yichentu-foodstory · 4 months
就讓我任性一回 享受一次油滋滋的療癒力
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說到 BLT,大家應該都不陌生,即培根 (bacon)、生菜 (lettuce)、番茄 (tomato) 的三項組合,但是 BEC 呢? BEC 即所謂的培根 (bacon)、蛋 (egg) 、起士 (cheese) 的三項組合夾上各式麵包或貝果,另外衍伸出 PEC,為猶太口味的燻牛肉 (pastrami) 、蛋 (egg) 、起士 (cheese)。無論是BEC 或 PEC 都存在紐約的早餐版圖已久,紐約隨處可見的早餐餐車都有賣圓麵包或貝果夾 BEC 可賣,配上一杯淡到不行的美式咖啡,是陪伴我成長的紐約早餐。
我常常在上法拉盛7號地鐵前在靠近地鐵入口處的跟一個中年老墨大叔開的餐車買 “BEC on a roll” (圓麵包夾 BEC) 加上中杯的咖啡,不過因為圓麵包超級乾,我每次都會交代老墨大叔多放些番茄醬跟奶油,久了老墨大叔看到我就會說 “BEC on a roll with muchos ( 西班牙文很多的意思) butter and ketchup, medium coffee with whole milk no sugar”,然後會火速地幫我做好後放入錫箔紙捲起來,加上咖啡再放入黃色牛皮紙袋。大叔每次都會塞一堆紙巾給我,然後跟我說 Have a good day。我也會跟大叔回聲 Have a good day,然後從大叔手中接過牛皮紙袋,一路拎著到地鐵上,然後在擁擠的地鐵上,不管旁人,自顧自的吃起來。
老實說,餐車的 BEC 麵包無嚼勁又乾,培根和煎蛋總是煎的過油,為了好入口,番茄醬和奶油成為必要佐料。儘管稱不上美味,每次吃完後,嘴裡都會有一股久久散不去的油膩感,但是餐車的 BEC 提供年輕拮据的我一份溫飽,賜給我滿滿的能量,讓我有朝氣拼搏。從一份$2. 75 的到一份 $ 5.25 元,我跟 BEC 見證了通膨的成長,也漸漸向紐約打拼歲月告別。
不知道什麼時候開始,BEC 成為紐約客火紅的早餐詞彙,不少幾個美食雜誌包括 Time Out 、Infatuatioin 、Eater 都特地做了全紐約市最好吃的 BEC 專題,三大雜誌票選前十榜單有不少紐約的老牌 Deli 和貝果店,但是最吸引我目光的還是三家雜誌榜上都有名的 Daily Provision 的 BEC。
「Daily Provision」 是 90 年代紐約潮店 「Union Square Cafe」、紐約知名漢堡店 「Shake Shack」 創辦人既餐廳大佬 Danny Meyers 的社區咖啡輕食概念店。 「Daily Provision」的誕生其實是意外,2017 年 「Union Square Cafe」 因為不敵紐約日漸上漲的房租而遷址後,Danny Meyers 在新店址旁意外發現另外一間閒置店面,進而有經營一家以「回饋社區」為宗旨全日輕食咖啡店的想法,店址就位在離聯合廣場不遠的19街上,小小的店面以原木裝潢為基調,藍色牆面和白色的字體,為數不多的座位,大理石面的高腳桌和吧台可供用餐民眾站著吃飯聊天,散發著清新的文青風。Danny Meyers 希望這間店可以提供舒適的空間讓附近的人都可以進來坐坐,或是看書或是跟朋友聚會,享受可口的三明治、高品質的咖啡,或是簡單的晚餐。「Daily Provision」 開設後漸受歡迎,幾個早餐輕食的品項如炒蛋三明治、BEC 、可頌、奶油阿曼 (kouign amann) 都是紐約早餐美食榜的招牌。Danny Meyers 在兩年後開始展店,全紐約現在已經有 5 家分店。原本以 「回饋社區」 為宗旨的全日輕食咖啡店漸漸變成網紅店,而且店內的花捲甜甜圈 (cruller) 都為網友們追捧的 Instagram 經典打卡照。
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我會知道 「Daily Provision」是 2019 年搬到上西城後,有天在中央空園跑步時,剛好經過 「Daily Provision」 在上西城新開的店。當時被簡潔溫馨的店面給吸引,總想哪個不用上班的早上要進去坐坐好好吃個早餐。不過當時因為疫情的關係,店裡只提供外帶,後來我搬回台灣,去 「Daily Provision」 吃早餐的願望就成為遺珠之憾。今年感恩節回紐約剛好住在上西城朋友家,便計畫重溫一下紐約客的早餐情懷。
我選了要離開紐約週五當天早上去造訪。先在中央公園繞了一圈,大概7 點 45分 來到 「Daily Provision」。本來以為週間早上應該不會有太多人,沒想到才打開店門,就看到一條排隊長龍,而且都是在地的紐約客。好在紐約的節奏緊湊,不到5分鐘就換我點餐,我毫不猶豫的跟店家說我要 BEC,就在要結帳時我瞄到一旁剛出爐的 “Eveything” 可頌,香酥誘人的可頌跟著我招手,我怎麼能抵抗這個油滋滋的魅力呢?我馬上問了店員我可不可以把麵包換成可頌。他問我,所以你要換成「 可愛的孩子」 (Love Child)  嗎? 我一頭霧水的看著他,他跟我解釋,可頌夾 BEC 在  「Daily Provision」 有個別名叫 (Love Child),是店內很受歡迎的隱藏版吃法。只是這個隱藏版的美味代價很高,一份要 $16 元美金,結帳時我下巴差點掉了下來!
