1minnim · 1 year
playing clangen again and my new clan has a fucking love square... and its so bisexual
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first we have basilheart who had a crush on bushblink since the beginning
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then bushblink developed a crush on waterrose (who does not have rom-stat for anyone)
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and then kinkfur developed a crush on basilheart
this is so weird and its funny
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tcoswc · 2 years
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sorrelstream · 6 years
wc au folklore, myths, and legends
The Pantheon
 Vietato, Spirit of the Sun - Embodies: heat, safety, comfort, family
Innamorato, Spirit of the Moon – Also referred to as “Inna”, “Amo”, or “Mora”. Embodies: beauty, creation, dedication, diligence
Sfrenato, Spirit of the Weather – Also referred to as “Fren” or “Ato”. Favored by CrabClan. Embodies: strength, endurance, volatility, untamable  
Crescita, Spirit of the Foliage – Favored by FlickerClan. Embodies: growth, expansion, healing, prosperity
Dyr, Spirit of the Creatures – Favored by FlashClan. Embodies: stealth, good meals, security, gratitude
Via, The Traveller – Said to walk the deceased to their Starlight Trial. They do not represent anything like a Spirit does, and thus many believe Via to be from a different colony than the Spirits.
 Language - WIP
Vietato’s Season – Summer. Named because of the belief that the days grow longer and the nights grow shorter when Vietato hurries their pace with an outburst of energy while Innamorato loses her energy and slows down her pace.
Dyr’s Season – Autumn. Named after the way animals are out more often, collecting as much food as possible before winter arrives.
Innamorato’s Season – Winter. Also called “Inna’s Season”, “Amo’s Season” or “Mora’s Season”. Named because of the belief that the nights grow longer when Innamorato gains energy to pick up her pace while the days grow shorter as Vietato loses her energy and slows her pace.
Crescita’s Season – Named after the burst of greenery and plant life.
Season Cycle – One year.
Passing – One hour.
Starlight Warrior – Deceased.
 Mythology, Beliefs, and Legends - WIP
-          How the Land was created – Before Land, there was only the Sky. Vietato and Innamorato were Spirits from two different Colonies that were constantly at war with each other over who rightfully owned the Sky. Innamorato created Land so that she and her sweetheart could have a sanctuary to spend their time together when they got the chance. On this land, the two created Sfrenato, their first child. They graduated to a Spirit rank and were able to control the weather based on their mood.
-          Why the Sun and the Moon circle the Land – During one fateful meetup, Vietato and Innamorato were caught by their respective Colonies; the Seers of the Colonies cursed Vietato and Innamorato to constantly chase after each other around the Land they created, but never be able to catch up to one another.
-          The First Cats and Via– WIP. Before being caught, Vietato and Innamorato had another child, who unfortunately was not graduated to a Spirits yank before the curse was set on the Land, and thus was forced to walk the ground as a mortal. They split off sections of themselves into different bodies and created the first group of cats. The original child, Via, settled into death and began to guide those who died to their final resting place.
-          Sfrenato’s Volatile Nature – Before the curse was set, the weather remained constant all year round. However, anguished over the separation of their family and being forced to watch their parents helplessly follow each other and their younger sibling die, Sfrenato grew emotional, and to this day remains just as unpredictable and emotional as the first night.
-          The Creation of the River, Plants, and Creatures – The first night of their departure, the distraught Innamorato wept the entire night, feeling crevices and dips with water, creating the river and water below. Crescita and Dyr, two minor Spirits from the warring colonies, had begun to loathe the endless war and took pity on the young lovers; they fled and brought their talents to the Land. Crescita created endless amounts of greenery, flowers, and foliage everywhere they stepped, and Dyr created from dirt and mud the creatures that cohabited the Land with the Cats so that the Cats would not be lonely. They vowed to work with Sfrenato to keep the Land safe from the Sky Colonies.
-          Night Creatures vs. Day Creatures - Originally, every creature on the Land only remained awake during the night to follow the path of Innamorato, for she created everything and had a unique black-and-silver pelt that was always changing. However, Innamorato began to fear her sweetheart was growing lonely without any company during the day, so she began to convince the original creatures to stay awake during the day as well. Some creatures remained Night Creatures, while others followed Innamorato’s request and became Day Creatures; the First Cats, however, who were the Children of Innamorato and Vietato, felt it unfair to choose one or the other, and chose to balance them out and be both Night and Day creatures.
“Unexplainable Events”
-          Eclipses – Rarely seen, but believed to be the event of Vietato and Innamorato briefly catching up together and spending moments with each other, only to be dragged apart by the curse once more.
-          Weather Change – The weather changes based on Sfrenato’s moods. When sad and crying, rain falls; when happy and content (usually napping), it is sunny. Snow occurs when they are sick, and storms roll in when outraged or upset.
-          TBA
“After Death”
-          Via will take a cats’ soul up to their Trial, where they will be judged by the Spirits and well-known souls from history: either personal history, Clan history, or territory history. If they pass the trial, they are sent to become an official Starlight Warrior in StarClan. If they are too corrupt, they are sent to The Dark Forest.
-          If a cat dies with an unexplained cause or incorrectly explained cause, Via cannot take their soul, and they are doomed to walk the territories until their true cause of death is revealed.
-          Via is afraid of water, and if a cat’s body is not pulled out of the river if they have drowned, then they are stuck at the bottom of the river until their body is pulled out.
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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tcoswc · 3 years
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