joining their marriage. Emma, I’m your mummy now. Don’t think about the age difference too much. 
I’ve eaten a lot of chocolate already today. Can you tell? I feel so alive! I want to share my social security number and be freeee!! I am trying to block out my anxiety about having to move house again next friday. Yep, that’s right, 4th place in two years. I think I will write all of these high on chocolate.
What would happen if you cut your hair with those sheers? Or your garden bush? No, that is not a euphemism, you dirty bastards (affectionate). 
I haven’t had a haircut in 10 years. Holy cow! That’s why my afro is so big, it’s full of secrets. 
Nemo is your dad now, Hook. Even though I’m pretty sure he’s a lot younger than you. 
He called him “My boy.” hehe.
I remember when I thought Hook and Rumple had the same mother. That would have been quite the twist.
I thought that vase of flowers was a giant cauliflower. Did you know broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, brussels sprouts and turnips are all related? I wonder what thanksgivings are like when they all get together. Probably not fun for them. 
See what I did there xD? 
Emma: “This is my fault. I’m the one who convinced you to bring him here. It’s on me.” Regina: “Emma, you don’t have anything to make up for. You were just trying to help.” Omg, this compared to when she told Emma she’d ruined her life because Emma saved Marian. The development. I really appreciate this change because I nearly lost it with Regina when that was her attitude. 
Screw it, I’m making bean enchiladas. Brb. I’ll save you some!
I’m back! They’re in the oven. Anyone wants the recipe hmu! They’re veggie! 
You just know Split Queen and Wish Robin have a sexy dungeon in their castle. They just do.
Enchanted ropes would have been useful in so many situations.
The enchiladas are ready! Repeat after me, Becky: “I will remember oven gloves this time, I will remember oven gloves this time.”
Robin is so into Split Queen. He wants her to live with him and everything, even though they just met. 
I don’t think that arrow would have taken her to Robin since it takes her to the thing she loves most. She can’t love someone she’s never met. We all know it would shoot Christina right in the ass. That’s true love biatches! Evil Peasant 5ever!
Oh snap! Emma found Hook looking at himself killing her grandfather??! I completely forgot about this!
Why does she say, “That’s David’s father”? Why doesn’t she say, “That’s my grandfather,” or “That’s my dad’s dad”? She hasn’t called her dad ‘David’ in years. It’s like she’s trying to separate herself from the victim as much as possible.
She’s not even a little bit upset he killed her dad’s dad? That that event caused her father so much pain? She’s just infuriated that he tried to burn his memory. I mean, yes, she should be angry about that but where’s the empathy for her dad at least? I didn’t know any of my grandfathers well but if I found out I was engaged to someone who did that I would be angry for my grandparent, angry for my parent and angry for myself. I’m just speechless that that’s all she cares about. It seems so out of character. But then and again Regina had her other grandad killed. 
And now he’s gonna leave because he rightfully got told off. Can’t say I’d offer the same thing but she said, “until you’re ready” not “you’ll never be ready”, dude. 
I think he’s just scared David will punch him in the face at this point. It’s the only explanation for doing the exact opposite thing Emma asked of him.
“Captain Hook is always welcome on the Nautilus.” More like welcome on the naughty list after that stunt.
She doesn’t want a man, Henry Sr. She just confessed her deep, passionate, sexual love for Christina like 20 minutes ago, remember? Sometimes I wonder why I bother. It’s not even subtext, dude. Get it together, man.
Why don’t they fight themselves with magic?
Her dad is so heartbroken the person Regina hates most is herself. 
That is really sad that the person she hates most his herself. I can relate.
Yes! Launch those apples at yourself! 
My conversations with myself be like-
Oh boy. This is too reminiscent of conversations with myself. Yes, I sword fight myself wearing a fancy black, cleavage-revealing dress in my head all the time. Only joking, I wear trilby hats. 
Oh okay. Now they’re tying each other up. I see what this is really about. I still haven’t bleached the “we do like it rough, don’t we Regina?” line from my mind. 
I suppose she did take back some of her own darkness. But I was hoping she would just merge herself back together. That would have been a really predictable outcome, but I just would have preferred it. 
This scene is so weird lol, but it helped me tremendously. I used to hate myself so, so much. You don’t even understand. It was like a violent hatred for myself for not fitting in and for every single little mistake I’d ever made. Then with a lot of self- healing and the help of this episode I began my journey into loving myself. I wrote on a sticky note “Love yourself. If the Evil Queen can do it, so can you.” and stuck it to my wall. Nothing I’ve done is comparable to what the Evil Queen has done and if she can learn to love herself, why can’t everyone else. Anyone who’s struggling with self-hatred, please take this episode to heart. You are worthy of love, most importantly from yourself. Any time you find yourself hating yourself just try to remember this scene and that the flipping Evil Queen of all people recognised the importance of self-love and didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought. She damn well gave herself a chance. I’ve heard a good technique is looking in the mirror and telling yourself what you love about you. Even if you’re not feeling it at first, you could get into the habit of it and your brain will start to accept those words as true. Because they are true.
Aww she sees the Charmings as her family. 
Regina: “it did give me hope when I needed it most, and that is just as important.” Oh my God, preach the word Regina! Regina is preaching with fire today! 
It’s like she’s having a therapy session with herself. I need to do that. I really do. Then I need to get actual therapy lol xD. But baby steps! 
Okay. A loophole as to how he can change Split Queen’s story. You know what, at this point I’ve learnt just to go with it.
Can Snow and Zelena be best friends? Please. It’s literally all I want in life. And to join Snowing’s marriage. I’m not asking for much. I’ll talk about it in self-therapy.
Henry’s got Gideon’s haircut now. He wants to be cool like his uncle.
I want to look at myself with the love and adoration Regina looks at herself with. We should all get to that point where we look like we’re about to intensely make out with ourselves when we look in the mirror. 
I know what they were doing with page 23. I just wish Split Queen had changed her outfit so it could have been exactly like the page illustration. But I don’t think it was meant to predict the future. It was just one of Isaac’s fanfictions, wasn’t it? Hmm. I think it was a mystery to him as well if I can remember correctly.
It’s nice that oq shippers got their ship in the end in one form.
Snow is just constantly high up to her eyeballs on hope, bless her. 
Emma needs a dog. She seems like such a dog person.
Also, that enchilada was yumilicious, if I do say so myself.
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