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領了收據後我找到一個高腳桌和一對情侶併桌,一旁喋喋不休的���約客們讓我回想起當年做地鐵趕上班的日子,啃著乾癟卻又油膩的 BEC ,聽著說話大聲紐約客們的日常。只不過現在的我成為悠哉的觀光客,能夠站著跟紐約客們湊熱鬧吃著早餐,還開始欣賞了這些轟轟鬧鬧的日常。不多久,我的餐點上桌。算不出有多少層次的可頌金黃發光,夾著兩片厚厚的培根和一塊半熟蛋,加上滿到要溢出來的奶酪醬,簡直是無法抵擋美食惡魔。正當我要大口咬下時,一旁情侶盯著我問我,這是什麼?看起來好好吃!我跟他們說,這是我誤打誤撞點到,一個要$16 元隱藏版菜單  (Love Child),他倆首先愣了一下,然後露出不可置信的表情,大喊 $16 元!然後說,好好享受!
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是的,我要來好好享受這個我此生目前吃過最昂貴的 BEC。我先充滿儀式感的為它拍照紀錄這歷史性的一刻,再把它拿起來聞它散發出來的香氣,端詳萬分後,終於到入口的時候。我等不及的咬了一大口,這一口,有著可頌的奶油香,以及瞬間爆漿半熟蛋蛋液的鮮,培根的焦鹹香,融入濃郁的奶酪醬,讓我經歷不同層次感的油脂體驗。我細細的品嚐,滿足的讓可頌碎屑把我的雙唇沾黏得到處都是,儘管碎屑也掉了一地,雙唇油亮發光,我也顧不得狼狽,一口接著一口吃了起來,無視於一旁情侶盯著我瞧的眼光。
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「我們先走了~ Have a good day!」 情侶跟我說,我也跟他們回了聲“Have a good day” !這一次,我不用再趕著上地鐵。我只需要專心的,好好的,享受眼下的美食以及這份難能可貴的悠閒片刻。我珍惜的吃著每一口,然後把滴在盤子上的蛋液以及可頌碎屑舔乾淨,最後喝了杯不加糖不加奶的美式作結。
這一刻的我非常滿足。滿嘴油光的我想起多年前地鐵餐車 BEC 吃完後那股散不去的油膩感。當年的 BEC 儘管不美味,但餐車老墨大叔對我的體貼和交在我手上的熱騰食物,提供我在花花世界拼搏的能量。眼前這塊 「Daily Provision」 的 BEC 也許也不是全世界最好吃的 BEC,卻撫慰了我一直想在當個能夠在咖啡店吃一頓早餐的虛華紐約客夢想。
兩種 BEC 兩種風味,人生的兩種不同風景,我都珍惜。
Daily Provisions:
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veeraflavourssg · 5 months
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irisbroadwaygurugram · 5 months
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Our passion for food and storytelling has come together in a symphony of taste, aroma, and emotion. This is a food story you wouldn’t want to miss. 🍽️❤️ Stay tuned for the reveal soon at Iris Broadway Gurugram! TrehanIris #IrisBroadway #IrisBroadwayGurgaon #IBG #FoodStory #UnveilingSoon #StayTuned
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holycowfineindianfood · 8 months
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In the kitchen, every ingredient tells a story. 📖🍳 love at first bite order now at https://www.holycow-orders.com/
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madscientist008 · 1 year
An Afternoon of Delicious Delights: A Food Story
Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Sarah who loved to cook. She was always experimenting with new recipes and ingredients, and she loved nothing more than sharing her creations with her friends and family.
One afternoon, Sarah decided to host a small gathering of her closest friends for a casual afternoon tea. She spent the morning preparing an array of sweet and savory treats, carefully selecting ingredients and flavors that she knew her guests would enjoy.
As her friends arrived, they were greeted with the delicious aroma of freshly brewed tea and warm, buttery scones. Sarah had also prepared a selection of finger sandwiches, including classic cucumber and cream cheese, as well as some more adventurous options like smoked salmon and dill.
For dessert, Sarah had created a stunning display of bite-sized treats, including miniature fruit tarts, chocolate-covered strawberries, and delicate macarons. Her guests marveled at the beautiful presentation and eagerly began sampling each delicious bite.
As they sipped their tea and savored the delicious treats, Sarah's friends couldn't help but express their admiration for her culinary skills. Sarah beamed with pride as she watched her guests enjoying her creations and sharing stories and laughter over the table.
As the afternoon wore on, the conversation turned to plans for future gatherings and events, with everyone eagerly anticipating the next opportunity to enjoy Sarah's delicious food and warm hospitality.
With full bellies and happy hearts, Sarah's guests bid her farewell and headed back out into the world, grateful for the wonderful afternoon they had shared together. And Sarah, content in the knowledge that she had brought joy and happiness to those around her, began to plan her next culinary adventure.
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storieswithandy · 1 year
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An Affair With Punjab ... #paneer #paratha #alooparatha #sevtamatar #boondiraita and #butter #dalfry Not In The Pic - #lassi 📸 @storieswithandy 📷 #shotonhonorview20 #storieswithandy #foodstory #foodporn #yummy #foodstagram #swa #foodstories #punjabicuisine #foodlover #foodphotography #foodblogger #foodie #kochifood #kochidiaries #kochi #kochigram (at Punjab House Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPfDsBvflF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Kenapa sih daging Wagyu mahal? Pertanyaan di atas pasti pernah terlintas di imajimu ketika setidaknya kamu sudah pernah memakan steak minimal satu kali. Seperti semua komoditas lainnya, kualitas atas suatu komoditas selalu berbanding lurus dengan pengorbanan untuk mendapatkannya—atau simply kita menyebutnya, biaya atau harga. First and foremost, wagyu itu apa sih? Wa berarti Jepang, dan Gyu berarti sapi. Hence, sapi Jepang. Semua sapi keturunan ras Jepang namanya wagyu. Kenapa kita menyukai wagyu? Tentu saja karena rasanya, mulut bisa bohong tapi tidak dengan lidah (dalam hal kenikmatan). Aroma wagyu terbakar semerbak dari jauh lalu meleleh kala masuk mulut. Juicy dan buttery. Sulit diuraikan dengan kata-kata, pokoknya hakiki. Selain itu, takseperti daging merah pada umumnya, lemak pada wagyu ini 'dilabel' sehat untuk jantung. Lagi, kenapa mahal? Jepang punya standar tinggi dan peraturan terketat dalam per-sapi-an duniawi, bahkan peternak sapinya tidak boleh sembarangan. Sapinya dimanja-manja, dibesarkan dengan kasih sayang (halah), diberi makan dengan kuantitas dan kualitas terbaik, dan 'digendutkan' secara alami, gak boleh stress. Selain itu, daging wagyu disertifikasi, dengan nomor produk atas ras tertentu (WTF). Dan banyak lagi alasan lainnya, takut kepanjangan. Lalu, berapa sih harganya? Kamu bisa googling dengan mengetikkan wagyu sebagai kata kuncinya. Wagyu kualitas tinggi (biasanya berkode A3 sampai A5) bisa dihargai lebih dari sejuta per ons-nya dan seekor sapi bisa bernilai lebih dari 3 milyar. Pertanyaan terakhir, tentu saja, is it worth-it untuk dimakanh? Sebagai seorang penyembah kenikmatan, aku sih yes. Kamu? ——— #steak #wagyu #food #foodie #foodtraveller #foodstagram #fypシ #wagyubeef #kuliner #foodporn #foodpics #foodgasm #delicious #foodstories #japan #japanesefood (at 肉割烹バル牛牛 祇園本店 Wagyu Kappou Gyugyu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdepsM9PYqT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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manoasha · 4 months
Social Media Foodie: Sharing Food Adventures Online
Being a social media foodie means sharing your love for food on the internet. People take pictures of their meals and post them on apps like Instagram. It’s like turning every meal into a special story that others can see and enjoy. Capturing Delicious Moments: Social media foodies use their phones to take pictures of their food. They make sure the dishes look amazing with beautiful colors and…
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annanym1997 · 5 months
K a s t a n i e n a l l e e .
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johncookewrites · 1 year
Three bites of home.
They are the holy trinity of my eating in Cape Town.
Cling peaches. Pickled fish. Koeksisters.
Until I have tasted them, I am not really home. And that was confirmed once more on a recent visit to the city of my first 31 years. 
To me, they are as Cape Town as Table Mountain, Camps Bay Beach, the howling South Easterly wind, or, more recently, loadshedding (the South African euphemism for power cuts).
First, the peach.
The flesh of a cling peach does exactly that, it clings to the stone like a baboon to a towering mountainside. An orangey shade of yellow, with a silky smooth skin, they are firm to the bite, but juicey still. And they are sweet, oh so sweet, when properly ripe. 
One deep bite is an instant transport back to breathless hot days sitting on hot slate next to cool swimming pools with the juice of peaches covering my hands as I took hungry bite after bite. My teenage kick.
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Pickled fish is another local favourite that sings a siren song of home. Pickled is a bit of a misnomer, as it is not actually pickled, but rather the chunks of firm battered fish are sauced with a light, sweet-sour curry marinade, full of rings of onion. (See above.)
A deep local tradition as a picnic food, often connected to long Easter weekend picnic excursions to the beach, the history of pickled fish is, like many SA food traditions, a tangled one, adopted by many communities, and now an all-year-round feature on supermarket shelves and home cooking tables alike. 
But for me, the true pleasure comes when the fish is all gone, and just a deep pool of the yellowy turmericy sauce and onion rings are left. Scooped up with good bread, it is the anytime-you-look-in-the-fridge snack deluxe. 
The final part of this tasty tryptich is the sugar-rush to end them all: a twisted plait of deep-fried dough that drips with syrup. 
‘Koeksister’ was strangely one of the nicknames I was given at school, even though I was more of a tuckshop doughnut person at the time. Maybe I was sweet and twisted, but maybe it was just a nice play on my surname.
Part of the great Afrikaans baking tradition, the koeksister apparently has its own monument in the Afrikaner community of Orania. Someone is on to something there, I think. Because when you bite into the koeksister’s collision of all the things the health police warn you against, you will understand, deeply.
So, my big three. My memory food. Still connecting taste buds to heartstrings and memory banks. Still reminding me of a time when anything seemed possible in a land that once promised so much. I will end here. After all, why spoil a memory so sweet with the sour taste of too much reality? 
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babydinoss · 1 year
कटहल का तेल तलें - Jackfruit Oil Fry Story in Hindi Kahani | Moral stori...
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funnyfatanimalss · 1 year
कटहल का तेल तलें - Jackfruit Oil Fry Story in Hindi Kahani | Moral stori...
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veeraflavourssg · 5 months
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Multi cuisine restaurant in Singapore
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irisbroadwaygurugram · 6 months
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This is where recipes transform into stories, where every bite is a chapter, and every dish is a work of art.  Stay tuned for a food story unveiling soon at Iris Broadway Gurugram.
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superjoyes · 1 year
कटहल का तेल तलें - Jackfruit Oil Fry Story in Hindi Kahani | Moral stori...
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funnyworlds · 1 year
कटहल का तेल तलें - Jackfruit Oil Fry Story in Hindi Kahani | Moral stori...
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